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Who is the

Mystery Babylon the Great
of Revelation 17 & 18?
25 Identifying signs & features to prove once and for all that the leader of the global
network of churches, namely the Roman Catholic Church she is the whore mother church,
The Mystery Babylon the Great leading the protestant churches, the orthodox churches in
Russia and Greece, the Islam religion etc. as her harlot daughters.

By: Arnulfo Yu Laniba

Who is the Whore Mystery Babylon the Great of Revelation 17 & 18?
25 Identifying signs & features to prove once and for all that the leader of the global
network of churches, namely the Roman Catholic Church she is the whore mother church,
The Mystery Babylon the Great leading the protestant churches, the orthodox churches in
Russia and Greece, the Islam religion etc. as her harlot daughters.

1. ID (Identification) Sign or Feature # 1: The Whore Mystery Babylon

the Great sits upon many waters
Revelation 17:1: And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials,
and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the
great whore that sitteth upon many waters:
Revelation 17:15: And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the
whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.

2. ID (Identification) Sign or Feature # 2: The Whore Mystery Babylon

the Great is with whom the kings or political, business and religious leaders
of the world committed immorality. She is the mother or root cause of
immorality and corruption.
Revelation 17:2: With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and
the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.
3. ID (Identification) Sign or Feature # 3: The Whore Mystery Babylon
the Great caused the people to stumble (err) and imitated her example of
corruption and immorality which example contradicts what she pretends to
be and what she teaches in the pulpit. The people became corrupt and
immoral due to her.
Revelation 17:2: With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and
the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.
Matthew 18:6: But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it
were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in
the depth of the sea.
Matthew 18:7: Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that
offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!
Matthew 18:8: Wherefore if thy hand or thy foot offend thee, cut them off, and cast
them from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed, rather than having two
hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire.
4. ID (Identification) Sign or Feature # 4: The Whore Mystery Babylon
the Great sits on scarlet coloured beast
Revelation 17:3: So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a
woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and
ten horns.
5. ID (Identification) Sign or Feature # 5: The Whore Mystery Babylon
the Great is full of names of blasphemy or the beast on which she rides is
full of names of blasphemy or both
Revelation 17:3: So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a
woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and
ten horns.
6. ID (Identification) Sign or Feature # 6: The Whore Mystery Babylon
the Great has seven heads
Revelation 17:3: So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a
woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and
ten horns.
Revelation 17:7: And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell
thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads
and ten horns.

Revelation 17:9: And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven
mountains, on which the woman sitteth.

Roman Catholic Church–Vatican is the City on Seven Hills and the new, second
“Babylon the Great”
Roman Catholic Church–Vatican is the City on Seven Hills which Revelation 17
identifies as the new and second “Babylon the Great”.
The Old Testament as well as the New Testament say that “a fact or truth is
established by two or three separate but collaborating witnesses.”
Old Testament:
De:17:6: At the mouth of two witnesses, or three witnesses, shall he that is worthy of
death be put to death; but at the mouth of one witness he shall not be put to death.
De:19:15: One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin,
in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses,
shall the matter be established.
New Testament:
M't:18:16: But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the
mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.
2Co:13:1: This is the third time I am coming to you. In the mouth of two or three
witnesses shall every word be established.

Surprisingly, history seldom has this, namely: that there is more than three separate
evidences or witnesses, ancient men of statute and authority, stating that Vatican is the City
on seven hills, confirming Revelation 17:
“There is this great difference between the works
of men and the works of God, that the same
minute and searching investigation, which
displays the defects and imperfections of the
one, brings out also the beauties of the other. If
the most finely polished needle on which the art
of man has been expended be subjected to a
microscope, many inequalities, much roughness
and clumsiness, will be seen. But if the
microscope be brought to bear on the flowers of
the field, no such result appears. Instead of their
beauty diminishing, new beauties and still more
delicate, that have escaped the naked eye, are
forthwith discovered; beauties that make us
appreciate, in a way which otherwise we could
have had little conception of, the full force of the
Lord's saying, "Consider the lilies of the field,
how they grow; they toil not, neither do they
spin: and yet I say unto you, That even
Solomon, in all his glory, was not arrayed like
one of these." The same law appears also in
comparing the Word of God and the most
finished productions of men. There are spots
and blemishes in the most admired productions
of human genius. But the more the Scriptures
are searched, the more minutely they are studied,
the more their perfection appears; new
beauties are brought into light every day; and
the discoveries of science, the researches of the
learned, and the labours of infidels, all alike
conspire to illustrate the wonderful harmony of
all the parts, and the Divine beauty that clothes
the whole.

If this be the case with Scripture in general, it is

especially the case with prophetic Scripture. As
every spoke in the wheel of Providence
revolves, the prophetic symbols start into still
more bold and beautiful relief.

This is very
strikingly the case with the prophetic language
that forms the groundwork and corner-stone of
the present work. There never has been any
difficulty in the mind of any enlightened
Protestant in identifying the woman "sitting on
seven mountains," and having on her forehead
the name written, "Mystery, Babylon the Great,"
with the Roman apostacy.
(1) "No other city in the
world has ever been celebrated, as the city of
Rome has, for its situation on seven hills. Pagan
poets and orators, who had not thought of
elucidating prophecy, have alike characterised it
as 'the seven hilled city.'" Thus Virgil refers to it:
"Rome has both become the most beautiful (city)
in the world, and alone has surrounded for
herself seven heights with a wall."
(2) Propertius, in
the same strain, speaks of it (only adding
another trait, which completes the Apocalyptic
picture) as "The lofty city on seven hills, which
governs the whole world." Its "governing the
whole world" is just the counterpart of the Divine
statement--"which reigneth over the kings of the
earth" (Rev 17:18).
(3) To call Rome the city "of the
seven hills" was by its citizens held to be as
descriptive as to call it by its own proper name.
Hence Horace speaks of it by reference to its
seven hills alone, when he addresses, "The
gods who have set their affections on the seven
(4) Martial, in like manner, speaks of "The
seven dominating mountains."
(5) In times long
subsequent, the same kind of language was in
current use; for when Symmachus, the prefect of
the city, and the last acting Pagan Pontifex
Maximus, as the Imperial substitute, introduces
by letter one friend of his to another, he calls him
"De septem montibus virum"--"a man from the
seven mountains," meaning thereby, as the
commentators interpret it, "Civem Romanum, "A
Roman Citizen."
Now, while this characteristic of
Rome has ever been well marked and defined, it
has always been easy to show, that the Church
which has its seat and headquarters on the
seven hills of Rome might most appropriately be
called "Babylon," inasmuch as it is the chief seat
of idolatry under the New Testament, as the
ancient Babylon was the chief seat of idolatry
under the Old. But recent discoveries in Assyria,
taken in connection with the previously wellknown
but ill-understood history and mythology
of the ancient world, demonstrate that there is a
vast deal more significance in the name Babylon
the Great than this. It has been known all along
that Popery was baptised Paganism; but God is
now making it manifest, that the Paganism
which Rome has baptised is, in all its essential
elements, the very Paganism which prevailed in
the ancient literal Babylon, when Jehovah
opened before Cyrus the two-leaved gates of
brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron.
That new and unexpected light, in some way or
other, should be cast, about this very period, on
the Church of the grand Apostacy, the very
language and symbols of the Apocalypse might
have prepared us to anticipate. In the
Apocalyptic visions, it is just before the judgment
upon her that, for the first time, John sees the
Apostate Church with the name Babylon the
Great "written upon her forehead" (Rev 17:5).
What means the writing of that name "on the
forehead"? Does it not naturally indicate that,
just before judgment overtakes her, her real
character was to be so thoroughly developed,
that everyone who has eyes to see, who has the
least spiritual discernment, would be compelled,
as it were, on ocular demonstration, to recognise
the wonderful fitness of the title which the Spirit
of God had affixed to her. Her judgment is now
evidently hastening on; and just as it
approaches, the Providence of God, conspiring
with the Word of God, by light pouring in from all
quarters, makes it more and more evident that
Rome is in very deed the Babylon of the
Apocalypse; that the essential character of her
system, the grand objects of her worship, her
festivals, her doctrine and discipline, her rites
and ceremonies, her priesthood and their
orders, have all been derived from ancient
Babylon; and, finally, that the Pope himself is
truly and properly the lineal representative of
Belshazzar. In the warfare that has been waged
against the domineering pretensions of Rome, it
has too often been counted enough merely to
meet and set aside her presumptuous boast,
that she is the mother and mistress of all
churches--the one Catholic Church, out of
whose pale there is no salvation. If ever there
was excuse for such a mode of dealing with her,
that excuse will hold no longer. If the position I
have laid down can be maintained, she must be
stripped of the name of a Christian Church
altogether; for if it was a Church of Christ that
was convened on that night, when the pontiffking
of Babylon, in the midst of his thousand
lords, "praised the gods of gold, and of silver,
and of wood, and of stone" (Dan 5:4), then the
Church of Rome is entitled to the name of a
Christian Church; but not otherwise.”
The Two Babylons, Alexander Hislop

Revelation 17:9: “And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are
seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.”
Re:17:5: And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE
7. ID (Identification) Sign or Feature # 7: The Whore Mystery Babylon
the Great or her beast has 10 horns
Revelation 17:3: So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a
woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and
ten horns.
8. ID (Identification) Sign or Feature # 8: The Whore Mystery Babylon
the Great is a city which rules over kings or heads of governments.
Vatican is a city-state which controls the nations of the world via her (1) church, (2)
banking system (she owns the biggest capital among the banks due to her big church
collection that exceeds the taxes collected by governments!), (3) pharmaceutical system
which is the biggest earner as it exhausts all the money of patients of cancers, etc. (4) the
educational system or schools from kinder to college and universities run by her Jesuits, (5)
mass media owned and controlled by Catholics and Protestants, (6) her big corporations who
along with others, finance the election of the leaders of governments all over the world! There
are still a long list of ways Vatican controls the leaders of the earth.
Thus, Vatican City is is “that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.”
Revelation 17:18: And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth
over the kings of the earth.
9. ID (Identification) Sign or Feature # 9: The Whore Mystery Babylon
the Great also control Business sector, not just the religious and
government sectors.
Revelation 18:3: For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication,
and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth
are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies [products and menus].
10. ID (Identification) Sign or Feature # 10: The Whore Mystery Babylon
the Great or her priests, bishops, cardinals, popes use the scarlet color in
their robes or attire
Revelation 17:4: And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked
with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of
abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
11. ID (Identification) Sign or Feature # 11: The Whore Mystery Babylon
the Great or her priests, bishops, cardinals, popes are bedecked with
worldly riches (the precious metals and gems)
Revelation 17:4: And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked
with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of
abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
12. ID (Identification) Sign or Feature # 12: The Whore Mystery Babylon
the Great or her priests have hands full of works and deeds of immoralities
Revelation 17:4: And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked
with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of
abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
13. ID (Identification) Sign or Feature # 13: The Whore Mystery Babylon
the Great uses mysteries and ignorance and lies instead of revealing the
Revelation 17:5: And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON
14. ID (Identification) Sign or Feature # 14: The Whore Mystery Babylon
the Great uses the mysteries of Babylon
Revelation 17:5: And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON
15. ID (Identification) Sign or Feature # 15: The Whore Mystery Babylon
the Great is the new Babylon the Great. The Old Babylon was Iraq.
Revelation 17:5: And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON
16. ID (Identification) Sign or Feature # 16: The Whore Mystery Babylon
the Great is the mother of harlots, sexual harlots, of the earth.
Revelation 17:5: And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON
17. ID (Identification) Sign or Feature # 17: The Whore Mystery Babylon
the Great is the mother or origin of spiritual harlots of the world, the harlot
Protestant churches who too committed fornication with the kings (leaders)
of the world, betraying their husband, the Christ.
Revelation 17:5: And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON
18. ID (Identification) Sign or Feature # 18: The Whore Mystery Babylon
the Great is also the mother or root cause of the abominations
(immoralities, atrocities, corruption) of the earth,
Revelation 17:5: And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON
19. ID (Identification) Sign or Feature # 19: The Whore Mystery Babylon
the Great is home of evil wicked spirits.
Revelation 18:2: And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great
is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and
a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.
Whistle blowers such as the late Jesuit priest Alberto Rivera who left Catholicism,
testified the evil spirits of exorcism, lust, sexual perversion, greed, mercilessness, corruption
etc of the highest kind occupying the minds and hearts of the occupants in the Vatican.
20. ID (Identification) Sign or Feature # 20: The Whore Mystery Babylon
the Great killed the saints and martyrs of Christ
Revelation 17:6: And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with
the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.
History has this on record: more than 100 million true Christians and real Jews were
killed by the Roman Catholic Church.
Seeing the political advantage from the unity it would achieve, emperor Constantine
under the urge of the Simon Magus group, mixed paganism and Christianity, that is, renamed
pagan doctrines and practices with Christian name, e.g., Christmas for the Feast of Saturnilia.
But that did not attract the true Christians and the real Jews who were converted by Christ
during his preaching and charitable works and miracles. Many Jews, poor and of ordinary
walks of life, were converted to Christianity. It was not the people who killed the Lord, but
the church leaders who were the Pharisees and were Edomites converted to Judaism, hence,
the fake Jews as mentioned in Revelation 3.
On AD 70, when General Vespasian almost completed the siege of Jerusalem, and
about to destroy the Temple and the priests and Pharisees, the racial brothers of these
Pharisees (the Turks) succeeded in assassinating the roman emperor Nero.
The sudden death of the emperor aborted the end of many Pharisees for weeks because
General Vespasian was forced to go back to Rome to join the urgent task of selecting the new
emperor. Luckily for him, Vespacian was chosen as the next emperor.
This is the reason why his son, the young general Titus, continued the siege. But it was
weeks after. This gap of time allowed the Pharisees and priests (of Esau-Edom descent) many
of whose racial brothers composed the nation of Turkey, to escape… to where? To Rome
where many Edomite Turks held high positions as top advisers or high-rank officials in
gentile the Roman Empire!
Many of these escaping Pharisees and priests became “parish priests” and were
assimilated into the Roman empire’s as either church or government officers. It is from here
that the Pharisees vented their great hatred to the true Christians and true Jews!
Hence, the great persecution!
Revelation 6:9: And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls
of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:
Revelation 6:10: And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy
and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?
Revelation 6:11: And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said
unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellow servants also and their
brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.
The real killers of the saviour we call Jesus Christ were not the real Jews but the fake
Jews, many of whom were at that time holding both the political and religious powers and
were known as the Pharisees and the priests.
After the ascension of the Lord, they continued to pour their hatred to His disciples,
both gentile Christians and Jewish Christians.
Hence, the verse, “drunken with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the
martyrs of Jesus”.
Revelation 17:6: And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with
the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration
Over 100 million of them during the Catholic Inquisition alone. They were accused of
many names and crimes to just facilitate their conviction. They were called infidels. They
were called heretics. They were called witches. Etcetera.
Revelation 6:10: And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy
and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?
Revelation 6:11: And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said
unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellow servants also and their
brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.
Sure, they shall taste true justice, as prophesied (promised) by the Lord. Thus,
Revelation 6:14: And the heaven [suddenly] departed as a scroll when it is rolled
together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.
Revelation 6:15: And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and
the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid
themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
Revelation 6:16: And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the
face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:
Revelation 6:17: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to
The 100 million plus was a direct murder by the Roman Catholic Church on true
Christians and true Jews. The worse casualty occurred in the hands of the Muslims, during
their Crusades, which also were targeted mostly on true Christians and true Jews. How many
deaths? 270 millions!
Great is the guilt of the Roman Catholic Church because Islam is in reality a “little
horn” of Rome; it was the Augustinians and Jesuits who raised the Arab orphan Mohammad,
and later funded his religion and expansion. Islam is a creation of the Vatican.
The Vatican killed more inno-saints via Islam.
21. ID (Identification) Sign or Feature # 21: The Whore Mystery Babylon
the Great is in sum total, the biggest killer of mankind throughout history,
thru her Inquisition, Crusades, and sorcery (Pharmaceuticals).
Revelation 18:24: “And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of
all that were slain upon the earth.” “All who were slain upon the earth” literally includes
those who die in war, but most of all, those who are killed by the Pharmaceutical industry and
system which is the highest cause of all deaths, much higher than wars. Pharmaceutical
medicine and system (modern version of sorcery) kills over 800,000 in the USA alone…
every year! There are many more millions who died in other countries due to pharmedicine or
The wars’ casualties are being eclipsed by the yearly pharma casualty multiplied by
the number of years it has been in operation and killing its patients.
For instance, 800,000 a year x 70 years to use the post- WW II period from 1945 to
2015 = 56 million for the USA alone.
Since the countries on which the Vatican’s Big Pharma operates are many and their
total population is many times more than the US population of 300 million, let us take the
balance of the world’s total population of 7 billion, hence, 6,700,000,000. That is the world’s
total population less that of the USA.
Now, since these nations are eating less food and less quality of food, therefore, at
least double is the likelihood that patients will die because of the toxicity of pharmaceutical
medicines. So, it is safe and very conservative to add to the US casualty another 800,000 a
year due to the huge number of the populations of the rest of the world (6.7 billion) and to
add another 800,000 due to the fact that these people are less resistant compared to the well-
fed US citizens. Hence, add 1,600,000 death a year.
Then, 1,600,000 a year x 70 years = 112,000,000 in 70 years.
Add the US casualty for same period (56 million) = 168 million deaths caused by
pharmaceutical medicine and system!
That is very minimal estimate. A far higher number of casualty would emerge if we
compute it by the factor of 300 million, based on the US total population.
How many 300 million has the remaining non-American population of 6,700,000,000?
Answer: 22.
There are 22 US population in 6.7 billion. In other words, after deducting the US
population, the world’s remaining population of 6.7 billion is equivalent to 22 United States
of America!
Since the non-Americans are less-fed, and assumed to be more prone to toxic
chemicals and to death, the US stat of 800,000 death a year due to pharmaceutical medicine
and system is easily the minimum. So it is safe to use this figure 800,000 to serve as our
800,000 x 22 = 17,600,000. That is, 17.6 million. A year!
Therefore, 17,600,000 a year x 70 years = 1,232,000,000 or 1.232 billion deaths in 70
years due to pharmaceutical medicine and system – in the whole world outside the USA!
Now, add the US casualty for the same period of 70 years (56 million for the USA),
the total deaths in the whole world for the entire 70-year period from 1945 to 2015 is at least
1,288,000,000 (1.288 billion)!
How many died from wars? As few as 300 million only!
Now, we have not yet computed the deaths due to medicine from 1945 backwards!!!
Therefore, Revelation 18:23-24’s daring statement that Babylon the Great is history’s
greatest killer through her sorcery (pharmaceutical system) is correct!
For don’t you know that the alleged owner of Big Pharma, Rockefeller, is only the
front man and that the real owner of Big Pharma industry is the Vatican, and that the true
secret Headquarter of Big Pharma is in the bowels of (that is, secret underground laboratories
in) the Vatican?
Don’t you know that the Roman Catholic church was the faithful-to-Christ small
church of Rome to whom Paul wrote his Epistle to the Romans? – but which church branch,
being of gentile population, easily turned unfaithful when the group of Simon Magus (the
Sorcerer) (Acts 8) penetrated with is spirit of profiteering and his skill in sorcery. Simon
Magus, not the true Simon Peter, became the first pope, the false Peter of Rome. The true
apostle Simon Peter did not go to Rome (see history in the whole book of Acts in the New
Testament for example) because Peter and the 11 original apostles were commissioned not to
go to the Gentile nations, but to seek the lost sheep (tribes) of Israel, and that it was Paul and
his team who were assigned to go to the gentile nations. So, the Peter of the Roman Catholic
Church is actually Simon Magus, the Sorcerer whose main features or traits are two: (1)
expert in sorcery (doctor using poisons or chemicals) and (2) greedy for profit. Hence, the
resulting Roman Catholic Church carried and still carries these two traits: (1) promotes
medication by the use of poison/ chemicals and (2) greed for profit: take note that healing, as
Christ exemplified throughout his life, is not for profit, not even for fee, but for free. In Acts
8, the true Peter and company sharply rebuked Simon Magus the Sorcerer due to his desire
and intention to make money out of the service of healing.
Here is one easy and sure-ball way if you want to identify the Peter of the Roman
Catholic Church by way of reasoning, using Christ’s evaluation tactic “By the fruit (effect,
result) you shall know a tree, whether it is a good tree or a bad tree. A good tree bears good
fruit. A bad tree bears bad fruit.”
One bad effect is: profiteering or greed or extortion with mercilessness (cold feeling).
First the Catholic via pharmaceutical business, makes healing a business, in total
contradiction to Christ teaching by example: free healing.
Second, her doctors and hospitals refuse admission of patients even those in
emergency all over the world, if the patient has no money to pay, or even stop the treatment if
the patients run out of money, even if the patient is in the brink of death, doctors would dare
to detach the hoses, etc. Or simply advice the relatives of the patient to just take the patient
home… whatever alibi they could use to cover their real reason (we can’t continue treating
the patient because you have no more money). That’s mercilessness or the cold heart of a
Third, they extract all money, all savings, whole wealth, even lead the patient’s family
to debts, loans and bankruptcy, because of its excessively expensive medication especially the
chemotherapy. This is extortion supreme!
Fourth, the long-kept secret of sorcery-pharmaceutical (namely: That it does not really
heal) is now beginning to float and become clear. There are huge findings resulting from
computerized, hence, more accurate and more reliable studies done in the USA. One study
finding is: 97% of those who underwent chemotherapy, died. This means that chemotherapy
does not heal. The next big finding, more recent one, from a US-wide computerized study is
this: Over 50% of cancer patients are killed by the chemotherapy, not by the disease (cancer).
The biggest evidence is from the study finding by the team of great doctors and
scientists led by Dr. Gary Null, to wit: Pharmedicine kills over 800,000 Americans every
So, we have seen the trait of Simon Magus (greed, profiteering) paired with deception.
The second trait of Simon Magus that is very much a big (secret) part of the Roman
Catholic Church organization is: sorcery (the pharmaceutical system), of course!
Let me repeat: The two features or traits of Simon Magus were: profiteering (greed)
and sorcery (treating by the use of poisons or chemicals).
These two features of Simon Magus are very visible in the Catholic Church in that (1)
the Roman Catholic Church (Vatican) is the real owner of the modern version of ancient
sorcery, namely: the Pharmaceutical industry; and (2) in that all of her services are for fee
(from officiating regular and special masses to doing baptism, wedding, and other
sacraments, or services) and worse in her healing system (through the pharmaceutical
industry which she secretly owns) which is all about money making, especially if you
consider how she had trained her doctors and hospitals to systematically skip the poor or to
systematically drive the patients when they run out of money and in how they extort the
patients of her pharmaceuticals with her super-expensive medicines that do not actually heal!
The deception aspect of the pharmaceutical medicine-system needs to be explained
here. In our dialect, Visayan, the term “sakit” has two meanings: pain, and the underlying
root illness which causes the pain. Consequently, the term “naayo” (healed) also has two
meanings: healed of the pain and healed of the real illness.
There is deep ignorance and confusion here among the patients and people. We have
been massively indoctrinated that when the pain disappears, you are healed, not only of the
pain, but also of the underlying or root disease that causes the pain. This is not true
scientifically. To lose the pain does not necessarily or automatically mean healing of the
actual underlying illness that causes the pain, e.g., cancer. You can be relieved of the pain,
but still has the underlying illness which causes the pain as its symptom. I repeat: you may
lose the pain but still have the illness. And as a matter of fact, it is the deceptive work of
pharmaceutical’s medicine classified as pain relievers or pain killers – they do kill the pain
but do not and cannot heal the illness! Question: How do they relieve/kill/ remove the pain?
Answer: By disabling the nervous system! These medicine suppress the nerves, that is,
prevent the nerves from functioning, that is, prevent the nerves from reporting the pain to the
Brain, hence, the Brain does not notice/ detect the pain and so assumes that all is well and the
illness is healed, which is not. And because this numbing of the nerves deceives the Brain,
and makes the Brain to relax instead of looking for the true medicine, the illness is left
helpless, and advances from stage 1 or 2 to stage 3, then, 4. This is the very reason why
patients are surprised and shocked why their cancers are suddenly in stage 3 or 4! Usually too
late already for healing!
This is deception supreme!
And because the people do not know this and because all they know (assume) is that
the disappearance of pain and other symptoms is the actual healing when in reality it was
merely the suppression of the pain and other symptoms and not the real healing of the
underlying illness and secondly, because of the quick relief that pharmedicine provides –
No matter what, the people are addicted to sorcery-pharmaceuticals!
Re:9:20: And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented
not of …
Re:9:21: … their sorceries…!
O my God! Please open our minds and hearts to these truths!

So, by the fruits (attitude of profiteering and the business of poison-using sorcery)
serving as visible characteristics of the Roman Catholic church, we can know them: Who is
the Peter of Catholicism and whose church or religion is the Roman Catholic Church. Is it the
religion-church of the true Simon Peter or of the false Peter (Simon Magus)?
Another “know by its fruit” case is the accounted-for (recorded) casualty of sorcery-
The minimum estimate of 800,000 casualties caused by pharmaceutical medicine is a
very strong proof that pharmaceutical and its chemical ingredients are a bad tree!
A recent finding in the USA states that slightly over 50% of deaths of cancer patients
are due to the chemotherapy. In other words, it is the medicine, not the cancer, who killed
over half of the cancer patients! The pharmedicine (in this case, the chemotherapy drugs)
killed the cancer patients before the cancers could kill them! There is therefore an ongoing
contest or race between the diseases and the toxic medicines (poisonous) chemicals as to
which can kill the patients first!
The Lord never used chemicals or toxins in his healing.
22. ID (Identification) Sign or Feature # 22: The Whore Mystery Babylon
the Great rides on the beast who got its power out of the sea (Naval Power).
British Empire was the ruler of the waves due to her superior Navy Force.
Revelation 13:1: And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of
the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads
the name of blasphemy.
Revelation 13:2: And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were
as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his
power, and his seat, and great authority.
Revelation 13:3: And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his
deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
Revelation 13:4: And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast:
and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war
with him?
Revelation 13:5: And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and
blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.
Revelation 13:6: And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme
his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.
Revelation 13:7: And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to
overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.
Revelation 13:8: And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are
not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
Revelation 13:9: If any man have an ear, let him hear.
Revelation 13:10: He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth
with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.

23. ID (Identification) Sign or Feature # 23: The Whore Mystery Babylon

the Great rides on the beast who got its power out of the earth (minerals,
chemicals). The power that the US Empire base in her dominance was based
on the minerals or chemicals mined from the earth. It is through the US
empire that depended both the Vatican and her Protestant daughters forming
the whore mother and harlot daughters network of churches.
Revelation 13:11: And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had
two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
Revelation 13:12: And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and
causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly
wound was healed.
Revelation 13:13: And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down
from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,
Revelation 13:14: And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those
miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the
earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did
Revelation 13:15: And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the
image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image
of the beast should be killed.
Revelation 13:16: And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and
bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
Revelation 13:17: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the
name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Revelation 13:18: Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number
of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
24. ID (Identification) Sign or Feature # 24: The Whore Mystery Babylon
the Great shall soon fall. This is a sign to watch, but different than the
previous signs or features, because this has not yet happened!
Revelation 17:16: And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate
the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with
Revelation 17:17: For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and
give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.
Let us continue the description of the fall in the next chapter, chapter 18:
Revelation 18:1: And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven,
having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory.
Revelation 18:2: And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great
is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and
a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.
Revelation 18:3: For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication,
and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth
are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.
Revelation 18:4: And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my
people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
Revelation 18:5: For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her
Revelation 18:6: Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double
according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double.
Revelation 18:7: How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much
torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and
shall see no sorrow.
Revelation 18:8: Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning,
and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire for strong is the Lord God who judgeth
Revelation 18:9: And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived
deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of
her burning,
Revelation 18:10: Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas, that
great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
Revelation 18:11: And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for
no man buyeth their merchandise any more.
Revelation 18:12: The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of
pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and all manner
vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and
Revelation 18:13: And cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and frankincense, and
wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, and chariots, and
slaves, and souls of men.
Revelation 18:14: And the fruits that thy soul lusted after are departed from thee, and
all things which were dainty and goodly are departed from thee, and thou shalt find them no
more at all.
Revelation 18:15: The merchants of these things, which were made rich by her, shall
stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing,
Revelation 18:16: And saying, Alas, alas, that great city, that was clothed in fine linen,
and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls!
Revelation 18:17: For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every
shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar
Revelation 18:18: And cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What
city is like unto this great city!
Revelation 18:19: And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing,
saying, Alas, alas, that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by
reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.
Revelation 18:20: Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets;
for God hath avenged you on her.
Revelation 18:21: And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it
into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and
shall be found no more at all.
Revelation 18:22: And the voice of harpers, and musicians, and of pipers, and
trumpeters, shall be heard no more at all in thee; and no craftsman, of whatsoever craft he be,
shall be found any more in thee; and the sound of a millstone shall be heard no more at all in
Revelation 18:23: And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the
voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy
merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.
Revelation 18:24: And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all
that were slain upon the earth.
25. ID (Identification) Sign or Feature # 25: The Whore Mystery Babylon
the Great shall fall by suffering the 7 last plagues… “upon the men which
had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image”
(Rev. 16:2)…
Revelation:14:8: And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is
fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her
Revelation:14:9: And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any
man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his
Revelation:14:10: The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is
poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with
fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
Revelation:14:11: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and
they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever
receiveth the mark of his name.
Revelation 18:4: And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my
people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
Revelation 16:1: And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven
angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth.
Revelation 16:2: And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there
fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon
them which worshipped his image.
Revelation 16:3: And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became
as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea.
Revelation 16:4: And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains
of waters; and they became blood.
Revelation 16:5: And I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous, O Lord,
which art, and wast, and shalt be, because thou hast judged thus.
Revelation 16:6: For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast
given them blood to drink; for they are worthy.
Revelation 16:7: And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God
Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments.
Revelation 16:8: And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was
given unto him to scorch men with fire.
Revelation 16:9: And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of
God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.
Revelation 16:10: And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast;
and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain,
Revelation 16:11: And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their
sores, and repented not of their deeds.
Revelation 16:12: And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river
Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be
Revelation 16:13: And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of
the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
Revelation 16:14: For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth
unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great
day of God Almighty.
Revelation 16:15: Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth
his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.
Revelation 16:16: And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew
tongue Armageddon.
Revelation 16:17: And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there
came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done.
Revelation 16:18: And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was
a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake,
and so great.
Revelation 16:19: And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the
nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of
the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.
Revelation 16:20: And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found.
Revelation 16:21: And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone
about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for
the plague thereof was exceeding great.

Explanation-interpretations of the 7 Last Plagues



[niv]Then I heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven
angels, "Go, pour out the seven bowls of God's wrath on the earth."
[kjv]And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven
angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the

[niv]The first angel went and poured out his bowl on the land, and
ugly and painful sores broke out on the people who had the mark of the
beast and worshiped his image. NOTE: supposed to be not for Christians.
Rev 16:2
[kjv]And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and
there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of
the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.

What is this ugly and painful sores?

Other Bible translations: malignant sores or wounds.
Question: What is that thing malignant save cancer? The word “malignant” has been
exclusively used in the medical terminology to refer to cancer.
Therefore, plague No. 1 is: cancer, that ugly and painful sores.
Other Greek Bible uses the work “kancer.”

The Book of Deuteronomy described this disease thus:

[niv]The LORD will afflict you with the boils of Egypt and with
tumors, festering sores and the itch, from which you cannot be cured.
Deu 28:27 [kjv]The LORD will smite thee with the botch of Egypt, and with
the emerods, and with the scab, and with the itch, whereof thou canst not
be healed.

[niv]the LORD will send fearful plagues on you and your

descendants, harsh and prolonged disasters, and severe and lingering
Deu 28:59
[kjv]Then the LORD will make thy plagues wonderful, and the
plagues of thy seed, even great plagues, and of long continuance, and
sore sicknesses, and of long continuance.

[niv]He will bring upon you all the diseases of Egypt that you
dreaded, and they will cling to you.
Deu 28:60
[kjv]Moreover he will bring upon thee all the diseases of Egypt,
which thou wast afraid of; and they shall cleave unto thee.
[niv]The LORD will also bring on you every kind of sickness and
disaster not recorded in this Book of the Law, until you are destroyed.
Deu 28:61 [kjv]Also every sickness, and every plague, which is not written in
the book of this law, them will the LORD bring upon thee, until thou be

God prohibit sorcery-pharmakon

[niv]"Do not allow a sorceress to live.
Exo 22:18
[kjv]Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.

[niv]" 'Do not eat any meat with the blood still in it. " 'Do not
Lev practice divination or sorcery [pharmakeia].
19:26 [kjv]Ye shall not eat any thing with the blood: neither shall ye use
enchantment, nor observe times.

[niv]"So I will come near to you for judgment. I will be quick to

testify against sorcerers [pharmakon], adulterers and perjurers, against
those who defraud laborers of their wages, who oppress the widows and the
fatherless, and deprive aliens of justice, but do not fear me," says the LORD
Mal 3:5
[kjv]And I will come near to you to judgment; and I will be a swift
witness against the sorcerers, and against the adulterers, and against false
swearers, and against those that oppress the hireling in his wages, the
widow, and the fatherless, and that turn aside the stranger from his right, and
fear not me, saith the LORD of hosts.

[niv]Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or

daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery
[pharmakeia], interprets omens, engages in witchcraft,
Deu 18:10
[kjv]There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his
son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an
observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch.

[niv]or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who

consults the dead.
Deu 18:11
[kjv]Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard,
or a necromancer.
[niv]Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD ,
and because of these detestable practices the LORD your God will drive
out those nations before you.
Deu 18:12
[kjv]For all that do these things are an abomination unto the
LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive
them out from before thee.

[niv]You must be blameless before the LORD your God.

Deu 18:13
[kjv]Thou shalt be perfect with the LORD thy God.

[niv]The nations you will dispossess listen to those who practice

sorcery or divination. But as for you, the LORD your God has not
permitted you to do so.
Deu 18:14
[kjv]For these nations, which thou shalt possess, hearkened unto
observers of times, and unto diviners: but as for thee, the LORD thy God
hath not suffered thee so to do.

The ungodly nations use wrong solutions to their health problems etc. They use
Sorcery-pharmakon is among the causes of diseases and death:

[niv]Charging cavalry, flashing swords and glittering spears! Many

casualties, piles of dead, bodies without number, people stumbling over the
Nah 3:3
[kjv]The horseman lifteth up both the bright sword and the glittering
spear: and there is a multitude of slain, and a great number of carcases;
and there is none end of their corpses; they stumble upon their corpses:

[niv]all because of the wanton lust of a harlot, alluring, the mistress

of sorceries, who enslaved nations by her prostitution and peoples by her
witchcraft [sorcery].
Nah 3:4
[kjv]Because of the multitude of the whoredoms of the wellfavoured
harlot, the mistress of witchcrafts, that selleth nations through her
whoredoms, and families through her witchcrafts.

[niv]"I am against you," declares the LORD Almighty. "I will lift
your skirts over your face. I will show the nations your nakedness and the
kingdoms your shame.
Nah 3:5
[kjv]Behold, I am against thee, saith the LORD of hosts; and I will
discover thy skirts upon thy face, and I will shew the nations thy nakedness,
and the kingdoms thy shame.
One method of oppressing people (causing them more diseases and poverty) is by

[niv]"So I will come near to you for judgment. I will be quick to

testify against sorcerers, adulterers and perjurers, against those who defraud
laborers of their wages, who oppress the widows and the fatherless, and
deprive aliens of justice, but do not fear me," says the LORD Almighty.
Mal 3:5 [kjv]And I will come near to you to judgment; and I will be a swift
witness against the sorcerers, and against the adulterers, and against false
swearers, and against those that oppress the hireling in his wages, the
widow, and the fatherless, and that turn aside the stranger from his right, and
fear not me, saith the LORD of hosts.

Each pharmedicine creates as many as 11 new diseases and an average of 70 side

effects that may eventually lead to diseases or serious health problems.
Thus, oppression.
What does God also want to happen in the end time?
[niv]Many of those who believed now came and openly confessed
their evil deeds.
Act 19:18
[kjv]And many that believed came, and confessed, and shewed
their deeds.

[niv]A number who had practiced sorcery brought their scrolls

together and burned them publicly. When they calculated the value of
the scrolls, the total came to fifty thousand drachmas.
Act 19:19
[kjv]Many of them also which used curious arts brought their
books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the
price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver.

[niv]In this way the word of the Lord spread widely and grew in
Act 19:20 power.
[kjv]So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed.

Act 19:21 [niv]After all this had happened, Paul decided to go to Jerusalem

The present state: Majority do not repent of pharmakeia

The prophesied real score at the end-time. Did the majority of mankind repent of
After the 6th Trumpet event (or 6 Trumpet events) stroke:
[niv]The rest of mankind that were not killed by these plagues
still did not repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop
worshiping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood--
idols that cannot see or hear or walk.
Rev 9:20
[kjv]And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues
yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship
devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood:
which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk:

[niv]Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic arts

[pharmakeia], their sexual immorality or their thefts.
Rev 9:21
[kjv]Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries
[pharmakeia], nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.

Babylon the Great, the Great Church, has misled the nations also by pharmakeia:
[niv]The light of a lamp will never shine in you again. The voice of
bridegroom and bride will never be heard in you again. Your merchants
were the world's great men. By your magic spell [pharmakeia] all the
nations were led astray.
Rev 18:23
[kjv]And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee;
and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at
all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy
sorceries were all nations [pharmakeia] deceived.

All nations. Big Pharma has swayed.

The fate or destiny of the practitioners of Pharmakeia

Pharma participants would not enter the New Earth/New Heaven

[niv]Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven
and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.
Rev 21:1
[kjv]And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven
and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.

Rev 21:2 [niv]I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of
heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.
[kjv]And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down
from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

[niv]And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Now the
dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his
people, and God himself will be with them and be their God.
Rev 21:3
[kjv]And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the
tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall
be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.

[niv]He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more
death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed
Rev 21:4
[kjv]And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there
shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be
any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

The fate or destiny of the practitioners of Pharmakeia, e.g. from drug chemist, to the
med reps to the doctors and the patients: Outside the New Earth/Holy City New Jerusalem
and into the fiery lake of sulfur or second death, which cancer patients are now suffering:
[niv]But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the
sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts [pharmakon], the
idolaters and all liars--their place will be in the fiery lake of burning
sulfur. This is the second death."
Rev 21:8
[kjv]But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and
murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers [pharmakon], and idolaters,
and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and
brimstone: which is the second death.

[niv]"Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have
the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city.
Rev 22:14 [kjv]Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may
have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the

Rev 22:15 [niv]Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts
[pharmakeia], the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and
everyone who loves and practices falsehood.
[kjv]For without are dogs, and sorcerers [pharmakeia], and
whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and
maketh a lie.

[niv]"I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for
the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright
Morning Star."
Rev 22:16
[kjv]I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in
the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and
morning star.

Herbs and vegetables and fruits are the tools of true healing:

[niv]Fruit trees of all kinds will grow on both banks of the river.
Their leaves will not wither, nor will their fruit fail. Every month they will
bear, because the water from the sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit will
serve for food and their leaves for healing."
Eze 47:12 [kjv]And by the river upon the bank thereof, on this side and on
that side, shall grow all trees for meat, whose leaf shall not fade, neither
shall the fruit thereof be consumed: it shall bring forth new fruit according
to his months, because their waters they issued out of the sanctuary: and
the fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine.

[niv]Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear
as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb
Rev 22:1
[kjv]And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal,
proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.

[niv]down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of
the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its
fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the
Rev 22:2
[kjv]In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river,
was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded
her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of
the nations.

[niv]No longer will there be any curse [illnesses]. The throne of

God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will serve him.
Rev 22:3
[kjv]And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of
the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him:
Additional pertinent verses:
[niv]Have you rejected Judah completely? Do you despise Zion?
Why have you afflicted us so that we cannot be healed? We hoped for
peace but no good has come, for a time of healing but there is only terror.
Jer 14:19 [kjv]Hast thou utterly rejected Judah? hath thy soul lothed Zion?
why hast thou smitten us, and there is no healing for us? we looked for
peace, and there is no good; and for the time of healing, and behold

[niv]Why is my pain unending and my wound grievous and

incurable? Will you be to me like a deceptive brook, like a spring that
Jer 15:18
[kjv]Why is my pain perpetual, and my wound incurable, which
refuseth to be healed? wilt thou be altogether unto me as a liar, and as
waters that fail?

[niv]Therefore this is what the LORD says: "If you repent, I will
restore you that you may serve me; if you utter worthy, not worthless,
words, you will be my spokesman. Let this people turn to you, but you
must not turn to them.
Jer 15:19
[kjv]Therefore thus saith the LORD, If thou return, then will I bring
thee again, and thou shalt stand before me: and if thou take forth the
precious from the vile, thou shalt be as my mouth: let them return unto
thee; but return not thou unto them.

[niv]O LORD , the hope of Israel, all who forsake you will be put
to shame. Those who turn away from you will be written in the dust
because they have forsaken the LORD , the spring of living water.
Jer 17:13
[kjv]O LORD, the hope of Israel, all that forsake thee shall be
ashamed, and they that depart from me shall be written in the earth,
because they have forsaken the LORD, the fountain of living waters.

[niv]Heal me, O LORD , and I will be healed; save me and I will be

saved, for you are the one I praise.
Jer 17:14
[kjv]Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall
be saved: for thou art my praise.

Jer 30:12 [niv]"This is what the LORD says: " 'Your wound is incurable, your
injury beyond healing.
[kjv]For thus saith the LORD, Thy bruise is incurable, and thy
wound is grievous.

[niv]There is no one to plead your cause, no remedy for your sore,

no healing for you.
Jer 30:13
[kjv]There is none to plead thy cause, that thou mayest be bound
up: thou hast no healing medicines.

[niv]All your allies have forgotten you; they care nothing for you. I
have struck you as an enemy would and punished you as would the cruel,
because your guilt is so great and your sins so many.
Jer 30:14 [kjv]All thy lovers have forgotten thee; they seek thee not; for I
have wounded thee with the wound of an enemy, with the chastisement of
a cruel one, for the multitude of thine iniquity; because thy sins were

[niv]Why do you cry out over your wound, your pain that has no
cure? Because of your great guilt and many sins I have done these things
to you.
Jer 30:15
[kjv]Why criest thou for thine affliction? thy sorrow is incurable for
the multitude of thine iniquity: because thy sins were increased, I have
done these things unto thee.

[niv]" 'But all who devour you will be devoured; all your enemies
will go into exile. Those who plunder you will be plundered; all who make
spoil of you I will despoil.
Jer 30:16
[kjv]Therefore all they that devour thee shall be devoured; and all
thine adversaries, every one of them, shall go into captivity; and they that
spoil thee shall be a spoil, and all that prey upon thee will I give for a prey.

[niv]But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,' declares
the LORD , 'because you are called an outcast, Zion for whom no one
Jer 30:17
[kjv]For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy
wounds, saith the LORD; because they called thee an Outcast, saying, This
is Zion, whom no man seeketh after.

[niv]" 'Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal
my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.
Jer 33:6
[kjv]Behold, I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure them, and
will reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth.
[niv]I will bring Judah and Israel back from captivity and will
rebuild them as they were before.
Jer 33:7
[kjv]And I will cause the captivity of Judah and the captivity of
Israel to return, and will build them, as at the first.

[niv]I will cleanse them from all the sin they have committed against
me and will forgive all their sins of rebellion against me.
Jer 33:8 [kjv]And I will cleanse them from all their iniquity, whereby they
have sinned against me; and I will pardon all their iniquities, whereby they
have sinned, and whereby they have transgressed against me.
The whole Book of Revelation in 7-7-7 frame
In the Book of Revelation, the last book of the Bible, numbers are abundantly used to
time prophetic events spanning 2,000 years up to our time, the end time.
If you are familiar with this mysterious book, which is full of symbols, you will read
 7 Seals
 7 Trumpets
 7 Last Plagues
They all have meaning.
 The 7th seal becomes the 7 Trumpets, while
 The 7th Trumpet becomes the 7 Last Plagues
 The 1st seal gives birth or causes Trumpet No. 1 which causes or gives
birth to Plague No. 1
 Seal No. 2 gives birth to Trumpet No. 2 which gives birth to Plague No.
 Seal No. 3 gives birth to Trumpet No. 3 to give birth to Plague No. 3
And for those that don’t necessarily follow this sequence, it is seen like this:
 Seal No. 1 leads to Seal No. 2 leads to Seal No. 3 etc., etc.
 Trumpet 1 leads to Trumpet No. 2 leads to Trumpet No. 3 up to No. 7
 Plague No. 3 leads to Plague No. 4 leads to No. 5 up to No. 7
One causes the other. One leads to the other. It is like a chain or series.


Prophecy and History as Lights



First truth: Prophecy is the foreseen (but not stone-carved, irreversible) future.
Prophecy is history in advance, oftentimes, in chronological order, the record of
tendencies, probabilities and possibilities seen in advance by those who base their views
on the cause-and-effect principle. Prophecy is not written on stone; it is not etched on
iron paper; prophecy can be thwarted or prevented, especially the negative portion, if
those involved will it by making opposite decision. It is wrong for people to think that
they are slaves of prophecy – trapped to a future decided already in advance which their
free choice or decision cannot thwart or prevent. Prophecy submits to the power of
freewill of those involved. Prophecy is subject to change by the power of free will or free
decision of those who are the players.
Prophecy can result to aimless decisions – read: blind obedience - this is true to the
deceived people who cooperated with the Dark Force without their conscious realization;
Secondly, prophecy is also based on actual plans pushed by those who are aware
and are not the deceived ones, e.g., by the deceivers (Dark Force);
Thirdly, prophecy is also decided by those (Light Force) who want to liberate the
The Book of Revelation contains The Secret Plan of the Dark Force
The Book of Revelation in the New Testament is first and foremost the secret
plan of the Dark Force under the leadership of Lucifer-Satan.
God wanted His people to know it; so, the Lord sent His angel to expose and reveal
it to the apostle John.
Note: The Dark Force – Illuminati Global Plan ends in chapter 16 and God added
chapters 17 to 22 as His counter plan to assure the masses that the Light will finally win.
Revelation chapters 1-16 highlight Lucifer and his Illuminati arms (the two
Babylons: (a) Mystery Babylon the Great (whore Church, the Roman Catholic Church)
and (b) Babylon the Great, the beast (callous, cold-blooded, merciless) government which
from the time of Christ up to now, consisted of the Roman Empire, Great Britain and the
It was the Roman General Vespasian who started the siege of the Temple of
Jerusalem in fulfillment of Christ prophecy, some 70 years later, after the crucifixion.
The siege was suspended when emperor Nero was assassinated by the Khazars-
Turks who were previously able to penetrate Rome.
Why was Nero assassinated? Answer: To put a stop of the ongoing siege of the
Temple of Jerusalem, to give time for the trapped Pharisees and priests to escape.
Who are these Pharisees and priests in Jerusalem in relation to the Khazarian Turk
assassin of Nero? Answer: they are brethren, racial brothers. The Pharisees in the Temple
of Jerusalem were of Khazarian-Turkish race (of Esau-Edom, twin brother of Jacob-
Israel), so these Pharisees were actually cousins of the real Jews.
How did the sons of Esau-Edom who came to be known Kharzars-Turks ended up
as Pharisees in the Temple of Jerusalem? Answer: In the days of the empire before the
Roman empire, the children of Ishmael and Esau and some of Cain formed an empire that
came to be known as Khazaria in the location of Turkey today.
The Khazar is derived from one of Cain’s sons who had the reputation of being
wicked, rogue or renegade, the discontented, the offended; so, we have here an
aggrupation of the discontents: Cain thru one of his sons, Khazar; Ishmael the offended
son of Abraham via the Egyptian maid Hagar; and Esau-Edom, the twin brother of Jacob-
Israel who was offended twice by his twin); this offences, which seemed trivial, was
actually like a wind sown and grew into a whirlwind. There is a saying, “You sow a wind,
you will reap a whirlwind.” Amazingly, this is true in this case. The grudge that Hagar
towards Sarah and Ishmael towards his half brother Isaac and his father, Abraham, grew
into a whirlwind. Thirdly, the two offenses that Esau-Edom bore against Jacob-Israel
when the later cheated him twice, namely: firstborn blessing and birthright, also grew
from being a wind into a whirlwind! So the Empire of Khazaria in the border of Asia and
Europe, was a kingdom of the seeker of revenge, if I may say it.
Note: Esau’s wives were daughters of Ishmael, so the formation of the Khazarian
Empire was easy and seemed natural. Ishmael was the half brother of Isaac, Esau’s father;
so , Esau married the daughters of his uncle, Ishmael.
In the course of time, Sarah, Esau’s mother, did not like the wives of Esau, and had
suffered during the time they were with their mother-in-law. So, there was already strain
of relationship among the women. Remember: Women are a big influence on their men.
Meanwhile, in the Middle East, the religion and empire of Islam under the
leadership of Mohammad, made their bloody take over of many nations, especially Arab
but also the Africans and the Hindus; this became one of the pressure of Khazaria;
On the other side, the presence of the Catholic Christian empire which were
headquartered in two capitals: Rome and Constantinople (now Istanbul, Turkey), also
formed the second pressure to Khazaria.
What were among the pros and cons that the king of Khazaria considered in
making his decision which side, if there was, to choose, to affiliate himself? These were:
a) the growing Islam Arab empire was that of his uncle Ishmael, under the leadership of
one of his racial brethren, Mohammad. But King Buthan of Khazaria must have known
that Mohammad was a pet of the Jesuits in Rome – that Islam was a branch religion of
On the other hand, the king of Khazaria must have known that the inner circle of
the rulers inside the Roman empire were represented by many of their fellow Esau-
Edomite brethren. Remember: Khazaria contained the descendants of Esau-Edom. So in
secret, the Roman Empire, both West (Rome) and East (Constantinople-Istanbul) was a
friend of Khazaria. Therefore, affiliation with the Roman empire as well as with Islamic
empire in the Middle East was not a real problem with the king of Khazaria. So what was
his decision? Where did he join? Answer: To the Jews in Judea, the whole kingdom of
Khazaria converted to Judaism!
What is Judaism and who are the Jews to the Khazars? Juda, the father of the Jews,
was one of the 12 sons of Jacob-Israel, and it can be recalled that when the 10 tribes of
Israel separated to be led by the sons of Joseph (namely: Ephraim and Manasseh, who
became Great Britain and the USA respectively), there formed a powerful kingdom
known as the Kingdom of Judah, composed by Juda and his brothers Levi and Benjamin.
So while the so-called Lost Ten Tribes became the United Kingdom led by Britain and
also the USA, their brother Judah made his mark as well as a powerful nation who retain
the name of their father, Israel.
Juda, the Jews, are the cousins of the sons of Esau-Edom who composed portion of
the Khazars;
When the King of Khazaria called up the top leaders of Judaism in Israel, at this
time, known as Judea, to tell them that they would like to join Judaism, it was a difficult
thing. The final decision of Khazaria: to convert the whole kingdom of Khazaria to
What on earth could be the ulterior motive of the Khazars? Was it not the plan to
usurp or take back the greatness or power that was supposedly to be Esau’s but his twin-
brother, their uncle, stole? (Note: The story was popular and known and is recorded in the
book of Genesis, Old Testament).
Likening it to the basketball game, the ball (power, prosperity, blessings) was in
the hand of the Isaac--Jacob-Israel line, e.g., to Judah, to Joseph’s two sons: Ephraim
(Great Britain) and Manasseh (USA);
So what might be the purpose of the power-hungry Turks (Edomite Khazars)?
Answer: throughout history, if you read the history in the Old Testament, and in the
secular history of Judea, Britain and the USA, you will find men from the tribe of Esau
playing the role as military commanders, political advisers to the presidents of the USA,
or in the time of Judea, they lawyers and political-religious leaders known as Pharisees.
Their purpose was usurpation, not love for God, nor love for the Jews, nor belief on
the religion of Judaism; they saw Judaism religion as one path towards power easier than
through the political path of the kings or presidents. Their ulterior motive was to take back
what their uncle, Jacob-Israel, stole from his twin brother, their father, Esau.
At one point, in Judea, they were able to achieve that: the Pharisees and some
priests assassinated the high priest Zachariah, the father of John the Baptist and the uncle
of Jesus. Zachariah was the last high priest who was a real Jew. The one who replaced
him was now of the Esau stock, of the Pharisees group, the fake Jews, because they were
actually Esau-Edomite Khazarians. Heard of the names Annas, Caiaphas? Those are some
of the names.
Again, what might be the ulterior/real motive of the Khazars for joining the
religion of Judaism of their cousin, the real Jews? Answer: It was not a sincere, nor a
godly purpose. They did not espouse Judaism because they believe in its teachings, but to
usurp power via one of its two sources: religion. And from there, they can also usurp
political power; they hoped.
At the spiritual level, where Lucifer and Satan operated personally, there was the
bigger plan to have the power to kill the coming Messiah who was destined to seize from
Lucifer-Satan the authority to rule over the Earth. So Lucifer-Satan was threatened and
implemented his plan to prevent Him who was to be known as Jesus who was to save
mankind from Lucifer-Satan’s grip.
At the time of the Christ we call Jesus, they were in absolute power in Judea and so
could do what they wanted, namely: kill the Messiah, the future king of the Earth, and his
But the Lord, being God, knew the future in advance and could actually influence,
even create the future He wanted. So He wanted that after He was crucified, His
crucifiers would suffer the fruit of their own wickedness, if not their physical death, at
least the fall of their power, the Temple of Jerusalem.
So, around AD 70, Roman Emperor Nero sent his trusted general, Vespasian, to
encircle the Temple of Jerusalem to burn it to ashes, in fulfillment of the Lord’s prophecy
that “not one block will be found above the other” for the entire Temple would be
On that ominous moment, when the Temple was under siege by General
Vespasian, the Pharisees and the priests were trapped inside the Temple. How would they
escape? Answer: Their racial brothers who were the power brokers and held high
positions in Rome, decided to assassinate emperor Nero, to force General Vespasian to
withdraw from Jerusalem, or at least to suspend the siege.
Indeed, it happened, Nero was assassinated, General Vespasian was called back to
Rome to join the struggle for emperorship; He was chosen to become the successor of
emperor Nero. Now as the new emperor, Vespasian could no longer resume his siege of
Jerusalem, so he delegated the task to his son, General Titus;
That time gap, between withdrawal of General Vespasian and the resumption of
General Titus, lasted weeks, and it was enough for the snakes and vipers (Pharisees and
the priests) trapped in the Temple to escape. And escape they did!
Where did they go for shelter and protection? Answer: in the pagan Rome whose
many officials were of their race, the Khazars-Turks of Esau-Edomite stock!
Now, as early as the reign of Emperor Vespasian who succeeded emperor Nero
who was assassinated by the Khazars-Turks (of the Edomite line), Rome and the Vatican
were secretly under the control of the Edomite-Khazars-Turks-Jesuits-Illuminati race, the
fake Jews mentioned in Revelation 3);
The Roman Empire is called in the Bible as Babylon the Great; the Roman
Catholic Church is known by the name Mystery Babylon the Great – (Revelation 17);
Now, Islam is the branch religion of Catholicism, and the Temple of Jerusalem
which they took over was now ashes and the real Jews in dispersion again;
So there two groups of people now dispersed: the true Jews and the followers of
Christ now known as Christians many of whom were also Jews!
These two groups were the target of persecution and murder by the two Babylons
whose tentacles include the Islam Arabs, also the Greek Orthodox and Russian Orthodox
church where the Khazar Jesuits operated to push their new movement known as
Communism to again usher much destruction of the Jews and the true Christians who
were on the run. The Communists under Lenin and Stalin et al did much harm to the
Christians and the Jews;
Also in the time of Hitler who was a Catholic son, 6 million Jews were allegedly
gas-poisoned inside gas chamber. So it was the true Jews and true Christians whom the
fake Jews (Esau-Edomite Khazar Jesuits and the Catholics) et al were in hot pursuit.
Lucifer-Satan succeeded in crucifying the potential king of the Earth who was to
replace him. But he did not know that only the body he could kill but not the spirit. But to
him, at least, the physical Christ whom we call Jesus, could not rise up to become the king
of the world, Satan’s kingdom.
But Lucifer-Satan realize the battle was to continue, e.g., via the disciples of Christ
and also he must have heard that Christ would return in body!
And so Lucifer-Satan made his own plan to span 2,000 years before the scheduled
return of his “vanquished” enemy, the Christ.
He had to wipe out totally Christ’s followers, the true Jews and the Christians.
To accomplish that, Lucifer-Satan has two major agents and arms in the world,
namely (a) the Mystery Babylon the Great (Catholic Church and her daughters who came
from her, e.g., the Protestants, the Orthodox, Anglican and Islam churches) and (b)
Babylon the Great, the beast government which was Rome, then Great Britain and then
the USA.
He guided his umbrella group in the world, the Illuminati, to put up a plan to
destroy the human race, not just the Christians.
Now, the good Lord knew that and He sent His angel to expose that evil plan, by
revealing it to his beloved disciple, John; that became the Book of Revelation!
The Book of Revelation, from chapter 1 to 16 is not God’s Plan, they contain
Lucifer-Satan’s plan; this the Satan group did not want to be made known to mankind.
So through the two Babylons, Lucifer-Satan attempted to cover the Book of
Revelation so as to make it blurred and difficult to understand. So we are wondering how
could a book of revelation be so difficult to understand.
The Roman Catholic Church tampered their own copies (versions and translations)
including the King James Version, and others, to make the Book of Revelation in
particular, blurred.
But God is more powerful and much wiser; so He had His ways to make the hidden
and covered and blurred exposed and made clear to the people; this is now happening.
Explanations were given. Enlightenment given. The meanings of the codes are given.

The 7 Seals, 7 Trumpets and 7 Last Plagues

The main codes and meanings God wanted us to understand in the Book of
Revelation thru John are the 7 Seals- 7 Trumpets – 7 Last Plagues and the number 666. I
am not going to focus in the 666 but on the 777 for now.
7 seals are the 7 main original causes of all world’s major events.
7 trumpets are the 7 major initial effects of the 7 causes; they are fittingly called
trumpets for the purpose of initial effects is to warn the people or individuals to listen and
to step back to avoid
The 7 final ultimate consequences (7 Last plagues) which are then most likely
irrevocable unless the Lord intervenes to stop it.
The 7 seals starts at chapters 6, the 7 Trumpets start at chapter 8:1-2 while the 7
Last Plagues are in chapter 16.
This is talking about worldwide events affecting all nations, but also individuals.
This is also the same to an illness at the personal level: there is the cause-initial
effect or symptom and the chronic final stage relationship.
The trumpets correspond or are like the symptoms of a disease; they are not the
final stage but stages 1 to 2;
The Last Plagues correspond to the stage 3 to 4 of a diseases, which occurs if the
patient does not listen to the previous warning.
Let’s take Plague 2: “all living things in the sea died.”
This is first preceded by Trumpet 2: “And one third of the sea died.”
This is environmental event. Pollution of the sea.
The 2nd Trumpet served as the warning or alert to all concerned to stop polluting
the sea so that Plague 2 would not happen where all things in the sea will die.
The same process or relationship is visible with the other trumpets and plagues.
Plague 3 is the final effect of Trumpet 3.
Plague 1 is ugly sore. One translation uses “malignant” instead of “ugly.” This is
more helpful to us to identify plague 1 which is cancer and all flesh consuming diseases.
You may go to Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 and read the Curses verses there and
you will find the part discussing about the diseases that do not heal and consumes the
flesh. These verses correspond to Revelation 16:1-2, Plague 1- cancer, the ultimate
disease of consumption – your flesh and bones are consumed. Auto-immune diseases.
May I repeat, the Book of Revelation is the secret plan of the Illuminati, but God
and the Lord is so good that they reveal this to us so we can take steps to thwart it.
Now let us go to the Seals, the major causes of the effects (trumpets and plagues).
The Seven (7) Seals
Seal 1 is the white horse: Satan and Lucifer came as angel of the light, white is
known in the Bible as used by them to deceive the people. White horse therefore represent
the false teacher, false gospel, false teaching, false Church.
Since the 7 seals or more strictly the first 6 seals (because the 7 th seal becomes the
point where the 7 trumpets emerged, so to speak) – since the Seals are the major causes,
therefore, seal 1 is the mother of all causes!
Seal # 1
What and who is Seal # 1? The white horse? She is described thus: Rev 6:1 [niv]I
watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals. Then I heard one of the four
living creatures say in a voice like thunder, "Come!"
[kjv]And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the
noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.
Rev 6:2 [niv] I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a
bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on
[kjv]And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a
crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.
If we list the descriptions, namely: a white horse, bow, crown, a conqueror bent
on conquest, then, we have two candidates: it is either a government or a church or
religion working for, or in partnership with, the government
There are many major religions that work for the government, foremost of them are
the Roman Catholic church, the Anglican Church, the Greek Orthodox Church, Islam, etc.
But if you take note that the partnership involved is the conquest, then, you will
have two or three religions that emerge at the top; these are: Roman Catholic Church, the
Protestant churches, and Islam.
And this is where it becomes interesting: The Roman Catholic Church which is an
amalgam (mix) of pagan practices and Christian names (that is, pagan practices given
Christian names to appear as Christian) is the mother of the two: Protestant groups and
That the protestant churches off-shot from Catholicism is not a secret; it is very
well known fact.
But we think Protestant churches should be totally different from their mother
Catholic because Martin Luther, the first leader of Protestantism, rebelled against
Catholicism. So the Protestants wanted to have nothing to do with Catholicism. Right?
Wrong. Only a few Protestant churches were sincere, the others were creation of Rome;
yes, the Roman Catholic created their protestant churches because they were wise and
they know that “if we can’t stop them, better join them”. And it is also in their guidelines
known as The Secret Covenant of the Illuminati to create factions intentionally to appear
as opposed to their capitalism, but in reality they are just second traps.
So to be direct: The Illuminati had succeeded to own and control Communism
which started with good intention. We see Capitalism vs Communism, but they are
owned, financed and supplied weapons by one boss, the Illuminati.
The major political parties seemingly at odds are also controlled by the same
Corporations which seem to be in competition, e.g., Coca-cola and Pepsi, are all
owned by this global elite;
Banks which seem to be in competitive pose against each other are actually owned
by the same group, for they own the money printing machines!
Religions are not different: Roman Catholic Church and those who branched out
from her: Russian Orthodox Church, Greek Orthodox Church, England’s Anglican
Church, America’s Protestant Churches, are also what God revealed in Revelation 17 as
the “harlot daughters” of the whore mother!
How can we prove that? Answer: One thing we can use to prove is the law “you
sow what you reap” or “you sow a wind, you will reap a whirlwind” so worse is the
daughter or fruit than the mother or tree or root cause. Look at the morality of the USA or
America – she is protestant by majority, and look at her morality and dealings with
nations – she is worse than Rome!
The immoralities, the orgies, the group sex, in America, to cite an example, is far
far worse than Sodom and Gomorrah and far worse than that in Rome!
In Rome or Europe, prostitutes were known and can be located, but in America,
there is no prostitute seen, why? Because virtually everyone is a prostitute; you simply
have to leave your house and in just a few minutes, someone will enter your room to have
sex with your wife. This is very easy to occur in cities where most live in apartments, one
couple living close to the other couples.
Many young and beautiful women sell themselves on internet or via telephone and
maintains a network of men to have sex, one or two a day, different men everyday, they
are their clients, to support them, their schooling – they have converted their bedroom into
a business transaction office!
About other perverted sex, like gays – this is also more numerous in America than
in any other place.
Confirmed is what the Lord said about the children of Abraham and Isaac: they
have become worse than Sodom and Gomorrah!
Let me search the verse and see if I can copy it here, for a minute….took me quite
a long time to find it…anyway, here it is, and don’t be surprised, Abraham is alive and so
he (which we call ghost) appeared to Jesus Christ and companions to describe and lament
the worse condition his children via Isaac find themselves in compared to the more
plausible moral state of his descendants via Ishmael, the Arabs. Let’s hear from Abraham
The Descendants of Abraham via Sarah are worse than His Descendants via Hagar
Is it true that according to their patriarch Abraham himself, his Arab children are
better of morally and spiritually than his American children et al. professing to be
Is it true that the descendants of Abraham via Sarah, that is, the children of Isaac
and then Jacob-Israel, among them are the whites in Europe, the Americas,
Canada, Australia, Britain, etc. are morally-spiritually worse than the Arabs who
also descended from Abraham via Hagar and their son Ishmael?
Source: The Great Gospel according to Jesus Christ, volume 17
PETER brought My instruction to the temple [Church] servants who came quickly
to Me and said: “Lord, You already have given the greatest proofs to us, so that
we do not have the slightest doubt anymore about what and who You are, and
therefore we do not desire anymore a sign from You, but if ever You want to
perform one, then we certainly will be grateful to You from the deepest of our
[2] I [Jesus] said: “You surely can see now more or less that I am the promised
Messiah and that after Me there will be no other, but you still do not see that the
Messiah is nobody else than the same Jehovah who on the mountain Sinai gave the
laws to Moses, and for this reason He justly could say on the last feast day in the
temple [Church] about Himself: ‘Before Abraham was, I am’, for which you
wanted to stone Me. In order that you may perceive this, experience and later also
firmly believe it, I will perform for you a special sign. So, be very attentive to what
will happen now.
[3] Since I am also the Lord of the spirit world, I want now that My Abraham will
appear, and to you he will testify of Me. When he will be here then you also can
speak to him.”
[4] Hereupon, a light cloud came down on the hill, and out of the cloud stepped
Abraham, bowed deeply before Me and said: “How much and how long have I
been looking forward to the day of Your appearance and my joy surpasses now all
limits because I have seen Your day on Earth. But no matter how much I am joyful
over You, o Lord Jehovah Zebaoth, I have little reason to rejoice about my
descendants. Truly, the descendants of Hagar are in their actions much better than
the descendants of Sarah.
[5] O Lord, Your love for this wicked generation and Your patience with it
surpasses all limits of Your infinite creations.
[6] When I formerly asked You to still spare the 10 cities with Sodom and
Gomorrah because of the few righteous ones, Your answer sounded bitter. You
were willing to spare them if there could be found only 10, and finally only 2 or 3
completely righteous persons. Since also those were not there, except Lot, You did
not spare the 10 cities, saved only Lot, and everything else was destroyed by fire.
[7] When I now look at these descendants of mine, then even with the threefold
number of the former citizens of the 10 cities, there is hardly one righteous, and
You, o Lord, are sparing even this generation of harlots and adulterers. For Your
limitless love and great patience those miserable people are persecuting You, and
are even animated by the evil imaginary thought to kill You.
[8] O Lord, give up Your too great patience. O Lord, I waited a long time for
Isaac. Only Your power begot him in the body of Sarah. When he already became
a fine boy, You desired – in order to test my faith and obedience – that I should
sacrifice him to You. I submitted to Your will, but You Yourself stopped me from
completely carrying out the instructed work, provided me with a he-goat that I had
to offer instead of Isaac and You gave Isaac back to me. Oh, that was really good
for my heart.
[9] But it were better if I had sacrificed Isaac instead of the goat, so that no
generation would have come out of him that already at the foot of the Sinai in Your
holy presence started to worship a golden calf, and now has become worse than
the darkest gentiles and other children of the world who were begotten by the
serpent by the great harlotry of Babel. O Lord, do stretch out Your right hand once
and destroy Your enemies.”
[10] These words were spoken by the spirit of Abraham with a very serious and
emphasizing voice.
[11] But I said to him: “You know that from now on I do not judge the people
anymore by My zeal but only by themselves, for the sake of the few righteous who
have not yet bent their knees before the mammon of this world. That is why we are
letting the world that is dumb and blind by its own will, go now its own way and
execute the judgment that it has caused itself, leading to its own destruction.
[12] But I want to lead My true children Myself on the ways of the light and on the
paths of life. What can be saved will now also be saved. However, the one who will
not allow himself to be saved and does not want to be free from judgment and
death that he has caused himself, will also reap whatever he desires.
[13] If someone wants freedom and thereby eternal life, then he will also find it.
However, if someone wants judgment and death, then also this will be his share.
Because from now on no Jew will be able to say: ‘I also would have walked the
ways of the light if only I would have known something about it.’ I Myself have
taught and worked everywhere, and even today I will send out 70 disciples who
will carry out and preach My teaching to all the ends of the entire old Jewish
kingdom, to gentiles and Jews, and within a year My oldest and first disciples will
carry out this gospel in My name into the whole world. Salvation to everyone who
will accept it and will direct his life conforming to it.”
[14] Upon this, the spirit of Abraham bowed again deep before Me, thanked Me
and disappeared.
This testimony was spoken by the Lord when He came here in flesh, circa, A.D.
Question: What about today, around 2,000 years later in AD 2017?
I have come across another statement sent also from the celestial beings from
Above led by no other than the Lord in confirming that if it was worse in the time He first
came in the flesh, the end-time would be worst… so it was from worse to worst.
I hope for find the statement and quote it here… but I will spend another period of
time to retrieve them from the thick books.
For the moment, I would like to rely on the observations and opinions of many that
Protestant America’s morality is worse than her mother, Catholic Rome. Catholicism is
the mother of Protestantism. If one reaps a whirlwind (worse) for sowing a wind (bad), the
daughter would be a worse harlot than her whore mother. This is not true for the humble
one who learns the lesson and becomes more learned about right and wrong, but alas, for
those who don’t learn, it’s gonna be worse than the original tree. And sadly, this is what
happens to Protestant America, the daughter of Catholic Rome. In prostitution, in
lesbianism, in homosexuality, in adultery, in orgy or group sex, in land grabbing foreign
Natives’ land, in destroying lands (in fact, when this race seized America to become the
USA, it turned 2/3 of its former very fertile land into now a man-made forest with the
equivalent size of 22 Philippines!; only a third is left viable for agriculture and this too is
fast becoming dead due to acidic and toxic chemicals!), American is very destructive.
So who is Seal # 1 – that white whore, I mean, horse? It is Rome-Vatican-
Catholicism-false teacher and her network of false teaching, false religion, false political
and economic system that is creating and churning countless of poverty and diseases and
death on a day to day basis! All over the world!
Her network includes of course the Roman Catholicism, then her daughters,
Protestantism via Great Britain, USA, Australia, Canada, and the rest of the
children of Israel… those who call themselves Christians;
Islam as her branch-daughter in the Arab countries; it was the Jesuit Edomites
who raised Mohammad and wrote the Quran for him, and supported his
conquest in the Middle East et al with money and weapons to ensure that he
would succeed in his goal: to convert by the sword all Arab land into Islam, the
secret daughter of Catholicism.
Orthodox Church of Russia and its communism – all are creation of the Jesuits-
This is how wide and all-encompassing is Babylon the Great (government) and Mystery
Babylon the Great (church).
But take note, it can be bigger than we so far know!
So this is the white horse – the false teacher and false teaching based on lies,
deception, coercion, fear, threats, greed, lust, pride, etc.
It is based on the root attitude of bad 666 = 600 fold love for Self + 60fold love for
selected neighbor + 6fold Love for God. Equals GREED, LUST, PRIDE. This is the 666
teaching of the Beast in Revelation 13 & the whore in Revelation 17.
In contrast to good 666 = 600fold love for God and His poor + 60fold Love for
neighbor without favoritism + humble 6fold Love for Self. This is the valuation of the
teaching of Christ: Love God above all (600) and your neighbor (60) as yourself (6).
So this 666 of greed, lust and pride is the attitude that operated and motivated the
individual and collective mankind all these millennia, centuries, decades, years, months,
weeks, hours, minutes and seconds. It is the energy – the gasoline – that fuels all
activities, all families, all nations, all corporations, with very infinitesimal exception who
operated on the good selfless 666.
It is these two Babylons the Great, Church and State. Do not be deceived; there is
no church and state separation in reality. The Church-State separation is only a policy on
paper and in a token number of aspects such as tax matters is to state, tithe matters is to
church, Bible is to church, Constitution is to state; material needs of the people is to state,
spiritual needs of the people is to church, etc. But this façade hides the truth that there is a
conspiracy teamwork – there has been since the beginning – between state and church to
operate on bad 666 to fulfill the greed, lust and pride of the few who rule the world,
confining the majority as their tools, their milking cows, their employees-slaves, and the
This is the Bad 666 System that is being implemented, sustained, even refined on a
day to day basis, by those who are in power to ensure that they can take more from the
masses and enrich themselves by their sweat, tears and even blood!
This is the bad way to get rich. For example, it was calculated by an international
economist that for the American family to sustain its luxurious life of wine used for taking
a bath, swimming pool on the roof, a fleet of expensive cars, secret fleet of women, etc.,
the system starves at least 2 families elsewhere in the world! To sustain one American
I am not against any race or person; I love the Americans ever since I was a child,
but am continuously hurt to see them who they really are.
Nevertheless, I am against the wrong attitude of 666, the wrong system of 666, that
bad 666 that spoils every person, American or not, from being a pure innocent child into a
predator and victimizer.
Look, see the effect of this white horse – this Roman Catholicism and her network
of Islamism, Orthodoxism, Protestantism etc – see the effects in the world – there are only
two effects, to wit: victims and victimizers; or preys and predators. This is the world
created by this bad 666 system.
But if we expound the effects, we will have the next seals as its major effects but
which also evolved into its major sub-causes, from being effects of Seal # 1, they also
emerge as causes of the next effect in the long chain of causes and effects, to wit:
Seal # 2
Seal# 2 – Red horse: DIVISION AND WAR. The “Divide and Rule” tactic. This is easy to
decode especially that the verse talks about taking peace from the earth and producing war.
Rev 6:3 [niv]When the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living
creature say, "Come!"
Rev 6:4 [niv]Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given
power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other. To him
was given a large sword.
Oh my God! “To make them slay each other” means they create war. They are now
known to be the Jesuits, the agents of Rothschild, the owner of the banks who find war as his
most profitable business transaction!
O my God! How it corresponds to the Secret Covenant of destruction by the
Illuminati, to wit:
“We will establish their governments and establish opposites within. We will own both
We will make them kill each other when it suits us. ...
We will keep them separated from the oneness by dogma and religion.
We will control all aspects of their lives and tell them what to think and how.
We will guide them kindly and gently letting them think they are guiding themselves.
We will foment animosity between them through our factions.
When a light shall shine among them, we shall extinguish it by ridicule, or death,
whichever suits us best.
We will make them rip each other’s hearts apart and kill their own children.
They will bathe in their own blood and kill their neighbours for as long as we see fit."

See the similarities: The Bible says “take peace from the earth and to make men slay each
other;” the Secret Covenant of the Illuminati says, “We will foment animosity
between them” and “We will make them kill each other.”
So DIVISION AND WAR is the first major effect of false teachings of division taught by
Seal # 1.
Seal # 3
Seal # 3: The Black Horse: CAPITALISM – the system of measuring and
metering the wages, the purchases, etc., of the people so that more shall go to the few
rich to further enrich them, and only a small portion goes to the people to ensure they
remain poor and weak. Rice and food is measured. Electricity is metered. Water is
metered. Everything. Thus:
Rev 6:5 [niv]When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living
creature say, "Come!" I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was
holding a pair of scales in his hand.
Rev 6:6 [niv]Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living
creatures, saying, "A quart of wheat for a day's wages, and three quarts of barley
for a day's wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!"
So, you see, the major method and strategy of the Powers That Be is the
metering and measuring of everything that the people need to ensure that theirs is
poverty and to the elite is all the wealth and the power.
This is capitalism – greed-driven capitalism, lust-led capitalism, pride-
motivated capitalism – that made the one 1% rich and the 99% poor.
This system will further cause many destructions as we shall see – destructions
that are symbolically called in the Scriptures as “trumpets” and “plagues” which we
shall mention in passing or do some little expounding to enlighten.
So Seal-Cause # 3 is capitalism to be the main economic engine of the bad 666
love attitude.
Seal # 4
Seal-Cause # 4: Pale Horse: The Systematic Killing of ¼ of the earth’s
population via the following four tools:
a) swords or the creation of wars where we have been already told in Seal 2
that they intentionally “take away peace from the earth” and cause the people “to kill
each other”; this is not accidental but intentional; they use intrigues, vices, opium,
liquors, drugs, etc., to convert gentle people into war-like tribes; so the terrible
phenomenon we call “redo” or infinite hatred and endless killings of tribes against
another by tribes who were known to be very gentle – this shocking phenomenon was
a secret orchestration by the Jesuits, the war makers of the Illuminati, the evil Dark
b) famine which are not natural but are orchestrated by their HAARP
technology, which consists of rows and columns of high-frequency wireless towers
that emit radiation or beams laser heat to melt clouds and prevent rains, push back the
wind and stray from their regular routes so that the clouds which the wind carries
would not reach their destination which would end up El Nino while the clouds would
collect in one place to produce the La Nina effect or severe flooding;
c) plague or pestilence (diseases) which both their manufacturing industry sows
via the chemicals and which their sorcery-pharmaceutical industries reaps as well as
multiply via their medicines which give birth to new diseases!; and
d) wild beasts (including both the human slaughterers like the popes and
emperors who killed more than 100 million innocents during religious crusades known
as Inquisition; Mohammad who killed 270 million during his entire campaign for
forcibly convert the nations into Islam; communist Mao Tse Tong who killed 70
million of his Chinese countrymen to push communism; and the microscopic beasts
(germs and virus) invented by the same men in their secret labs underneath the Vatican
to produce epidemics like the AIDS, the ebola virus, the bird flu, to name just a few.
These four activities of destruction are all orchestrated; they are real conspiracies, not
mere conspiracy theories. So we have decoded the cause-system seal # 4 – the
system that creates war, led by Rothschild and his Jesuit agents, the war mongers,
the master war creators; the system that creates famine via their HAARP technology
which devastated much of the fertile land in Africa – the great famines in Africa were
not God-or-nature-willed but some secret equipment were used to melt every cloud
that found itself in the sky of Africa – so the Africans would die or abandon the lands
which are being eyed by the covetous Power That Be; the system that creates
diseases via their manuFactories and Pharmaceuticals; and the system that creates
men and animals into “beasts” or “mass murderers.”
Seal # 5
Seal-Cause # 5: The Great Tribulation a.k.a. Catholic Inquisition/ Religious
Crusades that killed more than 100 million true Christians, and Islamic conquest
that killed 270 million based on the Quran which was written by the Jesuits and
patterned after the Old Testament; the effect of this was the disappearance of light
and the total darkness that covered the earth afterwards. It has been symbolically
called sun to refer to the Word direct from God, such as those of the Lord Jesus
Christ; the light is called “moonlight” to refer to the teachings or words from the
prophet and the apostles and star lights (least) refer to the limited wisdom of the
sages or philosophers. What happened was that: they succeeded to remove the
sunlight (direct word of God or the Christ) and the moonlight (the writings and
teachings of the prophets and the apostles) and what had the world got? Answer:
star lights in a very dark moonless night. This is the real Dark Ages that occurred
after the Great Tribulation or after they had put off the lights that the true believers
held and would have spread had they not been persecuted and executed. But the
world would later realize the cost they pay for removing the lights off the world.
How much faulty systems and harmful philosophies that would be imposed to
become the way of life of the people, only to make them wake up one morning the
terrible harm and destruction these lie-deception-systems have done on them. Let
us mention a few of these systems that are now becoming exposed as the systems
of death:
1) capitalism;
2) communism;
3) socialism;
4) manufacturing system;
5) pharmaceutical system;
6) the monetary or banking system;
7) chemical agriculture; to name the major ones.
These systems have been imposed upon the people to become their way of life.
And we are seeing the devastation, the illnesses, the losses, the destruction of the
environment as well as of the health of the people as results of these deceptive and
destructive systems which the people could not detect and discern as wickedness
because they had lost both the sunlight and the moonlight! When the moonlight
was restored (Old Testament of the prophets and New Testament of the apostles),
these were already tainted with 250,000 errors and lies injected by no one else but
the Catholic-Protestants Churches!
Let us read the verses, thus:
Rev 6:9 [niv]When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those
who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had
Rev 6:10 [niv]They called out in a loud voice, "How long, Sovereign Lord, holy
and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?"
Rev 6:11 [niv]Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to
wait a little longer, until the number of their fellow servants and brothers who were
to be killed as they had been was completed.
Seal # 6
Seal-Cause # 6 is no longer negative and no longer of the Dark Force but God’s
intervention to initiate the victory for the Light at the end-game. Thus:
Rev 6:12 [niv] I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great
earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon
turned blood red,
Rev 6:13 [niv] and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as late figs drop from a fig tree
when shaken by a strong wind.
Rev 6:14 [niv] The sky receded like a scroll, rolling up, and every mountain and
island was removed from its place.
Rev 6:15 [niv] Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the
mighty, and every slave and every free man hid in caves and among the rocks of
the mountains.
Rev 6:16 [niv] They called to the mountains and the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us
from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!
Rev 6:17 [niv] For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand?"
This is now a sort of retaliation by the persecuted victimized oppressed light forces, the
believers of Christ.
Seal # 7 = The 7 Trumpets
Now let us go to Seal # 7 which is the set of the 7 partial effects of the Seals-Causes.
These are called the 7 Trumpets. The 7th Seal is the 7 Trumpets. The Seals causes the
Trumpets. The Seals are the root causes, the Trumpets are the initial effects or symptoms
meant to become warnings, to give us time to repent or step back and discontinue our
wrong path. That is why these partial effects are called Trumpets; trumpets are symbol of
Let us now decode these 7 trumpets one by one and perhaps their corresponding effects in
the 7 Last Plagues, to the best of what we understand.
Trumpet # 1
Trumpet # 1: 1/3 of the dry earth (tress, grassland, plants) destroyed. We can bring
to our remembrance how the Americans have turned 2/3 of the once very fertile
land of America into man-made desert – it is their chemical and monoculture
system of agriculture, where they poisoned the soil by their toxic chemicals and
also by their monoculture system which left their crops or plant without the
protection of strong fruit trees, and therefore, for example, when strong hurricanes
struck the Central Plains of the USA way back in the 1934, tons of soil were taken
by the hurricanes to the Atlantic ocean, resulting to instant desertification of a size
of Germany and France combined! That is the result of monoculture, e.g., planting
only one kind of crop such as wheat, very vulnerable to flooding – to soil erosion.
That was already a warning. A trumpet. Many similar incidences all over the world
were allowed to happen to alert mankind about the danger of their chemical and
monoculture system. If mankind would listen, then, the destruction of the earth’s
land and food production would be stopped and the health of the people which
depends on the soil would be protected.
Question: Did mankind listen to the Trumpet? Or did they not? I think the majority
did not listen. And so we had Plague # 1 as the end-effect of destroying the life-
giving ecosystem of the planet. We have now Plague 1 as epidemic among the
What is plague 1? Answer: the “ugly sores” or in one translation, “the malignant
sores” meaning: cancers – which are more than 100 types. The curse sections of
Leviticus 16 and Deuteronomy 28 describe these plague as (1) diseases that do not
heal – incurable; (2) disease that cause endless itch, e.g., STDs; (3) diseases that
consumes the flesh – disease of consumption – e.g., cancer, TB, diabetes, and all
other similar diseases that decays or eats up the flesh and bones!; (4) ugly because
it stinks, etc. Plague 1 is the result if the people would not listen to Trumpet 1: do
not destroy your ecosystem that supports your life and is responsible for your
Trumpet # 2
Trumpet # 2: 1/3 of the sea harmed (polluted). If we do not listen, then Plague # 2
would usher which is “all life in the sea died”.
They key to life of the fishes in the seas is the plankton, that microscopic half-
plant-like and half-organism-like creature that float alive and abundantly on the
surface of the seas and oceans to serve as
(1) oxygen producer to assist the trees; and
(2) food for the small fishes, without which no bigger fish would live.
So first, the small fish eat the plankton, the bigger fish eat the small fish, and so on
and so forth up to the largest fish in the sea.
In other words, you take out the plankton of the picture and you have no food for
the larger fish!
So what did the evil Illuminati do? They let toxic industrial chemical wastes be
thrown from the cities into the oceans, and at times let the ship carrying oil to
shipwreck and cause oil spill causing the death of planktons.
So this is in essence how the death of the sea is being orchestrated plus the wrong
practices of the people including their catching the egg-carrying mother fishes who
ought to be freed so they can let their eggs, to the tune of million, become millions
of new fishes, instead of greediness to cook and eat one mother fish with her eggs
which act could not benefit many others, except one family who eat her in one
The poisoning of the rivers also affect the life of the planktons who live and thrive
by the forest juices that arrives to the seas during rains and the mineral-field fresh
waters from the springs that go to the seas via the rivers. These are the food of the
planktons. So, if they are not diluted or poisoned, we will see abundance of
planktons to cause the abundance of small fishes to cause the abundance of bigger
and bigger fishes! This is the message of Trumpet 2 and Plague 2.
Trumpet # 3
Trumpet # 3: 1/3 of the fresh water polluted by mining activities, etc.; if we won’t
take heed, then, Plague # 3 – all the fresh waters becoming bitter – that is, toxic and
color blood, meaning: fresh water causing illness and death, instead of causing
healing and health. The Trumpets serve as the partial effects, e.g., stage 1 and 2;
while the Plagues as the chronic state, e.g., stage 3 and 4, if we borrow the ratings
of cancers and other diseases. Or signal 1 to 2 for the Trumpets but signal 3 to 4 for
the Plagues, if we borrow the terminologies of the typhoon and hurricane.
Trumpet # 4
Trumpet # 4: Damage of the atmosphere
Revelation 8: 12 - “The fourth angel sounded his trumpet, and a third of the sun
was struck, a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of them
turned dark. A third of the day was without light, and also a third of the night.”
What is this? Atmospheric destruction? Chemicals on the air preventing enough
light from the sun and the moon and the stars? Global warming? Climate change?
Excess and exiting heat from the earth cannot get out because they are trapped,
being prevented by CFC smoke chemicals accumulating in the atmosphere? Very
probably. One author wrote about the inability of the fruit trees to bear fruits if
there is no sufficient sunlight to reach the farmlands.
Spiritually, this prevents the sunlight from beaming its information-carrying lights
to the minds of mankind! This is therefore spiritually bad as it is physically
damaging to the health of the people.
What is its corresponding plague # 4 in Revelation 16? Answer: Ozone layer
depletion or holing.
Rev 16:8 [niv]The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was
given power to scorch people with fire.
Rev 16:9 [niv]They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of
God, who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify
These CFC smoke from fossil fuel used by factories and vehicles first settle in the
lower atmosphere, thus, forming an invisible wide blanket that traps the exiting
heat from the earth; but then, excess of this CFC smoke would go up higher to
deplete the ozone layer, where the thinned portion or the holed part of the ozone
layer would allow more heat from the sun, its ultra-violet rays which when it struck
the oceans, would boil the waters to give birth to hurricanes and typhoons! Since
the large number of huge smoke exhausts of huge oil refineries are lining along the
coastal states of the USA, it is logical that the sky or ozone layer of that area are the
most-depleted, hence, more UVRs strike the Atlantic oceans, thus, its regular treat
of series of hurricanes every year in the month of August onward! So we have
Trumpet # 4 calling mankind to stop burning the fossil fuel because it forms a
blanket on the lower atmosphere to prevent excess heat from being released to the
space; did we listen? I think we did not. And so more and more amount of CFC
smoke moved up to the higher ozone layer to deplete it, create ozone holes, to pave
the way for the most destructive hurricanes in the Atlantic, and super-typhoons in
the Pacific! Trumpet # 4 resulting to the sun Plague # 4 of Revelation 16, because
we did not listen and because we have lost all lights – all enlightenment when we
killed the light bearers of Christ, His true disciples.
Trumpet # 5
Trumpet # 5 (Woe 1) & Plague # 5: STRANGE CREATURES – lab-cultured? Or
by cloning? The end-result would be the beast government in “total darkness” –
Does this mean total wickedness too? It appears to be so.
Rev 9:1 [niv]The fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen
from the sky to the earth. The star was given the key to the shaft of the Abyss.
Rev 9:2 [niv]When he opened the Abyss, smoke rose from it like the smoke from
a gigantic furnace. The sun and sky were darkened by the smoke from the Abyss.
Rev 9:3 [niv]And out of the smoke locusts came down upon the earth and were
given power like that of scorpions of the earth.
Rev 9:4 [niv]They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plant or tree,
but only those people who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads.
Rev 9:5 [niv]They were not given power to kill them, but only to torture them for
five months. And the agony they suffered was like that of the sting of a scorpion
when it strikes a man.
Rev 9:6 [niv]During those days men will seek death, but will not find it; they will
long to die, but death will elude them.
Rev 9:7 [niv]The locusts looked like horses prepared for battle. On their heads
they wore something like crowns of gold, and their faces resembled human faces.
Rev 9:8 [niv]Their hair was like women's hair, and their teeth were like lions'
Rev 9:9 [niv]They had breastplates like breastplates of iron, and the sound of their
wings was like the thundering of many horses and chariots rushing into battle.
Rev 9:10 [niv]They had tails and stings like scorpions, and in their tails they had
power to torment people for five months.
Rev 9:11 [niv]They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in
Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon.
Rev 9:12 [niv]The first woe is past; two other woes are yet to come.
November 11, 2018 - There are now reports of powerful nations like the USA, Russia,
etc in contest to manufacture robotic soldiers, not to mention the race to produce
human-like soldiers through cloning. Thirdly, there is also the news about alien race
cross-breeding with human race (reptoid) through genetic engineering (DNA
manipulation), etc. Fourthly, there is the danger of nano-robots where they can make
very tiny robots that can serve as nano-germs, nano-virus, etc. to serve dark purposes.
These may be the fulfillment of the prophecy in seal # 5 on strange organisms.
Revelation 16:10 [niv]The fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the
beast, and his kingdom was plunged into darkness. Men gnawed their tongues in
Rev 16:11 [niv]and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their
sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done.

Trumpet # 6
Trumpet # 6 & Plague # 6: The Middle East Crisis (Muslims-Arabs vs Christians)
which could mature into Plague # 7, the nuclear World War III
Rev 9:13 [niv]The sixth angel sounded his trumpet, and I heard a voice coming
from the horns of the golden altar that is before God.
Rev 9:14 [niv]It said to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, "Release the four angels
who are bound at the great river Euphrates."
Rev 9:15 [niv]And the four angels who had been kept ready for this very hour and day
and month and year were released to kill a third of mankind.
Rev 9:16 [niv]The number of the mounted troops was two hundred million. I heard
their number.
Rev 9:17 [niv]The horses and riders I saw in my vision looked like this: Their
breastplates were fiery red, dark blue, and yellow as sulfur. The heads of the horses
resembled the heads of lions, and out of their mouths came fire, smoke and sulfur.
Rev 9:18 [niv]A third of mankind was killed by the three plagues of fire, smoke and
sulfur that came out of their mouths.
Rev 9:19 [niv]The power of the horses was in their mouths and in their tails; for their
tails were like snakes, having heads with which they inflict injury.
Rev 9:20 [niv]The rest of mankind that were not killed by these plagues still did not
repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons, and idols of
gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood--idols that cannot see or hear or walk.
Rev 9:21 [niv]Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic arts, their sexual
immorality or their thefts.

Revelation 16:12 [niv]The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river
Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East.
Rev 16:13 [niv]Then I saw three evil spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of
the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false
Rev 16:14 [niv]They are spirits of demons performing miraculous signs, and they go
out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the battle on the great day of
God Almighty.
Rev 16:15 [niv]"Behold, I come like a thief! Blessed is he who stays awake and keeps
his clothes with him, so that he may not go naked and be shamefully exposed."
Rev 16:16 [niv]Then they gathered the kings together to the place that in Hebrew is
called Armageddon.
Plague # 6 is up to the Valley of Megiddo, the valley of gathering of the armies to prepare
for the war, not the actual site of the war which is the Valley of Jehosaphat.
So Plague # 6 is the intense war preparation with the active work of the 3 spirits which
take charge in the propaganda to convince the nations to go to war!
The three spirits may refer to the three modes of mass media, which are: prints, radio
(audio) and TV (video).
Trumpet # 7
Trumpet 7 consists of the 7 Last Plagues.
CITIES AND ISLANDS = nuclear World War III or can also be the approach of
powerful huge planet such as Nibiru which can initiate a pole shift as well as mega-
quake-like effect that can also melt or remove cities, islands and mountains.
If this is nuclear war, then, this does not effect from a specific Trumpet but from its
preceding Plague # 6: the war preparation called Armageddon.
If we will not win in the Word War in Plague # 6 – if we lose in the propaganda war and
the lies and insinuations of the Dark Force would win, then, Plague # 7 – the nuclear
World War III would occur!
That is guaranteed!
Rev 16:17 [niv] The seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air, and out of
the temple came a loud voice from the throne, saying, "It is done!"
Rev 16:18 [niv]Then there came flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder
and a severe earthquake. No earthquake like it has ever occurred since man has
been on earth, so tremendous was the quake.
Rev 16:19 [niv]The great city split into three parts, and the cities of the nations
collapsed. God remembered Babylon the Great and gave her the cup filled with the
wine of the fury of his wrath.
Rev 16:20 [niv]Every island fled away and the mountains could not be found.
Rev 16:21 [niv]From the sky huge hailstones of about a hundred pounds each fell
upon men. And they cursed God on account of the plague of hail, because the
plague was so terrible.

This is the understanding we have so far of the 7-7-7- major events of the Book of
Revelation which the Dark Force did not and do not want revealed to mankind…
but through His love, the Lord exposed to us through the service of the apostle
John who wrote the dictation of the angel.
So we know the Future. We know the evil Plan of the Dark Force. The secret plan
of the Illuminati which they also recorded in the secret document known as The
Secret Covenant of the Illuminati which lists the strategies and specific objectives
to help bring the Master Plan in the Book of Revelation to fruition. So to complete
our discussion, let me quote the Secret Covenant of the Illuminati, here:
(How they would operate to deceive, control, oppress & destroy humanity)

An illusion it will be, so large, so vast it will escape their perception. 

Those who will see it will be thought of as insane. 
We will create separate fronts to prevent them from seeing the connection between
We will behave as if we are not connected to keep the illusion alive. 
Our goal will be accomplished one drop at a time so as to never bring suspicion
upon ourselves. 
This will also prevent them from seeing the changes as they occur.
We will work together always and will remain bound by blood and secrecy. 
Death will come to him who speaks.
We will keep their lifespan short and their minds weak while pretending to do the
We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so they will
never see what is happening. 
We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in
the air. 
They will be blanketed by poisons everywhere they turn. 
The poisons will be hidden in everything that surrounds them, in what they drink,
eat, breathe and wear. 
We will create medicine that will make them sicker and cause other diseases for
which we will create yet more medicine. 
We will render them docile and weak before us by our power. 
Their minds will belong to us and they will do as we say. If they refuse we shall
find ways to implement mind-altering technology into their lives.
We will use fear as our weapon. 
We will establish their governments and establish opposites within.
We will own both sides. 
They will perform the labour for us and we shall prosper from their toil. 
Our families will never mix with theirs. 
Our blood must be pure always, for it is the way. 
We will make them kill each other when it suits us. 
We will keep them separated from the oneness by dogma and religion.
We will control all aspects of their lives and tell them what to think and how. 
We will guide them kindly and gently letting them think they are guiding
We will foment animosity between them through our factions.
When a light shall shine among them, we shall extinguish it by ridicule, or death,
whichever suits us best. 
We will make them rip each other’s hearts apart and kill their own children. 
They will bathe in their own blood and kill their neighbours for as long as we see
We will benefit greatly from this, for they will not see us, for they cannot see us. 
We will continue to prosper from their wars and their deaths. 
We will make them live in fear and anger. 
We will use all their tools we have to accomplish this. 
The tools will be provided by their labour. 
We will make them hate themselves and their neighbours. 
We will always hide the divine truth from them, that we are all one. 
This they must never know! 
Drop-by-drop; drop-by-drop we will advance our goal.
We will take over their land, resources and wealth to exercise total control over
We will deceive them into accepting laws that will steal the little freedom they will
We will establish a money system that will imprison them forever, keeping them
and their children in debt. 
When they shall ban together, we shall accuse them of crimes and present a
different story to the world for we shall own all the media. 
When they shall rise up against us we will crush them like insects, for they are less
than that. 
They will be helpless to do anything for they will have no weapons.
We will recruit some of their own to carry out our plans, we will promise them
eternal life, but eternal life they will never have for they are not of us.
The truth will be hidden in their face, so close they will not be able to focus on it
until it’s too late. 
Oh yes, so grand the illusion of freedom will be, that they will never know they are
our slaves. 
When all is in place, the reality we will have created for them will own them. 
Their minds will be bound by their beliefs, the beliefs we have established from
time immemorial. 
But if they ever find out they are our equal, we shall perish then.
If they ever find out that together they can vanquish us, they will take action. 
They must never, ever find out what we have done, for if they do, we shall have no
place to run. No one shall give us shelter. 
This is the secret covenant by which we shall live the rest of our present and future
lives, for this reality will transcend many generations and life spans.
This covenant is sealed by blood, our blood!

May the God of Love and the Lord of Wisdom, the Christ help us see love
triumphs over hatred and the obsession for vengeance!
The Plan of the Evil Ones ends in chapter 16 of the Book of Revelation. They are
thinking that World War III will put an end to the human race and leave them the final
But they do not expect the Lord would engineer the unprecedented expose of their
identity and their dark works so that the human race which has been beholden and so far
obedient to their will that lead to destruction, would wake up and see who they are whom
they are worshipping or obeying and serving!
Revelation 17 is the chapter of Expose. This will lead to internal infighting so that
what was once a partnership, the beast government would suddenly turned against the
And Revelation 18 is the advance description of the fall of the two Babylons: the
State and the Church.
And Revelation 19 sees the tide turning in favor to the Light Force.
Revelation 20: the defeat of Satan and his Illuminati
Revelation 21 & 22 – the descent of God’s Kingdom on earth. Victory at last!
Paradise Lost, Paradise Restored.

Brother, let us play skillfully the end-game with the wisdom of God in our mind
and love of God in our hearts.
Then, victory is assured!
God bless you and all.
With love and respect,

P.S. We can choose; prophecy is not carved on stones. They are actually plans
divulged, in this case, plan of the Dark Force exposed by the angel of God to John and
through John to us.
We have the choice all throughout the 7-7-7 frame. And since we are now at the
Armageddon stage, the Plague 6, we have one last choice to make: Push through with the
Plague # 7 which is WW III, the Grand Global Derby Finale played by at least two major
cocks, to wit: Ishmael-Arabs-Muslims vs Isaac-White race-Christians with their respective
allies or cripple the plan by not doing our part. And what is our part? They expect us to do the
role of the cocks! To be their ground troops. Their mercenaries. Their armies.
If we refuse to do that, then, the Illuminati would be like a giant without feet and
without arms! Or like a roaring lion without teeth and without claws!

Note: For inquiries or further explanation or for correction, etc., contact email:
The 7 Last Plagues are Effects of The 7 Trumpets Caused by the 7 Seals


[niv]Then the seven angels who had [niv]Then I heard a loud voice
the seven trumpets prepared to from the temple saying to the
Rev sound them. seven angels, "Go, pour out the
8:6 [kjv]And the seven angels which seven bowls of God's wrath on
had the seven trumpets prepared Rev the earth."
themselves to sound. 16:1 [kjv]And I heard a great voice
out of the temple saying to the
seven angels, Go your ways,
and pour out the vials of the
wrath of God upon the earth.




Trumpet # 1: Plague # 1:
[niv]The first angel sounded his [niv]The first angel went and
trumpet, and there came hail and poured out his bowl on the land,
fire mixed with blood, and it was and ugly and painful sores
hurled down upon the earth. A broke out on the people who
Rev 8:7 third of the earth was burned up, had the mark of the beast and
a third of the trees were burned worshiped his image.
up, and all the green grass was [kjv]And the first went, and
burned up. poured out his vial upon the
[kjv]The first angel sounded, and earth; and there fell a noisome
there followed hail and fire and grievous sore upon the men
mingled with blood, and they which had the mark of the
were cast upon the earth: and the beast, and upon them which
third part of trees was burnt up, worshipped his image.
and all green grass was burnt up.
Note: In Deuteronomy 28, these are termed as “wasting disease” (NIV) or diseases of
“consumption” (KJV) because our flesh and bones are consumed or eaten up (Deut. 28:21-
22); “boils of Egypt,” “tumors” “festering sores and the itch, from which you cannot be
cured” (v. 27). Incurable “itches” like STDs. Incurable festering sores are cancers, diabetes,
AIDs, etc.
Older manuscripts for Revelation 16’s “sore” was “gangrene” and “kancer”. Diabetes and
cancer are a kind of gangrene – the flesh is consumed!
The NIV’s “ugly and painful sores” and KJV’s “noisome and grievous sore,” for
Revelation 16:2 does not tell people clearly that Bowl-Plague No. 1 is CVD-Cancer-
Diabetes-STDs-AIDS Plague.

Using descriptions from both Deuteronomy 28 and Revelation 16, we have the followings
words: wasting/consuming (decaying), ugly (and very mal-odorous),
noisome/festering/grievous (disturbing), itchy for STDs but painful in the case of cancers.
painful and incurable!
These describe the raging ongoing Bowl-Plague No. 1 all over the world but most
especially in the USA, the Philippines and other nations that abuse (process) food and mis-
use sex.



Trumpet # 2: Rev Bowl-Plague # 2:


[niv]The second angel sounded [niv]The second angel poured

his trumpet, and something like a out his bowl on the sea, and it
Rev 8:8
huge mountain, all ablaze, was turned into blood like that of a
thrown into the sea. A third of dead man, and every living
the sea turned into blood, thing in the sea died.
[kjv]And the second angel [kjv]And the second angel
sounded, and as it were a great poured out his vial upon the
mountain burning with fire was sea; and it became as the blood
cast into the sea: and the third of a dead man: and every living
part of the sea became blood; soul died in the sea.
[niv]a third of the living
creatures in the sea died, and a
third of the ships were destroyed.
Rev 8:9 [kjv]And the third part of the
creatures which were in the sea,
and had life, died; and the third
part of the ships were destroyed.

We continued pouring our toxic chemical-industrial from our cities and factories into the
seas by tons, by shiploads. We continued spilling oil into the seas ship after ship. Spilled oil
spreads as very thin covering in a very wide span of the sea-ocean surface, covering and
then poisoning the planktons. Planktons are single-celled organisms floating on the surface
of the sea/ vast oceans. They are the food of the small fishes, which are in turn feed of the
bigger fishes and so on and so forth. Meaning: No plankton means no small fish, means no
big fish.




Trumpet # 3: Bowl-Plague # 3:
[niv]The third angel sounded his DRYING UP
trumpet, and a great star, blazing causing “blood” (death)
like a torch, fell from the sky on Rev
Rev 8:10
a third of the rivers and on the 16:4 [niv]The third angel poured out
springs of water-- his bowl on the rivers and
[kjv]And the third angel springs of water, and they
sounded, and there fell a great became blood.
star from heaven, burning as it [kjv]And the third angel poured
were a lamp, and it fell upon the out his vial upon the rivers and
third part of the rivers, and upon fountains of waters; and they
the fountains of waters; became blood.

Rev 8:11 [niv]the name of the star is Rev [niv]Then I heard the angel in
Wormwood. A third of the charge of the waters say: "You
waters turned bitter, and many are just in these judgments, you
people died from the waters that who are and who were, the
had become bitter. Holy One, because you have so
[kjv]And the name of the star is judged;
called Wormwood: and the third [kjv]And I heard the angel of
part of the waters became the waters say, Thou art
wormwood; and many men died righteous, O Lord, which art,
of the waters, because they were and wast, and shalt be, because
made bitter. thou hast judged thus.

[niv]for they have shed the

blood of your saints and
prophets, and you have given
them blood to drink as they
[kjv]For they have shed the
blood of saints and prophets,
and thou hast given them blood
to drink; for they are worthy.

[niv]And I heard the altar

respond: "Yes, Lord God
Almighty, true and just are your
Rev judgments."
16:7 [kjv]And I heard another out of
the altar say, Even so, Lord God
Almighty, true and righteous
are thy judgments.

We see this happening before our very own eyes. Fresh waters are no longer safe, and
many are now depending on distilled water to drink. Gone are the fresh spring waters that
deserve to be dubbed as “living waters” or “waters of life.”

Our rivers nowadays are full of poisonous chemicals such as mercury from the mining
companies as well as the toxic residues of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides.



Trumpet # 4: Bowl-Plague # 4:
Rev [niv]The fourth angel poured
[niv]The fourth angel sounded 16:8 out his bowl on the sun, and the
his trumpet, and a third of the sun was given power to scorch
sun was struck, a third of the people with fire.
moon, and a third of the stars, so [kjv]And the fourth angel
Rev 8:12 that a third of them turned dark. poured out his vial upon the
A third of the day was without sun; and power was given unto
light, and also a third of the him to scorch men with fire.
[kjv]And the fourth angel [niv]They were seared by the
sounded, and the third part of the intense heat and they cursed the
sun was smitten, and the third name of God, who had control
part of the moon, and the third over these plagues, but they
part of the stars; so as the third refused to repent and glorify
part of them was darkened, and him.
the day shone not for a third part [kjv]And men were scorched
of it, and the night likewise. with great heat, and blasphemed
the name of God, which hath
[niv]As I watched, I heard an power over these plagues: and
eagle that was flying in midair they repented not to give him
call out in a loud voice: "Woe! glory.
Woe! Woe to the inhabitants of
the earth, because of the trumpet
blasts about to be sounded by the
other three angels!"
Rev 8:13 [kjv]And I beheld, and heard an
angel flying through the midst of
heaven, saying with a loud
voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the
inhabiters of the earth by reason
of the other voices of the
trumpet of the three angels,
which are yet to sound!

Note: This leads to a chain reaction of calamities. For example: heating oceans produce
hurricanes, superstorms/ super-typhoons, tornadoes. Super-hot summers are prone to fires
in the cities that destroy incalculable lives and properties.
This Trumpet-Plague has a spiritual meaning. In the New Revelations of Jesus Christ (, the sun,
bigger light, corresponds to or is a symbol of TEACHINGS DIRECT FROM THE MOUTH OF GOD/JESUS, the
moon, lesser light, refers to the TEACHINGS OR WRITINGS OF THE PROPHETS AND APOSTLES, while the
stars, least light, represent the flickering light of the WISDOM OF THE SAGES.

You will find logic and a significant connection to this when we shall reach the discussion
on the 7 Seals.


Trumpet # 5/ First Woe: Bowl-Plague # 5:

(1) Helicopters/airplanes with BLAMING & DIVISION
bombs on their tails, INSIDE GOVERNMENTS
(2) Hurricanes have tails that
wreak havoc on peoples and [niv]The fifth angel poured out
properties, his bowl on the throne of the
without necessarily killing beast, and his kingdom was
people, plunged into darkness. Men
and/or (3) some kind of gnawed their tongues in agony
hybrid/clone, genetically- [kjv]And the fifth angel
engineered E.T.s from poured out his vial upon the
Rev 9:1
underground/ subterranean labs seat of the beast; and his
kingdom was full of darkness;
and they gnawed their tongues
[niv]The fifth angel sounded his for pain,
trumpet, and I saw a star that had
fallen from the sky to the earth. [niv]and cursed the God of
The star was given the key to the heaven because of their pains
shaft of the Abyss. and their sores, but they
[kjv]And the fifth angel sounded, refused to repent of what they
and I saw a star fall from heaven had done.
unto the earth: and to him was [kjv]And blasphemed the God
given the key of the bottomless of heaven because of their
pit. pains and their sores, and
repented not of their deeds.
Rev 9:2 [niv]When he opened the Abyss,
smoke rose from it like the smoke
from a gigantic furnace. The sun
and sky were darkened by the
smoke from the Abyss.
[kjv]And he opened the
bottomless pit; and there arose a
smoke out of the pit, as the smoke
of a great furnace; and the sun
and the air were darkened by
reason of the smoke of the pit.

[niv]And out of the smoke locusts

came down upon the earth and
were given power like that of
scorpions of the earth.
Rev 9:3 [kjv]And there came out of the
smoke locusts upon the earth: and
unto them was given power, as
the scorpions of the earth have

[niv]They were told not to harm

the grass of the earth or any plant
or tree, but only those people who
did not have the seal of God on
their foreheads.
Rev 9:4 [kjv]And it was commanded them
that they should not hurt the grass
of the earth, neither any green
thing, neither any tree; but only
those men which have not the seal
of God in their foreheads.

[niv]They were not given power

to kill them, but only to torture
them for five months. And the
agony they suffered was like that
of the sting of a scorpion when it
strikes a man.
Rev 9:5
[kjv]And to them it was given
that they should not kill them, but
that they should be tormented five
months: and their torment was as
the torment of a scorpion, when
he striketh a man.

Rev 9:6 [niv]During those days men will

seek death, but will not find it;
they will long to die, but death
will elude them.
[kjv]And in those days shall men
seek death, and shall not find it;
and shall desire to die, and death
shall flee from them.

[niv]The locusts looked like

horses prepared for battle. On
their heads they wore something
like crowns of gold, and their
faces resembled human faces.
Rev 9:7 [kjv]And the shapes of the locusts
were like unto horses prepared
unto battle; and on their heads
were as it were crowns like gold,
and their faces were as the faces
of men.

[niv]Their hair was like women's

hair, and their teeth were like
lions' teeth.
Rev 9:8
[kjv]And they had hair as the hair
of women, and their teeth were as
the teeth of lions.

[niv]They had breastplates like

breastplates of iron, and the sound
of their wings was like the
thundering of many horses and
chariots rushing into battle.
Rev 9:9
[kjv]And they had breastplates, as
it were breastplates of iron; and
the sound of their wings was as
the sound of chariots of many
horses running to battle.

[niv]They had tails and stings like

scorpions, and in their tails they
had power to torment people for
five months.
Rev 9:10
[kjv]And they had tails like unto
scorpions, and there were stings
in their tails: and their power was
to hurt men five months.

Rev 9:11 [niv]They had as king over them

the angel of the Abyss, whose
name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and
in Greek, Apollyon.
[kjv]And they had a king over
them, which is the angel of the
bottomless pit, whose name in the
Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but
in the Greek tongue hath his name

[niv]The first woe is past; two

other woes are yet to come.
Rev 9:12 [kjv]One woe is past; and,
behold, there come two woes
more hereafter.

TRUMPET 5 LEADS TO BOWL-PLAGUE 5 when the losses by rurricanes &

superstorms, for example, are beyond the governments’ calamity fund and their disaster
prevention plans


Trumpet # 6/ Second Woe: Bowl-Plague # 6:

e.g., 2 Gulf Wars by the Bushes INTERNET, LEADING TO,
Rev 9:13
[niv]The sixth angel sounded his Rev [niv]The sixth angel poured
trumpet, and I heard a voice 16:12 out his bowl on the great river
coming from the horns of the Euphrates, and its water was
golden altar that is before God. dried up to prepare the way for
[kjv]And the sixth angel sounded, the kings from the East.
and I heard a voice from the four [kjv]And the sixth angel
horns of the golden altar which is poured out his vial upon the
before God, great river Euphrates; and the
water thereof was dried up,
Rev 9:14 [niv]It said to the sixth angel who that the way of the kings of the
had the trumpet, "Release the four east might be prepared.
angels who are bound at the great [niv]Then I saw three evil
river Euphrates." spirits that looked like frogs;
[kjv]Saying to the sixth angel they came out of the mouth of
which had the trumpet, Loose the the dragon, out of the mouth
four angels which are bound in of the beast and out of the
the great river Euphrates. Rev mouth of the false prophet.
16:13 [kjv]And I saw three unclean
[niv]And the four angels who had spirits like frogs come out of
been kept ready for this very hour the mouth of the dragon, and
and day and month and year were out of the mouth of the beast,
released to kill a third of and out of the mouth of the
mankind. false prophet.
Rev 9:15
[kjv]And the four angels were
loosed, which were prepared for [niv]They are spirits of
an hour, and a day, and a month, demons performing
and a year, for to slay the third miraculous signs, and they go
part of men. out to the kings of the whole
world, to gather them for the
[niv]The number of the mounted battle on the great day of God
troops was two hundred million. I Rev Almighty.
heard their number. 16:14 [kjv]For they are the spirits of
Rev 9:16 [kjv]And the number of the army devils, working miracles,
of the horsemen were two which go forth unto the kings
hundred thousand thousand: and I of the earth and of the whole
heard the number of them. world, to gather them to the
battle of that great day of God
[niv]The horses and riders I saw Almighty.
in my vision looked like this:
Their breastplates were fiery red, [niv]"Behold, I come like a
dark blue, and yellow as sulfur. thief! Blessed is he who stays
The heads of the horses awake and keeps his clothes
resembled the heads of lions, and with him, so that he may not
out of their mouths came fire, go naked and be shamefully
smoke and sulfur. exposed."
Rev 9:17 16:15
[kjv]And thus I saw the horses in [kjv]Behold, I come as a thief.
the vision, and them that sat on Blessed is he that watcheth,
them, having breastplates of fire, and keepeth his garments, lest
and of jacinth, and brimstone: and he walk naked, and they see
the heads of the horses were as his shame.
the heads of lions; and out of their
mouths issued fire and smoke and Rev [niv]Then they gathered the
brimstone. 16:16 kings together to the place that
in Hebrew is called
Rev 9:18 [niv]A third of mankind was Armageddon.
killed by the three plagues of fire, [kjv]And he gathered them
smoke and sulfur that came out of
their mouths. together into a place called in
[kjv]By these three was the third the Hebrew tongue
part of men killed, by the fire, and Armageddon.
by the smoke, and by the
brimstone, which issued out of
their mouths.

[niv]The power of the horses was

in their mouths and in their tails;
for their tails were like snakes,
having heads with which they
inflict injury.
Rev 9:19
[kjv]For their power is in their
mouth, and in their tails: for their
tails were like unto serpents, and
had heads, and with them they do

[niv]The rest of mankind that

were not killed by these plagues
still did not repent of the work of
their hands; they did not stop
worshiping demons, and idols of
gold, silver, bronze, stone and
wood--idols that cannot see or
hear or walk.
Rev 9:20 [kjv]And the rest of the men
which were not killed by these
plagues yet repented not of the
works of their hands, that they
should not worship devils, and
idols of gold, and silver, and
brass, and stone, and of wood:
which neither can see, nor hear,
nor walk:

[niv]Nor did they repent of their

murders, their magic arts, their
sexual immorality or their thefts.
Rev 9:21 [kjv]Neither repented they of
their murders, nor of their
sorceries, nor of their fornication,
nor of their thefts.

Note: Trumpet 7 is the 7 Last Bowl-Plagues

The 7th Bowl-Plague will be the sum total effect of the destruction of the Planet (our habitat
Environment), our body and when, body and planet have been destroyed, it will lead to total
collapse of our economic-political-military systems – which the Bible calls “the world” or
what we know as society or civilization.

Bowl-Plague # 7:
Rev 16:17

[niv]The seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air, and out of the temple
came a loud voice from the throne, saying, "It is done!"
[kjv]And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a
great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done.

[niv]Then there came flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder and a

severe earthquake. No earthquake like it has ever occurred since man has been
on earth, so tremendous was the quake.
Rev 16:18
[kjv]And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a
great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an
earthquake, and so great.

[niv]The great city split into three parts, and the cities of the nations collapsed.
God remembered Babylon the Great and gave her the cup filled with the wine
of the fury of his wrath.
Rev 16:19
[kjv]And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the
nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto
her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.

Rev 16:20 [niv]Every island fled away and the mountains (symbol: proud men and
institutions) could not be found.
[kjv]And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found.

Rev 16:21 [niv]From the sky huge hailstones of about a hundred pounds each fell upon
men. And they cursed God on account of the plague of hail, because the
plague was so terrible.
[kjv]And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the
weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail;
for the plague thereof was exceeding great.

Note: When physical and economic thunders, lightnings and earthquake befall
the USA and other nations, then, will collapse all buildings with all their
communications facilities, all transportation systems – the Headquarters of
evil governments and corporations will then face the verdict from heaven “It
is done!” (v. 17). That summarizes the end of human civilization and
government as we know it. The prophet Daniel pictures it as a stone smashing
all previous kingdoms symbolized by gold, silver, bronze, iron and clay, and
becoming a huge mountain. This is how the Government or Kingdom of God
will replace the inept human kingdom or government empires of man.

[niv]While you were watching, a rock was cut out, but not by
human hands. It struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay and
smashed them.
Dan 2:34
[kjv]Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which
smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and
brake them to pieces.

[niv]Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver and the gold
were broken to pieces at the same time and became like chaff on a
threshing floor in the summer. The wind swept them away without
leaving a trace. But the rock that struck the statue became a huge
mountain and filled the whole earth.
Dan 2:35
[kjv]Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold,
broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the
summer threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away, that no
place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image
became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.
The flow of cause-and-effect is both downward and sideward

I observe two types of paths of consequences or lines of cause and effect.

First is lateral line. Ex. Trumpet 1 (destruction of food-&-health producing environment) is to

Plague 1 (health problems, due to food, air, water pollutions or environment pollution ).

Second is downward or down-vertical line. Ex. Trumpet 1 (destruction or pollution of the

land) leads to Trumpet 2 (pollution of the seas because chemical pollutants from the dry land
from its mining and city industries are flowed down to the seas). But not in all cases. Plague 1
(bodily diseases) does not lead (result) to Plague 2 (destruction of the sea).

The downward line is very much apparent in the 7 Seals.

Let’s examine the 7 seals.

The Seven Seals as Series of Events, Cause & Effects

[niv]I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals. Then I heard one of
the four living creatures say in a voice like thunder, "Come!"
Rev 6:1
[kjv]And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the
noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.

Rev 6:2
SEAL # 1:
To pass their concepts and ideologies by force (e.g., gun)
To promote their “divide and rule” tactic

[niv]I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he
was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest.
[kjv]And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a
crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

resulting from divisive teachings

Rev 6:3
[niv]When the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature
say, "Come!"
[kjv]And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come
and see.

[niv]Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take
peace from the earth and to make men slay each other. To him was given a large
Rev 6:4
[kjv]And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him
that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another:
and there was given unto him a great sword.

Rev 6:5
SEAL # 3:
to ensure little goes to the masses and much to the few

[niv]When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say,
"Come!" I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a
pair of scales in his hand.
[kjv]And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and
see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of
balances in his hand.

[niv]Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures,
saying, "A quart of wheat for a day's wages, and three quarts of barley for a day's
wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!"
Rev 6:6
[kjv]And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for
a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and
the wine.

Note: Two types of Capitalism: Raw and Enlightened. Raw is greed-driven.

Enlightened is guided by Divine Love.
There are also two types of Love: Selfish Human Love and Selfless Divine Love.

Selfish Human Love = 600fold Selflove + 60f0ld NeighborLove + only 6fold

Godlove. It’s the Perverted 666.

Selfless Divine Love = 600fold Godlove + 60f0ld NeighborLove + humble 6fold

Selflove. It’s the Divine 666.

Raw Capitalism is fueled by Selfish Human Love or Perverted 666. Enlightened

Capitalism is moved by Divine 666.

SEAL # 4:
Results of Raw Capitalism: Sword (Conflict), Famine (Hunger) and Wild Beasts
(e.g., microscopic, e.g., AIDs viruses, STD germs, etc.)

Rev 6:7
[niv]When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living
creature say, "Come!"
[kjv]And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast
say, Come and see.

Rev 6:8 [niv]I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death,
and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth
of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the
[kjv]And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was
Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the
fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and
with the beasts of the earth.

SEAL # 5:

All men of truths and all records of truths wiped out!

Rev 6:9

[niv]When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had
been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained.
[kjv]And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them
that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:

[niv]They called out in a loud voice, "How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true,
Rev until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?"
6:10 [kjv]And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true,
dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?

[niv]Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little
longer, until the number of their fellow servants and brothers who were to be killed
Rev as they had been was completed.
6:11 [kjv]And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto
them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and
their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.

Rev SEAL # 6:

[niv]I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun
turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red,
[kjv]And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great
earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became
as blood;

[niv]and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as late figs drop from a fig tree when
Rev shaken by a strong wind.
6:13 [kjv]And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her
untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.

Unlike Trumpet 4 & Plague 4, both meaning of which are more physical, Seal # 6 is to be
more spiritually, to wit: the sun (greater light) refers to the clear and direct Teachings from
mouth of God/ Jesus Christ, dictated to His prophets. This refers to Jesus’ spoken teachings
while He was on earth and to the written version now published at and
similar websites. The moon on the other hand, is the lesser light, referring to the Teachings
Writings of the prophets and apostles (e.g., Old and New Testament). The least light is the
from the stars: the seers, sages and philosophers of the world.

The triumph of false teachers in the past 1,800 years, their control of the government,
Churches, and economy, led to the death of Christ and His disciples/apostles. Only the
and faint lights of the stars (seers, sages and philosophers of the world) remained.

A few of these faint lights or philosophies are the doctrine of raw capitalism, the theory of
the ideology of communism, and many other –ism such as rationalism, naturalism – all of
which have led to deformed or defective, incomplete perspective, hence, one not seeing the
angles and perspectives; hence, leading to dissatisfactions, conflict, factions, wars.

The whole 1,800-year period is apt to be called Dark Ages, not just the small part of it.

Thick Darkness covered the Earth, e.g., the minds of mankind.

GOD ACTS “with a vengeance” as He promised to His martyrs – He rolls the

thick sky of darkness for the sun, not just the moon, to shine full strength!

And the evil deceivers – the false teachers and false leaders panic!

[niv]The sky receded like a scroll, rolling up, and every mountain and island was
removed from its place.
[kjv]And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every
mountain and island were moved out of their places.

[niv]Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and
every slave and every free man hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains.
6:15 [kjv]And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief
captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid
themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;

[niv]They called to the mountains and the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the
Rev face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!
6:16 [kjv]And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of
him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:

[niv]For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand?"
[kjv]For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
What is the Wrath of God?

From Seal No. 1 to Seal No. 6, it was all acts of Satan and his agents in the government and
churches. These acts can be called The Wrath of Satan.

But as God promised in the 5th seal, He will intervene in behalf of His beloved persecuted
people. And the fulfillment of this promise begins right after the 6 th seal. Meaning: God’s Act
starts in the Seventh Seal which is composed of The 7 Trumpets and The 7 Last Plagues.

Therefore, they call “The 7 Trumpets” and “The 7 Last Plagues” as “The Wrath of God.”
Starting Revelation 6:14, or right after the 6th Seal, then, unto the 7 Trumpets, and after that,
the 7 Last Plagues (Revelation 16), that is the events from Revelation 6:14 to the end of
Revelation 16 – all of these they ascribe as “The Wrath of God.”

This assertion is repeated in Revelation 14:19 and 15:1 and also 16:1 – the apostle John
borrowed the phrase “Wrath of God” to announce the forthcoming 7 Last Plagues of
Revelation 16.

The origin of this phrase or rather accusation “Wrath of God” is not the apostle John; he
merely borrowed the phrase. It was in Revelation 14:19, when the leaders and false teachers
and deceivers of the world dub these forthcoming events-judgments as “The Wrath of God.”

We shall immediately soon here see if there is any wrath from God in this so-called Wrath of
God….Or are not these men passing the blame to God of what is forthcoming and soon to be
exposed that all these wrath of God – that is, these 7 Trumpet calamities and these 7 Last
Plagues are nothing but the results of the abuses of these false leaders and teachers.

In Revelation terminology, what will they answer to the masses when and if we will come to

Or more accurately, THE 6 SEALS ARE THEIR EVILS ACTS resulting to the 7 th Seal
(composed of 7 Trumpets-Calamities, the 7th Trumpet further divided into 7 Last Plagues -
what shall they answer if and when ALL WILL COME TO WAKE UP AND

I tell you here, right now, my friends and brethren, that as I surveyed and thoroughly studied
Revelation 6 to 16 over and over for countless of times, I saw that THE ONLY ACT OF
GOD IS IN REVELATION 6:14 – come and read thus:

[niv]The sky receded like a scroll, rolling up, and every mountain and island was
removed from its place.
[kjv]And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every
mountain and island were moved out of their places.

And what does it mean? I understand this “receding of the sky like a scroll” as the sudden
removal of a thick veil that covers mankind --- read: covers the mind and heart of the people
from knowing what is true.

As you can read in the preceding 6th seal, they removed the revelations – suppressed the
teachings – that is the books as well as the righteous preachers they killed, so that the sun-
light as well as the moon-light were dimmed.

SEAL # 6:

[niv]I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun
turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red,
[kjv]And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great
earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became
as blood;

Rev [niv]and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as late figs drop from a fig tree when
6:13 shaken by a strong wind.
[kjv]And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her
untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.

But God, faithful to His promise, let His sun-light shines, and it sees the thick darkness in the
sky recedes like a scroll or roll like a mat!

[niv]The sky receded like a scroll, rolling up, and every mountain and island was
removed from its place.
[kjv]And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every
mountain and island were moved out of their places.

And what happens?

[niv]Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and
every slave and every free man hid in caves and among the rocks of the
Rev mountains.
6:15 [kjv]And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief
captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid
themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;

[niv]They called to the mountains and the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the
Rev face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!
6:16 [kjv]And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of
him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:

There you are! Great fear grips the who batch of evil deceivers! For soon they shall be caught
by the people. Soon the people will come to know that they are deceivers, false leaders and
false teachers. That is why they will not be able to face the masses who for long they had

And what have been some of their deceits?

Deceit No. 1: They are not the root cause of mankind’s ills. But understanding The 7 Seals
shall lead us otherwise. It shall lead us to understand the 6 of the 7 Seals are the Acts of Evil
Man and the the 7th Seal (which is composed of the 7 Trumpets and 7 Last Plagues)
constitutes the fruits or results of these Evil Acts.

And that what they say as

[niv]For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand?"
[kjv]For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

is their shameless lie and accusation against God.

The so-called Wrath of God consisting of the 7 Trumpets and the 7 Last Plagues is nothing
but the partial and final results of their doings (6 Seals). The 7 Trumpets are the partial
results, serving as warning; while the 7 Last Plagues are the final results, the ripened effects,
that ensued after they did not listen to the warning-effects. In this case, we can take Trumpet
2 (1/3 of the sea damaged) to be the warning that, would mankind not listen, something worse
will happen, such as Plague 2 (all fish and marine life would die) will happen.
So, mankind is about to see or beginning to see “the sky being rolled like a scroll” or
“receding like a scroll” in the fact that the thick layer of darkness (deception, misinformation)
that has been peddled or enforced by these false teachers and false leaders upon the whole
earth is going or is being effectively and powerfully removed by the SPIRITUAL SUN, that
is, coming of God’s Truths – the New Revelations, both His books and His servants who
spread these books – these truths.
And then, the great of this world shall hide and call on the caves and rocks, “Cover us, for we
cannot stand before Him.”
Another meaning of the one act of God of “receding the sky” is His withdrawal of some of
His key supports that these false leaders and false teachers have been enjoying throughout
these past 18 centuries. They will lose their key powers and influence; they will lose control,
say, over the mass media or medium of communication. God’s people is unstoppable in their
use of the internet. The Prince of the Air-waves is no longer able to stop the truths from
coming. The sun indeed is shining with its great light. And what dark places can stand against
it? No, all dark places and regions shall be lighted and thus, fulfilled the prophecy: Nothing
hidden shall remain hidden. Everything shall be exposed. What was said or done in secret and
in the dark shall be announced with trumpet at the rooftop.
And to this, the evildoers are afraid.
This is akin to pulling out the rug beneath one’s feet. Or removing the gravity from off the
earth – and so you will see all things pulling off the earth into the empty space. Gravity is one
of the blessing of God that mankind overlooks. Because of the gravity on the earth,
everything is placed intact: the land, the seas, as well as the plants, trees and also mankind.
Remove the gravity and you will see everything pulling from the earth and wildly pulling into
the endless space!
In Revelation 6:14, I also see God pulling off the rug from under the feet of these evil leaders
and false teachers…so much so that the effects of the 6 seals (their six major evil deeds)
come crumbling in the form of the 7 Trumpets and 7 Last Plagues!
So, again, what are these 6 major evil deeds – these 6 Seals?

Review of the 7 Seals

The Seven Seals as Series of Causes

[niv]I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals. Then I heard one of
the four living creatures say in a voice like thunder, "Come!"
Rev 6:1
[kjv]And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the
noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.

SEAL # 1:
To pass their concepts and ideologies by force (e.g., gun)
Rev 6:2
To promote their “divide and rule” tactic

Rev 6:3 resulting from divisive teachings
SEAL # 3:
Rev 6:5
to ensure little goes to the masses and much to the few

SEAL # 4:
Results of Raw Capitalism: Sword (Conflict), Famine (Hunger) and Wild Beasts
Rev 6:7 (e.g., microscopic, e.g., AIDs viruses, STD germs, etc.)

SEAL # 5:

Rev 6:9
All men of truths and all records of truths wiped out!

SEAL # 6:



Now comes the crucial question brethren: IS IT NOT THAT SEAL 1 RESULTS TO

That is, did not false teachings/ false teachers in the person of Christian missionaries
like the Spaniards and later the Americans (Seal 1) with their coercive method of enforcing
their false Christianity using guns, and the likes, lead to war (division of mankind, Christians
versus non-Christians, Catholics vs Protestants) (Seal 2)?, and did it not lead to economic
slavery of the vast sector of mankind under the measured system of Raw Capitalism (Seal
3)?, and did it not lead to famine (hunger) and diseases and further conflicts or the
impoverishment and misery of the masses (Seal 4)?, and did it not lead abuse and
persecution of all good men, or the destruction of the people of God who taught the truths
(Seal 5)?, and finally, did it not lead to very thick spiritual darkness that covered the whole
earth (Seal 6)?
You will greatly convinced of this my friends if you can read the details in in the book “The New Revelations of Jesus Christ”.
There the Lord discloses all these Seal-Acts are the evil-doings of the evil leaders and
teachers in the world foremost of them are those in the Catholic Church, in businesses run by
them and in the governments controlled by them!
The 7 Seals as the Root Cause of the 7 Trumpets and 7 Plagues
The seven trumpets-damages and the seven plagues-destructions resulted from the 6
seal-deeds of the evil leaders and teachers of the world, foremost of them are them who are in
the Catholic governments, churches and schools and businesses.
This will lead us to conclude and say, without doubt that the environmental
destructions symbolized by the first 6 of the 7 Trumpets and the resulting destruction of
mankind’s health and life by the appearance of the present-day epidemics of cancers, cardio-
vascular diseases, diabetes, STDs, AIDS and the likes, and the ultimate destruction of the
seas, the waters, all these confusions, and miseries in this world today have one root cause:
Seal No. 1 – the false teachers and their false teachings!
They came as white doves and deceived the people of the whole world.
[niv]I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals. Then I
Rev heard one of the four living creatures say in a voice like thunder, "Come!"
6:1 [kjv]And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard,
as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.

[niv]I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a
bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on
Rev conquest.
6:2 [kjv]And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had
a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and
to conquer.

Notice the words “white” – how it contradicts its implements (“bow”) and its act
(conquering). This kind of white-robed-yet-coercive preachers in the world were clearly
identified by the Lord in His New Revelations as not His disciples.
He forewarned that not peace nor good would come upon the earth, once His teachings
(in distorted forms) is spread through coercion.
Coercion, used especially by Spanish missionaries, is not in line with God’s Love. And
by its fruits of grievous divisions and troubles all around the globe stands as a strong witness
how false they were! How bad is the tree!
Further Discussions on the 7 Seals, 7 Trumpets & 7 Last Plagues
Seal # 5 & 6 --- 5th Seal results to 6th Seal

Today, we will focus on

prophetic 5th & 6th seal as our context because this will enlighten us regarding our
topic: The Siege and Eventual Fall of the Modern Jericho, a.k.a. Babylon the Great.

Remember: The fact that it is a chain or series, means that in most cases, the first
causes the next, from the first seal to the last plague.
Example: Seal 1 (white horse: false teachers) teaching divisive doctrines results to Seal
2 (read horse: division, quarrels, wars).
Another example: Trumpet 2 (1/3 of sea died) worsens to Plague 2 (“all in the sea
Now, let’s focus on the 5th seal causing the 6th seal. That is, the 6th seal is the effect
of the 5th seal.

5th Seal: The Killing of the Apostles (Great Tribulation) – Revelation 6:9-11
Result: 6th Seal – Darkening of the Sun (Christ’s & God’s Direct Words) and the Moon
(the teachings of the prophets and the apostles) first by total ban of the Holy Bible, then, as
they could not stop its spread via the Protestant churches, they worked out to tamper it to suit
to their motives (e.g., profits and straying of souls)
• Rev 6:12 [niv]I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great
earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned
blood red,
• Meaning: The teachings direct from God and Christ (sunlight) and teachings of
the prophets and apostles banned and then released after tampering ( moon light)
• Rev 6:13 [niv]and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as late figs drop from a fig
tree when shaken by a strong wind.
• Meaning: the lesser lights (star lights) refer to incomplete and scattered bits and
pieces by sages and philosophers. This incomplete knowledge is dangerous. Example: the
knowledge which favors and enriches the rich (capitalism) which oppresses and sucks the
poor. On the other hand, the system of knowledge and love for the poor (communism)
worked to destroy the rich. Result: devastating wars between capitalism and communism,
when in reality, both should cooperate as two sides of the same coin!
• Another bloody incomplete philosophy: Nazism (racism) – love for one’s own
race, which seeks to destroy all other races. This was personified and carried out by Hitler.
• So there you see two examples of imperfect knowledge whose lacking part was
served by lie or errors. So what was lacking became the dark or lie or error. So, in the case of
capitalism, knowledge about and love for the poor was lacking, so capitalism hates and
exploits the poor.
• Another faulty knowledge is evolution. Its devastating effect: It destroyed
man’s faith on creation and creator because evolution teaches that all creation started with
one bacteria; there is no Creator, according to the evolutionists.
The Light “Bounces” (Strikes) Back

Rev 6:14 [niv]The sky receded like a scroll, rolling up, and every mountain and island
was removed from its place.
Meaning: Thick veil of darkness removed! And the culprits and deceivers identified!
And there is great panic among them! See next verses:
Rev 6:15 [niv]Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the
mighty, and every slave and every free man hid in caves and among the rocks of the
Rev 6:16 [niv]They called to the mountains and the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us
from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!
Rev 6:17 [niv]For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand?“
Application: Knowledge from Above and is channeled mostly via the Internet, is
flowing steadily and like a flood crawling to fill the whole world. And one lie after another,
one deception after another, is being exposed and seen by an increasing number of awakening
people… worldwide.


We will take a few of countless of examples, to make it realistic:

• Calcium in milk.
• We have been brought to believe of their no. 1 selling point why we by milk:
the calcium which we need for our bones and teeth.
• So, for all these years and decades and centuries, we bought their milk.
• Truth: In the book “Cowspiracy” it is being exposed that the calcium they have
on their milk (all manufactured milk) is, of course, synthetic, or taken out of its source, and,
unfortunately, has a size that is too large to enter the bones and teeth it is meant to re-
• In simple words: The calcium in milk is not the one which can enter our bones
and teeth!
• So, where does this calcium end up? Answer: roaming around or circulating our
blood vessels until it finds other companions (fats, pasty flour, nicotine, etc.) to form the
plaques (solids) that block the flow of blood in our artery (blood vessels in the heart) and
other blood vessels all throughout the body. In short, THEIR SYNTHETIC CALCIUM IS
• This is serious because the group of diseases called Cardio-Vascular Diseases
(CVDs) which has sclerosis, arthritis, heart attack and stroke on its list – has been the No. 1
killer group of diseases in American and all other countries which follow the American diet
and practices.
• But thanks to our Christ and His 144,000, the siege of end-time Jericho (Dark
Force of Deceits) is ongoing and we are closing into their camp to find their betrayals and
arrest them!!!
• They, for example, are going to be caught in their calcium deceit – in their
“cowspiracy” (Cow Conspiracy).
The Fall of the Ancient Jericho

Jos 6:1 [niv]Now Jericho was tightly shut up because of the Israelites. No one went
out and no one came in.
[kjv]Now Jericho was straitly shut up because of the children of Israel: none went out,
and none came in.
Jos 6:2 [niv]Then the LORD said to Joshua, "See, I have delivered Jericho into your
hands, along with its king and its fighting men.
[kjv]And the LORD said unto Joshua, See, I have given into thine hand Jericho, and
the king thereof, and the mighty men of valour.
Jos 6:3 [niv]March around the city once with all the armed men. Do this for six days.
[kjv]And ye shall compass the city, all ye men of war, and go round about the city
once. Thus shalt thou do six days.
Jos 6:4 [niv]Have seven priests carry trumpets of rams' horns in front of the ark. On
the seventh day, march around the city seven times, with the priests blowing the trumpets.
[kjv]And seven priests shall bear before the ark seven trumpets of rams' horns: and the
seventh day ye shall compass the city seven times, and the priests shall blow with the
Jos 6:5 [niv]When you hear them sound a long blast on the trumpets, have all the
people give a loud shout; then the wall of the city will collapse and the people will go up,
every man straight in."
[kjv]And it shall come to pass, that when they make a long blast with the ram's horn,
and when ye hear the sound of the trumpet, all the people shall shout with a great shout; and
the wall of the city shall fall down flat, and the people shall ascend up every man straight
before him.
Jos 6:6 [niv]So Joshua son of Nun called the priests and said to them, "Take up the
ark of the covenant of the LORD and have seven priests carry trumpets in front of it."
[kjv]And Joshua the son of Nun called the priests, and said unto them, Take up the ark
of the covenant, and let seven priests bear seven trumpets of rams' horns before the ark of the
Jos 6:7 [niv]And he ordered the people, "Advance! March around the city, with the
armed guard going ahead of the ark of the LORD ."
[kjv]And he said unto the people, Pass on, and compass the city, and let him that is
armed pass on before the ark of the LORD.
Jos 6:8 [niv]When Joshua had spoken to the people, the seven priests carrying the
seven trumpets before the LORD went forward, blowing their trumpets, and the ark of the
LORD's covenant followed them.
[kjv]And it came to pass, when Joshua had spoken unto the people, that the seven
priests bearing the seven trumpets of rams' horns passed on before the LORD, and blew with
the trumpets: and the ark of the covenant of the LORD followed them.
Jos 6:9 [niv]The armed guard marched ahead of the priests who blew the trumpets,
and the rear guard followed the ark. All this time the trumpets were sounding.
[kjv]And the armed men went before the priests that blew with the trumpets, and the
rereward came after the ark, the priests going on, and blowing with the trumpets.
Jos 6:10 [niv]But Joshua had commanded the people, "Do not give a war cry, do not
raise your voices, do not say a word until the day I tell you to shout. Then shout!"
[kjv]And Joshua had commanded the people, saying, Ye shall not shout, nor make any
noise with your voice, neither shall any word proceed out of your mouth, until the day I bid
you shout; then shall ye shout.
Jos 6:11 [niv]So he had the ark of the LORD carried around the city, circling it once.
Then the people returned to camp and spent the night there.
[kjv]So the ark of the LORD compassed the city, going about it once: and they came
into the camp, and lodged in the camp.
Jos 6:12 [niv]Joshua got up early the next morning and the priests took up the ark of
the LORD .
[kjv]And Joshua rose early in the morning, and the priests took up the ark of the
Jos 6:13 [niv]The seven priests carrying the seven trumpets went forward, marching
before the ark of the LORD and blowing the trumpets. The armed men went ahead of them
and the rear guard followed the ark of the LORD , while the trumpets kept sounding.
[kjv]And seven priests bearing seven trumpets of rams' horns before the ark of the
LORD went on continually, and blew with the trumpets: and the armed men went before
them; but the rereward came after the ark of the LORD, the priests going on, and blowing
with the trumpets.
Jos 6:14 [niv]So on the second day they marched around the city once and returned to
the camp. They did this for six days.
[kjv]And the second day they compassed the city once, and returned into the camp: so
they did six days.
Jos 6:15 [niv]On the seventh day, they got up at daybreak and marched around the
city seven times in the same manner, except that on that day they circled the city seven times.
[kjv]And it came to pass on the seventh day, that they rose early about the dawning of
the day, and compassed the city after the same manner seven times: only on that day they
compassed the city seven times.
Jos 6:16 [niv]The seventh time around, when the priests sounded the trumpet blast,
Joshua commanded the people, "Shout! For the LORD has given you the city!
[kjv]And it came to pass at the seventh time, when the priests blew with the trumpets,
Joshua said unto the people, Shout; for the LORD hath given you the city.
Jos 6:17 [niv]The city and all that is in it are to be devoted to the LORD . Only Rahab
the prostitute and all who are with her in her house shall be spared, because she hid the spies
we sent.
[kjv]And the city shall be accursed, even it, and all that are therein, to the LORD: only
Rahab the harlot shall live, she and all that are with her in the house, because she hid the
messengers that we sent.
Jos 6:18 [niv]But keep away from the devoted things, so that you will not bring about
your own destruction by taking any of them. Otherwise you will make the camp of Israel
liable to destruction and bring trouble on it.
[kjv]And ye, in any wise keep yourselves from the accursed thing, lest ye make
yourselves accursed, when ye take of the accursed thing, and make the camp of Israel a curse,
and trouble it.
Jos 6:19 [niv]All the silver and gold and the articles of bronze and iron are sacred to
the LORD and must go into his treasury."
[kjv]But all the silver, and gold, and vessels of brass and iron, are consecrated unto the
LORD: they shall come into the treasury of the LORD.
Jos 6:20 [niv]When the trumpets sounded, the people shouted, and at the sound of the
trumpet, when the people gave a loud shout, the wall collapsed; so every man charged
straight in, and they took the city.
[kjv]So the people shouted when the priests blew with the trumpets: and it came to
pass, when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, and the people shouted with a great
shout, that the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up into the city, every man straight
before him, and they took the city.
Jos 6:21 [niv]They devoted the city to the LORD and destroyed with the sword every
living thing in it-men and women, young and old, cattle, sheep and donkeys.
[kjv]And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young
and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword.
Jos 6:22 [niv]Joshua said to the two men who had spied out the land, "Go into the
prostitute's house and bring her out and all who belong to her, in accordance with your oath to
[kjv]But Joshua had said unto the two men that had spied out the country, Go into the
harlot's house, and bring out thence the woman, and all that she hath, as ye sware unto her.
Jos 6:23 [niv]So the young men who had done the spying went in and brought out
Rahab, her father and mother and brothers and all who belonged to her. They brought out her
entire family and put them in a place outside the camp of Israel.
[kjv]And the young men that were spies went in, and brought out Rahab, and her
father, and her mother, and her brethren, and all that she had; and they brought out all her
kindred, and left them without the camp of Israel.
Jos 6:24 [niv]Then they burned the whole city and everything in it, but they put the
silver and gold and the articles of bronze and iron into the treasury of the LORD's house.
[kjv]And they burnt the city with fire, and all that was therein: only the silver, and the
gold, and the vessels of brass and of iron, they put into the treasury of the house of the
Jos 6:25 [niv]But Joshua spared Rahab the prostitute, with her family and all who
belonged to her, because she hid the men Joshua had sent as spies to Jericho-and she lives
among the Israelites to this day.
[kjv]And Joshua saved Rahab the harlot alive, and her father's household, and all that
she had; and she dwelleth in Israel even unto this day; because she hid the messengers, which
Joshua sent to spy out Jericho.
Jos 6:26 [niv]At that time Joshua pronounced this solemn oath: "Cursed before the
LORD is the man who undertakes to rebuild this city, Jericho: "At the cost of his firstborn
son will he lay its foundations; at the cost of his youngest will he set up its gates."
[kjv]And Joshua adjured them at that time, saying, Cursed be the man before the
LORD, that riseth up and buildeth this city Jericho: he shall lay the foundation thereof in his
firstborn, and in his youngest son shall he set up the gates of it.
Jos 6:27 [niv]So the LORD was with Joshua, and his fame spread throughout the land.
[kjv]So the LORD was with Joshua; and his fame was noised throughout all the

The End-time Jericho Siege
Rev 6:14 [niv]The sky receded like a scroll, rolling up, and every mountain and island
was removed from its place.
[kjv]And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain
and island were moved out of their places.
Rev 6:15 [niv]Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the
mighty, and every slave and every free man hid in caves and among the rocks of the
[kjv]And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief
captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the
dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
Rev 6:16 [niv]They called to the mountains and the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us
from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!
[kjv]And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him
that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:
Rev 6:17 [niv]For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand?"
[kjv]For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

Throughout the entire period of the 7 Trumpets on to the 7 Last Plagues, the hidden
cunning, subtlety and deceit of the Dark Force would be unveiled one layer at a time and the
people will see what they couldn’t or refuse to see through the Word alone. The experience of
what God prophesied and forewarned will convince the masses of the truth.
One layer at a time.
One lie exposed at a time.
Until full awakening via both Word and Experience is achieved. Revelation 19 – when
the Light Force strike back and the modern Jericho falls with a resounding sound!
Rev 19:1 [niv]After this I heard what sounded like the roar of a great multitude in
heaven shouting: "Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God,
[kjv]And after these things I heard a great voice of much people in heaven, saying,
Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God:
Rev 19:2 [niv]for true and just are his judgments. He has condemned the great
prostitute who corrupted the earth by her adulteries. He has avenged on her the blood of his
[kjv]For true and righteous are his judgments: for he hath judged the great whore,
which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and hath avenged the blood of his servants at
her hand.
Rev 19:3 [niv]And again they shouted: "Hallelujah! The smoke from her goes up for
ever and ever."
[kjv]And again they said, Alleluia. And her smoke rose up for ever and ever.
Rev 19:4 [niv]The twenty-four elders and the four living creatures fell down and
worshiped God, who was seated on the throne. And they cried: "Amen, Hallelujah!"
[kjv]And the four and twenty elders and the four beasts fell down and worshipped God
that sat on the throne, saying, Amen; Alleluia.
Rev 19:5 [niv]Then a voice came from the throne, saying: "Praise our God, all you his
servants, you who fear him, both small and great!"
[kjv]And a voice came out of the throne, saying, Praise our God, all ye his servants,
and ye that fear him, both small and great.
Rev 19:6 [niv]Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of
rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting: "Hallelujah! For our Lord God
Almighty reigns.
[kjv]And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many
waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent
Rev 19:7 [niv]Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the
Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready.
[kjv]Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb
is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.
Rev 19:8 [niv]Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear." (Fine linen stands
for the righteous acts of the saints.)
[kjv]And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white:
for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.
Rev 19:9 [niv]Then the angel said to me, "Write: 'Blessed are those who are invited to
the wedding supper of the Lamb!' " And he added, "These are the true words of God."
[kjv]And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage
supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.
Rev 19:10 [niv]At this I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, "Do not do
it! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers who hold to the testimony of Jesus.
Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." (The Rider on the White
Horse )
[kjv]And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I
am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for
the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
Rev 19:11 [niv]I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse,
whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and makes war.
[kjv]And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him
was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
Rev 19:12 [niv]His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He
has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself.
[kjv]His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a
name written, that no man knew, but he himself.
Rev 19:13 [niv]He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of
[kjv]And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The
Word of God.
Rev 19:14 [niv]The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and
dressed in fine linen, white and clean.
[kjv]And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in
fine linen, white and clean.
Rev 19:15 [niv]Out of his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the
nations. "He will rule them with an iron scepter." He treads the winepress of the fury of the
wrath of God Almighty.
[kjv]And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the
nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the
fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.
Rev 19:16 [niv]On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: KING OF
[kjv]And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS,
Rev 19:17 [niv]And I saw an angel standing in the sun, who cried in a loud voice to
all the birds flying in midair, "Come, gather together for the great supper of God,
[kjv]And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to
all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the
supper of the great God;
Rev 19:18 [niv]so that you may eat the flesh of kings, generals, and mighty men, of
horses and their riders, and the flesh of all people, free and slave, small and great."
[kjv]That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of
mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men,
both free and bond, both small and great.
Rev 19:19 [niv]Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies
gathered together to make war against the rider on the horse and his army.
[kjv]And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together
to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army.
Rev 19:20 [niv]But the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who had
performed the miraculous signs on his behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had
received the mark of the beast and worshiped his image. The two of them were thrown alive
into the fiery lake of burning sulfur.
[kjv]And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles
before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them
that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with
Rev 19:21 [niv]The rest of them were killed with the sword that came out of the
mouth of the rider on the horse, and all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh.
[kjv]And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which
sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.
The Fall of the Modern Jericho (a.k.a., Babylon the Great)
Rev 18:1 [niv]After this I saw another angel coming down from heaven. He had great
authority, and the earth was illuminated by his splendor.
[kjv]And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great
power; and the earth was lightened with his glory.
Rev 18:2 [niv]With a mighty voice he shouted: "Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great!
She has become a home for demons and a haunt for every evil spirit, a haunt for every
unclean and detestable bird.
[kjv]And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is
fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of
every unclean and hateful bird.
Rev 18:3 [niv]For all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries.
The kings of the earth committed adultery with her, and the merchants of the earth grew rich
from her excessive luxuries."
[kjv]For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the
kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are
waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.
Rev 18:4 [niv]Then I heard another voice from heaven say: "Come out of her, my
people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues;
[kjv]And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that
ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
Rev 18:5 [niv]for her sins are piled up to heaven, and God has remembered her
[kjv]For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.
Rev 18:6 [niv]Give back to her as she has given; pay her back double for what she has
done. Mix her a double portion from her own cup.
[kjv]Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to
her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double.
Rev 18:7 [niv]Give her as much torture and grief as the glory and luxury she gave
herself. In her heart she boasts, 'I sit as queen; I am not a widow, and I will never mourn.'
[kjv]How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and
sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no
Rev 18:8 [niv]Therefore in one day her plagues will overtake her: death, mourning
and famine. She will be consumed by fire, for mighty is the Lord God who judges her.
[kjv]Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine;
and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.
Rev 18:9 [niv]"When the kings of the earth who committed adultery with her and
shared her luxury see the smoke of her burning, they will weep and mourn over her.
[kjv]And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously
with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning,
Rev 18:10 [niv]Terrified at her torment, they will stand far off and cry: " 'Woe! Woe,
O great city, O Babylon, city of power! In one hour your doom has come!'
[kjv]Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city
Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
Rev 18:11 [niv]"The merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her because no
one buys their cargoes any more--
[kjv]And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth
their merchandise any more:
Rev 18:12 [niv]cargoes of gold, silver, precious stones and pearls; fine linen, purple,
silk and scarlet cloth; every sort of citron wood, and articles of every kind made of ivory,
costly wood, bronze, iron and marble;
[kjv]The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine
linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory,
and all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble,
Rev 18:13 [niv]cargoes of cinnamon and spice, of incense, myrrh and frankincense, of
wine and olive oil, of fine flour and wheat; cattle and sheep; horses and carriages; and bodies
and souls of men.
[kjv]And cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil,
and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, and chariots, and slaves, and
souls of men.
Rev 18:14 [niv]"They will say, 'The fruit you longed for is gone from you. All your
riches and splendor have vanished, never to be recovered.'
[kjv]And the fruits that thy soul lusted after are departed from thee, and all things
which were dainty and goodly are departed from thee, and thou shalt find them no more at all.
Rev 18:15 [niv]The merchants who sold these things and gained their wealth from her
will stand far off, terrified at her torment. They will weep and mourn
[kjv]The merchants of these things, which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off
for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing,
Rev 18:16 [niv]and cry out: " 'Woe! Woe, O great city, dressed in fine linen, purple
and scarlet, and glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls!
[kjv]And saying, Alas, alas, that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple,
and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls!
Rev 18:17 [niv]In one hour such great wealth has been brought to ruin!'
[kjv]For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all
the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,
Rev 18:18 [niv]"Every sea captain, and all who travel by ship, the sailors, and all who
earn their living from the sea, will stand far off. When they see the smoke of her burning,
they will exclaim, 'Was there ever a city like this great city?'
[kjv]And cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What city is like unto
this great city!
Rev 18:19 [niv]They will throw dust on their heads, and with weeping and mourning
cry out: " 'Woe! Woe, O great city, where all who had ships on the sea became rich through
her wealth! In one hour she has been brought to ruin!
[kjv]And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas,
alas, that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her
costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.
Rev 18:20 [niv]Rejoice over her, O heaven! Rejoice, saints and apostles and prophets!
God has judged her for the way she treated you.' "
[kjv]Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets; for God hath
avenged you on her.
Rev 18:21 [niv]Then a mighty angel picked up a boulder the size of a large millstone
and threw it into the sea, and said: "With such violence the great city of Babylon will be
thrown down, never to be found again.
[kjv]And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea,
saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found
no more at all.
Rev 18:22 [niv]The music of harpists and musicians, flute players and trumpeters,
will never be heard in you again. No workman of any trade will ever be found in you again.
The sound of a millstone will never be heard in you again.
[kjv]And the voice of harpers, and musicians, and of pipers, and trumpeters, shall be
heard no more at all in thee; and no craftsman, of whatsoever craft he be, shall be found any
more in thee; and the sound of a millstone shall be heard no more at all in thee;
Rev 18:23 [niv]The light of a lamp will never shine in you again. The voice of
bridegroom and bride will never be heard in you again. Your merchants were the world's
great men. By your magic spell all the nations were led astray.
[kjv]And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the
bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the
great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.
Rev 18:24 [niv]In her was found the blood of prophets and of the saints, and of all
who have been killed on the earth."
[kjv]And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were
slain upon the earth.
And the jailing of the real culprits will occur, e.g., Satan and his cohorts chained
(Revelation 20).

Rev 20:1 [niv]And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the
Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain.
[kjv]And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit
and a great chain in his hand.
Rev 20:2 [niv]He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan,
and bound him for a thousand years.
[kjv]And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan,
and bound him a thousand years,
Rev 20:3 [niv]He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to
keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that,
he must be set free for a short time.
[kjv]And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him,
that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and
after that he must be loosed a little season.
Rev 20:4 [niv]I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority
to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony for
Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or his image and
had not received his mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned
with Christ a thousand years.
[kjv]And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them:
and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of
God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his
mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a
thousand years.
Rev 20:5 [niv](The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were
ended.) This is the first resurrection.
[kjv]But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished.
This is the first resurrection.
Shift your investment
There is commotion – great commotion indeed! – as to what to do, where to invest,
where to go, which business or work to do to have a better security, as the whole world of
business, work, etc is being stirred at its very foundation.
When asked which camp would you be, many did choose to be in the bad 666 camp to
enjoy the privileges of Babylon the Great and to avoid persecution.
Rev 13:16 [niv]He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and
slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead,
[kjv]And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive
a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
Rev 13:17 [niv]so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the
name of the beast or the number of his name.
[kjv]And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the
beast, or the number of his name.
Rev 13:18 [niv]This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the
number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666.
[kjv]Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast:
for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Those of us who succumbed to the requirements of the current rulers (global elite led
by Satan) did have survived.
But here is God’s opinion against and a coming more dangerous fate for all of us who
placed one foot at Satan’s camp while placing the other on God’s camp.
God’s Assessment of Double Loyalty Christians
Rev 3:14 [niv]"To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: These are the words of
the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God's creation.
[kjv]And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the
Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;
Rev 3:15 [niv]I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were
either one or the other!
[kjv]I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or
Rev 3:16 [niv]So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit
you out of my mouth.
[kjv]So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out
of my mouth.
Rev 3:17 [niv]You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.'
But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.
[kjv]Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of
nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and
Rev 3:18 [niv]I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can
become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve
to put on your eyes, so you can see.
[kjv]I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and
white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not
appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.
Rev 3:19 [niv]Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and repent.
[kjv]As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.
Rev 3:20 [niv]Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and
opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.
[kjv]Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the
door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
Rev 3:21 [niv]To him who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with me on my
throne, just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne.
[kjv]To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also
overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.
Rev 3:22 [niv]He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches."
[kjv]He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

There has been 7 eras of churches described in Revelation 2 & 3, the last one is the
end-time Laodiceans who have two weaknesses:
1. Unfaithfulness; double loyalty; serving both God and mammon (or the god of
mammon, Satan)
2. Blind Pride – boasting to be seeing (all-knowing) but in reality are blind

Those of us who had taken the education bait, e.g., took up a college course, were
eventually siphoned to the city, the headquarter of Satan’s reign.
There we were forced either to work for his businessman or to be his businessman
I continued to search God and sort out lies and truths while my wife run our business
which was mixed with errors, e.g., the ingredients for our bread and cakes were manufactured
and supplied by those who conformed to the Satan’s specifications.
For example, he had far in advance distributed all over the world the type of milling
machine for wheat and rice et al that would remove as many as 28 out of the main 30
nutrients from the seeds or grains, leaving the consumers with only 2 nutrients, hence,
It is in the bran (seed skin) and germ (part of the seed which germinates) that those 28
nutrients are found. So, when you use the rice or wheat mill that removes the bran and germ,
you will end up with only two nutrients in your grains… as well as in your flour!
This is very important information. Here’s why:
 Nutritionists and scientists have determined that per nutrient lost or lacking
means 10 diseases due to nutritional deficiency. So, if the seed that you eat loses its Vit. C, it
means 10 diseases can afflict you sooner or later.
 The bran contains Vitamin B complex, the most remarkable in this era of cancer
is Vitamin B17 which happens to be the vanguard against cancer! This is well explained in
the book “A World Without Cancer”. So to catch up with the advance plan of the Dark Force
(Illuminati) (this is too late for many of us), we can deduce that they removed the bran in
order to removed Vitamin B17, among others, in order to give way for the epidemic of
cancer… which is all around us! Or probably, in us!
I have to admit that in my case, as well as with you, there was that time when we were
faced with the decision: to go to college or stay in farming work? Go to the city or away from
the city?
In my case, and because my education was not on carpentry, fishing or farming (skills
which could have saved me from much of Babylon’s control), I had no choice but to leave the
mountains and go closer to the city – in the downtown… where Satan’s two-poison system
(moral poison and physical poison) has already reached and taken control.
First, I got employed by a thriving corporation, Alturas Group of Companies, where
like Daniel, my intelligence and abilities proved to be of much service to make the company
grow by leaps and bounds… from one mall to 6 malls plus various support businesses, e.g.,
fish pond, prawn pond, rice field, rice mill, poultry, piggery, etc.
Then, after four years, I went into bakery business, after I purposely resigned from the
company to start on my own.
This was another trap since the ingredients being used in the bakery business are one
of the most nutritionally-stripped off and the most chemically molested ingredients of all,
compared to other products.
And escaped we must!
As the Lord warns:
18:4 [niv]Then I heard another voice from heaven say: "Come out of her, my people,
so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues;
[kjv]And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that
ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
In this struggle to get out of this last trap, where we are in, I see that the way out
involves our return to organic whole flour. This means that we go back to organic system of
farming and production which means a total stop of the use of chemicals.
The Flow of Wind Will Shift: The Upper Hand Shall Be for those Discriminated &
Persecuted by the Bad 666 System

In the 13th chapter of the Book of Revelation, the Beast and his 666 system takes the
dominance over the people of God.
In the 17th chapter of the Book of Revelation, the whore mother church, Roman
Catholic Church, reign as queen.
It is in the 5th Seal (Revelation 6) that the persecuted people of God cry out for help
and justice:
Rev 6:9 [niv]When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those
who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained.
Rev 6:10 [niv]They called out in a loud voice, "How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and
true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?"
Rev 6:11 [niv]Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a
little longer, until the number of their fellow servants and brothers who were to be killed as
they had been was completed.
It is in Revelation 18, the fall of these two Babylons is announced and described in
The 6th seal marks the time when total black out for the Word of God occurs (the
sunlight referring to the Direct Word of God; the moonlight refers to the Word of His
prophets and apostles; and star lights refer to the world’s wise men), immediately after this
comes the grace of God (His personal intervention) so that the upper hand shifts to the people
of God:

6:12 [niv] I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The
sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red,
Rev 6:13 [niv] and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as late figs drop from a fig tree
when shaken by a strong wind.
Rev 6:14 [niv] The sky receded like a scroll, rolling up, and every mountain and
island was removed from its place.
Rev 6:15 [niv] Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the
mighty, and every slave and every free man hid in caves and among the rocks of the
Rev 6:16 [niv] They called to the mountains and the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us
from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!
Rev 6:17 [niv] For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand?"
[kjv] For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
We are reminded of the battle of Israel whereby Moses’s arm had to stayed raised,
otherwise, the battle would be in favor of the enemies. So Joshua had to help hold Moses
arms and kept them raised and so Israel won the battle.
It is already known in advance that we will have the upper hand, after going through
so much blows by the enemies.
The fall of the enemy was recorded long in advance. And the victory of the children of
the light was also recorded in advance. Our success was prophesied.

Invest On Which Has the Foundation of Rock

Sometimes the bigger battles at the top, such as the ones waged in the USA, would
make me see my own local battle as trivial and I seem to tell myself, “Well, these small tasks
at hand in my own sphere seem to be of less worth and less contribution to the overall
We are in the baking industry which involves some of the most manufactured raw
materials – the flour – and which involves more chemicals than them who are in the
restaurants or grocery stores.
Baking business appears to be the business with the most chemicals. Grocery business
are up to refined grains and refined sugar, for example, but we, in the bread and cake
business, have gone farther: refine the grains into flour and add some more chemicals in the
process towards bread, cakes and pastries where additional chemicals were added in the form
of preservatives, bread improver, coloring, flavoring, etc.
We are in the location or occupation where we are among those who are feeding the
people with food that causes nutritional deficiencies, illnesses and eventually death.
The foundation in which we are standing is not that of the Wisdom-Rock – is not of
the Lord.
We are in the foundation of chemicals – of lies – of cheating – of falsely letting our
customers believe that their money is worth buying our bread, cakes and pastries when in
truth, what they can get from our products are more nutritional deficiency, illness and death.
Our baking industry, with its present chemically processed and fortified ingredients,
and nutritionally stripped raw materials, does not contribute to healing and health, much less
to healing that is permanent and health that is lasting.
No, we are not contributing to permanent healing and lasting health!
That is why the battle rages on towards having our own whole organic flour and other
In my plan is included the takeover of our ancestral rice field (we inherited from our
grandfather) and subsequent acquisition of additional rice fields as well as link to other
organic farmers in case we cannot produce enough flour.
Our takeover of the flour production means that instead of refined white flour (RWF)
with only 2 nutrients left and many chemicals added, we will have whole organic flour
(WOF) with the total number of 30 nutrients are intact!
It is a battle to restore the seeds of life – the organic seeds -- and stop using the white
flour which derives from the not only lifeless-nutrientless seeds of wheat but also have been
subjected to poisons of GMO, chemical fertilizer and glyphosate herbicides!
I have a good younger brother who is with me in this industry. And besides him, also
some other younger brothers and sisters. We are an entire family in this industry.
The first younger brother has already about 90 outlets of his burger store, plus 3
Each of the rest has his/her own bakery or burger outlet.

In my zeal to lead my family away from poverty and slavery (employment), I [mis]-
led their talents to enter this baking industry where I am the first to wake up that this is
another entrapment. We are trapped into this place where there are more toxic chemicals
Sure bread and cakes look more beautiful and taste more delicious than their grain,
vegetable, fish or fruit, but few know how more toxic are our beautiful and delicious products
for it is chemicals that make our bread and cakes more beautiful and more delicious!!!
The worst thing is our being trapped to use the American wheat as our flour. The
American wheat is now the most dangerous raw material because it is a) using chemical
fertilizer; b) it is GMO; and c) the farmers are now using the very toxic glyphosate herbicides
which scientists call “Satan’s molecule”.
If God and Christ would stop secretly neutralizing the toxicity of these raw materials
and products, then, our crime against innocent customers would reach heaven!
I have done enough and intensive research on the dangers of chemical fertilizers,
chemical GMO pesticide and chemical herbicides. They are the killer triad.

In the name of love, I have already ceased and stopped patronizing them in my mind
and heart. I have already made known to God my decision and desire to use the organic and
chemical-free and nutritionally complete ingredients.
And He has already shown me the way to it.
He is now paving the way to our eventual control of rice growing and its production
into WOF (whole organic flour).
Milk of Disease and Death!

This adds pain to our heart.

Another ingredient of disease and death is today’s manufactured milk supplied by the
Illuminati companies, e.g., Nestle.
This milk comes from feedlot cows who are not grass-fed but fed with chemical feeds,
and anything that is not organic.
We enough videos about how dirty is the feedlot system, and how they force milk out
so that the milk is mixed with pus and blood which leads the manufacturers to subject the
milk to homogenization which is the process of overheating/ over-boiling the milk so that if it
were a fish, it would turned charcoal.
The milk subjected to homogenization burns and it is the color leche (dirty or
brownish white) that gives us the clue that such milk is over-burned. Look at the color of
fresh milk from health grass-fed cows: it is snow white.
Over-burned matter, be it meat, fish or milk, is associated with cancer.
In addition to that, milk are also said to be filled with cancer-causing growth
This makes milk worse.
Another evil of today’s manufactured milk we have just discussed is that this over-
heated milk or the process of homogenization make the milk plaque-forming – easy to form
into plaque along with other substances once they meet in the bloodstream.
O yes, there is another evil of milk: its calcium is synthetically acquired and so its
molecule is bigger than what can fit the tiny holes of teeth and bones. In other words, the
calcium of today’s milk cannot enter our bones and teeth to fortify them. Instead of building
and strengthening our bones and teeth, this kind of calcium stays outside the bones and teeth,
roams around the bloodstream, that is, goes along with the blood and finds opportunities to
lead in the formation of plaques (solid blockings) anywhere in our circulatory system, be it in
the artery of the heart, or in the small vein in the brain, etc.
So it is the fat of the milk and the calcium in the milk that are involved in the increase
of cardio-vascular diseases, of which heart disease is one of them, and is presently the leading
killer disease in America, claiming some 600,000 lives every year!
So that the milk of disease and death that the Illuminati corporations are supplying our
bakeries, same type of milk our children and elderly are drinking.
The Fat that Promotes Heart Disease and Stroke
Another ingredient that their system had imposed on us is the solid fat, scientifically
known as hydrogenated fat, and comes in the form of lard and margarine.
I have come to find – read: discover the truth – that this hydrogenated form of oil is the
silent still unknown secret cause why heart attack and stroke continue to catch people
unaware, despite the fact that they had already avoided meat fat and the more visible much
identified causes.
This hydrogenated fat (synthetic lard and margarine) is the invisible ingredient
(shortening, makes crunchy and crispy) of many products: from biscuits, to crackers, to
cookies, almost everything that is crunchy when eaten.
So the fat woman who stopped eating meat does not realize that her favorite snack,
skyflakes, is giving her the fat that is making her bigger and bigger. She has been perplexed
why she keeps becoming fatter when in fact she is eating almost no more meat and almost no
more rice, etc!

It appears that they have successfully used our beautiful and delicious bread and cakes
as the best carrier of cancer, heart attack and stroke, to name a few.
It is in the beautiful and delicious bread and cakes et al that they least expect the
enemy to come!
I have for years now detected this and have made our own personal moves to counter
the use by Illuminati (dark force) of the bread and cake to deliver their blow of death upon
millions of unsuspecting innocent people all over the world.
Our first move was to replaced lard and margarine with liquid coconut oil.
That is already a big triumph for the side of health and life.
Our Biggest Challenge: Milk and Flour
As mentioned earlier we have the following problems with our manufactured milk:
1. Homogenized milk (overheated/ over-sterilized) at over 1,000 degree Celsius!
So, cancer-causing. Milk used to be pasturized, boiled to a simmer, just a little above boiling
point. So safe.
2. Bovine Growth Hormone which is found to be cancer-causing; and
3. Its synthetic calcium which their radio and TV ads almost always emphasize to
be the secret to bone and teeth health when in reality, this type of calcium has larger molecule
that cannot penetrate the bones and teeth it is intended to strengthen. So? Result: this milk’s
calcium becomes a vagabond, roaming all around with the blood, and findings always
outside, it finds other less nice thing to do, to wit: it leads other substances in calcification,
that is, forming plaques that block the arteries and other blood vessels causing heart attack,
stroke and other cardio-vascular diseases! In short, today’s milk’s calcium is also a major
contributor to the number cause of death of mankind: heart disease!
Can you imagine MILK, the best food for babies and adult, IS NOW THE MAIN
It’s now not a milk of life, but a milk of death!
These are just the leading three main ingredients of bread and cakes and other baked
products that contribute to the evolution of bread of life to bread of death, from cake of
celebration to cake of lamentation.
This is not to mention other chemicals used for different purposes: preservations,
bread improver, coloring, flavoring, etc.
Today, if I am not mistaken, bread and cake are the worst food ever invented because
it is beautiful in the outside, and tasty or delicious to the tongue, therefore, making it very
deceitful, but in its contents are many dangerous chemicals!
It appears that bread and cake have become the concoction of the most number of
harmful chemicals and the most deceitful because of its nice taste and beautiful appearance,
causing more people to think they are harmless and beneficial.
That is where the greatest danger lies: when people is not suspecting, but trusting.
There are news reports about the link of some cancer to a number of FDA-approved
food colorings being mostly used in cakes business.
No conclusive study has been done yet on the risk to health of smell enhancers. But
there has been relative report of perfumes having health risks.
The bread and cakes and other baked products appear to be more dangerous than
single ingredient product such as deodorant or sugar because bread and cakes are a
combination of many chemicals.
Chicago-USA Car Industry – Foundation of Sand: Fossil Fuel

As a man who has his young years occurring in the decades of the ‘80s and ‘90s, and
making a name the corporate world, I cannot forget the great names in the world of business –
those names and brans that always got in the top list of Fortune 500 – that names GM
(General Motors), IBM, Exxon, Ford, Chevrolet, GE, Sony – these are some of the names of
the greatest in their own industry – the companies I always help high – and never thought that
they would experience a fall or bankruptcy.
It was painful for me to hear or see them also fell in my lifetime – one by one I heard
the news of one of them suffering bankruptcy, then, another of them following the demise of
the other – why o why?
The latest in this decade of 2100s was a huge bang because they were three in the
industry – car industry – GM, Ford and Chevrolet - the well-known Big Three!
These where the big 3 that form a solid – or so I thought – foundation of the great
places of the world, Chicago, especially its capital, Detroit.
This is the center of America’s car industry. Most of the people of Chicago are
employees of the industry and so the families of these highly-paid employees were
considered well-off.
Beautiful homes. Of course, nice expensive cars! Children on to expensive schools.
The lights in the city never turns off. Parties went to the wee hours of the night.
There seemed to be no end of celebration.
Thanks to the wealth that flowed into Chicago made possible by the great car
industry… whom neither I nor anyone would think…yeah…

Never did anyone thought of the sun setting for Detroit, Chicago.

But when it did, as you can view countless of videos at YouTube cataloguing the
various aspects of the fall of the car industry in Chicago, you will see the following graphical
images written in the Book of Revelation chapter 18 befalling to the Big Three, intended first
to be the general description of the whole Babylon the Great system of today led by the USA,
but also applies to her member industries, to quote:

Rev 18:8 [niv]Therefore in one day her plagues will overtake her: death, mourning
and famine. She will be consumed by fire, for mighty is the Lord God who judges her.
Rev 18:9 [niv]"When the kings of the earth who committed adultery with her and
shared her luxury see the smoke of her burning, they will weep and mourn over her.

Rev 18:10 [niv]Terrified at her torment, they will stand far off and cry: " 'Woe! Woe,
O great city, O Babylon, city of power! In one hour your doom has come!'

Rev 18:11 [niv]"The merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her because no
one buys their cargoes any more—

Rev 18:12 [niv] cargoes of gold, silver, precious stones and pearls; fine linen, purple,
silk and scarlet cloth; every sort of citron wood, and articles of every kind made of ivory,
costly wood, bronze, iron and marble;

Rev 18:13 [niv]cargoes of cinnamon and spice, of incense, myrrh and frankincense, of
wine and olive oil, of fine flour and wheat; cattle and sheep; horses and carriages; and bodies
and souls of men.

Rev 18:14 [niv]"They will say, 'The fruit you longed for is gone from you. All your
riches and splendor have vanished, never to be recovered.'

Rev 18:15 [niv]The merchants who sold these things and gained their wealth from her
will stand far off, terrified at her torment. They will weep and mourn

Rev 18:16 [niv]and cry out: " 'Woe! Woe, O great city, dressed in fine linen, purple
and scarlet, and glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls!

Rev 18:17 [niv]In one hour such great wealth has been brought to ruin!'

Rev 18:18 [niv]"Every sea captain, and all who travel by ship, the sailors, and all who
earn their living from the sea, will stand far off. When they see the smoke of her burning,
they will exclaim, 'Was there ever a city like this great city?'

Rev 18:19 [niv]They will throw dust on their heads, and with weeping and mourning
cry out: " 'Woe! Woe, O great city, where all who had ships on the sea became rich through
her wealth! In one hour she has been brought to ruin!
Rev 18:20 [niv]Rejoice over her, O heaven! Rejoice, saints and apostles and prophets!
God has judged her for the way she treated you.' "

Rev 18:21 [niv]Then a mighty angel picked up a boulder the size of a large millstone
and threw it into the sea, and said: "With such violence the great city of Babylon will be
thrown down, never to be found again.

Rev 18:22 [niv]The music of harpists and musicians, flute players and trumpeters,
will never be heard in you again. No workman of any trade will ever be found in you again.
The sound of a millstone will never be heard in you again.

Rev 18:23 [niv]The light of a lamp will never shine in you again. The voice of
bridegroom and bride will never be heard in you again. Your merchants were the world's
great men. By your magic spell all the nations were led astray.

Rev 18:24 [niv]In her was found the blood of prophets and of the saints, and of all
who have been killed on the earth."

The once full malls are now empty. The once jolly homes have no more voice of
occupants overheard. The once busy streets are now full of trash and broken bottles. The once
running machines of factories are now covered with dust and silent.
It is so painful to see such tragedy happening to a city or a once thriving community,
and in this case a very rich city of Detroit.

I, and the rest of you, have been believing the foundation of such industries were of a
rock. But as it turned out, we only woke up one morning to see that its foundation pala is
made of sand!
May I quote the Lord Jesus Christ’s sober statement regarding the need to make sure
that everything that we built has the foundation of the rock (i.e., divine wisdom and love):

(The Wise and Foolish Builders )

Mat 7:24 [niv]"Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into
practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.
Mat 7:25 [niv]The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat
against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.

Mat 7:26 [niv]But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them
into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.

Mat 7:27 [niv]The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat
against that house, and it fell with a great crash."

Wisdom from God or Christ are composed of truths. The opposite is of course lies and
deceits. If you build your enterprise on lies and deceits, then, your foundation is of the sand.
Sadly, the car industry all over the world, headquartered in Detroit, Chicago, is based
on a lie: oil -- we have been led to believe that oil is beneficial but to our dismay, oil is the
major cause of pollution in both air and waters, major cause of cancer, the creator of oxidants
which are initiators of cancer; oil has destroyed the ozone layer which resulted to countless of
hurricanes and typhoons all over the world – those of us who know the details can conclude
that oil is a deceiver – is a fake – is not a genuine good beneficial product or item. It is doing
more harm than anything else.
And so its time to fall has come to the car industry – is spreading all over the world.
For those who have seen its destructiveness to the environment has shifted to CFRE
(clean, free and renewable energy) like solar power, air power, electro-magnetic energy, etc.
Farther and farther away are the new inventors and manufacturers as well as customers
shunning away from the once great and might oil!
Oil has proved to be a foundation of sand.

And as an encouragement to nations who are considering departure from the use of oil
(which is known to us as fossil fuel or gasoline), let what has happened to Iceland be an
Iceland was among the first to stop using fossil fuel. Iceland was among the poorest
nation in Europe and a few decades ago they left oil in favor of geothermal and hydro.
And what has been the result?
Now, from poorest, Iceland is now the 4th fastest growing countries in Europe!
The same story happened to those who rejected fossil fuel follow the step of Iceland.
Among them is Norway which is now enjoying high economic growth.
So do not buy their threat that if you stop using oil, your country’s economy will fall!
I still wish to engage the minds of our young entrepreneurs in the country, but I
will do that later on. Suffice is to have made an introductory statement regarding this one of
the most important issues in business which is: The need to make sure that your foundation is
real solid rock and is not made of sand.
It is interesting to know which foundations and which investments are classified
as rock and which are classified as sand.
We have seen that the world has been wrong to think that oil and its car
industry has a solid rock foundation. It’s a pity …. my heart bleeds…
SONY – Foundation of Rock or Sand?
Sony, Sony, Sony!
That nice sounding name. Sony derived from the word “sound”.
And it was a good choice of its founder, the great Ako Morita, to have chosen that
name to represent beautiful sound.
For decades, Sony had been the king of sound and video system. Who would forget
the Sony TVs, the Sony Betamax video?
Our lives have been greatly enriched by the movies and video songs that Sony has
made available to the ordinary home. Without Sony, I bet the cameras, the videos, the movies
and the likes would still be in the hands of the big companies and movie makers.
For I still can remember the wise decision of its founder: Let us make the technology
enjoyed by the theater or move industry available to every home. Let us bring movie and
videos and great music to every home!
Thus, we have seen Sony led in the miniaturization of the camera, of the theater, of
making every home similar to the recording companies. Miniaturization of technology or
bringing technology to every home was a good move for such good companies like Sony.
We cannot forget Sony’s huge contribution in making every home a home of songs
and movies through its TVs, cameras, video appliances!
We last heard of Sony’s acquisition of Warner Brothers, Hollywood’s biggest movie
So, the sun never sets for Sony?
Mr. Akio Morita died in the late ‘90s, if I remember it correctly. Sony’s visionary
leader was no longer there to guide his great company through the next two decades from
2000 to the present, 2017.
What has happened in these last 20 years to Sony?
Sadly, she lost sight.
The world has gone away from TV, from the camera, from the Betamax onto (1)
combination and (2) wireless-ization of all those things Sony and others did separately years
Sony has lagged behind in the wireless technology. It is the technology of putting all
gadgets and appliances in one machine: wireless computer.
And it is a race of making that computer small as well! So we have seen it has become
a tablet or a cellphone!
All in one!
The baton of leadership was picked up by Samsung and Apple, I guess… from Sony.
Samsung and Apple are now the leading companies.
If Sony won’t restore the visionary ability of its founder, then, Sony will be left
behind… and its foundation becoming obsolete or behind the trend.
I have a clarified vision for Sony… if it is willing to adopt this. It is this: Focus on the
perfection of the video songs to be composed of the following special features:
1. Choose the songs which can help build the new era of love, peace, joy, freedom
and lasting life, and prosperity;
2. Put a video background which perfectly depicts the lyrics, be it in the form of
movie or animation, or suitable pictures, as long as the pictures or videos interpret the lyrics;
3. On one part of the page is shown the lyrics and chords for those who want to
play the guitar or piano or just read the lyrics while singing.
I lament over the present lack of video songs with back ground pictures or videos
perfectly interpreting the lyrics. In the Karaoke songs, there are love songs with war as
background video/ pics!
So, the space for creativity and progress is still huge.
Another area for expansion: Let all poets submit their poems in one site or folder; and
let the tune composers submit their wordless tunes in another site; or let these poets put verses
on the wordless tunes; and vice versa, let the tune makers give tunes to the tuneless poems;
and when both lyrics and tunes are merged into a new song, let the movie maker or the
animator place the movie or animation as background of the new song!
All verse writers or poets from all over the world.
All tune makers or composers from all over the world.
All movie makers from all over the world.
All artist- animators from all over the world.

That is my suggestion to Sony. To be her new Vision. To receive the baton for the next
lap. That is, to receive the baton from Samsung-Apple.
It may be Sony’s best move to hire or partner with Akiane Kramarik who is into a
combination of verse, tune and painting.
Example of Business or Industry or Occupation with Rock as Its Foundation: The
Farm and Land
In my almost 30 years in business consultancy and development career, I have never
seen a company or family as stable as the one based on “developed” land and “developed”
talent. I said “developed” because a land is useless and a talent is fruitless if it has not been
developed to the point of being in demand by the market.
My idea and description for a developed farm is one which does not anymore buy
from the outside for its fertilizer, breed, seeds, feeds, pesticides, and other inputs. It produces
them all.
Hence, no cash out. That is the first feature of a “developed” land.
Now, the second feature of a “developed” land or farm is: Products Out and Cash in.
From the farm out-flows abundant supply of organic fertilizer, flowers, vegetables,
fruits, honey, wine; milk, eggs, meat, etc.
Such goods outflow when sold means cash inflow.
So less or no money out (no expenses), but much cash in.
The best that can do that is the land.
Now, once the land is generating productively and profitably, the family now has the
food base to enable it to put its second focus on talent development of every member.
Without a food base, talent development cannot be fully focused because the person
has to earn a living in an unrelated job to survive, and so he/she loses the time for talent
It is different if you have a farm that supplies you with the basic needs of life, and so
spare you from going to the city for employment where your time and strength are owned and
used by your employer for his own purpose, not yours! That is a form of slavery and slaves
have no time for their own self-development. Slaves or employees lend their time and
strengths, even talents for the enrichment of their boss or employer, and seldom or unlikely
for their own development and upliftment.
But here in your own farm, you can have all the time you need or like to spend for
your talent. Thanks to the land and its flora and fauna!
The heirs and descendants must wake up to the truth, namely: that the land owned and
controlled by the government and businessmen are theirs!
Who Owns the Land?
As founder of the Association of Landless Heirs and Permaculture Enthusiasts of the
Philippines (ALHPEP) which anchors our aim, claim and purpose partly on the
Commonwealth Act 141 (Public Land Act of the Philippines) or Homestead Law, which,
among other things, provides that every Filipino family has the right to claim up to 24
hectares of free land, we are concerned of the video at YouTube that presents that only one
family, namely: the Tagean-Tallano family, which claims to be the family of all sultans and
rajahs and datus of the Maharlikha (Philippines & Java-Borneo), is the sole owner of the land
now known as Philippines and Borneo.
From the video, the surviving heir of the Tagean-Tallano family, namely: Mr. Prince
Tallano, revealed that it was the British Empire who issued the paper or Land Title purporting
their ownership.
I am here today to state that ownership claim is weak under the following reasons:
1) the British Empire had no right over the Philippines; we were not even their colony;
2) the Tagean-Tallano clan, the royal family, from whom all the rajahs, sultans, and
datus (kings, princes) came from, were of the Mongolian race, of Genghis Khan, not the same
race of the original inhabitants of the Pacific Isles and Africa, which is the negroid race
(Negroes and Negritoes);
3) there exist a document more authoritative than the Land Title issued by the British
Empire, and although this document was written or put into writing circa AD 1840, the
content of this document was issued circa 5000 BC, at the time when the first born of Adam,
Cain, was already old, so much earlier than the Tallano Land Title which was issued not more
than 400 years ago or during the Spanish occupation period.
4) The One who gave the Pacific Isles and the continent of Africa to the Negroid race
is no other than God the Creator, thru the angel Abel. The name of the book document: The
Household of God, volume 1 which you can download from This
unusually authoritative book will change your life.
5) Also, by virtue of the principle of First Come First Served, in these last 6,000 years,
it was the Negroid race who first found the Pacific Isles and soon after occupied Africa, not
the white race of the British or American, not the European race of Spain, Portugal, etc., not
the Mongolian race of Genghis Khan who came to the Philippines some 900 years ahead of
the Spaniards who came to the Philippines in early 1600s.
6) All evidence exist, even the artifacts scattered all over the Philippine land, that it
was the negroid race, not the other race, who were the first settlers, the founders, the
recipients of this land called Philippines, and other Pacific islands;
7) if the royal family heirs of Genghis Khan claim that they were the ones who
collected the gold, it is correct, but they also should remember that the gold was not theirs
because the land was not for the mongolian race but given to the negroid race; and also
8) if the Mongolian rulers or rajahs commanded collection of the gold which was in
possession of the people as their ornaments and those gold dug, we should take note that
while they gave the command, our forefathers, the Negroes/ negritoes, (1) did the labor (2)
who were also the actual owners of what they dug for the rajahs; it was our negroid
forefathers who both own the gold and also dug the gold. Therefore, the % of ownership was
higher for the negroid race;
9) If you claim that OWNERSHIP BELONGS TO THE MIGHTIER, in the Age of
Might -- that might is right -- then, may I tell you, you are or were correct, but may I also tell
you, that is not going to be the case forever because the higher will of God is Love not brute
force, and it is Love that will set what is right, no longer will might (brute force). Love will
soon be the ruler, the king. No longer will those who use military or brute force be the real
If you are not convinced, just give yourself time.
As the Kingdom of God, the God of Love, settles in, might or brute force will have no
place. All their laws, claims, documents, proofs of ownership, etc. etc. will be all NULL
If you are still not convinced, then, give yourself time and see what will soon take
It is the Law of Love, e.g., Love God above all and your neighbor as yourself - that
will rule.
Soon be it.!!!!




CBP GOVERNOR JAIME C. LAYA - Free from all liens & encumbrances, no criminal
origin covered by insurance, immunity and security code 50-20, with Citibank as the conduit
"ROYAL-CHILD" as the SOLE SUCCESSOR HEIR on the Global Assets of the ROYAL
(K.O.R.A.N) with codename: TVM-LSM-666, aka. Spiritual Wonder Boy and White
Spiritual Boy !!!

On top of this 80,000 MT Gold invested by the Royal Family Clan under the code of
K.O.R.A.N (King of Recognized Asset Nations) are the: 400,000 MT AU deposited at
Central Bank of the Philippines (now BSP)... 27,000 MT AU deposited to Chase Manhattan
Bank New York as integral part of 1-Million Metric Ton AU... 5,407,000 KGS. OF GOLD at
Union Bank of Switzerland.... 1-Million MT Gold deposited at NARODNA BANKA
JUGOSLAVIJE.... 2-Million MT Gold as stimulus backup for CHINA and many, many more



& L.O.I (1950 & 1974) - - -

#changeiscoming #partnerforchange #globalcorruptionhastostop

Arnulfo Laniba: Peter, I hope the utilization of this great treasures which originally
belong to the Prime Creator who officially gave the right of ownership, or rather stewardship,
of the land in the Pacific Isles and Africa to the last branch of Cain after he was forgiven and
reconciled to Abel (at that time already an angel and who hugged him turning him black,
curly haired and thick-lipped and renamed him Ethiope! Thus the black or negroid branch as
Cain-Ethiope's last set of children populated the Oceana (Pacific Isles) when father Adam
was still alive, hence, way ahead of the Mongolian Genghis Khan who came to the
Maharlikha (Philippines & Java) in what their present living heir Prince Tallano dated to be
9th century A.D. That's some 4,000 years late than the Cainites negroid race (negroes &
So, the claim of the Genghis Khan descendants, the royal family Tagean-Tallano clan
is not full but valid only in the sense that they were the instrumental family used by God to
collect the golds from the people who were said to be using it as common ordinary jewelries
or decorations as sands in the mountains.
Arnulfo Laniba: And also in the mining of the rest of the gold totaling to at least
720,000 metric tons, if the figure is correct, considered the property of the Maharlikhan royal
family Tagean-Tallano.
Arnulfo Laniba: So the best claim the Tagean-Tallano can rightfully claim is: they
were instrumental.
The negroid people (now Filipinos) are the true stewards of the true Owner, God the
Prime Creator. Those who remained natives are still fulfilling that job of stewardship.
They are reported to be guarding the so-called red mountain which is full of gold
somewhere in the Agusan area, Mindanao.
Arnulfo Laniba: For practical reasons, the Filipino people have the greater right than
any nation or claimant family bec 1) they 'own' the land, 2) the gold was already in their
possession as their common jewelries and decorations, 3) and the rest and bigger volume, it
was the Filipino people who mined it, the rulers only acted as the giver of the command.
Arnulfo Laniba: Great Britain who issued the paper in behalf of the Tagean royal
family which now forms as the main basis of the ownership claim of the Tagean-Tallano clan,
is at best mere witness to the fact that the Tagean Tallano clan is indeed the keeper family.
This helped prevent the Americans or World Bank from stealing the ownership.
The involvement of the British via Queen Victoria's brother who became the son-in-
law of the Maharlikhan royal family, helped keep the Americans from doing something other
than merely leasing it via the World Bank.
We should be very careful from not transgressing the spiritual boundaries regarding
who owns it and who is its steward and who its beneficiaries are... because its Owner is
omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent.
He could use bloody means such as world wars to correct our greed and caused His
gold to go back to the Philippines which I've read in The Sound of the Last Trumpet to be the
site of the New Jerusalem which will be made of gold as Revelation 21 says.
Also we must be extra careful from claiming beyond what we are (at best, we are only
stewards) because that may bring us a curse.
Also I've stated that money is not the intended use and purpose why God created gold.
Gold was created to be like the THC of marijuana: to connect us to our real home,
Heaven, from where we all came! We are here on earth only as visitors or experiencers.
Arnulfo Laniba: Our most solid written proof and source of this information is the
book The Household of God, volume 1. God dictated this book to an Austrian Jew, Jakob
Lorber. It is published in a number of websites, one of which is
About the primary as well as secondary uses and purposes of gold, you can read it in
other directly dictated books such as The Great Gospel of John, also via Jakob Lorber, and in
the messages He sent as Cosmic Awareness published in
Arnulfo Laniba: The book The Great Gospel is also downdable from

Arnulfo Laniba: Time has come that we stop doing basketball game and hide and seek
and feverishly trying to assert our imagined ownership to the gold which ownership can never
be realized because its real Owner is not only alive but omnipresent, omniscient and
Arnulfo Laniba: And if you demand for witness other than or in addition to the
aforementioned writing, then we have father Cain himself who is still alive until now 2017
and beyond to serve as witness historian to set the facts and truth straight once and for all.
Wait for that day. It's not going to be decades but merely years, I guess, when he steps out
from his hiding place in one of the isles in the Pacific. Patriarch Cain is now over 5,000 years
old! He has the ability to see through all veils and penetrate his eyes to all cities and villages
around the world, to make his observations.
Arnulfo Laniba: He will stop all confusion and claims to make gold et al the property
of all, according to the will and intent of its Owner who happens to be our one and only
Primordial Parent!
(Clean, Free and Renewable Energy)
Besides the two general direction of investment of our time, money and other
resources (land and talent), there is a specific field that is emerging out of the deep where the
fossil fuel proponents have buried it for over 200 years: the CFRE industry or Clean, Free and
Renewable Energy group which include solar power, water-fueled car, air energy, electro-
magnetic energy, wind energy which are all safe, economical, even free, as well as very
abundant (even unlimited supply).
The solar-powered ecar is already a reality; in fact, the first to reach commercial phase,
led by Tesla Corporation founded by Eton Musk. Tesla is now operating in the USA with free
battery exchange in strategic locations formerly occupied by gasoline stations.
Today, in Japan, there are more batter charging stations than gasoline stations!
In the Philippines, Engr. Daniel Dingel invented the water-fueled car, where liquid
water is split into hydrogen and oxygen, producing energy in the process.
Also in the Philippines, Engr. Ishmael Aviso has invented the what I call aecar, or the
air-based ecar, where the machine burns the air through the shorting process and produce an
increasing electricity which is “sky is the limit” and can power easily war ships and space
ships, and not cars and trucks!
Another technology utilizers the air by compressing it. This too has proven powerful
enough to power cars.
We have also the magnet and coil system, known as electro-magnetic or mag grav
technology, where magnets and coil do the action.
All have things in common, namely: the supply is unlimited, supply is free or very
cheap, clean, and safe.
Fossil fuel such as gasoline and coal, is going to be a thing of the past. Fossil-fuel
based cars and companies are edifices built on the foundation of sand. He who builds on them
shall see his house cannot stand when the storm of fire-test arrives to test its quality and
Anything that is not true and pure, shall crack and break before the wind of the coming
test-storm. The wind will slap the house and it collapses because its foundation is a sand!
All things that are built on lies and unlove will fall. Everything that is built on the
foundation of wisdom and love which is one of the strongest truths, shall withstand the
strongest storm and endue unto the end.
Which is the stronger foundation:
Market (Consumers) or Own Farm & Talent?

Market-based businesses are those which depend on people (customers/consumers) to

Market-based companies, yes even the greatest corporations of their time, like IBM,
Levi’s, General Motors, etc. suffered bankruptcy.
When and how?
When the consumers or market shift to new products, not offered by the company that
would go bankrupt.
On the other hand, a family farm managed by a wise husband who uses it to provide
his family with the basic needs, such as food, fruits, etc., cannot easily go bankrupt. Only
those big farms used to supply raw materials to big manufacturing companies, did go to
The small family farm managed the ancient way is the one that can last and can
withstand the test of time.
Talent-based enterprise can also be rock-founded. But it is best if it is paired by the
family farm. That is why, if talent happens to be the first one that a person possesses, it is
advised that he will buy a farm.
Hand in hand, farm and talent will weather the coming storms in life that will try to
destroy the family.
A family that is land-and-talent-based is two-stranded rope that cannot easily break,
with God on their side, they will become a three-stranded rope that will withstand all tests
and trials.
Two Major Causes of Bankruptcy:
Illness (Medical Cost) as with America & Pride as with ancient Babylon

When Health Crisis Makes you Bankrupt

Saying: Young people go on losing their health in pursuit of wealth; old people go to
lose their wealth to regain the lost health.
This is almost always the error of the young people: To forget their own health in
pursuit of wealth, which they usually find when they are in their older age, and so when they
are old, they should be now enjoying their wealth, right? Wrong! Because that is the time
when illness also comes, and so they would begin the pursuit of health using their wealth.
But true.
In the affluent America, they have committed the same mistake. They are now into the
worst kind of illnesses mankind has ever experienced. Cancers of over 100 types,
cardiovascular diseases, mental illnesses, diabetes – so many to list.
And surveys show that among the top 10 list of expenses, it is health or medical
expenses that tops the list. Medical cost is now considered the No. 1 cause of bankruptcy of
American families.
And how many of the American families are bankrupt? 60%!
So, one of the investment we should not forget is to invest for our health, not just
present health but future health as well. To sow seeds that will give us permanent healing and
lasting health.
It is shocking to find male workers in the country refusing to give a minute to health
symposium because according to them, “we are too busy in our works to feed our family and
meet their dreams"!
The focus on CFRE is one act that will sow the seed for a healthy future.
The focus on land and talent is also another wise and effective investment for health,
not just present health but future health as well.
These are rock foundations.
Let us stop scattering our minds on works, courses, pursuits and technologies that do
not ensure us a healthy and wealthy future.
True, the wireless technology is promising us a wealthy future, but its downside is its
being a dirty electricity, causing brain tumors/cancers to the people in the long-run.
So, we are pissed off to shift to LI-FI (Light Fidelity) which is not only faster, but also
safe and beneficial.
In ancient time, the major cause of bankruptcy or fall is pride. I think it still
applies today.
Pride has a number of definitions which we should fully understand if we want
to escape from its grip:
1. First, it is the refusal to let merciful love fill your heart and guide your mind. It
is the refusal to be merciful or kind.
The personal experience of King Nebuchadnezzar of Old Babylon is a best example.
Let us quote the story:
Dan 4:1 [niv]King Nebuchadnezzar, To the peoples, nations and men of every
language, who live in all the world: May you prosper greatly!
Dan 4:2 [niv]It is my pleasure to tell you about the miraculous signs and wonders that
the Most High God has performed for me.
Dan 4:3 [niv]How great are his signs, how mighty his wonders! His kingdom is an
eternal kingdom; his dominion endures from generation to generation.
Dan 4:4 [niv]I, Nebuchadnezzar, was at home in my palace, contented and
[Dan 4:5 [niv]I had a dream that made me afraid. As I was lying in my bed, the
images and visions that passed through my mind terrified me.
Dan 4:6 [niv]So I commanded that all the wise men of Babylon be brought before me
to interpret the dream for me.
Dan 4:7 [niv]When the magicians, enchanters, astrologers and diviners came, I told
them the dream, but they could not interpret it for me.
Dan 4:8 [niv]Finally, Daniel came into my presence and I told him the dream. (He is
called Belteshazzar, after the name of my god, and the spirit of the holy gods is in him.)
Dan 4:9 [niv]I said, "Belteshazzar, chief of the magicians, I know that the spirit of the
holy gods is in you, and no mystery is too difficult for you. Here is my dream; interpret it for
Dan 4:10 [niv]These are the visions I saw while lying in my bed: I looked, and there
before me stood a tree in the middle of the land. Its height was enormous.
Dan 4:11 [niv]The tree grew large and strong and its top touched the sky; it was
visible to the ends of the earth.
Dan 4:12 [niv]Its leaves were beautiful, its fruit abundant, and on it was food for all.
Under it the beasts of the field found shelter, and the birds of the air lived in its branches;
from it every creature was fed.
Dan 4:13 [niv]"In the visions I saw while lying in my bed, I looked, and there before
me was a messenger, a holy one, coming down from heaven.
Dan 4:14 [niv]He called in a loud voice: 'Cut down the tree and trim off its branches;
strip off its leaves and scatter its fruit. Let the animals flee from under it and the birds from its
Dan 4:15 [niv]But let the stump and its roots, bound with iron and bronze, remain in
the ground, in the grass of the field. " 'Let him be drenched with the dew of heaven, and let
him live with the animals among the plants of the earth.
Dan 4:16 [niv]Let his mind be changed from that of a man and let him be given the
mind of an animal, till seven times pass by for him.
Dan 4:17 [niv]" 'The decision is announced by messengers, the holy ones declare the
verdict, so that the living may know that the Most High is sovereign over the kingdoms of
men and gives them to anyone he wishes and sets over them the lowliest of men.'
Dan 4:18 [niv]"This is the dream that I, King Nebuchadnezzar, had. Now,
Belteshazzar, tell me what it means, for none of the wise men in my kingdom can interpret it
for me. But you can, because the spirit of the holy gods is in you." ( Daniel Interprets the
Dream )
Dan 4:19 [niv]Then Daniel (also called Belteshazzar) was greatly perplexed for a
time, and his thoughts terrified him. So the king said, "Belteshazzar, do not let the dream or
its meaning alarm you." Belteshazzar answered, "My lord, if only the dream applied to your
enemies and its meaning to your adversaries!
Dan 4:20 [niv]The tree you saw, which grew large and strong, with its top touching
the sky, visible to the whole earth,
Dan 4:21 [niv]with beautiful leaves and abundant fruit, providing food for all, giving
shelter to the beasts of the field, and having nesting places in its branches for the birds of the
Dan 4:22 [niv]you, O king, are that tree! You have become great and strong; your
greatness has grown until it reaches the sky, and your dominion extends to distant parts of the
Dan 4:23 [niv]"You, O king, saw a messenger, a holy one, coming down from heaven
and saying, 'Cut down the tree and destroy it, but leave the stump, bound with iron and
bronze, in the grass of the field, while its roots remain in the ground. Let him be drenched
with the dew of heaven; let him live like the wild animals, until seven times pass by for him.'
Dan 4:24 [niv]"This is the interpretation, O king, and this is the decree the Most High
has issued against my lord the king:
Dan 4:25 [niv]You will be driven away from people and will live with the wild
animals; you will eat grass like cattle and be drenched with the dew of heaven. Seven times
will pass by for you until you acknowledge that the Most High is sovereign over the
kingdoms of men and gives them to anyone he wishes.
Dan 4:26 [niv]The command to leave the stump of the tree with its roots means that
your kingdom will be restored to you when you acknowledge that Heaven rules.
Dan 4:27 [niv]Therefore, O king, be pleased to accept my advice: Renounce your sins
by doing what is right, and your wickedness by being kind to the oppressed. It may be that
then your prosperity will continue." ( The Dream Is Fulfilled )
Dan 4:28 [niv]All this happened to King Nebuchadnezzar.
Dan 4:29 [niv]Twelve months later, as the king was walking on the roof of the royal
palace of Babylon,
Dan 4:30 [niv]he said, "Is not this the great Babylon I have built as the royal
residence, by my mighty power and for the glory of my majesty?"
[kjv]The king spake, and said, Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for the house
of the kingdom by the might of my power, and for the honour of my majesty?
Dan 4:31 [niv]The words were still on his lips when a voice came from heaven, "This
is what is decreed for you, King Nebuchadnezzar: Your royal authority has been taken from
[kjv]While the word was in the king's mouth, there fell a voice from heaven, saying, O
king Nebuchadnezzar, to thee it is spoken; The kingdom is departed from thee.
Dan 4:32 [niv]You will be driven away from people and will live with the wild
animals; you will eat grass like cattle. Seven times will pass by for you until you
acknowledge that the Most High is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and gives them to
anyone he wishes."
Dan 4:33 [niv]Immediately what had been said about Nebuchadnezzar was fulfilled.
He was driven away from people and ate grass like cattle. His body was drenched with the
dew of heaven until his hair grew like the feathers of an eagle and his nails like the claws of a
Dan 4:34 [niv]At the end of that time, I, Nebuchadnezzar, raised my eyes toward
heaven, and my sanity was restored. Then I praised the Most High; I honored and glorified
him who lives forever. His dominion is an eternal dominion; his kingdom endures from
generation to generation.
Dan 4:35 [niv]All the peoples of the earth are regarded as nothing. He does as he
pleases with the powers of heaven and the peoples of the earth. No one can hold back his
hand or say to him: "What have you done?"
Dan 4:36 [niv]At the same time that my sanity was restored, my honor and splendor
were returned to me for the glory of my kingdom. My advisers and nobles sought me out, and
I was restored to my throne and became even greater than before.
Dan 4:37 [niv]Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and exalt and glorify the King of
heaven, because everything he does is right and all his ways are just. And those who walk in
pride he is able to humble.
[kjv]Now I Nebuchadnezzar praise and extol and honour the King of heaven, all
whose works are truth, and his ways judgment: and those that walk in pride he is able to
The king’s refusal to be kind to the poor and needy was his pride.
2. Pride also means not being humble; refusal to listen to the wisdom of God,
insistence that he knows more than God, etc.
This is the fault of the end-time churches, collectively called the Laodiceans. Here is
God’s assessment of them:
Rev 3:17 [niv]You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.'
But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.
Rev 3:18 [niv]I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can
become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve
to put on your eyes, so you can see.
Rev 3:19 [niv]Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and repent.
So pride is essentially lack of mercy and lack of humility.

These two afflict the people of America, which is scheduled to fall soon, along with
other proud nations.
The move we are to do right now is to flee from the present Babylonian system.
Because if we don’t, two things will happen to us:
1) We will continue to participate in her sinful or harmful ways, hurting others;
2) 2) We will inevitably receive the consequences as automatic “punishment”.
The end-time “punishments” are the 7 last plagues.
[niv]You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a
Rev 3:17 thing.' But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and
[niv]I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you
Rev 3:18 can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your
shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.
Rev 3:19 [niv]Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and

[niv]You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a
Rev 3:17 thing.' But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and
[niv]I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you
Rev 3:18 can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your
shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.
Rev 3:19 [niv]Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and

We have to come out of the System of sins!

How? Where can we possibly start?

This is just a reminder, very important though. I have written many long articles
regarding this so I won't have to take much of your time, but just to remind you of the

1) In Leviticus 19:26 - God prohibit sorcery (King James: enchantment. NIV: sorcery)

2) In Revelation 9:20-21, God says despite the plagues or calamities, the people are so
addicted to sorcery that they wouldn't abandon it but continue to stick with it
(King James: sorcery; NIV: magic arts)

3) In Revelation 21:8, the Lord says that the practitioners or participants of sorcery would
stay outside the new earth or outside the Kingdom of God newly established on earth, and
that they would stay in the lake of fire (suffering)

Note: To be a practitioner or participant means either you are the medicine formulator
(chemist) or the owner of big Pharma, or its doctor or nurse, or pharmacist, or the drug store
owner or a sales rep, or the patient of their hospitals or clinics, etc.

4) In Revelation 22:15, the Lord says that the practitioners or participants of sorcery
cannot enter the new City of Jerusalem

5) Revelation 14:9-11 describes the suffering of cancer as the lake of fire

6) Trumpet 1 is the act of destroying 1/3 of the dry land, its soil, plants, etc. The whole
ecosystem that gives and ensures our health. This would lead to Plague 1 (Revelation 16): the
ugly sore. In one translation: ugly sore is translated "malignant" sore. You know what disease
is malignant. It is cancer.

7) In Leviticus 16 & Deuteronomy 28, are discussed the curses of disobedience after
the blessings are listed. Among the curses or consequences of disobedience are: disease of
consumption -- your flesh self-eats. Decays. Scientists call that oxidation -- oxygen burning
your cells so that your cells or flesh disappear back to gas, no longer solid flesh. They also
call that auto-immune diseases.
This type of diseases is also described as one which cannot be healed.

This is refers to flesh consuming diseases like cancer, TB, gangrene, diabetes, etc. This is the
first plague of the 7 Last Plagues.

8) Finally, in Revelation 18:23-24, it says there that Babylon the Great, the current
government and church system (USA and Vatican), deceives the whole world via sorcery or
use of drugs (chemicals including medicines).

In verse 24, it says that because of the use of chemistry in general manufacturing
businesses, and pharmaceuticals in particular, Babylon the Great, in general, becomes the
greatest killer of mankind, but the main tool of killing mankind is its branch of sorcery or use
of poison (chemicals) which has expanded from what used to be in treating illnesses, but now
the use of poisonous chemicals has expanded to the ManuFactories or manufacturing industry
where the seeds of diseases (chemicals) are being sowed or planted, and when these seeds
become diseases, they are being harvested (the profits) by its sister industry, Pharmaceutical
industry... thus, Pharmakeia has become Expanded Pharmakeia..

Babylon the Great is generally the greatest killer of mankind, but in particular, its main
tool in killing people is its Expanded Pharmakeia.

According to recent result of a USA-wide study by a team of scientists and doctors led by Dr
to the total number of deaths by its number killer disease (heart disease) which is only
600,000 annually.

So, if you add the deaths of guns or bombs (wars) which are also chemicals, that confirms to
what the Bible says in Revelation 18:24:

"And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the

Of course "the blood of prophets and saints" refer to the Catholic Inquisition where they
killed over 100 million inno-saints who did not succumb even though they were forced to join
the Catholic church which they knew to be fake Christianity, paganism cloaking as
Christianity. So these true Christians did not join and they were killed and crucified.

Their number: over 100 millions.

At the same time, Mohammad who was raised by the Catholic Augustinians and Jesuits, and
whose manual, the Koran, was written by the Jesuits (that the Koran was a dictation by angel
Gabriel is a big fat cat lie) advanced his Islam in the Middle East and then, by a papal bull
(pope decree and permission) he was allowed to enter Jerusalem to seize the Temple -- this is
called The Crusade -- all in all, his murders in the Middle East which include many of his
fellow Arabs by the time he forced them to join him and by the time he did the Crusade
against true Christians and true Jews, at the behest of the pope -- this added up to 270 million
deaths... also ordered and orchestrated by Babylon the Great a.k.a. Roman empire and Roman

o, it is true: The Roman Government and Church system now carried over by the USA and
the Vatican, is overall

"And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the

The greatest killer of mankind thru wars and thru its chemistry via its vast ManuFactories
sowing the seeds of illness and its Big Pharma which harvest the diseases.

The role of ManuFactory and Pharmacy has been planned by top leader of Babylon the Great
a.k.a. Illuminati, in their Secret Covenant of the Illuminati, it is written as a plan, to wit:

"We will keep their lifespan short and their minds weak while pretending to do the
We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so they will
never see what is happening.
We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the
They will be blanketed by poisons everywhere they turn.
The poisons will be hidden in everything that surrounds them, in what they drink, eat,
breathe and wear.”

“We will create medicine that will make them sicker and cause other diseases for
which we will create yet more medicine."

That is what is written in their secret document.

Their medicine is not to remove diseases but to spread it so their pharma business
would boom. Do you know that their top 7 pharma corporations including Merck and Pfizer
have a consolidated income which is bigger than the income of Africa's 53 countries?

Why are these Big Pharma companies booming if its purpose were to remove

I wonder!

But you have now the idea if you know the story of the word sorcery.

Take a concordance (advisable the Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Holy

Bible) and a collegiate Webster dictionary and trace the meaning of the word "sorcery" and
there you will discover that:

1) sorcery is Pharmakeia in Greek

2) Pharmakeia is pharmaceuticals
3) Sorcery-Pharmakeia had been based on poison which they
renamed into "drugs," "medicine"

Brethren, fellow believers of Christ, it is now high time that you understand what they
had kept hidden in the Bible.

So, you can obey Revelation 18:4 quickly: Come out of her harmful system My people
or else you continue to partake of her harmful system and thus partake of her plagues (painful

The call to go back to God's way of health care is getting stronger. The Wellness
industry has been used as God's tool to let the people get reminded of the important verses
that the priests and pastors hid (did not teach) in the Bible, to wit:
Genesis 1:29 - I have given you fruits which have seeds to be your food (prevent
diseases and keep you healthy, young and have long life);

Ezekiel 47:12a - And the fruit shall be your food (preventive medicine)

Ezekiel 47:12b - leaf shall be your (curative) medicine

Revelation 22:2 - And the leaf shall be for the healing of the nations

Revelation 22:3 - And by the leaf, the curse (disease, poverty) shall be no more.

This leaf or herb system is to complement or go side by side with the Lord's
electromagnetic healing which did not use any physical tool, but mainly the mind (faith) and
heart (love).

For healers like Jesus who had very strong love, it would run like electric current to
the body of the sick, like the one which happened to the woman who had years of bleeding
and who said to herself, If only I can touch the hem of his robe, I will be healed.

When she did, suddenly she was healed, and Jesus felt some current going out of him.

Let us call that electromagnetic healing using the power or current from the heart of
the healer or even farther from God, the main source of the love-electricity and to the open
mind of the patient or his relatives who have faith. Faith means you are open for the love-
current to enter the cells of the body patient.

So, combining these two: purely spiritual and natural -- you will FINALLY have
So, let us now be "wise as a serpent" as we remain "loving as a dove"!

Let each one be reminded that when our forefathers from father Adam to patriarch
Noah a whole generation who obeyed the “Let fruit with seeds be thy food” that they got a
lifespan of over 900 years.

But when the people violated the basic prohibition against eating fat and blood, the
lifespan reduced to 120, and when people ate chemicals, in addition to fat and blood, then, the
lifespan dovetails to less than 80 and even less than 10 years!!!
So think, my brethren. Think…Do not rely your health, and life to your priests and
pastors who are limited as we are… Come to see the prophecy of John 10 coming to become
reality when human shepherd are no longer to be used because it will be the Lord Himself,
the true Shepherd who will teach and guide us.

Not anymore will the Gospel according to Matthew be used, not anymore will the
Gospel according to Mark or Luke or John or Paul be used… they are human shepherds and
have been severely tampered by Vatican for centuries and according to a Rome-based
theologian, there are now 250,000 errors injected into the Bibles under the Catholic-
Protestant territories, King James and others.

What the Lord will use as His tool of Shepherding His the flock is His own version of
the gospel, The Great Gospel According to Jesus Christ thru John. It is the unabridged
version of the gospel, a more complete and long record of His 3-year ministry, His words or
teachings, and his deeds of love including healing.

The “One Flock, One Shepherd” era has begun as a mustard seed slowly but surely
spreading until the whole world will be filled with the knowledge of God through Jesus

You can access the Book from and other Jakob Lorber websites.

The calling of all sheep from different flocks led by human shepherds has begun!

Joh 10:16 [niv] “I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them
also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd.
[kjv] And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and
they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.“
Rev 3:19 [niv] “Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and repent.
Rev 3:20 [niv] Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and
opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.

Rev 3:21 [niv] To him who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with me on my
throne, just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne.

Rev 3:22 [niv] He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches."
According to a Rome-based Catholic theologians, 250,000 errors are now in the Bibles
spread, circulated, sold and used in the Catholic and Protestant territories all over the world.

Among the suppressed truths (books) is about the true meaning of "church". Paul was
correct when he defined "church" (temple) as "the living body of the believer" in his epistle to
the Corinthians.
1Co 3:16 [kjv] Know ye not that ye are the temple [church] of God, and that the
Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
1Co 3:17 [kjv] If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the
temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.
The individual believer is the real church, his heart is the true altar of love-worship
(which the Old Testament called "The Holy of Holies”). Whenever that heart loves, it is
doing a worship.
This heat – our heart - what the Old Testament calls “Holy of Holies” and what Lord
Jesus calls the spiritual “closet.”
Mat 6:6 [kjv] But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast
shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall
reward thee openly. “
It is there (or rather here) that the Lord expects us to to see calling to our Father,
directly, not through any other human being – direct and personal communication, such as:
Mat 6:9 [kjv] After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in
heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
Mat 6:10 [kjv] Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Mat 6:11 [kjv] Give us this day our daily bread.
Mat 6:12 [kjv]And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
Mat 6:13 [kjv]And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For
thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

Brief and direct. And personal. That’s the true worship (prayer) which ends up in
actual or action loving, which is the extension of worship… as long as your heart palpitates in
love for God, love for neighbor and for self, it is doing its continuous love-worship.
This idea is dangerous – very dangerous because it automatically means the death of
all organized religious and churches!
But no one can stop an idea or truth whose time has come. This goes with the
prophecy of “one flock, one shepherd” in John 8 when human shepherds will be no more, but
only the Christ as the lone shepherd operating in and through our hearts… or each of us
becoming like our Master, as He envisioned:
Mat 10:24 [kjv] The disciple is not above his master, nor the servant above his
Mat 10:25 [kjv] It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master, and the
servant as his lord.
Jesus was a selfless leader; He wants all His disciples to become like Him.
To be like Him – that is the goal.
He said, “Be wise a serpent and loving as a dove.”
That is the goal.
He said in His last hour on earth before crucifixion, “When I returned to the Father,
you will do what I have done and even greater things than them.”
What a selfless master.
It is not His idea to get us detained inside churches. It is not His plan to become bonsai
Christians (stunted size and height).

The first definition of church ("building for worship") used and emphasized by the
Roman Catholic church and the second definition ("group of worshipers" or ecclesia) by the
Protestants are wrong and are used to keep people in group or organized for extortion
purposes (tithes and offerings), control, suppression, etc.

God's goal is to see each of His son and daughter in-charge of his/her own tithe in
using it to practice love for the poor neighbors...personally and directly, not via a pastor, or a
priest, or organization, but direct and instant, first in time and priority, hence, the word
In the Old Testament, He made it clear that tithes should be in the form of in kind,
such as food, not money.

Why? So that it would surely reach the recipient and not stay on the pocket or
bankbook of anybody!

In the example of the original Church during the early apostles' time, there was no
permanent building run by a priest or pastor, the Lord had the meeting in small size and
moves from house to house to ensure that NO MONOPOLY AND CONTROL WOULD

When this truth disappeared, and a central place called "church" was constructed
(actually a beautiful mansion of the priest), fronted by a large and wide meeting hall and a
nice and wide landscape yard called "plaza", Paul's correct definition become lost and hidden.

Now, God in this video taken from His book "Household of God" volume 1, is
restoring the truth, namely: That each of us who believe in Him and His Christ is the true
Church, and our heart is the altar of love service, where we pray and worship without ceasing
as we love without ceasing. No need to go to a meeting place called "church." We can do it
alone, and an occasional meeting with the brethren in somebody's house, not a church

Let this original truth be restored.. so each one of us will take hold of our tithes and
offerings and be able to empower our poor neighbors when they need our help.

In the present case where the wrong churches claim ownership of our tithes and
offerings, we have lost the capacity (or the money) to help and empower our poor neighbor
whose need nobody sees except us!

So they rot and continue to become poorer and more hurt.

The mature Christian is able, not just willing to love. He has always the resources on
standby, ready for instant disbursement!

The organized churches have become a detention center, where each of us is being
held, stunted in our growth because we cannot use our money to help the poor personally and
directly in our own discretion.
We are like bonzai, beautiful but stunted growth, powerless, not able to bear fruits to
feed many, like the bonzai which cannot bear fruit, only for display and decoration.

Such is the present case of all Christians today who submitted to an organized religion
and churches.

Let the light shine so full freedom can manifest!


The clearest statement about the body of the individual believer or the believer himself
as the true Church of God, and not the group of worshippers nor the worship building, is in
The Household of God, volume 1 and this coming from God Himself, while the statement in
1 Corinthians is that of Paul.
Let us read the Lord’s very clear teaching, once and for all, and no longer stay in error:

Household of God, Volume 1


Thus spoke the Lord to me and within me for everyone, and that is true, certain and

1. My grace is a rich treasure. Whoever receives it will not ever be in want of

anything, temporally and eternally. Therefore, let everyone endeavor to obtain it forthwith,
for I give it to whoever wishes to have it.

2. For behold, if you want forgiveness of your sins, they are forgiven you provided you
do true penance through Jesus who is My living Word and the love within Me. The gates of
heaven are open to you, and if you want it you can enter and behold the face of your holy
Father who is I, the eternal God Jehovah.

3. You can do that with the help of the living Word, which is Jesus Christ or eternal
Love and Wisdom within Me from which keeps flowing all that is good and true. Love has
been given to you from the very beginning, for it is the actual life within you, as is the might
in My creatures, which, since it does not possess freedom though it also issues from My love,
is not love itself, but only the effect of love. This is as such without life and, therefore,
whatever goes forth from the might is dead matter with only an apparent life, which is in
reality death.

4. Therefore, if someone attaches his love to the material world, his love is crushed by
the might of death, and the result is the lot of matter, or death.

5. But he, who directs and attaches his love to Me, reunites his love with the love or
life of all life and thus becomes alive throughout.
6. But now behold: Love in itself is blind and dark, which makes it free and
independent, but also in great danger of becoming lost and perishing.

7. Therefore, I add to all love for Me, depending on its intensity, a proper share of
light, which is a gift and is called grace. With this I flow into everyone according to the
degree of his love.

8. If a person has the love, thereby animating My law within him, which is the highest
love, streams of light will be poured over him, and his eye will penetrate the earth and behold
the depths of the heavens.

9. Tell the children and tell all, of whatever religion they may be - Catholics or
Protestants, Jews, Turks, Brahmins or heathens, - in short, it concerns all: There is but One
true church on earth and this is the love for Me in My Son and is the Holy Spirit within you,
manifesting through My living Word. And this Word is the Son, and the Son is My love and
is within Me and I permeate Him completely and we are one. Thus I am within you, and your
soul, whose heart is My place of residence, is the sole true church on earth. Only therein is
eternal life, and it is the sole beatific church.

10. For behold, I am the Lord over everything that exists. I am the eternal and
almighty God and as such also your holy and loving Father. And all this I am in the Word,
but the Word is in the Son and the Son in the love and the love in the law, and the law has
been given to you. If you observe it and act accordingly, you have absorbed it. Then it
becomes alive within you, exalts you and makes you free, and you are then no longer under
the law, but above it in the grace and light, all of which is My wisdom.

11. And that is the bliss, or the Kingdom of God within you, or the only beatific
church on earth. And life eternal is only in this church.

12. Or do you think I dwell within the walls, or in the ceremony, or in the prayer, or in
the worship? Oh no, there you are quite wrong, for I am only where there is love, being
Myself the very love or the very life. I give you love and life and unite only with love and
life, but never with matter or death.

13. I have overcome death and subjected the Deity in order to have all the power over
everything that exists, and that My love may rule forever and make alive all that is subject to
14. And how can you believe that I wait for you in death when I am life itself?
Therefore, go first into the true church where there is life, and only then into the dead church
that it may become alive through you.
To further destroy the Catholic teaching that the church is the worship building of the
Catholic, let us listen to the Lord’s own teaching where He plainly said that He does not want
a building of worship be built for Him, to wit:
[4] When I came here yesterday and took a rest at Jacob's well, encountering Irhael,
she too when recognising Me more closely asked Me whether God is to be worshipped on
Gerizim or in the temple at Jerusalem. Let her tell you what answer I gave her!’
[5] Here the high priest turns to Irhael, and she says, ‘The Lord spoke to me thus:
[6] ‘The hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship God
neither upon Gerizim nor in the temple at Jerusalem! For God is a Spirit, and those who
worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth!’ This the Lord spoke; you are a high
priest and shall know what is to be done henceforth!
[7] My view is that since the Lord has bestowed such exceeding Grace upon us all and
took lodging in this house, which is not mine but is His and shall remain so, this house should
remain a memorable one for ever, and we want to assemble in it in His name always and
honour the Sabbath in His glory!’
[8] Says the high priest: ‘Yes, yes, you are quite right, if only we were all believers;
but some consideration has to be also given to the weak! These would be offended even
[9] I said; ‘Irhael is right! Whoever is offended - well, let him be offended and climb
his mountain! Once he no longer finds anything there, he will start thinking of something
[10] Do not in future build houses of prayer for Me but guest houses and refuges for
the poor who can not pay you!
[1] In the love of your poor brothers and sisters shall you be My true worshippers, and
in such houses of prayer I shall be frequently among you, without you necessarily becoming
aware of it; but in temples built for worshipping Me with the lips, as it has been till now, I
shall henceforth dwell no more than man's intellect would in his little toe.
[2] If notwithstanding you have to awaken your hearts towards Me and enter upon the
right humility in an exalted temple, then move outside into the temple of My Creations, and
sun, moon and all the stars and the sea, the mountains and the trees and the birds of the air, as
also the fish in the water and the countless flowers of the fields shall proclaim My glory to
[3] Say, is not the tree more glorious than all the splendour of the temple at
Jerusalem?! A tree is a pure work of God, it has its life and brings forth nourishing fruit. But
what does the temple bring forth? I say unto you: nothing but arrogance, anger, envy, the
most blatant jealousy and domineering; because it is not God's, but the vain work of man.
[4] Verily, verily I say unto you all; he who shall honour, love and therewith worship
Me by doing good to his brothers and sisters in My name shall have his everlasting reward in
heaven; but he who henceforth honours Me with all kinds of ceremonies in a temple built
especially for this shall also have his temporal reward from the temple! When however after
the death of his flesh he shall come to Me and say: ‘Lord, Lord, have mercy on me, your
servant’, I shall then say unto him: ‘I do not know you; hence depart from Me and seek your
reward with him who you served!’ For this reason you too should henceforth have nothing
more to do with any temple!
[5] But in this present house you may always assemble in My remembrance, whether
on a Sabbath or other day, because every day is the Lord's and not just the Sabbath, on which
you can in the future do good just as on any other day.’
Source: The Great Gospel according to Jesus Christ thru John, volume 1, chapter 49

[11] “On whatever day you will be doing a good deed, that will be the right Sabbath
which is considered by God, but the usual Jewish Sabbath shall be an abomination in God’s
[12] However, if you wish to erect a so-called house of God, then build hospitals and
homes to care for your poor brothers and sisters in which you serve them with all they need.
Thus you will perform the truest divine service which will be most pleasing to the Father in
[13] By such a genuine and solely true divine service one will recognise that you are
truly My disciples.
[14] Do go home now and act accordingly, then your work will be blessed.’

Source: The Great Gospel according to Jesus Christ thru John, volume 3, chapter 202
Father’s Final Message – It’s Time to Go Home
August 19, 2017

“To Alexandra:
I am contacting you today with my final message to my Children of Earth.
First I want to say I have never allowed anyone to channel me. Nor have I relayed any
of these direct messages from me to you other than through Alexandra. I designated her to be
the receiver of my messages to give to my children. All others are impersonators of your
game with the purpose to deceive you into keeping the game going.
Now I am providing my final message to my children of this world! It is time to bring
you home after thousands of millennia…
One of my children has found her way out of the maze within the simulator of a virtual
reality of which you all participated in. Your thoughts both individually and collectively
created your reality. When you fully comprehend this message, you may feel upset,
speechless, finding no words to describe how this makes you feel, that you are literally within
a destructive computer game that you all created.
Your reality started in a class room where a group of children thought it would be
great to play a game inside the simulator of virtual reality of hide and seek. The children’s
desire was to hide so well that I would never find them! This is how your history and your
reality were created and where you are now. I do believe you are all calling it Team Dark and
Team Light.
I am here to give you notice that this insanity will come to an end as I will be bringing
my children home soon. All will have full comprehension and understanding of their
participation in this game, as well as the harm they have caused themselves and others! All
will receive full comprehension and understanding of the choices that were made and how
these choices ultimately created your life experiences lifetime after lifetime, within a ongoing
time loop you all created.
Let’s look at what you believe to be your truth, but is actually your life in a simulator
of a virtual reality, and only exists within that simulator. The following list presents all the
sorts of things you created within the simulated reality that are not true, and do not exist:
All hierarchy beings and systems, dimensions, heavens, rules, regulations, laws,
justice, lies, deception, distrust, inability to have discernment, the sleight of hand scenarios,
etc. and all that you know that you believe to be true in your reality does not exist!!! Are you
done with your simulated virtual reality where you created the hunt and find routine, or to be
hunted by others, to have perpetual lack of what you need and want, consistently limiting
yourself and others, segmenting yourselves into have and have nots, ascending to a higher
dimension of where you never created an exit plan? You are the creators of “Groundhog
Day” – living in a time loop over and over and over again. Experiencing the same themes of
pain and suffering over and over again but expecting a different outcome!
This also created all the stories you know of today in your reality such as Alice in
Wonderland, where she goes down the rabbit hole with no way out. Movies such as The
Matrix, The Ghost in the Shell, The Circle, and Groundhog Day, all reveal the house of
mirrors, mazes, and wheels within wheels of perpetual motion you all created, causing you to
go deeper and deeper into your rabbit hole of your virtual reality which you all created.
These things also created polarity, duality, dark matter with substance, and separation
of self. You also fractured yourselves and others through all of the geometric shapes which
creates more separation within yourself!! This in turn created multi-layering within and
without an all-encompassing quantum entanglement of yourself with others and everything
that ever exists in your reality! All of you have created quite a quagmire of complexities
which many coin as a huge clusterf***.
The bottom line is do you know how to get out this virtual reality game???? At this
point there are 350,000 quadtrillion sectors times 1,000. And dimensions within dimensions
that do not exist – space within space with openings into another space – it is much like the
Russian Doll Effect!
I am here today to give you notice that your game is done! I have found all of you and
all final plans are being made to bring you all home. You all will take full responsibility for
all that you have created, all that you have harmed, and you will have full comprehension and
understanding of all the choices you made that you created to the fullest extent. This will be
done before moving on to anything else.
Your choices triggered an event that only took a millisecond to transpire, was
contained by me in a millisecond, and “existed” in my space for approximately 30 yrs – and
remember I AM where time does not exist. In your reality, you have spent 350,000
quadtrillion years looping in this experience. It has taken me 30 years to help you figure how
to get you out of your own game.
Note that this did not create any spiritual growth, I would essentially call this
experience a severe lesson of hard knocks. This virtual reality game stopped all things in their
tracks, where nothing new has been created since this happened!!! I have spent my time
helping you to find your way out of what you all created. I have never left you, and I have
never stopped loving you.
Your return home will be welcomed with open arms, with love and gratitude for all I
have learned from you that I didn’t believe could ever exist in someone.

Prime Creator”

Abba, if that is so, then, let us go home!

If we have been stuck in this virtual reality game inside polarities, and never have
made progressed, stuck in the wheel of Karma, enslaved by the law of cause and effect, with
new error in every reincarnation to correct in the next reincarnation, or same error repeated to
be paid in the next reincarnation – if this endless cycle of rebirths and deaths – seems to never
succeed in our sole main purpose which is “To come to love You above all and our neighbor
as ourselves” – Father, can we not come to love You and our neighbor unless we stopped this
game of being blind?
It seems to me too. Because the agreement is to totally forget you and our fellowmen –
every reincarnation – and our hundreds of reincarnations seem to show that under that
circumstance with the Dark Force given the upper hand, we will not be able to do it
Or what we can only achieve is a little progress, not meriting “salvation”.
The winning stroke does not come from us – cannot come from us. It has to be your
final great Act of Grace: our final re-incarnation with no more blindness but total recall of all
the lives or reincarnations that we have had as first angels, then, as fallen angels, then, as
prisoners in the mineral kingdom, then, in the plant kingdom, then, in the animal kingdom,
then as first incarnated humans, then, our first reincarnation, and subsequent reincarnations in
the human form, here and other places in the physical universe – You informed us through
the Lord Yahushua in the Great Gospel through John, namely: once our experiences of the
opposites have come to sufficient amount, You will assemble all those memories for a total
recall which also means ability to comprehend everything, which means the ability to finally
recognize You and finally find You whom our heart have been searching and longing all
those lifetimes that we had but failed to find when we mistook something or someone to fill
our longing for You – Abba, let Yourself hide no more!
Remove the thick veil that has been covering the eye of our soul and the eye of our
Let us now see You.
And see our neighbors as they really are: Our brothers!
May I ask You: Let this bullet train bound to the 7 last plague (nuclear war) suddenly
stop as Your final act of love, mercy and grace – at the final moment Abba when we see
clearly that our are a few seconds “finished” – please help us to see the nuclear war as it is –
as the final end of our blindness – as the final consequence of our being separated from You
and Your Love – and in that 11th hour, let all realization come to the full – so that at that final
hour, my dearest Abba, we too can see all, and make our final decision!
And I am 101% sure, that now equipped with the full sight, not one of us will decide to
remain in this present state of blindness, rebellion and mutual annihilation!
All and everyone will see “Goodbye, polarity. Goodbye hate. Goodbye blindness. We
are going home!”
Abba, let the final reincarnation in physical life be this 1,000 years of Yehushua’s
reign when you will come down and be with us.
A period of total remembrance.
An era of full recognition of Who You Are, and Who We Are.
You as our Father, we as Your Children.

Take away the control of the Dark Force. And let the mass media and everything allow
the full expose of all things. Let all truths come out. Both negative truths and positive truths.
And no one, literally not one of us, will decide to be in the Dark Force anymore.
Enough for our many years in the vortex of blindness, hate and mutual annihilation.
Enough in our separation from Your love.
We want now to go home.
We Your prodigal sons and daughters.
Accept, O Father, with your loving arms.
Our experiences, one by one, has made us to see, at least one thing at a time, so that in
this last lap, all those realizations added and opened, they will be enough and even more than
enough, for us to decide to leave this painful dark material world to head back to the real and
most beautiful Home of our Origin.
Come Father. Let’s go home.
I am tired. We are very tired.
Worn and weary.
Heal us and allow us to get lost no more!

We are on our way home!!!! To the Millennium of full realization and love! To the era
of Paradise Restored. To the era of having You with us.
Rev 21:1 [niv]Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the
first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.
Rev 21:2 [niv]I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven
from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.
Rev 21:3 [niv]And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Now the dwelling of
God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be
with them and be their God.
Rev 21:4 [niv]He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or
mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."
Rev 21:5 [niv] He who was seated on the throne said, "I am making everything new!"
Then he said, "Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true."
Rev 21:6 [niv] He said to me: "It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the
Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring
of the water of life.
Rev 21:7 [niv] He who overcomes will inherit all this, and I will be his God and he
will be my son.

In King James:
[kjv] And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth
were passed away; and there was no more sea.
[kjv] And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of
heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
[kjv] And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is
with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be
with them, and be their God.
[kjv] And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more
death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things
are passed away.
[kjv] And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said
unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.
[kjv] And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the
end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.
[kjv] He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be
my son.

The most sweetest news of all!

To my younger brother who refuse to look at the negative because to him that is the
only correct way to become positive.
What he and we do not come to realize is that to be truly positive, we need to see and
know the negative as fully as we can, and then, allow it to become a more powerful force to
push us to shift our focus from the negative to the positive.
We cannot be truly positive if we look the other way, ignoring it, instead of looking at
the sin long enough, to know it, to be familiar of it, how it has been the real cause of existing
sufferings, harms, damages – if we treat it with evasiveness instead of a sharp humble eyes,
then, we may not know that the “positive” that we take is actually taking the negative as its
hidden part!
For example, not knowing that the present method of getting rich, namely: classifying
men into at least two groups (namely: employees and customers, or worse, patients) is the
way – is the system of sin – will keep you believing that Peter Drucker’s business
management system which is people management is the right method – when in fact it is not
the way of God – managing human beings is not the way of God – the way of God is not
People Management but Ecosystem management.
This is made clear since from the beginning when, for two occasions (Genesis 1:26 &
28), God told our first parents never to “rule over” (manage) fellowmen, but the birds in the
air, fish in the sea, the animals in the dry land, the plants, the trees, and the earth – in short,
Ecosystem Management, not the method promoted by this world’s management gurus like
Peter Drucker who promoted People Management, a.k.a. making one’s fellowmen lower than
you are, e.g. as your employees and customers, in other words: makers of wealth for you, and
never having the chance to make wealth for themselves. Hence, a form of slavery and
This small book will exhaustively discuss this issue to the point that you will run out
of all your reasoning and be left without option but to recognize that part of God’s call to
“Come out of her system lest you participate in her sins and partake of her plagues” in
Revelation 18:4 is to abandon this method of making ourselves rich by using people!!
To be direct to the point and to pre-empt the whole content of this book, THE ONLY
• And so on and so forth - this is the team work God want humans to manage. A
team of lower creations, not people.
• Business that manages your fellow human being, demoting him into either an
employee or customer, or worse, a patient, is a system that has fallen short of the glory
(standard of love and wisdom) of God and is part of that which God urges us to “Come out of
her –system] My people, or else you continue to participate in her sinful ways and thus will
partake of her plagues (painful consequences)”!
• Therefore the ultimate meaning of “Love your neighbor as yourself” is you will
stop using people, either as employees or customers, and worse, as patients, if such using
makes them poor and their sweats and talents making you rich and themselves poor and
• To rise from the depth of our spiritual fall, or fall from standard of divine love,
we need to follow Deuteronomy 15: to manage to release your employees and help them
stand and be free as his employer is!
• So that Genesis 1:26 & 28 be the reality: No master, no slave. But brothers!
Trumpet # 5 further discussed

Trumpet 5, Unprevented, Ripened to Plague 5

Trumpet 5 described in Revelation
• Rev 9:1 [niv]The fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had
fallen from the sky to the earth. The star was given the key to the shaft of the Abyss.
• Rev 9:2 [niv]When he opened the Abyss, smoke rose from it like the smoke
from a gigantic furnace. The sun and sky were darkened by the smoke from the Abyss.
• Rev 9:3 [niv]And out of the smoke locusts came down upon the earth and were
given power like that of scorpions of the earth.
• Rev 9:4 [niv]They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plant or
tree, but only those people who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads.
• Rev 9:5 [niv]They were not given power to kill them, but only to torture them
for five months. And the agony they suffered was like that of the sting of a scorpion when it
strikes a man.
• Rev 9:6 [niv]During those days men will seek death, but will not find it; they
will long to die, but death will elude them.
• Rev 9:7 [niv]The locusts looked like horses prepared for battle. On their heads
they wore something like crowns of gold, and their faces resembled human faces.
• Rev 9:8 [niv]Their hair was like women's hair, and their teeth were like lions'
• Rev 9:9 [niv]They had breastplates like breastplates of iron, and the sound of
their wings was like the thundering of many horses and chariots rushing into battle.
• Rev 9:10 [niv]They had tails and stings like scorpions, and in their tails they
had power to torment people for five months.
• Rev 9:11 [niv]They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name
in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon.
• Rev 9:12 [niv]The first woe is past; two other woes are yet to come.
• Resulting to Plague 5:
• Rev 16:10 [niv]The fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast,
and his kingdom was plunged into darkness (confusion, chaos, panic). Men gnawed their
tongues in agony
• Rev 16:11 [niv] and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their
sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done.
What is Trumpet 5?
• strange robotic or ET-like creatures that torture mankind; probably the result of
genetic engineering or cloning technology and nano-technology by which the scientists can
produce minute robots to torture the person subjected to them; nano-virus, nano-germs, nano-
bacteria, etc. (Revelation 9);
• genetic engineering/cloning/nano technology gone awry and wild, becoming a
Frankenstein monster, creating panic and chaos among nations; Trumpet 5 resulting to Plague
At this stage (Trumpet 5), they were not given the power to kill.
Rev 9:5 [niv]They were not given power to kill them, but only to torture them for five
Only during Trumpet 6 are they given the mission to kill.
Rev 9:18 [niv] A third of mankind was killed by the three plagues of fire, smoke and
sulfur that came out of their mouths.
Trumpet 6 described:
Rev 9:12 [niv] The first woe is past; two other woes are yet to come.
Rev 9:13 [niv] The sixth angel sounded his trumpet, and I heard a voice coming from
the horns of the golden altar that is before God.
Rev 9:14 [niv] It said to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, "Release the four angels
who are bound at the great river Euphrates."
Rev 9:15 [niv] And the four angels who had been kept ready for this very hour and
day and month and year were released to kill a third of mankind.
Rev 9:16 [niv] The number of the mounted troops was two hundred million. I heard
their number.
Rev 9:17 [niv] The horses and riders I saw in my vision looked like this: Their
breastplates were fiery red, dark blue, and yellow as sulfur. The heads of the horses
resembled the heads of lions, and out of their mouths came fire, smoke and sulfur.
Rev 9:18 [niv] A third of mankind was killed by the three plagues of fire, smoke and
sulfur that came out of their mouths.
Rev 9:19 [niv] The power of the horses was in their mouths and in their tails; for their
tails were like snakes, having heads with which they inflict injury.
Rev 9:20 [niv] The rest of mankind that were not killed by these plagues still did not
repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons, and idols of gold,
silver, bronze, stone and wood--idols that cannot see or hear or walk.
Rev 9:21 [niv] Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic arts, their sexual
immorality or their thefts.
The 7 Trumpets uses the factor “a third” or one third (1/3) as its characteristic or
description for foretastes or partial effects or partial experience of what are going to be full-
cup experiences only at the so-called the 7 Last Plagues.
So we had Trumpet 1 as 1/3 of the dry land, trees and vegetation destroyed. As a
warning against the environment pollution of the land, soil and vegetation upon which we
depend much of our life.
Then we had Trumpet 2 as the destruction of 1/3 of the salt water (the seas and
oceans), such as through the toxic waste from the cities, markets, and factories through their
sewerage or by tons of shiploads thrown into the oceans!
That too would produce immediate environmental damage that serve as warning – as
trumpet – which if left unheeded, will mature or aggravate into plague 2: “And all of the sea
Then we have Trumpet 3 as the destruction and pollution of 1/3 of the fresh waters
(springs, rivers, lakes, waterfalls). Also through pollution especially by mining corporations
and also their drying up because of logging. No trees, no waters… because the rainforest/
trees are the ones which catch the rains waters with their strong arms and fingers (branches
and leaves) and put the waters gently into the ground, and at the same time, it is the roots of
the trees and the earthworms who thrive on the trees leaves that soften the soil like foam,
thus, allows the waters to sip in, instead of an arid, treeless, dry ground that is hardened and
allows the rainwaters to hasten into the slopes and valleys as floodwaters – so, as the foam
soil, thanks to the trees’ roots and earthworms, holds the waters, the waters have the
opportunity to sink into the deeper layer where minerals are found (the porous, chalk-like
layer) where the rainwater experiences two things (1) undergo detoxification process
(removal of toxic substances it got when as a cloud, toxic substances from fossil gas, the CFC
smoke, in the sky, as well as the toxic chemicals sprayed by the planes of the Illuminati (this
is called chemtrails) -- the chalk-like rock layer of the earth acts as filter; (2) takes minerals
with it as it drops as trillions of droplets into the vast aquifer below these big mountains. Big
mountains form basin or valley between themselves and it is in this valley that the water sink
into the ground, underneath is located the aquifer or hollow water tank or water reservoir
where the waters already enriched with minerals are stored; if you enter these vast water
caves, you can see vast ceiling where trillions of droplets seem to continue to drop into the
lake below, refilling it; and as this underground lake or ocean swells, it will exit as springs
and flow down to distribute fresh waters into the fields as rivers.
So, the destruction of 1/3 of the trees and vegetation (Trumpet 3) would result to the
final destruction fresh water (that is, drying up of springs and rivers) – total loss of safe fresh
healing waters directly from the springs.
We are increasingly seeing this as our springs continue to dry up, and for those which
have not yet dried up, the Illuminati, through their local municipal and city cohorts (servants)
paid by our own taxes, pour toxic chemicals (fluoride and/chlorine) in the alibi of killing the
virus and the bacteria!
Stupid! Virus and bacteria only exist in the dirty places, like cities!
Natural spring water does not contain death: it has been filtered off chemicals the
moment the rainwaters pass through the porous mineral layer above the aquifer, serving its
canopy or ceiling; secondly, and as the rainwater filter through the mineral layer of the earth
above the underground lake, it takes living minerals along with it; thus, spring water is full of
healing and life-giving minerals!
Thus, natural spring water is both (1) chemical-toxin-free; and (2) full of healing and
health-giving minerals! And as it flows as rivers under the sun, the sun also beams its
nutritious light (photons) into it, injecting/fortifying additional life-giving and healing
“substances” from the sun!
It is the most natural and the best process which cannot be faked by man. The so-
called mineral waters now sold in the cities are found to be full of dirt and toxins, when
subjected to electrolysis. The seemingly clean city mineral water turned into dirty water with
black or green solid mold-like things made visible to the eyes.
We must honor Creation and praise its wisdom. We must return to the Natural Way.
To the Way of God. Man must not alter nor mess up with the perfect system God had fore-
ordained from the beginning.
Another 1/3 is found in Trumpet 4:
Rev 8:12 [niv]The fourth angel sounded his trumpet, and a third of the sun was struck,
a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of them turned dark. A third of the
day was without light, and also a third of the night.
[kjv]And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the
third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was
darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise.
We cannot literally and directly harm one third of the sun or moon nor of the stars
because we cannot reach them with our arms. This verse is more likely to mean the act or
process of blocking the atmosphere with, say, fossil smoke, so that the sun and moon and
stars would not become visible, being covered by the thick veil of the chemical CFC (chloro-
fluoro-carbonic smoke) we stock up in the sky through our unwise burning of the fossil fuel
and plastics.
This too is environmental destruction… affecting the sky – the air – the atmosphere.
And it has many implications: a) the pollution of the air, b) the conversion of fresh oxygen
into carcinogenic free radicals oxidants, thus, converting the air into an infinite factory of
oxidants – a vast factory of cancer! --- c) the spread of cancer; d) also the inability of the
sun’s health-giving and fruit-giving gamma rays, on one hand, thus, resulting to e) the
inability of the trees and crops to bear fruits (food scarcity); and on the other hand, f) the
inability of the earth’s heat to exit, thus, the so-called global warming, also affecting
This is because of our act of “damaging” 1/3 of the sun, moon and stars.
Now, we have come to Trumpet 5: it also talks about “third”.
Rev 9:15 [niv] And the four angels who had been kept ready for this very hour and
day and month and year were released to kill a third of mankind.
Rev 9:18 [niv] A third of mankind was killed by the three plagues of fire, smoke and
sulfur that came out of their mouths.
Killed by what? By fire, smoke, and sulfur.
This is very easy to understand. It mainly refers to war. War is fire, smoke and sulfur
in one!
The World War II as well as WW I was a “third” – a foretaste of the worse to come…
if mankind does not learn its lesson!
The past major war, especially World War II was a “patikim” – a foretaste of what it’s
like to break or ignore God’s 5th commandment (Thou shall not kill) and commit in the
grossest manner!
World War II is the biggest warning (trumpet) for all mankind that if they won’t listen,
then the most terrible and the most devastating form of murder and mutual killing will occur:
Plague No. 7 – World War III.
Described as follows:
Rev 16:17 [niv] The seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air, and out of the
temple came a loud voice from the throne, saying, "It is done!"
Rev 16:18 [niv] Then there came flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder and
a severe earthquake. No earthquake like it has ever occurred since man has been on earth, so
tremendous was the quake. [Note: All these things described nuclear bombs! There are many
meanings in God’s symbols or prophecies, many applications, many period of fulfillment, but
surely, nuclear war, if unabated by the general collective decision of mankind, this is one of
the meanings!]
Rev 16:19 [niv] The great city split into three parts, and the cities of the nations
collapsed. God remembered Babylon the Great and gave her the cup filled with the wine of
the fury of his wrath. [Note: Nuclear bombs can do this. The other known event that can also
accomplish this is the scheduled pole shift, a natural act by mother Earth.]
Rev 16:20 [niv] Every island fled away and the mountains could not be found. [Note:
Nuclear bombs can do this. The other known event that can also accomplish this is the
scheduled pole shift, a natural act by mother Earth.]
Rev 16:21 [niv] From the sky huge hailstones of about a hundred pounds each fell
upon men. And they cursed God on account of the plague of hail, because the plague was so
Note: what is this hailstones – of water? Or ice? Or fire? Balls of fire? If fire, then, it
must refer to bombs released by planes, etc. It is most likely fire hailstones because the end-
time is characterized by fire, as the apostle Peter et al wrote in his epistles.
Water or flood was the tool of “punishment” or “judgment” to the sinful people during
Noah’s time. Now, the prophets and the apostles had prophesied that it would not be water,
but fire for the end-time. God swore to Noah, He would not send killer floods anymore to put
an end to mankind. And the rainbow is our reminder of God’s promise.
And Plague 6 (Armageddon – gathering at the Valley of Megiddo) is the preparation
for this war, World War III.
Rev 16:12 [niv] The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and
its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East.
Rev 16:13 [niv] Then I saw three evil spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of
the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false
Rev 16:14 [niv] They are spirits of demons performing miraculous signs, and they go
out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the battle on the great day of God
Rev 16:15 [niv] "Behold, I come like a thief! Blessed is he who stays awake and
keeps his clothes with him, so that he may not go naked and be shamefully exposed."
Rev 16:16 [niv] Then they gathered the kings together to the place that in Hebrew is
called Armageddon.
In ancient time where population was concentrated in the Middle East, armies gathered
and prepared in the Valley of Megiddo. The final battle ground is in the Valley of
Joe 3:1 [niv]"In those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and
Joe 3:2 [niv]I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of
Jehoshaphat. There I will enter into judgment against them concerning my inheritance, my
people Israel, for they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land.
Joe 3:3 [niv]They cast lots for my people and traded boys for prostitutes; they sold
girls for wine that they might drink.
Joe 3:4 [niv]"Now what have you against me, O Tyre and Sidon and all you regions
of Philistia? Are you repaying me for something I have done? If you are paying me back, I
will swiftly and speedily return on your own heads what you have done.
Joe 3:5 [niv]For you took my silver and my gold and carried off my finest treasures to
your temples.
Joe 3:6 [niv]You sold the people of Judah and Jerusalem to the Greeks, that you might
send them far from their homeland.
Joe 3:7 [niv]"See, I am going to rouse them out of the places to which you sold them,
and I will return on your own heads what you have done.
Joe 3:8 [niv]I will sell your sons and daughters to the people of Judah, and they will
sell them to the Sabeans, a nation far away." The LORD has spoken.
Joe 3:9 [niv]Proclaim this among the nations: Prepare for war! Rouse the warriors!
Let all the fighting men draw near and attack.
Joe 3:10 [niv]Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears.
Let the weakling say, "I am strong!"
Joe 3:11 [niv]Come quickly, all you nations from every side, and assemble there.
Bring down your warriors, O LORD !
Joe 3:12 [niv]"Let the nations be roused; let them advance into the Valley of
Jehoshaphat, for there I will sit to judge all the nations on every side.
Joe 3:13 [niv]Swing the sickle, for the harvest is ripe. Come, trample the grapes, for
the winepress is full and the vats overflow- so great is their wickedness!"
Joe 3:14 [niv]Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the
LORD is near in the valley of decision.
Joe 3:15 [niv]The sun and moon will be darkened, and the stars no longer shine.
Joe 3:16 [niv]The LORD will roar from Zion and thunder from Jerusalem; the earth
and the sky will tremble. But the LORD will be a refuge for his people, a stronghold for the
people of Israel.
Plague 6, if not resolved, will lead to Plague 7

Plague 6 or the so-called end-time Armageddon is foreshadowed by the ancient

warring kingdoms’ gathering in the valley of Megiddo, where they did not do their
slaughtering but preparing.
It was in the valley of Jehoshaphat that they engaged in brutal battle.
In the Book of Joel, God also indicated that mankind, unabated, will meet for its final
mutual slaughtering in the valley of Jehoshaphat.
These end-time prophesies speak of familiar places, namely: Euphrates river,
Megiddo, Jehoshaphat.
All located in the Middle East. Unless these name are used as symbol or
representatives of another places on earth that also serve the same purpose or carry similar
But if they are literal and actual Euphrates, actual and literal Megiddo and
Jehoshaphat, then, it becomes more certain that this end-time bakbakan (brutal wrestling) will
involve the Arabs who are the inhabitants of the Middle East.
The Muslims (Arabs), composed by the descendants of Ishmael in the core, and their
allies converted to Islam, such as Muslim Filipinos, will play a big role in this end-time
gigantic clash of the titans, and deadly clash of the clans. The clan of Ishmael versus the clan
of Isaac – two half brothers, all sons of Abraham, who mutual hatred has grown
unmanageable among their descendants!
The mutual hate of two of Abraham’s women (namely: Sarah the mother of Isaac and
Hagar the mother of Ishmael) has grown to global proportion! To almost unmanageable
We will see how the end-time prophecy by prophet Daniel fits into this.
Clan application of the Cause to Effect 7-7-7
I am only directing your attention that because our fruits such as relationship and how
we did things were not producing peace, therefore, our faith or ways were not of peace, Those
ways that produce peace were the way of peace. We still have to sort out things and stop
thinking that all knowledge taught us are knowledge that produce peace. I am not blaming us,
the students/ disciples, of course.
But I am blaming the teacher and the teaching which is symbolized in the first seal of
the 7 seals as the white horse. This white horse is not really white inside, it is white outside
like a wolf wearing the white skin of the sheep.
The second horse / seal in Revelation 6 is read, referring to war or conflict. This means
that the white horse (wrong teaching) is producing red horse (war or conflict).
These are the first two of the 7 seals of Revelation 6.
The third seal (horse) is black and it talks about using meter, weights, in everything --
so the system that it is referring to is capitalism which employs meters to ensure that less goes
to the masses and more to the few elite. This meter is the bundy clock or time record to
monitor and control the salaries of the people. It also refers to the electric meter, water meter,
weighing scale when you buy things, etc. All of these are intended to make sure that 90% of
the wealth would go to the few elite families. This is raw capitalism which is greed, lust and
pride, giving 600fold love for self, but only 6fold love for God and 60fold for selected
fellowmen. Bad 666 system. Today's capitalism.
The good capitalism is giving 600fold love to God, 60fold love to neighbor without
favoritism, and a humble 6fold love for self. This is good 666.
The effect of bad capitalism/ bad 666 or 600fold love for self is seal # 4: famine,
illnesses, death.
This worsened and resulted to seal # 5 - assassination of the saints (apostles, disciples).
Moon darkened. The sun turned black. And only a few star lights. The writings and teachings
of the prophets and apostles are symbolized as moon. Sunlight refers to direct words and
messages from God which were suppressed during those dark ages. And what light remained
to guide mankind? Answer: the star lights, that is, wisdom of men, their philosophies, their
ideologies, including communism, rationalism, etc. Note: This is too difficult for most, so I
advice you to just skip. This is higher discussion.
The 7 sea;s are a chain of cause and effect. The original cause (seal 1) is the white
horse: false teaching/ false teacher.
Proceeding to seal 6: after the saints cried out, "God, when shall you avenge our
blood?" God would intervene and turn the table around: He would send His sun-light to
expose the evil doings done in secret, so that they will scream and say to the rocks and caves,
"Please cover us! For we cannot stand the wrath of the Lamb and His saints." This is now
happening. You are hearing or seeing secret evil doings being brought to the light and made
public... for the purpose of correcting what is wrong, and straightening what is wicked
(crooked). This is on going now. In government, in business, in our personal lives. This is not
to condemn, but to help us repent and improve our lives.
After the 6 seals, we have the 7th seal which becomes the 7 trumpets. Trumpets are
warnings. If you list the trumpets you will find out that they are partial effects (symptoms in
the case of diseases) which serve and are meant to serve as warning, so that we can step back
and will not continue to the cliff. So we have, for example, Trumpet # 1 which is the
destruction of 1/3 of the land and vegetation. If we would not listen, it would result to
diseases like cancer which plague # 1 in the 7 Last Plagues. Trumpet # 2 is the destruction of
1/3 of the sea, and if we will not listen to that warning or partial effect, it would worsen to
Plague 2: death of all life in the sea. Trumpet # 3 is the pollution or destruction of 1/3 of the
fresh water, and if we would not listen to the trumpet (warning), it would lead to the fresh
water turning red (cause of death). Drinking water becoming cause of our illness and death.
Trumpet 4 is harm done to our atmosphere affecting the light from the sun, moon, and
stars. This also mean, as mentioned in seal 5, that another suppression of the truths
(moonlight referring to the teachings or writings of the prophets and the apostles, such as the
Bible; sunlight refers to the direct messages from God and books dictated by Jesus Christ;
starlight refers to the wisdom of the wise of the earth) -- as this darken once again...and if this
will not be taken heed, it will lead to Plague 4.
Trumpet 5 refers to the lab-made war robots while Trumpet (increase of wars
originated in the Middle East) will occur... which will worsen to plague 5.
Trumpet 6 (political conflict in Middle East) will lead to Plague 6 - Armed in Megiddo
valley (Armgaddon) - preparation for WW III which will occur in the valley of Jehoshaphat.
The gathering of forces (winning heart and mind; winning nations to side with you) is called
Armageddon. War of propaganda.
The actual war, if we still not listen is the last or 7th plague: a war that will melt
mountains, cities and islands... because it is going to be a nuclear war!

The 6 Seals are major causes. The 7th Seal becomes the 7 Trumpets as are partial
effects to serve as warning, just as a symptom of your disease (e.g., stage 1 & 2) serves as a
warning... which if ignored, becomes or proceeds to stage 3 & 4. The 7 Last Plagues are the
stage 3 & 4 or the signal 3 & 4.
Thus, we have the 7-7-7 Code of the Book of Revelation. It is all about Cause and
Effect, or Sowing and Reaping.
And the root cause is the white horse or false/wrong teacher/teaching.
Application to the clan: if we have red horse (war inside the clan), then, most surely
the root cause is this false white horse, white in the outside but black or wrong in its nature.
As what I had hinted: the Jesuits are the main teachers of this world; they are the main
developers/designers of systems. They also designed our school curriculum. They constitute
the white horse.
It is our duty to check our own mind, our own heart, our own home, our own family,
our own church, our own Bible to see if no false teachings from the false white horse has
mixed with the good teachings that we also have. Or else it becomes a mix of black and
So, check it out!
You will know a tree (cause) by its fruits (effects). If the effect is bad, therefore, the
tree or cause is bad.
If the effect is trouble or conflict or gubot pa kay sa lukot, then, for sure, wrong
teachings or wrong system from the white horse (who came to the Philippines as priests) are
surely there!
Example of these wrong systems is the prenda system, instead of contributing to help a
needy relative and not giving her the condition or order that she would pay it. God's way is
love, hence, free.
Kung ngana pa ka lawom ang atong panaghigugmaay, wala untay clan nga
magkagubot tungod sa prenda.
Prenda is a Spanish word. Jesuits came to the Philippines as Spaniards.
Before closing, I must be clear now: Some Jesuit system or ways have penetrated the
clans all over the Philippines such as in the land laws and inheritance system!!! And these are
what causes troubles and problems. Not Christ ways.
Think about it. Good night to all.
Revelation’s 7-7-7 Prism on America’s increasing Drug-related School and Church Shootings
Using the 7-7-7 Prism to Understand the Present Ongoing Tragic Cases of Mass Shooting
(Massacres) in Schools and Churches in the USA by opioid addicts
Horribly – very horribly – the incidents of mass shooting in schools and churches by
opioid addicts in the USA is on the rise and continue to create panic among the people of
America especially the children and parents.
The identified cause: anti-depressant drugs, which contain violence-producing toxic
heavy metals like mercury, aluminium and lead.
First, discontented or depressed kids or even adults resort to anti-depressant
prescription drugs (opioids) as they are easier to obtain through a doctor’s prescription than
illegal drugs such as heroine or cocaine (or in the Philippines: shabu) which are more risky to
obtain in the light of increased police operation.
But what patients do not realize is that these anti-depressant drugs have a dangerous
side effect: it makes your mind suicidal or violent!
Dozens of school and church shootings have already occurred in the USA for the
same cause.
Here is my letter to my American friends regarding the matter, in the light of the Book
of Revelation’s 7-7-7 Cause and Effect principle, to wit:
Lyn and Carl,
From the point of view or location where you are now, where every guy is a potential
suicider who can suddenly at any moment turn into an instant killer shooting school children
or churchgoers… this has not happened only once but dozens of times, and the latest one is
the worst, so it’s getting worst as time goes on… from the point of practical thinking Carl, I
agree with you that there has to be a kind of pre-caution, e.g., security system in our churches,
which I know stuns people and shakes our basic understanding about our faith towards God
and Jesus and his angels!
For a church or house of God to become like the world’s institutions with security
guards or with people there carrying guns… I can’t imagine what has happened to God’s
power and mercy and love etc., etc.
But as you said Carl, in this world, practical thinking has to override. We’ve got to
practice what Proverbs says: The wise man foresee danger and prepares; but the foolish man
proceeds naively and so suffers.
Safety and security in food or against insane gunmen, etc., like many other things, is
by degree taken charged by God or by us. There was a time, Adam’s and Eve’s, when
practically they did not have purse or money. Yet food was abundant. So, there was no
danger of hunger and starvation. There was food security taken care of by God Himself.
In Christ’s condition (or personal state of power to create food in an instant), the Lord
also did not have purse or money.
In places where God’s Nature is rich and there is plenty of (free) fruit trees, you also
do not need to have a job to survive or provide your family.
So, it has something to do with how much of the system is of God and how much is of
man. I mean, if your human laws have commercialized everything and there is nothing more
where the Lord’s Will-Command “Whatever you received (from the beginning) freely, that
freely give (share) as well. Do not commercialize,” then you can observe and experience so
much insecurity, so much uncertainties, so much worries and difficulties!
To how far man has distant himself from the ways of God which carry automatic
protection against hunger, insanity, and other dangers, that is also how long man has created a
space for danger, that is, why he is forced to secure or defend himself.

Take the case of the USA.

The total size of land-farm-soil you have turned into man-made desert using
chemicals, wrong farming methods and unwise acts, e.g., cutting whole forests – is 2/3 of the
whole USA.
2/3 of the USA is 22 times the size of my country, the Philippines.
And the remaining 1/3 of the USA is following on the same way.
So, from here we can foresee terrible hunger and starvation is coming to America,
simply because the Americans have destroyed the Ecosystem which is also a security system
– Food Security System!
The decision of the American people to welcome as “friend” and patronize the
medicines of Pharmaceuticals (ancient name: sorcery. Greek: Pharmakeia) has exacted many
costs the latest is suicidal killings!
Lyn, Carl, focus your mind on what the anti-depression drugs are doing to the citizens
of America and to everyone outside American who is also using it as messiah (solution –
reliever) of his stress and depression, pains and sufferings.
These psychiatric/psychotropic drugs are creating killers out of those who are taking
The same is true with those illegal drugs: cocaine, heroine, shabu.
In the Philippines, the Illuminati’s international drug ring is raining shabus on our poor
people – especially on our young men – who are turning into heinous criminals: robbers,
rapists, killers.
There is a cause for every effect.
Lyn and Carl, the loss of additional space which used to be safe and taken care of by
God is correspondent to our decision and actions.
The latest and I think worst loss so far is the traditional safe church environment we
used to have.
If we were shocked to the loss of safety in our schools when suicide killers just started
entering classrooms knocking down innocent helpless kids like they are worthless grasses in
the way, greater is our unbelief when this type of insane men spare the church no longer!
But we can quickly go back to the root: If they were not taking these insanity-
producing, Schizophrenia-creating psychiatric drugs in the first place, would they go to the
point when they have the nerve and the gusto to kill people including children inside the
church or schools or anywhere else?
Lyn and Carl, I have read a book that the rocks or mineral layers of the earth is where
the most evil spirits are locked and imprisoned and that the chemicals there that we mined or
extract, well, to logically figure it out – must be dangerous!
Dangerous in what way?
Well, toxic! Poisonous! Murderous! Fatal!
That is what these chemicals are known for a long time already. They carry within
them the built-in toxicity that over time can harm body and brain (mind).
Take mercury for example, which comes from the mineral kingdom. If we strictly
classify mercury as a physical thing, then, why is it that those who are taking it via vaccines,
or via anti-depression drug are being affected mentally and emotionally which areas are
spiritual? If mercury or other mineral/ chemical from the mineral kingdom are purely
physical and are not “juices of the demons”, then, why is it that we are affected spiritually
(that is, mentally and emotionally)?
Washington DC. in particular, America in general, is the second beast of Revelation 14
who came out of the earth. That is, who became powerful out of the powers (chemicals) of
the earth.
There was a beast (empire) prior to it that got its power from the sea. That is,
supremacy in its Navy. And what was it? I think it was the British Empire that preceded the
US empire. Or the Romans before it.
Re:13:1: And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea,
having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the
name of blasphemy.
Her guns, her computers, her war planes, everything – are chemicals. Power of the
Re:13:11: And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns
like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
Re:13:12: And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the
earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was
Re:13:13: And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven
[e.g., atomic bomb which is a ‘chemical’ power or magic] on the earth in the sight of men,
Re:13:14: And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles
[that is, the magic powers that chemicals are capable of doing] which he had power to do in
the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image
to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
Re:13:15: And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of
the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the
beast should be killed.
Note: This is often referred to be the TV. And it is a power of the chemicals mined
from the mineral kingdom! Another: The powers used by Pharmaceuticals (old sorcery) is the
powers of demons (chemicals).
Not only its toxicity which has been known and observed for quite sometime. Now,
we are seeing another aspect of this sorcery power - this power of the demons - the power to
transform your mind and heart into a murderer!
This is true to their psychiatric drug or anti-depression drugs.
This is also to their shabu and other illegal drugs.
Same Illuminati dealing and distributing them. These substances have the power to
alter your good nature into a murderous or heinous criminal!
And for a substance capable of doing that (to pervert your soul), it must not just be
pure physical!
Lyn, Carl, there is no arguing, we all agree that this is the world in its ultimate form,
described and prophesied in 2 Timothy 3:1-5 – the PERILOUS TIMES.
2Tm:3:1: This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2Tm:3:2: For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud,
blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
2Tm:3:3: Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce,
despisers of those that are good,
2Tm:3:4: Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
2Tm:3:5: Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn
In the thickly Catholic Philippines, we reworded 2 Timothy 3:1-5 as: a time of
victimizers: drug lords, drug pushers, drug addicts turned into heinous criminals: robbers,
rapists, killers.
That’s how 2 Timothy 3:1-5 is fulfilled upon us.
Why? What is the root cause?
It has alluded and escaped from many of us – the root cause of this dangerous state of
the world – this 2 Timothy world.
What is the root cause? And why do we need to know it?
One effective way to identify the root cause or mother of all causes is to recognize that
the 7-7-7 format of the last book of the bible, the Book of Revelation is a chain or series of
cause and effect, where one become the cause of the next.
7-7-7 refers to 7 Seals, 7 Trumpets, 7 Plagues.
To state it briefly, the 7 Seals cause the 7 Trumpets leading the 7 Last Plagues.
More specifically: It is the 7 Seals that are the major causes while the Trumpets are the
partial or initial effects like symptoms that serve as alert or warning to all before they could
worsen to stage 3 or 4 in the case of cancer, or to what the Book of Revelation collectively
calls as the Plagues - 7 Last Plagues.
Trumpets are tools to inform – to warn.
Do your own study and you will see that they form like a chain, one leading to or
causing the other.
We do not have time to itemize them here, but let me take Seal # 1 as relevant to our
Seal # 1 is the white horse.
And all throughout the Bible, we can see that white is used to refer to the real one and
used to cover up the disguising one, e.g., wolf in sheep’s (white) clothing.
Not many can accept it to be the literal uniform of priests and the doctors.
But that is beside the point.
What I want to focus more here is this: All the effects in the 777 chain are bad.
Therefore, the white horse referred to as Seal # 1 is a disguising one.
A false teacher. False teachings. False teaching institution.
And there is no mistaking as to who is the spiritual and who owns the secular
teachings institutions of this world.
It is the Vatican-Roman Catholic church, the Jesuits in particular – who owns the
colleges and universities as well as the lower schools. Those public schools are also in control
by Catholic or Protestant leaders.
Actually it is including the Protestants because Revelation 17 says it is the mother and
daughter network – the mother whore Roman Catholic and her protestant daughter churches –
they own both the spiritual and secular teaching institutions.
So we have here at an instant the identity of the root of all bad causes and bad effects:
It is the worldwide network of teachings (churches and schools) operated by the Catholics
and her daughters the Protestants.
To be specific, the white horse is the tampered Holy Bible which is the basis of
character of all Catholics and Protestants and the basis of their church and school teachings.
A Rome-based theologian who defected has exposed that in their counting, there are
now 250,000 errors that the Vatican et al has injected into the used to be pure Holy Bible!
Yes, they could do this Lyn, Carl. They had the free will to do it. Our Lord foresaw
this abuse of free will regarding what they are going to do with the copies of the Scriptures in
their hands, be it only one or in the case of the Catholic-Protestant nations, in millions!
Jesus could not break His gift of freewill, so He merely wrote His warning in
Revelation 22:18-19, thus:
Re:22:18: For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this
book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are
written in this book:
Re:22:19: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this
prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and
from the things which are written in this book.
Re:22:20: He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even
so, come, Lord Jesus.

UNDER YOUR CARE, be it just one copy or millions of copies.
If we are to believe the Catholic defector, there are now 250,000 errors injected into
their own copies!
If so, so here we have in our midst no longer the pure and safe Book from God’s true
apostles! They had maliciously edited and changed the Book to serve a suspicious agenda!
If it is the root cause, then, look around you, see if they are not the 7 Trumpets
worsening to the 7 Plagues – terrible effects at that!
And if they are bad, therefore, the cause is surely bad.
A tree is known by its fruits.
Let us itemize for further and deeper understanding.
Take at random Seal # 3 – the system of measurement. Time is measured. Wages are
measured. Water is metered. Electricity is metered. Etc etc.
In short, capitalism.
Where had it led us?
It led to America becoming the richest and the most powerful of all nations.
But as this meter system is all about (using measure to ensure that only the crumbs go
to the masses and the fats to the leaders, e.g., the Americans), and so this system of
guaranteeing the enrichment of the few and the impoverishment and sucking up of the
majority – has led to the not so distant state of the world where the USA was bathing in wine,
sleeping on gold, indulging in all kinds of pleasures, without the realization, that, according to
an international economist, maintaining such life of affluence and luxury, the capitalist-
democratic system has to starve at least 2 families elsewhere in the world especially in third
world countries governed by the capitalists – 2 families starve to sustain the rich living of one
(1) American family!
Not a nice way of being rich, for sure! Not an honourable way. The Americans, and all
of mankind, missed the method of becoming rich without sucking others: Ecosystem
management, not people management (see Genesis 1:26 & 28 where God implicitly
prohibited us from getting rich by using or managing our fellow human beings but
recommended Ecosystem management as the true way to real and lasting prosperity! If we
can manage well even one part of it, e.g., the bees, we saw the bees alone can make you rich!
Right? So how much more if we had spent our college years and onward mastering or
recapturing the knowledge and skill how to manage the grasses and the cows, the
earthworms, the plants, the trees, etc. to produce different produce in abundance: flower,
grains, fruits, wine, honey, eggs, milk, meat, etc. etc.).
Genesis 1:26, 28 is the Way: Ecosystem Management, not Drucker’s People
management that resulted to making one group into employees aka exploiters, miners, while
the others are the market/ customers/ consumers and then patients!
What a nice implementation by American of the law of of her religions “Love your
neighbor equal to yourself”!
And why is the worst types of poverty now engulfing the Americans nowadays?
Economic collapse. Health collapse. Political crisis ending in martial rule and dictatorship.
Tons of waters from the sky used to dump on and drown its own citizens.
Invisible lasers used to burn selected houses in California. These are the latest. There
had been countless of secret things done to reflect or return to America what she has done to
the rest of mankind: making people poor, sick and dead.
We are not into a blame game. We are trying to be humble enough to see the truths of
the matter.
America’s grief is yet to worsen when her former allies (whom she sucked) such as the
Philippines will refuse to remain her milking cow.
And what will this mean to the USA?
If 2/3 of her land is now man-made desert, thus, infertile, and if the remaining 1/3 is
fast being poisoned to the point of becoming also infertile, then, Seal # 3 (capitalism that is
greed-led, not the kind of capitalism which is compassionate and love-led) is causing Seal #
4: a time of starvation, illness and death.
By the way, Seal # 4 is – has been – already occurring… increasing in degree as time
moves one.
Let us take at random another example to gain deeper understanding: Trumpet 2: 1/3
of the sea is damaged. As trumpet, it was sounding a warning for people to step back.
Because if they would not listen, then, it would proceed to its worse condition, stage 3 or 4 if
it were cancer.
So as people did not listen, Trumpet 2 become Plague 2: EVERYTHING IN THE
SEA DIED. This is of course progressive. Not instant. But we are now seeing it is happening.
So, it is a chain of cause and effect. Trumpet 3 leads to or causes Plague 3. But the
major causes are the Seals – what we call the 7 Seals but strictly it is only the first 6 seals
because the 7th seal becomes the or, splits into, 7 Trumpets, just as the 7th Trumpet becomes
the (or splits into) 7 plagues.
That is how God arranged this prophetic book.
Seal # 2 (red horse) which refers to war or divisions, directly result from the white
horse (teachings that divide).
That the world is divided – that the whole Christian community called Christendom is
also divided now 44,000 sects and denominations – this is not accidental – but orchestrated.
How do I know that?
For my quick answer, let me quote the Illuminati’s Secret Covenant, to wit:
“We will keep them separated from the oneness by dogma and religion.
… We will foment animosity between them through our factions.
… We will establish their governments and establish opposites within.
We will own both sides.
We will make them rip each other’s hearts apart and kill their own children.
They will bathe in their own blood and kill their neighbours for as long as we see fit.
We will continue to prosper from their wars and their deaths.”

Take note that their main tool to create division is religion or dogma.
So, that information regarding what they had done to the Bible is relevant here. For
they could not cause division if the Bible only remained pure. There would be no different
understanding and no different sects sprouting if the Bible were left clear and not blurred.


But I am not going to leave you desperate my friends. I have been so sure and
authoritative (stable) in my statements so far because I know where of I speak and stand.
What I mean is: I have found Jesus’ own version – yes, you heard it right, Jesus has
His own version of the gospel to compensate or save the tampered and blurred gospel written
by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
The Lord is wise and all-seeing. He saw it in advance. So, by the middle of AD 1800s,
he called a certain Austrian Jew, Jakob Lorber, to write His dictations.
Result: Many books, each book into many volumes.
The greatest is His own version of the gospel. Title: The Great Gospel according to
Jesus Christ thru John.
Shortened title: The Great Gospel thru John.
You can search and download it from a number of websites including
Lyn, Carl, our Lord’s own unabridged version is 7,500 pages! Our New Testament is
only 300 pages. So I leave you dumbfounded by the sheer difference of pages!
I encourage you to see for yourself. There is no church who owns the Book so no
This new Book will replace the Bible was the white horse, as the new Root Cause to
usher a new different world – the prophesied Paradise which will last for a thousand years,
and even onward, after a brief test by Satan’s brief release.
God bless you in your own ministries, each of which is relevant to the time.
The Illuminati has used the Bible as their tool to their bad 666 agenda or their evil 777 plan!

Which is the book of love and life today: the Bible or the New Revelations?
This is just the beginning of many articles that will prove that the Bible is, sorry to say,
not or no longer a book coming from God but from the great whore church, Mystery Babylon
the Great, the Roman Catholic Church. The Bible, like the Koran, is her invention!
The Bible has been used by this Church and her daughter churches to help the beast
government, present and past, to grab the land and resources of the poor peoples of the world,
to enrich herself.
The Bible says, “Obey the authorities. I am mute about how the resources of the Earth
would be allocated by your authorities. It is up to them. No authorities exist unless I had
ordained them. So obey them and serve them as if you were serving the Lord Christ. Their
will be done; their will is My own will.”
The group of books collectively known as New Revelations says: “Love one another.
Do not consider yourself the owner of the resources that I had given you, but mere stewards.
Freely you received them, freely give (share). I had not invented money; my gifts are free. Do
not commercialize them. If you commercialize them, you would be serving other gods before
me, the god mammon, whereby I would become less loved, neglected and ignored.
Do not claim ownership of My properties and gifts but always remember Me as the
Owner, so that you will not do with them other than what I will and want; at best, be a good
steward and wise manager of the land and its other resources I had given you so you can feed
the hungry and no one is left hungry, quench the thirsty and no one is left lacking drinks,
clothe the naked so no one would be left without sufficient clothes, shelter the homeless and
family-less and no one is left a vagabond and a beggar, take care of the sick and the prisoners
so everyone would be free of illness and slavery and oppression.
No one should become nor be treated as a landless and a beggar in My own land.”
The Secret Covenant of the Illuminati: “Drop-by-drop; drop-by-drop we will advance
our goal.
We will take over their land, resources and wealth to exercise total control over them.
We will deceive them into accepting laws that will steal the little freedom they will
We will establish a money system that will imprison them forever, keeping them and
their children in debt.”
“We will recruit some of their own to carry out our plans…”

Which of the two, Bible or New Revelations, support the purpose and intention of the
Illuminati? The Bible or the New Revelations?
And which of the churches and religions and their members support the agenda of the
Or which of them pretend to believe the Truth but implement an economic and
political system that is the opposite? Who is the hypocrite and the traitor who, for example,
told the people in the pulpit “We are against mining because that destroys the land that gives
life to the people” while on the other hand, are the biggest capitalist and owners of the big
mining corporations?
It is true we will not take with us the land of this Earth in our journey to the spirit
realm; it is not the purpose of the land; the land is for here so that our sojourn and stay in this
earth would be joyous and memorable, not painful and sad.
When we lost the soil and the land to the few, and the majority was successfully
directed to schools to be trained to fit to work, not the land, but the factories and offices of the
businesses and corporations and farms of these rich few, life of hell began to sweep mankind.
Food became scarce and measured. Food and other necessities could no longer be
obtained directly from the land because we no longer own the land, we have to obtain food
and other needs through money.
And money is available only from the companies and government if you work for
them. And these companies and governments are controlled by this few landed and rich
families collectively called global elite, the Illuminati.
To have food et al, you have to have money to buy the food which is increasingly
taken over under their control, and to have money you must work or cooperate with the
system of the Illuminati or Powers That Be.
Non-cooperation with the Illuminati means no money, no money means no food.
This is what the verse in the book of Revelations means which it says, “Unless you
have the mark of the beast, you will not be able to buy and sell.”
We are inside the system of the beast – the Babylon the Great – the Illuminati. We
have to come out of her, as the Lord says,
“Come out of her My people, or else you continue to partake of her sins and share in
her plagues” (Revelation 18:4).
What are her sins and her plagues?
Her sins or misdeeds are the ones which causes the plagues.
These sins are symbolically called the “seals”. They are:
1) Seal # 1 = disguiseful, deceitful teachings, not true teachings, not true truths.
Symbolized as white horse. So their teachers are wearing white robes to cover their real color.
Ways, methods and laws presented to us as good for us, but actually are not, because they are
ways, methods and laws of conflict, division and war.
2) Seal # 2 = divisions and war symbolized by red horse. Red also symbolizes
self-love which becomes selfish and greedy if not balanced by the color green, love for God
and neighbor.
3) Seal # 3 = black horse: capitalist system of metering and measuring and
monitoring (controlling) everything to see to it that, as to resources, nothing more goes to the
majority but for their mere survival, and as to manpower, no one is freed from slavery. Wages
are controlled, food is scaled, water and electricity are metered, etc. So that the poor will
remain lacking in resources and remain within their control, beholden to them who hold the
supply of money, food, etc. Instead of the abundance of waters in springs and rivers, which
they accuse as extravagance, there is scarcity and poverty in everything among the masses.
Before the capitalist system came along with monarchy and democracy, food was super
abundant, with the new harvest overlapping the previous produce. Today, the gap between
income and need is getting long: you already “ate” your salary before you receive it, that is, it
is already pledged to the store you are buying food in credit. Capitalism is a system of
poverty among the majority.
4) Seal # 4 = pale horse: system of death via “sword and hunger…and beasts of
the earth”. Systems or technologies which cause war and hunger. The capitalist system of
land ownership where money is used to acquire lands is favoring the people who print money
and the banks who facilitate the disposal of these money as loans which requires land to be
used as collaterals and which has resulted to the foreclosure (sequester) of countless of lands
all over the world by the banks who are owned by the money printers, the Illuminati.
5) Seal # 5 = The Great Tribulation which was the persecution and prosecution,
the murders of God’s servants and messengers, the prophets and the apostles… so His
teachings would not spread.
6) Seal # 6 = The darkening of the lights of the earth, namely: the sun (God’s
direct words), the moon (those words of the prophets and the apostles), stars (the light from
the sages). The dark ages were not only during the Dark Ages but much longer. When they
released the Bible, it was already a severely molested piece. The major distorters hired by the
Roman Empire and Roman Church were the Piso Family. All in all, the total number of errors
injected into the Bible is 250,000 errors! So, never expect it can play its role as the two-edged
sword or a light into our path. It is now very dull and dim!
7) Seal # 7 = comprises the 7 effects which are partial and for the purpose of
warning the people (hence, 7 Trumpets), while the 7 Last Plagues are the seven final effects
of the major causes-sins (the seals).
The 7 last plagues we will suffer if we partake or continue to partake of the 7 seals-

Written in The Secret Covenant of the Illuminati: “We will take over their land,
resources and wealth to exercise total control over them.
We will deceive them into accepting laws that will steal the little freedom they will
We will establish a money system that will imprison them forever, keeping them and
their children in debt.
When they shall ban together, we shall accuse them of crimes and present a different
story to the world for we shall own all the media.
When they shall rise up against us we will crush them like insects, for they are less
than that.
They will be helpless to do anything for they will have no weapons.”
Their tools to grab lands:
1) money to buy;
2) the banking or loan system that requires land to be used as collateral;
3) laws that prohibit people from organizing and arming themselves, so they would not
have the protection or the weapons to stop land grabbing;
4) mass media that will not report to the masses the truths and realities such as facts
like (a) the biggest land owner in the Philippines is the Catholic Church – the so-called friar
lands which are now placed under the care of their corporations so these landholdings would
not be traced and taken back; (b) half of the country is not yet distributed, mostly the
beautiful rolling hills which are instead “leased” by the government to the Illuminati and their
couriers at an average of 400 hectares per person or family at a mere P1.00 per hectare per
year… while thousands, even millions of the people are rotting in the squatters, sleeping in
the cemeteries and under the bridges, or are forced to go overseas as slaves, maids,
prostitutes, just to survive!
The loss of land to till, not just dwell, is the root cause of all economic difficulties and
poverty which also usually led to break of relationships, that is, emotional disintegration of
families and marriages.
One move by a united people is to dissolve their military and arm themselves, become
the active (not reserve) military of their own country for their own families. No proxies.
Hiring armies, police, navy or air force is an act of proxism, trusting on others to protect
ourselves, entrusting the safety of our children to these men who are found to be secret
connivance of evil men including the international drug syndicates.
Let the family men and their sons of 18 up, be the Active Military of the Philippines.
No proxies. No reserved. All active. Those who work in the land are automatically the army
and police. That number easily put the present number of army and police to the size of a
Those who stay or work in the seas like the fishermen are automatically the Navy.
Those who fly like the pilots and stewards/ stewardesses are automatically the Air Force.
If the Philippines are 100 million people, and assuming half of them (50 million) are
men, and further assuming that half of them (25 million) are 18 years old above, it means that
we have a standing military of 25 million protecting the 75 million young people, women and
children at a ratio of 1:3!
Not only are these military incorruptible and cannot be persuaded to connive with the
drug lord and other wicked syndicates to destroy their own children, they too are so powerful
and overwhelming, ever-present because of their vast number and wide spread all over the
The nation becomes impenetrable if we have this kind of Armed Forces.
That will be the case until the nation will ascend to the upper level of consciousness
where and when the military is no longer needed because the Minds and Hearts of the people
are no longer capable of doing harm and creating violence. Their minds and hearts are
perfected Love and perfected Wisdom united as one!
One effect of this unity is absolute peace. Also absolute love incapable of creating
trouble and harm. So, external protection such as military is no longer needed.
Prayer to the heavenly Father: Father, you said in Matthew 25: Feed the hungry,
shelter the fatherless.
Without a land assigned to my care as stewards to till, how can I feed the hungry and
the fatherless?
For you also said Father that “Fruits shall be your food” (Genesis 1:29; Ezekiel 47:12
& Revelation 22:2) which means that I ought to have an orchard enough to produce food to
feed them.
Father, there is still half of the country which is left undistributed and this happens to
be the banikas (hills and mountains) which is the best place for fruit trees.
The Commonwealth Act 141 or Public Land Act, has good points but also very stupid
features. While it grants 24 hectare to families, even every family, it also failed to address the
future confusion and chaos that this provision created when, as it did happen, our great
grandparents availed of the free 24 hectares from the government and then followed the
inheritance law: so, they divided or left the land when they died to be divided among their
children. This inheritance system continued until now. Result: the original 24 hectares was
divided by the children of say, 10 = 2.4 hectares per son or daughter. Then, these sons and
daughters came to have their own families as well, some 7 children, some less, some more.
Result: Each 2.4 hectares was further divided by their children - result: less than one hectare
each, just enough to have a house but not have enough farm.
This is the stupid portion of The Commonwealth Act 141 which needs to be corrected
to refine it.
So, the amendment shall be this: The land cannot be passed to the heirs when the share
becomes less than 5 hectares.
The landless heirs, or those who have no share of 5 hectares, shall be guaranteed with
a free share of 5 hectares from the government, not from his parents.
Another good amendment for CA 141 is to reduce the size from 24 hectares to a
uniform of 5 hectares, no more no less and then makes it part of the law that it can only be
passed or left to either the youngest or those who are not married, while the rest shall have
their free 5 hectare lots direct from the government, each already prepared years ahead so that
the recipient will have fruit trees already bearing fruits.
That will be made part of the amended Commonwealth Act 141. CA 141 is not
prefect, but it can be our good start towards true and better reform.

Can God be blamed for natural disasters and personal illnesses, e.g., that they come from
Him to punish us?
God: “Your question infers that I choose these events, that it is My will and desire they
should occur. Yet I do not will these things into being, I merely observe you doing so. And I
do nothing to stop them, because to do so would be to thwart your will. That, in turn, would
deprive you of the God experience, which is the experience you and I have chosen together.
Illness and disease are opposites of health and wellness, and are made manifest in your
reality at your behest. You cannot be ill without at some level causing yourself to be, and you
can be well again in a moment by simply deciding to be.
Deep personal disappointments are responses which are chosen [by you, leading to some
illness], and worldwide calamities are the result of worldwide consciousness [sum total
thoughts of world’s people].
“The world’s natural calamities and disasters—its tornados and hurricanes, volcanoes
and floods—its physical turmoils —are not created by you specifically.
These events are created by the combined consciousness of man. All of the world, co-
creating together, produces these experiences.
Events occur in the universe which no stretch of the imagination could claim you
instigated or created.
What is created by you is the degree to which these events touch your life.
What each of you do, individually, is move through them, deciding what, if anything,
they mean to you, and Who and What You Are in relationship to them.” For example.
The internet as a world event. It is neutral by itself. It does not good, nor wrong. It is all
up to you to decide how are you going to use it. Are you going to use it to promote
pornography or permaculture?
That’s the pro-active aspect.
Now, as to responsive aspect, if they are using the internet to circulate immoral
pornography, what then is your response? Join them, patronize their pervert use of sex, or just
ignore or do something to halt their activity that poisons the minds of others, especially the
How you affect it and how it affects you, is all up to you?
Do they offer war as the solution to problems? Will you accept it or refuse it and choose
the peaceful path of friendship and cooperation?
To contribute to world catastrophes by getting involved in irresponsible cutting of trees
or to join the noble work of planting trees to save the world is all up to you.
God: “Thus, you create collectively, and individually, the life and times you are
experiencing, for the soul purpose of evolving.”
“The whole point of the process was for you to discover yourself, create your Self, as you
truly are—and as you truly wish to be. Yet you could not be that unless you also had a choice
to be something else.
Should I therefore punish you for making a choice that I Myself have laid before you? If
I did not want you to make the second choice, why would I create other than the first?
This is a question you must ask yourself before you would assign Me the role of a
condemning God.
The direct answer to your question is, yes, you may do as you wish without fear of
retribution. It may serve you, however, to be aware of consequences.
Consequences are results. Natural outcomes. These are not at all the same as retributions,
or punishments. Outcomes are simply that. They are what results from the natural application
of natural laws. They are that which occurs, quite predictably, as a consequence of what has
All physical life functions in accordance with natural laws. Once you remember these
laws, and apply them, you have mastered life at the physical level.
What seems like punishment to you—or what you would call evil, or bad luck—is
nothing more than a natural law asserting itself.”

Source: Conversations with God, volume 1

Neale Donald Walsch
The 7 Seals, 7 Trumpets & the 7 Last Plagues as the Outline of Man’s Deeds as Prodigal Son & their

Catholic Europe and Anglican-Protestant Britain-America –

Mother and Firstborn (effect) of Catholic’s doctrine on “wrath of God”
In the 7-7-7 Cause and Effect Frame, where the first 7 are the 7 Seals, the second are the 7
Trumpets and the third and last 7 are the 7 Last Plagues, the seals are the major Causes, while
the Trumpets are the partial effects which (1) serve as warning in the hope that people would
take notice and step back (repent), and (2) first batch or first fruits of effects; while the 7 last
plagues are the final, ripened effects that appear if the people would not and had not listened
to the preceding trumpets-warning.
Again, the first batch of effects or firstfruits are called the 7 Trumpets, while the second or
last batch of effects are called the 7 last plagues.
Let us see the people operating in each 7.
In the first 7 (seals phase), we have the group of people known as white horse. They are the
false prophets and false teachers who taught the false doctrine.
And interestingly, we are here in this book to discuss the No. 1 of their worst doctrines,
namely: That God is a God of wrath!
What does God say about this worst of all kinds of character assassination?
In the Household of God, volume 1, chapter 2, verses 8, He lamented,
“For the world I am a most insignificant hero for whom there is not much regard.
The scholars look down upon Me and at the most call Me an honest man.
Some of them ignore Me completely; for them I no longer exist. Others still admit some
divine traits in Me, but only for a short time, then they let themselves be influenced by the
worldly wise. Soon I am dismissed and at the most regarded as a God for old women.
For some of My servants and workers, who imagine themselves great, I merely serve as an
official seal and as an external kind of divine cover for their idle nonsense and their gross and
utter foolishness and stupidity. There are some who permit Me still to retain My divinity, but
for this I must allow them to make of Me what they will in their pursuit of temporal gains.”
But the worst teaching about God?
“And what is the worst: I must be a downright absurdity! Love and mercy I may have only as
long as it suits them; then I must become more pitiless than a stone and must suffer Myself to
be changed into a most despicable tyrant. I am expected to rush from One tribunal to the next
and pass one condemnation after the other. My love must therefore be only temporary,
whereas My tyranny and harsh judgeship are meant to last forever (e.g., eternal hell fire).
“Oh, those utter fools! My infinite forbearance, gentleness, meekness and eternal love for My
created beings certainly do not serve their greedy purposes, but all their plans shall soon be
thwarted. Their accounts are before Me and the measure of their deeds has been almost filled,
and their reward is awaiting them.”
What is the worst teaching? That God is a God of finite love (lasting only from Christ first
coming to shortly before His return) and eternal wrath (to commence at His second coming
which is described by this wicked teachers as the Day of Wrath (Judgment) to be followed by
being thrown alive into the lake of fire for all eternity, to be ever-fried in the boiling fire,
never to die.
What makes God worst in this doctrine is that for only a mere vice of smoking which is
caused mainly by an addictive substance added to the cigarette secretly by the manufacturer
to increase and sustain profit when the addict keeps on buying his cigarette, so the smoker is
less culpable and is more of a victim and as a victim, what does he deserve: pity or
condemnation? For the even less merciful person you ask, the answer would be: pity (mercy).
And surely God knows that the smoker is more of a victim than an offender. And so to
subconsciously see God as merciless towards the victim or to the committer of a minor sin
(smoking) – to imagine God giving him a terrible penalty (eternal fire) – can you prevent the
believer from advancing from fear to hatred against God?
So being taught and coming to believe that God is a God of wrath is the worst thing to have
befallen a person!
In the next verse, God says that it was better for a person not to know anything about Him
than to be taught of this evil “God of wrath” doctrine!
Verse 9: “For him who does not know Me the way I am, and who I am, it would be better not
to know anything about Me, for then I could still revive him in the spirit realm. But as things
are they make themselves incapable of receiving My help as they deaden the life within them
by destroying and slaying Me within them, thereby becoming vines separated from the
They peddled the story that God’s wrath is greater than His love. For this reason, if you took
this thought about the possibility that God would kill you, then, you have now that single but
very powerful fear that would breed doubt of God’s reliability and trustworthiness – and this
makes you always insecure and distrustful, hence, hindering you from loving God absolutely!
This fear becomes a stain in what supposed to be your perfect love for Him.
For we, all of us, each of us, has to reach the point of realization that our love for God is
perfect, not stained by any iota of doubt and fear. Perfect love casts away all fear, says the
apostle John.
The “God of wrath” lie is being tied up in a number of major accusations against God, some
of them are:
1. He has prepared a hell – an eternal lake of fire - for the many who could not measure up on
earth. This hell is everlasting; you can’t be extracted once you are cast there; no forgiveness;
you will be tortured and fried forever in the lake of fire;
2. He has caused all these world catastrophes and terrible diseases and other personal pains as
His punishment to us.
The priests have long peddled the idea to the innocent people that catastrophes and illnesses
are God’s punishment to the disobedient mankind. These punishments, we are told, are not
necessary nor are part or effect of our misdeeds, they are just simply added by God’s anger.
They are not related to nor result of our sins. They are purely God’s anger.
They are giving us a picture where a small boy wanted to climb the tree near their house but
his father sternly forbade him saying that he would suffer some bruise or wound if he fell.
True to the father’s warning, the boy fell and suffered a bruise and a wound after he climbed
the tree when his father was away.
When he came home, the father saw what had happened and blasted, “I had told you!” And
took a paddle and smashed the kid’s other knee where there was no bruise nor wound. The
result was that: there was a greater injury now than before the father punished the frightened
and remorseful child.
Problem was: the father pushed through his punishment even if the child was already crying
due to his first injury, and no matter how the helpless boy asked for forgiveness and promised
not to again disobey him, still the angry father proceeded and broke his son’s knee!
Familiar scene, isn’t it?
I too as a father, am guilty of this “loveless” act from time to time when my beloved children
were small. It is now causing my heart to bleed and to feel remorse.
But unkind those reactions were, still there is this experience that helps us understand what is
it to be a father of wrath!
I am not saying we can never do some kind of punishment, I do not say that you cannot do a
compassionate type of punishment based on love with the intention that the child will lean
more to the positive experience or way of obedience rather than leaning towards the negative
experience of disobedience or always making mistakes. It is our wish that they learn the easy
way by simply listening and believing on us, and choosing the positive experience of
obedience rather than learning by mistakes most of the time – we hope they will not be
frequently making mistakes and experiencing their resulting pains. I am not saying there is no
appropriate time for a ‘punishment’ which is wise and loving. Sure, there is, such as to use
the rod as alternative and lesser pain compared to the real pain the child suffers if he cuts his
arm or break his leg!
But here we see from the example above, an idea what is a punishment that is not based on
love and wisdom, but in anger!
This is what the false church and false teachers (collectively called in the Bible as seal no. 1,
the white horse) was inculcating in our hearts and minds for all these millennia and centuries
so that our love for God couldn’t be complete – so that we fear God more than love Him. We
can’t now attain a perfect love that casts away all fear we have towards Him! We are disabled
from coming to love Him above all, with all our heart, with all our mind, with all our might.
The doctrine and belief of “God of wrath” has become a big hindrance to absolute love for
God. Instead of being a parent of soft heart like that of a mother who would forget all threats
you had spoken before and rushes to save her child from the coming vehicle out of great love
and great concern, we are given a picture of a God whose anger killed any remaining amount
of compassion and just say after his weak child got hit by a car, “Mirise!” and then went to
him and further hit the suffering child with a 2” x 2” lumber!
This usually happens to fathers, human fathers, but not to human mothers. And we thought
that this also happened with God… especially in the end-time when He is allegedly accused
to be the one responsible for adding all these unrelated calamities and illnesses, that have
nothing to do with our real sins! They are telling us that these natural calamities and personal
illnesses are pure penalties from God, and never have any connection to our actual sins!..
when in truth, these calamities and misfortunes are results of our collective and individual
choices and decisions. God contributed nothing to our misery. An yet the priests have been
telling us that these are God’s penalties for our sins. These misfortunes are direct or indirect
results of our misdeeds but they are not God’s penalties for such misdeeds!
Thus, God is painted to be very cruel, angry, disgusted of us, losing patience for His children!
This terrible God is what scares the child in each one of us to run away from the approaching
Father, instead of running towards Him. We fear His return because we imagine it to be a
dreadful day of judgment.
Isn’t it that a child would run towards his father if as father he is loving and is loved and is
not frightening? And a child would run away from an approaching father if he is a man of
anger and punishments?
That is the struggle. A father of wrath has been painted on God after the Church and her false
teachers had successfully peddled the lie that the end-time calamities and illnesses have
nothing to do with our actual sins and that they are purely add-ons out of the anger and wrath
of a disappointed and very angry father!
This is the root cause, seal # 1 – the root cause of all evils. Because the fear of God in us
would melt all remaining softness and gentleness upon which gratitude towards God for His
goodness can take root for love to flourish.
While fear of a wrathful god exists, love cannot grow; you cannot achieve the goal of loving
God above all with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your might and loving your
neighbor as yourself. It will always remain difficult, if not impossible to do so, as long as you
think and believe God possesses a destructive wrath which gives the possibility that one day,
someday and somehow God may and will destroy you!
Read chapter one (First Hour) of God’s book, The 12 Hours, and there you can see in plain
Then read chapters (hours) two to twelve to have the real feel of what really had happened
from the original base in ancient Sumeria (Mesopotamia) especially in Old Babylon-Iraq, in
the Middle East and from its second base, the Vatican – you will see how this false teaching
had turned man into hyenas from continent to continent!
Cruelty or mercilessness which is the condition of the lack of compassionate love towards the
poor and the needy which is also the same as, or the result of, the lack of gratitude (grateful
love) towards God was the main weakness of Old Babylon (Iraq).
After attaining the greatness described by God in the first dream that he was the head of gold
in the great statue in his dream (Daniel 2), King Nebuchadnezzar could not help becoming
haughty, arrogant and proud… and along with it, the vehement hatred and hostility and
abhorrence against all weaknesses and against the weak especially poor and the needy… yes
all kinds of weakness except his own (e.g., pride) which he did not recognize.
The correct attitude would be HUMILITY (OR GRATITUDE AND COMPASSION) IN
To the contrary, he grew so haughty that he let the statue of his dream to be constructed and
erected in full view in his palace and worse, he welcomed the suggestion of his advisers that
all subjects should worship the statue in his behalf and he who would not bow down and bend
his knee on the appointed time, should be killed! (Daniel 3). So instead of gratitude towards
God who gave him greatness, wealth and fame, he became proud. So proud did he become so
that his face turned very red in anger towards Daniel’s three friends who did not worship the
statue and ordered the furnace to be heated at least seven times to ensure that the disloyal be
destroyed. So hot was the fire that those who carried and threw the three bound men into the
flaming fire was sucked and eaten up by the fire!
This showed the degree of Nebuchadnezzar’s pride.
And this incident where he saw Daniel’s three friends alive in the midst of the raging fire
unharmed was the first lesson of humility and mercy.
Did he learn it? Did he got it?
No! He didn’t totally. He merely began his familiarization with humility. But he was far from
being humble, altho he started acknowledging the God of Daniel and of his three friends. He
began praising the true God thus: “
Da:3:28: Then Nebuchadnezzar spake, and said, Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach,
and Abed-nego, who hath sent his angel, and delivered his servants that trusted in him, and
have changed the king's word, and yielded their bodies, that they might not serve nor worship
any god, except their own God.
Da:3:29: Therefore I make a decree, That every people, nation, and language, which speak
any thing amiss against the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, shall be cut in
pieces, and their houses shall be made a dunghill: because there is no other God that can
deliver after this sort..”
Did the experience make Nebuchadnezzar completely humble?
No, it did not yet!
He had to undergo the second step of fully destroying his pride and fully learning humility:
To lose his kingship by becoming a mad man and dwelling among the beasts in the forest for
7 years! (Daniel 4).
Any alternative? Yes, there was. And it was to soften his heart towards the poor.
Da:4:27: Wherefore, O king, let my counsel be acceptable unto thee, and break off thy sins
by righteousness, and thine iniquities by shewing mercy to the poor; if it may be a
lengthening of thy tranquillity.
Sadly, King Nebuchadnezzar, blinded by his still great pride did not give value to Daniel’s
advice but proceed to do one proud action to another…until…
Da:4:28: All this came upon the king Nebuchadnezzar.
Da:4:29: At the end of twelve months he walked in the palace of the kingdom of Babylon.
Da:4:30: The king spake, and said, Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for the house of
the kingdom by the might of my power, and for the honour of my majesty?
(Note the pride and lack of the humility to acknowledge God who gave him all the strengths!)
Da:4:31: While the word was in the king's mouth, there fell a voice from heaven, saying, O
king Nebuchadnezzar, to thee it is spoken; The kingdom is departed from thee.
Da:4:32: And they shall drive thee from men, and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the
field: they shall make thee to eat grass as oxen, and seven times shall pass over thee, until
thou know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he
Da:4:33: The same hour was the thing fulfilled upon Nebuchadnezzar: and he was driven
from men, and did eat grass as oxen, and his body was wet with the dew of heaven, till his
hairs were grown like eagles' feathers, and his nails like birds' claws.
King Nebuchadnezzar did not possess nor cultivate the type of love called gratitude towards
the Great Giver which is also humility which is also mercy and compassion towards the poor.
The first lesson on gratitude and humility as well as mercy was with the fire that could not
burn the men protected by the Great God.
The next lesson was more painful and totally humiliating: he became insane and lived among
the animals in the forest, totally stripped off his royal splendor and sound mind!
He was warned of this second lesson. Through a dream also. This was narrated by King
Nebuchadnezzar himself , thus:
Da:4:4: I Nebuchadnezzar was at rest in mine house, and flourishing in my palace:
Da:4:5: I saw a dream which made me afraid, and the thoughts upon my bed and the visions
of my head troubled me.
Da:4:6: Therefore made I a decree to bring in all the wise men of Babylon before me, that
they might make known unto me the interpretation of the dream.
Da:4:7: Then came in the magicians, the astrologers, the Chaldeans, and the soothsayers: and
I told the dream before them; but they did not make known unto me the interpretation thereof.
Da:4:8: But at the last Daniel came in before me, whose name was Belteshazzar, according to
the name of my god, and in whom is the spirit of the holy gods: and before him I told the
dream, saying,
Da:4:9: O Belteshazzar, master of the magicians, because I know that the spirit of the holy
gods is in thee, and no secret troubleth thee, tell me the visions of my dream that I have seen,
and the interpretation thereof.
Da:4:10: Thus were the visions of mine head in my bed; I saw, and behold a tree in the midst
of the earth, and the height thereof was great.
Da:4:11: The tree grew, and was strong, and the height thereof reached unto heaven, and the
sight thereof to the end of all the earth:
Da:4:12: The leaves thereof were fair, and the fruit thereof much, and in it was meat for all:
the beasts of the field had shadow under it, and the fowls of the heaven dwelt in the boughs
thereof, and all flesh was fed of it.
Da:4:13: I saw in the visions of my head upon my bed, and, behold, a watcher and an holy
one came down from heaven;
Da:4:14: He cried aloud, and said thus, Hew down the tree, and cut off his branches, shake
off his leaves, and scatter his fruit: let the beasts get away from under it, and the fowls from
his branches:
Da:4:15: Nevertheless leave the stump of his roots in the earth, even with a band of iron and
brass, in the tender grass of the field; and let it be wet with the dew of heaven, and let his
portion be with the beasts in the grass of the earth:
Da:4:16: Let his heart be changed from man's, and let a beast's heart be given unto him; and
let seven times pass over him.
Da:4:17: This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy
ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men,
and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men.
Da:4:18: This dream I king Nebuchadnezzar have seen. Now thou, O Belteshazzar, declare
the interpretation thereof, forasmuch as all the wise men of my kingdom are not able to make
known unto me the interpretation: but thou art able; for the spirit of the holy gods is in thee.
Da:4:19: Then Daniel, whose name was Belteshazzar, was astonied for one hour, and his
thoughts troubled him. The king spake, and said, Belteshazzar, let not the dream, or the
interpretation thereof, trouble thee. Belteshazzar answered and said, My lord, the dream be to
them that hate thee, and the interpretation thereof to thine enemies.
Da:4:20: The tree that thou sawest, which grew, and was strong, whose height reached unto
the heaven, and the sight thereof to all the earth;
Da:4:21: Whose leaves were fair, and the fruit thereof much, and in it was meat for all; under
which the beasts of the field dwelt, and upon whose branches the fowls of the heaven had
their habitation:
Da:4:22: It is thou, O king, that art grown and become strong: for thy greatness is grown, and
reacheth unto heaven, and thy dominion to the end of the earth.
Da:4:23: And whereas the king saw a watcher and an holy one coming down from heaven,
and saying, Hew the tree down, and destroy it; yet leave the stump of the roots thereof in the
earth, even with a band of iron and brass, in the tender grass of the field; and let it be wet with
the dew of heaven, and let his portion be with the beasts of the field, till seven times pass over
Da:4:24: This is the interpretation, O king, and this is the decree of the most High, which is
come upon my lord the king:
Da:4:25: That they shall drive thee from men, and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the
field, and they shall make thee to eat grass as oxen, and they shall wet thee with the dew of
heaven, and seven times shall pass over thee, till thou know that the most High ruleth in the
kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will.
Da:4:26: And whereas they commanded to leave the stump of the tree roots; thy kingdom
shall be sure unto thee, after that thou shalt have known that the heavens do rule.
Da:4:27: Wherefore, O king, let my counsel be acceptable unto thee, and break off thy sins by
righteousness, and thine iniquities by shewing mercy to the poor; if it may be a lengthening of
thy tranquillity.
Because he did not take heed of the warning and advice, the threatened harsh experience to
learn the lesson on gratitude-humility-mercy –and-compassion the hard way did happen,
instead of just merely listening to advice to soften his heart to allow mercy.
Da:4:28: All this came upon the king Nebuchadnezzar.
Da:4:29: At the end of twelve months he walked in the palace of the kingdom of Babylon.
Da:4:30: The king spake, and said, Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for the house of
the kingdom by the might of my power, and for the honour of my majesty?
Da:4:31: While the word was in the king's mouth, there fell a voice from heaven, saying, O
king Nebuchadnezzar, to thee it is spoken; The kingdom is departed from thee.
Da:4:32: And they shall drive thee from men, and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the
field: they shall make thee to eat grass as oxen, and seven times shall pass over thee, until
thou know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he
Da:4:33: The same hour was the thing fulfilled upon Nebuchadnezzar: and he was driven
from men, and did eat grass as oxen, and his body was wet with the dew of heaven, till his
hairs were grown like eagles' feathers, and his nails like birds' claws.
Did Nebuchadnezzar learn at last?
Yes, after going through those seven years of humiliation… as human beast living in the
forest without any royal splendor to be proud of.
At last he acknowledged God truly and humbly.
Da:4:1: Nebuchadnezzar the king, unto all people, nations, and languages, that dwell in all the
earth; Peace be multiplied unto you.
Da:4:2: I thought it good to shew the signs and wonders that the high God hath wrought
toward me.
Da:4:3: How great are his signs! and how mighty are his wonders! his kingdom is an
everlasting kingdom, and his dominion is from generation to generation…
(Note that he wanted his lesson be learned by us who would hear or read of his experiences).

Da:4:34: And at the end of the days I Nebuchadnezzar lifted up mine eyes unto heaven, and
mine understanding returned unto me, and I blessed the most High, and I praised and
honoured him that liveth for ever, whose dominion is an everlasting dominion, and his
kingdom is from generation to generation:
Da:4:35: And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and he doeth according to
his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay his
hand, or say unto him, What doest thou?
Da:4:36: At the same time my reason returned unto me; and for the glory of my kingdom,
mine honour and brightness returned unto me; and my counsellers and my lords sought unto
me; and I was established in my kingdom, and excellent majesty was added unto me.
Da:4:37: Now I Nebuchadnezzar praise and extol and honour the King of heaven, all whose
works are truth, and his ways judgment: and those that walk in pride he is able to abase.
What are the lessons he learned the hard way? The truths?
1. Let us “praise and extol and honour the King of heaven,”
2. “all His works are truth,”
3. “and his ways judgment:”
4. “and those that walk in pride he is able to abase.”
(Daniel 4:37).
And that:
Da:4:2: I thought it good to shew the signs and wonders that the high God hath
wrought toward me.
Da:4:3: How great are his signs! and how mighty are his wonders! his kingdom is an
everlasting kingdom, and his dominion is from generation to generation.
Da:4:27: Wherefore, O king, let my counsel be acceptable unto thee, and break off thy
sins by righteousness, and thine iniquities by shewing mercy to the poor; if it may be a
lengthening of thy tranquillity.
Da:4:28: All this came upon the king Nebuchadnezzar.
Now, after finally learning the lesson Nebuchadnezzar received greater blessings.
Then, you would think that it would be easy for his descendants to learn the same lesson.
Right? Yes? No!
For when his son Belshazzar became king, he committed the same weakness his father
Nebuchadnezzar did: pride!
And this time, there is no more second chance. The kingdom was to be completely
taken from them. The fall of Babylon was to be final. Why?
Da:5:22: “And thou his son, O Belshazzar, hast not humbled thine heart, though thou
knewest all this;”
Belshazzar knew his father’s experiences – and he know the lessons, but simply chose
to ignore and mock it! He was found wanting – he was found deficient in the most important
ingredient a great man must possess if he were not to lose his greatness, to wit: humility,
gratitude towards the Great Giver of all greatness, and to also express that in the form of
kindness towards the poor and the needy.
Here is the full story, in Daniel 5, thus:
Da:5:1: Belshazzar the king made a great feast to a thousand of his lords, and drank
wine before the thousand.
Da:5:2: Belshazzar, whiles he tasted the wine, commanded to bring the golden and
silver vessels which his father Nebuchadnezzar had taken out of the temple which was in
Jerusalem; that the king, and his princes, his wives, and his concubines, might drink therein.
Da:5:3: Then they brought the golden vessels that were taken out of the temple of the
house of God which was at Jerusalem; and the king, and his princes, his wives, and his
concubines, drank in them.
Da:5:4: They drank wine, and praised the gods of gold, and of silver, of brass, of iron,
of wood, and of stone.
Da:5:5: In the same hour came forth fingers of a man's hand, and wrote over against
the candlestick upon the plaister of the wall of the king's palace: and the king saw the part of
the hand that wrote.
Da:5:6: Then the king's countenance was changed, and his thoughts troubled him, so
that the joints of his loins were loosed, and his knees smote one against another.
Da:5:7: The king cried aloud to bring in the astrologers, the Chaldeans, and the
soothsayers. And the king spake, and said to the wise men of Babylon, Whosoever shall read
this writing, and shew me the interpretation thereof, shall be clothed with scarlet, and have a
chain of gold about his neck, and shall be the third ruler in the kingdom.
Da:5:8: Then came in all the king's wise men: but they could not read the writing, nor
make known to the king the interpretation thereof.
Da:5:9: Then was king Belshazzar greatly troubled, and his countenance was changed
in him, and his lords were astonied.
Da:5:10: Now the queen, by reason of the words of the king and his lords, came into
the banquet house: and the queen spake and said, O king, live for ever: let not thy thoughts
trouble thee, nor let thy countenance be changed:
Da:5:11: There is a man in thy kingdom, in whom is the spirit of the holy gods; and in
the days of thy father light and understanding and wisdom, like the wisdom of the gods, was
found in him; whom the king Nebuchadnezzar thy father, the king, I say, thy father, made
master of the magicians, astrologers, Chaldeans, and soothsayers;
Da:5:12: Forasmuch as an excellent spirit, and knowledge, and understanding,
interpreting of dreams, and shewing of hard sentences, and dissolving of doubts, were found
in the same Daniel, whom the king named Belteshazzar: now let Daniel be called, and he will
shew the interpretation.
Da:5:13: Then was Daniel brought in before the king. And the king spake and said
unto Daniel, Art thou that Daniel, which art of the children of the captivity of Judah, whom
the king my father brought out of Jewry?
Da:5:14: I have even heard of thee, that the spirit of the gods is in thee, and that light
and understanding and excellent wisdom is found in thee.
Da:5:15: And now the wise men, the astrologers, have been brought in before me, that
they should read this writing, and make known unto me the interpretation thereof: but they
could not shew the interpretation of the thing:
Da:5:16: And I have heard of thee, that thou canst make interpretations, and dissolve
doubts: now if thou canst read the writing, and make known to me the interpretation thereof,
thou shalt be clothed with scarlet, and have a chain of gold about thy neck, and shalt be the
third ruler in the kingdom.
Da:5:17: Then Daniel answered and said before the king, Let thy gifts be to thyself,
and give thy rewards to another; yet I will read the writing unto the king, and make known to
him the interpretation.
Da:5:18: O thou king, the most high God gave Nebuchadnezzar thy father a kingdom,
and majesty, and glory, and honour:
Da:5:19: And for the majesty that he gave him, all people, nations, and languages,
trembled and feared before him: whom he would he slew; and whom he would he kept alive;
and whom he would he set up; and whom he would he put down.
Da:5:20: But when his heart was lifted up, and his mind hardened in pride, he was
deposed from his kingly throne, and they took his glory from him:
Da:5:21: And he was driven from the sons of men; and his heart was made like the
beasts, and his dwelling was with the wild asses: they fed him with grass like oxen, and his
body was wet with the dew of heaven; till he knew that the most high God ruled in the
kingdom of men, and that he appointeth over it whomsoever he will.
Da:5:22: And thou his son, O Belshazzar, hast not humbled thine heart, though thou
knewest all this;
Da:5:23: But hast lifted up thyself against the LORD of heaven; and they have brought
the vessels of his house before thee, and thou, and thy lords, thy wives, and thy concubines,
have drunk wine in them; and thou hast praised the gods of silver, and gold, of brass, iron,
wood, and stone, which see not, nor hear, nor know: and the God in whose hand thy breath is,
and whose are all thy ways, hast thou not glorified:
Da:5:24: Then was the part of the hand sent from him; and this writing was written.
Da:5:25: And this is the writing that was written, MENE, MENE, TEKEL,
Da:5:26: This is the interpretation of the thing: MENE; God hath numbered thy
kingdom, and finished it.
Da:5:27: TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting.
Da:5:28: PERES; Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians.
Da:5:29: Then commanded Belshazzar, and they clothed Daniel with scarlet, and put a
chain of gold about his neck, and made a proclamation concerning him, that he should be the
third ruler in the kingdom.
Da:5:30: In that night was Belshazzar the king of the Chaldeans slain.
Da:5:31: And Darius the Median took the kingdom, being about threescore and two
years old.

Hu hu huh!
What can you say to that?
Tough experience, right? Indeed!
And such is still very relevant to all of us, collectively as a nation or group as well as
individuals. The lesson of meekness (gratitude-humility-mercy-compassion) is very
important. It is Chakra # 7. The organ for such attitude is the Pineal Gland located inside our
Brain, in what they call the Crown of our head.
If you are full of pride, blinded by pride, this chakra-center is deactivated, suppressed, not
And only the harshest of experience suited to your degree of pride can open your Pineal
Gland to help you become meek, humble, merciful and compassionate.
This is a most precious knowledge for all.
The Lord Jesus of Nazareth repeated this lesson when He said, “The humble shall be lifted
up; the proud shall be abased.”
Sadly, the absence or lack of this soft heart can be blamed and traced to the mis-education of
man with the false root-teaching on “God of Wrath” which is the first tool of the wicked ones
to separate you from the True Loving God and distance you from Him farther and farther
until your godlessness or godfarness would become too evident that you have a severe lack of
His trait and riches: LOVE which is humble, which is meek, and compassionate!
You will find too that the first fruits or first batch of students of this pagan Catholic-
Protestant doctrine on “God of wrath” are the Europeans, if we confine our time frame to the
last 2,000 years, which is the time frame used in the Book of Revelation, starting with the
ascension of Christ.
Here we can see from this time up to our time, year AD 2016, how these white men from
Europe and later their cousins operating in America and then from America onto the third
world – we can see their system of cruelty, oppression and slavery and long trail of
devastation and destruction.
These firstfruits became the aggressors, the oppressors, the slave-owners, the exploiters, the
suckers, the victimizers. They constitute the men managing 7 Trumpets events: destruction of
1/3 of the earth, trees and vegetation (Trumpet 1); destruction of 1/3 of sea or marine life
(Trumpet 2); pollution by factories and miners etc. and the disappearance of 1/3 of the fresh
waters when they destroyed the forests thru logging (Trumpet 3); pollution of air and
atmospheric destruction such as ozone layer depletion, carbon blanket in lower atmosphere
resulting to global warming (Trumpet 4); woe # 1 – locust-like machines or organisms which
sting like scorpion, operating to scare (torture not kill) mankind for 1,500 days – probably
helicopter/plain bombers during WW I and/or endtime hurricanes (Trumpet 5 - Revelation
9:1-12); woe # 2 - 1/3 of mankind killed by fire, smoke and sulfur (gun power) probably this
refers to WW II (Trumpet 6 – Revelation 9:13-19); woe # 3 = The 7 Last Plagues culminating
to WW III (Trumpet 7 or 7 Last Plagues – Revelation 1516).
These calamitous and tragic events are all man-made. The 7 Trumpets (partial effects to serve
as warnings) and the 7 Last Plagues (which are the final effects) are all resulting from the
man-initiated causes collectively known as the 7 Seals!
It is us, as mankind, leaders and followers, the Illuminati and the part of the masses who
cooperated with this ruling Illuminati – it is us who put to work the Causes (Seals) to produce
first the Partial Effects (Trumpets) which serve as warnings to us, so that if we listened, then,
the consequences will not mature to become the Last Plagues! But if we would not listen,
then the effects will mature to become the worst 7 Last Plagues!
Why are we then ascribing these calamities to God saying that these are His wrath’s add-ons
and saying that these all have nothing to do with our own deeds? That our sins are too minor
to deserve these punishments?
Why are we blaming God for the sufferings we created collectively and individually?
Aren’t it clear to our eyes that they are all man-made?
And don’t we see that the next batch of calamities known as the 7 Last Plagues are also
nothing but the culmination of the same 7 Trumpets when we did not listen to them when
they sounded their alarm?
Do we not understand that when Trumpet 1 called: Alas, 1/3 of the dry land and its vegetation
is damaged – don’t we understand that when we chose not to listen to the emergency call of
attention by both environmentalists and righteous men, Trumpet 1 has matured to Plague No.
1, namely: illnesses that consume (eat up) the flesh, namely: cancer, diabetes, TB, etc.?
Don’t we take notice that Trumpet 2 says, 1/3 of the seas is damaged, and Plague 2 says, And
all that is in the sea died!?
This is all man-made. There is no God of Wrath doing that to us! It is our wrong
actions producing such destructions.
Now, Trumpet 3 calls, And 1/3 of the rivers and springs (that is, fresh waters) has turned
bitter. Don’t we see that by not taking heed, we are now seeing all fresh waters turning into
blood, that is, poisonous?
When we did not listen to Trumpet 4 (1/3 of the air and atmosphere darkened, due to fossil
fuel and CFC smokes), thus, we have Plague No. 4:
Rev 16:8 [niv] The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given
power to scorch people with fire.
Rev 16:9 [niv] They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God,
who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify him.
These are called sun-plagues:
1. Drought and famine when the heat of the sun turned the land into iron and the sky into bronze
(no rain!),
2. forest fires,
3. heat waves that suffocates people to death especially the elderly staying inside air-
conditioned rooms when hot air, instead of cold air, passes through the air-conditioner,
4. the hot rays of the sun (ultra-violet rays) also strike the Atlantic and Pacific oceans and boil
them to produce hurricanes and super typhoons,
5. Also this hot rays, after they had entered the dry land zones, could not escape back to space
because the blanket of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere traps this heat and so, we have this
phenomenon called climate change,
6. Etc.
The main culprit is the burning of the fossil fuel by oil refineries, by factories, and by
millions of vehicles and machines all over the world! These rising up smoke displaced the
ozone layer, thus, thinning or depleting it, so that a virtual hole is created where the heat of
the sun can pass through and strike the sea, the land, the forest, the farms, etc., creating the
above list of sun-plagues.
Now, do you now blame it to God?
What about Plague 5?
I can testify as well in my 40-year inner journey in both scientific and metaphysic worlds – I
certify that all of these are manmade, namely: by the Illuminati, the leader and by mankind,
the followers! There is not an iota where God is involved!
Now plague 5:
16:10 [niv]The fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and his kingdom
was plunged into darkness. Men gnawed their tongues in agony
Rev 16:11 [niv]and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores,
but they refused to repent of what they had done.
Confusion. Panic.
This does not now proceed directly from Trumpet 5, but as a result of the preceding plagues
which are insurmountable problems to the beast and his kingdom (government and political
leaders)! They are immobilized in the face of these world-wide catastrophes and diseases.
Thus, this fifth plague – the plague of darkness.
Plague No. 6 – Armageddon.
This now directly results from Trumpet 6: political trouble started in the Middle East… that I
said might have its relation to the previous war, World War II. Both Trumpet 6 and Plague 6
mention the river Euphrates as the origin of this trouble. This means the Middle East. I do not
have a clear idea how the previous WW II had its origin in the Middle East. What I know is
that it was fought in Europe, not in the Middle East. Was one of the reasons of the war the
Middle East? That both warring parties have their interest in the Middle East, such as oil, that
they would not settle except through war?
Whatever, we have now the Plague No. 6, the so-called
Armageddon as the preparation for the last and 7th plague: nuclear World War III! The
severe blast or earthquake that is described to melt mountains, islands and cities and remove
them from the map!
Armageddon or Plague 6, is the preparation phase. Armageddon is described to be a word
war – a war in propaganda, to win as many to your side.
It is the preparation for war, not yet the actual war.
In ancient time from which many prophetic terms are used, such as Armageddon (meaning:
Arm + Megiddo), the gathering of the armies occurred in the Valley of Megiddo, but the
actual clash of the armies –the actual battle was in the Valley of Jehoshaphat!
Thus, we can say that Megiddo symbolizes Plague 6 while Jehoshaphat symbolizes Plague 7,
the actual World War 3!
And rightly so, as we can read from a prophecy in prophet Joel:
Joel 3:2 [niv]I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat.
There I will enter into judgment against them concerning my inheritance, my people Israel,
for they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land.
Joel 3:3 [niv]They cast lots for my people and traded boys for prostitutes; they sold girls
for wine that they might drink.
Joel 3:4 [niv]"Now what have you against me, O Tyre and Sidon and all you regions of
Philistia? Are you repaying me for something I have done? If you are paying me back, I will
swiftly and speedily return on your own heads what you have done.
Joel 3:5 [niv]For you took my silver and my gold and carried off my finest treasures to
your temples.
Joel 3:6 [niv]You sold the people of Judah and Jerusalem to the Greeks, that you might
send them far from their homeland.
Joel 3:7 [niv]"See, I am going to rouse them out of the places to which you sold them,
and I will return on your own heads what you have done.
Joel 3:8 [niv]I will sell your sons and daughters to the people of Judah, and they will sell
them to the Sabeans, a nation far away." The LORD has spoken.
Joel 3:9 [niv]Proclaim this among the nations: Prepare for war! Rouse the warriors! Let
all the fighting men draw near and attack.
Joel 3:10 [niv]Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears. Let
the weakling say, "I am strong!"
Joel 3:11 [niv]Come quickly, all you nations from every side, and assemble there. Bring
down your warriors, O LORD !
Joel 3:12 [niv]"Let the nations be roused; let them advance into the Valley of
Jehoshaphat, for there I will sit to judge all the nations on every side.
Joel 3:13 [niv]Swing the sickle, for the harvest is ripe. Come, trample the grapes, for the
winepress is full and the vats overflow- so great is their wickedness!"
Joel 3:14 [niv]Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the LORD
is near in the valley of decision.

The symbolic Valley of Jehoshaphat, the Valley of Decision is the final decision… if the
nations of the world have not yet learned their lessons in the previous wars and conflicts!
This is not God’s act. This is the real work of Satan through his umbrella organization, the
Illuminati, who controls all governments and can pit them against each other!
Now, do you want to know God’s secret act?
He had sternly warned the Illuminati against staging another use of nuclear bombs, after the
world war 2 bombing of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
This is the time when I find God singling out a group of men telling them that “Lagot kayo sa
akin” (You will answer to Me) if you push through with your sinister plan to stage the nuclear
God cannot anymore allow to see overkill of bodies and souls through nuclear power. I read
that not only your body that becomes annihilated, your soul as well would get deformed, so to
speak, if subjected to nuclear blast.
So, it’s serious. Real serious.
And so, God (for the first time?) has meddled with man’s free will.
He had given the signal to the more powerful Light Forces in UFOs to attack the nuclear
arsenals of the Illuminati and destroy their nuclear weapons!
So, if mankind insists, we might have the World War III but no nuclear weapons available for
use. Also, God had inspired new scientists to invent device such as the one invented by
Mehran Tavakoli Keshe that is like a laser beam that can hit a bomber plane, for example,
and removes its power, like a man suddenly losing his strength and become a standing sack
that suddenly goes empty! It’s like a sudden brown out! Instant power outage! While you fly
the plane in the sky!
Read “The Unabridged Great Gospel according to Jesus Christ thru John” (25 volumes) and
you will see how infinite is the love of God in the person of the Christ.
Read Conversations with God of Neale Donald Walsch (3 volumes) and you will see how
infinite is the plan of love of God for each of us! And how we should have loved ourselves
more than we have! And how we had loved ourselves in the wrong way all these time!
These books can all be searched in the internet and download freely. If you have difficulty,
just email me at: or at: That is, 3 7s and
the other email has 7 7s.
But for the meantime, it is our interest to read this book “The 12 Hours” and see how
devastating is the effect of believing the false doctrine of “God of Wrath”!
This false doctrines along with others wrong doctrines, comprise Seal (or major root cause) #
1. It immediately resulted to the Seal 2, red horse – war! because of the divisions this doctrine
has created among mankind. For who can be united under a wrathful God? No, unity can only
happen with a God of Love!
After wars, Seal 3 resulted: black horse:
Rev 6:5 [niv] When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say,
"Come!" I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of
scales in his hand.
Rev 6:6 [niv]Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living
creatures, saying, "A quart of wheat for a day's wages, and three quarts of barley for a day's
wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!"
This is what we call Capitalism – raw capitalism, which uses measurements and meters
to control your wages, calculate your water, electricity, weights and scales to limit your
purchases, etc. For what main reason? To ensure that the masses do not have abundance of
the earth’s resources and wealth. To make sure that the masses remain poor and weak.
And what is the purpose of oil and wine? Oil is the tool of control and wine is the tool
of suppression.
Oil refers to fossil fuel or gasoline which plays a very huge role in this era of greed-based raw
capitalism, as we discussed some time ago!
Wine is interesting. One of the key businesses and products which the Illuminati Rothschild
does not want to give up or to delegate is his winery. Why? What is the usefulness of drinks?
Wine and liquor and soft drinks?
They are the vehicle into which the Illuminati has poisoned the men! And the rest of
That is reason why men die earlier than their wives. It is through wine (liquor and soft
drinks) that we got fatty liver which usually ripens into cirrhosis or liver cancer. One
Wellness doctor said that in the past, the manufacturers put the substance that causes fatty
liver and cirrhosis inside the liquor or hard drinks only; now they have added the same
chemical to soft drinks, for which reason that you may get a fatty liver or cirrhosis even if
you did not drink liquor or hard drinks, but only soft drinks. They have expanded their scope
of destruction. At first, it was the men thru their hard drinks. Now, it targets the wives and
children via the soft drinks!
I have one female cousin, sweet and innocent, a very loving and excellent mother to
her four young children – she died from cirrhosis. And the cause? She loved soft drinks so
You can see that drunkenness has been the major cause of troubles and crimes, before the
invention of illegal drugs especially shabu. It was the intoxicating drink that turned the mind
and behavior violent. Most of the crimes have been because of the wine because first and
foremost, the poison makes your mind violent, and then, afterwards, slowly kills your brain
and body.
We have seen so many drunkards or men addicted to alcohol, suffering brain incapacity, that
is, they become incapable of proper thinking and proper behavior.
And now it is also an increasing cases among men where their intestines, their lungs, their
livers, etc. are poisoned by the drinks into which the Illuminati through their companies, put
Assassinations of leaders who did not align themselves to Satan-Illuminati’s agenda were
through the bullets as well as the poisoned cup!
The “poisoned cup” mentioned in Extreme Oath of the Jesuits,
- this “poisoned cup” used by the Jesuits, the main legworkers of the Illuminati, refers mainly
to drinks, e.g., the wine, liquors, the soft drinks.
So this greed-motivated, lust-driven, pride-ruled capitalism as the oil and the wine as its two
foremost symbols.
By the way, I would like to add here: that the fossil fuel smoke when in the air, attacks
oxygen, strips it of the electron, and turn this widowed oxygen into oxidants, the dreaded
cancer-causing free radicals. Thus, this oil or fossil fuel is responsible for the worse illnesses
we have now, esp cancers.
Thus, we have here a direct link of fossil fuel (oil) to mankind’s current scourge.
So we have had enough of Seal 4.
By the way, Seals 1 to 6 are discussed in Revelation 6.
Memory aid: 6 seals are in Revelation 6!
Seal 5 is the killing of innocent people, God’s righteous children, which the bible calls the
saints. The inno-saints. They are not necessarily carrying the name Christians. They are not
necessarily labelled Christians because much in the world’s Christians today are fake. So they
refer to all who are righteous and innocents and were killed by the agents of the whore church
(Vatican) and beast government (Roman empire and her image, Britain and USA).
Calculations of how many were killed by the Catholic Church during her
Inquisition/Crusades ranges from 80 to 100 million. Now, what about those innocent natives
or aborigines killed by the beast in their search for gold, land and natural resources (mining
They are countless!
And what about the Pharmaceutical industry’s multiple medications (polypharmacy) which
are now identified as the leading cause of death among Americans (and most surely in other
countries too that adopted the Pharmaceutical system) – where the set of medicines
prescribed, and no longer the disease, poison and kill the patients?
Revelation 18:23-24 reveals that Babylon the Great (in this endtime, USA and Vatican) does
not only have sorcery (pharmaceuticals) as their key tool in deceiving the nations, but also
that this same pharmaceutical industry in particular, and chemical industries in general – this
is the cause of all the deaths of mankind!
Let us quote this ominous verse:
Rev 18:23 [niv] … By your magic spell (sorcery – pharmaceuticals) all the nations were
led astray.
Rev 18:24 [niv] In her was found the (1) blood of prophets and of the saints, and (2) of all
who have been killed on the earth" e.g., the countless of patients who died in the
pharmaceutical care.

“Your” and “Her” can refer to Babylon the Great (beast government) and it can refer to
Mystery Babylon the Great, the Catholic Church. If so, what is the link between the Catholic
Church or the Vatican to the second group of casualties, to the “of all who have been killed
on the earth” – to the other information that it is the Pharmaceutical that is the leading killer
of the people nowadays thru their poisonous medicines which are creating more diseases and
never really healing any one of them! What is the link of the Vatican and the
Pharmaceuticals (or its ancient name, sorcery) has its root in the Vatican. It was Vatican’s
first pope, Simon Magus, the sorcerer, who disguised to be Simon Peter – it was Simon
Magus who brought with him this craft – this witchcraft – this sorcery to the Vatican. As a
matter of fact, this chemical-formulation has been going on for centuries; as a matter of fact,
the formulation of pharmaceuticals’ medicines has been done in the bowels of the Vatican!
The base of this huge pharmaceutical industry is underneath the Vatican! It is where the
testing of these poison medicines is being done, using both human and animal guinea pigs!
Merck can’t do this. Pfizer can’t do this. What these front companies are doing with their
sister pharm companies, are doing – have been doing is: they merely reproduce what has been
finalized in the basement of the Vatican! Vatican is the first base of this huge industry called
Big Pharma!
So, call her Babylon the Great, call her Mystery Babylon the Great, call her Vatican, call her
Roman Catholic Church, call her USA, call her Pharmaceutical Industry or Expanded
Pharmakeia, call her Illuminati – they are synonyms! One is either the whole thing or its part!
They are all the same!
Satan’s machinery! To deceive, to steal and to kill!
So, they are responsible for Seal 5: martyrdom of true
Christians and the innocent natives of America, Philippines, Africa, etc.
When they asked or when
Rev 6:10 [niv]They called out in a loud voice, "How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true,
until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?"
The Lord responded thus:
Rev 6:11 [niv]Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a
little longer, until the number of their fellow servants and brothers who were to be killed as
they had been was completed.
Seal 6 is God’s “retaliation” – His promised judgment against the murderers. In Seal 6, God
Rev 6:12 [niv]I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The
sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red,
Rev 6:13 [niv]and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as late figs drop from a fig tree when
shaken by a strong wind.
Rev 6:14 [niv]The sky receded like a scroll, rolling up, and every mountain and island
was removed from its place.
Rev 6:15 [niv]Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty,
and every slave and every free man hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains.
Rev 6:16 [niv]They called to the mountains and the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from
the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!
Rev 6:17 [niv]For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand?"

Seal 6 Phase 1: darkening of the world, after the righteous missionaries and people of God
were gone.
But it was not too long, for Phase 2 sets in, God’s retaliation:
“The sky receded like a scroll, rolling up, and every mountain and island was removed from
its place.
“Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and every slave
and every free man hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains.
“They called to the mountains and the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the face of him
who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!”
It is interesting to note that THE ENSUING 7 TRUMPETS AND 7 PLAGUES ARE
And so, from there, the apostle John proceeded to call the 7 Last Plagues as the wrath of God.
He borrows the phrase, after these wicked men used it in Revelation 6:16.
These deceivers, thieves and murderers are not telling the truth in verse 16. But they are
more honest when they say “their wrath” in verse 17… for indeed, it is the masses of people
whom they had deceived and oppressed who will show them their wrath!
To the extent that they will scream “to the mountains and the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us!”
They know how terrible is an awaked masses!
They themselves wrote it in their Secret Covenant of the Illuminati, to quote:
Grand illusion of Freedom
The truth will be hidden in their face, so close they will not be able to focus on
it until it’s too late.
Oh yes, so grand the illusion of freedom will be, that they will never know they
are our slaves.
But if they ever find out they are our equal, we shall perish then.
Secrecy & Ignorance are Keys
If they ever find out that together they can vanquish us, they will take action.
They must never, ever find out what we have done, for if they do, we shall have
no place to run.
No one shall give us shelter.
We will work together always and will remain bound by blood and secrecy.
Death will come to him who speaks.
Viewed from the Revelation 17 window, the European Catholic are the mother whore while
the harlot daughters are the Anglican Britain and Protestant USA, et al. The Anglicans-
Protestants continued the work of imperialism or exploitation of the rest of the world,
especially the third world countries. What Rome-Vatican could not accomplish or could
accomplish in smaller scale, the Americans and companions accomplished in larger scale and
They promoted and acted according to the doctrine of “God of wrath.”
This little book chronicled the era of slavery up to the 1800s.
The final bunch of fruits are focused more on the victims, not the aggressors. For it seems
that in this period, the 7 Last Plague phase, there is no more pure victimizer, everybody is
caught up in the victim vortex, former victimizers included.
In one of the worst places, namely, the Philippines, victims (drug addicts) are turning into
victimizers (drug pushers, robbersrapists-killers). So, it seems each person is a victimizer and
victim at the same time. Except those innocent helpless women who are rape victims or the
helpless citizens who became victims of robbery or killings.
Addicted women are turning into whores (prostitutes) to sell their bodies to sustain their drug
After so much suffering, a hero came up in the person of Pres Rodrigo Duterte who is leading
the suffering nation in their war against the drug lords, drug pushers and drug addicts who are
victimizing the innocents.
There is much bloodshed as Duterte is now able to use the full force of the law and
government resources to curb the drug epidemic in the country which has become a nation of
victimizers and victims.
This is the final fruit of Catholicism-God-of-Wrath-Threat-of-
Hell religion. Where do you see a nation split into two groups, composed of victims and
victimizers? It is in the Catholic Philippines! How can you call that Christianity?
Seal # 1 white horse (false doctrine) has grown from a mere seed into full flaming 7 Last
Plagues whose final scene is World War III – nuclear war – if mankind will not wake up!
There is a great need for mankind to wake up to the falsity of the doctrine of “God of
wrath” and other false teachings of the whore church.
Here, we need God’s leading revelations (namely: The 11volume Great Gospel of John and
the 3-volume Conversations with God and other companion books to appease mankind, and
soothe their anger and hurting by letting them know that God is not a God of wrath but of
infinite love.
Father, my beloved Abba, let your books and other tools spread all over the land to shine
upon all men, women and children.
Father, let Thy greatest of mercies to rain upon the bleeding and groaning people in the land.
The 7 Seals are the 7 major deeds – misdeeds of mankind which serve as the major causes of
all harms and calamities.
The 7 Trumpets are the 7 partial effects of those mis-deeds and these partial effects serve as
warning in the hope that mankind would take heed and step back from the path of destruction
that he had taken.
The 7 Last Plagues are the ripened fruits (effects) – they are the 7 trumpets in their ripened
state. They manifest because mankind did not listen to the Trumpets-warnings!
This is the entire outline of the trail of destruction and sufferings that the collective prodigal
son (composed by all of us) and the individual prodigal son or daughter, any one of us, has
Collectively and individually, we put our energy, we lend a hand in the implementation of the
7 Seals-Major Causes to give birth to the 7 Trumpets (Partial Effects) which are, as we listen
not to these trumpets serving as warnings, maturing as the 7 Final Last Plagues!
To the Old and First Babylon under Nebuchadnezzar it was his going insane for 7 years, and
to his son Belshazzar it was the final fall that hammered down the lesson of humility and
compassion, and to the New and Second Babylon the Great, it is the Seven Last Plagues that
will serve as harshest and hopefully the most effective experience to teach the lesson of
humility and compassion.
Thus, that is

The Hidden & True

Why We Cannot
(or shouldn’t?) Blame
Lucifer & His Illuminati

Note: You can download ebook “The 12 Hours” thru Google or from
eBook – “THE 12 HOURS”

FIRST HOUR - Moral Values

Moral values are most often preached in the so-called civilized and more educated world,
where especially the Christian religion, under different denominational sects is common. We
see how it, in political terms, favourably serves the power hungry authorities, in either
worldly or in spiritual things.
2] The people are taught a terrible knowledge of God; not because they recognize and love
the ‘Same’ [God], but only because they view Him as the inexorable tyrant of all tyrants
whom they should fear immensely. And so the Deity is preached only as a hostage who
should bear fruit, while all other hostages have already become fruitless.
3] Instead of announcing the Deity as the highest solace to the people, the Same is presented
to them as ‘Someone’ that has nothing better to do, than to condemn each minute billions of
morally ruined and disobedient children forever into the eternal sea of fire (Hell).
4] And so, look around a little. Look at all the countless dungeons that are all crammed with
all kinds of moral criminals. And look at how, from minute to minute, these dungeons are
continuously increasing by vast numbers, so that, if these dungeons were united in one place
[and this increase of numbers continued at the same pace], you would think that in a few
years the entire generation of the earth would have to get up and march in there.
5] Let us ask, what happens to people who are captured there? Look a little over here towards
the morning. See, a number of deathly pale multitudes are already standing there; they are
surrounded by all kinds of armed people and poisonous judges; and see further over there a
number of murderous instruments with which these unfortunates are executed. Over there you
see burning pyres, gallows, scaffolds and all sorts of other fatal instruments. See, that is the
last penitentiary for all such moral criminals!
6] Now. You will ask. What have they all done? Yes, I say. Among them are murderers,
robbers, thieves, turncoats and political troublemakers. Furthermore, a large quantity of these
people has brought damage to the nation through all kinds of deceits. Among these are those
who have, one way or another, deeply offended the political or moral order. Look.
Consequently, as long as these serve at least as an apparent reason, the crimes of these
unfortunates are uncovered.
7] But now let us ask another important question: Wherein then lies the reason that these
people have become such criminals? Even if you would ask someone else for the reason, you
will certainly not get the same answer, other than: Either the reason lies in the neglected
upbringing, or, what may be one and the same, it was already shaped by their parents,
grandparents, and great-grandparents.
8] I am asking once more: how was it then that these people received such a bad upbringing,
and that in the upbringing justice and knowledge of truth have neglected an entire generation?
You do not have to reach far; the answer will force itself upon you: does not care much for
anything, other than that the underlings are kept in total darkness as much as possible; they do
this in the fear, that if the people would receive more evidence about Me and thereby also
receive their own destiny, the power of these rulers and their temporal earnings [on earth] will
soon have an end.
9] Oh these fools! They should only look upon My David, who himself was a king and a
prophet and as such was a great teacher to the people. If they did this they would soon
observe that a nation that recognizes God and His fortitude is also a people full of obedience
and good will.
10] Thousands can be governed more easily with a feather-quill, than ten dark morons who
have no other image of Me than, perhaps, of one of a possibly existing tyrant, or a being
which formerly would suck the last drops of blood out of his followers like a vampire, until
finally blessing them with eternal life after kneeling and worshipping Him for ages on a
luminous cloud. -
11] Look, is it not easy to comprehend that people want to get away as much as possible from
such a cruel God? Even if they still possess any kind of religion, this exists in mere
ceremony; and this out of divine considerations only.


12] Already, in the beginning, the consequence of all this was that the world-addicted part
ultimately, as you would say: Ran away from all religion and all kind of Christian doctrine.
[Note: Society is composed of the religious and the irreligious immoral (women) and
criminals (men). Sad to know that the later are the fruit of the former, that is, the immoral and
the criminal are the fruits (read: result) of religion of cruel God; they run away and spurned
all religions because of their cruel God and not to mention their priests’ hypocrisy.]


13] On the other hand, church separations and sectarianism emerged, namely through men
who more or less realized the folly of such a sermonized Godhead, and in a sense said in their
own minds: It is utterly confusing how the divinity is being taught nowadays; let us therefore
take the doctrine into our own hands, examine it more closely and see whether or not we can
obtain clearer truth about the divinity. -
14] And in fact, they found in such a test that I am not at all such a tyrant. On the other hand
they forgot however, that despite everything–I am God–and they still took My will to be too
apathetic. Others raised Me so high, and in each deed philosophized themselves in every way,
which in their nature only finds some kind of vain stimulation. They did this in pursuit of My
just and complete will, but in the mistaken idea that whatever goes through their foolish
minds must be My will! And so arose, in the place of the old folly, a great deal of absurdities
and a variety of difference in concepts when teaching of the divine. It is truly not worth the
effort to list them for you.i
15] As already noted above, the reason for all that was and there is none other than: partly the
moral politics, but mainly, the inertia and fear with the people to seriously walk in the pre-
manifested ways to eternal life. For truly I say, whoever does not accept My Kingdom, how I
announced it, he will not receive it. Even if he should unite all the sects within himself, or
accept all the sects. For I alone am the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Look here on this tablet. See the country that lies before you. It is Asia. See how the people
are covered with thick veils. They rush about chaotically; out of their hollow breast they blurt
out one lament after another.
2] Here you find nothing but the most blatant paganism, although here and there, a Christian
crowd is still praying unto Me. This can be seen, as you look within the picture, through the
little naked and bleeding groups of people. There, see, in the centre of Asia, an enormous
castle in the highlands; it is the castle of the god Brahma ii. See, how this one really
accomplishes things, for he even understands the art of how to fleece the kings, and to feed
them with dirt.
3] No one can approach his castle within one hour of the path. Woe to the sinner; for the [so-
callediii] angelsiv of this god stand on all borderlines holding watch, as lords over life and
4] Whoever comes near this vicinity and brings gold and jewels, fat oxen, cows, calves and
sheep: the angels do nothing to them. Instead, they take the sacrifice and the giver is simply
released with fifty to one-hundred bamboo strokes.
5] You may think that this is something bad. I say, Oh No! Whoever returns and shows his
blue beaten back, carried out by the angels, receives divine veneration and it is then easy for
him to procure the most important government positions through this acknowledgement.
6] This is not the only thing that befalls such givers. If someone does not come quite well
loaded and packed with gifts–which are of course accepted–the giver is not whipped but is
covered with all kinds of other gruesome penances from the angels. They are of the type that
the mere mentioning of them here sounds unbelievable or at least to the highest degree
7] One example is that someone must stand on one foot under a tree for years. Only a trifle is
presented here, because these angels are so inventive in such works of penance, you would
have a hard time even believing Me if I would make them all known to you.
8] Their cruelty has, in this regard, no boundary; and still their constitution is proclaimed
everywhere. A part of that constitution is that the only way to attain eternal bliss, according to
their doctrine, is to present this Brahma with an extraordinary sacrifice at least once in his
9] However, such sacrifices are not all that this Brahma demands of his believers; he also
demands human sacrifices. First off, each woman must be sacrificed after the death of her
husbandv, secondly, girls and lads must be sacrificed annually: the girls may not be under
twelve and not over fourteen years old; the boys however, must be sacrificed in the sixth year
of their age.
10] It is obvious that the girls must be of the most exceptional beauty and the boys of the
freshest health. The parent who presents such a sacrifice, in addition to a significant dowry,
can then request for himself two things, namely that he primarily attains a so-called letter of
indulgencevi for all his children, and secondly that he is pardoned from all works of penance.
As special preference from the angels, he can also be absolved immediately from his body in
order to arrive most unfailingly in this manner to his blessedness.
11] Another means of receiving official pardon is that: if someone takes a young pretty wife,
he [the groom] is not allowed to touch her [or consummate the marriage], but if he wants to
receive grace, he must take her to the borderline where the angels hold their watch. There in
the face of the angels she [the bride] must undress herself totally naked, step into an already
prepared bath and wash herself, and when she comes out of the bath she must festively
decorate herself and allow the guard-keeping angel to rape her through three full nights.
12] When she returns, she is then also sufficiently blessed. This blessing can have such an
effect, that if the spouse dies before her, she does not have to sacrifice herself. Instead she can
either let another person burn for her, or save herself completely from being burned to death
by means of a significant sacrifice. -
13] Yes, the foolishnesses often even go further. Among other things, one preferential
treatment that is performed is that a one to three year old girl has her genital organs sewn
together to a minuscule opening by one such angel, for the preservation of her chastity.
However, it is only performed, if the suitable sacrifice was given for one reason, then, when
such a girl reaches the age of maturity, she is once again brought back, and such an angel then
airs [or opens] her [genital organs for] marriage-ability. Other countless follies that are
common there are best not remembered.
14] You see, I already have to watch such absurdity nearly into the third millennium. I have
to watch how these wicked people who are in the possession of the old pre-Flood religion -
from which you now have some knowledge vii - push such indescribable nonsense! - See there
at the end of the illuminated tablet: See, it is an hourglass, and only a few grains of sand
remain to fall through.
15] I am not going to show you all the abominable pictures of Persia, Arabia, Turkey, the
Chinese empire, Siberia and other unknown smaller states; for nowhere will you discover
anything but the most abominable pressure on people. The god they preach everywhere is,
truly, none other than Satan himself in all his various out of control evil ways.
16] However, do not be concerned about My long, patient waiting [over this wickedness], for
the scarcity of the spirit will be increased. But woe unto the servants of malice! Oh, their
reward will be great! -
17] I say, as inventive as Satan is, truly, I also made a secret invention, over which he will
soon be surprised from eternity to eternity. I have tolerated long enough and waited
throughout time for improvementviii. However, the earth has become full of a disgusting
stench; that is why I have already ignited My torch to burn them in the near future, so that
their disgusting stench does not ascend into My heaven and pollute the dwellings of My loyal
18] This is why I say to you: Make sure that the world does not infuriate you! Each of their
words is a scum-bubble, filled with deadly pestilence. - Therefore, hear My Word and follow
My advice, so the fire of the earth will not burn you when I ignite it. For this fire will bring
life to the living, and death to the already dead! –
Now see this country. It is depicted for you on the white tablet. You might recognize it. It is
Africa. Take a good look at it. I am telling you it is not a land map; it is the actual country in
a literal picture.
2] See. Here are the northern coasts, and here in the north is old Egypt; further over toward
the west are all the well known states which cause havoc and mayhem. Observe all the rough
mountain ranges and between them observe the incalculable sand deserts and grasslands. -
3] See. The idol Mohamed rules everywhere. Robbery, murder and slavery are everywhere
and on the other hand despotism and tyranny is of the highest order!
4] See how all these inhabitants still carry on a trade but they are nothing but bond slaves to
the rulers; the sword of the despot revolves steadily around their bare necks, and what they
nearly acquired for themselves, they have to hand over to their ruler. Do not allow the world
to deceive you and do not listen to its temptation; for all its treasures are empty and
The Great Gospel of John, vol. 7

5] See how their priests preach curses and lies from their towers; they preach no blessings,
but fill the poor with their [pretended] Elysian ix air; while these poor men must give sacrifice
for this ‘nothing’ of at least half of what the ruler left them.
6] See how a few Christians here make a very miserable pitiful figure; meanwhile, other more
powerful, by name only, Christians wander about well armed in powerful armies and make
the wretched still more miserable than they already are. As you can see, instead of bringing
them My blessing and My grace as they should, they bring war, death, devastation, famine
and countless other evils. Truly, not even Paul performed such awful Christian-pursuits, as
these [so-called] Christians do to these wretched people.

Now, let us leave this coast up there and look a little toward Egypt.
7] Look here. Look at this beautiful country; this one-time blessing to Jacob. See how it looks
now. Truly, it is so wicked, the harlot Babel is a pure virgin compared to it.
8] Thus far, the old Nile is still irrigating the ground where Joseph ruled when everything still
belonged to Pharaoh; but whose country is it that this Nile is watering now?
9] As I led the Israelites home out of this land, this same land was afflicted with seven hard
plaguesx for a short time, until the children were released. What were these plagues compared
to today? Today their number is endless. Yes. Those early plagues were truly manna from
heaven compared to what is happening today.
10] At that time pagans controlled the same country; but they were at least people, and knew
to respect the value of human beings. Their tenet was one xi that, like the one from central
Asia, sprung from the time of Noah; the Being of the great God was well known to them. Out
of this knowledge, they had manifold wisdom; they only taught this wisdom to certain people
through their mysteries. They said they did this so that the great God would not be desecrated
through someone incapable and unworthy. For this reason their country subsequently
overflowed with all types of so-called wonders of the world, and their wisdom and schools
were acknowledged by all nations as remarkable.
11] Today you still see remnants of former greatness looming over the hot sand of this
country; but now take a closer look at this land. See its poor people; see how they are
hounded just like animals. See, here to the south are some peaceful cottages surrounded by
almost undefeatable mountains.
12] Look over here, and look fearlessly! The armed climbers of the despot boldly ascend to
the mountaintop. See there! They plunge themselves onto the peaceful cottages; they do this
only to cruelly kill all the peaceful citizens. They haul away all of their possessions, and
replace them with other prisoners; then they place on them, in addition to a most terrible
death penalty, a bitter duty. This duty is designed to earn tribute for the despot quickly: in
three years instead of over a span of ten years.
13] Look over here. Here is another such countryside; here the same took place three years
ago. See how these tribute-extortionists approach the replaced slaves and cruelly mistreat
them; all their women and maidservants are severely punished; then they take their acquired
possessions, and haul them away.
14] Now. Look further upwards. See. Here are several despotic war servants equipped with
noosesxii, swords and shotguns. Look! See how at this instant the nooses are thrown to and fro
over the fleeing inhabitants of this mountain region. See. There a little toward the west. See
how some climb over cliffs and seize the fathers, mothers, and children in flight. Young and
old climb with bleeding fingers to escape those cruel murderers. Also notice how these are
pursued by the despots; now one after another is shot down from the cliffs. Now look how
they are already gagging many prisoners, men and youths together, in order to bring them in a
most miserable and sordid manner to their military headquarter.
15] And now look again down the mountain. See! There is an official ruler and tribute-guard
of the despot. Look at him as he, only to refresh his lustfulness, scatters an entire group of
frightened female slaves with a whip. He does this in order to again rape a profusely bleeding
slave, under his brutal blows. Other horrors, which are being committed here in this country
in great numbers, are best not thought of.
16] Now. See how this country looks! Compare these plagues with the previous seven and
surely, you must admit that they were a pure manna from heaven [compared to the horror of
what is happening now.] For if you want to think of the highest degree of infernal depravity,
travel to Egypt and you will literally find it there.
17] I am saying, and I cannot tell you more, that is how far it has come everywhere here.
Even a good deed is the very worst cruelty; this cruelty is practiced all over by the rulers of
this beautiful empire.
18] Take a little peak over here in the hospitals, sanatoriums and asylums. See how the sick
are martyred in all kinds of ways. They feed the poor with rubbish. The insane are placed into
holes in the wall like mummies and sealed with iron gates; there they cower, scream and
19] I am not going to explain the matter any further to you. It suffices if I say that a good
deed is a burst of cruelty everywhere in this country. Think about it. Under which guise does
cruelty itself appear?

20] Now we are leaving the northern part of this miserable country, as well as the rest of
Africa. See over here the unknown center of this country! Notice, cottages are still scattered
everywhere here and there. See. This country is large and all around locked in by un-
ascendable mountains. Look. This is the only point on earth where an uncorrupted, highly
good-natured class of people still exists.
21] See. These people are still looking xiii into the innermost [heart]. Except for the apostle
Thomas, who was sent by Me, no stranger has ever set foot in this country; and so this small
population of people, who alone sparingly inhabit this hot region, are still within My pure
teaching. To this hour my pure teaching has not been clouded over among them.
22] This is the only small link-up point that still connects the earth with My heaven. Take
notice of what I will say to you now: If a disrespectful foot greedily enters this holy
sanctuary, I will hurl my torch over the earth. -
23] Look here from this country toward the east and toward the west. Look how two major
nations, full of greed and voracity, have already placed all kinds of ladders against the
mountains. They do this in order to appease their insatiable thirst for the reputed gold in this
24] Yes. I say unto you. They will soon succeed. They are nearly penetrating through. They
will find none of the gold for which they thirst. However, I say, truly they will find some kind
of gold, but this gold will evilly crush the entire earth with its heaviness.
25] Now draw a little closer over here. Look at the south-western coast of this country. Look
at the ‘commendable’ human trade. See. Despotic profiteers under all kinds of names
completely pack their cursed ships with these poor immortal people. Take a little peak inside
these ships. See how all around it has very low plank-galleries or decks xiv, and how on these
decks these poor people have to lay on their belly next to each other like stacked wood.
26] You see, such a ship is packed with six-hundred to one-thousand such unfortunate people.
As for nourishment: from this coast until America a four pound heavy, smelly, brick shaped
breadxv is placed before each individual’s mouth; and ahead, facing the mouth, runs a groove
everywhere; once a day water for all slaves is poured into this groove.
27] You see, with this kind of food such a poor person must make a trip of 2000 miles. And
during the trip a daily investigation is conducted, whether or not some have perished.
28] But, how does such an investigation take place? Take a look. A so-called slave attendant
goes about with a pointed instrument along the gallery and pierces someone in the foot! If the
mistreated one screams, it is a sign that he is still alive.
29] There are also other means to test life, which such true satanic sacrileges of these human-
merchants allow themselves to. We are not going to dwell on this evil any further. Yet one
thing is certain: when these merchants operate in lions, tigers, snakes and hyenas, they give
these animal beasts incessantly more attention, nurture and care than their own poor human
30] And now we have learned about the entire continent. For just a little bit, look down at the
southern point of this country, to the place that is called the [Cape of] Good Hope. Truly, I
say to you, there is actually good hope in this place for Satan. Over here the trade is of such
significance that the lord of darkness invests his capitals continuously with one-thousand
31] I do not need to tell you anymore. You can easily understand how much such a life-style
displeases Me, especially from so-called Christians. A great reward is going to follow!
FOURTH HOUR - Atlantic Ocean

Now take a look over here on this expanse; again you see another picture. There is nothing to
see but waves upon waves, and see how one wave drives the other. I can only tell you: This
picture is nothing but a small part of the Atlantic Ocean. In this fourth hour, we will stroll
around a little on this large body of water, and here and there we will observe the coming and
going of swimming houses. –
2] Now look over here! Just now on the western edge of the plate appears a large so-called
ocean liner; and see, on its side there are quite a few other, smaller vessels under different
3] Now we are going to pursue this ship a little. See here on this side, in the deep south, there
appears to be a rather important island. Look. The ship is pointing straight toward this island.
What do you think this ship is doing?
4] Take a little guess. Look inside its supply stowage. See. It has at least six years of
provision. Take a look inside the golden cabin of the captain; look on the tables, and you will
find maps of different countries and the various kinds of measuring instruments.
5] By now you have probably already guessed what this ship is up to; just wait a little bit
longer [and you will see clearly]. Watch the expressions of the observing sailor standing
watch at the upper mast; see how he stares around with a telescope from side to side and
explores the immense surface of the water from wave to wave. However, he still sees no land.
6] See how desperately the people scurry on the deck of the ship; for they already drank all
the sweet, precious water on the long-lasting, seafaring trip.
7] Now. Look at this scene a little. Look. Here they throw lots into a pot; now they draw. A
poor Negro pulled the lot; now he is undressed and they cover his eyes, and both arms are
firmly bound together at the armpits. Look. The sergeant is drawing close and opening his
veins, and the blood that streams out of his veins is immediately mixed with a little rum to
still the thirst. However, the now bled to death Negro is straight away thrown overboard into
the sea. Since this drink was not enough for everyone, this procedure is repeated on quite a
few sailors; and the blood-cocktail is prepared out of their veins.
8] Although this scene is extremely rare, and such tragedy befalls only in extreme need of
water, it is nonetheless excused. Yes. Out of tremendous brotherly love, it would be
something else, if, in such a distress, one or the other sailors would decide for himself to
rescue his brothers from death with his own blood-drink. This would be a tremendous
testimony of brotherly love for him who did such deed. In this case, however, it is a horror. It
would be better that a thousand voluntarily sacrificed themselves for one; instead one is
overcome by such a cruel deed.
9] Now see. The lookout [in the crow’s nest] screams “land” from the basket; at once
everyone on board is happy; all sails, as you see, are directed toward the island. See. The ship
is flying like an arrow over tower-high waves; and look, they just now reach a bay. The
anchors are dropped, all the team except for the necessary watch hurries into the little
vehicles to go to shore.
10] See. A fresh source of water is soon discovered at the coast and now the scurry is mad
and abuzz in order to take the fresh water; and so in a few hours the ship is once again
equipped with sweet, precious water; and once more all is set afloat.
11] The vehicles move slowly along the coast in order to see whether this land is already
inhabited or not. Now they discover a place that consists of simple round huts, and at once
they approach this place.
12] They land and go ashore. The inhabitants are startled by the canon thunder and take to
flight; very soon the sailors search their small huts and whatever they find is taken from them,
no matter what it is and what name it may have. See. Poor, small bands of people are robbed
of their entire possessions; but this is not the only scene [that opens itself up before us.]
13] These poor escapees are pursued and nearly completely annihilated, or, if everything goes
well, they are at least caught; after a time and opportunity they are sold in America for a good
trade price.
14] See. You already know what kind of ship this was; and you already know what it is up to.
Look. It is a ship that goes out on discovery trips.
15] Now. Let this ship henceforth pursue its infamous, appalling way. Here is already
another. However this ship—the one you now see—I will only show you in the Spirit; for it
was already discovered by another French mariner in the year 1835 in the Mediterranean Sea
and was at once destroyed. –
16] Now however, I show you this ship as it drove its terrible harm before this time in the
Atlantic Ocean. Mind you, it is not the only one of its kind; presently there are about twenty
ships of this type in the Atlantic waters, who bring this kind of disaster.
17] The masters of these ships are mostly Spaniards and Portuguese. Four of them are Turks.
Notice. Just now this ship is leaving fully packed with slaves from the coast of Africa in order
to sell them to another slave trader in America. Now see here: Scarcely two-hundred nautical
miles away from the coast, it is discovered, pursued and taken captive by an English ship.
18] The sailors defend themselves in despair. However, it is of no use. The English ship is by
far superior in power to this buccaneer-ship, and it must surrender. At once the English
sailors climb onto the upper-deck of this ship, free the slaves, and bring these onto their ship;
here they are under somewhat better care.
19] What will take place with this buccaneer-ship? Take a close look and you will soon
discover. See how busy the English sailors are; they are commanded by their superior officer
to undress the entire crew of this ship and throw their clothes into the sea. Then, after the
method of the slave storage, the people are nailed to the deck with long pointed nails;
however, the captain is hung by his hands onto the mast with his face looking outward and his
feet secured with a rope under the mast. Moreover, as they complete the work they depart into
the cabins, taking all useful items for themselves; hoisting the sails of this [buccaneer-] ship
they leave to retire to their own vessel; and with the shrillest waling screams from the deck
they relinquish the buccaneer-ship to the wind. –
20] Just look and think. What must the outcome be when one cruelty against the other
appears merely as a result of a cruel mood!? And think about how such scenes are played out
in the face of His, Who, dying on the cross for His enemies, asks the Father to forgive them!

21] Are there no other means to suppress the evil of the slave trade, than these! No matter
which way, it is always marked with the seal of the scarcely conceivable cruelty.
22] You will ask: what then have the slave-liberators done with the slaves? Do you think they
possibly send them back to their homeland? Oh no, they did not!
23] They did not sell themxvii either; instead, they kept them for their own services; for they
themselves owned property in America. In this way, they came much cheaper than if they
would have purchased the slaves themselves.
24] And so notice, exceptionally great supervisory striving is currently maintained within this
slave trade on the side of England. Now if such a ship, packed with slaves, is discovered, it is
soon met with tremendous punishment; the slaves receive their freedom and then they are
either used freely to work there or they are frequently sold out of free hand. And so, this
conduct is nothing more than what the old Roman proverb says: Scyllam prateris, Charybdim
invadesxviii. [He who tries to avoid Charybdis will be caught by Scylla]. -
25] You see, I only show you this so that you can form a true concept of the so-called
abolition of the slave trade. And so a disdainful businessman remains a businessman; and he
does not care when he erects his shameful [ex-] change booths and junk-stores in My
26] Yes. If you offer a million gold pieces to such a money-hound, he will sell you the
bleeding heart of his own daughter; and you dare not make another offer or he will also sell
you the head of his first-born son.
27] However, you will say, is the situation on all ships so miserable? And, you will say, is
there nowhere any thoughtfulness in these wobbly houses of God? –
28] I am telling you: Every ship is officiated with one, but often with several priests, who, for
the sake of ceremony—as with a musical band for the sailors—is added to the ship to give it
ballast. The latter designation carries the most weight, everything else is nothing but empty
form; the ship’s flag of origin of country is by far a greater sacred entity on the ship than the
total priesthood and its wobbly religious service. By some, slightly better associates—I am
only then called upon—when thundering ocean waves awake them, for a short time, out of
their delirious quest for gain.
29] Incidentally, the tyranny on each ship is so common practice that if compared with an
Egyptian ruler it would not lack any disgrace. This cold and dry insensitivity of the above-
mentioned sailors is then called, in the moral world: The ships discipline.
30] However, I am saying in the closing of the 4th hour: No doubt, such powerful endeavours
will get them nowhere. For truly, one day their [so-called] reward will not be small!
FIFTH HOUR - North America

And now after we have sailed about on the ocean - let us climb aboard such a slave ship and
sail with the same under favourable winds to North America.
2] See here. This green strip that begins to appear: it is already a well-known easterly North
American coastal-rangexix.
3] Observe how it becomes clearer and clearer. See. You already notice a large city, equipped
with a large harbour.
4] Now see. We are finally here. See how it welters and teems with profit-addicted people on
the ships, the same in the harbour and on the docksides.
5] Now look. The free slaves are brought ashore now; everybody is hurrying and running
over to where the slaves are; an extremely well fed sugar-plantation owner is approaching and
hiring the slaves into his service.
6] As for the captain—who exercised such humanitarian work toward the slaves2—he does
not receive a purchase-price for the delivered slaves xx, but is instead presented with a well-fed
reward for his so-called humanitarian attitudes. -
7] You see! In this way such appalling, atrocious trade is certainly getting an external
humanitarian facade of human kindness and charity; but on the inside she is nothing more
than the same slave trade, only under false moral politics.
8] Since the matter is conducted in such a way, we are now going to take a tiny look at such a
sugar-plantation; and as not to seek for too long on our tablet, take a look over here!
9] See here. There adjacent to the city, in the middle of the tablet, is already the very
important plantation of our previously seen generous patron of humanity.
10] There. Look at just a small part of his estate. See how one-hundred poor and almost
naked slaves have to work there incessantly.
11] See how behind every ten slaves there is also a good-looking slave-overseer armed with
gun and sword. He also holds a sharp driving whip xxi in his hand, in case a poor slave
straightens up for only a minute from the earth to ease his hard labour pain; through the
steady stooping nearly all the limbs of the slaves become stiff. Here take a look; convince
yourselves of how gruesome the honest, careful overseer at once sets his driving tool in
motion; in this he has such a skill that every blow elicits an abundant amount of blood from
the bodies of the poor, stricken slaves.
12] You may think, maybe these slaves are at least humanly nurtured so that they would get
adequate strength for such works, by which Satan would have to succumb to.
13] I am not going to tell you, but rather I will let you see for yourself. Take a look over here
at this little spot, and what you see is indeed such a slave-meal.
14] In fact, you are looking for some kind of a bowl. Not only one, but many bowls for so
many slaves, which the proprietor must have bought with money. Well, such a one is asking
himself, what is cheaper than a bowl?, and—thinking about it for a short while—the great
speculator finds a hollowed out log, like a big long trough, more practical; and he sets it up in
the yard. –
15] And now look at the meal in this long bowl; it consist of nothing other than badly cooked
legumes in water; the legumes used are either lentils, beans or—on holidays—a type of
16] As a result, this trough is filled with such a meal, and the workers are then invited by a
so-called slave-rattle, or, also by whip-cracks.
17] However, it is commonly known that only the closest working slaves are invited. The
ones that work in the distance are either: 1) supplied with a type of bread on which you would
most likely suffocate, or, 2) if the work in the distance is not too urgent, they are allowed to
cook their familiar noon meal over there, near where they are working, in a cottage build
expressly for that purpose.
18] But notice well; the mealtime can never last longer than a quarter of an hour, except on a
holiday. If someone arrives too late and the sign for work was already given, he is
immediately exposed to the roughest maltreatments.
19] Only on holidays, do they to eat with wooden spoons. Now you want to know: what other
reward do the slaves have? The real hard-working ones—those who, so to say, work day and
night—get now and then a little rum and some fruit, and they even get a worn out jacket on
holidays only.
20] This is just about the most humanitarian care these poor ones are given. For the others: a
six-hour sleep and the familiar meagre meal is all they get as a reward for their work.
21] Now you will ask: with regard to the treatment of his slaves, does such a humanitarian
and generous plantation manager not have a master over him? You see; I cannot show you
this in the picture, but to put it bluntly: No! Rather he is, in this regard, an absolute ruler over
life and death of his workers; and he has the right to execute a disobedient slave in any
manner of death he chooses.
22] So that you totally realize how incredibly cruel their laws are, I show you an example of
how the slaves experience such rules by the hundreds, yes, even thousands.
23] Recently, two slaves took off from such a devil because of his treatment was too satanic.
A neighbourly house received the two; for this neighbourly house still had a small portion of
human sentiment left in the body.
24] At once the infuriated devil proceeded to go to the authority in order to reclaim his
fugitives; the neighbourly house—understanding the law well—reported at once to the
authority, and—by virtue of the bitter complaints from the side of the slaves—spoke on their
25] Right away a lawsuit between both neighbours started. How do you think the wise judges
decided in this matter? I am going to give you the plain judgment here so you can look at it
justifiably, how it stands in the so-called educated North America.

26] Here you have the judgment; it reads as follows: "In order to avoid a penalty of one-
thousand pounds, the neighbour is required to hand over both fugitives, either dead or alive,
to the owner. If they go, they must be brought there alive; however, in case of refusal to bring
them alive, the afore mentioned neighbour must shoot them down at once, and deliver either
their heads or their entire bodies to the owner; this owner can then, at his discretion, do what
he wants.
27] However, if the two alleged fugitives should escape before the execution is performed,
any person has the necessary legal right to shoot them at once—anywhere, on a footpath and
street—wherever they happen to come across them”. –
[Note: This is far far removed from the real teaching of Christ which is To love your neighbor
(fellowman) as yourself.]
28] Now I must mention only one more thing so that you know the entire shamefulness. It
was in the language of the judgment to act in discretion on behalf of the owner; what does it
actually consists of? There. Take another look on My tablet over here! A little scene that you
shall see is going to satisfy your question.
29] See a pond there; it is a fishpond of such a manager; and see; there lying gagged in the
corner of the pond are two male slaves and one female slave; none of them have lived to
reach their twentieth year.
30] At their side lies a female and a male slave and they are already dead; these are the dead
parents of the young ones.
31] Look over here. The guard gets up; as you can see, the proprietor is approaching with two
so-called gladiators, his two managers and several slave-overseers.
32] See. Now they arrive with terrible countenances. His command or rather his [alleged]
good judgment is directed toward these poor slaves. First of all, the two dead ones are to be
hacked into little pieces; and then the pieces are to be strewn into the pond as nourishment for
the fishes. Thereafter the girl is to be gagged, raped by all the overseers—If they so desire—
and then prepared as food for the fishes. The two boys, however, are each to be bound to a
stake and beaten to death, and then they too are to be prepared as fish food. –
33] See. That is what the glorified system of [constitutional] government looks like in the
highly educated North America. Now you judge: By what name would such creatures be
known by?
34] Truly, My worst enemy, the prince of darkness, is a miserable bungler compared to that.
And indeed, you can believe Me or not; you have heard of the possessed; you have heard that
they become possessed and became devils and satans; but I say to you, no Satan could be
stirred to do that in order to take such a North American humanitarian into the inner hellish
domain. For in such circumstances, the lowest degree of hell is definitely more desirable for
everyone than the residence of such a sugar producer!
35] You can probably make yourself a concept from this small parallel as to how such deeds
and actions appear in My face!
36] Oh, I am telling you: Truly, each crumb of sugar is belayed with a thousand-fold curse
from Me; for truly, if these barbarians would sell the spilled blood, in weight it would exceed
the harvested sugar by a hundred-fold.
37] You can rest assured that to every one pound of sugar stick one-hundred pounds of spilled
human blood.
38] You see. I have therefore decided—in order to protect your nature—only to let you look
at this continent’s best part; and so be content with that. In fact, if I showed you the deeds and
actions of the southern half of this country, the quill in your hand would become lame and
you would not be able to write down three sentences. From such extremities I will therefore
—once you have accustomed yourself a bit more, and looked at all types of horrors with Me
—make a few things known to you in the 12th and last hour.
39] I do not want to speak to you about far off [or after life] rewards here, but rather I want to
speak of something new: Such creatures should be fully destroyed forever! Amen.
SIXTH HOUR - Fateful Voyages

After you have sufficiently looked around on this one point of North America, we want to
turn our eyes on the tablet again. Let us look toward the coastline and linger there for a while
until this big ship—the one you see here at the coast—is fully loaded with sugar: at that point
we will take a trip with this ship wherever the sails are aimed.
2] Now take a glance at this point over here. See how the slaves haul kegs and large crates to
the coast on the many carts. See here a heavy, wagon like cart. See how it is packed high with
crates so that it looks like a small mountain. Observe how ahead of this cart forty slaves are
harnessed like oxen and the slave-overseers whip and force them to speed up with the freight.
Notice how at each side of this wagon-mount a crowd of slaves must secure the same with
[long] forksxxiii and ropes. The minute the vehicle becomes slightly noticeably unbalanced, the
cruel whip will swing over their backs.
3] And look; now they are already close to the coast. It went well with the wagon. However,
you did not notice, one wagon wheel shattered under the weight. Observe. Almost twenty
slaves are now lying crushed under the large load of the too heavily packed wagon, and,
thereupon, the other half is murderously mistreated, because they did not hold up the wagon.
Also, the pulling slaves are not spared on this occasion: as you can see; and since on top of
the wagon a badly build crate has scattered scarcely three lots of the sugar through a gap—
due to the powerful crash—consequently, at least three slaves must pay this big damage with
their lives. All guilt, which lies on these abominable overseers and their almost uninterrupted
drunkenness, must these innocent lambs of mankind pay. –
4] Observe. Now the maniacs have flagellated xxiv themselves enough; consequently, a new
order is introduced, new and smaller carts are brought in and with them all these crates are
brought to the coast under the howling and complaints of the slaves.
5] See. Now everything is brought there. The Englishman takes over the merchandise and
validates it with the bookkeeper of the attending sugar-plantation-owner.
6] However, now these crates must also be brought onto the ship; this work is part of the
trade; and once again the burden falls upon the slaves.
7] See how they lift the, often centner [or hundredweight xxv], heavy crates into small vehicles;
but fortunately for them, not one falls into the sea; this sometimes happens, especially if one
or the other slave–overseers has poured too much liquor in his belly and mistreated his poor
subordinates as his [despicable] amusement.
8] If on such occasions an immense damage happens that the weakened limbs of the slaves
are not able to entirely lift such a heavy crate into the vehicle, and this falls in the water: this
is considered reprehensible by the overseers. Even if the slaves retrieve it at once, and not one
drop of water penetrated into the content, such careless workers are either flogged nearly to
death, or, sometimes shot at once and thrown into the sea, depending on the cruel mood of
such overseers.
9] These poor people are only then out of danger, when all the merchandize is happily
brought on board. Then, of course, the carts are taken back; and instead of the crates, the
overseers themselves are camped out on it, where they carry on their revelry and their
pleasure in a steady gallop; and they know which speedy cart they have to carry into
execution with the crack of the whip.
10] Maybe you will ask, what happens to the ones that were trampled? I am telling you:
Nothing at all, but rather, take a look over here and convince yourself with your spiritual eyes
how some among them lament with broken hands and feet; they scream and howl and call for
help after their manner. Do you think a surgeon is called, or they are taken to a slave hospital?
11] Oh but you’re wrong! These devils know a much faster way of healing than you. A stony
bandage is slung around each one, and, finally, at the bottom of the sea a common water-
blanket is added on top; and this way they are all healed for eternity. –
12] Now. You may still ask, when these galloping slaves have reached home with their
overseers, will these poor ones at least have a time of rest or maybe a small recess?
13] You see, that is not possible in this country; but it happens more often—If the owner is a
too big of a monster—that they are still abused for their carelessness under the self-satisfying
command of the barbaric owner!
14] And do you want to know the true number of these unfortunates, whose lot in the sphere
of misfortune absolutely does not offer any important variety?
15] Of these there are eleven million throughout the entire North American republican
territories. And you must realize among these slaves are not only blacks, but there are also at
least one-quarter whites among them. However, a law forbids white slavery, so white slaves
must become purposely black and are [misleadingly] blackened.

16] Now. After we have observed almost everything, let us now climb on board the ship,
which, as you can see, is sail-ready and leaving the harbour. Now notice how the sailors on
top of the horizontal sail-pole [the yard xxvi] do their equilibristicxxvii practices like tightrope
17] Observe these ocean-burned faces a little; their nakedness is covered with nothing but
measly rags. See how bestial, how debased they look, as if they belong to another group of
life form, other than that of the human race. See. These people are indeed the much talked
about English sailors.
18] Oh mankind! Into what depths has your world-hood thrown you?! How distant are you
from Me, the source of life?! How close are you to the abyss of eternal ruin?! The depth of
the sea does not frighten you! My storms wish and roar in vain passed your forehead; you do
not know anyone above you anymore— except you yourself! In fact, you stare far over the
deceptive surface of the waves with your alleged perspicacityxxviii.
19] You prophesy the storm, and know all the reefs and sand banks in the sea. Carefree, you
swim between life and death on flimsy boards over unforeseeable abysses; you do this on the
fluctuating surface of the water from one world area to another; but you do not consider that I
—no longer your Father, but your obstinate judge—am also present on board of your
swimming lumber-palace.
20] You know the way, and by the furrows of the sea, you probably recognize your street.
See. Your time is finished. I stir the depths of the earth with one finger, and, since you
suspect nothing, I have set new and unknown reefs in your street. I the invisible helmsman,
know your miserable sorry efforts; this shameful container—which is stuffed with the filth of
a disgraceful hope—will hurl against the new hard brow of the, to you, unknown reef and
ruin you. –
21] Oh see! This packed ship now runs into the arms of just such an unknown reef. See and
do not be alarmed, as the wind drives it there as fast as an arrow. They suspect nothing since I
did not raise the reef for them above the water level.
22] But now see; only two more minutes and the miserable container lies with its entire
content in ruins. Here take a look! See. Now with great force it crashes with the ships-bow
onto the reef. See how it is completely demolished; and see how the ship begins to sink; see
how these sailors struggle to unfasten the rowboats hanging on the large ship; and see how
some snatch-up boards with greater speed, and, swimming in the water, bump together a raft
for themselves.
23] Notice; the wreck hangs on this reef and a number of people hold tightly to the rips of the
ship as they are jutting above the water level; a smaller number of people swim on top of the
meagre means of transportation toward a certain death. However, the captain and the
proprietor of the cargo cower onto the protruding mast, and, gripped from utmost despair,
wrestle with death now for the third day after the shipwreck, as well as all the other travelers
on the ship’s skeleton.
24] Do you think that one of these people begged Me for any kind of help? No! Instead, they
stare into the wide open ocean to see whether or not a vehicle would appear in view.
However, their gazing is in vain, for I will wisely re-direct all other vehicles so that they will
not turn up in this vicinity.
25] Now see here. See how these two, crouching at the mast, wrestle one another. You will
think that they seek through this wrestling to cling more firmly onto the mast. Alone this
wrestling leads to no good and is called: Famine! One wants to kill the other, so that he gets
something to eat.
26] And look on the ribs of the ship; there you can already see such a meal. You can see how
another English merchant, whose esteemed wife clutches on him, just now devours her
breasts with great greed.
27] See, this cannibalism typically continues until only one is left; and in the end, this one
usually assaults and devours himself as far as he can reach; which scene usually ends in
bleeding to death after a few hours. –
28] Concerning the bones: as much as possible is gnawed off, and the rest is often thrown into
the sea with curses.
29] And since we now have no more life worth seeing here, let us still pursue our three
vehicles, and see how they make out! –
30] Now see, there is one already. Look. Only three corps-like human beings cower in it.
These are three heroes who have made it their rule not to eat one another. Since they have
thrown the other company into the water, they now leave themselves scarcely alive in the
hands of blind chance.
31] In order not to hold you up any longer with these three, we want to bring a quick end to
them. See there, a powerful wave hits the flimsy vehicle, and a good-natured shark already
longingly waits for the contents of this vehicle. It had already long escorted this vehicle as its
faithful companion.
32] And now look. The wave has done its service; and the shark has devoured his long
awaited prey, and so there is nothing more for us to observe, and we search for another of
these vehicles.
33] You will think now: Where could it be? However, I say to you, do not worry, he who
seeks with Me, will have no difficulty finding it. Now see, it is already here! Count the people
who are inside the boat; it will not be hard for you to determine what is going on in the
34] Why do you not count? You say that we see no one. There. Come closer and look inside
the wobbly boat. See. There is nothing but gnawed off bones inside the boat, and it is only the
tenth day after the shipwreck! You probably would like to know where the last person is that
gnawed on the bones, since he surely could not have consumed himself to the bare bones. -
35] Now glance a little sideways. See. Here in the more westerly half of the tablet looms a
few metersxxix of moss encircled reef over the sea level.
36] See. There he cowers desperately in the middle of this extremely little island, and see how
he snatches up the moss and the little bid of grass and shoves it into his mouth. See. That is
now the fate of this last living person; and he is also the only one, who from all the
shipwrecked people will be taken alive in two days by another ship. He will be rescued so
that he can bring the news as to what happened there. He is also the only one, who, on this
island, began to remember Me a little.
37] And so we are leaving him there to await his rescue, and look where the raft is located.
Look here! There swims the raft! See. There are no people left, except for some bones that
are secured to a board with a rope; and, likewise, there in the middle of the raft is one corked
38] This bottle is here because the last survivor wrote down the demise of the ship as well as
his own; and he secured himself, including the bottle, with a rope to a board; on which
occasion, he, in a weak state and careless manner, tumbled with one foot into the water; yet
he was able to recover for some time by holding on with his hands to the board; he hung on
until, likewise, a foodie-shark digested half of his body, and finally also the other half.
39] Now we have completed our voyage. What's more, according to your saying, even death
has lost its rights; there is nothing more worth observing in this scene, so we too will abandon
our right to observe where death stole everything out of our eyes. Therefore, let us look
around a little on the water of the tablet in front of us and move onward. We shall see whether
or not there is anything memorable for you to see within swimming distance.
40] Now; see here! It so happens that an English ocean-liner is swimming over here; except
for a sailor and a helmsman, one can see no life on deck. You would probably like to know,
what is inside its tarred boards?
41] Now. Have a look! I will now thunder an Epheta xxx over this ship, and, at once, the ship
becomes transparent as if of glass; its content is going to jump gauntly into your eyes; and so
I say: Epheta!
42] See now and judge what it is and what presents itself here. Look in the lower rooms of the
ship: a total of three-hundred people of both sexes are nearly naked; they are bound with
heavy chains. Observe how emaciated their bodies are; count the bloodshot welts and look at
the measly food, which is not given to the people day by day but rather from week to week in
a smelly, scarcely one third of a half pound heavy stone-like bread xxxi, next to a jug of rotten
43] See how in a corner an older man, at whose feet some rats have already chewed, pleads to
the prison-guard for his death. See. There in another corner is a true feminine Venus, that is,
after your concept of beauty. She has chains around her soft arms; she anxiously screams and
implores that one should throw her into the sea or at least free one of her hands that she may
wipe the biting dirt of the nose.
44] What does the guard do? He takes hold of a sharp [bristle] broom, and holds it in front of
her nose, that she should clean herself with it; in doing so, he scratches and smears her entire
face, so that it finally becomes full of abscesses and pus. And if she complains over such
treatment, she will, on top of it, be reprimanded.
45] Look down at her feet. Oh these delicate feet! See how they were held in high esteem
three weeks ago by a lecherous32 and rich English reveller. Only to seduce this girl, yet of his
rich promises few materialized; and so in the wickedness of his revenge he crafted such an
illusion and such a way, that he brought this poor girl on fabricated charges of robbery, by
means of a secret bribe of the sworn judges, there, to the ship, as you can see.
46] And just as this poor girl here is deported as a criminal, there are a few more in this group
who are given similar treatment. See there. A rather young person is affixed in the opposed
corner; he, who was a rich man’s only heir, was brought there by his own mother with the
help of one of her disgraceful lovers following the death of his father.
47] We are not going to pursue his story any further, but rather review the quite delicate feet
of our pretty prisoner. See how they jolt busily—or at least make the attempt—in order to
fend off the ships vermin, as did the feet of the older man; and look downward, deeper at her
feet; see how, through her diligence, she has already prepared herself an entire shapely rats-
48] And do you think that those lazy ship-fiends descend to at least remove the killed vermin
from off the ship? Oh no! That they would not do. Instead, they daily smoke out this unhappy
part of the ship with tar; they do this in order to prevent any possible disease.
49] You may think that such inhumanity is beyond all concepts, and that physicians and
priests must care that the external laws are being observed.
50] However, I say to you, that every ship in England has, as soon as it leaves the harbour, no
other laws than the existing ones of the captain. It does not take long until all ship authorities
blow into the same horn, or in other words, until they are in one accord of wickedness; and
so, only sordidness often prevails under the same [upper] deck. In addition, no reason is
needed, as was the case here, that such a young pretty deportee falls to the wild passions of
the often drunk commanding officers, and lets herself be used by all imaginable lewd
perfidiesxxxii; thus, regretfully her judgment is cast for this world. – You see, now you will
finally realize why the vermin is not removed from the ship. –
51] But that is not all that such a poor deportee has to cope with. On top of that her supposed
comrades of both sexes often howl the most ghastly curses at her, and say that it was entirely
her fault that their fate was made more intolerable.
52] Just look around a little in this funeral-chamber, and now look up into the shiny cabins of
the ship’s officers. See how crazy and audacious it is there.
53] Foaming wine is spraying out of their goblets. Everyone screams good wishes to the
commander, and one of them also screams: To the life of our pretty prisoner! And everyone
approvingly agrees with him as if possessed by lunacy.
54] And look; now the chiefs stick their heads together; what could be on their minds? You
would ask. Do not worry about this secret, for it contains nothing but a sly trick, in order to
win the poor beauty over.
55] And what do you think? Of what does this trick consists of? See this trick consist of none
other than in the following: The beauty is soon freed from her shackles and given effective
medical care. Now that she is once again clothed, she is presented with a formal marriage
proposition, that she can become the wife of one or the other ship’s officers.
56] The poor one does not see the fine deceit. Because of the hellish ordeal of the lower
chambers, she is too terrified; and so she unites herself under a worthless consecration, not by
the priest, but by one of the ship soldiers in disguise. In this way, her scam-husband is
deceitfully using her; and instead of lying with her [seemingly] husband at night time, another
man steps in his place; consequently, our poor prisoner, unaware of the situation, becomes a
57] She certainly does not lack any food in her stomach, and she is in a happy state of mind;
she believes that here she has made her good fortune; but her eyes first open up [to the truth]
in Botany Bay, a coast of Australia, where she—like all the other criminals—is handed over
to lifelong abuse. The fate of this unfortunate beauty follows in the seventh hour.

“Gather for yourselves treasures the moths cannot eat away and rust and decay cannot
destroy. However, beware of the goods and treasures of this world, for they carry within them
the evil spirit of temptation leading to all kinds of sins.” - The Great Gospel of John vol. 3,
SEVENTH HOUR - Australia

Now that we have observed enough of this ship’s horrible conduct, whose meaning will
surely never be strange to you, we are going to leave this scene; take a leap forward and look
at this land that you see before you; it has four names xxxiii. According to your [geographical]
determination, it lies between the 131st and 171st degree easterly longitude, as well as
between the 10th and 30th degree southerly latitudexxxiv. Australia 1838
2] You need to know all this because you are not yet familiar with the condition, natural
layout, or the climatic ratios; and so, look on this—well known to you—tablet! –
3] Take a good look. The region represented to you here is the real Australia, South India,
Oceania and Polynesia. See the southern part of this land; see how it still consists of immense
puddles and morasses, in which, if you will look real close, you discover countless amounts
of poisonous monstrosities and all kinds of bothersome insects. –
4] See how a little farther south, a large number of coral ring islands extend almost to the
South Pole regionxxxv. This is the reason the southern coast of this country cannot be
circumnavigated, as it is also impossible to reach this southern coast by land xxxvi, because the
shoreline is not a suitable shore [—either too soft or too steep—] to explore its conditions in
this way.
5] Overall acquaintance or exploration is made even more difficult because this country
usually consists of unforeseeable plains, which—only here and there—are interrupted with
little, insignificant hills. Important mountains definitely do not exist in this country, only a
few corals and shale-cliffs at the coasts.
6] This up until now known country xxxvii has within the continent a surface area of nearly
200,000 square milesxxxviii on which two million and some sixty thousand people live.
7] The most habitable regions are generally located on the east coast xxxix. These regions may
already be more or less known to you: for instance the colonies under the names of
Carpentariaxl, Arnhem-Landxli, Witslandxlii, Edelslandxliii, Eendrachtlandxliv, Leeuwin-Landxlv,
Nuytz-Landxlvi, Flinderslandxlvii, Baudinlandxlviii, Grantslandxlix, and some other less well
known names of no importance.
8] Located on the east coast is a landing place l under the name of Botany Bayli, at which
location— already over a span of scarcely 10 years until now—the English have banished
170,000 criminals; and from there they were dispersed to varies colonies.
9] But not only has this easterly coast served for such a purpose, the deportees are also
preferred and shipped out to the west.
10] There. See a river that runs into the ocean lii. It is the so-called Swan River liii. On its banks
you see a city that is almost finished. From that cityliv, colonization is achieved through
criminals who are brought there; but this is done with much worse success than on the east
coast. Usually, it is only England’s worst scoundrels who are sold to here; this is all done in
opposition to a combined undertaking between the Hol lv and Netherlanders [the Dutch] – to
whom this coast belongslvi—in order to cultivate the highly unmanageable area.
11] A city is being built on the east coast, namely on Botany Bay; she is called Sidney, like
the entire New South Wales coast.
12] However, for now, just remember the westerly point; for after we see our prison-hulk
[ship] land in Botany Bay, we will want to focus over there where the human conditions are
unimaginably worse than on the east coast.
13] But before we take a closer look at this major spectacle, I want to closely familiarize you
with the country itself; I do this so that you can easily form a more realistic concept as to
what it is called and what it wants to say, and then we shall see whether the deportees who are
brought there are guilty or innocent. -
14] Now see here. See how the interior of this land looks! You think these countless fields
before your eyes are nothing but brush forests.
15] I am saying: O No! It is grass; and do not be surprised if here and there you see grass that
is three to four men high.
16] This grass resembles the so-called reed-grass. It is nearly impossible to eradicate until it is
dry, and then only through fire. However, the fire must be ignited at a time when the north
winds blow, because the south winds will suffocate the fire.
17] Surely, you would also like to see a tree forest. Such forests are only in small numbers
here; and the trees that grow especially toward the more southern regions are often barely as
big and high as some grass, and they produce very little edible fruits.
18] Frequently, you find in the northern region as well as on the east coast already different
cultivations, which do not grow properly, and therefore, little by little also noticeably change
its nature.
19] The pears often become completely woody and wider at the stem than at the crown. As
for the cherries, the seeds often grow outside on the skin and the fruit itself becomes watery.
These and other perhaps strange sounding variations suffer along with many other types of
cultivated plants. The, to you, little known snake-nuts lvii prosper very well, as well as the
coconuts on the northern coast; Indian figs lviii, the so-called St. Johns-breadlix and a type of
melon-plums also grow abundantly.
20] However, lots of care must be taken to insure that a certain red insect does not puncture
the snake-nuts. If such a pricked nut falls to the earth, a highly toxic new type of plant comes
of it, which plant is ten times worse than the so-called Bohonupas lx. The leaves release a
brutal, devastating, poisonous vapour as soon as it is just one shoe-length high above the
earth. It not only kills all animals and people who came near, but also causes a most intense
devastation to the plants, often within a radius of 1 hour. In a short time not even a stone
moss-plant will come forth; instead everything withers and becomes a type of ash.
21] The good fortune about this plant is that it does not flourish for longer than half a year;
instead it will die as soon as winter sets in and therefore renders it harmless.
22] Now that we have looked a little at the world of plants, let us now take a small look at the
animals. -
23] First of all, look how the air swarms with large white eagles lxi which far exceed any of
their kind in power and agility; their voracious appetite is especially big in the winter time, so
much so, that in the interior of the land they attack people like flying wolves.
24] In addition to them, there is another species of vicious birds, which almost have the
appearance of an ostrichlxii; instead of feathers, they have hair, and some have no wings lxiii at
all, others, however, have wings like a bat. –
25] These birds often have more than one klafter [or 1.90 meter] long legs, and with such can
effortlessly run very fast: up to 10 miles in one hour. When they have reached their prey, they
beat on it with one leg, and then devour the meal. Other swarms of smaller and more
harmless birds do not need to be mentioned.
26] Among others, there is one [uncommon] four-footed mammal lxiv with a strong beak; bird-
wolf would be a better name for it. This animal is, in its type, crueler than every tiger.
27] However—regarding the ground and the swamp—this is a true homeland for snakes, and
all types of lizards; among them many species with wings; they are not all poisonous, but are
more or less harmful.
28] In the interior, one frequently finds large type of bats, which are very poisonous and have
an anaesthetizing effect in their gazes; this effect is worse than that produced by the
rattlesnake. If someone should venture to look into such a bat’s eye, he soon falls to the
ground as if sedated by a strong drink; and if no one comes to help and kills the flying bat, it
will soon suck out the last drop of blood from its victim; it will then fly away satiated, with a
high whistle. –
29] Regarding the climate, this land is a true chameleon; except for some eastern and northern
areas, the land is so unpredictable that in some regions someone can experience all five types
of weather zones in one day.
30] As to why everything is so oddly shaped here, this will be revealed to you in its appointed
time; however, you may remember this in advance: I linked entirely different purposes with
certain countries of the earth, instead of being ravished by men’s shameful greediness before
its time.
31] Nonetheless, if the people in their madness penetrate prematurely into countries, which
have not yet become ripe, it serves them right when they set out to live like neglected children
who consume unripe fruit and poisonous berries. However, as I said already, various things
will be made known to you with the next opportunity.
32] Now see. At the same time we were cavorting in this country, the ship that is already
known to you threw its anchors in Botany Bay harbour; and look! There it is already! For
when everything comes into viewpoint, one does not need a long trip in order to be at a
certain place. –
33] Now look very closely! Once again, I will speak the Epheta, and look; again, the prison
hulk has become transparent all the way to the bottom. Above all, take a good look at our
lovely, as-it-were spouse! See how weak she is, scarcely able to raise herself out of her seat.
Now enter a little into the cabin of the captain.
34] See. Already three colonists along with the captain glance over the list, in fact in the
presence of the local governor. Now look! Twenty names are crossed out, among them our
old manlxv; but our lovely deportee has not been crossed out.
35] See. Now the governor and the colonists sign and confirm the list; the prison guards
allocate themselves below, free the prisoners—in that they tie-up their hands behind their
backs—and, in such a way, drive them onto the upper deck of the ship.
36] Now look! The prison guards also step into the chamber of our pretty deportee, inform
her of her lot in life, rob her of the dresses, and bind her hands; she then faints in despair
regarding her fate, and they then drag her to the other prisoners on deck.
37] See how she collapses before her alleged husband. She pleads with all her might and
power—in a way that is only possible by a female heart—informing him of all sorts of things.
She tells him, how innocently she was convicted to this place of horror, and how he has used
her misfortune so shamefully: she, who was as pure as the sun, to have been used worse than
a bordello-whore for the English sailors!
38] Look! And learn a lesson from a person, who confesses to be of the Christian religion! -
See, how he proudly commands the prison guard to plug the mouth of the screaming beast;
and—if she does not behave very quietly like the others—she is to have thirty blows
administered unto her with the whip, at once!
39] See here, the effect of her request! See, how with a rope over her chest and feet she is tied
to a smaller mast by two henchmen lxvi; and see how the prison guards whip the poor
unfortunate deportee countless times in a shamefully cruel manner.
40] Now look. After her feet are completely cut from top to bottom with the sharp whip, she
is untied; and, along with the other criminals, she is immediately lifted on ropes over board
into smaller vehicles. And so, in a bleeding state she is brought to this unhappy land, and is at
once allotted and made available from the governor to the appropriate colonist.
41] Do you think that anyone brought her to a hospital? You are wrong there! The bandage
on such wounds exists in nothing other than this: she is allowed to sit for one half hour in the
sea, where it is very shallow. This is the famous healing cure in that land. It does help! Yet
think of the burning pain, especially for such a sensitive girl!
42] Now we are finished here. We only want to take a small look at what is going to happen
to these unhappy people. See. There in the interior, approximately a hundred miles from the
coast, there see, how these poor prisoners must fight with their tools under the direction of
several overseers with all the little known evils in this land that have already been described
to you; it is, as if they stand between two fires.
43] Your saying truly states: It is sink or swim! Why would such a leading colonist care
whether twenty or thirty of his subordinates are consumed by snakes—while most are still
tied up in fetters—or whether they often sink into swamps within the several-meters-high
grass, or whether one or the other is attacked and torn apart by the well-known eagles; or else
if by the eradication of the somewhere sprouting poisonous plant – multiple prisoners die.
44] Look. Such a colonist is doing little or nothing at all about it; he does not care because,
for his house, he is adequately looked after, even without such newly added workers.
45] If he can reclaim an important part of the country through such new attempts of pressing
forward [to gain more land], it is just right for him. However, if it backfires through all the
cruel attempts, he really does not care much; he does not care since he is, as he said himself,
taken care off.
46] You may think that if such criminals have reclaimed a new piece of land, the same piece
of land would then perhaps become one or the other’s property with interest.
47] I say, O No. Such a colonist is using the land for an entirely different purpose. He is
erecting, here and there, some workers’ cottages; but regarding the ground: it is his own, from
A to Z.
48] The workers have nothing but the most miserable, scarcely enjoyable meals; and
sometimes—if they do not want to starve—they catch snakes and lizards, cut off the heads,
roast them over straw fire, and consume this meat with the greatest of appetites. Truly once
again the saying holds true: Hunger is the best cook.
49] Yes. With some this hunger often goes so far that they do not even take the time to roast a
snake; but after the head, skin and innards are removed, it is consumed at once.
50] A new plague for these poor people is that they run into aboriginals—especially in the
northern part; they are good archers, and with poisoned arrows they drive the captives back,
or capture them and consume them, raw.
51] See here. These poor prisoners have to suffer such “conveniences” without number and/or
measure. The punishments they receive from their managers and overseers on top—which are
even much more inhumane than with the North Americans—cannot be compared with the
afflictions of this country. –
52] And see. Our poor deportee is also here by one of the grass-shearing jobs. To you, grass-
shearing is a joyful work. However, the workers here have to work with real grass jungles;
within their impenetrable thickets house an immense number of enormously pricking insects
—especially in the summer time—which then attack these naked workers to such an extent,
that after a few days nothing more than the connected skeleton remains.
53] However, if this cultivation takes place in the winter—in fact through the fire season—it
frequently happens that the fire often becomes so powerful that the flames wallow for hours
through the arid grass. Moreover, if the poor people who set the fire do not quickly take
flight, they are either completely burned or sustain severe burn injuries all over their bodies.
54] The worst, however, is this: If the fire smothered somewhere, the poor person who set the
fire must often then run for hours over the scorching hot ash in order to re-ignite and fan the
suffocated fire.
55] They are allowed to fasten a type of wooden board to the sole of their feet; but often these
wooden boards are already burned half way through the course, and then it is all the same;
their soles are often burned in spite of it to the leg.
56] Many other innumerable sorrows and illnesses that are indigenous to this country are best
not reflected on! As for the west coast I do not need to say any more, other than that it is ten
times more inhumane there than on the east coast; for this reason the colonization there is
making very abysmal progress.
57] You see. From all of this one can only blame the shameful greediness of the so-called
“moral” and even “Christian” people.
58] That I am not able to look at such horror any longer, you will easily understand without
much thought. For truly, the people have stacked their sins already into the third heaven. I do
not need to say any more
59] Therefore, we say Amen for today. The eighth hour will reveal even greater and stranger
EIGHTH HOUR - Oceania and Polynesia

After we have looked at and examined the mainland of Australia, we still want to pay a short
visit to more significant islands, in order to see what is happening there.
2] I said only the more important island-states; because there are many countless little islands
in this ocean, which are totally controlled either by the mainland or, as well, by the larger
3] In fact, from all the thousands of little islands in this ocean, you will not find very many
islands that have not been gnawed at and poked around in by this well-known chief European
despotic nation.

A miser and egoist is a person who has corrupted himself and is unable to bring forth any
fruits of life, because he consumes all life within himself. The Great Gospel of John, vol 3,

4] This leading world-rummaging nation has left those islands more or less alone, after they
searched and convinced themselves that there was nothing for their rat’s-jaw to gnaw on.
5] See: Look, here on the tablet; I will spread out the entire earth from pole to pole before
your eyes and not one point shall be concealed.
6] See here! The vast expanse between Asia, Australia and America; see the many little
islands; see how they peek forth as the stars in the firmament above the immense shimmering
surface of the water! However, so that you have a concept as to the commercial greed of this
world-rummaging nation, I will also adjoin the names in writing to each island, as the
gluttonous [or avaricious] discoverers placed them.
7] Now read! See all the still uninhabitable and farthest hiding places on earth! Look only on
the writing, and you will immediately convince yourselves to which nation of the earth all
climates are accessible. These people do not care whether their sails start burning from the
heat under the equator, or whether—on the other side [of the world]—they freeze three
quarters of a year between icebergs and their ships often lie buried many meters under snow.
8] In short, you will find very few names, other than those given by these world-changers.
Therefore, we still want to go to the important island states, in order to observe the actions of
this nation.
9] See. Here is a big, important island above the north-easterly part of Australia; it is under
the name of New Guinea. This island is also considered a part of Australia. She has few
mountains—and in its creation—it is younger than Australia, because Australia is just a little
over three-thousand years old; the island of Guinea, however, is close to seven-hundred years
10] However, this country was discovered by some Asian people beforehand, thus the
English and the Dutch found it much more cultivated than the mainland of Australia itself
was later found to be. It was by now very natural that such a find was promptly taken into full
possession through the canon thunder of this world-domineering nation.
11] Of course, no deportees are dropped off here; but the poor inhabitants of this island are by
no means better off then the slaves in North America.
12] To some extent these people are educated; however, not for the sake of their own good in
the so-called Christian religion, or in other sciences, instead they are educated for one reason
only which is: the same reason with which you train young wild horses lxviii, in other words, to
become more adept and useful, to carry English loads, and to work and to fight for them. In
addition, when the masters live in debauchery, the servants too become part of the reward [of
their devious domination]. After the work is completed, the reward is often worse than what
your own beasts of burden receive.
13] You see, these major world dealers definitely do not want to eat the bread in view of their
own sweat. Instead, they prefer to raise themselves up with idle hands at all ends of the earth;
they tear their mouths wide open and allow themselves to be fed by the unfairly subjugated
nations; and they, as you would say, chase the roasted birds right into the jaw. –
14] Now look over here in the middle of the tablet. There is the island all drawn-out. Look.
The nearly entirely naked labourers must perform the heaviest work under the glowing rays
of the sun.
15] See: Many must climb around in the trees, and gather a type of wool lxix, which is here
much nicer and finer than a similar tree in east India. Again see: Others over here are busy
nearly day and night with the cultivation of the sugarcane. See again: Here others must dig
for gold and all sorts of gems in the depths of the earth.
16] And see here again: Others must carry their idle masters around in sedan chairs lxx like
beasts of burden. And here again: Others are used in the construction of fortresses and large
storehouses, and often are miserably abused for the worst pay.
17] There are many situations that are far more miserable; alone if you still add this and if
you then look at this little small piece in the right light, [you will see] that this world-addicted
nation operates with almost all the conquered island countries in a political manner, such as
the Romans once did in regard to the pagan worship.
18] After they convinced themselves that the heathen people on an island are of a good-
natured type, very little is mentioned about Christendom, instead they educate themselves in
their heathenistic form of belief. Moreover, if they now gain insight through this form of
belief that such a miserable religion would be more useful for their large world-purse than
Christianity, they say, like My dear [servant] Paul: We want to be all [everything] with all
[everybody] in order to win something from all [everyone]. Certainly not like Paul, who
wanted to be all [everything] to all [everyone], in order to win them [all] for Me; but, as
already stated, from all [everyone] all [everything].
19] Only if a heathen religion has very selfish principles, will they make sure that the
Christian religion
is preached with the heaviest of canon-calibers. If this heathen nation has accepted the
Christian religion, it is then commonly understood that all comprehensive reward is due to the
[so-called] announcers of salvation.
20] And so, look again on the tablet. See: Again another island. She is called New Britain,
and there, somewhat further up, another island: she is named New Ireland lxxi. I mean, you do
not have to ask around for too long in order to find out who the masters of these two
important islands are.
21] Look. Further down again there is another important island, surrounded by several
smaller islands: called New Caledonia lxxii. You do not have to ask who the masters of these
important countries are, and what it is like over there. Just look partly to North America,
Australia, and New Guinea.
22] Now look down south; here in the easterly part of Australia is an important, but very
sparse and difficult to access island called: Van-Diemens Land lxxiii. See: It does look rather
meagre; therefore, the Dutch are allowed that this island carries a Dutch name, but nothing
23] However, despite the Dutch name the English have chosen the best landing place for
themselves. Only the western part remains open and duty-free for the Dutch.
24] But with regards to the importance of catching fish in the east: there the English know
quite well to immerse their nets into the sea. –
25] Now we are leaving this island, and turn somewhat southward; there you see two very
important islands side by side, which are separated only by the so-called Cook Strait lxxiv.
26] It is New Zealand; and look a little further south, there is a rather significant island under
the name of Cornwallis. You see, the English have left these islands in a free sovereignty in
order to produce an important grain tribute lxxv. In other words, the rulers of these islands are
left in their official offices for different reasons.
27] The main reason is this: the government of these extremely remote countries is of no cost
to the English, and by virtue of their very hospitable attitude—as already mentioned earlier—
they were very well accepted, and for this reason, Christianity makes very poor progress here.
28] The large operating costs interconnected with such voyages are the second reason why
this world-addicted nation has not yet undertaken any more forceful, thundering expeditions
against these countries.
29] The third reason is that: this country is not easily accessible for large ships because of the
frequent storms and the many cliffs and sandbanks. –
30] And so there are many different kinds of selfish reasons as to why these remote but very
fruitful Zealanders did not fall into the despotic claws of this world-famous nation.
31] But now see: there are already some English ships on route to these countries; these ships
are a cross between cargo-ships and warships—as you can see. They come because by now
the grain and other usable fruits have already been harvested there. You already know, that
your springtime is autumn there.
32] See: It so happens that these ships arrive there just in time. Count them and see how many
there are. Look a caravan of large and small ones, 170 in number; but in order for you to take
in all their actions, I will accelerate this shipping in the spirit.
33] Now take a look: we are already here at the site. See how these poor people—most of
them are still genuine Cainiteslxxvi—hurry to the coast fully laden with baskets, sacks and
crates intentionally left behind by the English, in order to call upon the alleged tribute to the
supposed gods. For these unfortunate people hold these world fanatics to be beings of a more
superior type, who have descended from the clouds by means of their beautiful swimming
houses, so that they—according to their opinion—can receive the sacrifices owed to them at
the end of their world.
34] They conclude that these beings are of superior type, because thunder and lightning came
forth spectacularly from their houses and they threw powerful thunder-wedges lxxvii, as out of
the clouds.
35] Since the tribute-takers are familiar with such population-weaknesses, they make their
arrival known through the canon thunder. As soon as they have crammed everything into
their ships after a stay of some weeks, these poor people receive another magnificent canon
and rockets spectacle as payment. This ‘reward’ display is then saying to the residents that
the gods received a sufficient sacrifice.
36] However, so that such a gratuitous finding is not captured by another nation, the small
islands that surround these big islands are equipped with English fortslxxviii.
37] And so these large countries are in themselves trapped forever. At some [strategic] points,
wherever it is possible to land in these countries, the English have set up their firing powers
in all directions.
38] But where the country is inaccessible—as already stated—there is no need for sentinels.
Consequently, these world–and water–fanatics, in spite of the sovereignty of these countries,
are looked upon as the rulers from the coast to the interior.
39] Of course, they do not practice any cruelty here; in other words, they do not swing their
slave-whip and hell-torch over these poor people; but I say: Precisely here is the place where
these people have marked themselves to be the leading monsters of the earth.
40] For as long as any person tyrannizes his fellow men out of covetousness and greed, he is
most certainly to be compared to a devil who is surely a servant of Satan. It is at least for
certain, no matter how appalling the tyranny may be, that the mistreated part will at least be
humiliated to the last innermost drop of marrow; and he is—although in a tyrannical way—
being taught the concept of Christendomlxxix, in spite of this adversity such poor people endure
their misery in consideration of My cross.
41] But where out of disgraceful greed a population is fully excluded from all higher
[spiritual] Light, and on the other hand the oppressors—in their lying ways—will broadcast to
all the world what kind of a blessed progress such a nation is making, while in secret they are
left all the while in shameful darkness, listen, no devil is able to carry out such stunts; instead
a grand master’s hand must take over the work. -
42] See: That is and belongs to the greatest horrors of earth! Truly, such a tyrant who is in
need of killing a thousand innocent people throughout an entire year with the most horrific
martyr-tools, that his torment is so despicable no men’s tongue is able to voice it, I would
sooner show him mercy, than such monsters from the rear-end of the prince of hell.
43] You do not entirely realize how far this unspeakable cruelty goes: If you would see how
the people are suspended by their feet on a construction mast on another island so that the
head extends down to the earth; subsequently they are consumed by an indigenous type of
small green ants, and often give up the ghost on the sixth or seventh day under the most
unspeakable pain; and then remain hanging there, until the ants consume the last drop of
44] Yes, I am telling you: Your hair would stand snow white on ends if you would see
another place, where the people are held to a large grinding stone and are grounded together
to the last fibre. Yes; you would without doubt close your eyes, if on another island you
would find people with bound arms and feet hanging from tree branches by their genitals; and
yet the feminine gender, through which labia they pulled a rope, is then hereafter hung from
the feet of the male gender. –
45] I could tell you of immense numbers of like cruelties; you would see nothing but all sorts
of crucifixions, through which the people’s earthly lives are taken. -
46] But look: All these cruelties are scarcely viewed as a dewdrop against the world ocean,
which is, in fact, poor humanity’s spiritual maltreatment. For if someone likes to separate one
limb after another from the body, the body will only endure such torture up to a certain
47] Once it becomes too much to bear for the soul, she will before long release herself from
her shell in union with the spirit. Hereafter, the tyrant can pinch, whip, burn, and grind the
body; in short, the tyrant can then do whatever cruelty he likes and wants to do with the
victim; it is no different than if one of you does the same to his own coat after he took it off;
this is because the body is only able to feel pain for as long as the soul is fixed firmly in the
same body.
48] As already stated, as soon as she has risen [from her body], after it has become too
unbearable for her, all the pain stopped.
49] The sheer mistreatment of the soul and the spirit, in order to enslave or shackle the
immortal spirit for such an profit-seeking and avaricious lxxx purpose [or application], is more,
yes I say endlessly more cruel than all physical cruelties that are committed on the entire
earth. Do you think it is hereafter [in heaven] easy to convert such slaves-spirits in their
freedomlxxxi? –
50] Oh look: The human spirit is a free spirit; however, once he has taken a direction, who is
going to change it, in order not to ruin the spirit? –
51] And just think how the Father’s heart must be, when He must idly watch like a solicitous
landlord as the hail destroys His fruits.
52] Therefore, I say: Beware, you tyrants, you will share your fate with your brothers—the
devils. Unendingly woe unto you; you rulers who have the power in your hands to bring a
true light to all the people of the earth and yet you do not do it; instead, out of filthy greed and
world-desire, hurl the world into even greater labyrinths of darkness, as they were before you
found them in their innocence.
53] Yes, I say again: unending woe unto you! When payday comes for you: truly, you will
receive what My Deity is able to invent and to think up in the innermost depth of its fiery
wrath! I do not need to say any more.
54] The highest abomination is, for a man to bring his own god. I have nothing further to say
to you.
55] Using My Word for the lowest, avaricious, and stingy purposes is like all preceding
scenes [I have shown you in these hours], which is the utmost repulsion; I definitely do not
need to say anything else! -
56] And this evil depravity involves all other island-states except for Japan—which we will
deal with in the ninth hour; so is the situation nearly the same as with the previous islands,
except for one island in the middle of the world ocean under the name of Otaheite lxxxii [or
57] The situation on this island is virtually the same as in New Zealand; only here one has—
as some point—introduced them to the first European weapons practice; and now and then
also to Christianity. For this island—as small as it is compared to all the other islands—is
now providing nearly all English island-states with sulfur and the best nitre lxxxiii; for this
reason they have built very important gunpowder factories there. The reason is that the soil of
this island is nearly pure sulfur since it has one of the largest volcanoes; this volcano’s crater
has a circumference of several hours, and is always full of glowing lava.
58] And so, today’s 8th hour is enough for you; for by virtue of the little introduction that I
have both physically and mentally given you, the following 9th hour will provide you with
[even] clearer information. Amen.

After we have wandered through the southern part of the earth, and you observed the
situations— more in the spiritual than in the natural [sense of perception]—we once again
return to the northern hemisphere of the earth; and, as previously mentioned, we will pay a
short visit to the island nation of Japan.
2] However, as you know by now, we do not require years or month to get there; just take a
good look on the well-known tablet; the entire pagan-island nation already lays spread out
before your eyes.
3] Just take a look at the coasts. See, how scary they stare down at the stormy sea from their
high cliff-pinnacleslxxxiv. Look all around and you will notice very few points where the
surface of the land and sea are at the same level.
4] See: Here in the south is one single accessible landing point; to this landing point some
foreign nations—by virtue of the inner state of mind—can also guide their ships here.

Who loves life because of the world will lose the life of the soul. The Great Gospel of God
vol. 9, 149

5] As to the few other landing-points for native people: They are, first of all, barely or often
not accessible at all. Secondly, this so-called most severe and most just government does not
allow that foreigners berth anywhere else but on the determined landing-place.
6] The reasons for this are: primarily so that these strange [and different] people do not
desecrate these places; and secondly, so that the foreigners do not become aware of these
other smaller landing points and cause a threat to them, and cause inevitable damage and
7] However, the third reason is: This ruler thinks he is in the sole possession of all the arts,
trades and secrets, and so he is in the constant stingy fear that if such things would be
revealed to strangers it would be the end of his affluence. Therefore, he decided on only one
landing point, where—according to his opinion—such extraordinary products can be
negotiated out of specially deserved pity.
8] For he is of the firm opinion—as well as the whole nation—that he alone is located at the
centre of the world. He believes that all the strangers of the whole world must come to him in
order to buy his exceptional national-products. In so doing, the strangers then possess an
exceptional merchandize and form their own concept from this acquired possession, and then
recognize to what level of perfection and thoroughness this central-kingdom of the earth is
cable of thriving. Yes: He is in fact of the opinion, that the people of the earth do not possess
the ability nor suspect that they have the knowledge to manufacture a simple reed-basket.
9] Even if he receives word that the foreign ships are exceptionally and artistically
constructed, the reporter always receives a thrashing for such a message, because such a
report is seen as an obvious insult to his majesty. If he then orders one or two commissioners
there in turn, to secretly convince himself whether or not the matter is true,
10] and they return with the same message and confirm the report, then such a confirmation is
regarded as a formal national treason. This emperor then says: How is it possible that these
stupid foreigners have come into the secretive scientific possession to construct houses out of
wood which carry them over the tides of the sea, if such was not betrayed to the foreigners
through one of my subjects?!! Only we have such understanding, we, the chosen people of
the centre of the earth!
11] At once investigations-commissioners from the capital and residence city are ordered into
all three regions; they are sent in order to strictly examine the coastal people, from which
such betrayal is thought to have come.
12] If the commissioners find nothing, they too are ruthlessly beaten upon their return; and
then they are released of their service for three years. Within that time, they must study their
buttocks off and that under the most rigorous professors of the world.
13] Following the completed study time, an exceptionally severe examination takes place; he
who passes the examination is once again employed; however, he who fails the examination
is again beaten, and then he must begin the studies over again. –
14] While such commissioners must endure their required penalty-studies, other
representatives are, at once, graciously appointed.
15] This appointment happens in the following manner: Namely, nine so-called novices are
called before his most just and most harsh majesty; and the same ruler then tests them orally.
16] This examination consists in the following: First, itemizing all manufactured products of
the country, and describing how they are made. Then they must literally name and itemize all
mountains, rivers, valleys and plains, all animals, whether tame or wild, all trees, plants and
herbs. Furthermore, they must exactly indicate the names of all subjects and where each is
located, and what he possesses.
17] Finally, they must recite the entire name of the emperor lxxxv; which is actually the most
difficult for the novices. The reason is, that this name is so long that one can scarcely write it
down, with an average size handwriting, on a minimum one-mile long strip of paper with one
syllable; it contains all of the conceited endlessly long clan-lineage, then all things and
businesses of the country, as well as the names of all his subjects.
18] If you consider this, you will realize the effort that is required on the memory, in order—
as you would say—to memorize, this name. You now want to ask, why such a long name!?-
19] This can easily be explained to you, because he—namely, the emperor—has all his entire
glory, history and possession recorded in it.
20] Other people in the country also have very long names; but theirs cannot be longer than
that of the emperor, due to punishment by death.
21] Therefore, much study is given to the name of the emperor, so that they can compare the
length of their own names with the name of the emperor.
22] And if someone, also of very old origin, finds that his name is longer than the emperor’s,
he then carries his name-protocol with torn robe and howling voice before the emperor and
pleads for punishment and for the complete annihilation of his name.
23] If the emperor measures the name with a circle and finds, that it is actually two Klaftern
[or 4.148 yards] longer than his, then six Klaftern lxxxvi [or 12.444 yards] are cut off of the
name and burned; then the petitioner receives—most graciously—the right amount of
beatings, and consequently thereafter also receives his shortened name. —
24] And once again, we return to our novices. If three or four pass the test, they will at once
receive, as you would say in your language: Their appointed [employment] decree. With this
presentation also comes the immediate duty to proceed as commissioners to the location and
place of the so-called betrayal, in order to discover the earlier discussed national-betrayal. -
25] However, it seems that these [novices] are only smarter—by a hair—than the former;
they usually linger at this investigation for one to three years, and during this time think of a
clever ploy to bamboozle their emperor. When they return, they usually bring along several
bribed witnesses who will testify that after this dreadful event lightning hit the place three
times, and that subsequently everyone in attendance praised the great god in the sun for
performing such a great sign to the glorification of the great sovereign before its people.
26] Now, you will perhaps ask: Why were the first three not as smart as the successors? –
27] And you will be astonished if I say to you: The first three were actually cleverer than their
successors. They are now immediately freed from their studies; and they are personally
acknowledged from the emperor’s own mouth as complete authorities and most
knowledgeable scientific statesmen; they have in this way, arrived to the highest honour;
through this honour they are allowed to touch the dress of the monarch four times a year, and
are thereby freed from all further beatings. Even if they did not accomplish the affairs of the
state as their successors, it makes no difference because the only deciding factor is their great
28] However, the successors then attain the status of real-employed-state-officials lxxxvii on the
heels of their predecessors. Do not even think that this is something insignificant in this
29] An official, who is allowed to touch the dress of the emperor four times a year, is
someone so extraordinary in this country, that if he walks on the street or is carried in a
sedan-chair, all people—in punishment of their life—must bow down before him on their
face. A word spoken from him to someone is to some extent so extraordinary, that the person
often does not leave the place for three days, where he received such mercy.
30] If the word was unfavourable, in other words, if the official has voiced a reprimand, an
unpleasantness such as an animal name, or another dishonourable word to a person, then the
person in question immediately begins to howl and lament and asks the high official for a
most merciful bestowal of punishment; this punishment is then, without much delay, allotted
to him.
31] And immediately he brings his plea before the high statesman, that the same should not
inflict the punishment too lightly, but according to his austerity: Justice and desire would
permit him to harshly beat him.
32] If the statesman hears with his most graciously inclined ears to such a plea, he
immediately commands his many servants to grab the concerned petitioner by his hands and
feet and to lift him off the earth. Once the petitioner is floating in the air in the middle of
eight servants, the flogging-man comes with the bamboo knout lxxxviii and gives him a beating;
he does this until the eminent statesman gives him a sign that with this hit his grace has
33] After being beaten half to death, the petitioner is again put down on the ground and his
neighbours surround him; they then begin praising the great wisdom, justice, and strictness of
the official.
34] Perhaps you may also like to see the common people’s desire to present the emperor with
praises or admirations. That is not possible in this country because the emperor is, in every
way, too unapproachable to be praised by the common people. –
35] This and a few similar things are actually the best part of this constitution; now that we
have familiarized ourselves, it is also fitting that we illuminate the bad parts a little.


36] In this sense, things here are really like nowhere else in the world. First of all: No one in
this country owns a property, but everything is an exclusive property of the emperor.
37] Each person, or rather, each class is stipulated as to exactly what and how much he must
38] Also, the food is predetermined, as well as the clothing; the dwelling and the district is
stipulated to him, out of which he can never move unless he has a special state order.
39] Furthermore, it is also stipulated as to how many wives he can have and how many
children he can father with his wives.
40] He is also required—to the last bit of the law—what he must pay from what he produced.
41] The inhabitants of the coast are strictly prohibited—except at the certain trading place for
strangers—to carry out any personal business. They are ordered—except for the trading place
—never to let a stranger [or foreigner] enter the Japanese country lxxxix; this restriction applies
no matter what the situation.
42] And so all commodities are exactly stipulated; [the emperor determines] what may be
given [or sold] to strangers [or foreigners] and what the strangers can offer [or trade] in
return. Furthermore: it is most sternly stipulated that more than one stranger can never remain
as interpreter in one location; also that stranger from that moment on can never again leave
the coast, since he was accepted as such.
43] On top of that, he must teach his language to three Japanese commissioners and apart
from this he cannot even go an hour’s way into the interior of the country. –
44] See: That is roughly the summery of the Japanese frame of mind. I say roughly, because
this country has absolutely no so-called existing [written] system of government [or
constitution]; the living government is the respective existing emperor and his uppermost
state officials; and therefore it lies almost entirely in their free unpredictability to make a new
law for each immediately occurring case.
45] In fact you have no idea how the law there imposes an entirely different penalty over a
crime – often over trivial circumstances. I will give you only a small example. A person is
directed to stay within his measured district and is not allowed to venture outside.
46] If someone does not remember the exact boundary and sets only half a foot over the line,
and his neighbour notices this: the neighbour, in turn reports the occurrence to his next
neighbour, and this one to the next, until it reaches the house of the so-called district
47] This one then goes at once with a circle to the hamlet and place, and measures the
encroachment exactly. If the encroachment is a little more than half a foot then the immediate
punishment to the transgressor is one-hundred beatings.
48] If however, the district governor finds that at least three-quarter of the foot has been set
over the line, this fact raises the circumstances and nearly doubles the punishment.
49] If, however, someone has set his entire foot over the boundary, he first gets numerous
amounts of beatings, and then he is tied to a stake for three days in order to familiarize
himself with the narrowest boundary.
50] If such a situation occurs seven times, as soon as he sets his foot outside the boundary
again, his foot is quickly chopped off.
51] However, whoever ventures without judicial permission only a few steps outside his
district’s boundary, is hanged in a [so-called] merciful way, or he is beaten to death. And if
not in a [so-called] merciful way, he is bound naked to a cross and left hanging there until he
is dead. However, mercy awaits him even on the cross, by virtue of a huge request that he
may possibly make: to be killed by a lance-thrust. -
52] See: You can already make yourself a concept from this little example as to how it is in
this country; and the set-up is such that no one is excluded from the death penalty except the
well-known high state officials.
53] And so to a certain extent one wedge drives the other here. One will never experience a
case where a lower official is brought to account and penalty because of possible cruelty;
such are only brought to trial if they, in the slightest, committed a confirmed carelessness.
54] Therefore, the circle and the scale [balance] form the body of the constitution because
everything there is encircled or measured and weighed.
55] Now, if you think that the death penalty plays the leading role with all sorts of torture-
variations in all these fundamental rules and regulations, then it will not be so difficult for
you to form yourself a concept as to the conditions in a country where despotism has risen
to the highest summit.
56] In fact, there is scarcely a second country on the surface of the earth that resembles this
one, and in its habits acts arbitrarily cruel and appalling.
57] Now I have adequately revealed the horrible part of this country for you. However, there
is one far worse. Surly, you will now think, can there possibly be anything worse in this
country than what we have already heard? – At this time, I will say nothing to you, be merely
satisfied to gaze on My tablet.
58] Look over here: This building is a Temple! I also say to this temple: Epheta! - And now
look inside. See how in a sideways remote round cell, several girls and boys are fed so that
they become pretty and quite obese. See the men sitting between them in yellow and blue
garmentsxc; they are the sacrifice-priests. –
59] If a miss-year or a year of no harvest haunts this country, they immediately preach that
their god is angry over this country and therefore one must bring a sacrifice to appease him.
60] And soon, by order of the high-priest, six male and six female individuals out of this cell
are washed and quite gracefully covered after their manner; and thereupon a priest stands
upon a so-called wisdom chair; from this he determines with angry words—as if the angered
deity speaks out of him—how the victims should be sacrificed.
61] If the girls have become very pretty and voluptuous through this feeding, the deity then
will reject the sacrifice, and returns her to the priests as lifelong property.
62] However, the angry deity is not very protective with the boys; if one of them is not of
quite exceptional beauty he will not be spared. Instead, the boys are typically intended for the
sacrifice; this sacrifice consists in that they are burned either alive or first beheaded and then
burned; sometimes they are led on a cliff that protrudes into the sea and from there thrown
into the sea.
63] Of course, such human sacrifices only rarely take place; but it is enough, that when it
occurs such a country is, as a result, already in deepest darkness; and this country has the
most shameful and most miserable concepts of a true God.
64] In addition to this most terrible evil belongs the murder of surplus children; and he who
has fathered over and above the number of children is maimed at his genitals.
65] Furthermore, this too belongs to the most appalling evils: that in this country the
authorities proceed against the arrival of Christendom with unheard-of cruelty.
66] Not even a born-again believer equipped with all of God’s miracle power dares to venture
into this land; because as a stranger, he is considered a bearer of bad luck and fomenter of the
people; he is therefore immediately punished with the cruellest death. -
67] There are already real cases, where Christian messengers were kept alive by Me, through
the various types of death penalties. Only these barbarians have viewed all this as null and
void and have insatiably tried all imaginable types of deadly punishments on such Christian
messengers. They did this until the number was full according to My order; I had to rescue
My messengers, in order not to use more time to see the Holy sanctuary sacrificed in such
nameless contempt.
68] But now remember this: The terminating moment of this free seat of Satan is not far-off;
when you hear that the monarchy has been surrendered to foreign people xci, then think that the
end of all things is not far away. –
69] Look, in this far away land of the orient there are still some people who do not want to
know anything about Me; I will send fewer messengers there, instead, I will send messengers
of My imminent [judicial] court; and it will be—as with a fruit tree in autumn—that the
unripe fruit is taken down with the ripe fruit.
70] The ripe fruit is stored for the table of the Lord; the unripe, however, is thrown on the
winepress and at once crushed, and any little juice that is still pressed out is used for
acidificationxcii. The pomace however, is strewn before the pigs; and it will be as by a
housefather on whose field the wheat has ripened.
71] In fact, one will not focus on the ripeness of the weeds, because this will be taken with
the wheat from the field; then the servants will separate it from the wheat.
72] These servants will bind it together in bundles and dry it on the open field and then ignite
and burn it to the ground so all the weed seeds are destroyed; however, they will bring My
wheat into the barn of eternal life.
73] Look, do not be offended if you find so much unripe fruit and so many weeds among the
wheat on earth.
74] Do not think, that I will delay My Day over it; verily I truly say to you: I only want to
accelerate it, for the sake of My elect ones; I want to do this because, if the time and days of
the last predetermined miseries are not shortened, truly, even the Living [that is, the Believers
in God] would lose their life!
75] Consequently do not be troubled, and use this message not so much as a literal outlook of
the wasteful world, but rather use it for your own inner view; that is why I am giving you
such, that you should recognize the world [deep] within you; I do this so that, out of love to
Me, you may despise it and flee [far from it].
76] But only at the end of the last hour will I pull the cover off your eyes, where all of you
will totally realize where I, in fact, want to go with these twelve hours. Amen.

Note: The following supplement to the ninth hour does not appear in the 1864 German
edition and can
only be found in later editions of “The Twelve Hours”.

77] Japan consists of the following islands: 1st Sakhalin xciii, 2nd Yessoxciv, 3rd Nipponxcv, 4th
Shikoku, and 5th
Ximoxcvi which is the most populated country on earth.
78] The total topographical area is scarcely the size of Great Britain. The Japanese people [of
today] consist only of Mongolians, Malayans and some few indigenous people xcvii; they are
definitely not related to the Chinese, and exceed the Chinese in everything—as well in
education as in cruelty. –
79] What also plays a very big part, is that they by far surpass the Chinese in a variety of
sciences; they have only forty-eight simple letters in their language, in contrast to the Chinese
who have almost fifty-thousand. The Japanese language is very soft and flexible; their
religion is a refined paganism; their tyrannical laws are of the highest degree. –
80] There are ten so-called castes among the inhabitants; for each caste there are some laws
which are irrevocable, and, in addition, there are some random, changeable laws.
81] Each person has his own assigned district to which he is strictly affiliated; from this place
he is not allowed to remove himself before he is set free; the release consists of a type of
82] The preferred villages are: Jeddo-Edoxcviii, at the river Tonkaixcix with 280,000 houses and
over 1 million inhabitants—that is presently nearly the most populous city on earth [1841];
Rio or Miacoc with 140,000 houses and almost 1 million inhabitants; Nagasaki, a harbour
city, with 10,000 houses and approximately 100,000 inhabitants; Matsumae with 6000 houses
and 60,000 inhabitants. –
83] The most northern tip of the island, Sakhalinci, is named after the English Cape Elisabeth;
in the western half of this island is Cape Patience. This most northern and poorest island is
separated by the Strait of La Peyrousecii from the island of Jessociii.
84] On the south-eastern tip of the island of Jesso lies the city of Matsumae. The island is
separated by the Sangar Straitciv from the island Nippon. This middle and largest island is, at
the same time, the residence-island.
85] A large harbour by the name of Namba cv without city rights is located on it. Then there is
the residence city Jeddo or Edocvi with a big harbour, which is protected by the gruesome
peninsula ring [called the Boso and Miura peninsula]. Then the mountain-city Rio or
Miakocvii, as the largest industrial Japanese city; this island [of Jesso] is at the same time the
most mountainous, just like the most northern island Sakhalin—which is the most volcanic.
86] The island Sikokcviii is—so to speak—more or less a mountain out of the sea; it therefore
has only a small population. However the island Kinsing cix with the harbour city Nagasaki is
—on the other hand— overpopulated; this island has the most severe laws and is only
accessible to the Dutch [foreigners] and that only on the isle named Guelport which lies just
off Nagasaki; this name was derived from the bad Portuguese and Spaniards who were
expelled from that place.
87] Above the north-western half of the island Nippon is another, somewhat less significant
island called Sado, it is a haven for indigenous people cx who enjoy some privileges there;
also, some Portuguese have sneaked away onto this island. However, they may never leave
the island and they must pray to everything that is Japanese, including the full moon. –
88] The entire population of Japan amounts to 40 million people, 4/7 of those is female. With
the exception of mechanics, mathematics, nautical, geography and astronomy, they are in all
other industry ahead of the people of the earth, and are in the possession of great wealth and
many secrets.
89] The people of Sado still possess here and there the second face cxi and still have the ancient
knowledge from the time of Meduhedcxii.
90] Their number amounts to three million people without the Portuguese, whose number
only totals a few thousand. This may all serve you as an exact survey of this country, and can
be included in the
"ninth hour". Amen!


The Household of God, volume 1

- Chapter 30 -

nd see what then happened. - When Lamech had at the head of Tatahar's gang killed his
brothers in the forest, he happily returned to the city of Enoch and had made known to all the
people in and around Enoch, as well as in the ten cities and their surroundings, what had
happened to the foolhardy brothers Jored and Hail, which shocked all in the city of Enoch, the
ten cities and on the land. Then the cleverest and more sensible men from the cities and all
the people, on three thousand without their wives and children who stayed at home,

And this small army of men proceeded to the city of Enoch to see Lamech where one of
them, as a spokesman for all, said: "Where is the forest in which this has happened to the
young king and his wise brother Jored? Let us find the spot where this terrible thing happened
and we might find some sad remnants or maybe other traces, which would convince us of the
truth of this news. There we could sincerely weep over this great tragedy and then maybe
look for the hyena, which must still have a bloody muzzle, kill it and then with our clubs and
stone-slings kill all its kind as an atonement we owe to Jored and Hail.

"Yes," said Lamech, "you have formed a proper resolution and I, as now your lawful king,
shall join you. My principal servant Tatahar shall show us the way together with his well-
armed companions."

And behold, the people liked Lamech's prompt and favorable decision, and they said: "See,
see and hear! A proper king is still living! He is wise too, and he shall be our king!"

Thereupon they all rose and led by Lamech went to the forest of tigers and hyenas where they
soon found the still bloodstained place of horror. They wept and gathered the scattered
remnants of clothing for a sad veneration.

When they had finished their sad work and gathered all the worthless relics of Jared and Hail,
they left the place of horror and marched full of bitter anger deeper into the forest in several
troops of a hundred each at small distances from each other to search for the infamous hyena.
However, they did not find a single beast, let alone a hyena. And they said: "No doubt the
infamous beast has fled into the mountains. Courage! Since Cain no mortal has ever dared to
set his foot on a mountain, and we shall now be the first to take this road, for we have good
reason to do so and no God could possibly disapprove of our action since we have a just
cause against these infamous, voracious beasts. Therefore, once more: Courage even if we
should all perish!"

And Lamech answered: "Your voice is my will and at your disposal. Therefore, go and do
what you feel is right. But I will wait for you here with Tatahar and watch out for any beast
that may have escaped from your powerful blows."

The three thousand were satisfied with this arrangement and continued on their way with
unaccustomed, hesitant steps. They hardly dared look back because the sight from the heights
they had climbed into the depths from which they had come made them dizzy. For three days
they searched for the hyena and they did not catch sight of even one. Then they became tired
of it, hacked with their clubs at a more than twelve fathoms high rock face which blocked
their way, cursed the forests and the mountains as being an abode of nothing but monsters
and demanded vindication from the trees, rocks and cliffs, spat on the earth accusing it of
being a bloodsucker and cursed it thoroughly. They also cursed the sun for having given light
to such an atrocity and also all the stars and the moon for having witnessed such an unheard-
of infamy. Then one of them who was the biggest and strongest among them, named
Meduhed (that is, 'the strongest'), turned round and addressed a brief, but most appropriate
speech to the angry crowd, saying:

"What will come of this nonsense? Look, you smash your clubs at this dead, hard and
invincible wall and by venting your anger you make the road back unsafe. Have you not
thought how you will defend yourselves when on the homeward road we may have to face
hyenas, tigers, bears and big serpents? If the old God has already here set an invincible barrier
to our futile and blind revenge, how easy it would be for him to set a much more frightful
obstacle on our way back. Do bear in mind that it does not pay to argue with Him since He
could even give life to trees and stones should He have insufficient beasts to slay and destroy
all of us because of our foolishness and disobedience by entering the mountains against the
strict command of Cain, Enoch and Farak, the wisest and most just one. Who knows whether
higher beings are not dwelling above this cliff? There still exists a faint memory about this
among the people, for there must be a reason for the existence of these mountains. And if but
one of these beings should catch sight of us, what chance have we, a number of gnats, against
such a giant of God? Therefore, let us humbly turn back while it is still day that we might not
perish under the curse of the night which has always been our great enemy, although the day
was drudgery, but did not hold quite as great dangers as did the night. So let us all follow this
well-considered advice. Amen."


And behold, when these words had brought them to their senses and they wanted to set out on
their way back, Meduhed caught sight of a big man standing on a ledge of the cliff. This man
was Seth, son of Adam and substitute for Abel, whom I later on instructed through his brother
angel Abel to go with Adam and Eve to the Promised Land and there to live in the mountains
with the former Paradise in distant view. About this I shall tell you more at a later time.


This Seth, to whom the language of all created beings was still familiar, spoke to them with a
firm voice, saying: "You rough children of the fratricide Cain! What just punishment of God,
my Father and that of Adam, who is still living, and all his children dwelling on the
mountains, has led you here to your certain destruction? O you brood of vipers, just look at
you! O you food for hyenas, tell me what you want here in this holy place! Whatever are you
seeking in this region, which has been so strictly forbidden you? Leave here and may all of
you fall victim to the threatened punishment, namely, to the deadly jaws from which you will
not escape, or this cliff will bury you forever!"


Then Meduhed fell to his knees and cried aloud for mercy. And Seth, since he was speaking
only out of Me, became filled with My love, was softened by Meduhed's lamentation and


"Meduhed, you alone may look up to me, to the great nearness of God, because you deterred
your brothers from great, wanton spite before the all-seeing eyes of God. Therefore, you
alone shall know where and who this voracious hyena is. Behold, this thousand-fold hyena
has remained in the lowlands at the head of Tatahar's infamous gang and is called Lamech.


"Let none of you dare lay violent hands upon him. Woe betides such a one seventy-seven
times, for he would then encroach upon God's time. This would be terrible, for he would
destroy the bond of divine love and thereby release the wide, immeasurable belt of the Deity's
most severe judgments throwing great columns of fire over the entire earth thus destroying
the whole world through fire. Now rise with your companions and go home in peace and do
not look towards the city of Enoch, but look to yourselves and to God Who is a faithful
deliverer of those who look up to Him at all times, - in their happiness as well as in their
misery. Amen."


And behold, Seth became all light, and they were frightened and fled from his sight and thus
still reached the plain before sunset and their dwellings, which were at a distance of ten hours
from the mountains, around midnight.

- Chapter 31 -

efore they all dispersed, Meduhed still spoke to them briefly, saying: "Brothers, listen to me
carefully, for I have to tell you something of great importance. You saw the man standing on
the ledge of the great cliff high in the mountains, you heard the thunderous sound of his voice
and also noticed the great light enveloping him which frightened us so much that, driven by
our great fear, we ran and ran until we arrived in our familiar neighborhood.

"You have heard him mention the to us well-known thousand fold hyena; you also heard his
warning of seventy-sevenfold retaliation and, finally, heard his shocking threat of the
columns of fire.

"Now judge for yourselves what can be done under these circumstances! If we allow him to
live, he will soon do to all of us as he unscrupulously did to his brothers, but if we take
revenge we have to face seventy sevenfold retaliation with fire from above. Thus we find
ourselves now between two lethal alternatives. Whether we do one or the other, certain death
awaits us.

"Let us bury the horrible secret, as a secret of death, deep within us, then take our wives and
children and in the stillness of night leave this land of horror. We shall push eastward where
we have already noticed a low mountain range, which we shall cross. Then we shall see
whether there is still another land beyond this wicked one. Even if there were the end of the
world, I think it would be better to live there peacefully and go to sleep in our old age than
here in constant anxiety either to soak the earth with our blood or be burnt to ashes.

"For the giant on the ledge also said: 'Do not look towards the city of Enoch, but to
yourselves and to God, Who is a faithful deliverer of those who look up to Him at all times,
in their happiness as well as in their misery!' - which latter has now reached its peak with us.

"Therefore, brothers, all of whom are striving for justice, do rely on the God the great one on
the mountain has poignantly brought to our notice and let us do that today rather than
tomorrow, when it might be too late. So take heart, trust in God and let us tomorrow already
greet the sun there near the distant mountain range! Hurry, fetch your families and your
belongings, as foods and animals, and in three thousand moments we shall gather here once
more, well equipped with clubs. Amen:'

And behold, the crowd said amen, too, and within two hours all were ready for the journey,
and it was the second hour of midnight. When Meduhed had counted all the fathers and found
them to be all present, he thanked God and fled at the head of the large crowd following him
consisting of ten thousand male and twenty thousand female members on as many camels and
big donkeys.

When the sun rose they had already quite a while ago reached the distant, low mountain
range. Of course, without My special help this could not have happened as in a straight line
the mountains were at a distance of thirty hours.

Here they let their animals graze for two hours and they themselves rested, ate of the fruits
they had brought with them and, bid by Meduhed, thanked God for such a miraculous
deliverance. But Meduhed, inspired by the spirit, went a bit further, accompanied by ten men,
threw himself to the ground in the presence of the ten companions, ignited in his love for God
and in the light of this love discovered much evil in his heart, whereupon he began to weep
and lament in his remorse about his great guilt.

When I saw that his penitence was genuine I wrote in clearly legible fiery script the following
words into his heart: "Meduhed, rise in the face of My great mercy! - You are saved with all
those who have followed you here moved by your loving care. But here you cannot and must
not stay long, let alone remain. You see this gorge stretch towards the east and the little river
flowing in that direction. Follow it with the crowd for seventy days until you come to a great
expanse of water. Rest there also for seventy days and then come again in your heart to Me,
as you did today, and I will show you the way how to cross the waters to a distant, great land
where you shall be safe without bloodshed from the persecution and cruelty of Lamech, the
fratricide. And when you are hungry you may eat of all the fruits you will find in plenty on
your way and drink the good water of the river, which will lead you to the great water. And
do remember your great God Who is sublime beyond all creation and think that I have a
people on this earth to whom I am a holy, loving Father.


"When this earth flowed from My great fatherly heart like a dewdrop and the sun as a tear of
mercy from My all-seeing eyes, oh then you were still My children. You little crowd, seek to
become through love what you once were before the earth carried a wicked race and the great
sun up there burned out of My grace! - But now set off and go in My name! Amen."


And behold, Meduhed repeated these words aloud to the people and was deeply moved, and
so were the people through him. And they quickly rose and did exactly in accordance with
My revealed will.


When after a journey of seventy days Meduhed had - as predestined reached the shore of the
great water of the earth, now called by you the 'Pacific Ocean', which near the shore, partly
also in deeper places, appeared yellowish, but to far distances shone blue owing to the
mixture of colors at the bottom, a rich content of copper salt and the rays of the sun refracting
therein, he and his people camped along the shore in a region abundant in fruit, exactly where
I wanted them to be.

When Meduhed - and also all who had followed him - saw what a good guide I am, he fell on
his face and thanked Me from the bottom of his heart and all the people more or less followed
his good example, which pleased Me.


After having thanked Me, Meduhed, deeply moved in his heart by My great mercy, rose,
looked at the thankful crowd still lying on the ground and began to weep for joy over My
great mercy which had saved the lives of so many and restored golden freedom to the ones
who for such a long time had lived in harsh servitude and had now found a place of rest rich
in food and secure under My protection.


And when soon the people had risen, strengthened and very happy, Meduhed climbed to the
top of a hillock about seven fathoms high, or rather overlooking the plain at the height of
seven men, and from there made a lengthy speech. This was placed into his heart from above,
and he spoke not one word more or less than he was given and was thus a good preacher in
My name for the people who needed light and love. And the words of his lengthy speech
were as follows:


"Brothers, look up to me and listen with open ears and hearts to the words I will be speaking
to all of you at the inner bidding of God, for they are of the greatest importance!


"Listen: God, the Most High, has miraculously liberated us from the murderous hands of
Lamech and has faithfully guided us here to the end of the world, for all of you can see the
end of the earth and beginning of the great waters. Look at the land how beautiful it is as if it
had come to the earth from the high heavens and everyone of us would gladly remain here
permanently if that were possible or allowed. However, this is not God's will and we may
remain here only for seventy days, for during this time Lamech's cruel army, led by Tatahar,
will spy out our whereabouts, and woe betide anyone who might fall into their cruel hands; he
would be torn to pieces like a lamb by the tiger

"Therefore, the Lord in His great mercy has shown me here a place where we must go and
where we shall find ready for us tools similar to those given to His great children who dwell
on the earth's mountains. Thereby we shall recognize that He wants to be, and will become,
our Father, too, if we willingly submit to His exceedingly great love which so far has cared
for us so wonderfully as even the best fatherly heart could not have done, even if it possessed
the greatest abundance.


"We are to take these tools and use them for felling the slim trees, remove their bark and all
the branches, square them on four sides, on top like the calm surface of water Ten thousand
trunks of the best kind which have only little foliage shall be prepared like this. Each well-
trimmed trunk shall have the length of ten men and the width of a man's step. With the nails,
which in great quantity will be found among the tools, always thirty trunks shall be firmly
joined together. When this base is completed, on the sides three trunks shall be fastened
lengthwise, one on top of the other, and broad-wise two on top of each other. Then the inside
shall be well tarred with resin or pitch from the trees, which in the meantime shall be
collected by the wives and children in great quantities.


"These new structures we shall build along the shores, and on the last day we shall fasten a
large branch with green foliage in each corner of the structures for a sign of the victory won
through the great mercy from above. Further instructions we may expect on the last day
according to the great promise I received when our eyes were still turned towards the city of
Enoch in great fear. And so let us all work together as brothers since we have no ruler whom
we must pay an exorbitant tribute, - except for our great God Who is Lord of all might and
power, infinite from eternity and also a mighty and just Lord over all masters wherever they
may unlawfully be on earth, now and in all future Times of times, committing atrocities and
murdering their brothers. To our God Who wants to be a Father to us we owe love and
unconditional obedience. Whoever will there in resist, shall not be punished by his brothers,
either with rods or clubs, but God Himself will punish him by withdrawing His grace

"Now you know all you need to know at this stage; therefore assemble, strengthen yourselves
with food and drink, thank the Lord and then without delay start on the commanded great
task. Amen."

- Chapter 32 -


nd behold, when Meduhed had ended his speech, they all prostrated themselves before God
and thanked and praised Him from the bottom of their hearts for a whole hour. Then they rose
happily and, guided by the spirit of grace, they went a little further inland and found there in a
large cave a great many tools of all kinds, as picks, axes, hatchets, planes, all kinds of knives,
saws, hammers, drills, T-squares, chisels and a million double nails or clamps. This made
them extremely happy and they leapt and shouted with joy at My so incomprehensibly great
grace towards them. (N.B. Look, what I am giving you here is more than these tools, but as
yet no one can be found who has thanked Me fittingly with the greatest joy in his heart. Note
this, you dull reverent of My name and epicures of My Word, and open wide the gates of
love, which is a new holy city in your hearts, so that I may send My angels there to cleanse in
advance all the squares, alleys and haunts, as well as all the dwellings in it, in order that I may
enter there and you rush to meet Me, exclaiming with great joy: "Glory to God in the highest
and peace to all men of good will! Praised be the Lord Who comes riding on a she-ass.
Hallelujah to the Son of David; hallelujah to the Prince of Peace; hallelujah to Him Who
comes in the name of the Lord God Zebaoth. He alone is worthy of receiving from us all
praise and all honor He is the alone holy Father of our hearts. Amen.")

Now let us continue! - And lo, they took all the tools and the nails and carried them to the
shore. There they refreshed themselves with rest, food and drink, and already the next day
they set to work with grateful hearts and praised Me, even when they blundered. Therefore,
their work proceeded with speed and precision so that it could be regarded as a miracle rather
than actual work. Thus, within fourteen days 250 hulks were standing, completed, at the
shores, secured with ropes to prevent them from being swept away by the always slowly
rising tide of the great ocean.

And behold, after their faithfully completed work they had still some fifty days for total rest,
during which time I gave them through Meduhed, who had become quite pious and full of
love, gradually a better knowledge about Me. I also gave them a Sabbath on which they were
to rest within My love, do no work and submit all day long fully to Me. If they continued to
do this, they would all become as wise as Farak was, and now Meduhed is. Indeed, if they
would not only strive to become pious in the exalted reverence and the pure knowledge of My
name, but began to love Me deeply in all humility of their hearts and kept growing in this
love, then I would become a good Father to them, too. 'In en death would be again taken from
them, for they would be received as children to the wide bosom of divine love until a certain
great Time of all times on earth when they would all come to the great Father and behold His
countenance forever and be filled with the immeasurably rich streams of love within Me.

All this they heard through the mouth of Meduhed and rejoiced and crowded in great
numbers around Meduhed, keen on hearing daily something about Me. This gave Me and all
the primordial angels in heaven great pleasure.

I also taught them through Meduhed to preserve the words in symbols, and these symbols
were corresponding pictures behind whose natural cover was hidden a spiritual meaning.
Thus they learnt during this short time also to write and read.

And behold, in this manner I prepared for Myself within a short time a people descendants of
which still exist right to this day; but where - you will hear a bit later. Well, when they were
thus well prepared, I let an exalted song full of wisdom and love sound in the background
through Meduhed. This was already recorded and still exists today. But where also about that
at a later time. This was the song: Listen well, late children of My grace, How I invite you all
to the great meal. Come all with faithful hearts into My presence, Praise happily My name as
you were taught Devotedly and faithfully by Meduhed, The first who longed for Me deep in
his heart. Follow his example with a pure and honest mind. Look at his eyes, his mouth, his
ears and at The soft white beard, a sign of good, wise speech. Behold, in all of this you must
become like him If you wish to be My true, dear children once, Completely free from the evil
serpent's guile. Look, soon I'll wash off all filth from the earth. And all sinners will seek My
love in vain! But if your hearts remain faithful and good My floods shall pass you by and I
will hide You in the higher regions of the earth When My wrath is unleashed from heavy
bonds. Then will all earth's generations cry aloud And all the mockery of the great be
silenced. The waters rushing high across the mountains Will carry only few children of Mine,
dwarfs Of My love, tiny like children of a gnat, For love grew lame and had to use a crutch.
Look upwards to My heavens' light-filled spaces, Look at My stars' bright radiance of My
grace. The sun peacefully illumines the earth's fields, The moon accompanies the earth and
never grumbles And all the worlds meekly obey My will. Thus also you shall quietly perform
your tasks. And what may be the nature of these stars? Listen, I tell you, love will solve this
riddle! Once pure and perfect love dwell in your hearts The torch of My grace shall give light
to you. Then you will read with ease in the bright flame A great script of the truth in your
God's name. Oh little heart imprisoned in the narrow breast If you but knew the source from
which you came, You would not care about the lifeless masses, But let them float, completely
unconcerned. For the Creator of these things, so transitory Compared to a heart - would
lovingly attach Himself to it. What is considered great by you weak human beings, How
insignificant it is considered by My love! Oh they are nothing all the things in the wide
spaces And so are men whose hearts have not developed love! Great is alone My love's true
faithfulness, of course, And what comes close to it: The sinner's true remorse. I alone am
great through My love's mighty action, A free Spirit having kept Himself under control. But
the to you unknown paths of My suns Which like so many things remind you of your
weakness, What are they in the great abundance of My Deity? Only a mite's discarded
weightless body. If you climbed to the center of the universe And heard the sound of all the
spheres' fast flight And realized the force of all the suns' bright light And comprehended the
great works of My almightiness, Would you then, perhaps, be drawn to My great love? Oh
no, say I: You would be just confused by all your doubts! Even if you could control the
movement of the stars And as great spirits would be chasing after them. If you could from
your mouth breathe radiant suns And, as I do with Mine, let them plunge into the sea, Still all
your power compared with Mine would be But like the sand and dust in some old quarry
Look straight up to the great blue ribbon of the sky, Look also to the sea's far end across the
waves; Believe Me when I tell you that there are no limits Where by day the sun shines and
by night the countless stars. The vast expanse of the great sea cannot be compared With a
single drop in the smallest regions of those stars. Therefore, you men shall only look at Me,
the Great, And have your thirst for knowledge satisfied by Me, For everywhere My love
seeks and explores. Wherever you may look with searching eyes You shall discover signs of
My name everywhere. Yet nothing else shall ever bind you but My love! Even by the grass
My gospel is proclaimed to you If you desist from all the sins of Enoch. And if you loved
each other as true brothers And used your limbs for the benefit of others, Then a great grace
will come to you from above To show you how to praise the Father with love! Now sink
down to the earth, the mother of your sins, Shake off the dust, the serpent's deadly fare.
Thank Me, your Savior, with a cheerful heart And never grudge the time that you devote to
Me. Let in your hearts at all times work the power of My love, Then You will be renewed by
the light of grace from above!

And behold, when Meduhed had finished this great song of life out of My grace, which is a
small spark of My endless love and all its mercy, and when it had been completely recorded
and read to the people, they were seized with unrestrained joy, which could be calmed only
through a miracle from heaven. Such a miracle did occur in the form of a sudden rain, and
this rain was a rain of love out of Me, as their joy was justified. For they rejoiced at having
made the acquaintance of My name, even more so of My love and most of all they rejoiced
that the supreme, holy God had condescended to speak as a Father to the children of misery,
teaching them in His incomprehensible love through Meduhed.

And lo, the rain scattered them, driving them into their tents made from branches, grass and
white clay, and there they praised My name, enraptured, till the middle of the night and
would not have ceased if I had not sent them a well-deserved, peaceful sleep. (N.B. I have
given you even greater things, in verse and in prose, but since the Roman commander and the
woman from Cana in the Gospel, with the exception of the Apostles and some martyrs, I have
never found such great joy, least of all with you. I do not demand it; I am just telling you that
you should begin to love Me more and more, which is My will for you. This shall not weigh
on your hearts, for what is not the case yet, could well happen in the future when you become
better acquainted with Me and thereby expand your hearts, so that I can enter them with the
abundance of My grace. This all of you shall wish above all, but you shall not be afraid, as
some among you are, for there must not be fear in love. Amen.)

- Chapter 33 -


nd behold, when the last fifty days had passed, Meduhed - inspired by Me - called them all
together and delivered a mighty speech, as follows: "You men, friends and brothers, with all
your wives, children and male and female servants, all of whom are now, according to the
will from above, our dear brothers and sisters, too. Come all to me and position yourselves
after the well-known order around the small hill so that you may clearly hear the, to me,
newly revealed will of the Most High!

"For it is the will of the Lord that you collect all the tools and place an even number of them
in each hulk in the straw which has so far served you as a bed. When you have done this and
fastened in the corners the branches, which are well covered with foliage, with the still
available nails, only then fetch the fruits gathered for a duration of at least thirty days and
place them carefully in the corners below the branches onto the foliage of figs. Leave the
camels and donkeys behind as a sign for the Lamechites that we were here and also as a sign
that we have left to them all that is beastly and have saved what is human and divine
Surround the tools with small branches to the height of a foot and cover them with your
blankets and straw coats, and throw the animal skins over the tools. All this has to be done
exactly in accordance with the divine instructions through me. Then come once more to me to
the hill so that I may give you further instructions as willed from above. Thereupon we shall
all together tank God and praise Him for His immense and boundless goodness and mercy.

"Now go and do quickly as advised from above through me. Amen."

And they all bowed to Meduhed, thanked God in their hearts for His instructions and most
willingly and quickly set to work. In seven days, by your reckoning, everything was in perfect

When they had completed their tasks as prescribed, they all, according to Meduhed's pious
wish, once more assembled at the hill and thanked Me for the so promptly and successfully
accomplished work.

When Meduhed had seen their completed work and saw them all gathered around the hill
with cheerful and pious hearts, he once more spoke to them, saying:

"Men, friends and brothers, women and sisters, listen! It is the will of the Lord, our great and
almighty God, that always one hundred and twenty of you shall occupy one hulk, forty males
and eighty females. The children shall sit and lie on the skins on top of the tools The women
shall sit on the branches, blankets and coats. But you men shall stand around the women with
your laces turned towards the row of the hulks and the current of the wind, and you shall eat
only once a day, and that at noon You shall relieve yourselves, like the women and children,
at the rear of the hulk into the water, and one shall support the other so that no one falls into
the water. Throughout this time the men shall not sleep or sit, least of all lie down. For the
Lord will strengthen your bodies and keep you awake throughout the time we shall spend on
the surface of the great water according to His holy will The women and children shall not
help themselves to the fruit, but shall humbly ask the men and fathers for food in order that
we may become one people in accordance with the will and the eternal, almighty order of
God, worthy of His goodwill and His endless love and grace". And we will not, and shall not,
touch a single hair on our heads without His holy will.

"Once all of us will be inside the hulks, the elder in each hulk shall be prepared, upon a sign
from heaven in the form of a bright Hash of lightning, to promptly cut the rope with a sharp
knife. Then a wind will arise and drive the hulks out to sea, which will already be witnessed
by Tatahar and his murderous gangs, they will be reaching the shore when we are already a
thousand man-lengths away from it.

"You will see them throw stones into the water, but none of them will be able to reach us. For
God's right hand will quickly remove us from the sight of these hyenas and guide us to a
great, distant land, thirty days and thirty nights away from all the firm lands, situated almost
in the middle of the great water. It is called "Ihypon" (i.e., 'a safe garden') and this land will
be there for us as long as the world stands, according to the will from above. We shall
recognize it when, already from a considerable distance, we will catch sight of a burning
mountain fully aflame in the love of God.


"In the inner parts of the land there will be vast plains full of the most glorious and sweetest
fruits, as well as of useful, tame animals which will give us their milk for a healthy fare. The
earth will taste like honey and milk and will be without sand and stones and enjoyable like
good bread. And listen what the Lord says: There is nowhere on the entire earth, mother land
as fine as this, for there it is never too warm or too cold, but there reigns eternal spring


'The people who will be living there in accordance with the will of God shall never grow
older and their dying will be like a gentle sleep, and invisible beings will come and secretly
revive such a person and carry him up to God. And not even a mote will be left behind which
had stuck to the feet of such a reanimated one.


"But he who ever ignores the will of God in his heart will also die and never rise again in his
body. And the worms of the earth will come and consume him completely, and his soul and
spirit will once more for thousands of years, as solidified bodies, have to serve the mountains
as a foundation, darkly aware of their misery and total nothingness, until finally, by the
gracious will from above, some animal absorbs them. Then they will have to work their way
up from stage to stage through the entire animal world in mute misery, until finally they can
once again attain to the dignity of man. Do remember this well, for you might have to die
thousands of times before you again win the life out of the love and grace of God. Do
understand what the Lord is here telling you!


"In future you shall not sleep with your wives before you are forty years old, and then not
more often than it requires with the blessing of God to beget a human being. And you may at
the most have two or three wives Whatever is above that would be considered a grave sin by
God and make your life on earth short and difficult, weaken your love for God and thus,
finally, deprive you of all wisdom which is but God's voluntary gift to those who
scrupulously keep His commandments.


"And finally: As it is here, you shall also there not regard anything as your property, but as
the property of God. And the one who might claim a right and say: This blade of grass
belongs to me!' will be promptly punished by God with blindness so that in the future he will
never again be able to pick up a fruit from the ground, but will have to learn to subsist
throughout his lifetime on the love of God and his brothers


"The sinners shall eat nothing but the grass on the ground and the bitter foliage of poor trees
as do the animals to whose level they will have degraded themselves. And before they have
not atoned for their sin, they shall not dare eat anything else if they want to stay alive. This
concerns above all the unchaste, and particularly those young women who will lie with a man
more often for the sake of sensual pleasure. The Lord will fill the body of such a one with a
pestilence, and she will be expelled to the outer limits of the great land where nothing grows
but grass and leaves. Finally, the Lord, our great almighty God, says that you shall love one
another, and no one shall ever become the judge of the other. Let the weaker go to the
stronger to obtain support and help for his sojourn on earth, and the wisest shall serve au and
be a counselor to his brothers.


"Now that you have heard God's will clearly and plainly, thank God with me in your hearts,
saying: Lord, You almighty and great God, we thank You with the fervor of our still weak
heart Do make it strong, You great, good and powerful eternal God, so that one day, worthier
or Your holiness than now in our utter weakness, we may thank You and praise You and
thereby, as You have so graciously promised us, become worthy of being at least in some
way like Your children. Now, O great God, Your will be done. Let us enter the hulks and be
led by You as it pleases You! Amen."


And behold, after this brief prayer they left the place together with Meduhed and boarded the
hulks with cheerful hearts.

And lo, everything happened exactly as predicted by Meduhed. Led by the serpent, Lamech's
hyena and tiger hordes chased angrily after the poor Meduhedites. But quite as quickly I
swept the hulks with My people away from the shores and then calmly, yet with speed, to the
shores of the great land that was surrounded by the vast waters.


As for the Lamechites, I had them driven by the constantly rising tides of the sea right to the
mountains where thousands of them were killed and eaten by hyenas, tigers, lions, bears,
wolves and serpents; for the army of pursuers consisted of seven thousand men and seven
thousand women. And only seven young men and seven maidens returned to the city of
Enoch and reported what had happened. They also brought the animals left behind by the
Meduhedites safely back, in all thirty-five thousand camels and as many donkeys, which they
handed over to Lamech and told him all they had seen, namely, how a bright flash of
lightning had come down from the cloudless sky between them and the fugitives and carried
the latter at the end of the world far out on a boundlessly vast water. Thereupon the waters
had begun to rise and driven them high into the mountains where countless numbers of the
well-known ravening beasts had come upon them and killed and consumed all except them
because they had fled among the great number of camels and donkeys. Let Lamech well
consider the events that had taken place, for they felt that there might live a great king above
the stars with whom men should never dare to fight They should rather worship Him and
honor Him because of His incomprehensible might, for even the sea, the winds, the lightning
and all the ravening beasts obeyed Him. - This they had seen with their own eyes, and they
had heard a great voice like thunder command the beasts and speak also with the elements
like a great storm from the heights of the stars.


And behold, when Lamech had heard this he became very angry in his heart and decided to
take revenge on Me. This resulted from the fact that the serpent had taken full possession of
his heart. Therefore, he said to the young men who had returned: "Listen, you seven innocent
youths! I want the king above the stars to make amends and I insist on a thousand-fold
compensation. Since you know where He can be contacted, go there and tell Him in my name
what I demand. And should He refuse, tell Him that I curse Him and however great and
mighty He may be, He shall on earth through me, and with my mockery, be torn to pieces by
His people, as was done to my people by His beasts. For with all His windy and watery might
He is but a weak lamb compared with me, the king of lions. Set fire to the forests everywhere
and to all the mountains that all His beasts be fried and He sit down at a well-prepared table
and eat the flesh and bones of the burnt beasts. If He does not want them to burn, let Him
conduct floods over all of it and drown His might!


"Oh, I am well acquainted with this airy king above the stars! Whatever He does is for fear of
me. For He knows my greatness, might and power which cause Him much trouble and will
finally destroy Him completely unless He satisfies my justified demand and all my wishes.


"Now go and do what I bade you do. Take with you men with plenty of fire brands in order to
set fire to the mountains in case of His refusal!"


The young men left and discussed the situation. "For if he is so mighty," they said, "why does
he not go himself? It is no doubt easier to be furious than to fight and easier to threaten in
blind fury than to act. What be said, each one of us could have said too, but where does it
lead? Everyone can see how far his and our hands can reach, but who bas ever seen even one
finger of the king above the stars to be able to judge His might and power? Lamech is but a
gnat compared to Tatahar and his adherents, and where are they now? We seven are now the
entire center of his power, and we have witnessed the incomprehensible might of the great,
invisible king above the stars, have heard His speech the power of which made the whole
earth tremble, like someone whom the frost has penetrated, freezing his bones and marrow.


"Therefore, we shall go and do what we please, and instead of threatening we shall praise
Him and His great might and power. Maybe He will accept us as He has done with Meduhed,
and then let Lamech at home measure his strength and bite into the stones in his fury.


"We would rather serve such a great and mighty king who can surely hold us above the tides
like Meduhed's people."


And behold, as they had wisely decided they carried out their resolve, which was pleasing to
Me. They took their wives and camels and donkeys laden with fruits and hurried to where
they saw the waters, and rested on the shore of the great ocean.


Now the one who had been the spokesman said: "Here we are! Where do we want to go? We
are so ignorant, therefore, jet us ask the great king to take us into His service and show us the
place of our true destination. Most likely we have only thanks to His influence been able to
free ourselves from the clutches of Lamech and managed to get here.


"Therefore, I can respectfully on behalf of all of us who have no names as yet to You, O great
invisible king of all might and strength! First of all, receive our thanks for saving us from the
teeth of the hyenas and the clutches of Lamech. And I pray that You lead also us to some safe
place according to Your will, where we can serve You undisturbed. For we know that You
are a mighty Lord and we are aware of the absolute nothingness of Lamech whose supporters
we were supposed to be. However, we did not want that since we have seen and deeply
sensed the great might of Your glory and have also heard the wild, senseless and empty
prattle of the now completely powerless Lamech.


"Do hear our joint supplication and let us know Your will - or destroy us. For it is better to be
destroyed by You than to serve Lamech!"


And lo, as the seven with their seven wives had ended their brief, but very sincere prayer a
strong wind arose in the mountains and with the wind came racing towards them a very big
hyena full of fury. It stopped in front of the small group surveying them penetratingly as if
trying to find the best morsel among the people who were seized with mortal terror. And
when they all wanted to flee into the water, the spokesman pulled himself together and
shouted at them: "Listen to me! Let us remain standing here completely surrounded by the
invincible might of the great king. And believe me, if He should destroy us, He will preserve
us also in our destruction Do not be so afraid of this small hyena since we have luckily
escaped the murderous clutches of a much bigger one, and this all the more so as we are now
in the plain where a hyena has no longer the power of attacking humans and tearing them to
pieces. For the great, mighty king above the stars has in the mountains saved us from the
teeth of thousands of the most ravenous beasts at a time when we were still against Him -
how could He now wish to destroy us when we are for Him?


"Believe me, He will surely save all of us. Look at me, I will now trustfully go to the hyena
and put my head in its jaws. Should it hurt me, then you may flee into the water or wherever
you wish. But if you see me pull my head unhurt from its jaws, then you shall all cast
yourselves down and thank the great king, for then He will have come already very close to


And behold, he immediately did what he had said, walked full of trust up to the foaming
hyena, which opened its jaws wide so that his whole head would fit in.


And as he had put his head in, quite as unhurt he withdrew it again. The whole group was
amazed, and they promptly fell on their faces and thanked Me from the depth of their hearts,
although I was still a stranger to them.


When they were almost exhausted from their effusive gratitude and praise, the hyena, to their
utter amazement, began to direct a sensible speech to them, saying:


"You late descendants of Cain and Enoch, rise to your feet and look at me! See my angry and
threatening appearance! I am only a ravenous beast destined to faithfully guard the mountains
and the there living great children of God Whom in your blindness you call a great king. But
tell me whether as an animal I have ever disregarded the will of God. My life is dust and
earth, my time is only a few years, days and heartbeats. I have nothing to expect. What my
blood thirst gives me is all I can receive from the Creator for my existence. If one of you has
ever seen me transgress my prescribed limits without the will of God, let him take a stone and
kill me.


"But you hesitate, - not that you lack the courage, but because my obedience to the will of
God astonishes you. And look how a ravenous beast, according to the will of God, teaches
you men, whom an everlasting life is awaiting, about your forgetting God so completely and,
thus, about your destiny. Look, no ravenous beast is so wild that even in starvation it would
attack and kill one of its kinds in order to satisfy its hunger. But you men, who are meant to
live forever, go about in hordes to kill your brothers, not out of necessity, but out of a purely
hellish love of power; to stain the earth with their blood and to hurriedly bury their flesh in
the earth.


"Oh shame on you, you humans who are meant to be lords of the world! Where is your glory?
You are fourteen of you and I am only one and you were mortally afraid of my appearance, of
an unfortunate animal, which by the will of God was originally destined to serve you!


"Accompany me into the forests and convince yourselves as to whether even one animal
dominates the other. If one of them becomes quarrelsome and envious it is soon expelled
from the herd because it was not according to the will of God within us. And you will never
find an animal, which sends another on the prey in order to be fed as a loafer, except it has
become weak. Then another animal will carry some prey to its cave and place it near its jaws.
And no animal will eat it before it has become cold. This we are taught by the divine will
within us, and be assured, not one animal will lift its head without the will of God.

"We know no property limits, except those of our nature and the nature of our bodies. But
you men who have so completely forgotten God, divide the earth, and then some king or
ruler, or favorite of them, says: "This I give you for a small tribute, and this to the favorite
and his better servants because of their helpful, strong fists. The rest of the people you may
use as beasts of burden, which you have to supply only with just enough to keep them alive
so that they can perform all the tedious work for the idlers. Should they resist, they would
have to face ill-treatment and possibly death." If then such a slave imagined that he could also
be a brother of the king or of a ruler or had the same right as a man who was made great by
the king, - would he not be promptly murdered? - Oh tell me, where upon the entire earth is
there anything crueler than you men are? Is not a serpent, or I or a lion, a tiger, a ravening
wolf or an angry bear like a pure, holy angel compared with you men? Oh if we were given
love, as you are, how we would love God! But even without love we love Him through our
perfect obedience endlessly more than you do who have not only forgotten His love out of
which He created you, but God Himself, your Creator.


"Ask the stones, ask the grass, ask the air, ask the water, ask everything you see, except men,
and all the things will proclaim the great God to you and tell you of the endless wonders of
His love. Only you free humans, who were meant to live forever in bliss, could completely
forget your Creator, your benefactor! - No wonder that you are nameless, whatever could you
be called? Devils know God and flee Him. Satans know God too, and hate Him for being God
and a lord of their existence. But who are you who from devils and satans have through His
endless love become free human beings and have forgotten Him completely and in your gnat-
like weakness consider yourselves gods because you can strike each other with stones and
clubs and erect hollow heaps of stones which you call cities? Look, you are nothing, as you
now are. A blade of grass is more and the claw of a hyena is a sacred object compared with
all the countless brood of such men as the ones you left behind in the city of Enoch and as
you yourselves have been till now.


"In short, this is the will of the great God: Before you are given another destination you shall
for seventy days be schooled by us hyenas to learn humaneness and love of your neighbor
and through it learn to know God again. And when through us wild beasts you have
recognized your equality and God through our mute and blind obedience, only then will the
Lord of all creatures let us show you a peaceful place.

"Now follow me, as willed by God, willingly and without fear, except in the fear of God! He
who is willing shall not be harmed, but the unwilling and disobedient one is not even worth
being torn to pieces by the teeth of hyenas, he may expect the lot of Lamech, the satans and
the prince of satans.


And behold, all fourteen persons followed a fierce hyena to a dark cave in the mountains
where, allowed by Me, they learned from the nature of the beasts equal right of humanity,
love of their neighbor, obedience and, thus, to again recognize Me and fully trust Me.
Thereby they became aware of the great difference between hue humans and animals and at
the same time recognized how deep they had been beneath them. All this they learned
through My particular grace, which made them, see and fully sense My will in the wild


(N.B. More than at that time, you would now need such a school. For then men, as children of
the world, were bad because of the darkness, but now they are evil in the light and the prince
of darkness admits that compared with the children of the world he has become a bungler,
and he fares already like some weak parents who are surpassed by their children in all kinds
of judgments.)

- Chapter 34 -


ow we will leave this small company in the school of the creatures and let them eat wild
berries, grass and roots until their appointed time; and we will turn to the land Ihypon (today
called 'Japon' or 'Japan') and await there the approaching Meduhedites and devote still a little
time to them.

After thirty days and nights, thanks to My favorable winds and with small detours owing to
the calm of the sea, the Meduhedites arrived safely on the before-mentioned large island with
loud jubilation and praising of My name. They arrived at the wide estuary of a quietly
flowing stream coming from the interior on whose calm and broad back they were carried in
their hulks up-stream towards the interior of the land by a rather strong, serviceable wind.

When they had fully arrived, Meduhed cast himself down, deeply moved by the beauty of the
land, and thanked Me in the profound stillness of his heart for about an hour, and all eyes and
ears were turned towards him.

Having finished his to Me pleasing prayer during which he had recognized My further
beneficial will for the saved people, he rose again and waited until all the hulks had
completely lined up.

When all this had taken place along the shallow bank of the river, according to My will, I bid
him enter all the hulks and warn the crowds lovingly on no account to set foot on the land
before they had all, for three hours, thanked the Lord in their hearts for His boundless grace.
And when the Lord would then bless the beautiful land He had given them through a visible
sign before their eyes, he, Meduhed, would step onto the land first, followed by their children,
and only after that they themselves were to set foot on the land and once more prostrate
themselves before God, worship His holiness and praise His endless goodness and boundless

And behold, when they had done this with great joy in their hearts, Meduhed told them to
look up to the sky, and they saw a luminous cloud envelop the entire land and an abundance
of large drops fall from the cloud for a whole hour. Then they saw this cloud again dissolve
and under it a small rainbow shine brightly. From the east a soft breeze was blowing which
clearly announced through the mouth of Meduhed that I had now blessed the land for them.
Thereupon they stepped onto the land in the above-mentioned order and did with joyous
hearts as lovingly advised by the pious and wise Meduhed. When all this had been done,
Meduhed once more called them all together and spoke to them, as follows:

"Men, brothers, sisters and also you children who are already capable of understanding! Take
good notice of what I shall now tell you through the great grace of God! Let it be the
foundation of all our thoughts and actions never to lose sight of the holy will of God and to
fulfill it in every detail at all times with gratitude and praise in our hearts. For whatever
comes from Him is great and holy and thus also most important. However insignificant it may
appear to our worldly eyes, it is still of immense value since it is from God Who is now the
Lord of all of us. And we, if we are willing and obedient, shall be able, as was promised to us,
to become like His great children, which you met under the rock face above the city of

"Look, it is the will of the Lord, our great God Who wants to be our Father, that we shall love
each other, that is, everyone shall love his neighbor like a brother and sister seven times more
than himself Everyone shall be strict with himself and mild, gentle and loving towards his
brothers and sisters. Let no one ever imagine himself to be greater and worthier than the
weakest of his brothers. For before God nothing counts, except a pure and humble heart. Let
he to whom the Lord may ever give His grace, as He did to me, consider himself the least and
be willing, as I am, to serve all and according to the will of God be an example to all. Only
children, because of their weakness and the need for a proper upbringing, owe their parents
absolute obedience. And once they have recognized the will of God within their hearts, this
obedience, which is then due to God alone, shall be substituted by the greatest love and
respect of a child for its parents. However, it is God's will that you always listen and look to
the wisest among you in order to willingly receive the decrees of God, both general and
personal But beware of ever according such a wise one more respect, love and reverence than
another not yet wise, but still most willing and dear brother.

"And the respect for the one wise out of God's grace shall consist in nothing else but love of
God, love of the neighbor and the most willing obedience to God's directives through the
humble heart of a wise brother.

"Let no lie ever pass your lips, for falsehood is a foundation for all evil. Do not ever gloat
over the repentance of a sinner, but let your love give a fallen brother a helping hand.


"The land belongs equally to all without distinction. Of what the soil will yield in abundance,
let the needy one take enough to satisfy his hunger, and let the strong willingly gather for the


"Make the animals friendly towards you so that they do not deny you their warm milk.


"Let every one be subject to his brother and willing to serve him. But no one shall ever give
orders to another, for you shall always show love to each other so that one day you may
become children of one Father within love.


"Although the Lord always gives more than a person needs to sustain his life, you shall never
be excessive in all your enjoyments, but after the will of God for the sake of your health
moderate in everything you do and enjoy. For thus speaks the Lord: 'A proper measure and a
proper goal be blessed, but excess be cursed, and damned be the aimless ways on which only
harlotry and unchastely shall walk and find there the night of perdition and eternal death!'
Therefore, gather the surplus of the blessing and erect everywhere storehouses, but not of
stones, as in the city of Enoch, but of timber. Put four well-trimmed tree-trunks into the
ground so that they project two man-heights above the ground in a square. Place on top of
them four crossbars in the manner already known to you. Then place a lean-to roof over this,
covered with reeds and grass. Between the four wooden props projecting from the earth make
walls also braided from reeds. But leave an opening in each wall, four times the size of a
man's head, and on the east side also a door, but without bars so that everyone can enter freely
whenever needed. Inside drive several small stakes into the earth of about half of the
storehouse, projecting half a man's length above the ground. Over them fasten some thinner
joists and cover them also with braided reeds so as to place the blessing's surplus upon them
for your brothers and also for yourselves. For the other half gather long dry grass and place it
knee-high on the ground as a resting place for you where you can sleep through the night, rest
your tired limbs and refresh your organism.


"Your tools and other implements you shall place underneath the braided reeds. However, no
one shall ever take possession of such a house, but let one work for all and all for one and,
thus, all for all work there so that no one among you and all your descendants shall ever
suffer want.


"Close to the mountains which do not smoke or ever burn, as the ones you can see from here
in a great distance, you shall dig deep holes where you will find the to you already known
bread-earth. This you shall eat in moderation and not daily, but only now and then after the
will of God for the sake of your health, when your faces have become too soft.


"Furthermore, you will find in the mountains - which you are allowed to climb if they are not
burning- nice, very hard and smooth stones. Gather them and place them in front of your
dwellings. Firstly, you shall grind upon them the seeds of a grass and from the meal you shall,
by adding water, make dough in a vessel great numbers of which you will find on the banks
of the river. Then you shall bake from it wholesome bread in a place for baking, which you
already know how to prepare. Secondly, you shall also take such stone slabs which are
somewhat softer and are found in great quantities at the foot of the fire-free mountains, and
upon them you shall record all this in the manner known to you in order that even your late
descendants may learn about the now revealed will of God.


"For listen! Thus speaks the Lord: 'As long as you and your descendants will remain within
the given order, no alien people will ever be able to approach this land and disturb your
peace. And I Myself will teach you to recognize and prepare many good and useful things.
However, if you should ever step out of My order, forget Me completely and not return to My
order, I shall awaken another people, lead it to this land, and it will subject you and make you
its slaves. Then there will be an emperor who will destroy your sanctuary, beat you and have
many put to death. He will have you harnessed to the plough like donkeys and thrash you like
a camel. He will take everything away from you and let you starve, not allowing you to
quench your thirst with the juice of fruits, but will drive you to the water like a tame animal.
And, as in the land of Enoch, you will have to build cities for him and provide good food for
him and his servants in order to make him strong to beat and kill you.


"Then you will no longer receive fruits and bread for your work, but only dead tokens
depending on the extent of the work, for which tokens you will be given something to eat. If
even then you do not return to My order, you will have to give the fifth part of the tokens
without recompense back to the emperor as a tax on the hard-earned reward. This means that
you will have to beg to be allowed to work at all and for permission to do so you will have to
pay the mentioned tax.


"And I tell you, in all the land there will not be a single spot which the emperor would not
have appropriated. Then he will distribute the land to his favorites and courtiers as a fief, but
you he will make ignominious serfs of his favorites and courtiers who will then be lords over
your death and life. They will give you a fare of cooked grass and miserable roots, for they
will take the best fruits for themselves. Whoever should seize such a fruit, will promptly be
punished with death.


"The emperor will take your most attractive wives and daughters for his own and his
favorites' and courtiers' pleasure and you will have to throw your sons in the river and instead
have to provide for his children who will then ill-treat you. But I will plug up My ears till the
end of time so as not to hear your lamentations, and you will be a thousand times worse off
than in the land of Enoch.

"This, too, you shall bear in mind and write it onto the soft stones, as you were told!'


"So you see, my dear brothers, what is God's will. Therefore do as you have been advised,
and you can easily remain an independent people without any loss of your rights. Therefore,
you shall become full of love and grace and far be from you the evil self-interest. Then you
will remain, as you now are, a people of God. - And now it is God's will that you place these
hulks one after the other across the river, connected with poles to form a bridge so that we
can also go to the land on the other side of the river and freely make use of it.


"Now cast yourselves down and thank the Lord for this great grace of instructing us and
making known His will for our greatest benefit and speak with me:


"'Oh You great, exceedingly good and holy almighty God, we thank you in the dust of our
nothingness! Let the weak voice of our gratitude reach Your holy ears from the depth of our
ignominy and look graciously at our humble and timid hearts! O Lord, we do not understand
how great is the emptiness of our mind. Therefore, fill us graciously with the warmth of Your
love and never withdraw your grace from us poor children of sin! If ever we could forget
ourselves and act against Your most holy will, let us not be punished by men, but do punish
us Yourself according to Your justice and great clemency and change our hearts through
Your great mercy, so that one day we may become worthy being at least somewhat like Your
children. Do remain our great and holy God and Lord Who one day will become also our
beloved, most holy Father! - O Lord, grant our entreaty and listen graciously to our weak
prayers! Amen.'


"Now go and do in due course all you were told to do and convince yourselves how true and
faithful the Lord is. And when you have carried out everything, not ever forgetting the Lord
before and after each task and before and after every meal, before and after sleep, before and
after sunrise, before and after sunset. And, especially, when you sleep together you shall
before and after the act above all ask the Lord for His blessing, - then you will beget children
of life and light, otherwise, only children of death and darkness.


"I shall remain all my life here in the region of the river where we have landed. And there,
overlooking the river in that spacious grotto and on the beautiful mountain will be my and my
children's dwelling so that you can always find me whenever someone has a concern. The
Lord is giving me ownership of this grotto and the mountain out of love for you in order that
you may find me at any time.


"However, the entire, large and beautiful land is yours. It is the will of God that I shall grow
very old and still be a late witness of all your good and bad actions. And of all who are now
present here I shall be the very last to follow you to the presence of the Lord.


"You, my ten companions who have already become wise too, take the people, lead them and
distribute them wisely in the land and teach them what they need. And whenever it is full
moon come to me to obtain advice and instruction. Amen."


And behold, when Meduhed had finished his speech, all the people bowed to him and once
more cast themselves down, without Meduhed's command, and thanked Me for the beneficial
instruction. Then they stood up, ate the food with reverence, lay down on the ground to rest
and prayed from time to time. Having done this for three days, they rose to their feet, took the
tools and first built the bridge. Then, with Meduhed's blessing, they went to their further
destinations throughout the land, praising Me everywhere. And, as is easy to understand,
many of them became wise like Meduhed, and they lived thus as a happy people about
nineteen hundred years, almost to the time of Abraham, and did not perish in Noah's flood.


Later on, however, they began to gradually forget Me, who had made them the best-educated
and richest nation on earth. They enjoyed all kinds of carvings and thereby sank into the
darkest idolatry and all kinds of harlotry.


When I had patiently looked on for six hundred years without noticing any trace of remorse
and intention of changing their ways, I awakened as I had warned them through Meduhed - in
the region of today's Mongolia a people for a general scourge which I had through an
invisible angel led to lhypon and prepared for them an island bridge from present day China,
of which still today several islands in a somewhat curved line are witnessing. Thus they could
almost simultaneously get there dry-shod, like the Israelites across the Red Sea. Through the
tire of the earth I also had a great number of larger and smaller islands raised around Ihypon
as places of refuge for a few wise men that then lived there in grottoes and served Me on the
quiet until I called them away from the world.


There can still be found in such grottoes, as signs of My love, such engraved tablets, which
now of course could not be deciphered by anyone, even less so than the hieroglyphs of Egypt
which only a fully reborn person will be able to read. Now and then a physically ailing
woman in trance may be able to guess some of it through her for short moments awakened
childlike spirit.


And in the grotto (which originally was called Meduhed's grotto) till today there could be
found the to you already known song of Meduhed and some of the tools. However, this
grotto, which is on a high mountain, has now become inaccessible, which I arranged later
through fire and earthquakes still continuing to this day.


Thus this land is still today under the imperial rule with its partly Mongolian and partly
original Ihyponian people. Let him who does Dot believe this go there and convince himself.
But it will not be of much use to him if he has not attained to the full rebirth. And the one
who does have it will be able not only to oversee the entire surface of the earth, but also to
gaze with transfigured eyes into its depths right to the bottom.

(For everything I give you here is true and faithful for My children, for I do not give it to the
world, but only to My weak children. Therefore, they shall not measure My love and wisdom,
My words and My grace by worldly standards. I do not want to shine before the world; I only
want to be loved by you, for I have plenty of suns to shine upon the world. If you criticize My
writings with your worldly learning, what do you think I shall one day do with your worldly
nonsense? - Therefore, learn from Me, and once you will have been taught by Me, you will
see and recognize whose laws are on a higher level- Mine or those of the world. For to the
world the word is important, but to Me the meaning within the word; and he who does not
gather with Me will mightily scatter!)


- Before I lead you any further in this My household, I will briefly tell you something
concerning My angel, especially to those who almost in every line find something to criticize
in the grammar, for the sake of the world. Since they have no malice in their heart, they may,
where My weak secret scribe of My New Word has in his old inattentive way made a little
stroke too many or too little, complement it according to their insight; also correct the
spelling and dot the i's, where necessary. But at him who would dare to change a single word,
or seek a better rime or to unnecessarily improve a line, I shall look with angry eyes. Do not
seek the word in the sense, but the sense in the word if you want to find the truth. For the
truth is in the spirit, but not the spirit in the truth, which might be impossible since the spirit is
free and preceded every rule, allowing to derive truth from it Since you say this already of
your men of genius, why do you look with critical eyes at My Spirit as if a schoolboy had
given you some poor work for correction? - Therefore, if anyone should think that I do not fit
into the world with that garment, let him keep Me at home. However, there will be more
merit for everyone if he added to My writing a rule learnt from it rather than worldly
criticism; for giving is more blessed than taking! Do understand this well! Amen.
TENTH HOURcxiii - Europe and The Second Face

Note: Written on March 21, 1841, from 5:15 in the afternoon until 8:45 in the evening.
From time to time, upon request, Jakob Lorber allowed his closest friends to write for him.
He would dictate Word for Word what he himself heard from the Lord; and so it is with the
following chapters. The writers are: Poet Karl G. Ritter von Leitner, Mayor of Graz Andreas
Hüttenbrenner, his brother Composer Anselm Hüttenbrenner and F.S. (Not identified).

Now, that we have somewhat glanced at other foreign nationalities concerning moral cults,
we want to turn our attention to our own homeland. I am saying home because, first of all,
you were all borncxiv here; secondly, on this soil I am known—for the most part—through the
very fragmented and completely deteriorated Christianity.
2] Undoubtedly, I could talk about many more lands and regions on earth as well as on the
continents, and on the islands. However, it would make no sense to deliver a new statistic or
pieces of insightful information and earth-description into your hands at this time, but I do
this with the purpose of awakening your spirit so that he cxvwould more easily contemplate
and grasp his own inward level of disposition [or statistics] and recognize the corresponding
wickedness of his own environment. Therefore, this will be enough [information] regarding
the prior description of all the foreign countries.
3] As for the peculiarities of other well-known large countries and kingdoms, such as the
Empire of China, and others that partly belong to this empire, partly however to the continent
of Asia and Australia, see, you can look that up. There are also islands belonging to Africa, as
well as the great imperial State of Brazil together with the rest of South America and all those
islands, which are considered as belonging to this part of the world, see: you can learn all that
on your own.
4] However, out of several considerations for you, I cannot bring any more onto the tablet.
Given that the idolatry has already polluted the people to the highest degree in such countries,
you would not gain anything from seeing that; instead, through observing the picture, you
could absorb more poison than blessings within you.
5] And in regards to why I cannot do this is: because it certainly does not line up with My
Holiness. Moreover, by virtue of My divine order it is also not possible for Me to turn the Eye
of Love in your direction, because from the beginning, such a country was discovered by a
nation that was hated by Me and such countries were covered with My curse; or from ancient
times they themselves have already so deteriorated in their atrocities that just one look from
Me, on the appropriate picture, would immediately destroy them.
6] Because the atrocity of conduct and ways of behaviours in these countries is of such an
outrageous type, you would be appalled at such a description—even with only a somewhat
limited depiction, especially when it comes to the inner circumstances. Were I to show you
this, not one of you would have the strength to continue writing with the quill. –
7] Therefore, we leave them untouched. Now, as I already said, let us take into inner
[spiritual] consideration, that which lies more closely to you and Me in every respect.
8] You may find it hard to believe that under these known and partly deliberately un-revealed
countries there are areas for which even My curse is too Holy; therefore these areas are, in the
literal sense, not worthy of the same [curse]. I do not have to say anymore to you.
9] You may now understand why I will not get involved in close confrontation over such
points on earth. For where Satan has fully erected his dominance in everything and everyone,
truly it is not good to look there.
10] Even if I would let you spread out such areas over My tablet, surely you would not see
anything except a black, and here and there a really glowing portion on earth. I do not have to
say anymore. For that reason look at the tablet, and try to recognize the land that you see
before you.
11] Take a good look. On which side do you notice that land? Right; it lies very north. See.
You found it. You recognized it right away. The far stretched ice and snowfields loudly
foretell the name of Russia to you.
12] See how this far outstretched empire spreads itself over nearly three continents.
Concerning the topographical area, it is the largest country on earth that is ruled by a supreme
13] See how it looks here—especially in the northern parts—as if eternal peace had
established its seat there;
14] but appearances cannot be trusted. Even here, there are many storms in the minds of the
northern inhabitants. It is not only that they remain behind in cultural development to the rest
of the people in Europe, but they also remain behind Europe in so many other circumstances.
The reason for this is that the government has still done too little; it has even done too little to
at least let that certain Christian light illuminate in a more intensive way, which is in general
so characteristic in this empire.
15] This named strife is more or less a moral strife, rather than a political strife. Given that, in
regards to the spirituality of a person there can be no condition more uneasy than some tiny
sparks of Christianity connected with a whole fire stream of the dirtiest superstition, because
it is easier to make the pitch-dark heathens—both here as well as in the hereafter—accessible
to the pure truth, than such heathenistic Christians.
16] And this situation… look here on the tablet… stretches nearly uninterrupted over the
entire northern part of this country.
17] However, the overall situation in this empire is nevertheless one where the truth still has
unhindered access under certain conditions:
18] because, wherever a [supreme] emperor rules a country, and always seeks within his own
big effect-spherecxvi, in all situations to unite his empire as much as possible, such a emperor
is so much more [worthy], yes, I tell you, undoubtedly more, [as is the case] whereas in any
other highly educated country a monarch is merely a ruler by name only and his subjects are
granted constitutions upon constitutions, in order to avoid being ousted from his much-loved
19] Truly, such an emperor is not much better than a criminal in prison, since his blindness is
not allowing him to see into what kind of slave-chains his constitutionalized people have cast
him in.
20] He cannot see that he is a prisoner in the golden chain. The golden chain is also a metal
chain, and with such massive links often tenfold heavier than the one made of iron for a
criminal. -
21] And so, there is nothing more noteworthy to see for us here on these frozen planes…
except that in the far north against the mountain called the Ural, some extremely isolated
families live, who are gifted with the second facecxviii.
22] However, this second face is not a sign of a more spiritually aware person. Instead its
cause is only in a slightly more increased soul-life [or inner disposition], and is generally a
property of more refined or sensitive people who are always in great need, and, therefore,
desire to live In more natural isolation from the world.
23] For instance: that this second face has no relationship with spiritual awareness, can
adequately explained to you; the fact is that animals are also capable of such a second face,
whose individuality absolutely does not carry any spirituality in itself, except for a soul to
further its development.–
24] In fact, you will now ask: which reality does it have, what presents itself visually in the
second face? Not even this will be too difficult for you to solve.
25] If you are still buried in the midst of winter and snow and ice fields look at you
ghoulishly from all sides, when, in addition, you are required to live in cold rooms, will you
not begin to strongly yearn for spring and summer? Moreover, will not the imagination of
your soul preferably occupy itself with pictorially showing you spring and summer?
26] See: this longing, as it were malleable anticipation [or plasticity] is the first step of the
second face, and has its reason in the gentle, quiet ethereal moving or hushing-over of that
which the soul in its repressed condition pleasantly expects.
27] Now: if someone would get much deeper, he would at least at night-time often see the
situation of spring and summer pass by him like faint dream-imagescxix.
28] If, however, a soul is restricted even more by suffering circumstances, an experiment
happens to her through such pressure, as if the air is pressurized to a higher degree; she
ignites, and steps outside the bodily sphere.
29] However, in the visible space there are also psychological effects and movements [or
expressions of the soul], just as there are effects and movements of light in the wide light-
expanses or space. The only difference is that the vibrations of the light can no longer
propagate in a natural way other than straight, whereas the psychological effects are more
similar to the vibrations of sound [or acoustic] and can propagate in all imaginable directions
as well as in all imaginable curvatures with more than electrical speediness.
30] Now think of some kind of fact or actuality; no matter what kind it may be it always has
three conditional components: 1) a Material [or physical], 2) a Soul or Psyche cxx
[psychological] and 3) a Spiritual one.cxxi
31] As to the first condition, the fact can only be seen by the physical eyes, at the very
moment it takes place, and in such a distance that can be reached with physical visionary-
32] Concerning the psychic condition, you will easily realize without much contemplation
that a fact must first precedecxxii in the soul before it passes over into the physical world [or
the world of the body].
33] However, if the cover [the physical body] is now removed from the soul, she can—by
virtue of the psychic velocity of propagation—already observe such a fact significantly
sooner; she can do this since such arrives first to the material objectivity cxxiii; or she can also
see [or espy] an already committed fact, just as you would hear a distant reverberation or
34] I will even add three small examples of the human vision [or inner sight] to this
35] First… For example: A person gifted with the second face sees an unknown corpse pass
by, where the acquaintance is still completely fresh and healthy and only dies in a few months
following. This takes place in the following easily comprehensible way, namely:
36] The soul of the dying person foresees the near end of her shell [the body], especially at a
time when she likewise—by means of a noticeable stepping-out—examines her collapsing
mature house more purely and properly.
37] In this situation, she arranges all necessary measures and ceremonies for the transition.
However, at the same time the soul of another person is also in such an increased state of
mind [or soul vibrationcxxv], and sees the entire fact of what the soul of the other person has
already predetermined. In fact, she sees all this by means of psychic [or increased soul]
communication which is now known to you. -
38] You see: This is the way such things are pre-seen by the soul, just as the physical eye sees
the things that just happen [in front of the physical eye]. As second example: A soul sees
something happen in a far distance.
39] This inner observation or vision also takes place in the same way. For wherever people
are gathered and something happens—either as spectator or as happy or unhappy participants
—nothing is more natural than that such a fact is therefore immediately received by the soul-
activity [or soul-life] of others; it then plants itself into the psychic sphere or the sphere of the
soul in a way that is similar to a most delicate magnetic aura cxxvi according to the size and type
of the fact that is often several thousand hours away, or scientific laws. 2) outside the sphere
of physical science []
40] and if a human being then finds himself in such an increased state of mind cxxvii, he
immediately becomes aware of such vibrations, and receives the picture through the parity of
the vibrations in the same manner [in-]to his face [or the eyes of his soul]. He receives it as a
kind of material picture through the parity of the vibration of the light from the outgoing
object, and is then observed bodily through the physical eyes.
41] The following third example is: When a fact, in which several people will have a fatal
accident, has not yet taken place. This second face is somewhat rarer, but notwithstanding it
occurs as well as all the other cases.
42] This second face is to be looked at in the following way: If in special cases a soul reaches
into an increased state, the [integrated] inner living spirit also awakes … although only for
short periods. All facts however, are [revealed, eternally in an unalterable manner] in the
spiritual condition [which is the spirit of God within us]—the past as well as the future facts.
Now the vision or viewing can take place in two ways. Namely: the respective person is
seeing it first out of his spirit [or in the spirit].
43] This awareness [or phenomenoncxxviii] passes [or traverses] naturally into the innermostcxxix
level of the soul; as soon as the awareness has passed over into the soul, it plants itself still
further—according to the laws now known to you. Now, if a person resides in an increased
state of soul radiationcxxx, he also sees a certain type of prognostic [or prophetic] fact in
addition to all the other circumstances that are taking place, and in this awareness, this
visualization of the soul is the second type of fact, which will still take place, sometime in the
44] That such a person is also capable of seeing souls of departed people—if those people
want to, or are allowed to be seen—does not need to be mentioned any further.
45] Now see: There you have the entire nature of the second face, and you can immediately
see that no additional spiritual awareness is required, because the vision or viewing of the
spirit is entirely different from that of the soul. Just as the viewing of the body acts [or
behaves] to the viewing of the soul, so also acts [or behaves] the viewing of the soul to the
viewing of the spirit.
46] While the viewing of the physical eye can be intensified through material means, such as
all sorts of optical tools, so also can the viewing of the soul be increased by those means,
which correspond naturally to the soul.
47] These means are, of course: A strong unfeigned belief, a firm determination, and, in that
regard—at least half of it[requires]—a spiritual awareness. Just as the psychological viewing
can be raised in this way, likewise can the viewing of the spirit be strengthened into infinity;
this can be done, namely by exactly those methods the great Seer taught you through His
lessons, which great Seer is precisely the One who is now reminding all of you about it.
48] You may think, where are the remaining explanations, which you anticipated about the
situations within the European states?
49] Here, I am saying nothing else except: Although you have learned enough of the other
horrible situations, you may well be satisfied to know that in your countries it is hardly better.
However— regardless of this—the conditions are still shaped in a way that the one who has
good intentions finds simply no hindrance to be better, to act better, and to do good.
50] A paradise on this earth does not exist anywhere, neither physically and spiritually at the
same time.
51] Still, anyone can reach it [paradise cxxxi] in the Spirit, if he only wants it; although there is
still darkness in some countries, it does not hinder the case; even if the darkness of the night
has settled gravely over the valleys and mountains, they will be unable to do anything once
the sun has began her ascend.
52] However, it is only bad in such countries where there is absolutely no way of freedom, as
in underground vaults, chasms, and passageways. There, thousands of suns may rise instead
of one, yet their light will not be able to penetrate any sooner into such crusted depths until
the beam of the highest degree of burning light has transformed the earth all the way down to
the centre [core] into ether. –
53] And so, for the yet remaining two hours we will still find entirely different things than
what you already expected, and at the end you must admit that he who laughs last has the best
54] If you will then observe all these hours in an entirely different light, which I will bring
about through a little device in My camera, you will then realize that I did not intended to
turn you into a professor of statistics, but into someone completely different, someone who is
able to look far beyond the field of statistics.
55] As to what will occur in the following hour, you will only experience that in the next
hour. Do not trouble yourself with guessing; also do not make comparisons with My
statistical statements; for you will have to acknowledge that all these things are totally
56] If however, you already think of something, then think that Europe, Asia, Africa,
America, Australia, and all the mentioned islands and all their entire moral and political
circumstances are not important to Me. As to why I used those pictures, as far as is necessary
for you and only for you … See: this will be revealed to you more truthfully in the following
two hours, as I did in this hour with the second face, and even more honestly. Amen.
ELEVENTH HOUR - The Prodigal Son

Written on March 23, 1841, from 3:45 in the afternoon until 6:30 in the evening.
The writers are: Poet Karl G. Ritter von Leitner, Mayor of Graz Andreas Hüttenbrenner, his
Composer Anselm Hüttenbrenner and F.S. (Not identified).

You have all read the story of the prodigal soncxxxii in My book [Luke 15:11-32], and you have
heard and read this story not just once but many times. I say unto you, that in the entire book
there is
no verse and chapter that is undoubtedly more profound than the prodigal son.
2] What’s more, there will not be a place anywhere in the scripture for you that is more
difficult to understand, than this one. And the reason as to why you need to know this is
because it is of utmost importance and, as such, is an indispensable key to one’s own inner
[self-] examination.
3] The reason for this goes as follows: Often I speak exalted things [things to take notice of]
from My Wisdom through Love; often, however, I also speak of seemingly insignificant
things [things that are minor] from my Love through the Light of Wisdom. Now notice: In the
first case, you will be offered only so much as your own individuality can possibly endure; in
the second case, however, a cloaked infinity is given unto you, whereby the final
developmentcxxxiii [the evolutionary change and comprehension] will not be reached in
4] Now see: Just such a seemingly trivial gift is also the prodigal son; yes, I say, if you would
know how much is contained within the prodigal son, truly, archangels would come to your
5] I showed you many things in the preceding ten hours, as to the present conditions—at this
timecxxxiv— on earth, wherein I still concealed the biggest immoralities from you. I showed
you the deficiency of the jurisprudencecxxxv in general. I showed you the madness in Asia as
well as the barbarianism in Africa. I showed you America's disgraceful behaviours, of course
only a very small part of it. I showed you the administration of justice cxxxvi in England,
especially in its external methods, as well as the treatment of criminals on the—now revealed
to you—coast of Australia. I also showed you a mistreated country in the deep south; I
showed you how it was and chiefly still is today. However, I must also make you aware of
something else about this country. First and foremost regarding this: Pay double attention to
what is being stated about this country! Secondly, what was said about this country, you take
least of all literally; why, it will subsequently be shown to you. Furthermore, I have also
shown you the highly tyrannical severe conditions [and existence] of other island countries
especially the Japanese, and in addition, I also showed you a small amount about the northern
country of Russia.
6] Although the things in the world are this way, nevertheless, I did not reveal these situations
to you so that you should see these things as to how things are in the world, no, because such
and a thousand times worse will come in the future; of this you will, no doubt, hear and read
often. However, I am announcing this to you for no other reason than this: that out of all this
you would most deeply recognize the great secret of the prodigal son to your own greatest
7] Naturally you are now thinking, what has the prodigal son to do with all these world
atrocities? – You are full of curiosity as to how the prodigal son is going to find his way
around all this [evil] world- labyrinth. However, I say to you: It is still easier, to find the
prodigal son out of all these scenes and to seize him, than for a camel to pass through the eye
of a needle.
8] In order to understand all this, it is particularly necessary that you realize who this prodigal
son actually is. As I show you the prodigal son—though by name only—truly, you must have
been hit with more than seven-fold blindness, if you would not notice instantly that a large
cover was taken from off your eyes; and now prepare yourselves and hear the name!
9] See, he is called “Lucifer!” - See, in this name is for you the entire eternally
incomprehensible and endless compendiumcxxxvii of the prodigal son. –
10] Now think; that the existing, almost all of humanity are nothing but limbs cxxxviii of this
prodigal son, and in fact it is primarily composed of those people, which descended out of
Adam’s cursed line. See: this lost son has taken all his [abounding] capabilities, which was
due him, and is wasting it—according to your understanding—in endlessly long-lasting time-
11] You know from the story of the prodigal son how his fate ended. Now look through all
these situations of the world and truly you will see nothing other than the end fate of the
prodigal son in a comprehensive scale.cxxxix
12] Look at the defective jurisprudence; what do you think would be the reason for this?
Truly it is nothing other than the carelessness and the, from this resulting dullness cxl of the
13] Now look at the prodigal son again; see whether or not this is his first instance of leaving
the fatherly house? Observe the madness in Asia! What is it, other than the natural
succession, which the sequence or the chronological order of time has systematically
developed until the present culmination point of horror? –
14] Now go further toward Africa: Lead the prodigal son by the hand, and if you look with
somewhat sharpened spiritual eyes you will, not only in the present state but also in all
imaginable situations of this country, discover a wonderful faithfulness, yes I say, not only in
Egypt but in all of Africa,
15] and that not only in and from what the present time offers, but also through all time
periods, as far as any human being’s thought is able to go and beyond; in these many time
periods and places the prodigal son found himself in the same circumstances when he wasted
his [abounding] abilities. Simultaneously, he also thought that in every possible way he could
regain some kind of possession, that can resembled the former one, and in this manner elevate
himself once again. Alone: look at all the fruitless barbarous efforts of this whole continent,
to which essentially all of them, who themselves want to be rich, make it?
16] The events of the past will show you a great deal and so will undeniably the present show
you this entire part of the world. For I say to you, not only each single person, not just each
nation, but the entire continent [of Africa] from the first to the last grain of sand. Yes, from
the first to the last sunbeam, in all individual countries, mountains, rivers, deserts, and
animals, is the relationship of the prodigal son truly represented; he is represented also from
the commencement of pre-history up to the present point in time and henceforth.
17] Once again take the prodigal son by the hand, but on this trip do not forget to attach slave
chains on him and go with him to America. Really, you will have to be blinder then the centre
of the earth, if you will not find the same there—a thousand fold in all imaginable nuances.
Here I do not have to say anything more to you than that the northern part of America is the
inward [soul], the southern part— however—represents his outward [natural being], for
which reason this continent already in its form corresponds to a type of insect-like starved
figure of the prodigal son.
18] He who has ears: Hear; and he who has eyes: See. You all know how it went with the
prodigal son in his last phase, when the—known to you—inner sanctified spark of Africa was
awakened in him. In Australia he finds an employer who does not even allow him to eat the
pigs’ fodder, so that he is forced to fill his stomach with anything he can find.
19] Now, you may think, what then will the prodigal son do in New Zealand? We do not have
to send him to New Zealand, because it will not take much effort to recognize New Zealand
in the prodigal son.
20] Notice then: The southcxli represents the extreme outward of the people. Now observe the
lost son a little; observe how he, in this, his last testing phase is full of shivering fear; he is
not dressed after the latest Parisian journalcxlii; only very destitute and dirty rags cover his
private parts.
21] Now see: here we already have the reliable map, which flutters around the nakedness of
our gone astray prodigal; let us stretch, or enlarge our prodigal son and on this occasion also
make a short observing visit to the currently existing Christian church. Does she not look like
this land? Look at it how you want, either spiritual, as I showed you, or also material, as you
always find it described somewhere; surely, you would have to be blinder than the centre of
the earth if the conspicuous similarity of this land with the tattered rags of the prodigal son
and these with the church would escapeyou.
22] Clearly, just as the misery of these inhabitants are clearly blown away by the winds from
there, the same did the wind with the rotten rags of the prodigal son; and the same occurs now
with the Holy blowing winds from Above with each and every church-sect that is more
heathen than Christian. –
23] A prolific deep mathematical knowledge from you is not necessary to figure out what
hour of the great day it is now! - If you cast another glance at Japan, it will tally up on your
fingers, and with the clearest of all signs the prodigal son’s inner restrictions as well as the
present church situation, concerning her inward [being], shall make things brighter than
24] I do not have to say anymore to you. However, what do you say to a very sick person if
his feet have become cold and cold sweat drops sit on his head? Truly, no additional medical
examcxliii is needed in order to be able to express it in a prophetic spirit: Only a few more
heavy pulse-beatings and the struggling anguish of life’s weariness is over! -
25] First of all, sense the prodigal son’s feet in the south of the earth. Secondly, feel his head,
which is the great northern empire, then lay the hand on the old tired church-heart. Truly, you
would have to be again blinder then the centre of the earth, if on your fingers you do not
want to calculate what hour of the great Day it is now?
26] You may still remember in the last hour how "the second face" was made known and
explained to you. You probably will now think: does this second face have any relationship
with the lost son as well?
27] O My dear loved ones! If I give something to someone, I do not give it like people do.
People can never give something completely whole, even with the best of intentions; I always
give something completely whole, and so I say to you: Precisely in this second face will the
entire knot be unravelled for you, and after this unravelling you will no longer get lost in your
own calculation—not even for one minute.
28] Again, let us return to our prodigal son and watch a little how he wrestles with death’s
greatest misery. Look at his soul; see how she is [com-] pressed to a [small] point; and really,
it must come to this extreme!
29] But take notice; in the previous chapter I revealed to you the diverse aspects of the souls,
through which the second face will come; this correlation is now taking place with the
prodigal son’s soul. Look, now her great misery extends itself into fast vibrations and these
arrive before the big [heavenly] Father’s house; the vibrations of the love-filled Father
lovingly exchange with the fear, misery and impoverished vibrations of the prodigal son.
30] The soul of the prodigal son perceives such sacred, soft blowing from the house of the big
[heavenly] Father. Out of these sacred vibrations cxliv, she returns courageously blessed into her
decayed house, raises the same again, and turns in the biggest self-destructive humility
toward—you know— where the prodigal son turned.
31] But, what happens there? - See, the rags are taken off the son and burned; the son is, as
you know, welcomed once again.
32] See. Now you have the entire, up to this present moment, hidden secret of the Prophetic
Number of Mankindcxlv revealed before your eyes. If you only somewhat go through the
circumstances of time, truly, you have to be more than dead if you are still not aware of the
Holy vibrations of grace that are now streaming out from the Holy Father’s house!
33] You are also members of the prodigal son! Enlarge your soul and awake the spirit in your
soulcxlvi, and turn in profound humility like the prodigal son confidently toward the large
sphere of your most affectionate [heavenly] Father; I say to you, He will meet you half way!
34] See, the time of My Grace is near, and that is why I have also given you such [divine]
insights here, that you should recognize it, that it is That Great Time, from which the prophets
have sung, yes, This very Timecxlvii, which was by Me foretold out of My mouth.
35] Therefore, remain only a short time, and rejoice in great confidence! For truly, the big
[divine] House of The Father has come closer to you then you suspect!
36] As soon as you [care to] recognize the prodigal son and all these point in time
circumstances within yourselves, and how this prodigal son is found again in every person, or
rather how he finds himself again, as to how [the godly being-] "the big man" will be won in
the [humility of the] small man , dear children! the last hour will bring you true, faithful news
of it. Amen!
The Great Cosmic Man
The big creation-man and his return.
Written on March 25, 1841, from 4 o’clock in the afternoon until 8:45 o’clock in the evening.
The writers are Poet Karl G. Ritter von Leitner, Mayor of Graz Andreas Hüttenbrenner, his
Composer Anselm Hüttenbrenner.
When your spirit awakens within you, you will
perceive its voice in your heart like clear
thoughts. To these you must carefully listen
and heed them in your whole sphere of life,
then you will provide your spirit with an ever
growing field of action. Thus the spirit within
you will grow to a man’s size and pervade
your whole soul and with it your entire
material being.
The Great Gospel of John vol. 4, 76

Now that we have accompanied and illuminated the prodigal son from his rise to his fall in
the eleventh hour, and have also calculated the time and nearly determined the hour that must
testify of his downfall, consequently in the twelfth hour we are going to see where and how
this prodigal son will once again return—humbled through and through—into the immense
and grand house of the Father.
2] However, in order to understand this fully, it is not enough that we have looked a little
through the world-mote called earth; but for this purpose I have added an already mentioned
tiny devise in the—to you—conscious camera obscuracxlviii of the spirit; and we once again
take a somewhat broader view in this newly prepared chamber. - I am telling you… be
prepared; because this sight will bring something before your eyes that until this time has
come into no man’s mind. With the ability of this new devise [the camera obscura], the tablet
also becomes the receiver of a big picture, and as a result will be enlarged and assume a
vertical instead of the former horizontal position.
3] Now look: Our device is operational. Direct your sight now onto the wide expanded tablet;
and at once, you will recognize the large picture on the same tablet. This is the only possible
way to place the endlessly long, stretched-out creation before your eyes within one picture.
4] Now: Look closely on the tablet; and as soon as I say the word Epheta, you will see the
magnificent picture on the tablet. Now then, because your sight is directed at the tablet, I say:
Epheta! –
5] Now, what do you say to the picture? Exactly, on this blackboard you see nothing more
and nothing less, than the clear figure of a human being cxlix, whose loins are only scarcely
covered by some rags and whose hair, even with the shaggy appearance, trails from his head
and covers half the body.
6] True, you will probably think, "there is nothing special to be seen in this picture, except
that it is presented on this tablet in a very colossal form. Incidentally, such a picture could
have been painted by a fairly skilled portrait painter with a whitish colour on a black tablet";
and I can add nothing to that, except that—at first glance—your conclusion is correct. Seeing
that you want to think a little deeper, you will probably soon recognize the shape of the
prodigal son in this whitish figure.
7] But look, My dear children! The tablet is placed just a little too far for your eyes to see, so
let us go closer to the tablet; for you have now seen the entire shape, therefore, we want to
examine the colour a little closer with which this figure was applied onto this tablet.
8] Now, we are at the tablet. Look: This fathom-wide shimmering area is one part of the foot
of the entire figure. Take a close look and tell Me what do you discover [on the tablet]. Look
very closely… What do you see? … Right, you are discovering nothing but many small,
closely linked-together, shimmering, tiny globulescl. You know that this picture is not painted,
but is only a light-picture [an image] of an outer [natural] object.
9] In reality, what do you think these tiny globules are? See: I will not let you guess for very
long, but if you think that these tiny globules are images of remote suns, planets, moons and
comets, hear… I have to say to you: Children! Judge not too hastily, otherwise you will err
tremendously! However, before I reveal the being of these minuscule globules to you, do
your utmost to count these globules on one lentil-size spot! -
10] Now, are you finished? - Yes, yes, I already see, you seem to have difficulty with it since
such shimmering dots on this existing lentil-size area are for you a hard to pronounce number,
seeing it would clearly be more than a trillion. Now that you have familiarized yourselves a
little with the colour, I will tell you from which image such a tiny dot actually is. As already
mentioned, not from a sun, nor from any other type of heavenly [global] body, but each tiny
dot, or—as seen by your spiritual eyes as tiny globules—is nothing more and nothing less
than the image of a shell globe cli. In regards to the shell globe clii, I do not have to explain this
any further.
11] Now we step back a little and again look at the entire figure. See: it is like a complete
human-shape; and now that you have sufficiently looked at this figure, I am saying to you:
This figure represents or describes out of and according to My eternal order—the universe;
and therefore it is, in reality, not visible in its form by anyone except Myself. In addition, a
created spirit has never before seen this picture, as you have now observed it.
12] Once again I see the thoughts hidden within you. You would very much like to see your
earth within this person. As long as the entire figure sparkles on the tablet, it is impossible to
show you such. Nevertheless, wait just a little; see: I am a very good optician, therefore I
want to undertake a little optical variation in our camera, after which variation nothing will
remain of this entire figure except a single tiny illuminating dot.
13] Now see: The figure is gone; already everything is in order. Again, let us step closer to
the tablet and look for our tiny dot. Now: did you find it already? - One by itself does not
emit much light; but look very intensely, you will find it.
14] You must not look up there on the high stretched-out tablet, but look all the way down
here, where earlier you have seen the left foot of the entire figure, in fact there at the very
edge of the ball of the fifth little pinky toe. This tiny globule is this particular shell globe cliii, in
which your earth is also located.
15] However, in order to arrive at our earth, I must once again come over the tiny shimmering
dot with My Epheta, and so I speak “Epheta!” Now look; how this tiny globule has now
expanded and nearly takes in the entire large round form of the tablet.
16] See the countless illuminating minute dots shimmer through one another. Now, pick out
your earth. In fact, you might not be able to find it out of the great immense number of
shimmering little dots. Yes, I am saying to you, it would be a vain effort on your behalf since
these minute dots that you see are again no suns, but they are entire regions cliv of sun-worlds-
17] therefore will I now once again pick out just the right minute dot, and erase all remaining
off the large tablet. Now, there is the selected minute dot; and in order to arrive more quickly
toward our goal, I once again say “Epheta!”
18] Now see: Our tablet is once again full of new shimmering tiny dots. Alone these
illuminating minute dots are again no suns, but all are numerous sun-worlds-universes;
therefore, it will not help us to find the earth here.
14] You must not look up there on the high stretched-out tablet, but look all the way down
here, where earlier you have seen the left foot of the entire figure, in fact there at the very
edge of the ball of the fifth little pinky toe. This tiny globule is this particular shell globe1, in
which your earth is also located.
19] Once again, I will select the right one from these minute dots and erase the remainder of
this tablet. Now, there is the tiny dot. See, how lonely and faint it glimmers on the big
surface! But now My Epheta!... And the minute dot should immediately become a larger
expansion; therefore “Epheta!”
20] Now look: Our tablet is again full of many illuminating tiny dots. From out of all these
trillion times trillionclv minute dots, would you like to search for the earth? Here I have to tell
you once again: save your effort; for again these minute dots are still no suns, but individual
sun-regions; and this is what you understand as a so-called star-fog.
21] Just so that we arrive more quickly toward the goal, I am going to select the right minute
little dot for you and all the remaining dots will be erased on the tablet; and at once add the
22] Now look on the tablet. Precisely, you are seeing a shimmering-dotted-cloud clvi, which
spreads horizontally over the entire tablet; it is seven times as long as it is wide. Now look
toward the middle; we once again want to select such a small shimmering-dotted-cloud, and
all the remainder will be removed from the tablet. – Now, as you can see, everything has
taken place, and My Epheta has given this minute dot again its right configurationclvii.
23] Now take a close look; you probably already recognize it. See: There in the middle is a
small shimmering lentil size disc; see: it is the image of your sun; and take a closer look; the
third shimmering dot from the sun on the left side downward is your earth.
24] I just need to enlarge the picture a little and you will recognize your earth at once; and so
I say: You earth-point arise, so that My observers will recognize you! And see how this point
gradually expands and now has reached the actual diameter, which is adequate enough for
you to recognize your natural dirty dwelling place.
25] Now that we have seen everything, let us once again return to our prodigal son. Look
onto the tablet; once again our first figure flaunts itself on the same. Although now this figure
is getting smaller and smaller; and see: now it is only barely the size of a child; and look once
again: now this child has also melted into a dot. However, look: On the right side of the
tablet, another big image of a human being is starting to appear; and now, it is also in the
middle of the tablet, and under his left foot you also discover the previous shrunken minute
dot, which is in the right proportion of its size to the size of this new picture.
26] What do you think this new picture represents? You might think, since you have more or
less become acquainted with the big human being in the writings of [Emanuel] Swedenborg,
that it is this big person. However, I say to you: You missed it by a mile! This person you see
there, is nothing more and nothing less than the himself-found-again prodigal son; however,
not in his all-ness or completeness, but it is ‘he’clviii the [actual] prodigal son, who has found
himself again in each and every individual born- again [or re-born] person. Or said to you in
more easily understandable words: He is the very least one in My new Kingdom, and here—
presented to you—in the right proportion is this picture. This picture shows you the complete,
full [spiritual] measure of a person clix, which is infinitely more sublime than the previously
revealed limb-dissected and endlessly seeming universe in the shape of the prodigal son!
27] Now, if you heed this picture just a little, you might begin to grasp as to what the reason
or nature of the return of the prodigal son is.
28] Do not think that this fallen Lucifer, who was revealed to you in the eleventh hour, is
going to return as whole or complete. If such would have been possible, truly, a material
creation never would have taken place;
29] instead, every single person who lives according to My Words and is born-again clx
through the Word and through the salvation [or redemption], is this prodigal found again and
he will return into the immense [and glorious] house of the Father- [God]! –
30] I am not saying this for nothing to you: In the immense [and glorious] house of the
Father- [God]clxi; because, quite a large [and magnificent] house clxii must be prepared for such
a [purpose driven] multitudeclxiii of [Christ-like] people; everyone can once again take
residence with their Father. –
31] Obviously, you recognize from all the preceding talks that it is clearly so; for does not
each person in himself suffer in all wide-ranging tribulations, and is not everyone beaten as
an individual [or for being his own person]? However, all these blows are directed at one and
the same prodigal son.
32] However if a person is beaten, is it not always true that only he who is beaten feels the
pain, whereas the one who is not beaten often watches only too painlessly [and without a
problem]? Alternatively, an entire nation is being mistreated on another continent, say,
whether you have ever felt a whips thrashing on your skin? However, if someone dies, does
he die for himself or for others? Or can you avow that somebody was ever born into the world
for someone else? Or is My salvation and My Word not just as imperative for each individual
person, as for entire nations? And cannot each human being receive Me with his love and the
living faith for himself, that I reside in him and he in Me?
33] If you now look at everything, could you, after all that, possibly make the ultimate
assertion that I am less in one person, then in all of them together? -
34] However, when I have become one with a person and he with Me, say, is there anything
else missing from the deliverance of the prodigal son in an individual person?
35] Has he not received and accepted everything in himself, who has received [or accepted]
Me? Truly, every single person who is one with Me is more, yes I say, infinitely more than
the great Luciferclxiv ever was in his for you inconceivable greatness; [this principle is shown
through] applying your natural way of thinking!
36] See, each individual person for himself or herself will consequently be defined under this
prodigal son, who is called Lucifer. And as an entire nation unites with Me, so will this entire
nation likewise become only one human being with Me. Moreover, all people who ever lived
on the earth and continue to live, when they have become one with Me, they too become only
one human being in Me. In other words, everyone will be ensouled clxv and enlivened in one
and the same Holy Spirit of all love and all truth and all might and all power, and there will
not be many [people] anymore, but [only] one; and one is not less than many, instead, all will
be in complete and full union in Me. And many will not have more might and power than
one, and one not less power than many, but everyone will live as [only] one [on its own but
joint together], out of the same power and might of the Holy Spirit of all love and all truth out
of Me!

The Rags of the Prodigal Son.

Written on March 25, 1841
37] However, you have heard that the rags of the prodigal son were dispersed by the winds
like chaff, and the remaining rags were taken off him and burned. Do you know what these
rags mean?
38] Understand, it is nothing other than the former withered cosmic human being on our
tablet. For through the salvation of each individual person is the Noble clxvi, out of Me
emanating [excellent spirit] or My prodigal son restored. The rags or the actual prime-evil
will be scattered into the fire, from which it actually came out of. However, it is this fire—the
one in the Divinity—out of which all things have their material existence.
39] Consequently, whoever depends on the world and sticks onto matter, sticks on the rags of
the prodigal son; however, all matter shows you already its big similarity to the fire clxvii; the
same are also the rags on the loins of the prodigal son.
40] This is how it will happen! So that God becomes a free God again, in which no more
matter seethes, so must the fire or the related wraths once again return from where it—as that
what it is— came from. And it will happen, as if you have some kind of hardening on your
body and you cover it with a hot poultice clxviii, so this hardening becomes soft again. So too
will My eternal fire seize this prime- evil hardening in its all-ness or entirety, in order to
thereby again assimilate its own being.
41] There is another question present in you: Whether those beings, which are understood as
rags, also will have a continual self-consciousness clxix or not? I, however, say to you: The
question answers itself almost automatically, because you cannot possibly assume that there
should perhaps be any unconscious point in the Deity.
42] This question therefore solves itself; except for one more question: Whether this self-
consciousness is a suffering one or not? See: that is a different question. However, to
understand this correctly, you must first recognize that every effort, in order to find itself,
must comprehend a certain necessary suffering in itself. Only now, it depends only on
whether this suffering is painful or pleasant.
43] If this suffering consists in the fact that the being seizes continuously in itself and by this
seizing is striving to form or shape itself forever into a unity, then such a suffering is
extremely pleasant and the feeling from the clearest self-assurance an extremely blissful one.
44] If, however, the suffering, or the self-assured feeling of a being, is tearing and destructive
in itself, then it is also an extremely painful one; this you can simply learn from nature as
well, if you have ever observed any kind of an inflammatory illness, which consists of
nothing other than that certain parts in the body begin to expand more and more. The more
violent such an act carries on, the more painful it becomes. The result from this is that the
self-confident essential condition of the fire-related prime-evil must also be extremely painful
and cause immense suffering.
45] You will now perhaps think that as a result the Deity must thereby continually suffer
extremely painfully in its portion of wrath. In fact it is not so! But it is simply as if food is
boiled down in your stomach; driven through the fire of the stomach, here the little husks
crack open from the nourishment one has eaten. However, do ask yourself whether this
horrific destruction-process has ever hurt you in your natural state in the fire of your
stomach? -
46] However, since I have led you already so far, I want to give you on this occasion a never
before outspoken hint! If you want to see the final cause of such a situation of all worldly
material prime-malice, then look into your stomachs and observe what happens there with the
food that you eat; observe the how and why? Consequently, you will all see a great segment
of My ways, as to what will happen. However, the time is not recorded in your stomachs, and
it is enough for you all that I have shown you the purpose. –
47] Now see, dear children! This is everything that can be given to you; this is everything that
you are able to endure; you do not need to know any more; but heed this from point to point,
and in fact from the very first hour to the very last hour. Walk this way through the entire
earth within you, and in doing so, find the prodigal son within yourselves.
48] Do the same that this one has done and still does in each and every sinner who yearns for
My Kingdom. In the innermost chamber of your spirit, on the tablet of your world-avidities clxx
with the world, allow That which you just now saw happening to take place clxxi on the tablet
with the cosmic human being. Thus will the prodigal son be found again in each one of you
and will become his [own] nearest and dearest, comprehending all [that is Holy], as I showed
you, since another human being has stepped in the place of the former one, who melted
together onto one point;
49] only then will all of you as found-again discover the immense Truth that is given to you
in these 12 hours; in addition, in the brightest light you see and recognize the Truth within
50] As was said previously, that all people together constitute one human being, like one so
are all, then also search for all the evil within all of you[r soul]. And once you have found this
evil and managed with My strong support to rid yourselves of it, then will I—as your Holy
Father—who has already come to meet you half way, come all the way to you. I will then free
you completely from your rags and receive you into the immense [and glorious] and eternal
house of the Father of My eternal Love!
51] Finally I like to make you aware of this: Presently I have not only come toward you, but
have also already come towards many other prodigal sons.
52] However, direct your attention mainly within yourselves upon My arrival, and worry less
about the overallclxxii one. What you feel, however, for the overall [arrival of My coming]…
that carry prayerfully in your heart before Me, however, nothing else needs to concern you;
the big When, How and Why is well guarded in the best hands. Amen.
I, your grand, Holy, most affectionate Father, am saying this to you.
~~~~~~~ AMEN! ~~~~~~~
World Events
Are Co-Created
By the Collective,
Not a Punishment from God
World Events Are Co-Created By the Collective
“The world is the way it is because it could not be any other way and still exist in the gross
realm of physicality. Earthquakes and hurricanes, floods and tornados, and events that you
call natural disasters are but movements of the elements from one polarity to the other (that
is, when mankind moves away from the positive or righteousness to the negative or
wickedness). The whole birth-death cycle is part of this movement. These are the rhythms of
life, and everything in gross reality is subject to them, because life itself is a rhythm. It is a
wave, a vibration, a pulsation at the very heart of the All That Is.
Illness and disease are opposites of health and wellness, and are made manifest in your
reality at your behest. You cannot be ill without at some level causing yourself to be, and you
can be well again in a moment by simply deciding to be. Deep personal disappointments are
responses which are chosen, and worldwide calamities are the result of worldwide
Your question infers that I choose these events, that it is My will and desire they should
occur. Yet I do not will these things into being, I merely observe you doing so. And I do
nothing to stop them, because to do so would be to thwart your will. That, in turn, would
deprive you of the God experience, which is the experience you and I have chosen together.
Do not condemn, therefore, all that you would call bad in the world. Rather, ask yourself,
what about this have you judged bad, and what, if anything, you wish to do to change it.
Inquire within, rather than without, asking: “What part of my Self do I wish to experience
now in the face of this calamity? What aspect of being do I choose to call forth?” For all of
life exists as a tool of your own creation, and all of its events merely present themselves as
opportunities for you to decide, and be, Who You Are.
This is true for every soul, and so you see there are no victims in the universe, only
creators. The Masters who have walked this planet all knew this. That is why, no matter
which Master you might name, none imagined themselves to be victimized—though many
were truly crucified.
Each soul is a Master—though some do not remember their origins or their heritages. Yet
each creates the situation and the circumstance for its own highest purpose and its own
quickest remembering—in each moment called now.
Judge not, then, the karmic path walked by another. Envy not success, nor pity failure,
for you know not what is success or failure in the soul’s reckoning. Call not a thing calamity,
nor joyous event, until you decide, or witness, how it is used. For is a death a calamity if it
saves the lives of thousands? And is a life a joyous event if it has caused nothing but grief?
Yet even this you should not judge, but keep always your own counsel, and allow others
This does not mean ignore a call for help, nor the urging of your own soul to work
toward the change of some circumstance or condition. It does mean avoiding labels and
judgment while you do whatever you do. For each circumstance is a gift, and in each
experience is hidden a treasure…

“The world’s natural calamities and disasters—its tornados and hurricanes, volcanoes
and floods—its physical turmoils —are not created by you specifically.
These events are created by the combined consciousness of man. All of the world, co-
creating together, produces these experiences.
Events occur in the universe which no stretch of the imagination could claim you
instigated or created.
What is created by you is the degree to which these events touch your life.
What each of you do, individually, is move through them, deciding what, if anything,
they mean to you, and Who and What You Are in relationship to them.
Thus, you create collectively, and individually, the life and times you are experiencing,
for the soul purpose of evolving.

The World’s Calamities are Consequences of Mankind’s Collective Deeds, Not God’s
NDW: But if there is no hell [or any punishment for that matter], does that mean I can do
what I want, act as I wish, commit any act, without fear of retribution?
God: Is it fear that you need in order to be, do, and have what is intrinsically right? Must you
be threatened in order to “be good”? (You will find soon that Love is the greatest power that
leads you to obey, to do or to be.)
And what is “being good”? Who gets to have the final say about that? Who sets the
guidelines? Who makes the rules?
I tell you this: You are your own rule-maker. You set the guidelines. And you decide how
well you have done; how well you are doing. For you are the one who has decided Who and
What You Really Are—and Who You Want to Be. And you are the only one who can assess
how well you’re doing.
No one else will judge you ever, for why, and how, could God judge God’s own creation and
call it bad? If I wanted you to be and do everything perfectly, I would have left you in the
state of total perfection whence you came. The whole point of the process was for you to
discover yourself, create your Self, as you truly are—and as you truly wish to be. Yet you
could not be that unless you also had a choice to be something else.
Should I therefore punish you for making a choice that I Myself have laid before you? If I did
not want you to make the second choice, why would I create other than the first?
This is a question you must ask yourself before you would assign Me the role of a
condemning God.
The direct answer to your question is, yes, you may do as you wish without fear of
retribution. It may serve you, however, to be aware of consequences.
Consequences are results. Natural outcomes. These are not at all the same as retributions, or
punishments. Outcomes are simply that. They are what results from the natural application of
natural laws. They are that which occurs, quite predictably, as a consequence of what has
All physical life functions in accordance with natural laws. Once you remember these laws,
and apply them, you have mastered life at the physical level.
What seems like punishment to you—or what you would call evil, or bad luck—is nothing
more than a natural law asserting itself.”

Source: Conversations with God, volume 1

Neale Donald Walsch
Fuller Text
God of Greatest Gift of Love, Does Not Prefer to Punish but to Perfect

“The world is the way it is because it could not be any other way and still exist in the gross
realm of physicality. Earthquakes and hurricanes, floods and tornados, and events that you
call natural disasters are but movements of the elements from one polarity to the other (that
is, when mankind moves away from the positive or righteousness to the negative or
wickedness). The whole birth-death cycle is part of this movement. These are the rhythms of
life, and everything in gross reality is subject to them, because life itself is a rhythm. It is a
wave, a vibration, a pulsation at the very heart of the All That Is.
Illness and disease are opposites of health and wellness, and are made manifest in your reality
at your behest. You cannot be ill without at some level causing yourself to be, and you can be
well again in a moment by simply deciding to be. Deep personal disappointments are
responses which are chosen, and worldwide calamities are the result of worldwide
Your question infers that I choose these events, that it is My will and desire they should
occur. Yet I do not will these things into being, I merely observe you doing so. And I do
nothing to stop them, because to do so would be to thwart your will. That, in turn, would
deprive you of the God experience, which is the experience you and I have chosen together.
Do not condemn, therefore, all that you would call bad in the world. Rather, ask yourself,
what about this have you judged bad, and what, if anything, you wish to do to change it.
Inquire within, rather than without, asking: “What part of my Self do I wish to experience
now in the face of this calamity? What aspect of being do I choose to call forth?” For all of
life exists as a tool of your own creation, and all of its events merely present themselves as
opportunities for you to decide, and be, Who You Are.
This is true for every soul, and so you see there are no victims in the universe, only creators.
The Masters who have walked this planet all knew this. That is why, no matter which Master
you might name, none imagined themselves to be victimized—though many were truly
Each soul is a Master—though some do not remember their origins or their heritages. Yet
each creates the situation and the circumstance for its own highest purpose and its own
quickest remembering—in each moment called now.
Judge not, then, the karmic path walked by another. Envy not success, nor pity failure, for
you know not what is success or failure in the soul’s reckoning. Call not a thing calamity, nor
joyous event, until you decide, or witness, how it is used. For is a death a calamity if it saves
the lives of thousands? And is a life a joyous event if it has caused nothing but grief? Yet
even this you should not judge, but keep always your own counsel, and allow others theirs.
This does not mean ignore a call for help, nor the urging of your own soul to work toward the
change of some circumstance or condition. It does mean avoiding labels and judgment while
you do whatever you do. For each circumstance is a gift, and in each experience is hidden a
Neale Donald Walsch - Conversations With God - Book 1, Segment 11 (8:14 mins)


There was once a soul who knew itself to be the light. This was a new soul, and so, anxious
for experience. “I am the light,” it said. “I am the light.” Yet all the knowing of it and all the
saying of it could not substitute for the experience of it. And in the realm from which this
soul emerged, there was nothing but the light. Every soul was grand, every soul was
magnificent, and every soul shone with the brilliance of My awesome light. And so the little
soul in question was as a candle in the sun. In the midst of the grandest light —of which it
was a part—it could not see itself, nor experience itself as Who and What it Really Is.
Now it came to pass that this soul yearned and yearned to know itself. And so great was its
yearning that I one day said, “Do you know, Little One, what you must do to satisfy this
yearning of yours?”

“Oh, what, God? What? I’ll do anything!” The little soul said.
“You must separate yourself from the rest, of us,” I answered, “and then you must call upon
yourself the darkness.’
“What is the darkness, o Holy One?” the little soul asked.
“That which you are not,” I replied, and the soul understood.
And so this the soul did, removing itself from the All, yea, going even unto another realm.
And in this realm the soul had the power to call into its experience all sorts of darkness. And
this it did.
Yet in the midst of all the darkness did it cry out, “Father, Father, why hast Thou forsaken
me?” Even as have you in your blackest times. Yet I have never forsaken you, but stand by
you always, ready to remind you of Who You Really Are; ready, always ready, to call you
Therefore, be a light unto the darkness, and curse it not.
And forget not Who You Are in the moment of your encirclement by that which you are not.
But do you praise to the creation, even as you seek to change it.
And know that what you do in the time of your greatest trial can be your greatest triumph. For
the experience you create is a statement of Who You Are—and Who You Want to Be.
I have told you this story—the parable of the little soul and the sun—so that you might better
understand why the world is the way it is—and how it can change in an instant the moment
everyone remembers the divine truth of their highest reality.
Now there are those who say that life is a school, and that these things which you observe and
experience in your life are for your learning. I have addressed this before, and I tell you
You came into this life with nothing to learn—you have only to demonstrate what you
already know. In the demonstration of it will you function it out, and create yourself anew,
through your experience. Thus do you justify life, and give it purpose. Thus do you render it
NDW: Are you saying that all the bad things that happen to us are things of our own
choosing? Do you mean that even the world’s calamities and disasters are, at some level,
created by us so that we can “experience the opposite of Who We Are”? And, if so, isn’t there
some less painful way—less painful to ourselves and others—to create opportunities for us to
experience ourselves?
God: You’ve asked several questions, and they are all good ones. Let’s take them one at a
No, not all the things which you call bad which happen to you are of your own choosing. Not
in the conscious sense—which you mean. They are all of your own creation.

You are always in the process of creating. Every moment. Every minute. Every day. How you
can create we’ll go into later. For now, just take my word for it—you are a big creation
machine, and you are turning out a new manifestation literally as fast as you can think.
Events, occurrences, happenings, conditions, circumstances—all are created out of
consciousness. Individual consciousness is powerful enough. You can imagine what kind of
creative energy is unleashed whenever two or more are gathered in My name. And mass
consciousness? Why, that is so powerful it can create events and circumstances of worldwide
import and planetary consequences.
It would not be accurate to say—not in the way you mean it—that you are choosing these
consequences. You are not choosing them anymore than I am choosing them. Like Me, you
are observing them. And deciding Who You Are with regard to them.
Yet there are no victims in the world, and no villains. And neither are you a victim of the
choices of others. At some level you have all created that which you say you detest—and,
having created it, you have chosen it.
This is an advanced level of thinking, and it is one which all Masters reach sooner or later.
For it is only when they can accept responsibility for all of it that they can achieve the power
to change part of it.
So long as you entertain the notion that there is something or someone else out there “doing
it” to you, you disempower yourself to do anything about it. Only when you say “I did this”
can you find the power to change it.
It is much easier to change what you are doing than to change what another is doing.
The first step in changing anything is to know and accept that you have chosen it to be what it
is. If you can’t accept this on a personal level, agree to it through your understanding that. We
are all One. Seek then to create change not because a thing is wrong, but because it no longer
makes an accurate statement of Who You Are.
There is only one reason to do anything: as a statement to the universe of Who You Are.
Used in this way, life becomes Self creative. You use life to create your Self as Who You
Are, and Who You’ve Always Wanted to Be. There is also only one reason to un-do
anything: because it is no longer a statement of Who You Want to Be. It does not reflect you.
It does not represent you. (That is, it does not re-present you…)
If you wish to be accurately re-presented, you must work to change anything in your life
which does not fit into the picture of you that you wish to project into eternity.
In the largest sense, all the “bad” things that happen are of your choosing. The mistake is not
in choosing them, but in calling them bad. For in calling them bad, you call your Self bad,
since you created them.
This label you cannot accept, so rather than label your Self bad, you disown your own
creations. It is this intellectual and spiritual dishonesty which lets you accept a world in which
conditions are as they are. If you had to accept—or even felt a deep inner sense of—personal
responsibility for the world, it would be a far different place. This would certainly be true if
everyone felt responsible. That this is so patently obvious is what makes it so utterly painful,
and so poignantly ironic.

Neale Donald Walsch - Conversations With God - Book 1, Segment 12 (13:13 mins)

The world’s natural calamities and disasters—its tornados and hurricanes, volcanoes and
floods—its physical turmoils—are not created by you specifically. What is created by you is
the degree to which these events touch your life.
Events occur in the universe which no stretch of the imagination could claim you instigated
or created.
These events are created by the combined consciousness of man. All of the world, co-creating
together, produces these experiences. What each of you do, individually, is move through
them, deciding what, if anything, they mean to you, and Who and What You Are in
relationship to them.
Thus, you create collectively, and individually, the life and times you are experiencing, for
the soul purpose of evolving.

You’ve asked if there is a less painful way to undergo this process—and the answer is yes—
yet nothing in your outward experience will have changed. The way to reduce the pain which
you associate with earthly experiences and events—both yours and those of others—is to
change the way you behold them.
You cannot change the outer event (for that has been created by the lot of you, and you are
not grown enough in your consciousness to alter individually that which has been created
collectively), so you must change the inner experience. This is the road to mastery in living.
Nothing is painful in and of itself. Pain is a result of wrong thought. It is an error in thinking.
A Master can disappear the most grievous pain. In this way, the Master heals.
Pain results from a judgment you have made about a thing. Remove the judgment and the
pain disappears. [Note: Judgment refers to how you see a thing, and persons and situations
and treat them in response, be it in the form of appreciation and care or in the form of
indifference, disgust, neglect, hate or condemnation ; in other words, how you size them up
and react to them.]
Judgment is often based upon previous experience. Your idea about a thing derives from a
prior idea about that thing. Your prior idea results from a still prior idea—and that idea from
another, and so forth, like building blocks, until you get all the way back in the hall of mirrors
to what I call first thought.
All thought is creative, and no thought is more powerful than original thought. That is why
this is sometimes also called original sin. Original sin is when your first thought about a thing
is in error. That error is compounded many times over when you have a second or third
thought about a thing. It is the job of the Holy Spirit to inspire you to new understandings,
which can free you from your mistakes.
NDW: Are you saying that I shouldn’t feel bad about the starving children of Africa, the
violence and injustice in America, the earthquake that kills hundreds in Brazil?
There are no “shoulds” or “shouldn’ts” in God’s world. Do what you want to do. Do what
reflects you, what re-presents you as a grander version of your Self. If you want to feel bad,
feel bad.
But judge not, and neither condemn, for you know not why a thing occurs, nor to what end.
And remember you this: that which you condemn will condemn you, and that which you
judge, you will one day become.
Rather, seek to change those things—or support others who are changing those things—
which no longer reflect your highest sense of Who You Are.
Yet, bless all—for all is the creation of God, through life living, and that is the highest

NDW: Could we just stop here for a moment and let me catch my breath? Did I hear you say
there are no “shoulds” or “should nots” in God’s world?
God: That is correct.
NDW: How can that be? If there are none in Your world, where would they be?
NDW: I repeat the question. Where else would “shoulds” and “should nots” appear, if not in
Your world?
God: In your imagination.
NDW: But those who have taught me all about the rights and wrongs, the dos and don’ts, the
shoulds and shouldn’ts, told me all those rules were laid down by You—by God.
God: Then those who taught you were wrong. I have never set down a “right” or “wrong,” a
“do” or a “don’t.” To do so would be to strip you completely of your greatest gift—the
opportunity to do as you please, and experience the results of that; the chance to create
yourself anew in the image and likeness of Who You Really Are; the space to produce a
reality of a higher and higher you, based on your grandest idea of what it is of which you are
To say that something—a thought, a word, an action—is “wrong” would be as much as to tell
you not to do it. To tell you not to do it would be to prohibit you. To prohibit you would be to
restrict you. To restrict you would be to deny the reality of Who You Really Are, as well as
the opportunity for you to create and experience that truth.
There are those who say that I have given you free will, yet these same people claim that if
you do not obey Me, I will send you to hell. What kind of free will is that? Does this not
make a mockery of God—to say nothing of any sort of true relationship between us?
Well, now we’re getting into another area I wanted to discuss, and that’s this whole business
about heaven and hell. From what I’m gathering here, there is no such thing as hell.
There is hell, but it is not what you think, and you do not experience it for the reasons you
have been given.
NDW: What is hell?
God: It is the experience of the worst possible outcome of your choices, decisions, and
creations. It is the natural consequence of any thought which denies Me, or says no to Who
You Are in relationship to Me.
It is the pain you suffer through wrong thinking. Yet even the term “wrong thinking” is a
misnomer, because there is no such thing as that which is wrong.
Hell is the opposite of joy. It is unfulfillment. It is knowing Who and What You Are, and
failing to experience that. It is being less. That is hell, and there is none greater for your soul.

But hell does not exist as this place you have fantasized, where you burn in some everlasting
fire, or exist in some state of everlasting torment. What purpose could I have in that?
Even if I did hold the extraordinarily unGodly thought that you did not “deserve” heaven,
why would I have a need to seek some kind of revenge, or punishment, for your failing?
Wouldn’t it be a simple matter for Me to just dispose of you? What vengeful part of Me
would require that I subject you to eternal suffering of a type and at a level beyond
If you answer, the need for justice, would not a simple denial of communion with Me in
heaven serve the ends of justice? Is the unending infliction of pain also required?
I tell you there is no such experience after death as you have constructed in your fear-based
theologies. Yet there is an experience of the soul so unhappy, so incomplete, so less than
whole, so separated from God’s greatest joy, that to your soul this would be hell. But I tell
you I do not send you there, nor do I cause this experience to be visited upon you. You,
yourself, create the experience, whenever and however you separate your Self from your own
highest thought about you. You, yourself, create the experience, whenever you deny your
Self; whenever you reject Who and What You Really Are.
Yet even this experience is never eternal. It cannot be, for it is not My plan that you shall be
separated from Me forever and ever. Indeed, such a thing is an impossibility—for to achieve
such an event, not only would you have to deny Who You Are—I would have to as well. This
I will never do. And so long as one of us holds the truth about you, the truth about you shall
ultimately prevail.
NDW: But if there is no hell [or any punishment for that matter], does that mean I can do
what I want, act as I wish, commit any act, without fear of retribution?
God: Is it fear that you need in order to be, do, and have what is intrinsically right? Must you
be threatened in order to “be good”? (You will find soon that Love is the greatest power that
leads you to obey, to do or to be.)
And what is “being good”? Who gets to have the final say about that? Who sets the
guidelines? Who makes the rules?
I tell you this: You are your own rule-maker. You set the guidelines. And you decide how
well you have done; how well you are doing. For you are the one who has decided Who and
What You Really Are—and Who You Want to Be. And you are the only one who can assess
how well you’re doing.
No one else will judge you ever, for why, and how, could God judge God’s own creation and
call it bad? If I wanted you to be and do everything perfectly, I would have left you in the
state of total perfection whence you came. The whole point of the process was for you to
discover yourself, create your Self, as you truly are—and as you truly wish to be. Yet you
could not be that unless you also had a choice to be something else.
Should I therefore punish you for making a choice that I Myself have laid before you? If I did
not want you to make the second choice, why would I create other than the first?
This is a question you must ask yourself before you would assign Me the role of a
condemning God.
The direct answer to your question is, yes, you may do as you wish without fear of
retribution. It may serve you, however, to be aware of consequences.
Consequences are results. Natural outcomes. These are not at all the same as retributions, or
punishments. Outcomes are simply that. They are what results from the natural application of
natural laws. They are that which occurs, quite predictably, as a consequence of what has
All physical life functions in accordance with natural laws. Once you remember these laws,
and apply them, you have mastered life at the physical level.
What seems like punishment to you—or what you would call evil, or bad luck—is nothing
more than a natural law asserting itself.


NDW: Then if I were to know these laws, and obey them, I would never have a moment’s
trouble again. Is that what you’re telling me?
You would never experience your Self as being in what you call “trouble.” You would not
understand any life situation to be a problem. You would not encounter any circumstance
with trepidation. You would put an end to all worry, doubt, and fear. You would live as you
fantasize Adam and Eve lived— not as disembodied spirits in the realm of the absolute, but
as embodied spirits in the realm of the relative. Yet you would have all the freedom, all the
joy, all the peace, and all the wisdom, understanding and power of the Spirit you are. You
would be a fully realized being.
This is the goal of your soul. This is its purpose—to fully realize itself while in the body; to
become the embodiment of all that it really is. This is My plan for you. This is My ideal: that
I should become realized through you. That thus, concept is turned into experience, that I
might know my Self experientially.
The Laws of the Universe are laws that I laid down. They are perfect laws, creating perfect
function of the physical.
Have you ever seen anything more perfect than a snowflake? Its intricacy, its design, its
symmetry, its conformity to itself and originality from all else—all are a mystery. You
wonder at the miracle of this awesome display of Nature. Yet if I can do this with a single
snowflake, what think you I can do—have done —with the universe?
Were you to see the symmetry of it, the perfection of its design—from the largest body to the
smallest particle—you would not be able to hold the truth of it in your reality. Even now, as
you get glimpses of it, you cannot yet imagine or understand its implications. Yet you can
know there are implications—far more complex and far more extraordinary than your present
comprehension can embrace. Your Shakespeare said it wonderfully: There are more things in
Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
Then how can I know these laws? How can I learn them?
It is not a question of learning, but of remembering.
How can I remember them?
Begin by being still. Quiet the outer world, so that the inner world might bring you sight. This
in-sight is what you seek, yet you cannot have it while you are so deeply concerned with your
outer reality. Seek, therefore, to go within as much as possible. And when you are not going
within, come from within as you deal with the outside world. Remember this axiom:
If you do not go within, you go without.
Put it in the first person as you repeat it, to make it more personal:
If I do not go within
I go without

You have been going without all your life. Yet you do not have to, and never did.
There is nothing you cannot be, there is nothing you cannot do. There is nothing you cannot
NDW: That sounds like a pie-in-the-sky promise.
God: What other kind of promise would you have God make? Would you believe Me if I
promised you less?
For thousands of years people have disbelieved the promises of God for the most
extraordinary reason: they were too good to be true. So you have chosen a lesser promise—a
lesser love. For the highest promise of God proceeds from the highest love. Yet you cannot
conceive of a perfect love, and so a perfect promise is also inconceivable. As is a perfect
person. Therefore you cannot believe even in your Self.
Failing to believe in any of this means failure to believe in God. For belief in God produces
belief in God’s greatest gift—unconditional love—and God’s greatest promise—unlimited
Source: Conversations with God, volume 1
Neale Donald Walsch
Men are God’s joy when in his order they become what they are meant to be.
In them God finds again his equals,
and their constant growth in all kinds of knowledge and love;
wisdom and beauty are his bliss.
The Great Gospel of John, vol.2
The Hidden & True
Why We Cannot Blame
Lucifer & His Illuminati


December 2016

The Hidden & True Reason Why We Cannot Blame Lucifer & His Illuminati

Reason: We are part of the entire Lucifer! The collective Lucifer!

“In order to understand all this, it is particularly necessary that you realize who this
prodigal son actually is. As I show you the prodigal son—though by name only—truly, you
must have been hit with more than seven-fold blindness, if you would not notice instantly that
a large cover was taken from off your eyes; and now prepare yourselves and hear the name!
“See, he is called ‘Lucifer!’ - See, in this name is for you the entire eternally
incomprehensible and endless compendium of the prodigal son.
“Now think; that the existing, almost all of humanity are nothing but limbs [members] of
this prodigal son, and in fact it is primarily composed of those people, which descended out
of Adam’s cursed line. See: this lost son has taken all his [abounding] capabilities, which was
due him, and is wasting it—according to your understanding—in endlessly long-lasting time-
“You know from the story of the prodigal son how his fate ended.”
Source: The 12 Hours
Remarks: We, who became what Jesus called the Great Cosmic Man (whole cosmos) are
the fallen angels, prodigal sons. To the billions! Inhabiting the earth, and other countless
planets and stars! So, that is why, we should not accuse that “they” are the only Illuminati
(Dark Cabal); we too are!
Truth is, they just form the upper part, we the grassroot limbs!
Same of whom the Scriptures says, For God so loved the world (prodigal son/s) that He
gave His only Son to die for them!
Same for whom Christ said, “I came not for the healthy but for the sick, the lost and the
Same who were created to be the image and likeness of God. And behold, they are!
Read “Conversations with God” by Neale Donald Walsch to see the wonderful process
going on!

With that context in mind, we are now capable of overcoming our pride and activating
our true humility, meekness, mercy and compassion!
Seal # 1 (white horse) is the Roof of All Causes and the Mother of All Ill Effects

What President Duterte must referred to as the root of all causes is the mother of all
effects… is now getting clear and exposed!

Consider this: There was a mysterious statement that Pres. Duterte made a few times,

And I add: The Tree that produces the fruits.

If the fruit are bad, then, the tree is bad. If the fruits are good, then the tree is good. It
cannot be the other way around. No good tree will bear bad fruit; no bad tree will bear good

If you know that the biblical 777 in the Book of Revelation (7 seals, 7 Trumpets and 7
Last Plagues) are about mankind's history in the form of prophecy (and that we are now at 6th
of the Last Plague, yeah, almost to finish or complete the prophecy as history and
experience)...and if we know that the Seals comprise the major causes, while the Trumpets
comprise the major INITIAL effects to to us serve as warning (trumpets) to help us stop the
wrongdoings or wrong causes we are doing so we won't proceed to the aggravation or
worsening of the effects, the trumpets becoming the 7 Last Plagues.

If we know and understand that this is all simply a CAUSE AND EFFECT
phenomenon, then, we will be able to find what Pres. Duterte alluded to as the mother of all
effects which are unfortunately evil.
Who is this Root of All (evil) Causes and the Mother of All (ill) Effects? Who is this
bad tree that bears all these bad fruits? Who and what and where are the bad fruits in the first
place? Are they not the corrupt politicians, the for-sale voters, the prostitutes, the drug lords,
the drug pushers, the drug addicts most of whom turned rapists, thieves and killers?

Are they – we – not the fruits of Catholicism and her root doctrine, to wit: the bad 666,
to wit: 600fold Love for Self + 60fold Love for Neighbor whom they can still profit + 6fold
Love for God and the poor from whom we cannot profit.

Is not this Catholic (universal) bad 666 the root Cause of all bad causes and the mother
of all ill effects?

This mother of all effects and also the mother (root) of all causes is Seal # 1: the white
horse of the apocalypse. And what is this white horse? Answer: false teaching and false
teacher...using the white color as its covering...and where is the white colored cloak today?
Answer: Catholic priests. And the white uniforms? Answer: The doctors, pharmacists and
nurses of the pharmaceutical industry.

Makes sense?


Any connection between the white-cloaked priests and the white-uniformed

pharmaceuticals? Unknown to the masses, the main lab of the pharmaceutical industry is
located in the bowels (basement) of the Vatican where the formulation as well as the first
tests of medicines (poison) are being conducted. Under the Vatican are rats and humans used
as guinea pigs to test the “effectiveness” of every newly formulated poison-medicine. They
are the master chemists a.k.a. poisoners. Ancient name: sorcery. Greek name: Pharmakeia.

They are what the Book of Revelation calls “sorcery” (kjv) or “magic arts” (niv).
Described and exposed as follows:


9:21- because of her medicine’s therapeutic (pain killing or pain soothing) powers, the people
who have fallen into countless pitfalls (harmful diets and harmful practices), have come to
trust the Pharmaceuticals as the instant remover of their pains, without them knowing that this
service comes with very terrible price, namely: the same pain relievers/ pain killers are
poisoning their intestines, kidneys and other systems, paving the way for new diseases (new
poisonings of other organs), which then force them to use other pharmedicines which then
poison other parts of the body: hence, the increase of organs affected (poisoned, diseased) and
the parallel increase poisoning medicines; the end result is: a plethora or smorgasbord of both
medicines and diseases. Official name: polypharmacy (multiple medicines) and Adverse
Drugs Reactions (ADRs) or in local parlance, complications (multiplication of diseases).
Different medicines (poisons) create a deadly synergy inside the body, as they combine and
interact. Thus,
2. MASS KILLER. Revelation 18:24 – Babylon’s sorcery (pharmaceutical)
becomes the greatest killer of the masses because of this. Rev 18:24: “In her was found the
blood … of all who have been killed on the earth." Finding from a comprehensive all-
country study by US Team of brilliant doctors and scientists led by Dr.Gary Null:
AMERICANS.” “Death by Medicine” is over 700,000 a year while death by heart disease or
cancer, which takes turns as the No. 1 disease killer in the country every year, is only at
500,000 a year. Similar trend is observed in countries who follow the American
3. MASS DECEIVER. Revelation 18:23 – Sorcery (pharmaceuticals) is
described in this verse as main tool of deceiving the nations by Babylon the Great (USA-
Vatican-England). In what way? Answer: the therapeutic effect, that is, the pain killing, the
pain relieving, the pain soothing effect which happens instantly like magic; for which reason
NIV uses the word “magic arts” for its instant “relief is here today, gone tomorrow” effect,
not lasting, not genuine, hence, magic, deceitful.
EARTH. Revelation 21:8 – No participant or member (from owner, to pharmacist, to doctor,
to nurses, to patients) of this sorcery-pharmaceutical system will be allowed to enter the new
heaven on earth and the new Jerusalem. They will be confined outside to suffer the lake of
fire which burns with sulfur and brimstone. See also Revelation 22:15
5. PHARMA PARTICIPANTS’ LOT IS CANCER. Rev 14:9-11 – They will
suffer the torment of cancer, et al. Thus: A third angel followed them and said in a loud voice:
"If anyone worships the beast and his image and receives his mark on the forehead or on the
hand, he, too, will drink of the wine of God's fury, which has been poured full strength into
the cup of his wrath. He will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy
angels and of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment rises for ever and ever (without end).
There is no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and his image, or for anyone
who receives the mark of his name." Revelation 16:2 – Those who worship the beast and his
image suffer the first plague: cancer – the ugly and painful sore that consumes (eats up) the
flesh and does not heal” (Deuteronomy 28:22, 35). Those who worship the beast and its
image and 666 suffer this plague – Revelation 16:2.
as early as the time in Leviticus 19:26, "Do not practice divination or sorcery.”
Here is some more: The Bible has a number of clues. One is: wolves in sheep's
clothing. Another: The Bible says Satan pretends to be an angel of light.

The Book of Revelation says he deceives the whole world. Question: How can he
deceive us, or the whole world, if he appears in his true color and does not cover his real
nature and personality?

So does he use white color as well as some sort of good deeds, e.g., charity
organizations... but Jesus said that IN THE END, YOU WILL NOT SUCCEED IN THE
tree is good, then, good fruits will manifest. If the tree is bad, then bad fruits will manifest.

We, 100 million Filipinos, what kind of people are we, do you think?

My answer: We are in two classes: victims and victimizers. Preys and predators.

You leave your bag for a while on the ground to stretch out your waist in a busy city
street and when you pick it's gone!

You leave your wife and daughters for a short while at home and alas, they are raped
or swallowed up!

You park your motorcycle for a while and when you return it's gone!

You need to take a chain to bind your bike to ensure no one will steal it.

You trust your priest and now the report worldwide is this: the Catholic priests have
committed the most boy rapes and girl rapes in the world!

The Catholic elite create wines and lace them with poison...Result: Natives men in
American, Philippines etc slowly died and they died first...leaving their wives and children as
widow and orphans...vulnerable to the manipulation of the priests.
During the hilog (deathbed confession) which the Catholic made exclusive between
the dying man and the priest (wife and children not allowed to enter the room of the dying
man)...when the wife asked the priest (friar) how's her husband before he died, the priest
would say, "Oh, so sad and frightening...his soul was on its way to hell! And he was crying to
me asking me to tell you to do everything you can to save his soul from hell!" The startled
wife answered, "What can I do father?" The priest: "You need to sponsor a special mass for
your husband's soul." The woman: "Ah, OK father. Thank you." The priest, "But wait, here is
one other thing: our prayers will not be accepted by Heaven if you do not make your best
offering." The woman: "And what is that father?" The priest: "Your land...your farm.. the best
portion as your most fragrant aroma to the nose of the Lord." Result: all the best plains and
most fertile valleys are now owned by the Catholic Church, esp. the Jesuits. This is called
"friar land."

Half (15 million hectares) of the Philippines' total land area (30 million hectares) is
land titled. This first half makes up the plains and valleys. A huge portion of it is friar land,
kept hidden by the church.

This is land grabbing by religious deception. In addition to land grabbing by war and
land grabbing by legal leasing done by corporations.

The major cause of drug addiction and its resulting heinous crimes is this: make the
people landless or have land but enough for house only and not enough to produce enough
food = the people seek employment (modern slavery). Make that employment scare and you
force people to go outside the country to seek employment abroad. This happens to the
Filipinos. OFWs.

Now, what has happened with OFWism is the disappearance of the mother from her
home. Result: emotional emptiness on the heart of the kids. Then, to fill it up or make up, the
OFW mother send much money to these empty-hearted kids. Result: empty heart + much

Formula for drug addiction: empty heart + much money.

Thus and therefore, it is we who have created the drug problem in the country. It is we
who created the situation where our own women, wives, sisters and daughters are raped and

It is we who created the situation where our sons are killed in buy bust operation.
A portion of the blame goes to the mother for leaving her children.

A bigger blame goes to the fathers who were left with the police in the Philippines.

Scenario: fathers + policemen = 5 millions drug addicts.

Conclusion: talagang palpak ang mga tatay.

Walang silbi.Puro inom ug barkadahan. In fact, many of these fathers are pushers
themselves damaging the children of others! And when confronted, just said, A hindi bitaw
anak ko yung mga 'yon! Same statement made by police chiefs.

They were entrusted to take care and protect their own children, what had happened? 5
million or more are drug addicts!

Who else to blame?

Besides mothers, fathers, the policemen, we have to trace the blame to the drug lords.

And their drug pushers.

And mind you: to the one who took our land and left us landless (that is, zero land or
with a land not enough to feed the family).

Mga kababayan, kapamilya, kapuso, kapatid: WE ARE ONLY STARTING TO


She is the teacher of this root teaching, the mother of all wrong teachings, to wit:
600fold Love for Self + 60fold Love for Neighbor + only 6fold Love for God.

The much publicized but least understood 666.

Which is the foundation of the greed-driven, lust-motivated, pride-controlled RAW

She is not the teacher nor the author of ENLIGHTENED CAPITALISM = 600fold
Love for God + 60fold Love for Neighbor + a humble 6fold Love for Self. The good 666
which cares for the welfare, safety and prosperity of the poor fellowmen, the trees, the waters,
the invaluable earthworms and microbes who are the makers of organic fertilizer and fertile
top soil. Kill the earthworms and microbes and you kill the soil…And dead soil cannot give
fruits to your fruit trees, and not even give life to your grains and vegetables. What to do?
Offer the toxic chemical fertilizers to give artificial false fruits. Proof that today’s fruits are
false: In terms of nutrients contents, today’s 34 apples = 1 apple in our ancestors’ time before
chemical fertilizer. In other words, even if you eat 10 apples, you are getting insufficient
nutrients to keep you healthy and safe from disease.

That is the result of bad 666 that killed the humble earthworms, life-friendly microbes,

That’s just one example of the effect of greed-driven 666 that fuels raw capitalism.

Mga kapatid, what the President must be referring to as the root of all causes and the
mother of all effects… is now getting clear and exposed!

It is the teaching of Catholicism: the teaching of selfish love – the bad 666 love that
loves self more than others and more than God.
This is the first cause. This is Seal # 1 which leads to the rest of the seals and results to
the 7 trumpets and 7 last plagues, the last of which is the severe earthquake which is believed
to be nuclear blast. The Third World War!

If we will not act now to shift to good 666!



In the Philippine law archives, there exists a good, though not perfect, but fairly
benevolent law of the land called THE COMMONWEALTH ACT 141 otherwise known as
The Public Land Act or Homestead Law. This law provides: EVERY LANDLESS FAMILY
Question: The Executive Branch of the government composed by the President and his
implementing government agencies such as the DENR, DA, DAR, etc., the Governors, the
Mayors and barangay captains, has only one tasked: implement the laws crafted by the
Legislative body (Congress, local councils).

Now, who of our past president implemented Commonwealth Act 141?

Answer: None.

My opinion: These presidents and members of previous executive branches from top
down, deserved to be jailed one year per one year of imprisonment suffered by every criminal
because criminals were made by having no enough land to draw their food from!
Seal # 1 - White Horse’s Worst Teaching: “God of Wrath”

Let us most intensively discuss this to achieve full comprehension of this most
destructive teaching of the “white horse”. Thus,
There is a book, one of its kind, titled “The 12 Hours” dictated by Father YaHuWaH to
His humble scribe, Jakob Lorber, an Austrian Jew.
You know, this book is very eye-opening. It is a book chronicling the history of
slavery, both black slavery (labor) and white slavery (sex slavery) and by implications, all
kinds of atrocities and immoralities, crimes and abuses.
The book is divided not by chapter but by hours. So this already makes the book
unique. There are 12 hours in all. Each hour represents a place and a condition or degree of
slavery. Each hour is already deplorable but it seems that as the hour progresses to the 12 th,
the degree or gravity of the crime also increases, so much so that your heart seems to suffer
an increasing pain of being lacerated!
But what is more shocking to know is that while slavery (as effect) is already startling,
the cause is more jolting: THE FALSE DOCTRINE THAT GOD IS A GOD OF WRATH!
This lie has caused every man and woman who came to believe in it to dislike God, to
say the least, to fear him to describe the feeling of most people affected, and worst, this
resulted to man’s anger or hatred towards God, as he went from one misfortune to another.
For indeed, the initial fear of God whom he considered as wrathful, has separated him from
Him and this resulted to a long series of misfortunes, pains and sufferings, which led him to
curse and get angry at God!
The one who believes in the doctrine of God of wrath becomes godless. As godless, he
becomes also wrathful and ruthless like the God of Wrath he imagine God is, abusive and
This is what happened to most men who believed in God of wrath.
As to most women, they fell into the path of immorality. Some came to power and
became merciless and revengeful.
All kinds of ungodliness and lovelessness are the result of the false doctrine that “God
is a God of wrath” taught by major religions especially by Roman Catholicism.

Can God be blamed for natural disasters and personal illnesses, e.g., that they come from
Him to punish us?
God: “Your question infers that I choose these events, that it is My will and desire they
should occur. Yet I do not will these things into being, I merely observe you doing so. And I
do nothing to stop them, because to do so would be to thwart your will. That, in turn, would
deprive you of the God experience, which is the experience you and I have chosen together.
Illness and disease are opposites of health and wellness, and are made manifest in your
reality at your behest. You cannot be ill without at some level causing yourself to be, and you
can be well again in a moment by simply deciding to be.
Deep personal disappointments are responses which are chosen [by you, leading to some
illness], and worldwide calamities are the result of worldwide consciousness [sum total
thoughts of world’s people].
“The world’s natural calamities and disasters—its tornados and hurricanes, volcanoes
and floods—its physical turmoils —are not created by you specifically.
These events are created by the combined consciousness of man. All of the world, co-
creating together, produces these experiences.
Events occur in the universe which no stretch of the imagination could claim you
instigated or created.
What is created by you is the degree to which these events touch your life.
What each of you do, individually, is move through them, deciding what, if anything,
they mean to you, and Who and What You Are in relationship to them.” For example.
The internet as a world event. It is neutral by itself. It does not good, nor wrong. It is all
up to you to decide how are you going to use it. Are you going to use it to promote
pornography or permaculture?
That’s the pro-active aspect.
Now, as to responsive aspect, if they are using the internet to circulate immoral
pornography, what then is your response? Join them, patronize their pervert use of sex, or just
ignore or do something to halt their activity that poisons the minds of others, especially the
How you affect it and how it affects you, is all up to you?
Do they offer war as the solution to problems? Will you accept it or refuse it and choose
the peaceful path of friendship and cooperation?
To contribute to world catastrophes by getting involved in irresponsible cutting of trees
or to join the noble work of planting trees to save the world is all up to you.
God: “Thus, you create collectively, and individually, the life and times you are
experiencing, for the soul purpose of evolving.”

“The whole point of the process was for you to discover yourself, create your Self, as you
truly are—and as you truly wish to be. Yet you could not be that unless you also had a choice
to be something else.
Should I therefore punish you for making a choice that I Myself have laid before you? If
I did not want you to make the second choice, why would I create other than the first?
This is a question you must ask yourself before you would assign Me the role of a
condemning God.
The direct answer to your question is, yes, you may do as you wish without fear of
retribution. It may serve you, however, to be aware of consequences.
Consequences are results. Natural outcomes. These are not at all the same as retributions,
or punishments. Outcomes are simply that. They are what results from the natural application
of natural laws. They are that which occurs, quite predictably, as a consequence of what has
All physical life functions in accordance with natural laws. Once you remember these
laws, and apply them, you have mastered life at the physical level.
What seems like punishment to you—or what you would call evil, or bad luck—is
nothing more than a natural law asserting itself.”

Source: Conversations with God, volume 1

Neale Donald Walsch
The 7 Seals, 7 Trumpets & the 7 Last Plagues as the Outline of Man’s Deeds as Prodigal
Son & their Effects

Catholic Europe and Anglican-Protestant Britain-America –

Mother and Firstborn (effect) of Catholic’s doctrine on “wrath of God”
In the 7-7-7 Cause and Effect Frame, where the first 7 are the 7 Seals, the second are the 7
Trumpets and the third and last 7 are the 7 Last Plagues, the seals are the major Causes, while
the Trumpets are the partial effects which (1) serve as warning in the hope that people would
take notice and step back (repent), and (2) first batch or first fruits of effects; while the 7 last
plagues are the final, ripened effects that appear if the people would not and had not listened
to the preceding trumpets-warning.
Again, the first batch of effects or firstfruits are called the 7 Trumpets, while the second or
last batch of effects are called the 7 last plagues.
Let us see the people operating in each 7.
In the first 7 (seals phase), we have the group of people known as white horse. They are the
false prophets and false teachers who taught the false doctrine.
And interestingly, we are here in this book to discuss the No. 1 of their worst doctrines,
namely: That God is a God of wrath!
What does God say about this worst of all kinds of character assassination?
In the Household of God, volume 1, chapter 2, verses 8, He lamented,
“For the world I am a most insignificant hero for whom there is not much regard.
The scholars look down upon Me and at the most call Me an honest man.
Some of them ignore Me completely; for them I no longer exist. Others still admit some
divine traits in Me, but only for a short time, then they let themselves be influenced by the
worldly wise. Soon I am dismissed and at the most regarded as a God for old women.
For some of My servants and workers, who imagine themselves great, I merely serve as an
official seal and as an external kind of divine cover for their idle nonsense and their gross and
utter foolishness and stupidity. There are some who permit Me still to retain My divinity, but
for this I must allow them to make of Me what they will in their pursuit of temporal gains.”
But the worst teaching about God?
“And what is the worst: I must be a downright absurdity! Love and mercy I may have only as
long as it suits them; then I must become more pitiless than a stone and must suffer Myself to
be changed into a most despicable tyrant. I am expected to rush from One tribunal to the next
and pass one condemnation after the other. My love must therefore be only temporary,
whereas My tyranny and harsh judgeship are meant to last forever (e.g., eternal hell fire).
“Oh, those utter fools! My infinite forbearance, gentleness, meekness and eternal love for My
created beings certainly do not serve their greedy purposes, but all their plans shall soon be
thwarted. Their accounts are before Me and the measure of their deeds has been almost filled,
and their reward is awaiting them.”
What is the worst teaching? That God is a God of finite love (lasting only from Christ first
coming to shortly before His return) and eternal wrath (to commence at His second coming
which is described by this wicked teachers as the Day of Wrath (Judgment) to be followed by
being thrown alive into the lake of fire for all eternity, to be ever-fried in the boiling fire,
never to die.
What makes God worst in this doctrine is that for only a mere vice of smoking which is
caused mainly by an addictive substance added to the cigarette secretly by the manufacturer
to increase and sustain profit when the addict keeps on buying his cigarette, so the smoker is
less culpable and is more of a victim and as a victim, what does he deserve: pity or
condemnation? For the even less merciful person you ask, the answer would be: pity (mercy).
And surely God knows that the smoker is more of a victim than an offender. And so to
subconsciously see God as merciless towards the victim or to the committer of a minor sin
(smoking) – to imagine God giving him a terrible penalty (eternal fire) – can you prevent the
believer from advancing from fear to hatred against God?
So being taught and coming to believe that God is a God of wrath is the worst thing to have
befallen a person!
In the next verse, God says that it was better for a person not to know anything about Him
than to be taught of this evil “God of wrath” doctrine!
Verse 9: “For him who does not know Me the way I am, and who I am, it would be better not
to know anything about Me, for then I could still revive him in the spirit realm. But as things
are they make themselves incapable of receiving My help as they deaden the life within them
by destroying and slaying Me within them, thereby becoming vines separated from the
They peddled the story that God’s wrath is greater than His love. For this reason, if you took
this thought about the possibility that God would kill you, then, you have now that single but
very powerful fear that would breed doubt of God’s reliability and trustworthiness – and this
makes you always insecure and distrustful, hence, hindering you from loving God absolutely!
This fear becomes a stain in what supposed to be your perfect love for Him.
For we, all of us, each of us, has to reach the point of realization that our love for God is
perfect, not stained by any iota of doubt and fear. Perfect love casts away all fear, says the
apostle John.
The “God of wrath” lie is being tied up in a number of major accusations against God, some
of them are:
3. He has prepared a hell – an eternal lake of fire - for the many who could not
measure up on earth. This hell is everlasting; you can’t be extracted once you are cast there;
no forgiveness; you will be tortured and fried forever in the lake of fire;
4. He has caused all these world catastrophes and terrible diseases and other
personal pains as His punishment to us.
The priests have long peddled the idea to the innocent people that catastrophes and illnesses
are God’s punishment to the disobedient mankind. These punishments, we are told, are not
necessary nor are part or effect of our misdeeds, they are just simply added by God’s anger.
They are not related to nor result of our sins. They are purely God’s anger.
They are giving us a picture where a small boy wanted to climb the tree near their house but
his father sternly forbade him saying that he would suffer some bruise or wound if he fell.
True to the father’s warning, the boy fell and suffered a bruise and a wound after he climbed
the tree when his father was away.
When he came home, the father saw what had happened and blasted, “I had told you!” And
took a paddle and smashed the kid’s other knee where there was no bruise nor wound. The
result was that: there was a greater injury now than before the father punished the frightened
and remorseful child.
Problem was: the father pushed through his punishment even if the child was already crying
due to his first injury, and no matter how the helpless boy asked for forgiveness and promised
not to again disobey him, still the angry father proceeded and broke his son’s knee!
Familiar scene, isn’t it?
I too as a father, am guilty of this “loveless” act from time to time when my beloved children
were small. It is now causing my heart to bleed and to feel remorse.
But unkind those reactions were, still there is this experience that helps us understand what is
it to be a father of wrath!
I am not saying we can never do some kind of punishment, I do not say that you cannot do a
compassionate type of punishment based on love with the intention that the child will lean
more to the positive experience or way of obedience rather than leaning towards the negative
experience of disobedience or always making mistakes. It is our wish that they learn the easy
way by simply listening and believing on us, and choosing the positive experience of
obedience rather than learning by mistakes most of the time – we hope they will not be
frequently making mistakes and experiencing their resulting pains. I am not saying there is no
appropriate time for a ‘punishment’ which is wise and loving. Sure, there is, such as to use
the rod as alternative and lesser pain compared to the real pain the child suffers if he cuts his
arm or break his leg!
But here we see from the example above, an idea what is a punishment that is not based on
love and wisdom, but in anger!
This is what the false church and false teachers (collectively called in the Bible as seal no. 1,
the white horse) was inculcating in our hearts and minds for all these millennia and centuries
so that our love for God couldn’t be complete – so that we fear God more than love Him. We
can’t now attain a perfect love that casts away all fear we have towards Him! We are disabled
from coming to love Him above all, with all our heart, with all our mind, with all our might.
The doctrine and belief of “God of wrath” has become a big hindrance to absolute love for
God. Instead of being a parent of soft heart like that of a mother who would forget all threats
you had spoken before and rushes to save her child from the coming vehicle out of great love
and great concern, we are given a picture of a God whose anger killed any remaining amount
of compassion and just say after his weak child got hit by a car, “Mirise!” and then went to
him and further hit the suffering child with a 2” x 2” lumber!
This usually happens to fathers, human fathers, but not to human mothers. And we thought
that this also happened with God… especially in the end-time when He is allegedly accused
to be the one responsible for adding all these unrelated calamities and illnesses, that have
nothing to do with our real sins! They are telling us that these natural calamities and personal
illnesses are pure penalties from God, and never have any connection to our actual sins!..
when in truth, these calamities and misfortunes are results of our collective and individual
choices and decisions. God contributed nothing to our misery. An yet the priests have been
telling us that these are God’s penalties for our sins. These misfortunes are direct or indirect
results of our misdeeds but they are not God’s penalties for such misdeeds!
Thus, God is painted to be very cruel, angry, disgusted of us, losing patience for His children!
This terrible God is what scares the child in each one of us to run away from the approaching
Father, instead of running towards Him. We fear His return because we imagine it to be a
dreadful day of judgment.
Isn’t it that a child would run towards his father if as father he is loving and is loved and is
not frightening? And a child would run away from an approaching father if he is a man of
anger and punishments?
That is the struggle. A father of wrath has been painted on God after the Church and her false
teachers had successfully peddled the lie that the end-time calamities and illnesses have
nothing to do with our actual sins and that they are purely add-ons out of the anger and wrath
of a disappointed and very angry father!
This is the root cause, seal # 1 – the root cause of all evils. Because the fear of God in us
would melt all remaining softness and gentleness upon which gratitude towards God for His
goodness can take root for love to flourish.
While fear of a wrathful god exists, love cannot grow; you cannot achieve the goal of loving
God above all with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your might and loving your
neighbor as yourself. It will always remain difficult, if not impossible to do so, as long as you
think and believe God possesses a destructive wrath which gives the possibility that one day,
someday and somehow God may and will destroy you!
Read chapter one (First Hour) of God’s book, The 12 Hours, and there you can see in plain
Then read chapters (hours) two to twelve to have the real feel of what really had happened
from the original base in ancient Sumeria (Mesopotamia) especially in Old Babylon-Iraq, in
the Middle East and from its second base, the Vatican – you will see how this false teaching
had turned man into hyenas from continent to continent!
Cruelty or mercilessness which is the condition of the lack of compassionate love towards the
poor and the needy which is also the same as, or the result of, the lack of gratitude (grateful
love) towards God was the main weakness of Old Babylon (Iraq).
After attaining the greatness described by God in the first dream that he was the head of gold
in the great statue in his dream (Daniel 2), King Nebuchadnezzar could not help becoming
haughty, arrogant and proud… and along with it, the vehement hatred and hostility and
abhorrence against all weaknesses and against the weak especially poor and the needy… yes
all kinds of weakness except his own (e.g., pride) which he did not recognize.
The correct attitude would be HUMILITY (OR GRATITUDE AND COMPASSION) IN
To the contrary, he grew so haughty that he let the statue of his dream to be constructed and
erected in full view in his palace and worse, he welcomed the suggestion of his advisers that
all subjects should worship the statue in his behalf and he who would not bow down and bend
his knee on the appointed time, should be killed! (Daniel 3). So instead of gratitude towards
God who gave him greatness, wealth and fame, he became proud. So proud did he become so
that his face turned very red in anger towards Daniel’s three friends who did not worship the
statue and ordered the furnace to be heated at least seven times to ensure that the disloyal be
destroyed. So hot was the fire that those who carried and threw the three bound men into the
flaming fire was sucked and eaten up by the fire!
This showed the degree of Nebuchadnezzar’s pride.
And this incident where he saw Daniel’s three friends alive in the midst of the raging fire
unharmed was the first lesson of humility and mercy.
Did he learn it? Did he got it?
No! He didn’t totally. He merely began his familiarization with humility. But he was far from
being humble, altho he started acknowledging the God of Daniel and of his three friends. He
began praising the true God thus: “
Da:3:28: Then Nebuchadnezzar spake, and said, Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach,
and Abed-nego, who hath sent his angel, and delivered his servants that trusted in him, and
have changed the king's word, and yielded their bodies, that they might not serve nor worship
any god, except their own God.
Da:3:29: Therefore I make a decree, That every people, nation, and language, which speak
any thing amiss against the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, shall be cut in
pieces, and their houses shall be made a dunghill: because there is no other God that can
deliver after this sort..”
Did the experience make Nebuchadnezzar completely humble?
No, it did not yet!
He had to undergo the second step of fully destroying his pride and fully learning humility:
To lose his kingship by becoming a mad man and dwelling among the beasts in the forest for
7 years! (Daniel 4).
Any alternative? Yes, there was. And it was to soften his heart towards the poor.
Da:4:27: Wherefore, O king, let my counsel be acceptable unto thee, and break off thy sins
by righteousness, and thine iniquities by shewing mercy to the poor; if it may be a
lengthening of thy tranquillity.
Sadly, King Nebuchadnezzar, blinded by his still great pride did not give value to Daniel’s
advice but proceed to do one proud action to another…until…
Da:4:28: All this came upon the king Nebuchadnezzar.
Da:4:29: At the end of twelve months he walked in the palace of the kingdom of Babylon.
Da:4:30: The king spake, and said, Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for the house of
the kingdom by the might of my power, and for the honour of my majesty?
(Note the pride and lack of the humility to acknowledge God who gave him all the strengths!)
Da:4:31: While the word was in the king's mouth, there fell a voice from heaven, saying, O
king Nebuchadnezzar, to thee it is spoken; The kingdom is departed from thee.
Da:4:32: And they shall drive thee from men, and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the
field: they shall make thee to eat grass as oxen, and seven times shall pass over thee, until
thou know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he
Da:4:33: The same hour was the thing fulfilled upon Nebuchadnezzar: and he was driven
from men, and did eat grass as oxen, and his body was wet with the dew of heaven, till his
hairs were grown like eagles' feathers, and his nails like birds' claws.
King Nebuchadnezzar did not possess nor cultivate the type of love called gratitude towards
the Great Giver which is also humility which is also mercy and compassion towards the poor.
The first lesson on gratitude and humility as well as mercy was with the fire that could not
burn the men protected by the Great God.
The next lesson was more painful and totally humiliating: he became insane and lived among
the animals in the forest, totally stripped off his royal splendor and sound mind!
He was warned of this second lesson. Through a dream also. This was narrated by King
Nebuchadnezzar himself , thus:
Da:4:4: I Nebuchadnezzar was at rest in mine house, and flourishing in my palace:
Da:4:5: I saw a dream which made me afraid, and the thoughts upon my bed and the visions
of my head troubled me.
Da:4:6: Therefore made I a decree to bring in all the wise men of Babylon before me, that
they might make known unto me the interpretation of the dream.
Da:4:7: Then came in the magicians, the astrologers, the Chaldeans, and the soothsayers: and
I told the dream before them; but they did not make known unto me the interpretation thereof.
Da:4:8: But at the last Daniel came in before me, whose name was Belteshazzar, according to
the name of my god, and in whom is the spirit of the holy gods: and before him I told the
dream, saying,
Da:4:9: O Belteshazzar, master of the magicians, because I know that the spirit of the holy
gods is in thee, and no secret troubleth thee, tell me the visions of my dream that I have seen,
and the interpretation thereof.
Da:4:10: Thus were the visions of mine head in my bed; I saw, and behold a tree in the midst
of the earth, and the height thereof was great.
Da:4:11: The tree grew, and was strong, and the height thereof reached unto heaven, and the
sight thereof to the end of all the earth:
Da:4:12: The leaves thereof were fair, and the fruit thereof much, and in it was meat for all:
the beasts of the field had shadow under it, and the fowls of the heaven dwelt in the boughs
thereof, and all flesh was fed of it.
Da:4:13: I saw in the visions of my head upon my bed, and, behold, a watcher and an holy
one came down from heaven;
Da:4:14: He cried aloud, and said thus, Hew down the tree, and cut off his branches, shake
off his leaves, and scatter his fruit: let the beasts get away from under it, and the fowls from
his branches:
Da:4:15: Nevertheless leave the stump of his roots in the earth, even with a band of iron and
brass, in the tender grass of the field; and let it be wet with the dew of heaven, and let his
portion be with the beasts in the grass of the earth:
Da:4:16: Let his heart be changed from man's, and let a beast's heart be given unto him; and
let seven times pass over him.
Da:4:17: This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy
ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men,
and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men.
Da:4:18: This dream I king Nebuchadnezzar have seen. Now thou, O Belteshazzar, declare
the interpretation thereof, forasmuch as all the wise men of my kingdom are not able to make
known unto me the interpretation: but thou art able; for the spirit of the holy gods is in thee.
Da:4:19: Then Daniel, whose name was Belteshazzar, was astonied for one hour, and his
thoughts troubled him. The king spake, and said, Belteshazzar, let not the dream, or the
interpretation thereof, trouble thee. Belteshazzar answered and said, My lord, the dream be to
them that hate thee, and the interpretation thereof to thine enemies.
Da:4:20: The tree that thou sawest, which grew, and was strong, whose height reached unto
the heaven, and the sight thereof to all the earth;
Da:4:21: Whose leaves were fair, and the fruit thereof much, and in it was meat for all; under
which the beasts of the field dwelt, and upon whose branches the fowls of the heaven had
their habitation:
Da:4:22: It is thou, O king, that art grown and become strong: for thy greatness is grown, and
reacheth unto heaven, and thy dominion to the end of the earth.
Da:4:23: And whereas the king saw a watcher and an holy one coming down from heaven,
and saying, Hew the tree down, and destroy it; yet leave the stump of the roots thereof in the
earth, even with a band of iron and brass, in the tender grass of the field; and let it be wet with
the dew of heaven, and let his portion be with the beasts of the field, till seven times pass over
Da:4:24: This is the interpretation, O king, and this is the decree of the most High, which is
come upon my lord the king:
Da:4:25: That they shall drive thee from men, and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the
field, and they shall make thee to eat grass as oxen, and they shall wet thee with the dew of
heaven, and seven times shall pass over thee, till thou know that the most High ruleth in the
kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will.
Da:4:26: And whereas they commanded to leave the stump of the tree roots; thy kingdom
shall be sure unto thee, after that thou shalt have known that the heavens do rule.
Da:4:27: Wherefore, O king, let my counsel be acceptable unto thee, and break off thy sins by
righteousness, and thine iniquities by shewing mercy to the poor; if it may be a lengthening of
thy tranquillity.
Because he did not take heed of the warning and advice, the threatened harsh experience to
learn the lesson on gratitude-humility-mercy –and-compassion the hard way did happen,
instead of just merely listening to advice to soften his heart to allow mercy.
Da:4:28: All this came upon the king Nebuchadnezzar.
Da:4:29: At the end of twelve months he walked in the palace of the kingdom of Babylon.
Da:4:30: The king spake, and said, Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for the house of
the kingdom by the might of my power, and for the honour of my majesty?
Da:4:31: While the word was in the king's mouth, there fell a voice from heaven, saying, O
king Nebuchadnezzar, to thee it is spoken; The kingdom is departed from thee.
Da:4:32: And they shall drive thee from men, and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the
field: they shall make thee to eat grass as oxen, and seven times shall pass over thee, until
thou know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he
Da:4:33: The same hour was the thing fulfilled upon Nebuchadnezzar: and he was driven
from men, and did eat grass as oxen, and his body was wet with the dew of heaven, till his
hairs were grown like eagles' feathers, and his nails like birds' claws.
Did Nebuchadnezzar learn at last?
Yes, after going through those seven years of humiliation… as human beast living in the
forest without any royal splendor to be proud of.
At last he acknowledged God truly and humbly.
Da:4:1: Nebuchadnezzar the king, unto all people, nations, and languages, that dwell in all the
earth; Peace be multiplied unto you.
Da:4:2: I thought it good to shew the signs and wonders that the high God hath wrought
toward me.
Da:4:3: How great are his signs! and how mighty are his wonders! his kingdom is an
everlasting kingdom, and his dominion is from generation to generation…
(Note that he wanted his lesson be learned by us who would hear or read of his experiences).

Da:4:34: And at the end of the days I Nebuchadnezzar lifted up mine eyes unto heaven, and
mine understanding returned unto me, and I blessed the most High, and I praised and
honoured him that liveth for ever, whose dominion is an everlasting dominion, and his
kingdom is from generation to generation:
Da:4:35: And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and he doeth according to
his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay his
hand, or say unto him, What doest thou?
Da:4:36: At the same time my reason returned unto me; and for the glory of my kingdom,
mine honour and brightness returned unto me; and my counsellers and my lords sought unto
me; and I was established in my kingdom, and excellent majesty was added unto me.
Da:4:37: Now I Nebuchadnezzar praise and extol and honour the King of heaven, all whose
works are truth, and his ways judgment: and those that walk in pride he is able to abase.
What are the lessons he learned the hard way? The truths?
5. Let us “praise and extol and honour the King of heaven,”
6. “all His works are truth,”
7. “and his ways judgment:”
8. “and those that walk in pride he is able to abase.”
(Daniel 4:37).
And that:
Da:4:2: I thought it good to shew the signs and wonders that the high God hath
wrought toward me.
Da:4:3: How great are his signs! and how mighty are his wonders! his kingdom is an
everlasting kingdom, and his dominion is from generation to generation.
Da:4:27: Wherefore, O king, let my counsel be acceptable unto thee, and break off thy
sins by righteousness, and thine iniquities by shewing mercy to the poor; if it may be a
lengthening of thy tranquillity.
Da:4:28: All this came upon the king Nebuchadnezzar.
Now, after finally learning the lesson Nebuchadnezzar received greater blessings.
Then, you would think that it would be easy for his descendants to learn the same lesson.
Right? Yes? No!
For when his son Belshazzar became king, he committed the same weakness his father
Nebuchadnezzar did: pride!
And this time, there is no more second chance. The kingdom was to be completely
taken from them. The fall of Babylon was to be final. Why?
Da:5:22: “And thou his son, O Belshazzar, hast not humbled thine heart, though thou
knewest all this;”
Belshazzar knew his father’s experiences – and he know the lessons, but simply chose
to ignore and mock it! He was found wanting – he was found deficient in the most important
ingredient a great man must possess if he were not to lose his greatness, to wit: humility,
gratitude towards the Great Giver of all greatness, and to also express that in the form of
kindness towards the poor and the needy.
Here is the full story, in Daniel 5, thus:
Da:5:1: Belshazzar the king made a great feast to a thousand of his lords, and drank
wine before the thousand.
Da:5:2: Belshazzar, whiles he tasted the wine, commanded to bring the golden and
silver vessels which his father Nebuchadnezzar had taken out of the temple which was in
Jerusalem; that the king, and his princes, his wives, and his concubines, might drink therein.
Da:5:3: Then they brought the golden vessels that were taken out of the temple of the
house of God which was at Jerusalem; and the king, and his princes, his wives, and his
concubines, drank in them.
Da:5:4: They drank wine, and praised the gods of gold, and of silver, of brass, of iron,
of wood, and of stone.
Da:5:5: In the same hour came forth fingers of a man's hand, and wrote over against
the candlestick upon the plaister of the wall of the king's palace: and the king saw the part of
the hand that wrote.
Da:5:6: Then the king's countenance was changed, and his thoughts troubled him, so
that the joints of his loins were loosed, and his knees smote one against another.
Da:5:7: The king cried aloud to bring in the astrologers, the Chaldeans, and the
soothsayers. And the king spake, and said to the wise men of Babylon, Whosoever shall read
this writing, and shew me the interpretation thereof, shall be clothed with scarlet, and have a
chain of gold about his neck, and shall be the third ruler in the kingdom.
Da:5:8: Then came in all the king's wise men: but they could not read the writing, nor
make known to the king the interpretation thereof.
Da:5:9: Then was king Belshazzar greatly troubled, and his countenance was changed
in him, and his lords were astonied.
Da:5:10: Now the queen, by reason of the words of the king and his lords, came into
the banquet house: and the queen spake and said, O king, live for ever: let not thy thoughts
trouble thee, nor let thy countenance be changed:
Da:5:11: There is a man in thy kingdom, in whom is the spirit of the holy gods; and in
the days of thy father light and understanding and wisdom, like the wisdom of the gods, was
found in him; whom the king Nebuchadnezzar thy father, the king, I say, thy father, made
master of the magicians, astrologers, Chaldeans, and soothsayers;
Da:5:12: Forasmuch as an excellent spirit, and knowledge, and understanding,
interpreting of dreams, and shewing of hard sentences, and dissolving of doubts, were found
in the same Daniel, whom the king named Belteshazzar: now let Daniel be called, and he will
shew the interpretation.
Da:5:13: Then was Daniel brought in before the king. And the king spake and said
unto Daniel, Art thou that Daniel, which art of the children of the captivity of Judah, whom
the king my father brought out of Jewry?
Da:5:14: I have even heard of thee, that the spirit of the gods is in thee, and that light
and understanding and excellent wisdom is found in thee.
Da:5:15: And now the wise men, the astrologers, have been brought in before me, that
they should read this writing, and make known unto me the interpretation thereof: but they
could not shew the interpretation of the thing:
Da:5:16: And I have heard of thee, that thou canst make interpretations, and dissolve
doubts: now if thou canst read the writing, and make known to me the interpretation thereof,
thou shalt be clothed with scarlet, and have a chain of gold about thy neck, and shalt be the
third ruler in the kingdom.
Da:5:17: Then Daniel answered and said before the king, Let thy gifts be to thyself,
and give thy rewards to another; yet I will read the writing unto the king, and make known to
him the interpretation.
Da:5:18: O thou king, the most high God gave Nebuchadnezzar thy father a kingdom,
and majesty, and glory, and honour:
Da:5:19: And for the majesty that he gave him, all people, nations, and languages,
trembled and feared before him: whom he would he slew; and whom he would he kept alive;
and whom he would he set up; and whom he would he put down.
Da:5:20: But when his heart was lifted up, and his mind hardened in pride, he was
deposed from his kingly throne, and they took his glory from him:
Da:5:21: And he was driven from the sons of men; and his heart was made like the
beasts, and his dwelling was with the wild asses: they fed him with grass like oxen, and his
body was wet with the dew of heaven; till he knew that the most high God ruled in the
kingdom of men, and that he appointeth over it whomsoever he will.
Da:5:22: And thou his son, O Belshazzar, hast not humbled thine heart, though thou
knewest all this;
Da:5:23: But hast lifted up thyself against the LORD of heaven; and they have brought
the vessels of his house before thee, and thou, and thy lords, thy wives, and thy concubines,
have drunk wine in them; and thou hast praised the gods of silver, and gold, of brass, iron,
wood, and stone, which see not, nor hear, nor know: and the God in whose hand thy breath is,
and whose are all thy ways, hast thou not glorified:
Da:5:24: Then was the part of the hand sent from him; and this writing was written.
Da:5:25: And this is the writing that was written, MENE, MENE, TEKEL,
Da:5:26: This is the interpretation of the thing: MENE; God hath numbered thy
kingdom, and finished it.
Da:5:27: TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting.
Da:5:28: PERES; Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians.
Da:5:29: Then commanded Belshazzar, and they clothed Daniel with scarlet, and put a
chain of gold about his neck, and made a proclamation concerning him, that he should be the
third ruler in the kingdom.
Da:5:30: In that night was Belshazzar the king of the Chaldeans slain.
Da:5:31: And Darius the Median took the kingdom, being about threescore and two
years old.

Hu hu huh!
What can you say to that?
Tough experience, right? Indeed!
And such is still very relevant to all of us, collectively as a nation or group as well as
individuals. The lesson of meekness (gratitude-humility-mercy-compassion) is very
important. It is Chakra # 7. The organ for such attitude is the Pineal Gland located inside our
Brain, in what they call the Crown of our head.
If you are full of pride, blinded by pride, this chakra-center is deactivated, suppressed, not
And only the harshest of experience suited to your degree of pride can open your Pineal
Gland to help you become meek, humble, merciful and compassionate.
This is a most precious knowledge for all.
The Lord Jesus of Nazareth repeated this lesson when He said, “The humble shall be lifted
up; the proud shall be abased.”
Sadly, the absence or lack of this soft heart can be blamed and traced to the mis-education of
man with the false root-teaching on “God of Wrath” which is the first tool of the wicked ones
to separate you from the True Loving God and distance you from Him farther and farther
until your godlessness or godfarness would become too evident that you have a severe lack of
His trait and riches: LOVE which is humble, which is meek, and compassionate!
You will find too that the first fruits or first batch of students of this pagan Catholic-
Protestant doctrine on “God of wrath” are the Europeans, if we confine our time frame to the
last 2,000 years, which is the time frame used in the Book of Revelation, starting with the
ascension of Christ.
Here we can see from this time up to our time, year AD 2016, how these white men from
Europe and later their cousins operating in America and then from America onto the third
world – we can see their system of cruelty, oppression and slavery and long trail of
devastation and destruction.
These firstfruits became the aggressors, the oppressors, the slave-owners, the exploiters, the
suckers, the victimizers. They constitute the men managing 7 Trumpets events: destruction of
1/3 of the earth, trees and vegetation (Trumpet 1); destruction of 1/3 of sea or marine life
(Trumpet 2); pollution by factories and miners etc. and the disappearance of 1/3 of the fresh
waters when they destroyed the forests thru logging (Trumpet 3); pollution of air and
atmospheric destruction such as ozone layer depletion, carbon blanket in lower atmosphere
resulting to global warming (Trumpet 4); woe # 1 – locust-like machines or organisms which
sting like scorpion, operating to scare (torture not kill) mankind for 1,500 days – probably
helicopter/plain bombers during WW I and/or endtime hurricanes (Trumpet 5 - Revelation
9:1-12); woe # 2 - 1/3 of mankind killed by fire, smoke and sulfur (gun power) probably this
refers to WW II (Trumpet 6 – Revelation 9:13-19); woe # 3 = The 7 Last Plagues culminating
to WW III (Trumpet 7 or 7 Last Plagues – Revelation 1516).
These calamitous and tragic events are all man-made. The 7 Trumpets (partial effects to serve
as warnings) and the 7 Last Plagues (which are the final effects) are all resulting from the
man-initiated causes collectively known as the 7 Seals!
It is us, as mankind, leaders and followers, the Illuminati and the part of the masses who
cooperated with this ruling Illuminati – it is us who put to work the Causes (Seals) to produce
first the Partial Effects (Trumpets) which serve as warnings to us, so that if we listened, then,
the consequences will not mature to become the Last Plagues! But if we would not listen,
then the effects will mature to become the worst 7 Last Plagues!
Why are we then ascribing these calamities to God saying that these are His wrath’s add-ons
and saying that these all have nothing to do with our own deeds? That our sins are too minor
to deserve these punishments?
Why are we blaming God for the sufferings we created collectively and individually?
Aren’t it clear to our eyes that they are all man-made?
And don’t we see that the next batch of calamities known as the 7 Last Plagues are also
nothing but the culmination of the same 7 Trumpets when we did not listen to them when
they sounded their alarm?
Do we not understand that when Trumpet 1 called: Alas, 1/3 of the dry land and its vegetation
is damaged – don’t we understand that when we chose not to listen to the emergency call of
attention by both environmentalists and righteous men, Trumpet 1 has matured to Plague No.
1, namely: illnesses that consume (eat up) the flesh, namely: cancer, diabetes, TB, etc.?
Don’t we take notice that Trumpet 2 says, 1/3 of the seas is damaged, and Plague 2 says, And
all that is in the sea died!?
This is all man-made. There is no God of Wrath doing that to us! It is our wrong
actions producing such destructions.
Now, Trumpet 3 calls, And 1/3 of the rivers and springs (that is, fresh waters) has turned
bitter. Don’t we see that by not taking heed, we are now seeing all fresh waters turning into
blood, that is, poisonous?
When we did not listen to Trumpet 4 (1/3 of the air and atmosphere darkened, due to fossil
fuel and CFC smokes), thus, we have Plague No. 4:
Rev 16:8 [niv] The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given
power to scorch people with fire.
Rev 16:9 [niv] They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God,
who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify him.
These are called sun-plagues:
7. Drought and famine when the heat of the sun turned the land into iron and the
sky into bronze (no rain!),
8. forest fires,
9. heat waves that suffocates people to death especially the elderly staying inside
air-conditioned rooms when hot air, instead of cold air, passes through the air-conditioner,
10. the hot rays of the sun (ultra-violet rays) also strike the Atlantic and Pacific
oceans and boil them to produce hurricanes and super typhoons,
11. Also this hot rays, after they had entered the dry land zones, could not escape
back to space because the blanket of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere traps this heat and so,
we have this phenomenon called climate change,
12. Etc.
The main culprit is the burning of the fossil fuel by oil refineries, by factories, and by
millions of vehicles and machines all over the world! These rising up smoke displaced the
ozone layer, thus, thinning or depleting it, so that a virtual hole is created where the heat of
the sun can pass through and strike the sea, the land, the forest, the farms, etc., creating the
above list of sun-plagues.
Now, do you now blame it to God?
What about Plague 5?
I can testify as well in my 40-year inner journey in both scientific and metaphysic worlds – I
certify that all of these are manmade, namely: by the Illuminati, the leader and by mankind,
the followers! There is not an iota where God is involved!
Now plague 5:
16:10 [niv]The fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and his kingdom
was plunged into darkness. Men gnawed their tongues in agony
Rev 16:11 [niv]and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores,
but they refused to repent of what they had done.
Confusion. Panic.
This does not now proceed directly from Trumpet 5, but as a result of the preceding plagues
which are insurmountable problems to the beast and his kingdom (government and political
leaders)! They are immobilized in the face of these world-wide catastrophes and diseases.
Thus, this fifth plague – the plague of darkness.
Plague No. 6 – Armageddon.
This now directly results from Trumpet 6: political trouble started in the Middle East… that I
said might have its relation to the previous war, World War II. Both Trumpet 6 and Plague 6
mention the river Euphrates as the origin of this trouble. This means the Middle East. I do not
have a clear idea how the previous WW II had its origin in the Middle East. What I know is
that it was fought in Europe, not in the Middle East. Was one of the reasons of the war the
Middle East? That both warring parties have their interest in the Middle East, such as oil, that
they would not settle except through war?
Whatever, we have now the Plague No. 6, the so-called
Armageddon as the preparation for the last and 7th plague: nuclear World War III! The
severe blast or earthquake that is described to melt mountains, islands and cities and remove
them from the map!
Armageddon or Plague 6, is the preparation phase. Armageddon is described to be a word
war – a war in propaganda, to win as many to your side.
It is the preparation for war, not yet the actual war.
In ancient time from which many prophetic terms are used, such as Armageddon (meaning:
Arm + Megiddo), the gathering of the armies occurred in the Valley of Megiddo, but the
actual clash of the armies –the actual battle was in the Valley of Jehoshaphat!
Thus, we can say that Megiddo symbolizes Plague 6 while Jehoshaphat symbolizes Plague 7,
the actual World War 3!
And rightly so, as we can read from a prophecy in prophet Joel:
Joel 3:2 [niv]I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat.
There I will enter into judgment against them concerning my inheritance, my people Israel,
for they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land.
Joel 3:3 [niv]They cast lots for my people and traded boys for prostitutes; they sold girls
for wine that they might drink.
Joel 3:4 [niv]"Now what have you against me, O Tyre and Sidon and all you regions of
Philistia? Are you repaying me for something I have done? If you are paying me back, I will
swiftly and speedily return on your own heads what you have done.
Joel 3:5 [niv]For you took my silver and my gold and carried off my finest treasures to
your temples.
Joel 3:6 [niv]You sold the people of Judah and Jerusalem to the Greeks, that you might
send them far from their homeland.
Joel 3:7 [niv]"See, I am going to rouse them out of the places to which you sold them,
and I will return on your own heads what you have done.
Joel 3:8 [niv]I will sell your sons and daughters to the people of Judah, and they will sell
them to the Sabeans, a nation far away." The LORD has spoken.
Joel 3:9 [niv]Proclaim this among the nations: Prepare for war! Rouse the warriors! Let
all the fighting men draw near and attack.
Joel 3:10 [niv]Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears. Let
the weakling say, "I am strong!"
Joel 3:11 [niv]Come quickly, all you nations from every side, and assemble there. Bring
down your warriors, O LORD !
Joel 3:12 [niv]"Let the nations be roused; let them advance into the Valley of
Jehoshaphat, for there I will sit to judge all the nations on every side.
Joel 3:13 [niv]Swing the sickle, for the harvest is ripe. Come, trample the grapes, for the
winepress is full and the vats overflow- so great is their wickedness!"
Joel 3:14 [niv]Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the LORD
is near in the valley of decision.

The symbolic Valley of Jehoshaphat, the Valley of Decision is the final decision… if the
nations of the world have not yet learned their lessons in the previous wars and conflicts!
This is not God’s act. This is the real work of Satan through his umbrella organization, the
Illuminati, who controls all governments and can pit them against each other!
Now, do you want to know God’s secret act?
He had sternly warned the Illuminati against staging another use of nuclear bombs, after the
world war 2 bombing of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
This is the time when I find God singling out a group of men telling them that “Lagot kayo sa
akin” (You will answer to Me) if you push through with your sinister plan to stage the nuclear
God cannot anymore allow to see overkill of bodies and souls through nuclear power. I read
that not only your body that becomes annihilated, your soul as well would get deformed, so to
speak, if subjected to nuclear blast.
So, it’s serious. Real serious.
And so, God (for the first time?) has meddled with man’s free will.
He had given the signal to the more powerful Light Forces in UFOs to attack the nuclear
arsenals of the Illuminati and destroy their nuclear weapons!
So, if mankind insists, we might have the World War III but no nuclear weapons available for
use. Also, God had inspired new scientists to invent device such as the one invented by
Mehran Tavakoli Keshe that is like a laser beam that can hit a bomber plane, for example,
and removes its power, like a man suddenly losing his strength and become a standing sack
that suddenly goes empty! It’s like a sudden brown out! Instant power outage! While you fly
the plane in the sky!
Read “The Unabridged Great Gospel according to Jesus Christ thru John” (25 volumes) and
you will see how infinite is the love of God in the person of the Christ.
Read Conversations with God of Neale Donald Walsch (3 volumes) and you will see how
infinite is the plan of love of God for each of us! And how we should have loved ourselves
more than we have! And how we had loved ourselves in the wrong way all these time!
These books can all be searched in the internet and download freely. If you have difficulty,
just email me at: or at: That is, 3 7s and
the other email has 7 7s.
But for the meantime, it is our interest to read this book “The 12 Hours” and see how
devastating is the effect of believing the false doctrine of “God of Wrath”!
This false doctrines along with others wrong doctrines, comprise Seal (or major root cause) #
1. It immediately resulted to the Seal 2, red horse – war! because of the divisions this doctrine
has created among mankind. For who can be united under a wrathful God? No, unity can only
happen with a God of Love!
After wars, Seal 3 resulted: black horse:
Rev 6:5 [niv] When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say,
"Come!" I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of
scales in his hand.
Rev 6:6 [niv]Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living
creatures, saying, "A quart of wheat for a day's wages, and three quarts of barley for a day's
wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!"
This is what we call Capitalism – raw capitalism, which uses measurements and meters
to control your wages, calculate your water, electricity, weights and scales to limit your
purchases, etc. For what main reason? To ensure that the masses do not have abundance of
the earth’s resources and wealth. To make sure that the masses remain poor and weak.
And what is the purpose of oil and wine? Oil is the tool of control and wine is the tool
of suppression.
Oil refers to fossil fuel or gasoline which plays a very huge role in this era of greed-based raw
capitalism, as we discussed some time ago!
Wine is interesting. One of the key businesses and products which the Illuminati Rothschild
does not want to give up or to delegate is his winery. Why? What is the usefulness of drinks?
Wine and liquor and soft drinks?
They are the vehicle into which the Illuminati has poisoned the men! And the rest of
That is reason why men die earlier than their wives. It is through wine (liquor and soft
drinks) that we got fatty liver which usually ripens into cirrhosis or liver cancer. One
Wellness doctor said that in the past, the manufacturers put the substance that causes fatty
liver and cirrhosis inside the liquor or hard drinks only; now they have added the same
chemical to soft drinks, for which reason that you may get a fatty liver or cirrhosis even if
you did not drink liquor or hard drinks, but only soft drinks. They have expanded their scope
of destruction. At first, it was the men thru their hard drinks. Now, it targets the wives and
children via the soft drinks!
I have one female cousin, sweet and innocent, a very loving and excellent mother to
her four young children – she died from cirrhosis. And the cause? She loved soft drinks so
You can see that drunkenness has been the major cause of troubles and crimes, before the
invention of illegal drugs especially shabu. It was the intoxicating drink that turned the mind
and behavior violent. Most of the crimes have been because of the wine because first and
foremost, the poison makes your mind violent, and then, afterwards, slowly kills your brain
and body.
We have seen so many drunkards or men addicted to alcohol, suffering brain incapacity, that
is, they become incapable of proper thinking and proper behavior.
And now it is also an increasing cases among men where their intestines, their lungs, their
livers, etc. are poisoned by the drinks into which the Illuminati through their companies, put
Assassinations of leaders who did not align themselves to Satan-Illuminati’s agenda were
through the bullets as well as the poisoned cup!
The “poisoned cup” mentioned in Extreme Oath of the Jesuits,
- this “poisoned cup” used by the Jesuits, the main legworkers of the Illuminati, refers mainly
to drinks, e.g., the wine, liquors, the soft drinks.
So this greed-motivated, lust-driven, pride-ruled capitalism as the oil and the wine as its two
foremost symbols.
By the way, I would like to add here: that the fossil fuel smoke when in the air, attacks
oxygen, strips it of the electron, and turn this widowed oxygen into oxidants, the dreaded
cancer-causing free radicals. Thus, this oil or fossil fuel is responsible for the worse illnesses
we have now, esp cancers.
Thus, we have here a direct link of fossil fuel (oil) to mankind’s current scourge.
So we have had enough of Seal 4.
By the way, Seals 1 to 6 are discussed in Revelation 6.
Memory aid: 6 seals are in Revelation 6!
Seal 5 is the killing of innocent people, God’s righteous children, which the bible calls the
saints. The inno-saints. They are not necessarily carrying the name Christians. They are not
necessarily labelled Christians because much in the world’s Christians today are fake. So they
refer to all who are righteous and innocents and were killed by the agents of the whore church
(Vatican) and beast government (Roman empire and her image, Britain and USA).
Calculations of how many were killed by the Catholic Church during her
Inquisition/Crusades ranges from 80 to 100 million. Now, what about those innocent natives
or aborigines killed by the beast in their search for gold, land and natural resources (mining
They are countless!
And what about the Pharmaceutical industry’s multiple medications (polypharmacy) which
are now identified as the leading cause of death among Americans (and most surely in other
countries too that adopted the Pharmaceutical system) – where the set of medicines
prescribed, and no longer the disease, poison and kill the patients?
Revelation 18:23-24 reveals that Babylon the Great (in this endtime, USA and Vatican) does
not only have sorcery (pharmaceuticals) as their key tool in deceiving the nations, but also
that this same pharmaceutical industry in particular, and chemical industries in general – this
is the cause of all the deaths of mankind!
Let us quote this ominous verse:
Rev 18:23 [niv] … By your magic spell (sorcery – pharmaceuticals) all the nations were
led astray.
Rev 18:24 [niv] In her was found the (1) blood of prophets and of the saints, and (2) of all
who have been killed on the earth" e.g., the countless of patients who died in the
pharmaceutical care.

“Your” and “Her” can refer to Babylon the Great (beast government) and it can refer to
Mystery Babylon the Great, the Catholic Church. If so, what is the link between the Catholic
Church or the Vatican to the second group of casualties, to the “of all who have been killed
on the earth” – to the other information that it is the Pharmaceutical that is the leading killer
of the people nowadays thru their poisonous medicines which are creating more diseases and
never really healing any one of them! What is the link of the Vatican and the
Pharmaceuticals (or its ancient name, sorcery) has its root in the Vatican. It was Vatican’s
first pope, Simon Magus, the sorcerer, who disguised to be Simon Peter – it was Simon
Magus who brought with him this craft – this witchcraft – this sorcery to the Vatican. As a
matter of fact, this chemical-formulation has been going on for centuries; as a matter of fact,
the formulation of pharmaceuticals’ medicines has been done in the bowels of the Vatican!
The base of this huge pharmaceutical industry is underneath the Vatican! It is where the
testing of these poison medicines is being done, using both human and animal guinea pigs!
Merck can’t do this. Pfizer can’t do this. What these front companies are doing with their
sister pharm companies, are doing – have been doing is: they merely reproduce what has been
finalized in the basement of the Vatican! Vatican is the first base of this huge industry called
Big Pharma!
So, call her Babylon the Great, call her Mystery Babylon the Great, call her Vatican, call her
Roman Catholic Church, call her USA, call her Pharmaceutical Industry or Expanded
Pharmakeia, call her Illuminati – they are synonyms! One is either the whole thing or its part!
They are all the same!
Satan’s machinery! To deceive, to steal and to kill!
So, they are responsible for Seal 5: martyrdom of true
Christians and the innocent natives of America, Philippines, Africa, etc.
When they asked or when
Rev 6:10 [niv]They called out in a loud voice, "How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true,
until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?"
The Lord responded thus:
Rev 6:11 [niv]Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a
little longer, until the number of their fellow servants and brothers who were to be killed as
they had been was completed.
Seal 6 is God’s “retaliation” – His promised judgment against the murderers. In Seal 6, God
Rev 6:12 [niv]I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The
sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red,
Rev 6:13 [niv]and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as late figs drop from a fig tree when
shaken by a strong wind.
Rev 6:14 [niv]The sky receded like a scroll, rolling up, and every mountain and island
was removed from its place.
Rev 6:15 [niv]Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty,
and every slave and every free man hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains.
Rev 6:16 [niv]They called to the mountains and the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from
the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!
Rev 6:17 [niv]For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand?"

Seal 6 Phase 1: darkening of the world, after the righteous missionaries and people of God
were gone.
But it was not too long, for Phase 2 sets in, God’s retaliation:
“The sky receded like a scroll, rolling up, and every mountain and island was removed from
its place.
“Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and every slave
and every free man hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains.
“They called to the mountains and the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the face of him
who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!”
It is interesting to note that THE ENSUING 7 TRUMPETS AND 7 PLAGUES ARE
And so, from there, the apostle John proceeded to call the 7 Last Plagues as the wrath of God.
He borrows the phrase, after these wicked men used it in Revelation 6:16.
These deceivers, thieves and murderers are not telling the truth in verse 16. But they are
more honest when they say “their wrath” in verse 17… for indeed, it is the masses of people
whom they had deceived and oppressed who will show them their wrath!
To the extent that they will scream “to the mountains and the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us!”
They know how terrible is an awaked masses!
They themselves wrote it in their Secret Covenant of the Illuminati, to quote:
Grand illusion of Freedom
The truth will be hidden in their face, so close they will not be able to focus on
it until it’s too late.
Oh yes, so grand the illusion of freedom will be, that they will never know they
are our slaves.
But if they ever find out they are our equal, we shall perish then.
Secrecy & Ignorance are Keys
If they ever find out that together they can vanquish us, they will take action.
They must never, ever find out what we have done, for if they do, we shall have
no place to run.
No one shall give us shelter.
We will work together always and will remain bound by blood and secrecy.
Death will come to him who speaks.
Viewed from the Revelation 17 window, the European Catholic are the mother whore while
the harlot daughters are the Anglican Britain and Protestant USA, et al. The Anglicans-
Protestants continued the work of imperialism or exploitation of the rest of the world,
especially the third world countries. What Rome-Vatican could not accomplish or could
accomplish in smaller scale, the Americans and companions accomplished in larger scale and
They promoted and acted according to the doctrine of “God of wrath.”
This little book chronicled the era of slavery up to the 1800s.
The final bunch of fruits are focused more on the victims, not the aggressors. For it seems
that in this period, the 7 Last Plague phase, there is no more pure victimizer, everybody is
caught up in the victim vortex, former victimizers included.
In one of the worst places, namely, the Philippines, victims (drug addicts) are turning into
victimizers (drug pushers, robbersrapists-killers). So, it seems each person is a victimizer and
victim at the same time. Except those innocent helpless women who are rape victims or the
helpless citizens who became victims of robbery or killings.
Addicted women are turning into whores (prostitutes) to sell their bodies to sustain their drug
After so much suffering, a hero came up in the person of Pres Rodrigo Duterte who is leading
the suffering nation in their war against the drug lords, drug pushers and drug addicts who are
victimizing the innocents.
There is much bloodshed as Duterte is now able to use the full force of the law and
government resources to curb the drug epidemic in the country which has become a nation of
victimizers and victims.
This is the final fruit of Catholicism-God-of-Wrath-Threat-of-
Hell religion. Where do you see a nation split into two groups, composed of victims and
victimizers? It is in the Catholic Philippines! How can you call that Christianity?
Seal # 1 white horse (false doctrine) has grown from a mere seed into full flaming 7 Last
Plagues whose final scene is World War III – nuclear war – if mankind will not wake up!
There is a great need for mankind to wake up to the falsity of the doctrine of “God of
wrath” and other false teachings of the whore church.
Here, we need God’s leading revelations (namely: The 11volume Great Gospel of John and
the 3-volume Conversations with God and other companion books to appease mankind, and
soothe their anger and hurting by letting them know that God is not a God of wrath but of
infinite love.
Father, my beloved Abba, let your books and other tools spread all over the land to shine
upon all men, women and children.
Father, let Thy greatest of mercies to rain upon the bleeding and groaning people in the land.
The 7 Seals are the 7 major deeds – misdeeds of mankind which serve as the major causes of
all harms and calamities.
The 7 Trumpets are the 7 partial effects of those mis-deeds and these partial effects serve as
warning in the hope that mankind would take heed and step back from the path of destruction
that he had taken.
The 7 Last Plagues are the ripened fruits (effects) – they are the 7 trumpets in their ripened
state. They manifest because mankind did not listen to the Trumpets-warnings!
This is the entire outline of the trail of destruction and sufferings that the collective prodigal
son (composed by all of us) and the individual prodigal son or daughter, any one of us, has
Collectively and individually, we put our energy, we lend a hand in the implementation of the
7 Seals-Major Causes to give birth to the 7 Trumpets (Partial Effects) which are, as we listen
not to these trumpets serving as warnings, maturing as the 7 Final Last Plagues!
To the Old and First Babylon under Nebuchadnezzar it was his going insane for 7 years, and
to his son Belshazzar it was the final fall that hammered down the lesson of humility and
compassion, and to the New and Second Babylon the Great, it is the Seven Last Plagues that
will serve as harshest and hopefully the most effective experience to teach the lesson of
humility and compassion.
Thus, that is

The Hidden & True

Why We Cannot
(or shouldn’t?) Blame
Lucifer & His Illuminati
Note: You can download ebook “The 12 Hours” thru Google or from

eBook – “THE 12 HOURS”

FIRST HOUR - Moral Values

Moral values are most often preached in the so-called civilized and more educated world,
where especially the Christian religion, under different denominational sects is common. We
see how it, in political terms, favourably serves the power hungry authorities, in either
worldly or in spiritual things.
2] The people are taught a terrible knowledge of God; not because they recognize and love
the ‘Same’ [God], but only because they view Him as the inexorable tyrant of all tyrants
whom they should fear immensely. And so the Deity is preached only as a hostage who
should bear fruit, while all other hostages have already become fruitless.
3] Instead of announcing the Deity as the highest solace to the people, the Same is presented
to them as ‘Someone’ that has nothing better to do, than to condemn each minute billions of
morally ruined and disobedient children forever into the eternal sea of fire (Hell).
4] And so, look around a little. Look at all the countless dungeons that are all crammed with
all kinds of moral criminals. And look at how, from minute to minute, these dungeons are
continuously increasing by vast numbers, so that, if these dungeons were united in one place
[and this increase of numbers continued at the same pace], you would think that in a few
years the entire generation of the earth would have to get up and march in there.
5] Let us ask, what happens to people who are captured there? Look a little over here towards
the morning. See, a number of deathly pale multitudes are already standing there; they are
surrounded by all kinds of armed people and poisonous judges; and see further over there a
number of murderous instruments with which these unfortunates are executed. Over there you
see burning pyres, gallows, scaffolds and all sorts of other fatal instruments. See, that is the
last penitentiary for all such moral criminals!
6] Now. You will ask. What have they all done? Yes, I say. Among them are murderers,
robbers, thieves, turncoats and political troublemakers. Furthermore, a large quantity of these
people has brought damage to the nation through all kinds of deceits. Among these are those
who have, one way or another, deeply offended the political or moral order. Look.
Consequently, as long as these serve at least as an apparent reason, the crimes of these
unfortunates are uncovered.
7] But now let us ask another important question: Wherein then lies the reason that these
people have become such criminals? Even if you would ask someone else for the reason, you
will certainly not get the same answer, other than: Either the reason lies in the neglected
upbringing, or, what may be one and the same, it was already shaped by their parents,
grandparents, and great-grandparents.
8] I am asking once more: how was it then that these people received such a bad upbringing,
and that in the upbringing justice and knowledge of truth have neglected an entire generation?
You do not have to reach far; the answer will force itself upon you: does not care much for
anything, other than that the underlings are kept in total darkness as much as possible; they do
this in the fear, that if the people would receive more evidence about Me and thereby also
receive their own destiny, the power of these rulers and their temporal earnings [on earth] will
soon have an end.
9] Oh these fools! They should only look upon My David, who himself was a king and a
prophet and as such was a great teacher to the people. If they did this they would soon
observe that a nation that recognizes God and His fortitude is also a people full of obedience
and good will.
10] Thousands can be governed more easily with a feather-quill, than ten dark morons who
have no other image of Me than, perhaps, of one of a possibly existing tyrant, or a being
which formerly would suck the last drops of blood out of his followers like a vampire, until
finally blessing them with eternal life after kneeling and worshipping Him for ages on a
luminous cloud. -
11] Look, is it not easy to comprehend that people want to get away as much as possible from
such a cruel God? Even if they still possess any kind of religion, this exists in mere
ceremony; and this out of divine considerations only.


12] Already, in the beginning, the consequence of all this was that the world-addicted part
ultimately, as you would say: Ran away from all religion and all kind of Christian doctrine.
[Note: Society is composed of the religious and the irreligious immoral (women) and
criminals (men). Sad to know that the later are the fruit of the former, that is, the immoral and
the criminal are the fruits (read: result) of religion of cruel God; they run away and spurned
all religions because of their cruel God and not to mention their priests’ hypocrisy.]


13] On the other hand, church separations and sectarianism emerged, namely through men
who more or less realized the folly of such a sermonized Godhead, and in a sense said in their
own minds: It is utterly confusing how the divinity is being taught nowadays; let us therefore
take the doctrine into our own hands, examine it more closely and see whether or not we can
obtain clearer truth about the divinity. -
14] And in fact, they found in such a test that I am not at all such a tyrant. On the other hand
they forgot however, that despite everything–I am God–and they still took My will to be too
apathetic. Others raised Me so high, and in each deed philosophized themselves in every way,
which in their nature only finds some kind of vain stimulation. They did this in pursuit of My
just and complete will, but in the mistaken idea that whatever goes through their foolish
minds must be My will! And so arose, in the place of the old folly, a great deal of absurdities
and a variety of difference in concepts when teaching of the divine. It is truly not worth the
effort to list them for you.clxxiii
15] As already noted above, the reason for all that was and there is none other than: partly the
moral politics, but mainly, the inertia and fear with the people to seriously walk in the pre-
manifested ways to eternal life. For truly I say, whoever does not accept My Kingdom, how I
announced it, he will not receive it. Even if he should unite all the sects within himself, or
accept all the sects. For I alone am the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Look here on this tablet. See the country that lies before you. It is Asia. See how the people
are covered with thick veils. They rush about chaotically; out of their hollow breast they blurt
out one lament after another.
2] Here you find nothing but the most blatant paganism, although here and there, a Christian
crowd is still praying unto Me. This can be seen, as you look within the picture, through the
little naked and bleeding groups of people. There, see, in the centre of Asia, an enormous
castle in the highlands; it is the castle of the god Brahma clxxiv. See, how this one really
accomplishes things, for he even understands the art of how to fleece the kings, and to feed
them with dirt.
3] No one can approach his castle within one hour of the path. Woe to the sinner; for the [so-
calledclxxv] angelsclxxvi of this god stand on all borderlines holding watch, as lords over life and
4] Whoever comes near this vicinity and brings gold and jewels, fat oxen, cows, calves and
sheep: the angels do nothing to them. Instead, they take the sacrifice and the giver is simply
released with fifty to one-hundred bamboo strokes.
5] You may think that this is something bad. I say, Oh No! Whoever returns and shows his
blue beaten back, carried out by the angels, receives divine veneration and it is then easy for
him to procure the most important government positions through this acknowledgement.
6] This is not the only thing that befalls such givers. If someone does not come quite well
loaded and packed with gifts–which are of course accepted–the giver is not whipped but is
covered with all kinds of other gruesome penances from the angels. They are of the type that
the mere mentioning of them here sounds unbelievable or at least to the highest degree
7] One example is that someone must stand on one foot under a tree for years. Only a trifle is
presented here, because these angels are so inventive in such works of penance, you would
have a hard time even believing Me if I would make them all known to you.
8] Their cruelty has, in this regard, no boundary; and still their constitution is proclaimed
everywhere. A part of that constitution is that the only way to attain eternal bliss, according to
their doctrine, is to present this Brahma with an extraordinary sacrifice at least once in his
9] However, such sacrifices are not all that this Brahma demands of his believers; he also
demands human sacrifices. First off, each woman must be sacrificed after the death of her
husbandclxxvii, secondly, girls and lads must be sacrificed annually: the girls may not be under
twelve and not over fourteen years old; the boys however, must be sacrificed in the sixth year
of their age.
10] It is obvious that the girls must be of the most exceptional beauty and the boys of the
freshest health. The parent who presents such a sacrifice, in addition to a significant dowry,
can then request for himself two things, namely that he primarily attains a so-called letter of
indulgenceclxxviii for all his children, and secondly that he is pardoned from all works of
penance. As special preference from the angels, he can also be absolved immediately from his
body in order to arrive most unfailingly in this manner to his blessedness.
11] Another means of receiving official pardon is that: if someone takes a young pretty wife,
he [the groom] is not allowed to touch her [or consummate the marriage], but if he wants to
receive grace, he must take her to the borderline where the angels hold their watch. There in
the face of the angels she [the bride] must undress herself totally naked, step into an already
prepared bath and wash herself, and when she comes out of the bath she must festively
decorate herself and allow the guard-keeping angel to rape her through three full nights.
12] When she returns, she is then also sufficiently blessed. This blessing can have such an
effect, that if the spouse dies before her, she does not have to sacrifice herself. Instead she can
either let another person burn for her, or save herself completely from being burned to death
by means of a significant sacrifice. -
13] Yes, the foolishnesses often even go further. Among other things, one preferential
treatment that is performed is that a one to three year old girl has her genital organs sewn
together to a minuscule opening by one such angel, for the preservation of her chastity.
However, it is only performed, if the suitable sacrifice was given for one reason, then, when
such a girl reaches the age of maturity, she is once again brought back, and such an angel then
airs [or opens] her [genital organs for] marriage-ability. Other countless follies that are
common there are best not remembered.
14] You see, I already have to watch such absurdity nearly into the third millennium. I have
to watch how these wicked people who are in the possession of the old pre-Flood religion -
from which you now have some knowledge clxxix - push such indescribable nonsense! - See
there at the end of the illuminated tablet: See, it is an hourglass, and only a few grains of sand
remain to fall through.
15] I am not going to show you all the abominable pictures of Persia, Arabia, Turkey, the
Chinese empire, Siberia and other unknown smaller states; for nowhere will you discover
anything but the most abominable pressure on people. The god they preach everywhere is,
truly, none other than Satan himself in all his various out of control evil ways.
16] However, do not be concerned about My long, patient waiting [over this wickedness], for
the scarcity of the spirit will be increased. But woe unto the servants of malice! Oh, their
reward will be great! -
17] I say, as inventive as Satan is, truly, I also made a secret invention, over which he will
soon be surprised from eternity to eternity. I have tolerated long enough and waited
throughout time for improvementclxxx. However, the earth has become full of a disgusting
stench; that is why I have already ignited My torch to burn them in the near future, so that
their disgusting stench does not ascend into My heaven and pollute the dwellings of My loyal
18] This is why I say to you: Make sure that the world does not infuriate you! Each of their
words is a scum-bubble, filled with deadly pestilence. - Therefore, hear My Word and follow
My advice, so the fire of the earth will not burn you when I ignite it. For this fire will bring
life to the living, and death to the already dead! –
Now see this country. It is depicted for you on the white tablet. You might recognize it. It is
Africa. Take a good look at it. I am telling you it is not a land map; it is the actual country in
a literal picture.
2] See. Here are the northern coasts, and here in the north is old Egypt; further over toward
the west are all the well known states which cause havoc and mayhem. Observe all the rough
mountain ranges and between them observe the incalculable sand deserts and grasslands. -
3] See. The idol Mohamed rules everywhere. Robbery, murder and slavery are everywhere
and on the other hand despotism and tyranny is of the highest order!
4] See how all these inhabitants still carry on a trade but they are nothing but bond slaves to
the rulers; the sword of the despot revolves steadily around their bare necks, and what they
nearly acquired for themselves, they have to hand over to their ruler. Do not allow the world
to deceive you and do not listen to its temptation; for all its treasures are empty and
The Great Gospel of John, vol. 7

5] See how their priests preach curses and lies from their towers; they preach no blessings,
but fill the poor with their [pretended] Elysianclxxxi air; while these poor men must give
sacrifice for this ‘nothing’ of at least half of what the ruler left them.
6] See how a few Christians here make a very miserable pitiful figure; meanwhile, other more
powerful, by name only, Christians wander about well armed in powerful armies and make
the wretched still more miserable than they already are. As you can see, instead of bringing
them My blessing and My grace as they should, they bring war, death, devastation, famine
and countless other evils. Truly, not even Paul performed such awful Christian-pursuits, as
these [so-called] Christians do to these wretched people.

Now, let us leave this coast up there and look a little toward Egypt.
7] Look here. Look at this beautiful country; this one-time blessing to Jacob. See how it looks
now. Truly, it is so wicked, the harlot Babel is a pure virgin compared to it.
8] Thus far, the old Nile is still irrigating the ground where Joseph ruled when everything still
belonged to Pharaoh; but whose country is it that this Nile is watering now?
9] As I led the Israelites home out of this land, this same land was afflicted with seven hard
plaguesclxxxii for a short time, until the children were released. What were these plagues
compared to today? Today their number is endless. Yes. Those early plagues were truly
manna from heaven compared to what is happening today.
10] At that time pagans controlled the same country; but they were at least people, and knew
to respect the value of human beings. Their tenet was one clxxxiii that, like the one from central
Asia, sprung from the time of Noah; the Being of the great God was well known to them. Out
of this knowledge, they had manifold wisdom; they only taught this wisdom to certain people
through their mysteries. They said they did this so that the great God would not be desecrated
through someone incapable and unworthy. For this reason their country subsequently
overflowed with all types of so-called wonders of the world, and their wisdom and schools
were acknowledged by all nations as remarkable.
11] Today you still see remnants of former greatness looming over the hot sand of this
country; but now take a closer look at this land. See its poor people; see how they are
hounded just like animals. See, here to the south are some peaceful cottages surrounded by
almost undefeatable mountains.
12] Look over here, and look fearlessly! The armed climbers of the despot boldly ascend to
the mountaintop. See there! They plunge themselves onto the peaceful cottages; they do this
only to cruelly kill all the peaceful citizens. They haul away all of their possessions, and
replace them with other prisoners; then they place on them, in addition to a most terrible
death penalty, a bitter duty. This duty is designed to earn tribute for the despot quickly: in
three years instead of over a span of ten years.
13] Look over here. Here is another such countryside; here the same took place three years
ago. See how these tribute-extortionists approach the replaced slaves and cruelly mistreat
them; all their women and maidservants are severely punished; then they take their acquired
possessions, and haul them away.
14] Now. Look further upwards. See. Here are several despotic war servants equipped with
noosesclxxxiv, swords and shotguns. Look! See how at this instant the nooses are thrown to and
fro over the fleeing inhabitants of this mountain region. See. There a little toward the west.
See how some climb over cliffs and seize the fathers, mothers, and children in flight. Young
and old climb with bleeding fingers to escape those cruel murderers. Also notice how these
are pursued by the despots; now one after another is shot down from the cliffs. Now look how
they are already gagging many prisoners, men and youths together, in order to bring them in a
most miserable and sordid manner to their military headquarter.
15] And now look again down the mountain. See! There is an official ruler and tribute-guard
of the despot. Look at him as he, only to refresh his lustfulness, scatters an entire group of
frightened female slaves with a whip. He does this in order to again rape a profusely bleeding
slave, under his brutal blows. Other horrors, which are being committed here in this country
in great numbers, are best not thought of.
16] Now. See how this country looks! Compare these plagues with the previous seven and
surely, you must admit that they were a pure manna from heaven [compared to the horror of
what is happening now.] For if you want to think of the highest degree of infernal depravity,
travel to Egypt and you will literally find it there.
17] I am saying, and I cannot tell you more, that is how far it has come everywhere here.
Even a good deed is the very worst cruelty; this cruelty is practiced all over by the rulers of
this beautiful empire.
18] Take a little peak over here in the hospitals, sanatoriums and asylums. See how the sick
are martyred in all kinds of ways. They feed the poor with rubbish. The insane are placed into
holes in the wall like mummies and sealed with iron gates; there they cower, scream and
19] I am not going to explain the matter any further to you. It suffices if I say that a good
deed is a burst of cruelty everywhere in this country. Think about it. Under which guise does
cruelty itself appear?

20] Now we are leaving the northern part of this miserable country, as well as the rest of
Africa. See over here the unknown center of this country! Notice, cottages are still scattered
everywhere here and there. See. This country is large and all around locked in by un-
ascendable mountains. Look. This is the only point on earth where an uncorrupted, highly
good-natured class of people still exists.
21] See. These people are still looking clxxxv into the innermost [heart]. Except for the apostle
Thomas, who was sent by Me, no stranger has ever set foot in this country; and so this small
population of people, who alone sparingly inhabit this hot region, are still within My pure
teaching. To this hour my pure teaching has not been clouded over among them.
22] This is the only small link-up point that still connects the earth with My heaven. Take
notice of what I will say to you now: If a disrespectful foot greedily enters this holy
sanctuary, I will hurl my torch over the earth. -
23] Look here from this country toward the east and toward the west. Look how two major
nations, full of greed and voracity, have already placed all kinds of ladders against the
mountains. They do this in order to appease their insatiable thirst for the reputed gold in this
24] Yes. I say unto you. They will soon succeed. They are nearly penetrating through. They
will find none of the gold for which they thirst. However, I say, truly they will find some kind
of gold, but this gold will evilly crush the entire earth with its heaviness.
25] Now draw a little closer over here. Look at the south-western coast of this country. Look
at the ‘commendable’ human trade. See. Despotic profiteers under all kinds of names
completely pack their cursed ships with these poor immortal people. Take a little peak inside
these ships. See how all around it has very low plank-galleries or decks clxxxvi, and how on
these decks these poor people have to lay on their belly next to each other like stacked wood.
26] You see, such a ship is packed with six-hundred to one-thousand such unfortunate people.
As for nourishment: from this coast until America a four pound heavy, smelly, brick shaped
breadclxxxvii is placed before each individual’s mouth; and ahead, facing the mouth, runs a
groove everywhere; once a day water for all slaves is poured into this groove.
27] You see, with this kind of food such a poor person must make a trip of 2000 miles. And
during the trip a daily investigation is conducted, whether or not some have perished.
28] But, how does such an investigation take place? Take a look. A so-called slave attendant
goes about with a pointed instrument along the gallery and pierces someone in the foot! If the
mistreated one screams, it is a sign that he is still alive.
29] There are also other means to test life, which such true satanic sacrileges of these human-
merchants allow themselves to. We are not going to dwell on this evil any further. Yet one
thing is certain: when these merchants operate in lions, tigers, snakes and hyenas, they give
these animal beasts incessantly more attention, nurture and care than their own poor human
30] And now we have learned about the entire continent. For just a little bit, look down at the
southern point of this country, to the place that is called the [Cape of] Good Hope. Truly, I
say to you, there is actually good hope in this place for Satan. Over here the trade is of such
significance that the lord of darkness invests his capitals continuously with one-thousand
31] I do not need to tell you anymore. You can easily understand how much such a life-style
displeases Me, especially from so-called Christians. A great reward is going to follow!
FOURTH HOUR - Atlantic Ocean

Now take a look over here on this expanse; again you see another picture. There is nothing to
see but waves upon waves, and see how one wave drives the other. I can only tell you: This
picture is nothing but a small part of the Atlantic Ocean. In this fourth hour, we will stroll
around a little on this large body of water, and here and there we will observe the coming and
going of swimming houses. –
2] Now look over here! Just now on the western edge of the plate appears a large so-called
ocean liner; and see, on its side there are quite a few other, smaller vessels under different
3] Now we are going to pursue this ship a little. See here on this side, in the deep south, there
appears to be a rather important island. Look. The ship is pointing straight toward this island.
What do you think this ship is doing?
4] Take a little guess. Look inside its supply stowage. See. It has at least six years of
provision. Take a look inside the golden cabin of the captain; look on the tables, and you will
find maps of different countries and the various kinds of measuring instruments.
5] By now you have probably already guessed what this ship is up to; just wait a little bit
longer [and you will see clearly]. Watch the expressions of the observing sailor standing
watch at the upper mast; see how he stares around with a telescope from side to side and
explores the immense surface of the water from wave to wave. However, he still sees no land.
6] See how desperately the people scurry on the deck of the ship; for they already drank all
the sweet, precious water on the long-lasting, seafaring trip.
7] Now. Look at this scene a little. Look. Here they throw lots into a pot; now they draw. A
poor Negro pulled the lot; now he is undressed and they cover his eyes, and both arms are
firmly bound together at the armpits. Look. The sergeant is drawing close and opening his
veins, and the blood that streams out of his veins is immediately mixed with a little rum to
still the thirst. However, the now bled to death Negro is straight away thrown overboard into
the sea. Since this drink was not enough for everyone, this procedure is repeated on quite a
few sailors; and the blood-cocktail is prepared out of their veins.
8] Although this scene is extremely rare, and such tragedy befalls only in extreme need of
water, it is nonetheless excused. Yes. Out of tremendous brotherly love, it would be
something else, if, in such a distress, one or the other sailors would decide for himself to
rescue his brothers from death with his own blood-drink. This would be a tremendous
testimony of brotherly love for him who did such deed. In this case, however, it is a horror. It
would be better that a thousand voluntarily sacrificed themselves for one; instead one is
overcome by such a cruel deed.
9] Now see. The lookout [in the crow’s nest] screams “land” from the basket; at once
everyone on board is happy; all sails, as you see, are directed toward the island. See. The ship
is flying like an arrow over tower-high waves; and look, they just now reach a bay. The
anchors are dropped, all the team except for the necessary watch hurries into the little
vehicles to go to shore.
10] See. A fresh source of water is soon discovered at the coast and now the scurry is mad
and abuzz in order to take the fresh water; and so in a few hours the ship is once again
equipped with sweet, precious water; and once more all is set afloat.
11] The vehicles move slowly along the coast in order to see whether this land is already
inhabited or not. Now they discover a place that consists of simple round huts, and at once
they approach this place.
12] They land and go ashore. The inhabitants are startled by the canon thunder and take to
flight; very soon the sailors search their small huts and whatever they find is taken from them,
no matter what it is and what name it may have. See. Poor, small bands of people are robbed
of their entire possessions; but this is not the only scene [that opens itself up before us.]
13] These poor escapees are pursued and nearly completely annihilated, or, if everything goes
well, they are at least caught; after a time and opportunity they are sold in America for a good
trade price.
14] See. You already know what kind of ship this was; and you already know what it is up to.
Look. It is a ship that goes out on discovery trips.
15] Now. Let this ship henceforth pursue its infamous, appalling way. Here is already
another. However this ship—the one you now see—I will only show you in the Spirit; for it
was already discovered by another French mariner in the year 1835 in the Mediterranean Sea
and was at once destroyed. –
16] Now however, I show you this ship as it drove its terrible harm before this time in the
Atlantic Ocean. Mind you, it is not the only one of its kind; presently there are about twenty
ships of this type in the Atlantic waters, who bring this kind of disaster.
17] The masters of these ships are mostly Spaniards and Portuguese. Four of them are Turks.
Notice. Just now this ship is leaving fully packed with slaves from the coast of Africa in order
to sell them to another slave trader in America. Now see here: Scarcely two-hundred nautical
miles away from the coast, it is discovered, pursued and taken captive by an English ship.
18] The sailors defend themselves in despair. However, it is of no use. The English ship is by
far superior in power to this buccaneer-ship, and it must surrender. At once the English
sailors climb onto the upper-deck of this ship, free the slaves, and bring these onto their ship;
here they are under somewhat better care.
19] What will take place with this buccaneer-ship? Take a close look and you will soon
discover. See how busy the English sailors are; they are commanded by their superior officer
to undress the entire crew of this ship and throw their clothes into the sea. Then, after the
method of the slave storage, the people are nailed to the deck with long pointed nails;
however, the captain is hung by his hands onto the mast with his face looking outward and his
feet secured with a rope under the mast. Moreover, as they complete the work they depart into
the cabins, taking all useful items for themselves; hoisting the sails of this [buccaneer-] ship
they leave to retire to their own vessel; and with the shrillest waling screams from the deck
they relinquish the buccaneer-ship to the wind. –
20] Just look and think. What must the outcome be when one cruelty against the other
appears merely as a result of a cruel mood!? And think about how such scenes are played out
in the face of His, Who, dying on the cross for His enemies, asks the Father to forgive them!

21] Are there no other means to suppress the evil of the slave trade, than these! No matter
which way, it is always marked with the seal of the scarcely conceivable cruelty.
22] You will ask: what then have the slave-liberators done with the slaves? Do you think they
possibly send them back to their homeland? Oh no, they did not!
23] They did not sell them clxxxix either; instead, they kept them for their own services; for they
themselves owned property in America. In this way, they came much cheaper than if they
would have purchased the slaves themselves.
24] And so notice, exceptionally great supervisory striving is currently maintained within this
slave trade on the side of England. Now if such a ship, packed with slaves, is discovered, it is
soon met with tremendous punishment; the slaves receive their freedom and then they are
either used freely to work there or they are frequently sold out of free hand. And so, this
conduct is nothing more than what the old Roman proverb says: Scyllam prateris, Charybdim
invadescxc. [He who tries to avoid Charybdis will be caught by Scylla]. -
25] You see, I only show you this so that you can form a true concept of the so-called
abolition of the slave trade. And so a disdainful businessman remains a businessman; and he
does not care when he erects his shameful [ex-] change booths and junk-stores in My
26] Yes. If you offer a million gold pieces to such a money-hound, he will sell you the
bleeding heart of his own daughter; and you dare not make another offer or he will also sell
you the head of his first-born son.
27] However, you will say, is the situation on all ships so miserable? And, you will say, is
there nowhere any thoughtfulness in these wobbly houses of God? –
28] I am telling you: Every ship is officiated with one, but often with several priests, who, for
the sake of ceremony—as with a musical band for the sailors—is added to the ship to give it
ballast. The latter designation carries the most weight, everything else is nothing but empty
form; the ship’s flag of origin of country is by far a greater sacred entity on the ship than the
total priesthood and its wobbly religious service. By some, slightly better associates—I am
only then called upon—when thundering ocean waves awake them, for a short time, out of
their delirious quest for gain.
29] Incidentally, the tyranny on each ship is so common practice that if compared with an
Egyptian ruler it would not lack any disgrace. This cold and dry insensitivity of the above-
mentioned sailors is then called, in the moral world: The ships discipline.
30] However, I am saying in the closing of the 4th hour: No doubt, such powerful endeavours
will get them nowhere. For truly, one day their [so-called] reward will not be small!
FIFTH HOUR - North America

And now after we have sailed about on the ocean - let us climb aboard such a slave ship and
sail with the same under favourable winds to North America.
2] See here. This green strip that begins to appear: it is already a well-known easterly North
American coastal-rangecxci.
3] Observe how it becomes clearer and clearer. See. You already notice a large city, equipped
with a large harbour.
4] Now see. We are finally here. See how it welters and teems with profit-addicted people on
the ships, the same in the harbour and on the docksides.
5] Now look. The free slaves are brought ashore now; everybody is hurrying and running
over to where the slaves are; an extremely well fed sugar-plantation owner is approaching and
hiring the slaves into his service.
6] As for the captain—who exercised such humanitarian work toward the slaves2—he does
not receive a purchase-price for the delivered slavescxcii, but is instead presented with a well-
fed reward for his so-called humanitarian attitudes. -
7] You see! In this way such appalling, atrocious trade is certainly getting an external
humanitarian facade of human kindness and charity; but on the inside she is nothing more
than the same slave trade, only under false moral politics.
8] Since the matter is conducted in such a way, we are now going to take a tiny look at such a
sugar-plantation; and as not to seek for too long on our tablet, take a look over here!
9] See here. There adjacent to the city, in the middle of the tablet, is already the very
important plantation of our previously seen generous patron of humanity.
10] There. Look at just a small part of his estate. See how one-hundred poor and almost
naked slaves have to work there incessantly.
11] See how behind every ten slaves there is also a good-looking slave-overseer armed with
gun and sword. He also holds a sharp driving whip cxciii in his hand, in case a poor slave
straightens up for only a minute from the earth to ease his hard labour pain; through the
steady stooping nearly all the limbs of the slaves become stiff. Here take a look; convince
yourselves of how gruesome the honest, careful overseer at once sets his driving tool in
motion; in this he has such a skill that every blow elicits an abundant amount of blood from
the bodies of the poor, stricken slaves.
12] You may think, maybe these slaves are at least humanly nurtured so that they would get
adequate strength for such works, by which Satan would have to succumb to.
13] I am not going to tell you, but rather I will let you see for yourself. Take a look over here
at this little spot, and what you see is indeed such a slave-meal.
14] In fact, you are looking for some kind of a bowl. Not only one, but many bowls for so
many slaves, which the proprietor must have bought with money. Well, such a one is asking
himself, what is cheaper than a bowl?, and—thinking about it for a short while—the great
speculator finds a hollowed out log, like a big long trough, more practical; and he sets it up in
the yard. –
15] And now look at the meal in this long bowl; it consist of nothing other than badly cooked
legumes in water; the legumes used are either lentils, beans or—on holidays—a type of
16] As a result, this trough is filled with such a meal, and the workers are then invited by a
so-called slave-rattle, or, also by whip-cracks.
17] However, it is commonly known that only the closest working slaves are invited. The
ones that work in the distance are either: 1) supplied with a type of bread on which you would
most likely suffocate, or, 2) if the work in the distance is not too urgent, they are allowed to
cook their familiar noon meal over there, near where they are working, in a cottage build
expressly for that purpose.
18] But notice well; the mealtime can never last longer than a quarter of an hour, except on a
holiday. If someone arrives too late and the sign for work was already given, he is
immediately exposed to the roughest maltreatments.
19] Only on holidays, do they to eat with wooden spoons. Now you want to know: what other
reward do the slaves have? The real hard-working ones—those who, so to say, work day and
night—get now and then a little rum and some fruit, and they even get a worn out jacket on
holidays only.
20] This is just about the most humanitarian care these poor ones are given. For the others: a
six-hour sleep and the familiar meagre meal is all they get as a reward for their work.
21] Now you will ask: with regard to the treatment of his slaves, does such a humanitarian
and generous plantation manager not have a master over him? You see; I cannot show you
this in the picture, but to put it bluntly: No! Rather he is, in this regard, an absolute ruler over
life and death of his workers; and he has the right to execute a disobedient slave in any
manner of death he chooses.
22] So that you totally realize how incredibly cruel their laws are, I show you an example of
how the slaves experience such rules by the hundreds, yes, even thousands.
23] Recently, two slaves took off from such a devil because of his treatment was too satanic.
A neighbourly house received the two; for this neighbourly house still had a small portion of
human sentiment left in the body.
24] At once the infuriated devil proceeded to go to the authority in order to reclaim his
fugitives; the neighbourly house—understanding the law well—reported at once to the
authority, and—by virtue of the bitter complaints from the side of the slaves—spoke on their
25] Right away a lawsuit between both neighbours started. How do you think the wise judges
decided in this matter? I am going to give you the plain judgment here so you can look at it
justifiably, how it stands in the so-called educated North America.

26] Here you have the judgment; it reads as follows: "In order to avoid a penalty of one-
thousand pounds, the neighbour is required to hand over both fugitives, either dead or alive,
to the owner. If they go, they must be brought there alive; however, in case of refusal to bring
them alive, the afore mentioned neighbour must shoot them down at once, and deliver either
their heads or their entire bodies to the owner; this owner can then, at his discretion, do what
he wants.
27] However, if the two alleged fugitives should escape before the execution is performed,
any person has the necessary legal right to shoot them at once—anywhere, on a footpath and
street—wherever they happen to come across them”. –
[Note: This is far far removed from the real teaching of Christ which is To love your neighbor
(fellowman) as yourself.]
28] Now I must mention only one more thing so that you know the entire shamefulness. It
was in the language of the judgment to act in discretion on behalf of the owner; what does it
actually consists of? There. Take another look on My tablet over here! A little scene that you
shall see is going to satisfy your question.
29] See a pond there; it is a fishpond of such a manager; and see; there lying gagged in the
corner of the pond are two male slaves and one female slave; none of them have lived to
reach their twentieth year.
30] At their side lies a female and a male slave and they are already dead; these are the dead
parents of the young ones.
31] Look over here. The guard gets up; as you can see, the proprietor is approaching with two
so-called gladiators, his two managers and several slave-overseers.
32] See. Now they arrive with terrible countenances. His command or rather his [alleged]
good judgment is directed toward these poor slaves. First of all, the two dead ones are to be
hacked into little pieces; and then the pieces are to be strewn into the pond as nourishment for
the fishes. Thereafter the girl is to be gagged, raped by all the overseers—If they so desire—
and then prepared as food for the fishes. The two boys, however, are each to be bound to a
stake and beaten to death, and then they too are to be prepared as fish food. –
33] See. That is what the glorified system of [constitutional] government looks like in the
highly educated North America. Now you judge: By what name would such creatures be
known by?
34] Truly, My worst enemy, the prince of darkness, is a miserable bungler compared to that.
And indeed, you can believe Me or not; you have heard of the possessed; you have heard that
they become possessed and became devils and satans; but I say to you, no Satan could be
stirred to do that in order to take such a North American humanitarian into the inner hellish
domain. For in such circumstances, the lowest degree of hell is definitely more desirable for
everyone than the residence of such a sugar producer!
35] You can probably make yourself a concept from this small parallel as to how such deeds
and actions appear in My face!
36] Oh, I am telling you: Truly, each crumb of sugar is belayed with a thousand-fold curse
from Me; for truly, if these barbarians would sell the spilled blood, in weight it would exceed
the harvested sugar by a hundred-fold.
37] You can rest assured that to every one pound of sugar stick one-hundred pounds of spilled
human blood.
38] You see. I have therefore decided—in order to protect your nature—only to let you look
at this continent’s best part; and so be content with that. In fact, if I showed you the deeds and
actions of the southern half of this country, the quill in your hand would become lame and
you would not be able to write down three sentences. From such extremities I will therefore
—once you have accustomed yourself a bit more, and looked at all types of horrors with Me
—make a few things known to you in the 12th and last hour.
39] I do not want to speak to you about far off [or after life] rewards here, but rather I want to
speak of something new: Such creatures should be fully destroyed forever! Amen.
SIXTH HOUR - Fateful Voyages

After you have sufficiently looked around on this one point of North America, we want to
turn our eyes on the tablet again. Let us look toward the coastline and linger there for a while
until this big ship—the one you see here at the coast—is fully loaded with sugar: at that point
we will take a trip with this ship wherever the sails are aimed.
2] Now take a glance at this point over here. See how the slaves haul kegs and large crates to
the coast on the many carts. See here a heavy, wagon like cart. See how it is packed high with
crates so that it looks like a small mountain. Observe how ahead of this cart forty slaves are
harnessed like oxen and the slave-overseers whip and force them to speed up with the freight.
Notice how at each side of this wagon-mount a crowd of slaves must secure the same with
[long] forkscxcv and ropes. The minute the vehicle becomes slightly noticeably unbalanced, the
cruel whip will swing over their backs.
3] And look; now they are already close to the coast. It went well with the wagon. However,
you did not notice, one wagon wheel shattered under the weight. Observe. Almost twenty
slaves are now lying crushed under the large load of the too heavily packed wagon, and,
thereupon, the other half is murderously mistreated, because they did not hold up the wagon.
Also, the pulling slaves are not spared on this occasion: as you can see; and since on top of
the wagon a badly build crate has scattered scarcely three lots of the sugar through a gap—
due to the powerful crash—consequently, at least three slaves must pay this big damage with
their lives. All guilt, which lies on these abominable overseers and their almost uninterrupted
drunkenness, must these innocent lambs of mankind pay. –
4] Observe. Now the maniacs have flagellated cxcvi themselves enough; consequently, a new
order is introduced, new and smaller carts are brought in and with them all these crates are
brought to the coast under the howling and complaints of the slaves.
5] See. Now everything is brought there. The Englishman takes over the merchandise and
validates it with the bookkeeper of the attending sugar-plantation-owner.
6] However, now these crates must also be brought onto the ship; this work is part of the
trade; and once again the burden falls upon the slaves.
7] See how they lift the, often centner [or hundredweight cxcvii], heavy crates into small
vehicles; but fortunately for them, not one falls into the sea; this sometimes happens,
especially if one or the other slave–overseers has poured too much liquor in his belly and
mistreated his poor subordinates as his [despicable] amusement.
8] If on such occasions an immense damage happens that the weakened limbs of the slaves
are not able to entirely lift such a heavy crate into the vehicle, and this falls in the water: this
is considered reprehensible by the overseers. Even if the slaves retrieve it at once, and not one
drop of water penetrated into the content, such careless workers are either flogged nearly to
death, or, sometimes shot at once and thrown into the sea, depending on the cruel mood of
such overseers.
9] These poor people are only then out of danger, when all the merchandize is happily
brought on board. Then, of course, the carts are taken back; and instead of the crates, the
overseers themselves are camped out on it, where they carry on their revelry and their
pleasure in a steady gallop; and they know which speedy cart they have to carry into
execution with the crack of the whip.
10] Maybe you will ask, what happens to the ones that were trampled? I am telling you:
Nothing at all, but rather, take a look over here and convince yourself with your spiritual eyes
how some among them lament with broken hands and feet; they scream and howl and call for
help after their manner. Do you think a surgeon is called, or they are taken to a slave hospital?
11] Oh but you’re wrong! These devils know a much faster way of healing than you. A stony
bandage is slung around each one, and, finally, at the bottom of the sea a common water-
blanket is added on top; and this way they are all healed for eternity. –
12] Now. You may still ask, when these galloping slaves have reached home with their
overseers, will these poor ones at least have a time of rest or maybe a small recess?
13] You see, that is not possible in this country; but it happens more often—If the owner is a
too big of a monster—that they are still abused for their carelessness under the self-satisfying
command of the barbaric owner!
14] And do you want to know the true number of these unfortunates, whose lot in the sphere
of misfortune absolutely does not offer any important variety?
15] Of these there are eleven million throughout the entire North American republican
territories. And you must realize among these slaves are not only blacks, but there are also at
least one-quarter whites among them. However, a law forbids white slavery, so white slaves
must become purposely black and are [misleadingly] blackened.

16] Now. After we have observed almost everything, let us now climb on board the ship,
which, as you can see, is sail-ready and leaving the harbour. Now notice how the sailors on
top of the horizontal sail-pole [the yard cxcviii] do their equilibristiccxcix practices like tightrope
17] Observe these ocean-burned faces a little; their nakedness is covered with nothing but
measly rags. See how bestial, how debased they look, as if they belong to another group of
life form, other than that of the human race. See. These people are indeed the much talked
about English sailors.
18] Oh mankind! Into what depths has your world-hood thrown you?! How distant are you
from Me, the source of life?! How close are you to the abyss of eternal ruin?! The depth of
the sea does not frighten you! My storms wish and roar in vain passed your forehead; you do
not know anyone above you anymore— except you yourself! In fact, you stare far over the
deceptive surface of the waves with your alleged perspicacitycc.
19] You prophesy the storm, and know all the reefs and sand banks in the sea. Carefree, you
swim between life and death on flimsy boards over unforeseeable abysses; you do this on the
fluctuating surface of the water from one world area to another; but you do not consider that I
—no longer your Father, but your obstinate judge—am also present on board of your
swimming lumber-palace.
20] You know the way, and by the furrows of the sea, you probably recognize your street.
See. Your time is finished. I stir the depths of the earth with one finger, and, since you
suspect nothing, I have set new and unknown reefs in your street. I the invisible helmsman,
know your miserable sorry efforts; this shameful container—which is stuffed with the filth of
a disgraceful hope—will hurl against the new hard brow of the, to you, unknown reef and
ruin you. –
21] Oh see! This packed ship now runs into the arms of just such an unknown reef. See and
do not be alarmed, as the wind drives it there as fast as an arrow. They suspect nothing since I
did not raise the reef for them above the water level.
22] But now see; only two more minutes and the miserable container lies with its entire
content in ruins. Here take a look! See. Now with great force it crashes with the ships-bow
onto the reef. See how it is completely demolished; and see how the ship begins to sink; see
how these sailors struggle to unfasten the rowboats hanging on the large ship; and see how
some snatch-up boards with greater speed, and, swimming in the water, bump together a raft
for themselves.
23] Notice; the wreck hangs on this reef and a number of people hold tightly to the rips of the
ship as they are jutting above the water level; a smaller number of people swim on top of the
meagre means of transportation toward a certain death. However, the captain and the
proprietor of the cargo cower onto the protruding mast, and, gripped from utmost despair,
wrestle with death now for the third day after the shipwreck, as well as all the other travelers
on the ship’s skeleton.
24] Do you think that one of these people begged Me for any kind of help? No! Instead, they
stare into the wide open ocean to see whether or not a vehicle would appear in view.
However, their gazing is in vain, for I will wisely re-direct all other vehicles so that they will
not turn up in this vicinity.
25] Now see here. See how these two, crouching at the mast, wrestle one another. You will
think that they seek through this wrestling to cling more firmly onto the mast. Alone this
wrestling leads to no good and is called: Famine! One wants to kill the other, so that he gets
something to eat.
26] And look on the ribs of the ship; there you can already see such a meal. You can see how
another English merchant, whose esteemed wife clutches on him, just now devours her
breasts with great greed.
27] See, this cannibalism typically continues until only one is left; and in the end, this one
usually assaults and devours himself as far as he can reach; which scene usually ends in
bleeding to death after a few hours. –
28] Concerning the bones: as much as possible is gnawed off, and the rest is often thrown into
the sea with curses.
29] And since we now have no more life worth seeing here, let us still pursue our three
vehicles, and see how they make out! –
30] Now see, there is one already. Look. Only three corps-like human beings cower in it.
These are three heroes who have made it their rule not to eat one another. Since they have
thrown the other company into the water, they now leave themselves scarcely alive in the
hands of blind chance.
31] In order not to hold you up any longer with these three, we want to bring a quick end to
them. See there, a powerful wave hits the flimsy vehicle, and a good-natured shark already
longingly waits for the contents of this vehicle. It had already long escorted this vehicle as its
faithful companion.
32] And now look. The wave has done its service; and the shark has devoured his long
awaited prey, and so there is nothing more for us to observe, and we search for another of
these vehicles.
33] You will think now: Where could it be? However, I say to you, do not worry, he who
seeks with Me, will have no difficulty finding it. Now see, it is already here! Count the people
who are inside the boat; it will not be hard for you to determine what is going on in the
34] Why do you not count? You say that we see no one. There. Come closer and look inside
the wobbly boat. See. There is nothing but gnawed off bones inside the boat, and it is only the
tenth day after the shipwreck! You probably would like to know where the last person is that
gnawed on the bones, since he surely could not have consumed himself to the bare bones. -
35] Now glance a little sideways. See. Here in the more westerly half of the tablet looms a
few meterscci of moss encircled reef over the sea level.
36] See. There he cowers desperately in the middle of this extremely little island, and see how
he snatches up the moss and the little bid of grass and shoves it into his mouth. See. That is
now the fate of this last living person; and he is also the only one, who from all the
shipwrecked people will be taken alive in two days by another ship. He will be rescued so
that he can bring the news as to what happened there. He is also the only one, who, on this
island, began to remember Me a little.
37] And so we are leaving him there to await his rescue, and look where the raft is located.
Look here! There swims the raft! See. There are no people left, except for some bones that
are secured to a board with a rope; and, likewise, there in the middle of the raft is one corked
38] This bottle is here because the last survivor wrote down the demise of the ship as well as
his own; and he secured himself, including the bottle, with a rope to a board; on which
occasion, he, in a weak state and careless manner, tumbled with one foot into the water; yet
he was able to recover for some time by holding on with his hands to the board; he hung on
until, likewise, a foodie-shark digested half of his body, and finally also the other half.
39] Now we have completed our voyage. What's more, according to your saying, even death
has lost its rights; there is nothing more worth observing in this scene, so we too will abandon
our right to observe where death stole everything out of our eyes. Therefore, let us look
around a little on the water of the tablet in front of us and move onward. We shall see whether
or not there is anything memorable for you to see within swimming distance.
40] Now; see here! It so happens that an English ocean-liner is swimming over here; except
for a sailor and a helmsman, one can see no life on deck. You would probably like to know,
what is inside its tarred boards?
41] Now. Have a look! I will now thunder an Ephetaccii over this ship, and, at once, the ship
becomes transparent as if of glass; its content is going to jump gauntly into your eyes; and so
I say: Epheta!
42] See now and judge what it is and what presents itself here. Look in the lower rooms of the
ship: a total of three-hundred people of both sexes are nearly naked; they are bound with
heavy chains. Observe how emaciated their bodies are; count the bloodshot welts and look at
the measly food, which is not given to the people day by day but rather from week to week in
a smelly, scarcely one third of a half pound heavy stone-like bread cciii, next to a jug of rotten
43] See how in a corner an older man, at whose feet some rats have already chewed, pleads to
the prison-guard for his death. See. There in another corner is a true feminine Venus, that is,
after your concept of beauty. She has chains around her soft arms; she anxiously screams and
implores that one should throw her into the sea or at least free one of her hands that she may
wipe the biting dirt of the nose.
44] What does the guard do? He takes hold of a sharp [bristle] broom, and holds it in front of
her nose, that she should clean herself with it; in doing so, he scratches and smears her entire
face, so that it finally becomes full of abscesses and pus. And if she complains over such
treatment, she will, on top of it, be reprimanded.
45] Look down at her feet. Oh these delicate feet! See how they were held in high esteem
three weeks ago by a lecherous32 and rich English reveller. Only to seduce this girl, yet of his
rich promises few materialized; and so in the wickedness of his revenge he crafted such an
illusion and such a way, that he brought this poor girl on fabricated charges of robbery, by
means of a secret bribe of the sworn judges, there, to the ship, as you can see.
46] And just as this poor girl here is deported as a criminal, there are a few more in this group
who are given similar treatment. See there. A rather young person is affixed in the opposed
corner; he, who was a rich man’s only heir, was brought there by his own mother with the
help of one of her disgraceful lovers following the death of his father.
47] We are not going to pursue his story any further, but rather review the quite delicate feet
of our pretty prisoner. See how they jolt busily—or at least make the attempt—in order to
fend off the ships vermin, as did the feet of the older man; and look downward, deeper at her
feet; see how, through her diligence, she has already prepared herself an entire shapely rats-
48] And do you think that those lazy ship-fiends descend to at least remove the killed vermin
from off the ship? Oh no! That they would not do. Instead, they daily smoke out this unhappy
part of the ship with tar; they do this in order to prevent any possible disease.
49] You may think that such inhumanity is beyond all concepts, and that physicians and
priests must care that the external laws are being observed.
50] However, I say to you, that every ship in England has, as soon as it leaves the harbour, no
other laws than the existing ones of the captain. It does not take long until all ship authorities
blow into the same horn, or in other words, until they are in one accord of wickedness; and
so, only sordidness often prevails under the same [upper] deck. In addition, no reason is
needed, as was the case here, that such a young pretty deportee falls to the wild passions of
the often drunk commanding officers, and lets herself be used by all imaginable lewd
perfidiescciv; thus, regretfully her judgment is cast for this world. – You see, now you will
finally realize why the vermin is not removed from the ship. –
51] But that is not all that such a poor deportee has to cope with. On top of that her supposed
comrades of both sexes often howl the most ghastly curses at her, and say that it was entirely
her fault that their fate was made more intolerable.
52] Just look around a little in this funeral-chamber, and now look up into the shiny cabins of
the ship’s officers. See how crazy and audacious it is there.
53] Foaming wine is spraying out of their goblets. Everyone screams good wishes to the
commander, and one of them also screams: To the life of our pretty prisoner! And everyone
approvingly agrees with him as if possessed by lunacy.
54] And look; now the chiefs stick their heads together; what could be on their minds? You
would ask. Do not worry about this secret, for it contains nothing but a sly trick, in order to
win the poor beauty over.
55] And what do you think? Of what does this trick consists of? See this trick consist of none
other than in the following: The beauty is soon freed from her shackles and given effective
medical care. Now that she is once again clothed, she is presented with a formal marriage
proposition, that she can become the wife of one or the other ship’s officers.
56] The poor one does not see the fine deceit. Because of the hellish ordeal of the lower
chambers, she is too terrified; and so she unites herself under a worthless consecration, not by
the priest, but by one of the ship soldiers in disguise. In this way, her scam-husband is
deceitfully using her; and instead of lying with her [seemingly] husband at night time, another
man steps in his place; consequently, our poor prisoner, unaware of the situation, becomes a
57] She certainly does not lack any food in her stomach, and she is in a happy state of mind;
she believes that here she has made her good fortune; but her eyes first open up [to the truth]
in Botany Bay, a coast of Australia, where she—like all the other criminals—is handed over
to lifelong abuse. The fate of this unfortunate beauty follows in the seventh hour.

“Gather for yourselves treasures the moths cannot eat away and rust and decay cannot
destroy. However, beware of the goods and treasures of this world, for they carry within them
the evil spirit of temptation leading to all kinds of sins.” - The Great Gospel of John vol. 3,
SEVENTH HOUR - Australia

Now that we have observed enough of this ship’s horrible conduct, whose meaning will
surely never be strange to you, we are going to leave this scene; take a leap forward and look
at this land that you see before you; it has four names ccv. According to your [geographical]
determination, it lies between the 131st and 171st degree easterly longitude, as well as
between the 10th and 30th degree southerly latitudeccvi. Australia 1838
2] You need to know all this because you are not yet familiar with the condition, natural
layout, or the climatic ratios; and so, look on this—well known to you—tablet! –
3] Take a good look. The region represented to you here is the real Australia, South India,
Oceania and Polynesia. See the southern part of this land; see how it still consists of immense
puddles and morasses, in which, if you will look real close, you discover countless amounts
of poisonous monstrosities and all kinds of bothersome insects. –
4] See how a little farther south, a large number of coral ring islands extend almost to the
South Pole regionccvii. This is the reason the southern coast of this country cannot be
circumnavigated, as it is also impossible to reach this southern coast by land ccviii, because the
shoreline is not a suitable shore [—either too soft or too steep—] to explore its conditions in
this way.
5] Overall acquaintance or exploration is made even more difficult because this country
usually consists of unforeseeable plains, which—only here and there—are interrupted with
little, insignificant hills. Important mountains definitely do not exist in this country, only a
few corals and shale-cliffs at the coasts.
6] This up until now known countryccix has within the continent a surface area of nearly
200,000 square milesccx on which two million and some sixty thousand people live.
7] The most habitable regions are generally located on the east coast ccxi. These regions may
already be more or less known to you: for instance the colonies under the names of
Carpentariaccxii, Arnhem-Landccxiii, Witslandccxiv, Edelslandccxv, Eendrachtlandccxvi, Leeuwin-
Landccxvii, Nuytz-Landccxviii, Flinderslandccxix, Baudinlandccxx, Grantslandccxxi, and some other
less well known names of no importance.
8] Located on the east coast is a landing place ccxxii under the name of Botany Bayccxxiii, at
which location— already over a span of scarcely 10 years until now—the English have
banished 170,000 criminals; and from there they were dispersed to varies colonies.
9] But not only has this easterly coast served for such a purpose, the deportees are also
preferred and shipped out to the west.
10] There. See a river that runs into the ocean ccxxiv. It is the so-called Swan River ccxxv. On its
banks you see a city that is almost finished. From that city ccxxvi, colonization is achieved
through criminals who are brought there; but this is done with much worse success than on
the east coast. Usually, it is only England’s worst scoundrels who are sold to here; this is all
done in opposition to a combined undertaking between the Holccxxvii and Netherlanders [the
Dutch] – to whom this coast belongsccxxviii—in order to cultivate the highly unmanageable
11] A city is being built on the east coast, namely on Botany Bay; she is called Sidney, like
the entire New South Wales coast.
12] However, for now, just remember the westerly point; for after we see our prison-hulk
[ship] land in Botany Bay, we will want to focus over there where the human conditions are
unimaginably worse than on the east coast.
13] But before we take a closer look at this major spectacle, I want to closely familiarize you
with the country itself; I do this so that you can easily form a more realistic concept as to
what it is called and what it wants to say, and then we shall see whether the deportees who are
brought there are guilty or innocent. -
14] Now see here. See how the interior of this land looks! You think these countless fields
before your eyes are nothing but brush forests.
15] I am saying: O No! It is grass; and do not be surprised if here and there you see grass that
is three to four men high.
16] This grass resembles the so-called reed-grass. It is nearly impossible to eradicate until it is
dry, and then only through fire. However, the fire must be ignited at a time when the north
winds blow, because the south winds will suffocate the fire.
17] Surely, you would also like to see a tree forest. Such forests are only in small numbers
here; and the trees that grow especially toward the more southern regions are often barely as
big and high as some grass, and they produce very little edible fruits.
18] Frequently, you find in the northern region as well as on the east coast already different
cultivations, which do not grow properly, and therefore, little by little also noticeably change
its nature.
19] The pears often become completely woody and wider at the stem than at the crown. As
for the cherries, the seeds often grow outside on the skin and the fruit itself becomes watery.
These and other perhaps strange sounding variations suffer along with many other types of
cultivated plants. The, to you, little known snake-nuts ccxxix prosper very well, as well as the
coconuts on the northern coast; Indian figsccxxx, the so-called St. Johns-breadccxxxi and a type of
melon-plums also grow abundantly.
20] However, lots of care must be taken to insure that a certain red insect does not puncture
the snake-nuts. If such a pricked nut falls to the earth, a highly toxic new type of plant comes
of it, which plant is ten times worse than the so-called Bohonupas ccxxxii. The leaves release a
brutal, devastating, poisonous vapour as soon as it is just one shoe-length high above the
earth. It not only kills all animals and people who came near, but also causes a most intense
devastation to the plants, often within a radius of 1 hour. In a short time not even a stone
moss-plant will come forth; instead everything withers and becomes a type of ash.
21] The good fortune about this plant is that it does not flourish for longer than half a year;
instead it will die as soon as winter sets in and therefore renders it harmless.
22] Now that we have looked a little at the world of plants, let us now take a small look at the
animals. -
23] First of all, look how the air swarms with large white eagles ccxxxiii which far exceed any of
their kind in power and agility; their voracious appetite is especially big in the winter time, so
much so, that in the interior of the land they attack people like flying wolves.
24] In addition to them, there is another species of vicious birds, which almost have the
appearance of an ostrichccxxxiv; instead of feathers, they have hair, and some have no wings ccxxxv
at all, others, however, have wings like a bat. –
25] These birds often have more than one klafter [or 1.90 meter] long legs, and with such can
effortlessly run very fast: up to 10 miles in one hour. When they have reached their prey, they
beat on it with one leg, and then devour the meal. Other swarms of smaller and more
harmless birds do not need to be mentioned.
26] Among others, there is one [uncommon] four-footed mammal ccxxxvi with a strong beak;
bird-wolf would be a better name for it. This animal is, in its type, crueler than every tiger.
27] However—regarding the ground and the swamp—this is a true homeland for snakes, and
all types of lizards; among them many species with wings; they are not all poisonous, but are
more or less harmful.
28] In the interior, one frequently finds large type of bats, which are very poisonous and have
an anaesthetizing effect in their gazes; this effect is worse than that produced by the
rattlesnake. If someone should venture to look into such a bat’s eye, he soon falls to the
ground as if sedated by a strong drink; and if no one comes to help and kills the flying bat, it
will soon suck out the last drop of blood from its victim; it will then fly away satiated, with a
high whistle. –
29] Regarding the climate, this land is a true chameleon; except for some eastern and northern
areas, the land is so unpredictable that in some regions someone can experience all five types
of weather zones in one day.
30] As to why everything is so oddly shaped here, this will be revealed to you in its appointed
time; however, you may remember this in advance: I linked entirely different purposes with
certain countries of the earth, instead of being ravished by men’s shameful greediness before
its time.
31] Nonetheless, if the people in their madness penetrate prematurely into countries, which
have not yet become ripe, it serves them right when they set out to live like neglected children
who consume unripe fruit and poisonous berries. However, as I said already, various things
will be made known to you with the next opportunity.
32] Now see. At the same time we were cavorting in this country, the ship that is already
known to you threw its anchors in Botany Bay harbour; and look! There it is already! For
when everything comes into viewpoint, one does not need a long trip in order to be at a
certain place. –
33] Now look very closely! Once again, I will speak the Epheta, and look; again, the prison
hulk has become transparent all the way to the bottom. Above all, take a good look at our
lovely, as-it-were spouse! See how weak she is, scarcely able to raise herself out of her seat.
Now enter a little into the cabin of the captain.
34] See. Already three colonists along with the captain glance over the list, in fact in the
presence of the local governor. Now look! Twenty names are crossed out, among them our
old manccxxxvii; but our lovely deportee has not been crossed out.
35] See. Now the governor and the colonists sign and confirm the list; the prison guards
allocate themselves below, free the prisoners—in that they tie-up their hands behind their
backs—and, in such a way, drive them onto the upper deck of the ship.
36] Now look! The prison guards also step into the chamber of our pretty deportee, inform
her of her lot in life, rob her of the dresses, and bind her hands; she then faints in despair
regarding her fate, and they then drag her to the other prisoners on deck.
37] See how she collapses before her alleged husband. She pleads with all her might and
power—in a way that is only possible by a female heart—informing him of all sorts of things.
She tells him, how innocently she was convicted to this place of horror, and how he has used
her misfortune so shamefully: she, who was as pure as the sun, to have been used worse than
a bordello-whore for the English sailors!
38] Look! And learn a lesson from a person, who confesses to be of the Christian religion! -
See, how he proudly commands the prison guard to plug the mouth of the screaming beast;
and—if she does not behave very quietly like the others—she is to have thirty blows
administered unto her with the whip, at once!
39] See here, the effect of her request! See, how with a rope over her chest and feet she is tied
to a smaller mast by two henchmenccxxxviii; and see how the prison guards whip the poor
unfortunate deportee countless times in a shamefully cruel manner.
40] Now look. After her feet are completely cut from top to bottom with the sharp whip, she
is untied; and, along with the other criminals, she is immediately lifted on ropes over board
into smaller vehicles. And so, in a bleeding state she is brought to this unhappy land, and is at
once allotted and made available from the governor to the appropriate colonist.
41] Do you think that anyone brought her to a hospital? You are wrong there! The bandage
on such wounds exists in nothing other than this: she is allowed to sit for one half hour in the
sea, where it is very shallow. This is the famous healing cure in that land. It does help! Yet
think of the burning pain, especially for such a sensitive girl!
42] Now we are finished here. We only want to take a small look at what is going to happen
to these unhappy people. See. There in the interior, approximately a hundred miles from the
coast, there see, how these poor prisoners must fight with their tools under the direction of
several overseers with all the little known evils in this land that have already been described
to you; it is, as if they stand between two fires.
43] Your saying truly states: It is sink or swim! Why would such a leading colonist care
whether twenty or thirty of his subordinates are consumed by snakes—while most are still
tied up in fetters—or whether they often sink into swamps within the several-meters-high
grass, or whether one or the other is attacked and torn apart by the well-known eagles; or else
if by the eradication of the somewhere sprouting poisonous plant – multiple prisoners die.
44] Look. Such a colonist is doing little or nothing at all about it; he does not care because,
for his house, he is adequately looked after, even without such newly added workers.
45] If he can reclaim an important part of the country through such new attempts of pressing
forward [to gain more land], it is just right for him. However, if it backfires through all the
cruel attempts, he really does not care much; he does not care since he is, as he said himself,
taken care off.
46] You may think that if such criminals have reclaimed a new piece of land, the same piece
of land would then perhaps become one or the other’s property with interest.
47] I say, O No. Such a colonist is using the land for an entirely different purpose. He is
erecting, here and there, some workers’ cottages; but regarding the ground: it is his own, from
A to Z.
48] The workers have nothing but the most miserable, scarcely enjoyable meals; and
sometimes—if they do not want to starve—they catch snakes and lizards, cut off the heads,
roast them over straw fire, and consume this meat with the greatest of appetites. Truly once
again the saying holds true: Hunger is the best cook.
49] Yes. With some this hunger often goes so far that they do not even take the time to roast a
snake; but after the head, skin and innards are removed, it is consumed at once.
50] A new plague for these poor people is that they run into aboriginals—especially in the
northern part; they are good archers, and with poisoned arrows they drive the captives back,
or capture them and consume them, raw.
51] See here. These poor prisoners have to suffer such “conveniences” without number and/or
measure. The punishments they receive from their managers and overseers on top—which are
even much more inhumane than with the North Americans—cannot be compared with the
afflictions of this country. –
52] And see. Our poor deportee is also here by one of the grass-shearing jobs. To you, grass-
shearing is a joyful work. However, the workers here have to work with real grass jungles;
within their impenetrable thickets house an immense number of enormously pricking insects
—especially in the summer time—which then attack these naked workers to such an extent,
that after a few days nothing more than the connected skeleton remains.
53] However, if this cultivation takes place in the winter—in fact through the fire season—it
frequently happens that the fire often becomes so powerful that the flames wallow for hours
through the arid grass. Moreover, if the poor people who set the fire do not quickly take
flight, they are either completely burned or sustain severe burn injuries all over their bodies.
54] The worst, however, is this: If the fire smothered somewhere, the poor person who set the
fire must often then run for hours over the scorching hot ash in order to re-ignite and fan the
suffocated fire.
55] They are allowed to fasten a type of wooden board to the sole of their feet; but often these
wooden boards are already burned half way through the course, and then it is all the same;
their soles are often burned in spite of it to the leg.
56] Many other innumerable sorrows and illnesses that are indigenous to this country are best
not reflected on! As for the west coast I do not need to say any more, other than that it is ten
times more inhumane there than on the east coast; for this reason the colonization there is
making very abysmal progress.
57] You see. From all of this one can only blame the shameful greediness of the so-called
“moral” and even “Christian” people.
58] That I am not able to look at such horror any longer, you will easily understand without
much thought. For truly, the people have stacked their sins already into the third heaven. I do
not need to say any more
59] Therefore, we say Amen for today. The eighth hour will reveal even greater and stranger
EIGHTH HOUR - Oceania and Polynesia

After we have looked at and examined the mainland of Australia, we still want to pay a short
visit to more significant islands, in order to see what is happening there.
2] I said only the more important island-states; because there are many countless little islands
in this ocean, which are totally controlled either by the mainland or, as well, by the larger
3] In fact, from all the thousands of little islands in this ocean, you will not find very many
islands that have not been gnawed at and poked around in by this well-known chief European
despotic nation.

A miser and egoist is a person who has corrupted himself and is unable to bring forth any
fruits of life, because he consumes all life within himself. The Great Gospel of John, vol 3,

4] This leading world-rummaging nation has left those islands more or less alone, after they
searched and convinced themselves that there was nothing for their rat’s-jaw to gnaw on.
5] See: Look, here on the tablet; I will spread out the entire earth from pole to pole before
your eyes and not one point shall be concealed.
6] See here! The vast expanse between Asia, Australia and America; see the many little
islands; see how they peek forth as the stars in the firmament above the immense shimmering
surface of the water! However, so that you have a concept as to the commercial greed of this
world-rummaging nation, I will also adjoin the names in writing to each island, as the
gluttonous [or avaricious] discoverers placed them.
7] Now read! See all the still uninhabitable and farthest hiding places on earth! Look only on
the writing, and you will immediately convince yourselves to which nation of the earth all
climates are accessible. These people do not care whether their sails start burning from the
heat under the equator, or whether—on the other side [of the world]—they freeze three
quarters of a year between icebergs and their ships often lie buried many meters under snow.
8] In short, you will find very few names, other than those given by these world-changers.
Therefore, we still want to go to the important island states, in order to observe the actions of
this nation.
9] See. Here is a big, important island above the north-easterly part of Australia; it is under
the name of New Guinea. This island is also considered a part of Australia. She has few
mountains—and in its creation—it is younger than Australia, because Australia is just a little
over three-thousand years old; the island of Guinea, however, is close to seven-hundred years
10] However, this country was discovered by some Asian people beforehand, thus the
English and the Dutch found it much more cultivated than the mainland of Australia itself
was later found to be. It was by now very natural that such a find was promptly taken into full
possession through the canon thunder of this world-domineering nation.
11] Of course, no deportees are dropped off here; but the poor inhabitants of this island are by
no means better off then the slaves in North America.
12] To some extent these people are educated; however, not for the sake of their own good in
the so-called Christian religion, or in other sciences, instead they are educated for one reason
only which is: the same reason with which you train young wild horses ccxl, in other words, to
become more adept and useful, to carry English loads, and to work and to fight for them. In
addition, when the masters live in debauchery, the servants too become part of the reward [of
their devious domination]. After the work is completed, the reward is often worse than what
your own beasts of burden receive.
13] You see, these major world dealers definitely do not want to eat the bread in view of their
own sweat. Instead, they prefer to raise themselves up with idle hands at all ends of the earth;
they tear their mouths wide open and allow themselves to be fed by the unfairly subjugated
nations; and they, as you would say, chase the roasted birds right into the jaw. –
14] Now look over here in the middle of the tablet. There is the island all drawn-out. Look.
The nearly entirely naked labourers must perform the heaviest work under the glowing rays
of the sun.
15] See: Many must climb around in the trees, and gather a type of wool ccxli, which is here
much nicer and finer than a similar tree in east India. Again see: Others over here are busy
nearly day and night with the cultivation of the sugarcane. See again: Here others must dig
for gold and all sorts of gems in the depths of the earth.
16] And see here again: Others must carry their idle masters around in sedan chairs ccxlii like
beasts of burden. And here again: Others are used in the construction of fortresses and large
storehouses, and often are miserably abused for the worst pay.
17] There are many situations that are far more miserable; alone if you still add this and if
you then look at this little small piece in the right light, [you will see] that this world-addicted
nation operates with almost all the conquered island countries in a political manner, such as
the Romans once did in regard to the pagan worship.
18] After they convinced themselves that the heathen people on an island are of a good-
natured type, very little is mentioned about Christendom, instead they educate themselves in
their heathenistic form of belief. Moreover, if they now gain insight through this form of
belief that such a miserable religion would be more useful for their large world-purse than
Christianity, they say, like My dear [servant] Paul: We want to be all [everything] with all
[everybody] in order to win something from all [everyone]. Certainly not like Paul, who
wanted to be all [everything] to all [everyone], in order to win them [all] for Me; but, as
already stated, from all [everyone] all [everything].
19] Only if a heathen religion has very selfish principles, will they make sure that the
Christian religion
is preached with the heaviest of canon-calibers. If this heathen nation has accepted the
Christian religion, it is then commonly understood that all comprehensive reward is due to the
[so-called] announcers of salvation.
20] And so, look again on the tablet. See: Again another island. She is called New Britain,
and there, somewhat further up, another island: she is named New Ireland ccxliii. I mean, you do
not have to ask around for too long in order to find out who the masters of these two
important islands are.
21] Look. Further down again there is another important island, surrounded by several
smaller islands: called New Caledonia ccxliv. You do not have to ask who the masters of these
important countries are, and what it is like over there. Just look partly to North America,
Australia, and New Guinea.
22] Now look down south; here in the easterly part of Australia is an important, but very
sparse and difficult to access island called: Van-Diemens Land ccxlv. See: It does look rather
meagre; therefore, the Dutch are allowed that this island carries a Dutch name, but nothing
23] However, despite the Dutch name the English have chosen the best landing place for
themselves. Only the western part remains open and duty-free for the Dutch.
24] But with regards to the importance of catching fish in the east: there the English know
quite well to immerse their nets into the sea. –
25] Now we are leaving this island, and turn somewhat southward; there you see two very
important islands side by side, which are separated only by the so-called Cook Strait ccxlvi.
26] It is New Zealand; and look a little further south, there is a rather significant island under
the name of Cornwallis. You see, the English have left these islands in a free sovereignty in
order to produce an important grain tributeccxlvii. In other words, the rulers of these islands are
left in their official offices for different reasons.
27] The main reason is this: the government of these extremely remote countries is of no cost
to the English, and by virtue of their very hospitable attitude—as already mentioned earlier—
they were very well accepted, and for this reason, Christianity makes very poor progress here.
28] The large operating costs interconnected with such voyages are the second reason why
this world-addicted nation has not yet undertaken any more forceful, thundering expeditions
against these countries.
29] The third reason is that: this country is not easily accessible for large ships because of the
frequent storms and the many cliffs and sandbanks. –
30] And so there are many different kinds of selfish reasons as to why these remote but very
fruitful Zealanders did not fall into the despotic claws of this world-famous nation.
31] But now see: there are already some English ships on route to these countries; these ships
are a cross between cargo-ships and warships—as you can see. They come because by now
the grain and other usable fruits have already been harvested there. You already know, that
your springtime is autumn there.
32] See: It so happens that these ships arrive there just in time. Count them and see how many
there are. Look a caravan of large and small ones, 170 in number; but in order for you to take
in all their actions, I will accelerate this shipping in the spirit.
33] Now take a look: we are already here at the site. See how these poor people—most of
them are still genuine Cainitesccxlviii—hurry to the coast fully laden with baskets, sacks and
crates intentionally left behind by the English, in order to call upon the alleged tribute to the
supposed gods. For these unfortunate people hold these world fanatics to be beings of a more
superior type, who have descended from the clouds by means of their beautiful swimming
houses, so that they—according to their opinion—can receive the sacrifices owed to them at
the end of their world.
34] They conclude that these beings are of superior type, because thunder and lightning came
forth spectacularly from their houses and they threw powerful thunder-wedges ccxlix, as out of
the clouds.
35] Since the tribute-takers are familiar with such population-weaknesses, they make their
arrival known through the canon thunder. As soon as they have crammed everything into
their ships after a stay of some weeks, these poor people receive another magnificent canon
and rockets spectacle as payment. This ‘reward’ display is then saying to the residents that
the gods received a sufficient sacrifice.
36] However, so that such a gratuitous finding is not captured by another nation, the small
islands that surround these big islands are equipped with English fortsccl.
37] And so these large countries are in themselves trapped forever. At some [strategic] points,
wherever it is possible to land in these countries, the English have set up their firing powers
in all directions.
38] But where the country is inaccessible—as already stated—there is no need for sentinels.
Consequently, these world–and water–fanatics, in spite of the sovereignty of these countries,
are looked upon as the rulers from the coast to the interior.
39] Of course, they do not practice any cruelty here; in other words, they do not swing their
slave-whip and hell-torch over these poor people; but I say: Precisely here is the place where
these people have marked themselves to be the leading monsters of the earth.
40] For as long as any person tyrannizes his fellow men out of covetousness and greed, he is
most certainly to be compared to a devil who is surely a servant of Satan. It is at least for
certain, no matter how appalling the tyranny may be, that the mistreated part will at least be
humiliated to the last innermost drop of marrow; and he is—although in a tyrannical way—
being taught the concept of Christendomccli, in spite of this adversity such poor people endure
their misery in consideration of My cross.
41] But where out of disgraceful greed a population is fully excluded from all higher
[spiritual] Light, and on the other hand the oppressors—in their lying ways—will broadcast to
all the world what kind of a blessed progress such a nation is making, while in secret they are
left all the while in shameful darkness, listen, no devil is able to carry out such stunts; instead
a grand master’s hand must take over the work. -
42] See: That is and belongs to the greatest horrors of earth! Truly, such a tyrant who is in
need of killing a thousand innocent people throughout an entire year with the most horrific
martyr-tools, that his torment is so despicable no men’s tongue is able to voice it, I would
sooner show him mercy, than such monsters from the rear-end of the prince of hell.
43] You do not entirely realize how far this unspeakable cruelty goes: If you would see how
the people are suspended by their feet on a construction mast on another island so that the
head extends down to the earth; subsequently they are consumed by an indigenous type of
small green ants, and often give up the ghost on the sixth or seventh day under the most
unspeakable pain; and then remain hanging there, until the ants consume the last drop of
44] Yes, I am telling you: Your hair would stand snow white on ends if you would see
another place, where the people are held to a large grinding stone and are grounded together
to the last fibre. Yes; you would without doubt close your eyes, if on another island you
would find people with bound arms and feet hanging from tree branches by their genitals; and
yet the feminine gender, through which labia they pulled a rope, is then hereafter hung from
the feet of the male gender. –
45] I could tell you of immense numbers of like cruelties; you would see nothing but all sorts
of crucifixions, through which the people’s earthly lives are taken. -
46] But look: All these cruelties are scarcely viewed as a dewdrop against the world ocean,
which is, in fact, poor humanity’s spiritual maltreatment. For if someone likes to separate one
limb after another from the body, the body will only endure such torture up to a certain
47] Once it becomes too much to bear for the soul, she will before long release herself from
her shell in union with the spirit. Hereafter, the tyrant can pinch, whip, burn, and grind the
body; in short, the tyrant can then do whatever cruelty he likes and wants to do with the
victim; it is no different than if one of you does the same to his own coat after he took it off;
this is because the body is only able to feel pain for as long as the soul is fixed firmly in the
same body.
48] As already stated, as soon as she has risen [from her body], after it has become too
unbearable for her, all the pain stopped.
49] The sheer mistreatment of the soul and the spirit, in order to enslave or shackle the
immortal spirit for such an profit-seeking and avaricious cclii purpose [or application], is more,
yes I say endlessly more cruel than all physical cruelties that are committed on the entire
earth. Do you think it is hereafter [in heaven] easy to convert such slaves-spirits in their
freedomccliii? –
50] Oh look: The human spirit is a free spirit; however, once he has taken a direction, who is
going to change it, in order not to ruin the spirit? –
51] And just think how the Father’s heart must be, when He must idly watch like a solicitous
landlord as the hail destroys His fruits.
52] Therefore, I say: Beware, you tyrants, you will share your fate with your brothers—the
devils. Unendingly woe unto you; you rulers who have the power in your hands to bring a
true light to all the people of the earth and yet you do not do it; instead, out of filthy greed and
world-desire, hurl the world into even greater labyrinths of darkness, as they were before you
found them in their innocence.
53] Yes, I say again: unending woe unto you! When payday comes for you: truly, you will
receive what My Deity is able to invent and to think up in the innermost depth of its fiery
wrath! I do not need to say any more.
54] The highest abomination is, for a man to bring his own god. I have nothing further to say
to you.
55] Using My Word for the lowest, avaricious, and stingy purposes is like all preceding
scenes [I have shown you in these hours], which is the utmost repulsion; I definitely do not
need to say anything else! -
56] And this evil depravity involves all other island-states except for Japan—which we will
deal with in the ninth hour; so is the situation nearly the same as with the previous islands,
except for one island in the middle of the world ocean under the name of Otaheite ccliv [or
57] The situation on this island is virtually the same as in New Zealand; only here one has—
as some point—introduced them to the first European weapons practice; and now and then
also to Christianity. For this island—as small as it is compared to all the other islands—is
now providing nearly all English island-states with sulfur and the best nitre cclv; for this reason
they have built very important gunpowder factories there. The reason is that the soil of this
island is nearly pure sulfur since it has one of the largest volcanoes; this volcano’s crater has
a circumference of several hours, and is always full of glowing lava.
58] And so, today’s 8th hour is enough for you; for by virtue of the little introduction that I
have both physically and mentally given you, the following 9th hour will provide you with
[even] clearer information. Amen.

After we have wandered through the southern part of the earth, and you observed the
situations— more in the spiritual than in the natural [sense of perception]—we once again
return to the northern hemisphere of the earth; and, as previously mentioned, we will pay a
short visit to the island nation of Japan.
2] However, as you know by now, we do not require years or month to get there; just take a
good look on the well-known tablet; the entire pagan-island nation already lays spread out
before your eyes.
3] Just take a look at the coasts. See, how scary they stare down at the stormy sea from their
high cliff-pinnaclescclvi. Look all around and you will notice very few points where the surface
of the land and sea are at the same level.
4] See: Here in the south is one single accessible landing point; to this landing point some
foreign nations—by virtue of the inner state of mind—can also guide their ships here.

Who loves life because of the world will lose the life of the soul. The Great Gospel of God
vol. 9, 149

5] As to the few other landing-points for native people: They are, first of all, barely or often
not accessible at all. Secondly, this so-called most severe and most just government does not
allow that foreigners berth anywhere else but on the determined landing-place.
6] The reasons for this are: primarily so that these strange [and different] people do not
desecrate these places; and secondly, so that the foreigners do not become aware of these
other smaller landing points and cause a threat to them, and cause inevitable damage and
7] However, the third reason is: This ruler thinks he is in the sole possession of all the arts,
trades and secrets, and so he is in the constant stingy fear that if such things would be
revealed to strangers it would be the end of his affluence. Therefore, he decided on only one
landing point, where—according to his opinion—such extraordinary products can be
negotiated out of specially deserved pity.
8] For he is of the firm opinion—as well as the whole nation—that he alone is located at the
centre of the world. He believes that all the strangers of the whole world must come to him in
order to buy his exceptional national-products. In so doing, the strangers then possess an
exceptional merchandize and form their own concept from this acquired possession, and then
recognize to what level of perfection and thoroughness this central-kingdom of the earth is
cable of thriving. Yes: He is in fact of the opinion, that the people of the earth do not possess
the ability nor suspect that they have the knowledge to manufacture a simple reed-basket.
9] Even if he receives word that the foreign ships are exceptionally and artistically
constructed, the reporter always receives a thrashing for such a message, because such a
report is seen as an obvious insult to his majesty. If he then orders one or two commissioners
there in turn, to secretly convince himself whether or not the matter is true,
10] and they return with the same message and confirm the report, then such a confirmation is
regarded as a formal national treason. This emperor then says: How is it possible that these
stupid foreigners have come into the secretive scientific possession to construct houses out of
wood which carry them over the tides of the sea, if such was not betrayed to the foreigners
through one of my subjects?!! Only we have such understanding, we, the chosen people of
the centre of the earth!
11] At once investigations-commissioners from the capital and residence city are ordered into
all three regions; they are sent in order to strictly examine the coastal people, from which
such betrayal is thought to have come.
12] If the commissioners find nothing, they too are ruthlessly beaten upon their return; and
then they are released of their service for three years. Within that time, they must study their
buttocks off and that under the most rigorous professors of the world.
13] Following the completed study time, an exceptionally severe examination takes place; he
who passes the examination is once again employed; however, he who fails the examination
is again beaten, and then he must begin the studies over again. –
14] While such commissioners must endure their required penalty-studies, other
representatives are, at once, graciously appointed.
15] This appointment happens in the following manner: Namely, nine so-called novices are
called before his most just and most harsh majesty; and the same ruler then tests them orally.
16] This examination consists in the following: First, itemizing all manufactured products of
the country, and describing how they are made. Then they must literally name and itemize all
mountains, rivers, valleys and plains, all animals, whether tame or wild, all trees, plants and
herbs. Furthermore, they must exactly indicate the names of all subjects and where each is
located, and what he possesses.
17] Finally, they must recite the entire name of the emperor cclvii; which is actually the most
difficult for the novices. The reason is, that this name is so long that one can scarcely write it
down, with an average size handwriting, on a minimum one-mile long strip of paper with one
syllable; it contains all of the conceited endlessly long clan-lineage, then all things and
businesses of the country, as well as the names of all his subjects.
18] If you consider this, you will realize the effort that is required on the memory, in order—
as you would say—to memorize, this name. You now want to ask, why such a long name!?-
19] This can easily be explained to you, because he—namely, the emperor—has all his entire
glory, history and possession recorded in it.
20] Other people in the country also have very long names; but theirs cannot be longer than
that of the emperor, due to punishment by death.
21] Therefore, much study is given to the name of the emperor, so that they can compare the
length of their own names with the name of the emperor.
22] And if someone, also of very old origin, finds that his name is longer than the emperor’s,
he then carries his name-protocol with torn robe and howling voice before the emperor and
pleads for punishment and for the complete annihilation of his name.
23] If the emperor measures the name with a circle and finds, that it is actually two Klaftern
[or 4.148 yards] longer than his, then six Klaftern cclviii [or 12.444 yards] are cut off of the
name and burned; then the petitioner receives—most graciously—the right amount of
beatings, and consequently thereafter also receives his shortened name. —
24] And once again, we return to our novices. If three or four pass the test, they will at once
receive, as you would say in your language: Their appointed [employment] decree. With this
presentation also comes the immediate duty to proceed as commissioners to the location and
place of the so-called betrayal, in order to discover the earlier discussed national-betrayal. -
25] However, it seems that these [novices] are only smarter—by a hair—than the former;
they usually linger at this investigation for one to three years, and during this time think of a
clever ploy to bamboozle their emperor. When they return, they usually bring along several
bribed witnesses who will testify that after this dreadful event lightning hit the place three
times, and that subsequently everyone in attendance praised the great god in the sun for
performing such a great sign to the glorification of the great sovereign before its people.
26] Now, you will perhaps ask: Why were the first three not as smart as the successors? –
27] And you will be astonished if I say to you: The first three were actually cleverer than their
successors. They are now immediately freed from their studies; and they are personally
acknowledged from the emperor’s own mouth as complete authorities and most
knowledgeable scientific statesmen; they have in this way, arrived to the highest honour;
through this honour they are allowed to touch the dress of the monarch four times a year, and
are thereby freed from all further beatings. Even if they did not accomplish the affairs of the
state as their successors, it makes no difference because the only deciding factor is their great
28] However, the successors then attain the status of real-employed-state-officials cclix on the
heels of their predecessors. Do not even think that this is something insignificant in this
29] An official, who is allowed to touch the dress of the emperor four times a year, is
someone so extraordinary in this country, that if he walks on the street or is carried in a
sedan-chair, all people—in punishment of their life—must bow down before him on their
face. A word spoken from him to someone is to some extent so extraordinary, that the person
often does not leave the place for three days, where he received such mercy.
30] If the word was unfavourable, in other words, if the official has voiced a reprimand, an
unpleasantness such as an animal name, or another dishonourable word to a person, then the
person in question immediately begins to howl and lament and asks the high official for a
most merciful bestowal of punishment; this punishment is then, without much delay, allotted
to him.
31] And immediately he brings his plea before the high statesman, that the same should not
inflict the punishment too lightly, but according to his austerity: Justice and desire would
permit him to harshly beat him.
32] If the statesman hears with his most graciously inclined ears to such a plea, he
immediately commands his many servants to grab the concerned petitioner by his hands and
feet and to lift him off the earth. Once the petitioner is floating in the air in the middle of
eight servants, the flogging-man comes with the bamboo knout cclx and gives him a beating; he
does this until the eminent statesman gives him a sign that with this hit his grace has ended.
33] After being beaten half to death, the petitioner is again put down on the ground and his
neighbours surround him; they then begin praising the great wisdom, justice, and strictness of
the official.
34] Perhaps you may also like to see the common people’s desire to present the emperor with
praises or admirations. That is not possible in this country because the emperor is, in every
way, too unapproachable to be praised by the common people. –
35] This and a few similar things are actually the best part of this constitution; now that we
have familiarized ourselves, it is also fitting that we illuminate the bad parts a little.


36] In this sense, things here are really like nowhere else in the world. First of all: No one in
this country owns a property, but everything is an exclusive property of the emperor.
37] Each person, or rather, each class is stipulated as to exactly what and how much he must
38] Also, the food is predetermined, as well as the clothing; the dwelling and the district is
stipulated to him, out of which he can never move unless he has a special state order.
39] Furthermore, it is also stipulated as to how many wives he can have and how many
children he can father with his wives.
40] He is also required—to the last bit of the law—what he must pay from what he produced.
41] The inhabitants of the coast are strictly prohibited—except at the certain trading place for
strangers—to carry out any personal business. They are ordered—except for the trading place
—never to let a stranger [or foreigner] enter the Japanese country cclxi; this restriction applies
no matter what the situation.
42] And so all commodities are exactly stipulated; [the emperor determines] what may be
given [or sold] to strangers [or foreigners] and what the strangers can offer [or trade] in
return. Furthermore: it is most sternly stipulated that more than one stranger can never remain
as interpreter in one location; also that stranger from that moment on can never again leave
the coast, since he was accepted as such.
43] On top of that, he must teach his language to three Japanese commissioners and apart
from this he cannot even go an hour’s way into the interior of the country. –
44] See: That is roughly the summery of the Japanese frame of mind. I say roughly, because
this country has absolutely no so-called existing [written] system of government [or
constitution]; the living government is the respective existing emperor and his uppermost
state officials; and therefore it lies almost entirely in their free unpredictability to make a new
law for each immediately occurring case.
45] In fact you have no idea how the law there imposes an entirely different penalty over a
crime – often over trivial circumstances. I will give you only a small example. A person is
directed to stay within his measured district and is not allowed to venture outside.
46] If someone does not remember the exact boundary and sets only half a foot over the line,
and his neighbour notices this: the neighbour, in turn reports the occurrence to his next
neighbour, and this one to the next, until it reaches the house of the so-called district
47] This one then goes at once with a circle to the hamlet and place, and measures the
encroachment exactly. If the encroachment is a little more than half a foot then the immediate
punishment to the transgressor is one-hundred beatings.
48] If however, the district governor finds that at least three-quarter of the foot has been set
over the line, this fact raises the circumstances and nearly doubles the punishment.
49] If, however, someone has set his entire foot over the boundary, he first gets numerous
amounts of beatings, and then he is tied to a stake for three days in order to familiarize
himself with the narrowest boundary.
50] If such a situation occurs seven times, as soon as he sets his foot outside the boundary
again, his foot is quickly chopped off.
51] However, whoever ventures without judicial permission only a few steps outside his
district’s boundary, is hanged in a [so-called] merciful way, or he is beaten to death. And if
not in a [so-called] merciful way, he is bound naked to a cross and left hanging there until he
is dead. However, mercy awaits him even on the cross, by virtue of a huge request that he
may possibly make: to be killed by a lance-thrust. -
52] See: You can already make yourself a concept from this little example as to how it is in
this country; and the set-up is such that no one is excluded from the death penalty except the
well-known high state officials.
53] And so to a certain extent one wedge drives the other here. One will never experience a
case where a lower official is brought to account and penalty because of possible cruelty;
such are only brought to trial if they, in the slightest, committed a confirmed carelessness.
54] Therefore, the circle and the scale [balance] form the body of the constitution because
everything there is encircled or measured and weighed.
55] Now, if you think that the death penalty plays the leading role with all sorts of torture-
variations in all these fundamental rules and regulations, then it will not be so difficult for
you to form yourself a concept as to the conditions in a country where despotism has risen
to the highest summit.
56] In fact, there is scarcely a second country on the surface of the earth that resembles this
one, and in its habits acts arbitrarily cruel and appalling.
57] Now I have adequately revealed the horrible part of this country for you. However, there
is one far worse. Surly, you will now think, can there possibly be anything worse in this
country than what we have already heard? – At this time, I will say nothing to you, be merely
satisfied to gaze on My tablet.
58] Look over here: This building is a Temple! I also say to this temple: Epheta! - And now
look inside. See how in a sideways remote round cell, several girls and boys are fed so that
they become pretty and quite obese. See the men sitting between them in yellow and blue
garmentscclxii; they are the sacrifice-priests. –
59] If a miss-year or a year of no harvest haunts this country, they immediately preach that
their god is angry over this country and therefore one must bring a sacrifice to appease him.
60] And soon, by order of the high-priest, six male and six female individuals out of this cell
are washed and quite gracefully covered after their manner; and thereupon a priest stands
upon a so-called wisdom chair; from this he determines with angry words—as if the angered
deity speaks out of him—how the victims should be sacrificed.
61] If the girls have become very pretty and voluptuous through this feeding, the deity then
will reject the sacrifice, and returns her to the priests as lifelong property.
62] However, the angry deity is not very protective with the boys; if one of them is not of
quite exceptional beauty he will not be spared. Instead, the boys are typically intended for the
sacrifice; this sacrifice consists in that they are burned either alive or first beheaded and then
burned; sometimes they are led on a cliff that protrudes into the sea and from there thrown
into the sea.
63] Of course, such human sacrifices only rarely take place; but it is enough, that when it
occurs such a country is, as a result, already in deepest darkness; and this country has the
most shameful and most miserable concepts of a true God.
64] In addition to this most terrible evil belongs the murder of surplus children; and he who
has fathered over and above the number of children is maimed at his genitals.
65] Furthermore, this too belongs to the most appalling evils: that in this country the
authorities proceed against the arrival of Christendom with unheard-of cruelty.
66] Not even a born-again believer equipped with all of God’s miracle power dares to venture
into this land; because as a stranger, he is considered a bearer of bad luck and fomenter of the
people; he is therefore immediately punished with the cruellest death. -
67] There are already real cases, where Christian messengers were kept alive by Me, through
the various types of death penalties. Only these barbarians have viewed all this as null and
void and have insatiably tried all imaginable types of deadly punishments on such Christian
messengers. They did this until the number was full according to My order; I had to rescue
My messengers, in order not to use more time to see the Holy sanctuary sacrificed in such
nameless contempt.
68] But now remember this: The terminating moment of this free seat of Satan is not far-off;
when you hear that the monarchy has been surrendered to foreign people cclxiii, then think that
the end of all things is not far away. –
69] Look, in this far away land of the orient there are still some people who do not want to
know anything about Me; I will send fewer messengers there, instead, I will send messengers
of My imminent [judicial] court; and it will be—as with a fruit tree in autumn—that the
unripe fruit is taken down with the ripe fruit.
70] The ripe fruit is stored for the table of the Lord; the unripe, however, is thrown on the
winepress and at once crushed, and any little juice that is still pressed out is used for
acidificationcclxiv. The pomace however, is strewn before the pigs; and it will be as by a
housefather on whose field the wheat has ripened.
71] In fact, one will not focus on the ripeness of the weeds, because this will be taken with
the wheat from the field; then the servants will separate it from the wheat.
72] These servants will bind it together in bundles and dry it on the open field and then ignite
and burn it to the ground so all the weed seeds are destroyed; however, they will bring My
wheat into the barn of eternal life.
73] Look, do not be offended if you find so much unripe fruit and so many weeds among the
wheat on earth.
74] Do not think, that I will delay My Day over it; verily I truly say to you: I only want to
accelerate it, for the sake of My elect ones; I want to do this because, if the time and days of
the last predetermined miseries are not shortened, truly, even the Living [that is, the Believers
in God] would lose their life!
75] Consequently do not be troubled, and use this message not so much as a literal outlook of
the wasteful world, but rather use it for your own inner view; that is why I am giving you
such, that you should recognize the world [deep] within you; I do this so that, out of love to
Me, you may despise it and flee [far from it].
76] But only at the end of the last hour will I pull the cover off your eyes, where all of you
will totally realize where I, in fact, want to go with these twelve hours. Amen.

Note: The following supplement to the ninth hour does not appear in the 1864 German
edition and can
only be found in later editions of “The Twelve Hours”.

77] Japan consists of the following islands: 1st Sakhalin cclxv, 2nd Yessocclxvi, 3rd Nipponcclxvii,
4th Shikoku, and 5th
Ximocclxviii which is the most populated country on earth.
78] The total topographical area is scarcely the size of Great Britain. The Japanese people [of
today] consist only of Mongolians, Malayans and some few indigenous people cclxix; they are
definitely not related to the Chinese, and exceed the Chinese in everything—as well in
education as in cruelty. –
79] What also plays a very big part, is that they by far surpass the Chinese in a variety of
sciences; they have only forty-eight simple letters in their language, in contrast to the Chinese
who have almost fifty-thousand. The Japanese language is very soft and flexible; their
religion is a refined paganism; their tyrannical laws are of the highest degree. –
80] There are ten so-called castes among the inhabitants; for each caste there are some laws
which are irrevocable, and, in addition, there are some random, changeable laws.
81] Each person has his own assigned district to which he is strictly affiliated; from this place
he is not allowed to remove himself before he is set free; the release consists of a type of
82] The preferred villages are: Jeddo-Edo cclxx, at the river Tonkaicclxxi with 280,000 houses and
over 1 million inhabitants—that is presently nearly the most populous city on earth [1841];
Rio or Miacocclxxii with 140,000 houses and almost 1 million inhabitants; Nagasaki, a harbour
city, with 10,000 houses and approximately 100,000 inhabitants; Matsumae with 6000 houses
and 60,000 inhabitants. –
83] The most northern tip of the island, Sakhalin cclxxiii, is named after the English Cape
Elisabeth; in the western half of this island is Cape Patience. This most northern and poorest
island is separated by the Strait of La Peyrousecclxxiv from the island of Jessocclxxv.
84] On the south-eastern tip of the island of Jesso lies the city of Matsumae. The island is
separated by the Sangar Straitcclxxvi from the island Nippon. This middle and largest island is,
at the same time, the residence-island.
85] A large harbour by the name of Namba cclxxvii without city rights is located on it. Then there
is the residence city Jeddo or Edocclxxviii with a big harbour, which is protected by the
gruesome peninsula ring [called the Boso and Miura peninsula]. Then the mountain-city Rio
or Miakocclxxix, as the largest industrial Japanese city; this island [of Jesso] is at the same time
the most mountainous, just like the most northern island Sakhalin—which is the most
86] The island Sikokcclxxx is—so to speak—more or less a mountain out of the sea; it therefore
has only a small population. However the island Kinsing cclxxxi with the harbour city Nagasaki
is—on the other hand— overpopulated; this island has the most severe laws and is only
accessible to the Dutch [foreigners] and that only on the isle named Guelport which lies just
off Nagasaki; this name was derived from the bad Portuguese and Spaniards who were
expelled from that place.
87] Above the north-western half of the island Nippon is another, somewhat less significant
island called Sado, it is a haven for indigenous people cclxxxii who enjoy some privileges there;
also, some Portuguese have sneaked away onto this island. However, they may never leave
the island and they must pray to everything that is Japanese, including the full moon. –
88] The entire population of Japan amounts to 40 million people, 4/7 of those is female. With
the exception of mechanics, mathematics, nautical, geography and astronomy, they are in all
other industry ahead of the people of the earth, and are in the possession of great wealth and
many secrets.
89] The people of Sado still possess here and there the second face cclxxxiii and still have the
ancient knowledge from the time of Meduhedcclxxxiv.
90] Their number amounts to three million people without the Portuguese, whose number
only totals a few thousand. This may all serve you as an exact survey of this country, and can
be included in the
"ninth hour". Amen!


The Household of God, volume 1

- Chapter 30 -

nd see what then happened. - When Lamech had at the head of Tatahar's gang killed his
brothers in the forest, he happily returned to the city of Enoch and had made known to all the
people in and around Enoch, as well as in the ten cities and their surroundings, what had
happened to the foolhardy brothers Jored and Hail, which shocked all in the city of Enoch, the
ten cities and on the land. Then the cleverest and more sensible men from the cities and all
the people, on three thousand without their wives and children who stayed at home,

And this small army of men proceeded to the city of Enoch to see Lamech where one of
them, as a spokesman for all, said: "Where is the forest in which this has happened to the
young king and his wise brother Jored? Let us find the spot where this terrible thing happened
and we might find some sad remnants or maybe other traces, which would convince us of the
truth of this news. There we could sincerely weep over this great tragedy and then maybe
look for the hyena, which must still have a bloody muzzle, kill it and then with our clubs and
stone-slings kill all its kind as an atonement we owe to Jored and Hail.

"Yes," said Lamech, "you have formed a proper resolution and I, as now your lawful king,
shall join you. My principal servant Tatahar shall show us the way together with his well-
armed companions."

And behold, the people liked Lamech's prompt and favorable decision, and they said: "See,
see and hear! A proper king is still living! He is wise too, and he shall be our king!"

Thereupon they all rose and led by Lamech went to the forest of tigers and hyenas where they
soon found the still bloodstained place of horror. They wept and gathered the scattered
remnants of clothing for a sad veneration.

When they had finished their sad work and gathered all the worthless relics of Jared and Hail,
they left the place of horror and marched full of bitter anger deeper into the forest in several
troops of a hundred each at small distances from each other to search for the infamous hyena.
However, they did not find a single beast, let alone a hyena. And they said: "No doubt the
infamous beast has fled into the mountains. Courage! Since Cain no mortal has ever dared to
set his foot on a mountain, and we shall now be the first to take this road, for we have good
reason to do so and no God could possibly disapprove of our action since we have a just
cause against these infamous, voracious beasts. Therefore, once more: Courage even if we
should all perish!"

And Lamech answered: "Your voice is my will and at your disposal. Therefore, go and do
what you feel is right. But I will wait for you here with Tatahar and watch out for any beast
that may have escaped from your powerful blows."

The three thousand were satisfied with this arrangement and continued on their way with
unaccustomed, hesitant steps. They hardly dared look back because the sight from the heights
they had climbed into the depths from which they had come made them dizzy. For three days
they searched for the hyena and they did not catch sight of even one. Then they became tired
of it, hacked with their clubs at a more than twelve fathoms high rock face which blocked
their way, cursed the forests and the mountains as being an abode of nothing but monsters
and demanded vindication from the trees, rocks and cliffs, spat on the earth accusing it of
being a bloodsucker and cursed it thoroughly. They also cursed the sun for having given light
to such an atrocity and also all the stars and the moon for having witnessed such an unheard-
of infamy. Then one of them who was the biggest and strongest among them, named
Meduhed (that is, 'the strongest'), turned round and addressed a brief, but most appropriate
speech to the angry crowd, saying:

"What will come of this nonsense? Look, you smash your clubs at this dead, hard and
invincible wall and by venting your anger you make the road back unsafe. Have you not
thought how you will defend yourselves when on the homeward road we may have to face
hyenas, tigers, bears and big serpents? If the old God has already here set an invincible barrier
to our futile and blind revenge, how easy it would be for him to set a much more frightful
obstacle on our way back. Do bear in mind that it does not pay to argue with Him since He
could even give life to trees and stones should He have insufficient beasts to slay and destroy
all of us because of our foolishness and disobedience by entering the mountains against the
strict command of Cain, Enoch and Farak, the wisest and most just one. Who knows whether
higher beings are not dwelling above this cliff? There still exists a faint memory about this
among the people, for there must be a reason for the existence of these mountains. And if but
one of these beings should catch sight of us, what chance have we, a number of gnats, against
such a giant of God? Therefore, let us humbly turn back while it is still day that we might not
perish under the curse of the night which has always been our great enemy, although the day
was drudgery, but did not hold quite as great dangers as did the night. So let us all follow this
well-considered advice. Amen."


And behold, when these words had brought them to their senses and they wanted to set out on
their way back, Meduhed caught sight of a big man standing on a ledge of the cliff. This man
was Seth, son of Adam and substitute for Abel, whom I later on instructed through his brother
angel Abel to go with Adam and Eve to the Promised Land and there to live in the mountains
with the former Paradise in distant view. About this I shall tell you more at a later time.


This Seth, to whom the language of all created beings was still familiar, spoke to them with a
firm voice, saying: "You rough children of the fratricide Cain! What just punishment of God,
my Father and that of Adam, who is still living, and all his children dwelling on the
mountains, has led you here to your certain destruction? O you brood of vipers, just look at
you! O you food for hyenas, tell me what you want here in this holy place! Whatever are you
seeking in this region, which has been so strictly forbidden you? Leave here and may all of
you fall victim to the threatened punishment, namely, to the deadly jaws from which you will
not escape, or this cliff will bury you forever!"


Then Meduhed fell to his knees and cried aloud for mercy. And Seth, since he was speaking
only out of Me, became filled with My love, was softened by Meduhed's lamentation and


"Meduhed, you alone may look up to me, to the great nearness of God, because you deterred
your brothers from great, wanton spite before the all-seeing eyes of God. Therefore, you
alone shall know where and who this voracious hyena is. Behold, this thousand-fold hyena
has remained in the lowlands at the head of Tatahar's infamous gang and is called Lamech.


"Let none of you dare lay violent hands upon him. Woe betides such a one seventy-seven
times, for he would then encroach upon God's time. This would be terrible, for he would
destroy the bond of divine love and thereby release the wide, immeasurable belt of the Deity's
most severe judgments throwing great columns of fire over the entire earth thus destroying
the whole world through fire. Now rise with your companions and go home in peace and do
not look towards the city of Enoch, but look to yourselves and to God Who is a faithful
deliverer of those who look up to Him at all times, - in their happiness as well as in their
misery. Amen."


And behold, Seth became all light, and they were frightened and fled from his sight and thus
still reached the plain before sunset and their dwellings, which were at a distance of ten hours
from the mountains, around midnight.

- Chapter 31 -

efore they all dispersed, Meduhed still spoke to them briefly, saying: "Brothers, listen to me
carefully, for I have to tell you something of great importance. You saw the man standing on
the ledge of the great cliff high in the mountains, you heard the thunderous sound of his voice
and also noticed the great light enveloping him which frightened us so much that, driven by
our great fear, we ran and ran until we arrived in our familiar neighborhood.

"You have heard him mention the to us well-known thousand fold hyena; you also heard his
warning of seventy-sevenfold retaliation and, finally, heard his shocking threat of the
columns of fire.

"Now judge for yourselves what can be done under these circumstances! If we allow him to
live, he will soon do to all of us as he unscrupulously did to his brothers, but if we take
revenge we have to face seventy sevenfold retaliation with fire from above. Thus we find
ourselves now between two lethal alternatives. Whether we do one or the other, certain death
awaits us.

"Let us bury the horrible secret, as a secret of death, deep within us, then take our wives and
children and in the stillness of night leave this land of horror. We shall push eastward where
we have already noticed a low mountain range, which we shall cross. Then we shall see
whether there is still another land beyond this wicked one. Even if there were the end of the
world, I think it would be better to live there peacefully and go to sleep in our old age than
here in constant anxiety either to soak the earth with our blood or be burnt to ashes.

"For the giant on the ledge also said: 'Do not look towards the city of Enoch, but to
yourselves and to God, Who is a faithful deliverer of those who look up to Him at all times,
in their happiness as well as in their misery!' - which latter has now reached its peak with us.

"Therefore, brothers, all of whom are striving for justice, do rely on the God the great one on
the mountain has poignantly brought to our notice and let us do that today rather than
tomorrow, when it might be too late. So take heart, trust in God and let us tomorrow already
greet the sun there near the distant mountain range! Hurry, fetch your families and your
belongings, as foods and animals, and in three thousand moments we shall gather here once
more, well equipped with clubs. Amen:'

And behold, the crowd said amen, too, and within two hours all were ready for the journey,
and it was the second hour of midnight. When Meduhed had counted all the fathers and found
them to be all present, he thanked God and fled at the head of the large crowd following him
consisting of ten thousand male and twenty thousand female members on as many camels and
big donkeys.

When the sun rose they had already quite a while ago reached the distant, low mountain
range. Of course, without My special help this could not have happened as in a straight line
the mountains were at a distance of thirty hours.

Here they let their animals graze for two hours and they themselves rested, ate of the fruits
they had brought with them and, bid by Meduhed, thanked God for such a miraculous
deliverance. But Meduhed, inspired by the spirit, went a bit further, accompanied by ten men,
threw himself to the ground in the presence of the ten companions, ignited in his love for God
and in the light of this love discovered much evil in his heart, whereupon he began to weep
and lament in his remorse about his great guilt.

When I saw that his penitence was genuine I wrote in clearly legible fiery script the following
words into his heart: "Meduhed, rise in the face of My great mercy! - You are saved with all
those who have followed you here moved by your loving care. But here you cannot and must
not stay long, let alone remain. You see this gorge stretch towards the east and the little river
flowing in that direction. Follow it with the crowd for seventy days until you come to a great
expanse of water. Rest there also for seventy days and then come again in your heart to Me,
as you did today, and I will show you the way how to cross the waters to a distant, great land
where you shall be safe without bloodshed from the persecution and cruelty of Lamech, the
fratricide. And when you are hungry you may eat of all the fruits you will find in plenty on
your way and drink the good water of the river, which will lead you to the great water. And
do remember your great God Who is sublime beyond all creation and think that I have a
people on this earth to whom I am a holy, loving Father.


"When this earth flowed from My great fatherly heart like a dewdrop and the sun as a tear of
mercy from My all-seeing eyes, oh then you were still My children. You little crowd, seek to
become through love what you once were before the earth carried a wicked race and the great
sun up there burned out of My grace! - But now set off and go in My name! Amen."


And behold, Meduhed repeated these words aloud to the people and was deeply moved, and
so were the people through him. And they quickly rose and did exactly in accordance with
My revealed will.


When after a journey of seventy days Meduhed had - as predestined reached the shore of the
great water of the earth, now called by you the 'Pacific Ocean', which near the shore, partly
also in deeper places, appeared yellowish, but to far distances shone blue owing to the
mixture of colors at the bottom, a rich content of copper salt and the rays of the sun refracting
therein, he and his people camped along the shore in a region abundant in fruit, exactly where
I wanted them to be.

When Meduhed - and also all who had followed him - saw what a good guide I am, he fell on
his face and thanked Me from the bottom of his heart and all the people more or less followed
his good example, which pleased Me.


After having thanked Me, Meduhed, deeply moved in his heart by My great mercy, rose,
looked at the thankful crowd still lying on the ground and began to weep for joy over My
great mercy which had saved the lives of so many and restored golden freedom to the ones
who for such a long time had lived in harsh servitude and had now found a place of rest rich
in food and secure under My protection.


And when soon the people had risen, strengthened and very happy, Meduhed climbed to the
top of a hillock about seven fathoms high, or rather overlooking the plain at the height of
seven men, and from there made a lengthy speech. This was placed into his heart from above,
and he spoke not one word more or less than he was given and was thus a good preacher in
My name for the people who needed light and love. And the words of his lengthy speech
were as follows:


"Brothers, look up to me and listen with open ears and hearts to the words I will be speaking
to all of you at the inner bidding of God, for they are of the greatest importance!


"Listen: God, the Most High, has miraculously liberated us from the murderous hands of
Lamech and has faithfully guided us here to the end of the world, for all of you can see the
end of the earth and beginning of the great waters. Look at the land how beautiful it is as if it
had come to the earth from the high heavens and everyone of us would gladly remain here
permanently if that were possible or allowed. However, this is not God's will and we may
remain here only for seventy days, for during this time Lamech's cruel army, led by Tatahar,
will spy out our whereabouts, and woe betide anyone who might fall into their cruel hands; he
would be torn to pieces like a lamb by the tiger

"Therefore, the Lord in His great mercy has shown me here a place where we must go and
where we shall find ready for us tools similar to those given to His great children who dwell
on the earth's mountains. Thereby we shall recognize that He wants to be, and will become,
our Father, too, if we willingly submit to His exceedingly great love which so far has cared
for us so wonderfully as even the best fatherly heart could not have done, even if it possessed
the greatest abundance.


"We are to take these tools and use them for felling the slim trees, remove their bark and all
the branches, square them on four sides, on top like the calm surface of water Ten thousand
trunks of the best kind which have only little foliage shall be prepared like this. Each well-
trimmed trunk shall have the length of ten men and the width of a man's step. With the nails,
which in great quantity will be found among the tools, always thirty trunks shall be firmly
joined together. When this base is completed, on the sides three trunks shall be fastened
lengthwise, one on top of the other, and broad-wise two on top of each other. Then the inside
shall be well tarred with resin or pitch from the trees, which in the meantime shall be
collected by the wives and children in great quantities.


"These new structures we shall build along the shores, and on the last day we shall fasten a
large branch with green foliage in each corner of the structures for a sign of the victory won
through the great mercy from above. Further instructions we may expect on the last day
according to the great promise I received when our eyes were still turned towards the city of
Enoch in great fear. And so let us all work together as brothers since we have no ruler whom
we must pay an exorbitant tribute, - except for our great God Who is Lord of all might and
power, infinite from eternity and also a mighty and just Lord over all masters wherever they
may unlawfully be on earth, now and in all future Times of times, committing atrocities and
murdering their brothers. To our God Who wants to be a Father to us we owe love and
unconditional obedience. Whoever will there in resist, shall not be punished by his brothers,
either with rods or clubs, but God Himself will punish him by withdrawing His grace

"Now you know all you need to know at this stage; therefore assemble, strengthen yourselves
with food and drink, thank the Lord and then without delay start on the commanded great
task. Amen."

- Chapter 32 -


nd behold, when Meduhed had ended his speech, they all prostrated themselves before God
and thanked and praised Him from the bottom of their hearts for a whole hour. Then they rose
happily and, guided by the spirit of grace, they went a little further inland and found there in a
large cave a great many tools of all kinds, as picks, axes, hatchets, planes, all kinds of knives,
saws, hammers, drills, T-squares, chisels and a million double nails or clamps. This made
them extremely happy and they leapt and shouted with joy at My so incomprehensibly great
grace towards them. (N.B. Look, what I am giving you here is more than these tools, but as
yet no one can be found who has thanked Me fittingly with the greatest joy in his heart. Note
this, you dull reverent of My name and epicures of My Word, and open wide the gates of
love, which is a new holy city in your hearts, so that I may send My angels there to cleanse in
advance all the squares, alleys and haunts, as well as all the dwellings in it, in order that I may
enter there and you rush to meet Me, exclaiming with great joy: "Glory to God in the highest
and peace to all men of good will! Praised be the Lord Who comes riding on a she-ass.
Hallelujah to the Son of David; hallelujah to the Prince of Peace; hallelujah to Him Who
comes in the name of the Lord God Zebaoth. He alone is worthy of receiving from us all
praise and all honor He is the alone holy Father of our hearts. Amen.")

Now let us continue! - And lo, they took all the tools and the nails and carried them to the
shore. There they refreshed themselves with rest, food and drink, and already the next day
they set to work with grateful hearts and praised Me, even when they blundered. Therefore,
their work proceeded with speed and precision so that it could be regarded as a miracle rather
than actual work. Thus, within fourteen days 250 hulks were standing, completed, at the
shores, secured with ropes to prevent them from being swept away by the always slowly
rising tide of the great ocean.

And behold, after their faithfully completed work they had still some fifty days for total rest,
during which time I gave them through Meduhed, who had become quite pious and full of
love, gradually a better knowledge about Me. I also gave them a Sabbath on which they were
to rest within My love, do no work and submit all day long fully to Me. If they continued to
do this, they would all become as wise as Farak was, and now Meduhed is. Indeed, if they
would not only strive to become pious in the exalted reverence and the pure knowledge of My
name, but began to love Me deeply in all humility of their hearts and kept growing in this
love, then I would become a good Father to them, too. 'In en death would be again taken from
them, for they would be received as children to the wide bosom of divine love until a certain
great Time of all times on earth when they would all come to the great Father and behold His
countenance forever and be filled with the immeasurably rich streams of love within Me.

All this they heard through the mouth of Meduhed and rejoiced and crowded in great
numbers around Meduhed, keen on hearing daily something about Me. This gave Me and all
the primordial angels in heaven great pleasure.

I also taught them through Meduhed to preserve the words in symbols, and these symbols
were corresponding pictures behind whose natural cover was hidden a spiritual meaning.
Thus they learnt during this short time also to write and read.

And behold, in this manner I prepared for Myself within a short time a people descendants of
which still exist right to this day; but where - you will hear a bit later. Well, when they were
thus well prepared, I let an exalted song full of wisdom and love sound in the background
through Meduhed. This was already recorded and still exists today. But where also about that
at a later time. This was the song: Listen well, late children of My grace, How I invite you all
to the great meal. Come all with faithful hearts into My presence, Praise happily My name as
you were taught Devotedly and faithfully by Meduhed, The first who longed for Me deep in
his heart. Follow his example with a pure and honest mind. Look at his eyes, his mouth, his
ears and at The soft white beard, a sign of good, wise speech. Behold, in all of this you must
become like him If you wish to be My true, dear children once, Completely free from the evil
serpent's guile. Look, soon I'll wash off all filth from the earth. And all sinners will seek My
love in vain! But if your hearts remain faithful and good My floods shall pass you by and I
will hide You in the higher regions of the earth When My wrath is unleashed from heavy
bonds. Then will all earth's generations cry aloud And all the mockery of the great be
silenced. The waters rushing high across the mountains Will carry only few children of Mine,
dwarfs Of My love, tiny like children of a gnat, For love grew lame and had to use a crutch.
Look upwards to My heavens' light-filled spaces, Look at My stars' bright radiance of My
grace. The sun peacefully illumines the earth's fields, The moon accompanies the earth and
never grumbles And all the worlds meekly obey My will. Thus also you shall quietly perform
your tasks. And what may be the nature of these stars? Listen, I tell you, love will solve this
riddle! Once pure and perfect love dwell in your hearts The torch of My grace shall give light
to you. Then you will read with ease in the bright flame A great script of the truth in your
God's name. Oh little heart imprisoned in the narrow breast If you but knew the source from
which you came, You would not care about the lifeless masses, But let them float, completely
unconcerned. For the Creator of these things, so transitory Compared to a heart - would
lovingly attach Himself to it. What is considered great by you weak human beings, How
insignificant it is considered by My love! Oh they are nothing all the things in the wide
spaces And so are men whose hearts have not developed love! Great is alone My love's true
faithfulness, of course, And what comes close to it: The sinner's true remorse. I alone am
great through My love's mighty action, A free Spirit having kept Himself under control. But
the to you unknown paths of My suns Which like so many things remind you of your
weakness, What are they in the great abundance of My Deity? Only a mite's discarded
weightless body. If you climbed to the center of the universe And heard the sound of all the
spheres' fast flight And realized the force of all the suns' bright light And comprehended the
great works of My almightiness, Would you then, perhaps, be drawn to My great love? Oh
no, say I: You would be just confused by all your doubts! Even if you could control the
movement of the stars And as great spirits would be chasing after them. If you could from
your mouth breathe radiant suns And, as I do with Mine, let them plunge into the sea, Still all
your power compared with Mine would be But like the sand and dust in some old quarry
Look straight up to the great blue ribbon of the sky, Look also to the sea's far end across the
waves; Believe Me when I tell you that there are no limits Where by day the sun shines and
by night the countless stars. The vast expanse of the great sea cannot be compared With a
single drop in the smallest regions of those stars. Therefore, you men shall only look at Me,
the Great, And have your thirst for knowledge satisfied by Me, For everywhere My love
seeks and explores. Wherever you may look with searching eyes You shall discover signs of
My name everywhere. Yet nothing else shall ever bind you but My love! Even by the grass
My gospel is proclaimed to you If you desist from all the sins of Enoch. And if you loved
each other as true brothers And used your limbs for the benefit of others, Then a great grace
will come to you from above To show you how to praise the Father with love! Now sink
down to the earth, the mother of your sins, Shake off the dust, the serpent's deadly fare.
Thank Me, your Savior, with a cheerful heart And never grudge the time that you devote to
Me. Let in your hearts at all times work the power of My love, Then You will be renewed by
the light of grace from above!

And behold, when Meduhed had finished this great song of life out of My grace, which is a
small spark of My endless love and all its mercy, and when it had been completely recorded
and read to the people, they were seized with unrestrained joy, which could be calmed only
through a miracle from heaven. Such a miracle did occur in the form of a sudden rain, and
this rain was a rain of love out of Me, as their joy was justified. For they rejoiced at having
made the acquaintance of My name, even more so of My love and most of all they rejoiced
that the supreme, holy God had condescended to speak as a Father to the children of misery,
teaching them in His incomprehensible love through Meduhed.

And lo, the rain scattered them, driving them into their tents made from branches, grass and
white clay, and there they praised My name, enraptured, till the middle of the night and
would not have ceased if I had not sent them a well-deserved, peaceful sleep. (N.B. I have
given you even greater things, in verse and in prose, but since the Roman commander and the
woman from Cana in the Gospel, with the exception of the Apostles and some martyrs, I have
never found such great joy, least of all with you. I do not demand it; I am just telling you that
you should begin to love Me more and more, which is My will for you. This shall not weigh
on your hearts, for what is not the case yet, could well happen in the future when you become
better acquainted with Me and thereby expand your hearts, so that I can enter them with the
abundance of My grace. This all of you shall wish above all, but you shall not be afraid, as
some among you are, for there must not be fear in love. Amen.)

- Chapter 33 -


nd behold, when the last fifty days had passed, Meduhed - inspired by Me - called them all
together and delivered a mighty speech, as follows: "You men, friends and brothers, with all
your wives, children and male and female servants, all of whom are now, according to the
will from above, our dear brothers and sisters, too. Come all to me and position yourselves
after the well-known order around the small hill so that you may clearly hear the, to me,
newly revealed will of the Most High!

"For it is the will of the Lord that you collect all the tools and place an even number of them
in each hulk in the straw which has so far served you as a bed. When you have done this and
fastened in the corners the branches, which are well covered with foliage, with the still
available nails, only then fetch the fruits gathered for a duration of at least thirty days and
place them carefully in the corners below the branches onto the foliage of figs. Leave the
camels and donkeys behind as a sign for the Lamechites that we were here and also as a sign
that we have left to them all that is beastly and have saved what is human and divine
Surround the tools with small branches to the height of a foot and cover them with your
blankets and straw coats, and throw the animal skins over the tools. All this has to be done
exactly in accordance with the divine instructions through me. Then come once more to me to
the hill so that I may give you further instructions as willed from above. Thereupon we shall
all together tank God and praise Him for His immense and boundless goodness and mercy.

"Now go and do quickly as advised from above through me. Amen."

And they all bowed to Meduhed, thanked God in their hearts for His instructions and most
willingly and quickly set to work. In seven days, by your reckoning, everything was in perfect

When they had completed their tasks as prescribed, they all, according to Meduhed's pious
wish, once more assembled at the hill and thanked Me for the so promptly and successfully
accomplished work.

When Meduhed had seen their completed work and saw them all gathered around the hill
with cheerful and pious hearts, he once more spoke to them, saying:

"Men, friends and brothers, women and sisters, listen! It is the will of the Lord, our great and
almighty God, that always one hundred and twenty of you shall occupy one hulk, forty males
and eighty females. The children shall sit and lie on the skins on top of the tools The women
shall sit on the branches, blankets and coats. But you men shall stand around the women with
your laces turned towards the row of the hulks and the current of the wind, and you shall eat
only once a day, and that at noon You shall relieve yourselves, like the women and children,
at the rear of the hulk into the water, and one shall support the other so that no one falls into
the water. Throughout this time the men shall not sleep or sit, least of all lie down. For the
Lord will strengthen your bodies and keep you awake throughout the time we shall spend on
the surface of the great water according to His holy will The women and children shall not
help themselves to the fruit, but shall humbly ask the men and fathers for food in order that
we may become one people in accordance with the will and the eternal, almighty order of
God, worthy of His goodwill and His endless love and grace". And we will not, and shall not,
touch a single hair on our heads without His holy will.

"Once all of us will be inside the hulks, the elder in each hulk shall be prepared, upon a sign
from heaven in the form of a bright Hash of lightning, to promptly cut the rope with a sharp
knife. Then a wind will arise and drive the hulks out to sea, which will already be witnessed
by Tatahar and his murderous gangs, they will be reaching the shore when we are already a
thousand man-lengths away from it.

"You will see them throw stones into the water, but none of them will be able to reach us. For
God's right hand will quickly remove us from the sight of these hyenas and guide us to a
great, distant land, thirty days and thirty nights away from all the firm lands, situated almost
in the middle of the great water. It is called "Ihypon" (i.e., 'a safe garden') and this land will
be there for us as long as the world stands, according to the will from above. We shall
recognize it when, already from a considerable distance, we will catch sight of a burning
mountain fully aflame in the love of God.


"In the inner parts of the land there will be vast plains full of the most glorious and sweetest
fruits, as well as of useful, tame animals which will give us their milk for a healthy fare. The
earth will taste like honey and milk and will be without sand and stones and enjoyable like
good bread. And listen what the Lord says: There is nowhere on the entire earth, mother land
as fine as this, for there it is never too warm or too cold, but there reigns eternal spring


'The people who will be living there in accordance with the will of God shall never grow
older and their dying will be like a gentle sleep, and invisible beings will come and secretly
revive such a person and carry him up to God. And not even a mote will be left behind which
had stuck to the feet of such a reanimated one.


"But he who ever ignores the will of God in his heart will also die and never rise again in his
body. And the worms of the earth will come and consume him completely, and his soul and
spirit will once more for thousands of years, as solidified bodies, have to serve the mountains
as a foundation, darkly aware of their misery and total nothingness, until finally, by the
gracious will from above, some animal absorbs them. Then they will have to work their way
up from stage to stage through the entire animal world in mute misery, until finally they can
once again attain to the dignity of man. Do remember this well, for you might have to die
thousands of times before you again win the life out of the love and grace of God. Do
understand what the Lord is here telling you!


"In future you shall not sleep with your wives before you are forty years old, and then not
more often than it requires with the blessing of God to beget a human being. And you may at
the most have two or three wives Whatever is above that would be considered a grave sin by
God and make your life on earth short and difficult, weaken your love for God and thus,
finally, deprive you of all wisdom which is but God's voluntary gift to those who
scrupulously keep His commandments.


"And finally: As it is here, you shall also there not regard anything as your property, but as
the property of God. And the one who might claim a right and say: This blade of grass
belongs to me!' will be promptly punished by God with blindness so that in the future he will
never again be able to pick up a fruit from the ground, but will have to learn to subsist
throughout his lifetime on the love of God and his brothers


"The sinners shall eat nothing but the grass on the ground and the bitter foliage of poor trees
as do the animals to whose level they will have degraded themselves. And before they have
not atoned for their sin, they shall not dare eat anything else if they want to stay alive. This
concerns above all the unchaste, and particularly those young women who will lie with a man
more often for the sake of sensual pleasure. The Lord will fill the body of such a one with a
pestilence, and she will be expelled to the outer limits of the great land where nothing grows
but grass and leaves. Finally, the Lord, our great almighty God, says that you shall love one
another, and no one shall ever become the judge of the other. Let the weaker go to the
stronger to obtain support and help for his sojourn on earth, and the wisest shall serve au and
be a counselor to his brothers.


"Now that you have heard God's will clearly and plainly, thank God with me in your hearts,
saying: Lord, You almighty and great God, we thank You with the fervor of our still weak
heart Do make it strong, You great, good and powerful eternal God, so that one day, worthier
or Your holiness than now in our utter weakness, we may thank You and praise You and
thereby, as You have so graciously promised us, become worthy of being at least in some
way like Your children. Now, O great God, Your will be done. Let us enter the hulks and be
led by You as it pleases You! Amen."


And behold, after this brief prayer they left the place together with Meduhed and boarded the
hulks with cheerful hearts.

And lo, everything happened exactly as predicted by Meduhed. Led by the serpent, Lamech's
hyena and tiger hordes chased angrily after the poor Meduhedites. But quite as quickly I
swept the hulks with My people away from the shores and then calmly, yet with speed, to the
shores of the great land that was surrounded by the vast waters.


As for the Lamechites, I had them driven by the constantly rising tides of the sea right to the
mountains where thousands of them were killed and eaten by hyenas, tigers, lions, bears,
wolves and serpents; for the army of pursuers consisted of seven thousand men and seven
thousand women. And only seven young men and seven maidens returned to the city of
Enoch and reported what had happened. They also brought the animals left behind by the
Meduhedites safely back, in all thirty-five thousand camels and as many donkeys, which they
handed over to Lamech and told him all they had seen, namely, how a bright flash of
lightning had come down from the cloudless sky between them and the fugitives and carried
the latter at the end of the world far out on a boundlessly vast water. Thereupon the waters
had begun to rise and driven them high into the mountains where countless numbers of the
well-known ravening beasts had come upon them and killed and consumed all except them
because they had fled among the great number of camels and donkeys. Let Lamech well
consider the events that had taken place, for they felt that there might live a great king above
the stars with whom men should never dare to fight They should rather worship Him and
honor Him because of His incomprehensible might, for even the sea, the winds, the lightning
and all the ravening beasts obeyed Him. - This they had seen with their own eyes, and they
had heard a great voice like thunder command the beasts and speak also with the elements
like a great storm from the heights of the stars.


And behold, when Lamech had heard this he became very angry in his heart and decided to
take revenge on Me. This resulted from the fact that the serpent had taken full possession of
his heart. Therefore, he said to the young men who had returned: "Listen, you seven innocent
youths! I want the king above the stars to make amends and I insist on a thousand-fold
compensation. Since you know where He can be contacted, go there and tell Him in my name
what I demand. And should He refuse, tell Him that I curse Him and however great and
mighty He may be, He shall on earth through me, and with my mockery, be torn to pieces by
His people, as was done to my people by His beasts. For with all His windy and watery might
He is but a weak lamb compared with me, the king of lions. Set fire to the forests everywhere
and to all the mountains that all His beasts be fried and He sit down at a well-prepared table
and eat the flesh and bones of the burnt beasts. If He does not want them to burn, let Him
conduct floods over all of it and drown His might!


"Oh, I am well acquainted with this airy king above the stars! Whatever He does is for fear of
me. For He knows my greatness, might and power which cause Him much trouble and will
finally destroy Him completely unless He satisfies my justified demand and all my wishes.


"Now go and do what I bade you do. Take with you men with plenty of fire brands in order to
set fire to the mountains in case of His refusal!"


The young men left and discussed the situation. "For if he is so mighty," they said, "why does
he not go himself? It is no doubt easier to be furious than to fight and easier to threaten in
blind fury than to act. What be said, each one of us could have said too, but where does it
lead? Everyone can see how far his and our hands can reach, but who bas ever seen even one
finger of the king above the stars to be able to judge His might and power? Lamech is but a
gnat compared to Tatahar and his adherents, and where are they now? We seven are now the
entire center of his power, and we have witnessed the incomprehensible might of the great,
invisible king above the stars, have heard His speech the power of which made the whole
earth tremble, like someone whom the frost has penetrated, freezing his bones and marrow.


"Therefore, we shall go and do what we please, and instead of threatening we shall praise
Him and His great might and power. Maybe He will accept us as He has done with Meduhed,
and then let Lamech at home measure his strength and bite into the stones in his fury.


"We would rather serve such a great and mighty king who can surely hold us above the tides
like Meduhed's people."


And behold, as they had wisely decided they carried out their resolve, which was pleasing to
Me. They took their wives and camels and donkeys laden with fruits and hurried to where
they saw the waters, and rested on the shore of the great ocean.


Now the one who had been the spokesman said: "Here we are! Where do we want to go? We
are so ignorant, therefore, jet us ask the great king to take us into His service and show us the
place of our true destination. Most likely we have only thanks to His influence been able to
free ourselves from the clutches of Lamech and managed to get here.


"Therefore, I can respectfully on behalf of all of us who have no names as yet to You, O great
invisible king of all might and strength! First of all, receive our thanks for saving us from the
teeth of the hyenas and the clutches of Lamech. And I pray that You lead also us to some safe
place according to Your will, where we can serve You undisturbed. For we know that You
are a mighty Lord and we are aware of the absolute nothingness of Lamech whose supporters
we were supposed to be. However, we did not want that since we have seen and deeply
sensed the great might of Your glory and have also heard the wild, senseless and empty
prattle of the now completely powerless Lamech.


"Do hear our joint supplication and let us know Your will - or destroy us. For it is better to be
destroyed by You than to serve Lamech!"


And lo, as the seven with their seven wives had ended their brief, but very sincere prayer a
strong wind arose in the mountains and with the wind came racing towards them a very big
hyena full of fury. It stopped in front of the small group surveying them penetratingly as if
trying to find the best morsel among the people who were seized with mortal terror. And
when they all wanted to flee into the water, the spokesman pulled himself together and
shouted at them: "Listen to me! Let us remain standing here completely surrounded by the
invincible might of the great king. And believe me, if He should destroy us, He will preserve
us also in our destruction Do not be so afraid of this small hyena since we have luckily
escaped the murderous clutches of a much bigger one, and this all the more so as we are now
in the plain where a hyena has no longer the power of attacking humans and tearing them to
pieces. For the great, mighty king above the stars has in the mountains saved us from the
teeth of thousands of the most ravenous beasts at a time when we were still against Him -
how could He now wish to destroy us when we are for Him?


"Believe me, He will surely save all of us. Look at me, I will now trustfully go to the hyena
and put my head in its jaws. Should it hurt me, then you may flee into the water or wherever
you wish. But if you see me pull my head unhurt from its jaws, then you shall all cast
yourselves down and thank the great king, for then He will have come already very close to


And behold, he immediately did what he had said, walked full of trust up to the foaming
hyena, which opened its jaws wide so that his whole head would fit in.


And as he had put his head in, quite as unhurt he withdrew it again. The whole group was
amazed, and they promptly fell on their faces and thanked Me from the depth of their hearts,
although I was still a stranger to them.


When they were almost exhausted from their effusive gratitude and praise, the hyena, to their
utter amazement, began to direct a sensible speech to them, saying:


"You late descendants of Cain and Enoch, rise to your feet and look at me! See my angry and
threatening appearance! I am only a ravenous beast destined to faithfully guard the mountains
and the there living great children of God Whom in your blindness you call a great king. But
tell me whether as an animal I have ever disregarded the will of God. My life is dust and
earth, my time is only a few years, days and heartbeats. I have nothing to expect. What my
blood thirst gives me is all I can receive from the Creator for my existence. If one of you has
ever seen me transgress my prescribed limits without the will of God, let him take a stone and
kill me.


"But you hesitate, - not that you lack the courage, but because my obedience to the will of
God astonishes you. And look how a ravenous beast, according to the will of God, teaches
you men, whom an everlasting life is awaiting, about your forgetting God so completely and,
thus, about your destiny. Look, no ravenous beast is so wild that even in starvation it would
attack and kill one of its kinds in order to satisfy its hunger. But you men, who are meant to
live forever, go about in hordes to kill your brothers, not out of necessity, but out of a purely
hellish love of power; to stain the earth with their blood and to hurriedly bury their flesh in
the earth.


"Oh shame on you, you humans who are meant to be lords of the world! Where is your glory?
You are fourteen of you and I am only one and you were mortally afraid of my appearance, of
an unfortunate animal, which by the will of God was originally destined to serve you!


"Accompany me into the forests and convince yourselves as to whether even one animal
dominates the other. If one of them becomes quarrelsome and envious it is soon expelled
from the herd because it was not according to the will of God within us. And you will never
find an animal, which sends another on the prey in order to be fed as a loafer, except it has
become weak. Then another animal will carry some prey to its cave and place it near its jaws.
And no animal will eat it before it has become cold. This we are taught by the divine will
within us, and be assured, not one animal will lift its head without the will of God.

"We know no property limits, except those of our nature and the nature of our bodies. But
you men who have so completely forgotten God, divide the earth, and then some king or
ruler, or favorite of them, says: "This I give you for a small tribute, and this to the favorite
and his better servants because of their helpful, strong fists. The rest of the people you may
use as beasts of burden, which you have to supply only with just enough to keep them alive
so that they can perform all the tedious work for the idlers. Should they resist, they would
have to face ill-treatment and possibly death." If then such a slave imagined that he could also
be a brother of the king or of a ruler or had the same right as a man who was made great by
the king, - would he not be promptly murdered? - Oh tell me, where upon the entire earth is
there anything crueler than you men are? Is not a serpent, or I or a lion, a tiger, a ravening
wolf or an angry bear like a pure, holy angel compared with you men? Oh if we were given
love, as you are, how we would love God! But even without love we love Him through our
perfect obedience endlessly more than you do who have not only forgotten His love out of
which He created you, but God Himself, your Creator.


"Ask the stones, ask the grass, ask the air, ask the water, ask everything you see, except men,
and all the things will proclaim the great God to you and tell you of the endless wonders of
His love. Only you free humans, who were meant to live forever in bliss, could completely
forget your Creator, your benefactor! - No wonder that you are nameless, whatever could you
be called? Devils know God and flee Him. Satans know God too, and hate Him for being God
and a lord of their existence. But who are you who from devils and satans have through His
endless love become free human beings and have forgotten Him completely and in your gnat-
like weakness consider yourselves gods because you can strike each other with stones and
clubs and erect hollow heaps of stones which you call cities? Look, you are nothing, as you
now are. A blade of grass is more and the claw of a hyena is a sacred object compared with
all the countless brood of such men as the ones you left behind in the city of Enoch and as
you yourselves have been till now.


"In short, this is the will of the great God: Before you are given another destination you shall
for seventy days be schooled by us hyenas to learn humaneness and love of your neighbor
and through it learn to know God again. And when through us wild beasts you have
recognized your equality and God through our mute and blind obedience, only then will the
Lord of all creatures let us show you a peaceful place.

"Now follow me, as willed by God, willingly and without fear, except in the fear of God! He
who is willing shall not be harmed, but the unwilling and disobedient one is not even worth
being torn to pieces by the teeth of hyenas, he may expect the lot of Lamech, the satans and
the prince of satans.


And behold, all fourteen persons followed a fierce hyena to a dark cave in the mountains
where, allowed by Me, they learned from the nature of the beasts equal right of humanity,
love of their neighbor, obedience and, thus, to again recognize Me and fully trust Me.
Thereby they became aware of the great difference between hue humans and animals and at
the same time recognized how deep they had been beneath them. All this they learned
through My particular grace, which made them, see and fully sense My will in the wild


(N.B. More than at that time, you would now need such a school. For then men, as children of
the world, were bad because of the darkness, but now they are evil in the light and the prince
of darkness admits that compared with the children of the world he has become a bungler,
and he fares already like some weak parents who are surpassed by their children in all kinds
of judgments.)

- Chapter 34 -


ow we will leave this small company in the school of the creatures and let them eat wild
berries, grass and roots until their appointed time; and we will turn to the land Ihypon (today
called 'Japon' or 'Japan') and await there the approaching Meduhedites and devote still a little
time to them.

After thirty days and nights, thanks to My favorable winds and with small detours owing to
the calm of the sea, the Meduhedites arrived safely on the before-mentioned large island with
loud jubilation and praising of My name. They arrived at the wide estuary of a quietly
flowing stream coming from the interior on whose calm and broad back they were carried in
their hulks up-stream towards the interior of the land by a rather strong, serviceable wind.

When they had fully arrived, Meduhed cast himself down, deeply moved by the beauty of the
land, and thanked Me in the profound stillness of his heart for about an hour, and all eyes and
ears were turned towards him.

Having finished his to Me pleasing prayer during which he had recognized My further
beneficial will for the saved people, he rose again and waited until all the hulks had
completely lined up.

When all this had taken place along the shallow bank of the river, according to My will, I bid
him enter all the hulks and warn the crowds lovingly on no account to set foot on the land
before they had all, for three hours, thanked the Lord in their hearts for His boundless grace.
And when the Lord would then bless the beautiful land He had given them through a visible
sign before their eyes, he, Meduhed, would step onto the land first, followed by their children,
and only after that they themselves were to set foot on the land and once more prostrate
themselves before God, worship His holiness and praise His endless goodness and boundless

And behold, when they had done this with great joy in their hearts, Meduhed told them to
look up to the sky, and they saw a luminous cloud envelop the entire land and an abundance
of large drops fall from the cloud for a whole hour. Then they saw this cloud again dissolve
and under it a small rainbow shine brightly. From the east a soft breeze was blowing which
clearly announced through the mouth of Meduhed that I had now blessed the land for them.
Thereupon they stepped onto the land in the above-mentioned order and did with joyous
hearts as lovingly advised by the pious and wise Meduhed. When all this had been done,
Meduhed once more called them all together and spoke to them, as follows:

"Men, brothers, sisters and also you children who are already capable of understanding! Take
good notice of what I shall now tell you through the great grace of God! Let it be the
foundation of all our thoughts and actions never to lose sight of the holy will of God and to
fulfill it in every detail at all times with gratitude and praise in our hearts. For whatever
comes from Him is great and holy and thus also most important. However insignificant it may
appear to our worldly eyes, it is still of immense value since it is from God Who is now the
Lord of all of us. And we, if we are willing and obedient, shall be able, as was promised to us,
to become like His great children, which you met under the rock face above the city of

"Look, it is the will of the Lord, our great God Who wants to be our Father, that we shall love
each other, that is, everyone shall love his neighbor like a brother and sister seven times more
than himself Everyone shall be strict with himself and mild, gentle and loving towards his
brothers and sisters. Let no one ever imagine himself to be greater and worthier than the
weakest of his brothers. For before God nothing counts, except a pure and humble heart. Let
he to whom the Lord may ever give His grace, as He did to me, consider himself the least and
be willing, as I am, to serve all and according to the will of God be an example to all. Only
children, because of their weakness and the need for a proper upbringing, owe their parents
absolute obedience. And once they have recognized the will of God within their hearts, this
obedience, which is then due to God alone, shall be substituted by the greatest love and
respect of a child for its parents. However, it is God's will that you always listen and look to
the wisest among you in order to willingly receive the decrees of God, both general and
personal But beware of ever according such a wise one more respect, love and reverence than
another not yet wise, but still most willing and dear brother.

"And the respect for the one wise out of God's grace shall consist in nothing else but love of
God, love of the neighbor and the most willing obedience to God's directives through the
humble heart of a wise brother.

"Let no lie ever pass your lips, for falsehood is a foundation for all evil. Do not ever gloat
over the repentance of a sinner, but let your love give a fallen brother a helping hand.


"The land belongs equally to all without distinction. Of what the soil will yield in abundance,
let the needy one take enough to satisfy his hunger, and let the strong willingly gather for the


"Make the animals friendly towards you so that they do not deny you their warm milk.


"Let every one be subject to his brother and willing to serve him. But no one shall ever give
orders to another, for you shall always show love to each other so that one day you may
become children of one Father within love.


"Although the Lord always gives more than a person needs to sustain his life, you shall never
be excessive in all your enjoyments, but after the will of God for the sake of your health
moderate in everything you do and enjoy. For thus speaks the Lord: 'A proper measure and a
proper goal be blessed, but excess be cursed, and damned be the aimless ways on which only
harlotry and unchastely shall walk and find there the night of perdition and eternal death!'
Therefore, gather the surplus of the blessing and erect everywhere storehouses, but not of
stones, as in the city of Enoch, but of timber. Put four well-trimmed tree-trunks into the
ground so that they project two man-heights above the ground in a square. Place on top of
them four crossbars in the manner already known to you. Then place a lean-to roof over this,
covered with reeds and grass. Between the four wooden props projecting from the earth make
walls also braided from reeds. But leave an opening in each wall, four times the size of a
man's head, and on the east side also a door, but without bars so that everyone can enter freely
whenever needed. Inside drive several small stakes into the earth of about half of the
storehouse, projecting half a man's length above the ground. Over them fasten some thinner
joists and cover them also with braided reeds so as to place the blessing's surplus upon them
for your brothers and also for yourselves. For the other half gather long dry grass and place it
knee-high on the ground as a resting place for you where you can sleep through the night, rest
your tired limbs and refresh your organism.


"Your tools and other implements you shall place underneath the braided reeds. However, no
one shall ever take possession of such a house, but let one work for all and all for one and,
thus, all for all work there so that no one among you and all your descendants shall ever
suffer want.


"Close to the mountains which do not smoke or ever burn, as the ones you can see from here
in a great distance, you shall dig deep holes where you will find the to you already known
bread-earth. This you shall eat in moderation and not daily, but only now and then after the
will of God for the sake of your health, when your faces have become too soft.


"Furthermore, you will find in the mountains - which you are allowed to climb if they are not
burning- nice, very hard and smooth stones. Gather them and place them in front of your
dwellings. Firstly, you shall grind upon them the seeds of a grass and from the meal you shall,
by adding water, make dough in a vessel great numbers of which you will find on the banks
of the river. Then you shall bake from it wholesome bread in a place for baking, which you
already know how to prepare. Secondly, you shall also take such stone slabs which are
somewhat softer and are found in great quantities at the foot of the fire-free mountains, and
upon them you shall record all this in the manner known to you in order that even your late
descendants may learn about the now revealed will of God.


"For listen! Thus speaks the Lord: 'As long as you and your descendants will remain within
the given order, no alien people will ever be able to approach this land and disturb your
peace. And I Myself will teach you to recognize and prepare many good and useful things.
However, if you should ever step out of My order, forget Me completely and not return to My
order, I shall awaken another people, lead it to this land, and it will subject you and make you
its slaves. Then there will be an emperor who will destroy your sanctuary, beat you and have
many put to death. He will have you harnessed to the plough like donkeys and thrash you like
a camel. He will take everything away from you and let you starve, not allowing you to
quench your thirst with the juice of fruits, but will drive you to the water like a tame animal.
And, as in the land of Enoch, you will have to build cities for him and provide good food for
him and his servants in order to make him strong to beat and kill you.


"Then you will no longer receive fruits and bread for your work, but only dead tokens
depending on the extent of the work, for which tokens you will be given something to eat. If
even then you do not return to My order, you will have to give the fifth part of the tokens
without recompense back to the emperor as a tax on the hard-earned reward. This means that
you will have to beg to be allowed to work at all and for permission to do so you will have to
pay the mentioned tax.


"And I tell you, in all the land there will not be a single spot which the emperor would not
have appropriated. Then he will distribute the land to his favorites and courtiers as a fief, but
you he will make ignominious serfs of his favorites and courtiers who will then be lords over
your death and life. They will give you a fare of cooked grass and miserable roots, for they
will take the best fruits for themselves. Whoever should seize such a fruit, will promptly be
punished with death.


"The emperor will take your most attractive wives and daughters for his own and his
favorites' and courtiers' pleasure and you will have to throw your sons in the river and instead
have to provide for his children who will then ill-treat you. But I will plug up My ears till the
end of time so as not to hear your lamentations, and you will be a thousand times worse off
than in the land of Enoch.

"This, too, you shall bear in mind and write it onto the soft stones, as you were told!'


"So you see, my dear brothers, what is God's will. Therefore do as you have been advised,
and you can easily remain an independent people without any loss of your rights. Therefore,
you shall become full of love and grace and far be from you the evil self-interest. Then you
will remain, as you now are, a people of God. - And now it is God's will that you place these
hulks one after the other across the river, connected with poles to form a bridge so that we
can also go to the land on the other side of the river and freely make use of it.


"Now cast yourselves down and thank the Lord for this great grace of instructing us and
making known His will for our greatest benefit and speak with me:


"'Oh You great, exceedingly good and holy almighty God, we thank you in the dust of our
nothingness! Let the weak voice of our gratitude reach Your holy ears from the depth of our
ignominy and look graciously at our humble and timid hearts! O Lord, we do not understand
how great is the emptiness of our mind. Therefore, fill us graciously with the warmth of Your
love and never withdraw your grace from us poor children of sin! If ever we could forget
ourselves and act against Your most holy will, let us not be punished by men, but do punish
us Yourself according to Your justice and great clemency and change our hearts through
Your great mercy, so that one day we may become worthy being at least somewhat like Your
children. Do remain our great and holy God and Lord Who one day will become also our
beloved, most holy Father! - O Lord, grant our entreaty and listen graciously to our weak
prayers! Amen.'


"Now go and do in due course all you were told to do and convince yourselves how true and
faithful the Lord is. And when you have carried out everything, not ever forgetting the Lord
before and after each task and before and after every meal, before and after sleep, before and
after sunrise, before and after sunset. And, especially, when you sleep together you shall
before and after the act above all ask the Lord for His blessing, - then you will beget children
of life and light, otherwise, only children of death and darkness.


"I shall remain all my life here in the region of the river where we have landed. And there,
overlooking the river in that spacious grotto and on the beautiful mountain will be my and my
children's dwelling so that you can always find me whenever someone has a concern. The
Lord is giving me ownership of this grotto and the mountain out of love for you in order that
you may find me at any time.


"However, the entire, large and beautiful land is yours. It is the will of God that I shall grow
very old and still be a late witness of all your good and bad actions. And of all who are now
present here I shall be the very last to follow you to the presence of the Lord.


"You, my ten companions who have already become wise too, take the people, lead them and
distribute them wisely in the land and teach them what they need. And whenever it is full
moon come to me to obtain advice and instruction. Amen."


And behold, when Meduhed had finished his speech, all the people bowed to him and once
more cast themselves down, without Meduhed's command, and thanked Me for the beneficial
instruction. Then they stood up, ate the food with reverence, lay down on the ground to rest
and prayed from time to time. Having done this for three days, they rose to their feet, took the
tools and first built the bridge. Then, with Meduhed's blessing, they went to their further
destinations throughout the land, praising Me everywhere. And, as is easy to understand,
many of them became wise like Meduhed, and they lived thus as a happy people about
nineteen hundred years, almost to the time of Abraham, and did not perish in Noah's flood.


Later on, however, they began to gradually forget Me, who had made them the best-educated
and richest nation on earth. They enjoyed all kinds of carvings and thereby sank into the
darkest idolatry and all kinds of harlotry.


When I had patiently looked on for six hundred years without noticing any trace of remorse
and intention of changing their ways, I awakened as I had warned them through Meduhed - in
the region of today's Mongolia a people for a general scourge which I had through an
invisible angel led to lhypon and prepared for them an island bridge from present day China,
of which still today several islands in a somewhat curved line are witnessing. Thus they could
almost simultaneously get there dry-shod, like the Israelites across the Red Sea. Through the
tire of the earth I also had a great number of larger and smaller islands raised around Ihypon
as places of refuge for a few wise men that then lived there in grottoes and served Me on the
quiet until I called them away from the world.


There can still be found in such grottoes, as signs of My love, such engraved tablets, which
now of course could not be deciphered by anyone, even less so than the hieroglyphs of Egypt
which only a fully reborn person will be able to read. Now and then a physically ailing
woman in trance may be able to guess some of it through her for short moments awakened
childlike spirit.


And in the grotto (which originally was called Meduhed's grotto) till today there could be
found the to you already known song of Meduhed and some of the tools. However, this
grotto, which is on a high mountain, has now become inaccessible, which I arranged later
through fire and earthquakes still continuing to this day.


Thus this land is still today under the imperial rule with its partly Mongolian and partly
original Ihyponian people. Let him who does Dot believe this go there and convince himself.
But it will not be of much use to him if he has not attained to the full rebirth. And the one
who does have it will be able not only to oversee the entire surface of the earth, but also to
gaze with transfigured eyes into its depths right to the bottom.

(For everything I give you here is true and faithful for My children, for I do not give it to the
world, but only to My weak children. Therefore, they shall not measure My love and wisdom,
My words and My grace by worldly standards. I do not want to shine before the world; I only
want to be loved by you, for I have plenty of suns to shine upon the world. If you criticize My
writings with your worldly learning, what do you think I shall one day do with your worldly
nonsense? - Therefore, learn from Me, and once you will have been taught by Me, you will
see and recognize whose laws are on a higher level- Mine or those of the world. For to the
world the word is important, but to Me the meaning within the word; and he who does not
gather with Me will mightily scatter!)


- Before I lead you any further in this My household, I will briefly tell you something
concerning My angel, especially to those who almost in every line find something to criticize
in the grammar, for the sake of the world. Since they have no malice in their heart, they may,
where My weak secret scribe of My New Word has in his old inattentive way made a little
stroke too many or too little, complement it according to their insight; also correct the
spelling and dot the i's, where necessary. But at him who would dare to change a single word,
or seek a better rime or to unnecessarily improve a line, I shall look with angry eyes. Do not
seek the word in the sense, but the sense in the word if you want to find the truth. For the
truth is in the spirit, but not the spirit in the truth, which might be impossible since the spirit is
free and preceded every rule, allowing to derive truth from it Since you say this already of
your men of genius, why do you look with critical eyes at My Spirit as if a schoolboy had
given you some poor work for correction? - Therefore, if anyone should think that I do not fit
into the world with that garment, let him keep Me at home. However, there will be more
merit for everyone if he added to My writing a rule learnt from it rather than worldly
criticism; for giving is more blessed than taking! Do understand this well! Amen.
TENTH HOURcclxxxv - Europe and The Second Face

Note: Written on March 21, 1841, from 5:15 in the afternoon until 8:45 in the evening.
From time to time, upon request, Jakob Lorber allowed his closest friends to write for him.
He would dictate Word for Word what he himself heard from the Lord; and so it is with the
following chapters. The writers are: Poet Karl G. Ritter von Leitner, Mayor of Graz Andreas
Hüttenbrenner, his brother Composer Anselm Hüttenbrenner and F.S. (Not identified).

Now, that we have somewhat glanced at other foreign nationalities concerning moral cults,
we want to turn our attention to our own homeland. I am saying home because, first of all,
you were all borncclxxxvi here; secondly, on this soil I am known—for the most part—through
the very fragmented and completely deteriorated Christianity.
2] Undoubtedly, I could talk about many more lands and regions on earth as well as on the
continents, and on the islands. However, it would make no sense to deliver a new statistic or
pieces of insightful information and earth-description into your hands at this time, but I do
this with the purpose of awakening your spirit so that he cclxxxviiwould more easily contemplate
and grasp his own inward level of disposition [or statistics] and recognize the corresponding
wickedness of his own environment. Therefore, this will be enough [information] regarding
the prior description of all the foreign countries.
3] As for the peculiarities of other well-known large countries and kingdoms, such as the
Empire of China, and others that partly belong to this empire, partly however to the continent
of Asia and Australia, see, you can look that up. There are also islands belonging to Africa, as
well as the great imperial State of Brazil together with the rest of South America and all those
islands, which are considered as belonging to this part of the world, see: you can learn all that
on your own.
4] However, out of several considerations for you, I cannot bring any more onto the tablet.
Given that the idolatry has already polluted the people to the highest degree in such countries,
you would not gain anything from seeing that; instead, through observing the picture, you
could absorb more poison than blessings within you.
5] And in regards to why I cannot do this is: because it certainly does not line up with My
Holiness. Moreover, by virtue of My divine order it is also not possible for Me to turn the Eye
of Love in your direction, because from the beginning, such a country was discovered by a
nation that was hated by Me and such countries were covered with My curse; or from ancient
times they themselves have already so deteriorated in their atrocities that just one look from
Me, on the appropriate picture, would immediately destroy them.
6] Because the atrocity of conduct and ways of behaviours in these countries is of such an
outrageous type, you would be appalled at such a description—even with only a somewhat
limited depiction, especially when it comes to the inner circumstances. Were I to show you
this, not one of you would have the strength to continue writing with the quill. –
7] Therefore, we leave them untouched. Now, as I already said, let us take into inner
[spiritual] consideration, that which lies more closely to you and Me in every respect.
8] You may find it hard to believe that under these known and partly deliberately un-revealed
countries there are areas for which even My curse is too Holy; therefore these areas are, in the
literal sense, not worthy of the same [curse]. I do not have to say anymore to you.
9] You may now understand why I will not get involved in close confrontation over such
points on earth. For where Satan has fully erected his dominance in everything and everyone,
truly it is not good to look there.
10] Even if I would let you spread out such areas over My tablet, surely you would not see
anything except a black, and here and there a really glowing portion on earth. I do not have to
say anymore. For that reason look at the tablet, and try to recognize the land that you see
before you.
11] Take a good look. On which side do you notice that land? Right; it lies very north. See.
You found it. You recognized it right away. The far stretched ice and snowfields loudly
foretell the name of Russia to you.
12] See how this far outstretched empire spreads itself over nearly three continents.
Concerning the topographical area, it is the largest country on earth that is ruled by a supreme
13] See how it looks here—especially in the northern parts—as if eternal peace had
established its seat there;
14] but appearances cannot be trusted. Even here, there are many storms in the minds of the
northern inhabitants. It is not only that they remain behind in cultural development to the rest
of the people in Europe, but they also remain behind Europe in so many other circumstances.
The reason for this is that the government has still done too little; it has even done too little to
at least let that certain Christian light illuminate in a more intensive way, which is in general
so characteristic in this empire.
15] This named strife is more or less a moral strife, rather than a political strife. Given that, in
regards to the spirituality of a person there can be no condition more uneasy than some tiny
sparks of Christianity connected with a whole fire stream of the dirtiest superstition, because
it is easier to make the pitch-dark heathens—both here as well as in the hereafter—accessible
to the pure truth, than such heathenistic Christians.
16] And this situation… look here on the tablet… stretches nearly uninterrupted over the
entire northern part of this country.
17] However, the overall situation in this empire is nevertheless one where the truth still has
unhindered access under certain conditions:
18] because, wherever a [supreme] emperor rules a country, and always seeks within his own
big effect-spherecclxxxviii, in all situations to unite his empire as much as possible, such a
emperor is so much more [worthy], yes, I tell you, undoubtedly more, [as is the case] whereas
in any other highly educated country a monarch is merely a ruler by name only and his
subjects are granted constitutions upon constitutions, in order to avoid being ousted from his
much-loved thronecclxxxix.
19] Truly, such an emperor is not much better than a criminal in prison, since his blindness is
not allowing him to see into what kind of slave-chains his constitutionalized people have cast
him in.
20] He cannot see that he is a prisoner in the golden chain. The golden chain is also a metal
chain, and with such massive links often tenfold heavier than the one made of iron for a
criminal. -
21] And so, there is nothing more noteworthy to see for us here on these frozen planes…
except that in the far north against the mountain called the Ural, some extremely isolated
families live, who are gifted with the second faceccxc.
22] However, this second face is not a sign of a more spiritually aware person. Instead its
cause is only in a slightly more increased soul-life [or inner disposition], and is generally a
property of more refined or sensitive people who are always in great need, and, therefore,
desire to live In more natural isolation from the world.
23] For instance: that this second face has no relationship with spiritual awareness, can
adequately explained to you; the fact is that animals are also capable of such a second face,
whose individuality absolutely does not carry any spirituality in itself, except for a soul to
further its development.–
24] In fact, you will now ask: which reality does it have, what presents itself visually in the
second face? Not even this will be too difficult for you to solve.
25] If you are still buried in the midst of winter and snow and ice fields look at you
ghoulishly from all sides, when, in addition, you are required to live in cold rooms, will you
not begin to strongly yearn for spring and summer? Moreover, will not the imagination of
your soul preferably occupy itself with pictorially showing you spring and summer?
26] See: this longing, as it were malleable anticipation [or plasticity] is the first step of the
second face, and has its reason in the gentle, quiet ethereal moving or hushing-over of that
which the soul in its repressed condition pleasantly expects.
27] Now: if someone would get much deeper, he would at least at night-time often see the
situation of spring and summer pass by him like faint dream-imagesccxci.
28] If, however, a soul is restricted even more by suffering circumstances, an experiment
happens to her through such pressure, as if the air is pressurized to a higher degree; she
ignites, and steps outside the bodily sphere.
29] However, in the visible space there are also psychological effects and movements [or
expressions of the soul], just as there are effects and movements of light in the wide light-
expanses or space. The only difference is that the vibrations of the light can no longer
propagate in a natural way other than straight, whereas the psychological effects are more
similar to the vibrations of sound [or acoustic] and can propagate in all imaginable directions
as well as in all imaginable curvatures with more than electrical speediness.
30] Now think of some kind of fact or actuality; no matter what kind it may be it always has
three conditional components: 1) a Material [or physical], 2) a Soul or Psyche ccxcii
[psychological] and 3) a Spiritual one.ccxciii
31] As to the first condition, the fact can only be seen by the physical eyes, at the very
moment it takes place, and in such a distance that can be reached with physical visionary-
32] Concerning the psychic condition, you will easily realize without much contemplation
that a fact must first precede ccxciv in the soul before it passes over into the physical world [or
the world of the body].
33] However, if the cover [the physical body] is now removed from the soul, she can—by
virtue of the psychic velocity of propagation—already observe such a fact significantly
sooner; she can do this since such arrives first to the material objectivity ccxcv; or she can also
see [or espy] an already committed fact, just as you would hear a distant reverberation or
34] I will even add three small examples of the human vision [or inner sight] to this
35] First… For example: A person gifted with the second face sees an unknown corpse pass
by, where the acquaintance is still completely fresh and healthy and only dies in a few months
following. This takes place in the following easily comprehensible way, namely:
36] The soul of the dying person foresees the near end of her shell [the body], especially at a
time when she likewise—by means of a noticeable stepping-out—examines her collapsing
mature house more purely and properly.
37] In this situation, she arranges all necessary measures and ceremonies for the transition.
However, at the same time the soul of another person is also in such an increased state of
mind [or soul vibrationccxcvii], and sees the entire fact of what the soul of the other person has
already predetermined. In fact, she sees all this by means of psychic [or increased soul]
communication which is now known to you. -
38] You see: This is the way such things are pre-seen by the soul, just as the physical eye sees
the things that just happen [in front of the physical eye]. As second example: A soul sees
something happen in a far distance.
39] This inner observation or vision also takes place in the same way. For wherever people
are gathered and something happens—either as spectator or as happy or unhappy participants
—nothing is more natural than that such a fact is therefore immediately received by the soul-
activity [or soul-life] of others; it then plants itself into the psychic sphere or the sphere of the
soul in a way that is similar to a most delicate magnetic aura ccxcviii according to the size and
type of the fact that is often several thousand hours away, or scientific laws. 2) outside the
sphere of physical science []
40] and if a human being then finds himself in such an increased state of mind ccxcix, he
immediately becomes aware of such vibrations, and receives the picture through the parity of
the vibrations in the same manner [in-]to his face [or the eyes of his soul]. He receives it as a
kind of material picture through the parity of the vibration of the light from the outgoing
object, and is then observed bodily through the physical eyes.
41] The following third example is: When a fact, in which several people will have a fatal
accident, has not yet taken place. This second face is somewhat rarer, but notwithstanding it
occurs as well as all the other cases.
42] This second face is to be looked at in the following way: If in special cases a soul reaches
into an increased state, the [integrated] inner living spirit also awakes … although only for
short periods. All facts however, are [revealed, eternally in an unalterable manner] in the
spiritual condition [which is the spirit of God within us]—the past as well as the future facts.
Now the vision or viewing can take place in two ways. Namely: the respective person is
seeing it first out of his spirit [or in the spirit].
43] This awareness [or phenomenonccc] passes [or traverses] naturally into the innermost ccci
level of the soul; as soon as the awareness has passed over into the soul, it plants itself still
further—according to the laws now known to you. Now, if a person resides in an increased
state of soul radiationcccii, he also sees a certain type of prognostic [or prophetic] fact in
addition to all the other circumstances that are taking place, and in this awareness, this
visualization of the soul is the second type of fact, which will still take place, sometime in the
44] That such a person is also capable of seeing souls of departed people—if those people
want to, or are allowed to be seen—does not need to be mentioned any further.
45] Now see: There you have the entire nature of the second face, and you can immediately
see that no additional spiritual awareness is required, because the vision or viewing of the
spirit is entirely different from that of the soul. Just as the viewing of the body acts [or
behaves] to the viewing of the soul, so also acts [or behaves] the viewing of the soul to the
viewing of the spirit.
46] While the viewing of the physical eye can be intensified through material means, such as
all sorts of optical tools, so also can the viewing of the soul be increased by those means,
which correspond naturally to the soul.
47] These means are, of course: A strong unfeigned belief, a firm determination, and, in that
regard—at least half of it[requires]—a spiritual awareness. Just as the psychological viewing
can be raised in this way, likewise can the viewing of the spirit be strengthened into infinity;
this can be done, namely by exactly those methods the great Seer taught you through His
lessons, which great Seer is precisely the One who is now reminding all of you about it.
48] You may think, where are the remaining explanations, which you anticipated about the
situations within the European states?
49] Here, I am saying nothing else except: Although you have learned enough of the other
horrible situations, you may well be satisfied to know that in your countries it is hardly better.
However— regardless of this—the conditions are still shaped in a way that the one who has
good intentions finds simply no hindrance to be better, to act better, and to do good.
50] A paradise on this earth does not exist anywhere, neither physically and spiritually at the
same time.
51] Still, anyone can reach it [paradiseccciii] in the Spirit, if he only wants it; although there is
still darkness in some countries, it does not hinder the case; even if the darkness of the night
has settled gravely over the valleys and mountains, they will be unable to do anything once
the sun has began her ascend.
52] However, it is only bad in such countries where there is absolutely no way of freedom, as
in underground vaults, chasms, and passageways. There, thousands of suns may rise instead
of one, yet their light will not be able to penetrate any sooner into such crusted depths until
the beam of the highest degree of burning light has transformed the earth all the way down to
the centre [core] into ether. –
53] And so, for the yet remaining two hours we will still find entirely different things than
what you already expected, and at the end you must admit that he who laughs last has the best
54] If you will then observe all these hours in an entirely different light, which I will bring
about through a little device in My camera, you will then realize that I did not intended to
turn you into a professor of statistics, but into someone completely different, someone who is
able to look far beyond the field of statistics.
55] As to what will occur in the following hour, you will only experience that in the next
hour. Do not trouble yourself with guessing; also do not make comparisons with My
statistical statements; for you will have to acknowledge that all these things are totally
56] If however, you already think of something, then think that Europe, Asia, Africa,
America, Australia, and all the mentioned islands and all their entire moral and political
circumstances are not important to Me. As to why I used those pictures, as far as is necessary
for you and only for you … See: this will be revealed to you more truthfully in the following
two hours, as I did in this hour with the second face, and even more honestly. Amen.
ELEVENTH HOUR - The Prodigal Son

Written on March 23, 1841, from 3:45 in the afternoon until 6:30 in the evening.
The writers are: Poet Karl G. Ritter von Leitner, Mayor of Graz Andreas Hüttenbrenner, his
Composer Anselm Hüttenbrenner and F.S. (Not identified).

You have all read the story of the prodigal son ccciv in My book [Luke 15:11-32], and you have
heard and read this story not just once but many times. I say unto you, that in the entire book
there is
no verse and chapter that is undoubtedly more profound than the prodigal son.
2] What’s more, there will not be a place anywhere in the scripture for you that is more
difficult to understand, than this one. And the reason as to why you need to know this is
because it is of utmost importance and, as such, is an indispensable key to one’s own inner
[self-] examination.
3] The reason for this goes as follows: Often I speak exalted things [things to take notice of]
from My Wisdom through Love; often, however, I also speak of seemingly insignificant
things [things that are minor] from my Love through the Light of Wisdom. Now notice: In the
first case, you will be offered only so much as your own individuality can possibly endure; in
the second case, however, a cloaked infinity is given unto you, whereby the final
developmentcccv [the evolutionary change and comprehension] will not be reached in
4] Now see: Just such a seemingly trivial gift is also the prodigal son; yes, I say, if you would
know how much is contained within the prodigal son, truly, archangels would come to your
5] I showed you many things in the preceding ten hours, as to the present conditions—at this
timecccvi— on earth, wherein I still concealed the biggest immoralities from you. I showed you
the deficiency of the jurisprudence cccvii in general. I showed you the madness in Asia as well
as the barbarianism in Africa. I showed you America's disgraceful behaviours, of course only
a very small part of it. I showed you the administration of justice cccviii in England, especially in
its external methods, as well as the treatment of criminals on the—now revealed to you—
coast of Australia. I also showed you a mistreated country in the deep south; I showed you
how it was and chiefly still is today. However, I must also make you aware of something else
about this country. First and foremost regarding this: Pay double attention to what is being
stated about this country! Secondly, what was said about this country, you take least of all
literally; why, it will subsequently be shown to you. Furthermore, I have also shown you the
highly tyrannical severe conditions [and existence] of other island countries especially the
Japanese, and in addition, I also showed you a small amount about the northern country of
6] Although the things in the world are this way, nevertheless, I did not reveal these situations
to you so that you should see these things as to how things are in the world, no, because such
and a thousand times worse will come in the future; of this you will, no doubt, hear and read
often. However, I am announcing this to you for no other reason than this: that out of all this
you would most deeply recognize the great secret of the prodigal son to your own greatest
7] Naturally you are now thinking, what has the prodigal son to do with all these world
atrocities? – You are full of curiosity as to how the prodigal son is going to find his way
around all this [evil] world- labyrinth. However, I say to you: It is still easier, to find the
prodigal son out of all these scenes and to seize him, than for a camel to pass through the eye
of a needle.
8] In order to understand all this, it is particularly necessary that you realize who this prodigal
son actually is. As I show you the prodigal son—though by name only—truly, you must have
been hit with more than seven-fold blindness, if you would not notice instantly that a large
cover was taken from off your eyes; and now prepare yourselves and hear the name!
9] See, he is called “Lucifer!” - See, in this name is for you the entire eternally
incomprehensible and endless compendiumcccix of the prodigal son. –
10] Now think; that the existing, almost all of humanity are nothing but limbs cccx of this
prodigal son, and in fact it is primarily composed of those people, which descended out of
Adam’s cursed line. See: this lost son has taken all his [abounding] capabilities, which was
due him, and is wasting it—according to your understanding—in endlessly long-lasting time-
11] You know from the story of the prodigal son how his fate ended. Now look through all
these situations of the world and truly you will see nothing other than the end fate of the
prodigal son in a comprehensive scale.cccxi
12] Look at the defective jurisprudence; what do you think would be the reason for this?
Truly it is nothing other than the carelessness and the, from this resulting dullness cccxii of the
13] Now look at the prodigal son again; see whether or not this is his first instance of leaving
the fatherly house? Observe the madness in Asia! What is it, other than the natural
succession, which the sequence or the chronological order of time has systematically
developed until the present culmination point of horror? –
14] Now go further toward Africa: Lead the prodigal son by the hand, and if you look with
somewhat sharpened spiritual eyes you will, not only in the present state but also in all
imaginable situations of this country, discover a wonderful faithfulness, yes I say, not only in
Egypt but in all of Africa,
15] and that not only in and from what the present time offers, but also through all time
periods, as far as any human being’s thought is able to go and beyond; in these many time
periods and places the prodigal son found himself in the same circumstances when he wasted
his [abounding] abilities. Simultaneously, he also thought that in every possible way he could
regain some kind of possession, that can resembled the former one, and in this manner elevate
himself once again. Alone: look at all the fruitless barbarous efforts of this whole continent,
to which essentially all of them, who themselves want to be rich, make it?
16] The events of the past will show you a great deal and so will undeniably the present show
you this entire part of the world. For I say to you, not only each single person, not just each
nation, but the entire continent [of Africa] from the first to the last grain of sand. Yes, from
the first to the last sunbeam, in all individual countries, mountains, rivers, deserts, and
animals, is the relationship of the prodigal son truly represented; he is represented also from
the commencement of pre-history up to the present point in time and henceforth.
17] Once again take the prodigal son by the hand, but on this trip do not forget to attach slave
chains on him and go with him to America. Really, you will have to be blinder then the centre
of the earth, if you will not find the same there—a thousand fold in all imaginable nuances.
Here I do not have to say anything more to you than that the northern part of America is the
inward [soul], the southern part— however—represents his outward [natural being], for
which reason this continent already in its form corresponds to a type of insect-like starved
figure of the prodigal son.
18] He who has ears: Hear; and he who has eyes: See. You all know how it went with the
prodigal son in his last phase, when the—known to you—inner sanctified spark of Africa was
awakened in him. In Australia he finds an employer who does not even allow him to eat the
pigs’ fodder, so that he is forced to fill his stomach with anything he can find.
19] Now, you may think, what then will the prodigal son do in New Zealand? We do not have
to send him to New Zealand, because it will not take much effort to recognize New Zealand
in the prodigal son.
20] Notice then: The southcccxiii represents the extreme outward of the people. Now observe
the lost son a little; observe how he, in this, his last testing phase is full of shivering fear; he is
not dressed after the latest Parisian journalcccxiv; only very destitute and dirty rags cover his
private parts.
21] Now see: here we already have the reliable map, which flutters around the nakedness of
our gone astray prodigal; let us stretch, or enlarge our prodigal son and on this occasion also
make a short observing visit to the currently existing Christian church. Does she not look like
this land? Look at it how you want, either spiritual, as I showed you, or also material, as you
always find it described somewhere; surely, you would have to be blinder than the centre of
the earth if the conspicuous similarity of this land with the tattered rags of the prodigal son
and these with the church would escapeyou.
22] Clearly, just as the misery of these inhabitants are clearly blown away by the winds from
there, the same did the wind with the rotten rags of the prodigal son; and the same occurs now
with the Holy blowing winds from Above with each and every church-sect that is more
heathen than Christian. –
23] A prolific deep mathematical knowledge from you is not necessary to figure out what
hour of the great day it is now! - If you cast another glance at Japan, it will tally up on your
fingers, and with the clearest of all signs the prodigal son’s inner restrictions as well as the
present church situation, concerning her inward [being], shall make things brighter than
24] I do not have to say anymore to you. However, what do you say to a very sick person if
his feet have become cold and cold sweat drops sit on his head? Truly, no additional medical
examcccxv is needed in order to be able to express it in a prophetic spirit: Only a few more
heavy pulse-beatings and the struggling anguish of life’s weariness is over! -
25] First of all, sense the prodigal son’s feet in the south of the earth. Secondly, feel his head,
which is the great northern empire, then lay the hand on the old tired church-heart. Truly, you
would have to be again blinder then the centre of the earth, if on your fingers you do not
want to calculate what hour of the great Day it is now?
26] You may still remember in the last hour how "the second face" was made known and
explained to you. You probably will now think: does this second face have any relationship
with the lost son as well?
27] O My dear loved ones! If I give something to someone, I do not give it like people do.
People can never give something completely whole, even with the best of intentions; I always
give something completely whole, and so I say to you: Precisely in this second face will the
entire knot be unravelled for you, and after this unravelling you will no longer get lost in your
own calculation—not even for one minute.
28] Again, let us return to our prodigal son and watch a little how he wrestles with death’s
greatest misery. Look at his soul; see how she is [com-] pressed to a [small] point; and really,
it must come to this extreme!
29] But take notice; in the previous chapter I revealed to you the diverse aspects of the souls,
through which the second face will come; this correlation is now taking place with the
prodigal son’s soul. Look, now her great misery extends itself into fast vibrations and these
arrive before the big [heavenly] Father’s house; the vibrations of the love-filled Father
lovingly exchange with the fear, misery and impoverished vibrations of the prodigal son.
30] The soul of the prodigal son perceives such sacred, soft blowing from the house of the big
[heavenly] Father. Out of these sacred vibrations cccxvi, she returns courageously blessed into
her decayed house, raises the same again, and turns in the biggest self-destructive humility
toward—you know— where the prodigal son turned.
31] But, what happens there? - See, the rags are taken off the son and burned; the son is, as
you know, welcomed once again.
32] See. Now you have the entire, up to this present moment, hidden secret of the Prophetic
Number of Mankindcccxvii revealed before your eyes. If you only somewhat go through the
circumstances of time, truly, you have to be more than dead if you are still not aware of the
Holy vibrations of grace that are now streaming out from the Holy Father’s house!
33] You are also members of the prodigal son! Enlarge your soul and awake the spirit in your
soulcccxviii, and turn in profound humility like the prodigal son confidently toward the large
sphere of your most affectionate [heavenly] Father; I say to you, He will meet you half way!
34] See, the time of My Grace is near, and that is why I have also given you such [divine]
insights here, that you should recognize it, that it is That Great Time, from which the prophets
have sung, yes, This very Timecccxix, which was by Me foretold out of My mouth.
35] Therefore, remain only a short time, and rejoice in great confidence! For truly, the big
[divine] House of The Father has come closer to you then you suspect!
36] As soon as you [care to] recognize the prodigal son and all these point in time
circumstances within yourselves, and how this prodigal son is found again in every person, or
rather how he finds himself again, as to how [the godly being-] "the big man" will be won in
the [humility of the] small man , dear children! the last hour will bring you true, faithful news
of it. Amen!
The Great Cosmic Man
The big creation-man and his return.
Written on March 25, 1841, from 4 o’clock in the afternoon until 8:45 o’clock in the evening.
The writers are Poet Karl G. Ritter von Leitner, Mayor of Graz Andreas Hüttenbrenner, his
Composer Anselm Hüttenbrenner.
When your spirit awakens within you, you will
perceive its voice in your heart like clear
thoughts. To these you must carefully listen
and heed them in your whole sphere of life,
then you will provide your spirit with an ever
growing field of action. Thus the spirit within
you will grow to a man’s size and pervade
your whole soul and with it your entire
material being.
The Great Gospel of John vol. 4, 76

Now that we have accompanied and illuminated the prodigal son from his rise to his fall in
the eleventh hour, and have also calculated the time and nearly determined the hour that must
testify of his downfall, consequently in the twelfth hour we are going to see where and how
this prodigal son will once again return—humbled through and through—into the immense
and grand house of the Father.
2] However, in order to understand this fully, it is not enough that we have looked a little
through the world-mote called earth; but for this purpose I have added an already mentioned
tiny devise in the—to you—conscious camera obscuracccxx of the spirit; and we once again
take a somewhat broader view in this newly prepared chamber. - I am telling you… be
prepared; because this sight will bring something before your eyes that until this time has
come into no man’s mind. With the ability of this new devise [the camera obscura], the tablet
also becomes the receiver of a big picture, and as a result will be enlarged and assume a
vertical instead of the former horizontal position.
3] Now look: Our device is operational. Direct your sight now onto the wide expanded tablet;
and at once, you will recognize the large picture on the same tablet. This is the only possible
way to place the endlessly long, stretched-out creation before your eyes within one picture.
4] Now: Look closely on the tablet; and as soon as I say the word Epheta, you will see the
magnificent picture on the tablet. Now then, because your sight is directed at the tablet, I say:
Epheta! –
5] Now, what do you say to the picture? Exactly, on this blackboard you see nothing more
and nothing less, than the clear figure of a human being cccxxi, whose loins are only scarcely
covered by some rags and whose hair, even with the shaggy appearance, trails from his head
and covers half the body.
6] True, you will probably think, "there is nothing special to be seen in this picture, except
that it is presented on this tablet in a very colossal form. Incidentally, such a picture could
have been painted by a fairly skilled portrait painter with a whitish colour on a black tablet";
and I can add nothing to that, except that—at first glance—your conclusion is correct. Seeing
that you want to think a little deeper, you will probably soon recognize the shape of the
prodigal son in this whitish figure.
7] But look, My dear children! The tablet is placed just a little too far for your eyes to see, so
let us go closer to the tablet; for you have now seen the entire shape, therefore, we want to
examine the colour a little closer with which this figure was applied onto this tablet.
8] Now, we are at the tablet. Look: This fathom-wide shimmering area is one part of the foot
of the entire figure. Take a close look and tell Me what do you discover [on the tablet]. Look
very closely… What do you see? … Right, you are discovering nothing but many small,
closely linked-together, shimmering, tiny globulescccxxii. You know that this picture is not
painted, but is only a light-picture [an image] of an outer [natural] object.
9] In reality, what do you think these tiny globules are? See: I will not let you guess for very
long, but if you think that these tiny globules are images of remote suns, planets, moons and
comets, hear… I have to say to you: Children! Judge not too hastily, otherwise you will err
tremendously! However, before I reveal the being of these minuscule globules to you, do
your utmost to count these globules on one lentil-size spot! -
10] Now, are you finished? - Yes, yes, I already see, you seem to have difficulty with it since
such shimmering dots on this existing lentil-size area are for you a hard to pronounce number,
seeing it would clearly be more than a trillion. Now that you have familiarized yourselves a
little with the colour, I will tell you from which image such a tiny dot actually is. As already
mentioned, not from a sun, nor from any other type of heavenly [global] body, but each tiny
dot, or—as seen by your spiritual eyes as tiny globules—is nothing more and nothing less
than the image of a shell globe cccxxiii. In regards to the shell globe cccxxiv, I do not have to explain
this any further.
11] Now we step back a little and again look at the entire figure. See: it is like a complete
human-shape; and now that you have sufficiently looked at this figure, I am saying to you:
This figure represents or describes out of and according to My eternal order—the universe;
and therefore it is, in reality, not visible in its form by anyone except Myself. In addition, a
created spirit has never before seen this picture, as you have now observed it.
12] Once again I see the thoughts hidden within you. You would very much like to see your
earth within this person. As long as the entire figure sparkles on the tablet, it is impossible to
show you such. Nevertheless, wait just a little; see: I am a very good optician, therefore I
want to undertake a little optical variation in our camera, after which variation nothing will
remain of this entire figure except a single tiny illuminating dot.
13] Now see: The figure is gone; already everything is in order. Again, let us step closer to
the tablet and look for our tiny dot. Now: did you find it already? - One by itself does not
emit much light; but look very intensely, you will find it.
14] You must not look up there on the high stretched-out tablet, but look all the way down
here, where earlier you have seen the left foot of the entire figure, in fact there at the very
edge of the ball of the fifth little pinky toe. This tiny globule is this particular shell globe cccxxv,
in which your earth is also located.
15] However, in order to arrive at our earth, I must once again come over the tiny shimmering
dot with My Epheta, and so I speak “Epheta!” Now look; how this tiny globule has now
expanded and nearly takes in the entire large round form of the tablet.
16] See the countless illuminating minute dots shimmer through one another. Now, pick out
your earth. In fact, you might not be able to find it out of the great immense number of
shimmering little dots. Yes, I am saying to you, it would be a vain effort on your behalf since
these minute dots that you see are again no suns, but they are entire regions cccxxvi of sun-
17] therefore will I now once again pick out just the right minute dot, and erase all remaining
off the large tablet. Now, there is the selected minute dot; and in order to arrive more quickly
toward our goal, I once again say “Epheta!”
18] Now see: Our tablet is once again full of new shimmering tiny dots. Alone these
illuminating minute dots are again no suns, but all are numerous sun-worlds-universes;
therefore, it will not help us to find the earth here.
14] You must not look up there on the high stretched-out tablet, but look all the way down
here, where earlier you have seen the left foot of the entire figure, in fact there at the very
edge of the ball of the fifth little pinky toe. This tiny globule is this particular shell globe1, in
which your earth is also located.
19] Once again, I will select the right one from these minute dots and erase the remainder of
this tablet. Now, there is the tiny dot. See, how lonely and faint it glimmers on the big
surface! But now My Epheta!... And the minute dot should immediately become a larger
expansion; therefore “Epheta!”
20] Now look: Our tablet is again full of many illuminating tiny dots. From out of all these
trillion times trillioncccxxvii minute dots, would you like to search for the earth? Here I have to
tell you once again: save your effort; for again these minute dots are still no suns, but
individual sun-regions; and this is what you understand as a so-called star-fog.
21] Just so that we arrive more quickly toward the goal, I am going to select the right minute
little dot for you and all the remaining dots will be erased on the tablet; and at once add the
22] Now look on the tablet. Precisely, you are seeing a shimmering-dotted-cloud cccxxviii, which
spreads horizontally over the entire tablet; it is seven times as long as it is wide. Now look
toward the middle; we once again want to select such a small shimmering-dotted-cloud, and
all the remainder will be removed from the tablet. – Now, as you can see, everything has
taken place, and My Epheta has given this minute dot again its right configurationcccxxix.
23] Now take a close look; you probably already recognize it. See: There in the middle is a
small shimmering lentil size disc; see: it is the image of your sun; and take a closer look; the
third shimmering dot from the sun on the left side downward is your earth.
24] I just need to enlarge the picture a little and you will recognize your earth at once; and so
I say: You earth-point arise, so that My observers will recognize you! And see how this point
gradually expands and now has reached the actual diameter, which is adequate enough for
you to recognize your natural dirty dwelling place.
25] Now that we have seen everything, let us once again return to our prodigal son. Look
onto the tablet; once again our first figure flaunts itself on the same. Although now this figure
is getting smaller and smaller; and see: now it is only barely the size of a child; and look once
again: now this child has also melted into a dot. However, look: On the right side of the
tablet, another big image of a human being is starting to appear; and now, it is also in the
middle of the tablet, and under his left foot you also discover the previous shrunken minute
dot, which is in the right proportion of its size to the size of this new picture.
26] What do you think this new picture represents? You might think, since you have more or
less become acquainted with the big human being in the writings of [Emanuel] Swedenborg,
that it is this big person. However, I say to you: You missed it by a mile! This person you see
there, is nothing more and nothing less than the himself-found-again prodigal son; however,
not in his all-ness or completeness, but it is ‘he’ cccxxx the [actual] prodigal son, who has found
himself again in each and every individual born- again [or re-born] person. Or said to you in
more easily understandable words: He is the very least one in My new Kingdom, and here—
presented to you—in the right proportion is this picture. This picture shows you the complete,
full [spiritual] measure of a personcccxxxi, which is infinitely more sublime than the previously
revealed limb-dissected and endlessly seeming universe in the shape of the prodigal son!
27] Now, if you heed this picture just a little, you might begin to grasp as to what the reason
or nature of the return of the prodigal son is.
28] Do not think that this fallen Lucifer, who was revealed to you in the eleventh hour, is
going to return as whole or complete. If such would have been possible, truly, a material
creation never would have taken place;
29] instead, every single person who lives according to My Words and is born-again cccxxxii
through the Word and through the salvation [or redemption], is this prodigal found again and
he will return into the immense [and glorious] house of the Father- [God]! –
30] I am not saying this for nothing to you: In the immense [and glorious] house of the
Father- [God]cccxxxiii; because, quite a large [and magnificent] house cccxxxiv must be prepared for
such a [purpose driven] multitudecccxxxv of [Christ-like] people; everyone can once again take
residence with their Father. –
31] Obviously, you recognize from all the preceding talks that it is clearly so; for does not
each person in himself suffer in all wide-ranging tribulations, and is not everyone beaten as
an individual [or for being his own person]? However, all these blows are directed at one and
the same prodigal son.
32] However if a person is beaten, is it not always true that only he who is beaten feels the
pain, whereas the one who is not beaten often watches only too painlessly [and without a
problem]? Alternatively, an entire nation is being mistreated on another continent, say,
whether you have ever felt a whips thrashing on your skin? However, if someone dies, does
he die for himself or for others? Or can you avow that somebody was ever born into the world
for someone else? Or is My salvation and My Word not just as imperative for each individual
person, as for entire nations? And cannot each human being receive Me with his love and the
living faith for himself, that I reside in him and he in Me?
33] If you now look at everything, could you, after all that, possibly make the ultimate
assertion that I am less in one person, then in all of them together? -
34] However, when I have become one with a person and he with Me, say, is there anything
else missing from the deliverance of the prodigal son in an individual person?
35] Has he not received and accepted everything in himself, who has received [or accepted]
Me? Truly, every single person who is one with Me is more, yes I say, infinitely more than
the great Lucifercccxxxvi ever was in his for you inconceivable greatness; [this principle is
shown through] applying your natural way of thinking!
36] See, each individual person for himself or herself will consequently be defined under this
prodigal son, who is called Lucifer. And as an entire nation unites with Me, so will this entire
nation likewise become only one human being with Me. Moreover, all people who ever lived
on the earth and continue to live, when they have become one with Me, they too become only
one human being in Me. In other words, everyone will be ensouled cccxxxvii and enlivened in one
and the same Holy Spirit of all love and all truth and all might and all power, and there will
not be many [people] anymore, but [only] one; and one is not less than many, instead, all will
be in complete and full union in Me. And many will not have more might and power than
one, and one not less power than many, but everyone will live as [only] one [on its own but
joint together], out of the same power and might of the Holy Spirit of all love and all truth out
of Me!

The Rags of the Prodigal Son.

Written on March 25, 1841
37] However, you have heard that the rags of the prodigal son were dispersed by the winds
like chaff, and the remaining rags were taken off him and burned. Do you know what these
rags mean?
38] Understand, it is nothing other than the former withered cosmic human being on our
tablet. For through the salvation of each individual person is the Noble cccxxxviii, out of Me
emanating [excellent spirit] or My prodigal son restored. The rags or the actual prime-evil
will be scattered into the fire, from which it actually came out of. However, it is this fire—the
one in the Divinity—out of which all things have their material existence.
39] Consequently, whoever depends on the world and sticks onto matter, sticks on the rags of
the prodigal son; however, all matter shows you already its big similarity to the fire cccxxxix; the
same are also the rags on the loins of the prodigal son.
40] This is how it will happen! So that God becomes a free God again, in which no more
matter seethes, so must the fire or the related wraths once again return from where it—as that
what it is— came from. And it will happen, as if you have some kind of hardening on your
body and you cover it with a hot poultice cccxl, so this hardening becomes soft again. So too
will My eternal fire seize this prime- evil hardening in its all-ness or entirety, in order to
thereby again assimilate its own being.
41] There is another question present in you: Whether those beings, which are understood as
rags, also will have a continual self-consciousness cccxli or not? I, however, say to you: The
question answers itself almost automatically, because you cannot possibly assume that there
should perhaps be any unconscious point in the Deity.
42] This question therefore solves itself; except for one more question: Whether this self-
consciousness is a suffering one or not? See: that is a different question. However, to
understand this correctly, you must first recognize that every effort, in order to find itself,
must comprehend a certain necessary suffering in itself. Only now, it depends only on
whether this suffering is painful or pleasant.
43] If this suffering consists in the fact that the being seizes continuously in itself and by this
seizing is striving to form or shape itself forever into a unity, then such a suffering is
extremely pleasant and the feeling from the clearest self-assurance an extremely blissful one.
44] If, however, the suffering, or the self-assured feeling of a being, is tearing and destructive
in itself, then it is also an extremely painful one; this you can simply learn from nature as
well, if you have ever observed any kind of an inflammatory illness, which consists of
nothing other than that certain parts in the body begin to expand more and more. The more
violent such an act carries on, the more painful it becomes. The result from this is that the
self-confident essential condition of the fire-related prime-evil must also be extremely painful
and cause immense suffering.
45] You will now perhaps think that as a result the Deity must thereby continually suffer
extremely painfully in its portion of wrath. In fact it is not so! But it is simply as if food is
boiled down in your stomach; driven through the fire of the stomach, here the little husks
crack open from the nourishment one has eaten. However, do ask yourself whether this
horrific destruction-process has ever hurt you in your natural state in the fire of your
stomach? -
46] However, since I have led you already so far, I want to give you on this occasion a never
before outspoken hint! If you want to see the final cause of such a situation of all worldly
material prime-malice, then look into your stomachs and observe what happens there with the
food that you eat; observe the how and why? Consequently, you will all see a great segment
of My ways, as to what will happen. However, the time is not recorded in your stomachs, and
it is enough for you all that I have shown you the purpose. –
47] Now see, dear children! This is everything that can be given to you; this is everything that
you are able to endure; you do not need to know any more; but heed this from point to point,
and in fact from the very first hour to the very last hour. Walk this way through the entire
earth within you, and in doing so, find the prodigal son within yourselves.
48] Do the same that this one has done and still does in each and every sinner who yearns for
My Kingdom. In the innermost chamber of your spirit, on the tablet of your world-
aviditiescccxlii with the world, allow That which you just now saw happening to take place cccxliii
on the tablet with the cosmic human being. Thus will the prodigal son be found again in each
one of you and will become his [own] nearest and dearest, comprehending all [that is Holy],
as I showed you, since another human being has stepped in the place of the former one, who
melted together onto one point;
49] only then will all of you as found-again discover the immense Truth that is given to you
in these 12 hours; in addition, in the brightest light you see and recognize the Truth within
50] As was said previously, that all people together constitute one human being, like one so
are all, then also search for all the evil within all of you[r soul]. And once you have found this
evil and managed with My strong support to rid yourselves of it, then will I—as your Holy
Father—who has already come to meet you half way, come all the way to you. I will then free
you completely from your rags and receive you into the immense [and glorious] and eternal
house of the Father of My eternal Love!
51] Finally I like to make you aware of this: Presently I have not only come toward you, but
have also already come towards many other prodigal sons.
52] However, direct your attention mainly within yourselves upon My arrival, and worry less
about the overallcccxliv one. What you feel, however, for the overall [arrival of My coming]…
that carry prayerfully in your heart before Me, however, nothing else needs to concern you;
the big When, How and Why is well guarded in the best hands. Amen.
I, your grand, Holy, most affectionate Father, am saying this to you.
~~~~~~~ AMEN! ~~~~~~~
World Events
Are Co-Created
By the Collective,
Not a Punishment from God
World Events Are Co-Created By the Collective
“The world is the way it is because it could not be any other way and still exist in the gross
realm of physicality. Earthquakes and hurricanes, floods and tornados, and events that you
call natural disasters are but movements of the elements from one polarity to the other (that
is, when mankind moves away from the positive or righteousness to the negative or
wickedness). The whole birth-death cycle is part of this movement. These are the rhythms of
life, and everything in gross reality is subject to them, because life itself is a rhythm. It is a
wave, a vibration, a pulsation at the very heart of the All That Is.
Illness and disease are opposites of health and wellness, and are made manifest in your
reality at your behest. You cannot be ill without at some level causing yourself to be, and you
can be well again in a moment by simply deciding to be. Deep personal disappointments are
responses which are chosen, and worldwide calamities are the result of worldwide
Your question infers that I choose these events, that it is My will and desire they should
occur. Yet I do not will these things into being, I merely observe you doing so. And I do
nothing to stop them, because to do so would be to thwart your will. That, in turn, would
deprive you of the God experience, which is the experience you and I have chosen together.
Do not condemn, therefore, all that you would call bad in the world. Rather, ask yourself,
what about this have you judged bad, and what, if anything, you wish to do to change it.
Inquire within, rather than without, asking: “What part of my Self do I wish to experience
now in the face of this calamity? What aspect of being do I choose to call forth?” For all of
life exists as a tool of your own creation, and all of its events merely present themselves as
opportunities for you to decide, and be, Who You Are.
This is true for every soul, and so you see there are no victims in the universe, only
creators. The Masters who have walked this planet all knew this. That is why, no matter
which Master you might name, none imagined themselves to be victimized—though many
were truly crucified.
Each soul is a Master—though some do not remember their origins or their heritages. Yet
each creates the situation and the circumstance for its own highest purpose and its own
quickest remembering—in each moment called now.
Judge not, then, the karmic path walked by another. Envy not success, nor pity failure,
for you know not what is success or failure in the soul’s reckoning. Call not a thing calamity,
nor joyous event, until you decide, or witness, how it is used. For is a death a calamity if it
saves the lives of thousands? And is a life a joyous event if it has caused nothing but grief?
Yet even this you should not judge, but keep always your own counsel, and allow others
This does not mean ignore a call for help, nor the urging of your own soul to work
toward the change of some circumstance or condition. It does mean avoiding labels and
judgment while you do whatever you do. For each circumstance is a gift, and in each
experience is hidden a treasure…

“The world’s natural calamities and disasters—its tornados and hurricanes, volcanoes
and floods—its physical turmoils —are not created by you specifically.
These events are created by the combined consciousness of man. All of the world, co-
creating together, produces these experiences.
Events occur in the universe which no stretch of the imagination could claim you
instigated or created.
What is created by you is the degree to which these events touch your life.
What each of you do, individually, is move through them, deciding what, if anything,
they mean to you, and Who and What You Are in relationship to them.
Thus, you create collectively, and individually, the life and times you are experiencing,
for the soul purpose of evolving.

The World’s Calamities are Consequences of Mankind’s Collective Deeds, Not God’s
NDW: But if there is no hell [or any punishment for that matter], does that mean I can do
what I want, act as I wish, commit any act, without fear of retribution?
God: Is it fear that you need in order to be, do, and have what is intrinsically right? Must you
be threatened in order to “be good”? (You will find soon that Love is the greatest power that
leads you to obey, to do or to be.)
And what is “being good”? Who gets to have the final say about that? Who sets the
guidelines? Who makes the rules?
I tell you this: You are your own rule-maker. You set the guidelines. And you decide how
well you have done; how well you are doing. For you are the one who has decided Who and
What You Really Are—and Who You Want to Be. And you are the only one who can assess
how well you’re doing.
No one else will judge you ever, for why, and how, could God judge God’s own creation and
call it bad? If I wanted you to be and do everything perfectly, I would have left you in the
state of total perfection whence you came. The whole point of the process was for you to
discover yourself, create your Self, as you truly are—and as you truly wish to be. Yet you
could not be that unless you also had a choice to be something else.
Should I therefore punish you for making a choice that I Myself have laid before you? If I did
not want you to make the second choice, why would I create other than the first?
This is a question you must ask yourself before you would assign Me the role of a
condemning God.
The direct answer to your question is, yes, you may do as you wish without fear of
retribution. It may serve you, however, to be aware of consequences.
Consequences are results. Natural outcomes. These are not at all the same as retributions, or
punishments. Outcomes are simply that. They are what results from the natural application of
natural laws. They are that which occurs, quite predictably, as a consequence of what has
All physical life functions in accordance with natural laws. Once you remember these laws,
and apply them, you have mastered life at the physical level.
What seems like punishment to you—or what you would call evil, or bad luck—is nothing
more than a natural law asserting itself.”

Source: Conversations with God, volume 1

Neale Donald Walsch
Fuller Text
God of Greatest Gift of Love, Does Not Prefer to Punish but to Perfect

“The world is the way it is because it could not be any other way and still exist in the gross
realm of physicality. Earthquakes and hurricanes, floods and tornados, and events that you
call natural disasters are but movements of the elements from one polarity to the other (that
is, when mankind moves away from the positive or righteousness to the negative or
wickedness). The whole birth-death cycle is part of this movement. These are the rhythms of
life, and everything in gross reality is subject to them, because life itself is a rhythm. It is a
wave, a vibration, a pulsation at the very heart of the All That Is.
Illness and disease are opposites of health and wellness, and are made manifest in your reality
at your behest. You cannot be ill without at some level causing yourself to be, and you can be
well again in a moment by simply deciding to be. Deep personal disappointments are
responses which are chosen, and worldwide calamities are the result of worldwide
Your question infers that I choose these events, that it is My will and desire they should
occur. Yet I do not will these things into being, I merely observe you doing so. And I do
nothing to stop them, because to do so would be to thwart your will. That, in turn, would
deprive you of the God experience, which is the experience you and I have chosen together.
Do not condemn, therefore, all that you would call bad in the world. Rather, ask yourself,
what about this have you judged bad, and what, if anything, you wish to do to change it.
Inquire within, rather than without, asking: “What part of my Self do I wish to experience
now in the face of this calamity? What aspect of being do I choose to call forth?” For all of
life exists as a tool of your own creation, and all of its events merely present themselves as
opportunities for you to decide, and be, Who You Are.
This is true for every soul, and so you see there are no victims in the universe, only creators.
The Masters who have walked this planet all knew this. That is why, no matter which Master
you might name, none imagined themselves to be victimized—though many were truly
Each soul is a Master—though some do not remember their origins or their heritages. Yet
each creates the situation and the circumstance for its own highest purpose and its own
quickest remembering—in each moment called now.
Judge not, then, the karmic path walked by another. Envy not success, nor pity failure, for
you know not what is success or failure in the soul’s reckoning. Call not a thing calamity, nor
joyous event, until you decide, or witness, how it is used. For is a death a calamity if it saves
the lives of thousands? And is a life a joyous event if it has caused nothing but grief? Yet
even this you should not judge, but keep always your own counsel, and allow others theirs.
This does not mean ignore a call for help, nor the urging of your own soul to work toward the
change of some circumstance or condition. It does mean avoiding labels and judgment while
you do whatever you do. For each circumstance is a gift, and in each experience is hidden a
Neale Donald Walsch - Conversations With God - Book 1, Segment 11 (8:14 mins)


There was once a soul who knew itself to be the light. This was a new soul, and so, anxious
for experience. “I am the light,” it said. “I am the light.” Yet all the knowing of it and all the
saying of it could not substitute for the experience of it. And in the realm from which this
soul emerged, there was nothing but the light. Every soul was grand, every soul was
magnificent, and every soul shone with the brilliance of My awesome light. And so the little
soul in question was as a candle in the sun. In the midst of the grandest light —of which it
was a part—it could not see itself, nor experience itself as Who and What it Really Is.
Now it came to pass that this soul yearned and yearned to know itself. And so great was its
yearning that I one day said, “Do you know, Little One, what you must do to satisfy this
yearning of yours?”

“Oh, what, God? What? I’ll do anything!” The little soul said.
“You must separate yourself from the rest, of us,” I answered, “and then you must call upon
yourself the darkness.’
“What is the darkness, o Holy One?” the little soul asked.
“That which you are not,” I replied, and the soul understood.
And so this the soul did, removing itself from the All, yea, going even unto another realm.
And in this realm the soul had the power to call into its experience all sorts of darkness. And
this it did.
Yet in the midst of all the darkness did it cry out, “Father, Father, why hast Thou forsaken
me?” Even as have you in your blackest times. Yet I have never forsaken you, but stand by
you always, ready to remind you of Who You Really Are; ready, always ready, to call you
Therefore, be a light unto the darkness, and curse it not.
And forget not Who You Are in the moment of your encirclement by that which you are not.
But do you praise to the creation, even as you seek to change it.
And know that what you do in the time of your greatest trial can be your greatest triumph. For
the experience you create is a statement of Who You Are—and Who You Want to Be.
I have told you this story—the parable of the little soul and the sun—so that you might better
understand why the world is the way it is—and how it can change in an instant the moment
everyone remembers the divine truth of their highest reality.
Now there are those who say that life is a school, and that these things which you observe and
experience in your life are for your learning. I have addressed this before, and I tell you
You came into this life with nothing to learn—you have only to demonstrate what you
already know. In the demonstration of it will you function it out, and create yourself anew,
through your experience. Thus do you justify life, and give it purpose. Thus do you render it
NDW: Are you saying that all the bad things that happen to us are things of our own
choosing? Do you mean that even the world’s calamities and disasters are, at some level,
created by us so that we can “experience the opposite of Who We Are”? And, if so, isn’t there
some less painful way—less painful to ourselves and others—to create opportunities for us to
experience ourselves?
God: You’ve asked several questions, and they are all good ones. Let’s take them one at a
No, not all the things which you call bad which happen to you are of your own choosing. Not
in the conscious sense—which you mean. They are all of your own creation.

You are always in the process of creating. Every moment. Every minute. Every day. How you
can create we’ll go into later. For now, just take my word for it—you are a big creation
machine, and you are turning out a new manifestation literally as fast as you can think.
Events, occurrences, happenings, conditions, circumstances—all are created out of
consciousness. Individual consciousness is powerful enough. You can imagine what kind of
creative energy is unleashed whenever two or more are gathered in My name. And mass
consciousness? Why, that is so powerful it can create events and circumstances of worldwide
import and planetary consequences.
It would not be accurate to say—not in the way you mean it—that you are choosing these
consequences. You are not choosing them anymore than I am choosing them. Like Me, you
are observing them. And deciding Who You Are with regard to them.
Yet there are no victims in the world, and no villains. And neither are you a victim of the
choices of others. At some level you have all created that which you say you detest—and,
having created it, you have chosen it.
This is an advanced level of thinking, and it is one which all Masters reach sooner or later.
For it is only when they can accept responsibility for all of it that they can achieve the power
to change part of it.
So long as you entertain the notion that there is something or someone else out there “doing
it” to you, you disempower yourself to do anything about it. Only when you say “I did this”
can you find the power to change it.
It is much easier to change what you are doing than to change what another is doing.
The first step in changing anything is to know and accept that you have chosen it to be what it
is. If you can’t accept this on a personal level, agree to it through your understanding that. We
are all One. Seek then to create change not because a thing is wrong, but because it no longer
makes an accurate statement of Who You Are.
There is only one reason to do anything: as a statement to the universe of Who You Are.
Used in this way, life becomes Self creative. You use life to create your Self as Who You
Are, and Who You’ve Always Wanted to Be. There is also only one reason to un-do
anything: because it is no longer a statement of Who You Want to Be. It does not reflect you.
It does not represent you. (That is, it does not re-present you…)
If you wish to be accurately re-presented, you must work to change anything in your life
which does not fit into the picture of you that you wish to project into eternity.
In the largest sense, all the “bad” things that happen are of your choosing. The mistake is not
in choosing them, but in calling them bad. For in calling them bad, you call your Self bad,
since you created them.
This label you cannot accept, so rather than label your Self bad, you disown your own
creations. It is this intellectual and spiritual dishonesty which lets you accept a world in which
conditions are as they are. If you had to accept—or even felt a deep inner sense of—personal
responsibility for the world, it would be a far different place. This would certainly be true if
everyone felt responsible. That this is so patently obvious is what makes it so utterly painful,
and so poignantly ironic.

Neale Donald Walsch - Conversations With God - Book 1, Segment 12 (13:13 mins)

The world’s natural calamities and disasters—its tornados and hurricanes, volcanoes and
floods—its physical turmoils—are not created by you specifically. What is created by you is
the degree to which these events touch your life.
Events occur in the universe which no stretch of the imagination could claim you instigated
or created.
These events are created by the combined consciousness of man. All of the world, co-creating
together, produces these experiences. What each of you do, individually, is move through
them, deciding what, if anything, they mean to you, and Who and What You Are in
relationship to them.
Thus, you create collectively, and individually, the life and times you are experiencing, for
the soul purpose of evolving.

You’ve asked if there is a less painful way to undergo this process—and the answer is yes—
yet nothing in your outward experience will have changed. The way to reduce the pain which
you associate with earthly experiences and events—both yours and those of others—is to
change the way you behold them.
You cannot change the outer event (for that has been created by the lot of you, and you are
not grown enough in your consciousness to alter individually that which has been created
collectively), so you must change the inner experience. This is the road to mastery in living.
Nothing is painful in and of itself. Pain is a result of wrong thought. It is an error in thinking.
A Master can disappear the most grievous pain. In this way, the Master heals.
Pain results from a judgment you have made about a thing. Remove the judgment and the
pain disappears. [Note: Judgment refers to how you see a thing, and persons and situations
and treat them in response, be it in the form of appreciation and care or in the form of
indifference, disgust, neglect, hate or condemnation ; in other words, how you size them up
and react to them.]
Judgment is often based upon previous experience. Your idea about a thing derives from a
prior idea about that thing. Your prior idea results from a still prior idea—and that idea from
another, and so forth, like building blocks, until you get all the way back in the hall of mirrors
to what I call first thought.
All thought is creative, and no thought is more powerful than original thought. That is why
this is sometimes also called original sin. Original sin is when your first thought about a thing
is in error. That error is compounded many times over when you have a second or third
thought about a thing. It is the job of the Holy Spirit to inspire you to new understandings,
which can free you from your mistakes.
NDW: Are you saying that I shouldn’t feel bad about the starving children of Africa, the
violence and injustice in America, the earthquake that kills hundreds in Brazil?
There are no “shoulds” or “shouldn’ts” in God’s world. Do what you want to do. Do what
reflects you, what re-presents you as a grander version of your Self. If you want to feel bad,
feel bad.
But judge not, and neither condemn, for you know not why a thing occurs, nor to what end.
And remember you this: that which you condemn will condemn you, and that which you
judge, you will one day become.
Rather, seek to change those things—or support others who are changing those things—
which no longer reflect your highest sense of Who You Are.
Yet, bless all—for all is the creation of God, through life living, and that is the highest

NDW: Could we just stop here for a moment and let me catch my breath? Did I hear you say
there are no “shoulds” or “should nots” in God’s world?
God: That is correct.
NDW: How can that be? If there are none in Your world, where would they be?
NDW: I repeat the question. Where else would “shoulds” and “should nots” appear, if not in
Your world?
God: In your imagination.
NDW: But those who have taught me all about the rights and wrongs, the dos and don’ts, the
shoulds and shouldn’ts, told me all those rules were laid down by You—by God.
God: Then those who taught you were wrong. I have never set down a “right” or “wrong,” a
“do” or a “don’t.” To do so would be to strip you completely of your greatest gift—the
opportunity to do as you please, and experience the results of that; the chance to create
yourself anew in the image and likeness of Who You Really Are; the space to produce a
reality of a higher and higher you, based on your grandest idea of what it is of which you are
To say that something—a thought, a word, an action—is “wrong” would be as much as to tell
you not to do it. To tell you not to do it would be to prohibit you. To prohibit you would be to
restrict you. To restrict you would be to deny the reality of Who You Really Are, as well as
the opportunity for you to create and experience that truth.
There are those who say that I have given you free will, yet these same people claim that if
you do not obey Me, I will send you to hell. What kind of free will is that? Does this not
make a mockery of God—to say nothing of any sort of true relationship between us?
Well, now we’re getting into another area I wanted to discuss, and that’s this whole business
about heaven and hell. From what I’m gathering here, there is no such thing as hell.
There is hell, but it is not what you think, and you do not experience it for the reasons you
have been given.
NDW: What is hell?
God: It is the experience of the worst possible outcome of your choices, decisions, and
creations. It is the natural consequence of any thought which denies Me, or says no to Who
You Are in relationship to Me.
It is the pain you suffer through wrong thinking. Yet even the term “wrong thinking” is a
misnomer, because there is no such thing as that which is wrong.
Hell is the opposite of joy. It is unfulfillment. It is knowing Who and What You Are, and
failing to experience that. It is being less. That is hell, and there is none greater for your soul.

But hell does not exist as this place you have fantasized, where you burn in some everlasting
fire, or exist in some state of everlasting torment. What purpose could I have in that?
Even if I did hold the extraordinarily unGodly thought that you did not “deserve” heaven,
why would I have a need to seek some kind of revenge, or punishment, for your failing?
Wouldn’t it be a simple matter for Me to just dispose of you? What vengeful part of Me
would require that I subject you to eternal suffering of a type and at a level beyond
If you answer, the need for justice, would not a simple denial of communion with Me in
heaven serve the ends of justice? Is the unending infliction of pain also required?
I tell you there is no such experience after death as you have constructed in your fear-based
theologies. Yet there is an experience of the soul so unhappy, so incomplete, so less than
whole, so separated from God’s greatest joy, that to your soul this would be hell. But I tell
you I do not send you there, nor do I cause this experience to be visited upon you. You,
yourself, create the experience, whenever and however you separate your Self from your own
highest thought about you. You, yourself, create the experience, whenever you deny your
Self; whenever you reject Who and What You Really Are.
Yet even this experience is never eternal. It cannot be, for it is not My plan that you shall be
separated from Me forever and ever. Indeed, such a thing is an impossibility—for to achieve
such an event, not only would you have to deny Who You Are—I would have to as well. This
I will never do. And so long as one of us holds the truth about you, the truth about you shall
ultimately prevail.
NDW: But if there is no hell [or any punishment for that matter], does that mean I can do
what I want, act as I wish, commit any act, without fear of retribution?
God: Is it fear that you need in order to be, do, and have what is intrinsically right? Must you
be threatened in order to “be good”? (You will find soon that Love is the greatest power that
leads you to obey, to do or to be.)
And what is “being good”? Who gets to have the final say about that? Who sets the
guidelines? Who makes the rules?
I tell you this: You are your own rule-maker. You set the guidelines. And you decide how
well you have done; how well you are doing. For you are the one who has decided Who and
What You Really Are—and Who You Want to Be. And you are the only one who can assess
how well you’re doing.
No one else will judge you ever, for why, and how, could God judge God’s own creation and
call it bad? If I wanted you to be and do everything perfectly, I would have left you in the
state of total perfection whence you came. The whole point of the process was for you to
discover yourself, create your Self, as you truly are—and as you truly wish to be. Yet you
could not be that unless you also had a choice to be something else.
Should I therefore punish you for making a choice that I Myself have laid before you? If I did
not want you to make the second choice, why would I create other than the first?
This is a question you must ask yourself before you would assign Me the role of a
condemning God.
The direct answer to your question is, yes, you may do as you wish without fear of
retribution. It may serve you, however, to be aware of consequences.
Consequences are results. Natural outcomes. These are not at all the same as retributions, or
punishments. Outcomes are simply that. They are what results from the natural application of
natural laws. They are that which occurs, quite predictably, as a consequence of what has
All physical life functions in accordance with natural laws. Once you remember these laws,
and apply them, you have mastered life at the physical level.
What seems like punishment to you—or what you would call evil, or bad luck—is nothing
more than a natural law asserting itself.


NDW: Then if I were to know these laws, and obey them, I would never have a moment’s
trouble again. Is that what you’re telling me?
You would never experience your Self as being in what you call “trouble.” You would not
understand any life situation to be a problem. You would not encounter any circumstance
with trepidation. You would put an end to all worry, doubt, and fear. You would live as you
fantasize Adam and Eve lived— not as disembodied spirits in the realm of the absolute, but
as embodied spirits in the realm of the relative. Yet you would have all the freedom, all the
joy, all the peace, and all the wisdom, understanding and power of the Spirit you are. You
would be a fully realized being.
This is the goal of your soul. This is its purpose—to fully realize itself while in the body; to
become the embodiment of all that it really is. This is My plan for you. This is My ideal: that
I should become realized through you. That thus, concept is turned into experience, that I
might know my Self experientially.
The Laws of the Universe are laws that I laid down. They are perfect laws, creating perfect
function of the physical.
Have you ever seen anything more perfect than a snowflake? Its intricacy, its design, its
symmetry, its conformity to itself and originality from all else—all are a mystery. You
wonder at the miracle of this awesome display of Nature. Yet if I can do this with a single
snowflake, what think you I can do—have done —with the universe?
Were you to see the symmetry of it, the perfection of its design—from the largest body to the
smallest particle—you would not be able to hold the truth of it in your reality. Even now, as
you get glimpses of it, you cannot yet imagine or understand its implications. Yet you can
know there are implications—far more complex and far more extraordinary than your present
comprehension can embrace. Your Shakespeare said it wonderfully: There are more things in
Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
Then how can I know these laws? How can I learn them?
It is not a question of learning, but of remembering.
How can I remember them?
Begin by being still. Quiet the outer world, so that the inner world might bring you sight. This
in-sight is what you seek, yet you cannot have it while you are so deeply concerned with your
outer reality. Seek, therefore, to go within as much as possible. And when you are not going
within, come from within as you deal with the outside world. Remember this axiom:
If you do not go within, you go without.
Put it in the first person as you repeat it, to make it more personal:
If I do not go within
I go without

You have been going without all your life. Yet you do not have to, and never did.
There is nothing you cannot be, there is nothing you cannot do. There is nothing you cannot
NDW: That sounds like a pie-in-the-sky promise.
God: What other kind of promise would you have God make? Would you believe Me if I
promised you less?
For thousands of years people have disbelieved the promises of God for the most
extraordinary reason: they were too good to be true. So you have chosen a lesser promise—a
lesser love. For the highest promise of God proceeds from the highest love. Yet you cannot
conceive of a perfect love, and so a perfect promise is also inconceivable. As is a perfect
person. Therefore you cannot believe even in your Self.
Failing to believe in any of this means failure to believe in God. For belief in God produces
belief in God’s greatest gift—unconditional love—and God’s greatest promise—unlimited
Source: Conversations with God, volume 1
Neale Donald Walsch
Men are God’s joy when in his order they become what they are meant to be.
In them God finds again his equals,
and their constant growth in all kinds of knowledge and love;
wisdom and beauty are his bliss.
The Great Gospel of John, vol.2
The Hidden & True
Why We Cannot Blame
Lucifer & His Illuminati


December 2016

The Hidden & True Reason Why We Cannot Blame Lucifer & His Illuminati

Reason: We are part of the entire Lucifer! The collective Lucifer!

“In order to understand all this, it is particularly necessary that you realize who this
prodigal son actually is. As I show you the prodigal son—though by name only—truly, you
must have been hit with more than seven-fold blindness, if you would not notice instantly that
a large cover was taken from off your eyes; and now prepare yourselves and hear the name!
“See, he is called ‘Lucifer!’ - See, in this name is for you the entire eternally
incomprehensible and endless compendium of the prodigal son.
“Now think; that the existing, almost all of humanity are nothing but limbs [members] of
this prodigal son, and in fact it is primarily composed of those people, which descended out
of Adam’s cursed line. See: this lost son has taken all his [abounding] capabilities, which was
due him, and is wasting it—according to your understanding—in endlessly long-lasting time-
“You know from the story of the prodigal son how his fate ended.”
Source: The 12 Hours
Remarks: We, who became what Jesus called the Great Cosmic Man (whole cosmos) are
the fallen angels, prodigal sons. To the billions! Inhabiting the earth, and other countless
planets and stars! So, that is why, we should not accuse that “they” are the only Illuminati
(Dark Cabal); we too are!
Truth is, they just form the upper part, we the grassroot limbs!
Same of whom the Scriptures says, For God so loved the world (prodigal son/s) that He
gave His only Son to die for them!
Same for whom Christ said, “I came not for the healthy but for the sick, the lost and the
Same who were created to be the image and likeness of God. And behold, they are!
Read “Conversations with God” by Neale Donald Walsch to see the wonderful process
going on!

With that context in mind, we are now capable of overcoming our pride and activating
our true humility, meekness, mercy and compassion!
The Household of God, volume 1, chapter 2:8
Of the Hindu religion
...infernal supporters of ...
Note: Research shows that these are the ‘sadhus’ or holy men of India!?
Called the ‘Sati’, an ancient Hindu practice; also called immolation.
A kind of forgiveness
Sanskrit (The Holy Writings) see The Household of God, vol. 3, 192:12
Or reformation
To suggest divine inspiration or of paradisiacal nature
Exodus 7-11

2nd hour, #14;pre-Flood
A lasso or rope
Godly divine wisdom, visions and spiritual enlightenment
The Hull of the ship is divided into ‘between-decks’, decks that are lower in height
Translators note: The German word here is ‘Stein-brod-ziegel’, (stone-smell, damp, fume-brick) believed to be a
‘Steinbrot’ or stone bread; sourdough bread that was first backed in great quantities and stacked, and later kept [somewhat]
moist by the drinking water provided to the slaves. Some people also think it was a heavy black-bread similar to long lasting
bread given later to solders!? “He who has no love is a sinner before Me” - The Childhood of Jesus.

Either longboats, dories or rowboats with two or more oars.

Greek mythology meaning “suck down” as a sea monster does; or simply said: “caught between two evils” or “caught
between a rock and a hard place”. Charybdis was a whirlpool monster and goddess of tides
The Appalachian Mountain range.
See Hour 4:18.
The original word is “Hetzpeitsche”, it is a whip that was/is used to drive horse drawn carriages.

A type of oats cooked in water.


Research shows this to be a long rod with prongs at the end.


Flagellate: To whip or flog.
A unit of weight equivalent to 50 kilogram.

a “yard” is a horizontal spar on a sailing mast from which the sails are set.
...Like a tightrope walker ...

Keen judgment or discernment.

Original word is “Klaftern”. It is an old Austrian measurement; 1 Klafter/6 feet=2.9 meter = 9.514 feet.

Epheta; Aramaic for “Be thou opened or “will open”.
Translators note: The German word here is ‘Steinbode’ and difficult to translate. Stein = stone, rock; brode(n)
=smell, damp fume, haze, also breath or vapour. Maybe it was a kind of strong sourdough bread?!
Deliberate breach of faith; calculated violation of trust.


Australia’s Latitude/Longitude 35° 31S, 149° 13E.
Believed to be the Indian Ocean atolls, coral atolls or barrier reefs?!
Believed to be the Nullarbor Plain on the Great Australian Bight?!
Or 517-997 km2
The German version reads “east” coast (Ostkueste), the Translator believes this to be a print error since all the
mentioned colonies are on the north, west and south coast of Australia, and were first discovered by the Dutch in the 17th
Northern Territory.
Western Australia on the South Indian Ocean.
Now called Tamala, Western Australia on the South Indian Ocean.
Now called Dirk Hartog Island, Western Australia on the South Indian Ocean.
In Western Australia on the South Indian Ocean (1622).
In South Australia on the Southern Ocean.
In South Australia on the Southern Ocean.
In Western Australia on the South Indian Ocean.
In South Australia & Victoria on the Southern Ocean.
Sydney Harbour
First named Sting Rays Harbour then changed to “Botany” Bay according to the abundance of plants found by Sir J.
South Indian Ocean.
In Western Australia.
Perth W. A.
A former southern province of Holland.
The Dutch discovered Australia in 1606.

The fruit of a Sapindaceous tree (Ophiocaryon paradoxum), the embryo of which resembles a snake coiled up.
Curtain Fig tree, part of the Strangler fig family.
Carob bean or locust bean.
The Poison tree; bohon-upas, (Antiaris toxicaria)
White-bellied Sea-Eagle.?!
Called vestigial wings.

See Hour 6:43 - he died during the long voyage.

Also known as bailiff.

Oceania and Polynesia

Translators note: Young, wild horses are “broken” into submission.
Translators note: Semul (Salmalia malabarica), or (red) Silk Cotton tree.
Also known as palanquins or litter (a human vehicle).

Part of Papua New Guinea
Territory of New Caledonia and Dependencies
Today: Tasmania (discovered by Abel J. Tasman who was sent by van Diemen to explore Terra Australis; who also
discovered New Zealand.
Separates New Zealand’s North Island and South Island.
Decedents from Cain, Genesis 4 and in the Qur’an 5.
Or Citadels

Translators note: Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5.

Extreme greed for wealth or material gain.
Spirits are ever evolving in the hereafter.
Tahiti [French Polynesia]
Nitre [saltpetre -salt peter] or sal-nitre, used in gunpowder.

or merlon [s].


Austrian Klafter [old measurement] = 1.8965 meter or 1.8965 meter =74.665 inch = 2.074 yard.
Or public servants.

A whip used for punishment.
It was called “closed country” or sakoku policy.

Shinto Priests.

Acidification: unripe fruit is sour because the acid level is high; the acidic juice is sometimes used in the preservation of
food etc.
Russia - Karafuto.

Ainu race.
Yedo [Jeddo] was the name of Tokyo until 1868.
Also known as the Sumida River.
Belonging to Russia now.
See: “Research into the physical history of mankind”, by J. Cowels Prichard.
Jesso - Yezo, present day Hokkaido
Tsugaru Strait
Present day Osaka

Present day Shikoku
Ainu race.
Also mentioned in the book “Himmelsgaben” - Grund und Wesen des Zweiten Gesichts [Heavenly Gifts’ - Reason and
Being of the Second Face ]; not yet translated into English - 2010
Read the ‘Household of God”, 1:31-34.

The 10th Hour is also partly reprinted in the book “Himmelsgaben” [Heavenly Gifts], which is not yet available in
English [2010].
Jakob Lorber and his friends were primarily born in Austria.
The spirit within us.

From the German word “Wirkungssphaere” meaning: His own sphere of action.

In brief: A sovereign must first unite his country within himself—his heart, before ruling his people; or he, like

other more educated sovereigns becomes a puppet and appeases his subjects with one constitution over another [he gives the
people what they want] for fear of losing his throne.
Translators note: Also known as Second sight, Foresight, or visions.
or oneiric visions

Psyche: the human soul, mind, or spirit. Also, psychic: 1) pertaining to forces or mental processes outside the possibilities
defined by natural
Translators note: All people carry a Spirit-spark within their soul [since we are made in God’s image and likeness]. Each
individual must awaken this Spirit-spark as part of God [which is, “Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Colossians 1: 24-29)].
This “Spirit-spark” is also called “The sleeping inhabitant.” Furthermore, the three fundamental reasons are: 1) the body, 2)
the soul, and 3) the “Spirit-spark.” The Spirit-spark lives within the soul, and the body covers both the soul and the Spirit-
Precede: forego, come before, in order, time, in importance.
Objectivity: 1) Not influenced by personal feelings or opinions. 2) Not dependent on the mind for existence; actual. [Ask
Oxford. com]
Translators note: The soul is capable of stepping outside the body and consciously observes all material surrounding,
including her own shell: the body.
Both soul and spirit are capable of reaching an increased state of mind.

From the Latin: fluidum; fluid, liquid; or the emanating effect, energy; flair, invisible, ethereal, stream out of, etc.
A radiating [energy] soul.
From the Greek phainnomenon, meaning ‘to appear’ in view’.
The spirit of God in a person’s soul.
Also, a psychic state of prediction.

Translators note: Matthew 19:26 “Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things
are possible." Knowledge alone does not help to attain salvation, but action does! The Great Gospel of John vol. 6, 227

In the German language this Bible story is called: “Der verlorener Sohn”, meaning: The lost son.
Translators note: Development; Each created being or nature is in development for eternities; everything that has been
and will be created evolves or develops infinitely.
Legal philosophy in court
The administration of justice or legal system.

A concise but comprehensive summary of a larger work
… or members
Or: in a detailed panoramic view.
The Apathy and indifference in the system.

The global south.
…dressed in vogue.

“Rigorosums” from the Latin rigor starr = strict or rigorous.
See: 10th hour – the second face.

This Prophetic Number constitutes One human being collectively [1 Corinthians 12:12,14, 20; Galatians 3:16; Isaiah
Read: Isaiah 54:2
…the “last days”.

“Camera obscura”; Latin for veiled chamber [such as a devise, i.e. pinhole camera for projecting an image on a screen,
either through a pinhole or a lens]. Wikipedia

Read the “Great Gospel of John” by J.L. volume 4, VI/246:8. This Great Cosmic Man represents in his general outline
the prodigal son who is at the point of returning;
Tiny little globes or pellets
Translators note: The German word is “Hülsenglobe”; “Hülsen-“meaning shell or envelope, and is mentioned in several
New Revelation writings as for instance in the Great Gospel of John, (vol. 2, II /57 [1], vol. 4, VI/245-248). The “Shell
Globe” is also mentioned in the book: Robert Blum, vol. 1, chapter 296; The Natural Sun, chapters 5 & 6.
Translators note: A shell-globe is one atom of the big creation-man, also known as the universal man, and consists of five
hierarchies of suns each with its orbiting systems. In sequence the shell-globe with the primordial-central-sun, the galaxy-
clusters, galaxies, sphere-star-clusters, sun-systems and natural planets and moons, of those only the size of the galaxy-
clusters is known scientifically which however, are located in great immeasurable distances. Note:

A globe of countless stars.
‘The Great Gospel of John’ vol.1, II /57 [1]; Pg. 269/7. Shell globe is the term used for the compound of decillion times
decillion suns which as central suns of primary, secondary, tertiary and fourth order, together with countless planetary suns
like that of our earth, all revolve in wide and extensive paths around a common, immeasurably great centre which is an also
almost endless great principle central sun. … Angels attend to managing the worlds.

A Trillion has 12 zeros
The German word is: ‘Schimmergrieswolke’ translated means shimmer - grit or semolina, etc. – cloud.
These star-systems corresponds scientifically from the biggest to the smallest system: The atom (the shell-globe) is a
galaxies-pile-cluster, then comes the galaxy-clusters as sun-world-region, then the sun-universe or outer-space as galaxies,
then the sphere-star-clusters as sun-area, in which our sun is at home (here is the Sirius with his orbiting suns).
Ephesians 4:13

1 Corinthians 12:27 “Now ye are the body of Christ and members in particular…” [King James Bible]
John 3:3,7
Or the House of the Lord!
John 14:2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for
you. [King James Bible]
1 Corinthians 12:12 For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many,
are one body:…; Romans 12:4 For as we have many members in one body… [King James Bible]

Isaiah 14:3-20; Luke 10:18; 2 Peter 1:19; Revelation 12:9, etc
ensoul: - give a soul to, to endow someone with a soul – keep deep within, to cherish deeply something such as a feeling
or memory.
Noble; gracious (merciful), righteous, good, self-sacrificing etc...
Translators note: all matter decays, becomes crumbly, liquefies, or disintegrates.
Poultice: a warm moist preparation placed on an aching or inflamed part of the body to ease pain…

Translators note: Even stones have a consciousness; read: Luke 19:40 [28-41]
Avidity: Eagerness or greed

‘In the beyond everything, however secret it may have been kept, will become evident right to the smallest detail’. (The
Great Gospel of John by J.L.)
“Coming of the Lord”

The Household of God, volume 1, chapter 2:8
Of the Hindu religion
...infernal supporters of ...
Note: Research shows that these are the ‘sadhus’ or holy men of India!?
Called the ‘Sati’, an ancient Hindu practice; also called immolation.
A kind of forgiveness
Sanskrit (The Holy Writings) see The Household of God, vol. 3, 192:12
Or reformation
To suggest divine inspiration or of paradisiacal nature
Exodus 7-11

2nd hour, #14;pre-Flood
A lasso or rope
Godly divine wisdom, visions and spiritual enlightenment
The Hull of the ship is divided into ‘between-decks’, decks that are lower in height
Translators note: The German word here is ‘Stein-brod-ziegel’, (stone-smell, damp, fume-brick) believed to be a
‘Steinbrot’ or stone bread; sourdough bread that was first backed in great quantities and stacked, and later kept [somewhat]
moist by the drinking water provided to the slaves. Some people also think it was a heavy black-bread similar to long lasting
bread given later to solders!? “He who has no love is a sinner before Me” - The Childhood of Jesus.

Either longboats, dories or rowboats with two or more oars.

Greek mythology meaning “suck down” as a sea monster does; or simply said: “caught between two evils” or “caught
between a rock and a hard place”. Charybdis was a whirlpool monster and goddess of tides
The Appalachian Mountain range.
See Hour 4:18.
The original word is “Hetzpeitsche”, it is a whip that was/is used to drive horse drawn carriages.

A type of oats cooked in water.


Research shows this to be a long rod with prongs at the end.


Flagellate: To whip or flog.
A unit of weight equivalent to 50 kilogram.

a “yard” is a horizontal spar on a sailing mast from which the sails are set.
...Like a tightrope walker ...
Keen judgment or discernment.

Original word is “Klaftern”. It is an old Austrian measurement; 1 Klafter/6 feet=2.9 meter = 9.514 feet.

Epheta; Aramaic for “Be thou opened or “will open”.
Translators note: The German word here is ‘Steinbode’ and difficult to translate. Stein = stone, rock; brode(n)
=smell, damp fume, haze, also breath or vapour. Maybe it was a kind of strong sourdough bread?!
Deliberate breach of faith; calculated violation of trust.


Australia’s Latitude/Longitude 35° 31S, 149° 13E.
Believed to be the Indian Ocean atolls, coral atolls or barrier reefs?!
Believed to be the Nullarbor Plain on the Great Australian Bight?!
Or 517-997 km2
The German version reads “east” coast (Ostkueste), the Translator believes this to be a print error since all the mentioned
colonies are on the north, west and south coast of Australia, and were first discovered by the Dutch in the 17th century.
Northern Territory.
Western Australia on the South Indian Ocean.
Now called Tamala, Western Australia on the South Indian Ocean.
Now called Dirk Hartog Island, Western Australia on the South Indian Ocean.
In Western Australia on the South Indian Ocean (1622).
In South Australia on the Southern Ocean.
In South Australia on the Southern Ocean.
In Western Australia on the South Indian Ocean.
In South Australia & Victoria on the Southern Ocean.
Sydney Harbour
First named Sting Rays Harbour then changed to “Botany” Bay according to the abundance of plants found by Sir J.
South Indian Ocean.
In Western Australia.
Perth W. A.
A former southern province of Holland.
The Dutch discovered Australia in 1606.

The fruit of a Sapindaceous tree (Ophiocaryon paradoxum), the embryo of which resembles a snake coiled up.
Curtain Fig tree, part of the Strangler fig family.
Carob bean or locust bean.
The Poison tree; bohon-upas, (Antiaris toxicaria)
White-bellied Sea-Eagle.?!
Called vestigial wings.

See Hour 6:43 - he died during the long voyage.
Also known as bailiff.

Oceania and Polynesia

Translators note: Young, wild horses are “broken” into submission.
Translators note: Semul (Salmalia malabarica), or (red) Silk Cotton tree.
Also known as palanquins or litter (a human vehicle).

Part of Papua New Guinea
Territory of New Caledonia and Dependencies
Today: Tasmania (discovered by Abel J. Tasman who was sent by van Diemen to explore Terra Australis; who also
discovered New Zealand.
Separates New Zealand’s North Island and South Island.

Decedents from Cain, Genesis 4 and in the Qur’an 5.
Or Citadels

Translators note: Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5.

Extreme greed for wealth or material gain.
Spirits are ever evolving in the hereafter.
Tahiti [French Polynesia]
Nitre [saltpetre -salt peter] or sal-nitre, used in gunpowder.

or merlon [s].


Austrian Klafter [old measurement] = 1.8965 meter or 1.8965 meter =74.665 inch = 2.074 yard.
Or public servants.

A whip used for punishment.
It was called “closed country” or sakoku policy.

Shinto Priests.

Acidification: unripe fruit is sour because the acid level is high; the acidic juice is sometimes used in the preservation of
food etc.
Russia - Karafuto.

Ainu race.
Yedo [Jeddo] was the name of Tokyo until 1868.
Also known as the Sumida River.
Belonging to Russia now.
See: “Research into the physical history of mankind”, by J. Cowels Prichard.
Jesso - Yezo, present day Hokkaido
Tsugaru Strait
Present day Osaka

Present day Shikoku
Ainu race.
Also mentioned in the book “Himmelsgaben” - Grund und Wesen des Zweiten Gesichts [Heavenly Gifts’ - Reason
and Being of the Second Face ]; not yet translated into English - 2010
Read the ‘Household of God”, 1:31-34.

The 10th Hour is also partly reprinted in the book “Himmelsgaben” [Heavenly Gifts], which is not yet available in
English [2010].
Jakob Lorber and his friends were primarily born in Austria.
The spirit within us.

From the German word “Wirkungssphaere” meaning: His own sphere of action.

In brief: A sovereign must first unite his country within himself—his heart, before ruling his people; or he,

like other more educated sovereigns becomes a puppet and appeases his subjects with one constitution over another [he
gives the people what they want] for fear of losing his throne.
Translators note: Also known as Second sight, Foresight, or visions.
or oneiric visions

Psyche: the human soul, mind, or spirit. Also, psychic: 1) pertaining to forces or mental processes outside the
possibilities defined by natural
Translators note: All people carry a Spirit-spark within their soul [since we are made in God’s image and likeness].
Each individual must awaken this Spirit-spark as part of God [which is, “Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Colossians 1: 24-
29)]. This “Spirit-spark” is also called “The sleeping inhabitant.” Furthermore, the three fundamental reasons are: 1) the
body, 2) the soul, and 3) the “Spirit-spark.” The Spirit-spark lives within the soul, and the body covers both the soul and the
Precede: forego, come before, in order, time, in importance.
Objectivity: 1) Not influenced by personal feelings or opinions. 2) Not dependent on the mind for existence; actual. [Ask
Oxford. com]
Translators note: The soul is capable of stepping outside the body and consciously observes all material surrounding,
including her own shell: the body.
Both soul and spirit are capable of reaching an increased state of mind.

From the Latin: fluidum; fluid, liquid; or the emanating effect, energy; flair, invisible, ethereal, stream out of, etc.
A radiating [energy] soul.
From the Greek phainnomenon, meaning ‘to appear’ in view’.
The spirit of God in a person’s soul.
Also, a psychic state of prediction.
Translators note: Matthew 19:26 “Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things
are possible." Knowledge alone does not help to attain salvation, but action does! The Great Gospel of John vol. 6, 227

In the German language this Bible story is called: “Der verlorener Sohn”, meaning: The lost son.
Translators note: Development; Each created being or nature is in development for eternities; everything that has been
and will be created evolves or develops infinitely.
Legal philosophy in court
The administration of justice or legal system.

A concise but comprehensive summary of a larger work
… or members
Or: in a detailed panoramic view.
The Apathy and indifference in the system.

The global south.
…dressed in vogue.

“Rigorosums” from the Latin rigor starr = strict or rigorous.
See: 10th hour – the second face.

This Prophetic Number constitutes One human being collectively [1 Corinthians 12:12,14, 20; Galatians 3:16; Isaiah
Read: Isaiah 54:2
…the “last days”.

“Camera obscura”; Latin for veiled chamber [such as a devise, i.e. pinhole camera for projecting an image on a screen,
either through a pinhole or a lens]. Wikipedia

Read the “Great Gospel of John” by J.L. volume 4, VI/246:8. This Great Cosmic Man represents in his general outline
the prodigal son who is at the point of returning;
Tiny little globes or pellets
Translators note: The German word is “Hülsenglobe”; “Hülsen-“meaning shell or envelope, and is mentioned in
several New Revelation writings as for instance in the Great Gospel of John, (vol. 2, II /57 [1], vol. 4, VI/245-248). The
“Shell Globe” is also mentioned in the book: Robert Blum, vol. 1, chapter 296; The Natural Sun, chapters 5 & 6.
Translators note: A shell-globe is one atom of the big creation-man, also known as the universal man, and consists of
five hierarchies of suns each with its orbiting systems. In sequence the shell-globe with the primordial-central-sun, the
galaxy-clusters, galaxies, sphere-star-clusters, sun-systems and natural planets and moons, of those only the size of the
galaxy-clusters is known scientifically which however, are located in great immeasurable distances. Note:

A globe of countless stars.
‘The Great Gospel of John’ vol.1, II /57 [1]; Pg. 269/7. Shell globe is the term used for the compound of decillion times
decillion suns which as central suns of primary, secondary, tertiary and fourth order, together with countless planetary suns
like that of our earth, all revolve in wide and extensive paths around a common, immeasurably great centre which is an also
almost endless great principle central sun. … Angels attend to managing the worlds.

A Trillion has 12 zeros
The German word is: ‘Schimmergrieswolke’ translated means shimmer - grit or semolina, etc. – cloud.
These star-systems corresponds scientifically from the biggest to the smallest system: The atom (the shell-globe) is a
galaxies-pile-cluster, then comes the galaxy-clusters as sun-world-region, then the sun-universe or outer-space as galaxies,
then the sphere-star-clusters as sun-area, in which our sun is at home (here is the Sirius with his orbiting suns).
Ephesians 4:13

1 Corinthians 12:27 “Now ye are the body of Christ and members in particular…” [King James Bible]
John 3:3,7
Or the House of the Lord!
John 14:2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for
you. [King James Bible]
1 Corinthians 12:12 For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being
many, are one body:…; Romans 12:4 For as we have many members in one body… [King James Bible]

Isaiah 14:3-20; Luke 10:18; 2 Peter 1:19; Revelation 12:9, etc
ensoul: - give a soul to, to endow someone with a soul – keep deep within, to cherish deeply something such as a
feeling or memory.
Noble; gracious (merciful), righteous, good, self-sacrificing etc...
Translators note: all matter decays, becomes crumbly, liquefies, or disintegrates.
Poultice: a warm moist preparation placed on an aching or inflamed part of the body to ease pain…

Translators note: Even stones have a consciousness; read: Luke 19:40 [28-41]
Avidity: Eagerness or greed

‘In the beyond everything, however secret it may have been kept, will become evident right to the smallest detail’. (The
Great Gospel of John by J.L.)
“Coming of the Lord”

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