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Airport Security

Airport security since the event of 9/ 11 has added another layer to the process of
traveling from or to destination with the United States the current regulation ensure safety for
Airlines generally consider children between the ages of 5 and 14 who travel without a
parent or guardian to be “unaccompanied minors”and also for kids between 15 and 17, but
unaccompanied minors service is typically optional, and also many airlines will not allow
children 7 and under to make connections at all, but in the event minor is old enough to change
planes, the will be assisted by airlines personnel.
If you intend to send an unaccompanied minor by plane, you will be required to fill out a
form detailing the child’s names , age, and others relevant information. Upon arrival, your child
will be escorted from the aircraft by an airlines representative and released to the responsible
adult named by you prior to departure.
Another fact to remember you are allowing your child to fly alone as an unaccompanied
minor, be sure to take every necessary precaution to ensure his a her safely. You have to make
sure your child carries plenty of emergency information for example: leave instructions on how
to handle flight delays or cancellations, including emergency contacts and means to play for
necessities, such as overnight accommodation. Your child should also carry identification, such
as a copy of his or her birth certificate.

Have your child has a photo of the person meeting him or her, as well as the person’s full
name, address, and phone number. You will need to provide contact information to the airlines as
well. The adult meeting your child at the destination airport should carry photo identification.
choosing the right destination for your trip is important when it comes to travelling with a child
who has a heart condition. You will have to factor in the temperature, transport, and distance
between your accommodation and nearest hospital or heart clinic. With the right preparation,
however, children with heart conditions can enjoy a family trip.
Older passengers with serious health issues do have some protections. And for that the air
carrier access act provides right to fliers with physical or mental impairment, no matter their age.
Any elderly person can be accompanied to their gate, or meet at the gate of their destination, by
an assistant, family member, or friend, even if the helper does not have a ticket. They just have to
show a government issued ID at the ticket counter. That way you can be sure that grandma gets
on her flight to visit her family.
Seniors are a dynamic group of travelers with a wide range of needs and requirements
when they travel. Airlines and airports are there to offer any help seniors may need on their air
travel journeys.
Senior citizens can ask for help in the airport, from the time they arrive until the time they
board. They can request assistance getting to the gate by asking at the check-in desk for a ride on
a cart or to access boarding with a wheelchair. Seniors can also request assistance at security,
where they may be able to go through a shorter line.
There are times when a senior may need extra help getting to the gate for their flight.
Airlines allow family members to get escort passes, similar to a boarding pass, for those with
mobility issues or disabilities to their departure gates. Some airlines will issue also escort passes
that allow you to meet incoming passengers at their arrival gates. Escort passes are not issued for
incoming international flights, due to customs and immigration regulations.

Also Most people think of unaccompanied minor programs with the airlines as just for
children traveling alone. But older passengers can often travel under the unaccompanied minor
program too. I offer a list of unaccompanied minor policies for the top U.S. airlines.
If your elderly parent is traveling alone, check into air travel assistance for
seniors. The Air Carrier Access Act requires airlines to offer assistance for boarding and
deplaning. The airline must also help passengers make connections when necessary. Once on the
plane, the airline must continue offering assistance as needed, but that does not include extensive
personal services. If your parent needs these more extensive personal services, plan to go along
for the flight.
Health issues complicate the travel process, but preparing for medical issues increases the
chances of a safe flight. Check with the traveler’s doctor before booking the trip. you may Find
out if any medical conditions may make it unsafe to fly , Seniors traveling with medications will
have no trouble transporting them through security as long as they're properly prepared.
Persons aged 75 and older can go through security without removing shoes or jackets
and may have a special line. If you use oxygen, check with your airlines; some require a
document signed by your doctor to allow it to be brought onboard. Be sure that liquid medicines
are separate from your toiletries. You can bring more than three ounces of liquid medicine, but
know that it will be screened separately.
It’s perfectly safe for you to walk through airport security scanners when you’re
pregnant, no matter what type of scanner is used, at the low levels of a metal detector , this
exposure is considered safe for everyone, including pregnant women. The same is true for the
hand-held scanning wands that are sometimes passed over individual passengers.
Also you may be worried that theses security screening machines take X-ray images similar to
those Thaler in hospital, but they don’t.

Travelling during pregnancy comes with some preparation, both physically and mentally.
One big concern is about airport security scanners and how safe they are for the pregnant woman
and the baby inside her. There is well-researched evidence that airport security scanners are safe
for you and your baby.
When you are scanned using airport metal detectors during pregnancy, it is perfectly safe.
These old-fashioned screeners are still used in many airports. Though they use magnetic fields
that are a form of radiation, they are “non-ionizing” radiation and are very low-frequency
electromagnetic fields. They merely detect any threatening object you may be carrying. They
create the same or lesser intensity of electromagnetic field as the various things we use in our
daily lives like electric lines, computers, other household appliances and even MRI machines
used in diagnostic tests. So, they are totally safe during pregnancy.
Pregnant passengers should be examined by their physician and carry documentation
stating the expected date of delivery, doctor’s contact information and blood type while
traveling. Some airlines require pregnant passengers to have a medical certificate signed by a
physician or midwife.

Many years ago airport security was not even an issue. People felt secure and safe and rarely
worried about being searched. As time went on, the prevealance of terrorism became an
increasing issue. There began more acts of terrorism by threatening and holding hostages on
board commercial planes. As these acts continued, the government as well as citizens became
vulnerable and an airport safety procedure was implemented as a way to ensure the safety of the
United States. The implemented procedures over the years included a check and scan of all carry
on and checked baggage, body scans, hire government airport employees, and a strict list of
carry-on items. This made travelers feel safer as it decreased the ability of terrorist to commit
vicious acts of violence. Over the years, airport security has become more stringent and traveling
now has become a huge inconvenience as well as a violation to the people’s civil rights

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