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University of West Alabama

5E Lesson Plan

Teacher: Koy Chapman

Date: 6/2/21
Subject Area / Reading/3
Course /
Grade Level:
Materials: Book
Access to PowerPoint

Standards: Read a book and give a summarization of the book. PowerPoint must contain 8/10 slides.
Objectives: Students will:
1. Choose a book inside the classroom
2. Read the book
3. Discuss what the book was about within the class
4. Create some ideas on paper of what the PowerPoint will consist of
5. Create PowerPoint giving a summary of the book
Differentiation Students will be able to choose a book inside the classroom.
Strategies: The teacher will give assistance into helping each child read the book.
The teacher will explain and give assistance of how PowerPoint is used.

The teacher will explain to the students the importance of PowerPoint and how it is used in education today. After doing so
the teacher will allow each child to pick a book in the classroom to read and give a summary about via PowerPoint.
Assessment The teacher will give important details containing to reading and the use of technology.
The teacher will give each child the opportunity to checkout a book in the classroom library. The book the student chooses will
be the book they give a summary on using PowerPoint. After choosing their book, students will have exactly three days to
finish reading there book.
Assessment The teacher will help each child find a book that is precise in there reading level and there interests.
After students finish reading there book, the teacher will allow each student to get out a pencil and paper. The pencil and
paper will allow students to get a rough draft of the summary of the book they read. The teacher will make sure each child is
on topic setting the stage for the grand finale, the PowerPoint.
Assessment The teacher will ask students important questions about the book and give assistance to those who tend to be
Students will now create there PowerPoint and begin learning different things about this important material. The teacher will
let each child create a basic PowerPoint then begin teaching the class about animations, inserting pictures, and translations
that can be created through PowerPoint.

Approved January, 2013

Assessment While students are working on their individual PowerPoint the student will observe each child and give assistance
to those who need it. The teacher will tell more advanced students how to “spice” up the PowerPoint a little bit.


Approved January, 2013

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