Classification of Newborns (Both Sexes) by Intrauterine Growth and Gestational Age

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Classification of newborns (both sexes) by intrauterine growth and gestational age Name Date of exam Lengt Hospital No. sex Head cto Race Birth weight. Gestational age Date of birth Weight percentiles Length percentiles 4600 4400 4200 4000 3800) ‘3600. 3400) 3200 ‘3000 2800 2600 400) 2200) 2000) 400 41600 +400) 4200 41000) 200 600 400, "24.5 26 27 28-20 a0 81 22 89 24 O5 06 Q7 20 90 40 41 42 49 Gosiaonal age week) Weight ia) Lanath fem) 7 (24.25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 94 95 96 37 3B 30 40 41 42.43 gq{tead circumference percentiles CGdeonal ego (ai {| Classification of infant” | Weight | Length | Head circ. 3 50) Large for 25 Gestational Age (LGA) id (90th percentile) Appropriate for Gestational Age (AGA) (1th to 90th percentile) Head areumterence (em) 0 24 DS 26 27 28:29 40 a1 22.93.44 O5 AG BT a8 30 40 41 42 43 “Place an"X" in tha appropriata box (LGA, AGA, or SGA) for weight, for Gostational age (week) length, and for head creumfarence. FIGURE 3-2. Classification of newborns (both sexes) by intrauterine growth and gestational age. (Reproduced, with permission, from Battaglia FC, Lubchenco LO: A practical classification for newborn infants by weight and gestational age. J Pediatr 1967;71:159; and Lubchenco LO et al: Intrauterine growth in length and head circumference as estimated from live births at gestational ages from 26 to 42 weeks. Pediatrics 1966;37:403. Courtesy of Ross Laboratories, Columbus, Ohio 43216,)

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