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Lecturer Name : Ustad Hanan Attaki

YouTube Channel Name : Arroya Channel

‫ان م َِن ِباهَّلل ِ أَع ُْو ُذ‬ َ ‫ِجي ِملرَّ ال َّشي‬

ِ ‫ْط‬
‫الرَّ ِحيْم الرَّ حْ َم ِن هَّللا ِ ِبسْ ِم‬
ۙ َّ‫اجر ُْوا َوالَّ ِذي َْن ٰا َم ُن ْوا الَّ ِذي َْن اِن‬ ٰ
َ ‫اللّ ِه َس ِبي ِْل ِفيْ َو َجا َه ُد ْوا َه‬
ٰۤ ُ ‫َغفُ ْو ٌر رَّ ِح ْيم وهّٰللا ۗرحْ م َ هّٰللا‬
َ ‫ٕى‬%ِِٕ ‫ت ِ َيرْ ج ُْو َن اول‬
‫ك‬ َ َ ُ َ ٌ
Arabic-Latin : Innallażīna āmanụ wallażīna hājarụ wa jāhadụ fī sabīlillāhi ulā`ika
yarjụna raḥmatallāh,wallāhu gafụrur raḥīm
Meaning : Surely those who believe,and those who emigrate and fight in the way of
Allah,are people who expect Allah's grace.Allah is Forgiving,Most Merciful.
(Q.S Al-Baqarah verse 218).
Ar-roja (hope in Allah SWT). The scholars say that hoping in Allah is worship
one of the worship of the heart. In fact, it is a very special type of worship that does
not need to be done by exerting energy or giving away property or having to do
special procedures such as prayer services. This worship is a light worship, worship
that is easy to do by involving our feelings and hearts. Even the scholars say that
someone who never hopes in Allah is an arrogant person,Allah says in Q.S Al-Alaq
verse 6:

‫َل َي ْط َغ ٰ ٓى ٱإْل ِن ٰ َس َن إِنَّ َكٓاَّل‬

Arabic-Latin : Kallaa innal insaana layatghaa
Meaning : Know! In fact humans really do exceed the limit.
This means that he easily slips against sin, he will easily give up and
complain, ar-ro'a hustagna when he feels he has enough and no longer hopes in Allah
SWT, then Allah SWT says "Antumul-fuqara'ilallahi"

O human, you are indigent to Allah SWT. The meaning of the poor here really
needs Allah SWT.So that friends who are blessed by Allah SWT, try to think back to
the smallest of our hopes for Allah SWT. The more we hope to Allah for his goodness,
grace, forgiveness, love, the greater the worship of our hearts.
Hoping in Allah is hope that will not disappoint, if we hope in humans we
will likely be disappointed, not because people are not good, even good people can
make us disappointed. Why? Because a good person has limitations,he is forgetful,so
when he hopes for something,he forgets.We'll be disappointed.
A good person is also a human being who has feelings of fatigue, sadness,
discomfort in his heart,sometimes he is also in a state of weak faith. So it's easy to
get baper with all the limitations he has as a creature.Even though he's a good
person, he still easily disappoints us.Hoping on parents,can make us disappointed.
Even though they really love us.Hoping on partners,partners also sometimes
disappoint us.
The greater the expectation to our partner,to creatures, to humans,the
greater the potential for our disappointment in life.So Allah said in Q.S Al-Baqarah
verse 218 earlier which taught us one way so that whatever we do,we will not be
disappointed.Want it by way of emigrating,want it by way of jihad.These are two
very heavy deeds.
Migration left the city of Mecca to Medina, leaving behind all property
carried out by the Muhajirin.If you don't hope in Allah,then it is impossible for
someone to dare to emigrate.How could you not? Then what made the Muhajirin
strong in heart and brave enough to carry out this migration with all kinds of risks
and consequences.
Their only strength is Ar-roja 'ilallah (they hope in Allah SWT). And Allah is a
substance that never disappoints anyone who expects it and is proven after the
Muhajirin migrated to the city of Medina.Allah shows goodness for good in their
lives,victory after victory in their preaching so that Allah really proves it. Allah never
disappoints his servants who expect it.
Then jihad, jihad is the heaviest practice, that is why Allah took these two
practices as examples of hijrah and jihad. Jihad is also fraught with risks.The
consequence of jihad is death.Yes, if his death, his death is easy. What if he is caught
by the enemy and then tortured and so on?
Jihad left his beloved family and may not come back forever. What makes
friends want to take all these risks by jihad? Even though they sometimes do jihad in
difficult conditions.Lack of food,minimal vehicles,sometimes they have to face
enemies who are much bigger and stronger than them in terms of weaponry.They
had to leave their newly married wives,they had to leave their young children behind
and they might never see their family in this world again.
What is their strength to bear all these risks,Ar-Roja (hope to Allah SWT),
therefore if we want to do great things in life,our strength is in hoping in Allah SWT.
The stronger we hope in Allah SWT,the bolder we face life's challenges.The more we
hope in Allah,the more patiently we wait for the help of Allah SWT to come.So the
Prophet SAW said in a hadith.The Prophet said:

َ‫الظنَّ ِباهَّلل ِ يُحْ سِ نُ َوه َُو إِالَّ أَ َح ُد ُك ْم َيمُو َتنَّ ال‬


2877 ‫مسلم رواه‬، ‫)رقم‬

"Do not let someone among you die, except in a state of being kind to Allah."
(Reported by Muslim) "

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