Mathematical Model - v2

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Model matematika:
untuk mendeskripsikan sifat dinamika suatu sistem, yaitu untuk
menggambarkan hubungan antar variabel dalam sistem tsb.

Umumnya berupa Persamaan Differential

Jika berbentuk linear (atau dapat di-linear-kan)  dapat digunakan
Transformasi Laplace  mempermudah mencari solusinya.

Transfer Function
Suatu fungsi yang menyatakan hubungan antara input-output suatu
sistem. Dalam Trans Laplace, TF adalah hubungan antar input-
output suatu sistem, dengan asumsi semua kondisi awal=0.

Modeling in the Frequency Domain

Electrical Network Transfer Functions:
Using Table 2.3:
For the capacitor,

For the resistor,

For the inductor,

Note the pattern:

Try to solve Ex 2.13 p.56 !!


a. Forces on M1 due only to motion of M1; b. forces on M1 due only to motion of M2;
c. all forces on M1

a. Forces on M2 due only to motion of M2; b. forces on M2 due only to motion of M1;
c. all forces on M2

Note the pattern:

Example 2.18:
Threedegrees- of-freedom translational mechanical system
K, D, and J are called spring constant, coefficient of viscous friction, and
moment of inertia, respectively

a. Physical system; b. schematic; c. block diagram

Figure (a) shows the torques on J1 if J2 is held still and J1 rotated. Figure (b) shows
the torques on J1 if J1 is held still and J2 rotated. Figure (c), the final free-body
diagram for J1.

Figure (a) Torques on J2 due only to the motion of J2; (b) torques on J2 due only to
the motion of J1; (c) final free-body diagram for J2

The equations of motion,

the transfer function:

Note the pattern:

Example 2.20:

Three-degrees of-freedom rotational system

If the gears are lossless,

Rotational system driven by gears,


(a) Rotational system driven by gears

(c) equivalent system at the input after reflection of impedances

The equation of motion:

the transfer function:

Gear train:

(a). System using a gear train; (b). equivalent system at the input; (c). block diagram
DC Motor:

a loop equation around the armature circuit:

the transfer function,

these constants can be obtained through a dynamometer test of the motor,

the inverse Laplace transform,

operating at steady state with a dc voltage input:

Example 2.23:
5 turns toward either the positive 10 volts or the negative 10 volts yields a voltage
change of 10 volts. Thus, the transfer function is,

multiply by the gear ratio to arrive at the transfer function relating load
displacement to armature voltage:

The block diagram:

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