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JULY 2017
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Page 22
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Fu n This
ette rs
For ext

, use
giggles zes
nt si
a pes of
Lice nse trips! Can
you an d s h
s ea s on fo r r oa d
tters in th
e balloon
me is the ing the le
Summerti r d s b y u s
ast 20 wo
make at le elow ?
tes b
license pla

Water Balloon
1 . Balloon Bowling. Use empty
cans and plastic bottles as pins
and a water balloon as the ball.
Set the pins on a flat surface
outdoors and see how many
you can knock down.
2. Yard Toss. Place four rulers
(or other markers) at varying
distances. See who can toss
a water balloon the farthest
without bursting it.

ry Photo
3. Exploding Tag. Fill a few water
y ste A
balloons and set them
aside. Instead of tagging


another player, “It” Be sure

r on

Sand Sculpting 101 lightly tosses a water throw a o
pa ge 38 .

Heading to the beach? Bring recycled balloon at that person the pieces aft
the ball er
kitchen items—such as clean yogurt (below the neck). If oo ns
cups, drink cartons with the tops cut off, it doesn’t pop, that pop!
and ice-cream containers—to help build person becomes It!
your sandy creations. Plastic spoons,
knives, and forks work well, too.

Find the Pictures

Tongue Twister Can you find each of these
at another place 13 pictur
Colin in this magazine? es
Dear Reader By Christine French Cully
JULY 2017t70-6.&t/6.#&3t*446&/0 Editor in Chief
Founded in 1946 by Garry C. Myers, Ph.D.,
and Caroline Clark Myers
Editor in Chief: Christine French Cully

“Make It” a
Vice President, Magazine Group Editorial: Jamie Bryant
Creative Director: Marie O’Neill
Editor: Judy Burke
Art Director: Patrick Greenish, Jr.
Senior Editors: Joëlle Dujardin, Carolyn P. Yoder

Great July!
Associate Editor: Linda K. Rose
Assistant Editor: Allison Kane
Copy Editor: Joan Prevete Hyman
Editorial Assistant: Channing Kaiser
Senior Production Artist: Dave Justice
Contributing Science Editor: Andrew Boyles Much of summer vacation is
Editorial Offices: $IVSDI4USFFU )POFTEBMF 1" already behind us. Are you looking

It’s Highlights to the rescue! Here are

CEO: Kent S. Johnson
Vice President, International: Andy Shafran several ideas sparked by features in this month’s issue:
Senior Editor, International: Julie Stoehr
P.O. Box 269, Columbus, OH 43216-0269.
page 17. (You can send me a photo of what you make!)
Copyright © 2017, Highlights for Children, Inc.
All rights reserved. Then, with a parent’s permission, take turns challenging
HIGHLIGHTS FOR CHILDREN is published monthly.
*44/9 QSJOU

your friends—or yourself—with other odd combinations

of materials found around your home.
Designed for use in the classroom.
Sometimes we make our list of customer names and addresses t*TOUJUiDPPMwUIBUJDFQPQTXFSF JOWFOUFE FF
available to carefully screened companies whose products and
services might be of interest to you. We never provide children’s pages 22–23.) Think up your own recipe for a frozen trea
names. If you do not wish to receive these mailings, please contact
us and include your account number. t3FBEi-ZEJB%BSSBHIT4FDSFU .JTTJPO
Printed by RR Donnelley, Glasgow, KY. (pages 26–27), which is about a true event
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To order, make a payment, change your address, %SBXQJDUVSFTUPHPXJUIJU PS F UIF
or for other customer-service needs, such as changing
your contact preference, please contact us: story to create a play to perform..
And remember, you can always wriite a letter to
t8SJUF10#PY )BSMBO *" Highlights. Tell us about your summe ! We’ll
As part of our mission to help make the world a better place
for the children of today and tomorrow, Highlights is committed
write back to you.
to making responsible business decisions that will protect our
natural resources and reduce our environmental impact. Your friend,
AWARDS Highlights has been given awards by The Association
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Write to me!
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iParenting Media, Magazine Design and Production, National
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the Kids Privacy Safe Harbor program of the Children’s Advertising
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This magazine of wholesome fun
is dedicated to helping children grow in basic skills and knowledge,
in creativeness, in ability to think and reason,
in sensitivity to others, in high ideals and worthy ways of living—
for children are the world’s most important people .
70-6.&  Ŕ /6.#&3  Ŕ *446& /0 

Dear Highlights,
150 Years!
This year’s C
Day (July 1)
—Kelsey, Utah is a biggie,
150 years
since the na
Travel can be tough on pets, and many families of Canada
choose not to take them on vacation. We hope was “born.”
these tips help, Kelsey!




12 28
6 BrainPlay 10 Goofus and Gallant® 20 Your Favorite
Name some things you Gallant reaches out to kids Books
can color. who seem sad. Fun picks

7 Night’s Canvas 12 Potato-Salad Clues from kids.

An art show in the sky What’s the missing ingredient? 21 Paws

on the Fourth of July. and
14 Hidden Pictures®
8 Butterflies in Puzzle
Disguise Flamingo ring toss and
out an
Now you see them; picnic food.
now you don’t.
15 Jokes building in
“Ashley who?” U.S. history.

16 Crafts 22 Ice-a-
Make a patriotic crown licious!
that glows! Enjoy
five twists
18 My Sci on a cool
A geode’s crystals build up summer
over thousands of years. treat.
Out and Ab
It’s rare to
see a
desert tort
outside of

Abstract 28 Nature Watch

Fish How does a tortoise survive
Addie Osbahr extreme conditions?
30 Funderstorm
A baby-sitter thinks on his
feet when a storm rolls in.

32 5 Tricks to Try
“Levitate” a cup, and more!

34 Lighting the
Night Sky
24 Your Own Pages One of the biggest fireworks
displays in history.
See more creative work
by kids like Addie.
37 The Timbertoes®
40 Ask Arizona®
No one seems to respect
26 Lydia Darragh’s Spiffing up the tree house. Arizona’s stuff.
Secret Mission
Lydia had to warn the
38 Riddles 43 Picture Puzzler
Which kind of bagel can fly? Double o’s at the pool.
American soldiers quickly.

JULY 2017 5

S a

fu n
Do you on
know more ur bra
e yo

about a k
w i
taking care Wh s
of a f ish at makes a
or a bird? If yo
had u
WHY? g desc to
“That do
should a ca ribe
be in the just rot in
movies!” . wor ree
said Nat
e whic s,
W HY M IG E wor h
HE H AV wou ds
If you see
balloons in
front of a
T house, what
W H A GS How do
might be
N you decide
TH I YOU whether to try
CAN LOR? a new food?

y is sinking
Wh ht “The sun Olivia.
mig eone fast,” said mean?
som the What did
take to
tim a END
buil er
tow Name some things
that ’t that block light.
won Name some that
last block sound.
6 JULY 2017
Night’s Canvas
By Diana Murray i Art by Mike Petrik

Waiting for the show to start—

To turn night’s canvas into art. . . .

Crackle, BOOM!
Streaks of red
And bright white
Flash overhead.

Bursts of blue,
Splashing high!
Paints the sky.

JULY 2017 7
Story and
by Bryan

They can
change their
looks with a
flip of their

The picture above shows the Question rock or a piece of tree bark. A hungry
Mark butterf ly with its wings open. bi may not even see the butterf ly!
When the insect f lasheshes Th s dull coloring, which helps
these bright colors, itt lets other the utterf ly blend in with
butterf lies know where it is. its surroundings, is called
The picture at rightt shows camouflage. Many
the same butterf ly witth other butterf lies also
its wings up. have camouf lage on the
Now the butterf ly bo tom of their wings.
looks like a leaf or a
A hungry bird may no
8 JULY 2017 even see the butterfly!
Match the
Disguise Butterflies!

1 Goatweed

2 American

You can see four of these

butterf lies at right. The left
3 Mourning Cloak
column shows the butterf lies
with their bright colors showing.
The right column shows the
same butterf lies with their
wings lifted up. The pictures
are mixed up. Can you match
each camouf laged butterf ly
to its brightly colored self ?
4 Pearl Crescent
Twig photo by iStock/Ivanastar.
Answers: 1-B. 2-D. 3-A. 4-C.
Goaondfus There’s some of Goofus and Gallant in us all.
When the Gallant shines through, we show our best self.


“I hope your cough gets

better soon,” says Gallant.
Idea sent in by
Heather Hess, Age 10, Pennsylvania

“That loud cough is really

annoying!” says Goofus.
Idea sent in by
Heather Hess, Age 10, Pennsylvania

“Joe seems sad lately. May I invite

him to game night?” says Gallant.

“Let’s not invite Ali to play. She’s

no fun anymore,” says Goofus.

YOUR Goofus and Gallant Moments Tell us when you’ve felt like
Goofus or Gallant! Visit
“I felt like Goofus when “I felt like Gallant when or write to

I didn’t give back my I picked up the beads from

friend’s shoe.” my sister’s necklace that Goofus and Gallant Moments
Arlo, Age 6 broke.” 803 Church Street
British Columbia, Canada Honesdale, PA 18431
Anna, Age 8, New York

10 JULY 2017 Art by Leslie Harrington.

How ma
ny cats
and cat
items ca
you find n
in the

By Radha HS
Start at the arrow and find a
path through the house, passing
through each room only once.
You do not need to exit. Simply
stop in the last room you visit.
Answers on page 38.

Check . . . and Double Check

Compare these two pictures. Can you find at least 18 differences?

JULY 2017 11


By Melissa Bulls
Art by Aaron Zenz
“Your grandpa loved spicy things.”
“You’re right! Maybe he put a
jalapeño pepper in it,” Alexis said.
Mom cut up a bright green jalapeño
and added it to the bowl.
It was time for the annual Potato-Salad “It’s closer, but it still doesn’t taste
Contest in Russet Park. right,” Alexis said.
“Do you think you’ll win the Golden “Are you making Grandpa’s famous
Potato again?” asked Alexis’s younger potato salad?” Dad asked.
sister, Brianna.
Alexis shook her head sadly. “Grandpa isn’t here
“Grandpa isn’t here to help this year.” to help this year.”
“I’ll help you,” Brianna said.
The girls mixed boiled potato chunks, “We’re trying,” Alexis said. “But we’re
mustard, mayonnaise, and a little salt missing some ingredients. Should we
and pepper in a bowl. look in a cookbook?”
“It doesn’t taste right,” Alexis said “Grandpa was never one to follow
after she tried a bite of the salad. a recipe,” Dad said.
“What’s missing?” It was true. People loved Grandpa’s
“Something spicy?” said Mom. potato salad because it was one of a
12 JULY 2017
“Maybe we’ll find
kind. Alexis remembered posing clues in here.”
with Grandpa for a photo after
they won last year.
Photo. That gave her an idea.
She hurried to the bookcase and
found an old photo album. “Maybe we’ll
find clues in here,” she said, opening it.
Lots of pictures showed Grandma
and Grandpa cooking together. One
showed Grandpa pretending to carve Alexis shouted. She ran to the cabinet
Grandma’s turkey with a saw. In and grabbed an onion.
another, Grandma was patting “Will you chop this, Dad?” she asked.
Grandpa’s face with f lour, leaving After Alexis added the onion, the
white handprints all over. family tasted the potato salad and
smiled. They’d finally figured out
“I know the final Grandpa’s recipe.
secret ingredient!” “Let’s get this salad to the contest,”
Dad said.
Dad laughed. “He and Grandma Alexis was thinking about Grandpa
loved to tease each other, but he as the judges announced the winner.
always called her Honey.” “This year’s Golden Potato goes to . . .
“Do you think he put honey in Alexis Roberts!”
the potato salad?” Brianna asked. “Alexis, why are you crying?”
“It’s worth a try,” said Alexis. Brianna asked.
She stirred some honey into the bowl. “Oh, just because of the onions,”
But it still wasn’t quite right. Alexis said, hugging the Golden
Dad f lipped through the album. Potato to her chest.
One photo showed Grandpa fishing.
“Do you think he put fish in his “This year’s Golden Potato
potato salad?” Alexis asked, smiling. goes to . . .”
Brianna laughed. “No way!”
At the end of the album was the
picture of Grandpa and Alexis
holding the Golden Potato. It looked
like Grandpa was crying.
“Well, he did say the potato salad
brought tears to his eyes,” Dad said.
“I know the final secret ingredient!”
Want ae?
challeng 5
k page 1
Fold bac the
to hid e
It’s All Food and Games
By Jennifer Harney

In this big picture, find the carrot, baseball cap, traffic cone, question mark, snake, musical note, flag, heart,
open book, banana, ice pop, artist’s brush, hot dog and bun, diamond ring, screwdriver, and hairbrush.

14 JULY 2017 Check out our Hidden Pictures app!

Picture Clues

baseball “Knock, knock.”

cap “Who’s there?”
“Ashley who?” Angelina:
g What’s your
y favorite
traffic kind of tree?
cone ged m y Jason: A palm tree.
“Ashley I chan d to Angelina: Mine’s a poet-tree.
mind. I don’t n
ee Angelina Kliewer, California

snake question come in.” Mom: Did you pick up your

mark Sianna Shrief, Spain
Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson Ben: I tried, but I couldn’t lift it.
went camping. In the middle of the Jack Gurnish, Ohio

open night, Sherlock woke Watson and said, A book never written:
book “Look up. What do you see?” Ionic and Covalent Bonds
Watson replied, “I see millions
musical by Molly Cules.
of stars.” Ava Perlin, Maryland
note flag Sherlock said, “And what do you
deduce from that?”
heart Watson answered, “Among the Make us laugh!
stars are planets, and some of those Send a joke or riddle, along with
planets might be like Earth. Therefore, your name, age, and address, to
there may be life among the stars.”
“No,” said Sherlock. “It means that
banana our tent blew away.” 803 Church Street
Honesdale, PA 18431
Ian, Illinois
ice pop
Silly Tilly’s Garden
hot dog Silly Tilly loves the veggies
and bun in her garden patch.
diamond She keeps her eggplants safe and warm
ring and hopes someday they’ll hatch.

She sings to every ear of corn

hairbrush and pats each cabbage head,
screwdriver then tucks her baby carrots
in their cozy garden bed.
—Diana Murray

Can you also
f ind the golf club,
teacup, crayon,
and feather?

Answers on JULY 2017 15

Crafts Make This
Next Month!

By Gabriele Teich

1. Cut out a 4-inch circle

from a paper plate.
Cut 11/2 -inch-long slits
every 1/2 inch to make
24 tabs. Remove every
second tab, as shown.
2. Repeat step 1 with a
second plate.
3. Bend the 12 tabs on
each plate, line them
up as shown in the big
photo, and glue them
together. Let them dry.
4. Paint the crown. Cut
seven triangles from a
paper plate. Glue them
to the top of the crown.
Bend them upward.
5. Tape a glow stick
around the crown.

Woodland Message Board

By Marie E. Cecchini
1. Cover thin cardboard with green cardstock.
Add a cardstock canoe, river, and leaves.
2. Glue on twigs for tree trunks. Add a twig at the top.
3. Punch two holes, and add a yarn hanger.
4. Tie a pencil to the top twig. Glue on a notepad.

Craft samples by Buff McAllister. Art by Holly Hatam. Photos by Guy Cali Associates, Inc., except
dog and boy photo inset by iStock/PeopleImages and clothespin by iStock/kevinmayer.
By Anne Renaud
1. Paint several seashells.
2. From craft foam, cut out fins,
tentacles, and legs. Glue them to
the shells. Add wiggle eyes.
3. Using cardstock and markers,
create a beach setting. Place
the sea critters on it.

Tangram Can you

these in 10
Race seconds?
A Game for 2
or More Players
By Denise Etheridge

A tangram is an ancient
Chinese puzzle. The object
is to arrange seven shapes,
called tans, into a design.
All seven
pieces must be
used without
TO PLAY: One player makes a design
1. Using the diagram using his or her tans while the other players
at right, cut out look away. Once the design is finished, the
seven pieces from other players race to see who can re-create
scrapbook paper the design with their own tans the fastest.
for each player. Each pla The winner gets one point. If there are only
2. Use sheets of gets the two players, the player receives a point if
cardstock as same se he or she can re-create the design in less
game boards. shapes. than 10 seconds. The player who reaches
10 points first wins.

Craft Challenge! What can you make

out of clothespins, string, and beads?

JULY 2017 17
Large coarse-grained The crystals point inward as

MY SC crystals form inside.

They can be made of
different minerals,
they build up over thousands
of years. They are able to
grow large because of the
depending on what open space in the pocket.
Spotlight was dissolved in
the water.

This sparkly splendor is a geode
(JEE-ode), a round or oval rock
with mineral crystals inside.
It forms within a gas
pocket in volcanic rock
or within a space left
by dissolved minerals in
sedimentary rock.
Rock is made of
minerals. As water flows
through holes and cracks
in rock, it dissolves some
of the minerals. Dissolved
minerals may deposit on
the walls of the gas pocket,
forming crystals. Often, the crystals
are quartz—one of the most common
minerals in the earth’s crust.

It looks impenetrable, but

the geode’s outer layer, or The rind is
rind, has tiny pores that made of tiny
allow in mineral-rich water. quartz crystals.

Pitch Puzzle
These glasses have different
amounts of water (with color added so
the water is easier to see). Which glass
will make a higher-pitched sound
when tapped with a pencil—the one
with less water or the one with more?
Think of your best answer, then try
the experiment. Were you right? Read
our explanation in Answers on page 38.

18 JULY 2017
How do volcanoes erupt?
Sofia and Nati (by e-mail)

Volcanoes erupt because pressure of magma (hot melted

rock) underground becomes greater than the strength of
the rock above it, so magma forces its way out as an
eruption. Like other bodies in our solar system, Earth is
hot inside and cool at the surface. The differences in
temperature can cause rock inside to shift. That can make
it melt. Melted rock—and the gas bubbles within it—rise,
increasing the pressure. It can spurt out through cracks or
weak spots in the surface.

Probably the top
predator in its
By Dougal Dixon
Art by Robert Squier Saw-edged
teeth could slice
“giant tyrant” through meat
but not crush
Tyrannotitan is the earliest-known big bones
meat eater from the Southern Hemisphere.
It was as big as the huge tyrannosaurs
in the Northern Hemisphere but wasn’t Tiny
related to them. arms


Early relative of
(another South
HOW LONG: American
40 feet meat eater)

Other dinosaurs

252 201 145 66 Present

110 million years ago Triassic Jurassic Cretaceous Cenozoic
I really like
Your Favorite it, and you
will, too!
Beatrix Webb

I really like Written and

“When Drawn by Henrietta by
they Ricardo Siri Liniers. In the
knock on book, Henrietta reads a book
the magic that says, “A book is like a
world you can carry around
mirror with you,” which inspires
three her to make her own book. I
times, really like it, and you will, too!
it sucks
them into
a fairy
tale.” “Both books are very
sweet, funny, jolly, an
altogether wonderful!”
My favorite book is
Beauty Queen in the
Whatever After series by
Sarah Mlynowski. It’s about My favorite books are Little
a girl named Abby and her Women and Little Men by Louisa
little brother, Jonah, and May Alcott. I especially like Little
they have a magic mirror in Women because the Marches have
their basement. When they four girls just like my family. The
knock on it three times, it funny thing is we are similar to the
sucks them into a fairy tale. characters in the book. Little Men is
Izzy Wade a sequel to Little Women, and it’s so
"HFŔ*MMJOPJT funny! Both books have very happy
endings and are very sweet, funny,
jolly, and altogether wonderful!
Therese Shimkus
He has to
into his lit ove
brother’s tle Tell us about
your favorite book!
Andrew M
anning In your own words, tell us
VJTJBOB about the best book you have
ever read. Send your choice to
My favorite book is I Wanna New Room written by Karen
Kaufman Orloff and illustrated by David Catrow. It is about Your Favorite Books
a boy who has a brother and then his mom has a baby girl, 803 Church Street
Honesdale, PA 18431
so he has to move into his little brother’s room. He tries to
talk his mom and dad into getting his old room back. Please include your name,
age, and address.
20 JULY 2017
a w s nd
Independence Hall P a

The Declaration of Independence

and the U.S. Constitution were
signed in this building in the
late 1700s. Why are these
documents important?
Why do people visit places
where important things in
history happened? Does that
How can you find out more about clock say it’s
Independence Hall and other lunchtime?
historic sites?

Art by David Coulson.

A kid invented this sweet treat.
Now you can make your own.
By Lucy Clark Crawford

ice pops
when I
was 11!

Bananas Freeze
’n’ 1. Mix up sweetened
Berries pink lemonade
mix using ¾ as
By Alicia Anderson much water as the
FRANK EPPERSON invented instructions call for
the ice pop at age 11—by (or try part water and
accident! Back in 1905,
1. Put 1 cup of frozen or fresh part lemon-flavored
strawberries (green tops
kids would make punch by club soda).
removed) into a blender.
stirring fruity soda-powder
Add 1 /2 cup of milk and 2 2. Fill each form halfway
into water. One day, Frank
tablespoons of honey. Put with fresh or frozen
mixed a glass of it but then
on the blender lid. Ask an raspberries. Pour the
got called to supper. He
adult to blend until creamy. lemonade mixture
left the drink outside with
the stirring stick still in it. into the forms almost
2. Cut a banana into chunks. to the top.
The night was unusually
Place one on the stick of
cold, and the punch froze.
each ice-pop form.
When Frank used the stick
to pull the frozen drink e
3. Pour the strawber ry mixtur
from the glass, he licked into each form, leaving
the ice like a lollipop. Yum! room for the stick and
Years later, he made and banana. Put the stick into
sold his “fruit-ice-sticks” the form.
on purpose. He named the
treat Ep-sicle—combining
Epperson and icicle.
But his kids called it
Pop’s ’sicle—and he
soon changed the
name to Popsicle.

22 JULY 2017 Photos by Guy Cali Associates, Inc., except

Frank Epperson photo by Bettmann/Getty Images.
Pop Icy Grapes
Tropical ler
Cocoa Coo
poonful 1 . Fill each
1 . Put a s form
sorbet ot
mang o 1 . Mix up h halfway w
h for m . dd mini
into eac coco a . A sliced gra
h one mallow 2 . Add grap
2 . Fill eac or marsh e juice
2 /3 of the w
ay t it aside
ed creme. Se almost to
the top.
o p p ocoa
with ch until the c
le Add
. om
pineapp cools to ro
juice re.
orange . tempera tu
o the top
almost t
2 . Pour the
r ms .
into the fo

Ice-Pop Tips
ŔWash your hands and any fresh fruit before you begin.
ŔAsk an adult to help with anything sharp or hot.
ŔYou can make the pops in purchased ice-pop forms, 3-ounce paper cups,
or even ice-cube trays. With paper cups or trays, use aluminum foil to
cover them. Poke a clean treat stick into each pop through the foil.
ŔPlace the pops in the freezer. When they’re frozen solid, remove them
from the forms (or tear away the paper cups) and enjoy!
Your Own
My Bike
Audra Massee

Bobbing up and down
Up, up high
Beautiful masterpieces
Cole Brockman By a stick
Letting go when popped
Every color fades
Birds Soaring down droplets
A bird one day had a nest. Adelaide Smith
She made it look its very best. "HFŔ.BTTBDIVTFUUT
She heard a peep, a squeak, a squeal.
The chick looked so fresh, so new, so real.
She heard a cry, a whimper, a wail.
She saw a worm so slim and pale.
She grabbed that worm and fed it to the bird.
Alexis Drager
Lots of sun
"HFŔ/FX.FYJDP In the air,
Boiling heat
But I don’t care.
On vacation
Dinosaurs At the beach,
Swimming in the
Feathers, claws, and teeth. Out of reach.
Herbivore or carnivore. Passing days
Spiky, sharp, or scaly. By and by,
Summer ends
They’re all terrifying to me! With a sigh.
Joey Dziaba Jonaz Awad
"HFŔ$PMPSBEP Grace Hayward

24 JULY 2017
The Slushy Incident
My mouth watered The Cosmos
At the sight There’s space be
yond this world
Of the many slushy f In the distance.
W hich one shall I choo But if dimension
s collide,
All of them, of course The universe co
uld die.
But for now, you
As I walked through Like a picture in
can see it
The park ing lot — the sky.
If seeing it is wha
W HA M— t you want to do
It’s waiting for yo ,
All over my shirt u!
eet, It’s the cosmos.
Was the prize of a sw
William Cyr
Delicious slushy.
Some people would be
be mad.
Others would
But for me,
Me and Evie
It was all a laughing We swim along
Andrew Woodley In the deep blue sea.
Me with Evie,
Evie with me.
Bubbles around us, A Red Dragon
I see a fish. Christopher Yue
We close our eyes
And make a wish.
Ellie Mano
Snow Leopard
Niobe Vaca

Ode to Pickled Mango

in haste
I opened the fridge and searched
For a delicious mango taste
I spied a container’s bright-red
I wanted to eat it
And eat it I did
e Victoria Moore
Consuming each and every piec
Eating it makes me at pea ce "HFŔ*OEJBOB Share Your
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Lydia Darragh’s


By Rosalie Lauerman i Art by Rick Powell
In the autumn of
1777, during the
Revolutionary War,
the British army seized
Philadelphia and set
up headquarters there.

Lydia Darragh and her family

lived across from British
headquarters. When General
William Howe, the British
commander, needed an
additional meeting room, he took on a buttonmold, sew
over a large room at the Darragh fabric over it, and attach
house. Sometimes Lydia would it to her son John’s coat. asleep. But Lydia
overhear British soldiers Fourteen-year-old John would couldn’t sleep. Muff led
discussing incoming shipments eagerly trek to the American sounds from the room pulled
or troop movements. They spoke camp about 13 miles away at Lydia from her bed.
freely around her because White Marsh to visit his brother. She tiptoed toward the
they knew the Darraghs were Charles would snip off the meeting room just in time to
Quakers, members of a religious button, decode the message, hear someone reading a final
group who remained neutral and deliver the information order. “The troops should march
during the war. to American headquarters. out . . . late in the evening of the
But the British were unaware On December 2, 1777, a 4th, attack Washington’s army
that the Darraghs secretly British officer arrived at Lydia’s and . . . victory was certain.”
supported America’s war for house. He ordered her to prepare Lydia slipped back into
independence. Their oldest son, the large room for a top-secret bed. Worried, she wondered
Charles, was a lieutenant in meeting that evening and how she would alert the troops
the American army, and Lydia demanded that everyone be in of the planned attack only two
was a spy for the American bed before the meeting started. days away.
commander in chief, General When the officers arrived, When an officer knocked on
George Washington. Lydia let them in and went to her bedroom door to say the
bed. Her family was already meeting had ended, Lydia didn’t
A Spy in Action answer. He returned shortly and
In order to smuggle again she didn’t answer. On the
information to Washington,
It would be an act third knock, Lydia rose and
Lydia would tell her husband of high treason, pretended to be half asleep. She
what she overheard. He would stumbled into the hall, shuff led
write the message in code.
punishable by death toward the door, and locked it
Lydia would then fit the note if she was caught. after the officers.

26 JULY 2017
death if she was caught. So hanged. She felt faint and
Lydia decided to act alone, almost fell to the f loor. The
without telling her family. She officer told her to sit down.
would not risk their lives. Sternly, he asked if any of the
Before dawn on December 4, others in her family were awake
Lydia arose, wrapped her gray on the night of the officers’ last
wool cape around her, and meeting. Lydia replied truthfully
headed out. As she neared that they were all in bed and
Washington’s camp, she spotted asleep. “I need not ask you,
an American officer on for we had great difficulty in
horseback approaching her. waking you to fasten the door
She recognized him as a friend, after us.”
Captain Charles Craig. Rising from his chair so
The captain asked what she forcefully that it toppled over,
was doing so far from home. In he boomed, “One thing is certain;
a soft, hushed voice, Lydia told the enemy had notice of our
him about the British plan. coming, were prepared for us,
Captain Craig thanked her and and we marched back like a
raced to headquarters. parcel of . . . fools.”
When the British arrived at He stormed out, without even
White Marsh, General Howe considering that Lydia might
found the American troops have delivered the warning.
armed with cannons. Clearly, A wave of relief rushed over
someone had warned them. Lydia. She thanked God that
In a cold fury, Howe ordered Charles was safe and the British
his troops to return to hadn’t suspected her.
Lydia spent the next few She knew she must
days fearing for Charles’s
A Secret Mission safety. She didn’t know what
act quickly.
Lydia was too troubled to had happened at White Marsh,
sleep. She had never uncovered and she certainly couldn’t ask.
information this important. She Once again, a British officer
knew she must act quickly to banged at her door. He
save the American soldiers, marched in, stone-faced,
including Charles. ordered her into the meeting
The next day, she plotted a room—and locked the door.
secret mission to warn General Lydia trembled, fearing that
Washington. It would be an act her secret had been discovered.
of high treason, punishable by She knew that spies were

Lydia’s Legacy
Lydia’s daughter, Ann, wrote an account of her mother’s
spy activities that was published in 1827. Some people have
questioned the facts in the narrative, but most people tend to
agree that Lydia Darragh was a courageous woman who fought
valiantly for her country’s independence. She is considered to
be one of the founders of American intelligence.
Nature Watch

By Peter Friederici


For tortoises in deserts
of the southwestern
United States, life is a
waiting game. Most of
their time is spent tucked
away in burrows of rock or

soil. For months at a time,
they rest there, inactive
and with lowered body
functions, to deal with
T I M E c an s p e n d
h a torto the righ
extreme hot or cold Althoug s w a iting for fo r
r m on th ro w
temperatures and lack weeks o le av in g its bur r y
e ve
ns befor to eat e
of water. conditio im a ls need of
When they are out of food, ot
he r a n
e a c tivity le ls
th th ose
k about often do
their burrows, they eat day. Thin e . H o w
you s e hink
wildflowers like lotuses, animals ? H o w do you t
eat ffects
milkvetches, and lupines. animals o nment a
e n v ir
This “juicy” vegetation their ey eat?
when th
gives them water as well
as food.

A tortoise tucks itself into its shell when a predator attacks.
Notice how the bent front legs can protect the pulled-in head.
The gular horn, which sticks out on the front of the plastron
(lower shell), is larger on the male tortoise. A tortoise can use it
to fight and to protect itself.

28 JULY 2017 Photos: (top) by Roy C. Averill-Murray, USFWS; (bottom) by Jacob Daly.
What do the beach spots in each row (horizontally, vertically, and diagonally) have in common?

Answers on page 38.

1 2

Jelly Jumble
By Elizabeth Wisz
3 4 5 Ella’s label maker caused a
For jelly jumble! Each label is
examp missing one letter, and the
this jar ,
other letters are mixed up.
BERRY Can you puzzle out what
fruit-flavored jelly is in
6 7 each jar?
Answers on page 38.

JULY 2017 29
“If you don’t come out,
you’re going to miss
the funderstorm.”

Funderstorm By John Samony

Art by Nadia Ronquillo

So my mom mentions to the “Then why are you acting miserable night. What can I do?
Clarksons that I’m
Clarksons I m sort of the like a dust bunny?”
bunny? I look around for inspiration
baby-sitter in our building and Silence for a moment, and spot Billy’s sports trophies
that if they ever need me, I’m then the truth. “I’m afraid and ribbons. Then it hits me. “If
responsible and have reasonable of thunderstorms,” he says. you don’t come out, you’re going
rates (meaning I work cheap). Part of being a great baby- to miss the funderstorm.”
Three days later, I’m playing sitter is being an expert in a lot “You mean ‘thunderstorm,’”
a matching game with Mr. and of fields—a nurse for bandaging he corrects.
Mrs. Clarkson’s five-year-old banged-up knees, a chef for “Nope. I mean funderstorm.”
son, Billy, while they enjoy concocting interesting snacks, Billy peeks his head out.
dinner and a movie. and a writer for coming up with “What’s that?”
Things get interesting after
f good bedtime stories. This time, “It’s having fun during a
a lightning bolt brightens the I need to be a psychologist. thunderstorm,” I explain. “When
darkening sky like a camera “Billy, a lot of people don’t like the lightning strikes, you see
f lash, followed by a loud crash thunderstorms,” I say. how many things you can do
of thunder. Billy f lies off the “I’m not a lot of people,” he before the thunder comes.”
couch and runs to his room. points out. “Like a contest?”
The Clarksons gave me I don’t know how to respond “Yep.”
emergency numbers and other to that. I make a mental note to At that moment, lightning
instructions, but they didn’t brush up on my psychology and lights up the room. Billy looks
tell me what to do if their kid I take a more basic approach. at me expectantl
decides to hide under his bed. “You’ll miss my famous cheese- I spot a lone sock dangling
“What’s wrong, Billy?” I ask and-pepper-f lavored popcorn.” from his dresser drawer. “How
as if I don’t already know. “That’s OK,” Billy says. many socks can you put on
“Nothing,”” he says. I don’t want Billy to have a one foot? Go!”

30 JULY 2017
n board. “Let’s see your hopping breathlessly onto the f loor.
kills.” I peek out the window. “Sixteen seconds,” I say,
Ready, set . . .” At the f lash, looking at my watch and
Iyyell, “Go!” smiling. “Not bad.”
He starts hopping on one foot. We don’t hear anything
Affter 10 seconds, he switches to for a minute or two.
the other foot, then back again “I think the storm is going
at 20 seconds. He’s at 29 hops away,” he says.
whhen a softer boom signals the So is the worried look in
nd of the round. his eyes.
“That’s the best I’ve ever When the Clarksons return,
doone,” he says. they apologize for not calling
“You getting hungry?” I ask, home. They were in the theater
grinning like a cheetah. “At the and didn’t hear the storm.
neext lightning bolt, go to the “How’d our boy weather the
kittchen, grab the popcorn, and thunderstorm?” Mrs. Clarkson
comme back.” asks as she gives Billy a hug.
I can still see a little worry “Funderstorm,” he corrects,
in his eyes. “You OK?” I ask. giving me a sly look. “And I can’t
“Yes,” he says confidently, wait till the next one!”
urprising me with the speed Billy isn’t kidding.
of his answer. I can’t take other baby-sitting
I yell “Go!” exactly when jobs if storm clouds start rolling
the f lash comes. in because I’ll know to expect a
He runs too his dresser He peels out of his room. call from the Clarksons.
and starts pu utting on socks
socks. Sixteen seconds later, he leaps
Six Billy has a lot of records
His right foott grows bigger back in, drops the container of to break.
with each new one. popcorn on his dresser, and falls
I count aloong. “3 . . . 4 . . .
5 . . .” He gets to 8 before
the thunder booms and
rattles the windows. “Ready,
set . . .
“I think the storm is go!”
going away,” he says.
It also ratttles his nerves.
Before he can n dive back under
the bed, I yelll, “Fruits! How
many can you u name?”
The sky lig ghts up.
“Apple, ban nana, pear . . . ,”
he chants. Hee’s in the middle of
listing melonns when the round
ends with a sharp crack.
“Pretty im
mpressive,” I say.
“What else?” he says.
I smile. Noow he’s really

JULY 2017 31
Tricks to Try a Finger

Uncover your hidde

with these cool tric n talents
1. Bend your
left middle
finger and
right thumb
like this.

2. Place your
bent thumb
on top of
your bent
middle finger.

3. Curl your right

index and
middle fingers
around to
cover the gap
between your
two bent
“Levitate” a Styrofoam Cup fingers.

4. Slowly lift
the cup 4. With your left
and act palm facing
1. Use your thumb 2. Clasp the cup 3. Tell your friends you as if your you, pull your
to punch a hole in with both can make the cup mysterious right hand
a Styrofoam cup. hands, with one levitate, and open powers are away from
(Make sure the cup thumb stuck both hands with your making it your left to
is empty, of course.) in the hole. thumb still in the hole. float. “remove” the
top of your
middle finger.
32 JULY 2017 Eww!
Launch a Paper Clip

P !
1. Unfold a paper clip so P
that it looks like this.

2. Gently bring
the ends
latching one
side under
the other.
This may take
a few tries.

3. Allow the
latched side
of the paper-
clip triangle
to fall gently
onto a hard Create a Straw-splosion

4. Watch 1. Tightly 2. Roll up the ends 3. Ask a 4. Prepare

it soar. pinch the of the straw until friend to for a
Whee! ends of about an inch give the loud
a plastic remains unrolled middle a POP!
straw. in the middle. hard flick.

a Straw
1. Place a
plastic 2. Suck water into the 3. Blow into the straw opening 4. Enjoy a musical
straw into straw and pinch the as you unpinch your fingers whistle that changes
a tall glass bottom to hold the slightly, releasing the water pitch as the water
of water. water in place. slowly back into the cup. is released.

JULY 2017 33
Lighting the Nig ht
Trained pros set off 50,00
fireworks in one show!
By Andy Boyles
Contributing Science Editor

On April 30, 2010, one

of the biggest fireworks
displays in history took
place in Shanghai, China.
The event opened that year’s searchlights, and spouting
World Expo, where 192 water fountains. “The
countries showed their most display on the bridge alone
exciting new developments. was as big as the Macy’s dangerous jobs was
For 30 minutes, a steady show in the United States,” collecting the duds after
barrage of 50,000 fireworks says James Deye, who the show. Hot embers can
lit the night sky above a coordinated the fireworks still slowly burn inside a
two-mile stretch of the control systems. firework shell that didn’t go
Huangpu River. They A section of the city off, so it can explode without
boomed, whistled, and was evacuated to protect warning for some time after
crackled in time with onlookers. For the fireworks the fuse has burned away.
blaring music, dancing pros, one of the most After waiting a safe period of

34 JULY 2017 Photo by Philippe Lopez/Getty Images. Art (page 36) by Robert L. Prince.
Only trained professionals

Sky should prepare

fireworks mixtures!

Night-Sky Colors
The colors of fireworks are made by burning
compounds that contain different elements.
Some common elements used (and their colors)
include strontium (red), calcium (reddish
orange), sodium (yellow), barium (green), and
copper (blue). Some can be mixed to make
other colors. For example, strontium and
copper together glow purple.
For these elements to give off light, they
time, the experts carefully have to reach temperatures of 1,500 to more
sealed and packed the duds than 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit—more than
into a hazardous-materials three times hotter than a campfire! The fuels
truck for removal. that heat them need a lot of oxygen to burn,
so fireworks contain an “oxidizer,” a compound
(Continued on next page) that releases a lot of oxygen when it’s heated.
(Continued from page 35)
A Pee k In sid e F irew o r ks R
Only ad
shou ld u l ts
f irewor andle
THE Stars ks. Eve
small o n
The tube that aims a firework DESIGN danger
ou s .
toward the sky is called a mortar. IS
Here’s what’s inside a typical
mortar and a shell that explodes
The stars
to make a ball shape.
are arranged
inside to
make a face or
other pattern.


2. Powder
BANG burns inside,
1. Lift making a lot of
charge gases—fast.
the shell.

3. Thick shell
Fuse holds in the gases
and finally bursts
with a bang!
1. As this
burns, it 3. Sound
releases 2. Sound waves that match comes
spurts of the length of the short out the
gases, making tube bounce back and open
sound waves. forth, adding up to make end.
a high-pitched sound.

CRACKLE 2. Each grain contains

1. Lift two metal compounds.
charge One is the fuel. The
launches other is the oxidizer.
the shell.
Time Lift
Fuse 3. One after another,
the grains burn super
hot: crack-crack-crack!

36 JULY 2017
The tree house needed work. The

Let’s clean

Tommy’s rag was torn on a nail.

- RIP!

The kids borrowed They fixed the floor and the loose nails.
tools from Pa.
ta p
p Whac
Ta k!

Tommy had an idea.

It’s as good
as new!
Hey, Pa!

Home sweet tree house!

JULY 2017 37
Tongue D
Twister What did the ice cream say
Snowstorms, 1 when it was cold?
sandstorms, and Riley Neff, South Dakota
cyclones, too.
Vaishnavi R.
Age 8 ™ New York
t likely
When are kids mos 2
to go into sc ho ol?
Haylie, Oregon
page 29
Tic-Tac-Shore What is so brittle that to
Answers beach ball
sunglasses beach ball
beach ball
snorkel gear
3 name it is to break it?
Tino Tinker, Iowa
green-and- surf board shovel
white towel and pail

page 2 flip-flops
surf board go to get
Fun This Month flip-flops flip-flops Where do lizards 4
ck on?
Mystery Photo —Flip-flop. sunglasses white towel snorkel gear
their tails put ba lina
shovel Caro
Mia Hepler, North
page 11 and pail
crab crab
House Tour shovel
and pail
surf board
snorkel gear
What is

Jelly Jumble
white towel
has a hump,
1. APPLE. 2. GRAPE. 3. PEAR. 4. KIWI.

page 39
and lives at the
1. nINe. 2. pINt.
3. kINg. 4. pINk.
5. wINd. 6. sINk.
1. snOUT.
2. mOUTh. 3. trOUT.
4. SOUTh Carolina.
North Pole? Mitchell Zimmerman, Maryland
page 18 7. rINg. 8. vINe. 5. Girl ScOUT.
9. prINce. 6. dugOUT.
My Sci What did the man say when he
Pitch Puzzle —The glass with less water page 43 saw three holes in the ground? 6
in it will make the higher-pitched sound. Briar, Texas
When you tap an empty glass, the glass Picture Puzzler
vibrates, and the number of vibrations We found these words with
per second gives the pitch. More double o’s. You may have found
Which kind of bagel can fly?
vibrations per second give a higher
sound. When there is water in the
others: baboon, school, moose,
broom, poodle, bamboo, roof,
7 Darshil Jhaveri, New York
glass, the vibrating glass must vibrate door, roots, boots, Hula-Hoop,
the water, too. It’s harder to vibrate a book, cookies, goose, kangaroo,
heavy object than a light one, so the
What does a compu
scoop, stools, pool, noodles, ter say
when it’s hungry?
water slows down the vibration. The
more water, the more the vibrations are
cooler, blooms, bassoon.
BONUS! Goat, tote, boat, coat, Ava Pelaez, Florid
slowed, and the lower the pitch. music note.

Covers: Fun in the Sun! by Gary LaCoste; What’s Wrong?® by Nigel Sussman a walk
Illustration credits: Page 2: Kevin Zimmer; 6: Erin Mauterer, except (blue-ink doodle) iStock/SylvieBouchard; How do you turn
11: House Tour by Neil Numberman, Check . . . and Double Check by CS Jennings; 15: Jokes by Rich Powell, into a run?
“Silly Tilly’s Garden” by Christina Brown; 19: Volcano by Scott Soeder; 20: I Wanna New Room, written by Karen
Kaufman Orloff and illustrated by David Catrow. Used by permission of Penguin Random House LLC. All rights
9 Lucas Dunlop, W
ashington, D.C.
reserved. Every effort has been made to contact the copyright holders of the other books featured. 29: Tic-Tac-
Shore by Shaw Nielsen, Jelly Jumble by Jeff Crowther; 38: Pat Lewis; 39: In and Out (left) Gina Perry, (right) Josh
Lewis. Photo credits: Page 2: iStock /taratata; 3: Gina Lenz; 4: (Canadian flag) iStock /creisinger; bagel. 8. “Let’s go gigabyte.” 9. Load the bases.
4–5: (desert tortoise) iStock/twildlife; 6: (goldfish in bowl and bird) iStock/GlobalP, (tire swing) iStock/ 5. A lost camel. 6. “Well, well, well!” 7. A plane
ZargonDesign, (image viewer) iStock/servet yigit, (card tower) iStock/Zerbor, (tomatoes and pepper) iStock/
inkret, (balloon) iStock/nikkytok; 18: (top) iStock/michal812, (bottom) Guy Cali Associates, Inc.
the door is open. 3. Silence. 4. A retail store.
Answers: 1. “I’m chilled to the cone!” 2. When
Use the picture clues to

Use the clues to
think of words that
think of words with Example:

contain OUT.
IN in the middle

of them. Example:
warmhearted = kINd
By Teresa A. DiNicola
1. before ten
2. two cups equal this
3. man who sits on a throne
4. color of a flamingo
5. moving air
6. a place to wash your hands
7. finger jewelry
8. what grapes grow on
9. male heir to the throne

1 2

3 4

5 6

Answers on page 38.

Pu n n y
Pups “He’s bilingual.”
“I’d hate to see the fleas
big enough to wear those.”
“I ate my

JULY 2017 39
izona ®

“Where did you

find that necklace?”
I asked.
“I’m sorry for taking it.”
And that was that. Indi and
Kate went off to the backyard,
and I decided to try to change
my sour mood by taking out
the arts-and-crafts box. I found
craft sticks and seashells for
a picture frame, put on some
music, and got to work.
As I carefully glued on the
shells, I remembered how
Indi and I had found them
together at the beach. That’s
when I decided to make the
frame for Indi to apologize

Private Property— for overreacting.

Keep Out!
By the time I was finished,
I was starving.
“I’m going to make myself
a snack!” I told my kitty cats,
Charlie and Cow. “You guys
stand guard to make sure
nobody touches this until the
Charlie and Cow f licked their
Indi said, pointing to a spot just ears, which I thought meant
Dear Not Laughing, outside my bedroom. “Aye, aye, captain! We are your
I absolutely love my little I put my hands on my hips. loyal guards.” But it actually
brother and sister, Tex and Indi, “So you found a necklace right turned out to mean “Sorry!
but sometimes I feel frustrated outside my bedroom and didn’t
when they don’t respect my stuff. think it might be mine?”
“Ooh! Where’d you get that Indi shrugged.
cool necklace?” I overheard “Well, your favorite new
Indi’s friend Kate ask. thing happens to be my favorite
“I just found it,” said Indi. old thing, and I’d like it back.
“I love the daisy in the middle Please, please, please just leave
of the heart!” said Kate. my stuff alone once and for
“Yeah,” said Indi. “It’s my new all!” I said.
favorite thing in the world!” I must have sounded pretty
“Excuse me,” I said. “Where angry because Indi’s eyes filled
did you find that necklace?” with tears.
“Right there on the f loor,” “Here you go,” she sniff led.

40 JULY 2017
“We’d like you to
come out for a
family meeting.”

We are just f luffy little purr-

monsters who can’t be trusted I went to my room, shut my
to guard anything whatsoever.” door, and made a gigantic sign
The reason I know this is that said Keep Out. stuff. And I agreed to be gentler
because, when I returned, Tex I guess I caused enough and more understanding when
was busily building a craft-stick commotion to worry everybody. they accidentally took or ruined
extravaganza and had managed Before long, I heard a knock on something that belonged to me.
to ruin my frame in the process. my door. Of course, Cow and Charlie
“No!” I exclaimed. “You “We’d like you to come out for were at the family meeting, too.
wrecked my project. It took me a family meeting,” said my mom. They f licked their ears to say
forever to make that. Did you Tex and Indi had told my they’d be happy to stand guard
not even see it there?” parents what had happened. for me anytime, but I said that
“See what where?” Tex So after Kate had gone home, all I really needed them to do
mumbled, holding a fistful of we all sat in the living room was snuggle in my lap and purr.
craft sticks in one hand and to talk things over. So, dear Not Laughing, I
glue in the other. think you should calmly ask your
“Why doesn’t anyone respect mom or dad to help you make
my things?” I cried. First, I apologized. a safe, off-limits spot for your
most special stuff. And you could
Then I explained calmly let your brother know that
my feelings. you don’t like having your things
taken and wrecked. I agree it’s
good to have a sense of humor
First, I apologized for lashing about a lot of difficult stuff. But
out. Then I explained that even respecting other people’s property
though I knew nobody was trying isn’t always a laughing matter.
to steal or wreck my things, I
needed to feel that my possessions
“No! You wrecked were being respected.
Ciao for now,
my project.” Tex and Indi agreed to try
harder to be considerate of my Arizona
JULY 2017 41
I’m getting
I really like to read.
soon, and I’m Sometimes when I’m
afraid people will reading, people talk to
me, but I’m not really
laugh at me. listening. How can I take
Evie, Washington my mind off my book?
You might be surprised—we have heard from kids who want Rachel, New York
glasses just because they like the look of them! But if anyone
You are not alone. Some
teases you, try to laugh it off. You can say “I know I look
books are very difficult to put
different, but I love being able to see everything!” If the teasers
down, especially when you’re
don’t get a reaction from you, they may leave you alone.
at a good part! If you see that
Try also to remember that good friends will like you for who
someone has been trying to
you are, not for what you wear. Hold your head high, be yourself,
talk to you, maybe you can say
and show confidence. If you can do that, people will notice how
“Sorry! I didn’t realize you were
happy you look while wearing your new glasses.
trying to get my attention.”
Then close your book, make
eye contact with the person,
There is a and try to listen carefully. Keep
in mind that the book will still
ride at the
be there when you have time
amusement to return to it.
park that I’m It might also be helpful to
not tall enough set aside a specific time for
to go on, but reading when you’re unlikely to
my friends can be interrupted, such as before
go on it. I’m bed. That will help you to fully
engage in other conversations
really jealous.
and activities during the day.
A Highlights Reader
(by e-mail)

We understand why this would be frustrating. Whenever you

start to feel jealous, try to switch your focus to being thankful for Write to us!
all that you are able to do. At the amusement park, think about Please include your name, age,
and full address. Mail to
the many rides that you can enjoy. In time, you will be tall enough
to go on this ride with your friends. For now, perhaps you can ask Dear Highlights
a friend to ride other rides with you. Choose to make the most of 803 Church Street
Honesdale, PA 18431
the things you can do, and you’ll have a great time! Or e-mail us at

42 JULY 2017 Art by Keith Frawley.

Puz zler Arumi

Art by David
ir names.
w it h d o u b le o’s in the
cene, find all of the ite
In this silly s

How many
things in the
scene rhyme
with float ?

Answers on pa
ge 38.

Which things in this

picture are silly?
It’s up to you!

Visit our Web site!


JULY 2017
Can you find
these objects in the
A Bumpy Ride big picture?
By Dave Klug

goose fish paintbrush



carrot iron


spool of golf club

mitten scarf






Check out our Hidden Pictures app!

rake sailboat
By Barbara D. Krasner

The Statue of Liberty was shipped

from France to America in crates,
complete with instructions on how
to put it together.

F rom the shores of Rouen,

France, sculptor Frédéric
Auguste Bartholdi watched the
Isère steam toward the Atlantic 1876: The Statue of
Ocean. His 214 wooden crates Liberty’s right arm and
were on board. “Goodbye, my torch on display at
the Philadelphia
daughter, Liberty,” he said.
“At last you are going home.”
The waiting was over.
The idea for a statue as a gift
of freedom and friendship from
France to the United States had
excited Bartholdi for 20 years.
But it had frustrated him, too.

Designing the Statue

Things went fine at first.
Bartholdi scouted America for
the perfect location. He spotted
a small island in New York
Harbor. “In this very place shall
be raised the Statue of Liberty,
as grand as the idea which it
embodies, casting radiance upon
the two worlds,” he wrote.
Then he got down to work.
He designed the statue to look
like his mother. He selected Running into Problems birthday—the year of liberty—at
iron and steel for the frame But soon a lack of money delayed the 1876 Philadelphia Exposition.
and copper for the statue itself. his progress. He had wanted to But all he had to show was the
He worked with the best complete his statue in time to statue’s right arm and torch. Later,
engineers in the world to help America celebrate its 100th these stood in front of New York
make her tall and proud.
Photos courtesy of the Library of Congress, except statue (page 45, center) by iStock/kaarsten.
City’s Madison Square Park. contribute. . . . When I am old Now it was time to build.
The world kept waiting for enough, I will ask my Mama and Once in New York,
Miss Liberty. There still wasn’t Papa to take me to see the statue, Bartholdi’s crates traveled
enough money to build her or and I will always be proud that by barge to Bedloe’s Island.
her pedestal. I began my career by sending There, small railway cars carried
France promised to pay for you one dollar to aid in so good them on makeshift tracks to the
the statue. By 1880, France had a cause.” The World printed foot of the pedestal.
collected the money from more the name of each person who It took workers several months
than 100 towns and cities and contributed, down to the last penny. to put Miss Liberty together, using
100,000 people. Finally, Miss Liberty could a system of numbers, letters, and
America promised to pay for have her pedestal. symbols that had been marked on
the pedestal. It was a huge job. each piece back in France.
Some might even have said it At last, two sets of steel
was colossal. LIBERTY FACTS beams locked into the Statue
Famous American artists, of Liberty’s steel skeleton as it
Torch (replaced in
writers, and actors donated rose to its full height of 151 feet
1986) made of copper
their works to an auction in and covered in on top of its 89-foot pedestal and
1883. More than 1,000 people 24-karat gold leaf. 65-foot foundation. Nothing
received invitations to the could shake the statue loose.
auction and an exhibition. And on October 28, 1886,
On the opening night, the 7 rays in the crown (for hundreds of thousands of people
head of the Pedestal Fund said, 7 continents, 7 seas). huddled under their umbrellas
“Here is everything charming, . . . 25 in the rain and wind for the
elegant, . . . beautiful, and . . . windows in statue’s dedication. And there
splendid. It is such an exhibition the crown. was President Grover Cleveland
as our country never saw before.” accepting this gift from France—
But the exhibition and its Liberty Enlightening the World—
auction failed to raise enough The date July on behalf of the United States.
money for the pedestal. IV, MDCCLXXVI She was well worth the wait.
(July 4, 1776),
The Statue is written on
Comes Together the tablet.
Hungarian immigrant Joseph
Pulitzer, owner of New York 1885:
World newspaper, came up with Bartholdi
an idea. He printed daily pleas and his
for money. He wrote, “The statue
statue, the noble gift of our make
young sister republic is ready headlines
for us . . . and we stand haggling 3 5 in
and begging and scheming in feet America.
order to raise enough money.” from
Pulitzer’s plan worked. ground
Money poured in from all over to tip
America—from rich and poor of
and children, too. Jane M. gave torch. 1886: The
50 cents and wrote, “I am only invitation
a sewing girl, but I am in full to the
sympathy with your effort.” statue’s
Another child scribbled, “I am a dedication
wee bit of a girl, yet I am ever so on Bedloe’s
glad that I was born in a time to Island,
New York.
A sk a
help to
any th with
sharp g

Kebabs By Anna

1 . Drain a can of pineapple chunks.

Put the chunks into a bowl.
2. Wash some fresh raspberries and
blueberries. Pat them dry.
3. Peel and slice a kiwi.
4. Peel an orange and a grapefruit.
Cut them into bite-sized chunks.
5. Carefully poke wooden skewers
through the fruit.
6. To eat the kebabs, remove the fruit
with your fingers.
7. Enjoy!

I sit on a log
after taking a hike
The to write down this list
of some things I don’t like:
Grumpy My bug bites are itchy
My boots are too tight

Hiker This log is too lumpy

The sun is too bright
That path was too hilly
—Diana Murray
I’m getting a cramp
My socks won’t stay up and
My sandwich is damp
The birds are too noisy
I just spilled my drink
This list would go on but
my pen’s out

Photo by iStock/FotoMaximum.
Art by Barry Gott.
B e fore
doing a
of y ou r I earn money making
outside it
ays talk and selling muffins at
home, alw your
over wit
h the farmers’ market. I
s first! also help by mopping the
pa re nt
kitchen f loor and doing
our recycling.

A great job that I enjoy is baby-

sitting. I got my job by enrolling in a
Red Cross baby-sitting and first-aid

KIDS ON THE class, and a local nurse certified me

in CPR. Also, since I baby-sit
my three younger siblings (ages
seven, two, and seven months),

JOB I was trusted. It also helps to

baby-sit for people you know well.
Later, I hung up f lyers in my
neighborhood. This experience
taught me about leadership and
Kids told us about jobs they’ve done, responsibility. Baby-sitting is not
either for free or as a way to earn money. only a great source of income, but
We were impressed by their hard work! it’s a way to help out parents, too.

When I was 11, our riding I got an idea and I said to my

mower broke down. The grass mother, “Mom, I want to give to Over the summer, I earned
was getting pretty tall in the the poor.” So we found a local money selling vegetables. I got
time it took to fix the mower, so charity that helps kids. We the job when my grandfather
I push-mowed the entire lawn. It talked to them about doing a offered my sister and me the
took about 20 hours in all because drive and they said OK. I held an job of picking things from his
I mowed three acres, and the event to collect all sorts of items garden and selling them. After
bottom of the hill that we live on and cash. We even collected a getting a permit to sell, I was
has thick, swampy grass. Since bathtub! It felt good to know that able to begin. I did it all
it was a hard task, I believe it children were being helped. I summer and made friendships
taught me to always stick to a job, learned that it’s good to think and learned to sell effectively.
even when it gets really tough. about others sometimes and not Isaac
Gavin just yourself. "HFŔ"MBCBNB
"HF  Ŕ ,FOUVDLZ Andrew
"HF  Ŕ (FPSHJB Once I was a helper for an after-
school art program. I was asked to
I lent a helping hand to my My mom asked me to wash the do it because the teacher thought
mom. She thought her car windows. I did it for free. It was I was responsible and she needed
was dirty, so I helped clean it. actually a lot of fun because my help. She offered to pay me $5!
I earned enough money to go brothers and sister helped me. I learned how to do better art and,
to the movies! I learned that My mom was proud of me when more importantly, that lending a
hard work pays off. I was done. helping hand is a nice thing to do!
Blaze Jesse Ellery

Art by Erin Mauterer.

oot with POWER
Sh You dribble
the ball down
the field. The
crowd holds its
breath. It’s a long shot.
You give the ball a strong
kick and it flies right into the back
of the net. GOAL! The crowd roars.
Every soccer player dreams of scoring
a goal. But it takes more than hopes and
dreams. It takes skill and technique.
Here’s how to shoot with power and
score a goal.

1. Plant
Place your
foot next
to the ball.
This is your
plant foot.
2. Balance
To keep your balance, stretch
the arm that is on the same side
as your plant foot straight out
in front of you.

3. Lock
Lock the ankle of
your kicking foot
and point your
toe down.

4. Lean
Lean with your chest.
The knee of your
kicking leg should
be over the ball.

5. Kick
Strike the ball using
your laces. Land
on your kicking foot.

So . . . Plant, Balance,
and Kick!

Pound that ball into the net. Practice

this over and over so that when you
are in the game, you will know exactly
how to move.
And that’s how you shoot with power!
Founded in 1946 by Garry C. Myers, Ph.D.,
and Caroline Clark Myers
Editor in Chief: Christine French Cully
Vice President, Magazine Group Editorial: Jamie Bryant
Creative Director: Marie O’Neill
Editor: Judy Burke
Art Director: Patrick Greenish, Jr.
Senior Editors: Joëlle Dujardin, Carolyn P. Yoder
Associate Editor: Linda K. Rose
Assistant Editor: Allison Kane
Copy Editor: Joan Prevete Hyman
Editorial Assistant: Channing Kaiser
Senior Production Artist: Dave Justice
Contributing Science Editor: Andrew Boyles
Editorial Offices: 803 Church Street, Honesdale, PA 18431-1895.
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(Writers younger than 16: please use the postal address above.)
CEO: Kent S. Johnson
Vice President, International: Andy Shafran
Senior Editor, International: Julie Stoehr
Business Offices: 1800 Watermark Drive,
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All rights reserved.
HIGHLIGHTS FOR CHILDREN is published monthly.
ISSN 0018-165X (print)
ISSN 2330-6920 (online)
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