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Astringent 1
You will need:
 1/2 thinly sliced lemon
 1/2 thinly sliced orange
 3/4 cup ethanol alcohol

Combine lemon, orange, and alcohol in a blender and mix until fruits are pulverized.
Strain liquid into a jar using a small strainer or cheesecloth. Tightens your pores,
refreshes your skin, and helps remove oils from skin. Will keep 6 months refrigerated.
Yield, 3/4 cup.
Astringent 2
You will need:
 3 tsp lemon extract
 Juice of one lime
 1/2 cup rubbing alcohol

Combine ingredients in a small bowl. Transfer to a jar and shake well. Store in the
refrigerator. Tightens your pores, refreshes your skin, and helps remove oils from skin.
Chamomile Astringent
You will need:
 1/2 cup chopped fresh mint (or 2 tbsp dried)
 2 tbsp dried chamomile flowers, crushed
 4 cups water

Combine ingredients in a small saucepan. Boil for 10 minutes, then remove from heat
and allow to steep for 5 minutes. Strain liquid into a jar, cover and refrigerate. Will keep 2
weeks refrigerated. Apply w/ cotton balls to skin. Especially good for very oily skin.


2 Votes
Basic Cold Cream
This recipe gives you a basic cold cream/moisturizer, which you can add to as you like
with scented oils.
 1 egg yolk, beaten
 2 tbsp lemon juice
 1/2 cup olive oil
 1/2 cup vegetable oil

Combine egg yolk and lemon juice and stir with a wire whisk, gradually adding oils until
mixture thickens. If it’s too thick, add more lemon juice.
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All Purpose Hand Cream

 3 tbsp mashed almonds
 2 tbsp comfrey root (dried)
 1 tbsp chopped parsley
 1 egg
 1 tbsp honey
 1 tbsp glycerin

Mix almond meal, comfrey root and parsley in a small bowl and set aside. In another
bowl, mix egg, honey and glycerin. Stir in 3 tbsp of the almond mixture. Rub the mixture
gently into your hands, letting it penetrate for 20-30 minutes, then wash off with warm
water. Refrigerate mixture between uses.
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Cuticle Cream
 3 tbsp paraffin
 1/2 cup mineral oil
 1 tbsp coconut oil
 1 tbsp glycerin

Slowly heat paraffin with the oils in a double boiler. Stir until blended. Add in the glycerin
and remove from heat. Let cool before using.

Cucumber Facial Mask (Cleans and Moisturizes)

 1 tbsp instant nonfat dry milk
 1/2 peeled cucumber
 1 tsp plain yogurt

Put all ingredients into a blender and mix well until smooth. Apply to your face (avoid
your eyes). Leave on for 15-20 minutes, then rinse off. Mix a fresh batch for each use.
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Egg Facial Mask (Smooths and Moisturizes)

 1 egg
 1/2 cup coconut oil
 1 tbsp honey

Beat the egg in a small bowl. Add the coconut oil and honey slowly, beating until it’s the
consistency of mayonnaise. Spoon mixture into a toilet paper roll, sitting upright in a
small bowl. Set in the freezer overnight. To use, peel away the top of the cardboard roll
and smooth the frozen stick over your face. Leave it on for 5-10 minutes, then wash off
with warm water. Keep the stick covered with plastic wrap and freeze between uses.
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Herbal Facial Mask (Cleans and Tightens Pores)

 1 tbsp honey
 1 egg
 1 tsp crumbled dried chamomile flowers
 1 tsp finely chopped fresh mint

Mix all ingredients in a small bowl. Apply the mixture to your face and neck. Let dry (10-
15 minutes) and rinse off with warm water.
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Lemon Moisturizer
 1 beaten egg yolk
 1/2 cup olive oil
 1/2 cup vegetable oil
 2 tbsp lemon juice

Combine egg yolk and lemon juice in a small bowl. Stir with a wire whisk while adding
both oils until the mixture thickens. If it’s too thick, add more lemon juice.
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Makeup Remover and Moisturizer

 1/2 cup paraffin
 1 cup mineral oil
 1/2 cup water
 2 tbsp alum

Slowly heat paraffin with the oil in a double boiler. In a separate saucepan, heat the
water until it simmers, then dissolve the alum in it. Let cool, then add to the warm
mineral oil and paraffin mixture. As everything cools, the paraffin will rise to the top.
Drain off the water. The residue is your makeup remover.
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Peppermint Lotion
Relieves itching.
 1/2 cup water
 1/2 cup rubbing alcohol
 3-4 drops peppermint oil

Oil of eucalyputs or cade can be used in place of peppermint, if you prefer. Pour the
water and alcohol into a bottle, then add the oil. Cap and shake well. Apply to your skin
with a clean cloth.
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Rosewater Skin Lotion

Rejuvinates and smooths your skin.
 1 tbsp Rose water
o 3 tbsp rose soluble
o 2 cups water
o 2 tbsp glycerin
 2 capsules vitamin E (800 IU’s)
 1 tbsp honey
 1 tbsp coconut oil
 1 tbsp olive oil

Break open capsules to remove vitamin E and combine with other ingredients in a small
bowl. Mix well. To use, apply to your skin with cotton balls. Refrigerate between uses.
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Strawberry Skin Moisturizer

 1 tbsp each: olive, coconut and vegetable oils
 2 tbsp mashed strawberries
 (Optional) 1-2 drops Vitamin E oil

Mix all ingredients in a small bowl. Store in the refrigerator in a covered jar between
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Almond Oil Wrinkle Cream

A rich moisturizer that boosts the water-holding capacity of your skin and helps plump
out wrinkled areas.
 1 tbsp of an infusion of comfrey leaves OR
 1 tbsp of a decoction of comfrey roots
(See How to Make and Use Herb Preparations)
 1 tbsp lanolin
 2 tsp sweet almond oil
 2 tsp water
 2 tsp cod liver oil

Melt lanolin and almond oil in a double boiler. Add water and allow to cool. Mix in cod
liver oil and comfrey. Apply gently to face and rinse off after 5-10 minutes.


2 Votes


 3 cups soybean oil (available from grocery or health food store)
 1 1/2 cups turpentine

Mix ingredients together. Paint on surfaces of tents, awnings, car and boat covers, etc.,
and let dry. Store in a cool place, out of reach of children and pets. Reapply after a year
or two of hard use or outdoor exposure.
This is great for tents, awnings and camping equipment.
Method 1: Heat together in a double boiler
 2 1/2 ounces neat’s-foot oil (be careful – oil is flammable – available from boot or
shoe store)
 3/4 ounce mineral oil (available from drugstore or chemical supply house) and
 1/2 ounce of tallow (be careful tallow is flammable – available from meat market)

Stir gently until well mixed. Cool and bottle. Use a cloth to rub into shoes and boots.
Method 2: Mix 1 tablespoon silicone oil (available from foundry or foundry supply dealer)
into 1 cup of Stoddard solvent (hardware store, drugstore or drycleaning shop). Apply
Mix 1 1/4 pounds ammonium stearate (available from drugstore or chemical supply
house) into 4 gallons of hot water and apply two coats with a large paint brush.
This can be used for a concrete garden wall,foundation or a floor which becomes wet


1 Votes


Into 3 pints water mix
 1 cup ammonium chloride (available from drugstore or chemical suppy house)
 1/2 cup ammonium phosphate (available from a garden supply store)

Soak cloth well and let dry.

This preparation can be used for clothing, tents, awnings and other textiles.
(Important Note: Preparation will not make it impossible for wood to burn, just hard for
the wood to catch fire.)
Into 2 quarts water, mix
 1/2 cup zinc chloride (available from feed and grain dealer)
 1/4 cup ferric chloride (available from chemical supply house)
 3 tablespoons boric acid (available from drugstore) and
 3 tablespoons ammonium phosphate (available from garden supply store)

Spray or brush on 2 or 3 coats.

This preparation can be used in buildings, for outdoor furniture, camping equipment,etc.
Into 1 gallon water mix
 1 cup ammonium sulphate (available from garden supply store)
 1/2 cup boric acid (available from drugstore) and
 2 tablespoons borax (available from grocery or hardware store)

Mix well. Pour into a spray bottle. Spritz on tree and pour the remainder into the tree
stand instead of in water.
Mix 1 cup salt with 1 cup zinc oxide powder (available at ceramic shop or drugstore) and
sprinkle on hot fire. This will help keep the chimney flue clean.


3 Votes


Basic Beeswax Formulas
Beeswax makes a superior polish for wood and leather. For recipes calling for shredded
wax, grate the wax into shavings with a cheese/vegetable grater.
Leather Dressing
5-6 oz. Beeswax
8 oz. tallow
8 oz. neatsfoot oil
This is not a polish. It is a lotion that conditions and waterproofs smooth
leather superbly. Heat ingredients together to 160 degrees F. Mix thoroughly
and pour into containers.

~~Roughly equal parts of beeswax and olive oil melted together is all that has been
needed for centuries to make a salve that helps prevent and heal chapping and rough
skin. Olive oil has been mixed with beeswax for centuries, and is good for dry skin that
needs to be softened. In modern times odorless/colorless mineral oil has been mixed
with beeswax to make a soft, flexible coating that is not absorbed by the skin and repels
water yet is removed easily with soap and water.

A Basic Concentrated Hand Lotion

5 parts by volume beeswax
3 parts by volume coconut oil
A cream that is fairly solid when cold but will “melt” onto your hands as you
rub it in….
Melt ingredients in separate heat-resistant wide-mouth jars in a simmering
pan of water. Measure the melted ingredients into another jar in the the pan of
simmering water. Mix thoroughly. Place the mixture jar in a pan of cool water
and continue stirring. Transfer the cool cream into final containers. Ingredients
other than coconut oil may be used. It is in this formula because it melts at
skin temperature. Olive oil is often mixed with beeswax to make a skin lotion.
When whaling was an industry, spermaceti was prized for skin lotions – and
lamp oil, curiously enough.

Lip Balm
1 Tablespoon shredded beeswax
2 Tablespoon coconut oil
1/2 teaspoon glycerine (optional)
1 large vitamin E capsule
1-2 tsp. honey.
4 drops of essential oil such as almond, peppermint, orange or lemon.
Heat the beeswax, coconut oil and glycerine to 160 deg F. Add the vitamin E
capsule and stir until melted. Remove from heat. Add the honey and stir until
the mixture starts to thicken (140 degrees or so), then evenly add the
essential oil while stirring and continue to stir the mixture until cool. Pour into
final containers (like small screw-top balm jars) at about 120 degrees and let
set until completely cool.
“Natural” Lip Gloss
1 Tablespoon shredded beeswax
2 Tablespoons oil of your choice
Natural coloring as needed
Heat the beeswax and oil to 160 deg F. For color, add a natural vegetable
coloring (like beet powder, raspberry or blackberry juice, or even coffee that
has been ground into a powdery consistency, etc.). You will have to
experiment with the right combination of wax oil and color. Pour into final
containers and let set until completely cool. Package with a lipstick brush.

~~Lanolin was first suggested for use in cosmetics during WWII as a substitute for
beeswax, which was needed for the war effort (another story altogether). After the war
its use was continued and the foul-smelling grayish goo remains with us cosmetically to
this day. Lanolin, to be blunt, is wool grease. Anyone who’s ever smelled a wool
rendering plant or has felt pure lanolin can understand the term “wool grease.” Lanolin is
not listed in any of the formulas on this page but it may be used in any of the formulas
for skin or cosmetic use and it is often mixed with beeswax commercially.

Basic Beeswax Cold Cream

1 part Beeswax (17%) (all parts by weight)
2 parts Water (33%)
3 parts Oil (50%)
Borax – 5% to 6% of the beeswax used
Heat the beeswax and oil to 160 degrees F. Heat the borax and water to 160
degrees F. Mix and stir. Perfumes or essential oils should be added at 140
degrees F, and the mixture should be stirred until it is 120 degrees when it
should be poured in jars and allowed to cool.
The borax emulsifies the beeswax, sort of like making soap. Borax is alkali
and it neutralizes the fatty acids in beeswax when mixed, producing an oil-
water emulsion cream-like in consistancy.

Artists’ Varnish
3 parts in volume of finest turpentine spirit
1 part in volume of pure bleached beeswax.
Heat the wax and turpentine to 160 degrees F. Mix thoroughly until cool. Wax
varnish has a beautiful non-glossy sheen. It is easy to remove from a painting
or plaque without damaging the paint, though it yellows a little faster then
most other varnishes so you will have to clean your painting sooner (after ten
to fifteen years). However, it gives a period effect that is hard to duplicate with
modern materials.
Basic Beeswax Wood Polish
1-1/2 parts Turpentine or white spirits
1 part Beeswax
Heat the wax to 160 degrees F. Heat the solvent to 160 degrees and add to
the wax. Mix until cool, then transfer to final containers.The ratio of solvent to
beeswax determines whether this is a paste wax or a liquid polish. Other
ingredients are often added such as pigments, lemon oil, linseed oil, or tung
oil. More volatile solvents such as naptha aare also added or substituted to
make a faster-drying, thinner polish Carnauba wax is often added to make a
harder, shinier finish.
Classically, on “raw” wood the paste polish is applied warm, so the turpentine
soaks into the pores of the wood and pulls some beeswax with it. Excess polish
is brushed or scraped off. When dry, the resultant wax film is polished with brisk
rubbing. This beeswax and turpentine polish may be “renewed” many times by
brisk polishing. When more wax is finally necessary, though, it is best to remove
as much of the old wax as possible before applying more polish. Old wax will
often “gum up” and make polishing more difficult.


4 Votes



You will need:

 2 cups of distilled water
 Essential oil/fragrance of your choice.
 4 packages of knox gelatin
 Food coloring (optional)

Heat 1 cup of water almost to a boil. Add the gelatin and stir until dissolved. Remove
from heat add another cup of distilled water, 10-20 drops of oil/fragrance, and food
coloring if desired.
You can replace food coloring and oil/fragrance with premade liquid potpourri (available
at most craft stores, candle shops, etc.). Just make sure it’s the concentrated kind or it
won’t retain its smell. The procedure would be the same. Heat 1 cup of the liquid
potpourri, almost to a boil. Stir in 4 packets of Knox gelatin, until dissolved. Then stir in 1
cup cool liquid potpourri.
Pour the mixture into clean baby food jars and set at room temperature overnight until
“set”. You can place the jars in the refrigerator if you need them to set more quickly, but
be aware that the smell will permeate the fridge.
For gift giving, you can decorate the baby food jars by wrapping with material, or glueing
on wallpaper, stickers, wrapping paper, etc.
To use, place the jar on the stovetop (not directly on the burner!) while cooking, heat in a
potpourri burner, or simply set out on a table and enjoy the aroma.

Thanks to Margaret Latham,, for this addition:

I have made my own gel fresheners by using the concentrated liquid potpouri (1 cup)
instead of water and essential oils. I buy my at the local “dollar” store so the investment
is small but I don’t have any problems with mold growing. I’ve given several containers
away that I made and everyone enjoys them tremendously. My portions are as follows:
 1 c. concentrated liquid potpouri
 2 envelopes Knox unflavored gelatin
 Empty jar

Heat potpouri until almost to a boil. Remove from heat and add 2 envelopes of gelatin.
Stir to dissolve gelatin and pour into clean decorative jar. Place piece of plastic wrap
over jar and secure with rubber band. Either place in refrigerator for quick set or leave
out overnight on counter. Cover with piece of starched “lace” and wrap with ribbon to
decorate. Before using, remove plastic wrap and recover jar with lace cover. Hope my
hint helps with this wonderful craft idea.
This is not the same as GEL CANDLES, which we also get a lot of inquiries about. Try
visiting Downeast Scents or The Chemistry Store for instructions and materials for
making the gel candles.


3 Votes


Basic Flour Paste
Blend whole wheat flour with cold water to make a liquid paste (about the consistency of
pancake batter). Beat until the mixture is free of lumps, and then gently heat until boiling,
while constantly stirring. Allow to cool before using. Store in an air-tight container. If the
paste hardens, soften by mixing in small amounts of warm water as needed.
Wallpaper / Papier Mache Paste
 1 1/2 cups white flour
 1/2 cup sugar
 1 tbsp alum
 1 cup cold water
 2 cups boiling water

Combine flour and sugar. Slowly add cold water and beat/mix out any lumps. Put
mixture in a saucepan over a medium heat. Add the boiling water, and stirring
constantly, bring the mixture to a boil. When stiff, remove from heat and add alum. Store
in air-tight container. Should keep several weeks. If the paste hardens, soften by mixing
in small amounts of warm water as needed.
Basic Waterproof Glue
 6 tbsp water
 2 packets unflavored gelatin (1/2 oz.)
 2 tbsp white vinegar
 2 tsp glycerine

Bring water to a boil. Remove from heat and stir in gelatin until it is dissolved. Add
vinegar and glycerin and stir well. Let the mixture cool slightly and pour into a jar and
seal tightly. To Use: This glue is best applied while warm. Apply to surfaces using a
brush. Glue will gel after a few days. To re-use, warm by placing the jar in a pan of hot
water. Good for binding leather to leather, fabrics to cardboard, paper to paper.
Waterproof Glass Glue
 2 tbsp cold water
 2 packets unflavored gelatin (1/2 oz.)
 3 tbsp skim milk
 Oil of cloves (optional preservative)

Dissolve gelatin in cold water in a bowl. Bring milk to a boil and then stir into softened
gelatin. Add a few drops of oil of cloves if glue is to be kept for more than a day. To Use:
While the glue is still warm, brush a thin layer on the objects to be glued. Store in an air-
tight container. This glue will also gel when cooled, soften to use by placing the jar in
warm water. Good for adhering glass to glass, can be used for adhering glass to other
objects when in it’s gelled state.
Gum Arabic Glue/Cement
Use these glues to mend broken china, dishes and crockery.
Recipe 1: Mix 3 tbsp gum arabic with 1 tbsp glycerin and 1/2 tsp water. Store in air-tight
container. Will keep about 1 year. To Use: Apply a thin coat of the glue to each surface
and fit the pieces together. Hold firmly until the glue dries – this could take an hour or so.
Let the piece dry thoroughly (24 hours) before washing or using.
Recipe 2: Mix just enough water to gum arabic to dissolve it, then add plaster of Paris,
enough to produce a stiff paste. You can add pigment to this glue to match the color of
your china if desired, or paint the surface when the cement has dried.
Extra Hardening Papier Mache Paste
 1/2 cup wheat flour
 1/4 cup powdered resin glue
 1/2 cup warm water
 1 1/2 cups hot water
 4 drops oil of cinnamon

Mix flour and resin glue together in a saucepan. Add 1/2 cup warm water and mix to a
paste. Add hot water, stirring vigorously to prevent lumps. Cook mixture over a low heat,
stirring constantly, until it’s thick, and clear. Add oil of cinnamon. Store in tightly covered
jar. Will keep for a few days.
Liquid Cement
Mix 1 gallon of waterglass with 2 quarts of water. Heat and gradually add 1 pound of
shellac, stirring until completely dissolved. Use on cardboard, wood, crocker, glass, etc.


3 Votes


Toothpaste Recipes
 1/4 tsp peppermint oil
 1/4 tsp spearmint
 1/4 cup arrowroot
 1/4 cup powdered orrisroot
 1/4 cup water
 1 tsp ground sage

Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl. Add water until paste is desired thickness / consistency.
Store at room temperature in a tightly covered jar.
Substitute 1/2 tsp each of oil of cinnamon and oil of cloves for peppermint/spearmint if
Ben Franklin’s Toothpaste
 Honey
 Ground charcoal

Mix into a paste and rub on teeth for whiteness.

Simple toothpaste mixtures
 Bicarbonate of soda
 Salt
 Water
 Glycerine
 Peppermint oil

Mix 3 parts bicarbonate of soda with one part salt. Add 3 tsp of glycerine for every 1/4
cup of this mixture, then add enough water to make a thick paste. Add a few drops of
peppermint oil for better taste.
Fruit teeth cleaners!
Rub a lemon rind on your teeth to remove brown stains. Rinse your mouth thoroughly
Clean your teeth with a fresh strawberry. Rub it over and between your teeth.
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Mouth Wash
 2 cups water
 3 tsp fresh parsley
 2 tsp whole cloves
 2 tsp ground cinnamon
 2 tsp peppermint extract
Boil water and remove from heat. Add dry ingredients and allow to steep for 10-15
minutes. Strain and store in a tightly covered container in the refrigerator.
You can substitute other flavorings for peppermint if the minty flavor is not to your taste.
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Quicky Breath Fresheners

1. Gargle and rinse with undiluted rose water.
2. Chew a sprig of parsley or watercress.
3. Gently rub your gums and teeth with pine needles.


1 Votes


Truly Homemade ShampooShampoo is just liquid soap, usually made with vegetable oils
rather than animal fat, and with glycerine and alcohol added during the soapmaking process.
The basic ingredients for regular soap are lye (potash leached from ashes)*NOTE, fat (animal
tallow) or oil, and water. (Depending on how basic you want to get, you could even make your
own lye and render your own fat, but that’s very time consuming.)
Try the following recipe for a gentle homemade shampoo:
 2 lb. 10 oz. olive oil
 1 lb. 7 ox. of solid-type vegetable shortening
 1 lb. coconut oil
 10 1/4 oz. lye
 2 pt. water
 1 1/2 oz. glycerine
 1/2 oz. alcohol
 1 1/2 oz castor oil
 NOTE: You will need a candy thermometer to test temperatures.
Mix oils together. Place in a container and set the container in a large pan.Mix the lye solution –
pour the lye into an enamel coated container of 2 pints of cold water and stir steadily. When
cooled, pour lye solution into a glass container and set in another large pan. Bring both to
between 95° and 98° F – this will mean pouring either cold or hot water into the pans, depending
on the original temperature of the ingredients.
Add the lye solution to the oils, pouring in a steady stream while continuing to stir. The mixture
will turn opaque and brownish, then will lighten. It’s ready when its surface can support a drop of
mixture for a moment. The consistency should be like sour cream.
Stir in 1 1/2 oz. glycerine 1/2 oz. alcohol and 1 1/2 oz castor oil. Add any colorants, scents you
Now, you can pour the mixture into molds and allow to harden, then make the shampoo as you
need it by shaving off flakes and boiling in water until they dissolve – about 1 pound of shavings
per gallon of water. Or, you can add more water to mixture, boil, and allow to cool, then place in
bottles for use.
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Herbal Shampoo for Oily Hair

 2 tbsp dry peppermint
 2 tbsp dry spearmint
 1 tbsp dry sage
 1 cup water
 2/3 cup baby shampoo

Combine herbs and water in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and allow to steep
for 20 minutes. Strain out the herbs and mix the baby shampoo with the herbal water. Pour into a
plastic squirt bottle or jar.
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Herbal Shampoo for Dry Hair

 1 tbsp dry comfrey root
 1 tbsp dry rosemary
 1 tbsp dry chamomile
 1 cup water
 2/3 cup baby shampoo
 1 egg (beaten)
 1/3 cup milk

Combine herbs and water in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and allow to steep
for 20 minutes. Strain out the herbs and mix herbal water with the baby shampoo, egg and milk.
Pour into a plastic squirt bottle or jar.
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Hair Conditioner
 1/2 cup olive oil
 1/2 cup vegetable oil
 1/2 cup honey

Combine ingredients in a small saucepan and heat until just boiling. Remove immediately from
heat and let cool. Pour into a plastic spray bottle and spray on the ends of hair while wet. Wrap a
warm, wet towel around hair and leave for one hour. Shampoo the mixture out of your hair, rinse
and dry as usual. Mixture should be stored in a cool place.
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Dry Shampoo 
 2 tbsp corn meal
 1 tbsp ground almonds
 1 1/2 tbsp orrisroot
Combine ingredients in a bowl. Massage 1 tsp into your scalp, then brush through hair. Repeat if
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Shampoo for Bounce and Shine 

 1 egg
 1 tsp lemon juice
 3 tbsp unscented shampoo
 Fragrance oil of your choice
Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Shampoo into your hair and rinse well. The egg will act as a
conditioner, and the lemon juice will bring shine to your hair!
Return to topHAIR GEL
 2 tbsp Flax seeds
 1 cup water
 A few drops of essential oils (optional, to give the gel a nice smell)
Place flax seeds & water in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and let sit for about
15-20 minutes. Strain and allow to cool completely. Add essential oils (if desired) when cooled.
Place in glass container and store. Contributed by Lisa Van den Boomen,
NOTE: extrem cation should be use when using chemicals. Read all manufactures lables and
warning before using andy chemicals


3 Votes

Cara membuat Pembersih Lensa

This product is a small plastic vial with screw cap, in which a piece of chemically
saturated folded felt is packed. When the screw cap is removed, this wet piece of felt
extends up and above the top opening of the vial, so that the plastic container serves as
an applicator when the screw cap is removed.
The product is designed as a quick and easy lens cleaner for eye glasses and to use it,
you simply remove the cap, dab the wet felt lightly on each side of the eye glass lens
and then polish off with a handkerchief or tissue. It not only cleans the lens with a
sparkling clarity but it also retards fogging of the lens under certain conditions of heat
and cold.
Another feature is its long lasting effect, so convincingly demonstrated by suggesting
that the customer or prospect smear a LENZ-BRITE cleaned lens with his finger and
then polish off with his handkerchief, without further application of the cleaner. This
feature makes one application last all day long.
The product is simple to make – all that is needed is your vial which may be plastic or
glass, the felt or any absorbent substance that will hold the non-drying cleaning solution
and the solution itself. The absorbent substance may be felt, synthetic sponge, cotton
wicking, or even a piece of cloth rolled up to fit the small container or dispenser.
Ethylene Glycol . . . . . . . . 8 parts Wetting Agent . . . . . . . . . 1 part
Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 parts
Mix the wetting agent in the water and then stir in the Ethylene Glycol. We have given
the units as “PARTS”. You may consider the parts as drams, ounces, pints, quarts or
gallons according to size batch you wish to make.


Cara membuat Pembersih

Tembaga dan Kuningan
 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
 1/2 cup salt
 1/2 cup powdered detergent
 3/4 cup white vinegar
 1/4 cup lemon juice
 1/2 cup very warm water

Mix flour, salt and detergent in a bowl. Add remaining ingredients and stir. Transfer
mixture to a quart jar, close tightly and label for future use.
To use, shake jar, then pour some of the cleaner on the brass/copper surface and rub
gently with a dishcloth. For tough spots, scrub with an old toothbrush or a plastic
scouring pad. Rinse, dry and polish with a soft cloth.
3/4 gallon Water
1/2 pound Whiting
1 pound Tripoli
1/2 pound Silica
3 ounces Oxalic Acid
PROCESS: Mix well in a 10 quart pail. Cleans all metals, prevents rust. Put in coloring, if
desired (use water soluble acid proof color).
NOTE: The oxalic acid renders this poisonous. If desired non-poisonous, substitute
Citric Acid for the oxalic. Use finest powdered tripoli and powdered silica possible to
avoid scratching of surface being polished.


Cara membuat Umpan Pancing

Mix together 5 parts oil of rhodium and 2 parts oil of cumen.
Add 1 part tincture of musk. Stir.
Pour into 1/2 oz. bottles and label.
Put 1 or 2 drops of fish bait to attract fish.
Mix together 2 oz. oil of rhodium, 1/2 oz. tincture of musk, 1 oz. oil of cumen, 1/2 oz.
juice of loveageroot.
Make a paste of bread crumbs mixed with shreds of cotton or wool. Pour the oil mixture
on top of it and mix well.
Keep in tightly sealed bottles.
Break off a small piece of the cotton/wool mixture and use for bait.
Mix together 1 lb. ground aniseed or fennel seed and 1/4 lb. ground allspice.
Sprinkle 1/8 oz. oil of cloves over the above and mix.
Store in tightly sealed jars for a few days while the odors blend.
Put a drop on fish bait.
Combine 1 oz. gum benzoin and 12 oz. olive oil in a double boiler. Heat for 2 hours.
Remove and let stand for a week. Then strain.
Add 30 drops oil of rhodium and 3 drops oil of patchouli. Use a medicine dropper.
Add 1 1/2 oz. bacon grease or lard oil.
Store this mixture in small bottles. Put 1 or 2 drops on meat bait.
Combine 1/2 oz. oil of rhodium, 1/8 oz. oil of spearmint, 1/2 oz. oil of anise and 1 oz.
Use 2 drops on any bait.
Combine pure cod liver oil with some red oil-soluble food coloring. Mix.
Dip any bait into the mixture.
Put a loosely-covered jar of dead worms in a garage, barn or outbuilding.
Wait 10 days or until they have turned to liquid.
Pour off 1/2 oz. of the liquid and mix 20 drops of oil of rhodium with it.
Put a drop or 2 on fish bait.
Take odd pieces of cut-up fish, clams, lead minnows, crawfish and eels and put into a
loosely-covered glass jar.
Leave until it turns to oil.
Mix 1 part oil of anise with 5 parts of the fish oil.
Use on fish bait. Especially attracts bottom feeding fish.
Combine 2 oz. cod liver oil with 20 drops oil of anise. Mix well.
Use on bait. Especially attracts trout.
Combine 1/2 oz. oil of rhodium and 1/2 pint olive oil.
Put a drop or two on fish bait.


Cara membuat Anti

Serangga Kebun
To keep aphids and other pests off your roses: Finely chop
 1 onion
 2 medium cloves of garlic

Put ingredients into a blender with 2 cups of water and blend on high. Strain out pulp.
Pour liquid into spray bottle. Spray a fine mist on rose bushes, making sure to coat both
tops and bottoms of leaves.
Use an aluminum foil much around the base of plants such as tomatoes. The reflection
confuses the insects and drives them away.
Combine 1/2 cup buttermilk, 4 cups wheat flour and 5 gallons water. Suffocates spider
mites and other mites.
Apply rubbing alcohol to insect clusters with cotton swab. Wash with insecticidal soap
and rinse. Isolate infected plant if possible.
Sprinkle flour on developing cabbage heads. The flour swells up inside the worms and
bursts their intestines.
 Sprinkle salt directly onto slug. They shrivel up and die.
 Place shallow bowl of beer on the ground near slug trails and leave overnight.
 Copper wire? That’s what Martha Stewart says. Coil a piece of wire around the
base of your plants to give slugs a shocking experience. They won’t come back.
To help protect flowers, vegetables and shrubs from insects attacks.
Recipe 1:
 1/2 cup dead insects
 2 cups water

When insects infest flowers, vegetables or shrubs, identify and gather the pests. Collect
at least 1/2 cupful. Place in an old blender with the water. Blend on high, and then strain
out the pulp using a cheesecloth or fine sieve. Dilute at a rate of 1/4 cup to 1 cup of
water. Pour liquid into a spray bottle and apply to plants. Will keep up to a year, stored in
a tightly sealed container.
Recipe 2:
 3 hot green peppers (canned or fresh)
 2 or 3 cloves garlic
 3/4 tsp liquid soap
 3 cups water

Puree the peppers and garlic cloves in a blender. Pour into a spray bottle and add the
liquid soap and water. Let stand 24 hours. Strain out pulp and spray onto infested plants,
making sure to coat both tops and bottoms of leaves.
CAUTION: Always test any new insecticide on a few small leaves before starting a full-
scale application.


Cara membuat Anti Serangga

To keep ants out of a house or a garden: sprinkle ground cinnamon around base of
house. (I get the bulk cheap stuff works great no ants in 7 yrs!) You can also sprinkle it
on ant beds, to kill the ants (or they will travel to your neighbors yards). For your garden:
sprinkle concentrated lemon juice round the whole garden, keeps ants & insects out of
garden. Both are ok to use if you have pets or little kids around, safe for all to use & you
can get the kids to do it for you without worry! Contributed by
ANTS formula 2:
 Boric Acid
 Sugar
 Cotton Balls

Mix Boric Acid and Sugar in a bowl. Then soak Cotton ball in Mixture and let dry. Place
Cotton balls in path of Ants. Contributed by Michelle Potter
 1/3 cup molasses
 6 tablespoons sugar
 6 tablespoons active dry yeast

Mix ingredients together in a small bowl until they form a smooth past. Spread the
mixture into plastic lid. Any old plastic container will do. Set the mixture near the mouth
of ant hill. For kitchen areas, coat a strip of cardboard with the mixture and lay along
floor or in crevices where ants travel. Works best with medium to large ants. Try
substituting honey for the molasses.
 1/4 cup maple syrup
 1 tablespoon brown sugar
 1 tablespoon granulated sugar

Mix ingredients together in a small bowl. Pour over strips of brown paper and let soak
overnight. To hang, poke a hole in one end of a strip and tie a string to it.
Formula 1: Ingrediance
 aloe vera gel
 essential oils of citronella
 tea tree oil
 lavender oil

Stir all ingrediance together

Mix becomes opaque. (make it as strong as y0u like)
contributed by Lucy
Formula 2: Ingredients
 3 cups rubbing alcohol
 1 1/2 cups red cedar wood shavings
 1/2 cup eucalyptus leaves

Mix ingredients together in a large bowl or jar. Cover and let stand 5 days. Strain the
solid ingredients out and save the remaining liquid. Store tightly sealed. Yield: 2 cups. To
use, pour into a small spray bottle and spray lightly on skin.
Formula 3: Ingredients
 1/4 cup denatured alcohol
 1 1/2 teaspoons camphor
 1 1/2 teaspoons calcium chloride

Mix ingredients together in a bowl and stir until dissolved. To use, rub on skin before
going outside, or pour into a small spray bottle and spray lightly on skin. CAUTION: Do
not use near eyes. Discontinue use if you notice a rash or other allergic reaction.
Formula 4: Ingredients
Mix together:
 One ounce of either oil of citronella or pennyroyal
 Baby oil or vegetable oil, a few drops

Citronella and pennyroyal can be found at most health food stores. Apply to skin before
going outside.
(Note: caution should be used with pennyroyal around or by pregnant women)
Formula 5: Ingredients
 Four parts glycerin
 4 parts alcohol
 1 part eucalyptus oil

Or make a solution of equal parts of isopropyl alcohol and methyl phthalate.

Avon’s Skin-So-Soft
Although some people swear by this product, I didn’t find it to be particularly effective.
The castor bean plant
Seeds available from any nursery. Plant in pots within the house; replant outdoors.
Decorative and they grow like weeds! (Please read note 1)
Garlic Juice
My grandson is allergic to any type of repellent with chemicals in it. So we use a mixture
of Garlic juice and water. Use at least 1 part garlic juice to 5 parts water in a small
personal size spray bottle. Works every time, works great in the woods, hubby forgot
one day and had a terrible case of chiggers. We originally started to use this in our
garden instead of poisons and decided to use it on ourselves since it worked so
well. Contributed by Becky Holcomb,
Mix the following:
 Borax, one pound
 Powdered sugar, 60 oz.
 One oz. cocoa powder
 Two oz. sodium fluoride

Mix well and sprinkle around places pests are known to frequent. Keep out of reach of
Melt together
 4 parts naphthalene and
 8 parts paraffin wax

Paint on paper while still warm.


Cara membuat Penghilang Noda

Remedy #1: Soak the fabric in cold water until the stain is almost gone. Then apply a drop or
two of ammonia to the stain, and wash in warm water with detergent.
Remedy #2: Put a paste of water and cornstarch, cornmeal or talcum powder on the spot. Let
it dry and then brush it off.
Remedy #3: Put meat tenderizer on stain and add cool water. After 15-30 minutes, sponge off
with cool water.
Coffee Stains
Remedy #1: Dip a cloth into a beaten egg yolk and rub the yolk into the stain, then rinse with cool
Remedy #2: Mix 1/2 tsp milk detergent in a pint of water. Use this mixture to blot the stain.
Remedy #3: For stubborn stains, blot with a solution of water and white vinegar (equal parts).
Remedy #4: Work denatured alcohol into the stain, then rinse with water.
Fruit and Berry Stains
Sponge the spot promptly with cool water or soak the material in cool water (30 minutes –
overnight, depending on the stain). Then work undiluted liquid detergent into the stain and rinse.
Grass Stains
Remedy #1: Wipe the fabric with alcohol. You should test a corner first to make sure the material
isn’t damaged by the alcohol. Then apply a mild chlorine bleach to any remaining stain.
Remedy #2: Rub the stain with liquid detergent or naphtha soap. Then rinse thoroughly.
Remedy #3: For stubborn stains, try rubbing with vinegar or hydrogen peroxide (test fabric first).
Ink Spots / Stains
Remedy #1: Mix 1 tbsp cream of tartar and 1 tbsp lemon juice in cold water. Soak the material or
sponge the stain (depending on the severity of the stain).
Remedy #2: Try a pen eraser. It that doesn’t work, soak the spot with hair spray or nail polish
remover. (Test the fabric first.)
Remedy #3: Soak the stain with rubbing alcohol, then blot w/ a cloth and wash.
Remedy #4: Work concentrated ammonia into the stain, then vinegar, then rinse and wash.
Remedy #5: Get the stain wet with water, then sponge with a solution of mild detergent and a few
drops of vinegar. Let sit for 30 minutes. Rinse.
Grease / Oil Stains
Remedy #1: Rub white chalk into the stain, then wash in warm water with detergent.
Remedy #2: Absorb the grease, using cornmeal on rough fabrics, cornstarch on smoother fabrics.
Leave on the spot for up to 12 hours, then brush off and wash.
Remedy #3: Polyester fabrics – sprinkle the stain with talcum powder, then rub it into the spot
with your fingers. Leave overnight, brush off, then wash.
Paint Stains
For latex paint, soak in a solution of warm water and detergent for about 2 hours. Then brush
gently with a toothbrush. Repeat if necessary, then wash the garment as usual.
Perspiration Stains
Remedy #1: Sponge old stains with vinegar, and more recent stains with ammonia.
Remedy #2: Soak or sponge with baking soda.
Wash the garment in warm water and detergent, like normal. If an odor remains after washing,
soak the material in a solution of 3 – 4 tbsp salt in a quart of warm water.
Resin / Sap / Tree Goo Stains
Sponge stain with alcohol, turpentine, or other solvent. Then sponge with water and wash in
warm water with detergent.
Rust Stains
Remedy #1: Make a paste of salt and vinegar and rub into the stain. Let stand for 30 minutes, then
wash as usual.
Remedy #2: Soak in lemon juice. Then dry in the sun and rinse thoroughly.
Wine Stains
Remedy #1: Put white wine in a spray bottle , spraying it generously over then red wine stain and
blot it up with a sponge or towel (thank you Susan Kam)
Remedy #2: For fresh stains, blot wine up with an absorbent cloth, then sponge with club soda or
cool water.
Remedy #3: Sponge with dampened salt on a damp cloth.
Remedy #4: Stretch fabric over a pot with the stain in the middle. (Hold in place with a big
rubber band.) Put salt on the stain. Slowly pour boiling water over the salt and the stain.
All Purpose Stain Removal: Mom recommends club soda, lemon juice, baking soda and or salt.
Stained Porcelain – Scrub w/ baking soda.
Stained Coffee Pot – Soak and/or scrub w/ vinegar.
Coffee stains on china/porcelain
Remedy #1: Scrub w/ salt
Remedy #2: Scrub with a paste mixture of baking soda and water
Remedy #3: Soak overnight in a denture-cleaning solution
Remedy #4: Soak overnight in a solution of 1/2 cup household bleach and 2 quarts of water
Stains on Furniture
For water rings left by cups or glasses, rub with an abrasive. MILD abrasive: moisten cigarette or
cigar ashes with a little cooking oil and apply with your finger. MED abrasive: table salt
moistened, or silver polish.
 Take a little mayonaise on you finger and dab it right on the water stain, let it sit for
approximately five to ten minutes, or more, remove with a clean cloth. Water stain should be
gone. Another tip that I’ve heard and have tried only once, is to take the ashes from those ugly
cigaretts from the ash tray and apply to the water stain. This works too, but I prefer the
mayo. Contributed by
Rug Stains – Kevin says almost any stain can be “lifted” from your carpet by using baking soda.
For old, dry stains, wet the area thoroughly first with warm water, then cover with baking soda.
Vacuum when dry. Repeat if necessary. Very stubborn stains may need to be scrubbed with a wet
sponge and baking soda. I tried this on dog vomit, and it worked!

Cara membuat sabun sendiri
di rumah
| Liquid/Gel Soap | Vanilla & Almond Soap | Coconut & Olive Soap |Peaches &
Cream Bath Bar | Cinnamon Soap |
| Mechanic’s Hand Cleanser | Recycle Soap Ideas |
Liquid / Gel Soap 
 2 cups soap flakes or grated bar soap
 1/2 gallon water
 2 tbsp glycerin

Mix ingredients together in a large pot or dutch oven. Set over low heat, stirring occasionally
until the soap has dissolved. Transfer to a jar and cover tightly. For a less thick gel soap, use 1
gallon of water.Vanilla and Almond Soap
This soap is great for removing dirt and oil from the skin without drying. Vanilla gives it a
delicious fragrance and the ground almonds provide a beautifully textured soap. (Makes one bar.)
 1/3 cup whole almonds
 1 4-ounce bar Castile soap
 1/4 cup distilled water
 1 tablespoon almond oil
 1/8 teaspoon vanilla fragrance oil
Grind the almonds to a fine powder in a food processor or coffee grinder and set aside. Shred the
soap and set aside. In a heavy saucepan bring the water to a boil; then reduce heat to a simmer;
Remove the pan from the heat and add the almond powder, almond oil, and vanilla fragrance oil,
stirring until well blended. Spoon the soap into a mold and let set for five hours or until

Coconut & Olive SoapThis recipe has been revised by Christin Ocasio, Owner, Wyndham
Soapworks. See her notes in sidebar.
 1 cup olive oil
 1 cup coconut oil
 1 cup melted tallow (animal fat)
 2 tbsp lye (heaping) (*NOTE)
 1/2 cup cold soft water

has been changed to:

 8 oz weight olive oil
 8 oz weight coconut oil
 8 oz weight rendered tallow
 3.49 oz weight sodium hydroxide (pure lye) Red Devil brand 100% lye (*NOTE)
 9 fluid oz water

While wearing safety goggles and neoprene gloves, combine solid lye and liquid, stir well. Set
aside and allow to cool (100° F to 125° F). This is best done outside while you are standing
upwind.Combine oils and heat gently. Once the fats and oils are melted allow the temperature to
drop to 100° F to 125° F.
Combine lye solution and melted oils. Be careful not to splash while combining the mixtures. Stir
until the mixture traces. If tracing takes more than 15 minutes, which it often does, stir for the
first 15 minutes, then stir for 5 minutes at 15 minute intervals. Tracing looks like a slightly
thickened custard, not instant pudding but a cooked custard. It will support a drop, or your stir
marks for several seconds. Once tracing occurs…
Pour raw soap into your prepared molds. After a few days the soap can be turned out of the mold.
If the soap is very soft, allow it to cure for a few days to firm the outside.
Cut soap into bars and set the bars out to cure and dry. This will allow the bar to firm and finish
saponification. Place the bars on something that will allow them to breathe.
Note: If you don’t want to mess with tallow and lye, you can substitute shavings from any white
unscented soap.

Peaches And Cream Bath BarMakes One Bar 1 4-ounce bar

 Castile soap (or pure white unscented… like ivory)
 1/4 cup distilled water
 1/4 cup powdered milk
 1 tablespoon sweet almond oil
 1/8 teaspoon peach fragrance oil
 1 drop orange food coloring {optional}

Shred the Castile soap and set aside. Heat the water in a heavy saucepan over low heat. Stir in the
shredded soap until it forms a sticky mass. Remove the pan from the heat and add the powdered
milk, Sweet almond oil, Peach fragrance oil, food coloring; stir until well-blended. Spoon the
soap into its mold and let set for four hours or until hardened.
From Soaps, Shampoos & Other Suds: Make Beautiful Gifts to Give (Or Keep)
(Gifts from the Home) by Kelly Reno

Cinnamon Soap 
 unscented glycerin soap
 10 drops cinnamon oil
 1 drop red food coloring {optional}
In a heavy saucepan, melt the glycerin soap over low heat until liquefied. Remove the pan from
the heat and stir in the cinnamon oil and coloring until well mixed. Pour the soap into a mold and
let set for three hours or until hardened. Makes One Bar 1 4-ounce bar.
From Soaps, Shampoos & Other Suds: Make Beautiful Gifts to Give (Or Keep)
(Gifts from the Home) by Kelly Reno

Mechanic’s Hand CleanserGrind up a bar or two of your soap…

 1 c. borax
 1-2 t. pure turpentine
 1 t. sweet orange essential oil
 1 c. ground soap
With very clean hands, work the turpentine and essential oil into the borax until there are no
lumps left, then work into the soap. Keep it in a wide-mouthed jar or tin that’s easy for him to
open when his hands are greasy, and which you won’t mind getting black on the outside. Don’t
forget to put a nail brush and pumice stone out with the hand cleanser.
Recycle old soap!
Here are several ideas for re-using those little bits of leftover soap:
* Use as tailor’s chalk – mark darts and hems on washable fabric
* Make bubble bath – shave and crumble and add to bath
* Make new soap cakes – get them wet and stick them together to make a new bar!
* Make shower soap – Put slivers and pieces into the toe of some old pantyhose. Tie a knot in
the nylon just above the toe, and another at about the knee. Hang in the shower.


Cara membuat: Pembersih

peralatan rumah tangga
All-purpose Cleaner
 7 cups warm water
 1/2 cup baking soda
 1/2 cup household ammonia
Combine ammonia, baking soda and 1 cup of warm water in a 1/2 gallon jug. Cap and
shake vigorously until well mixed. Add remaining water. Label the jug for future use.
To use, pour 1/2 cup of the mixture into 1 – 1 1/2 gallons hot water. Be sure to test a
small area of delicate surfaces such as wallpaper.
All-purpose Disinfectant
 1-1/3 cup powdered laundry detergent
 1 quart hot water
 1-1/3 cup pine oil

Mix detergent and water and stir slowly until detergent is completely dissolved. If the
mixture gets foam, stop stirring and skim off the bubbles. Gradually add pine oil and mix
To use, dilute using 1 part disinfectant with 1 part water, except when cleaning high
bacteria areas such as toilet bowls, etc. Store in a jar with a tight fitting lid. Keep out of
reach of small children. Good for use on countertops and floors.
Aluminum Cleaner
 1/4 cup soap flakes
 1/2 cup white vinegar
 1/2 cup baking soda
 1/2 cup cream of tarter

Combine cream of tartar and baking soda. Add vinegar and mix to form a soft paste. Add
soap flakes and transfer to a jar or bottle with a solid lid. Label for future use.
To use, apply with a steel wool pad, then rinse off. Store out of reach of children.
Carpet Stain Remover/Cleaner
If the mess/stain is still wet, sprinkle with baking soda. Allow to dry, then vacuum. If stain
is old and dry, saturate with club soda and scrub with a wet cloth. Then sprinkle baking
soda on and allow to dry.
Comb & Brush Cleaner
 1 pint (16 fluid oz.) water
 1/4 cup household ammonia
 1/4 tsp shampoo or liquid detergent

Mix all ingredients in a bowl or jar. Set comb or brush in the liquid and allow to soak for
5-10 minutes. Remove from the liquid and clean the brush by scraping with a comb (and
vice versa). Rinse with warm water and allow to dry before using.
Drain Cleaner
Formula #1:
 1 cup baking soda
 1 cup salt
 1/4 cup cream of tarter
Place all ingredients in a jar with a tight fitting lid. Shake vigorously until well mixed. To
use, pour 1/4 cup of the mixture into the drain, followed by 2 cups boiling water. Wait 1
minute, then rinse with tap water.
Formula #2:
 1/2 cup baking soda
 1/2 cup of vinegar
 2 quarts boiling water

Plunge stuck drain first. Pour 1/2 cup baking soda down the drain, followed by the
vinegar and then boiling water.
Marjorie Hall,, recommends: Put 1/2 cup baking soda in drain.
Add 2 cups vinegar. Let stand about 5 minutes. Run hot water in the drain for several
Furniture Cleaner
 1 cup linseed oil
 2/3 cup turpentine
 1/3 cup white vinegar

Mix all ingredients thoroughly in a large bowl. Use a soft cloth to apply to wood surfaces,
rubbing to remove dirt and excess polish. Removes surface dirt and grime from finished
wood. Store in a tightly covered jar.
Glass Cleaner
 1 gal. water
 1 pint vinegar
 1 qt. ammonia
 1 qt. water
 1/2 cup vinegar
 1 cup ammonia

Cheap and works great! Always use newspaper to wipe dry. Contributed

Grease Solvent
 2 tbsp liquid gel soap (recipe here)
 3 tbsp cornmeal
 1 tsp glycerin

Combine ingredients in a small bowl and mix well. Removes stubborn grease/oil stains
from your skin. (See also Mechanic’s Hand Cleanser.)
Jewelry Cleaner
 1 tbsp dishwashing detergent
 1 tbsp washing soda (sodium carbonate)
 1 tbsp household ammonia
 3 cups warm water

Combine ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Pour into a glass jar and cover tightly. Label
jar for future use and keep out of reach of children. To use, soak jewelry in the solution
for 1-10 minutes (depending on how tarnished it is). Swish intricate pieces in the solution
to get into the cracks/crevices. Use a toothbrush or a well-washed mascara brush for
hard to reach places. Rinse and dry with a soft clean cloth. Don’t soak pearls in this
solution. Rub them gently with a soft chamois cloth dampened in the solution. Do not
combine this solution with chlorine bleach – hazardous fumes will result!
Tile & Grout Cleaner
 1/2 cup baking soda
 1/3 cup household ammonia
 1/4 cup white vinegar
 7 cups warm water

Combine ingredients in a gallon container. Cover tightly and shake or swish to mix
ingredients. Label for future use and keep out of reach of children. NOTE: Do not
combine this mixture with anything containing bleach.
To use, fill a spray bottle with the solution. Spray directly onto tile surface, then wipe with
a damp sponge or cloth. Eliminates grimy soap film.
Toilet Bowl Cleaner
 1 tbsp household ammonia
 1 cup hyrdogen peroxide
 2 quarts water

Mix ingredients in a bucket, then slowly pour solution into the toilet bowl. Let stand for 30
minutes, then scrub inside of bowl with a scrub brush and flush. For stubborn stains, let
stand for several hours. Use regularly to clean and disinfect.
Basic Laundry Detergent
1 Cup soap flakes
1/2 cup washing soda
1/2 cup borax
Soft Water Laundry Detergent
1 cup soap flakes
1/4 cup washing soda
1/2 cup borax
Hard Water Laundry Detergent
1 cup soap flakes
1 cup washing soda
1 cup borax
Liquid Laundry Detergent
1 cup of any of the above mixes
2 Tbs glycerin
2 cups warm water

Cara membuat Body Lotion

Basic Cold Cream
This recipe gives you a basic cold cream/moisturizer, which you can add to as you like
with scented oils.
 1 egg yolk, beaten
 2 tbsp lemon juice
 1/2 cup olive oil
 1/2 cup vegetable oil

Combine egg yolk and lemon juice and stir with a wire whisk, gradually adding oils until
mixture thickens. If it’s too thick, add more lemon juice.
Return to top

All Purpose Hand Cream

 3 tbsp mashed almonds
 2 tbsp comfrey root (dried)
 1 tbsp chopped parsley
 1 egg
 1 tbsp honey
 1 tbsp glycerin

Mix almond meal, comfrey root and parsley in a small bowl and set aside. In another
bowl, mix egg, honey and glycerin. Stir in 3 tbsp of the almond mixture. Rub the mixture
gently into your hands, letting it penetrate for 20-30 minutes, then wash off with warm
water. Refrigerate mixture between uses.
Return to top
Cuticle Cream
 3 tbsp paraffin
 1/2 cup mineral oil
 1 tbsp coconut oil
 1 tbsp glycerin

Slowly heat paraffin with the oils in a double boiler. Stir until blended. Add in the glycerin
and remove from heat. Let cool before using.

Cucumber Facial Mask (Cleans and Moisturizes)

 1 tbsp instant nonfat dry milk
 1/2 peeled cucumber
 1 tsp plain yogurt

Put all ingredients into a blender and mix well until smooth. Apply to your face (avoid
your eyes). Leave on for 15-20 minutes, then rinse off. Mix a fresh batch for each use.
Return to top

Egg Facial Mask (Smooths and Moisturizes)

 1 egg
 1/2 cup coconut oil
 1 tbsp honey

Beat the egg in a small bowl. Add the coconut oil and honey slowly, beating until it’s the
consistency of mayonnaise. Spoon mixture into a toilet paper roll, sitting upright in a
small bowl. Set in the freezer overnight. To use, peel away the top of the cardboard roll
and smooth the frozen stick over your face. Leave it on for 5-10 minutes, then wash off
with warm water. Keep the stick covered with plastic wrap and freeze between uses.
Return to top

Herbal Facial Mask (Cleans and Tightens Pores)

 1 tbsp honey
 1 egg
 1 tsp crumbled dried chamomile flowers
 1 tsp finely chopped fresh mint

Mix all ingredients in a small bowl. Apply the mixture to your face and neck. Let dry (10-
15 minutes) and rinse off with warm water.
Return to top

Lemon Moisturizer
 1 beaten egg yolk
 1/2 cup olive oil
 1/2 cup vegetable oil
 2 tbsp lemon juice

Combine egg yolk and lemon juice in a small bowl. Stir with a wire whisk while adding
both oils until the mixture thickens. If it’s too thick, add more lemon juice.
Return to top

Makeup Remover and Moisturizer

 1/2 cup paraffin
 1 cup mineral oil
 1/2 cup water
 2 tbsp alum

Slowly heat paraffin with the oil in a double boiler. In a separate saucepan, heat the
water until it simmers, then dissolve the alum in it. Let cool, then add to the warm
mineral oil and paraffin mixture. As everything cools, the paraffin will rise to the top.
Drain off the water. The residue is your makeup remover.
Return to top

Peppermint Lotion
Relieves itching.
 1/2 cup water
 1/2 cup rubbing alcohol
 3-4 drops peppermint oil

Oil of eucalyputs or cade can be used in place of peppermint, if you prefer. Pour the
water and alcohol into a bottle, then add the oil. Cap and shake well. Apply to your skin
with a clean cloth.
Return to top
Rosewater Skin Lotion
Rejuvinates and smooths your skin.
 1 tbsp Rose water
o 3 tbsp rose soluble
o 2 cups water
o 2 tbsp glycerin
 2 capsules vitamin E (800 IU’s)
 1 tbsp honey
 1 tbsp coconut oil
 1 tbsp olive oil

Break open capsules to remove vitamin E and combine with other ingredients in a small
bowl. Mix well. To use, apply to your skin with cotton balls. Refrigerate between uses.
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Strawberry Skin Moisturizer

 1 tbsp each: olive, coconut and vegetable oils
 2 tbsp mashed strawberries
 (Optional) 1-2 drops Vitamin E oil

Mix all ingredients in a small bowl. Store in the refrigerator in a covered jar between
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Almond Oil Wrinkle Cream

A rich moisturizer that boosts the water-holding capacity of your skin and helps plump
out wrinkled areas.
 1 tbsp of an infusion of comfrey leaves OR
 1 tbsp of a decoction of comfrey roots
(See How to Make and Use Herb Preparations)
 1 tbsp lanolin
 2 tsp sweet almond oil
 2 tsp water
 2 tsp cod liver oil

Melt lanolin and almond oil in a double boiler. Add water and allow to cool. Mix in cod
liver oil and comfrey. Apply gently to face and rinse off after 5-10 minutes.
Cara membuat Pengharum
Ruangan (Gel)

You will need:

 2 cups of distilled water
 Essential oil/fragrance of your choice.
 4 packages of knox gelatin
 Food coloring (optional)

Heat 1 cup of water almost to a boil. Add the gelatin and stir until dissolved. Remove
from heat add another cup of distilled water, 10-20 drops of oil/fragrance, and food
coloring if desired.
You can replace food coloring and oil/fragrance with premade liquid potpourri (available
at most craft stores, candle shops, etc.). Just make sure it’s the concentrated kind or it
won’t retain its smell. The procedure would be the same. Heat 1 cup of the liquid
potpourri, almost to a boil. Stir in 4 packets of Knox gelatin, until dissolved. Then stir in 1
cup cool liquid potpourri.
Pour the mixture into clean baby food jars and set at room temperature overnight until
“set”. You can place the jars in the refrigerator if you need them to set more quickly, but
be aware that the smell will permeate the fridge.
For gift giving, you can decorate the baby food jars by wrapping with material, or glueing
on wallpaper, stickers, wrapping paper, etc.
To use, place the jar on the stovetop (not directly on the burner!) while cooking, heat in a
potpourri burner, or simply set out on a table and enjoy the aroma.

Thanks to Margaret Latham,, for this addition:

I have made my own gel fresheners by using the concentrated liquid potpouri (1 cup)
instead of water and essential oils. I buy my at the local “dollar” store so the investment
is small but I don’t have any problems with mold growing. I’ve given several containers
away that I made and everyone enjoys them tremendously. My portions are as follows:
 1 c. concentrated liquid potpouri
 2 envelopes Knox unflavored gelatin
 Empty jar

Heat potpouri until almost to a boil. Remove from heat and add 2 envelopes of gelatin.
Stir to dissolve gelatin and pour into clean decorative jar. Place piece of plastic wrap
over jar and secure with rubber band. Either place in refrigerator for quick set or leave
out overnight on counter. Cover with piece of starched “lace” and wrap with ribbon to
decorate. Before using, remove plastic wrap and recover jar with lace cover. Hope my
hint helps with this wonderful craft idea.
This is not the same as GEL CANDLES, which we also get a lot of inquiries about. Try
visiting Downeast Scents or The Chemistry Store for instructions and materials for
making the gel candles.


Cara membuat Lem untuk

rumah tangga
Basic Flour Paste
Blend whole wheat flour with cold water to make a liquid paste (about the consistency of
pancake batter). Beat until the mixture is free of lumps, and then gently heat until boiling,
while constantly stirring. Allow to cool before using. Store in an air-tight container. If the
paste hardens, soften by mixing in small amounts of warm water as needed.
Wallpaper / Papier Mache Paste
 1 1/2 cups white flour
 1/2 cup sugar
 1 tbsp alum
 1 cup cold water
 2 cups boiling water

Combine flour and sugar. Slowly add cold water and beat/mix out any lumps. Put
mixture in a saucepan over a medium heat. Add the boiling water, and stirring
constantly, bring the mixture to a boil. When stiff, remove from heat and add alum. Store
in air-tight container. Should keep several weeks. If the paste hardens, soften by mixing
in small amounts of warm water as needed.
Basic Waterproof Glue
 6 tbsp water
 2 packets unflavored gelatin (1/2 oz.)
 2 tbsp white vinegar
 2 tsp glycerine

Bring water to a boil. Remove from heat and stir in gelatin until it is dissolved. Add
vinegar and glycerin and stir well. Let the mixture cool slightly and pour into a jar and
seal tightly. To Use: This glue is best applied while warm. Apply to surfaces using a
brush. Glue will gel after a few days. To re-use, warm by placing the jar in a pan of hot
water. Good for binding leather to leather, fabrics to cardboard, paper to paper.
Waterproof Glass Glue
 2 tbsp cold water
 2 packets unflavored gelatin (1/2 oz.)
 3 tbsp skim milk
 Oil of cloves (optional preservative)

Dissolve gelatin in cold water in a bowl. Bring milk to a boil and then stir into softened
gelatin. Add a few drops of oil of cloves if glue is to be kept for more than a day. To Use:
While the glue is still warm, brush a thin layer on the objects to be glued. Store in an air-
tight container. This glue will also gel when cooled, soften to use by placing the jar in
warm water. Good for adhering glass to glass, can be used for adhering glass to other
objects when in it’s gelled state.
Gum Arabic Glue/Cement
Use these glues to mend broken china, dishes and crockery.
Recipe 1: Mix 3 tbsp gum arabic with 1 tbsp glycerin and 1/2 tsp water. Store in air-tight
container. Will keep about 1 year. To Use: Apply a thin coat of the glue to each surface
and fit the pieces together. Hold firmly until the glue dries – this could take an hour or so.
Let the piece dry thoroughly (24 hours) before washing or using.
Recipe 2: Mix just enough water to gum arabic to dissolve it, then add plaster of Paris,
enough to produce a stiff paste. You can add pigment to this glue to match the color of
your china if desired, or paint the surface when the cement has dried.
Extra Hardening Papier Mache Paste
 1/2 cup wheat flour
 1/4 cup powdered resin glue
 1/2 cup warm water
 1 1/2 cups hot water
 4 drops oil of cinnamon

Mix flour and resin glue together in a saucepan. Add 1/2 cup warm water and mix to a
paste. Add hot water, stirring vigorously to prevent lumps. Cook mixture over a low heat,
stirring constantly, until it’s thick, and clear. Add oil of cinnamon. Store in tightly covered
jar. Will keep for a few days.
Liquid Cement
Mix 1 gallon of waterglass with 2 quarts of water. Heat and gradually add 1 pound of
shellac, stirring until completely dissolved. Use on cardboard, wood, crocker, glass, etc.


Cara membuat
Pembersih/penyegar Mulut
dan Gigi
Toothpaste Recipes
 1/4 tsp peppermint oil
 1/4 tsp spearmint
 1/4 cup arrowroot
 1/4 cup powdered orrisroot
 1/4 cup water
 1 tsp ground sage

Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl. Add water until paste is desired thickness / consistency.
Store at room temperature in a tightly covered jar.
Substitute 1/2 tsp each of oil of cinnamon and oil of cloves for peppermint/spearmint if
Ben Franklin’s Toothpaste
 Honey
 Ground charcoal

Mix into a paste and rub on teeth for whiteness.

Simple toothpaste mixtures
 Bicarbonate of soda
 Salt
 Water
 Glycerine
 Peppermint oil

Mix 3 parts bicarbonate of soda with one part salt. Add 3 tsp of glycerine for every 1/4
cup of this mixture, then add enough water to make a thick paste. Add a few drops of
peppermint oil for better taste.
Fruit teeth cleaners!
Rub a lemon rind on your teeth to remove brown stains. Rinse your mouth thoroughly
Clean your teeth with a fresh strawberry. Rub it over and between your teeth.
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Mouth Wash
 2 cups water
 3 tsp fresh parsley
 2 tsp whole cloves
 2 tsp ground cinnamon
 2 tsp peppermint extract

Boil water and remove from heat. Add dry ingredients and allow to steep for 10-15
minutes. Strain and store in a tightly covered container in the refrigerator.
You can substitute other flavorings for peppermint if the minty flavor is not to your taste.
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Quicky Breath Fresheners

1. Gargle and rinse with undiluted rose water.
2. Chew a sprig of parsley or watercress.
3. Gently rub your gums and teeth with pine needles.


Cara membuat Shampoo di rumah

Truly Homemade ShampooShampoo is just liquid soap, usually made with vegetable oils rather than
animal fat, and with glycerine and alcohol added during the soapmaking process.

The basic ingredients for regular soap are lye (potash leached from ashes)*NOTE, fat (animal
tallow) or oil, and water. (Depending on how basic you want to get, you could even make your
own lye and render your own fat, but that’s very time consuming.)
Try the following recipe for a gentle homemade shampoo:
 2 lb. 10 oz. olive oil
 1 lb. 7 ox. of solid-type vegetable shortening
 1 lb. coconut oil
 10 1/4 oz. lye
 2 pt. water
 1 1/2 oz. glycerine
 1/2 oz. alcohol
 1 1/2 oz castor oil
 NOTE: You will need a candy thermometer to test temperatures.

Mix oils together. Place in a container and set the container in a large pan.Mix the lye solution –
pour the lye into an enamel coated container of 2 pints of cold water and stir steadily. When
cooled, pour lye solution into a glass container and set in another large pan. Bring both to
between 95° and 98° F – this will mean pouring either cold or hot water into the pans, depending
on the original temperature of the ingredients.
Add the lye solution to the oils, pouring in a steady stream while continuing to stir. The mixture
will turn opaque and brownish, then will lighten. It’s ready when its surface can support a drop of
mixture for a moment. The consistency should be like sour cream.
Stir in 1 1/2 oz. glycerine 1/2 oz. alcohol and 1 1/2 oz castor oil. Add any colorants, scents you
Now, you can pour the mixture into molds and allow to harden, then make the shampoo as you
need it by shaving off flakes and boiling in water until they dissolve – about 1 pound of shavings
per gallon of water. Or, you can add more water to mixture, boil, and allow to cool, then place in
bottles for use.
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Herbal Shampoo for Oily Hair

 2 tbsp dry peppermint
 2 tbsp dry spearmint
 1 tbsp dry sage
 1 cup water
 2/3 cup baby shampoo

Combine herbs and water in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and allow to steep
for 20 minutes. Strain out the herbs and mix the baby shampoo with the herbal water. Pour into a
plastic squirt bottle or jar.
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Herbal Shampoo for Dry Hair

 1 tbsp dry comfrey root
 1 tbsp dry rosemary
 1 tbsp dry chamomile
 1 cup water
 2/3 cup baby shampoo
 1 egg (beaten)
 1/3 cup milk

Combine herbs and water in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and allow to steep
for 20 minutes. Strain out the herbs and mix herbal water with the baby shampoo, egg and milk.
Pour into a plastic squirt bottle or jar.
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Hair Conditioner
 1/2 cup olive oil
 1/2 cup vegetable oil
 1/2 cup honey

Combine ingredients in a small saucepan and heat until just boiling. Remove immediately from
heat and let cool. Pour into a plastic spray bottle and spray on the ends of hair while wet. Wrap a
warm, wet towel around hair and leave for one hour. Shampoo the mixture out of your hair, rinse
and dry as usual. Mixture should be stored in a cool place.
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Dry Shampoo 
 2 tbsp corn meal
 1 tbsp ground almonds
 1 1/2 tbsp orrisroot

Combine ingredients in a bowl. Massage 1 tsp into your scalp, then brush through hair. Repeat if
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Shampoo for Bounce and Shine 

 1 egg
 1 tsp lemon juice
 3 tbsp unscented shampoo
 Fragrance oil of your choice

Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Shampoo into your hair and rinse well. The egg will act as a
conditioner, and the lemon juice will bring shine to your hair!
Return to topHAIR GEL
 2 tbsp Flax seeds
 1 cup water
 A few drops of essential oils (optional, to give the gel a nice smell)

Place flax seeds & water in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and let sit for about
15-20 minutes. Strain and allow to cool completely. Add essential oils (if desired) when cooled.
Place in glass container and store. Contributed by Lisa Van den Boomen,
NOTE: extrem cation should be use when using chemicals. Read all manufactures lables and warning
before using andy chemicals

Cara membuat Pembersih Lensa
This product is a small plastic vial with screw cap, in which a piece of chemically
saturated folded felt is packed. When the screw cap is removed, this wet piece of felt
extends up and above the top opening of the vial, so that the plastic container serves as
an applicator when the screw cap is removed.
The product is designed as a quick and easy lens cleaner for eye glasses and to use it,
you simply remove the cap, dab the wet felt lightly on each side of the eye glass lens
and then polish off with a handkerchief or tissue. It not only cleans the lens with a
sparkling clarity but it also retards fogging of the lens under certain conditions of heat
and cold.
Another feature is its long lasting effect, so convincingly demonstrated by suggesting
that the customer or prospect smear a LENZ-BRITE cleaned lens with his finger and
then polish off with his handkerchief, without further application of the cleaner. This
feature makes one application last all day long.
The product is simple to make – all that is needed is your vial which may be plastic or
glass, the felt or any absorbent substance that will hold the non-drying cleaning solution
and the solution itself. The absorbent substance may be felt, synthetic sponge, cotton
wicking, or even a piece of cloth rolled up to fit the small container or dispenser.
Ethylene Glycol . . . . . . . . 8 parts Wetting Agent . . . . . . . . . 1 part
Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 parts
Mix the wetting agent in the water and then stir in the Ethylene Glycol. We have given
the units as “PARTS”. You may consider the parts as drams, ounces, pints, quarts or
gallons according to size batch you wish to make.

Cara membuat Anti Serangga

To keep ants out of a house or a garden: sprinkle ground cinnamon around base of
house. (I get the bulk cheap stuff works great no ants in 7 yrs!) You can also sprinkle it
on ant beds, to kill the ants (or they will travel to your neighbors yards). For your garden:
sprinkle concentrated lemon juice round the whole garden, keeps ants & insects out of
garden. Both are ok to use if you have pets or little kids around, safe for all to use & you
can get the kids to do it for you without worry! Contributed by
ANTS formula 2:
 Boric Acid
 Sugar
 Cotton Balls

Mix Boric Acid and Sugar in a bowl. Then soak Cotton ball in Mixture and let dry. Place
Cotton balls in path of Ants. Contributed by Michelle Potter
 1/3 cup molasses
 6 tablespoons sugar
 6 tablespoons active dry yeast

Mix ingredients together in a small bowl until they form a smooth past. Spread the
mixture into plastic lid. Any old plastic container will do. Set the mixture near the mouth
of ant hill. For kitchen areas, coat a strip of cardboard with the mixture and lay along
floor or in crevices where ants travel. Works best with medium to large ants. Try
substituting honey for the molasses.
 1/4 cup maple syrup
 1 tablespoon brown sugar
 1 tablespoon granulated sugar

Mix ingredients together in a small bowl. Pour over strips of brown paper and let soak
overnight. To hang, poke a hole in one end of a strip and tie a string to it.
Formula 1: Ingrediance
 aloe vera gel
 essential oils of citronella
 tea tree oil
 lavender oil

Stir all ingrediance together

Mix becomes opaque. (make it as strong as y0u like)
contributed by Lucy
Formula 2: Ingredients
 3 cups rubbing alcohol
 1 1/2 cups red cedar wood shavings
 1/2 cup eucalyptus leaves

Mix ingredients together in a large bowl or jar. Cover and let stand 5 days. Strain the
solid ingredients out and save the remaining liquid. Store tightly sealed. Yield: 2 cups. To
use, pour into a small spray bottle and spray lightly on skin.
Formula 3: Ingredients
 1/4 cup denatured alcohol
 1 1/2 teaspoons camphor
 1 1/2 teaspoons calcium chloride

Mix ingredients together in a bowl and stir until dissolved. To use, rub on skin before
going outside, or pour into a small spray bottle and spray lightly on skin. CAUTION: Do
not use near eyes. Discontinue use if you notice a rash or other allergic reaction.
Formula 4: Ingredients
Mix together:
 One ounce of either oil of citronella or pennyroyal
 Baby oil or vegetable oil, a few drops

Citronella and pennyroyal can be found at most health food stores. Apply to skin before
going outside.
(Note: caution should be used with pennyroyal around or by pregnant women)
Formula 5: Ingredients
 Four parts glycerin
 4 parts alcohol
 1 part eucalyptus oil

Or make a solution of equal parts of isopropyl alcohol and methyl phthalate.

Avon’s Skin-So-Soft
Although some people swear by this product, I didn’t find it to be particularly effective.
The castor bean plant
Seeds available from any nursery. Plant in pots within the house; replant outdoors.
Decorative and they grow like weeds! (Please read note 1)
Garlic Juice
My grandson is allergic to any type of repellent with chemicals in it. So we use a mixture
of Garlic juice and water. Use at least 1 part garlic juice to 5 parts water in a small
personal size spray bottle. Works every time, works great in the woods, hubby forgot
one day and had a terrible case of chiggers. We originally started to use this in our
garden instead of poisons and decided to use it on ourselves since it worked so
well. Contributed by Becky Holcomb,
Mix the following:
 Borax, one pound
 Powdered sugar, 60 oz.
 One oz. cocoa powder
 Two oz. sodium fluoride

Mix well and sprinkle around places pests are known to frequent. Keep out of reach of
Melt together
 4 parts naphthalene and
 8 parts paraffin wax

Paint on paper while still warm.


Cara membuat Penghilang Noda

Remedy #1: Soak the fabric in cold water until the stain is almost gone. Then apply a drop or two of
ammonia to the stain, and wash in warm water with detergent.
Remedy #2: Put a paste of water and cornstarch, cornmeal or talcum powder on the spot. Let it dry
and then brush it off.
Remedy #3: Put meat tenderizer on stain and add cool water. After 15-30 minutes, sponge off with
cool water.

Coffee Stains
Remedy #1: Dip a cloth into a beaten egg yolk and rub the yolk into the stain, then rinse with cool
Remedy #2: Mix 1/2 tsp milk detergent in a pint of water. Use this mixture to blot the stain.
Remedy #3: For stubborn stains, blot with a solution of water and white vinegar (equal parts).
Remedy #4: Work denatured alcohol into the stain, then rinse with water.
Fruit and Berry Stains
Sponge the spot promptly with cool water or soak the material in cool water (30 minutes –
overnight, depending on the stain). Then work undiluted liquid detergent into the stain and rinse.
Grass Stains
Remedy #1: Wipe the fabric with alcohol. You should test a corner first to make sure the material
isn’t damaged by the alcohol. Then apply a mild chlorine bleach to any remaining stain.
Remedy #2: Rub the stain with liquid detergent or naphtha soap. Then rinse thoroughly.
Remedy #3: For stubborn stains, try rubbing with vinegar or hydrogen peroxide (test fabric first).
Ink Spots / Stains
Remedy #1: Mix 1 tbsp cream of tartar and 1 tbsp lemon juice in cold water. Soak the material or
sponge the stain (depending on the severity of the stain).
Remedy #2: Try a pen eraser. It that doesn’t work, soak the spot with hair spray or nail polish
remover. (Test the fabric first.)
Remedy #3: Soak the stain with rubbing alcohol, then blot w/ a cloth and wash.
Remedy #4: Work concentrated ammonia into the stain, then vinegar, then rinse and wash.
Remedy #5: Get the stain wet with water, then sponge with a solution of mild detergent and a few
drops of vinegar. Let sit for 30 minutes. Rinse.
Grease / Oil Stains
Remedy #1: Rub white chalk into the stain, then wash in warm water with detergent.
Remedy #2: Absorb the grease, using cornmeal on rough fabrics, cornstarch on smoother fabrics.
Leave on the spot for up to 12 hours, then brush off and wash.
Remedy #3: Polyester fabrics – sprinkle the stain with talcum powder, then rub it into the spot
with your fingers. Leave overnight, brush off, then wash.
Paint Stains
For latex paint, soak in a solution of warm water and detergent for about 2 hours. Then brush
gently with a toothbrush. Repeat if necessary, then wash the garment as usual.
Perspiration Stains
Remedy #1: Sponge old stains with vinegar, and more recent stains with ammonia.
Remedy #2: Soak or sponge with baking soda.
Wash the garment in warm water and detergent, like normal. If an odor remains after washing,
soak the material in a solution of 3 – 4 tbsp salt in a quart of warm water.
Resin / Sap / Tree Goo Stains
Sponge stain with alcohol, turpentine, or other solvent. Then sponge with water and wash in
warm water with detergent.
Rust Stains
Remedy #1: Make a paste of salt and vinegar and rub into the stain. Let stand for 30 minutes, then
wash as usual.
Remedy #2: Soak in lemon juice. Then dry in the sun and rinse thoroughly.
Wine Stains
Remedy #1: Put white wine in a spray bottle , spraying it generously over then red wine stain and
blot it up with a sponge or towel (thank you Susan Kam)
Remedy #2: For fresh stains, blot wine up with an absorbent cloth, then sponge with club soda or
cool water.
Remedy #3: Sponge with dampened salt on a damp cloth.
Remedy #4: Stretch fabric over a pot with the stain in the middle. (Hold in place with a big
rubber band.) Put salt on the stain. Slowly pour boiling water over the salt and the stain.
All Purpose Stain Removal: Mom recommends club soda, lemon juice, baking soda and or salt.
Stained Porcelain – Scrub w/ baking soda.
Stained Coffee Pot – Soak and/or scrub w/ vinegar.
Coffee stains on china/porcelain
Remedy #1: Scrub w/ salt
Remedy #2: Scrub with a paste mixture of baking soda and water
Remedy #3: Soak overnight in a denture-cleaning solution
Remedy #4: Soak overnight in a solution of 1/2 cup household bleach and 2 quarts of water
Stains on Furniture
For water rings left by cups or glasses, rub with an abrasive. MILD abrasive: moisten cigarette or
cigar ashes with a little cooking oil and apply with your finger. MED abrasive: table salt
moistened, or silver polish.
 Take a little mayonaise on you finger and dab it right on the water stain, let it sit for
approximately five to ten minutes, or more, remove with a clean cloth. Water stain should be
gone. Another tip that I’ve heard and have tried only once, is to take the ashes from those ugly
cigaretts from the ash tray and apply to the water stain. This works too, but I prefer the
mayo. Contributed by
Rug Stains – Kevin says almost any stain can be “lifted” from your carpet by using baking soda.
For old, dry stains, wet the area thoroughly first with warm water, then cover with baking soda.
Vacuum when dry. Repeat if necessary. Very stubborn stains may need to be scrubbed with a wet
sponge and baking soda. I tried this on dog vomit, and it worked!


Cara membuat sabun sendiri

di rumah
| Liquid/Gel Soap | Vanilla & Almond Soap | Coconut & Olive Soap |Peaches &
Cream Bath Bar | Cinnamon Soap |
| Mechanic’s Hand Cleanser | Recycle Soap Ideas |
Liquid / Gel Soap 
 2 cups soap flakes or grated bar soap
 1/2 gallon water
 2 tbsp glycerin

Mix ingredients together in a large pot or dutch oven. Set over low heat, stirring occasionally
until the soap has dissolved. Transfer to a jar and cover tightly. For a less thick gel soap, use 1
gallon of water.Vanilla and Almond Soap
This soap is great for removing dirt and oil from the skin without drying. Vanilla gives it a
delicious fragrance and the ground almonds provide a beautifully textured soap. (Makes one bar.)
 1/3 cup whole almonds
 1 4-ounce bar Castile soap
 1/4 cup distilled water
 1 tablespoon almond oil
 1/8 teaspoon vanilla fragrance oil

Grind the almonds to a fine powder in a food processor or coffee grinder and set aside. Shred the
soap and set aside. In a heavy saucepan bring the water to a boil; then reduce heat to a simmer;
Remove the pan from the heat and add the almond powder, almond oil, and vanilla fragrance oil,
stirring until well blended. Spoon the soap into a mold and let set for five hours or until

Coconut & Olive SoapThis recipe has been revised by Christin Ocasio, Owner, Wyndham
Soapworks. See her notes in sidebar.
 1 cup olive oil
 1 cup coconut oil
 1 cup melted tallow (animal fat)
 2 tbsp lye (heaping) (*NOTE)
 1/2 cup cold soft water

has been changed to:

 8 oz weight olive oil
 8 oz weight coconut oil
 8 oz weight rendered tallow
 3.49 oz weight sodium hydroxide (pure lye) Red Devil brand 100% lye (*NOTE)
 9 fluid oz water

While wearing safety goggles and neoprene gloves, combine solid lye and liquid, stir well. Set
aside and allow to cool (100° F to 125° F). This is best done outside while you are standing
upwind.Combine oils and heat gently. Once the fats and oils are melted allow the temperature to
drop to 100° F to 125° F.
Combine lye solution and melted oils. Be careful not to splash while combining the mixtures. Stir
until the mixture traces. If tracing takes more than 15 minutes, which it often does, stir for the
first 15 minutes, then stir for 5 minutes at 15 minute intervals. Tracing looks like a slightly
thickened custard, not instant pudding but a cooked custard. It will support a drop, or your stir
marks for several seconds. Once tracing occurs…
Pour raw soap into your prepared molds. After a few days the soap can be turned out of the mold.
If the soap is very soft, allow it to cure for a few days to firm the outside.
Cut soap into bars and set the bars out to cure and dry. This will allow the bar to firm and finish
saponification. Place the bars on something that will allow them to breathe.
Note: If you don’t want to mess with tallow and lye, you can substitute shavings from any white
unscented soap.

Peaches And Cream Bath BarMakes One Bar 1 4-ounce bar

 Castile soap (or pure white unscented… like ivory)
 1/4 cup distilled water
 1/4 cup powdered milk
 1 tablespoon sweet almond oil
 1/8 teaspoon peach fragrance oil
 1 drop orange food coloring {optional}

Shred the Castile soap and set aside. Heat the water in a heavy saucepan over low heat. Stir in the
shredded soap until it forms a sticky mass. Remove the pan from the heat and add the powdered
milk, Sweet almond oil, Peach fragrance oil, food coloring; stir until well-blended. Spoon the
soap into its mold and let set for four hours or until hardened.
From Soaps, Shampoos & Other Suds: Make Beautiful Gifts to Give (Or Keep)
(Gifts from the Home) by Kelly Reno

Cinnamon Soap 
 unscented glycerin soap
 10 drops cinnamon oil
 1 drop red food coloring {optional}

In a heavy saucepan, melt the glycerin soap over low heat until liquefied. Remove the pan from
the heat and stir in the cinnamon oil and coloring until well mixed. Pour the soap into a mold and
let set for three hours or until hardened. Makes One Bar 1 4-ounce bar.
From Soaps, Shampoos & Other Suds: Make Beautiful Gifts to Give (Or Keep)
(Gifts from the Home) by Kelly Reno

Mechanic’s Hand CleanserGrind up a bar or two of your soap…

 1 c. borax
 1-2 t. pure turpentine
 1 t. sweet orange essential oil
 1 c. ground soap

With very clean hands, work the turpentine and essential oil into the borax until there are no
lumps left, then work into the soap. Keep it in a wide-mouthed jar or tin that’s easy for him to
open when his hands are greasy, and which you won’t mind getting black on the outside. Don’t
forget to put a nail brush and pumice stone out with the hand cleanser.
Recycle old soap!
Here are several ideas for re-using those little bits of leftover soap:
* Use as tailor’s chalk – mark darts and hems on washable fabric
* Make bubble bath – shave and crumble and add to bath
* Make new soap cakes – get them wet and stick them together to make a new bar!
* Make shower soap – Put slivers and pieces into the toe of some old pantyhose. Tie a knot in the
nylon just above the toe, and another at about the knee. Hang in the shower.


Cara membuat: Pembersih

peralatan rumah tangga
All-purpose Cleaner
 7 cups warm water
 1/2 cup baking soda
 1/2 cup household ammonia

Combine ammonia, baking soda and 1 cup of warm water in a 1/2 gallon jug. Cap and
shake vigorously until well mixed. Add remaining water. Label the jug for future use.
To use, pour 1/2 cup of the mixture into 1 – 1 1/2 gallons hot water. Be sure to test a
small area of delicate surfaces such as wallpaper.
All-purpose Disinfectant
 1-1/3 cup powdered laundry detergent
 1 quart hot water
 1-1/3 cup pine oil

Mix detergent and water and stir slowly until detergent is completely dissolved. If the
mixture gets foam, stop stirring and skim off the bubbles. Gradually add pine oil and mix
To use, dilute using 1 part disinfectant with 1 part water, except when cleaning high
bacteria areas such as toilet bowls, etc. Store in a jar with a tight fitting lid. Keep out of
reach of small children. Good for use on countertops and floors.
Aluminum Cleaner
 1/4 cup soap flakes
 1/2 cup white vinegar
 1/2 cup baking soda
 1/2 cup cream of tarter

Combine cream of tartar and baking soda. Add vinegar and mix to form a soft paste. Add
soap flakes and transfer to a jar or bottle with a solid lid. Label for future use.
To use, apply with a steel wool pad, then rinse off. Store out of reach of children.
Carpet Stain Remover/Cleaner
If the mess/stain is still wet, sprinkle with baking soda. Allow to dry, then vacuum. If stain
is old and dry, saturate with club soda and scrub with a wet cloth. Then sprinkle baking
soda on and allow to dry.
Comb & Brush Cleaner
 1 pint (16 fluid oz.) water
 1/4 cup household ammonia
 1/4 tsp shampoo or liquid detergent
Mix all ingredients in a bowl or jar. Set comb or brush in the liquid and allow to soak for
5-10 minutes. Remove from the liquid and clean the brush by scraping with a comb (and
vice versa). Rinse with warm water and allow to dry before using.
Drain Cleaner
Formula #1:
 1 cup baking soda
 1 cup salt
 1/4 cup cream of tarter

Place all ingredients in a jar with a tight fitting lid. Shake vigorously until well mixed. To
use, pour 1/4 cup of the mixture into the drain, followed by 2 cups boiling water. Wait 1
minute, then rinse with tap water.
Formula #2:
 1/2 cup baking soda
 1/2 cup of vinegar
 2 quarts boiling water

Plunge stuck drain first. Pour 1/2 cup baking soda down the drain, followed by the
vinegar and then boiling water.
Marjorie Hall,, recommends: Put 1/2 cup baking soda in drain.
Add 2 cups vinegar. Let stand about 5 minutes. Run hot water in the drain for several
Furniture Cleaner
 1 cup linseed oil
 2/3 cup turpentine
 1/3 cup white vinegar

Mix all ingredients thoroughly in a large bowl. Use a soft cloth to apply to wood surfaces,
rubbing to remove dirt and excess polish. Removes surface dirt and grime from finished
wood. Store in a tightly covered jar.
Glass Cleaner
 1 gal. water
 1 pint vinegar
 1 qt. ammonia
 1 qt. water
 1/2 cup vinegar
 1 cup ammonia

Cheap and works great! Always use newspaper to wipe dry. Contributed

Grease Solvent
 2 tbsp liquid gel soap (recipe here)
 3 tbsp cornmeal
 1 tsp glycerin

Combine ingredients in a small bowl and mix well. Removes stubborn grease/oil stains
from your skin. (See also Mechanic’s Hand Cleanser.)
Jewelry Cleaner
 1 tbsp dishwashing detergent
 1 tbsp washing soda (sodium carbonate)
 1 tbsp household ammonia
 3 cups warm water

Combine ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Pour into a glass jar and cover tightly. Label
jar for future use and keep out of reach of children. To use, soak jewelry in the solution
for 1-10 minutes (depending on how tarnished it is). Swish intricate pieces in the solution
to get into the cracks/crevices. Use a toothbrush or a well-washed mascara brush for
hard to reach places. Rinse and dry with a soft clean cloth. Don’t soak pearls in this
solution. Rub them gently with a soft chamois cloth dampened in the solution. Do not
combine this solution with chlorine bleach – hazardous fumes will result!
Tile & Grout Cleaner
 1/2 cup baking soda
 1/3 cup household ammonia
 1/4 cup white vinegar
 7 cups warm water

Combine ingredients in a gallon container. Cover tightly and shake or swish to mix
ingredients. Label for future use and keep out of reach of children. NOTE: Do not
combine this mixture with anything containing bleach.
To use, fill a spray bottle with the solution. Spray directly onto tile surface, then wipe with
a damp sponge or cloth. Eliminates grimy soap film.
Toilet Bowl Cleaner
 1 tbsp household ammonia
 1 cup hyrdogen peroxide
 2 quarts water

Mix ingredients in a bucket, then slowly pour solution into the toilet bowl. Let stand for 30
minutes, then scrub inside of bowl with a scrub brush and flush. For stubborn stains, let
stand for several hours. Use regularly to clean and disinfect.
Basic Laundry Detergent
1 Cup soap flakes
1/2 cup washing soda
1/2 cup borax
Soft Water Laundry Detergent
1 cup soap flakes
1/4 cup washing soda
1/2 cup borax
Hard Water Laundry Detergent
1 cup soap flakes
1 cup washing soda
1 cup borax
Liquid Laundry Detergent
1 cup of any of the above mixes
2 Tbs glycerin
2 cups warm water

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