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Optimizing 3 Challenging
Flow and Level Applications
in Refineries
Optimizing 3 Challenging Flow and Level Applications in Refineries White Paper

Optimizing 3 Challenging Flow and Level

Applications in Refineries
Differential pressure (DP) innovations provide greater reliability and
control under multiple process conditions

Executive summary
In today’s refinery environment of constantly changing crude oil availability and
pricing, producers’ task of maintaining or increasing capacity while reducing costs
becomes ever more complex. As operators navigate the road to greater efficiency and
profitability, they depend on receiving consistently accurate process measurement
data in all applications.
In this paper, we will look at how refineries use advanced differential pressure (DP)
measurement technologies to help ensure accuracy even in their extremely
challenging operating conditions. With reliable measurement information in the
following applications, refineries can successfully comply with environmental
regulations, meet safety standards and control their process:
 Fractionator flow
 Fractionator overfill protection
 Steam-assisted flare system flow

Refineries face the unrelenting pressures of balancing multiple crude sources,
changing product demands and worker shortages. At the same time, the harsh
conditions of the refining environment itself, including high temperatures and difficult
feedstocks, compound the challenges operators face as they strive to maintain or
increase capacity while reducing costs. Applying process measurement instrumenta-
tion solutions engineered to perform consistently and accurately in these conditions is
a critical part of meeting productivity goals.
Differential pressure (DP) transmitter measurement solutions are the most versatile
and, given their wide range of uses, some of the most common field instruments in a
refinery. They can be used for simple pressure measurements and are frequently the
first choice for flow and level measurements. Simplicity and scalability are a major
benefit of pressure transmitters, but well-designed installations can provide a
best-in-class static or differential pressure measurement solution with whatever degree
of sophistication the application demands.
In the next sections of this paper, we’ll examine how refineries optimize three
applications using advanced differential pressure flow and level instrumentation,

Optimizing 3 Challenging Flow and Level Applications in Refineries White Paper

ensuring greater safety, reliability, environmental regulation compliance, and

economic benefit.

Application 1: Fractionator flow

In the distillation process, trying to determine optimum cut points for diesel, jet fuel,
gasoline, or other products without a clear understanding of what is happening in a
fractionation column will be an expensive exercise. Even if a unit is operating optimally
today, adjustments may be needed to take advantage of opportunity crude and ensure
operating efficiency. That’s why accurate measurements matter.
Measurement accuracy and reliable instrumentation is key to process flexibility and
improved process control. When it is necessary to adjust to a new crude slate,
operators can make a change quickly and positively. When demand calls for more
diesel fuel, distillation cuts can be trimmed to increase yield. Total output can be
optimized to produce the greatest volumes of the most valuable products.
Within refineries, consistent and accurate flow measurements are especially
challenging around distillation columns. While product streams are relatively clean and
consistent in the downstream processes in a refinery, the crude oil just entering the
refining process can be more challenging. The crude first passes through the desalter
unit, where the worst contaminants are removed, but oil advancing to the distillation
unit still contains highly viscous components. Crude coming out of the heater is
extremely hot—usually around 650 °F (345 °C)—and achieving reliable measurement at
these temperatures can require significant impulse piping and heat tracing. At the
same time, any impurities still present in the distillation column feed have the potential
to plug small diameter impulse lines in flow measurement devices, especially when the
impulse lines are long, and the transmitter is not close coupled.
While measuring feed flow to the distillation unit can be challenging, there are many
more flow measurements that must be made around both the atmospheric and
vacuum distillation columns for efficient and safe operation. Utility streams (steam,
cooling water), pump around loops, side strippers, reboilers, and the various distillate
cuts all require flow measurement. Most of these are relatively clean fluids, but all
benefit from the increased reliability and reduced maintenance of a close-coupled DP
flow meter design. Where straight run is limited, technologies that provide an accurate
measurement with minimal straight run can also be advantageous and eliminate the
need to design in additional straight pipe for measurement accuracy.
For both atmospheric and vacuum towers, the bottoms product (sometimes known as
residue) can be very challenging to measure reliably due to high temperature and
viscosity. Traditional DP flow installations are not a good fit for this measurement point
because of the maintenance involved with heat trace and impulse piping. This point is
more prone to problems because of the high temperatures required to maintain fluid
flow. If the heat tracing fails, flow measurement can be lost. At these points, a wedge
primary element—with remote seals designed to work in high temperature
applications without the need for heat tracing—will provide the most reliable
measurement (Figure 1).

Optimizing 3 Challenging Flow and Level Applications in Refineries White Paper

Advanced process
flow meters
temperature sensors,
primary elements that
facilitate oil flow, and
high-temperature fill
fluids to increase
measurement accuracy
and optimize
distillation units.

A wedge primary
element with remote
seals creates a reliable
DP flow reading of
highly viscous tower
Several DP instrumentation solutions allow refineries to address flow challenges andwear
bottoms, resisting
and plugging.
improve measurement accuracy. Each solution has its own benefits to meet the cost
and installation specifications of a particular site:

Figure 1. Crude Fractionation Process Diagram with DP Flow Measurement Points

Crude stills separate crude oils by distillation into fractions according to boiling point, so that each of the subsequent processing
units receives feedstock meeting its particular specifications. Before the crude enters the atmospheric distillation tower, it
normally requires desalting to minimize fouling and corrosion. After desalting, the crude oil is pumped through a series of heat
exchangers and a furnace to increase its temperature before it enters the fractionator.

With viscous or particulate-heavy crudes that create flow and measurement challenges, appropriate DP flow instrumentation
ensures greater measurement accuracy and reliability. Advanced flow meters incorporating temperature sensors; specialized
elements to facilitate flow of impure oil; and internal calculators for fully compensated flow measurements all help refineries
control the process.

Several DP instrumentation solutions allow refineries to address flow challenges and

improve measurement accuracy. Each solution has its own benefits to meet the cost
and installation specifications of a particular site:
 In most cases, a traditional orifice measurement involving a DP transmitter
combined with an orifice plate and impulse lines to reach the transmitter is
accurate and reliable. Best practices for implementation include choosing a
transmitter measurement range optimal for the flow rate of that process, and
correct positioning and maintenance of impulse lines.
 An integrated DP flow meter assembly includes integral impulse lines, a
transmitter and a primary element. This solution is capable of solving typical
challenges such as high temperatures, dirty process fluids and/or difficult
installations, while eliminating leak-prone joints.
Integrated DP flow meters are designed around a variety of primary elements
depending on the application and installation requirements. They can include a
section of pipe specified to provide the amount of straight-and-smooth pipe
necessary to reduce flow disturbance. The primary element can also be sized to
optimize the degree of pressure loss for the anticipated flow to provide accuracy
and turndown without restricting flow excessively.

Optimizing 3 Challenging Flow and Level Applications in Refineries White Paper

 Advanced integrated flow meters incorporate

technological advancements allowing them to
operate in environments with more robust
piping requirements. Utilizing conditioning
orifice technology allows these meters to be
installed with no additional straight run outside
the meter body for flexible installation locations.
The design of these solutions enables
technicians to remove blockages while the
process is running; roddable impulse lines can
be cleaned without interrupting production
(Figure 2). Figure 2. Advanced integral flow meter requiring
no straight run, with a roddable impulse line
Additionally, the incorporated multivariable design.
pressure transmitter technology with optional
temperature measurement allows for a fully compensated flow measurement,
while eliminating the cost of installing a separate temperature transmitter.
Advanced integrated flow meters not only minimize transmitter installation costs,
but also minimize installation time, helping refineries avoid lost production, which
can cost $50,000 per hour or more (based on a refinery producing 150,000 barrels
per day, valued at $1 million dollars).
Other specialized flow meter capabilities can address challenges created by highly
viscous oil, such as in the case of tower bottoms referred to on the previous page. A
wedge primary element with remote seals can create a reliable DP flow reading
while resisting wear and plugging. When mounted in a horizontal pipe run, the
wedge is mounted on the side to keep an unobstructed flow path on the top and
bottom, so there are no places for particulates or entrained gases to accumulate
and negatively impact measurement reliability. Remote seals eliminate trapping of
high-viscosity products (which can harden and impair measurement) in the impulse
lines and eliminate the need for heat tracing.
Consistently accurate and reliable instrumentation is key to process flexibility and
improved process control. When it is necessary to adjust to a new crude slate, or if
market demand for a specific product changes, operators can make changes quickly
and positively. With accurate process data, total output can be optimized to produce
the greatest volumes of the most valuable products.

Application 2: Fractionator overfill protection

Refineries depend on fractionation to separate products throughout the production
process. Continuous fractionation involves heating the liquid feedstock under pressure
to a temperature higher than the boiling point of the highest component, and then
releasing the liquid into an atmospheric tower where the liquid flashes into mixed
vapors. The heaviest components condense at the hot bottom of the column, while
lighter components condense at the cooler top. Trays help the separation process, and
specific desired products are drawn out at appropriate levels. Heated reflux liquid is
Optimizing 3 Challenging Flow and Level Applications in Refineries White Paper

also fed in from the top and allowed to cascade through the trays to promote further
When a column is working correctly, the combined outflow of products from the draw
trays equals feedstock being introduced. If the column is not working correctly, one or
more trays can flood, reducing the amount of product coming out and allowing the
column to fill with liquid. A flooded column is an accident waiting to happen and
serious incidents can result in substantial damages and loss of life.
A column should have some liquid in the bottom, but usually this is a very small
amount in relation to the overall height, and it must be controlled carefully. This
requires an accurate level measurement of what is usually a very hot product. A DP level
instrument enables the accurate measurement, yet implementation can present a
challenge. Here is how one company developed a solution.

Major U.S. refinery implements overfill protection

A world-class refinery in the southern United States has a sprawling complex with more
than 30 production units and a processing capacity of more than 500,000 barrels per
In recent years, the refinery has worked to improve safety and upgrade the site as part
of an initiative to increase production of higher-value products, increase overall
processing capacity, and improve reliability. Their improvements have cut waste and
successfully reduced NOx and benzene emissions, while enhancing process and
personnel safety.
Consistent with their goals, the refinery has attached special importance to overflow
protection in its pipestill unit tower. This unit receives raw crude oil, heats it, and distills
the crude into component fractions ranging from the relatively heavy bitumen used for
asphalt pavement; mid-weight lubricating oils, waxes, and jet-and automobile fuels;
and lighter propane and other gases.
Overfill protection on the unit is required because crude levels in the tower can rise
rapidly, with potentially catastrophic results. To prevent such an occurrence, the safety
instrumented system (SIS) monitors the liquid level very closely, with updates every
second. Three independent level instruments operate together in a two-out-of-three
(2oo3) voting scheme to ensure a high degree of protection without false trips.
The level measuring technology of choice for this application is differential pressure
(DP): One transmitter is mounted near the bottom of the tower, and a second pressure
transmitter is mounted 80 feet up the tower, taking a second pressure reading from
the headspace at the top. Three transmitter sets work together to fulfill the 2oo3
The application presented a variety of challenges for the refinery, primarily related to
temperature. The hot crude entering the tower is heated to 665 °F (352 °C), exceeding
the maximum operating temperature limits for most standard pressure transmitters.
For this reason, the refinery had installed a stand-off device with fill fluid to avoid
overheating the transmitter.

Optimizing 3 Challenging Flow and Level Applications in Refineries White Paper

Finding fill fluids capable of withstanding such high temperatures is not a problem, but
once the capillary tube moves away from the tower, those fill fluids can cool quickly to
the ambient temperature. While very cold ambient temperatures are relatively rare in
this U.S. city, occasionally a seasonal cold front will cause the temperature to drop
below freezing for several days. When this happens, the fill fluid can almost solidify,
drastically slowing the DP unit’s ability to detect and measure a change in level.
Given the criticality of the safety function for overfill protection, plant engineers
needed to find a solution to address any potential cold-weather events that could slow
response times. Engineers dismissed the more traditional solution of high-temperature
fill fluids and heat-traced capillary lines as too costly and maintenance-intensive, with a
poor track record for reliability.

Two technologies for a two-part solution

The refinery team decided to consider two recently introduced DP technologies
designed to solve difficult applications with high-temperature processes operating in
environments with variable ambient temperatures: an electronic remote sensor system
with a thermal range-expanding technology satisfied their process and safety
requirements, and the team recommended it for installation (Figure 3).

Figure 3. All-digital, electronic remote sensor (ERS™)

systems with appropriate seals provide a highly reliable DP level
solution for tall towers. Transmitters make a direct connection
at both high- and low-pressure measurement points, giving
operators information about static pressure and alerting them
to potential problems.

Thermal range expander technology with two fill fluids

optimized for different temperatures extends the DP
transmitter’s measurement range.

The thermal range expander may be used at process temperatures ranging from up to
770 °F (410 °C), to ambient temperatures as low as -103 °F (-75 °C). It enables pressure
transmitters to attach to high-temperature processes in order to extend the thermal
operating range and improve response time compared to other fill fluid technologies.
This flexible technology accomplishes this by using a combination of two different fill
fluids, separated from each other with diaphragm seals. The hot end connects directly
to the process using a flange mount, which can bolt to a nozzle on the vessel. Behind
the hot-side diaphragm is a small-diameter tube filled with high-temperature fluid that
transmits pressure to a second diaphragm, which conveys pressure to a second tube
filled with a low-temperature fluid. The pressure in the second tube is then measured
by the transmitter.
Optimizing 3 Challenging Flow and Level Applications in Refineries White Paper

The fill fluid adjacent to the diaphragm adjoining the process is selected to respond
quickly at high temperatures, and its temperature and viscosity are maintained by the
process itself. The fill fluid in the second tube is selected to respond quickly over the
anticipated range of ambient atmospheric temperatures. In this way, measurement
fluctuations due to fill-fluid viscosity issues are eliminated.
This solved the problem with the transmitter at the bottom of the tower, but still left
the impulse line to the top of the vessel, 80 feet up the side. Rather than running a
high-temperature fill fluid capillary line to the top, the team also selected the
electronic remote sensor (ERS™) system technology, which uses a second transmitter
at the top of the vessel to measure the headspace pressure and send the measurement
electronically by wire to the primary transmitter at the bottom.
The ERS technology eliminates the need for the long impulse line, heat tracing, and
maintenance required to ensure an accurate reading from the top of the tower. With an
electronic connection, there was never any question that the level reading was
accurate and up to the second.

The combination of thermal range expander and ERS technologies delivered
cost-savings of 60% on setup and installation of heat-traced exterior units. Ongoing
electricity, operating and maintenance cost savings were also eliminated. The thermal
range expander is reliably reporting DP level in the unit in less than one second, is
unaffected by ambient temperature changes outside the tower, and eliminated the
expense and complications of heat tracing.

Application 3: Steam-assisted flare system flow

Flares are a fixture at refineries everywhere. Large units often have their own flare
stack, whereas smaller units may feed a header serving multiple units. The stacks are
designed to burn off various unrecoverable hydrocarbons to avoid pollution and safety
risks associated with emitting flammable hydrocarbons into the atmosphere without
treatment. Utility steam is commonly added to the flare tip to assist mixing for
complete combustion, cooling of the flare tip, and to eliminate smoke that could lead
to complaints and possible fines. If the BTU value of the hydrocarbon gas is not
sufficient to support sustained combustion, natural gas may also be added when
Refineries aim to optimize the mixture of steam, natural gas and hydrocarbon feed to
ensure efficient combustion and steam usage and to avoid emitting unconsumed
volatile organic compounds (VOCs). To this end, the United States Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) issued regulations (EPA 40 CFR Part 63, subpart CC Refinery
MACT1 and 40 CFR Part 63, subpart UUU Refinery MACT2) requiring accurate
measurement of steam flow to refinery flares.
U.S. refineries must comply with the regulations by January 2019. While the regulation
applies only to refineries at present, many chemical and petrochemical plants with

Optimizing 3 Challenging Flow and Level Applications in Refineries White Paper

steam-assist systems are also improving installations or preparing for future

shutdowns to implement solutions if regulations extend to include them in the future.
Hydrocarbon flow to the flare can vary widely depending on operating conditions or
process upsets, so a gas flow range of 100:1 is not uncommon. A gas chromatograph
and flow meter monitor volume and the BTU content here, to determine if natural gas
must be added and how much steam is necessary. This monitoring system determines
a setting for the steam control valve.

Figure 4. Assist Steam Flow Measurement Solution Addressing U.S. EPA Regulations
• A large line with a high-steam flow meter for 0 - 100% of flow. If this line already exists, refineries will need to
verify the accuracy of the installed flow meter to ensure compliance.
• A small line with a low-steam flow meter for 0 -10% of flow. For compliance, this line will likely need to be added.
• A high-steam on/off valve, which opens the large line and will be closed at low steam flow rates.

Measuring steam flow is not difficult under normal conditions, but to comply with the
regulation, steam flow measurement must cover the same 100:1 range possible for the
other components. To achieve this very wide turndown range with the required ±5% of
mass flow accuracy, two parallel steam flow lines may be necessary, each with an
appropriate DP-based flow meter as outlined below (Figure 4).
Implementing this dual flow meter installation normally involves cutting into the
existing piping to add the second flow meter in parallel with the first, or potentially
replacing both flow meters if the existing instrument cannot deliver the required
accuracy. In either case, refineries will need 10 or more diameters of straight-pipe
length to support stable readings. Where 10-plus diameters of straight pipe are not
available (due to the flow-line being disturbed at the tee immediately upstream of the
flow meters), the low-steam flow meter should include a conditioning orifice as its
primary element. This reduces the length of the bypass piping, which saves time and
Optimizing 3 Challenging Flow and Level Applications in Refineries White Paper

installation expense.
A challenge of this measurement
requirement is that the instrumentation
must be verified on a regular schedule, with
intervals anywhere from every six months to
eight years between verifications. DP flow
meters are advantageous in this situation Figure 5. Integrating Mass Flow Calculations for
because they can be easily verified on-site Greater Measurement Accuracy Multivariable DP
and some sites have had success applying for transmitters integrated into advanced flow meters make
highly accurate and stable differential pressure, static
an alternative monitoring plan to extend the pressure, and temperature measurements. Their onboard
verification intervals. The justification for the flow computers dynamically calculate mass flow,
compensating for all variables in the mass flow equation,
extended intervals is that measurement allowing for greater accuracy and more repeatable
instrumentation would not be expected to measurements in critical applications.
wear in clean service.
Both flow meters in this parallel setup require a turn-down range of approximately
10:1. The automation system controlling the flare steam flow needs to be
programmed to route steam through the appropriate line based on the necessary flow
rate. It must also combine the readings to determine the total flow, and it must have an
accuracy of ±5% of mass flow (Figure 5).
Utilizing percent-of-reading transmitters improves performance in high turndown
applications. A single percent-of-reading transmitter can achieve high accuracy at 14:1
flow turndown because accuracy increases as flow turns down. In contrast, per-
cent-of-span transmitters experience large errors when flow rate turns down, limiting
accurate flow turndown to 8:1. The benefits of this increased accuracy is represented in
steam assist to flare measurements. Only two percent-of-reading transmitters are
needed to achieve the high turndown requirement of 100:1.
With reliable measurement information from appropriate differential pressure instru-
mentation solutions, refineries can become compliant with today’s emissions
regulations, and be well-positioned to address any future regulations.

While the discussions in this paper only scratch the surface of refining industry
challenges, they demonstrate how effective process control supported by consistent
and accurate instrumentation technologies makes a positive difference for refiners. DP
transmitters and their flow and level measurement applications are a key element of
the much larger picture due to their ubiquity throughout a typical refinery.
Whether required for improved process control and optimization, better performance
against environmental regulations or improving plant safety, instrumentation has a
major part to play. Consider, for example, the economic benefit of improving the yield
of a high-value product stream from a distillation column by only a few percentage
points. The cost of upgrading an old, under-performing flow meter with a modern DP
flow meter could be paid off in a matter of days. When consistent and reliable process

Optimizing 3 Challenging Flow and Level Applications in Refineries White Paper

values are available, operators know immediately how their improvement efforts are
paying off. Controlling column performance and cut points for optimal production,
even when dealing with constantly changing crude slates, becomes much simpler.
Add the ability to improve performance against environmental and regulatory
requirements, plus an overall safer working environment, and improving instrumenta-
tion is the first step on the path to greater profitability.

White Paper

For more information on Rosemount™ measurement solutions mentioned in this paper,

visit the following pages:
About DP Flow Measurement About Temperature Measurement
About DP Level Measurement About Pressure Measurement

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