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Standard Specification for Vitrified Clay Pipe, Extra Strength, Standard Strength and Perforated 1, SCOPE 1.1 This specification establishes the criteria for acceptance, prior to installa- tion, of extra strength and standard strength vitrified clay pipe and fitings t0 be used for the conveyance of sewage, industrial wastes, and storm water, and ‘extra strength perforated vitrified clay pipe to be used for underdrainage, filter fields, leaching fields, and similar sub- drainage installations 1.2. The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard. [NOTE 1—Attention is called to ASTM Prac- tice C12. ASTM Specification C 425. ASTM. Practive C 828 for Low Pressure Air Test of Vit- ified Clay Pipe Lines (in, 12-0), REFERENCED DOCUMENTS 2.1 AASHTO Standards: 281 Testing Vitrified Clay Pipe 2.2 ASTM Standards C12. Practice for Installing Vit- tified Clay Pipe Lines Definitions of Terms Relating to Structural Clay Products Specification for Com- pression Joints for Vitri- fied Clay Pipe and Fittings Practice for Low-Pressure Air Test of Vitrified Clay Pipe Lines (4 to 12-in.) Definitions of Terms Relating to Clay Products ca 42s cas C896 ‘Except for perforation requiteents nd fora this spevifeaon aces wit ASTM C 70086, AASHTO DESIGNATION: M 65-89! (ASTM DESIGNATION: C 700-86) 3. DEFINITIONS 3.1 Clay, fireclay, shale, and surface clay are as defined in ASTM Definitions C43. 4, MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURE, 4.1. Vitrified clay pipe shall be manu- factured from fire clay, shale, surface clay, (oF a combination of these materials that, when formed into pipe and fired to suit- able temperatures, yields a product that is strong, durable, serviceable, free of objec tionadle defects, and couforms to this specification 5, PHYSICAL PROPERTIES 5.1 Bearing Strength 5.1.1 Pipe shall meet the crushing strength roquirements of Table 1 5.1.2 The number of specimens to be tested shall not exceed 0.5 percent of the number of pipe of each size furnished, ‘except that no less than two specimens shall be tested, 5.1.3 If any of the test specimens fail to meet the requirements, the manufac- turer will be allowed a retest on two addi- tional specimens for each one that failed. ‘The pipe will be acceptable if all the spec mens for retest meet the requirements. 5.1.4 If, subsequent to an initial pipe strength failure, the accuracy of the test- ing machine is questioned, atthe request ‘of the manufacturer, the machine may be recalibrated and a retest made or a retest may be made upon a machine of known accuracy, 8.2. Absorption: 5.2.1 The absorption of vitrified clay pipe shall not exceed 8 percent. 5.2.2 [any of the test specimens fail to meet the absorption requirements, a retest will be allowed, and the pipe accepted as provided in Section 5.1.3. $.3 Hydrostatic Pressure Test: 5.3.1 Asan alternative tothe absorp- tion test, the manufacturer may, at his option, apply hydrostatic pressure test to all of the pipes subject to test in each size and run ofthe pipe. 5.3.2 When the pipe is subjected to an internal hydrostatie pressure of 10 psi (68.9 kPa) forthe elapsed time shown in the following table, there shall be no leak- age on the exterior ofthe pipe. Moisture appearing on the surface ofthe pipe in the form of beads adhering tothe surface shall not be considered leakage. However, moisture which starts to run on the pipe shall be construed as leakage regardless of quantity Hydrostatic Pressure Test Times Thickness of Banh, Test Tn ptoandinctoing 129 7 Sher 5) andincng 1408) 9 Over 82G8) an incoding 261) 12 Ovee2 si) andincuting 46!) 15 Over 205 (60 ad ing 36) 18 Ove 00) 2 5.3.3. Ifany of the test specimens fail to meet the hydrostatic requirements, 2 retest will be allowed, and the pipe accepted as provided in Section 5.1.3, S.A Acid Resistance 5.4.1 This testis used to determine the resistance of pipe to the action of acids encountered in sanitary sewers. The test shall be performed only when specified 5.4.2. The pipe of each size and ship. ment shall be acceptable if the acid-sol ble matter, from specimens representing ‘such pipe, does not exceed 0.25 percent. Failure of any of the specimens fo meet TABLE 1 Minimum Strength (Edge Bearing Strength) Standard Sueagth Perforated Vitrified Clay Pipe Nominal Extra Seength Size in Viwitied Cay Pipe Viitied Clay Pipe Extea Strength Standard Strength Teilinear—‘KNMlinear——‘Teffinear——«‘KNiliner—~—Bflineae~—=KNVlinear_—=—‘bfinear_ = NVlinear| f 2 ft m fe m f fm 3 2,000 22 = = = = = 4 21000 292 1.200 ns 152 0 46 6 21000 292 1200 ns 24 1000 146 8 21200 324 11400 204 2a £000 146 10 21400 35.0 1600 24 a4 1100 1a 2 21600 319 11800 263 263 1200 ns 5 21500 423 2/000 29.2 321 1400 204 18 3/300 482 22200 321 38.5 13700 248 2 31880 362 21400 350 432 2000 292 4 4400 42 2.00 319 sia 2,400 35.0 2 4.700 86 21800 409 = i S = 30 5,000 730 31300 482 = = : = 3 5.500 803 310 325 = = = = 36 6,000 576 000 sa - - - - 39 6.600 63 - = = = = - 2 7,000 102.2 = = = = = = the test shall result inthe rejection of al 8, GLAZE, above the surface of the pipe more than the pipe represented by the specimen tested. 6. SIZES AND DIMENSIONS 6.1. Sizes and dimensions of pipe are as described in Table 2 (US. customary units) and Table 2A (SI units). 6.2. The inside diameter shall not vary from a true cixcle by more than 3 percent ofits nominal diameter. 6.3 The average inside diameter shall be determined by taking any two 90° (1.6rad) opposing measurements and averaging the readings. 7. STRAIGHTNESS 7.A_ Pipe shall not deviate from straight by more than Ye inf. (5 maven) of length when the maximum offset is measured from the concave side ofthe Pipe 7.2 Measurements shall be taken by placing a straightedge on the concave side of the pipes fall ength ofthe barrel, being sure not to include spigot joint material ot socket, and measuring the maximum dis- tance between the straightedge and con- cave side ofthe pipe 8.1 Unless otherwise specified, the ‘manufacturer may supply either glazed of ‘unglazed pipe. On glezed pipe, the glaze shall be a continuously uniform layer that is substantially fre of imperfections. Not ‘more than 10 percent of the inner surface of any pipe barrel may be free of glaze. “There shall be no well-defined crazing or hairine cracks. 8.2. Glazing is not required on the ‘outer surface ofthe pipe at the spigot, for a longitudinal distance equal to the depth of the socket. Glaze may be entzely absent from the inside of the socket. 8.3 When a ceramic glaze is used, it ‘need only be applied to the inside of the pipe, 9. BLISTERS 9.1. Pipe of nominal sizes from 3 10 18 in, (76 to 450 mm) shall have no blis- ter with a dimension exceeding 3 in. (75 mm), and no blister or pimple shall project more than Ys in. (3 mm) above the surface ofthe pipe. 9.2 Pipe of nomimal sizes over 18 in, (450 mm) shall have no blister exceeding. 2 in.ft. (166 mm/m) of internal diameter, and no blister or pimple shall project Ye in./ft, (10 mm/m) of internal diameter. 9.3. Pipe shall have no broken blisters. 10. FRACTURES AND CRACKS 10.1 There shall be no fractures or cracks passing through the barrel or socket, except that a single crack atthe spigot end of the pipe not exceeding 75 percent of the depth ofthe socket, or a sin gle fracture in the socket not exceeding 3 in, (76 mm) around the circumference ‘or 2 in, (50 mm) lengthwise may be per- mitted. 10.2 Chips or fractures on the interior of the pipe shall not exceed 2 in, (50 mm) in length, 1 in, (25 mm) in width, and a

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