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Effect of the alcohol on the body

→ On the H eart: its a seat of channels of Rasa &

Vata also -psyche
→ Hence , excessive drinking causes damage of
ojas & above mentioned faculties .
→ when heart is affcleted by wine ,it exerts
features like -Thirst
- Uncosciousness
→ Mainly, Alcohol is excreted by the kidney,
sweat& the breath.

Effect on Ojas :properties of ojas.

Namboori pg Num: 186
❖ Stages of Mada
1)first stage: - Heart is Stimulated
- person would be more inclined in
sexual acts
-increase in seminal fluid
-loud speech
-The stage of Pleasure

2)second stage : -Person forgets the things

-indistinct speech & voice
- speaks sense & nonsense
-his movements ,posture, eating
, talking are so funny
- Person behaves unwholesomely

3) third stage : - Person becomes motionless

like a cut wood , his mind becomes narcosis
- confusion
-loss of recognize capacity
-lots of complications in this stage
Other info:: Namboori pg num 190

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