Writing3 PieCharts

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BU6C 1 Vidt din bai

. Ddu ti6n, ban cdn x6c dir" ::'
thanh phdn cdu tqo cua c i-
xdc dinh cdc y6u t6 khac :-:'-
c6c h4ng mUc (%), don . :-.!
. Hay ghi lai thAt ngSn gc- :-.
tiSt cia tr-tng ddi tudng x-i: -,
pie Chart (bi6u d6 trdn) la dang bi6u d6 cho bi6t s6 liQu v6 c6c xu hudng, k6t quA tn6 tfrdy dudc ngay khr "- - ,
gi6o dr;c, tdi nguyen, m0i trudng, theo thdi gian c0a titng d6i tttong. Sar, J: -
di6u tra xoay quanh c6c ch0 dd nhr,l
tl l0 c6a tilng trir cdn phAn tich dd cho" 'a -
f.1oa. Oi, Oi6m. Oon vi c6a Pie Chart thudng ld phAn trem dd bi6u thi
d6i tuqng, tuy nhi6n doi khi d6 bdi c0ng c6 th6 dua ra c6c ddn vi kh6c. Kh6ng gi6ng
Vi du
;;i;;;;;.s bidu d6 khdc trons TASa1, dqns dd Pie Chart thudns dua ra hai bi6u
d6 mOt frfc rL cdu thi sinn vi6t bdi b6o c6o so s6nh hai bi6u d6' The charts below shon et
degree at a university in Ca{
Summarise the inlormatiq
main features, and make ca
ffi oE ruAu Cec bidu dd dudi dily cho :- : . : - :,:
trudng dai hoc tAi Canada t: - : -,a
D6 bdi dang Pie Chart g6m c6c bi6u d6 trdn dr.ta ra s6 licu di6u tra vd xu hudng bi6n
HAy lda chon vd bAo cAc ^^-'; 7e
c0a chring theo thoi gian ho{c dia didm, lien quan tdi c6c ch0 d6 nhdt dinh. di; tom Et thdng tin co t.c': : i - :

Studen: Fr
The charts below show changes in student enrolment by degree chi d6
at a university in Canada in 1980 and 2000.
Summarise the intormation by selecting and reporting the main
Y6u cAu
d6 bai
features, and make comparisons where relevant' degree
Bidu dA dudi dey cho thdy stt bi6n d6i trong t!' 16 sinh vi€n ddng kl vito mAt
dai hec tai Canada veo nem 1980 vA ndm 2000 theo he dao ho'
quan dd
Hey h,ta chQn ve beo ceo nhhng ctac didm chinh, dua ra cec so senh fi6n
tdm tdt th6ng tin c6 trong trong bidu d6.

1 ePo
Write at least 150 words.
? oan bai
Student enrolment in 1980 and 2000
ChI] dd student enroll. 5y A
aster's degree Associate Tyi 16 sinr ! e- ii-; .
9o/o degree Canada theo -: i:: '
Dac trung - B.D.: most studyI
tdng qurit Sinh vidn -a : - -'.2

-the others: Dr,

C6c h6 dac :a: . -.:,
tiing nhi6 - -' :'
Oic ttiim - B.D.: but mosr
1 980 chi ti6t HQ cir nra- : :- -

-M.D.: nearly.{r
He thac sl:a-; ;:-
- D.D./A.D.: ont !
H6 ti6n sr tz :-=: '-i



Bu6C 1 Vidt din bai

' Ddu ti6n, ban cdn x6c dinh-ch0 d6 vd s6 h-rong bi6u dd trdn c6 trong d6 bdi cOng nhu cac
thdnh phdn cdu tao cOa bidu d6 trdn nhu: m6c thdi gian, qu6c gia,.- Sau d6, OAn nay tn(t
xdc dinh c6c y6u t6 kh6c trong bi6u d6 nhu ngu6n ning tuqng, thd toai, trJa ru6i, tf te c0a
cdc hqng mUc (%), ddn vi duoc s0 dqng,...

' Hiy ghi lai that ngin gon ch0 d6, dac trung t6ng qu6t c0a toan bi6u d6 vd ddc di6m chi
ti6t c&atihg d6i tugng xudt hi6n trong bidu d6. Ddc trrJng t6ng qudt ld nh0ng d{c trung c6
r xuhLldng, k5t quA tnd tndy dugc ngay khi nhin vdo bi6u d6, ddc di6m chi ti6t td c6c s6 tiQu, sU Oign OOng,...
uong, theo thdi gian c0a titng d6itugng.-Sau d6, hdy vi6t dan bdi bing c6ch quan sat tihg dditugng vd phqm
du thi t9 lQ c0a titng trir cdn phan tich d6 chgn ra nh0ng nQi dung phir hqp md bqn nghic6 thd dtla vdo biri vi5t.
r kh6c. Kh6ng gi6ng
Vi du
,dng dua ra hai bidu "Ti
Ndm dudc chi d6
d6. The charts below show changes in student enrolment by 16 sinh vi6n dang ky
degree at a university in Canada in 1980 and 2000. vao mot trudng dai
hQc A Canada trong
Summarise the inlormation by-setbcting and reporting the nem 1980 ve nem
main features, and make comparisons where relevant. 2000 theo he dao
Cec bidu dd dudi dey cho thdy sU bidn d6ng trong ti, E sinh vien ddng k:i veo mlt
'a va xu hudng bi6n d6i trudng dai hoc tai Canada trong hai ndm 1 980 vit 2000 theo he dAo tao.
Hey Ma chon vit bito c6o nh1ng ddc di6m chinh, dua ra cAc so sdnh fien quan
thdt dinh.
dd t6m tdt thong tin c6 trong bi6u d6.
Student enrolment in 1980 and 2000 Xec dinh s6 luong bi6u
d6 (hai bi6u d6), pham G
Doctoral tri phan tich (theo nem), o
cac d6i tudng (hC dao
5o/o tao), ddn vi cia tihg ddi -
tudng (phan trem). C6
nhiau lrudng hdp d6 bai
tI T Bacheto7;l
I m Doctoral
kh6ng tap hdp rieng cec
hang muc 6 g6c b6n trai
I LJ uasters
I f-l nssociate me thisinh phai tu licr kc
t-l I

cec d6i tudng tr{c ti6p q

He dao tao th6ng qua bidu d6.
1 ePo =

= Ddn bdi
Ghi laichrl d6: "Ty 16 sinh
ch0 d6 student enroll. by degree in Can., 1980 & 2000 vi6n deng ky vao mot
Ti16 sinh vi6n ddng ky vao mQt trUdng dai hoc tai trudng dai hoc A Canada
theo hC ddo tao trong hai
Canada theo hC dao tao, hai ndm 1980 vir 2000 nam 1 980 ve 2000"

Ghi lai cac dac trung tdng

tdng qudt Sinh vi6n hQ cft nhAn nhi6u nhdt d c6 hai bidu cl6 qudt: Ci hai bi6u d6 d6u

-the others: T , but M.D. massive 1

cho they t
lC sinh vi6n
deng k), vao hC ci nhan
CAc h6 ddo tao khac c0ng teng nhung he thac si la cao nhet, s6 ngddi dang

tang nhi6u nhdt kli vao ba he dao tao cdn

lai d6u teng nhung he
uac dtem -B.D.:lbutmostT% thac siteng nhi6u nhdt.
chi ti6t
HQ c0 nhAn giAm nhUng v5n chi6m nhi6u nhdt
Mi6u ta cec d6c di6m
-M.D.: nearly4x 1 chi ti6t bi6n dong crla
He thac siteng gdn 4 lAn tiJng h0 ddo tao cing
vdi m6c thdi gian vd xu
- D.D./A.D.: 1 only by 3"/o,5"/o hUdng cu thd.

Hd ti6n sI vd cao dEng chi tang ten Wdl goh, 5o/o

TASK 1 03 Dang Pie Chart 87

Vi du v6 iloan d{c didm cht
BUdc 2 vidt b5o c6o hoin chinh dga tren din bii
Mi6u tA cdc dQc didm chi tre: :,
DrJa vdo ddn bdi da viSt 6 bUdc tr6n, ban h6y hlnh thdnh y tu6ng vd cdu tr0c c0a bdi b6o bidu d6 nhU: mdc thdi gian. sa
c5o. Bdi b6o c6o thLldng g6m 3 doqn tLJdng ung voi c6c noi dung: Ch0 d6, d{c trLlng tdng
qu6t c0a bidu d6, dac di6m chi ti6t c0a tr:Ing d6i tuOng.
Din bii
. DLIa vdo ddn bdi, h6y vAn dr,rng cdc c6ch di6n dat co bAn dd vi6t thdnh bdi bdo c6o
hodn chinh. B.D.: J but most 1 %

- M.D.: nearly 4x 1

Cdu tqo bdi b6o c6o vi nh0ng c6ch di6n dat cd bAn . D.D,/A.D,: 'I
bv 3'.. :
UNU OE The pie charts show + ah0 d6,

Dec trung t6ng qu5t Overall, it is clear that + dic trung tdng qu6t

Looking at the pie charts more closely, one can

Dqc di6m chi tiSt
see that + dic di6m chi ti6t

Vi dr; vd doqn gi6i thieu chrj dd

Md dAu bdi b6o c6o bing c6ch gidi thi6u cht] d6'Ti lC sinh vi6n ddng k1i vdo mottrudng dai
hoc 6 Canada theo h0 dao tao trong ndm 1980 vd ndm 2000"

fi oan oai Do4n gi6ithieu ch& dd

charts show I proportion of students

pursuing specific types of degrees at a Canadian
university in 1980 and 2000.1

Vi dq v6 doqn d{c trUng tdng qu6t

Mi6u tA dac trung tdng qu6t quan sat dLIgc trong hai bidu dd duqc dua ra trong bdi, trong cA
hai ndm thi s6 ludng sinh vi6n hQ c0 nhAn ld nhi6u nhdt, sinh vi6n ding kV c6c he ddo tqo
cdn lai ddu teng nhLIng hC thac sitdng nhi6u nhdt.

:=t Din bii Doqn d{c trung tdng qu6t

it is clear that [nTost students were studying

for a degree in 1980 and 2000.1 AIso
t is that [the percentage of students enrolled
in the other three degree programs increased during
the 20-year period. Notably, the portion of students
seeking a master's degree saw a massive gain.l


Vi du vd doan dic didm chi tiSt
Mi6u tA c6c dfc didm chi ti6t bao g6m tdt cA c6c dirc di6m theo tLlng hqng muc xudt hi6n trong
+ cdu truc c0a bdi b6o bidu d6 nhu: m6c thdi gian, sd li6u c0a hO crJ nhAn, hO thac si, h6 tiSn sivd h6 cao dtng.
l'r d6 dfc trung t6ng
:: Din bli Doqn ddc didm chitidt
= . =: thanh bai b6o cAo
=---LgqqnS at the pie charts more closely, one can see
that fthe proportion of bachelor's degree students,
- M.D.: nearly 4x I
which accounted for more than three-quarters of
:: can - D.D.,A.D.: only by 3".. 5'. total in 1980, dropped sharply to 42 percent in
Even though the share of bachelor's degree
decreased, it still remained the category
st percentage of student enrollment.] ln
--3:-rg qu6t
proportion of master's degree students,
: closely, one can nine percent in 1980, nearly quadrupled
by 2000.1 [Meanwhile, the share of students pursuing
doctoral and associate degrees went up by only three
and five percent respectively,l ranking fourth and third
by the year 2000.

'. I r'., vao mot trudng dai
Xem bai meu trong dap an dl kdm tr.365

e =

:':3ortion of students ll.
::l':es at a Canadian g

- :-a
ra trong bdi, trong cA
t- :ang k1i cac hQ ddo t4o
a udt =
s: slJdents were studYing
- '380 and 2000.1 Also
:::e ol students enrolled
': :-arns increased during
. :'e portion of students
-.;,', a massive gain.]

TASK 1 03 Dang Pie Chart 89

----------{ ]lf,ElffiRs PilACIICE

Phan tfch c6c bi6u dd sau vd hodn thdnh dan biribOn drrdi,,
02 The charls I
and make d,

The three pie charts below show the percentage ol US music Write at least 1
album sales by genre in 2008,2009, and 2010.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main
features, and make comparisons where relevant"

Write at least 150 words

Album sales by genre (2008,2009, 2010) tt


S oan oai

chi d6

OAc trung
tdng qudt
Din bii
uac drem
chi ti6t

OAc irung - sales based on genre: little deviation in 3yrs.

tdng qudt
- rock: most popular, followed by alter. & R&B
-jazz & country: least popular
uac dtem - rock:
chi ti6t
- alter.. R&B:
- country: t"
- lazz:



02 The charts below show information about land use in four countries.

Summarise the inlormation by selecting and reporting the main features,

and make comparisons where relevant.

,, *.*"1 i
Write at least 150 words.

.ilns the main I Land use by purpose

Arable land


,s*r--\ ----s=--..
ffi:A \ ,/ ilA \,,.,
f5*ffi*Gffi Non-\ / \ /
flffi rand fur*" 1",.6["r,[|1];,",\
) \ o*, f''i;o'"7 \

\ l"*/ \
9o/o ---l o
Poriugal New zealand Canada ee
p oan oai

cho dd land use by purpose, 4 countries F

Oac uung - most land non-agric. 6

tdng qurit =
-expt. N.2., pasture < arable
uac dtem - non-agric.:
chi tidt
-: it10\

:- - 3yrs - pasture:
:- : B&B - arable:

Xem bei meu trong dep an di kem k.366

TASK 1 03 Dang Pie Chart 91

Di6n cAu thich hqp vdo ch6 trdng dd hoirn thirnh biri bao cdo dua vao dan bai dLIdi ddy Gi6ithieu ch0 d6

03 The three pie charts below show the percentage of US music album
sales by genre in 2008, 2009, and 2010.
Bidu d6 tron thd n:-
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main 2009 ve 201 0.
leatures, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words. D{c trtfng tdng quat

Album sales by genre (2008,2009,2010) Q)

though there we,e ::-
,-aa genre,followedb, a::
A[e11a1 Nhln chung, c6 the :- -: i,
....2Oo/o bi6n ddng theo tl.. : n-
R&B nhdt ld nhac roc{ .::-a:
22o/o nhac d6ng que va - -:: :
\ -.--r'
2009 Ddc didm chi tiet

H oan bii miu
ln the year 201C -:,:.
US album sales by genre (2008, 2009, 2010) LLJdng album b6n ra tai My theo thd and R&B music : : *i
loai (3 nem 2008, 2009, 2010) about a fifth of i-: -'
- sales based on genre: little deviation in 3yrs. Ludng album b6n ra c0a ti.tng
thd loai cho thdy mfc ch6nh l6ch nh6 trong 3 ndm Finally, jazz was :-:
- rock: most popular, followed by alter. & R&B Rock la thd loai pnd oiSn nndt, sales during all :- ".: :

sau d6 lir alternative vA R&B

Cu thd hon, ta tha. -=.:
- iazz &country: least popular Nhac jazz vir nh4c d6ng que la hai thd loai It ndi dfng ddu tronc ia: := :.,:
ti6ng nhdl ch0t so v6i tdng s: =:--
- rock: dominant, > alter. & R&B combined (2010) b6n ra crla nhac a:='-
Nhac rock chi6m r-lu th6, nim 2010 IUdng b6n ra ldn hdn hai thd loai alternative va Mdt khAc, luong a:-- j-
Fl&B c6ng lai 2010gAndAtnTa..,',
- alter., R&B: each 1/5 of the market Nhac alternative va R&B m6i loai chi6m 1/5
b6n ra qua cec na- : = - :

thi phan
- country: 5% 1, close lo 2O"/" (2010) Nhac ddng qu6 tdng 5% vd d6n nam 201 0
gdn dal 20%
- fazz: least popular, 3% all 3 yrs. Nhac jazzldlhd loai it phd bi6n nhdt, chi6m
3% su6t 3 nem




can bai dUdi dAy. Gi6ithiQu ch& dd

for the years 2008, 2009, and 201 0
Bi6u d6 trdn thd hi6n luong album ben ra theo tirng th6 loai am nhac tai My trong 3 nam 2008,
2009 va 20'l0.

Dec trung tdng quiit

0) Q)

though there were some slight shifts over time. whereas rock was the most popular
genre, {ollowed by alternative and R&B, country and jazz were the least popular.

Nhin chung, c6 thd thdy 16 rdng mdc dir luqng album biin ra cria titng th6 loai 6m nhac c6 it nhi6u
bi6n d6ng theo thdi gian nhLJng srr ch6nh t6ch qua 3 ndm ta kh6ng d6ng k6. Thd loai phd bi6n
nhdt la nhac rock va theo sau d6 la alternative cirng vdi R&8, thd loai it dudc y6u thich nhdt ld
nhac ddng quO vd nhac jazz.

Ddc didm chitidt D'
o -a,

ln the year 2010, rock music sales marginally exceeded the sales of alternative
a- .a tai l\,4y theo thd and R&B music combined. ln addition, alternative and R&B each represented @
about a fifth of the market for all three years. @
- :ar ra c0a tr-ing @

Finally, jazz was the least popular genre, capturing only three percent of total =
:a on6 bi6n nhdt, sales during all three periods.
Cu thd hon, ta thdy ring ludng album nhac rock b6n ra qua c6c ndm d6u chi6m khoAng 40%,
: -a thd loai it ndi dtlng dau trong tdt ca cac ddng nhac. Nam 2010, ludng album nhac rock ban ra ldn hdn m6t
ch0t so vdi t6ng s6 album nhac alternative vd nhac R&B cong lai. Bdn canh d6, ludng album
bdn ra c0a nhac alternative va nhac R&B m6i loai chiSm khoang 1/5 thi phdn trong ca 3 nam.
:a aternativevd Met khac, ludng album dudc bAn ra c0a nhac d6ng qu6 teng 5% trong vong 3 nim, ddn nam
2010 gan dat mdc 20%. cu6i cirng, jazz le ddng nhac it dudc you thich nhat khi tuong album
bdn ra qua cac ndm ddu chi chi6m 3% so v6i tdng ludng album biin ra c0a tdt ca c6c th6 loai.
= - 3 loal Cnlem 1/5
. I den nam ;zul u
'Saukhi ldmxongbdi th0denhgiavdcai rhtenba vi6rduavaoTt6uchirrJchdmdidm(tr.g44)
Dap an meu va gidi thich: Xem dap an dinh kdm (tr.367)
: an nhet, chiSm

TASK 1 03 Dang Pie Chart 93

Gi6ithiQu ch0 dd
04 The charts below show information about land use in four countries.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main
features, and make comparisons where relevant. The pie charts show 3

Write at least 150 words. Bidu d6 trdn dua ra cac Lh6nS

New Zealand, Canada vi Na r
Land use by purpose
Arable land o/o
Pasture land Dic trUng tdng qurit

Overall, it is clear that !

Also, @

Nhin mOt c6ch khdi quiit. cc f.r

nong nghiCp. Ben canh dc '-rgr
tich ddt chan tha thdp hd. c€r
9o/o Portugal

Dic didm chitidt

ffi oan oai
Looking at the pie chadr
land use by purpose, 4 countries Det phan theo muc dich srl dung c0a b6n qu6c gia
At just under 60 percenl fu
- most land non-agric. Da s6 la ddt phi n6ng nghiep ln contrast, @
- expt. N.2., pasture < arable Ngoai tril New Zealand, cac nu6c kh6c ddu c6 di6n
tich ddt chdn tha it hdn ddt trdng trQt makes up 48 percent of lan
- non.agric.: Can. & Nor. - massive portion Ddt phi n6ng nghi6p: chi6m ti trong l6n
tai Canada vd Na Uy
Port. - quiie high Tudng d6i cao 6 86 Diro Nha
N.Z. - even split btw. non-agric. & pasture 6 New Zealand gAn bing
tilC diCn tich ddt chen tha Cu thd non, ta c6 thd ther da
- pasture: Port., Can.,
Nor. - less than 10% Ddt chen thA: chidm chua ddn 10% 6 Canada va Na Uy. Theo rglat r
86 Diro Nha, Canada vd Na Uy l6n, khoing 60%. Nguoc a ?_i
ti lC diQn tfch th&o nguyB^ i q.d
- arable: aprt from Port., < 5% Ddt tr6ng trQt: tn:I 86 oiro Nha ra, cdc ntJ6c khdc
Uy d6u c6 it hdn 1 0% die- :s5 !
chi6m bing hoec it hdn 5"/..
2"kvd1%. Ngodi 86 Dac hna r
it hdn hoac blng 5% die^ :€.,r d

'Sau xl_ a- r:r,;


7 lour countries. Gi6i thiQu chrj dd

xting the main

The pie charts show @

Bi6u d6 trdn dua ra cac th6ng tin v6 hi6n trang srl dung ddt tai cac qu6c gia 86 Diro Nha,
New Zealand, Canada vd Na Uy.

::slrre land Arable land

DAc trilng tdng qurit
o/o 3o/o

Overall, it is clear that O

Also, @

Nhin m6t cach khei qu6t, c6 thd thdy 16 ring phdn t6n ddt dai rai c6c qudc gia niy ti ddr phi
n6ng nghi6p. BCn canh d6, ngoiri New Zealand ra thi c6c qu6c gia cdn lai d6u c6 ti lC diCn
tich ddt chan tha thdp hdn di6n tich ddt canh tec.

Ddc di6m chiti6t

Looking at the pie charts more closely, one can see that @ =
:ung c0a b6n qu6c gia o
At just under 60 percent, Portugal's share of non-agricultural land is also quite high. o
ln contrast, O_ ,D
i:c (hac ddu c6 diQn
the latter of which g-
makes up 48 percent of land in the country. Meanwhile, @

" g' ep: chi6m t'! trong l6n -

.O) @

a q
that are equal to or less than five percent.
: \ew Zealand gAn bing
Cq th6 hdn, ta c6 thd thdy di6n tich ddt phi n6ng nghiop chi6m tf trgng t6n hdn 90% tai =
Canada vd Na Uy. Theo ngay sau d6 la Bd Diro Nha vdi t! t6 ddt phi n6ng nghiep tudng d6i -a
:- Om chua d6n 10% 6
ldn, khoAng 60%. Ngudc lai, tf lQ ddt phi n6ng nghi6p 6 New Zealand chi6m 48o/", gdn bing
ti lC diCn tich thao nguy6n 6 qudc gia nay. Mat khac, ba qu6c gia 86 Dho Nha, Canada vd Na
i'a ra cac nudc khac Uy d6u c6 it hon 10% diQn tich thio nguyen, trong d6 t! t6 ndy 6 Canada vd Na Uy tan hJdt ta
2"/"vil1o/". Ngodi 86 Diro Nha vdi 34% di6n tich ddt canh t6c, c6c qu6c gia cdn lai d6u dirnh
[t hdn hoec bing 5% diCn tich ddt cho muc dich ndy.

.Danhha phitcu6iddsodtlaibaivi6tduavaoTi6uchituchinhstabdivi6t(tr.331)
"Sau khi lem xong bdi, thrl diinh gia va cai thien bdi vi6t dua veo TiCu chitu chdm di6m (tr.344)

DAp 6n miu va giei thich: Xem ddp dn drnh k6m (tr.368)

TASK 1 03 Dang Pie Charr 95

Gi6i thi6u ch0 d6
Doc k! dd bai du6i dAy d6 vi6t dAn bdi, sau do dUa vdo ddn bai d6 vi6t bdi bao c6o
hoAn ch?nh.

01 The pie charts show the reasons people in Great Britain had for
visiting art museums in the years 1990 and 2000.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main
features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Dac trung tdng quiit

Write at least 150 words.

Purpose for visiting art museums, 1990 and 2000

$ To learn and gain

E To attend a special exhibit
fI To spend time with
friends and family
il To fill their travel schedules
W To buy art
E Others

Dic di6m chitidt

p oan uai

reasons ppl. had for visiting art museums, 1990 & 2000

- to learn:
- most categories:
- to fill their travel schedules:

- to learn: almost half

-to attend special exhibit & to spend time
- to f ill their travel sch ed u les:
- to buy art: _
- others:

*Sau Kir
r rc


Gi6i thieu ch0 d6
tt6 viSt bai bAo c6o

D{c trUng tdng qurit

rd 2000

[i -,] learn and gain

'io attend a speciai exhibit
: e.
I 1o spend time with o
i.rends and family
: Io fill their travel schedules
-o buy art 6
I g,
Il Others
D{c didm chitie't


.Danh hai ph0t cu6i dd soat lai bai vi6t dua vao Ti6u chi tu chinh sfia bei vi6t (tr.331
.Sau khi lAm xong bai thi, thr] denh gia va cai thi6n bai vi6t d{a vao TiCu chi trj chdm di6m (tr.344)

D6p 6n mdu va giAi thich: Xem dap en di kdm (tr.369)

IASK 1 03 Dang Pie Chart 97

Dich nghia ci6i thi6u ch0 d6
tr.84 Bidu dd cludng cho bi5t s6 lieu vi6c lAm c0a Hdn Qu6c theo nganh trong khoing thdi gian ba
thqp kf.
-au 6 Hdn Qu6c tir ndm Oec trdng tdng qu6t
- rh r6i dLJa ra nh0ng so Nh)n chung, 16 rang le c6 nhfng thay ddi dang kd li6n quan d6n t,i tC lao dong trong nganh
50 tu. dich vu va n6ng nghi6p. Hdn nffa, khoAng c6ch ty' l6 lao dOng girla cdc ngdnh cdng v6 cu6i giai
doan cdng l6n hdn.
Dec didm chi ti6t
Quan sat dO lieu ki hdn, c6 thd thdy ring ngdnh dich vu srl dung nhi6u lao d6ng hdn vd c6 mtJc
teng truang cao nhdl kd tii nem 1 981 d6n nam 201 1 . Gdn 40% [Jc lLIong lao d6ng c6 vi6c ldm trong
: eu ve tao oong lat ngAnh dich vu vAo ndm '1 981 vA d6n nem 201 1 , ti le nguoi lao dong trong nganh dich vu da teng t6i
70 phen tram, chiSm s6 ludng tao d6ng nhidu hdn hai linh vuc khec c6ng laj.
'-,'vr,t va nong nghiep Ngudc lai, tf 16 lao d6ng l,rm vi6c trong nganh n6ng nghiap lai giAm trii khoang 33% nam 1981
xu6ng cdn khoAng 6% vdo ndm 201 1. Trong khi d6, ti Ie lao d6ng trong nganh c6ng nghiop da teng
l6n trong thdi gian ddu, ti.t khoAng 27oh |lc lndng lao d6ng vio ndm 1 981 t6n khoAng 35% vdo ndm
. a mLIc tang cao nhdt 1 991 . Tuy nhi6n, con s6 ndy cu6i cing lai giAm d6u. con khoang 25% vao nem 201
1 .

- :ac ngdnh khac gOp lai

Tilvung sectrr = llnh vuc. ngdnh agriculture = n6ng nghiep toward khoang, theo hudng -
workforce = lLJc luong lao d6ng combine = g6p vao industrial = c6ng nghiep

; :dn c6 xu hLldng giam

_, sector over a three-

:l'ijSs*n; r
LftSIEIi LI. 1r.E8

The pie charts show the proportion of students pursuing specific types of degrees at a
iard to the percentage Canadian university in 1980 and 2000.
s. Moreover, the gaps overall, it is clear that most students were studying for a bachelor's degree in 19g0 and
r Jestion. 2000. Also evident is that the percentage of students enrolled in the other three degree
programs increased during the 20-year period. Notably. the portion of students seeking a
master's degree saw a massive gain.

,.!,lce sector employed Looking at the pie charts more closely, one can see that the proportion of bachelor's
degree students, which accounted for more than three-quarters of the total in 1g80,
se to 40 percent of the
dropped sharply to 42 percent in 2000. Even though the share of bachelor's degree
:f service workers had students decreased, it still remained the category with the highest percentage of student
i oeople than the other enrollment. ln contrast, the proportion o{ master's degree students, representing nine
: oyed in the agriculture percent in 1980, nearly quadrupled by 2000. Meanwhile, the share of students pursuing
l -t six percent in 201 1 .
doctoral and associate degrees went up by only three and five percent respectively,
rcreasing from about ranking fourth and third by the year 2000.
i: However, this figure
':ent by 201 1.
Dich nghia Bidu d6 hinh tr6n cho thd'y t! le sinh vien theo hoc he dao tao tai mot irudng dai hoc 6 Canada nam
1980 va nam 2000.
Nhin chung, 16 rirng ld phdn lon hoc vien ddu theo hoc he c0 nhan trong ca hai nam I 980 va 2000. Scj
li6u cring cho they ti le slnh vien nhap hoc 6 cA ba h6 dao tao ddu tang trong khoAng thdi gian 2O nam.
Dang chU ti la s6 luong hoc vi6n cao hoc iang cao dot bi6n.
Quan sat bidu d6 k'i hdn, c6 thd thdy ti le sinh vi6n dai hoc, vdn chiSm hon 3r,i tdng s6 hoc vien
nam 1980, di giAm sAu chi con 42% vdo nam 2OOO. Mdc di s6 lLIong sinh vi6n dai hoc giim, ddy vAn
la nh6m c6 V le hoc vion tham gia dong nhat. Ngudc lai, ti 16 hoc vi6n cao hoc, chi6m 9% vao nam
1980, da tang gdp bdn lAn vdo nam 2000. Trong khi d6. nhom hoc vi6n theo hoc chudng trlnh tiSn siva
chudng trlnh cao dSng hai nem chi tang lan lLrdt 3% va 5%, d0ng vi tri thu trj vd thu ba vdo ndm 2000.
* associate degree: the level
of achievement recognized for a student by a community college after two
years of study: chudng trinh cao ddng hai nen phd bi6n 6 Canada vA M! (chi thich ney b cia ngudi dich).

TASK I 03 Dang Pie Chart 365


HACl(ERS PRACTICE tr.90 @I tt*ntn*nu,,t

Vidt ddn bii [! ai6u d6 tron duo :' :

ndm 2008, 2009 .: -.'

ei6u d6 tron dudi day cho thdy tf so sanh li6n qr,a' := :
[[ album nhac b6n ra theo thd toai tai My trong ba ndm
2008, 2009 vd 2010. Hay ILra chon vd b6o c6o nhfrng dqc didm chinh r6i dua ra nhfrng so
s6nh li6n quan dd rom t6t cec th6ng tin trong bidu d6. Vi6t it nhdt 150 tLJ. Gi6i thiQu chfr d6

Din bii @ 119 gl91nans sh

2008,2009, ar:2-',
Ch|]dA USalbumsalesbygenre(2008,2009,2010) tudngalbum ban rataiMylheo
thd loai (trong ba nim 2008, 2009, 2010) D{c trung tdng quat
Dac trdng - sales based on genre: little deviation in 3yrs. ludng album b6n ra c0a titng Or"le!!'t is clear
@ 1

tdng qu6t thd loai kh6ng ch6nh l6ch nhi6u qua 3 ndm years, though :^:-e r
- rock: most popular, followed by alter. & R&B nhac rock ld thd loai phd bidn PoPular genre. ': - ,t +
nhdt, sau d6 lA nhac alternatrve va R&B
- jazz &country: least popular nhac lazzvA nhac d6ng qu6 ld hai th6 loai it Dqc didm chi ti6t
phd bi6n nhdt

Ddc di6m - rock: dominant, > alter. & R&B combined (2010) -s Looking at the Pie
chi ti6t nhac rock chi6m uu the!. nilm 20t 0 ludng bdn ra lon hon hai th6 loai nhac
genre. accountrr: ':'
alternative vd R&B c6ng lai 2010, rock mus 3 s,af
- alter., R&B: each 1/5 of the market nhac alternative vd R&B m6i loai chi6m combined. ln adc,: :-
1 /5 thi phdn for all three years :
- country: 5% 1, close to2Oo/" (2O1O) nhac ddng que tang 5% vir d6n ndm
the years, reaching :-:
2O t O gdn rlat zo." popular genre. ca3:-''
-fazz:leastpopular,3o/oall 3yrs. nhac jazzlitthdloai itphdbiSnnhdt,chi6m
3'" su6t 3 nam Dich nghia

02 Bi6u d6 dLrdi day cho thdy ti lc ddt phan theo muc dich s0 dr,rng c0a b6n qu6c gia. Hdy I{a
chon vd b6o cdo nhfrng dqc didm chinh r6i drra ra nh0ng so s6nh li6n quan dd t6m tet cec
thong tin trong bi6u d6. ViSt ft nhet 1so tU.

Din bdi

chi dd land use by purpose, 4 countries hi6n trang sfr dung ddt c0a bdn qudc gia
Dac trung - most land non.agric. da s6 la ddt phi n6ng nghiep
t6ng qu6t - expt. N.2., pasture < arable ngoai New Zealand, cec nudc khdLc d6u c6 it
TU vung
di6n tich ddt chen thA hon so v6i ddt tr6ng trot

uac drem - non-agric.: Can. & Nor. - massiy: lS4,.l ddt phi nong nghi6p: chi6m tf
chi ti6t trong l6n tai Canada vd Na Uy

lgL:gyIql i! tudns d6i cao 6 86 Diro Nha

N.Z. - even split btw. non.agric. & pasture gAn bing t,i 16 di6n tich
O fLa 6 New Zealand
- pasture: Port., Can., Nor. - less than 10olo ddt chen thA: chi6m chua d6n
tO'" 6 e6€a-o Nha. Canadi vA Na Uy
- arable: aprt from Port., < 5% ddt tr6ng trot: triJ 86 Dao Nha, 6 c6c nu6c
tnac Odu cni6m tfroAng noac chua tdi 5""


tr.90 Hoin thinh bii b6o c5o dua tr€n din biri

[t ei6u dd tron dudi dAy cho bidt ti 16 album nhac ban ra theo tilng thd toai tai M! trong ba
ndm 2008, 2009 vd 201 0. Hdy lLIa chon vir b6o c6o nhtlng dqc didm chinh r6i dua ra nh1ng
so senh lien quan d6 t6m tdt cec th6ng rin trong bidu d6. ViSt it nh6t 150 tiL
:'e loai tai My trong ba ndm
- chinh r6i dr.ta ra nhfing so
^et ,150 tr:J. Gi6i thi6u chfi d6

@ The pie charts show the pllpglro! {mxs,ic album sales by genre for the years
2008, 2009, and 2010.
a :,nr b6n ra tai My theo
D{c trulng tdng qudt
:- : a oJrn ben ra cLja trjng @ Overall, it is clear that there was little deviation in sales based on genre in the three
years. tfrougfr tnere n,ere sonre slight shifts over time. Whercas r.ock was the most
a: iock la thd loai ph6 bi6n popular genre, followed by alternative and R&B, country and jazz were the least popular.

:^. cu6 la hai thd loai it Dic didm chitidt

€) Looking at the pie charts more closely, one can see that rock was the dominant
-:n genre, accounting ior approximately 40 p 1
hai thd loai nhac
2010, rock music sales marginally exceeded the sales of alternative and R&B music
,e va R&B m6i loai chi6m combined. ln addition, alternative and R&B each represented about a fifth of the market
for all three years. @ Meanwhile, country music sales increased by five percent over
the years, reaching close to 20 percent of total sales by 2010. Finally, jazz was the least
-a iang 5% vd ddn nim
popular genre, capturing only three percent of total sales during all three periods.
:a I phd bi6n nhdt, chi6m
Dich nghla Gi6i thi6u ch0 d6
Bidu d6 trdn cho thdy ti lC album nhac dudc ban ra theo tiJng th6 loai trong cac nam 2OOB,
2009 va 201 0.
Oec trdng tdng qurit
g cua b6n qu6c gia. Hay lr/a Nhin chung, c6 thd thdy c6 rdt it xeo tron trong doanh thu c[la ba thd loai nhac trong 3 nam, mec
anh lien quan dd t6m t6t c6c du c6 m6t sd ilray Odi nh6 theo thdi gian. Trong khi rock ld thd loai nhac thinh hdnh nhdt, theo
sau ld alternative vd R&B, thl nhqc d6ng qud vdjazz ld nh0ng thd loai it dudc ua chuong nhdt.
Oec didm chi tiSt
Quan sat bidu d6 k'y hdn, c6 thd thdy ring nhac rock li thd toai th6ng tri, chi6m khoang 40%
tdng doanh thu trong tilng thdi k!/. Trong nam 2010, doanh thu nhac rock vrJdt len mdt ch0t so
vdi tdng doanh ihu c0a nhqc alternalive va R&8. ThOm vao d6, nhac alternative vd R&B tudng
,rg dat cia bdn qudc gia I rlng v6i khoAng 1/5 thi trudng trong cA 3 nam. Trong khi d6, doanh thu cfra nhqc d6ng quC teng
khoang 5% qua cec nam, gAn cham tdi con sd eOZ. t6ng doanh thu vao nem 2010. Cu6i cung,
'i:ac nu6c khdc d6u c6 it li
jazz ld loai nhqc it phd bi6n nhdt, chi chi6m khoang 3% tdng doanh thu trong ca 3 nam_
TU vq(ng deviation = tcch, xeo tron shilt = thay ddi, bi6n ddi dominant = th6ng tr! marginally = rdt
it, mot chut exceed = vudt qua, vudt qua represent = tudng Bng vdi, dai diCn a fifth =
:' .ong nghi6p: chidm tf m6t phdn nam capture = chidm, chi6m h0u

r: i'l ha

ure gdn bing tf 16 diOn tich

'a. tha: chi6m chr-ta d6n

la Dao Nha, 6 c6c nLt6c

TASK 1 03 Dang Pie Chart 367

04 Bi6u d6 dLIdi dAy cho thdy ti 16 ddt phAn rheo muc dich s0 dung c0a b6n qu6c gia. Hay tLra
chon vd b6o cdo nhr.tng d4c didm chinh r6i dLra ra nhfng so s6nh li6n quan dd tom t6t cec HACl(ERS TEST
thong tin trong bidu d6. Vi6t it nhdt 150 til.

01 Bi6u d6 trdn dr]di dAy c-: :,:'

Gi6ithi6u ch0 d6 nghe thuat trong cec ^a- ' :-i
dLJa ra nhfng so senh '=- -- -'='
The pie charts show (1] information about how land is used in Portugal, New
Zealand. Canada. and Norway.
Ddn bii
D{c trdng tdng qu6t reasons ppl, had tor vis : - g r
nghethuat. n5m r99- .:.::
Overall, it is clear that O most land is used for non-agricultural purposes in these
countries. Also, s *f,. pl9p9!,ol ,1pes!y1q!e11|* tower tfranlfrat of arable land in
all countries except New Zealand. - most categories: slig-i s'1
- to fill their travel sche: -ls:

Dac didm chitiSt - to learn: almost ha { :- . :

- to attend special exr b : & ::

Looking at the pie charts more closely, one can see that @ Canada and Norway dd tnam du cac : -: i' . -
have massive portions. over g0 percent, of non-agricult . nt tust unOer OO - to fill their travel scl'€: - ,€-s

percent, Portugal's share of non-agricultural land is also quite high. ln contrast, @ lich giAm hon m0: - -:
New Zealand has the most even split between non-agricultural land and pasture -tobuyart: 5xl2CC: :--
land, the tatter ot wf,icf, maGs up 48 percent of land in the country. Meanwhile. 6 - others:4% (1990). 3', ::':r:
Port-ugal, Canada, and Norway all use less than 10 percent of their land for pasture,
with Canada and Norway using lust two and one percent, respectively. Z Apart from
Portugal, where 34 percentof the land is arable. all the countries have proportions of Gi6ithieu chi dd
arable land ta;tare equal to or leJs tf,an five percent.
The pie charts show ::'::
in 1990 and 200C - 1'+=' 1
Dich nghia Gi6i thi6u ch& dd
Bidu dd hinh trdn thd hien thdng tin tlnh hlnh sii cifrng ddt 6 Bd Ddo Nha, New zeatand.
Canada va Na Uy.
Dac trung tdng qudt
Oec trung tdng qurit
Overall, it is clear tnat :-:
Nhin chung, 16 ring 6 cac nudc ndy phdn ldn ddt dai dUOc s0 dung cho nhfng muc dich phi
gain knowledge.',':'=. .:'
n6ng nghi6p. Them n0a, ti 16 ddt chan tha thdp hon ddt trdng trot A tdt ca ciic qudc gia, ngoai
tru New Zealand. the proportion of E.:: . i -:
Oac didm chi ti6t between the yea.s
Quan sat bidu dd ki hdn, ta co thd thdy Canada vd Na Uy c6 ti ie ddt rdt ldn, hon 90./. ld ddt
phi nong nghiep. Vdi mr-lc chi khoAng duoi 60"/'", phan ddt sri dung cho cac muc dich phi n6ng
nghi6p tai B6 Dio Nha c0ng la m0t con sd cao. Ngddc lai, New Zealand co su phan chia tLJong
Dac didm chiti6t
d6i ddng d6u gir.ta hai loai ddt s0 dung cho muc dich phi nong nghi6p va ddt dd chdn thi, vdi
ddt s0 dung cho muc dich sau chlSm khoang 48% ddt dai cOa cA ddt nr.ldc ndy. Trong khi d6, Looking at the pie chats
Bd Ddo Nha, Canada va Na Uy d6u srl dung m6t lLjdng dat it hon 1 O% cho muc dich chen tha, half of all art n-::-- : '

cung vdi Canada vd Na Uy s[t dung lAn llldt lar 2 va 1%. Ngoai tru Bd Dao Nha, ncji ma 34% ddt addition, the :':
duoc siJ dung vdi muc dich trdng trot, tet ca cec nudc khac d6u c6 phdn tram ddt tr6ng trot bing with friends and rar , :":,
these categories a: -: - -'::
hoac it hdn 5%.

Tl:i vung non-agricultural = phi nong nghiep purpose = mqc dich pasture land = people visiting to f :-= ' :-:
ddt chdn tha arable land = det trdng trot canh tec massive = ro l6n, dd sa
non-agricultural land = ddt ph n0ng nghi0p even = can bing, ddng ddu split = chia ra,
27 petcent to 12 g:'::-- r
phan chia respeclively = len uot buy art was five tr-es - ;-i
at only five perce^: = -":
percent in 990 a.: :''=€ :,


cia b6n qu6c gia. HAy hJa
- ien quan dd t6m t5t ciic HACI(ERS TEST tr.96

[[ ei6u d6 trdn dr.J6i dAy cho bi6t nhfing If do khiSn ngudi dan nLIdc Anh rdi cec vicn bAo tdng
ngh6 thuAt trong cdc ndm 1990 vd 2000. Hdy lua chon vd b6o c5o nhffng ddc didm chinh r6i
dLJa ra nh0ng so sAnh li6n quan Od tOm t6t c6c th6ng tin trong bidu d6. ViSt it nhdt 150 tiJ.
rsed in Portugal, New
Din bii

reasonsppl.hadforvisitingartmuseums, 1990&2000 l)Tdomoi ngudi tdi ciicbaotang

nghC thuat, n5m 1 990 vA 2000
lural purposes in thes-e
an that of arable land in
- to learn: .ilgriry ch0 y6u Id dd hoc
- most categories: slight shi{ts c6 sU thay ddi nhe trong heu h6t cac li do
- to fill their lravel schedulestt rgllrder9lly tham quan trong chuy6n du tich: giam dang kd

- to learn: almost half dd hoc tAp: giAm gAn m6t n0a

- to attend special exhibit & to spend time: 1 nearly 20yo (2OOO)
: .r Canada an9 Nolrqy dd tham dU cec budi tridn tAm dic bi€t vA Od gEt rhOi gran' targ gan 2oolo (nem 2OO0)
li land. At just under 60 - to fill their travel schedutes: cut by more than hall s6 nguoi tci tham trong chuy6n du
rrte firgh- ln contrast, @ lich giAm hOn m0t nrJa
ultural land and pasture - to buy art: 1 5x (2000) d6 mua c6c tiic phdm ngh6 thuat tdng gdp 5 tan (ndm 2OOO)
: country. tvteanwtrife, @ - others: 4% (1990), 3% (2000) cac ly do kh6c chi6m 4% vao nem 1990 va 3ol" vao nem 2ooo
of their land for pasture,
soeciiveiy. O Apart from
:tres have proportions of Gi6ithiQu chrl d6

The pie charts show percentage changes in the purposes of visit to art museums,
in 1990 and 2000 in Great Britain.

, r 86 Dao Nha, New zealard,

Oec trung tdng qurit

overall, it is clear that the majority of visitors went to art museums to learn and
rrng cno nhuag nuc drch Ph
' -' o rat cd cac gain knowledge. Moreover, whereas there were only slight shifts in most categories,
quoc gra. lgoar
the proportion of people who visited to fill their travel schedules shrank considerably
between the years.
: . e ddt rdt ldn, hdn 90'6 la ddt
r-.-9 cho cec muc dich phi nong
Dac didm chitie't
r, Zea and c6 sq phan chia tuong
: ^ghiep vd ddt d6 chan tha, vd
. , dat nuoc -ay. Trolg \q do. Looking at the pie charts more closely, one can see that the purpose of almost
- :r 1 0% cho mVc dich chen tha, half of all art museum visits in both years was to learn and gain knowledge. In
' : 86 Dao Nha, nd mai 34% ddt addition, the percentage of people visiting to attend a special exhibit or to spend time
- :o phAn tram ddt trdng trot bing with friends and family grew by six and five percent, respectively. ln the year 2000,
these categories accounted for nearly 20 percent each. ln contrast, the share of
. . drcn pasture land - people visiting to fill their travel schedules decreased by more than half, going from
massive = to on, d6 sQ 27 percenr to 12 percent. Although the proportion of people visiting art museums to
::-3. d6ng d6u split = chia ra,
buy art was five times higher in 2000 than 1990, that figure was still relatively trivial,
at only five percent. Furthermore, those who went for other purposes made up four
percent in 1 990 and three percent in 2000.

TASK 1 03 Dang Pie Chart 369

Dich nghia Gi6i thi6u ch& d6
Hai bidu d6 trdn cho thdy sU thay ddi v6 t! lq trong muc dich tham quan bAo tAng nghO thuat,
trong hai nam 1990 va 2000 tai Anh.
oec trdng tdng qudt Vidt dan b

Nhln chung, rO rang la da s6 du khach d6n bAo tdng nghe thuat dd tim hidu va hoc h6i thCm ki6n
thiJc. Hdn nria, trong khi chi c6 mOt s6 thay ddi nh6 trong hAu h6t cac ly do, thl li l6 nhung ngudi
ddn tham bao tang theo lich trinh du lich thu hep mOt cach d6ng kd qua cdc ndm.
OI BAng dr-ldi dAy chc
2006. Hdy lua cho'
oAc didm chi tidt t6m t5t cec thong r -
Quan sat k! cAc bi6u dd hlnh lrdn ndy, c6 th6 thdy gAn mQt nta cac chuy6n tham quan cec viCn
b&o ting nghe thuat la dd tim hi6u va hoc h6i ki6n thuc. Ngodi ra, t'i lC phdn tram nhrlng ngLJdi
ddn dd du mOt cuOc tri6n lam dac biCt hoac la dd di cirng ban bd hay gia dlnh teng tuong fng la Din bii
6% va 5%. Trong nem 2000, s6 lUOng cac cu6c vidng tham vdi nhtrng muc dich niry d6u chi6m
khoang 20%. NgrjOc lai, ty le ngudi ddn tham bAo tang lheo lich trlnh du lich giam hdn mot n0a, ch0 d6 info. aoc '
tij 27olo xu6ng cdn 12o/". N{ec dir ti l6 ngudi d6n tham bao teng nghC thuiit d6 mua cdc tdc phdm '-
thong -
ngho thuat nem 2000 cao hdn nem ldn so vdi nem 1990, nhung con sd d6 vAn tuong ddi nh6
ner 2 - -:-
16, chi 5%. BCn canh d6, nhfng ngUdi ddn bAo tdng vdi cec muc dich khec chiSm 4% vao nam
'1990 vir 3% vdo nim 2000. - hospita,-ir
Dac trung
tdng qu6t - man uJaa:-
Tr:ivung art museum = bao tang nghC thuat majority = da s6, hAu hdt knowledge =
hidu bidi, tri thuc, kidn thrc shitt = thay ddi, bien ddi category = pham tru, Iinh
uac dtem - hospita :,
v\Jc, hang mqc shrink = giAm, thu hqp account lor = chi6m relatively = kha la
chi ti6t
trivial = nh6, it, vun vdt
- manufac:-
t:c:; -;:-
- finance $
i1a-:'- :
,inance e

t;AMf Lt Ir. i*r lT: I 2

The table shows information about the amount of beef that was exported from five
countries in the years 2012,2014, and 2016.
Overall, it is clear that Brazil expoded more beef than Japan, Switzerland, Norway, and Uruguay 02
BAng dildi dAy cu' . : i:
combined. lt is also noticeable that Japan had the highest growth rate during this period. hoc sinh tai M! rrc- : : =

Looking at the table more closely, one can see that the amount of beef Brazil exported
lugng du hoc sinr^ :, :
rose from 125,465 to 137,650 tonnes between 2012 and 2016. During the same period,
oac otem cnrnn : -:r:
vi6t it nndt tso tu
a dramatic upward trend was seen in Japan, where beef exporls increased to almosl
five times what they were in 2012. The second largest beef exporter was Uruguay,
which consistently exported around 40,000 tonnes every year. ln contrast, Norway and Din bii
Switzerland had the lowest export volume, with both nations shipping out under 100
tonnes in all three years. lnterestingly, Norway did experience a surge in 2014, when its ch0 d6
beef exports more than doubled, but this figure sharply dropped by the year 20.1 6.

Dich nghla Bing niy cho bidt th6ng tin v6 h.tong thit bo dudc xudt khdu ll:l nam qudc gia trong cec nem 2o12,
Bi6u d6 1 : Dac tr.i',:
201 4 vd 2016. :

tdng qu6t
Nhin chung, 16 rang Brazil xudt khdu nhi6u thit bd hdn ca Nhat Ban, Thuy Si, Na Uy vd Uruguay
chi y la Nhat Ban c6 tdc d9 tang tru6ng cao nhdt trong giai doan nay.
cong lqi. Di6u deng
Quan s6t bing k! hon, c6 thd th6y ring ludng thit bd Brazil xudt khdu da tang tiJ 125.465 l6n Bi6u d6 2: Dac tru.: . 2 :' :
137.650 tdn trong khoang thdi gian tiJ 2012 ddn 2016. Trong cung khoAng thdi gian nay, mot xu tdng qu6t ''.' :
hudng tang manh da dudc ghi nhan 6 Nhat BAn, noi xudt khdu thit bd teng len gAn ndm lan so vdi
nern2012. Nha xudt khdu thit bd ldn thil hai lal Uruguay, nudc nay m6i ndm luon xudt khoang 4o.Ooo Dac didm chi ti6t ' 2-,:-'i
tdn thit bo. NgLJdc lai, Na Uy vir Thuy Si co kh6i lLjong xudt khdu thdp nhdt, v6i tdng lUong thit bd xudt
khdu 6 cA hai qudc gia du6i 100 tdn trong ca ba nam. Oac biet nhdt, Na Uy da trai qua mot len co
ludng thit bd teng dot bidn vdo ndm 2O14,khi ludng thit bo xudt khdu tang hdn gdp d6i, nhr"lng con sd
nay lai giam manh vdo nam 2016.


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