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DM12 - ST01 - Earth's Water

Objectives: Ss know
Materials: DM12 - ST01 - slides.ppt
Tasks Activities Note

Task 1: Review (25’) + Remind: Landscapes = mountain, ocean, plain, desert, canyon, + Write “Earth's Water” on
island, valley, volcano, fall, river board and introduce the main
+ Homework: soil layers (each st presents his soil layers made in contents of the lesson.
+ Phonics:
+ Softskill:When I'm feeling kind

Task 2 - (30’) Water (slides)

+ Watch 8.KSCIENCE_Where Does Water Come From-A.mp4
- Water is a resource
- where does water come from?
- water in the sink comes from a well -> use pics to explain
how (in the simplest way)
- many places have water: streams, rivers, oceans, lakes
- Remind how a river is formed

US map (slides)
+ Give each st a US map
+ Explain in US we can see all kinds of landscapes
+ St draws landscapes on his US map
*** Ask ss to keep them and bring it to the next class for presentation

Task 3 -

Task 4 - Reading Book

book (30’) + Read the book Earth's water
+ Focus on “Why is water important?”
+ Watch a video of water cycle (youtube)
+ Explain words: liquid, gas, solid (3 forms of water)
+ Help st practice main sentences in the book such as:
- I can see water everywhere in ponds, lakes, oceans, in rivers. Most
of Earth is covered with water.
- The water we drink is a liquid. When water gets very cold, it
freezes. It becomes solid. Solid water is called ice. Water is in the
air. This water is a gas.
- Water is important because Rain keeps plants alive, We fight fires
with water, Animals take baths in water.
*** Ask ss to read and practice these sentences at home.

Wrap up + Emphasize Earth's Water

Prepare: print lesson plan + US map x ss + Earth's water

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