When I'm Feeling Kind: PR01 - About Our Earth

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PR01 - About our Earth

Objectives: Ss know
Materials: slides.ppt
Tasks Activities Note

Task 1: Review (25’) + Review:

+ Phonics:
+ Soft skill: When I'm feeling kind
+ Write “About our Earth” on board and introduce the main
contents of the lesson.

Task 2 - Landscape Landscapes:

and soil layers (30’) + Watch 1.KSCIENCE_Our Planet Earth-A.mp4
+ Show pics and explain many landscapes of earth: mountain,
ocean, plain and desert, ex:
- mountain (huge of rock and dust)
- ocean (water -> wave)
- Plain (huge field -> plant crops)
- desert (hot place - landscape is mainly sand, not much
+ Ask ss draw landscapes

Soil layers:
+ Soil layers: 3.KSCIENCE_What is Found in Soil-A.mp4
+ show pics and explains soil layers:
- Rock, sand, dirt, decayed leaves (leaves are
decomposed into dirt with help of worms), grass/plants
+ Put soil layers in order (worksheet of soil layers)

Task 4 - Water (30’) + Watch 6.KSCIENCE_What Changes Landscapes-A.mp4

+ Landscapes can be changed by water
+ Show pics and explain:
- Canyon
- River flow -> island
- Valley = between mountains
- Volcano = hot + melt rock + volcano erupts
- Fall
- Find landscape
+ River - How is a river formed?
- rain falls and erodes land (erosion)
- water comes down from the mountains and makes
- rain can change the shapes of mountains?
+ Make a river (using foil + water + bow )

Wrap up + Emphasize About our Earth

+ Clean up song

ST01 - Earth's Water
Objectives: Ss know - Grammar:
- - Soft skill:
- Phonics: ...
Materials: slides.ppt
Tasks Activities Note

Task 1: Review (25’) + Review: soil layers (each st presents his soil layers made in PR01)
+ Remind: Landscapes = mountain, ocean, plain, desert, canyon,
island, valley, volcano, fall, river
+ Phonics:
+ Soft skill: When I'm feeling kind
+ Write “Earth's Water” on board and introduce the main contents of
the lesson.

Task 2 - Water is Water:

come from (30’) + Watch 8.KSCIENCE_Where Does Water Come From-A.mp4
- Water is resource
- where is water come from?
- water in the sink from a well -> use pics to explain how
(simplest way)
- many places have water: stream, river, ocean, lake
- Remind How a river is formed

US map:
+ Help each st draw a US map
+ Explain in US we can see all kinds of landscapes
+ St draws landscapes on his US map
*** Ask ss to keep them

Task 3 -

Task 4 - Reading + Read the book Earth's water

book (30’) + Focus on “Why is water important?”
+ Explain words: liquid, gas, solid (3 forms of water)
+ Help st practice main sentences in the book such as:
- I can see water everywhere in ponds, in lakes, in oceans, in
rivers. Most of Earth is covered with water.

- The water we drink is a liquid. When water gets very cold, it

freezes. It becomes solid. Solid water is called ice. Water is
in the air. This water is a gas.

- Water is important because Rain keeps plants alive, We fight

fires with water, Animals take baths in water.
*** Ask ss to read and practice these sentences at home.

Wrap up + Emphasize Earth's Water

+ Clean up song

PR02 - We Save Our Earth
Objectives: Ss know - Grammar:
- - Soft skill:
- Phonics: ...
Materials: slides.ppt
Tasks Activities Note

Task 1: Review (25’) + Review: each st presents his Us map (made in ST01)
+ Remind: How important water is through rereading the book Earth's water
+ Phonics:
+ Soft skill: When I'm feeling kind
+ Write “We Save Our Earth” on board and introduce the main contents of the

Task 2 - Resources + Watch 9.KSCIENCE_Earths Amazing Resources-A.mp4

(30’) - Remind - water is a resource (Using water responsibly)
- Wind is a resource -> Watch windwill
- Show pics fan and pinwheel -> wind blows and makes fan move
- Wood is a resource -> show pics of box + paper + newspaper
- Sunshine is a resource -> calculator uses solar power
+ Make fan and pinwheel

+ Each st concludes earth’s resources = water, wind, sunshine, sunlight, soil ...
(with mind map of resources)

Task 3 -

Task 4 - Recycling Recycling

(30’) + Watch 11.KSCIENCE_What Is Recycling-A.mp4
+ explain recycling = reuse things -> make new things
+ Show recycle sign and 4 bins -> We collect garbage to reuse/make new
+ show pics of bottles (made of glass) -> reuse + don’t have to make more
+ cans = made from metal -> make new can + don’t have to use more metal
+ paper = made from tree -> make new paper + don’t have to cut more trees
=> we save our earth + we don't have use more resources

+ Prepare 4 bags for 4 bins of glass, paper, cans and plastic
+ Show pics and let ss classify/sort them into these bags (sorting things)

Wrap up + Emphasize We Save Our Earth

+ Clean up song
PS - Are Crystals alive?
Objectives: Ss know - Grammar:
- - Soft skill:
- Phonics: ...
Materials: slides.ppt
Tasks Activities Note
Task 1: Review (25’) + Review: each st presents the mind map of resources (in PR02)
+ Phonics:
+ Soft skill: When I'm feeling kind
+ Write “Are Crystals alive?” on board and introduce the main contents of the

Task 2 - Crystal Crystal

(30’) + Watch 10.IAS_KSCIENCE_WhatAreCrystals-A.mp4
+ Show pics and explain Crystals with snowflake + diamond + salt + sugar …
+ Compare sizes, colors, shapes
+ Crystals grow but they are not alive

Make crystal - an experiment like in the video

+ Pour baking soda in hot water
+ Prepare a paper cup, a string and a stick for each st
+ Pour baking soda liquid into each cup
+ Ask st to bring home and see what happen
*** Note that ss may forget the cups. T should make a cup and put it at the
classroom. It will be used to watch in the next class

Task 3 -

Task 4 - (30’) Each st presents the mindmap of resources or the map of US with landscapes

Wrap up + Emphasize Are Crystals alive?

+ Clean up song

2. I think you can let them make a map from VN to the USA on a paper A0 ( I have it). Then they draw a flight line from VN to the
USA. The USA will be drawn with landscapes (try to draw/use more landscapes). --> The project is like a trip to the USA.

And a phonics book I give you at the class.


5.SONG_The Sun-A.mp4
2.SONG_The Earth-A.mp4

Main Task 4 - + Explain resources = trees, water, animals, (nature)

Discovering US (30’) + How we use resources:
- trees to make paper/furniture
- water from rivers to drink
+ Discuss why we need to conserve resources (conserve = save)
- keep earth clean
- protect nature
- don't save -> no tree, water … for others
+ Discuss what we should do to conserve resource and protect our
- plant more trees
- Not waste paper, water ….
- Recycle used things (bottle, paper, glass …)
+ Watch 6.KSOCSTUD_Conserve Resources-A.mp4
+ Watch 8.KSOCSTUD_Natural Resources-A.mp4

Acellus: http://bit.do/eBTKp
Sách chính: Earth's Water (raz-kids Level H) - http://bit.do/eBTPY
Soft skill: When I'm feeling kind - http://bit.do/eBVb7
Final presentation: mind map về earth's resource -> gợi ý
- vẽ mind map về earth's resource gồm: water, wind, sunshine, sunlight, soil
- cho ví dụ về từng loại và nói về nơi có thể tìm được những loại resource này
- kết luận tài nguyên của trái đất rất quan trọng

- Nghe Acellus + Đọc/nghe phonic 3’
- Đọc sách When I'm feeling kind và Earth's Water (raz-kids Level H)
- Đọc raz-kids theo chủ đề NATURE, WATER
- Làm homework

LESSON 1 - {PR01 – About our Earth}

+ Thuyết trình Homework
+ Review: số 1- 100
+ Phonics:
+ Skill: Đọc sách When I'm feeling kind

+ Xem 1.KSCIENCE_Our Planet Earth-A.mp4
+ học về các loại landscapes: mountain, ocean, plain and desert .. và đặc điểm của chúng
+ Vẽ các landscapes

Soil layers:
+ Xem về các lớp đất 3.KSCIENCE_What is Found in Soil-A.mp4
+ Thảo luận về Soil layers (tầng đất): gồm 5 lớp: Rock, sand, dirt, decayed leaves (lá đã bị phân hủy), grass/plants
+ Làm worksheet về soil layers

+ Xem 6.KSCIENCE_What Changes Landscapes-A.mp4
+ Thảo luận nước có thể thay đổi Landscapes tạo ra
Canyon, River, island, Valley, Fall …
nước chảy làm xói mòn (erosion) và tạo river
Rain thay đổi chiều cao của mountains
+ Làm River nhân tạo bằng cách đổ nước đi qua giấy bạc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMBr6eBQt6c

HOMEWORK: Dựa trên hình vẽ landscapes và worksheet về soil layers, tập nói lại theo video
LINK bài học: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Bet3pAMjqAFYAHA54DJvq-a3OSJdmc-l


LESSON 2 - {ST01 - Earth's Water}

+ Homework: thuyết trình soil layers
+ Review: Landscapes = mountain, ocean, plain, desert, canyon, island, valley, volcano, fall, river
+ Phonics:
+ Skill: Đọc sách When I'm feeling kind

+ Xem 8.KSCIENCE_Where Does Water Come From-A.mp4
+ Thảo luận: Water is resource - nước là tài nguyên
where is water come from? - nước có từ đâu?
many places have water: stream, river, ocean, lake - nhiều nơi có nước

US map
+ review lại landscapes
+ Mỗi hs nhận 1 bản đồ của US
+ Vẽ những landscapes lên trên bản đồ
→ HOMEWORK: sử dụng bản đồ, tập nói về nước Mỹ với những landscapes đã vẽ

Đọc sách:
+ Đọc sách Earth's water
+ Thảo luận và trả lời câu hỏi “Why is water important?”
+ Giới thiệu 3 trạng thái của nước: liquid, gas, solid (3 forms of water)
+ Thực hành các câu trong sách như:
- I can see water everywhere in ponds, in lakes, in oceans, in rivers. Most of Earth is covered with water.
- The water we drink is a liquid. When water gets very cold, it freezes. It becomes solid. Solid water is called ice. Water is in the air.
This water is a gas.
- Water is important because Rain keeps plants alive, We fight fires with water, Animals take baths in water.
→ HOMEWORK: đọc lại sách Earth's water ở nhà, tập mô tả về nước như trong sách.

LINK bài học: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1K7rxRwkESxaESk_23PFv6gcqEP2xKpPN


LESSON 3 - {PR02 - We Save Our Earth}

+ Homework: thuyết trình US map
+ Review: tầm quan trọng của nước với sách Earth's water
+ Phonics:
+ Skill: Đọc sách When I'm feeling kind

Resources - tài nguyên

+ Xem 9.KSCIENCE_Earths Amazing Resources-A.mp4
+ Nhắc lại water is a resource - nước là tài nguyên
+ Thảo luận các nguồn tài nguyên khác: wind, wood, sunshine
+ Xem cối xay gió windmill https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQpbTTGe_gk
+ Làm quạt và chong chóng giấy
+ kết luận về earth's resource - tài nguyên của trái đất: water, wind, sunshine, sunlight, soil ...sử dụng mind map
→ HOMEWORK: sử dụng mind map trình bày về các tài nguyên của trái đất -> bài này big presentation ở LESSON 4
Recycling - tái chế
+ Xem 11.KSCIENCE_What Is Recycling-A.mp4
+ Thảo luận về recycling - tái chế: là reuse - tái sử dụng cái cũ để làm cái mới
+ Học về phân loại rác (4 loại): cans, paper, glass, plastic
+ Thảo luận các biện pháp save earth - bảo vệ trái đất (không chặt cây, dùng ít resources)

Sorting - phân loại rác

+ Đặt và viết tên 4 túi khác nhau cho: glass, paper, cans and plastic
+ Lựa chọn đúng loại rác và cho vào đúng túi đã dán nhãn

LINK bài học: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1er542OGywETM0PyGLXAG0SZuEOB5_oBz


LESSON 4 - {PS - Are Crystals alive?}

+ Review: earth's resource và phân loại rác
+ Phonics:
+ Skill: Đọc sách When I'm feeling kind

Crystals - tinh thể

+ Xem 10.IAS_KSCIENCE_WhatAreCrystals-A.mp4
+ Xem các loại tinh thể với các hình dạng khác nhau: snowflake + diamond + salt + sugar …
+ So sánh sizes, colors, shapes - kích thước màu sắc và hình dạng
+ Tìm hiểu Crystals có thể lớn lên nhưng nó không alive

Làm tinh thể crystal

+ Xem lại: 10.IAS_KSCIENCE_WhatAreCrystals-A.mp4
+ Chuẩn bị nước nóng, baking soda, sợi dây, cốc
+ hoà baking soda với nước nóng và đổ vào cốc
+ Để sợi dây và trong cốc và chờ đợi kết quả (sau 1 tiếng)

Final Presentation
+ Mỗi bạn đứng lên trình bày mind map về earth's resource trong 3 phút
+ Thầy và các bạn trong lớp đặt câu hỏi cho mỗi bài trình bày

LINK bài học: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1abJ2QmGkTqrLhebTf-5Q0d6SIrJdwqke


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