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Copper recovery by flotation

concentrates smelted. For instance,

a smelting operation utilizing a
70% silica flux produces nearly one
ton of 38% silica slag per ton of
concentrate smelted (27% Cu). A
Slag composition loses priority to controlled cooling of the slag.
similar operation based on the mill-
ing of a 22% silica slag will pro-
duce only 0.75 ton of slag per ton of
concentrate. The typical composi-
by K. N. Subramanian and N. J. Themelis
tion of slags milled at three smelt-
ers and other operating data are
In recent years, some copper FORMS OF COPPER IN SLAGS shown in Table I.
smelters have turned to the use of The subject of the forms of cop- Recent data on the distribution of
milling for recovering the copper per loss in smelting and converting copper, silver, and gold in the tail-
content of converter type slags. The slags has received much attention ings and slag concentrates of three
reasons for doing this have in- in the literature.1°,l1 It is generally smelters are shown in Table II. This
cluded the advent of concentrate recognized that the solubility of information was provided by Nip-
smelting in converters using oxy- copper increases with increasing pon Mining16 and Mitsubishi Metal
gen-enriched air, as at the Hitachi matte grade and degree of oxida- Mining17 for inclusion in this paper.
smelter in Japan,1 the need to mini- tion, and also with decreasing silica
Effect of Cooling Rate
mize magnetite accumulation in the concentration of the slag.
Roughly one-half of the copper During solidification and cooling
reverberatory furnace, as at Nao-
shima,2 and the introduction of new loss in reverberatory slags is in the of the slag, a large fraction of the
dissolved copper content precipi-
smelting processes, such as the form of entrained matte globules.
tates out of solution in the form of
Outokumpu flash smelting3.4 at The proportion of entrained copper
fine particles. These may consist of
Harjavalta, Finland. is higher for converter slags due
matte, copper sulfide, or metallic
to the fact that there is severe mix-
The gradual acceptance of slag copper, depending on the state of
ing between the matte and slag
milling indicates that, in certain oxidation of the slag. The precipi-
layers, and the entrained particles
cases, the advantages of this tated particles may grow by coagu-
have less opportunity to settle out
method outweigh the capital and lation with other globules, or by
of the slag.
operating costs which are asso- further precipitation of solute cop-
In conventional smelting, the
ciated with it. This has also been per.
converter slag is recirculated to the
the conclusion in the development The size distribution of the pre-
reverberatory furnace where, under
of the Noranda Process for the con- cipitated particles determines the
relatively quiescent conditions, the
tinuous smelting and converting of effectiveness of the milling treat-
slag becomes silica-saturated and
copper concentrates. 9 ment to a large degree. Fig. 1
most of the copper is recovered in
shows that in granulated converter
The three smelters mentioned the matte layer. Reverberatory
slag, which represents the most
above have published their operat- slags at most smelters contain be-
drastic form of cooling, there is no
ing data on the milling of slags. The tween 0.3-0.6% copper, depending
evidence of copper precipitation;
objective of this paper is to crit- on the smelting practice and the
on the other hand, a slowly-cooled
ically review this information, and matte grade produced.
slag (Fig. 2) contains a multitude of
compare it with the results of a REVIEW OF MILLING STUDIES microscopic particles which are
study of the effects of slag compo- In contrast to the pyrometallurgi- amenable to recovery by grinding
sition and cooling history on the cal treatment, which requires silica- and flotation.
grindability and flotation of con- saturated slags, low-silica slags For instance, laboratory milling
verter and Noranda Process slags. (20-25% Si02 ) are preferable in the tests on converter slag produced at
The results of other laboratory work milling process due to the fact that the Noranda smelter (1.5% Cu)
in Japans and the U.S.S.R.6,7,8 are they are easier to grind; also, there have shown that a slowly-cooled
also discussed. is less slag produced per ton of slag yielded a 0.4% copper tailing.

Table I-Industrial and laboratory data on the milling of slags

Laboratory Studies
Work at North
Flash Slags from Caucasian Min·
Furnace Converter Mednegorsk ing and Met.
Source of Slag Hitachil Naoshima" Slag Slag plant' Instituteo;
Composition of slag:
% Cu 4.0 3.0 1-1.5 4.0 2.2 3.5
% SiO. 20.0 19.1 29.0 23.0 23.4 24.8
% Fe 46.0 49.4 44.0 38.5 45.2 46.8
% Fe.O. 20 25 13 20 (est'd) 32
Cooling conditions: Cast into pigs Cast inlo pigs Slow-cooled in pits
Grinding ball mill ball mill autogenous laboratory mill laboratory mill
Fineness of grind 90% -325 rn. CO 93% - 325 rn. 90% -270 m. 98% -270 m. 97.3% -325 m.
Cu in non-magnetic concentrate 59.4
Cu in slag concentrate 24.0 21.3 18.2 20.0 27.6
Cu in tailing 0.40 0.32 0.32 0.21 0.27
Concentration ratio 5.60 7.73 6.67 9.90 8.18
% recovery of copper 94.3 92.3 90.1 91.8 93.0


Fig. 1-Granulated converter slag (200X). Fig. 2-Slow-cooled converter slag (200X).

In comparison, milling of the same growth of the precipitated particles tend to promote the formation of
slag after granulation by water can take place. Granulated slags the amorphous vitreous phase and
quenching resulted in a 0.7% cop- were reheated to temperatures thus inhibit the precipitation of sul-
per tailing. close to the melting range and were fide particles. Zinc content in the
The effect of cooling rate on cop- " annealed" for different periods of slag above the 4% level has a simi-
per recovery was demonstrated at time. The samples were then lar effect.
Naoshima2 by comparative grinding cooled, ground and leached in am- The silica content of the slag
and flotation tests on slowly-cooled monia to determine the amount of affects its hardness and hence the
slag and on slag which was cast in precipitated copper sulphide. Figs. grindability. Dukhanin 6 has shown
an iron mold and water-quenched; 4 and 5 show clearly the beneficial that the relative grindability of con-
the tailings contained 0.20% and effect of the annealing treatment at verter and reverberatory slags is
0.65% copper, respectively. In nor- temperatures close to the melting 1.0 and 0.77, respectively. On this
mal practice at the plant, where the range of the slag. scale, results at Noranda have
slag is cast in iron molds and air- Apart from its effect on copper shown that the grindability of a
cooled, the copper content in the recovery, slow cooling also im- chalcopyrite ore is about 2, i.e.,
tailing is 0.32% (Table I). proves the grindability of the slag. 7 converter slag is nearly twice as
Laboratory milling tests by Alim- The relative grindability of slags hard to grind as copper ore. The
baev et al. 7 have shown (Fig. 3) that cooled at different rates are shown high consumption of grinding
the copper loss in the tailing de- in Table III. Slow cooling promotes media is an important cost factor in
creases with slow cooling rates and the formation and growth of crys- slag milling , and has led to the
fineness of grind. talline phase which is easily adoption of autogenous grinding at
ground. Fast cooling renders the the Harjavalta smelter. However,
Yazawa and Kameda5 have dem- slag structure amorphous and in- the Hitachi and Naoshima smelters
onstrated that an important factor hibits fine grinding. use cast iron balls for grinding.
in the precipitation process is the
residence time of the slag at a tem- Effect of Composition
perature just below the melting Yazawa and Kameda 5 have SLAGS
range of the slag, when maximum shown that alumina or lime in slag As noted earlier, th is study was
mainly concerned with the milling
Table II-Distribution of copper, silver, and gold in the milling products
of slags produced in the Noranda
of three smelters Process for the continuous smelting
and converting of copper concen-
Concentration trates. 9 A low-silica slag (20-24%
Distribution (%)
Copper Silver Gold - -- - -- - -- Si0 2) is produced in the converting
% glt glt Copper Silver Gold
zone of the reactor where the slag
Nippon Mining CO.\IO
Hitachi smelter is in intimate contact with high-
Converter slag 100
Non-magnetic concentrat e
44 .05
10.2 29 .7
39 .6
grade matte (77% Cu) and metallic
Flotation concentrate
Flotation tails
54 . 1
53. 6
Saganoseki smelter
(to March 1969)
This slag is highly oxidized and
Con verter slag
Flotation concentra te
91 .6
contains 20-30% Fe30 4 in soluble
Flotation tails 0.35 4.0 0.1 8.4 10.8 6.4 and entrained form. Following some
Mitsubishi Metal Mining Co. "
Naosh ima smelter settling in the slag zone, the tapped
Con verter slag 4.8 7 31 0.4 100 100 100
Flotation conc entrate 28.53 191 2.8 93.4 97.3 100 slag contains 8-12% copper. Mi-
Flotation tails 0.38 1 Trace 6.6 2.7
croscopic examination of rapidly-


1.0 1.0
I WATE~ -OuE N Cli£D SLAG W <!) 0---
2 AIR · COOLED SL AG Q. <t 0.8
,. en
o z 0 .6 0 .8
70 h. ~
w a: 0 .4
o \oJ a:
a.. 0.2 \oJ
l:! a.. ' "0
0 .6
8 - -- I I 0
0~ a 800 1000 1200
0~ 0 ·4
Fig . 4-Effect of annealing temperature
on copper content of slag after leach- a 2 4 6 8
ing. '> TIME. hr.
~ 0.2
Fig. 5-Eftect of annealing time at
(J tailing. The optimum combination 1000° C on copper content after leach-
0 ,1 '--_-'-_--'-_ --1_ _.1.-_-1 ing. ·S

50 60 70 eo 90 100
of reagents was 0.20 Ib/ton slag of
fiNE NE SS Of GR IND. %-325 MESH sodium isopropyl xanthate and an Effect of Cooling Rate on 'Sizeof Copper
equal quantity of Z-200 (isopropyl Particles in Slag
Fig. 3-Effect of cooling rate and fine- Slags produced in the 100 tpd
ness of grind on laboratory milling of
ethyl thionocarbamate); pine oil
and MISC (methyl isobutyl carbinol) pilot plant of the Noranda Process
slags .~
were found to be suitable frothers . were cast in steel molds 50 150
Pilot plant tests were conducted and 350 Ib of slag capacity. Durin~
quenched slag (granulated slag) in-
at the Noranda, Quebec, concen- solidification, the cooling rates at
dicates that the soluble copper rep-
trator at grinding 'and flotation rates various depths in the slag were
resents nearly two thirds of the
of 200 Ib slag/hr. This work was measured by means of thermo-
copper content. These results are
then followed by a full-scale mill- couples inserted through the mold
in agreement with thermodynamic
ing test at the same plant during walls. After cooling, the slag pigs
studies on the solubility of copper
were sectioned to provide samples
in slags equilibrated with metallic which 1500 tons of slag were milled
copper.1 2-14 which were representative of a par-
at the rate of 15 tph. The overall
ticular cooling rate.
The magnetite and copper con- results of this test showed that a
Pieces of each slag sample were
tent of the Noranda Process slags tailing of 0.5% Cu had been pro- mounted, polished, and examined
can be reduced to the 10-12% duced at a concentration ratio of under the microscope ; typical mi-
Fe;j0 4 and 2-3% Cu levels, by add- 4.5 :1 (Table IV).
ing concentrate and reducing gas In order to optimize the milling of
in the slag zone. However, as will Noranda Process sl·ags, the effects
be shown later, this treatment has
of cooling rate and slag composi-
little effect on the copper loss in
tion on copper recovery were in-
the tailing.
vestigated extensively. Studies
Open-circuit flotation tests were
were also made of the forms of
initially carried out to establish the
feasib ility of slag milling and to copper lost in the tailing and of the
determine the requ ired fineness of distribution of other slag con-
grind and flotation reagents. It was st ituents in the tailing and con-
found that a fine grind (about 90% centrates. The results of this work
- 325 mesh) was essential to pro- are described in the following sec-
duce an acceptable low-copper tions.

Table III-Variation of grindability of slags with cooling rate 7

Cooling rate % - 325 Mesh after Relative

Method of Cooling ° C!min. 45 min. grinding grindability
Slag qu enched in wate r 75 .8 0. 81
Air-coo led slag 10 80.7 0.86 K. N. Subramanian
Sl ag A. contro ll ed fur-
nace coo ling 84.9 0.91
Sl ag B. controll ed fur-
nace coo ling 93 .6 1.00 K. N. Subramanian™s is a gmup
leader in the Extractive Metal-
lurgy Dept. of the Noranda Re-
Table IV-Milling tests on Noranda process slags search Centre, which he joined in
1968. He received his PhD in
1966 from the Royal School of
Fineness % Copper in Concentration
of grind, --------- ratio Mines . At Noranda, he is mainly
% - 325 Head Concen- (head slag! % concerned witt: chemical process-
mesh slag trate Tailing concentrate) recovery ing of non-ferrous metals and
Slag co ol ed in 150 lb. mo ld. l ab- ores. This paper was presented
orato ry stand a rd te st 93.8 13.8 62 .2 0.53 5.05 97.3
Large scale milling (1430 t. slag at the 100th TMS-AIME Annual
milled) . ball mill grinding 91.1 11 .4 51 .5 0.50 4.54 96.5 meeting , February 26-March 4
Large scale milling (365 t. slag 1971 . '
milled). autogeno us grinding 90.0 11.7 52 .1 0.53 4.74 96.3


A. Cooled to 1000°C in 39 sec. B. Cooled to 1000°C in 8 min.

C. Cooled to 1000°C in 39.9 min. D. Cooled to 1000°C in 227 min.

Fig. 6-Photomicrographs of Noranda Process slags showing the effect of cooling rate. (200X, reduced to 85% of original size).

crostructuresare shown in Fig. 6. ably entrained particles in the slag conditions, the median size of cop-
The cumulative distribution of cop- as it was tapped which had no per particles was approximately a
per as a function of particle size for chance to grow during the cooling linear function of the logarithm of
various samples is shown in Fig. 7. process. the time taken to cool the slag to
Slags cooled at rates above As predicted by Yazawa and 1000°C; the most slowly cooled
1000°C/hr (Le. cooled from 1200 to Kameda,5 longer retention periods slag in these tests (center portion
1000°C in less than ten minutes) of the slag at temperatures above of the 350-lb. mold) was found to
exhibited similar size distributions 1000°C promoted the coalescence contain a median particle size of
of copper particles (Figs. 6a, 6b), and growth of particles by diffusion 87 microns. Rapid cooling below
the median size of which was about and precipitation of copper out of 1000 °C, e.g., with water sprays, re-
25 microns. These were presum- solution (Figs. 6c, 6d). Under these sulted in easier crushing of the slag

Table V-Milling of Noranda process slags of different magnetite contents

(grind: 90% -325 mesh)

% Copper in
Copper loss in
% Fe"O, Head Concen· Concentration ratio the tailing as % of
Description of Slag in slag slag trate Tailing (head I concentrate) input to reactor
Slag milled in large scale test (ball mill grind-
ing) 20-26 11.4 51.5 0.50 4.54 1.47
Slag milled in large scale test (autogenous grind-
ing) 20-26 11.7 52.1 0.53 4.74 1.58
Slag deoxidized by anthracite addition in pilot
plant reactor 12 2.2 19.8 0.54 11.70 1.71
Slag deoxidized by silicon carbide in a crucible 6 1.4 6.1 0.44 6.10 1.25

Table VI-Distribution of Noranda process slag constituents in flotation products

-_._-_ _--_
. •. .. --- - - - - . -- .-~ - .

Analysis (% or opt) Distribution (%)

Description Cu Si02 Fe30 . S Zn Au Ag Cu Si0 2 Fe, O., S Zn Au Ag
Concentrate 52.1 9.0 5.0 5.0 0.8 0.11 27.8 96.3 8.0 4.2 94.1 3. 6 93.4 97.1
Tailing 0.5 27.5 32.9 <0.1 5.7 0.002 0.21 3.7 92.0 95.8 5.9 96.4 6.6 2.9
Heads 11.4 24.0 26.0 1.1 4.5 0.025 6.02 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0


without affecting the grind ability or 100 r - - - - - - - O
the milling results.
On the other hand , slower cool-
ing rates had little effect on the
size of magnetite particles ob- 90
served in these samples. Rapid
cooling resulted ina small fraction
of the magnetite content crystalliz-
ing in dendritic fashion. Most of 80
the magnetite particles were lo-
cated in the fayalite matrix, and
only a small proportion of copper
particles were surrounded by mag- 70
netite crystals. w
A sample of the slag tailing ob- a..
tained by flotation was also ex- 0
<-> 60
amined by means of an electron
probe microanalyzer.15 The ob- Z
served copper particles were less
than five microns, and occurred a::
au 50
both in the metallic and sulfidic a..
form . A few particles were found to w
contain approximately 35% Gu and >
35% Fe, and were tentatively identi- t- RETENTION PERIOD
<[ 40
fied as copper ferrite (CU20' Fe2 0~) . ...J ABOVE 1000'C
A representative scanning is shown ~
0 0 .65 min .
in the electron micrographs of Fig . ::J t:J, 5.
8. <->
30 0 6.
Selective chemical analysis for
•• 15 .

oxidic copper in the tailing did not
produce any meaningful results . In
75 .
the light of the electron probe re-
sults and also of leaching tests on
the tailing, which will be discussed
• 227.

later, it is possible to infer that the

oxidized copper in the solidified 10
slag does not amount to more than
20% of the copper loss in the tail-
Effect of Cooling Rate and Fineness of
Grind on Milling Results o 50 100 150
The slag samples described PAR TI CLE DIAME T ER , MICRONS
above were subjected to various Fig. 7-Size distribution 01 copper particles in Noranda Process slags as a function
degrees of grinding in a laboratory of cooling rate .
mill and then to a standard flotation ducing agent such as coal or in the loss of copper in the tailing,
test. Fig. 9 shows that the copper natural gas. as shown in the last column of
content in the tailing decreased Tes'. s of this nature were carried Table V.
with increasing fineness of grind out main:y in crucibles ; magnetite In ano :her test in the pilot plant
and with time of cooling. As would was reduced to about the 6% level reactor, addition of coal in the slag
be expected from the microscopic and there was an attendant de- zone resulted in a slag containing
examination of the head samples, crease in the copper content of the 12.3% Fe30 4 and 2.3% copper. Flo-
the effect of longer grind ing times slag from 10% to 1.2% . However, tation of this slag yielded a tailing
was less pronounced for slags subsequent milling of these low- containing 0.54% copper, which is
which had been cooled at very slow magnetite low-copper slags did not nearly the value obtained by milling
rates . result in a significant improvement high-copper high-Fea0 4 slags.
Effect of Magnetite Content on
Slag Milling Table VII-Le aching of Noranda process slag tailings in sulfuric acid
As noted earlier, the slag pro-
ducedin the Noranda Process re- Temp.,
Acid consumed % Copper in leach res idue after:
actor is highly oxidized, and con- pH °C of tails o min. 15 min. 30 min . GO m in. 120 min.
tains 20-30% Fe30 4. The magnetite 1.5 70 160 0.51 0.25 0.24
2.5 70 76.0 0 .51 0.30 0.26 0.26 0.26
content can be reduced to the 10- 3. 0 50 37.0 0 .51 0.35 0.32 0 30 n.28
12% Fe30 4 level by subjecting the 3 .0 70 47 .0 0.51 0.33 0.28 0.27 0.26
3.5 70 23.0 0 .51 0.42 0.35 0.33 0.32
slag to a reducing treatment with 3.5 90 46.0 0.51 0.35 0.32 0.32
4.0 70 8.0 0.51 0.46 0.44 0.37 0.35
either copper concentrates or a re-


A more promising approach is
the leaching of tailings in aerated
sulfuric acid . Tests have shown
(Table VII) that the copper content
in the tailing may be decreased
from 0.5% to 0.25% Cu by leaching
at a controlled pH of 3.0 and 70 c C
for one hr. At this concentration ,
the acid consumption may be kept
at a reasonable level without sacri-
ficing the reaction rate or the
amount of copper extracted. Cop-
per can be recovered from the
leach solution by cementation OT)
A. Composite image. B. Copper. iron, and the barren is neutralized
with lime.
The copper loss in the milled
Noranda Process slags is compar-
able to that in a 0.37% Cu rever-
beratory slag, despite the fact that
the copper assay in the head slag
is very high. It has been shown that
the loss of copper in the tailing
does not depend significantly on
the copper and magnetite content
of the head slag. In general, it ap-
pears that the composition of con-
verter-type slags has a secondary
effect on the milling results, as
C. Iron. D. Sulfur. compared to the cooling history of
Fig. 8-Electron microprobe photographs of Noranda Process slag tailing (750X the slag. It has also been shown
reduced to 80% of original size). that the copper recovery from No-
Thus, the results demonstrated slag reported in the tailing, it was randa Process slags may be in-
that there was no significant corre- decided that high-magnetite con- creased further by leaching the tail-
lation between magnetite content in tents in the slag did not present a ings in dilute sulfuric acid.
the head slag and the copper loss problem either in flotation or in the REFERENCES
in the tailing. The improved grind- recycled slag concentrate. It there- 1 Tsurumoto. T.; "Improve,,!ents on t~e Oxygen
Smelting Process at Hitachi Smelter • p. 291 .
ability of a low magnetite slag was fore became apparent that the pyrometallurgical Processes in Non-Ferrous Met-
allurgy, J.N. Anderson and P. Queneau . ed.,
not enough by itself to justify sep- Noranda Process could be oper- Gordon & Breach. N.Y .• 1967.
arate pyrometall u rg ical treatment ated satisfactorily with very little ' Itakura . K .. Nag ano . T .• and Sasakura . J.:
JOURNAL OF METALS, Vol. 21. no. 7. 1969.
of slag. Since it was established treatment of the slag in the reactor. p. 30. M I
' Bryk. PoO Ryselin . J oO Honkasala. J ., and a-
that most of the magnetite in the The concentrations of copper, strom. R. ; JOURNAL OF METALS, Vol. 10. 1958 ,
iron, silica, magnetite, zinc , sulfur, p. ,3i~e Concentrators of Outokumpu Oy. Fin-
0 .9
silver, and gold, and their distribu- land , Company publication, June 1968.
> Yazawa. A .. and Kameda , M.; Bull . R~s. Ins l.
tion in the concentrate and tailing Min. Dressing and Met ., Tohoku University, Vol.
19, no. 1. 1963, pp. 79-90.
are shown in Table VI. It can be 6 Dukhanin. I.N. ; Izvest. Vysshikh Ucheb. Zave-
denii , Tsvel. Met ., Vol. 4. no. 5, 1961, pp. 74-80.
0 .8 seen that most of the magnetite, 'Alimbaev. G.I. , et al.;Tr. Ural. Nauch.-Issled .
Proekt. Inst. Med. Prom., no. 8. 1965, pp. 489-
silica, and zinc content of the head 492 .
slag are found in the tailing and, 8 Kovyrshima. N.I. , Riskin , M.A .• and Stroitelev,
I.A.; Tsvetn. Metal. , Vol. 38, no. 6. 1965. pp .
C> therefore, do not represent a recir-
:; 0 .7 42;~3hemelis, N.J. , McKerrow , G.C .• Tarassoff . P. ,
culating load. and Hallet, G.D .• "The Noranda Process for Con-
~ tinuous Smelting and Con ve rting of Copper Con-
centrates", paper presented at 197.1 TMS-AIME
~ Leaching of Slag Tailing Annual Meeting. TMS Paper Selection A- 71 - 76 ."- The fine particle sizes in the slag '" Wartman, F.S.• and Boyer. W.T.; The Forms
of Copper in Converter Slags, U.S. Bureau of
"- 06
tailing raised some questions as to Mines. Report of Investigations 2985 . January
~ the use of leach ing to further in- 11 Spira , P .• and Themelis. N.J .; JOURNAL OF
METALS . Vol. 21 . no . 4. 1969. p. 35.
crease the overall copper recovery. " Korakas. N. ; Trans. Inst. MIn . and Met. , Vol.
05 It was found that more than half of 72 . 1962. pp. 35-53 .
13 Toguri . J.M .• and Santander. N.H .. CanadIan

the copper content in a 0.5% Cu Metallurgical Quarterly, Vol. 8, 1969, pp, 167-
171 .
tailing could be extracted by leach- H Johansen . E.B .• Rosenqvist, T., and Torger-
sen . P.T. ; JOURNAL OF METALS . Vol. 22 . no. 9,
0.4 L--'--_ _ ---''---_ _--L_ __ -...l
ing in ferric sulfate solution at 1970. pp, 39-47.
15 Firth . M.. McGill University; pri vate com-
70 80 90 100
70 C. However, this approach was
munication to Noranda Research Centre. July
% - 32~ MESH abandoned due to the fact that the 1970.
,. Nippo n Mining Company. Ltd .; pri vate com-
required regeneration of the ferric munication to Noranda Research Centre . July
Fig. 9-Effect of retention period above 1970.
1000° C and fineness of grind on tailing iron was an incomplete and slow 17 Mitsubishi Metal Mining Company. Ltd.; pri-
va te communication to Noranda Research Cen-
grade. process. tre . July 1970.


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