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SHES 2302 Sistem Maklumat 09

Bioinformatics Department

Tutorial 3

1. Briefly define and compare Gantt charts and network diagrams.

Gantt charts Network Diagrams
 Task-scheduling diagrams which  Task-scheduling diagrams but are
contain horizontal bars made up of boxes that linked by
 Useful for depicting simple projects arrows
or parts of large projects.  It provides graphical illustration of
 Show start and completion dates dependencies between activities.
for individual tasks  Show order of activities
 Visually shows time overlap  Show task dependencies
between task  Do not show time overlap, but
 Visually show slack time visually show which task can be
 Show time overlap done in parallel
 Show time in duration  Show slack time in boxes
(slack time: : the latest possible
completion time of each activity
which will not delay the completion
of the overall project, and the
earliest possible completion time,
based on all predecessor activities.)

2. Identify and briefly discuss the four phases involved in managing a project.
 Phase 1:Project Initiation
- Assess size ,scope and complexity, and establish procedures.
- Hire of find the project team, setup the project office and review the
project, to gain approval to begin the next phase
 Phase 2:Project Planning
- Define clear, discrete activities and the work needed to complete each
- Involve creating of a set of plans to help guide the team through the
execution and closure phases of the project
 Phase 3:Project Execution
- Plans created in prior phases are put into action.
- Built the physical project deliverables and present them to the customer
for signoff.
- Usually the longest phase in the project management process and it
typically consumes the most energy and the most resources.
 Phase 4:Project Closedown
- Handing over the deliverables to your customer, passing the
documentation to the business, canceling supplier contracts, releasing
staff and equipment, and informing stakeholders of the closure of the
- Post Implementation Review is completed to determine the projects
success and identify the lessons learned.

3. Construct a Gantt chart using the following data.

Activity Optimist Pessimi Realisti Expecte Precedi

ic Time stic c Time d Time ng Task
A 4 8 6 --
B 7 11 9 A
C 3 7 5 A
D 9 13 11 A
E 6 10 8 B
F 3 9 6 C,D,E
4. Identify the common activities and skills of a project manager.
Effective planning for project.

• Control on scope, schedule and budget of projects.

• Reporting upper Management.
• Finding the deliverables, costs and schedules of projects 
• Communicating with the critical departments for team building. 
• Co-ordination of the projects. 

• Project control and management.

Performance and Training Abilities:

• Plan, manage and control projects more successfully 

• Increase project cooperation and communication between departments and
• Coordinate the tasks more effectively between departments 
• Enhance the spirit of teamwork among project team members with a
motivating team building training
• Reduce new product development cycle with product development training
• Deliver more projects consistently on time and within budget 
• Reduce the time required to plan and stay on top of successful projects 
• Provide management, clients or customers with the project information they
• Apply the Project Management Life Cycle and the Project Planning
• Define up-front project scope and deliverables even when your
client/customer isn’t sure what they really want 
• Use the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) to more clearly identify work
• Develop more accurate and realistic time and performance estimates. Etc
• Schedule projects more accurately using CPM and PERT networking
(P E R T is the acronym for Product Evaluation Review Technique. C P M
signifies Critical Path Method. )
• Spot problems and correct behind schedule conditions more quickly 
• Control schedule timeliness and work flow by using proven management
• Manage multiple projects without losing effectiveness 
• Enhance the people skills to effectively motivate and communicate with the
project team 
• Implement proven conflict management techniques to help team members
work together with team building training 
• Anticipate problems and develop contingency plans through Critical Risk
• Close out projects completely using a close-out checklist that ensures
details are taken care of. 
• Perform project post-mortem reviews to identify project management
strengths and weaknesses
5. Define project initiation. Identify five project initiation activities.
Project initiation is the phase 1 of project management where in this phase project
manager need to assess size, scope and complexity, and establish procedures.
- Establish initiation team
- Establish relationship with customer
- Establish project initiation plan
- Establish management procedures
- Establish project management environment

6. Define project planning. Identify ten project planning activities.

Project planning is the 2nd phase of project management. In this phase, project
manager have to define clear, discrete activities and the work needed to complete
each activity.
- Define project scope, alternatives, feasibility
- Divide project into tasks
- Estimate resource requirements
- Develop preliminary schedule
- Develop communication plan
- Determine standards and procedures
- Risk identification and assessment
- Create preliminary budget
- Develop a statement of work
- Set baseline project plan

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