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City 4.

0 Collaboration
Anies Baswedan | October 23, 2019
Jakarta Urban Regeneration
We‘re building a city that is…

Equal Dynamic
Just opportunities, facilites dan benefits A city that is active, safe, comfortable, fun,
for all citizens. and is filled with various art and culture
Robust economy, fulfilled basic needs, Sustainable
support for the marginalized segments. Focus on sustainable development,
tending to nature, using resources
Modern efficiently.
A civilzed global city, filled with
innovations, and becoming a benchmark Unifying
for other cities. Facilitating interaction and collaboration
between all segments of citizen, moving
together toward a better city for all.
City Evolution

CITY 4.0
- City government is
CITY 3.0 - People are co-creators.
- City government is - Public is engaged
facilitator. through collaboration.
CITY 2.0 - People are participants.
- City government is - Public is engaged
service provider. through participation.
CITY 1.0 - People are consumers.
- City government is - Public is engaged
administrator. through consultation.
- People are residents.
- Public is engaged
through socialization.
Decision Making Approach
Spider Web Starfish

One spider at the center of the web processes information, Has a decentralized neutral structure permitting regeneration
triggered by vibrations on its strings, and proceeds to take and autonomous decisions making by each body parts that
all the decisions. accumulate into a joint movement.
Community Action Plan

Revitalization of urban slums with active participation from its residents in designing the new neighborhood.
Community Action Plan

Urban sprawls grow rampantly in Jakarta. In-line with the City 4.0 paradigm, the
Jakarta Capital City Government chooses to use a different, more collaborative
approach, in tackling and managing urban sprawls.

With Community Action Plan program, citizens work in collaboration with NGOs, think
tanks, universities, and the city government, to design and apply their own solutions
to the city’s problems.
Community Action Plan
Target : 21 priority neighborhood [kampung prioritas] and 200 seedy hamlets [RW kumuh]

Before Revitalization Revitalization – Phase 1 Revitalization – Phase 2

Existing Condition Community Action Plan Collaborative Implementation Program

Each kampung / hamlet has its own complex

problems. There are several utilization schemes:
• Converting Right to Manage [Hak Pengelolaan
Lahan] to Right to Own [Sertifikat Hak Milik].
• Converting Right to Own [Sertifikat Hak Milik]
to Right to Own the Building [Surat
Kepemilikan Bangunan Gedung]
• Converting Right to Own [Sertifikat Hak Milik]
ito Building Ownership ID [Identitas
Kepemilikan Bangunan]
Kampung Development Through Participatory Budgeting

Type III Budgeting: Community groups and social organizations’ tasks:

planned, managed and monitored § Exploring relevant problems in the neighborhood
by community groups § Thinking of ideas to solve the problems
§ Designing the implementation plan
Type IV Budgeting: § Diffusing the solutions to other neighborhoods
planned and monitored by city government,
managed by social organizations City government’s tasks:
§ Providing innovation platform
§ Cultivating innovation environment
Kampung Kota Kita


Institute for Transportation and Development Policy [ITDP] along with local residents worked together to build
a neighborhood with high mobility access. Jakarta Capital City Government gave full support and replicated
the initiative to 100+ other neighborhoods.
Kampung’s Accessibility

MRT Jakarta along with local residents worked together to improve Kampungs’ accessibility toward public
transportation stations / stops.
Taman Maju Bersama [Local Parks]


Building 200 parks within 4 years period, with active participation from the locals in designing the parks. Local
residents decide features and facilities to be incorporated into the park design.

Public Transportation Maps & Wayfinding

Public Transportation Maps & Wayfindings

Wayfinding signages and integrated transportation maps designed by Forum Diskusi Transportasi Jakarta [FDTJ],
installed in collaboration with Jakarta’s state own transportation companies.
Bike Paths

Jakarta is building a total of 63 km bike paths, divided into three phases. It is a collaboration project between
Department of Transportation, ITDP, biking communities, and openly recruited volunteers.
Economic and Environmental Successes Can Go Hand in Hand
Sustainable Transport Award 2020 Jakarta’s Economic Growth 2013-2019

TomTom Traffic Index 2018 Bus Rapid Transit Expansion

Bus Routes: Proximity Coverage: Annual Ridership:

2017: 121 routes 2017: 62% of population 2013: 112.52 millions
2018: 160 routes 2018: 67% of population 2016: 123.71 millions
2019: 210 routes 2019: 72% of population 2019: 255.59 millions*

Integrated Microbus: Daily Operated Bus: Daily Ridership:

2017: 5 routes 2017: 1,520 buses 2016: 338,932 rides
2018: 29 routes 2018: 2,120 buses 2019: 700,246 rides
2019: 50 routes 2019: 3,400 buses
Peak Ridership:
Dapur Qurban
[in collaboration with 5-stars hotels]

Jakarta Art Week

MOU Signing with 8 Digital Companies
for Smart City Development

Public Squares and Cultural Spots

[to foster collaboration]
“ Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody,
only because, and only when, they are created by everybody.

~ Jane Jacobs

Thank you.

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