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Eco-Logical Waste Management

with Vermiculture Ecotechnology


Nature knows better how to manage organic/inorganic

residues (that we call wastes), in an eco-friendly manner.
Healthy soil that has earthworm activity, can process the
wastes effectively. In such vermiculture ecosystems, wastes
become feed for the soil-processing earthworms that produce
balanced plant nutrients, in a need-based manner. Plants
show healthy growth when they get balanced nutrition. During
such eco-processing, there is no production of heat,
greenhouse gases and toxic leachate that is common in
unscientific waste management. This system also produces
value-added vermicast with biosanitizer properties.

This paper discusses the Vermiculture Ecotechnology (VE), also

termed as Soil BioTechnology (SBT) for ecofriendly waste

Keywords: Vermiculture Ecotechnology, Soil BioTechnology,

1. Introduction:

During evolution on the earth, focus shifted from water to land,

around 600 million years ago, for plants (that convert inorganics
into organics) and also for waste management. It is necessary to
appreciate logic of this shift and use it in our thinking when we try
to improve our methods of plant growth and waste management
(Bhawalkar, 1997).

If this logic is not appreciated, we often get reports on

unsustainable production of algal biomass in ponds, aimed at
producing more oil per unit area per unit time. Similarly, wastes are
still processed in water(tanks, ponds, lakes, rivers or seas). No
wonder, these efforts are not sustainable.

The aquatic ecosystems, too, have natural mechanisms that can

use diverse wastes as raw materials and produce resources.
Ponds and lakes however are limited by low production, solubility
and diffusivity of oxygen. Hence they have limited self-healing
mechanisms as compared to those that are possible in healthy
soils. They can fail if stretched beyond their limit. This is precisely
why the surface water needs some filtration through a sand
biofilter (needs periodic cleaning) or ideally through an ecological
filter, that cleans itself through ecological mechanisms.

This paper describes synthesis and components of Vermiculture

Ecotechnology(VE), also known as Soil BioTechnology(SBT), for
sustainable plant growth and eco-logical waste management.
2. Methodology:

To develop the most eco-friendly waste management technology,

lessons were taken from Nature that has about 5 billion years of
evolutionary experience on this earth. These were discussed
using the modern evolving disciplines of ecology and ecological
engineering, to create an Eco-Logic, the grammar of Nature.

Eco-Logic developed by Dr Bhawalkar was first published in

1995, in ‘Worm Digest’ - the trade magazine of vermiculture
industry. Eco-Logic can be stated as:

• Nature is well designed.

• Every organism has a role.
• Body structure and function is to facilitate its role.
• Population of each organism is controlled by the task before
the organism.
• Organisms could be divided into two categories. They are
either resource converters (K-selected) or waste controllers
• K-selected organisms are hidden, quiet or pleasant, whereas
the r-selected organisms are visible, highly mobile or
unpleasant in their behaviour.
• Pollution is an indication of waste of resources. Pollution
controllers (r-selected organisms) cause human suffering, to
variable extent, to draw our attention to the waste and
appeal for the preventive action.
• The smaller the organism, the more productive it is.
• Predator culls its prey selectively to remove defective young
and ineffective old, thus increasing productivity of the prey.
• Each niche (function station) has one organism with specific
function and specific food. If two organisms try to occupy the
same niche, the more effective one gets selected.
• Successful breeding is an indication that the organism is
playing its role effectively.
• Ecosystems are self-designed and self-improving. They are
self-controlled, aimed at resource conservation and
sustainability. Each organism gives an additional capability to
the ecosystem. Biodiversity, thus, improves the ecosystem
• Mother Earth behaves as a self-controlled ecosystem. Even
the abiotic components, such as lightening, storms,
tornadoes, floods, droughts, global warming, ozone layer
depletion, forest fires, earthquakes and volcanoes are
corrective in action and contribute to the stability. These
unpleasant phenomena could be managed best by going to
their root cause: the waste of resources by man.

The above Eco-Logic facilitated the development of following

criteria that can guide us in development of eco-friendly waste
management strategies:

- Waste should be seen only as wasted raw material. In fact,

Nature allows no waste. Natural biodiversity ensures that waste
gets used by some organism, as food/feed/substrate. The terms
‘disposal’, ‘reject’, ‘residue’ or ‘waste’ are not found in dictionary
of Nature.
- Lack of proper biodiversity can slow down the speed of
waste management. A metabolite of one process can get
accumulated because of absence of appropriate consumer
organism. This can cause toxicity to the ecosystem.
- Aerobic conditions allow higher biodiversity. Nature also
selected a path of aerobic processing about 5 billion years ago.
Hence we should opt for aerobic processing, over the anaerobic
processing. No wonder, anaerobic waste processing produces
unpleasant signals(odor) and methane that has about 20 times
higher greenhouse potential, as compared with CO2.
- Pleasant signals indicate better path whereas an
unpleasant signal indicates wrong, unsustainable path. Mankind
has progressed without modern knowledge of chemistry or
microbiology, only by following this wisdom.
- Plants are the resource producers of Nature. They convert
pollutants(soluble inorganics from soil or water and CO2) into
organics that supply us food, fuel, fibers, fertilizers, timber, herbs
and industrial raw materials. Hence plants should be made a
necessary component of sustainable waste management.
Overreliance on microbial processing that is common in
conventional waste processing technologies, thus, is not an eco-
friendly approach.
- In Nature, wastes are processed on soil, in presence of
actively growing plants and soil-processing earthworms.
Earthworms act as regulators of waste bioprocessing by matching
the reactions to the need of plants (Bhawalkar, 1997). Hence any
waste processing without the earthworms and plants, is going to
be wasteful and hence, unsustainable.

The above criteria lead us to build up VE(vermiculture

ecotechnology) or SBT(soil biotechnology) as an ideal waste
management technology(Bhawalkar, 1997), at the Chemical
Engineering Department of IIT Bombay. The group has been
researching eco-logical techniques of waste management and
sustainable plant production, without the use of chemical
fertilizers and biocides over the past 24 years. The group also has
developed nontoxic eco-logical techniques of pest control in the
society and industries.

3. Performance of VE/SBT System:

Solid organic wastes can be processed without production of toxic

leachate and greenhouse gases, if processed by VE/SBT system.
This shows how the VE/SBT is a complete ecosystem that is
necessary for eco-friendly waste management.

Similarly, wastewater treatment becomes simple and very much

effective, if VE/SBT system is used. Figure 1 shows the layout of
3-stage SBT system that was used to treat complex distillery
wastewater that poses severe challenges because of its
combination of both organic as well as inorganic pollution.

Table 1 gives the performance. The SBT shows reduction of not

only organic pollution(BOD and COD), but also of inorganic
pollutants(Bhawalkar, 1997).

STREAM 1 2 3 4
pH 4.0 6 7 7.5

BOD(mg/L) 26,000 4800 94 30

COD(mg/L) 51,020 7500 280 120

Cl (mg/L) 900 184 35 9.5

Na (mg/L) 220 62 28 27

K (mg/L) 570 40 5 3

Table 1: Performance of 3-stage SBT system

4. Production of Biosanitizer:

Wastes are processed by VE/SBT system and converted into plant

growth and vermicast (biosoil). Yield of vermicast depends upon
the C/N ratio of wasted solids and also on age of processed
material. As the age proceeds, the yield gets considerably
reduced, but one gets superior product with amazing biosanitizer
properties. Hence such properly aged (minimum 10 years old)
vermicast can be used as a first generation biosanitizer(VERMI+

Bhawalkar Ecological Research Institute (BERI) has pioneered

production and promotion of VERMI++(biosanitizer grade
vermicast) during the past 12 years, for soil and garbage/sullage
treatment. This was later eco-distilled (super refined) into next
generation biosanitizer ecochip (BIOSANITIZER 9.0), for treatment
of water, food, fuel and air.

The need to develop BIOSANITIZER arose eco-logically because

water that has inorganic and toxic organic pollutants, cannot be
used for the Vermiculture Ecosystem. Also solid and liquid wastes
need to be pretreated before they are fed to VE or SBT.

Biosanitizer is an eco-logical alternative to toxic pest control

remedies that have been used in the agriculture and sanitation
sectors. It also has nutrient holding ability and acts as nutrient flow
regulator for the plants.
The Table shows different applications of BIOSANITIZER
Ecochip. Give No.

BIOSANITIZER Ecochip(be consistent, title above or


Pollution Remedy Benefits

Poor plant growth Seed treatment or Better productivity
irrigation with and produce quality
Pests in agriculture Irrigation with or Reduced
spraying of expenditure Non
BIOSANITIZED water toxic
Poor animal growth Drinking of Better productivity
BIOSANITIZED water and health
Pests in animal BIOSANITIZED Reduced
husbandry water spray on skin, expenditure
in shed and on food
Non toxic
Sanitation pests BIOSANITIZED Control of odour,
water for cleaning and pathogens and
spraying pests
Household pests BIOSANITIZED Pest control without
water for cleaning and poisons
Food spoilage BIOSANITIZED Food preservation
water for cleaning and Enhancement of
spraying quality
Human health BIOSANITIZED Healthy body
problems water for drinking a
Creative mind

5. Understanding the Biosanitizer Action:

It is a challenge to investigate the biosanitizer action because it
presents a new paradigm in the fields of ecology/ecological
engineering and environmental engineering. It acts as both
fertilizer (nutrient release in a need-based manner) and nontoxic
pest control agent. It also holds plant nutrients and save pollution
of ground and surface water bodies.

The following model, called ‘Nitrate Waste Model’ suggested by Dr

Bhawalkar(Bhawalkar, 1997) may give some hints:
- Plants take in wasted nitrates and CO2 as their food and
produce animal needs (organic molecules and oxygen).
- Plants get insect, fungal, bacterial and virus attack when
extra unbound nitrates are oversupplied to the plants.
- Each animal needs nitrates in a narrow band, along with
organic food(carbohydrates for energy and proteins for body
growth). But an oversupply of nitrates causes insect, fungal,
bacterial and virus attack, respectively, as nitrate band
- Human need of nitrates is minimal and oversupply causes
body health problems, again in the same order (insect,
fungal, bacterial and virus attack).
- Human body health problems are just the cleansing
mechanisms. Mind problems are created when body health
problems get suppressed, through use of toxic chemicals.
- Both modern emerging body and mind health challenges
may be tackled through ecological sanitation, with the use of
- Food spoilage mechanisms are meant for culling food that
has residual nitrates and hence is unfit for human
consumption. Traditional food preservation techniques,
hence, focused on ‘locking the residual nitrates’. Aging of
cheese, wine and whiskey, too, can be studied in terms of
such nitrate-locking mechanisms.
- Low-nitrate biosystems are productive and heal themselves,
of toxins (both organic as well as inorganic). Higher
elements (nutrients) such as P, Na, Cl, Br, I, heavy metals,
etc. also act in a manner similar to nitrates, but act more
strongly. That is the reason; they become toxic even at small
- Biosanitizer acts by using diverse nitrate-locking
mechanisms. The lock can be opened only by the plants and
thus the wasted nitrates become a resource. The lock,
however, cannot be opened by natural fire-fighting
mechanisms such as odor-pathogens-pests. These
mechanisms are able to operate where wasted plant
nutrients are there and plants are not able to grow.
- Salts in salty seawater or saline groundwater can be seen as
resources, as $100 bills. Food crops can use salts if they are
made available in the form of $1 bills. We also can use these
converted salts, as minerals. These bioconversions take
place at low nitrates, hence achieving the low nitrates status
seems to offer a key for use of seawater or saline
groundwater for agriculture. This method can also be used
for reclamation of saline soils.

6. Applications of VERMI++:
VERMI++, the first generation biosanitizer grade vermicast, can be
used to sanitize soil, solid organic wastes and sullage(wastewater
that has minimal human fecal matter and urine; wastewater
coming from the bathroom, kitchen and wash basins)(CSE, 2008).
To sanitize soil that has been contaminated with organic or
inorganic pollutants, VERMI++ is sprinkled at the rate of 10 g per
m2 . Mechanical mixing is not absolutely essential, but can be
helpful. Light sprinkling of biosanitized water can also be useful to
speed up the process. Appearance of healthy grass can be one
bioindicator of successful bioremediation of contaminated soil.

Similarly, VERMI++ can be sprinkled on composting bins or

windrows. With a culture application of 10 g/m2, we can expect an
organic loading upto 10 kg/m2,day. Without this input of VERMI++,
ordinary soil(one without earthworms) may show organic loading of
0.1 kg/m2,day. Thus, one can see increase in organic loading, by
a factor of 100.

If the landfill is stinking or creating uncontrollable fires, higher

culture application, of 20-50 g/m2 is recommended. Absence of
leachate and CO2 production is a special feature of VERMI++ for
solid wastes management. Healthy plant growth during/after solid
wastes processing is a good bioindicator of eco-friendly bio-

For sullage treatment, half a day’s residence time is recommended

in a system described in Fig. 2. VERMI++ dose needed is 20 g for
treating 1,000 liters/day of sullage. The treated sullage is found to
have residual biosanitizer properties as well. It is found to have
resource value for gardening/agriculture and for non-toxic pest

7. Applications of super-refined biosanitizer(BIOSANITIZER 9.0):

BIOSANITIZER 9.0(the super-refined grade) has applications in
treatment of water, food, fuel, sewage, etc.

6.5 Treatment of hardness in potable water: A Maharashtra

State Police Training Institute near Daund (a rail junction about
60 km south of Pune) had water quality problem in their borewell.
Though the water flow was abundant, they could not use it for
drinking or irrigation because of salt problem and had to buy
tanker-loads of water. Aim was to make the water usable and save
daily expenditure on water tankers.

The institute used BIOSANITIZER and tested water both before

and after the BIOSANITIZER application. (Table 3) The borewell is
yielding about 1,000 m3/day of water and the State Police Training
Institute has been using the treated water with great satisfaction
over the past 3 years.

Add Police case stusy table

Table 3: Treatment of borewell water at the state police
training institute in Maharashtra

The small increase in nitrates and Fe (but still below limit) is a

feature of BIOSANITIZER mechanism. Similar is the case of
increase in the coliform count. When a higher digit pollution
parameter is reduced, a lower digit parameter can increase, like a
case of reduction of loan from Rs 9,99,999 to 1,00,000. We all
know well that coliforms are not the human pathogens; they are
bacteria that indicate ‘niche’ of healthy curd and healthy sewage.

72 Retrofitting of Existing STPs with BIOSANITIZER:

Super-refined used to eliminate the use of mechanical aerators

and achieve eco-logical treatment, at various sewage treatment
(treating 120 million liters per day of sewage) at Nashik Municipal
Corporation(NMC) in Maharashtra, Western India. Apart from
savings in the cost of running the aerators (repairs, maintenance
and electricity consumption for total of 500 HP), the treatment is
complete, in terms of remediation of human pathogens, N, P, Na,
Cl, heavy metals, detergents and pesticides. Instead of producing
the greenhouse gases during the sewage treatment, the STPs are
trapping the greenhouse gases from the air, thus partly relieving
the city from the air pollution created due to burning of fossil fuels.
The treated sewage is not only clean in all the aspects, but also
has healing effect on the Godavari River, the second longest
river of India. The river water quality is being monitored, along with
the individual STPs. Table 1 gives the performance (December
2007 and January 2008) of the Tapovan STP (Nashik) that has a
capacity to treat 78 MLD of sewage. A typical river water analysis
after the Godavari River emerges from the city, travels about 6 km
and goes beyond a coal-based thermal power plant is given in
Table 2.

It is seen that though only 126 MLD of sewage is being treated

using the BIOSANITIZER at this time, it has a residual long
distance healing effect on the ‘mistreated’ sewage, untreated
sewage that enters the river (about 35%) and also the ‘mistreated’
industrial waste that enters the river. The thermal power plant that
is about 2 km before the sampling point has severe impact on
ecology through production of flyash (some particles do fly into the
air, in spite of all the precautions) that has heavy metals and
radioactivity hazard.

The river water quality, in fact, appears to be better than the

current drinking water standards (IS 10500).

This is a significant achievement because the Godavari river has

this quality in spite of emerging from an industrial city with 1.5
million population, followed by its travel across a thermal power
plant that burns about 10,000 tons of coal per day.
This also shows that the BIOSANITIZER reaction has a residual
long distance effect on the water stream. Hence, we could get
this water quality in spite of the fact that only about 35% sewage is
treated using the BIOSANITIZER.
Sr. Parameters Inlet to STP Output from STP Limit Unit Method
1. Temperature 24 24 ---- °C APHA 550-B
2. pH 6.9 7.2 5.5 to 8.5 ---- APHA 4500-H
3. Suspended Solids 84 12 100 mg /L IS 3025
4. Dissolved Oxygen Nil 4.4 5 mg / L APHA 4500-O
5. BOD 174 20 30 mg / L APHA 5210-B
6. COD 392 80 250 mg / L APHA 5220
7. Oil & Grease 14 Nil 10 mg / L APHA 5520-A
8. Total Viable Count 2.4 x 109 5x106 ---- CFU / mL IS 5402: 2002
9. Total coliforms 16 x 109 70 x 105 10 MPN Index/ 100mL APHA 9221-B
10. Faecal coliforms 92 x 108 49 x 105 1000 – 10,000 MPN Index / 100ml APHA 9221-F
11. Escherichia coli 35 x 108 33 x 105 ---- MPN Index / 100mL APHA 9221-F
12. Faecal Streptococci 170 80 ---- MPN Index / 100mL IS 1622 RA2003
13. Copper 0.52 Nil 3 mg / L APHA 3500 Cu-B
14. Iron 3.36 1.02 3 mg / L APHA 3500 Fe-B
15. Lead <0.1 Nil 0.1 mg / L APHA 3111-B, 3-17
16 Mercury 0.01 <0.005 .01 mg / L IS 3025
17. Zinc 0.210 Nil 5 mg / L APHA 3500 Zn-B
18. Detergents 13.20 0.43 1 mg / L APHA 5540-C

Table 1: Performance of 78 MLD STP at Nashik during December 2007 and January 2008
Sr. Parameters Results Units Method
Physiochemical Analysis
1. Color 4 Hazen units APHA, 21st Ed., 2005, 2120-B, 2-2
2. Odor Unobjectionable --- IS 3025, Part 5, 1983, RA 2002
3. Temperature 31 °C APHA, 21stEd., 2005, 2550-B, 2-61
4. Turbidity 0.9 N.T.U. APHA, 21stEd., 2005, 2130-B, 2-9
5. pH 7.24 --- APHA, 21stEd., 2005, 4500-H+-B, 4-
6. Electrical conductivity (at 25°C) 318 µmho/cm APHA, 21stEd., 2005, 2510- B, 2-47
7. Total dissolved solids 180 mg/L IS-3025, Part 16, 1984, RA 2002
8. Dissolved Oxygen 1.1 mg/L IS 3025, Part 38, 1989, RA 1999
9. Biochemical Oxygen Demand <1 mg/L IS 3025, Part 44, 1993, RA 1999
(3 days at 27°C)
10. Chemical Oxygen Demand <10 mg/L APHA, 21stEd, 2005, 5220-B, 5-15
11. Alkalinity (as CaCO3) 114 mg/L IS-3025, Part 23, 1986, RA 1998
12. Carbonate (as CaCO3) 0.186 mg/L APHA, 21stEd, 2005, 2320-B, 2-27,
5-1 & 4500-CO2 -D, 4-34
13. Bicarbonate (as CaCO3) 114 mg/L APHA, 21stEd, 2005, 2320-B, 2-27,
5-3 & 4500-CO2-D, 4-34
14. Total Hardness (as CaCO3) 110 mg/L APHA, 21stEd. 2005, 2340C, 2-37
15. Calcium (as Ca) 13.7 mg/L APHA, 21stEd, 2005, 3500-B, 3-65
16 Magnesium (as Mg) 18.4 mg/L APHA, 21stEd, 2005, 3500-Mg, B, 3-
17. Arsenic (as As) N.D. mg/L APHA, 21stEd, 2005, 3114-C, 3-37
18. Cadmium (as Cd) N.D. mg/L APHA, 21stEd, 2005, 3111-B, 3-17
19. Total Chromium (as Cr) N.D. mg/L APHA, 21stEd, 2005, 3111 B, 3-17
20. Iron (as Fe) N.D. mg/L APHA, 21stEd, 2005, 3111-B, 3-17
21. Lead (as Pb) N.D. mg/L APHA, 21stEd, 2005, 3111-B, 3-17
22. Mercury (as Hg) N.D. mg/L IS 3025, Part 48, 1994, RA 1999
23. Nickel (as Ni) <0.06 mg/L APHA, 21stEd, 2005, 3111-B, 3-17
24. Zinc (as Zn) 0.024 mg/L APHA, 21stEd, 2005, 3111-B, 3-99
25. Sodium (as Na) 21 mg/L IS 3025, Part 45, 1993, RA 1999
26. Potassium (as K) 3.07 mg/L IS 3025, Part 45, 1993, RA 1999
27. Boron (as B) N.D. mg/L APHA, 21stEd, 2005, 4500-B -B, 4-
28. Chloride (as Cl) 21 mg/L APHA, 21stEd, 2005, 4500-Cl, B, 4-
29. Sulphate (as SO4) 14.3 mg/L APHA, 21stEd, 2005, 4500-SO4 E, 4-
30. Fluoride (as F) 0.09 mg/L APHA, 21stEd, 2005, 4500-F, D, 4-
31. Phosphate (as P) 0.729 mg/L APHA, 21stEd, 2005, 4500-P, E, 4-
32. Nitrate (as NO3) 0.55 mg/L APHA, 21stEd, 2005,4500-NO3, B-4-
33. Nitrite (as NO2) 0.836 mg/L APHA, 21stEd, 2005,4500-NO2-B, 4-
34. Ammonia Nitrogen (as NH3-N) 0.732 mg/L APHA, 21stEd, 2005, 4500-NH3, 4-
Microbiological Analysis
35. Total Coliforms 9.2 X 103 MPN Index/100ml APHA, 21stEd, 2005, 9221-B, 9-49
36. Faecal Coliforms 3.5 X 103 MPN Index/100ml APHA, 21stEd, 2005, 9221-F, 9-58

Table 2: Water Analysis of Godavari River (350 MLD flow), at 6 km downstream of Nashik, on 26th May
8. Conclusion and Recommendations:

VERMI++(well matured biosanitizer grade vermicast) has shown

superior performance in field-scale applications in agriculture as well
as waste management. Biosanitizer is a stable granular material that
shows nutrient holding property. The nutrients are thus conserved,
thus reducing loss (pollution) into water bodies. Moreover, the
nutrients are released in a need-based manner only to plant roots.
They are not available to the fire fighting and alarm mechanisms
such as odor-pathogens-pests.

This ecosanitation mechanism gives a new potential to promote

biosanitizer as a nontoxic alternative to chemical fertilizers and
pesticides. Biosanitizer has shown at least 4,000 times higher value
addition as compared to normal vermicast(yield of biosanitizer is
considerably lower than that of vermicast, though).

Super refined grade of biosanitizer(BIOSANITIZER 9.0) similarly has

shown applications in water a special features. There is no production
of bio-solids and greenhouse gases. The treated water also has
residual biosanitizer action and becomes a resource for all the
intended applications.

Use of biosanitized water has been found to trigger the activity of soil-
processing earthworms and create healthy productive soils. Polluted
sites, thus can be remediated and made productive, using this

More research is needed to study the biosanitizer action and explore

1 applications in2 agriculture and waste
3 management in4 industries
and society.


Figure 1: Three-stage SBT system for distillery

wastewater treatment

Grey water
from bath
and kitchen

waste water
to garden
Figure 2: Schematic diagram for recycling sullage for gardening
Figure 4: Photograph at the decentralized grey water recycling unit

1. Bhawalkar, U.S. (1997) Vermiculture Bioconversion of Organic

Residues, PhD thesis, Chemical Engineering Department, IIT

Bombay, Mumbai(India).
2. CSE (2008) Recycle and Reuse of Wastewater: Decentralized

Sewage Treatment Options, published by The Center for

Science and Environment(CSE), New Delhi(India)
3. Bhawalkar, U.S., Bhawalkar, S.U. (2008) “Invisible, compact

and high-rate Phytoremediation of water and wastewater using

BIOSANITIZER Ecotechnology”, 11th International Conference
on Wetland Systems Technology in Water Pollution Control,
Nov 1-7, 2008, Indore(India)

6. Write the refs below in standard format.

1.0.1 Process for treatment of organic wastes

HS Shankar, BR Pattanaik, US Bhawalkar - US Patent App. 10/425,289, 2003 - Google Patents
... 54) PROCESS FOR TREATMENT OF ORGANIC WASTES (76) Inventors: Hariharan
S. Shankar,
Mumbai (IN); Biplab R. Pattanaik, Cuttack (IN); Uday S. Bhawalkar, Pune (IN ...
Cited by 7 - Related articles - All 4 versions
1.0.2 [CITATION] Soil Biotechnology for Waste Water Treatment and Utilization
… , US Bhawalkar, A Kadam, HS Shankar, J … - Proc. 13 th of IWA ASPAC Conf. and
Exhibition, Cebu …, 2003
Cited by 3 - Related articles
B PATTANAIK, U BHAWALKAR, H SHANKAR - Patent publication No. US-2004-0065610- A,
2003 -
... Only). SHANKAR, H., S. [IN/IN]; (IN) (US Only). Inventors: PATTANAIK, B.,
R.; (IN). BHAWALKAR, U., S.; (IN). SHANKAR, H., S.; (IN). ...
Cited by 2 - Related articles - Cached - All 2 versions
1.0.4 Process of treatment of organic solid wastes and waste water
BR Pattanaik, US Bhawalkar, HS Shankar - Indian Patent application, 2002
Cited by 2 - Related articles
1.0.5 ►Waste Processing in Engineered Ecosystems–Building Brand
Equity for Environment.
BR Pattanaik, US Bhawalkar, HS Shankar, R … -
... Equity for Environment. Pattanaik, BR, Bhawalkar, US, Shankar, HS*. Department
of Chemical Engineering, IIT, Bombay – 400 076. Tel No ...
View as HTML
… Sahi, B Bazar, U BHAWALKAR, H SHANKAR - WO Patent 3,091,160, 2003
1.0.7 Soil conditioning products from organic waste
HS Shankar, BR Pattanaik, US Bhawalkar - US Patent App. 11/125,748, 2005 - Google
Hariharan S. Shankar,


Introduction to the Author (Dr Uday S. Bhawalkar): After receiving his

B.Tech. in chemical engineering from IIT Bombay in 1973, Dr Bhawalkar
spent 14 years to study nature, agriculture and agro-industries/their pollution.
After developing insight in these aspects, he registered for his PhD in
chemical engineering, again at IIT Bombay. He received his PhD in 1997, for
developing Vermiculture Ecotechnology, which also has secured a US patent.
The technology has been substantially upgraded since then, to
BIOSANITIZER Ecotechnology that has applications in diverse areas, to
convert pollution into resources. He has traveled widely in 15 countries and
exported the technology and the concepts behind it. He is a director of
‘Bhawalkar Ecological Research Institute (BERI)’, Pune (India).


Eco-logic 12 pts from website, methodology articles

Crude BIOSANITIZER applications: garbage, sullage schematic diagram, photo (Jyoti
Shah’s article on green cross)
Refined 9.0: Police training inst cse study, Sacosan, paper.
Total recycle toilet
Medical waste, add to references the BJ Medical paper, copy some details
Online submission procedures

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