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The future predictions of the blind mystic

China rises
According to the prophetess, China will become a world power in 2018.
She’s probably out a few years here as China is already an economic and military powerhouse.
We’ve also apparently got a change in the earth’s orbit to look forward to some time before 2023.
A golden age
A new energy source will be created and global hunger will start to be eradicated between 2025
and 2028. A manned spacecraft to Venus will be launched.
Ice caps melt
From 2033 to 2045 the polar ice caps will melt, causing ocean levels to rise. Meanwhile, Muslims
rule Europe and the world economy is thriving.
Cloning cures most diseases
The rise of cloning allows doctors to cure any disease as the body is simply and easily replaced.
The US will launch an attack on Muslim Rome using a climate-based ‘instant freezing’ weapon.
Red and green
Between 2072 and 2086 a classless, Communist society will thrive hand in hand with newly-
restored nature
Mars attacks!
A LOT happens from 2170 to 2256, including a Mars colony becoming a nuclear power and
demanding independence from the earth, the establishment of an underwater city and the
discovery of something “terrible” during the search for alien life.
Time travel
Some time between 2262 and 2304 we’ll crack time travel. Meanwhile French guerrillas fight the
Muslim authorities in France.
The "secrets of the moon” will be unveiled.
The end of the earth
From 2341 a series of natural and man-made disasters render our home planet uninhabitable.
Humanity escapes to another solar system, but resources are scarce and wars are waged as a
Going backwards - 3815 to 3878
Civilization has been destroyed and people live like beasts until a new religion rises to lead us
out of the darkness.
Immortal alien hybrids
From 4302 to 4674 the concepts of evil and hatred have been eliminated, humans are immortal
and have assimilated with aliens.
The 340 billion people scattered throughout the universe can talk to God.
The end of all things
In 5079 the universe will end.
Following in the path of Monatomic O.R.M.E founder David Hudson

David Hudson discovered Monoatomic gold, which has also been referred to as
Monatomic Gold, white powder gold, or ORMUS. These elements are found in many
naturally occurring sources, and can be gathered and isolated through common
chemistry processes. To achieve a far higher potency/concentration, we later
discovered that monoatomic structure could be manufactured from pure metallic
minerals using alchemy.
Monoatomic ORME

Mono-atomic element structuring is the root of what we do. A common, metallic gold
molecule is formed with atom clusters bound together by shared electrons. Upon
breaking these bonds it is possible to isolate a single gold atom, or “mono-atomic
gold”. The gold then sheds its metallic properties and takes on a powdered,
ingestible form. This is necessary for the body to process the mineral as taking it in
metallic form would cause heavy metal poisoning. Monatomic Elements however,
are completely safe to be processed by the body while retaining their super
conductivity. In essence “gold-plating” your central nervous system.
White Powder Gold

The resulting white powder is nearly weightless and only exists on 5/9 physical level
and therefore requires a “filler” material to hold it together. We use pure, ionized
water. The abundant (or anion) electrons are the perfect medium to stabilize the
monoatomic elements for ingestion. Although, Mr. Hudson has become recluse for
many years, we carry on his teachings, commitment to quality elements and human

The Yugas and What This Means for Ascension

The idea that we’re moving in a straight line evolution is contrary to everything that
we can see in nature. The truth is, we are going through a cycle which also attract
different level of spirits at different levels through the cycle, so the fact is that we’re
incarnate right now. This means that this consciousness state that’s going on right
now is relevant to where we are in our personal development.

The Yuga cycles are dictated by the distance our solar system is from the center of
our milky way galaxy (the black hole). As we move towards the black hole (as we
currently are), we receive greater amounts of Brahma, the absolute enlightenment
energy, which awakens the Atman, the personal enlightenment energy of the self.
Every sun, every planetoid, everything in space, emits a radio signal and they are all
different strengths. The signals coming in from all the other stars and planets is the
scientific basis of the effect that different astrological signs/constellations have on us.
The strongest two signals we get on earth are from our sun (because it’s the closest
to us), and from the black hole. The black hole is actually still stronger in spite of how
close our sun is. So basically, as we get closer to that energy source, it awakens our
consciousness, the atmosphere gets denser, life grows more intensely, and then we
wake up. As we move farther away from it we go through a devolution period where
we lower consciousness and go to a lesser level, the atmosphere gets thinner, all
species get a shorter lifespan, and we become less intelligent. At our darkest point,
the collective human consciousness is closer to animal behavior, and at our highest
point we are closer to the consciousness of Angels/Demons/Ascended
Masters/Demi Gods. 

Kali-Yuga (Iron Age / The Age of Material)

Also known as the dark age, the Kali-Yuga takes place while our solar system is
farthest from the black hole; people become sinners, lack virtue and become slaves
to their own desires and passions. In this period, humanity is simplistic and ruled by
material things as that is all we can understand. A rock is a rock, a plant is a plant.
Only that which can be tangibly held or possessed is of value. Hostilities between
people are quite common place, as leaders move to consolidate the scarce materials
deemed most valuable. Information/higher knowledge is also heavily suppressed
and held away from the people in elite bodies aiming to control the masses.

Dwapara-Yuga (Bronze Age / The Age of

We reside today in the ascension stage of Dwapara-Yuga. In this age, mankind has
started to “awaken”. Upon our discovery that energy underlies all matter, we
ascended from the hopeless grip of basic dependence on raw material. The
understanding that material and energy are interchangeable has granted us the gifts
of electric power, industrial production, flight and all the “modern” wonders we
currently enjoy, and we are just starting to grasp the surface.

Also, within our (partially) recorded history, we have experienced falling Dwapara-
Yuga (approximately 3000 B.C. to 700 B.C.). It’s important to differentiate that was
during the descending period. This difference changes everything. Any description of
how things actually were during this period is extremely subjective and a place for
much controversy.

Treta-Yuga (Silver Age / The Age of the

Only the obscured visions of the last descending Treta-Yuga period have been
partially and likely inaccurately recorded into our history. This was the time of the
ancient Egyptians and Sumerians. During this period humans possess incredible
understanding of inner energies and magnetism. By nearly fully possessing the
complete powers of the human mind, body, and energy people are able to complete
miraculous feats (Egyptian pyramids, unexplainable monolithic structure, etc.).

Satya-Yuga (Golden Age / The Age of the

At our last peak of the golden age, humanity lived in Atlantis. In the golden period
before that it was Lemuria. Because of the destruction of past records in the falling
bronze and iron ages, much of these records have been destroyed. As we are
moving forward through this bronze age, we are rediscovering and releasing these
records. Atlantis was destroyed by catastrophic geological changes followed by the
ice age. This is why the clearest recorded history starts after the ice age in the falling
silver age with Sumeria, followed by Egypt.

There is great debate beginning at the highest levels as more and more ancient
information is discovered and released to the public.

During the golden age it is said that Humanity is at such a high level of
consciousness that we fully understand ourselves and God. “Know thyself and thou
shall know the secrets of God and the universe”. The global consciousness during
the peak of the golden age is currently beyond our fathom.

We are at the very beginning of our ascension for the first time in recorded history.
The term “modern” when you think of it in this light, takes on a whole new meaning.
Since the discovery of steam power, gravity, and the basics of energy, we have
made tremendous advances, but make no mistake; we are at the very beginning of
understanding the world and universe around us

During our entire recorded history we have been moving away from the Brahma
(Black Hole), and in essence, moving away from enlightenment. Science, religion,
and even our understanding of reality are so far from complete. Our new found
power (E=MC2) has led us to believe that we are advanced as we became
familiarized with the relationship between energy and matter, but in the grand
scheme of things we are only reckless adolescents at the very beginning of our
understanding. As we continue to awaken this will become more apparent.
The Torus
Simply put, the torus is nature’s perfect balanced dynamic energy flow process. It consists of
a central axis, vortices at each end, and a surrounding energy field. The energy flows
through one vortex, moves along the axis, out the second vortex, wraps back around the
circumference, and passes again through the original vortex. This closed, self-sustaining
system is widely accepted to represent perfection of energy flow.
This torus is at the root of all forms. Every atom, cell, animal, planet, person, planetoid, and
even the galaxy itself, is at the core, a torus. These forms are easily recognizable in many of
nature’s most powerful and simple creations. Whirl-pools and tornados; apples and tree
trunks, the Earth, Sun and entire galaxy; are all examples of the torus energy field.
The Human Torodial Field
Humans, both as individuals and in groups, also are surrounded by a toroidal field. The axis
of the field passes through the crown of the head and out the center of the groin. The
strength of the field is directly related to the vitality of the person it surrounds. Each person’s
torus in unique but also open to interconnecting with the fields of others.
The combined strength of human torus fields connecting together is best demonstrated
when attending events or parties. . Our energy fields can create a sub-conscious kind of
Think a large group of people all being exposed to any form of intense media such as a
football game or musical concert. The euphoric feeling one experiences as a part of a group
all enjoying an event together can be explained through this science. You see, the human
body which consists mostly of water is very affected by sound and vibration. This, in turn,
can amplify the toroidal field surrounding the body and, in groups, create a sort of human
“wifi” as the tori grow and connect. This stimuli and combination effect give the group much
stronger power both as individuals and especially overall. The deep, spiritual feeling of
interconnectedness is extremely addictive and powerful. All emotions and feelings are
infinitely amplified as others combine their energy to the group feeling. This helps us to
understand the incredible popularity of concerts and sporting events as well as the effect of
mob mentality. Anger can quickly become rage, happiness can become euphoric joy.
Human torodial field
The power of the torus is likely best demonstrated when we look to the stars. You see, our
entire universe is both created from and orbitally controlled, by the many tori. The largest
and most powerful torus is at the very center of the Galaxy – the black hole. The Brahma
emitted from the black hole is the most influential force ever discovered. Embedded within
the black hole’s field is another toroidal field (our galaxy, The Milky Way), and embedded
within that is the heliosphere (the field surrounding our Sun) and deeper embedded in within
that, is our life-giving torus – the Earth’s atmosphere.
All of the tori are influenced by and feeding off of each other. Ecosystems within the Earth,
plant-life, oceans, animals, all the way down to amoebas and single-celled organisms are all
directly influenced (and directly influence) the Earth’s atmosphere, and on a very small level,
all other connected tori. Through the dynamic exchange of energy we can envision the
universal toroidal system connecting every cell and atom connected through our bodies and
consciousness, intertwine all of the way up through the atmosphere and through the entire
Monatomic Gold and also other monatomic elements should have unique physical and
energetic characteristics.

 It is a superconductor at room temperature, shows characteristics of energy

production and can receive, save and release light/information/energy without loss.
 Its electrons bond with the anti-electrons and form opposite momentum light bands
that rotate around the oval nucleus.
 Simultaneously it creates a light Prana-Vortex that is spiraling along a double helix
through the atom nucleus and equates kundalini energy.
 It creates an independent zero magnetic field (Meissner Field) around itself, which
equates the Mer-Ka-Ba of humans. Mer-Ka-Ba is the light body of human beings
(from the Egyptian: MER = light-bands bonded together and rotating in opposite
directions, KA = energy of life and spirit, BA = soul / MER-KA-BA = Spiritual power of
life and soul melt together and form a unity that creates light bands that rotate in
opposite directions and surmount space and time).
 Monatomic Gold only exists to 5/9 on the physical level.
 Pure Monatomic Gold levitates under certain conditions on the Earth’s magnetic field.
 It doesn’t wear off, and its function and its durability is everlasting
According to a group of alchemists who took Monatomic Gold over several years and who
have given it out and tested it within a spiritual union, it is absorbed into the body when
taken. Furthermore, Monatomic Gold enhances the energetic conductivity of DNA up to
10.000 times. A fact backed up by laboratory testing.
This group was able to monitor the following physiological and energetic reactions that
correspond to the ancient traditions (from Egypt, the Bible, the Vedas, and Alchemy) (we can
confirm some of this information from our own experience). Many energetic test procedures
(Kinesiology, Clairvoyance, Subtle Sensing, Channeling, Radiesthesia a.o.) classify
Monatomic Gold as “sensational”!

 The aging process is reversed by the energetic repair of defective DNA programs. It
acts juvenescent and expands the vital DNA life span.
 Damaged cells or energetic dysfunctions are regenerated (even brain cells).
 The endocrine gland system is energetically activated in a strong way, especially the
thymus, pineal, and pituitary gland.
 The flow of light quantum/photons within the nerve and the meridian system is
intensified and increased permanently.
 Self-healing powers are improved considerably.
 The superconductivity of DNA is upgraded, and its energy flow increases up to
10.000 fold.
 An intensive emotional cleaning and stabilization are initiated.
 A considerably improved performance and stress resilience appear.
 You are more centered and considerably more stable.
 You are more aware of solutions rather than problems because you more clearly see
yourself and the outside.
 Manifestation effects of thoughts are increased.
 Intelligence expands to a higher level of the spirit.
 The frequency of the chakras and bodies is heightened.
 Awareness is expanded, and the mental-spiritual abilities are activated.
 Kundalini-Energy is increased harmonically.
 Sleeping (“supernatural”) potentials are awakened
 The levitating qualities of the Monatomic Gold lead to an all-around elevation of the
quality of life and the consciousness on all levels (physical, emotional, mental,
Monatomic Elements are the substances described in ancient mystery texts that supported
us humans during the present time of transformation (until 2012 and beyond that) and the
inner alchemistic processes connected with it and that it leads to a good “end”. It is helping
us to reach and realize the long announced “New Eon” of universal consciousness!
The basic effects of Monatomic Elements are identical in every person. But the individual
changes that – experienced subjectively – are released, are certainly very different. Changes
vary depending on how aware someone already is (has released or transformed dense
energies, meditates, practices mystery work, and so on).
Monatomic Gold is the non-metallic, non-toxic zero-valence form of Gold. Monatomic Gold is
a high-temperature superconductor[1]. It can be manufactured alchemically out of 24carat
metallic gold. It also occurs naturally in minute amounts in volcanic soils, seawater, the
purple or violet skins of fruits and vegetables, and some medicinal plants such as red
grapes, eggplant, and violets. In recent years, some researchers have equated monatomic
gold with the Philosopher’s stone. Monoatomic gold was known and used in the
Pharmacopoeia of Western Medieval Alchemy as ‘the retrograded calx of Gold that cannot
be revivified’ [meaning it cannot be returned to the metallic state by conventional
metallurgical processes][3]. Monatomic Gold is known and used in Ayurveda as a bhasma of
Gold that passes the test of apunarbhavatva or ‘test of non-revivability’[4]. Monatomic Gold
is not known to contemporary Western allopathic medicine and must not be confused with
the gold salts that are used in allopathic medicine, which exhibit metal toxicity. Monatomic
gold is not to be confused with colloidal gold either, which retains its metallic nature.
ORME’s opens up a whole new level to the healing power of mineral nutrition with the bonus
of light-activated minerals feeding, upgrading, and healing the 4th-dimensional light body.
This gives a whole new meaning to the word Electrolyte or “Electric Light”. There are those
that believe that the 4D holographic light world, or the angelic world, plays a major role in the
creation of the 3D, or physical, world by acting to some degree as an operating system on a
computer for the 3D world. Many healers say that by healing your light body, you will
manifest an optimal physical body, or that light body activation is the true path to
enlightenment. While in turn if your light body becomes unhealthy or energetically blocked,
then the physical body may see or experience some form of disease. In short, ORME’s
minerals are a nutrient for the physical body, along with the light body, and reaching a level
of ultimate health or enlightenment may be as simple as just putting ORME’s light into our
ORME’s is a state of matter that is created when a very specific window in the physical world
opens, in which light, or 4th-dimensional matter, can become semi-stable so that it can be
utilized by physicality.
ORME’s is like a hybrid of 3rd-dimensional physicality and 4th-dimensional quantum
physicality, so by definition, it is something like 3.5-dimensional matter. It appears, in one
context, in the element of earth form as semi-super conducting minerals. In standard
science, we have minerals in an elemental form. In ORME’s theory, there is an ORME’s
state or 3.5 dimensional upgraded form for all of the standard elemental forms. For example,
there is standard elemental Calcium and Magnesium, or 3rd dimensional physical Elemental
Calcium and Magnesium form, and there is ORMUS Calcium and Magnesium, or 3.5
dimensional, upgraded, light hybrid, Calcium and Magnesium form. There is standard
elemental Gold, Silver, Copper and Platinum, and ORMUS Gold, Silver, Copper, Platinum;
and so on and so forth.
ORMUS or ORME elements are identified by their M-state, or monatomic form, which
suggests that they are found as a singular atom and do not need to share or exchange
electrons with other atoms to become stable. They are upgraded to a 3.5-dimensional state
and so become more independent. The reason they can do this is because ORME’s atoms’
electrons show more of the characteristics of photons, or light particles, or a hybrid of light
and physical. In that context, they are not bound or can bend the laws of electron stability.
The ORME — related to Star Fire, and also known as The Philosopher’s Stone, the Elixir of
Life, the White Powder of Gold, Ma-na or Manna, even potentially Morning Dew — is also an
acronym for “Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements.” The phrase was coined by David
Radius Hudson, who has done an enormous amount of research on the subject (of which he
has in turn shared with thousands of others). The word ORME — perhaps coincidentally, or
perhaps not — is the same as the Hebrew word which means: the “Tree of Life.”
However — and this is an important “however” — with regards to the ORME (as well as the
ORMUS, White Powder of Gold, Philosopher’s Stone, Elixir of Life, Food of the Gods, Star
Fire, the Ark of the Covenant, Alchemy, Secrets, Transmutation, Biological and otherwise,
and, of course, giving my regards to Broadway), there is a new kid on the block, a new
development that really must be noted. It is The Book of Aquarius, a delightful treatise on
The Great Work of Alchemy. Since The Great Work is ultimately attaining the same abilities
as from the ORME, but from a wholly different approach, both avenues need to be explored.
The ORME represents a huge subject area, involving state-of-the-art chemistry, physics, and
physiology, interpretations of Sumerian, Egyptian and other histories (the Anunnaki, Gods
and Goddesses of the Ancient World, the Adams Family, “Prime Directive” Violations,
Chronicles of Earth, etc.), philosophy, Sacred Geometry, the Tree of Life and Ha Qabala —
to name only the more obvious connections. In many respects, the ORME is the connecting
link between all of these subjects — as well as a whole list of other subjects not mentioned.
Included in the above links to other web pages should be added one to the Halexandria
Forums, where in particular the article by Barry Carter should be noted. (7/20/08)
The Chemistry and Physics of Monatomic Elements describe the characteristics of those
elements which have come to be known as the “Precious Metals.” These eight metals
include ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, and silver (known as the “light platinum group”),
osmium, iridium, platinum, and gold (known as the “heavy platinum group”).
These eight Transition Group Elements and possibly others, can in a monatomic, super
deformed, high spin, and low energy state, lose their chemical reactivity and metallic nature
— thereby resulting in a state of Superconductivity — a resonant condition complete with
Meissner magnetic field(s), Cooper Pairs, and electrons which have literally changed into
light (i.e. photons). These precious metals have the unique ability to remain stable in the
monatomic form, which can then lead to effects ranging from Levitation (weight losses) to
Zero-Point Energy applications to fundamental biological and human physiological effects.
Of particular importance is the fact that all of these precious metals have a strong affinity for
and are almost always found in their natural state in combination with gold. Gold, in turn, has
a history of being the most precious of all commodities — a “spiritual tradition” which has
survived countless generations!
For example, the second chapter of the Book of Genesis (King James version), describes
the creation of the heavens and the earth, its population with plants, animals, and herbs, the
creation and installation of man in the Garden of Eden, and the appearance from out of the
ground of the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The Bible then
quickly informs us that there's gold in them thar hills! “And the gold of that land is good; there
is bdellium and the onyx stone.” [Genesis 2-12]
On the scale of creating heaven, earth, Eden, mankind, and so forth, why is gold suddenly
such a priority? If the science of the ORME is correct, gold, along with Rhodium and Iridium
(and potentially the other precious metals) may, in fact, be the Tree of Life. [Note that in this
connection Genesis 2:5 – 2:25 is considered to be from an earlier source than Genesis 1:1 –
2:4, and thus may be alluding to a deeper meaning.]
Alchemy books talk about “the White Powder of Gold”, the Food of the Gods — a substance
derived from yellow gold, but which has been transformed into a white powder upon
reaching its monatomic state. This is the same form, and may be equivalent to the same
process by which Hudson found all eight of the monatomic precious metals.
For the alchemists, “The Master Work” was to prepare the Elixir of Life (bdellium?) and The
Philosopher’s Stone (onyx stone?) — or in more anecdotal, traditional terms, transmute lead
into gold. [The latter is more likely a diversionary fabrication to mislead those with less lofty
ambitions, and who have not been initiated into the Mystery.]
In the quest to accomplish this noble work, the alchemists of old taught that the key to
success was to “divide, divide, divide…”
The implication of this advice is that only in freeing the atoms of an element from the
confines of its crystalline-like metallic structure of many atoms of the same or diverse
elements, could one hope to achieve the alchemists’ esoteric goal. In effect, the alchemists
were apparently attempting to reach the monatomic form of the gold and the other precious
elements — even if they might not have described the process as such.
Hudson has also connected the ORME with the Hebrew tradition of the Ma-Na or Manna —
also thought to be the White Powder of Gold. Curiously, manna means literally: “What is it?”
This phrase is found repeated over and over again in The Egyptian Book of the Dead, The
Papyrus of Ani [1]. The historical and philosophical implications thus include the ORME as
part of the Melchizedek priesthood and the metallurgical foundry at Qumran, where the
Essenes were located. (The Essenes are described in [2])
Other references include the mixture of the white powder of gold in water as being “that
which issues from the mouth of the creator”, “the semen of the father in heaven”, and The
Golden Tear from the Eye of Horus. Hudson believes that Moses knew the secrets of
making the ORME and that the Ark of the Covenant was merely a container for the ORME.
As a volatile, superconducting, electrical device, the ORME’s presence within would explain
the incredible properties of the Ark; from levitation to “blasts of heavenly displeasure.” Later
in the Essene tradition, the white powder of gold began being referred to as the “teacher of
righteousness”, something which was swallowed and taken internally.
[This latter point emphasizes the point of approaching spiritual practices, including eating (as
in the Theory of Eating), with a profound sense of being in the presence of divinity.]
With respect to the Ark, Laurence Gardner ’s book, Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark [3] is a
brilliant exposition about the “amazing revelations of the incredible power of gold”, and gold’s
intimate association with the Ark of the Covenant.
Combined with his earlier book, Genesis of the Grail Kings [4], a great deal of information
can be obtained. For anyone new to the subject, these two books are ideal reading
(beginning with Grail Kings).
The astounding result of combining the theories of the Anunnaki and the ORME lead to the
almost inescapable conclusion that the Anunnaki’s purpose on arriving on Earth was to
acquire the monoatomic elements for the purpose of ingesting them and thus being able to
lead long lives. It is noteworthy that the first attempt by the Anunnaki to obtain gold was
extracting it from sea water, specifically the upper reaches of the Persian Gulf where the
Tigris and Euphrates Rivers meet. According to Hudson, the primary form in which Gold
occurs in sea water is in its monoatomic state.
From the perspective of Earth, numerous scholars [including Zecharia Sitchin, Laurence
Gardner, and others] have concluded that:

 Extraterrestrials from the planet Nibiru came to Earth,

 Their primary purpose was to mine gold and precious elements,
 They created mankind to have someone to work the mines,
 They provided the rudiments of civilization to their workers to control them,
 They also provided the ORME’s natural, organic equivalent, Star Fire, to selected
individuals (i.e., the kings and patriarchs, aka the local mid-level managers), and
 They gave the knowledge of the ORME’s importance, as well as the method by
which it could be made and taken internally by the individual, to this same very
limited, elite group of human beings (thus accounting for their extraordinarily long
lives, and the claims of superiority of Kings, Queens, Monarchs, and Aristocracy).
Before the human use of the ORME, the kings had access to Star Fire, essentially the
menstrual blood of the “goddesses” of the Anunnaki. Because of the long lives of the Gods
and Goddesses — due to their ingestion of the ORME and possibly genetic factors as well
— this simple infusion of the goddess menstrual blood was more than sufficient to extend
the lives of ordinary human beings. Keep in mind that the Anunnaki, the Gods and
Goddesses of mythology, may have lived for hundreds of thousands of year!
Laurence Gardner [4] wrote: “It was from the milk of Hathor that the pharaohs were said to
gain their divinity, becoming gods in their own right. In more ancient Sumerian times, during
the days of the original Star Fire ritual, the bloodline kings who were fed with the hormone-
rich lunar essence of the Anunnaki goddesses were also said to have been nourished with
their own milk — notably that of Ishtar.
Gardner also suggests that “this milk contained an enzyme that was especially conducive to
active longevity — and this was very likely the enzyme that genetic researchers have called
telomerase.” This enzyme apparently has unique anti-aging properties, but apart from being
present in malignant tumors and reproductive cells, telomerase is not normally expressed in
body tissues. “It seems, therefore, that somewhere within our DNA structure is the genetic
ability to produce this anti-aging enzyme, but the potential has somehow been switched off.”
[Which would also imply the ability to switch it back on again!]
After the flood, there appeared to be less availability of the Star Fire (or the ORME). Then,
around the time of Abraham, the Star Fire became totally unavailable, and the patriarchs
from Abraham to David saw their ages diminish to the point that David only lived what might
be considered a normal lifespan. In contrast to the later patriarchs, however, the lifespans of
the Sumerian kings in descent from Ar-wi-um (Cain) and Etana continued at a high level.
This was apparently accomplished by the substitution of the ORME for the Star Fire, but in
this case, only if you were a devotee of Enki — as opposed to Enlil, who had cut off his
disciples (including Abraham, et al.).
The alchemists Lapidus and Eirenaeus Philalethes have said: “The Philosopher’s Stone is
no stone, but a powder with the power to transmute base metals into gold and silver.” They
go on to claim: “The stone which is to be the transformer of metals into gold must be sought
in the precious metals in which it is enclosed and contained.
It is called a stone by virtue of its fixed nature, and it resists the action of fire as successfully
as any stone — but its appearance is that of a very fine powder, impalpable to the touch,
fragment as to smell, in potency a most penetrative spirit, apparently dry, and yet unctuous,
and easily capable of tingeing a plate of metal. The stone does not exist in nature, but has to
be prepared by art, in obedience to nature’s laws. Thus, you see our stone is made of gold
alone, yet it is not common gold.”
Gardner [4] has asked: “Given the facilities of today’s scientific advancement and our
knowledge of atoms and nuclei, is it possible (as it was in the distant past) to convert gold
[and other precious metals] into a sweet-tasting, ingestable white powder? Is it possible for
that powder to outweigh its optimum weight of gold? Is it also possible for that same powder
to under-weigh itself and to weigh less than nothing? Under such circumstances, is it
possible that the powder can disappear from sight into another dimension of space-time and
then be returned to its original state? The answer to each of these questions is yes — for
this is the post-Star Fire mystery of the phoenix, and it is the key to the Messianic bloodline
enhancement through the fire-stone.”
The May 1995 issue of Scientific American discussed the effects of ruthenium (one of the
precious metals), by noting that a single ruthenium atom placed at each end of the double-
helix DNA increases the conductivity of the strand by a factor of 10,000, causing the DNA to
become, in effect, a “superconductor.” Based on a synthesis of additional historical,
philosophical, mythological, and scientific evidence, David Hudson has determined that the
ORME is truly the “Tree of Life.” Hudson has noted in the Scientific Literature (Guidice, et
al.), the basis for human cells being able to exhibit Superconductivity and the extensive
amount of research being conducted on treating cancer and other diseases with precious
metals. These precious elements appear to be correcting the DNA, literally “flowing the light
of life” within the body.
The Platinum Metals Review includes articles which discuss the treatment of cancers using
platinum, iridium, and ruthenium. Apparently, the application of a platinum compound to an
altered DNA state (as in the case of cancer) will cause the DNA to relax and become
corrected. It is known that both iridium and rhodium have anti-aging properties, that
ruthenium and platinum compounds interact with DNA, and that gold and the precious
metals can activate the endocrinal glandular system in a way that heightens awareness and
aptitude to extraordinary levels.
The ancients from thousands of years ago knew of the superconducting effect of the
precious metals on our consciousness — what they referred to as the light body (the ka),
and that both the physical body and the light body had to be fed. In so doing, we can also
use the properties of the monatomic elements to levitate, and quite possibly activate the
body’s so-called “junk DNA”, along with the unused 90 to 95 % of the brain!
There is also evidence that the Hathor Temple on Mount Horeb in the Sinai Peninsula was
involved in the construction of the pyramids.
The furnace laboratories were not only used to provide food for the light-bodies of the
pharaohs in the Star Fire tradition, but by use of the levitation potential, the massive blocks
of the pyramids could be easily moved into place. For, in fact, the white powder is capable of
bending space-time, providing for a gravitational attraction of less than zero, and of
transposing its weightlessness to a block of stone. Even more exotically, Gardner has noted
that: “The once-sealed King’s Chamber [in the Great Pyramid of Giza] was, in fact, contrived
as a superconductor, capable of transporting the pharaoh into another dimension of space-
time through the Meissner Field (a body’s polar magnetic aura).”
The possible implications of the existence of the ORME — adding the white powder of gold
(and other precious metals) to one’s “diet” — is astounding. Based on the full range of
literature, Hudson believes a human ingesting the ORME in the correct manner can fulfill all
the dreams of the esoteric alchemists, i.e.:

 To have perfect telepathy,

 Be able to levitate and bilocate,
 Know good and evil when it’s in the room with you (i.e. eat of the fruit of the Tree of
Knowledge of Good and Evil),
 Project one’s thoughts into someone else’s mind,
 Heal by laying on of hands, and
 Cleanse or resurrect the dead within two or three days after they have died.
The latter comes from the traditions of the Anunnaki in raising their own from the dead (after
their Descent into the Underworld), as well as the gospels of Jesus Christ.
The good news is that the precious elements occur in herbs and numerous vegetables.
Grapes, for example, can be a primary source. A four-ounce glass of Concord grape juice
frozen concentrate can yield 127 mg of rhodium and 48 mg of iridium (more than an
equivalent amount of virtually any other food). A key to the grape’s concentration of these
precious metals is apparently connected to the fact that the grape roots go so much deeper
into the Earth, where there is, apparently, a much better source of the elements. This
explains why the deepest mines on Earth are gold mines, and why volcanoes are also a
source. This implies that the interior of the Earth seems to be a primary “manufacturer” of the
elements, and thus the ash from a volcanic eruption leaves downwind crop fields
enormously fertile for years.
Hudson has discovered in the brain tissue of pigs and cows, that over 5% of the brain tissue
by dry matter weight consists of rhodium and iridium! Gardner, in his book, Genesis of the
Grail Kings [Bantam Books, New York, 1999] notes that “by dry-matter weight, over 5 per
cent of our brain tissue is composed of iridium and rhodium in the high spin state.” This latter
fact has often been missed because of the limitations of conventional testing sequences
which do not take the time to go beyond thinking the test material is carbon, aluminum, or
This implies that our self-aware Consciousness may be the result of a portion of our brain
having monatomic precious metals in our cells. This suggests not only the natural state of
having a heavy metal mind, but also suggests we may need to ingest far more than we’re
currently taking in.

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