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Jayson Lasola



1. How does Dr. lazaro relate to his patient's wife and son?

 Dr. Lazaro relates the three of them by his personal feelings. Like how he coldly treats
his patients like he show lack of empathy towards them. While for his wife and son it’s
different. He loves his wife that much that he respects her being religious despite of his
loss of faith. In spite of the fact that his wife is a religious and devoted person he seemed
not to believe in God. Just like how he loves his wife he also respected his son choice of

2. What caused Dr Lazaro to act so indifferent in treating dying patients and in dealing
with the family of the dead? What end-result did Dr. Lazaro want to achieve in persuading
Ben to pursue a course related to medicine or engineering despite knowing that Ben wanted
to be a religious?

 The reason why Dr. Lazaro acts indifferently in treating his patients was because of his
phlegmatic character which showed that he was emotionally detached towards people and
everything around him. The end-result of Dr. Lazaro wants to achieve in persuading Ben
about his plans is he wants his son to pick either of the profession as long it’s not related
to priesthood. But in the end he respects his son decision to become a priest.

3. What battles, struggles, or forces is Dr. Lazaro facing and how does he respond to them?

 In the story the conflicts that Dr. Lazaro that gives him struggles that he’s facing are quite
many. One of them is losing his faith to God, especially because of certain critical events
in his life, the death of his eldest son. Not only this could be the factor why he loses his
faith, as a doctor, exposed to seeing patients undergo traumatic pain and deep suffering,
that make his feeling numb. Also, Dr. Lazaro distant himself to his family because he was
dedicated to his profession.

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