Pressure Questions

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A student wants to calculate the pressure he exerts on the floor when he stands on one foot.

He records these measurements.

(a)  (i)  Complete the table by adding the unit for weight.
(ii)  Which piece of equipment should the student use to measure his weight?

(b)  Suggest how the student measured the area of the floor in contact with his foot.






(c)  (i)  State the equation linking pressure, force and area.

(ii)  Calculate the pressure that the student's foot exerts on the floor.

pressure = ........................................................... N/cm2

(Total for question = 8 marks)

The photograph shows two cups of coffee.

The cups are the same size.

One cup is full of coffee, the other cup is half full.

Compare the pressures in the coffee at the bottom of each cup.


(Total for question = 4 marks)

The photograph shows a water barrel with a tap.

The barrel is used to store rainwater.

A student investigates the water depth in the barrel.

She measures the depth and then opens the tap.

As water flows out of the barrel, she measures the depth every minute.

The table shows her results.

(a)  Which two measuring instruments should the student use in her investigation?
1 ..........................................................................................................................................

2 ..........................................................................................................................................
(b)  (i)  Plot a graph to show how the depth changes with time, and draw the curve of best fit.

(ii)  Describe the relationship between depth and time.





(c)  The student notices that the water flows out less quickly as time passes.
Suggest a reason for the decrease in flow.



(Total for question = 10 marks)

A student places a pile of coins on a table, as shown in photograph A.

There are 8 coins in the pile.

The weight of each coin is 0.036 N.

The area of each coin is 0.0013 m2.

(a) (i) State the equation linking pressure, force and area.

(ii) Calculate the pressure on the table caused by the pile of coins.

Pressure = ........................................................... Pa

(b) The student then spreads the 8 coins out on the table as shown in photograph B.
(i) Describe how this affects the total force from the coins on the table.

(ii) Explain how this affects the pressure on the table caused by the coins.

(Total for question = 7 marks)


The LR5 is a specialist submarine for underwater rescues.

The average density of sea water is 1028 kg/m3.

(a) (i) State the equation linking pressure difference, depth, density and g.

(ii) Calculate the increase in pressure as the LR5 descends from the surface to a
depth of 700 m.

increase in pressure = .............................. Pa

(iii) Atmospheric pressure is 1.0 × 105 Pa.

Calculate the total pressure on the LR5 when it is at a depth of 700 m.

total pressure = .............................. Pa

(b) On another descent, the LR5 experiences a total pressure of 41 × 105 Pa.
The entrance to the LR5 is through an access door which has an area of 3.1 m2.
(i) State the equation linking pressure, force and area.

(ii) Calculate the force on the outside of the door.


force = .............................. N
(c) The LR5 is tested in fresh water.
The density of fresh water is 1000 kg/m3.
Explain why the pressure on the submarine in the fresh water is less than the
pressure in sea at the same depth.

(d) A student is given a sample of liquid labelled sea water.

Describe an experiment that the student could carry out to find the density of the
(Total for question = 14 marks)

The photograph shows two containers that store rainwater.

The containers have taps that are joined by a pipe.

The taps are closed.

The diagram shows the water levels inside the containers.

(a) The density of water is 1000 kg/m3.

(i) State the equation linking pressure difference, height, density and g.

(ii) Calculate the pressure that the water causes at the base of container A.

pressure = ...................................... Pa
(b) When the taps are opened, water flows in the pipe for some time. The diagram
shows the final water level in container A.

(i) Complete the diagram to show the final water level in container B.
(ii) Explain why the water starts to flow and then stops.
(Total for question = 7 marks)
This question is about pressure in a liquid.

(a)  A teacher uses this apparatus to demonstrate pressure difference in water.

The apparatus is hollow and has three short tubes at different depths.

The teacher completely fills the apparatus with water.

Water comes out of all the tubes.

(i)  State the relationship between pressure difference, height, density and g.


(ii)  The diagram shows the path of water coming from the top tube.
Complete the diagram by drawing the paths of water you would expect to see from the other two
(iii)  Explain the pattern of the paths of water from the tubes.



(b)  In another demonstration, the teacher uses this container.
The container is made of glass and each section has a different shape.
The teacher pours water into the container until it reaches the level shown in the left-hand section.

(i)  Complete the diagram by drawing the water levels in the other four sections.
(ii)  Explain why the water fills the container in the way you have shown.




(Total for question = 8 marks)

A diver works in the sea on a day when the atmospheric pressure is 101 kPa and the density of the
seawater is 1028 kg/m3.
(a)  The diver uses compressed air to breathe under water.
1700 litres of air from the atmosphere is compressed into a 12-litre gas cylinder.

The compressed air quickly cools to its original temperature.

Calculate the pressure of the air in the cylinder.


pressure = ........................................................... kPa

(b)  (i)  State the equation linking pressure difference, depth, density and g.


(ii)  Calculate the increase in pressure when the diver descends from the surface to a depth of 11 m.

increase in pressure = ......................................... kPa

(iii)  Calculate the total pressure on the diver at a depth of 11 m.
Assume that the atmospheric pressure remains at 101 kPa.
total pressure = ........................................................... kPa

(c)  As the diver breathes out, bubbles of gas are released and rise to the surface.
The bubbles increase in volume as they rise.
Explain this increase in volume.




  (Total for question = 9 marks)

Mark Scheme


Total 10 marks




  (Total for question = 9 marks)

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