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Republic of Moldova The USA

1 The main division in There are free public schools and private schools , which are not There are free public schools and private schools where a fee is
the educational very many. charged (they also include church-supported schools, usually
system Catholic).
2 What schools do the The majority of Moldavian children attend free, state supported, The majority of American children attend free, state supported,
majority of children public schools. public schools.
3 Institutions The Ministry of Education, Culture and Research is responsible for Each state has a Board of education (usually 3 to 9 members
controlling public the education at the national level, and local public administration elected by the public or appointed by the governor), not subject
schools authorities are responsible for the schools at the local level. to federal control.
General Directorate of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports
controls public schools at the local level in Kishinev.
4 Uniformity in the The Ministry of Education, Culture and Research sets the standards There is some degree of uniformity of education, because state
organization and for entire educational system, develops National Curriculum as a and national accrediting agencies insist that certain standards be
currilcula regulatory document for all schools. maintained and certain things be taught.
5 The compulsory The compulsory school age is from the age of 7 up to the age of 16, The compulsory school age is from the age of 6 up to the age of 16
school age in the majority of the states.
6 The quantity of the There are 4 grades in Primary schools, 5 grades in Gymnasium and There are 8 grades in elementary school and 4 grades in secondary
grades in 3 grades in Lyceum school or 6 grades in elementary school, 3 grades in junior high
elementary and school and 3 grades in senior high school.
secondary school
7 Subjects in The program of elementary school includes Russian, English, The program of elementary school includes English (reading,
elementary school Romanian, mathematics, technology, physical training, music; writing, spelling grammar and composition), arithmetic, geography,
gymnasium program also includes geography, history, biology, history of the USA, elementary natural science, physical training,
chemistry, physics, informatics. music and drawing. Some schools teach foreign languages: French,
Spanish or German.
8 What does the high The high school prepares young people either for work The high school prepares young people either for work
school prepare immediately after graduation of vocational schools and lyceums, or immediately after graduation or for more advanced study in
young people for? for more advanced study in college or university college or university.
9 Programs of study High school students can specialize in vocational schools or High school students can specialize in home economics, chemistry,
that a high school lyceums. They can specialize in the exact sciences, informatics, arts, physics, music, humanities, automobile mechanics etc.
students may follow music, economics etc.
10 Activities, Extra-curricular activities are sponsored by the school outside its Extra-curricular activities are sponsored by the school outside its
sponsored by the academic program. The students can participate in different sports, academic program. The students can join a chorus, band or school
school outside its they can practice different types of art, play music, draw, dancing, orchestra; enter the debating team or participate in sports and
academic program enter the computer club, play chess etc. other different social activities.

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