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ANNUAL ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT 2018 – Cogonan Elementary School

Annual Accomplishment
Report 2018
ANNUAL ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT 2018 – Cogonan Elementary School

The Annual Accomplishment Report

of Cogonan Elementary School
highlights the accomplishments for the
year 2018 vis-à-vis targets within the
context of Annual Implementation Plan
anchored on the Division Education
Development Plan.
ANNUAL ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT 2018 – Cogonan Elementary School

The DepEd Vision

We dream of Filipinos 
who passionately love their country 
and whose values and competencies
enable them to realize their full potential 
and contribute meaningfully to building the nation.
As a learner-centered public institution, 
the Department of Education 
continuously improves itself 
to better serve its stakeholders.

The DepEd Mission

To protect and promote the right of every Filipino to quality, equitable, culture-
based, and complete basic education where:
Students learn in a child-friendly, gender-sensitive, safe, and motivating
Teachers facilitate learning and constantly nurture every learner.
Administrators and staff, as stewards of the institution, ensure an enabling and
supportive environment for effective learning to happen.
Family, community, and other stakeholders are actively engaged and share
responsibility for developing life-long learners.

Our Core Values

ANNUAL ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT 2018 – Cogonan Elementary School

DepEd Mandate:

Pursuant to Regional Memorandum 619, series 2017 also known as Preparation and

Submission of the 2017 Annual Accomplishment Report (AAR) released on November 13, this

district furnished the AAR following the suggested format mandated by the Department of


The AAR prepared includes the overall accomplishments of programs and projects of

Cogonan Elementary Schools which explain the target accomplishments based on the Annual

Implementation Plan and the actual percentage of accomplishment. It also includes the

educational outcomes of the implementation of the curriculum which is based on Key Performance

Indicators for the School Year 2015-2016, their actual results, and the gain or gap identified.

Moreover, the AAR also includes the outstanding accomplishments of Cogonan Elementary

School in different aspects of education.

In addition to, the financial performance of Cogonan Elementary School in terms of the

utilization of funds from MOOE is also included.

The programs and projects implemented by the schools, as well as the action points for next

year are also discussed as parts of the AAR.

ANNUAL ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT 2018 – Cogonan Elementary School

Table of Contents:

Cover Page ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1-2

DepEd Vision, Mission, Core Values ……………………………………………………. 3

Mandate ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4

Table of Content ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 5

Message of the Head of the Office ……………………………………………………………... 6

Introduction ………………………………………………………………….…………………….. 7

Overall Accomplishments of Programs and Projects …………………………………….. 7-9

Educational Outcomes/Results ………………………….…………………………………. 9-


Outstanding Accomplishment ………………………………………………………….. 11-14

Financial Performance …………………………………………………………………………….. 14-


Programs and Projects ………………………………………………………………………….. 15-18

Action Points for Next Year …………………………………………………………………….. 18-

ANNUAL ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT 2018 – Cogonan Elementary School

Message of the Head of the


Once a great philosopher mentioned that, “ The achievements of an organization are the results of
the combined effort of every individual”.
This year marks another momentous and memorable event for every pupil, teacher as well as the
parent of our school. A lot of learning experiences have been inculcated in the young minds of our
learners. They are taught that the essential thing is not only the knowledge but also, the character.
Indeed, it is such a great toast for another great undertakings of Cogonan Elementary School.
In terms of academics, the school has implemented the necessary curriculum to provide the essential
lifelong skills among our learners. Speaking of their active involvement in extra-curricular and co-curricular
activities, the Cogonan Elementary School signifies a job well done in spite of many challenges.
Truly, the school always make it sure that the programs and projects we implement are aligned
with the principles and mandate of the Department of Education.
As a matter of fact, the Annual Implementation Plan serves as a framework in meeting the target
outcome to be implemented in the school. In reality, all schools cannot meet a 100% accomplishment in all
terms due to several factors.
Specifically, unavoidable instances like lack of funds became the main cause of unfinished matters.
Therefore, adjustments served as answers to achieve the target.
Compared to previous years, the schools in the district performed better in terms of attaining
outstanding accomplishments. This means that the school personnel as a whole do greater improvements
in applying the ideas that they are learning. This also implies that as the years go on and on, more
improvement is expected to them to carry out the progress that the community is longing for.
ANNUAL ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT 2018 – Cogonan Elementary School

With the idea of working together, the next year is foreseen as another better year for Cogonan
Elementary School.

I. Introduction:

Protecting and promoting the right of every Filipino has been the primary goal of the Department of
Education as an institution of learning. The DepEd also recognizes the quality of learning which is greatly
affected by the quality of teaching that the school works on. Likewise, the DepEd supports the continuing
professional development of the teaching personnel. Relative to this, Cogonan Elementary School
teachers’ mission is patterned here for the welfare of the learners as well as the teachers.
In connection to this, the key personnel designed and implemented various programs to meet the
challenges of education and to shape the youth for better future.
Thus, the school itself has committed its mission to the fullest. They also believed that with great
harmony, cooperation and collaboration among the teaching staff and the school head will serve as a key
to achieve its success.
In order to see how school performs through the year, this report has been made to enumerate the
program of activities and accomplishments of pupils, teachers, principal and the school as a whole in
providing quality education for the pupils.

II. Overall Accomplishments of Programs and Projects

% of Actual
Target (based on AIP) % Accomplishment
(A) (B/A) x 100%
I. Pupil Development
Reading Readiness and
Comprehension skills of the 100% 100%
100% Literacy Rate 100% of the pupils were given 100%
assessment through Phil IRI
assessment and OPLAN ORA
0% Drop-out Rate 0% 0%

0% School leavers rate 0% 0%

100% of the pupils promoted 100%
Increase graduation rate / and graduated
promotion rate

80% of the pupils became 80%

Reduce number of severely normal status
wasted and wasted pupils
ANNUAL ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT 2018 – Cogonan Elementary School

II. Staff Development

A. Professional

GAD Training/ SLAC/DSLAC 100% 100%

-Conduct of District / School
INSET (100% teaching
personnel attended)

100% 100%
Research - 80% of the
teachers conducted research

Continuous Professional 100% 100%

Education ( Masteral
Education )
III. Curriculum Development

Provision of Periodic Test 100% 100%

materials – 100% of the test
materials are free and
Enhance K to 3 Reading and
100% 100%
Writing/Speaking Abilities
Use improvised Science 100% Used improvised 100%
equipment Science equipment and
Utilizing improvised Science utilized it during
equipment during experimentation

ICT Equipment 100% 100%

Apply numeracy tool in 100% 100%

IV. Physical Development

Improvement of “Gulayan sa
Paaralan” – 100% 100%

Brigada Eskwela Plus 100% 100%

Physical Facilities
improvement such
major/minor repairs of
classrooms,fences, 100% 100%
ceilings and others were
given allocation through
ANNUAL ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT 2018 – Cogonan Elementary School

LSB fund/DPWH fund

and MOOE fund
Water installation in schools
were given allocation by BUB 100% 100%

Project SDRRM storage room 100% 100%


Project WINS 100% 100%

(Hand washing facility)

III. Educational Outcome / Result:

The Educational outcome result of Cogonan Elementary School is shown in the table below:
Target Actual
Key Performance Outcome Results
Gain / Gap Remarks
Indicators (KPIs) (SY 2017 (SY 2017-
-2018) 2018)
There is a gain
Enrolment of 1 pupil from
310 311 1
the targeted
GER Target
percentage is
100% 88% 12% higher than
the actual
NER Target
percentage is
100% 87.18% 12.82% higher than
the actual
NIR 49.18% target
100% 50.82% 49.18% result actual
was not met
Cohort Survival Rate Target
percentage is
100% 78.57% 21.43% higher than
the actual
Completion Rate The targeted
percentage is
100% 100%
equal to its
actual results
Transition Rate The targeted
100% 100% -
percentage is
ANNUAL ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT 2018 – Cogonan Elementary School

equal to its
actual results
School Leaver Rate The targeted
percentage is
100% 100% -
equal to its
actual results
Promotion Rate The targeted
percentage is
100% 100% -
equal to its
actual results
Retention Rate Target
percentage is
100% 97.29% 2.71% higher than
the actual

IV. Outstanding Accomplishment:

Various recognitions and numerous awards, activities, and best practices were part of all the
accomplishments successfully made by the school.
With great determination and passion, Cogonan Elementary School had reap various
recognitions and awards in many areas of competitions. These were fruit of labors compensated by
the pupils, parents, teachers and the school head. As a result, the school has brought a sense of
pride to Nasugbu East district and Batangas province.

For the first time, the Cogonan pride Chloe Anne P. Sanchez,
had won the previous Division School Press Conference held
at Balayan East Central School, Balayan, Batangas, August
The young journalist poured out her dedication and
have done thorough training in the field of news writing, so it
was easier for her to write the news content of their fact
As a result, after the main competition the
memorandum in which the list of winners in no particular
order had been sent and Sanchez have successfully reaps the
8th place in the news writing (English category) competition.
The awarding was held at Lemery Pilot School,
Lemery, Batangas on August 20, 2018. Sanchez were trained
by her adviser, Ms. Marcela M. Ramos.
ANNUAL ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT 2018 – Cogonan Elementary School

Cogonan Elementary School

claimed another victory as select
contestants from Grades V and VI won
when they defeated their opponents in
the 2018 District Schools Press
Conference held at Bilaran Elementary
School, July 25. This was participated
by the 19 elementary schools.
Chloe P. Sanchez won 1st place in
News Writing English, Eunice P. Lara,
2nd place in Sports Writing Filipino,
Althea L. Villegas, 2nd place in
Photojournalism Filipino, Lady
Charlene Consigo, 5 place in Editorial
Cartooning Filipino and Kimberly
Villaluna, 4th place in Science Writing

The select teachers from Cogonan

Elementary School participated in
CIP also known as Continuous
Improvement plan program
training for waste management
held at Lemery Pilot. It dealt on
the major problem experienced
within the school. They were
composed of 6 teachers namely
Ma. Rita Luz M. De Padua, the
school head; Rolando O. Ata,
team leader; Irene G. Dimafelix,
scribe; Ma. Teresa D.
Montealegre, communication;
Rhona P. Alcansare,
documentation; and Cherlyn S.
Barrios, process owner.
ANNUAL ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT 2018 – Cogonan Elementary School

Because of the good facilities and surroundings that the Cogonan Elementary School possess, it
is always a pride of competing for Brigada Eskwela every year.
Once again, the school claimed another plaque of recognition for winning 1st place in Brigada
Eskwela (District Level) and 3rd place (Area Level).
ANNUAL ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT 2018 – Cogonan Elementary School

In line with strengthening the promotion of research culture, the Cogonan Elementary School teachers
participated in the Division Conference of Basic Education Research held at Batangas Country Club,
Batangas City last September 18-19. 15 research papers from different schools of Nasugbu East district
were also selected in the final list of research presenters. Luckily, research papers of five elementary
teachers of Cogonan were approved and included in the list. They were Mrs. Ma. Rita Luz M. De
Padua, Mr. Rolando O. Ata, Ms. Irene G. Dimafelix, Mrs. Laarni Villegas and Ms. Marcela C. Ramos.
ANNUAL ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT 2018 – Cogonan Elementary School

1. Marcelo captures silver

in 1500m dash

An11-yearold Eunice Marcelo

won silver medal in 1500m dash
at women athletics during the
District Sports and Athletic Meet
held at Palm States, Campo
Avejar, August 3. Marcelo, being
a first timer showed her incredible
running skills as she made it to
the finish line despite of
scorching heat of the sun. Among
the 18 runners from the different
schools in Nasugbu East district,
Marcelo won the fight. She was
the youngest competitor in the
1500m dash at 11, clocked in at
3.53 seconds in the final race,
which was settled in 2nd placed.
2. Youngest Athlete bags
Bronze in 800m Dash

The youngest athletic player 10

years old Elizer Guevarra secured
the bronze medal in 800m dash
on District Meet held at Palm
State, Nasugbu, B a t a n g a s ,
August 2.
3. Lady Warriors ground
Lady Tigers, Secure 2nd
Place in District Meet

Cogonan Elementary School

stopped Catandaan Elementary
School, 21-19, 21-16, in the
deciding Game 2 of the Sepak
Takraw Jr. District Meet Girls
Division semifinals a n d secured
2nd place at Nasugbu E a s t C e
n t r a l S c h o o l lumbangan, N a
s u g b u , Batangas
ANNUAL ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT 2018 – Cogonan Elementary School

V. Financial Performance
The MOOE allocation amounting to Php 58,000.00 were downloaded per quarter, however
the last quarter is still on process and not yet downloaded. MOOE funds were accumulated and
allocated for the priority improvement areas, repair and maintenance, utilities and pupil’s
instructional materials.
The Canteen fund was utilized according to its percentage distribution such as:
Feeding program 35%
Pupils dev. Fund 15%
He. Instructional 10%
Clinic fund 5%
School Operation 25%
Revolving Capital 10%
Different fund raising activities were being implemented by the Parents Teacher Association
thus gave and contribute to the beautification of the school’s surroundings.

VI. Programs and Projects:

The Cogonan Elementary School implemented the Schools Division of Batangas programs
and projects. As stated in the tables under IV. Outstanding Accomplishments, some of it were the
participation of the learners and teaching personnel in different trainings, and several academic
and sports competition initiated.
The school conducted the first and second assessment of Oplan ORA to measure and
monitor the learners’ reading abilities and comprehensions on August and November. The third
assessment of Oplan ORA is scheduled to be conducted on February to identify the effectiveness of
the interventions done by the teacher.
The different schools supported and initiated the Project 555 which is directed by the
Regional office. Aside from this there are several programs and projects that is being supported by
the school.
ANNUAL ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT 2018 – Cogonan Elementary School

Disaster Risk Reduction

The school complied with the aim of the Disaster Risk Reduction
Management to increase preparedness of the people towards different
catastrophes that may arise and it corresponds to the objectives of
National Risk Reduction and Management Council. The DRRM also fulfils
the requirement of RA No. 10121 of 2010, which provides the legal basis for
policies, plans and programs to deal with disasters. To this cause, activities
were prepared to increase students and teachers’ resilience and to decrease
their vulnerabilities.
 Conduct of Earthquake drill
 Formulation of School Disaster Risk Reduction Management Group
 Formulation Of Emergency Preparedness Evaluation & Contingency

Campus Journalism

The school intensify the mandates of the Republic Act (RA No. 7079), otherwise known as
Campus Journalism Act of 1991. Based on RA 7079, it is said that the school shall uphold and
protect the freedom of the press even at the campus level and to promote the development and
growth of campus journalism as a means of strengthening ethical values, encouraging critical and
creative thinking, and developing moral character and personal discipline of the Filipino youth.
Relative to this, the school always undertakes and participates in any various programs and
projects aimed at improving the journalistic skills of students concerned and promoting
responsible and free journalism.

Gulayan sa Paaralan

Aligned with the provision of DepEd Memorandum No. 95 series of 2018, it is mentioned
that the DepEd – through the Learner Support Services-School Health Division (BLSS-SHD) –
sustains the implementation of the “Gulayan sa Paaralan” (GPP) in public elementary and
secondary schools nationwide “to address malnutrition and promote vegetable production and
consumption among school children.” Cogonan Elementary School aims to bridge the gap
regarding the nutritional status of learners who are in the severely wasted and wasted status. This
is the solely purpose why the school always keeps on monitoring the condition of the gulayan sa
The primary purpose of in-service training is to enable teachers to acquire new understanding
and instructional skills.ACCOMPLISHMENT
ANNUAL It focuses on creatingREPORT
learning 2018
– Cogonanwhich enable School
Elementary teachers to develop
their effectiveness in the classroom.
As a result of collaborative effort of the teachers in this school, They designed and
successfully done the School Inset Trainings.
 Action Research
 Food handling and safety tips
 Psychological first-aid
 Gender and development
To enhance the faculty and staff personality development, the school conducted an
annual seminar for Gender and Development. Numbers of knowledgeable and competent
speakers were invited to tackle particular issues and concerns like Sexual Harassments, Child
Abuse. The said seminars keep the faculty and staff aware of the different issues that affect
them directly and indirectly. The said seminars also served as unwinding activities to ease their
burden on teaching. At the end, the learning gained from the said activities absolutely enhance
their personal growth which is the aim of the program.

In line with the implementation of Republic Act No. 10533, or the Enhanced Basic
Education Act of 2013, the Department of Education (DepEd) issues the enclosed policy on The
Learning Action Cell (LAC) as a K to 12 Basic Education Program School-Based Continuing
Professional Development Strategy for the Improvement of Teaching and Learning.
The conduct of the Learning Action Cell (LAC) is evidently implemented by the school every
last Friday of the month in order to discuss various topics in improving practice and learner
Important topics have been discussed by the speakers were as follows:
 K to 12 Numeracy tools and inclusion of E-games
 Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) Resource Package (RP)
 Enhanced Teacher Induction Program (TIP)
ANNUAL ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT 2018 – Cogonan Elementary School


As the issue on
bullying gets hotter, all
schools immediately
respond to it. The
Memorandum issued by
DepEd was immediately
discussed by the
principals to all faculty
members and staff.
Assigned teachers had
talked about the policies
and penalties on
bullying for elaboration
and clarification. Also, to
address the said issue,
Grievance Committee
was established.
Similarly, different
signage are posted to
inform the people
regarding Child Bullying
and Child protection

VII. Action Points for Next Year:

It is evident that the accomplishments of Cogonan Elementary School as presented in this

report are very satisfactory. This means that, even though the school did not achieve the 100%
accomplishment in all areas, still the Cogonan Elementary School is empowered to improve the
system in order to pursue the thrusts that the Department of Education expected to them.
The school foresee that they will continuously walk on the path that the DepEd has
promulgated. By following the vision, mission and core values under the umbrella of educational
system of the Philippines, CES will religiously plan to strengthen the academic performance as well
as the co-curricular performance of the students.
All programs and projects that will be implemented by the schools will ensure the welfare of
the learners who are the cream of the craft of the DepEd system.
ANNUAL ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT 2018 – Cogonan Elementary School

The school is now planning to take the following action points to be accomplished next year:

a. Assign remediation’s and interventions to students in different learning areas; source out
funds from canteen, MOOE , PTA (Solicitation);
b. Acquire fund from the LGU’s, NGO’s and other Stakeholder;
c. Conduct clean-up activities to coordinate with the Municipal Ordinance Office for the
waste pick up;
d. Raise funds for the rehabilitation/repair/construction of any school facilities;
e. Refer to DSWD for possible assistance for the possible students for dropping out; and,
f. Initiate home visitation to monitor the irregular attendance of the students

They also plan to prioritize the following:

a. Additional comfort rooms

b. Repainting and beautification of School Stages.
c. Repainting of school landscape.
d. Improvement of Gulayan sa Paaralan

In addition, they want to apply the following best practices:

o HOTS questions Rally

o Students Participation Campaign
o To See is To Learn More Program
o ICT Integration
o Reading Test Administration
o Assessment Test Administration
o Item Analysis Utilization
o Strong Teacher-Students Time on Task
o I Experience, I Learn Program
o Project 555
o Mathematinik
o PARA Teacher

Prepared by:


Teacher In Charge



District Supervisor
ANNUAL ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT 2018 – Cogonan Elementary School

Radio Broadcasting Competition

1. Shaila Mae Radio Marcela C. Ramos Division 6th place
Gumiit Broadcasting
2. Shaila Mae Radio Marcela C. Ramos Division 7th place
Gumiit Broadcasting (Best
Lena Anne Group)

Name of Teachers Taking Up Doctoral Degree

Ma. Rita Luz M. De Padua, Rolando O. Ata, Marcela C. Ramos
Name of Teachers Taking Up Masteral Degree
Rhona P. Alcansare and Allysa Mae M. Barrios

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