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Physical Education

(Quarter 4) Module 1: Hiking

Taganas, Leah Romaine O.

12 ABM C
A c t I v I t y #1


Compass A compass can assist you in orienting
the map, identifying terrain features,
and determining your location. You
could hike for days on a trail without
ever using a compass. If you take a
wrong turn, a compass becomes one of
the most useful things in your pack. The
ability to navigate with a map and
compass is essential, especially if you
wander off the beaten path.
Hiking Stick Hiking sticks help with stability and
balance. It aids in the maintenance of
appropriate posture, particularly in the
upper back, and may aid in the
strengthening of upper back muscles.
Hiking Sticks relieve pressure on your
lower back, hips, and knees, which
might be beneficial if you have arthritis
or back pain.

Hiking Boots Hiking boots are footwear meant to

protect the feet and ankles while
engaging in outdoor activities such as
hiking. They are one of the most crucial
pieces of hiking equipment, since the
quality and durability of them can
influence a hiker's ability to walk long
distances without being injured.

Insulated Jacket The outdoor weather conditions must be

protected with an insulated jacket. The
most crucial function of your outer layer
is to keep wind and precipitation out.
Clothing keeps you warm by producing
a small layer of insulating air adjacent
to your skin.
First-Aid Kit The course you choose should include
hypothermia and hyperthermia, as well
as dehydration, fever, infection, and
shock, as well as how to stabilize a
fractured limb, stop bleeding, and treat
burns, snake, spider, and other insect
bites, and other injuries.

‘Why it is important to know the things to

remember, saving ourselves and mistakes to
avoid while in Hiking?’

I tend to panic on petty things and when i do, my mind goes blank. It's important to
know and learn what are the things to remember, how to save yourself and what mistakes
you need to avoid in hiking. So when something went wrong, you know what to do to fix
it immediately and for you to avoid serious problems and difficulties.

Hiking is a relaxing activity but you also need to consider some possibilities of
being in a accident. So you can think on how to give yourself a proper first-aid while
waiting for professional help. Before participating in that kind of activity, you must know
some basic emergency treatment. Not just for you, but also for the people with you. Who
knows? maybe you can save a life with your knowledge about giving medical attention.
Remember the line, "Prevention is better than cure".

Q u i z #1
Direction: Identify the following statement if it is under things to REMEMBER while hiking,
tips on SAVING yourself while hiking or MISTAKES to avoid while hiking. Just write
REMEMBER, SAVING or MISTAKES on the space provided.

SAVING 1. Be alert and make yourself visible.

MISTAKES 2. Staying away from the group.
REMEMBER 3. Make sure to walk on the marked trails.
MISTAKES 4. Keeping your hiking activity a secret.
SAVING 5. Create a shelter as your temporary camp.
SAVING 6. Make sure to look for an open space than staying in area covered with trees.
MISTAKES 7. Forgetting to bring a survival kit.
REMEMBER 8. Stream water is not always safe to drink.
MISTAKES 9. Ignoring what your body tells you.
SAVING 10. Stay put if you lost, make sure that you are in a safe area.

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