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Microbial Enzymatic Degradation of Biodegradable Plastics

Article  in  Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology · May 2017

DOI: 10.2174/1389201018666170523165742

29 6,841

9 authors, including:

Mohammed Kuddus Qamar Zia

University of Hail Gagan College of Technology and Management


Mohd. Farhan Khan Ghulam Md Ashraf

Aligarh Muslim University King Abdulaziz University


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Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 2017, 18, 000-000 1


Microbial Enzymatic Degradation of Biodegradable Plastics

Roohi1,*, Kulsoom Bano1, Mohammed Kuddus2, Mohd Rehan Zaheer3, Qamar Zia4,
Mohd. Farhan Khan3, Ghulam Md Ashraf5, Anamika Gupta9 and Gjumrakch Aliev6,7,8,*

Protein Research Laboratory, Department of Bioengineering, Integral University, Lucknow, U.P., India; 2Department
of Biochemistry, University of Hail, Hail, Saudi Arabia; 3Department of Chemistry, Gagan College of Management and
Technology, Aligarh, U.P., India; 4Department of Biotechnology, Gagan College of Management and Technology, Ali-
garh, UP, India; 5King Fahd Medical Research Center, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia; 6GALLY In-
ternational Biomedical Research Consulting LLC., 7733 Louis Pasteur Drive, #330, San Antonio, TX, 78229, USA;
School of Health Science and Healthcare Administration, University of Atlanta, E. Johns Crossing, #175, Johns Creek,
GA, 30097, USA; 8Institute of Physiologically Active Compounds, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka,
142432, Russia; 9Department of Chemistry, Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh-202001, U.P., India

Abstract: Background: The renewable feedstock derived biodegradable plastics are important in vari-
ous industries such as packaging, agricultural, paper coating, garbage bags and biomedical implants.
The increasing water and waste pollution due to the available decomposition methods of plastic degra-
dation have led to the emergence of biodegradable plastics and biological degradation with microbial
(bacteria and fungi) extracellular enzymes. The microbes utilize biodegradable polymers as the sub-
strate under starvation and in unavailability of microbial nutrients. Microbial enzymatic degradation is
suitable from bioremediation point of view as no waste accumulation occurs.
ARTICLE HISTORY Methods: It is important to understand the microbial interaction and mechanism involved in the enzy-
matic degradation of biodegradable plastics under the influence of several environmental factors such
Received: June 20, 2016
Revised: November 10, 2016 as applied pH, thermo-stability, substrate molecular weight and/or complexity. To study the surface
Accepted: May 01, 2017 erosion of polymer film is another approach for hydrolytic degradation characteristion.
Results: The degradation of biopolymer is associated with the production of low molecular weight
monomer and generation of carbon dioxide, methane and water molecule. This review reported the
degradation study of various existing biodegradable plastics along with the potent degrading microbes
(bacteria and fungi). Patents available on plastic biodegradation with biotechnological significance is
also summarized in this paper.
Conclusion: This paper assesses that new disposal technique should be adopted for the degradation of
polymers and further research is required for the economical production of biodegradable plastics
along with their enzymatic degradation.

Keywords: Biodegradable plastics, biodegradation, microbial enzymes, bioremediation, enzymatic recycling.

1. INTRODUCTION polyester–based biodegradable resins have been commercial-

ized, especially in the packaging industry, paper coating and
Plastics are extremely important to the job market through-
garbage bags. Plastic has moulded human society at an ad-
out the world that makes easy transport of a wide range of food,
drinks and other goods [1]. A sizeable number of plastic vari- vanced level in the modern world and transformed the quality
ants are also known which may contain different processing of life. The evidence is all around us as plastic play a key role in
additives such as fillers and colorants that are utilized for each field from clothing to transportation, from entertainment to
packaging purposes [2]. New applications based on synthetic communication and from shelter to health care and recreation
industries [3]. Total utilization of plastics (synthetic and bio-
degradable) will reach 297.5 million tons worldwide in the
*Address correspondence to this author at the GALLY International Biomedi- coming year where Asia accounts for being the largest
cal Research Consulting LLC., 7733 Louis Pasteur Drive, #330, San Antonio,
TX, 78229, USA; Tel: +1(440) 263-7461; E-mail:
(~30%) plastic consumer [4].

1389-2010/17 $58.00+.00 © 2017 Bentham Science Publishers

2 Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 2017, Vol. 18, No. 5 Roohi et al.

Plastics are an intricate network of molecular monomers and biodegradation are adopted to combat this problem,
bonded together to compose macromolecules of infinite use some of which are being discussed here.
in human society. Biodegradable polyesters are made using
modified polyethylene polymerization processes. One class 2.1. Degradation of Plastics by Physical Process
of biodegradable polyesters includes polylactic acid and
The synthetic plastic waste can be degraded with several
thermoplastic starch based polymers. These polyesters are available treatments such as soil burial, combustion of or-
naturally degraded to water and carbon dioxide when ex- ganic substances and as a registrant for recycling of waste [5,
posed to microorganisms in the environment. Another type 16]. During this treatment, plastic wastes are first extracted
of biodegradable plastics comprises aliphatic co-polyesters on either acidic or alkaline leachates according to molecular-
such as polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) which are also de- weight of the compounds [17]. A well-managed landfill re-
graded by microorganisms [5]. Besides the innumerable ap- sult in limited generation of environmentally hazardous ma-
plications and capability for complete degradation, use of terial beyond the impacts of collection and transport, but
biodegradable plastics is still limited due to its higher cost, space for landfill is becoming scarce in some countries. The
lack of infrastructure for disposal, requirement of blending major drawback of landfills is the accumulation of persistent
with aromatic-aliphatic polyesters to obtain desired proper- organic pollutant such as chlorinated hydrocarbons, polynu-
ties and necessitate several steps of testing and evaluation. clear aromatic and petroleum hydrocarbons, organochlorine,
Generally, the degradation of most of the synthetic plas- hexachlorinated hexane (HCH), polybrominated diphen-
tics involves various environmental factors such as tempera- ylethers (PBDEs) and alkylphenols. Some of these pollutants
ture, moisture, pressure and action of microorganisms [6,-8], are plasticizers which are added to plastics during synthesis,
therefore their degradation occurs slowly in nature. A foam while others are the surrounding compounds from the envi-
plastic cup is expected to take approximately 50 years to ronment [18].
degrade completely. Most of these plastic packaging materi- Open burning of pollutants itself causes various health
als enter into the municipal waste stream at the end of their issues. The burning of polychlorinated plastics produces
service life or being dumped into the landfills. Therefore, non-degradable organic pollutants known as polychlorinated
plastic makes up about 20% (by volume) waste annually dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), while burning of polyethylene
worldwide and about 67 million tons of packaging waste, and polystyrene produces a toxic product, leading to immune
which include about one third of all municipal solid waste and enzyme disorder and even chloracne [19, 20]. The re-
(MSW) produced per year in the India [5]. Due to plastic’s duce, reuse and recycle strategy of synthetic plastics is fitted
resilience against degradation and its large production in economically well with several limitations [18]. Recycling
industry, the topic of plastic pollution has evolved to become involves the manufacturing of new products from the recov-
a menace to global ecology. Plastic pollution involves the ered waste material with several limitations.
accumulation of plastic debris in the environment that nega-
tively affects wildlife and human life [9]. Plastic is a hazard- The recycled plastics can be treated as hazardous to the
ous material having an ability to adversely affect lands, wa- environment with the production of persistent organic mate-
terways and oceans. It is reported in literature that living rial. A high amount of energy is required to degrade plastics
organism, categorically marine animals, can additionally be during recycling with the generation of carbon fumes which
affected through direct ingestion of plastic product or are threat to plants and animals and serve as a cause of
through the exposure of chemicals present in the plastic that global warming. The recycling of plastics is still better than
cause interruptions in biological functions. Several reports other treatment, but an even better approach is the use of
clearly figure out that several diverse species such as marine biodegradable materials. It is feasible to recycle some
birds [10, 11], sea turtles [12], sharks [13], and filter feeders bioplastic polymer like as polylactic acid (PLA) for a few
[14] have been negatively impacted by plastic debris. times without significant reduction in properties [5].

The general concern of the public about the development 2.2. Degradation of Plastics by Chemical Process
of sustainable community worldwide has stimulated us to re-
write a review on the degradation of biodegradable plastics In chemical method, degradation takes place mostly through
by enzymatic method. This review gathers all possible in- breakdown of the main chains or side-chains of polymer
formation related to superiority of enzymatic degradation molecules, induced by photo-oxidation hydrolysis or degra-
processes over other methods, production of enzymes from dation with specific and harsh chemicals. Generally, photo-
microbial sources with their fermentation conditions, purifi- degradation of petroleum based plastics begins with the in-
cation strategies and characterization of enzymes and high- corporation of oxygen molecules in the synthetic organic
lighting various patents filed in this field. compounds, as activated by ultraviolet light which leads to
thermo-oxidative degradation [2]. This causes brittleness and
fragmentation of plastics into smaller, low molecular weight
2. DEGRADATION OF PLASTICS monomers which are then metabolized by living organisms
[21]. The microbes either convert the fragmented carbon
Due to having versatile scenery a huge amount of polym-
eric material is used in the world as plastic and fortunately chains into CO2 or assimilate it into macromolecules.
these materials do not offer serious health problem of living The chemical degradation may be defined as the breaking
being though the main problem associated with the exceeding of chemical bonds in the plastic backbone by hydrolysis to
large use of plastic and disposal of plastic waste. Swift [15] form smaller molecules. Hydrolysis results from the attack of
reported that different processes, mainly physico-chemical water molecules to water-labile bonds by either absorption or
Microbial Enzymatic Degradation of Biodegradable Plastics Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 2017, Vol. 18, No. 5 3

direct access to polymer surface, which can be also catalyzed bon dioxide and water molecule as the end products. Micro-
with an acid, alkali or enzyme. organisms utilize carbon as a substrate to derive chemical
energy. Aerobic biological degradation is an environmental
2.2.1. Alkali-catalyzed Hydrolysis of Polyesters approach consisting of continuous degradation of synthetic
organic matter by a mixed microbial population in a moist
The alkali-catalyzed hydrolysis of polyesters involves the and aerobic environment.
reaction of hydroxide ion with the carbonyl carbon of the
ester group generating a tetrahedral intermediate, resulting in Organic compounds + O2 → CO2 + H2O + Minerals
the formation of an alcohol and carboxylic acid [22]. Anaerobic biological degradation is the fragmentation of
organic compounds without oxygen to generate carbon diox-
2.2.2. Acid-catalyzed Hydrolysis of Polyester ide, water, methane, hydrogen sulphide, ammonia and com-
Under acidic conditions, the degradation of polyesters post product. The anaerobic degradation is a consequence of
begins with delocalization of proton from hydroxonium ion series of metabolic interaction among various group of mi-
(H3O+) to one of the lone pairs on the carbonyl oxygen of the croorganism [31].
ester group, followed by hydrolysis of the carbonyl carbon,
resulting in the generation of tetrahedral intermediate. The
tetrahedral intermediate can then dissociate into a carboxylic
Organic matter + H2O → Resistant organic matter + CO2 +
+ Nutrients H2O + CH4+ H2S + NH4 + Heat
acid and an alcohol.
The chemical degradation leads to the release of mono- Several polymers degrading microbial species which
mers and microbial polyester fragments which behaves as perform aerobic degradation have been isolated and charac-
organic pollutant, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocar- terized [2-36]. The evaluation of the anaerobic breakdown of
bons and petroleum hydrocarbons into the environment. plastics, is, however, still in a developing stage and only few
These plastic derived contaminants are transferred to the reliable investigations are available.
organisms by different stages most commonly ingestion,
inhalation and dermal sorption. These chemically degraded 3. MICROORGANISMS AND THEIR ENZYMES RE-
monomers may be classified as mutagenic and/or carcino- SPONSIBLE FOR BIODEGRADATION OF PLASTICS
genic [23]. As chemical degradation causes release of toxic
monomers, biological degradation is, thus, a better and suit- Several microorganisms like fungi and bacteria are re-
able alternate to chemical hydrolysis [24]. sponsible for the degradation of synthetic and natural plastics
[37-48]. Habitat of polymer/plastic degrading microorgan-
2.3. Degradation of Plastics by Biological Process isms varies greatly amongst soil, compost, activated sludge
and sea water. As the microorganisms are present ubiqui-
Both chemical and physical methods which have been tously, they have unique characteristics of forming an asso-
described above are associated with certain drawbacks;, bio- ciation with material surfaces [49-53]. The process of adher-
logical degradation by microbial enzymes is therefore a fas- ence of complex microbial community on plastic surfaces is
cinating and environmental friendly option to discard plastics known as “micro-fouling” or formation of biofilms, and in-
[5]. This degradation process is very much different from clude the activity of microorganisms and their extracellular
the normal biological degradation [25] where degradable polysaccharides. Biofilms are widespread in aquatic as well
stages end with the disintegration of polymer due to the ac- as terrestrial environments and show high diversity in terms
tion of high temperature, atmospheric moisture and sunlight of space and time [26, 48, 54-56]. Microorganisms are re-
that condens the released product resulting in the production sponsible for degradation as they utilize hydrocarbons in the
of more stubborn persistent residues [26]. The biological polymer backbone as the primary carbon source [45]. Mo-
degradation of plastics by means of enzymes thus refers to lecular weight and crystallinity are the two main parameters
an attack by desired microflora on water immiscible plastic which decide the ability of microorganisms to degrade the
polymers. Plastics are degraded by enzymatic activity of plastic polymer [53]. Plastic polymers having high molecular
those microbial flora that lead to a chain fragmentation of weight are not suitable for bacterial attack as it necessitates
polymer into monomers [21, 27-29]. the phagocytosis of the substrate through plasma membrane
Biodegradation of polymer involves following steps [30]; and then it is degraded by intracellular enzymes [55].
1) Adherence of the microorganisms to plastic surface. Within living cell, esterase enzymes degrade the polyes-
Adherence leads to the formation of biofilms. ters which are linked with ester bond. Premraj et al. [27]
reported that in Pseudomonas sp. even lipase enzymes are
2) Growth of microorganisms by utilizing the degraded able to degrade the ester bond but only in low molecular
polymer as an energy and food source (Assimilation). weight polyester. Several extracellular bacterial PHB and
3) Degradation of polymer (Fragmentation by hydrolysis). PHBV depolymerase have been reported to metabolize PHB
and other PHA molecules. The resulting enzymatically
4) Final disintegration of polymer (Mineralization). cleaved water soluble products are then absorbed by the mi-
Depending upon the polymer characteristics, whether it is crobial cells where they are further metabolized. The cleaved
hydrophilic or hydrophobic, microorganism can attach to the products can be metabolized aerobically as well as an-
surface of the polymer. Microbes can degrade plastic by aerobically [31]. Carbon dioxide and water are the end prod-
aerobic or anaerobic oxidation. Under aerobic oxidation, ucts during aerobic biodegradation while in anaerobic bio-
microorganisms biodegrade the plastic polymer to yield car- degradation, carbon dioxide, water and methane is produced
4 Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 2017, Vol. 18, No. 5 Roohi et al.

[55]. The biodegradation of plastics is generally a surface Our literature survey revealed that the majority of re-
erosion process [57]. search work that has been done to identify the microorgan-
ism responsible for the degradation of a large number of dif-
Several biodegradable plastics/polyesters like poly(L-
ferent types of plastics available in the market is scattered.
lactide) (PLA), poly(3-hydroxyalkanoate) (PHA), poly(ethy-
lenesuccinate) (PES), poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL), aliphatic Therefore, the list of majority of the microorganisms respon-
sible for the degradation of different types of plastics have
polyesters, polysaccharides or their mixtures have been syn-
been summarized in Table 1.
thesized successfully in past few years due to their analogous
polymeric properties as of conventional plastics [58,59].
Even PCL/PES can be synthesized from petrochemicals and
PLA/PHA from renewable resources. Out of all the biode-
gradable plastics, only PHA is completely degraded by mi- The first step of biodegradation mechanism of biode-
croorganisms when accumulated intracellularly during un- gradable polymers involves oxidation or hydrolysis by re-
even growth conditions [22]. Polymers with hydrolysable spective enzymes to create functional groups that improve its
backbones e.g. polyesters, polycaprolactones, polyamides, hydrophobicity. Thereby, high molecular weight plastic
polyurethanes, polyanhydrides are also susceptible to bio- polymers are degraded into low molecular weight com-
degradation. The microbial flora which are responsible for pounds having delicate mechanical properties, thus, making
the degradation of plastic polymer were identified as bacteria it more accessible for further microbial assimilation [70].
(Streptococcus, Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus, Micrococcus Enzymes play a major role in microbial degradation of plas-
and Moraxella), fungi (Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus glau- tics where microbial exoenzymes degrade complex polymers
cus), and yeast (Actinomycetes sp. and Saccharomonos into small molecules of short chain length as monomers,
poragenus) [15]. Some thermophillic Actinomycetes have dimers and oligomers, which are capable of passing through
been shown to produce PHB- and PHBV-depolymerase en- the semi-permeable bacterial/fungal membranes where they
zymes that hydrolyze polyesters at high temperature [56, 60]. can be utilized as carbon and energy sources and further
Degradation of PCL may take place in water, soil and com- mineralized [71]. If the size of these cleaved polymers is too
post by various microorganisms [38, 60-67]. large, then they are first depolymerized to pass through the
Microorganisms producing extracellular PHB depolym- cellular membrane, where they can be absorbed and biode-
erase are widely distributed and have been isolated from a graded by intracellular enzymes within microbial cell (Fig. 1).
variety of environments [34]. The capability to degrade ex- Initial step of biodegradation by enzymes depends on
tracellular PHB in the environment depends on the relin- various physical and biological forces [15]. Physical forces,
quishment of extracellular PHB depolymerase that is either such as freeze/thaw, cooling/heating, or wetting/drying pro-
for short-chain-length (SCL) PHB (3-5 C atoms) or medium- duces mechanical damage such as the cracking/scratching of
chain-length (MCL) PHB (6-14 C atoms). As per the degra- polymeric materials [72]. The growth of many fungi over
dation capability of PHB depolymerase, the end products scratched surface also causes temporary swelling since fungi
may be either only monomers or mixture of both monomers penetrate into the polymer solids [73]. Physico-chemical
and dimers, or combination of oligomers. Till now, most of parameters of microorganisms, as well as their magnification
the reported PHB depolymerase belongs to Gram-negative conditions (such as, pH, temperature, oxygen requirement,
bacteria, mainly Pseudomonas species [22, 40, 68]. A re- nutrients, particle size, moisture content) and enzyme charac-
searcher have isolated poly-(3-hydroxyoctanoate) depolym- teristics (intracellular and extracellular enzyme, exo- or
erase from Pseudomonas fluorescens GK13 (PhaZ) [69]. endo-cleavage types) implicatively decides the type and
Another study [42] reported that the Pseudomonas citronel- mode of polymer degradation [62].
loloisis bacterium from P. aeroginosa group was involved in
All biodegradable polymers have hydrolytic bonds, such as
polyethylene degradation.
esters, amides, glycosides, anhydrides, carbonates, urethanes

Fig. (1). General mechanism of plastic biodegradation.

Microbial Enzymatic Degradation of Biodegradable Plastics Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 2017, Vol. 18, No. 5 5

Table 1. List of microorganisms reported to degrade different types of plastics.

Types of Plastic Enzyme Specificity Microorganism References

Synthetic Plastic
Brevibacillus borstelensis [39]
Rhodococcus rubber [79, 80]
Bacillus circulans
Bacillus brevies [81]
Bacillus sphaericus
Thermobifida alba Est119 [82]
Penicillium simplicissimum YK [83]
Enterobacter asburiae YT1
Polyethylene Esterases Bacillus sp. YP1.
Brevibacillus parabrevis
Acinetobacter baumannii PL2 [42]
Pseudomonas aeroginosa
Pseudomonas citronellolis EMBSO27 [45]
Aspergillus nidulans [41]
Enterococcus sp. NAP11 [75]
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens BSM-1
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens BSM-2
Aureobasidium pullulans [85]
Pseudomonas putida AJ   [86]  
Ochrobactrum TD
Polyvinyl-chloride (PVC) Esterases
Pseudomonas fluorescens B-22
Aspergillus niger
Van Tieghem F-1119
Comamonas acidovorans TB-35
Curvularia senegalensis
Aureobasidium pullulans
Fusarium solani
Polyurethane Lipases
Cladosporium sp.
Pseudomonas chlororaphis
Pestalotiopsis microspora [90]
Pseudomonas stutzeri [91]
Rhodococcus pyridinovorans, Rhodococcus opacus 1CP [92]
Styrene oxide
Polystyrene Pseudomonas sp. E-93486 [93]
isomerase (SOI)
Pseudomonas putida NBUS12   [94]
Biodegradable Plastics  
Pseudomonas lemoignei [33]

Pseudomonas sp. AKS2 [95]

Poly (3-hydroxybutyrate PHB depolymerase
Penicillium oxalicum strain DSYD05-1 [96]

Streptomyces exfoliates K10 [36]

(Table 1) Contd….
6 Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 2017, Vol. 18, No. 5 Roohi et al.

Types of Plastic Enzyme Specificity Microorganism References

Streptomyces ascomycinicus [43]

Bacillus megaterium [97]
Rhodospirillum rubrum [98]
Thermoactinomyces [40]
Saccharomonospora genus
Clostridium botulinu
Clostridium acetobutylicum [64]
Fusarium solani
Pseudozyma antarctica JCM [99]
Actinomadura sp. [100]
Microbispora sp. [62]
Pseudozyma japonica [46]
Fusarium moniliforme
Penicillium roquefort
Polylactic acid PLA depolymerase Amycolatopsis sp. [102]
Bacillus brevis [103]
Rhizopus delemer [61, 104]
Leptothrix sp. strain TB-71 [100]
Poly (butylenes succinate-co-adipate)
PBSA depolymerase Pseudozyma Antarctica JCM [44]
Paenibacillus amylolyticus [105]

[44]. Hydrolysis reactions are catalyzed by hydrolases en- 5.2. Fermentation Conditions for the Production of Plas-
zymes which include esterase, glycosidase, protease, lipase, tic Degrading Enzyme by Microbes
phosphatases and other enzymes of this class. Majority of the
5.2.1. Physicochemical Factors
biodegradable plastics polymers are polyesters and therefore
their degradation may be catalyzed by esterolytic enzymes Plastics degrading enzyme are mostly extracellular and
such as esterase, lipases, or proteases with some differences rate of their biodegradation is affected by various nutritional
in substrate preference. and physicochemical factors viz. temperature, pH, carbon/
nitrogen sources, inducers, presence of contaminants, pres-
5. PLASTIC DEGRADING MICROORGANISMS ence of other electron acceptors besides oxygen, and avail-
ability of nutrients. Soil profile where microorganisms is
5.1. Sources of Plastic Degrading Microorganisms
growing also play very crucial role for the growth and suste-
Plastic degrading microorganisms are ubiquitous in envi- nance of microbes. Some of important soil factors include
ronment such as soil, marine water, aerobic and anaerobic soil temperature, soil pH, soil moisture content, porosity, O 2
sludge, industrial wastes, compost and also in the human availability, H+ concentration, redox potential and microbial
body [44, 4, 74, 75]. population themselves [22].
Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) have been reported for the 5.2.2. Oxygen Requirement for Growth
occurrence of microbial flora amongst biodegradable plastics
as it belongs to the largest class. PHB is an aliphatic polyes- Biodegradation of plastics is basically an electron trans-
ter having R configuration and have same physical properties fer process where electrons are detached from organic poly-
as polypropylene (PP) and are used as an alternative of PP. mer to capture the energy that is accessible through the oxi-
PHB degrading bacteria are generally found in terrestrial and dation process. Electron transfer is carried by microbial en-
aquatic ecosystems [44]. On account of its biodegradability zymes. For majority of the microbial population isolated
and biocompatibility, it has been a potential material for from soil, oxygen behaves as terminal electron acceptor.
biomedical applications and environmentally benign indus- Facultative anaerobes (can use oxygen when it is present or
trial applications. PHB depolymerase, which is secreted can switch to alternative electron acceptors, such as nitrate
through bacteria and fungi, attacks on the ester bonds of and sulphate, in the absence of oxygen) and obligate anaer-
PHB and hydrolyses it into oligomers and/or monomer of 3- obes become dominant when oxygen is not available but
hydroxybutyrate. normally aerobic biodegradation is more efficient. In case of
Microbial Enzymatic Degradation of Biodegradable Plastics Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 2017, Vol. 18, No. 5 7

aerobic biodegradation, rate of degradation quickly slows 5.2.4. Growth Medium

down due to limited supply of oxygen or other nutrients and
To meet the demand of industries, low-cost medium is
not due to the inherent microbial capacity to degrade the
required for the production of plastics degrading enzymes.
polymer. But in anaerobic conditions, the rate of degradation
Solid state fermentation (SSF) is better option for the pro-
is usually limited by the inherent reaction rate of the active
microorganisms. The process runs very slow and complete duction of enzymes as compared to submerged fermentation.
SSF is a process where microorganisms grow on moist solid
oxidation may need months or years.
substrates with sufficient percentage of moisture. The solid
substrate either provides only support or both support as well
5.2.3. Substrate Specificity
as nutrition to growing microbes. SSF has been used for long
An enzymes’ characteristic say that they are highly spe- to convert synthetic and biological polymeric substrates such
cific for their substrate but some alterations have been re- as PHA, PHB, PLA, polyesters into fermented products
ported for plastics. Some polyester could be depolymerized which are less polluting and less harmful [76]. SSF consti-
by lipases and some by esterases. These variations can be tutes an interesting alternative, since the metabolites so pro-
attributed to factors like molar mass of the polymer, hydro- duced are concentrated and purification procedures are less
phobicity of the surface or chemical composition of the costly. A list of various plastics degrading enzyme producing
polymer chain is responsible for controlling the biodegrad- bacteria and their production parameters are presented in
ability of polymer [62]. Table 2.

Table 2. Overview of production parameters and biochemical characteristics for purified depolymerase enzymes.

Mol. wt.
Temp. Protein Metal Ions Inhibition/ Purifica-
S. No. Depolymerase Enzyme Microbial Strain pH (SDS Reference
(°C) Purified Enzyme Inhibitors tion Fold

High K+ and Mg2+

1 PHB depolymerase Thermus Thermophilus 8.0 70 0.32 28.2 42 [106]

2 PHB depolymerase Penicillium sp. 5.0 50 230.0 EDTA 37.9 44.8 [107]
Streptomyces bangla-
3 PHB depolymerase NA 45 NA NA NA 40 [108]
deshensis 77T-4
PHA I depolymerase and Pseudomonas
4 8.0 50 84.9 Na+, K +, Zn2+, Mg2+Fe2+ NA 59.4, 33.8 [76]
PHA II depolymerase mendocina
Aspergillus fumigatus
5 PHB depolymerase 8.5 50 23.3 Dithioerythritol (DTT) 33.56 40 [109]
Phenyl methyl-
Arthrobacter sp. strain
6 PHB depolymerase 8.5 50 222 sulphonyl-fluoride NA 47 [110]
(PMSF), Hg2+, Pb2+, Ag+
CaCl2, MgCl2 Tween
20, Tween 80, Triton
7 PHB depolymerase Rhodospirillum rubrum 9.0 50 NA NA NA [111]
X-100, MgCl2, CaCl2,
8 PHB depolymerase 8.5 50 4.8 PMSF, H2O 2 and SDS 4.2 NA [112]
mendocina DSWY0601
Agrobacterium sp.
9 PHB depolymerase 7.0 50 PMSF, EDTA NM NM [113]
Bacillus sp. NRRL
10 PHB depolymerase 8 37 NM NM NM NM [114]
Emericellopsis minima Tween 80, Triton
11 PHB depolymerase 9.0 55 0.33 20.0 48.0 [77]
W2 X-100, DTT, PMSF
Alcaligenes faecalis
12 PHB depolymerase 9.0 55 2.1 PMSF 15 95.5 [115]
13 PHB depolymerase Penicillium pinophilum NM 30 0.492 NM 3.66 35 [116]
14 PHA depolymerase Acidovorax sp. DP5 9 40 NM NM NM NM [117]
Pseudomonas sp. Di-isopropyl Fluoro-
15 PHB depolymerase 7-8.5 40 5.4 NM 70 [118]
Strain A1 phosphate

(Table 2) Contd….
8 Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 2017, Vol. 18, No. 5 Roohi et al.

Mol. wt.
Temp. Protein Metal Ions Inhibition/ Purifica-
S. No. Depolymerase Enzyme Microbial Strain pH (SDS Reference
(°C) Purified Enzyme Inhibitors tion Fold

PLA, Poly (L-Lactic

16 Fusarium moniliforme 8.5 28 NM NM NM NM [101]
Acid) depolymerase
Di-isopropyl Fluoro-
Amycolatopsis sp.
17 PLA depolymerase 7.0 37 12.1 Phosphate, PMSF, 23 NM [120]
Strain K104-1
18 PLA depolymerase Bacillus smithii 7.0 60 NM NM NM NM [121]
19 PLA depolymerase Bacillus licheniformis 6-7 50-60 1.6 U/mg Ethyl acetate 1.8 NM [81]
+ 2+ 2+ 2+
Pseudomonas sp. strain K , Zn , Mg , Cu ,
20 PLA depolymerase 8.5 50 NM NM NM [112]
DS04-T Fe2+ and EDTA
Poly (ε-caprolactone)
21 Alcaligenes faecalis 7.0 40 52.6 NM 7.3 NM [122]
Poly (ε-caprolactone)
22 Fusarium solani 7.8. 30 NM NM NM NM [123]
Streptomyces thermo-
Poly (ε-caprolactone)
23 violaceus sub sp. ther- 7 45-50 NM NM NM 25-55 [124]
moviolaceus 76T-2
Poly (ε-caprolactone) Penicillium oxalicum
24 6.8 28 NM NM NM NM [96]
depolymerase strain DSYD05-1
Poly (ε-caprolactone) Brevundimonas sp.
25 5-9 20-45 9.98 PMSF 40.59 63.49 [78]
depolymerase strain MRL-AN1
Poly (ε-caprolactone) Amycolatopsis sp. strain 0.023
26 7 30 NM NM NM [125]
depolymerase SCMMK2-4 U/mL
Comamonas acidovo- Di-isopropyl Fluoro
27 PHB depolymerase 6-10 <37 0.6 9.1 45 [126]
rans YM1609 Phosphate
Tween 20, Tween 80
Aspergillus fumigatus
28 PHB depolymerase 9 45 1.02 Triton X-100 Ca+2 , 20.62 63.7 [109]
Mg+2 , Fe+2, Hg +2
Ca+2 , Mg +2 , Fe+2 , Hg +2
29 PHB depolymerase Penicillium citrinum S2 6.0 50 0.09 16.18 240 [127]
*NM= Not mentioned.

5.2.5. Intrinsic Factors of the enzymes by ammonium sulphate precipitation, ultra

filtration by dialysis and high level column chromatography
The polymer biodegradation is influenced by variety of
[78]. The characterization of plastics degrading enzymes can
intrinsic factors of polymer itself. Higher molecular weight,
be studied in terms of optimum temperature and pH, role of
high melting temperature and large extent of crystallinity metal ions/chelating agents/inhibitors, type of substrate, con-
affects the rate by which polymer is likely to be biodegraded
centration of substrate, enzyme concentration, solvents and
by microbial enzymes [62].
stabilizing agents.
This review also summarizes the available recent and
Earlier the majority of purification schemes for enzymes important patents about the properties, methods and produc-
were reported to be completed in a multistep process. How-
tion of plastic degrading microorganisms/enzymes and their
ever, in recent years, new techniques have been developed
possible industrial and biotechnological use (Table 3).
that are rapid, competent, economic and may yield high re-
covery in just few steps. Based on the type of plastics de-
grading enzyme produced by the microbes, one has to design
the strategy for purification and downstream processing. The The utility of plastic in human lives is growing day by
purification process also depends on the market need, proc- day, but its degradation is becoming a great challenge for the
essing cost, final quality, and available technology [77]. The environment. Safe disposal of plastic waste via different
purification efficiency is determined by total yield and puri- tasks have been adopted but unfortunately they were found
fication factor. Table 2 also summarizes the yield, purifica- to be associated with environmental hazards instead of
tion fold including molecular weight of available plastics reducing the impact of plastic waste. Biodegradable plastics
degrading enzymes. Purification steps involve concentration emerge out as a promising new generation polymers in the
Microbial Enzymatic Degradation of Biodegradable Plastics Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 2017, Vol. 18, No. 5 9

Table 3. Patents done on plastic biodegradation with biotechnological significance.

Biodegradable/Synthetic Polymer Patent Number Patent Description Reference

Polyethylene, Polyester US 20150247018 Biodegradation of petroleum based plastic by microbial flora. [84]
Poly-β-Hydroxybutyrate (PHB), Poly-
US 9174000 Drug delivery device made from biodegradable plastic components. [127]
vinyl Alcohol, Polylactic Acid (PLA)
Poly Butylenes Succinate co- Adipate Disposable medical supplies made from hydrolytically biodegradable
US 8143368 [128]
(PBSA) plastic
Biodegradable plastic product made from skin of Rambutan, Banana
Polyvinyl Alcohol WO 2012078021 [129]
and Jackfruit.
Polyester-based plastic-degrading enzyme and a polynucleotide encod-
Polyester US 7960154 [130]
ing the enzyme, as well as a method for degrading plastics
Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (EPV) US 8080596 Biodegradable plastic material and method for producing the same [131]
Polycaprolactone US 6096809 Synthesis of biologically degradable polymer mixture. [132]
Biodegradable plastic product made from coconut husk fiber powder
Aliphatic Polyester US 6083621 [133]
Streptomyces violaceusniger FERM BP-6110 and Streptomyces
Polylactic acid (PLA) US 6066492 A cyaneus FERM BP-6111 are used for degradation of polylactic acid [134]
Polyester-based plastic-degrading enzyme and a polynucleotide encod-
Polyester EP 1849859 A4 [135]
ing the enzyme.
Polylactic Acid (PLA) US 7279545 Economical method for synthesis of PLA. [136]
Method for collecting monomers using the enzyme or a microorganism
Polyester WO 2006078011 A1 [135]
expressing the enzyme
Biodegradable plastic made from a combination of one synthetic plastic
Biodegradable plastic US 5346929 A [137]
polymer, one natural polymer and a natural polymer attacking enzyme

global market. Their use in daily life is predicted to increase plementation and development of promising strategies for
because of the complete and efficient degradation by microbial polymer waste management.
enzymes over synthetic polymers. Non-biodegradable nature of
synthetic polymers limits their exploitation due to its hydro-
phobic nature, high molecular weight and the absence of CONSENT FOR PUBLICATION
functional groups that can interact with microorganisms. Not applicable.
However, after oxidation and degradation, low molecular
weight monomers are generated that can be assimilated by
microorganisms. The studies on the degradation of biode- CONFLICT OF INTEREST
gradable plastics have increased our knowledge about de- The authors confirm that this article content has no con-
grading microorganisms, their enzymes, genes and polymer flict of interest.
structure. This knowledge is useful for the molecular evolu-
tion and molecular manufacturing of biodegradable polymers
and even for the hybridization of enzymes and microbes in- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
volved in degradation. As it is evident that biodegradable Authors are grateful to Integral University for providing
plastics plays its role in each and every sector of life as in necessary infrastructure and manuscript communication
agriculture, in food packaging, in cosmetics and in biomedi- number IU/R&D/2017-MCN00096.
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