Revitalization of SAARC

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Revitalization of SAARC

“Revitalizing SAARC: Challenges and Prospects” is an article written by Gulshan Rafiq. The main
theme of this article is revitalization of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC).

This article says that Regional integration is the need of today’s world. So that’s why the
revitalization of SAARC is really important, SAARC aims were also regional integration and economic
connectivity. Though the performance is disappointing since its existence, but it is not that much old
to expect much from it, this was came into being in Dec 8, 1985 with the initiative of the president of
Bangladesh and somehow it can be said that the initial works were praiseworthy, for example,
Pakistan successfully utilized the forum to diffuse the its tensions with India, when the tensions were
at its peak in the time of Parveez Musharraf and Vajpayee. Second example can be the formation of
SARSO. But its failures are more than its achievements. Despite it great objectives, SAARC remained
incapable. because of India and Pakistan’s relations-- both the countries prefer geopolitics over socio
economic development.

Furthermore this article emphasizes upon the main aims of SAARC, which were not only solving the
conflicting issues between regional states but also to identify the areas of cooperation to raise South
Asian Economic growth. The core aim includes enhancing South Asian Self Reliance, diminishing trust
deficit among regional states, assisting one another in socio economic and technological fields and
promoting as well as streamlining an agenda of common regional interest on international forums. It
identified various areas of cooperation in different fields such as agriculture and rural developments,
science, technology and etc.

In addition this article says that revitalization is a best hope to improve south Asian countries. The
revitalization process can follow the Association of South East Association Nations, European Union
and ECO as models. It also says that the inclusion of China in this SAARC can put good huge impacts,
it can easily control big powers’ policies, like India always play cheap kind of game to sideline
Pakistan, for example, ‘Minus Pakistan’ etc. China is already investing in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Maldives
and Nepal in the shape of CPEC and other such economic ventures. So, construction of CPEC and
BCIM corridors will strengthen inter-regional connectivity among South Asian countries as well as
their intra-regional association. Finally the article provides steps to revitalize regional cooperation
under SAARC. Following are some of them: Political will for regional connectivity will decrease the
level of conflict, insecurity and underdevelopment in South Asia, resumption of composite dialogues
should be assured to normalize relations between India, normalization of political relations between
SAARC member states, especially between India and Pakistan, should be encouraged for better
SAARC interaction. There is also an urgent need to promote tourism among the SAARC member
states. It can stimulate confidence amongst people as well as enhance people-to-people contact of
the region for greater economic cooperation. Establishing joint infrastructure funds are also
important and etc. SAARC as an organization should take positive measures to ensure an
environment that enables all people in the region to enjoy their rights. Finally all SAARC member
states should be on one page to keep SAARC alive. SAARC can also benefit from a framework with
the objectives of a secure regional environment by joint planning of civilian and military operations
and comprehensive approach to crisis management like that of the European union’s Crisis
Management and Planning Directorate.

In a nutshell I would say that this article is one of the best articles to know about the SAARC and its
objectives. Most importantly it provides logical points for the revitalization of SAARC. After knowing
the points and facts, I would recommend this article to all those students, who are having keen
interest to learn about Asia.

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