Missing Punctuation: Use These Punctuation Marks

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Missing Punctuation

I can punctuate direct speech.

Someone has encrypted Raider’s Peril and destroyed some of the

punctuation in the communication system. Read the extract below
and input the missing punctuation.

Use these punctuation marks:

“ ” .
Inverted commas Full stop

Ka t ka s te p p e d in A n d l oo k at thi s stuff Catanna

p ul l e d o ut th e c on tents of t he l oo t b ag Ame t hys t

s wo rd, ga rn e t h e lme t, a pearl b ow The Gut vi n e jo b

w ill m a ke u s ric h We ’l l go b ack to no rmal ra id ing

a f te r wa rd s , I p romis e

W ho ge t s th at bow, then? asked C roc tord oc to r,

p o in t i n g at th e p e arl b ow wi t h the t i p o f hi s ar row

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Missing Punctuation Answers
I can punctuate direct speech.

Someone has encrypted Raider’s Peril and destroyed some of the punctuation in the
communication system. Read the extract below and input the missing punctuation.

Use these punctuation marks:

“ ” .
Inverted commas Full stop

Ka t ka s te pp e d in. “ A n d l o o k at thi s stuff.” Catanna

p ul l e d o ut th e c on te nt s o f t he l o o t b ag. “ Ame t hys t

s wo rd, garn e t h e lme t, a pearl b ow. The Gut vi n e jo b

w ill m a ke u s ric h. We ’ l l go b ack to normal ra id ing

af te r wa rd s , I p romis e.”

“Wh o ge t s th at bow, then? ” asked Croc tord oc to r,

p o in t i n g at th e p e arl b ow wi t h the t i p o f hi s ar row.

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Missing Punctuation
I can punctuate direct speech.

Someone has encrypted Raider’s Peril and destroyed some of the

punctuation in the communication system. Read the extract below
and input the missing punctuation.

Use these punctuation marks:

? , “ ” .
Question mark Comma Inverted commas Full stop

No t ye t at le as t s aid Jad en We’ re o n o ur way to

c o lle c t s o me ic e c loaks now We’ l l give you o ne if –

Ja d e n p a u s e d to p u t hi s axe away If he co ntinu ed

yo u l e t u s p as s th rou gh unharmed There and b ac k

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Missing Punctuation Answers
I can punctuate direct speech.

Someone has encrypted Raider’s Peril and destroyed some of the punctuation in the
communication system. Read the extract below and input the missing punctuation.

Use these punctuation marks:

? , “ ” .
Question mark Comma Inverted commas Full stop

“N o t ye t , at le as t ,” s ai d Jad en . “ We’ re o n ou r way

to co l l e c t s ome ic e c lo aks now . We’ l l give yo u o ne ,

if – ” Ja de n p au s e d to put hi s axe away . “If, ” h e

c o nt i n u e d, “ you le t us pass t hro ugh unhar m ed.

There a n d bac k. ”

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Missing Punctuation
I can punctuate direct speech.

Someone has encrypted Raider’s Peril and destroyed some of the

punctuation in the communication system. Read the extract below
and input the missing punctuation.

Use these punctuation marks:

? ! , “ ” .
Question mark Comma Inverted commas Full stop

Don’t forget to start a new line for each new speaker! You will need to rewrite the extract.

Who gets that bow then asked Croctordoctor pointing

a t t h e p e arl bow w ith t he t i p o f hi s arrow o h Perian

s a id ca n I h ave it Pe ri an l oved shi ny weapo ns s u re

s a id Ka t ka Pe rian ge ts i t sai d C roc tord oc tor his

vo i c e ri s i n g s u dde n ly to an unl i kel y squea k s he

h a s a go o d bow alre ady what ab o ut me

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Missing Punctuation Answers
I can punctuate direct speech.

Someone has encrypted Raider’s Peril and destroyed some of the punctuation in the
communication system. Read the extract below and input the missing punctuation.

Use these punctuation marks:

? ! , “ ” .
Question mark Comma Inverted commas Full stop

Don’t forget to start a new line for each new speaker! You will need to rewrite the extract.

Who gets that bow then asked Croctordoctor pointing

a t t h e p e arl bow w ith t he t i p o f hi s arrow o h Perian

s a id ca n I h ave it Pe ri an l oved shi ny weapo ns s u re

s a id Ka t ka Pe rian ge ts i t sai d C roc tord oc tor his

vo i c e ri s i n g s u dde n ly to an unl i kel y squea k s he

h a s a go o d bow alre ady what ab o ut me

“Who gets that bow, then?” asked Croctordoctor, pointing at the pearl bow with the tip of
his arrow.

“Oh!” Perian said. “Can I have it?” Perian loved shiny weapons.

“Sure,” said Katka.

“Perian gets it?” said Croctordoctor, his voice rising suddenly to an unlikely squeak. “She
has a good bow already! What about me?”

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