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No: Midterm Examination Spring - 2021 Date: - - April 2021

Program: BS (CS) Class & Section: BS-5(A)
Course Code & Name: CSC-3203 Numerical Computing Duration: 1.5 hrs.
Instructor’s Name: Bilal Ahmad Total Marks: 25 Marks

Important Instructions:
Read all questions carefully first and then ask for the questions.
All questions are self-explanatory.

Submit your solution in a pdf/ word form with:

i-Reg. No._Name
ii-Reg. No. and Name on every sheet
iii-Page no. on every sheet. Sheets should be in proper order.
Attempt all questions: Write all steps while solving

Q1: Define numerical error and types of error. (02 Marks)

Q2: Using False Position Method to solve the equation (05 Marks)

for 0.5 ≤ x ≤ 0.6

Required accuracy is
Q3: Find the real root of equation (06 Marks)

Correct up to three decimal places using Newton-Raphson method with = 0.

Q4: Construct Lagrange interpolating polynomial using given data points: (06 Marks)

-1 1 4 7
0 2 65 344

Hence interpolate at .

Q5: Find and for the given data points: (06 Marks)

0 1 2 3

1 2 9 28

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