Introduction To Project Management

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Answer the following questions with not least than 200 words per questions.
1. Does effective Communication mitigate the risk of failing a project? and identify the
characteristics or qualities that a project manager should have for effective communication.

 Yes, Communication is a necessary part of our daily lives, and the world revolves
around it. Communication is derived from the Latin word communis, which means
"common." When we talk, we are attempting to create "common ground" with the other
person. That is, we are attempting to share knowledge, a concept, or a mindset among
the members of the project team. Project managers, more than any other job, need
excellent communication skills. They need to bring everyone together behind a common
purpose to make sure that the right information gets to the right people at the right time.
In order to be an efficient project manager, you must possess the following traits or
 Effective communication skills. Being a people person is one of the qualities of
a good manager, as it allows him to connect with people at all levels. The project
manager must clearly explain the project goals, as well as the tasks,
responsibilities, expectations, and feedback for each team member. As as as as
 Good decision maker. An effective project manager must be able to make
decisions because there will always be issues to be resolved.
 Technical expertise. Seeing as project management tools and other related
programs are essential in achieving project goals, an effective project manager
must have strong technical knowledge to understand technical issues.
Knowledge of both theory and technology can greatly assist the manager in
taking strategic initiatives when necessary. As asa as asa asa asa as asas asas
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 Cool under pressure. As the project progresses, certain incidents may sap the
project's momentum and put the project manager's patience to the test. It is
critical for a project manager to remain calm and restrained at all times in order to
avoid losing himself and negatively impacting his relationship with the team. As
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2. Managing resources, engaging suppliers to deal with team conflict and leading a project
means constantly being involved in negotiations. Does having a skillful negotiator project
manager alleviate in having conflict in a project management team? And thus, it affects the
leadership in a project?

 Conflict is unavoidable in project management. Conflict is common in organization's

project ventures because it involves people from various backgrounds and orientations
working together to complete a complex task. Differences in values, attitudes, needs,
expectations, perceptions, resources, and personalities can all be the source of conflict
in team projects. Proper conflict resolution skills can help project managers and other
organization members handle and effectively resolve conflicts, resulting in a more
productive organization as a whole.
Project managers with negotiation skills can resolve these conflicts and ensure project
success with minimal risk to project objectives. Negotiation has aided in the resolution of
numerous issues in projects, organizations, and the business domain. Negotiation may fail
or take a long time in some cases. Whatever the outcome, one thing we must always keep
in mind is that when we negotiate, there is time and effort involved, which is quantified as
cost that adds to the reference point. And negotiation is vital component of leadership. It is
critical that we negotiate willingly and freely. You will be able to facilitate problem solving,
build professional relationships, and gain team support as your leadership and negotiation
skills improve.
Lastly, negotiation is a great project management tool that is essential for getting the
most out of any situation. Negotiation extends beyond lowering or raising the price of an
offer and is an essential tool in the project manager's daily activities. Knowing how to
maintain engaging conversations that lead to better performance for both parties is
something that can always be improved over time, just like any other interpersonal skills.
Any project manager will be able to approach negotiations knowing how to best target the
project and the organization in general if they have the right knowledge, structures, and

3. How essential is having a risk management in every project roadblock important to increase
chances of delivering successful projects.

4. Does it matter if a project manager has technical expertise? Does it increase the chances of
delivering a successful project?
5. Does the following Management Skills essential to increase delivery of a successful project?
a. Critical thinking and problem solving
b. schedule and time management
6. Identify the key factors to develop in a Project Management Skills. Does certification matter?

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