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A summary report

Cripa Nepal Alcohol Deaddiction and
Rehabilitation center
Khumaltar, Lalitpur

Submitted By:
Anjal Maharjan

Nesfield International College


Lagankhel, Lalitpur

Submitted To:
Sajana Purkuti Ma’am

Nesfield International College

Department of Social Work

In the Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts

In Social Work

All the organization member who cooperate with trainee and gave trainee the opportunity to do this
wonderful work in their organization and community service project, which also helped trainee in doing
a lot of research and I came to know about so many new things. I am really thankful to “Cripa Alcohol
De-addiction and rehabilitation center” organization.

Trainee has taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible without the kind
support and help of many individuals and organization. Trainee would like to extend sincere thanks to all
of them. Trainee highly indebted for guidance and constant supervision as well as for providing
necessary information regarding the field visit and also for their support in completion of the field
report. Trainee would also like to express my special thank to Ms.Sajana Purkuti ma’am for overall
correction and advice to prepare this report.

I would like to express my special gratitude and thanks to Ms.Sajana Purkuti ma’am for giving me such
attention and time. My thanks and appreciations also goes to my colleague in developing the project
and people who have willingly helped out with their abilities. Thanks to all of them who helped for this

BASW- Bachelors of Arts in social work

SWOT – strength, weakness, opportunity, threat

NASW – National association of social work

NGO – Non-governmental Organization

INGO – International non-governmental organization

S.No Content Page
i) Recommendation letter

ii) Approval letter

iii) Acknowledgement

Iv) Abbreviation

1. Unit- 1 Introduction
a. Introduction to organization
b. Objective of the organization
c. Mission of the organization
d. Vision of the organization
e. Activities of the organization
2. Unit- 2 Internship
a) Introduction to social work
b) Introduction to internship
c) Objectives of internship
d) Objectives of social work internship
e) Objectives of trainee
3. Unit- 3 Activities Carried out by trainee
a. Activity No. 1
b. Activity No. 2
c. Activity No. 3
d. Activity No. 4
4. Unit- 4 Analysis and Experience
a. Observation and analysis
b. Overall learning
c. Personal feeling
5. Unit- 5 Code of Ethics of NASW and Principle
a. Principles Applied
b. Applied code of Ethics of NASW

6. Unit- 6 SWOT Analysis

a. SWOT Analysis of organization
b. SWOT Analysis of trainee
7. Unit- 7 Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
a. Summary
b. Conclusion
c. Recommendation
Unit One

1.1 Introduction of Organization

Cripa Alcohol De-addiction and Rehabilitation center offers holistic treatment program for people
struggling with Alcohol dependency in an environment that is non-discriminative that supports critical
self-reflection and spiritual regrowth. It is located in Khumaltar, Lalitpur. It was officially established on
ashoj 21st , 2070. Cripa’s residential home is situated in a quite neighbor in southern Lalitpur, spread
across 2 ropani of land with 3 storied earthquakes safe building which houses 18 beds, 1 meeting room,
fully equipped kitched and a dining hall. Cripa is probably the only long term residential alcohol
treatment center in Nepal. Run by experience Cripa provides a caring environment for people of all ages.
Cripas confidential phone-based or in-person assessment process will help an individual to determine
whether treatment makes sense and, if so, what type of treatment approach would be appropriate for
the person.

There are many reasons of drug abuse. There are many common reasons of drug abuse despite of
addiction being different. Some of these reasons are experimentation, family history/ genetics,
prescription drugs, loneliness, peer pressure, to feel good, mental health disorders, entertainment,
alcohol isn’t enough, self-medicating.

1.2 Objectives of Organization

Rehabilitation center is running different programmes like community awareness programme, school
awareness programme, rally and campaign, celebration of international drug day, anti-drugs
programme, psychological treatment and regular health checkup. The main objectives are:

 Describe the various physical, emotional, and cognitive disabilities experienced by people who
receive rehabilitation services and understand their functional limitations.

 Understand the medical and psychosocial impact of disabilities.

 Understand the impact of society's attitudes towards disabilities on the treatment of people
with disabilities.
 Understand how physical, mental, gender, racial, cultural, and environmental variables interact
to affect the lives of people with disabilities.
 Be familiar with the wide variety of generic and specialized community resources available to
serve people with disabilities.

1.3 Vision of Organization

 The main vision is to describe the major services provided in rehabilitation (e.g., rehabilitation
counseling, vocational evaluation, adjustment services, job placement, physical restoration,
environmental adaptations).
 Apply the principles of behavior analysis and therapy to human needs and problems including:
o defining and measuring target behaviors,
o developing appropriate behavioral interventions, and
o evaluating behavior change.

1.4 Mission of Organization

 To describe the rehabilitation process and techniques used to evaluate eligibility for services,
assess consumers to identify employment and independent living options, develop appropriate
treatment plans, and provide follow-up.
 To develop the knowledge and skills to train, supervise, and evaluate employees who are
providing direct care to consumers.
 To be familiar with the professional organizations, professional journals, and job opportunities
in the field of rehabilitation.

1.5 Activities of Organization

 Individual therapy based on 12 step approach

 Addressing the specialized needs of professionals
 Services for older adults
 Core treatment plan
 Integrated Mental Health Care
 Services with respect
 Physical health and nutritional care
 Behavioral reshaping
Unit Two


2.1 Introduction of Social Work

The social work profession and academic discipline concerned with helping people, group, family, or
communities to enhance individual and collective well beings. Social work is an academic discipline
which is carried out by trained personal with the aim of alleviating the condition of those in need of help
or welfare. Professional social work is focused in solving problem and social theories of human behavior
social system. Social work intervenes at the point where people interact with their environment
principle of human rights and social justice are fundamental to social work is an interrelate system of
values theory and practice.

Social workers are trained person who helped people function the best way they can in their
environmental deal with relationship and solved personal and family problems. Social workers often see
clients who face a life threatening diseases or social problem social worker research and analyzed
policies program and research. They identify social problem and suggest legislative and other solution
they focused in re-unite in society re-store capacity for social functioning like to make people be able to
cope up with the existing problem, to secure normal lifestyle and to make a continuously daily work.

Social work is professional service based on scientific knowledge and skill in human relation which
assists individual alone or group satisfaction and independence. Social work seek two things for people
economic wellbeing and the deeper sources of happiness that is self-realization the stuff of its concern
are human behavior and relationship it focuses at attention is the individual and his self-adjustment to
recognize reality.

2.2 Introduction of Internship

Internships are an integral part of the total educational experience of the Rehabilitation Services
program. Through your internship, you will deepen your understanding of human behavior and enhance
your skills for working with people with disabilities.

All internship students are evaluated twice during the sixteen-week internship by their site supervisor.
The results of the evaluations are included in the final grade that the student receives for his/her
internship experience. The evaluations are formal and done on the evaluation form. After the
evaluations are completed, the supervisor discusses the evaluation with the student. The supervisor and
the student sign the evaluation. The supervisor should write the column total at the bottom of each
column and then add the totals for a grand total.

It is the student’s responsibility to provide his/her supervisor with the Guidelines for Rehabilitation
Internship Evaluation for the midterm and final evaluation. Additionally, the student should provide the
supervisor with the appropriate evaluation form. The student should add the objectives that he/she is
working on for the semester. The supervisor should complete the form, discuss the form with the
student and both the supervisor and student should sign the form and then the student should return
the form to the university supervisor by the due date in PILOT. The student must be present for the site

2.3 Objectives of Internship

 Understanding the operations of the agency

 Established rapport with co-workers and is developing helping relationship
 Make independent and rational decisions
 Work with other staff members and functioned as a team member
 Accepted the responsibility of record keeping/case recording

2.4 Objectives of Social work Internship

 To provide opportunity for students to gain practical experience within the organizational
 To make student capable for understanding, appreciating professional duty and responsibilities
of personal work in the field.
 To organize various program by volunteers

2.5 Objective of trainee

 To know in depth about Cripa Alcohol De-addiction and Rehabilitation center

 To have experience
 To build self-confidence with various activities
 To have knowledge about various kind of field work
 To improve language skills
 To learn to communicate in front of mass
Unit Three

Activities Carried out by Internee

3.1 Activity no.1: Group Exercises


 To discuss about the report.

 To complete group exercise about different projects.
 To review exercises.

Detail explanation:

The trainee along with the fellow trainee and mentors discussed about the rules that needs to be
followed during the exercise and all the necessary equipments were collected and a leader for the
specific task were selected.

Observation and Analysis:

The organization focuses on the overall development of the trainee. They allow making mistakes in the
exercise and letting the trainee to learn from their mistakes. The mentors give the feedbacks and point
out what needs to be improved and also compliments to motivate the trainee to work further.


Trainee learnt how to successfully organize and manage any event. The trainee also learnt about the
importance of a leader in any group. Trainee also learnt about the importance and process of group
work and how important it is to finish the task valuing the time. The most important thing that trainee
learnt is to learn from own mistake and try not to repeat it again.

Activity No.2: To prepare questionnaires


 To find out question from different subjects(internet,books,etc)

 To analyze the questions to fit in the competition.
 To prepare and type questions.


The first work of internee was to prepare questionnaire for competition. The internee was asked to
collect different questions from different fields such as; science and technology, history, geography,
sports, culture and religion,etc. The internee was also told not to make strenuous questions. The
internee was also told to complete the task within a specific time.

Observation and Analysis

The organization has the equal behavior towards the employee and the trainees. So, the working
environment is very comfortable and work friendly to all the interns. There is also the freedom of
expression and making own decisions which makes the working environment very interesting and
effective results can be seen within a very short time period.


The internees learned to use social media and other different sources as a Research Centre. The
internee also learns to make its own decision while making questions and present it in the group. The
internee learned to handle different technology to prepare questions.

Activity No.3: To distribute the letters


 To deliver the letters to the municipalities to inform and get permission for the completion.
 To distribute the letters to the schools to inform about the competition
 To attain meeting with the office head.


After the preparation of the questions the trainee were asked to deliver the letters to the schools and
municipality office to inform and get permission for the quiz completion from the organization. The
internee also attend meeting with the office head where all needed information were given to get the
permission to organize quiz competition without any obstacles.

Observation and Analysis

The internee observed process of formal works. The municipality had its own rule and regulation for the
process of work. The internee observed that the schools which were going to participate in the program
were from different areas. The conditions of some schools were not in good condition that they were
not able to provide basic education facilities to the students.


The internee learned to maintain discipline by working and also learned to handle formal works. The
internee also learned well communication manners and learned to be patience.

Activity No.4: Attending Meetings


 To discuss about the progress of work.

 To discuss about further work.
 To discuss about budget and material management.


In this meeting all the members were participated and all had to present their report about the progress
of work and how far they had gone on their work. The internee was asked to tell about their feelings and
ideas were presented by the members to the program more successfully. The internee was told to finish
their work in the given time. Therefore, all the members had to work on those limited time. The works
were also divided and discussion was done on the respective subject.

Observation and Analysis

Here the internee observed the progress of work and ideas of presenting and doing the work. There was
different perspective to run the program and choosing the best perspective was hard. Keeping the ideas
in front of the professional workers was a bit nervousness for the internee. The internee observed the
importance of speaking up in the crowd with all the confidence.


The internee learned to keep their own feelings in front of a mass. The internee learned the value of
time with the slow progress of the work. The internee got chance to known its members more closely
and also got some new ideas and perception through sharing experienes.

Activity No. 6 Conduct Programs


 To manage all the arrangement

 To welcome and register
 To begin the program
 To announce winner and distribution of prized and certificates
 Wrap up


The internees were asked to come before the program time so that all the arrangements could be done
properly and program could run without any obstacles. After that the internees welcomed each and
every guest, participants and register their name and attend all the formal work. The internees were
also directed students toward their sits. The internees also helped the students, and respected teachers
with their equipment’s and questions. After the quiz competition was finished winners name were
announced. The trainee helped the members to distribute prices and certificates to the winning teams
and its members. After the program was finished the internee along with other members helped each
other to wrap up all the setups.

Observation and Analysis

The organization gave full opportunity to the internees to learn something new and push them to learn
something more than their capacity. The internee observed that conduting any program is not an easy
job, the internee also observed various problems while prganizing the programs such as delay in the
regulation of program, technology defeat etc. The internee observed that education isn’t necessary to
be bring out through only formal education rather it could gather through any informal ways such as
games, documentary and practical forms.


The internees learn the formal gesture and also learned to work on critical situations. The internee
learned to help other and be responsible throughout the work and other member. The internee learned
the ability of quick grasping. The internee also learned to eradicate the each and every obstacle that
came between the works.

Unit Four

Analysis and Experience

4.1 Observation and Analysis

The organization follows an overall development of the internee. It also gives full opportunity to the
internee to learn something new beside the regular work The organization also follow internee to
make mistake while working so they could learn from their mistake and never get feared of failing.
The seniors of the organization were optimistic towards the work and give positive feedback or
motivate internee to complete their task. Here the internees are also provided with opportunity to
give owns opinion which helps to develop their confidence.
The internees also observe behavior of people and its environment. This was the second time for
the trainee to work as a trainee in an organization. It was a different yet interesting experience for
trainee. Trainee got a golden chance to observe the program conducting methods in a close way.
Trainee got the opportunity to observe the behavior and activities of the members as co-members
of the foundation. Every time trainee got chance to observe new program or event. In the field,
trainee observe the behavior of the people, its environment. Trainee experienced new sorts of
events like developing skills where trainee got chance to know how the skills can be improvised so
that it can be used in job market.

4.2 Overall Learning

The internee learned different thing through this organization. Here, the internee learned about
how to conduct the program and its work. Internee learned how to work or to deal with the group
of people of different mentalities, perception and ideas. Internee learned to cope up with different
problem and situation and also to work under pressure. The internee also learned to one creative in
its work. The internee learned to collect information and data through different field. Internee
learned different form of communication to deal with different people and had a great journey of
learning and experiencing. Trainee learned new things from this organization. Trainee learned about
the organization and its services.
Trainee learned how to work and how to deal with the peoples. Trainee learned to deal with
different sorts of cases and problems. Trainee also learned how to interact with the victims or clients
and how to deal with their problems. Trainee also learned to volunteer the event although
volunteering is very complicated task for trainee. Trainee learned to have patience and learned to
adjust according to time and situation. Trainee learned to face the problems and find the solutions
with discussion with co-trainee and the other members. Every task is equally different and
challenging, but trainee had learnt to handle the difficulty and face the problems as well as tackle
the fear of facing the crowd and interacting with the people. Hence, Trainee had an educational
journey of internship in learning and experiencing new things with other co-trainees.
4.3 Personal Feeling
Experience is the greatest way of learning and trainee learned a lot while working in Cripa Alcohol
De-addiction and Rehabilitation center. I as the trainee got this huge opportunity to work with this
organization in different educational, rights for the alcohol addicts. I got chance to understand and
follow the path of an organization. Got chance to experience about the alcohol addict’s life and their
struggle. Lastly, trainee is very thankful to Department of Social Work of Nesfield International
College and all the member of Cripa Alcohol De-addiction and Rehabilitation center for the support,
guidance and cooperation. Trainee got chance to meet with many people. These experiences which
trainee got from field have increased my confidence which will be necessary for my future days.
Unit Five
Principle Applied and Codes of Ethics of NASW

5.1 Principle Applied

Principle of Participation
In casework there must be participation of clients. Without participation of clients there problem
can’t be identified nor it solution. So, in every step of casework activity there must be participation
of clients in social work process.
Internees along with its co-internee participate in differenw roks such as collection of material,
attending meetings, conduct of program, etc. Without the participation of every member the work
would not have been accomplished on time.

Principle of Non-judgemental Attitude

Non-judgement signifies social worker’s non-blaming attitudes and behavior. Social workers do not
judge other as bad as good as worthy or unworthy. Social worker makes professional judgement or
Working on this principle internee didn’t judge or compare other member’s ability as greatness or
weakness with other. Nor the internees judge them with their past. Here, the internees develop
professional relationship and its behavior which helps them to continue their work.

Principle of Co-operation

Principle of Communication
Communication is the two-way process. There must be proper communication between case worker
and client which help in proper understanding of each other. It is the road to the identification of
client’s problem. The function of the social casework is primarily to create an environment in which
the client feels comfortable in expressing his/her feeling.
Communication is important part of every human life. Without it no work could be accomplished.
Here, communication between internee, co-internee, members and other guest was necessary to
conduct program. It has been a road to eradicate misunderstanding and confusion in the work.
Internee did not just communicate with co-internee but also with several other guests to conduct
the program.

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