Values 01: "Understanding The Self"

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SINTOR, ANGEL (did not contributed)

Read the instruction carefully.
Any form of erasures is considered wrong.

I. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

___1. It is an article where Dr. Susan Kraus Whitbourne mentioned on how to take care
of self.
a. Common Responses to Stress
b. The need for Self-Care and Compassion
c. Fulfillment at Any Age
d. Developing Self-Compassion
-> C Dr. Susan Kraus Whitbourne in the Search for Fulfillment:
Revolutionary New Research of Fulfillment at any age reveals that the Secret to long-
term Happiness that included taking care of the self.

___2. Being with people outside of the work situation can help bring you back to reality
and perhaps established a mood restoring sense of normally.
a. Recognize signs of distress in your mood and behavior
b. Maintain a sense of humor
c. Find a place to work or live that encourages a culture of self care
d. Spend quality time with friends and family
-> D Being with unrelated work person will help to relax the mind and body, to just think
of doing fun and take away the stress of hectic work or schedule. Plus regain your
energy through intimacy experience such as going out and do recreational activities with
your family and friends.

___3. Known as the stress buster.

a. Role of humor
b. Role of friends and family
c. Role of kindness
d. Social role
-> A Research shows that laughter can strengthen the immune system, increase our
tolerance to pain and even reduce stress and anxiety. Since when people laugh it build
up their mood and decrease stress hormones.

___4. According Dr. Susan Whitbourne it is the feeling of excess fatigue or frenzy.
a. tardiness
b. stressed
c. depressed
d. dropsy's
-> D Dr. Susan Whitbourne mentioned that dropsy’s is when self was at its breaking
point or you can find that you are feeling the need to regroup and finding out what
stresses you.

___5. She pointed out the importance of self-care.

a. Dr. Susan Kraus Whitbourne
b. Kristine Wong
c. Lindsay Woolman
d. Dr. Debie Rouse
Answer: B- Kristine Wong discussed about self-care which it prevents overload burnout,
reduces negative effects of stress and help you refocus.

___6. She found out the three main way to generate more compassion to yourself.
a.Shinzen Young
b.Kristine Neff
c.Dr. James Rouse
d. Lindsay Woolman
->B According to Kristine Neff there's a three way in developing self-compassion such
as Be kind to yourself, Enhance your common humanity and Be mindful.

___7. It is a feeling when you criticize or judge yourself.

a. isolated/alone
b. sad
c. ashamed
d. horrible
-> A Because when you feel isolated, it seems as though you are the only one in the
world who has that particular flaw.

___8. It is one of the wonderful outcomes of self compassion.

a. sense of humor
b. sense of achievement
c. sense of belonging
d. sense of gratefulness
-> C Enhancing our sense of belonging may result to wonderful outcomes in terms of
self compassion.

___9. Being ____ is about noticing what is happening your surroundings.

a. kind to yourself
b. stress
c. mindful
d. in pain
-> C Because being mindful, you must be aware of your pain and you will notice what
happen in the moment and having no judgment about it.

___10. She noted "Suffering = Pain × Resistance"

a. Shinzen Young
b. Lindsay Woolman
c. Kristine Neff
d. James Rouse
-> A According to her, the more you resist your pain, perhaps by trying to make it go
away, the more suffering you will experience.

___11. It is the ability to develop and maintain healthy relationships with those around
a. Cultural wellness
b. Social wellness
c. Phsycal wellness
d. Environment wellness
-> B Because social wellness is about healthy relationship with peoples.

___12. It is involves building positive relationships and interacting respectfully with

people of different backgrounds, lifestyles, genders, ethnicities, abilities, and ages.
a. Cultural wellness
b. Social wellness
c. Phsycal wellness
d. Environment wellness
-> A Because cultural wellness is about different culture and etc.

___13. Social wellness involves ___?

a. Having a good communication
b. Having a good sense
c. Having positive relationship based on trust, respect and understanding.
d. Having a positive thoughts to everyone
-> C Because base in book cultural wellness involved in a having positive relationship
based on trust, respect and understanding.

___14. Cultural wellness means?

a. Supporting the divesity in your community
b. Supporting cultural diversity in your community.
c. Supporting cultural in your community
d. Supporting others.
-> B Because cultural wellness means supporting cultural diversity in your commumity.

___15. Example of social and cultural wellness.

a. Developing healthy relationships with family & friends
b. Respecting & understanding other individuals
c. Respecting the cultural identities of others
d. All of the above
-> D Because all of these are examples of social and cultural wellness

___16. This stress includes the problems that occur in the body such as aches, pains,
and disease that develop due to stress.
a. Physical Responses
b. Emotional Responses
c. Community Involvement
d. Psychological Responses
-> A Because Physical Responses is the body that experience the aches, pains, and

___17. This stress are thoughts and feelings experiences during stressfull situations.
a. Community Involvement
b. Physical Responses
c. Emotional Responses
d. Spiritual Responses
-> C Because Emotional Responses it the emotional stress that the most part these are
the negative thoughts.

___18. These are the people who volunteer, people who attend spiritual community
a. Physical Responses
b. Community Involvement
c. Emotional Responses
d. Spiritual Responses
-> B Because Community Involvement are shared connections, selfless service and
sense of belonging extends our lives and our happiness.

___19. This make vegetables the center of your meal.

a. Sugar needs to go
b. Gratitude
c. Veggie time
d. None of the above
-> C Because vegetables tend to lower in sugar and bit higher nutritional value.
___20. The average sugar consumption person has increased by a ridiculous amount
over the last fifty years.
a. Veggie time
b. Sugar needs to go
c. Gratitude
d. None of the above
-> B Because increased sugar increases inflammation in the body.

___21. This are uncontrollable or unpredictable events that can alter our normal
reaction to everyday events.
a. Physical response
b. stressors
c. Responses
d. All of the above
-> B Stressors are uncontrollable or unpredictable because of everyday problems

___22. According to __ the human body has many common responses to stress.
a. Kristine Nelf
b. Lindsay Woolman
c. Dr. James Rouse
d. None of the above
-> B Lindsay Woolman is a healthcare writer who studied a common responses to

___23. It is a normal response to the demands and changes of life- both positive and
a. stress
b. mental sign
c. the stress response or reaction
d. depress
-> C Because responses is individual, physiological necessary for survival.

___24. What are the common responses of stress?

a. emotional and physical response
b. mind and body connection
c. stressors and Responses
d. None of the above
-> A According to Lindsay Woolman this are the common responses of stress.

___25. What are the 4 key areas habitually confronted with chronic stress?
a. physical, mental, emotional, behavioral signs or symptoms
b. anger issue, sleep problems, disease, depression
c. craving, headache, alcoholic, anxiety
d. anger issue, craving, behavioral signs and symptoms
-> A Stress revolve in the area of physical, mental, emotional and behavioral

___26. ___ coping is therefore also described, whe looking at the outcome as non-
a. Maladaptive
b. Adaptive
c. Proactive
d. Reactive
-> A Maladaptive help us to avoid behaviours like drinking, emotionl numbing,
gambling, and social withdrawal.
___ 27. The term coping generally refers to __ (constructive) coping stragies.
a. Maladaptive
b. Adaptive
c. Proactive
d. Reactive
-> B Because it help us to lessen or reduce stress.

___28. Is a stress management strategies that involves efforts to deal with a past or a
present stressful situation.
a. Maladaptive
b. Adaptive
c. Proactive
d. Reactive
-> D It is based on how you compensating for or accepting the associated harm or loss.

___29. Is the process of anticipating potential stressors and acting in advance either to
prevent them or to mute their impact.
a. Maladaptive
b. Adaptive
c. Proactive
d. Reactive
-> C It helps us to act or think in advance to prevent any stress.

___30. It means to invest own conscious effort to solve personal and interpersonal
a. Coping
b. Adaptive
c. Maladaptive
d. Reactive
-> A It is the easiest way to handle stress.

___31. Manifestations of stress have to do with our thinking and thought process. a.
Affective Dimension
b. Cognitive Dimension
c. Physical Dimension
d. Behavioral Dimension
-> B This Dimension of stress is coming from our mind that all people experiences to

___32. Emotions can be affective by stress.

a. Affective Dimension
b. Cognitive Dimension
c. Physical Dimension
d. Behavioral Dimension
-> A This Dimension of stress is coming from our emotion. Every individual have a own
emotion base on the particular situation.

___33. It will become less capable of positive interactions with others.

a. Affective Dimension
b. Cognitive Dimension
c. Physical Dimension
d. Behavioral Dimension
-> D This Dimension of stress is coming from our behavior like I said before, we have
own emotion so, It can be change the behavior of a person when they feel stress.

___34. High levels of stress have been linked to changes in appetite and sleep patterns.
a. Affective Dimension
b. Cognitive Dimension
c. Physical Dimension
d. Behavioral Dimension
-> C This Dimension of stress is coming from our physical or our body. This body can
see the result of stress in our life.

___35. This is the most common cause of stress that we experience.

a. Stress eating
b. Stress
c. Overthinking
d. Dimension
-> C - Overthinking is the common experience that people do because all of sudden
people thinking too much even though they not need it to over think to the unimportant
event and also overthinking is a mental health of everyone who experience this.

___36.It is when one reduces the stress of some difficult challenge by anticipating what
it will be like preparing for how one is going to cope with it.
a. adaptive coping
b. anticipation
c. humor
d. stress management
-> B Because anticipation is one of the positive techniques coping a anticipating
problem or known as proactive coping.

___37.It is used as a positive coping strategy may have useful benefits to emotional and
mental health well-being.
a. anticipation
b. exercise
c. adequate nutrition
d. humor
-> D humor is a coping strategy corresponds with positive emotional states and is
known to be an indicator of mental health.

___38. Laughing produce the following except

a. produce endorphine
b. exercise cardiovascular region
c. decrease flow oxygen in blood
d. reduce muscle tension
-> C It should be increase the flow of oxygen in the blood.

___39._____ it is important to think positive thoughts, value oneself, demonstrate good

time management, plan and think ahead.
a. Emotionally
b. Mentally
c. Physically
d. Spiritually
-> B From the words think and thoughts has something to do with mental aspect of a
___40. When a person sticks their finger inside their mouth then inserts the finger into
another person’s ears.
a. Wet willies
b. Wet wills
c. Untidy wills
d. Mannerism
-> A Wet willies correspond to sticking of finger from your mouth into another ear as a
joke of deceased family member.

___41. It is the ability of mind to separate and compartmentalize thoughts, memories

and emotions.
a. Safety behaviors
b. Sensitazation
c. Dissociation
d. Escape
-> C Because dissociation is a psychological experience in which people feel
disconnected from their sensory experience, sense of self, or personal history.

___42.Is when a person seeks to learn about, rehears and/ or anticipate fearful events
in a protective effort to prevent those events from occurring in the first place.
a. Sensitazation
b. Anxious avoidance
c. Escape
d. Dissociation
-> A According to the psychology Sensitization is a non-associative learning process in
which repeated administration of a stimulus results in the progressive amplification of a

___43.It demonstrate when individuals with anxiety disorders come to rely something,
or someone, as a means of coping with their excessive anxiety.
a. Escape
b. Dissociation
c. Safety behaviors
d. Sensitazation
-> C Because safety behavior can provide positive rewards to change unsafe behavior,
reduce job-related injuries, minimize lost production hours, and improve workplace
morale essential ingredients for creating a strong safety culture.

___44.Is a person avoids anxiety provoking situations by all means.

a. Dissociation
b. Sensitazation
c. Escape
d. Anxious avoidance
->D Because anxious avoidance is the most common strategy to avoid anxiety.

___45.It is closely related to avoidance.

a. Escape
b. Sensitazation
c. Anxious avoidance
d. Dissociation
-> A According to the book escape is the most often technique demonstrated by people
who experience panic attacks or have problem.
___46. Who are the persons suggested the eight simple ways to take charge of one's
a. Dr.James Rose and Dr. Debie Ruse
b. Dr.James Rouse and Dr.Debie Rouse
c. Dr.Jacob Rouse and Dr.Dave Rouse
d. None of the above
-> B Because they are the persons or doctor give the eight simple ways on how we
take care on everyone health.

___47.According to an expert how many hours of sleep does a person needs.

a.Seven to nine hours
b.Six to Seven hours
c.Seven to ten hours
d.Five to seven hours
-> A Because according to the book expert said that seven to nine hours of sleep
serves an adult very well.

___48.It is about making a wiser choice and take a greater responsibility for what we
are eating.
a.Veggie time
b.Make your food
d.All of the above
-> B Because making our own food helps us to be responsible for own health and
health of the others.

___49. _____ and positivity encourage greater health and longevity.

-> C Because giving gratitude and appreciation motivates individuals to feel grateful on
the things that we have and the things that happens in our daily life.

___50. It recommended to be the center of our meal.

-> C Because we must prefer vegetables over fruits because vegetables are lower in
sugar and bit higher in nutritional value.

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