Mince 4111901056 Tabulated Quotation Fix

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Enquiries, Replay, Quotation, Estimates





A. Quotation
In business, a quotation is a document that a vendor or service provider would give
a customer to describe the specific goods and services that they might provide and its
cost. You would normally prepare a quotation or estimate upon request by a customer.

Quotation is a business letter from sellers for goods to be sold at certain price, terms
and conditions to the intending buyers. A quotation is a promise to supply goods on the
terms stated. The prospective buyer is under no obligation to buy the goods for which a
quotation is requested, and suppliers will not normally risk their reputations by quoting
for goods they cannot or do not intend to supply.

A satisfactory quotation will include the following :

- An expression of thanks for the enquiry

- Details of prices, discounts and terms of payment
- Clear indication of what the prices cover, eg packing, carriage, insurance
- An undertaking regarding date of delivery
- The period for which the quotation is valid
- An expression of hope that the quotation will be accepted.

B. Terminology
When requesting a quotation, the buyer must be careful to establish clearly whether the
prices are to include such additional charges as carriage and insurance. Failure to do this
may, if not specified in the supplier’s quotation, lead to serious disagreement especially
where such charges are heavy as in foreign trade dealings.

- Carriage paid . The quoted price includes delivery tp the buyer’s premises.
- Carriage forward . The buyer pays the delivery charges.
- Loco, ex works, ex Factory, ex warehouse. The buyer pays all expenses of
handling from the time the goods leave the factory or warehouse.
- For ( free on rail ). The quotaion covers the cost of transport to the nearest
railway station and of loading on to truck.
- Fas ( free alongside ship ). The quotation covers the cost of using lighters or
barges to bring the goods to the ship, but not the expense of lifting the goods on
- Fob ( free on board ). The quotation covers the cost of loading the goods on to
the ship, after which the buyer becomes responsible for all charges.
- Ex ship. The quoted price includes delivery over the side of the ship, either into
lighters or barges or, if the ship is near enough, on the quay.
C. Tabulated Quotations
Many quotation are either tabulated or prepared on special forms. Such tabulated
quotations are :

- Clear, since information is presented in a form which is readily understood

- Complete, since essential information is unlikely to be omitted

Tabulated Quotation: The information in respect of price and other terms and conditions are
delivered by giving several points or serial number in printed form. These letters are preferred
where there is demand or requirement of many items. These quotation letters are delivered with
a covering letter.

Tabulated quotations are particularly suitable where there are many times. Like
quotations on specially prepared forms, they should be sent with a covering letter which

- Expresses thanks for the enquiry

- Makes favourable comments about the goods themselves
- Draws attention to other products likely to interest the buyer
- Express hope of receiving an order.

Such treatment creates a favourable impression and helps to build goodwill.

D. Covering letter with quotation on specially prepared

- Covering letter

How to write a covering letter Opening:

- Thank for the enquiry and point out what you are enclosing with your letter.
e.g. - We thank you for your enquiry of …. and we are pleased to enclose herewith ….
for …


- Write the points you want to make clear.

- Add favorable comments on the goods.
- Draw attention to the products which are likely to be interest to the buyer.

- Express your hope for an order, promise good services.

e.g. - We look forward to receiving your order.

Practice 1 (answer)

Dear Mrs Greenway

We Thank you for your enquiry of 15 August and are pleased to enclose our quotation for
leather shoes and handbags.

These items are made from very best quality leather and can be supplied in a range of designs
and colours wide enough to meet the requirements of a fashionable trade such as yours.

We look forward to receiving your order, and meanwhile enclose a copy of our catalogue in
which you will find details of our other products. These include leather purses and gloves,
described and illustrated on page 18-25.

The catalogue will give all essential facts about our goods, but if you have any queries please
do not hesitate to let us know.

Yours sincerely

- Quotation
In the quotation shown :

- It is given a serial number to assist future refrence.

- Use of catalogue numbers identifies items with precision and avoids
misunderstandings. Individual shapes and sizes are also given their own serial
- ‘For acceptance within 21 days’ protects the supplier should the buyer order
goods at a later date when prices may have risen.
- ‘4% one month’ indicates that a discount of 4 % will be allowed on quoted
prices if payment is made within one month; for payment made after one month
but within two months,discount is reduced to 2 %.
The Example of Tabulated Quotation from Internet


85-87 Cheapside, London EC2V 6AA
Telephone 0171-242-2177/8
Date 20 August 19-
Quotation no JBS/234

Messrs Smith Jenkins & Co

15 Holme Avanue
S6 2LW

Number Item Quantity Unit Price

S25 Mens’s Box Calf Shoes (brown) 12 pairs 55.75

Mens’s Box Calf Shoes (black) 36 pairs 55.50

S27 Ladies’ Glace Kid Tie Shoes ( various ) 48 pairs 55.50

S42 Ladies’ Claf Clot Court Shoes 24 Pairs 54.35

H 212 Ladies’ Handbags – Emperor 36 56.50

The Example of Tabulated Quotation from My Own


Delivery ex works

Terms 4 % one month 2h% two months


For Central Leathercraft LTD

The Example of Tabulated Quotation from My Own

Registered No. 170800 Indonesia

Atmanegara Company
Batam, Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia

Telegram : Negara
Indonesia, QS50 A88

Directors :
Telephone :
Mince Melinda (Managing)
Mince Melinda, C.E.O.

Cakra Buana & Co

20th Februari 20_
15 Park Avanue
Raja Lane, Singapore

Number Description Delivery (approx.) Quantity Unit Price

AB1 25 X 25 Natural 15 Dec. urgent 50 pcs 5.00

BC2 50 X 50 Red 15 Jan. 2019 600 pcs 8.00

CD3 30 X 30 Yellow 15 Jan. 2019 30 pcs 7.00

DE4 40 X 40 Blue 15 Dec. urgent 500 pcs 9.00

For acceptance within 29 days

Delivery: JNE

Terms : 5% one month; 3h% two months


V. Adelia
Tabulation is the process of placing data in tabular form by creating tables containing
data according to the needs of the analysis. The table should be able to summarize all
the data to be analyzed. Then A quotation is a quote given to a customer after you
make a request. The common thing in a quotation is the presence of a code and also a
description of the goods or services offered. There are quantities and also unit prices. If
there is a discount or promo it will be listed in detail. Then after that there will be a bid
price given. In addition, there will be detailed company data that offers in full. Starting
from the address, telephone number, sales, and the person in charge of the company
with its most important position.

(1) Taylor, S and Gartside, L. 2005. Gartside’s model business letters and other business
document. PT Intan Sejati. Klaten.

(2) Slideshare.net. Commercial Correspondence quotation. Accessed on February 1, 2020.

Retrieved from


(3) Sankrusme. Sine. Books.com. International Business Letter. Acessed on February 1, 2020.
Retrieved from


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