Case of Symptoms and Physical Problems Kelompok Vina B.ingg-Dikonversi

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Literature Review Legal Aspects of Health Quarantine and

Consumer Protection in Treatment of Covid-19 Pandemic

Disusun oleh :

2. AKBAR BUDI PRASETYO (19.0603.0002)

3. NUR ALVINA HIDAYATI ( 19.0603.0021)

4. VIONA YUNITA SARI (19.0603.0024)

5. SHOFWAN EKA BHAKTI (19.0603.0055)




A. Case of Symptoms and Physical Problems

The World Health Organization (WHO) states that more and more variants of the
new Corona virus are reported in the world, have the potential to be more infectious and
resistant to vaccines. However, WHO has a strong belief that people should be vaccinated
as soon as possible. Among Asian countries, Indonesia is the 4th largest contributor to
positive cases. For the prevention of this outbreak, the vaccination program is expected to
help control and break the chain of spreading Corona. Vaccines are mandatory, if you
refuse to be sentenced, according to article 9 (1) of the Law. No. 6 of 2018. Meanwhile,
Law No. 8/1999 requires drug or vaccine manufacturers that guarantee to have a halal
certificate and / or a certificate of guaranteeing its efficacy.

B. The Explanation of that case

The Covid-19 pandemic control policy is suspected of bringing new dynamics to

consumer protection violations. Chairman of the National Consumer Protection Agency
(BPKN), Rizal E Halim, stated that the Covid-19 pandemic caused an unpredictable
situation. In addition, the regulations in these two sectors are not yet strict, so there is a
risk of consumer loss and the impact will be massive and disturbing to the public. The
consumer protection policy 2020 to 2023 focuses on fundamental issues, namely:
synchronization and consumer protection policies which sometimes become a problem in
carrying out the mandate of the UUPK. the bad effects of the Covid-19 vaccine.
Especially if the vaccine manufacturer, Pfizer Pfzer-BioNTech, asks to be free from
lawsuits if there are bad effects. This vaccine can easily obtain an emergency use permit
(EUA) from the Food and Drug Administration (BPOM) and halal certification from the
Indonesian Ulema Council. Naturally, in the community there are pros and cons.
Meanwhile, according to Law no. 8/1999 concerning consumer protection, obliging
producers of drugs or vaccines that guarantee to have halal certificates and / or
certificates of guarantee of their efficacy.
it seems that the two laws and regulations contradict each other, aka disharmony and
synchronization occur. this raises issues, whether the procedure for formulating the two
laws has been carried out in accordance with the rules of the game, as stipulated in Law
No. 12 of 2011 in conjunction with Law No. 15 of 2019, in which harmonization and
synchronization must be carried out both horizontally and ventrical, as well as the
principle of establishing statutory regulations, it seems that the preparation of the
aforementioned statutory regulations was not carried out carefully. for that, the existence
of these laws and regulations needs to be reviewed

C. Sources
Jurnal of Health Quarantine and Consumer Protection in Treatment of Covid-19

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