Chapter 1 3 Effects of Mobile Technology Usage On Academic Performance of Grade 11 Stem Students at Ama Computer College Lipa School Year 2018 2019

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“It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.”

- Albert Einstein


Choosing this topic emphasize the curiosity of students if mobile

technology usage does affect their academic performances. The purpose of this

research is to analyze the data which will be collected after the survey. And be

informed of such information.

In the timeline of mobile technology, students seem to spend most of their

time on technology specifically smartphones. In some community’s opinion,

mobile technology’s roles in students’ are to blend in for what future may offer.

On the other hand, its role is to guide students on all different matters and aspects

of their lives. As pointed out from other researchers, It can help students create

and develop ideas from scratch.

Mobile technology is a form of equipment that is mostly used in cellular

communication and other related aspects. It’s most prominent manifestation, the

smartphone, is unbelievably versatile and hardwired to the majority of the

population that many consider it as the most popular product. It uses a form of

platform where by many transmitters have the ability to send data at the same

time on a single channel enter: data connection like 3G,4G or Wi-Fi connection;

which can be used for accessing the Internet. Aside from Internet browsing and e-

mail, the technology is highly popular for social media interaction and gaming.

Today, students spend a considerable amount of time in using mobile

technology both on their personal and student life to the point that it is very hard

for a regular student to be ‘offline’, even just for one day. There are claims that

this technology help improve the over-all performance of students at school while

others believe that the advancement of mobile technology has negative effect on

the student’s for intellectual output.

The academic performance of students is measured by the average of their

grades on their school subjects. Students’ learnings are quantified through various

examinations and are tabulated in percentile form. Higher percentile rating

expresses good to excellent academic performance. Otherwise, it yields a poor to

average one.

Before the advancement of mobile and Internet technology, the main

source of knowledge and information were books. In the olden days, pupils have

mastered the index card catalog of their school libraries. Researches are made the

long way by screening each page of books, catalogues and magazines. Today,

fewer and fewer students read each pages of books, likewise far less went to

libraries to research and gain knowledge. Some teachers and parents believe that

students today are far less resourceful as compare to previous generations. The

perception is that students today will stop learning without the Internet. On the

other hand, the generation of so called “Millennials” believe that the mobile

technology is the heaven’s gift to them.

More specifically, it would be useful to know whether students’ academic

performance is improving or maintaining their grades. As the researchers will find

new ideas on how to maintain average or great academic performance while on

the state of using mobile technology on couple of hours. The areas of inquiry

include positive and negative effects on students’ academic performance.

The researcher got very much interested in determining the effect of

mobile technology on the academic performance of Grade 11-STEM students and

so the researchers decided to conduct this paper.


This study was conducted to investigate all aspects of the effect of mobile

technology of Grade 11-STEM students at AMA computer college Lipa.

To understand on how to improve the level of academic performance, it is

necessary to get inputs from the students. This poses a need for a deeper understanding

on the effect of mobile technology to the level of academic performance particularly with

the students of STEM track at senior high school. As such, this research aims to answer

the following problems;

1. What is the demographic profile of STEM students in terms of:

1.1. Age

1.2. Gender

2. What are the mobile technology activities with respect to:

2.1 Section

2.2 Age

2.3 Gender

3. How much time do you spend time on mobile technology in terms of:

3.1 Education

3.2 Gaming

3.3 Entertainment

3.4 Social Media

4. What are the effects of mobile technology to academic performance of the students?


This study focused mainly in the effects of mobile technology on STEM students

in their academic performance. The researchers’ desire is to have a definite answer upon

the effect of mobile technology usage.

Theory on Classroom Management

As Fredrick Jones (2000), stated “There are methods which requires the teacher’s

help in students to learn and develop self-control.” Learning self-control empowers

students and prepares them for what future may hold. Self-control can emerge them in

being independent on things they can do, and not rely on others or any equipment that

provides convenience.

Impact of Technology on Education Theory

As Vit Docekal (2015) stated, this new possibilities for using technology which

focus on the risk in applied curriculum. The development is bound up in two ways: First,

it creates a need for training. Second, to integrate by opening possibilities that allow one

to increases the effectiveness of educational activity.


Mobile Academic
Technology Performance

Demographic Profile of
STEM students:

 Gender
 Age

Conceptual Paradigm


On the first box, it displays the independent variable which is the mobile

technology. While on the second box, it contains the dependent variables. And on the last

box, it shows the demographic profile of the respondents.


This study aimed to test the operational and null hypothesis of the following:

 Mobile technology has no significant effect to academic performance.

 There is no respondents that uses mobile technology for recreational

purposes i.e. gaming

 There is a significant correlation between mobile technology usage

and academic performance.

 There is no significant effect of mobile technology to academic

performance with respect to gender, age, and section.


This study enables to understand the effect to academic performance of mobile

technology usage to the Grade11 STEM students at AMA Computer College Lipa.
As such, the following will benefit from this research:

To the Grade 11 STEM Students of AMACC Lipa, the outcome of this study
provides the respondents regarding the usage of mobile technology and its effects on
academic performance.

To the AMACC Lipa Teachers, this study serves as guide for their teaching
method. It is an interpersonal guide, serves as window for them to observe and study the
students’ behavior.

To the AMACC Lipa Campus, the result of this study will help them to have a
wide understanding of mobile technology usage and its effect on academic performance
of their student. From here, they can give the appropriate guide for their student in life

To the Future Researchers, the methodology and structure of this research may be
used by succeeding researchers as a viable framework for further investigation in relation
to mobile technology with intellectual achievements or pursuits.


This study is focused on mobile technology usage and effect on academic

performance. The scopes of the study are the perspective of mobile technology usage and
its effect on academic performance from grade 11 stem students of AMA Computer
College Lipa School year 2018-2019. This research is a quantitative. With the total of 50
respondents. In this study will know the different perspectives of people about mobile
technology usage and related to academic performance of the respondents. This study is
limited for mobile technology while laptops and other gadgets are not included.


ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE – refers to the student’s task which may be

affected by the usage of mobile technology. It is the dependent variable.

EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH – It is the type of research which is applied.

MOBILE TECHNOLOGY – It is a form of equipment that is used by
students. It is the independent variable

SMARTPHONE - It is the representation of mobile technology in this


SOCIAL MEDIA – A wide society where most students spend their time.

STEM STUDENTS – students that enter the field of (STEM) Science,

Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. They are the respondents of this




According to (ESI) European Scientific Institute, mobile phone can take control

over the students and affects their level of academic performances. Mobile phones can

manipulate the students’ intellectual self. It can be very distracting from more important

events in a child’s life such as studying, doing homework, or even crossing the street.

As stated by Daniel Adeboye (2016), one student stated that the mobile

technology "helps research and allows for quick and easy feedback from supervisors".

About 95% of the students agree that there will be faster communication with lecturers

and colleagues with the use of mobile devices. Still, other students speak about the ease

and comfort of having all course materials in a little device. But this technology should

and achieve its proper benefits. Technology must helping students to be more effective in

their work.

In proportion to Lineweaver (2014), Many students indicate that they know they will

perform worse academically if they text during a lecture. Texting is the distraction

between the contact of learning and teaching. Students foreshadow that their doings will

be brought by fate in what it is destined for.

Officially expressed by Patterson (2017), students who did not use mobile

technology while studying for more than two hours had an average exam score of

76.44%. Less distraction and more focused on task will result on job well done.

Concentration and hardworking will derived to success that you deserved.

In this field, as stated by Vandana et al, (2016) showed that adolescent is more

inclined towards using mobile phones for activities than communication. The fame of the

smartphones is followed by an alarm towards the detrimental effects such as fatigue,

headache, decreased concentration and local irritation.

Another study, this time from Florida State University (2016), says that

smartphones notifications can impair our concentration, even being short in duration they

cause enough of a distraction to affect your ability to focus on a given task, decreasing

your performance by prompting task-irrelevant thoughts and mind-wandering.

As stated by the reporter Yan (2017), Today’s mobile technologies have become a

very unique and powerful influence on child and adolescent development, Its use is very

personal for children and adolescents, occurs almost anywhere and anytime.

In the research of Hanson (2016), although students want to make academics a

priority, they have a difficult time balancing their school life with their need for financial

and social support. It was found that students focus more on updating their Facebook

status than downloading their homework assignments.

Brubaker (2015), the current generation of college students has been exposed to a

technology which led them to rely on social media such as Facebook and Twitter. It has

an impact on the academic performance when students overuse or multitask while doing

their school work.

According to an Anonymous discussion (2014), the use of technology such as

internet is one of the most important factors that an influence educational performance of

students positively or adversely.


Rodriguez conclude in her journal (2014), Teachers learned how to use the

technology and to implement the lesson plans, with the encouragement and support of

their formally trained colleagues and school principals.

From the experience of SEAMEO INNOTECH (2014), indeed bears witness to

the boundless possibilities of integrating technology as an important component of

teaching and learning. It is important to promote teacher-development of projects or plans

where teachers can apply technology to meet particular instructional and student needs

identified within such projects and plans.

As stated by text2teach (2014), There is need for teacher involvement to produce

commitment to sustain integration of technology into teaching.

Tiglao (2014) stated that the approach to implement technology emphasizes

instructional and student needs first, then through planning, integrates technology in ways

and enhance and extend instructional and learning opportunities.

According to Trinidad (2014), It is important to remember that technology

requires administrative and community support and involvement that are critical to its

successful integration in education. Studies constantly show that the commitment and

interest of teachers and school heads is the most critical factor for successful

implementation of any school innovation, especially technology.

Pasagui (2017) stated that researchers all over the world have varies findings on

the effects of these forms of media on the academic performance of students. Those

students who used the media wisely, their academic performance improved. However,

those who failed to regulate their use of these social networking tools negatively affected

their studies which oftentimes led to their addicted use. In general, media positively

affected their academic performance. Hence, the University must implement policies and

projects designed for more easy access of the students to the Facebook network site in the

school campus.

According to Cantos (2015), Student advising is an essential component of a

successful academic experience. Academic advisors are exposed to a variety of

opportunities, enhancements, problems, and choices as technology becomes more

prevalent in university campuses.

As Rabago (2015) said, The workability of developing a mobile web – based

students an essay and speedy access through internet technology and use of mobile

phones to a range of handy and important information about their school activities,

program curriculum, enlistment and grades.

As claimed by Tanguilig (2015), An expert system was used as an intelligent

computer systems technology to support the academic advising process offers many

advantages over the traditional student advising. Student advising is an important and

time-consuming effort in academic life.

In recent study, Learner characteristics such as age, previous experience, gender,

interaction with instructors, use of technology, online communication were identifies as

contributing factors to improvement to learning.


Conforming to an anonymous researcher (2015), an increasing reliance on cell-

phones among young adults and college students may signal the evolution of cell-phone

use from a habit to an addiction. Although the concept of addiction has multiple

definitions, traditionally it has been described as the repeated use of a substance despite

the negative consequences suffered by the addicted individual. In this case, students will

abandon their academic performance as well as going to school.

Relation to Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology

(JMEST) (2015), the use of the Internet has become a part of life of every student and a

mean to search for the information as and when it is needed. These days, use of mobile

phones for internet purposes has become a routine and number of mobile consumer

accessing the Internet is surpassing fixed line internet users. The Smartphone with the

capability of always connected makes it much easier for the students to avail this type of

education facility and makes the Smartphone a perfect fit device for distance learning.

Students also get an additional knowledge upon focusing on their mobile phones

searching for information. Every time that students search for the information they need,

also discovers something new.

As Patterson (2017) said, students who use mobile technology while studying in

less than two hours had an average exam score of 68.48%. Prior to the exam, students

were optimistic about their ability to multitask while studying for an exam, but the exam

scores revealed the effects of multitasking while studying.

A research was conducted by Tuckman (2015) Only 26% of students reported that

Social Networking Services (SNS) impacted positively and helped to grow in their lives

and 74% said that it had adverse impact like procrastination, lack of concentration or

distraction and poor time management.

As Grosseck et al (2015) express in their study found that the majority of students

spend significant time on Facebook more for social uses (to stay in touch with friends and

family, to share / tag photos, to engage in social activism, volunteering etc.) and less for

academic purposes, even if they take part in discussions about their assignments, lectures,

study notes or share information about research resources etc.

Also, in a study for Emily Drago (2015) she concluded that field observation

provided evidence that the rapid expansion of technology is negatively affecting face to

face communication. Majority of individuals felt the quality of their conversations

degraded in the presence of technology. Many were bothered when others are using

technology while spending time together.

Additionally, Brooks (2015) indicated that personal social media usage leads to

negative effects, both on efficiently and well-being. Social media usage may lead to

lower task performance, increased techno-stress, and lower happiness.

Akinwale (2017) stated that, The current study specifically examined changes in

students’ perceptions of learning, interest in learning and academic motivation when

incorporating mobile devices into classroom instruction. Yet, the current study found no

effect of mobile learning on higher academic achievement in this sample.

According to Alfawareh and Jusoh (2014), It was found that smartphones have

been not fully utilized by university students for learning purposes. It acknowledges

smartphone’s disruptive effects of texting on students learning.

As claimed by Nworie an Houghton (2016), the issue of unintended consequences

of technology is crucial because they can cause disruption or distraction in the classroom.

The intended use of technology in the classroom is to facilitate instructions and learning.

Students are known to use technology in the classroom to create distraction from learning

and cause disruption into classroom. There are various ways in which students use

technology in the classroom for a purpose other than the learning activity.


In opinion of Lorenzo (2016), The iSchools Project was implemented and

managed successfully in the recipient public high schools. It is recommended that project

monitoring should be done regularly to keep track of the progress of the project and assist

the schools in any problem related to the project.

As claimed by Sobejana (2016), In the Philippines, e-learning has been gaining

ground in the education sector with a big push from governmental efforts. This study

looked into the level of implementation of educational technology in the selected HEIs of

Davao del Sur and investigates if it correlates with academic performance of students in

Basic English.

According to Cepria, (2016), smartphone is the most commonly used device for

studying purposes. An application that has all resources they need on a single device.

According to a statistic conducted by the World Health Organization (2014) 48%

of responding Member States reported the use of mobile devices for emergency and

disaster situations and the use of mobile devices to send appointment reminders is

becoming more common among Member States in the high-income group as well; 71%

reported the existence of these initiatives.

As stated by Paulo (2017), The widespread of smartphone usage in the Philippines

have also infiltrated in the local campus of La Consolacion College Tanauan; because of

the diminished clauses concerning the bringing of phones inside the campus policy,

virtually every student can be found in possession a smartphone.

In the study of Laguador, (2014) Majority of the students enrolled in Board

programs have significantly lower GPAs while those enrolled in non-board programs

have higher possibility of encountering behavioral problems. One-third of the students

were suffering from negative health effects of computer utilization no matter how long or

short they spent time in online or offline activities.

In state of the research of Dotong, De Castro (2016) in the contemporary

classroom environments, there are still some teachers who resist and refuse to accept the

role of technology in the development of learners’ ability and there are those who never

given an opportunity to experience, the benefit it would bring due to lack of resources.

It is stated by Dolot and Prenda (2016), The iisues of digital literacy among

developing countries will continue to become subject of discussion until such time that

the initiative of ICT integration in education will be coming from the school

administration itself within the capacity of local community rather than from the national


According to Alson (2016), Although Socializations informs of Facebook, Twitter

& Instagram are smartphones features often used by college students, Aid to Learning

like using it as calculator, taking down notes and online search on urgent topic about the

subject came very close. Entertainment like listening to music and taking pictures were

also very popular use of smartphones among students.

As stated by Misagal (2016), Extra features like music, video, games and camera

applications summed up to be very handy but apparently limited perspective about the

smartphones for exciting student life. It is further explored what smartphone can actually

d and taking into consideration on understanding better the type of users and how

smartphones are actually used by university students.

Proven by Gorra (2016), Issue of unintended consequences of use of technology in

classroom is important because in intended consequences can cause disruption in

classroom and negate the institutional policies regarding strategic direction and

intervention in teaching and learning process.


The effect of the use of technology based from the literature and a related material

is when use for educational purposes provides positive results for the students. On the

other hand, previous researchers also showed that when technology is use in activities

such as gaming, entertainment, and others in related have negative effects towards the

performance of the students.




This research is a quantitative approach. Is a formal, objective, and

systematic process to describe and test relationships and examine the cause and

effect interactions among the variables.

The objective of this study is to assess the effects of mobile technology

usage to academic performance at AMACC STEM students. Hence the study used

a multiple choice and recognition type method as the research design. Generally

this study used a quantitative approach.

The study focuses at the present situation of where mobile technology

stands on students’ academic performance.

The researchers will use a questionnaire research design to identify the

views of respondents and the relationship of mobile technology and its effect on

the student’s academic performance.


This study was conducted at AMA CC Lipa Grade 11 STEM Students of School

Year 2018-2019.

The respondents of the study were chosen students from each STEM section.



STEM 1 MB 12

STEM 1 AA 12

STEM 1 AB 12



The researchers will be using a questionnaire based on the topic. It contains ten

(10) questions that is consists of multiple choice and recognition type method and will

give accurate information.

Responses to the questionnaire by the respondents were statistically analyzed with

the data requirements of the study.



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