Speaker Invite Guidelines Feb 22 2021

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Guidelines for
Speaker, Panel Chair, Panelist & Advisor
Invite Team
for Global Virtual Summits (GVS)
GAO Tek Inc. & GAO RFID Inc.
To All Staff, Managers and Intern Leaders,
Always use the LATEST guidelines from the company, as well as current event
webpages on our websites, as the training materials and the materials to guide your and
your team’s work.
Please feel free to make improvements to such documents and webpages, track your
changes, double check with your peers and immediate managers, and submit to Frank
Gao for review and approval.
If you see a need for a new document, please work with your peers and immediate
managers to create one, and submit it to Frank Gao for review and approval.
All guidelines, rules, regulations, training materials etc. need explicit approval from
Frank Gao.
It is absolutely banned to re-create new documents, based on our guidelines or other
documents, for training or operations purposes. Why? 1) Some errors may be introduced
by such re-creating; 2) such recreated documents may not be updated in time or even
worse, not updated at all as the original documents are updated frequently; 3) Hence,
such re-creating reduces the effectiveness and productivity of our work, and may have
disastrous effects in the long run as the re-created documents may be substantially

Proprietary and Confidential Information


Release Notes on Feb. 22, 2021

- For speaker invitation teams using LinkedIn, please use the updated:
LinkedIn invite in Section 1.4.1
LinkedIn message if the candidate does not have an Email address in
First email in Section \
The last LinkedIn message in Section
Follow-up message in 1.5.A

- For the tech team experimenting with the bulk emailing, please use the email in
Section 2.3 as the test email.

Table of Contents
Part 1- Locate Speaker Candidates Using LinkedIn

1.0 What is the goal?

1.1 Summit Intern Daily Responsibilities
1.2 Updating Your LinkedIn Profile
1.3 Search Keywords for LinkedIn
1.4 Invitations Through LinkedIn
1.5 Follow-Up Messages
Part 2 Research or Purchase Speaker Candidate Contacts

Proprietary and Confidential Information


2.1 Research Speaker Candidates

2.2 Purchasing Speaker Candidate Databases
2.3 Emailing Speaker Candidates
Part 3- For Calling Team
Part 4- Appendix
4.1 Unique Discount Coupon Code (UDCC)
4.2 Top 30 in Times Higher Education's
World University Rankings for 2021

Part 1- For Every Member of the Speaker, Panel Chair,

Panelist & Advisor Invite Team
1.0 What is the goal?
The purpose is to invite high quality candidates to speak, organize a panel discussion
(panel chair), participate in a panel discussion (panellist), or serve as an advisor at our
Global Virtual Summits (GVS), and get a complete presentation proposal from a speaker
or panel discussion proposal from a panel chair.

Proprietary and Confidential Information


Speakers are required to present. The following three positions are not required to
present: panellists who are members of panels, panel chairs who chair panels and
honorary chairs who are highly regarded experts or executives and are not required to do
any work.
No proposal is required from a panelist or an advisor.

1.1 Daily Responsibilities of an Intern

● Sending 70+ connection requests on LinkedIn per day
● Sending follow up emails (see 1.5) to summit candidates
● Adding CRM Leads (see 1.4 Step 2 and Guidelines for Adding CRM Lead)
● Checking team group chat daily
● Submitting daily summary in team group chat
● Going into social media profiles and liking/commenting/sharing the posts by GAO
Tek and GAO RFID
● Maintaining daily excel sheet (continuous sheet) that will mirror your CRM leads

Daily Summary
Summit interns are responsible for sending in a daily summary once a day, to be shared
in their team group chat. This is how you are marked as being present for your internship
for the day. If you are going to be out for some reason you need to let your team leader or
supervisor know ahead of time. You need to achieve a certain performance targets in
order to complete your internship, for example, getting on board a certain number of
speakers, panel chairs, panelists and advisors.

Working Location:
No of Invitation Sent:-
No. of Invitation Accepted:-
No. of Follow up (meaning emails/LinkedIn replies):-
No. of Interested Speakers:-
No. of added CRM leads:-
No. Reply from inactive member:-
LinkedIn Profile URL of accepted candidates:-

GAO Tek and GAO RFID Social Pages

EVERYDAY you need to visit each of our social media accounts to share, like, and
comment on the recent postings, following the rules of our company.

Proprietary and Confidential Information


Attend GVS Presentations

As a benefit to you and a training to you, you need to attend a certain amount of
presentations of GVS during your internship to satisfy the requirements.

1.2 Updating Your LinkedIn Profile

Make sure you update your LinkedIn profile:
Events Specialist, Global Virtual Summits (GVS) Division
GAO Tek Inc. & GAO RFID Inc.
New York City, USA & Toronto, Canada
To participate in the Global Virtual Summits (GVS) with 100+ leading summits in 2021:
To speak or advise, chair or join a panel: speakers@gaotek.com,
To sponsor & exhibit: sponsors@gaotek.com,
To attend: https://gaotek.com/events/event-registration,you can use this discount coupon
code (make sure you insert your UDCC code here!!!) to get 25% off the ticket price.
To Apply for a Job:
B2B sales, marketing or sales, or event manager: hr-sales@gaotek.com
Internship: hr-interns@gaotek.com.

1.3 Finding Candidates on LinkedIn

The goal of this team is to find experts who are interested in working with us.
It is preferable that each candidate has the following qualifications, but it is not required:
- Have more than 10 years of post college work experiences
- Have multi year work experiences in the topic concerned
- Have held senior managerial, technical or academic positions
Following points are NOT a must, but are good to have:
- Holding a Ph.D. degree
- Graduate from one of the top universities. See Appendix
- Work experiences at one of the Fortune 500 companies. See Appendix.

Proprietary and Confidential Information


- Currently working at one of the Fortune 500 companies or any large company, this
is highly desired.

We want to have high quality speakers. However, we will accept lower-quality speakers,
we will not turn away any potential speakers since we will let the market decide.
Key Words
The purpose of using different keywords is to generate different lists of potential

A note about search terms: It is advisable to choose one search term a day when starting
out and add all connections possible from the search results, then move on to the next
search term. If you search too much or with too much variety at the very beginning,
LinkedIn will block you for the rest of the month due to you exceeding search term
limits. Start slowly and work your way up with search terms. We find that it helps to
search one term, select all your assigned location’s, then go through all the pages until
you have built enough connections.

- Each intern uses only keywords specified for the team he/she is in. Please do not
use other teams’ keywords.
- Each intern will be also assigned to a specific area (city or state) he/she is
responsible for.

The following are suggested keywords for all teams: (most important ones are on the

Proprietary and Confidential Information


Vice President

Please use these in combination with another specific keyword, for example:
IoT Author or Author IoT
It is important to reverse the order of the keywords, as seen above so you get varied
results. Different people will show up in different searches as seen below.

Proprietary and Confidential Information


We have suggested some technical or industrial keywords for each team. It is also
important for each team leader to work with the team members to research and
experiment with such keywords.


Outlook email account for this team: speakers-a@gaotek.com
Please ask your Team Lead/ Supervisor for the password
Radio Frequency Identification
RFID Medical
RFID Healthcare

RFID Hospital
RFID Pharmaceutical
RFID Constriction
RFID Parking
RFID Agriculture
RFID Supply Chain
RFID Retail

Proprietary and Confidential Information


RFID + any industry/sub-industry or any other meaningful words that could be used to
generate meaningful results
NFC Pharmaceutical

NFC Healthcare
NFC Hospital
NFC Medical

IoT Team T-B

Outlook email account for this team: speakers-b@gaotek.com
Please ask your Team Lead/ Supervisor for the password
Internet of Things
IoT Retail
IoT Blockchain
IoT Cloud
IoT Security
IoT Fiber
IoT Agriculture
IoT Supply Chain
IoT Construction
IoT Pharmaceutical
IoT Medical
IoT Hospital
IoT Healthcare

5G Team T-C
Outlook email account for this team: speakers-c@gaotek.com
Please ask your Team Lead/ Supervisor for the password
5G Security
5G Software
5G Computing
5G Deployment
5G Development
5G Design

Proprietary and Confidential Information


5G App
5G Wireless
5G Data Networks
5G Cloud
5G Communication
5G Technology(s)
5G Mobile
5G Implementation
5G Medical
5G Hospital
5G Healthcare

Smart City Team T-D

Outlook email account for this team: speakers-d@gaotek.com
Please ask your Team Lead/ Supervisor for the password
Smart City (Cities)
Smart Building(s)
Smart Building AI
Smart Building Cloud
Smart Community/Communities
Smart City Hospital
Smart City Healthcare
Smart City Medical

Smart City Pharmaceutical

Supply Chain Technology Team T-E

Outlook email account for this team: speakers-e@gaotek.com
Please ask your Team Lead/ Supervisor for the password
Supply Chain
Supply Chain Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
Supply Chain Internet of Things (IoT)
Cold Chain
Supply Chain Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Barcode Technology
Barcode Technologies
Supply Chain Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Supply Chain Cloud

Proprietary and Confidential Information


Supply Chain Healthcare

Supply Chain Hospital
Supply Chain Medical
Supply Chain Pharmaceutical

Construction Technology Team T-F

Outlook email account for this team: speakers-f@gaotek.com
Please ask your Team Lead/ Supervisor for the password
BIM Healthcare
BIM Hospital
BIM Medical
BIM Pharmaceutical
Building Information Modeling
Bim Construction
3D Modeling
Intelligent Building
Construction RFID
Building RFID (Please note some search results are “building or developing of RFID”,
not “RFID for physical buildings”. All are ok to send to request to connect since all are
within the scope of our summits).
Construction Nanotechnology
Construction Virtual Reality (VR)
Construction Augmented Reality (AR)

Wireless Team T-G

Outlook email account for this team: speakers-g@gaotek.com
Please ask your Team Lead/ Supervisor for the password

Wireless Healthcare
Wireless Hospital
Wireless Medical
Wireless Pharmaceutical
Wireless Mesh
Wireless Mesh Technology
Wireless Sensor(s)
Wireless Sensing

Proprietary and Confidential Information


Wireless Cloud
Wireless Fiber
Wireless Technology
Mobile Technology
Wireless Technologies
Mobile Technologies
Wireless AI

VC Team T-H (Former Pandemic TechTeam)

Outlook email account for this team: speakers-h@gaotek.com
Please ask your Team Lead/ Supervisor for the password
Venture capital
Angel Investor
Institutional Investor
Startup investor

Fiber Optic Team T-I

Outlook email account for this team: speakers-i@gaotek.com
Please ask your Team Lead/ Supervisor for the password
Fiber Optic
Fiber Healthcare
Fiber Hospital
Fiber Medical
Fiber Pharmaceutical

Cloud Team T-J

Outlook email account for this team: speakers-j@gaotek.com
Please ask your Team Lead/ Supervisor for the password
Cloud Computing
Distributed cloud

Proprietary and Confidential Information


Google Cloud
IBM Cloud

Cloud Healthcare
Cloud Hospital
Cloud Medical
Cloud Pharmaceutical

AI Team T-K
Outlook email account for this team: speakers-k@gaotek.com
Please ask your Team Lead/ Supervisor for the password
Artificially Intelligent
Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Ethics of AI

AI Healthcare
AI Hospital
AI Medical
AI Pharmaceutical

Extended Reality XR Team T-L

Outlook email account for this team: speakers-l@gaotek.com
Please ask your Team Lead/ Supervisor for the password
Virtual Reality (VR)
Augmented Reality (AR)
Mixed Reality (MR)
Extended Reality (XR)
VR or Ar or MR or XR + Healthcare
VR or Ar or MR or XR + Hospital
VR or Ar or MR or XR + Medical
VR or Ar or MR or XR + Pharmaceutical

Mental Health Team T-M

Outlook email account for this team: speakers-m@gaotek.com
Please ask your Team Lead/ Supervisor for the password

Proprietary and Confidential Information


Mental Health Technology

Mental Health Technologies
Mental Health Tech
Mental Health Software
Mental Health Healthcare
Mental Health Hospital
Mental Health Medical
Mental Health Pharmaceutical

Drone Team T-N

Outlook email account for this team: speakers-n@gaotek.com
Please ask your Team Lead/ Supervisor for the password
Drone or UAV or UAS + Healthcare
Drone or UAV or UAS + Hospital
Drone or UAV or UAS + Medical
Drone or UAV or UAS + Pharmaceutical

3D Printing Team T-O

Outlook email account for this team: speakers-o@gaotek.com
Please ask your Team Lead/ Supervisor for the password
3D Printing Healthcare
3D Printing Hospital
3D Printing Medical
3D Printing Pharmaceutical
3D Printing
3D Print
3D Printing cloud
3D Print cloud
3D Printing AI
3D Print AI
Additive Manufacturing
Additive production
Additive manufacturing cloud
Additive production cloud
Additive manufacturing AI
Additive production AI

Proprietary and Confidential Information


Space Team: T-P (former Covid-19)

Outlook email account for this team: speakers-p@gaotek.com
Please ask your Team Lead/ Supervisor for the password
united launch alliance
Blue Origin
Space engineer
Space mining
Space tech
Space engineering
Space tourism

Social Media Marketing Team: T-Q

Outlook email account for this team: speakers-q@gaotek.com
Please ask your Team Lead/ Supervisor for the password
Social Media
Social Media Marketing
Linkedin Marketing
Facebook Marketing
Twitter Marketing
Digital Strategy

Search Engine Marketing Team: T-R

Outlook email account for this team: speakers-r@gaotek.com
Please ask your Team Lead/ Supervisor for the password
Search Engine Marketing
Google Marketing
Bing Marketing

Digital Marketing Team: T-S

Outlook email account for this team: speakers-s@gaotek.com
Please ask your Team Lead/ Supervisor for the password

Proprietary and Confidential Information


Digital Marketing
Content Marketing
Blog Marketing
Paid Media
Digital Media
Public Relations

Possible Keywords for New Teams (nobody working on)

Big Data
Quantum Computing
Management of Virtual Teams
Sales Management
Operations Management
Virtual Events
Team Oil and Gas Technology
Gas and Oil AI, Cloud, or Drone
Energy AI, Cloud, or Drone
Resource AI, Cloud, or Drone

Amazon Team
Use the following keywords alone (without adding any job title):
Amazon SEO
Amazon Consultant
Amazon Consulting
Amazon Selling Consultant
Amazon Expert
Amazon Speaker
AI E-commerce

Proprietary and Confidential Information


1.4 Invitations Through LinkedIn

1.4.1: Invitation
In a LinkedIn account, search with the keywords given to you. Then select your assigned
locations. After selecting “Connect”, copy and paste the following message into the “Add
Note” portion:
On behalf of the Advisory Board & Dr. Gao, we request the honour of your participation as a speaker, panel chair,
panelist, or advisor at our 100+ leading summits, covering IoT, 5/6G, Drone, AI, 3DP, Space, Blockchain,
Quantum Computing, Cloud etc: https://gaotek.com/events.

Please note:
- Interns who have more than 150 connections on their LinkedIn account should be
sending 70+ connections per day. Interns that have less than 150 should be
sending 40-50 connections per day and then slowly increase the number to 70.
- Interns who have less than 100 personal connections, please communicate with
your Team Lead ASAP since you need to increase the number of your personal
connections first in order to start doing your actual task.

1.4.2: Once Connected

A lead or a potential candidate is a person who has accepted your invitation.

Once the candidate has accepted your connection you have three ( 3) possible
(Note: Please make sure you know what a CRM lead is and how to add one: See “CRM
Leads” for more information)

1. A person whom you sent a LinkedIn connection responds: “No, thanks, I am not
interested.”, or something to that effect. No further reply to that person and do
NOT record that person to the CRM. Move on to another candidate.
2. A person who accepts your connection, but does not respond. We DO record that
person to the bitrix24 CRM and Excel sheet since he connected with you and
indicated his interest. You will send a maximum of 4 follow-up messages (see
below)– 2 each week. After 4 messages, if a person still remains silent, we mark
him as not interested in CRM and spreadsheet, but don’t delete him.

Proprietary and Confidential Information


3. A person who responds with an interest: “Sure, I would like to participate. Give
me some details please!”, something to that effect, or asks for some additional
information. This is the target we are interested in. It is important to record that
person to the bitrix24 CRM and Excel sheet. There is no need to answer his/her
questions specifically if he asks since the messages prepared below will provide
him/her more comprehensive information.

1.4.3 LinkedIn Message and/or First Email

Make sure you read any message or email before sending so that you are aware of what is
being sent.

In all messages or emails, please make sure you have inserted the required information in
the yellow highlighted portions. This will include things like (your name), the (candidate
name). LinkedIn Message if The Candidate Does Not Have an Email

The following message is to be sent from your LinkedIn account after the lead accepts
your LinkedIn connection request and the lead does not have an email address on his
LinkedIn profile.

============== Beginning of LinkedIn Message Contents =============

LinkedIn Message Subject:

Invitation to Participate as a Speaker, Panelist, Panel Chair & Advisor of GVS

Dear CandidateFirstName,


Thank you for your interest in participating in our GVS (Global Virtual Summits).

On behalf of the Advisory Board of the Global Virtual Summits (GVS) and Dr. Gao, we request the honour of your participation
as a speaker, panel chair, panelist, or advisor at our 100+ leading technology and business summits.

Our summits cover such leading-edge technologies as IoT, 5G, 6G, Cloud, Blockchain, AI, 3D Printing, Space, Drone, Quantum
Computing, their applications in various industries, start-up opportunities and investment opportunities.

You are cordially invited to give us a plan of your participation. Please visit: https://gaotek.com/events/event-proposal/

We are looking forward to your participation! 

Yours sincerely, 
Your Name
Global Virtual Summits (GVS) Division

Proprietary and Confidential Information


GAO Tek Inc. & GAO RFID Inc.

Additional Information:

1) Global Virtual Summits (GVS) Webpages:

2) FAQ: https://gaotek.com/events/faq/
3) In a nutshell, you are welcome to give us your plan on a regular presentation, book launching, course launching, start-
up pitch deck, investment fund, or panel discussion on any subject of technologies and businesses for which you are a
subject matter expert. We do not charge or pay a fee for such participation.
4) Furthermore, a corporation is welcome is to submit proposals for its product launching, service launching or course
launching. Such launching presentations are all free of charge for now, as a promotion. Furthermore, we have a
promotional offer of a free bronze sponsorship at a value of US$4k: https://gaotek.com/events/become-a-sponsor/
5) We are investing enormous resources into GVS (Global Virtual Summits). We are expecting thousands of speakers,
and hundreds of thousands of attendees in 2021, and tens of thousands of speakers and millions of attendees in 2022.

============== End of LinkedIn Contents ============= First email and Last LinkedIn Message if The Candidate Has an
Email Address Send the First Email

The following email is to be sent from your team’s outlook email account (something like
speaker-a@gaotek.com, where -a, could be -b, -c, etc. for a specific team) after the lead
accepts your LinkedIn connection request and the lead has an email address on his
LinkedIn profile.
============== Beginning of First Email Contents =============

Email Subject:

Invitation to Participate as a Speaker, Panelist, Panel Chair & Advisor of GVS

Dear CandidateFirstName,


This is YourName and we established a connection on LinkedIn.

Thank you for your interest in participating in our GVS (Global Virtual Summits).

From now on I will communicate with you through this corporate email account of ours and I hope you don’t mind.

Again, on behalf of the Advisory Board of the Global Virtual Summits (GVS) and Dr. Gao, we request the honour of your
participation as a speaker, panel chair, panelist, or advisor at our 100+ leading technology and business summits.

Proprietary and Confidential Information


Our summits cover such leading-edge technologies as IoT, 5G, 6G, Cloud, Blockchain, AI, 3D Printing, Space, Drone, Quantum
Computing, their applications in various industries, start-up opportunities and investment opportunities.

You are cordially invited to give us a plan of your participation. Please visit: https://gaotek.com/events/event-proposal/

We are looking forward to your participation! 

Yours sincerely, 
Your Name
Global Virtual Summits (GVS) Division

GAO Tek Inc. & GAO RFID Inc.

Additional Information:

1) Global Virtual Summits (GVS) Webpages:

2) FAQ: https://gaotek.com/events/faq/
3) In a nutshell, you are welcome to give us your plan on a regular presentation, book launching, course launching, start-
up pitch deck, investment fund, or panel discussion on any subject of technologies and businesses for which you are a
subject matter expert. We do not charge or pay a fee for such participation.
4) Furthermore, a corporation is welcome is to submit proposals for its product launching, service launching or course
launching. Such launching presentations are all free of charge for now, as a promotion. Furthermore, we have a
promotional offer of a free bronze sponsorship at a value of US$4k: https://gaotek.com/events/become-a-sponsor/
5) We are investing enormous resources into GVS (Global Virtual Summits). We are expecting thousands of speakers,
and hundreds of thousands of attendees in 2021, and tens of thousands of speakers and millions of attendees in 2022.

============== End of First email Contents ============= Send the Last LinkedIn Message

After sending the email in Step 3.2A to the candidate, you will send this message on
LinkedIn. This will be your last time to communicate with him/her on LinkedIn. After
then, you will communicate with this candidate only through your team’s outlook email.

============== Beginning of Last LinkedIn Contents =============

LinkedIn Subject:

Invitation to Participate as a Speaker, Panelist, Panel Chair & Advisor of GVS

Dear CandidateFirstName,


I have sent the following email to you through our corporate email account:

Proprietary and Confidential Information


This is YourName and we established a connection on LinkedIn.

Thank you for your interest in participating in our GVS (Global Virtual Summits).

From now on I will communicate with you through this corporate email account of ours and I hope you don’t mind.

Again, on behalf of the Advisory Board of the Global Virtual Summits (GVS) and Dr. Gao, we request the honour of your
participation as a speaker, panel chair, panelist, or advisor at our 100+ leading technology and business summits.

Our summits cover such leading-edge technologies as IoT, 5G, 6G, Cloud, Blockchain, AI, 3D Printing, Space, Drone, Quantum
Computing, their applications in various industries, start-up opportunities and investment opportunities.

You are cordially invited to give us a plan of your participation. Please visit: https://gaotek.com/events/event-proposal/

We are looking forward to your participation! 

Yours sincerely, 
Your Name
Global Virtual Summits (GVS) Division

GAO Tek Inc. & GAO RFID Inc.

Additional Information:

1) Global Virtual Summits (GVS) Webpages:

2) FAQ: https://gaotek.com/events/faq/
3) In a nutshell, you are welcome to give us your plan on a regular presentation, book launching, course launching, start-
up pitch deck, investment fund, or panel discussion on any subject of technologies and businesses for which you are a
subject matter expert. We do not charge or pay a fee for such participation.
4) Furthermore, a corporation is welcome is to submit proposals for its product launching, service launching or course
launching. Such launching presentations are all free of charge for now, as a promotion. Furthermore, we have a
promotional offer of a free bronze sponsorship at a value of US$4k: https://gaotek.com/events/become-a-sponsor/
5) We are investing enormous resources into GVS (Global Virtual Summits). We are expecting thousands of speakers,
and hundreds of thousands of attendees in 2021, and tens of thousands of speakers and millions of attendees in 2022.

============== End of Last LinkedIn Contents =============

1.5 Follow-Up Messages

Proprietary and Confidential Information


1.5.A Send to Candidates That Accept LinkedIn Request:

This email should be sent 3 times after you have sent the first email ( Send the
First Email).

============== Beginning of Follow-up Email Contents =============

Email Subject:
Follow Up: Invitation to Participate as a Speaker, Panelist, Panel Chair & Advisor of GVS

Dear (Candidate FirstName),


This is to follow up with my messages to you earlier.

Again, on behalf of the Advisory Board of the Global Virtual Summits (GVS) and Dr. Gao, we request the honour of your
participation as a speaker, panel chair, panelist, or advisor at our 100+ leading technology and business summits.

Our summits cover such leading-edge technologies as IoT, 5G, 6G, Cloud, Blockchain, AI, 3D Printing, Space, Drone, Quantum
Computing, their applications in various industries, start-up opportunities and investment opportunities.

You are cordially invited to give us a plan of your participation. Please visit: https://gaotek.com/events/event-proposal/

We are looking forward to your participation! 

Yours sincerely, 
Your Name
Global Virtual Summits (GVS) Division

GAO Tek Inc. & GAO RFID Inc.

Additional Information:

1) Global Virtual Summits (GVS) Webpages:

2) FAQ: https://gaotek.com/events/faq/
3) In a nutshell, you are welcome to give us your plan on a regular presentation, book launching, course launching, start-
up pitch deck, investment fund, or panel discussion on any subject of technologies and businesses for which you are a
subject matter expert. We do not charge or pay a fee for such participation.
4) Furthermore, a corporation is welcome is to submit proposals for its product launching, service launching or course
launching. Such launching presentations are all free of charge for now, as a promotion. Furthermore, we have a
promotional offer of a free bronze sponsorship at a value of US$4k: https://gaotek.com/events/become-a-sponsor/
5) We are investing enormous resources into GVS (Global Virtual Summits). We are expecting thousands of speakers,
and hundreds of thousands of attendees in 2021, and tens of thousands of speakers and millions of attendees in 2022.

============== End of Follow-Up Email Contents =============

Proprietary and Confidential Information


1.5.B Having Received the Complete Info: Presentation Description, Bio,

Headshot, Answers to the List of Questions and Contact Info
Upon receiving complete info from a speaker, communicate with your team leader
immediately so that the info is uploaded on our websites without a delay.
Once the speaker’s info is on the agenda, send the following to him/her:
Subject: Confirmation of Acceptance of Presentation for Global Virtual Summits
Email Contents:
Dear (Candidate FirstName),
I am happy to inform you that the review committee has accepted your proposal! Here is
the link to the agenda (Please note you need to insert the URL of the agenda which may
changed from time to time!).
Please double check the information about your presentation or panel discussion and its
time slot. If you need to make any changes, please let me know immediately and send an
email to speakers@gaotek.com as well.
As you understand, the event dates are fast approaching, and we are constantly updating
our events webpages, particularly the agenda. Please visit our websites for changes that
may affect you.
We will heavily promote your presentation from now on. In order to maximize the
chance of your presentation, please work hard on your side to promote it with all means
at your disposal: yours, your company’s, your colleagues’ and your friends’ social media,
your company’s newsletter and website etc.
As a part of the benefit of being a presenter or panel chair, you are able to attend any
presentations and panel discussions free of charge for 12 months from the date of your
We have created a unique discount coupon code (UDCC) specifically for you: (ask your
team leader for the UDCC!!! before sending it out)
You can also give this UDCC to your colleagues, your customers, your friends and
anybody else. They can enjoy 25% off on the registration fee or 15% off on the
sponsorship fees.

Proprietary and Confidential Information


In addition to other benefits offered to you by the summit, as a way to thank for
your efforts and share with you the success you bring to us we would like to show
our appreciation by offering you 50% of the gross profits from the ticket sales from
your UDCC, or 22.5% of such ticket sales as the gross profit is difficult to estimate,
hence shall be treated, for this purpose only, as being exactly 45% of such sale,
excluding taxes. We can provide this to you in the way of a cash payment, a
donation to your favorite charity, a gift card, a credit to buy products from GAO
RFID or GAO Tek, or any other form you choose.
This code is specifically created for you. You are permitted, and even encouraged to
publicize it on your LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, blog, your company website, newsletter
Your presentation or panel discussion, together with this UDCC, can be effective tools to
promote your personal brand, your expertise and your company’s products and services.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email speakers@gaotek.com

Yours sincerely,
Your Name
Global Virtual Summits (GVS) Division
GAO Tek Inc. & GAO RFID Inc.
New York City, USA & Toronto, Canada
Corporate Websites:
Global Virtual Summits (GVS) Webpages:

Proprietary and Confidential Information


Part 2 Research or Purchase Speaker Candidate Contacts

2.1 Research Speaker Candidates

Here we are two keywords, IoT and 5G as examples. You can generalize the methods to
other keywords.

2.1.1 Search Authors in Amazon.com

For example, search IoT, 5G in books with the latest on top:

Proprietary and Confidential Information


You can try different keywords such as

IoT 5G
IoT fiber optical
IoT Blockchain
IoT Security
IoT Deployment
IoT Applications
IoT software
IoT Hardware
5G fiber optical
5G Blockchain
5G Security
5G Deployment
5G Applications
5G software
5G Hardware

Proprietary and Confidential Information


2.1.2 Search Authors Using Google’s Book Option

You can also use the following keywords to Google using its book search option (Note
Google has a special search option for books):
IoT 5G
IoT Fiber Optical
IoT Blockchain
IoT Security
IoT Deployment
IoT Applications
IoT Software
IoT Hardware

5G Fiber Optical
5G Blockchain
5G Security
5G Deployment
5G Applications
5G Software
5G Hardware

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2.1.3 Search Speakers at Conferences, Seminars, & Exhibitions

You can google:
IoT Conference
IoT Event
IoT Seminar
And locate those who are IoT speakers, including regular and keynote speakers, session
chairs, and conference chair
You can google:
5G Conference
5G Event
5G Seminar
And locate those who are 5G speakers, including regular and keynote speakers, session
chairs, and conference chair

2.1.4 Google Search Top Companies

Top iot companies
Top iot hardware companies
Top iot software companies
Top iot services companies
Top iot consulting companies
Locate their CIO, VP engineering, president
Top 5g companies
Top 5g hardware companies
Top 5g software companies
Top 5g services companies
Top 5g consulting companies
You will find far less 5g companies since 5g companies tend to be big players.
Locate their CIO, VP engineering, president.
For 5g topics, we may want to rely more on authors and consultants.

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2.1.5 Use Some Speakers Databases

Search for suitable speakers, find contact info through Google or LinkedIn, and contact

2.1.6. Search Speakers on Youtube

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2.2 Purchase Speaker Candidate Databases

This has been discussed in the bitrix24 chat and will be summarized later.

2.3 Emailing Speaker Candidates

Send the following email to the speaker candidates researched or databases purchased.

============== Beginning of Email to Speaker Candidates =============

Email Subject:

Invitation to Participate as a Speaker, Panelist, Panel Chair & Advisor of GVS

Dear CandidateFirstName,


On behalf of the Advisory Board of the Global Virtual Summits (GVS) and Dr. Gao, we request the honour of your participation
as a speaker, panel chair, panelist, or advisor at our 100+ leading technology and business summits.

Our summits cover such leading-edge technologies as IoT, 5G, 6G, Cloud, Blockchain, AI, 3D Printing, Space, Drone, Quantum
Computing, their applications in various industries, start-up opportunities and investment opportunities.

You are cordially invited to give us a plan of your participation. Please visit: https://gaotek.com/events/event-proposal/

We are looking forward to your participation! 

Yours sincerely, 
Your Name
Global Virtual Summits (GVS) Division

GAO Tek Inc. & GAO RFID Inc.

Additional Information:

1) Global Virtual Summits (GVS) Webpages:

2) FAQ: https://gaotek.com/events/faq/
3) In a nutshell, you are welcome to give us your plan on a regular presentation, book launching, course launching, start-
up pitch deck, investment fund, or panel discussion on any subject of technologies and businesses for which you are a
subject matter expert. We do not charge or pay a fee for such participation.
4) Furthermore, a corporation is welcome is to submit proposals for its product launching, service launching or course
launching. Such launching presentations are all free of charge for now, as a promotion. Furthermore, we have a
promotional offer of a free bronze sponsorship at a value of US$4k: https://gaotek.com/events/become-a-sponsor/

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5) We are investing enormous resources into GVS (Global Virtual Summits). We are expecting thousands of speakers,
and hundreds of thousands of attendees in 2021, and tens of thousands of speakers and millions of attendees in 2022.

============== End of Email to Speaker Candidates =============

Part 2- For Calling Team

Contents at https://www.gaorfid.com/events and https://www.gaotek.com/events are
updated constantly, and will be updated more and more frequently.
You need to review the web contents before a call.
The below are the messages you should convey to him/her. The actual dialogue will have
his/her responses and questions to you. You should be prepared for questions that are
featured on the FAQ page (https://gaotek.com/events/faq/) along with those about general
requirements for presentations.
Please review all necessary information before calling so that you can have a smooth call
without interruption due to you having to look up information you do not know.
Possible scripts:
“Hello, ______(Mr/Mrs/Dr Last Name of Speaker)
This is ____(YourName), calling on behalf of Dr. Frank Gao, Chairman of GAO
My colleague, _____(FirstName), has been in contact with you recently and we hoped to
speak with you further concerning your possible participation in one of our summits. We
would be very interested in working with you!
We are hoping to have your presentation description, your profile, and other necessary
information in relatively soon. Can we count on you to participate in this opportunity?”

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If the candidate says yes: “That's great! Do you know when we should expect your email
with these items?”
If they ask what email to send to: speakers@gaotek.com
“You will have a unique discount coupon code (UDCC) and can also give this UDCC to
your colleagues, your customers, your friends and anybody else. They can enjoy 25% off
on the registration fee.
As a way to thank for your efforts and share with you the success you bring to us we
would like to show our appreciation by offering you 50% of the gross profits from the
ticket sales from your UDCC, or 22.5% of such ticket sales”.
“Thank you for your time. We look forward to working with you and I hope you have a
great day”
If the candidate says no: “Thank you for your time! Please take a moment to look up our
summits. We have an extensive program with a variety of speakers and would welcome
your attendance to any of them! Hope you have a nice day.”

Part 3- Appendix

3.1 Unique Discount Coupon Code (UDCC)

The format of a UDCC is InitialsCI, where Initials consist of the first letter of the first
name and the last name of the person, C indicates a category in alphabet, and I is the
alphanumeric index (the counter) of the persons with the same initials within each
Category A indicates speakers, B for exhibitors and sponsors, C for attendees, D for our
sales staff, E for our non-sales staff, F for our sales interns, G for our non-sales interns.

Here are examples:

If James Davis is the 28th speaker with the same initials JD, his UDCC will be JDA2.
Frank Gao’s UDCC is FGEA since Frank Gao is the first person with the initial FG in our
non-sales staff category E, and Susie Tu’s is STEA since Susie Tue is the first person
with the Initials ST in our non-sales staff category E.

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Please note the alphanumeric number is defined as the following for this purpose: A(1),
B(2) .... Z(26), 1(27), 2(28), 3(29), 4(30), 5(31), 6(32), 7(33), 8 (34), 9(35), 0(36), where
the digits in the brackets indicate the order and are for reference only. Letters are not case

3.2 Top 30 in Times Higher Education (THE)'s World

University Rankings for 2021
University of Oxford (UK)
Stanford University (US)
Harvard University (US)
California Institute of Technology (US)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (US)
University of Cambridge (UK)
University of California, Berkeley (US)
Yale University (US)
Princeton University (US)
University of Chicago (US)
Imperial College London (UK)
John Hopkins University (US)
University of Pennsylvania (US)
ETH Zurich (Switzerland)
University of California, Los Angeles (US)

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Columbia University (US)

University of Toronto (Canada)
Cornell University (US)
Duke University (US)
Tsinghua University (China)
University of Michigan – Ann Arbor (US)
Peking University
Northwestern University (US)
National University of Singapore (Singapore)
New York University (US)
London School of Economics and Political Science (UK)
Carnegie Mellon University (US)
University of Washington (UK)
University of Edinburgh (UK)

3.3 Fortune 500 Companies


3.4 Common Email Accounts for All Summits

URL for outlook email account: Outlook.office.com

Here are three key email accounts for all of our summits:
1) speakers@gaotek.com for communications with all speakers. Once a speaker
sends us a presentation proposal, please hand over to your team leader who will
arrange someone to continue to communicate with the speaker through

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speakers@gaotek.com and/or our company telephone. Please do not use your

personal email account or gaoteams.com email account to communicate with a
2) attendees@gaotek.com for communications with all attendees
3) sponsors@gaotek.com for communications with all sponsors

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