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TP. 2020/2021

Based the text to answer question number 1 and 2

1. From the caption we can infer that…….

a. Weapons are very terrifying in global lives
b. People should always think how to make global war and weapons
c. People intelligence has to be able to make the world in peace instead of war
d. There are many people commit suicide in the world because of war
e. People need to improve their intelligence and comprehension every time
2. If men can develop weapons that are so terrifying as to make….
a. Amazing
b. Annoying
c. Horrible
d. Tragic
e. Thoughtful

Read the text to anwer questions number 3 to 5

Child labor is still seen in various parts if the

wolrd. Even the developing countries use child
labor in various fields which affects and risks
the lives of these small angels who deserve to
get educated for a better living. Everyone is
aware of the reasons behinds this social evil but
still no one takes a stand to eradicate from the
3. What is the message of the caption about?
a. Child labor is going on in developing countries
b. The effects of child labor on children lives
c. No one is aware of child labor in the society
d. Child labor should be stopped from the society
e. People should find out why child labor happen
4. Based on the caption, child labor…..
a. Can make children lose their better lives
b. Gives benefit to the society
c. Has become the necessity in growing up economic situation
d. Supports the national development
e. Can increase the family welfare
5. What do you think the main reason triggered child labor in some countries?
a. Social problems
b. Cultural problems
c. Economic problems
d. Educational problems
e. Life style
The following text is for questions 6 to 7
Job Vacancy
People's Voice editoral office in Jakarta is seeking a strong candidate
to be a campus coordinator. We need someone who has:
 excellent writing skills;
 experience in organization
 the ability to work with diverse communities
 passion to travel to new places,
 the ability to speak English and Spanish fluently, and
 a good personality, friendly and motivated person.
The campus coordinator will be responsible for creating multi-
media content for, developing a network of students
in the university, providing opportunities for correspondents and
news analysts to have seminars, as well as making reports.
As our employee, you will have a full time staff salaried
position, including health and holiday benefits. To apply, please send
your CV and cover letter to

6. How many campus coordinators are needed by People's Voice editorial?

a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four
e. Five
7. People's Voice editorial requires the applicants to have….
a. a low self-esteem personality
b. imperfect writing abilities
c. a phobia of new places
d. a bad personality
e. bilingual ability

Dina Ardiana
Jalan Elang 89
Tangerang Selatan 19837
October, 30th 2019

PO BOX 1393
KB 11013

To whom it may concern

I’m pplying tor the Project Manager position adverused through Ja karta Post As shown in the enclosed resume have a
strong academic background in Chemical Engineer Braduated trom Universitas indonesia in 2008.

My current position as Project Management in various multinational company has given me firsthand experience in the
challenge associated with the development or a Successtul Petrochemical Company in addition, I have excellent managerial
and communication skills both in Bahasa Indonesia as well as English.

This background, combined with over ten years ot Ethylene Plant Operation as Project Management, has given me a unique
perspective that would be particularly valuable in meeting the responsibilities of this position, as described in your position. I
I am an independent individual who is capable of working under pressure.

I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss my qualifications in more detail and iook forwaro to hearing
from you soon. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Dina Ardiana

8. What is the job position that applicant applied for?

a. Project Manager
b. General Manager
c. project management
d. Chemical Engineer
e. ACademician
9. Where did the company advertise the job opening?
a. kompas
b. Jakarta globe
c. Tribun
d. Jakarta post
e. Internet
10. What are the skills that applicant presented on the application letter?
a. Managerial and communication skills
b. Accounting and rmanagerial skills
c. Pubiic speaking and communication skills
d. Bahasa indonesia and English
e. Computer skills
11. How many years the applicant was working as project Management?
a. 2 years
b. 8 years
c. 15 years
d. 10 years
e. 11 years

This text is for questions number 12 to 15

Seven people were killed in a collision between a bus, a car, and a truck on Jalan Sultan at l0.35 p.m.
last hignt. The dead were all passengers of the car. The police believed the car had been trying to Overtake the
bus when it was struck by a track coming from the opposite direction. The driver of the car mignt not be using
his lights, as the truck driver said he did not see the car approaching.
The police said the car should not have tried to pass the bus, since overtaking is not allowed on Jalan
Sultan. in addition, the police reported that the car, a small Japanese car, should not have been carrying more
than five people, if the passengers had brought their identity cards, the police would have identitied he names
of the victims easily.

12. The text mainly reports that there was/ were….

a. A car accident
b. Careless drivers
c. A small Japanese car
d. victims of an accident
e. the function of an identity car
13. What was the cause of the collision?
a. the truck came trom the opposite direction
b. The car carried more than five people
c. The truck driver didn't use his lights.
d. the truck driver didn't see the car
e. The car tried to overtake the bus
14. If the passengers had brought their identity cards, the police would have been easy to identify the names
Of the victims."
the sentence above means….
a. the victim’s names were not known
b. the victims were easy to be identified
c. The passengers brougnt their identity cards
d. The police had no difficulty in identifying the victims
e. It was easy for the police to identify the victims of the accident
15. who said that the accident was caused by the car?
a. the police
b. The victims
c. The reporter
d. the truck driver
e. the bus passengers
This text is for questions number 16 to 19
MELBOURNE, Jan 22 (UPI)-Fire authorities in four Australian states are lo control bushfires fanned by strong winds
and searing temperature.
The Australian reported Sunday that blazes continued in south Australia, Tasmania Western Australia and Victoria,
where up to six homes have destroyed In South Australia, much of Adelide is engulfed in thick smoke. the firefighters who
are confronted by blast-furnace winds try to bring the flames under control.
At Roberts town In the state's mid-north, more than 2,500 acres have already burned. Another bushfire, started by
lightening, charred the earth near Mouth Flat on the southern side of Kangoroo island, while Ngarkat Conservation ParK, in
the State' s upper southeast, is also a blaze.
A 7,500-acre fire at Mount Agnew in Zeehan, in the state's west, broke containment lines Saturday anternoon,
jumping a road and coming close homes.
The most serious fires were in voctoria, where up to six homes were destroyed by a fire near the town of Anakie,
36 miles west of Melbourne.
In Tasmania, falling temperatures and patchy rain brought some relief to firefighters, who continued to monitor 22
blazes across the state.

16. The writer wrote the text to…..readers about newsworthy events in four Australian states.
a. Entertain
b. Persuade
c. Explaln
d. Inform
e. amuse
17. What is the text about?
a. Fires in some areas of Australia
b. Weather effect on fire
c. The effects of fires
d. The danger of fire
e. The cause of fire
18. The fire increasingly happened in some parts of Australia because of….
a. strong winds and searing temperatures
b. falling temperatures
c. thick smoke
d. heavy rain
e. lightning
19. The reporter most likely got the information from….
a. Visitors
b. Tourists
c. Commuters
d. Fire fighters
e. Homeless people

This following text is for questions number 20 to 22

The Evacuation of Infants Stars Now Riau. Due to the increasing level of air pollution in Riau Province.
Indonesian officials have begun to evacuate intants and their mothers from the hazardous area to a nursery in a
town hall, equipped with AC, cribs and a health clinic.
Since the peat and forest fires have not been fully put out, the air pollution index in Riau province has
reached above 1.000 for over a week, while visibility in Pekanbaru has dropped to below 100 meters.
The mayor of Riau, Firdaus, said that the evacuation is focused on poor families with infants since they
do not have good facilities, therefore the air pollution inside homes is similar to the outside. The goverment is
trying to provide clean air for them.

20. “………evacuate infants and their mothers from the hazardous area. (Paragraph 1)
he synonym of the underlined word is……….
a. Safe
b. Stable
c. Secure
d. Certain
e. Dangerous
21. "The goverment is trying to provide clean air for them" (Paragraph 3)
The word "them’ refers to....
a. Firdaus
b. Poor families
c. Riau officials
d. The government
e. The mayor or Pekanbaru
22. Why does the dir pollution in Riau keep increasing?
a. There are no air conditioners In each house in riau
b. The fires are still burning the forest and peat
c. The goverment won't help the community
d. Too many people live in Pekanbaru
e. The rains drop everyday

The following text is for questions number 23 to 25

South Korea has four distinct seasons. Spring and autumn are pleasantly warm and dry. Summer is hot
and relatively humid. Winter is dry and cold.
Autumn and spring are generally considered the best time to visit, but the many temples do look
especially beautiful in the snow. In the spring the weather begins to get warmer. Nature awakens in spring.
Flowers bloom, leaves and plants start to grow again, and hibernating animals leave their winter sleeping places.
In various cities, people have festivals celebrating spring.
Temperature extremes are from-20°C in winter to 35°C in summer. In Seoul, the average temperature
in January (the coldest month) is -3°C, while in August (the warmest month) it is 25°C. The rainy seasons
generally begins at the end of June and lasts into early September.

23. When is the best time of the year to visit South korea?
a. Spring and Winter.
b. Autumn and spring
c. Summer and spring
d. Autumn and winter.
e. Summer and winter
24. The text generally talks about….
a. the seasons in South Korea
b. the tourism in South Korea
c. the weather in South Korea
d. temperatures in South Korea
e. spring festivals in South Korea
25. "Summer is hot and relatively humid." (Paragraph 1)
The underlined word can be replaced by….
a. Dry
b. Cold
c. Cool
d. Moist
e. Temperate
The following text is for questions number 26 to 28
Language is a means of communication. Most regions in the world have their own language. Some
languages serve as global languages. The commonly used language of the world is English, which is famously
known as a global language. To achieve a global goal, one has to master English.
Everyone recognizes that English is an international language. English is used in writing and speech by
many people all over the world, as a first or second language. There are British, American, Australian, and even
Singaporean English. Those various names of English are used as the first language in those countries.
Furthermore, some countries have their own languages as a mother language but also use english, mostly in
daily Communication.
Besides its usage in daily interaction, English is also used as a key to open doors leading to scientific and
technical knowledges. No wonder we find manual guides and instructions for many devices written in English.
Finally, the most obvious importance of learning English is that a top requirement in job opportunities is the
ability to use English. Job applicants who master English are more favoured than ones who do not.
The above facts prove that everybody needs to learn English if he wants to greet the global era.
26. Why does everybody need to learn English?
a. Many people like English.
b. English is used in all fields.
c. English is an international language.
d. Many jobs require the job applicants to master English.
e. Manual guides and instructions of many devices are written in English.
27. What is the main idea of paragraph 4?
a. All jobs use English
b. Learning English is useful.
c. People should learn English.
d. The ability to use English is required in many jobs
e. Learning English is more important than looking for job.
28. “……….some countries have their own languages as a mother language….” (paragraph 2)
What is the closest meaning to the underlined phrase?
a. First language
b. Favourite language
c. Important language
d. International language
e. Language of a country
29. Receptionist : Your room is number 126 and here is the key. Porter, help him please
Porter : …………..?
Mr. Lukman : No, thanks, I can do it myself
The following can be used to complete the dialogue above, EXCEPT……..
a. Do you need my help
b. is there anything can do for you
c. Could you please take my suitcase
d. Would you like me to take your case
e. Perhaps I could assist in taking your belongings
30. Maria : I have to tinish my report this evening. but my laptop cannot work well.
What is the suitable response to thee statement?
a. your laptop is new,isn’t it?
b. You must be very upset
c. Don't worry, you can use my laptop
d. Laptop is really important for us
e. You had better take a rest for a few minutes
31. He is jobless, and he can't support his family.
This means:
a. If he had a job, he could support his family
b. If he has a job, he can support his family
c. If only he had had a job, he could have Supported his family
d. If he had a job, he can support his family
e. If he has a job, he could support his family
32. Sue : I know you got a bad mark for the English test. What's wrong with you?
Chris : If I ………. that there was a test, would have prepared for it well.
a. Know
b. Knew
c. Had known
d. Have known
e. Would know
33. She walks as if she were a super model. From the above statement we may Conclude that……
a. She has worked hard to be a model
b. She has been a model for years
c. She is very proud of his career
d. She is just an ordinary girl
e. She is a successful model
34. "Prabu whises he hadn't told his secret to his girl.
This mean that….
a. He tried not to tell his secret
b. He did not tell his secret
c. He told his secret
d. He would tell his secret
e. He could not tell his secret
35. “want the red dress displayed in the window yesterday”
“I’m sorry, it……”
a. Had been selling
b. Has to be sold
c. Has to sell
d. Has sold
e. Has been sold
36. “Last night someone broke into our house”
“oh, dear!............?”
a. Did anything take
b. Was anything taken
c. Anything to be taken
d. Anything to take
e. Was anything being taken
37. Sandra : …………………..
George : Then you should start wearing glasses.
Sandra : I already have contact lenses, but still can’t see clearly
George : it’s time you changed them, then.
a. When did you last go to an eye doctor?
b. Should I tell my grandmother to see an optician?
c. I can’t see the sentences on the board
d. Are you able to see better now?
e. This pain in my back is killing me
38. Chris : shall we leave the car here and walk
Nick : I don’t think we should, because the bank is almost five hundred meters from here.
Chris : ……………………………..
Nick : I don’t care. I can’t walk up to the bank in this weather
a. It may lake more than an hour to walk to the bank
b. They’ve decided to open a new branch near here?
c. Normally, I walked to school from home
d. But it’s very difficult to find a parking place near the bank
e. I agree. The bank will have been closed by then
39. Mount Vesuvius, a volcano located ………………....the ancient italian cities of pompen and herculancum
has received much attention because of its frequent and destructive eruptions
a. As
b. Whether
c. Between
d. Because
e. But
40. Riza asked Deni, “Will you Come to my home?” we can conclude that…..
a. Riza asked Deni if he would come to his home
b. Riza asked Deni if would he come to his home
c. Riza asked Deni that would you come to his home
d. Riza asked Deni if he will come to his home
e. Riza asked Deni that he would come to his home

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