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(a) Calculate and compare the specific longitudinal strengths of the glass-fiber,carbon fiber
and aramid-fiber reinforced epoxy composites in Table A with the following alloys by using
Table B ( from Table B1 and Table B4 ) : cold-rolled 17-7PH stainless steel, normalized 1040
plain carbon steel, 7075-T6 aluminum alloy ( heat treated and agend), C26000 brass ( cold
worked), AZ31B (extruded) magnesium alloy, and annealed Tİ-5Al-2.5Sn titanium alloy.
(b) Compare the specific module of the same three fiber-reinforced epoxy composites with the
same metal alloys. Densities (i.e. specific gravities), tensile strengths, and moduli of elasticity
for these metal alloys may be found in Table B.

a. In the case of this problem, we calculate the specific longitudinal strengths of glass fiber,
carbon fiber and aramid fiber reinforced epoxy composites, and then compare them with the
specific strengths of other metal alloys given to us.

 For glass-reinforced epoxy material: 1020 MPa / 2.1 = 486 MPa

 For the carbon-fiber reinforced epoxy: 1240 MPa / 1.6 = 775 MPa

 And, for the aramid-fiber reinforced epoxy: 1380 MPa / 1.4 = 986 MPa

We use the data in Tables B.1 and B.4 in Annex B to continue our operations.

 For the 17-7PH stainless steel : 1380 MPa / 7.65 = 180 MPa

 For the normalized 1040 plain carbon steel, the ratio is: 590 MPa / 7.85 = 75 MPa

 For the 7075-T6 aluminum alloy : 572 MPa / 2.80 = 204 MPa

 For the C26000 brass (cold worked): 525 MPa / 8.53 = 62 MPa
 For the AZ31B (rolled) magnesium alloy : 262 MPa / 1.77 = 148 MPa

 For the annealed Ti-5Al-2,5Sn titanium alloy: 790 MPa / 4.48 = 176 MPa

B option :

 For the glass-fiber reinforced epoxy, this ratio is : 45 GPa / 2.1 = 21.4 GPa

 For the carbon-fiber reinforced epoxy: 145 GPa / 1.6 = 90.6 GPa

 And, for the aramid-fiber reinforced epoxy : 76GPa / 1.4 = 54.3 GPa

The specific moduli for the metal alloys (Tables B.1 and B.2) are as follows:

 For the 17-7PH stainless steel : 204 GPa / 7.65 = 26.6 GPa

 For the normalized 1040 plain-carbon steel : 207 GPa / 7.85 = 26.4 GPa

 For the 7675-T6 aluminum alloy: 71 GPa / 2.80 = 25.3 GPa

 For the cold-worked C26000 brass : 110 GPa / 8.53 = 12.8 GPa

 For the rolled AZ31B magnesium alloy : 45 GPa / 1.77 = 25.4 GPa

 For the Ti-5Al-2,5Sn titanium alloy : 110 GPa / 4.48 = 24.5 GPa
2.QUESTION : It desired to fabricate a continuous and aligned glass fiber-reinforced polyster
having a tensile strength of at least 1250 MPa in the longitudinal direction. The maximum
possible specific gravity is 1.80. Using the following data, determine if such a composite is
possible. Justify your decision. Assume a value of 20 MPa fort he stres on the matrix fiber

Specific Gravity Tensile Strength (MPa)

Glass Fiber 2.5 3500
Polyester 1.35 50


σ*cl = σ'm × ( 1 – Vf ) + σ*f× Vf

1250 MPa = 20 ×( 1 – Vf ) + 3500 MPa× Vf
1230 MPa = 3480 Vf
Vf = 0.353
Solving for Vf yields Vf = 0.353. Therefore Vf > 0.353 to give the minimum desired tensile

Ƿc = ƿm×( 1 – Vf ) + ƿf×Vf
1.80 = 1.35×( 1 – Vf ) + 2.5×Vf
0.45 = 1.15 Vf
Vf = 0.391

And , solving for Vf from this expression gives Vf = 0.391. Therefore it necessry for Vf < 0.391
in order to have a composite specific gravity less than 1.80.

3.QUESTION : Proper production technique : filament winding technique

Reinforced : fiber reinforced
Matrix materials : polymer composite

Fiber reinforced polymer composite tanks produced with filament winding technique have
started to be used as an alternative to metal tanks because they are light and can be used at high
pressures. In the space and aviation sectors, where weight is very important, fully composite
tanks are used.

QUESTİON 1 : It desire to produce an aligned and continuous fiber-reinforced epoxy composite

having a maximum of 50 vol% fibers. In addition, a minimum longitudinal modulus of elasticity of 50
GPa is required, as well as a minimum tensile strength of 1300 MPa. Of E-glass , carbon (PAN
Standard modulus), and aramid fiber materials, which are possible candidates and why?

The epoxy has a modulus of elasticity of 3.1 GPa and a tensile strength of 75 MPa . In addition ,
assume the following stres levels on the epoxy matrix at fiber failure:

E-glass = 70 MPa carbon (PAN Standard modulus) = 30 MPa and aramid = 50 MPa .

SOLUTION 1: In order to solve this problem we want to make longitudinal elastic modulus and
tensile strength computations assuming 50 vol% fibers for all three fiber materials, in order to see
which meet the stipulated criteria . Thus, it becomes necessary to use equations 16.10b and 16.17
with Vm:0.5 and Vf:0.5, Em:3.1GPa, and σ*m:75 MPa.

For glass, Ef=72.5 GPa and σ*f=3450 MPa. Therefore,


(3.1 GPa)(1-0.5)+(72.5 GPa)(0.5)= 37.8 GPa

Since this is less than the specific minimum, glass is not an acceptable candidate.

For carbon (PAN Standard modulus), Ef=230 GPa and σ*f=4000 MPa , thus, from equation

Ecl = (3.1 GPa((0.5) = 116.6 GPa

which is greater than the specific minimum. In addition, from equation 16.17

σ*cl = σ*m(1-Vf)+σ*f Vf

= (30 MPa)(0.5) + (4000 MPa)(0.5) = 2015 MPa

which is also greater than the minimum (1300 MPa). Thus, carbon ( PAN Standard modulus) is

For aramid, Ef = 131 GPa and σ*f = 3850 MPa

Ecl = (3.1 GPa)(0.5) + (131 GPa)(0.5) = 67.1 GPa

which is also greater than the minimum strength value. Therefore, of the three fiber materials, both
the carbon ( PAN Standard modulus) and the aramid meet both minimum criteria.
QUESTİON 2 : It is desired to produce a continuous and oriented carbon fiber-reinforced epoxy
having a modulus of elasticity of at least 83 GPa in the direction of fiber alignment. The maximum
permissible specific gravity is 1.40. Given the following data, is such a composite possible? Why or
why not? Assume that composite specific gravity can be determined using a relationship used for
modulus of elasticity (rule of mixture).


EPOXY 1,25 2,4

SOLUTION 2 : This problem asks us to determine whether or not it is possible to produce a

continuous and oriented carbon fiber-reinforced epoxy having a modulus of elasticity of at least 83
GPa in the direction of fiber alignment, and a maximum specific gravity of 1.40. We will first calculate
the minimum volume fraction of fibers to give the stipulated elastic modulus, and then the maximum
volume fraction of fibers possible to yield the maximum permissible specific gravity; if there is an
overlap of these two fiber volume fractions then such a composite is possible.

Ecl = Em(1-Vf) + Ef Vf

83 GPa = (2.4 GPa)(1- Vf) + (260 GPa)(Vf)

Solving for Vf = 0.31. Therefore, Vf>0.31 to give the minimum desired elastic modulus.

Now, upon consideration of the specific gravity , ƿ, we employ the following modified from
of equation 16.10b

Ƿc = ƿm (1- Vf) + ƿf Vf

1.40 = 1.25 (1- Vf) + 1.80 (Vf)

And, solving for Vf from this expression gives Vf= 0.27. Therefore, it is necessary for Vf<0.27 in order
to have a composite specific gravity less than 1.40.

Hence, such a composite is not possible since there is no overlap of the fiber volume fractions as
computed using the two stipulated criteria.


1. (a) Calculate and compare the specific longitudinal strengths of the glass-fiber,
carbon fiber and aramid-fiber reinforced epoxy composites in Table A with the
following alloys by using Table B (from Table B1 to Table B4): cold-rolled 17-7PH
stainless steel, normalized 1040 plain carbon steel, 7075-T6 aluminum alloy (heat
treated and aged), C26000 brass (cold worked), AZ31B (extruded) magnesium alloy,
and annealed Ti-5Al-2.5Sn titanium alloy.(25)
(b) Compare the specific moduli of the same three fiber-reinforced epoxy
composites with the same metal alloys. Densities (i.e., specific gravities), tensile
strengths, and moduli of elasticity for these metal alloys may be found in Tables B.
Note: Table A and Tables B1, B2, B3 and B4 are attached to the final exam
document. Choose the necessary parameters required by the question with the
information given in these tables.

2. It is desired to fabricate a continuous and aligned glass fiber-reinforced polyester

having a tensile strength of at least 1250 MPa in the longitudinal direction. The
maximum possible specific gravity is 1.80. Using the following data, determine if such
a composite is possible. Justify your decision. Assume a value of 20 MPa for the
stress on the matrix at fiber failure.(25)

Specific Gravity Tensile Strength (MPa)

Glass Fiber 2.5 3500
Polyester 1.35 50

3. An engineer will design a cylindrical tank that is highly resistant to high pressures.
Suggest reinforcement and matrix materials with the proper manufacturing technique
for this specific application. Explain your suggestion by schematically illustrating. (25)


1. In an aligned and continuous glass fiber-reinforced nylon 6,6 composite, the fibers
are to carry 94% of a load applied in the longitudinal direction.
(a) Using the data provided, determine the volume fraction of fibers that will be
(b) What will be the tensile strength of this composite? Assume that the matrix stress
at fiber failure is 30 MPa.(30)
Elastic Modulus (GPa) Tensile Strength (MPa)
Glass Fiber 72.5 3400
Nylon 6,6 3 76

2. (a) List four reasons why glass fibers are most commonly used for
(b) Why is the surface perfection of glass fibers so important? (10)
(c) What measures are taken to protect the surface of glass fibers? (10)

3. An engineer will design a wind turbine blade. Suggest reinforcement and matrix
materials with the proper manufacturing technique for this specific tool/part. Explain
your suggestion by schematically illustrating the production method. (40)
Note: Please give the specific name of matrix and reinforcement type names exactly
(i.e. polyethylene matrix or aramid fiber..)
Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisliği Bölümü





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