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Traumatic injury

1. Why is age a “good news/bad news” situation with dental trauma

a. Pulps have an incomplete and decreased blood supply
b. Pulps are better able to recover and have a better repair potential
c. Poor development will continue in teeth with damaged necrotic pulps
d. Dentin has more strength in younger teeth

2. Which of the following factors does not need to be considered when evaluating a crown
fracture with pulp exposure
a. extent of fracture
b. stage of root development
c. position in the arch
d. length of time since the injury

3. Which of the following is not a step as part of the technique for a shallow (partial)
a. rubber dam isolation
b. pulp tissue removed to about 2 mm below the exposure
c. use of a large round carbide bur in the slow-speed handpiece to remove tissue
d. restoration of the cavity with a hard-setting cement

4. How long should horizontal root fractures be splinted if the coronal section was displaced
and repositioned
a. not indicated
b. 7 to 10 days
c. 4 to 6 weeks
d. 3 months

5. Which of the following are types of luxation injuries

a. concussion
b. intrusion
c. extrusion
d. all of the above
6. What is recommended with pulp testing for teeth with traumatic injuries
a. use of electric pulp testing or carbon dioxide ice to test the injured and adjacent teeth
b. opposing teeth also be tested
c. retesting is done in 4 to 6 weeks
d. all of the above

7. What information does the color change of the clinical crown provide
a. There has been a pulp exposure
b. The initial change is gray in color which always indicates pulp necrosis
c. Discoloration may be reversed without treatment
d. Calcific metamorphosis discoloration tends to be yellow to brown and always indicates
pulp necrosis.

8. What factor should be considered that determines the treatment of an intrusive luxation
a. depth of intrusion
b. stage of root development
c. availability of adjacent teeth for stabilization
d. amount of soft tissue injury

9. Of the following, what is the best transport medium to use for transporting an avulsed
a. saliva
b. distilled water
c. wrapped in a tissue
d. milk

10. Which type of medication is indicated for patients with avulsed teeth?
a. narcotic analgesic
b. steroid
c. tetanus booster if more than 5 years since last administered
d. all of the above

11. What additional treatment should be used on the root surface if an avulsed tooth is
replanted after more than 1 hour after avulsion?
a. thorough scrubbing with antimicrobial soap for disinfection
b. scaling of the root surface
c. soaking the tooth in 2.4% doxycycline for 5 to 20 minutes
d. soaking the tooth in a 2.4% solution of sodium fluoride for 5 to 20 minutes
12. Which of the following types of external resorption has not been identified with replanted
avulsed teeth?
a. surface
b. inflammatory
c. refractory
d. replacement

13. When is root canal treatment indicated in a mature avulsed, replanted tooth?
a. at the time of replantation
b. within 7 to 10 days after replantation
c. after 3 months if there is no response to pulp testing
d. when periapical pathosis is noted

14. A deciduous tooth that has suffered an intrusive luxation should be extracted if what
a. The child cries but is compliant.
b. The permanent successor is partially erupted.
c. The intruded tooth appears foreshortened on the radiograph.
d. The intruded tooth appears elongated on the radiograph

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