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Midwife is someone who has attended a midwife education program that is
recognized in his country and has graduated from the education, and meets the qualifications
to be registered (register) and or has a valid permit (license) to practice midwifery. This
definition was established through the 27th ICM (International Confederation of Midwives)
congress which was held in July 2005 in Brisbane Australia.While the latest definition from
the ICM (International Confederation of Midwives) issued in June 2011, a midwife is
someone who has completed (passed) a midwifery education program that is officially
recognized by his country and is based on the basic midwifery practice competencies issued
by the ICM and the ICM framework. from the ICM global standard for midwifery education,
have met the required qualifications to be registered (register) and/or have a valid permit
(license) to practice midwifery, and use the title/right of designation as a midwife, and are
able to demonstrate competence in midwifery practice . This latter definition is the current
definition until it was reviewed by the ICM in 2017

The Indonesian Midwives Association stipulates that a midwife is a woman who

graduated from midwifery education recognized by the government and professional
organizations in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia and has the competence and
qualifications to be registered, certified and/or legally licensed to practice
midwifery.According to Law No. 36 of 2014 concerning Health Workers, midwives are
health workers who are grouped into midwifery personnel, have the authority to provide
maternal health services, child health services, and women's reproductive health services and
family planning. In certain circumstances, namely a condition where there is no Health
Personnel who has the authority to take the necessary health care actions and it is not possible
to be referred, a midwife can provide medical and/or pharmaceutical services outside of her
authority within certain limits .Midwives are recognized as responsible and accountable
health professionals, who work as women's partners to provide support, care and advice
during pregnancy, labor and the puerperium, facilitate and lead deliveries on their own
responsibility and provide care to newborns, and infants. This care includes prevention
efforts, promotion of normal delivery, detection of complications in mother and child, and
access to medical assistance or other appropriate assistance, as well as carrying out
emergency measures .A midwife has an important task in health counseling and education,
not only for women, but also for families and communities. These activities include antenatal
education and preparation for parenthood and can extend to women's health, sexual or
reproductive health and child care.


Corona virus is a new type of coronavirus that is transmitted to humans. This virus
can attack anyone, such as the elderly (older people), adults, children, and infants, including
pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers Corona virus infection is called COVID-19
(Corona Virus Disease 2019) and was first discovered in the city of Wuhan, China at the end
of December 2019. This virus is spreading very quickly and has spread to almost all
countries, including Indonesia, in just a few months.This has led several countries to
implement policies to impose lockdowns in order to prevent the spread of the Corona virus.
In Indonesia itself, a Large-Scale Social Restriction (PSBB) policy was implemented to
suppress the spread of this virus.Coronavirus is a collection of viruses that can infect the
respiratory system. In most cases, this virus causes only mild respiratory infections, such as
the flu. However, this virus can also cause severe respiratory infections, such as lung
infections (pneumonia).

This virus is transmitted through phlegm (droplets) from the respiratory tract, for
example when in a crowded closed room with poor air circulation or direct contact with
droplets.The Corona virus that causes COVID-19 can attack anyone. According to data
released by the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 of the Republic of
Indonesia, the number of confirmed positive cases as of May 3, 2021 is 1,677,274 people
with 45,796 deaths. The case fatality rate due to COVID-19 is around 2.7%.When viewed
from the percentage of death rates divided by age group, the 46-59 year age group has a
higher percentage of death rates than other age groups.Meanwhile, based on gender, 56.6% of
patients who died from COVID-19 were male and the remaining 43.4% were female.
Symptoms of Corona Virus Early symptoms of Corona virus infection or COVID-19 can
resemble flu symptoms, namely fever, runny nose, dry cough, sore throat, and headache.
After that, the symptoms may disappear and heal or even worsen. Patients with severe
symptoms may experience high fever, cough with phlegm and even blood, shortness of
breath, and chest pain. These symptoms appear when the body reacts to the Corona virus.

In general, there are 3 general symptoms that can indicate a person is infected with the
Corona virus, namely:

 Fever (body temperature above 38 degrees Celsius)

 dry cough
 Hard to breathe

There are several other symptoms that can also appear in Corona virus infection although it is
less common, namely:

 Diarrhea
 Headache
 Conjunctivitis
 Loss of ability to taste
 Loss of ability to smell (anosmia)
 Rash on the skin


Mother : Good morning mother, is there a midwife?

assistant midwife : Good morning too, oh yes ma'am is inside, come on ma'am, please come
in, please Sit down, wait a minute, ma'am, I'll call the midwife first.
Mother: yes ma'am
Midwife : morning ma'am, can I help you ma'am?
husband : Yes, Mom, I want to check my wife's pregnancy who is 9 years old month now.
Midwife : ooh yes sir, but first may I know the names of mothers and fathers?
From where ?
Mr: my name is Mr Maryam and my wife Mrs Yudi I am from Kontunaga ma'am.
Midwife: how old are you?
Mother : I am only 23 years old.
Midwife: what are the jobs of father and mother?
Father: I work as a teacher and my wife as a housewife only
Midwife: then how do you feel now?
Mother: I feel my stomach swells, keeps coming out of mucus mixed with blood ma'am.
Father: I'm very worried ma'am, didn't something happen to my wife?
Midwife : Yes sir, we pray together that nothing happens to you.
Midwife : ooh yes ma'am!! since when is it mules?
Mother : since this morning around 5 o'clock ma'am.
Midwife: is it still smooth, ma'am? and was there any discharge before?
Mother: yes ma'am still but not like this morning it hurts, now it hurts ma'am but i can still
stand it.
Midwife: Ma'am, have you ever had a pregnancy test before?
Mother: ever ma'am, at the maternity clinic in Raha
Midwife: how many times ma'am?
Mother: 3 times ma'am.
Midwife: oh yes ma'am, did you have a history of illness in your family before? such as: DM,
hypertension, asthma, infectious diseases such as: tuberculosis,
hepatitis. Serious diseases such as: heart, kidney.
Mother : Coincidentally not in my family mom and neither do I
suffering from a disease like the mother mentioned earlier
Midwife: ma'am, did this mother never have headaches during pregnancy?
heavy, blurred vision?
Mother: never ma'am.
Midwife: let me check?
Mother: yes ma'am you can
Midwife: I'll check your blood pressure first, okay?
Mother: yes ma'am please.
Midwife: done ma'am, mother's blood pressure is normal.
Mother: how much ma'am?
Midwife: normal maternal blood pressure 120/80 mmHg.
Midwife : Ma'am, how do you feel about the birth of your first baby?
Mother: happy ma'am, I can't wait to carry you, but I'm also afraid of what will happen next
I'm facing my labor
Midwife: don't be afraid ma'am, childbirth is a natural process that occurs in
all mothers.
Midwife : Oh yes ma'am, how many pregnancies is this, have you ever experienced
Mother : never ma'am, this is my first pregnancy. My family and I are very
want the birth of this baby.
Midwife: oh yes ma'am we are both trying yes, how old did you get married?
Mother: I got married at the age of 22, ma'am
Midwife: yes ma'am, I will check ma'am, let me help you choose a comfortable position?
Mother: yes, thank you ma'am.
Midwife: ma'am, let me check the condition of the fetus first, okay?
Mother: yes ma'am please.
Midwife: mother, the mother's fetus is in good condition and already in her position, the
mother doesn't have to
worry huh? now it's your turn to check, are you ready?
Mother: yes ma'am
Midwife: excuse me ma'am?


 Increase Consumption of Water

 Get enough sleep and rest
 Meditation
 Exercising Regularly
 Do sports as part of the fun
 Eat More Fruit
 Eat More Vegetables
 Choose Brightly Colored Foods as Antioxidants
 Reduce Processed Foods and Canned Foods
 Clean yourself too from the negative
 Identify Trigger Foods, Control Your Sugar and Salt Intake
 Avoid Emotionally Involving Eating Ways
 Control the Sugar Content in Your Body
 Brown Carbs vs White Carbs
 Live with Purpose


The circulation and impact of drugs is currently very disturbing. The ease of obtaining these
hazardous materials makes its users increase. Regardless of gender and age, everyone is at
risk of getting addicted if they have tasted this dangerous substance.

Although there are several types that are allowed to be used for medicinal purposes, they
must still get close supervision from a doctor. There are many dangers of drugs to life and
health, including:

Misuse of these substances can lead to reduced electrolyte balance. As a result, the body is
dehydrated. If this effect continues, the body will experience convulsions, hallucinations,
more aggressive behavior, and a feeling of tightness in the chest. Long-term effects of this
dehydration can cause damage to the brain.

Hallucinations are one of the effects that are often experienced by drug users such as
marijuana. Not only that, in excessive doses it can also cause vomiting, nausea, excessive
fear, and anxiety disorders. If used for a long time, it can lead to worse effects such as mental
disorders, depression, and constant anxiety.
Decreased Level of Consciousness

Users who use these drugs in excessive doses, the effect actually makes the body too relaxed
so that consciousness is drastically reduced. In some cases the wearer sleeps constantly and
does not wake up. The loss of consciousness makes body coordination disturbed, often
confused, and changes in behavior occur. The impact of drugs that are quite high risk is
memory loss so it is difficult to recognize the surrounding environment.

The worst effects of drugs occur if the user uses these drugs in high doses or known as
overdose. The use of methamphetamine, opium, and cocaine can cause convulsions in the
body and if left unchecked can lead to death. This is a fatal result that must be faced if you
get addicted to narcotics, your life is at stake.
Impaired Quality of Life

The dangers of drugs are not only bad for the condition of the body, the use of these drugs
can also affect the quality of life for example difficulty concentrating at work, experiencing
financial problems, to having to deal with the police if proven to have violated the law.


AIDS is a term for a person who is infected by the HIV virus, and shows AIDS
symptoms or syndrome, due to the loss of the body's immunity to disease germs."2 While
Gill and Tony Klouda mention AIDS is , "medical diagnosis for a combination of diseases
that caused by a weakened immune system
Transmission of HIV/AIDS through:
1. Sexually through the exchange of infected fluids, especially semen.
2. Through infected blood or blood products.
3. From mother to child especially before and during labour
Social interactions that cannot transmit HIV/AIDS include:
1. Touching, touching, shaking hands, hugging, and kissing with people with HIV.
2. Using spoons, plates, and glasses together.
3. Exposure to urine, tears, and sweat of people living with HIV
.4. Swimming together, using public toilets with people with HIV.
5. And through mosquito bites
There are other preventive measures known as the ABCDE Principles, namely:
1. A or Abstinence : Not having sex.
2. B or Be Faitful: Be faithful to one partner
3. C or Condom: Always wear a condom during sexual intercourse.
4. D or Don't Inject: Do not share needles.
5. E or Education: Education about the dangers of HIV/AIDS.9 While other prevention
efforts can be done in various ways including: 1. Prevention efforts through blood/blood
donation.2. Prevention efforts through needles / other puncture tools: a. Avoiding injection
drug use b. Using sterile tools c. Do not change needles.3. Prevention efforts from HIV+
mothers to their babies: a. Advise the mother not to get pregnant/not to use injection drugs. b.
Provide prevention with retrovinel drugs in pregnant women and infants

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