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An Internship Project Report

Customer Preference and Satisfaction Level Towards
Their Expectation with Special Reference To

In the Partial fulfilment of the requirement of MBA programme under

the Faculty of Management Studies

Submitted By-



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I, Gulshan Kumar, Student of III Semester (MBA), Narayana Academy

of Managerial Excellence, Jamuhar, Bihar declare that the project on
“Customer Preference and Satisfaction Level Towards Their Expectation
with Special Reference” is the result of my own efforts and it is based on
data collected and guidance given to me.

I have prepared it during my Summer Internship from 22nd February

2021 and the project was completed on 22nd March 2021. This report is
correct to best of my knowledge and so far, has not been published
anywhere else.

Gulshan Kumar
MBA 3rd Semester
Roll No. 19MBA045
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It is said that without theory, practice is blind and without practice
theory is meaningless.

Hence practical training has been made integral part of the

management education in India. The training programmes are designed to
give a manager the future of the corporate happenings and work culture.

It exposes the potential of the manager of the future to the actual tune of
the working environment present is dynamic organization.

Personnel management is that part of management concerned with the

people at work and with their relationships within the organization.

Training is the process of increasing the knowledge and skill for doing a
particular job. It is an organized procedure by which people learn
knowledge and skill for a definite purpose. The purpose of training is
basically to bridge the gap between job requirements and present
competency of an employee.
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This project has been a great learning experience for me & I would like
to express my sincere gratitude to all the people who guide me through the
project and without the valuable guidance and suggestions of these people
this project would not have been completely successful. I took the
opportunity to do my internship in a Business Advisory Firm ‘BARNWAL

I owe enormous intellectual debt towards my Company Mentor Mr.

SHRIVASTAV, Professor, Narayana Academy of Managerial Excellence,
Jamuhar, Bihar for their continuous support & cooperation throughout my
project without which the present work would not have been possible.

I would like to thank all the respondents whom I interacted during my

project & all the employees for their cooperation without this I may not
able to complete it successfully.

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Information is one of the most important resources that a company

must possess. Some information is hidden deep in the black box - the mind
of the consumer, as in the case of information about consumer preferences.
Although it seems a concept difficult to grasp, it was shown that consumer
preferences can be effectively measured and their research may provide a
deeper understanding of the choices that consumers make when deciding
to select an offer against another and when deciding to continue in time the
relationship with one supplier. The following paper reveals some
important aspects regarding the use of information regarding consumer
preferences, the fundamentals behind consumer preferences research and
the milestones in the consumer preferences research process.

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Chapter 1 Page
 Introduction 06-07
 Scope of the Study
 Objectives of the Study 08

Chapter 2
 Company Profile 09-11
 Products

Studying the consumer’s behaviour is not an easy task at all, and even less
simple is observing only one aspect of this behaviour, like in the present case,
the consumers’ preference for a certain product, label or organisation. Along
the research consumers may express their needs and desires and still may act
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in a totally opposite way; at times, it’s possible that they aren’t even aware of
the true motivations behind their buying behaviour, or they could react to
factors determining last minute changes to their buying decision. Although
the consumer decisions are relatively easy to notice and quantify, the psycho-
physiological processes behind them are very difficult to take into account.

Research related to consumer behaviour looks upon its different

dimensions and their relationship. The final aim of these investigations is to
foresee and channel the future reactions of the demand agents, for a precise
correlation between demand and supply. In this respect, all dimensions that
lead to the manifestation of a certain behaviour must be studied and
understood. Each of the dimensions of the consumers’ behaviour we want to
focus on within a marketing research imprints on it with certain specificity, a
special way of approach.

Therefore, the features of the consumers’ preferences mark the conducted

studies with certain specific features in this sense, which we must take into
consideration when elaborating and conducting these studies, in view of
observing the essence of this dimension of the consumers’ behaviour.



1. To study the customer satisfaction level for the Barnwal & Barnwal
2. To understand various problems faced by customer of Barnwal &
Barnwal Company.
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3. To understand the awareness about the company’s products among the



1. To analyse complaints of customers towards products and services.

2. To collect the information of availability of particular product and
3. To find out the customer interest for the company’s products.
4. To develop effective solution to the problems faced by customers.


a) To find out prospective customers.
b) It helps in finding competitors strength as well as its weaknesses.
c) This survey helps the company to find its loophole in overall services
which is provided by them.
d) It is helpful to perceive the customers.
e) It is helpful to understand and analyse the factors that influence the

1. As stipulated by the university regulations, the study is undertaken
for a period of 45 days. This is very limited period.
2. When the user/buyer are busy we can ‘t gets accurate data from
them. During survey some respondents may not give answer in a
proper manner or might be their biasness is making some difference
between the actual feedback and given feedback.
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3. It is not possible to obtain some confidential data from the

4. Limited time available for interviewing the respondents. As a result
of this it was not possible to gather full information.
5. In the survey at many times, it was found that the customers’
relationship with service provider is not good because service
provided by company is quite costly.
6. It is little bit costly and time consuming to collect primary data
through face-to-face interaction with respondent.


 5 Steps of Customer’s Buying Process: -

The Customer Buying Process (also called a Buying Decision
Process) describes the process your customer goes through before they
buy your product. Understanding your customer’s buying process is
not only very important for your Salespeople, it will also enable you to
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align your sales strategy accordingly. The process has been interpreted
by many scholars over the years; however, the five stages framework
remains a good way to evaluate the customer’s buying process.

a) Problem/Need Recognition: This is often identified as the first and

most important step in the Customer’s Decision Process. A purchase
cannot take place without the recognition of the need. The need may
have been triggered by internal stimuli (such as hunger or thirst) or
external stimuli (such as advertising or word of mouth).

b) Information Search: Having recognised a problem or need, the next step

a customer may take is the Information Search stage, in order to find
out what they feel is the best solution. This is the buyer’s effort to search
internal and external business environments, in order to identify and
evaluate information sources related to the central buying decision.
Your customer may rely on print, visual, online media or word of
mouth for obtaining information.

c) Evaluation of Alternatives As you might expect, customers will

evaluate different products or brands at this stage on the basis of
alternative product attributes – those which have the ability to deliver
the benefits the customer is seeking. A factor that heavily influences this
stage is the customer’s attitude. Involvement is another factor that
influences the evaluation process. For example, if the customer’s
attitude is positive and involvement is high, then they will evaluate a
number of companies or brands; but if it is low, only one company or
brand will be evaluated.
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d) Purchase Decision: The penultimate stage is where the purchase takes

place. Philip Kotler (2009) states that the final purchase decision may be
‘disrupted’ by two factors: negative feedback from other customers and
the level of motivation to accept the feedback. For example, having
gone through the previous three stages, a customer chooses to buy a
new telescope. However, because his very good friend, a keen
astronomer, gives him negative feedback, he will then be bound to
change his preference. Furthermore, the decision may be disrupted due
to unforeseen situations such as a sudden job loss or relocation.

e) Post-Purchase Behaviour: In brief, customers will compare products

with their previous expectations and will be either satisfied or
dissatisfied. Therefore, these stages are critical in retaining customers.
This can greatly affect the decision process for similar purchases from
the same company in the future, having a knock-on effect at the
Information Search stage and Evaluation of Alternatives stage. If your
customer is satisfied, this will result in brand loyalty, and the
Information Search and Evaluation of Alternative stages will often be
fast-tracked or skipped altogether.


 Customer satisfaction
Is a term frequently used in marketing? It is a measure of
how products and services supplied by a company meet or
surpass customer expectation. Customer satisfaction is defined as
"the number of customers, or percentage of total customers,
whose reported experience with a firm, its products, or its
services (ratings) exceeds specified satisfaction goals. "In a survey
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of nearly 200 senior marketing managers, 71 percent responded

that they found a customer satisfaction metric very useful in
managing and monitoring their businesses.
 Purpose of Customer satisfaction
A business ideally is continually seeking feedback to
improve customer satisfaction.
"Customer satisfaction provides a leading indicator of
customer purchase intentions and loyalty." "Customer satisfaction
data are among the most frequently collected indicators of market
perceptions. Their principal use is twofold:"

1. "Within organizations, the collection, analysis and

dissemination of these data send a message about the
importance of tending to customers and ensuring
that they have a positive experience with the
company's goods and services.
2. "Although sales or market share can indicate how
well a firm is performing currently, satisfaction is
perhaps the best indicator of how likely it is that the
firm’s customers will make further purchases in the
future. Much research has focused on the
relationship between customer satisfaction and
retention. Studies indicate that the ramifications of
satisfaction are most strongly realized at the
On a five-point scale, "individuals who rate their satisfaction level
as '5' are likely to become return customers and might even evangelize
for the firm. (A second important metric related to satisfaction is
willingness to recommend. This metric is defined as "The percentage of
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surveyed customers who indicate that they would recommend a brand

to friends." When a customer is satisfied with a product, he or she might
recommend it to friends, relatives and colleagues. This can be a
powerful marketing advantage.) "Individuals who rate their satisfaction
level as '1,' by contrast, are unlikely to return. Further, they can hurt the
firm by making negative comments about it to prospective.

Customer delight is surprising a customer by exceeding his/her
expectations and thus creating a positive emotional reaction. This
emotional reaction leads to Word of Mouth. Customer Delight directly
affects sales and profitability of a company as it helps to distinguish the
company and its products and services from the competition. In the
past customer satisfaction has been seen as a key performance indicator.
Customer satisfaction measures the extent to which the expectations of
a customer are met (compared to expectations being exceeded).
However, it has been discovered that mere customer satisfaction does
not create brand loyalty nor does it encourage positive word of mouth.
Customer Delight can be created by the product itself, by
accompanied standard services and by interaction with people at the
front line. The interaction is the greatest source of opportunities to
create delight as it can be personalized and tailored to the specific needs
and wishes of the customer. During contacts with touch points in the
company, more than just customer service can be delivered. The person
at the front line can surprise by showing a sincere personal interest in
the customer, offer small attentions that might please or find a solution
specific to particular needs. Those front-line employees are able to
develop a relationship between the customer and the brand. Elements
in creating motivated staff are: recruiting the right people, motivating
them continuously and leading them in a clear way.
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There are three objectives when implementing Customer Delight,
 First, make customers loyal. As described by Sewell, that finding
new customers costs 4 to 9 times more time and money than
reselling to an existing client. It is thus commercially intelligent to
retain as many clients as possible.
 A second objective is to have customers that are more profitable.
Average delighted customers spend more with less hassle. As can
be seen with the list of Van Setten, when all other elements are
correct, clients accord less importance to price (as long as their
perception of price remains reasonable).
 The last objective of Customer Delight is to have clients talk
positively about your product, brand or shop, the so-called Word
of Mouth. In a world of well-informed customers, 92% of
customers consider word of mouth as the most reliable source of
information. Delighted clients are a valuable source of
advertisement for your company.


 Consumption and Post-Purchase Behaviour
a) Many different types of consumption
b) Ritual, sacred, profane, and compulsive consumption
c) Customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction
d) Purchase-associated cognitive dissonance
e) Post-purchase behaviour
f) Product disposition
 Product and Service Consumption
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a) Consumption is the possession and/or use of goods and

services and the benefits they deliver.
b) Consumption situation.
c) Physical context: time and place of consumption.
d) Social context: the presence of others.
e) Consumption episode: the set of items belonging to the
same event and occurring in temporal proximity.
f) Consumption system: a bundle of goods and services that
are consumed over time in multiple episodes
 Satisfaction versus Dissatisfaction
a) The level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction we experience
depends upon how well the product’s performance meets
our expectations.
b) A finite time period of possession is necessary to determine
c) Satisfaction is not easily measured because:
d) It means different things to different people
e) The level of satisfaction can change over time
f) Satisfaction can change when consumer needs and
preferences change
g) Satisfaction includes a social dimension (the experience of
others may add or subtract from our own satisfaction)
 Expectation and Satisfaction
 Product experiences can be classified into three types based
on the degree to which consumer expectations are fulfilled
(confirmation) or not (expectancy disconfirmation):
 Simple confirmation: the purchase performs as expected
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 Positive disconfirmation: when performance is better than

expected (much higher satisfaction)
 Negative disconfirmation: when the purchase falls short of
expectations (dissatisfaction)
If the negative disparity is wide it may lead to the contrast effect (poor
performance is magnified by the customers).


The first four elements in the services marketing mix are the same as
those in the traditional marketing mix. However, given the unique nature of
services, the implications of these are slightly different in case of services.
In case of services, the ‘product’ is intangible, heterogeneous and
perishable. Moreover, its production and consumption are inseparable.
Hence, there is scope for customizing the offering as per customer
requirements and the actual customer encounter therefore assumes
particular significance. However, too much customization would
compromise the standard delivery of the service and adversely affect its
quality. Hence particular care has to be taken in designing the service
Pricing of services is tougher than pricing of goods. While the
latter can be priced easily by taking into account the raw material costs,
in case of services attendant costs - such as labour and overhead costs -
also need to be factored in. The final price for the service is then arrived
at by including a markup for an adequate profit margin.
Since service delivery is concurrent with its production and
cannot be stored or transported, the location of the service product
assumes importance. Service providers have to give special thought to
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where the service would be provided. Thus, a fine dine restaurant is

better located in a busy, upscale market as against on the outskirts of a
city. Similarly, a holiday resort is better situated in the countryside
away from the rush and noise of a city.
Since a service offering can be easily replicated promotion
becomes crucial in differentiating a service offering in the mind of the
customer. Thus, service providers offering identical services such as
airlines or banks and insurance companies invest heavily in advertising
their services. This is crucial in attracting customers in a segment where
the services providers have nearly identical offerings.
The final three elements of the services marketing mix - people,
process and physical evidence - are unique to the marketing of services.

People are a defining factor in a service delivery process, since a
service is inseparable from the person providing it. Thus, a restaurant is
known as much for its food as for the service provided by its staff. The
same is true of banks and department stores. Consequently, customer
service training for staff has become a top priority for many
organizations today.
The process of service delivery is crucial since it ensures that the
same standard of service is repeatedly delivered to the customers.
Therefore, most companies have a service blueprint which provides the
details of the service delivery process, often going down to even
defining the service script and the greeting phrases to be used by the
service staff.
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Since services are intangible in nature, most service providers

strive to incorporate certain tangible elements into their offering to
enhance customer experience. Many hair salons invest in comfortable
and stylish sitting areas with magazines and plush sofas for patrons to
read and relax while they wait. Similarly, many restaurants invest
heavily in their interior design and decorations to offer a tangible and
unique experience to their guests.

 Customer Relationship Management: -

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a system for
managing a company’s interactions with current and future customers.
It often involves using technology to organize, automate and
synchronize sales, marketing, customer service, and technical support.

Customer relationship management systems track and measure
marketing campaigns over multiple networks. These systems can track
customer analysis by customer clicks and sales. Places where CRM is
used include call centres, social media, direct mail, data storage files,
banks, and customer data queries.
CRM systems are customer relationship management platforms. The
goal of the system is to track, record, store in databases, and then data
mine the information in a way that increases customer relations
(predominantly increased ARPU, and decreased churn). The CRM
codifies the interactions between you and your customers so that you
can maximize sales and profit using analytics and KPIs to give the users
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as much information on where to focus their marketing and customer

service to maximize revenue and decrease idle and unproductive
contact with your customers. The contact channels (now aiming to be
omni-channel from multi-channel) use such operational methods as
contact centers. The CRM software is installed in the contact centers,
and help direct customers to the right agent or self-empowered
knowledge. CRM software can also be used to identify and reward
loyal customers over a period of time.
The modern environment requires one business to interact with
another via the web. According to a Sweeney Group definition, CRM is
“all the tools, technologies and procedures to manage, improve, or
facilitate sales, support and related interactions with customers,
prospects, and business partners throughout the enterprise”. It assumes
that CRM is involved in every B2B transaction.
Despite the general notion that CRM systems were created for the
customer-centric businesses, they can also be applied to B2B
environments to streamline and improve customer management
conditions. B2C and B2B CRM systems are not created equally and
different CRM software applies to B2B and Business-to-Customer (B2C)
conditions. B2B relationships usually have longer maturity times than
B2C relationships. For the best level of CRM operation in a B2B
environment, the software must be personalized and delivered at
individual levels.

 Characteristics of CRM
Well-designed CRM includes the following characteristics:
1. Relationship management is a customer-oriented feature with
service response based on customer input, one-to-one solutions to
customers’ requirements, direct online communications with
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customer and customer service centres that help customers solve

their questions.
2. Sales force automation. SFA is a technique of using software to
automate the business tasks of sales, including order processing,
contact management, information sharing, inventory monitoring
and control, order tracking, customer management, sales forecast
analysis and employee performance evaluation.
3. Use of technology. This feature is about following the technology
trend and skills of value delivering using technology to make
“up-to-the-second” customer data available. It applies data
warehouse technology in order to aggregate transaction
information, to merge the information with CRM solutions, and
to provide KPI (key performance indicators).
4. Opportunity management. This feature helps the company to
manage unpredictable growth and demand and implement a
good forecasting model to integrate sales history with sales

 Implementing CRM to the company

The following are general guidelines on implementing a CRM system.
1. Make a strategic decision on what problems you want your
CRM system to address, what improvements or changes it
should bring in the business processes of the organization.
2. Choose an appropriate project manager. Typically, IT will be
engaged, however a manager with a customer service/sales
and marketing business focus should be involved, as the
impact of the project will be mainly on the business side.
3. Ensure executive sponsorship and top management support.
4. Empower team members with the required authority to
complete the tasks.
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5. Select the correct implementation partner. They must have

both vertical and horizontal business knowledge, as well as
technical expertise.
6. Define KPI's that will measure the project's success
7. Use a phased approach. Work towards long-term enterprise-
scale implementation through a series of smaller, phased


BARNWAL & BARNWAL Co. is a leading firm India providing

comprehensive business advisory services to start new business as well as
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strategy and several other factors.

Whether your aim is to turn your business into a profitable business, or

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development, creating marketing strategy, ensuring stringent product quality
or whatever support you need.

Being India's one of the prominent brands providing business advisory

service, we can literally change the graph trend of your business by analysing
P a g e | 22

your current business status, spotting out the underlying issues, finding
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A business cannot withstand the competition of the market without having

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complete support to upscale your business.

 Systems & Processes

As a business grows, it becomes tougher to keep the departments

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 Branding

Establishing your business as a brand is a highly important to get return in

long term. With a vivid brand image, you can get handsome sales even when
you aren't involved in active sales and marketing. Let's have a discussion on
how to give your business a prominent brand identity.
P a g e | 23

 Marketing

A business grows steadily when you can create new markets for your
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 Sales

Sales is the ultimate target of any business that will keep your business in
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 Customer Service

A sale isn't closed until you get a good feedback from your customer. So,
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 Funding Sources

Without enough capital, no business person can executive their plans.

Several businesses get vanished every year just because of insufficient fund.
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Improper accounting is not only dangerous for your business, but also can
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P a g e | 24

 Management

Managing all the departments of a business can be one of the biggest

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 Knowledge Build-up

Let it be customer psychology, a new technology, support service,

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Values they hold –

a. Integrity:

They believe in being straight, honest and fair with their clients, their
people and their suppliers.

b. Dedication:

More attention; more commitment; more energy. They always strive to

achieve the highest standards in everything they do.

c. Curiosity:

They’re always curious. They listen. Because they believe that the only way
to generate new ideas is to have an open mind. They are never satisfied with
the status quo as there is always a better way.

d. Innovation:

It lies at the heart of everything they do. And they use it judiciously to
respond to the consumers changing needs. They are always searching for an
outstanding business building idea.
P a g e | 25

e. Rapidity:

They believe that today time is more valuable than money. And their
approach to business stands testament to this belief. Rapid decision making
and flexibility go hand in hand when it comes to advertising industry.



Digital signatures are a standard element of most cryptographic

protocol suites, and are commonly used for software distribution, financial
transactions, contract management software, and in other cases where it is
important to detect forgery or tampering.

The Information Technology Act, 2000 has provisions for use of Digital
Signatures on the documents submitted in electronic form in order to
ensure the security and authenticity of the documents filed electronically.
This is secure and authentic way to submit a document electronically. As
such, all filings done by the companies/LLPs under MCA21 e-Governance
programme are required to be filed using Digital Signatures by the person
authorised to sign the documents.


 Sign-
Sign DSC can only be used for signing documents. The most
popular usage of is signing the PDF file for Tax Returns, MCA and
other websites. Signing via DSC gives the assurance of not only the
integrity of the signer but also the data. It is proof of untampered and
unaltered data.
P a g e | 26

 Encrypt-
Encrypt DSC can only be used to encrypt a document, it is
popularly used in the tender portal, to help companies encrypt the
documents and upload. You could also use the certificate to encrypt
and send classified information. Encrypt DSC is fit for e-commerce
documents, legal documentation and sharing documents that are highly
confidential and contains information that needs to be protected. We
are selling Encrypt certificate as a standalone product as well.
 Sign & Encrypt-
Sign & Encrypt DSC can be used for both signing and encrypting.
It is convenient for users who need to authenticate and maintain the
confidentiality of the information shared. Its usage includes filing
government form and application.


You could buy certificates with a validity up to three years. (The

validity is controlled by law, and you cannot buy certificates more than
three years and less than One year validity)
 Class 2 Digital Signature Certificate-
Class 2 Digital Signature (DSC) to individuals and organizations
DSC for both Indian and foreign applicant. The main function of this
certificate is to authenticate the details of the signer. It re-affirms the
already mentioned data of the user. It is used in various form-filling,
online registration, email attestation, income tax filing and etc. More
uses of Class 2 Digital Signature Certificates are given below.
o MCA e-filing
o Income Tax e-filing
o LLP registration
o GST application
P a g e | 27

o IE code registration
o Form 16 etc.
 Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate
Class 3 digital signature certificate according to IVG guideline which
is more secure in comparison to class 2 certificate, this is the safest of all
certificates. It is used in matters of high security and safety. It is mainly
used in online trading and e-commerce, where a huge amount of money
or highly confidential information is involved. If you opt for class 3
certificate, all applications which are created for Class 2, should be able
to recognize your certificates. Following are the main functions of Class
3 certificates –
o E-tendering
o Patent and trademark e-filing
o MCA e-filing
o Customs e-filing
o E-procurement
o E-biding
o E-auction etc.
Aadhar-Based Paperless DSC-
Any applicant who is an Aadhaar card holder can apply for
the Digital Signature Certificates in a paperless manner using,
"Aadhaar Offline e-KYC'' procedure. Aadhar based KYC
verification process is paperless and digital knows your customer
(e-KYC) procedure, wherein the application is carried forward
after a digital verification of the applicant. The process of applying
for a DSC application to generate orders and downloading the
DSC is quick and can get completed within 15-20 mins.
P a g e | 28

PAN Based Paperless DSC-

By opting for the PAN-based Paperless DSC, the applicant
can save on the relative cost. The process of obtaining the Pan-
based Paperless DSC is easy, fast, and followed by a quick video
verification, where the applicant needs to reflect their PAN card in
the video. The best advantage of this Pan-based Paperless DSC
generated after e-KYC verification is that one can apply for this
type of DSC online anytime or anywhere, giving the applicant the
gift of global convenience.
GST Based Paperless DSC-
GST Based paperless Organisational DSCs (Digital Signature
Certificate) for Organisations having their exclusive GST
certificate. These certificates provide complete security by
ensuring confidentiality to the information or documents with
Digital Signature when shared digitally.
P a g e | 29

A visual symbol like a word signature, name, device, label,
numerals, or combination of colors used by the owner of the trademark
for goods or services or other articles of commerce to distinguish it from
other similar goods or services originating from different businesses. A
trademark can be a word, symbol, logo, brand name, wrapper,
packaging labels, tagline, or a combination of these and are used by
manufacturers or service providers to identify their own products
and/or services. It is used to distinguish the owners’ products or
services from those of its competitors
In India, trademarks are protected both under statutory law and
common law. The Trade and Merchandise Marks Act, 1940 (“TM Act,
1940”) was the first law in this regard in India, which was replaced later
by the TM Act, 1958. The Trade Marks Act, 1999 (“TM Act”) - which has
replaced the TM Act, 1958 - came into effect on September 15, 2003 and
is in compliance with the TRIPS obligations. The TM Act allows for the
registration of service marks and three-dimensional marks as well.
follows the NICE Classification of goods and services, which is
incorporated in the Schedule to the Rules under the TM Act.1 A Trade
Marks Registry had been established for the purposes of the TM Act,
1940, which has continued to function under the TM Act, 1958 and TM
Act. The Trade Marks Registry is under the charge of the Registrar of
Trademarks. The head office of the Trade Marks Registry is in Bombay
(Mumbai) and its branches are at Calcutta (Kolkata), Delhi, Madras
P a g e | 30

(Chennai), and Ahmedabad. The territorial jurisdiction of each office

has also been allocated.

In addition to trademarks, the following categories of marks can also be

registered under the TM Act:

 Certification marks are given for compliance with defined

standards, but are not confined to any membership. Such marks
are granted to anyone who can certify that the products involved
meet certain established standards. The internationally accepted
“ISO 9000” quality standard is an example of a widely recognized
certification mark.
 Collective marks can be owned by any association. The members
of such associations will be allowed to use the collective mark to
identify themselves with a level of quality and other
requirements and standards set by the association. Examples of
such associations would be those representing accountants,
engineers or architects.

Who can apply for a trademark?

Any person which can be an individual, company, proprietor, or legal

entity claiming to be the owner of the trademark can apply. The application
for the trademark can be filed within a few days and you can start using the
“TM” symbol. And the time required for the trademark registry to complete
formalities is 8 to 24 months. You may use the ® (Registered symbol) next to
your trademark once your trademark is registered and the registration
certificate is issued. Once registered a trademark is valid for 10 years from the
date of filing, which can be renewed from time to time.
P a g e | 31

Is a registered Indian Trademark valid outside of

No, an Indian Trademark may not be valid outside of India. It does not,
therefore, guarantee any protection in any other country. To acquire a
trademark in a different country a separate application must be filed in each
of these countries. Applications for registration in foreign countries can be
based on the Indian trade mark application. Convention priority may be
claimed if foreign applications are filed within six months after filing of the
Indian application. Such applications are made in terms of the International
Convention of Paris, as in the case of patents, but the period provided is
limited to six months.

What are the government fees applicable for

trademark registration?

The government fees for trademark registration are Rs.c9000 per

application per class for company. The government fees for trademark
registration are Rs. 4500 per application per class for individual.

Types of Trademark

A trademark is a combination of characters and numbers used by a

Company to claim its ownership and is designed to represent the products
and services offered by them. Several trademarks can be registered as the
product mark, service mark, collective mark, certification mark, shape mark,
sound mark, pattern mark. However, the purpose of these trademarks is to
become the identity that enables the customer to differentiate between the
goods and services. Here are the different types of Trademark.
P a g e | 32

1. Product Mark is used on goods or products rather than services. This

Trademark is used to recognize the origin of the product, and it helps
maintain the reputation of the business. The applications that are filed
under class 1-34 can be termed as Product marks as they represent
2. The Service Mark is similar to the product mark but used to represent a
service. The service distinguishes its Proprietor from the owners of the
other services. Service mark applications can be filed under the class 35-
3. A Collective Mark is used to educate the public about certain
distinguishing features of a product or service used to represent a
collective. A group can use this mark as they are collectively protecting
the same goods and services. An association or a public institution can
be a mark holder. Usually, the standards of the products are fixed by
the regulatory owning the mark. Others associated should adhere to
specific standards while using this mark in the course of business. A
famous collective mark in India is the Chartered Accountant
4. Certification Mark denotes the products' origin, material, quality, or
other specific details which the Proprietor issues. The primary purpose
of this certificate is to bring out the standard of the product to the
customers. This Certification mark is also used to uplift the product's
standard among the customers by showing that they have undergone
quality assurance tests. Packaged foods, toys, and electronics generally
have Certification marks.
5. Shape Mark is used to protecting the shape of a product so that the
customers find it related to a specific manufacturer and prefer to buy
the product. The product's particular shape can be registered once it is
P a g e | 33

recognized to have a unique shape —for instance, Coco cola bottles or

Fanta bottles.
6. Pattern Mark is specifically for those products that have design
patterns that come out as the product's identity. Patterns which are not
remarkable is rejected as it does not serve any purpose. To register a
pattern, it is necessary to show the uniqueness of that product.
7. A Sound Mark is a sound that can be associated with a product or any
service by a particular supplier. To be a registered sound mark, it is
necessary that people easily identify the sound when they hear it.
Sound marks are the sound mnemonic that appears at the beginning or
the end of the commercial. Just like the famous mark of IPL.


P a g e | 34

Nice Classification of goods & services-

The International (Nice) Classification of Goods and Services is a system
for the purposes of the registration of marks was established by an Agreement
P a g e | 35

concluded at the Nice Diplomatic Conference, on June 15, 1957, and was
revised at Stockholm, in 1967, and at Geneva, in 1977. India acceded to the
Nice Agreement on September 7, 2019 and accordingly the current version of
the Nice Classification is used by the Indian trademark office for the purpose
of classification of goods and services while examining a trademark
application in India.

There are 45 classes in the Nice classification out of which, classes 1 to

34 categorize goods or products and classes 35 to 45 categorizes services. The
Nice classification provides a broad heading called “Class Header” which
gives a clear explanation as to the type of goods or services that are covered
under each class. The list of classes and the respective headings for
registration of trademark is given below.


Class 1: Chemicals for use in industry, science and photography, as well as in

agriculture, horticulture and forestry; unprocessed artificial resins,
unprocessed plastics; fire extinguishing and fire prevention compositions;
tempering and soldering preparations; substances for tanning animal skins
and hides; adhesives for use in industry; putties and other paste fillers;
compost, manures, fertilizers; biological preparations for use in industry and

Class 2: Paints, varnishes, lacquers; preservatives against rust and against

deterioration of wood; colorants, dyes; inks for printing, marking and
engraving; raw natural resins; metals in foil and powder form for use in
painting, decorating, printing and art.

Class 3: Non-medicated cosmetics and toiletry preparations; non-medicated

dentifrices; perfumery, essential oils; bleaching preparations and other
P a g e | 36

substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive


Class 4: Industrial oils and greases, wax; lubricants; dust absorbing, wetting
and binding compositions; fuels and illuminates; candles and wicks for

Class 5: Pharmaceuticals, medical and veterinary preparations; sanitary

preparations for medical purposes; dietetic food and substances adapted for
medical or veterinary use, food for babies; dietary supplements for human
beings and animals; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping
teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin;
fungicides, herbicides.

Class 6: Common metals and their alloys, ores; metal materials for building
and construction; transportable buildings of metal; non-electric cables and
wires of common metal; small items of metal hardware; metal containers for
storage or transport; safes.

Class 7: Machines, machine tools, power-operated tools; motors and engines,

except for land vehicles; machine coupling and transmission components,
except for land vehicles; agricultural implements, other than hand-operated
hand tools; incubators for eggs; automatic vending machines.

Class 8: Hand tools and implements, hand-operated; cutlery; side arms,

except firearms; razors.

Class 9: Scientific, research, navigation, surveying, photographic,

cinematographic, audio-visual, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling,
detecting, testing, inspecting, life-saving and teaching apparatus and
instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching,
transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling the distribution or use
of electricity; apparatus and instruments for recording, transmitting,
P a g e | 37

reproducing or processing sound, images or data; recorded and downloadable

media, computer software, blank digital or analogue recording and storage
media; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating
devices; computers and computer peripheral devices; diving suits, divers’
masks, ear plugs for divers, nose clips for divers and swimmers, gloves for
divers, breathing apparatus for underwater swimming; fire-extinguishing

Class 10: Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments;
artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopaedic articles; suture materials;
therapeutic and assistive devices adapted for persons with disabilities;
massage apparatus; apparatus, devices and articles for nursing infants; sexual
activity apparatus, devices and articles.

Class 11: Apparatus and installations for lighting, heating, cooling, steam
generating, cooking, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes.

Class 12: Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water.

Class 13: Firearms; ammunition and projectiles; explosives; fireworks.

Class 14: Precious metals and their alloys; jewellery, precious and semi-
precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments.

Class 15: Musical instruments; music stands and stands for musical
instruments; conductors’ batons.

Class 16: Paper and cardboard; printed matter; bookbinding material;

photographs; stationery and office requisites, except furniture; adhesives for
stationery or household purposes; drawing materials and materials for artists;
paintbrushes; instructional and teaching materials; plastic sheets, films and
bags for wrapping and packaging; printers’ type, printing blocks.
P a g e | 38

Class 17: Unprocessed and semi-processed rubber, gutta-percha, gum,

asbestos, mica and substitutes for all these materials; plastics and resins in
extruded form for use in manufacture; packing, stopping and insulating
materials; flexible pipes, tubes and hoses, not of metal.

Class 18: Leather and imitations of leather; animal skins and hides; luggage
and carrying bags; umbrellas and parasols; walking sticks; whips, harness and
saddlery; collars, leashes and clothing for animals.

Class 19: Materials, not of metal, for building and construction; rigid pipes,
not of metal, for building; asphalt, pitch, tar and bitumen; transportable
buildings, not of metal; monuments, not of metal.

Class 20: Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; containers, not of metal, for
storage or transport; unworked or semi-worked bone, horn, whalebone or
mother-of-pearl; shells; meerschaum; yellow amber.

Class 21: Household or kitchen utensils and containers; cookware and

tableware, except forks, knives and spoons; combs and sponges; brushes,
except paintbrushes; brush-making materials; articles for cleaning purposes;
unworked or semi-worked glass, except building glass; glassware, porcelain
and earthenware.

Class 22: Ropes and string; nets; tents and tarpaulins; awnings of textile or
synthetic materials; sails; sacks for the transport and storage of materials in
bulk; padding, cushioning and stuffing materials, except of paper, cardboard,
rubber or plastics; raw fibrous textile materials and substitutes therefor.

Class 23: Yarns and threads for textile use.

Class 24: Textiles and substitutes for textiles; household linen; curtains of
textile or plastic.
P a g e | 39

Class 25: Clothing, footwear, headwear.

Class 26: Lace, braid and embroidery, and haberdashery ribbons and bows;
buttons, hooks and eyes, pins and needles; artificial flowers; hair decorations;
false hair.

Class 27: Carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum and other materials for
covering existing floors; wall hangings, not of textile.

Class 28: Games, toys and playthings; video game apparatus; gymnastic and
sporting articles; decorations for Christmas trees.

Class 29: Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, frozen, dried
and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs; milk, cheese,
butter, yogurt and other milk products; oils and fats for food.

Class 30: Coffee, tea, cocoa and artificial coffee; rice, pasta and noodles;
tapioca and sago; flour and preparations made from cereals; bread, pastries
and confectionery; chocolate; ice cream, sorbets and other edible ices; sugar,
honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt, seasonings, spices, preserved herbs;
vinegar, sauces and other condiments; ice (frozen water).

Class 31: Raw and unprocessed agricultural, aquacultural, horticultural and

forestry products; raw and unprocessed grains and seeds; fresh fruits and
vegetables, fresh herbs; natural plants and flowers; bulbs, seedlings and seeds
for planting; live animals; foodstuffs and beverages for animals; malt.

Class 32: Beers; non-alcoholic beverages; mineral and aerated waters; fruit
beverages and fruit juices; syrups and other non-alcoholic preparations for
making beverages.

Class 33: Alcoholic beverages, except beers; alcoholic preparations for making
P a g e | 40

Class 34: Tobacco and tobacco substitutes; cigarettes and cigars; electronic
cigarettes and oral vaporizers for smokers; smokers’ articles; matches.


Class 35: Advertising; business management; business administration; office


Class 36: Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs.

Class 37: Construction services; installation and repair services; mining

extraction, oil and gas drilling.

Class 38: Telecommunications services.

Class 39: Transport; packaging and storage of goods; travel arrangement.

Class 40: Treatment of materials; recycling of waste and trash; air purification
and treatment of water; printing services; food and drink preservation.

Class 41: Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and

cultural activities.

Class 42: Scientific and technological services and research and design relating
thereto; industrial analysis, industrial research and industrial design services;
quality control and authentication services; design and development of
computer hardware and software.

Class 43: Services for providing food and drink; temporary accommodation.

Class 44: Medical services; veterinary services; hygienic and beauty care for
human beings or animals; agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture and forestry

Class 45: Legal services; security services for the physical protection of
tangible property and individuals; personal and social services rendered by
others to meet the needs of individuals.
P a g e | 41

Figure 3: Trademark Certificate of KORYO (Sample Copy)


An Overview
P a g e | 42

ISO certification certifies that a management system, manufacturing

process, service, or documentation procedure has all the requirements for
standardization and quality assurance. ISO (International Organization for
Standardization) is an independent, non-governmental, international
organization that develops standards to ensure the quality, safety, and
efficiency of products, services, and systems.

ISO certifications exist in many areas of industry, from energy

management and social responsibility to medical devices and energy
management. ISO standards are in place to ensure consistency. Each
certification has separate standards and criteria and is classified numerically.
For instance, the ISO certification we currently hold at Mead Metals is ISO

ISO providing guidelines for companies in terms of product quality,

health, and performance. An ISO registration enhances the reputation of your
service or product there are different types of ISO certification like ISO 9001,
ISO 14001, ISO 5001, etc.

QMS is structured framework of policies, processes and procedures for

planning and execution in the core business areas of an organization. ISO
9001:2015 is the international standard for QMS. It is globally recognized and
accepted and can be implemented by all small, medium and large enterprises
to enhance efficiency, quality and profits. It also helps in reducing waste, and
lowering costs.

There are numerous types of ISO certification in India that are listed below:

ISO 9001:2015- Quality Management System

OHSAS 18001 – Occupational Health & Safety Management System

P a g e | 43

ISO 37001 – Anti-bribery control systems

ISO 31000 – Risk Management

ISO 27001 – Information Security Management System

ISO 10002 – Compliant Management System

ISO 14001:2015 – Environment Management System

ISO 26000 – Social Responsibility

ISO 28000 – Security Management

ISO 22008 – Food Safety Management

SA 8000 – Social accountability

EnMS EN 16001 ISO 50001 – Energy Management

SO/IEC 17025 – Testing and calibration laboratories

SO 13485 – Medical devices

ISO 639 – Language codes

ISO 4217 – Currency codes

ISO 3166 – Country codes

ISO 8601 – Date and time format

ISO 20121 – Sustainable events

ISO/IEC 27001 – Information protection control

The process for obtaining ISO certification in India is explained in

detail below:

 Make an Application
P a g e | 44

Once the entrepreneur or application has selected the ISO standard and
ISO certification body, need to make an application in a prescribed form
(depends on the ISO registrar). The application should contain rights and
obligations of entrepreneur and certification body parties and includes
liability issues, confidentiality, and access rights.

 Documents Review by Registrar

The ISO certification body will review all the quality manuals and
documents related to various policies and procedures being followed in the
organisation. Review of existing works will help the ISO registrar to identify
the possible gaps against the requirements stipulated in the ISO standards.

 Determination of Pre-assessment Needs

The Pre-assessment is an initial review of the Quality Management System

in an organisation to identify any significant weakness or omissions in the
system and registrar will provide the organisation with an opportunity to
correct the deficiencies before the regular registration assessment is

 Prepare an Action Plan

After the ISO registrar notified the existing gaps in the organisation, the
applicant or entrepreneur has to prepare an action plan to eliminate these
gaps. The action plan should contain the list of the required tasks to be
performed to meet the Quality Management System

Note: The entrepreneur may need giving training to employees to work efficiently to
achieve quality management system. Make all the employees in the organisation to aware
of the ISO standards concerning work efficiency and quality standards.

 Onsite Inspection or Audit

The ISO registrar will conduct a physical onsite inspection to audit the
changes made in the organisation.
P a g e | 45

During the audit, if the registrar finds anything that does not meet with the
requirements of the ISO standards, registrar determines the severity and issue
findings. Audit findings are usually called as nonconformities and fall into
one of two categories depending on severity.

A Minor Non-conformance – It deals with minor infractions of procedures or

minor failures of the system in meeting the ISO standards.

A Major Non-conformance – It deals with issues where the nonconforming

products are likely to reach the customers or where there is a breakdown in
the quality system that results in an inefficient system in meeting the
requirements of the standards.

 Final audit

The registration cannot proceed until all significant nonconformities are

closed and verified by the Registrar. This usually involves a re-audit of the
affected areas and, of course, the associated costs.

 Get ISO Certificate

After all, non-conformities are addressed, and all the findings are updated
in the ISO audit report, the registrar will grant the ISO certification.

 Surveillance Audits

Surveillance audit will be conducted primarily to ensure that the

organisation is maintaining ISO quality standards. It will be performed from
time to time.

Advantages of ISO certification bodies

Given below are the advantages of choosing an accredited ISO certification

P a g e | 46

 Always provide you the confidence of getting the service that closely
meets your requirements.
 It differentiates the market and leadership by showing to others
credible evidence of good practice.
 Through this you may get a chance to win a new business since the use
of accredited conformity assessment services is increasingly a
stipulation of specifiers in both the public and private sector;
 Helps to identify the best practice since the certification body needs to
have an appropriate knowledge of your business sector.
 It has the ability to control the cost with the help of knowledge transfer
since accredited certification bodies can be a good source of impartial
 You can gain access to overseas markets since certificates issued by
them are recognized well and accepted throughout the world by
choosing an accredited body for certification.
 Apart from this, it demonstrates due diligence in the event of legal
 Last, it reduces paperwork and increases efficiency by reducing the
relevance of re-audit your business.

Figure 4: ISO Certificate 24by7 Publishing (Sample Copy)

P a g e | 47

P a g e | 48


What is research: - Research comprises "creative work undertaken on a

systematic basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge, including
knowledge of man, culture and society, and the use of this stock of
knowledge to devise new applications." It is used to establish or confirm
facts, reaffirm the results of previous work, solve new or existing
problems, support theorems, or develop new theories. A research project
may also be an expansion on past work in the field. To test the validity of
instruments, procedures, or experiments, research may replicate elements
of prior projects, or the project as a whole. The primary purposes of basic
research (as opposed to applied research) are documentation, discovery,
interpretation, or the research and development (R&D) of methods and
systems for the advancement of human knowledge. Approaches to
research depend on epistemologies, which vary considerably both within
and between humanities and sciences. There are several forms of research:
scientific, humanities, artistic, economic, social, business, marketing,
practitioner research, etc.
P a g e | 49


The study was started so as to know whether the customers are satisfied
with products and services of Barnwal & Barnwal Co.

The project has been done on the customer’s satisfaction towards the
products and services. The analysis was done based on the information
collected in the form of questionnaire from the customers. The major part of
the analysis is based upon the percentage analysis.

After a brief analysis few findings were derived. Based on findings the
suggestions and the conclusion were made.

Thus, the report says that the product and services by the Barnwal &
Barnwal Co. was very useful and it was satisfying the majority of the
customers using it. Moreover, many people are interested in doing transaction
with Barnwal & Barnwal Co. in the future. The report was very helpful for the
company to know how and the suggestions of the customer in the services of
Barnwal & Barnwal Co.
P a g e | 50



 R. Kothari, Research Methodology [New Age Publications], Second


 Kenneth E.Clow and Donald E. Baack, Integrated advertising,

Promotions and Marketing Communications, [Pearson], Third
 Measuring Customer Satisfaction, Third Edition: Survey Design.
 Philip Kotler, Marketing Management [Tata McGraw Hill].

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