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MBOU School №15

Zavodskoy district t. Saratov

A message on the subject:

«11 UK holidays.»

Student of 3«Б» class
Tokarev Artyom

Saratov, 2021 year

5 UK holidays: what's on the Foggy Albion

1 New Year / January 1

As in the rest of the world, the UK celebrates the New Year on 1 January. The festival is
not as large-scale as at Christmas,but still quite popular in the country. At midnight, the
British count down the battle of the chimes with the famous Big Ben, and then go to run
fireworks or continue the holiday party. If Christmas is traditionally a family holiday, then
the New Year can be spent with friends.
2 Burns Night / January 25

One of the national holidays in Scotland is the birthday of the poet Robert Burns. Scots
traditionally gather at the festive table with favorite dishes, such as haggis (pudding),
and arrange an evening of remembrance. They usually sing songs, play bagpipes and
recite Burns poems.

3 Valentine's Day / February 14

This holiday is popular all over the world, and especially it is loved in the UK. It used to
be celebrated as a Catholic holiday, but now it is celebrated as secular. All lovers of the
United Kingdom on February 14 spend the day together and give each other gifts.
4 St David's Day / March 1

This holiday is celebrated only in Wales, as it is the day of remembrance of the patron
saint of this country since the 18th century. David Welsh lived in the 6th century, and
the date of remembrance is celebrated along with the day of his death in 589. Residents
of Wales celebrate St. David's Day on March 1, hold a large parade in Cardiff, and on
this day even the United States of Amerika lights up the Empire State Building in the
colors of the Welsh flag.

5 St. Patrick's Day / March 17

Ireland also has its patron saint, Patrick, and in the 17th century the date of his death
was set as a day of remembrance. Since then, March 17 is not only the Catholic day of
st. Patrick's Day, but also the cultural heritage of Ireland. Residents of the country on
this day organize parades and festivals, dress up in green clothes and use shamrock as
6 Easter /April

The British also celebrate Easter, which symbolizes the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In
the UK, this holiday is the main religious event, so schools are closed for a two-week
vacation. On Easter Day, the British necessarily go to church, put on new clothes and
decorate the house in spring.

7 Banner Takeaway Ceremony / June

Queen Elizabeth II celebrates her birthday with her family on April 21, and for the whole
country - in June. The tradition of officially celebrating the monarch's birthday began in
1748, and since then almost every year takes place in June, excluding days of
mourning or bad weather. Also on this day, the regiments of Great Britain and the
United Kingdom arrange a colorful ceremony (Trooping the Colours). From 2018, there
is an online broadcast of the queen's birthday, because on this day you can see the
ConnogwardIan parade.
8 Guy Fawkes Night / November 5

The story of the night, began in 1605, when a group of conspirators led by Guy Fox tried
to blow up the English Parliament. The plot was averted, and now Britons annually
celebrate the unofficial holiday, which is also called fireworks Night. Residents of the
country cry out firecrackers and fireworks, burn an effigy of Guy Fawkes and make fires.

9 Remembrance Day / November 11

Remembrance Day was commemorative by order of King George V in 1919, just after
World War I. On this day, the British and the people of the British Commonwealth
remember all the soldiers who died in conflicts involving Great Britain. People call it
Makov Day, because the red color symbolizes the blood shed in battles. Also on this
day a minute of silence is held at exactly 11 o'clock.
10 Boxing Day / December 26

Another holiday, which is celebrated only in the UK and in the Commonwealth - Boxing
Day. It is traditionally celebrated on December 26, and literally this holiday translates as.
There are several versions of its origin, for example, that on Boxing Day families packed
leftover holiday food and small gifts, and then attributed to the poor.

11 Hogmanay / December 31

This holiday is traditionally celebrated only in Scotland and means the last day of the
year. It stretches for two days and is usually accompanied by fireworks, bonfires and fire
shows. Scots love to go to guests and neighbors these days, and traditionally pay
special attention to the very first guest in the new year.
New Year Boxing Day Hogmanay Easter
presents ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

big meal ✔ ❌ ✔ ✔

parades ❌ ❌ ❌ ❌

fireworks ✔ ❌ ✔ ❌

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parties ✔ ❌ ✔ ❌

lights ✔ ❌ ✔ ❌

eggs ❌ ❌ ❌ ✔

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