Trek-Worthy Journeys: April 2021

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April 2021

Story Journey Muse

Trek-worthy Journeys Upwards & Onward Floral Valleys Natural Inspiration
April 2021

Park Jung-youl
Korean Culture and Information Service

Executive Producer
Park Byunggyu

Park Jaehong, Jeon Jeongeon

Park Pumsoon, Ryoo Cheul-Ho,
Chung Wonjun, Kim Dong-hun © Studio Kenn © Studio Kenn © JB


Magazine Production
06 42
Story Antique
Park Sangho
Upwards & Onward Hwagak
(Lacquered Ox-horn)
Production Supervisor
Seong Hyekyung
Journey 46
Editing Team
Lee Yongkook, Kim Jane, Yoon Sui Floral Valleys Home Activity 101
Jirisan Mountain, Jeolla-do Province Setting Up
Creative Director
Min Guihong Leafy Habitation
Kang Seungmi, Lee Yongmuk, Song Yeji Muse 50

Natural Inspiration Current Korea
Studio Kenn Asia’s Hub of Global Media
Interview 52
Hur Young Man KCC Now
Platformizing Intercultural Exchange
Indie Culture 54
K-beauty Brands Global Korea
- Minhwa Today
34 - Imparting Sounds
Seasonal Delights - Letter to Would-be Honorary Reporters
(Flower pancakes) 57
Speak Like a Korean
38 Haircut
Trek-worthy Journeys K-pop Beats
Lasting Careers
Despite all the modern comforts of Korea’s urban environment, people really enjoy trekking. Whether on the
subway or alongside any well-paved lake or riverside, at least one hiker or two will be clad in trekking gear.
While hiking has heretofore been the pastime of the middle-aged and older, the coronavirus pandemic has
broadened its demographic appeal. Many younger Koreans — primarily millennials — are now taking to the
hills. Accordingly, online sales of hiking gear and camping equipment are booming.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without permission from KOREA and the Ko-
•All photographs have either been taken prior to the pandemic, or under its safety protocols. rean Culture and Information Service. A downloadable PDF of KOREA and a map and glossary with common Korean words
appearing in our magazine are available by clicking on the thumbnail of KOREA at the website Publication
ISSN 2005-2162 Registration No: 11-1371030-000014-06
Trek-worthy Journeys
Korea is a land of mountains. Rugged terrain,
steep hillsides and endless ridgelines never
disappear from view. It’s no surprise, then, that
trekking is a popular activity, if not a lifestyle.
[san-haeng] Whether it’s for exercise, camaraderie-build-
ing, socializing, networking, or just leisure,
Koreans of all ages are hitting the mountains
The nobility of Joseon era What is it about mountains that brings landscapes. When azalea blooms in the

served as the backdrop of

were fond of making excur- Korean hikers so much pleasure? The an- hills, Koreans are often drawn there by
sions to famed mountains,

Mountains have long

like the Geumgangsan Moun- swer to that question may well vary with some irrepressible urge. Koreans over-

Koreans’ lives.
tain shown. The featured
the individual, but clearly many Koreans seas say they often yearn for the hills
minhwa (folk art) was drawn
by Jeong Seon, a landscape take habitual joy and comfort both in the and fields of their home country, sprin-
painter (1676–1759).
mountains and in nature more broadly. kled with the splendid pale pink of the
2.  Quite a few people are hiking manias, azaleas. Koreans think of their hills as
Situated approx. 25 km
southeast of Seoul, Nam- while plenty of others say that hiking is good-natured neighbors. Furthermore,
hansanseong Fortress is a the only way they can deal with the severe the hills here are generally low enough
UNESCO World Heritage
and landmark that had been stress and loneliness of their lives. to be approachable: they can be easily
designed as an emergency Korea is a very mountainous coun- climbed in a pair of flip flops. That’s the
capital in the Joseon Dynasty.
try, with hills covering 70% of its land- biggest reason that hiking is so popular
mass. That means mountains have always in Korea.

served as the backdrop of Koreans’ lives. But when exactly did Koreans start hik-
The picturesque and tranquil view of low ing? It’s difficult to pinpoint the precise ori-
hills affectionately huddled together is gin, but our ancestors have long been head-

& Onward
perhaps the most typical of all Korean ing into the hills on all kinds of business.

From Challenges to Mode of Leisure

Koreans have an unparalleled passion for hiking. Simply consider how many
people congregate to the hills when spring flowers are in bloom or when the leaves
change in autumn. And I’m not just talking about the well-known mountains in the
vicinity of Seoul: trails around the country get as crowded as a subway station

© National Museum of Korea

© shutterstock
at rush hour. Plenty of people go hiking early in the morning on New Year’s Day
to greet the first sunrise of the year.

Written by Park Wonsik, naturalism essayist

Seventy percent of Korean

terrain is covered by hills.
What is it about mountains
that brings Korean hikers
so much pleasure?

2 1 2

06 07
Our hunter-gatherer ancestors stalked 3-4.  5. 

© shutterstock + clipartkorea
Historically accorded to April heralds Korea’s lush
the slopes to spear wild game and climbed hiking activities were many spring and summertime
to the top to check on the weather, which purposes as well as symbolic greenery.
could be seen as the genesis of hiking. Al-
ternatively, we could regard the Koreans
who performed rituals for the mountain
spirits on the mountain peaks — part of
an ancient tradition of mountain worship
— as being the original hikers. Others
trace hiking back to the hwarang, the elite
young warriors of the Silla Dynasty, who
roamed through the hills to hone their
martial skills, or to the Buddhist monks
who took up residence in the mountains
during the Three Kingdoms Period.

© shutterstock
Since time immemorial, therefore,
Koreans have often engaged in what
could be called hiking. Even more diverse
forms of hiking appeared in the Joseon 3
Dynasty. Koreans frequently traveled
through the mountains for military, aca-
demic, and political purposes. Even rock
climbing is depicted in fascinating folk
paintings from the mid-Joseon Dynasty.
What’s most striking is that the scholarly Korea’s hills are generally low enough
nobility left behind a clear record of the
hikes they often took as a form of sight-
for maximal approachability, often easily
seeing. The philosophy behind their hikes
was somewhat different from today. They
trekked on a casual basis.
regarded hikes as a way to discipline the
mind: the mountains served as a sort of

© shutterstock
mental gym. These refined individuals of-
ten penned thoughtful accounts of their A growing number of serious hikers tack- people find pleasure in communing with “prison of masks” and left with nothing
excursions through the hills, creating le the Baekdudaegan mountain range; the nature. The mountain air awakening our to do and nowhere to go, young people
genre known as yusangi in Korean. number of trekking courses has exploded; senses, the immobile tranquility of the have turned to hiking as an escape from
Hiking in the modern sense of the even night hiking has become popular. trees and the winds whispering through their routine. But for those who are both
word arrived in the mid-20th century People commonly tag along with friends the woods — all are noble gifts of nature profoundly passionate and anxious about
from the West, under the influence of for a hike, often ending up as converts that are inaccessible in the city. Enjoying their lives, mountains offer more than
alpinism. This new approach, with its into apostles of mountaineering. them on a hike gives us a precious oppor- mere fun. After all, mountains and na-
focus on the thrill of conquering a peak, The reasons that Koreans go hiking tunity to invigorate our dull routines. ture are what inspire us to ask the deep
was imported to Korea along with moun- seem to be gradually changing for the Hiking in Korea was long the pre- questions about who we really are. Hiking
taineering techniques. As more people better. While many still enjoy conquer- serve of the middle-aged. But that ten- provides what could be called an oppor-
sought to climb ever-higher mountains in ing summits, others take to the trail to dency has been transformed as masses tunity for self-reflection. That’s why I’m
ever-shorter times, hiking was embraced restore focus to a distracted mind. Rather of young people join the ranks of hikers. so glad to see hiking catch on with Kore-
by the masses. Today, it has become one than hiking to race up a mountain or as That has been one of the more positive an young people.
2 4 3
of Koreans’ favorite recreational activity. outdoor exercise, a growing number of effects of COVID-19. Chafing in the 5

08 09

Not only is Jirisan Mountain Korea’s most iconic wonders of nature; it is also the first
National Park to receive the designation. Spanning across a sizable portion of the Korean

Floral Valleys
peninsula (from Hamyang-gun, Sancheong-gun and Hadong-gun counties of Gyeongsangnam-do
Province to Gurye-gun County, and Namwon-si City in Jeollabuk-do Province) is Jirisan Mountain.
Join us as we cover the start to and the endpoint of the Jirisan Dulle-gil trail
in the rural town of Unbong-eup, Jucheon-myeon, Namwon.
Jirisan Mountain, Jeollabuk-do Province
Written by Seong Hyekyeong Photographed by Studio Kenn

© clipartkorea
10 11
The wooden signpost signals
the scope and directions of
Jirisan Dulle-gil.

Curvy trees were deemed
worthless, until they formed
colonies on mountainsides
and formed a reliable buttress
guarding the slopes.

Clad in casual hiking gear,
comrades bond over the ful-
fillment reaped from climbing
steep trails.

Their curvatures are an emblem 2

of pine trees’ natural inclination

toward the rays and warmth of sunlight.

Any nature enthusiast who loves Korea’s The village is situated on the north- A more light-hearted representation
rugged slopes will find Jirisan special western part of the entire Dulle-gil course, that configure pine trees quite literally is
in many ways. As the mountain’s scale on the Unbong plateau: an intersection- their tendency to pursue sunlight. Many
spans over several provinces, this article al point between the rural mountainside of them, at least the ones in this region
will only cover the Jeollabuk-do Province and the modern tourist facilities. of the country, are curvy. This shape is a
portion, near the city of Namwon. natural result of their inclination to chase
Narratives Woven on Pine Trees wherever is better lit by the sun.
Start & End Point Haengjeong Village greets you with a colo- Whether the pine trees in the Un-
The rural town of Namwon is where the ny of pine trees. Besides their typical rugged bong plateau, which leads gradually up
iconic Jirisan Dulle-gil Trail begins and shape, also noticeable are scars of uniform the trekking course of Jirisan Dulle-gil,
ends. The famed trail, frequented by shape glaringly piercing the lower midsec- or standing amid the forests of Jirisan
those seeking a tranquil, leisurely trek- tion — or at eye level — of their barks. They look the way they do because of the pain
king session rather than one of extreme are not natural marks but are literal scars they have weathered or due to their nat-
physical exertion, begins at Haengjeong from the colonial era during which pine ural tendencies, it is clear that pine trees
Village in Unbong-eup, Jucheon-myeon, trees were stripped of their resin, or sap and embody honest reflections of the years 3
Namwon. utilized as oil for aviation fuel. they’ve endured.

12 13
4.  Borderline Landmark

© clipartkorea
Guryong Waterfall uniquely
consists of clearer waters & Community
at the bottom than on its
It is difficult to know how Haengjeong
upper cliff.
Maeul Village retains serenity consid-
The southern part of Jirisan
ering how well known the Dulle-gil is,
National Park is Gurye-gun, though elderly villagers are prone to greet
a county especially renowned
for its sansuyu (yellow
visitors with open arms, especially youths
-flowered trees). — a demographic rural villages like these
often lack.
Streams cutting through the village
have modern hanging racks and steps,
yet such facilities are designed for wash-
© Namwon city

ing and hanging clothes — itself a man-

ual, less modern act. Our friendly local
guide points out, “This particular facet
is a manifestation of that boundary be-
tween modernity and antiquated [cus-
toms and lifestyles].” While modernity
can be glimpsed through tourist-welcom-
ing placards and signposts filled with ex-
planations of the trees, tractors pass by 5
to reap harvests and the air often carries
wafts of manure.

Streams & Waterfall

Nestled in the heart of the area is Gury-
ong Valley, also known as Yonghogu-
gok (“Dragon Lake Valley”), colloquially
dubbed the latter for its accompanying
Philosophy in Foliage
legend. As folktale has it, the valley is
From the region where we commenced now fill the mountaintops, flanking the
visited by nine dragons descending from
our journey — the starting point of Dulle- hillside as if to protect the habitat rather
the skies every first day of the fourth lu-
gil — a roughly paved road is a glaring than merely populate it.
nar month. Characteristically, the closer
remnant from the past. Previously having Jirisan’s standout flowers blossom
to the lower base-level where the water
linked Unbong-hyeon and Namwon-bu fully in April, heralding a colorful pre-
streams lace themselves against rocks
(as they were previously classified), the view of what luscious vistas are set to un-
horizontally, the cooler the air feels. No
road imparts a poignantly antiquated at- fold in the following month. In this part
wonder it is a prime spot to enjoy natural
mosphere. of the Jirisan Mountains dubbed “Ho-
summer springs.
Hiking upwards on a small hilltop of gyeong,” an expression to denote ‘a vil-
The valley is about 4 km-long and
the Hogyeong region just a five minutes’ lage with a fine view,’ the alder tree claims
flanked by trails constructed for easy
drive away, pine trees become even more a pivotal role in its ecosystem. True to
trekking. Feeling the cool breeze of the
predominant. Pointing to their figures, our its name, the mountainous habitation
rock-steeped valley, one can feel why the
guide reminds us of how straight-stand- flaunts royal azaleas, which have sticky
area is most frequented by visitors in the
ing pine trees are the prime choice for surfaces to trap insects and small-flower
months of May and October, when buds
anything to do with woodwork, especially forget-me-nots. Thus Jirisan lives up to
have blossomed but temperatures are
for building cabins and most traditional its stature as a series of flower-studded
4 mild.
Scan for accompanying video housing. Those that haven’t been chosen valleys.

14 15

Lee Sang-eun has conquered some of the world’s

highest peaks, including Tanzania’s Kilimanjaro,
Turkey’s Mount Ararat, and Mexico’s Orizaba.
She is the first female to reach the Himalaya’s
Nirekha peak. Name any world-class mountain —
Annapurna, the Japanese Northern Alps, Langtang
Lirung and of course Mount Everest — and you
can bet she has trekked them all, likely more than

by Nature
© shutterstock

Record-holding Mountaineer, Lee Sang-eun

Written by Kim Jane, features editor Photo courtesy of Lee Sang-eun

16 17
1-2.  Lee Sang-eun is brimming with all kinds on Earth!” Koreans are indeed, blessed by
The infotainment ‘Screen
Album - The Mountain’ of love: love for Mother Nature, for her Mother Nature herself.
premiered on KBSWorld. The coworkers, even passersby conversation- “I personally wouldn’t find spring so
weekly program captures vis-
tas of wondrous slopes and alists, toward life itself and last but per- beautiful, had it not been for its preced-
various communities residing
haps most importantly, her life partner ing wintertime,” she adds. “On the other
on mountainsides. Conversation with
and muse. The spark that set aflame her hand, the greenery of summertime may
Lee Sang-eun
impressive career as a mountaineer is her not be as welcomed had it not been for
husband Kim Sung Sun, a mountaineer the cool breeze and barren land that pre-
Seated amidst the cozy camping (or ‘glamping,’ as per the
renowned for his adventures into the ex- vailed in preceding months. Our chang-
Korean trend ‘glamorous camping’) grounds of LOHAS
treme wilderness who is now focusing on ing seasons are natural reminders of how
alongside Daecheong-ho Lake, Lee speaks with glistening
managing an array of related businesses. priceless every minutiae being, down to
eyes as if to soak up every invaluable moment of our time
Though her muse may be her endearing our own identities, inherently is.”
husband, she is definitely a premier muse Teeming with enthusiasm on all fronts,
for the production staff of KOREA mag- Lee is an energizer whether for her listen-
azine. ers, fellow trackers or companions of any
Regardless of where in the world she sort. When asked how she maintains such
has been and what wondrous peaks she unbristled positivity, she offers a candid
has climbed, Lee is quick to talk of how response: “I, too, have moments of doubt
blessed Korea is. “Our four seasons, the — just like we all do. Like yourself, I also Q. Please describe the hiking experience for us. Q. How has nature affected you?
coming and going of every sprout, leaf struggle with the fact that I have expec-
and life. The luscious breeze, then that tations to live up to, and such pressures. A. The process of hiking mountains is an encapsulation of life it- A. When I describe this, I hope that none of our readers imagine
wistful fading away of multicolored But then again, who doesn’t? And be- self. Perhaps that’s precisely what draws me to the experience — to this to pertain only to myself. On the contrary, this is a universal
leaves… Witnessing it all, nature’s cycle cause I can relate — as you can, too — we the point wherein every living cell, the entirety of my being, craves effect nature has on humanity. Its vastness, grandiosity, the simply
feels precious every time,” she says. “Ev- all are able to form a bond, a solidarity the particular activity of climbing mountains. It’s also the reason I wondrous and spectacular being is in itself a consolation, a meta-
ery occasion is different, extraordinary. probably applicable across most if not all tell novice, rookie or even prospective hikers — those deciding on physical source of energy. One way I tap into this power of nature
How amazing is it that we’re granted ac- of humanity.” whether or not it’s worth a try, or to take it up as a hobby — to make is by waking up at the break of dawn to catch the sunrise.
cess to the most varied seasonal changes a habit of climbing even itty bitty hills, which you can find nearly (She points and refers to the sight that unfolds from where
anywhere in Korea. we’re situated.) When the sun rises over the aquatic horizon here,
then starts to glisten against the pure, tranquil surface of the lake…
Q. What about the process do you most enjoy? imagine the innumerable emotions. Every time I take in the hori-
zon at the precise moment of sunrise, it takes on yet another ap-
A. Continuing my allusion to human life: because I feel that it’s
pearance, imparting a mood yet unexperienced. Seeing its varied,

© KBS, Mountaineering Chronicles (‘Screen Album - The Mountain’)

a scaled-down version of life. It in turn amplifies everything, in-
though consistently honest versions — on days cloudy, foggy,
cluding the most trivial and fleeting of moments. I love how one
misty, sunny or any combination thereof — my problems seem to
moment, my muscle pains bother me persistently then the next
shrink, my daily woes fade away and are replaced by sheer grati-
moment, I couldn’t feel prouder of myself, for persevering and en-
tude for my existence, plus overwhelming relief. What a powerful
during that moment of struggle. Likewise, I feel a heightened sense
effect nature has on us! I will never cease to cherish it.
of appreciation for a single bite into a juicy apple when snacking
atop a crest. Till then, that apple in my bag was undoubtedly a liter-
al, physical burden. It — the same apple — can also feel like a chore,
or a mundane factor in life, when we’re simply sitting at home to
have a bite.
Imagine approaching all these moments in such dramatized
form — in such extreme magnitude! Such a joyous way to savor life
and its juiciest bits.

1 2

18 19
In Korea, where mountains flank most highways,
hills and valleys are in abundance. As we now
enter springtime, let’s indulge in a classic Korean
landmark: Dulle-gil Trail in Jirisan Mountain. While
the mountain itself spans both the southern and
northern parts of Jeolla-do Province, tucked
alongside are plenty of plant life, best enjoyed with
a ‘forest interpreter,’ as the occupation is officially

Art of Forest-telling amid Lush Mountaintops
Written by Lee Yongkook, managing editor Photographed by Studio Kenn

20 21
Originally from Jeju-do Island, Lee Changsu empathize and refer to them in personifica- 1. 
Amid the streams of Guryong
was living in Seoul when he dared to decide tion. Waterfall, Lee explains the
to move to Namwon, Jeollabuk-do Prov- True to his characteristic, unwavering wondrous workings of the Q. What made you move to this part of the country?
surrounding ecosystem.
ince. For anyone who has listened to or been passion for trees as to accord them a spe- A. As fate had it, my wife and I visited these slopes of Jirisan on our
guided by his tree-interpretations, it’s hard cial place in his heart, Lee never deems trees very first trip together. That said, I was fed up with the urban day-
to imagine him living elsewhere (anywhere routine or mundane in any way. Given Ko- to-days of living in Seoul. The unbearably routine, literally “boxed-
away from forestry). And yet, it’s also hard to rea’s distinct, vivid four seasons, Lee is quick in” — as apartments are densely compartmentalized into countless
imagine leaving behind city life in the capital to gush over the smallest of developments residencies — lifestyle of urban living was dreary, to say the least.
with your entire family in your forties. glimpsed on plant life as they undergo due There were two decisive moments that awoke me to that re-
That’s precisely what Lee did ten years seasonal changes. In fact, visible evolutions alization. One is when my wife asked me what I plan to do after
ago. Ever since, he hasn’t looked back. In- and stages of foliage growth never cease to Conversation with retirement. I was taken aback when I realized I had never imag-
stead, he dove into his studies of trees in exhilarate Lee from the depths of his heart. Lee Changsu ined myself doing anything outside of my monotonous day job.
2011 and in 2015, started giving lessons on “Every single moment of encountering, ob- The best I could come up with was… a security guard, perhaps?
trees. Four years is a brief time period for serving or simply talking about — as part of That was a shocking revelation, how much I simply lacked vivacity,
anyone to develop any specialty or expertise, my job — trees gives me pure joy,” he pro- energy and any urge whatsoever to will myself into action.
Lee Changsu has lived in Jeju-do Island (the mainstay of
made possible only thanks to his absolute claims, visibly enchanted by energy accorded Another case-in-point are the terrible prospects I imagined
Korean tourism), Seoul (the national capital for which no
zeal for trees. by Mother Nature herself. for my son. He was around ten years old at the time when I realized
words are needed) and in Namwon, Jeollabuk-do Province.
Talking about trees not only makes His exuberant face and bubbly body language are living he’d been and may very well continue growing up amid concrete
Lee’s eyes glisten in earnest; it draws from proof of his compatibility with his current environment surfaces instead of soil. Imagining that made me recoil.
him such extreme affection as to make him near Jirisan Mountain.

Q. What’s your favorite and least favorite type of tree?

A. Oh, you know I’m going to say I have too many favorites, that
all of these within our sight are absolutely wonderful. In fact, let
me narrow it down to “trees that belong to the land on which
they stand.” I find particular beauty in indigenous trees that are
well-rooted where they always have been, and should be as they are
Q. What drew you to your current occupation?
naturally acclimatized to the locations. Can I just put it out there
A. For every year succeeding 2011, Aug. 29th is the most special, that I am most enamored by the most Korean, the most genuinely
self-celebratory anniversary for me. I call it my “tree-day” and treat “our trees” stemming [not only physically, but through its prede-
it as if it’s a birthday, announcing to everyone around me — none cessors] from our lands?
of whom even care! It doesn’t matter, because it has so, so much On the other hand, there are trees that I sort of pity and even
significance to me. plants that I give permission for my tour guests to snap and take
On that day in 2011, I was mesmerized by a tree of the willowy home. The first type are those that have rooted themselves on for-
kind, laden with red-tinted bark. Ever since, trees took my heart eign land to which they are inherently alien. And the latter are cas-
and I dove into their charms without looking anywhere else. es like these springy bursts — see here — of little pine trees? Con-
Being surrounded by trees on all sides makes me joyous in the trary to how ideal this sunlit gravesite is and how they’ve nested
most genuine sense of the expression. Seeing the smallest changes well on such a warm spot, they are simply fated to be crushed soon
affect these flora awes me, at whichever season, moment or growth — of course, by workers who have been paid to upkeep the spot. I
stage I catch them in. Then I’m affected by the most minor devel- dub them “neglected beings.” It’s not only pets or children that are
opments they regularly undergo because of the huge amounts of neglected; it happens to plants like these, too.
attention I pay them instinctively. I can’t help being so attracted to
these blessings of nature!

22 23

looking his age,

Hur welcomes

the staff in a

stylishly easygoing

at His Finest
Hur Young Man

Rarely would a Korean dispute the sheer prowess Hur Young Man embodies as a figure
in Korea’s popular art scene. Though an icon of manhwa (cartoons), a medium generally
imbued with and corresponding to mainstream tastes, Hur has a record of
breaking the genre free of its lowbrow stereotype. Here’s what Korea’s iconic storyteller,
legendary artist of visibly resplendent physique and cerebral grandeur,
has been up to since his last media interview in 2015.

Written by Kim Jane Photographed by Studio Kenn

24 25
In youthful
Contrary to his characteristic aversion darlings of popular culture by the Kore- prise that Hur is a keen observer and not
to press interviews (his last one was with an mainstream. Even his more modern necessarily related, either on a personal
Korea’s closest answer to Oprah, Son
Seok-hee, in 2015 regarding his exhibi-
works capturing standout representa-
tions of Korean society (“Tazza,” original
spirit, Hur or direct level, to themes that his works
revolve around. Apart from his sharp eye
tion), Hur welcomes the KOREA staff team
with a nonchalant and down-to-earth, yet
publication 2000) and culture (“Sikgaek,”
2003) spawned multimedia remakes of
claims his and attentiveness to detail, Hur is known
to feature conflicted protagonists and
stylishly easygoing manner. A candid rep-
resentation of his calm, graceful compo-
record-setting ratings.
Among his notable works prior to the
‘works-in- their dualities, rather than static heroes.
With a critical, even satirical stance to-
sure and presence, his home is stockpiled millennium are “Asphalt Man” (1992), progress ward society, Hur easily captures both

are slated for

with endless books, (of course) cartoons, “Beat” (1994), “Fly Superboard” (1989, artistic finesse and mass appeal.
collectibles related to his bestsellers, large and adapted animation that aired till

desks functioning as work (drawing and 2002) — cartoons for adult, teenage and Upkeeping Diligence
writing) stations, record labels (CDs, LPs children, respectively. The broadcast an- Hur has often been compared to Kant for
and even antique sound gadgets) and imation for “Fly Superboard” raked over the impeccable consistency with which he 2

most poignantly, an analog atmosphere. 42% viewership, a record which has yet to attends to his daily routine. Hearing his
be challenged. breakdown of what his day — by which,
Legendary Career Considering the sheer variety of we mean every single day — looks like, it
Forty years into his career, Hur’s earlier Hur’s topics of choice or those featured in becomes strikingly apparent how enrich-
works are treated as national classics and his works, it is perhaps not much of a sur- ing, not to mention productive, of a life
he maintains. “I’ve been on this routine
— of spending 7-8 hours in the morning
in deep work-mode — for nearly forty
years. It started on the year of my debut
as a cartoonist (1974), before which I was
prone to rise at noon, get started midday
and attend to my laborious drawings till
the wee hours of dawn. That rhythm was
a physical toil, in total contrast to how 3
refreshingly enriching each day is for me
He continues, “It was a senior car-
toonist who influenced me to change my For aspiring artists, he offers straight-
schedule drastically. When we lived side- Hur’s workroom is replete forward advice: to “do whatever in the
with CDs, LP records, piles world they want.” He says, “That’s actu-
by-side, the way he’d get up at dawn to
of books and photo albums,
attend to his work just looked so whole- plus clippings of various ally how my son describes me. Though
medium and format.
some and productive. It made me want the pandemic has limited the scope of my
to try out the routine for myself as well. 2.  carefree adventures for the time being, I
Though the masterful
Once I had the ball rolling, it was nice to storyteller claims to have ‘dis-
used to simply get up and head to foreign
be greeted, upon getting out of bed, with carded cartfuls, huge loads lands, go enjoy golfing, fishing or what-
of books,’ most corners
his lit window in the dim hours of dawn.” and shelves of his house are ever activity I’m inclined to indulge in
It’s clear that back in the days when he stockpiled with books. that day. For me, that’s the way to live it
was a young adult (he debuted at the age 3.  up. Expanding the scope of your genuine,
Hung on the walls of Hur’s tangible, firsthand experiences — I can-
of 27 and published prolifically from the
house are framed posters of
80s, 90s and into the millennium), cama- works produced on behalf of not overemphasize how important that
his original (cartoon) narrative,
raderie amongst fellow cartoonists was is for an artist. It’s your free, boundless
plus his previous exhibition
1 lively. poster (far left). resource for inspiration!”

26 27
1-2.  bang Trip” focuses on casual, accessible

© Hur Young Man

Lee is renowned
for his live onstage eateries (cheap eats usually priced less
presence. than USD $9). Reflecting on the show’s
1-2.  longevity and popularity, which “I hadn’t
Lee is renowned
foreseen,” Hur says it let him “appreciate
for his live onstage
presence. what (priceless) value a mere ten-dol-
lar bill can bring us.” In addition to the
taste, which he always savors but admits
is entirely subjective, he remembers “the
streetscapes, the merchants and vendors
in these marketplaces making do with
their daily routine.” He says, “Many of
them are reluctant to receive — indeed,
insist on keeping at bay — any sort of help
from their children, because they consid-
er their work a rough, lowly kind. That’s
heartbreaking, seeing what an amazing
experience their food has to offer. That
said, it’s nice to get to interact with them,
notwithstanding the cameras and all.”

4 Still Alight, Blazing Forth

Despite being a maven frequently looked
up to, it quickly becomes obvious that he
is not bound to ‘settle’ for his astound-
ing achievements thus far. “This applies
Conscientious of His Toolbox “Since submissions were handed to pub- 4. 
Hur’s desk attests to his faithful neither specifically to me, nor to my fel-
Speaking for his own artistic process, he lishing houses in hard copy and through habit of note-taking — a practice
critical for composing intricately low artists. Rather, I believe any profes-
professes, “Perhaps I’m just an oldie who face-to-face encounters, the natural course
woven narratives and realistic de- sional — passionate in whichever field
hasn’t adjusted to the flashy convenienc- of action was simply to wind down in tails that spring alive, both of which
he is renowned for. they’re active in — wishes likewise: to die
es digital tools offer nowadays. That said, what tended to draw out into casual net-
in the middle of working. To do so amid
I still find worthwhile that touch of the working sessions at dive bars and pubs.” 5.
Among Hur’s expansive work my work tools, in my work studio, in the
grip, of leaving that pencil sketch on lit- It is no wonder how cozily analog his scope is the sports comedy
middle of what I love to do most.”
eral paper. That tangible contact, to me home feels, with all sorts of trinkets laden adapted into a 2013 film and
available on Netflix as ‘Mr. Go,’
6 He continues, “I’m working on my
has yet to be rendered replaceable. I am atop flat surfaces of varied sorts. originally serialized in the comic
next cartoon, which I am not about to re-
in awe especially of how fast the coloring It may perhaps even be this sensitivi- magazine Bomulseom (1974).
veal any spoilers or leave whatsoever hints
procedures are done on pads or tablets. ty of his that led him to produce a classic 6.
Most known as an 24-episodic se- of. I won’t speak about its topic, because
However, I can’t help but feel that the hinging on a philosophy of treating food
ries of SBS’s 2008 TV adaptation, there should be no such giveaway. All I’ll
electronic gadgets have a split-second lag as a medium for interpersonal experienc- the storyline of ‘Sikgaek (Gourmet)’
(original cartoons serialized on the let on is that I’m preparing something
compared to the responsivity of the touch es. “Sikgaek (Gourmet)” was adopted into
daily Dong-A Ilbo, 2002-2008)
unprecedented, most likely unexpected
of pencil-on-paper.” a widely popular TV series of the epony- was applied to a film in 2010, in
addition to a serialized sequel for my audiences. It’ll feel totally new.”
mous title, released in 2008 by SBS; as of on the Kakaopage platform and
His pure, undistilled passion toward his
Medium for late, he stars in the ongoing reality pro- hard-copy publication.
art and unwavering pursuit in creating yet
Communal Appreciation gram “Gourmet Mukbang Trip” (2020, 7.
another novelty, of challenging himself
On a similar vein, he says, “the industry, available on Netflix). Hur’s “How About a Cup of
Coffee?” (2015) was serialized from boundlessly is in itself, a feat only a maven
too, feels strikingly individualist relative Contrary to the connotations of the the 40th anniversary of his debut
7 of his prowess can impress us with.
to how it had used to be.” He continues, program’s English title, “Gourmet Muk- as a cartoonist.

28 29
Indie Culture

To Each Their
Own Charms
K-beauty Trends thru Indie Brands

Sustainable, socially conscious ideals have spawned a throng of brands

partaking in wholesome PR strategies as well as a global movement, thanks in large part to
values upheld by Gen Z and millennials and their eco-friendly lifestyles. The same pertains to
the K-beauty market. While these may not be household names of mainstream recognition,
these independently minded beauty brands hinge on a solid philosophy, whether a
pointed brand mission and vision or catering to a niche demand.

Written by Yoon Sui, beauty editor

© EATH Library

© thetoollab
30 31
© EATH Library

© thetoollab
1 2 3

Strictly speaking, “indie brands” denote speaking of skin types and finer needs — 1.  at their flagship store in Seoul’s Yeouido Korean traditional medicine. Its earthly with cosmetic giants like Sephora, Chanel
EATH Library upkeeps its
small-scale enterprises, sometimes begin- synonymous keywords have in common showrooms and pop-up district, decked out with a curated selec- aesthetics of natural colors and simplicity and SK-II, among others. As its name
ning as startups. Whether as a one-per- degradability, whether of packaging or stores with much care, tion of vegan beauty products. Decorated are well aligned with its brand message of hints, TheToollab deals specifically with
offering a unique brand expe-
son operation or a handful of employees constituents, and minimization of tox- rience for its customers. in minty hues, every brand experience healing through a crisscross of traditional makeup tools, with brushes a major focus.
at most, independent labels attracted an ins. Put differently, what harms the Earth seems to live up to the vegan ideals of resources and technological procedures. Thanks to her years searching for
impressive user base — and oftentimes, less also tends to be what harms our own The Pure Wonder Active millennials. Salespeople that consumers In all, manifest in each of its product line optimal solutions, she built a company
Serum 55% is comprised of
even fandom. bodies and skin less. How great, to know 55% of AYM (Active Youth
consult for makeup expertise in luxe de- are the visions of its co-founders: a de- dedicated to making the safest, most ad-
there are ways to take care of our own Molecule), a core ingredient partment stores claim the organic selec- signer and a doctor of oriental medicine. vanced brush. Her insistence on making
exclusive to and invented on
Striving for selves simultaneous to doing what we can behalf of EATH.
tion offers the best of concepts of “green,” the ideal brush is not so particular once
Mother Nature’s Longevity for the planet we inhabit? well-being and vegan. Fine-pointed Expertise we consider how few commercial brush
According to industry sources, indepen- Hence, a major way brands live up Intricately crafted brushes Another that has made great strides Launched in December 2015, TheTool- regulations are in place.
dent K-beauty brands began to explode in to their professed mission of green val- claim a very niche sector in in both living up to their mission and lab is founded on the motto of “formu- As such, indie beauty brands facing
the makeup industry.
2019. Brands kicked off in a spree of active ues is to swap common ingredients with reflecting it for an environmentally-con- la-based tools and tool-based formulas.” either the domestic or global markets are
launches focusing on green, eco-friend- environmentally-conscious alternatives. scious customer base. Herbal whether on Founder Baek Sookyung boasts an over defined by originality of either technique
ly ideals. “Clean, green, organic”: such B CLEAN is a store that the conglomer- imagistic, effectiveness or aroma-wise, ten years-long career as a specialist in (or build of the material) or philosophy.
biofriendly — or “biocompatible” when ate–department store Hyundai launched EATH taps into natural ingredients used in makeup brushes. She has previously worked

32 33
Seasonal Delights

Exploring Korea’s Edible Flower Pancakes

Spring in Korea is quite a sight to behold. And while talk of this season usually
conjures up images of urban streets lined with cherry blossoms and courting
couples walking hand-in-hand, pausing at every few steps to snap selfies, things
were not always thus. In years gone by, the rhododendron mucronulatum, a native
rhododendron species called jindallae, was the true herald of springtime.

Written by Tim Alper, contributing writer Photo courtesy Bomnarae


34 35
Of distinctly Although certain flowers are nutri- erone-free), high-status Joseon women had
As long as you heed the
delicacy of flower petals, tious, most do not constitute a hearty the liberty to take to the countryside for

light-pink jindallae hwajeon doesn’t re-

quire advanced skills, esp. for
those experienced in making
meal, and are mainly used to liven up
otherwise plain-looking preparations.
stunning vistas. They met in groups to
picnic with their hwajeon snacks, speak-

hues and variety, jeon (Korean pancakes).

There are a number of hwajeon variet-
ies, all traditionally eaten at different points
ing freely and frankly unlike in any other
day. Then in late Joseon wherein women
the deciduous Unlike other, typical varieties
of jeon, hwajeon tends to be
of the year, making use of edible blossoms
from trees like pear and chrysanthemums.
began enjoying more freedom, Sangsa
and its corresponding snack no longer
flora flanking the
treated more like a snack and
thus, paired alongside tea or
drinks and snackable crisps.
But the jindallae version is arguably the commanded such cherished presence.

wilderness and
most aesthetically pleasing and well-known But even after the fall of the Joseon, the
of the bunch. stunning preparation continues to have

Eating flowers may sound unusual, deep symbolic and nostalgic worth.
but many countries have traditions of For some, it will always be synony-

across warmer consuming blooms. In the UK, dandeli-

ons, which grow as abundantly in North-
mous with the end of winter and the start
of clement weather. The snack is perhaps

regions of Korea western Europe as rhododendron variet-

ies do in East Asian mountains, used to be
best enjoyed during a break on a hilltop
hike, preferably surrounded by foliage

are jindallae. a cornerstone of British cuisine. In Italy,

stuffed zucchini flowers are a common
— a veritable explosion of pinks, whites,
violets and yellows that unfailingly brings
dish, while chefs all over the world like hope to even the sternest of hearts. Thus,
to top their salad or pasta dishes with a jindallae hwajeon still serves both as a re-
scattering of edible petals. minder of the country’s bygone customs
On Sangsa (one day of the year when and a seasonal treat that ushers in the
noblewomen could gather, relatively chap- warmth of spring.

© shutterstock
The flower is a distinctly light pink vari- riding on horseback along a hillside path. flavored with salt. Cooks make a dough
ety that still thrives in the wild. The de- More jindallae grow on the high, rocky from this, then shape individual piec-
ciduous bushes it grows on are a common crops in the background, as a number es into small, disc-like circles, like mini,
sight on Korea’s many mountains and of young male scholars call to them with American-style pancakes. Finally, a fully
hills. The jindallae is one of the first flow- flirtatious advances. bloomed jindallae is pressed into the top,
ers to make its presence felt in spring- So abundant were these flowers that before it is fried.
time. And its annual appearance — just they eventually found their way into the Cooks typically fry hwajeon in ses-
like the returning migratory swallows of Korean kitchen. Very much edible, the ame oil, making for a rich, nutty flavor.
Europe — was once cause for nationwide jindallae is often used to flavor a sweet- Although this might not seem unusual
jubilation. ened alcoholic beverage named jindallae- to modern chefs, back in the days when
One of the paintings in the Hyewon sul. But it also has a far more symbolic sesame oil was a scarce and prized ingre-
Pungsokdo, a series of works by Shin Yun- use in the nation’s cuisine — in the form dient, the oil was indeed, used sparingly
bok (1758–1813), Korea’s most iconic of hwajeon. as a finishing touch. Only on special oc-
artist, encapsulates the mood that must casions — like the days on which hwajeon
have once filled the air at this time of the Fried Fancy were consumed — would it be used as
year. Entitled Yeonso Dapjung (“Young Hwajeon literally means “pan-fried flow- part of the cooking process.
Folks’ Outing”), the painting shows a er,” and its name speaks volumes about Though certainly not flavorless, the
group of courtesans — one with a twig the way it is prepared. Its chief ingre- delicacy is primarily designed to be con-
3 4
laden with jindallae flowers in her hair — dient is fine glutinous rice flour, often sumed with the eyes. 2

36 37
K-pop Beats

Groups with
Over the last two decades, K-pop has achieved sweeping success. Based on
overwhelming mass appeal, K-pop acts have come to dominate segments of
popular music, and now the entire industry. Idol dance music has swiftly risen to the
mainstream, edging aside genres that were once more prevalent like pop ballads,
rock, and folk. Emerging in 2003, the 2nd generation of idol groups — including
TVXQ, Super Junior and Big Bang — have sustained their superstardom, leading
critics to take back their words of transpiration dates of idol group careers. More
recently, Sunmi (Wonder Girls), Taeyeon (Girls’ Generation), Hyuna (4Minute), Bae
Suzy (Miss A), and IU (typically not an idol but comparable in status) have remained
popular more than a decade since debuting, invalidating the assumption that idols
are short-lived.

Written by Lim Jinmo, pop columnist Illustrated by JB

38 39
1.  Early idol groups such as H.O.T., Sechs TVXQ, the epitome of second-gen idol
IU (Lee Ji-eun) is capable of
performing and songwriting in Kies, and the girl group SES broke up groups, is an unusual example of a group
myriad genres and styles. within six years. Needless to say, artists’ still around after 18 years, albeit with re-
2.  staying power largely depends on the duced group members. TVXQ has been
Taemin from Shinee performs his
ability to establish solid brand awareness. around for 18 years, Super Junior 16, and
single alongside a troupe of back
dancers. Early success is critical here. If a group Shinee 13. All of them belong to SM En-
can’t get noticed within several years of tertainment, under chief producer Lee
Super Junior consists of many their debut, they typically have to break Soo-man. Industry analysts say that Super
members, each of whom flaunt
distinct charms of their own.
up or halt their activities, putting an end Junior, regarded as a Hallyu pioneer, has
to hopes of a long career. thrived for so long because all its mem-
But Korean idols in the first and sec- bers put the group first. That testifies to
ond generations scored major success- the members’ and label’s commitment
es in the global market both in terms of to keeping the group in business, though
music sales and concert tickets, solidify- some members have parted ways or done 2 3
ing their position and paving the way for individual projects.
long-lasting careers. K-pop’s global influ- Leeteuk, leader of the group, offered
ence has given idols longevity. One of the the following thoughts when the group

K-pop is now shaking off

best-known long-lasting idol groups is reached its 15th anniversary in 2020.
Shinhwa, which debuted in 1998, making “It’s amazing to think we’re still around
it part of the first generation of idols. It
was Shinhwa that made it normal for old-
15 years later! We just grit our teeth and
held on, and here we are today.” It’s re- generational shackles through idol groups
er idols to stay in the game. Through its
entire run, Shinhwa has never replaced a
markable that such a large group (nine
members, down from the original 13)
with long-lasting careers.
single member. has stayed active for 16 years now. On
their 15th anniversary, they released their
tenth full-length album.
Some think that the secret to Su- In recent years, social media has been career with the Wonder Girls, shows that for her musical evolution. She’s also a
per Junior’s long career is permitting its transforming the musical landscape. Sig- personality and talent are the founda- rare example of a younger artist whose
members to partake in solo projects in nificantly, YouTube has been alerting the tion of a long-lasting career. Since going name is familiar to older Koreans.
addition to group projects, in contrast to current generation to past acts, such as solo following the group’s successful run, K-pop has labored under the stereo-
earlier idol groups. However, the precise Brave Girls, a group that debuted back Sunmi has released a number of songs type that idol dance groups have a short
correlation between, or impact that indi- in 2011, between the second and third that have gained mass appeal, beginning shelf life due to how much their populari-
vidual and (smaller) unit-based activities generations of K-pop. The group re- with “Gashina” in 2017 and continuing ty hinges on fleeting, youthful appearanc-
have on group unity, is still in dispute. gained popularity when its song “Rollin” with “Heroine,” “Siren” and most recently, es. That stereotype is held even today by
Another key to a long career is a re- recently came back into rotation, years “Tail.” Critics praise her songs for befit- many elderly people. But the idol dance
liable fan base. On social media, both the after they performed the song to much ting the timely atmosphere and tastes of groups in K-pop are undergoing many
label’s official and members’ personal ac- acclaim during a morale-boosting vis- the time. The impetus behind her success changes. Artists’ passion and the effe-
counts often send regular updates, form- it to a military base. Since such “blasts during her 14-year-career is her vocal fi- ciency of systems that their labels devel-
ing a close bond and building brand aware- from the past” are now a common oc- nesse. The same goes for IU, a solo artist, oped account for the emergence of idols
ness over great distances. That in turn currence, they’re expected to help idol who rose to stardom with the song “Good with staying power. That’s the power of
reinforces the members’ loyalty to the groups stay together even longer. The Day” in 2010. For 13 years now, IU has K-pop: in addition to erasing national
group, spawning a positive feedback loop. most critical criterion for a long-running put out one strong song after another, boundaries, it’s now shaking off genera-
There’s no denying that TVXQ, which has career, however, is good music. Among demonstrating her bottomless capacity to tional shackles by producing idol groups
now been around for 18 years, owes its other members of girl groups, boy groups experiment and take on new challenges. with long-lasting careers.
strength to Cassiopeia, its fan club of Shinee and Big Bang are living proof of Her recently released songs “Blueming”
1 3 3
800,000 members. that eternal truth. Sunmi, who began her and “Fight” have brought fresh accolades

40 41

Brilliance in
Technique & Material

Hwagak — or ‘brilliant horn’ — is a uniquely Korean lacquer technique of inlaying painted

pieces of flattened ox-horn onto the outside surfaces of furniture or other household items,
creating mesmerizing patterns in the process.

Written by Robert Joseph K. Photo courtesy of Lee Jae-man, National Intangible Cultural Heritage No. 109

42 43
Nobody is quite sure when this process ors. But hwagak is really a craft and art
began. However, several ancient items unique to Korea, not found in Japan or
that appear to have made their way to China.”
Japan from the Korean Peninsula during
the first millennium of the common era Thinner Than Paper Scan for accompanying video
suggest that Koreans have been using ox- To produce hwagak, the artisan takes the
bone inlays to artistic effect since at least horns of young oxen, cuts off their tips,
the Three Kingdoms era (57 B.C.E.–668 slices them open lengthwise and boils
C.E.). Neighboring countries such as Chi- them in water to soften them. Afterwards,
na have long used tortoise shells for in- they heat the horns using direct heat from
laying as well, though only Koreans have a stove to soften them further, making
used ox-bone to produce lacquer designs. them easier to flatten. The artisan then
Lee Jae-man, a state-designated mas- uses tongs to open and flatten the soft-
ter of the craft, told the local daily Mun- ened horn.
hwa Ilbo in 2019, “When they see a piece Next, the artisan must turn the flat- Small chest
of hwagak, many people think they are tened horn into thin, translucent sheets.
Chinese crafts because of the flashy col- The horn is about 10 mm thick when first

opened. Using a file, the artisan thins the (1395–1910). Accordingly, hwagak piec- in Korea but across the world, too. Sev-
horn until it is less than a millimeter thick es were traditionally reserved for royalty eral works — including a box, comb box
— thinner than a sheet of paper — result- and members of Korea’s old yangban elite and a sewing ruler from the Joseon era —
ing in a beautifully translucent sheet. of scholar-officials. are in the collection of the National Mu-
Once this is done, the artisan paints Only towards the end of the Joseon seum of Korea.
the reverse side of the horn sheet with era did hwagak begin to attain a wider In New York, the Metropolitan Mu-
traditionally auspicious designs, includ- consumer base, when dozens of work- seum of Art has a hwagak box from the
Ten longevity Jewelry box
ing animals, flowers and Taoist motifs. shops gathered along the Hangang River 19th century donated to the collection
Pigments made from ground stone are in what is today western Seoul’s Yang- in 2015. Images of cranes, deer, drag-
used to produce bright colors that liven hwajin area. A devastating flood in the ons, phoenixes, tigers and other animals
the living environment. early 20th century and the introduction symbolizing good fortune and longevity
Finally, the artisan takes the paint- of cheaply produced imitation products adorn the box, as was common in handi-
ed sheets of horn and attaches them — nearly killed the craft, however. crafts of the period.
painted side down — to the surface of a Today, hwagak is kept alive by a Despite the beauty of hwagak, mod-
piece of furniture or a household item handful of dedicated artisans. The na- ern lifestyles have not necessarily em-
using a protein-based glue traditionally tional government designated the craft braced the craft. “As our style of houses
made from fish parts and other animal Intangible Cultural Property No. 109 in have changed from traditional wooden
products. Korean ox-horns are small, 1996. houses to concrete-heavy apartments,
so even a small item may require many and people prefer cheaper residences, tra-
sheets before it’s complete. Colorfully Korean ditional wooden crafts including hwagak
A painstaking technique, hwagak Because of their bright, cheerful color lost their ground,” said Lee, the state-des-
requires much time and skill on the part schemes, hwagak items were favored by ignated master, to The Korea Times in
of the artisan. Moreover, the materials aristocratic women. Popular articles in- 2018. “Whether a craftwork can become
Doorknob Table Set
were expensive — ox-horns were espe- cluded jewel boxes, sewing kits, hand a time-honored asset or fast-consumed
cially hard to obtain as they were used mirrors, rolling pins and bedside chests. furniture will totally depend on the users’
to make archery bows, a vital weapon of Hwagak pieces have found their way mind.”
national defense during the Joseon era into museum collections based not only

44 45
Home Activity 101

Yourself in Leafy
How to Take a Lush, Healthy Breather

Plants are rarely considered proper company — at least, until millennials across the world
caught on to the terra cotta pot interior aesthetic of resplendent cacti. The Korean version
of the trend, as there happens to be for seemingly every global hype, is captured by the
portmanteau “planterior.” Calling the term a “buzz word coined by Korean interior designers,”
The Korea Times in 2019 attributed the rise of planterior — which is to say, decorating your
private living space with foliage — to health-conscious consumers.

Written by Yu Pureum Illustrated by SINANA

46 47
Trend-conscious as ever, Koreans have the confines of their lifestyle. Some of the Its eponymously named offline store dif- sion of taking care of plants through mi- handy material for harvest and consump-
developed platforms catering to those app’s rookie-oriented features include a fers little from other brick-and-mortar cro-management, Pliary lets users keep tion. Ingredients like lettuce, kale, avoca-
either looking to get into herbal interior, testing session reminiscent of MBTI per- flower vendors. From bouquets, bonsai, meticulous records of their plant’s visible do, chili, basil, mint, scallion and such of-
or seeking further knowledge in the facet sonality tests where users can discover flower baskets and gardening classes, its status. ten serve as budget-friendly nourishment,
of day-to-day living that they’re accus- through a set of questions which plants store in Incheon’s Songdo district offers Moreover, Pliary makes sure to add a and Korea is no different. Single-living or
tomed to. they are most compatible with. a host of floral experiences for either bit of fun, and tracks the affinity or bond as they say, “adulting” millennials often
Apart from the recommendation sys- novices or veterans. Both versions of between the houseplant and its owner. As purchase potted plants and care for them
Develop Kinship: First, tem, the online PlantFit service attempts the PlantFit platform aim to expand the such, it offers features like implement- in their down time and in the privacy
With Your Own Self to alleviate some of the common strug- demographic scope of those engaged in ing photos of the houseplant onto cards of their own homes. Growing your own
The app PlantFit claims both an offline gles plant owners face. With hopes of looking after their plants. or composing one’s own virtual garden. veggies after all is a safe answer to both
and online presence in its purpose to aid letting users feel that nurturing plants is You can also take advantage of practical pandemic lockdowns as well as assuring
those wanting to own and grow house- not as difficult as it seems, the app guides Get into the Groove reminders like when to water your plants. better, or at least more controlled, sanita-
plants. PlantFit provides handy infor- newcomers to plant-accompanied life- Up next is keeping the health or your tion for the food you consume.
mation to those seeking a better main- styles into an easily executable experience plant in check. For this, an app service Optimize Practicality
tenance routine for their plants or ways of cultivating plants within their private called Pliary offers a hand in what they Meanwhile, houseplants can be more
to ease into a cohabitational mode within living space. call “plant care services.” True to its mis- than just dear company. They can also be

benefits of keeping

Lower tendency
to feel stressed

Stats collected by Rural

Development Administration’s
Horticulture-cure Program

Increased feelings
of daily contentment

Stats collected by Rural

Development Administration’s
Horticulture-cure Program

48 49
Current Korea

The Seoul-based Foreign Press
“Freedom of the press is a precious privi-

© YonhapNews
Center Korea holds a foreign
lege that no country can forego.” Mahatma media conference.

Gandhi’s saying reminds us of our duty to

Asia’s Hub of
respect and uphold the right to freedom of
speech and expression.
In the COVID-19 era especially, sup-

Global Media
pression of media freedom is worse than
ever, as some countries were reported to
censor media coverage on their major out-
As legendary American journalist W. Renewed Facilities
The world sees Korea as a nation with better freedom of
Cronkite put, “Freedom of the press is not Amid the major news outlets’ relocation
speech and of expression, compared to other Asian
just important to democracy, it is democra- plans, the Korean government now ramps
countries. The fact is backed up by a growing number
cy.” up its effort to make the nation “more friendly
of major foreign media outlets that have decided to
Last year, Korea ranked at 42nd out and more attractive towards foreign media.”
relocate their operations to Seoul.
of 180 countries on The 2020 World Press As part of the effort, the government on Feb.
Freedom Index, unveiled last year by the 26 announced plans to upgrade its existing
Written by Sohn Ji-ae
international media watchdog Reporters Without Borders (RSF). The country’s rank- The New York Times (The Times) and The Seoul-based foreign press center, in a way
ing is the highest in Asia, ahead of the coun- Washington Post (The Post) decided to re- to accommodate more correspondents and
try’s neighbors: Japan at 66th, Hong Kong locate part of their operations to Seoul over provide a better media system.
at 80th, Singapore at 158th and China at the course of this year. KOCIS (of MCST) plans to expand its
177th, among others. The Post last year picked Seoul as the Foreign Press Center in Seoul to the Foreign
As of February 2021, around 280 for- home to one of its two new breaking-news Media Integrated Support Center. The new

eign correspondents are based in Seoul, hubs along with London, as part of its effort facility will be equipped with a media brief-
making news about not only Korea but also to build a global 24-hour newsroom. ing room with an expanded seating capac-
its Asian neighbors. News coverage related The Times also announced that it would ity of 100, up from 40. It will also have a
to Korea has also increased significantly move its digital team of journalists — visual studio, interview room and video-
over a decade, 16.7 percent up from 9,010 roughly one-third of its Hong Kong staff conferencing system.
in 2010 to 30,340 in 2020, the government — to Seoul, saying “South Korea proved “Korea is on the verge of an era of 350
data said. attractive, among other reasons, for its foreign correspondents. The new media
The increased media coverage demon- friendliness to foreign business, indepen- center will play a crucial role in connecting
strates growing interest in Korea among dent press, and its central role in several government institutions and foreign media,
foreign media. major Asian news stories.” as well as be able to effectively respond to
It is true that Korea has gained lots of It is reported that before the decision, the recent surge in foreign media coverage
media attention due to its geopolitical is- the newspaper had considered Bangkok, of Korea,” KOCIS said.
sues, mainly involving North Korea. In the Singapore, Tokyo, and other cities in the The expansion of Seoul’s existing me-
pandemic times, too, the country’s swift Asia-Pacific region as a suitable location. dia facility, coupled with the two U.S. me-
and efficient response to the virus garnered Asked why Korea was chosen over other dia giants’ move to the capital, is expected
wide-ranging media coverage worldwide. Asian countries in an interview with the to play a positive role in attracting more
The growing importance of the country domestic media, Stephen Dunbar-Johnson, media companies to the country. Hopeful-
positioned Seoul as “a reasonable choice” international president of The Times, said, ly, this will lead to Korea, as Asia’s media
for news organizations to settle. As a re- “Freedom of speech, freedom of expres- hub, promoting media’s free expression
sult, the world’s major foreign news outlets sion. We look at rankings, and Seoul does and, also, more transparency in sharing in-
now plan to relocate some of their report- very well, it ranks very highly. Seoul will formation to the public.
ers and journalists to Seoul within this year. become our Asian headquarters.”

50 51
“I’ll do my best to improve Korea’s im- vice (KOCIS) has spent the last half-cen- festival organized by young people in the
Looking Back at the Transformative & Dynamic 50 Years of KOCIS
age, so that it’s regarded not as a coun- tury burnishing Korea’s national brand small town of Debrecen, on the border of
In Commemoration of KOCIS’s 50th Anniversary
try of liars and warmongers but rather, as a country of cultural esteem, building Hungary and Romania, or the traditional
as a country with a high level of culture, a reputation commensurate to the power Korean dances performed by people in
a country that even builds its own TVs,” of Korea’s economy, which ranks 10th in the Turkish port city of Izmir.
said Lee Gyu-hyeon, inaugural director of the world. Back in 1979, there were only KCCs’ role as platforms aligns with

Platform for
the Korea Overseas Information Service three Korean Cultural Centers (in New the current nature of Hallyu. K-pop is
(now Korean Culture and Information York, Los Angeles and Tokyo). Today, rooted in American pop culture that
Service), in an interview with the press there has been an over ten-fold increase flowed into Korea after the Korean War.

Intercultural Exchange
in 1971. In the early 1970s, there was an (32 centers in 27 different countries). But K-pop transcended these foreign cul-
extremely high risk of war on the penin- Korean society has transformed and tural imports and transplants, eventually
sula because of military tensions between developed rapidly as, too, has KOCIS. One acquiring a rhythm and musicality unique
the North and South. South Korea had of KOCIS’s aims was to present Korea as to itself. When Bong Joon-ho offered a
barely started manufacturing televisions; a country with a distinct cultural identity; touching tribute to Martin Scorsese, his
Written by Kim Jaehwan, director of KCC in Belgium Photo courtesy of KCC in Belgium lacking a reputation as a land of culture, another was to flaunt its impressive prog- cinematic inspiration, at the Oscars, Di-
it had to strain to bring its culture into ress. KOCIS’s role changed once more to rector Bong was saluting how his films
the limelight. suit contemporary needs: in showcasing had grown out of what he’d learned from
In the era that we’re in, however, BTS Korean culture, its role has evolved into American cinema.
tops Billboard charts with music sung in that of a platform for cultural exchange Not unlike the way Hollywood has
the Korean language; Korean films are and cooperation. In effect, the Korean passed on its cinematic conventions to
celebrated at the Oscars. And while the Cultural Centers (KCC) currently func- Korea and the world over, the hybridity
global economy was in freefall due to tion as cultural exchange platforms in 32 of Hallyu and openness demonstrated by
COVID-19, the Korean economy main- cities around the world. its adoption and amalgamation of foreign
tained the world’s highest level of growth. It is through these platforms that glob- cultures show that the growth of Korean
What remarkable progress in such a short al citizens encounter and enjoy Korean culture has in many ways, been driven by
time period. culture, while also taking ownership by exchange and cooperation.
Several reasons account for that trans- adapting bits of Korea to create a third Today, Hallyu consists of a combina-
formation. One is the appeal of Korean culture in their own, unique ways. With- tion and absorption of multifaceted ele-
pop culture, which has attracted a ded- out the KCCs, we may never have had the ments that represent not unilateral domi-
icated following of global scale (dubbed pleasure to witness Nigerians film their nation but mutual cooperation.
Hallyu for “Korean wave”). For instance, own version of “Tiger is Coming.” The
the Korean Culture and Information Ser- same can be said for a Korean cultural

Director, KCC in Belgium

Kim Jaehwan

52 53
Lasting Legends
“sabbatical” when they need a rest.
its members; instead of disbanding, they simply go on
their thirties. To this day, the band has changed none of
for “child.” At the time, all the band members were in
which (“i”) is pronounced the same as the Korean word
on the borrowed English word idol, the first syllable of
have carried the nickname seongin (“adult”)-dol, a play
around for nearly 25 years and counting. In fact, they
Debuting in 1998, the boy band Shinhwa has been
Global Korea

1 Sydney, Australia 3 Letter to Would-be Honorary Reporters

Glue this area and fold along the dotted line to cut out and use the postcard.
The KCC in Sydney, Australia hosted a minhwa (Korean folk Written by Honorary Reporters Laura L. Velazquez, Iran Tavera & Paola Corpus
Photo courtesy of I. Tavera
art) exhibition at the ground floor of its building between Feb.
8 and April 1. Open during working hours 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. be-
Hello, Korean culture lovers. We are three Honorary Reporters
tween Monday and Friday, the exhibition is open for viewing,
who became friends through this program. For those interested
free of cost. Minhwa is an ethnic breed of Korean visual art that
in joining, this article may help make your decision.
traces back to the Joseon era.


18 19 20 21 22 23 24
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Jointly with Jackie Menzies of The Asian Arts Society of Laura: I joined thanks to a wonderful coincidence. This pro-

25 26 27 28 29 30

Australia, the KCC created a video introducing the exhibition gram led me to new skills and the ability to overcome chal-
and the type of art it features for those unable to pay physical lenges. I still remember how I felt when one of my articles was
visits. The video can be watched on the KCC’s YouTube. posted on Being an Honorary Reporter has been

immensely rewarding and enriching.

2 Jakarta, Indonesia Iran: Being an Honorary Reporter lets me express my love for
Korean pop culture. I still remember my first article on Korea.

net, and since then, also collaborated with fellow Honorary Re-

porters from elsewhere and received gifts from the program. I
usually include my drawings and illustrations in my articles.
To further disseminate Korean pop culture, I created an SNS
account of my freehand and vector illustrations. NE PAS AFFRANCHIR
Priority / Prioritaire
Paola: I joined this program in March 2020. Though I had ups By airmail / Par avion
and downs in my first year of writing, I eventually acquired the
IBRS / CCRI N° : 10024-40730
necessary skills to continue. I wanted many people to get to Subscribe to the more interactive KOREA NO STAMP REQUIRED
webzine and save paper. Please also evaluate us
know Korea through my photographs, experience and words. online by filling out the online section Readers’
Imparting Korean Sounds Every Tuesday Comments.
Thanks to my efforts, people who had no knowledge about
In the third quarter of 2020, the KCC in Jakarta, Indonesia
Korea are now and even tell me that my work let them feel as
featured gugak (Korean traditional music) content on a week-
if they are in Korea. In my first year as an Honorary Reporter,
ly basis (every Tuesday). On the KCC’s SNS accounts, an ar-
I appeared on the official platforms of Talk Talk Korea and
ray of gugak videos have been introduced. Entitled “Sound of and received presents from the program. Such expe-
Korea,” the SNS-streamed or uploaded music videos flaunted
riences granted me new knowledge and friendships.
Webzi n e
high-quality performance and aesthetics.
In order to support the industry from struggles wrought All three: We recommend joining us Honorary Reporters. It’s For a PDF of the magazine,
by the pandemic, the National Gugak Center also provided a great opportunity to meet and befriend people with common Publications/KOREA-Magazines Korean Culture and Information Service
Indonesian commentary to complement three exemplary per- interests. Put yourself out there! Mag a zi n e
formances in Jan. 2021.
14-1, 408, Galmae-ro, Sejong-si, Government Complex-Sejong,
30119, Republic of Korea
54 * Simply open the page by scanning the QR code.
Thank you for your feedback
We will give special gifts to readers who send us feedback by May 15th.
Five winners will be randomly selected and announced on KOREA webzine. 짧게 잘라 주세요.
* Subscribe to the more interactive KOREA webzine and save paper!
Cut it short, please.
Jjalkke jalla juseyo.

Magazine Subscribe 머리를 어떻게 해 드릴까요? 이 머리는 많이 짧은데 괜찮으시겠어요?
How would you like your hair done? Are you fine with it being so short?
Meorireul eotteoke hae deurilkkayo? I meorineun mani jjalbeunde gwaenchaneusigesseoyo?

Webzine Subscribe

이 사진처럼 해 주세요. 괜찮아요. 짧게 잘라 주세요.

Just like it this photo. It’s fine, feel free to chop it off for me.
I sajincheoreom hae juseyo. Gwaenchanayo. Jjalkke jalla juseyo.

N-cheoreom Let’s Practice!

Attached to a noun, the phrase indicates a comparative For each sentence, select the best clause from the choices presented to fill in the blank.
relationship between the objects mentioned between its Both are responses to the question typically asked in hair salons: “How would you like
surrounding clauses. for your hair to be done?”


A. 동생이 노래를 잘해요?

염색해 주세요. 다듬어 주세요.
Is your sibling a good singer?
Please dye it Please trim it
B. 네, 가수처럼 노래를 잘해요. yeomsaekae juseyo. dadeumeo juseyo.
Yes, (s)he sings like a pro.

Attached to a verb or an adjective, -ge turns the clause 1 A. 어떻게 해 드릴까요? 2 A. 밝은색으로 _________________.
into a description. How may I help you today? _______________ in bright color.
6. Your personal information:

5. Do you have any suggestions for improving the content of KOREA,

4. How did you find out about KOREA magazine?

3. Which article was your least favorite and why?

2. Which article did you enjoy the most and why?

1. How useful was KOREA magazine in learning about Korea?

Eotteoke hae deurilkkayo? Balgeunsaegeuro _________________.

or any new ideas for regular sections?

A. 맛있게 드세요.
Search engine

B. 조금만 _________________. B. 그럼 이 색은 어때요?

Very useful

Dig in. _______________ just a tad bit. How about this color, then?

B. 네, 잘 먹겠습니다.

Jogeumman _________________. Geureom i saegeun eottaeyo?

Readers’ Comments

Alright, I’ll help myself!



Other (please specify)

Korean Cultural Center
Social media


Korea Now!
There’s no place like the hair salon to experience the nation’s pulse in contemporary styles. That may account for the reason so many foreigners list visiting

a Korean barbershop as their top to-do during their time in Korea, especially to have their hair done the way their favorite K-pop star wears it. In fact, Korean
hair salons teem with customers who show reference photos, as in their desired haircut often featured on glossy magazines and worn by celebs. That’s when
Not useful at all

you say “(OOO meori hae juseyo),” citing the name of the celeb. Another perk of Korean salons is their complementary services like scalp massaging and

provision of drinks, usually free of cost.

April 2021

Written by Yi Mi Ji (Office of International Affairs, Pukyong National University) Organized by National Institute of Korean Language

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