AWS-GMFCA (Rev. 1)

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WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION NO.: AWS-GMECA (Rev. WELDING PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION RECORD NOS): __AWS-TVK-GMEC-1 AWS.GMEC-1, AWS-TKY-GMEC-2 PREQUALIFIED FOR Base Metal (Typical): __AWS D1.1, Table 3.1 Groups 1 & 2 (ASS Gr.B, A106 Gr. B, AS6 A516 Gr.70, APISL Gr, KOZ Process(es) aw TECAW ‘Wold Types: GROOVE & FILLET Position: Filler Metal: _ER70S-6/671T1 Diameter, BOTT GROOVE, RGROOVEWELDS. Mie WELDS 4 NCH AND OVER BASE METAL CONDITIONS & GROOVE THICKNESS RANGE QUALIFIED: APPLICATIONS NOT RECUIRING NOTCH TOUGHNESS ‘AWS D1.1/D1.1M S16 inch - UNLIMITED Prepared 8 Ludwig & Associts Lid Page 1013 AWS D1.1/D1.M WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION (WPS) NATCO. ‘Welding Procedure Specifcation No. AW Supporting POR No(s) ___AWS-TVK-GMEC-1, AWS-TKY-GMEC-2, AWS-GMFC-1 FCA (Rev August 16, 2006 Welding Process(es) ‘eMAW JECAW. Type(s) Sembautomatc— JOINTS. ‘Joint Design: _AWS D1.1 butt, filet, fa 16 a8 detaled_on_consiruct ‘Square bul oinis are not pera ‘and tolerances shallbe ines BASE METALS (Table 3.1) Group Number ce vill AWS D1, 1 and detaled onthe const owing 182 To Groups 182 Thickness Range Groove — 3016 inch Through unlimited thickness. Fillet _ AWS D1.1 prequalified joints detailed on construction drawings Base etal _ 3/16 inch through unlimited thickness. Pipe Diameter Ranges: Groove ___ Greater than or equal to 4 inch diameter Fillet Alldiameters FILLER METALS. AWS Specification ASB 45.20 AWS Classification ER70S-6 E7tt-1 Size 0.035 inch diameter 0.045 inch diameter Maximum Weld Metal Thickness: Position Weld Type [Maximum Root Pass] Maximum Fill Pass Thickness GMAW | Thickness FCAW Short creuit transfer | Spray or Giobular . transfer [Fat Tench Horizantal all [8 inch Yinch Vertical 718 inch. ‘Overhead "U8 inch Maximum Single Pass Fillet Weld Size: Position Wels Type | Maximum Single Pass Fillet Weld Size FCAW| Spray or Globular Transfer Flat Yeinch ‘Horizontal —_ Al 318 inch Vertical inch ‘Overhead 7 ‘SI16 inch Propard 8 Ludulg& Assclts Li Page 2013 Maximum Single Pass Layer Width WPS NO. __AWS-GMECA (Rev.1 PREHEAT & INTERPASS TEMPERATURE Position Weld Type. ‘Weld Wath Requiring Spit Layers) Al For the root pass forroot| % inch } ‘opening > % inch Flat, Horizontal, For other than the root | 578 inch Overhead pass, any layer width _| > 8/8 inch Vertical |For other than the root | T inch pass, any ayer width > inch POSITION Position of Groove Position of Fillet (ld Brogesson SHAW Varga daa FORM Verte! us wih ne oooa acapTons '3)Undercut may be repaired verical down when the preheat isin accordance with "PREHEAT listed below, but not lower than O°F (20°C) ‘Thickness of Thickest Parlat Point of Welding 48 to % Inch, inclusive ‘Minimum Preheat & Interpass Temperature 32°F (0°C) see Note 1 ‘Over % thru 1% inch, ines 50°F (10°C) ‘Over 1% thru2 ¥ inch, inclusive 150°F (65°C) aay ‘Over’ Yaineh Ban" (110°C), ‘Note 1. When the base mal is below 32°F (0°C), the base metal shall be preheated 0 @ ‘minimum oF 70°F (20°C) and the minimum interpass temperature shall be maintained during welding. ‘Maximum Interpass Temperature: 00°F POST WELD HEAT TREATMENT Temperature Range NA “Time Range NA GAS SHIELDING Specification No, _A5.52 ‘AWS No. (Class) __$G-AC-25 Shielding 75% ArGOn, 25% C02, 25-45 cfoh Backing NA 5 7 Propares By Ludig& Associates Li Page so 1s WPS NO. __AWS-GMECA (Rev.t) _ ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS -— Direct Polarity __Reverso, electrode postive ‘See Tables 182 Vots ‘See Tables 182 ote oT Wanstor GMAW. Shoa Gurait_" FCAW. Gebulers Spray Power Source _Constanf voltage (CV) power supply TECHNIQUE Sting or Weave ther Travel Speed _See Tablet Oiiice or Gas Cup Siz inital & Interpass Clearing Brushing, chipoing or arinding as required Method of Back Gouging ng Contact Tube to Work Disiance —_¥ to¥inch Mutiple or Single Pass Per Side Multiple Mutiple or Single Electrodes — Single Praag at a De para as TABLE 1 - WELDING PARAMETERS Process | Filer Weal | —Diamater Fimparage | Valago Range | Travel Speed neh Range ‘eM cwaw | R7s6 | 0035 110-130 | 17-20 “1 roaw | ‘enirs | 00s ssov-180 | 22-25 33-11 Prepared By Lud & Associtos Lt Pago dot 13 AWS D1.1/D1.1M PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION RECORD NaTCO. Procedure Qualficalion Record No AWS-TYK-GMFO-1_ Date April 0.2006 ‘Welding Procedure Specification No, AWS-GMECA (Rev. ‘Woiding Process(es) GMAW JFCAW Type(s) Semi-automatic. JOINTS: Type AWS DJ.4 Figure 4.27 ~ Test Join for T-Y-I- Connections without backin BASE METALS Material Spec. A 108 Type or Grade __ GB ‘Group No__i____T) GroupNo.__1__ Thickness <—Hname DOT enh Diameter _6INGHNES Other _— Sch 160 machined to in. FILLER METALS, GMAW FCAW ‘Specification No, A518 A520 ‘AWS No. (Class) 87088 evitet ‘Sizo of Electrode 0.0835 in, diameter 0.045 in. diameter — Deposited Weld Metal Thickness “1 inch 3/6 inch. Other FCAW Trade Name - Dr in Megat 713 POSITION Position of Groove GR Weld Progression ——— eMati Verical down Vertical up PREHEAT Preheat Temperature __S0°F Interpass Temp. (Max) __450° POSTWELD HEAT TREATMENT Temperature None Tine ee yc Gas Specification No, AWS No. oie uaE GGA TCE GAGS eenseerarace! ‘Shielding (GMAW) 75% Argon, 25% C02, 17.5 iters per minule 0 aah ‘Shielding (FCAW) 75%, Argon, 25% C02, 20 Iters per minute (30 ciph} Backing None ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Current Direct Polarty _ Reverse, electode positive Amps ‘Soe next page: Vols ‘Seo next pane. ‘Meximimn Heat input (GMAW! 31,907 Jin, EGAW, 64,970 Jin. ‘Mode of Metal Transfer GMAW. Shor circu are FCAW: Globular are TECHNIQUE String or Weave _GMAW: Weave ECAW: Sting and Weave Travel Speed _See nex! page. “Muitiple or Single Pass PerSide GMAW: Single FCAW: Multiple Multiple or Single Electrodes Single Propared By Ls & Associates Li Page Sot 13 POR NO. __AWS-TVK-GMFC-1 37 1i2° restriction ring wo Sor — 3116 in Gin, root land 5/32 in, root gap Pass [Process [Fier etal | Diameter | Curent Amperage | Votage | Travel Speed inch Poanty | ange | Range ip. 7 [Guan |ERTOS6—[— 0055 | DoRP | 120-130 |_ 17-10 a2 2 | Fcaw_|—eriv-1 [0.048 | oore | 140 150_| 23-24 a4 ‘3 Fcaw | —erirt [0.045 | —ocre [10 160_| 23-24 3a 4 [-Feawr_| —eritt [0.085 | ~oore—|~10- 40| 23-28 ae 3 Feaw | —eritt [0.085 [ore [135-145 [23-24 81 Prepared fy Ludwig & Aasooits L Page sot 13 PORNO. __AWS-TYK.GMEC-1 TENSILE TEST FIGURE 4.14 Specmen | With | Thaness | Area] Utimate | Utimate Character & Nor | mmén)| min) | sqmm| toad | stoss Fracture Location (Sen) | wits) | mea ps) ca Pav up & Cone (o.74a) | (0.205) | 0.349]_| (23,300) | (66,000) Parent metal Tz igo [sor [203 o2'800 [457 aril Cup & Cone p.748) | oz) | .3i6] | 120,600) | 166,200) Parent meta GUIDED BEND TEST FIGURE 4.13 Type & Fagus No. eat Typed Figura Ne. ea 413, Tea St Pass 4.15, T3553 Pass 413,788 SZ Pass 413, T3558 Pass: CHARPY IMPACT TOUGHNESS FIGURE 4.40 ‘Type of Test Charpy V-Notch Orientation Transverse. ‘Test Temparaiure 20°C (4° Specimen Size 4010 mm Spec he Taio Losaton Tpact vase (ba Wat Weld Met 862 (658) wa2 wih 16 “14d (108) wes: ~ ot 0! “16 (852) ma Figen a TPE Taz 1105), 52 Fusion ine +m HAZ. 23 (0.8) x21 Fusion ine #41 mm HAZ 40_(103) aa Fusion ine + Sam HAZ 320 x32 Fusion ine +5 mmm HAZ_ 41518 X33 Fusion ine + 5 mm HAZ 35.9272) OTHER TESTS Vicker's Haniness - s00 attaches laboratory test 563.4 ‘Visual Inspeztion - see allached laboratory test report # C0563, Radiography - se® attached Westem Inspection report # CGY260367 Welders Name Gary Motley Corticate File No W-7204 Tests Conducted By idvig & AsSOCaIeS Lid Laboratory Test No, —G0e-663.1 We certify the statements in this record are correct and that the test welds were prepared, Welded and tasted in accordance with the requirements of AWS D1.1/D1.1M Manufacturer ATCO. Date SIZE ‘Signed b Y Prepared By Ludwig & Aascits Li Pape 7 of 13 AWS D1.1/01.1M PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION RECORD eee Procedure Qualfication Record No. AWSOME Date Apa 20. 2006 Welding Procedure Specification No. AWS-GMFCA (Rev. Welding Process(es) GMAW LECAW —“~ Type(s) Semiautomatic, JOINTS Type AWS D1.1Fi e Bult Joint — WPS Qualification without Bat BASE METALS Material Spec. A103 __TypeorGrade__G.B Group No__ “To Group No ‘Thickness Ye inch Diameter Bing NBS Other _— Sch. 80 FILLER METALS, GMAW FCAW AUS (hae) 7c A QA Size of Electrode (0.035 in. diameter (0.045 in-dlameter Deposited Weld Metal Thickness “18 inch ‘3/8 inch Other FCAW Trade Name Dratizua Stein Meaafil713R. POSITION Postion of Groove eG Weld Progression GMAW Verical denn Faw Versa ap PREHEAT Preheat Temperature __S0*F Interpass Temp. (Max) _450°E POSTWELD HEAT TREATMENT ‘Temperature None Time NA GAS ‘Specfcation No. (SFA) AWS No. (GMAW, SG-AC25____ FCAW SGAC25_—— Sriotaing (GMAW) 75% Argon, 25% C02, 17.5 iters per minute (80 cp Shielding (FCAW) 775% Aon, 25% C02, 20 liters per minute (30 coh) Backing None ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Current Direct Polarity __ Reverso, electrode positive ‘Amps ‘See novi page Vols __——Seenext page Moximim Heat put —__ GMAW: 28.247 FOAM 54,797 Jin, ‘Mode of Metal Transfer GMAW: Short creuit are FCAW. Globular arc ‘TECHNIQUE String or Weave GMAW: Weave FCAW: String and Weave Travel Speed _See next page Muttiple or Single Pass PerSide ‘GMAW: Single FCAW: Multiple Mutiple or Single Electrodes ‘Single Prepared By Ludig& Associates Li Page 813 60° PQRNO. __AWS-GMEC-1. ee Cin ot tana S188 In oot gop Fass aca | Fra Dass Caner Rpags | Vatapo | Tava Spr fm Soe “oo | eee | ae Fe z_[rean| ere | oes [oon woos asa [at S—Preaw{—eritt | ose —|poee | tsosten--a-as-[ — Prat erie | oes —|-pone—[-teosten-[-asas-[—7 s— [rear —eriet | —oose—|—oonr—[-tsostw-- gens [ a Sopra {eriet | soe} pene tsomten aoa [a2 Proparod By Ludig& Associts Ui Pago dot 13 PORNO. __AWS-GMEC-1 ‘TENSILE TEST FIGURE 4.14 ‘Specimen | WAR] Wackness | Area] Unrate] Otmale Nor | mmcny | mtn) | | tood” | sees iSein)|_ wtesy_| weston esa oe ioe sofa oraey_| Teast 7.300) | 2s s00) 1-78.20, re A a A Patil cup oats eras) | o425) [0.3167 125,100) Tren0op Parent etl GUIDED BEND TEST FIGURE 4.13, rene Fost Tipe Fire ‘at Pass 273, 1SB-83 Past 215.7888 [CHARPY IMPACT TOUGHNESS FIGURE 4.40, Type.ot Test haryV.Ntch Orientation “Transverse. ‘Test Tenpersiore 20°C (-4F) Specimen Size ox 10mm ‘Spacinan Tee Tapa Vas TRL YE Weld Meta. 36 (74) ¥2 wn 6" SBT 440) vas oft Tas (652) a Fama mm A Ta a sin ine HA a2 (108) Be Fusion ine +m HAZ 720 (882 Bi apa ns Sam HA Ese Ber Fant fae + mn AZ 383.288) BS. Fusion Ine +8 min HAZ 782 (08) OTHER TESTS Welders Name ____GarvMotley __Certfleate Fle No, _W-7204 __ ‘Tests Conducted By odwig & Amacai Le, Laboratory Test No 500-5092 es We certy the stalements inthis record are correct and thatthe toet welds were prepared, welded and tested n cordance wih the requrements of AWS D1.1/D1.1M Morufecturer Date 8-12-06 Signed / di Prepared By Ll & soln Page t0ot1d POR NO. __awS:GMFC-1 TENSILE TEST FIGURE 4.14 Spesmen | Wath] Thanos | Area] —Utimaie | —Utimato Character & No J mmtin) | mmtiny | | toad | stoss Fracture Location (San)|_Nibsy_| ma (pe a a Paria Cap & Cone (0748) (@.02}_| 70.300) | (24.500) | (78.200 Parent metal Tigo [sos [205 | t11 500 | 545 aril Cup & Cone ray | ers) | (e316) | 5,100) | (790) Parent metal GUIDED BEND TEST FIGURE 4.13 pes Fgae NG, Feat Type a Figura, Rea 4.13, TSB -S1 Pass 415, T3585 Pass, 413,788 Sz Poss. 413 TS5-St Pass, CHARPY IMPACT TOUGHNESS FIGURE 4.40 Type of Test Charpy V-Notch Orientation Transverse, Test Temparaiure 20°C (4° Specimen Size 40X10 mm Specmen Ne. Teich Locator Tnpaci vaues_3 (bay YE Weld Met 63.8 TA, 7 within 16" 58.7 (440) Yea af G01 748 (552 eens Taman Tne aE 7a ap Zi Fusion ine + mm HAZ. 42 (105) Zi Fusion line + mm HAZ’ 720 (68.2) Zar Fusion no + Sam HAZ 355 BBD 22 Fusion ine 5mm HAZ. 363. (28.5) 233 Fusion ine +8 mm HAZ. 282-2058 OTHER TESTS Vicker's Haniness - see attached laboratory test report # C06-563.2 ‘Visual Inspertion - see allached laboratory test report # CO6-563.2 Radiography - see atlached Wester Inspection report # CGY260367 Welders Name Gary Motley Corticate File No. _W-7204 Tests Conducted By Ludwig & ASSOGaTES Ltd Laboratory Test No, 06-6632 We certify the statements in this record are correct and that the test welds were prepared, welded and tested in accordance with the requirements of AWS D1.1/D 11M Manufacturer NATCO Date 2-17-06 ‘Signed b te Propared By Ludi & Assets Page 10of 13 ‘AWS D1.1/D1.1M PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION RECORD NaTCO. Procedure Qualification Record No. ___ AWS-TVK-GMFO-2 — Date July 20,20 Welding Procedure Specification No, AWS-GMECA (Rev.1 Welding Process(es) ‘GMAWJECAW ~~ Type(s) Semiautomatic, JOINTS. Type AWS D1, Figure 4.27 — Test Joint for T..¥-K- Connections without backing BASE METALS Material Spec. —_APL SL. Type or Grade __Gr. X52 Group No__2 To GroupNo. __2___ Thickness inch welded to 0,779 inch Diameter 6 inGHNES Other Sch.160 machined 107% in. wt. to Sch, 160 pipe FILLER METALS eMaAW FCAW Specification No, A518 A520 AWS No. (Ciass) ER70S-6 Erit-1 Size of Electrode 9.036 n. dame 0.045 in. diameter Deposited Weld Metal Thickness 4 318 inch Other FOAW Trade Name Diahiais Sion Mogall 770R POSITION Postion of Groove aR Weld Progression (GMAW: Varlical down FCAW: Vericalup PREHEAT Preheat Temperature SOF interpass Temp. (Max.) _450°E POSTWELD HEAT TREATMENT Temperature None Time NA Gas Specification No, 2 AWS No, GMAW, SC-ACZ FCA <___ GMAW: SG-AG-25__FGAW, SG-AG-25 Shielding (GMAW) 7% Argon, 25% O02, 175 liters per minuie 60-cph) Shielding (FCAW) 75% Argon 25% C02, 20 Iters per minute (30 fph Big Nn ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Current Divot Polarity __ Reverse, electrode positive Amps ‘See novi page Volts ‘See next page. Maximim Heat input GMAW. 24,687 Jin FCAW. 52,875 Jin. Mode of Metal Transtér GMAW: Shor circu are FCAW: Globular arc TECHNIQUE String or Weave _GMAW: Weave FCAW: Sting and Weave Travel Speed _See next page Multiple or Single Pass Per Side GMAW: Single FCAW: Multiple Multiple or Single Electrodes Single Proparod By Ludwig & Associton Li Page tof 13 POR NO. __AWS-TYK.GMFC-2 lq— restriction ring On, root land 5/92 in. root gap + 0.718 in, Pass | Process Damier | Curent& | Amperage] Votage | Wave Speed ‘non | Polany | "Range | Range ‘om 7 [onan 0035 | DGRP | 110-130 | 18-10 ‘a 2 FCAW. 0.045 | —OGRP | 155-165 | 73-24 ry 3 FCAW. ‘00a —ocRP—|i60- 70-23-24 4a aC Fcaw ‘o.0a5 pore [140 150_| 23-24 3e, ‘sD FcAW 10.045 | DcRP | 140 150_| 29-24 Ti Proparod By Ludi & Associates Lis. Page 120t 13 PAR No. ‘TENSILE TEST FIGURE 4.14 AWS-TYK-GMFC-2 Speanen | Wath] Thainoss | wea] —Utmate] timate ‘Character No | mmtin) | mmtin) | sqm | toad | stress Fracture Location San)| Nosy _| aos x Parl Cop & Cone. 9.752) | o.-25) | 70.323) | (90,200) | 163,800) teal Tz 90 “tis [218 140.00 “ear Pastsl Cup & Con. Dray [oessy | 339) | 94,500) | 2000) Parent mela GUIDED BEND TEST FIGURE 4.13 Type 8 FgueNe, Feat Typed Figs Ne Resa 413,18: St Pass 413, 788-58 “Pass a3, 158-62 Pass 419.7888 Pass OTHER TESTS igual inspestion - see attached laboratory test report # CO6-1071.1 raph) -se8 allached Western Inspection report 180 MPL see aliached Western Inspection report # CGY267798 Vickers hardness = see attached laboratory test report #006-1071.4 Welders Name __Kevin Fitmons __Cerliicae File No. Tests Conducted By Luswia & Associates Lid. aboesony Teal Not sss: G0 107 eerste We certify the statements in this record are correct and that the test welds were prepared, welded and tested in accordance with the requirements of AWS D1.1/D1.1M Manufacturer NaTco. Date__#-/7-0G __ Signed Proparod 8 Ludi & Assoiatos Li Page 13013 4 ABLUDWIG & ASSOCIATES tr. Materials and Welding Engineering, LABORATORY TEST REPORT Sea CUSTOMER: Natco Laboratory Test No.: C06-563.1 5318 Curtis Lane Date: April 27, 2008, New Ieera, Loulstanna 70560 Attontion: Brian Fint POR Number: ‘AWS-TYK-GMFC-1 Material: A408 Gr. B Size: 168,3mm (6.625 in) O.D. x 12.7 mm (0.500 in.) wt, to 21.9 mm (0.864 in.) ‘Thermal Condition: _As waded TENSILE TEST FIGURE 4.14 SAMPLE NUMBER " 12 WIDTH mm (a) 189 (0744) 190 (0.748) THICKNESS mm (in) 119 (0.469) 10.7 (0.421) ‘AREA sq mm (sq in) 225 (0.349) 203 (0.318) ULT. LOAD W (ts) 403.800 (23,300) ‘92800 (20,900) UTS MPa (psi) 462 (68,900) 487 (66,200) FRACTURE TYPE Partial Cup & Cone Partial Cup & Cone FRACTURE LOCATION Parent Metal Parent Metal GUIDED-BEND TEST FIGURE 4.13 SAMPLE WIDTH: 852mm (0.976 in) SAMPLETHICKNESS: 12.7 mm (0.500in.) PLUNGER SIZE: 381mm (1.880/in} YOKE SIZE: 603mm (2.375in) TYPE Sie Bend SideBend Side Bend ‘Side Bend SAMPLE NUMBER(S) St 82 53 84 RESULTS: Pass. Pass Pass Pass Wo certly the fest result in this eport and thatthe specinen(s) wore prepared and tested in accordance wit tho ‘equitemenis of AWS DI.1 1 DIM: 2008 ealtion and loest sddende. Tho information reyerding material fdentitcation (Le. siz, thickness, hsat number, ef) has baen proud by the customer report ‘oa! Fton Frank Langenack Laboratory Test Conducted By: ASLUDWIG & ASSOCIATES trp. Ty Matera and Welding Engineers 4 LABORATORY TEST REPORT Smee CUSTOMER: Natco Laboratory Test No C06-563.1 5315 Curtis Lane Date: April 27, 2008 Now Iberia, Louisiana 70580 Attention: Brian Flint PR Number ‘AWS-TYK-GMFC-1 Material: A106 Sr. 8 Size: 168.3mm (6.625 in.) O.D. x 12.7 mm (0.500 in.) wt. to 21.9 mm (0.884 in.) Thermal Condition: _As wedded NOTCH-TOUGHNESS TEST ‘TYPE OF TEST: CCherpy V-Notch ORIENTATION: Transverse TEST TEMPERATURE: -20°C (-4°F) SPECIMEN SIZE: 10x 10 mm Specimen Noteh Impact Values Shear Lateral ‘Number Location souls (fs) Sh Expansion (in, wa Weld Metal 62 © (638) 74 0.047 w22 Wold Metal 144 (108) 85 0.074 w23 ‘Weld Matal 116 (52) 82 0.057 W31 ——FusionLine+4mmHAZ 742 (105) 72, 0.080 W32 FusionLine+immHAZ 128 © (90.8) 65, 0.058, W33 —FusionLine+1mmHAZ 140 = (103), 85, 0.065, xa Fusjontine+SmmHAZ 220 © (23.6) 21 0.024 x82 Fusiontine+5mmHAZ 43.1 (31.8) 2 0.028 X33 FusionLine+5mmHAZ 369 © (272) 0.024 We cory the test results In tis report and thatthe specimen(s) were propared and fasted in accordance with tho requirements of "AWS D1-./ D1-IM: 2008 edon and latest addenda. The information regarding material ‘entiation (Lo. size, thickness, heat number, ef) has been provided by the customer whose name appears on tis ‘report = Laboratory Test Conducted By: a Mark Fung, 1-7-1 Fy Langenecker, CET. 27-14 SE CCAR AAD T2IKE MONE) 26772 E610 eet | Ae LUDWIG & ASSOCIATES trp. Materials and Welding Engineering LABORATORY TEST REPORT CUSTOMER: Natco Laboratory Test No.: C06-563.1 5315 Curtis Lane Date: April 27, 2008, New Iberia, Lousiana 70560 Attention: Brian Flint POR Number: ‘AWS-TYK-GMFC-1 Material: M108 Gr. B Size 168.3mm (6.625 in) O.D. x 12.7 mm (0.500 in. wet. to 21.9 mm (0.864 in.) Thormal Condition: _As welded : ‘TYPE OF TEST: INSTRUMENT TYPE: Mitutoyo AVI-Ct 1) 1a2HVv 2) 42H 3) 170HV 4) 1tHV 5) 1a9Hv 8) 194HV 7). 2t1HV 8) 2I7HV 8) 221Hv HARDNESS TEST Viewers LOAD: 10g i 40) 200HV 19) 45HV 28) TO1HV a7) t80HV 1) 497HV 20) W73HV 20) TO7HV 8)” 167 HV 12) m0HV 21) 184HV 30) TS0HV 38) eS HY 43) 2I5HV 22) ISTHV 31), 15BHV 40) t62 HY 14) 218HV 23) 2ISHV 32) 63H at) 186 HY 18) 216HV 24) BIOHVY 33) M41 HV 42) IT HY 16) 10HV 25) 210HV 34) THY 43) TS HY 17) 159HV 26) 206HV 35) T7OHV 44) 157 HV 18) 130HV 27) 202HV. 38) T7THV 45) 158 HV We cority the test resus in thls port and thatthe specimens) wore prepared and tested in accordance wih the ‘requirements of ASTM £9242 (Reepproved 2003)". The infomation regaraing material id thickness, hast number, et.) has keen provided by the customer whose name appears oth Laboratory Test Conducted By. cation (Le. sz, Tangenecker, CET, Dan Nguyen, 1-11 Fig Page t oft AB LUDWIG & ASSOCIATES trv. wee LABORATORY TEST REPORT CUSTOMER: Natco Laboratory Tost No C06-863.1 5315 Curis Lane Date: April27, 2006, New Iberia, Loulsianna 70560 Atfontion: Brian Flint POR Numbor: ‘AWS-TYK-GMFC-1 Material: A108 Gr. B si 168.3 mm (6.625 in) O.D. x 12.7 mm (0.500 in) wt. o 21.9 mm (0.884 in.) ‘Thormal Condition: _As woldod VISUAL INSPECTION Visual Inspection found wold qualty meeting the requirements of AWS D1.1/D1.1M: 2006 paragraph Visual Inspection of Groove Welds. Wo cory tho test resus in tis rapt and that the specimens) wore propared and tested in accordance with the ‘requirements of AWS 014 / UII: 2006 edtion and latest addenda, TH® Information regarding material ‘ortiicaton (Le. size, thickness, oat numer, et.) has Been provid by th custome whage name appears on his report Laboratory Test Conducted By: Frank Langenecker, CELT. sm rome te mom cn Pera 4. Br ww0we & ASSOCIATES 110. py ‘Materials and Welding Engineering LABORATORY TEST REPORT Laboratory Test Ni Dato: April 27, 2008, .©06-563.1 CUSTOMER: Nateo 15316 Curtis Lane New Iberia, Loulsianna 70580 Attention: Brian Fint POR Number: ‘AWS-TYK-GMFC-A Materi A108 Gr. B Size: 168.3mm (6.625 in.) O.D. x 12.7 mm (0.500 In.) we. to 21.9 mm (0.864 in) ‘Thermal Condition: _ As welded PHOTOMACROGRAPH Magnifization: 3.7 Elchant: 5% Nita! CET. Laboratory Test Conducted By: Dan Neuer ay raph Lai 40) CCAR AERA aC me any s98 e268 payer ott 4 Prvoows & ASSOCIATES trp. wy CUSTOMER: Natco 5318 Curtis Lane New Iberia, Louisianna ‘Materials and Welding Engineering LABORATORY TEST REPORT Laboratory Test No. C06-563.2 Date: April 27, 2006 70560 Attention: Brian Flint POR Number: AWS.GMFC-1 Mat 108 Gr.B si 249.1 mm (8.625 in) O.D. x 12.7 mm (0.500 in.) wt ‘Thermal Condition: _As welded TENSILE TEST FIGURE 4.14 SAMPLE NUMBER 1 2 WIDTH mm (in) 190 (0.748) 190 (0.748) THICKNESS mm (in) 10.2 (0.402) 108 (0.425) ‘AREA sq mm (sq in) 194 = (0.300) 205 (0.318) ULT. LOAD N (lbs) 104500 (24,500) 111.800 (25,100) UTS MPa (psi) 639 (78,200) 545 (79,000) FRACTURE TYPE Partial Cup & Cone Partial Cup & Cone FRACTURE LOCATION Parent Metal Parent Metal GUIDED-BEND TEST FIGURE 4.13 SAMPLE WIDTH: 962mm (0.975 in.) SAMPLE THICKNESS: 12.7 mm (0500in.) PLUNGER SIZE: 381mm (1.80in) YOKE SIZE: 6.3mm (2375in) TYPE Site Bend Side Bend Side Bond Side Bend SAMPLE NUMBER(S) St 382 3 S4 RESULTS Pass Pass Pass Pass We contily the test resus In tis port and that the spesimen(s) were propared and fsted in accordance with tho requirments of “AWS D1 / CIM: 2008 ediion and latest addenda, ‘denifcation (Le. size, tckness, heat number, ec) has bean provided by the customer whose, report. Laboratory Test Conducted By: Tha information regardigy materi! appoars on this Paget of Ai LUDWIG & ASSOCIATES trp. woe oa LABORATORY TEST REPORT ae CUSTOMER: Natco Laboratory Test No C06-563.2 15315 Curtis Lane Date: April 27, 2008, [New Iberia, Louisiana 70560 Attention: Brian Flint POR Number: AWS.GMFC-1 Materia: A106 6.8 Sk 249.1 mm (8.625 in.) O.D. x 12.7 mm (0.500 in) wit. ‘Thermal Condition: _As welded NOTCH-TOUGHNESS TEST TYPE OF TEST: Charpy V-Noteh ORIENTATION: Transverse TEST TEMPERATURE: 20°C (-4°F) SPECIMEN SIZE: 10x 10mm Specimen Notoh Impact Values Shoar_—_—_Latoral ‘Number Location soules (fi % Expansion (in yeu Wetd Metal eas (47d) 62 0.084 y22 Weld Metal a7 (440) 47 0.037 y23 Weld Metal ma (652) Bt 0.040 yaa Fusior Line +1mmHAZ 114 (638) 69 0.084 Ya2 Fusion Line+ 1mmHAZ 142 (105) 79 0.081 yaa Fusion Line +1mmHAZ 120 (88.2) 65 0.088 za FusionLine+SmmHAZ 355 (262) 27. 0.024 732 Fusionline+5mmHAZ 963 (288) 0.028 Z33 FusionLine +5mmHAZ 282 (208) 17 0.018 We ceri the tet result in tis report and thatthe spacimen(s) were prepared and feted In accordance withthe requirements of AWS D111 Ot iM: 2008. edtion and latest addenda, The dyfommaion regarding materi! laniicaton 0. sze, tcknees, hat number, et) has been provided by the customer whose pame appears on this report. Laboratory Test Conducted By: 7 ‘Wark Fung, 11-1 prank Langenecker, CET. ser mas otis nos monn mae rial 4 AS LUDWIG 8& ASSOCIATES tro. Sa LABORATORY TEST REPORT CUSTOMER: Natco Laboratory Test No: C06-563.2 5315 Curtis Lane Date: April 27, 2006, Naw Iberia, Louisianna 70560 Attention: Brian Flint POR Number: ‘AWS-GMFC-1 Material: A108 6.8 Size: 249.4 mm (8.625 in.) .D. x 12.7 mm (0.500 in) wit Thermal Condition: _ As welded HARDNESS TEST TYPE OF TEST: Vickers LOAD: 10kg INSTRUMENT TYPE: Mitutoyo AVK-C1 ; ae, Hs 1) 184HV 10) 198HV 19) 154HV 28) 1O7HV 97) 184HV 46) 178HV 2) 155HV 11) 184HV © 20) 1S9HV © 29) 199HV 38) 18H 47) T7AHV 3) 187HV 12) 200HV 21) 182HV 30) 178HV 38) 15H 48) T71HV 4) 184HV 13) 204HV © 22) t8SHV 31) A77HV 40) 203HV 5) 178HV 14) 2i2HV 23) 184HV 3) 173HV 41) 199HV 6) 190HV 15) 20BHV 24) 218HY 33) 18OHV 42) 212HV 7) 208HV 18) 213HV 25) 1asHV 34) 1S8HV 43) -2ODHV 8) 212HV 17) 1S5HV 26) 183HV 35) 165HV 44) 77 HV 9) 218HV 18) 184HV 27) 198HV 38) 168 HV 45) 7B HV We cortly the tos resus in his portend thatthe spacinen(s) were prepared and tested in accordance wih the regutments of ASTM E522 (Reapproved 2009)". The inematlen regarang material Uorfeton (8. 5, {htkress, eat nanber, ete) hes bon provsed by te customer whose name appre opi repa. Laboratory Test Conducted By: oe Dan Nguyen, T.7. [Frank Langenecker, CET. sr see cucacnnan nee mowifnarve ean oa 4 AS LUDWIG & ASSOCIATES trv. ww LABORATORY TEST REPORT CUSTOMER: Natco Laboratory Test No C06-503.2 5815 Curtis Lane ‘Apri 27, 2008 New tberia, Louisianna jals and Welding Engineering 70560 ‘Attention: Brian Flint "POR Number: AWSGMFCA Materia: A106 Gr. Si 219.1 mm (8.625 In) O.D. x 12.7 mm (0.600 in.) vat ‘Thermal Condition: As welded VISUAL INSPECTION Visual inspection found weld qualty meeting the requirements of AWS D1.1/D1.1M: 2006 paragraph Vieual Irepection of Groove Welds, We corti the test results in this report and thatthe specinen(s) were prepared and tested in accordance with the requiromenis of ANS Dit 1 DIM: 2008 ediion and fos! addenda. The" ivormation regarding material ontiicaton (Le. size, thickness, teat number, etc.) has been provided by the custoger whose name appears on this par. Laboratory Test Conducted By: Frank Langeneoker, CET. a Pr voowre & ASSOCIATES 110. wp en LABORATORY TEST REPORT Laboratory Test No C06-563.2 Date: April 27, 2006 CUSTOMER: Natco 5315 Curtis Lane New Iberia, Loulsianna 70560 Attention: Brian Flint POR Number: AWS.GMFC-1 Matortal: A106 Gr. Size: 249.1 mm (8.625 in.) O.D. x 12.7 mm (0.500 in) wt ‘Thermal Condition: As welded PHOTOMAGROGRAPH Magnification: 3.8x Laboratory Test Conducted By ail Dinh TF TE cma SE ee eee anon RAVOTVO "S'S AANGAV DES ECE a “QUINOLLIGASNINWALISIM §SS Aa LUDWIG & ASSOCIATES tr. See } sae LABORATORY TEST REPORT Saari CUSTOMER: Natco Laboratory Test No.:_ C06-1071.1 5315 Curtis Lane Date: August 1, 2006 New Iberia, Louisiana 70580 Attention: Brian Flint AWS-TYK-GMFC-2 Material: API 6L Grade X52 Size: '168.3mm (6.625 In.) O.D. x 12.7 mm (0,500 in.) wa. fo 18.3 mm (0.719 In.) wet. Thermal Condition: _As Welded TENSILE TEST SAMPLE NUMBER 1 m WIDTH mm (in) 194 (0762) 190 (0.748) THICKNESS mm in) 109 (0429) 15 (0483) ‘AREA sq mm (sq in) 208 (0.328) 218 (0.38) ULT. LOAD N (bs) 494 900 (20,200) 140.000 (31,500) UTS MPa (si 645 (63,600) e41 (02,900) FRACTURE TYPE Patial Cup & Cone Partial Cup & Cone FRAGTURE LOCATION Parent Metal Parent Metal GUIDED-BEND TEST SAMPLE WIDTH: 9.52mm (0375in.) SAMPLE THICKNESS: 127mm (0.500in.) PLUNGER SIZE: 38.1 mm. (1.50in) YOKE SIZE: 60.3mm (2.375in) ‘SAMPLE TYPE Side Bend Side Bond Side Bend ‘Side Bend SAMPLE NUMBER(S) St s2 83 S4 RESULTS Pes Pass Pass Pass We cerity the test rasuts in this port and thatthe specimens) were prepared and tested in accordance with the ‘requirements of AWS 1.42008. The Information regarding material doniestion Le. size, thickness, heat number, ‘8f6) has bean provided by the cus'amer whose name appoars on this reper. a Laboratory Test Conducted By: Dan Nguyen, 7.J71 Frank Langenecker, CE. 27-656, CAR ATA TRO HOME 22702 26162 Pato 4 BA voowrc & ASSOCIATES rp. ww © as LABORATORY TEST REPORT Seer CUSTOMER: Natco Laboratory Test No.: €06-1071.1 8316 Curtis Lane Date: August 2, 2006 New Iberia, Louisiana 70560 Attention: Brian Flint POR Numbor: ‘AWS-TYK-GMFC-2 Material: API 5L Grade X52 Siz 168.3 mm (6.625 in.) 0.0. x 12.7 mm (0,600 In.) w.t. to 18.3 mm (0.719 in) ws. ‘Thermal Condition: As Welded HARDNESS TEST ‘TYPE OF TEST: Vickers LOAD: 10kg INSTRUMENT TYPE: tutoyo AVK-C1 Ror pe 1) 199HV 10) BASH 19) 224HV 28) BZHV 37) 2a2HV 2) 200HV 41) 255HV 20) 221HV 29) 1O5HV 38) 207 HV 3) 252HV 42) 03HV 21) 2a1HV 30) te2HV 39) DAS HV 4) 23HV 13) 309HV 22) -ZaTHV 31) ZOTHV 40) 2AHV 5) 21HV 14) MHV 23) Z23HV 32) 24HV 41) 2aZHV 6) 230HV 15) 196HV 24): 282HV 33) DDH 42) TBH 7) 20HV 16) 195HV 25) 2e4HV © 34) DAH 43) TOT HV 8) 22HV 17) MOV 26) 23BHV 35) 244 HV 9) 24BHV 18) 03HV 27) 2a4HV 38) 238 HV We certify the test results in this port and that tha specimens) were prepared and tasted in accordance withthe raguiroments of ASTM E62-62 (Reapproved 2003)". The Information regarding material idetitcation (Le. 326, thickness, heat number, ec) has been provided by the customer whose name appears on this report. Laboratory Test Conducted By: ‘Mark Fangs C=T— ryt sat SE CACARY SETA GIES. ONE N26 EON 63168 Pact 4 AS LUDWIG & ASSOCIATES trp. wy LABORATORY TEST REPORT CUSTOMER: Natco Laboratory Test No C06-1071.1 5315 Curtis Lane Date: July 25, 2006 New Iberia, Louisianna 70560 Brian Flint ‘AWS-TYK-GMFC-2 APISL Grade X52 4168.3 mm (6.625 In.) O.D. x 12.7 mm (0.500 in) wt. lo 18.3 mm (0.719 in) ‘Thermal Condition: _As welded VISUAL INSPECTION Visual inspection found weld quality meeting the requirements of AWS 1D1.4/D1.10: 2006 paragraph Visual Inspection of Groove Welds. Wo cently the test results in tis report and thatthe specimen(s} were propared and tested in ‘eeordance wih the requrements of AWS D1.1 711M: 2008 ‘edi and atst addonds. Tho Information regarding metere Ientifestion (Le. 92, thckrass, heat number, otc) has boon, provided by tho customerwhose name appears on this report. Laboratory Test Conducted By: "rank Langenecker, CET, AWS Welding fSpectorCelfcate #O1070027 4 IN LUDWIG & ASSOCIATES 17. joy LABORATORY TEST REPORT CUSTOMER: Natco Laboratory Test No.: €06-1071.1 5316 Curtis Lane Date: August 1, 2008, New Iberia, Louistana 70560 Attention: Brian Flint POR Number: ‘AWS-TYK-GMFO-2 Material: APIS. Grade X52 Size 168.3 mm (6.625 in.)O.D. x 12.7 mm (0.600 in.) wet. 018.3 mm (0.719 in) ws. Thermal Condition: _ As Welded PHOTOMACROGRAPH Magnificaion: 3.3% Etchant, 5% Nitat Laboratory Test Conducted By: 4027-14 Sk CUEAEY MBE IS HONE 20.7072 WE 5308 Page t of sr06-9e (om) xv orsrrauz (60m) TAL sooth ¥DEaETY UVOTVD "a's ‘AANAAV 8S“ 1ECE ga “QUINOLDAASNINYTISIM SP 106-9 Gow) xv orsr-auz (0oM "Ta Pav ocL bASETY RUVOTVD "HS “AANGAY BS “167 ga “GUINOUDadSNINWAISIM SP

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