Hanoi Open University Test On Reading Skills

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Time allowance: 60 minutes – Test number 10

I. Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question about
the passage
As more women in the United States move up the professional ladder, more are
finding it necessary to make business trips alone. Since this is new for many, some tips
are certainly in order. If you are married, it is a good idea to encourage your husband
and children to learn to cook few simple meals while you are away. They will be much
happier and probably they will enjoy the experience. If you will be eating alone a good
deal, choose good restaurants. In the end, they will be much better for your digestion.
You may also find it useful to call the restaurant in advance, and state that you will be
eating alone. You will probably get better service and almost certainly a better table.
Finally, and most importantly, anticipate your travel needs as a businesswoman; this
starts with lightweight luggage which you can easily manage even when fully packed.
Take a folding case inside your suitcase; it will come in extremely handy for dirty
clothes, as well as for business documents and papers you no longer need on the trip.
And make sure you have a briefcase so that you can keep currently required papers
separate. Obviously, experience helps, but you make things easier on yourself from the
first by careful planning, so that right from the start you really can have a good trip!
1. Who is the authors' intended audience?
A. working women who have no time for cooking.
B. husbands and children of working women.
C. working women who must travel on their own.
D. hotel personnel who must cater to working women.
2. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A. A greater percentage of women are advancing professionally in the U.S than
B. Professional men refuse to accompany their female colleagues on business trips.
C. Each year there are more female tourists in the United States.
D. Businesswomen become successful by showing a willingness to travel alone.
3. In this passage, what advice does the author have for married women?
A. Stay home and take care of your family.
B. Encourage your husband and kids to be happy and have fun while you are away.
C. Help your family learn to prepare food for themselves.
D. Have your whole family take gourmet cooking classes together.
4. Why are better restaurants especially preferable for frequent travelers?
A. The food is usually better for your health.
B. The tables are better.
C. You can call ahead for reservations.
D. You will not have to eat alone.
5. Why is lightweight luggage important for the travelling businesswoman?
A. It provides space for dirty clothes.

B. It allows for mobility.

C. It can double as a briefcase.
D. It is usually big enough to carry all business documents.
6. What is the main idea of this passage?
A. Business trips are more difficult for women than for men.
B. More women are finding the road to success an American business.
C. Good business trips result from careful organization before the trip.
D. Careful planning makes most business ventures successful.
7. Where would this passage most likely appear?
A. in a magazine specifically for women
B. in a restaurant and hotel guide
C. in a news magazine
D. in a journal for top-ranking businessmen and women
8. The word “ladder” is closest in meaning to _________.
A. stage B. raise C. movement D. promotion
9. The word “handy” could be best replaced by________ .
A. small enough B. easy C. convenient D. big enough
10. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “papers”?
A. newspapers B. certificates C. contracts D. documents
II. Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question about
the passage.
Biomedical jewelry, accessories which monitor the wearer's vital junctions or
sound a warning in response to unhealthy environmental conditions, is already on the
market and promises to become much more medically sophisticated and commonplace
in the foreseeable future. Today, heart-monitoring devices and posture indicators can
be hidden in attractive belts; necklaces may contain portable electrocardiographs, or
may register body temperature or the level of pollution in the air. If the pollution level
is dangerous, some necklaces open and dispense a face mask and a ten-minute supply
of oxygen. One of the less serious versions of this type of necklace simply tells the
wearer if his or her own breath has reached an offensive level. Still on the drawing
board are designs for attractive personal ornaments which could warn of impending
epileptic seizures or migraine headaches. Designers, of biomedical jewelry predict
that the time will come when artfully designed bracelets or necklaces will be able to
diagnose, analyze, and even prescribe treatment for their wearers.
11. What is biomedical jewelry?
A. Inexpensive medical accessories used in the most sophisticated operations
B. Jewelry which contains devices that alert the wearer to medically dangerous
C. Non-functional pieces of equipment used to decorate medical offices.
D. Jewelry being marketed by groups interested in improving environmental conditions.
12. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage ?
A. Fashion forecast: Accessories for the Year 2000.
B. Jewelry for Today's doctor.
C. Attractive accessories for cleaning up the environment.
D. What's wrong? Ask your necklace!

13. It is implied that today's biomedical jewelry_________.

A. is not taken seriously by the medical community
B. is still on the drawing board
C. is stylish as well as functional
D. is a fashion trend rather than a dependable medical device
14. According to the passage, the biomedical necklaces mentioned can do all of the
following EXCEPT_________.
A. provide oxygen B. dispense a breath freshener
C. monitor the wearer's heartbeat D. indicate body temperature
15. How does the author describe the necklace designed to monitor the wearer's
A. less sophisticated than some others described
B. more for fun than some others described
C. simple to use
D. offensive
16. Designers of biomedical jewelry envisage a future in which________.
A. their designs will take over some traditional duties of a doctor
B. all jewelry will contain some sort of medical device
C. these artful monitors will be required by law for those suffering from epilepsy
and migraines
D. this type of accessory will be commonly available in sophisticated arts and
crafts markets

7. The word “register” is closest in meaning to_________.

A. list B. be aware
C. range D. show
18. The phrase “on the drawing board” is closest in meaning to________:
A. being planned B. being drawn C. being painted D. being
19. The word “migraine” means_________.
A. minor pain B. serious pain C. treatment D. medicine
20. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the clause “the time will come”?
A. there’s plenty of time B. we’ll need to wait
C. there’s no need to waste time D. it’ll become realistic soon

III. Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question about the
The “big three” of Art Deco were New York City, Los Angeles (including
Hollywood), and Miami Beach. New York's contributions were the Chrysler Building.
Radio City Music Hall, and other towering monuments to 20th century industrial
accomplishment. Hollywood's were the romance and rhinestone glitter in the films of
Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire. Miami Beach's was the resort, the tropical escape
from Depression doldrums. Deco was a dream style. On Miami Beach, the crisply
modern designs harmonized with the Florida seascape in an economy of construction
that offered luxury to the middle class. While the rich spent “the season" in their
mansions and grand hotels like the Roney Plaza, the middle class populated three and
four-story hotels and apartment houses with friendlier names: the Barbara, the Evelyn,

the Julie. Lean but progressive, the buildings on Miami Beach inspired delight. Racing
stripes on facades reflected the speed-obsessed culture. Rounded corner made life
smooth. Finials, parapets and tall signs lettered with hotel names reached for futuristic
fantasies. Buildings shaped like ocean liners with porthole windows sailed the viewer
away. Flamingos, pelicans and herons were etched in glass, stamped in metal screen
doors, cast in plaster emblems. Organic friezes placed tropical exotica at the front
door. Cantilevered “eyebrows" over casement windows brought shade while
permitting ocean breezes to filter into the small rooms.
21. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. New York’s contribution to Art Deco.
B. Where the rich live on Miami Beach.
C. The Art Deco architecture on Miami Beach.
D. Three famous Art Deco hotels.
22. What did the paragraph preceding the passage most probably discuss?
A. The definition of Art Deco style.
B. The development of Miami Beach.
C. The films of Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire.
D. The diversity of New York architecture.
23. According to the passage, which of the following words best describes the New
York Art Deco buildings?
A. Imposing B. Illuminated C. Delightful D. Rounded
24. Which of the following characteristics of a Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire film
best reflects Art Deco style as described in the passage?
A. The technical accomplishment. B. The influence of romantic art.
C. The fame of the actors. D. The splendid sets and costumes.
25. The author classifies hotels on Miami Beach according to ________.
A. their location B. the style of their windows
C. the wealth of their residents D. their seasonal occupancy
26. Which of the following would be LEAST likely to be found on the Miami Beach
buildings described in the passage?
A. Somber colors B. Modernistic shapes
C. Metallic decorations D. Conspicuous lettering
27. The passage support which of the following conclusions about Art Deco?
A. It was one of three principal styles in the United States.
B. It was too luxurious for middle-class tourists.
C. It appeared balanced and harmonious in all setting.
D. It reflected the accomplishments and dreams of its era.
28. The word “glitter” is closest in meaning to__________.
A. bright pieces B benefits C. bright light D. excitement
29. The phrase “the season” could be best replaced by________.
A. four seasons in a year B. the holiday
C. a period of time D. a festival
30. The word “breezes” means _________.
A. waves B. temperatures C. water D. winds
Time allowance: 60 minutes

2018 KEY
Test number: 10

Total points: 30 points

- 1 point for each correct answer from 1  30

1. C 16. A
2. A 17. D
3. C 18. A
4. A 19. B
5. B 20. D
6. C 21. C
7. A 22 A
8. D 23. A
9. C 24. D
10. D 25. C
11. B 26. A
12. D 27. D
13. C 28. A
14. B 29. B
15. B 30. D

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