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Statistics and Probability

Quarter 3 Module 5:
Finding the Mean and the Variance of the Sampling
Distribution of the Sample Means

What I Know


Lesson 1
Finding the Mean and the Variance of the Sampling Distribution of the
Sample Means

What’s In


What’s More

Given X Values = ₱ 2 000.00, ₱ 3 000.00, ₱ 4 000.00, ₱ 5 000.00, ₱ 6

000.00 N = 5
Unknown Mean of the Population μ

Conclusion Therefore, the population mean of the shares of the group of ABM
Students to their planned online business is ₱ 4 000.00.
Possible Samples Sample Mean xˉ
2 000.00, 3 000.00 2 500.00
2 000.00, 4 000.00 (2) 3 000.00
2 000.00, 5 000.00 3 500.00
2 000.00, 6 000.00 (3) 4 000.00
3 000.00, 4 000.00 3 500.00
3 000.00, 5 000.00 (4) 4 000.00
3 000.00, 6 000.00 4 500.00
4 000.00, 5 000.00 (5) 4 500.00
4 000.00, 6 000.00 5 000.00
5 000.00, 6 000.00 (6) 5 500.00

Given Σ[X• P(X)] = 40 000.00/10 or 4 000.00

Unknown Mean of the Sampling Distribution of the Sample Means μx .

(7) Therefore, the mean of the sampling distribution of the
sample means is ₱ 4,000.00

X X²
2 000.00 4 000 000.00
3 000.00 (8) 9 000 000.00
4 000.00 16 000 000.00
5 000.00 (9) 25 000 000.00
6 000.00 (10) 36 000 000.00
20 000.00 90 000 000.00

Given ƩX = 20 000.00; N = 5; ƩX2 = 90 000 000.00

Unknown Variance (σ 2 ) of the Population


(11) σ2= 2 000 000.00

Conclusion (11) Therefore, the variance of the population is ₱ 2 000 000.00
Given ƩX = 20 000.00; N = 5; ƩX2 = 90 000 000.0
Unknown Standard Deviation ( σ ) of the Population


(11) σ= 1 414.21
Conclusion (11) Therefore, the standard deviation of the population is
₱ 1 414.21

Given Ʃ[X •2 P (X )]
= 167 500 000.00/10 or 16 750 000.00; μx = 4
Unknown Variance (σ2x ) of the Sampling Distribution of the Sample Means


(13) = 750 000.00

Conclusion (13) Therefore, the variance of the sampling distribution of the
sample mean is ₱ 750 000.00

Given Ʃ[X2•P (X)] = 167 500 000.00/10 or 16 750 000.00; μx = 4 000.00

Unknown Standard Deviation (σx) of the Sampling Distribution of the Sample
Means μx


(14) 866.03
Conclusion (14)
Therefore, the standard deviation of the sampling distribution of
the sample mean is ₱ 866.03
The variance of the population is 2 000 000.00 and variance of the sample mean
is 13. 750 000.00. On the other hand, the standard deviation of the population is
1 414.21 and standard deviation of the sample means is 866.03. Therefore, (15)

What I Have Learned

No. Mean of a Discrete Probability Distribution

1 Symbol Formula Required Given
X = value of the random
P(X) = probability value of the
random variable

No. Mean of a Discrete Probability Distribution

2 Symbol Formula Required Given
X = score or value
N = number of scores or

No. Mean of a Discrete Probability Distribution

3 Symbol Formula Required Given
X = score or value
N = number of scores

No. Mean of a Discrete Probability Distribution

4 Symbol Formula Required Given
X = value of the random
P(X) = probability value of the
random variable
μ = mean or expected value
No. Mean of a Discrete Probability Distribution
5 Symbol Formula Required Given
X = score or value
P(X) = probability value of the
random variable
μ = mean or expected value

No. Mean of a Discrete Probability Distribution

6 Symbol Formula Required Given
X = score or value
N = number of scores

No. Mean of a Discrete Probability Distribution

7 Symbol Formula Required Given
X = sample mean
P(xˉ) = probability of the
sample mean

No. Mean of a Discrete Probability Distribution

8 Symbol Formula Required Given
P(xˉ) = probability of the
sample mean
μ= population mean

No. Mean of a Discrete Probability Distribution

9 Symbol Formula Required Given
P(xˉ) = probability of the
sample mean
μ= population mea
Reflective Questions

1. How do you solve for the mean of the sampling distribution of

sample means?
• 1. The mean is the simply average of the numbers. Here, you need the data of
your samples and also the total number of your samples also denotes the total
population. These two variables are what comprises your mean of the sampling
distribution. It is easy to calculate: add up all the numbers or the sample data,
then divide by the total population of your sample.

2. How do you compute for the variance and standard deviation of

the sampling distribution of sample means?
• In solving variance, you need your solved mean of the sampling distribution. To
easily calculate, let us first get the difference of each sample data to the
mean. After which, square those difference hence making it always positive. Get
the total of the squared difference between sample data and the mean, and we
can now simply substitute it to the formula for variance which is the total
square of the difference of the sample data to the mean all over the total
population of your samples minus 1.

3. What are the significance and relationship among the mean,

variance, and standard deviation of the sampling distribution of
sample means?
• Significance:
standard deviation and variance is a measure which tells how spread out
numbers is. While variance gives you a rough idea of spread, the standard
deviation is more concrete, giving you exact distances from the mean. Thus,
these three especially variance gives a great help in statistical analysis.

Variance is the average squared deviations from the mean, while standard
deviation is the square root of this number. Both will be based on the sample
mean. Also, both measures reflect variability in a distribution, but their units

•Standard deviation is expressed in the same units as the original values (e.g.,
minutes or meters).
•Variance is expressed in much larger units (e.g., meters squared).
What I Can Do

No. Problem
1 Illustrative 18 18 4.67 6.83 4.67 2.16
Real-Life The following table gives the sum of tutorial rate of six teachers in Central
Interpretat Luzon per month. Suppose that random samples of size 4 are taken from this
ion and population of six
2 What’s 4,000.00 4,000.00 2,000,000.00 1,141.21 750,000.00 866,03
Real-Life Harvey has some questions and difficulties in solving the mean and the
Interpretat variance of the sampling distribution of the sample means.
ion and
3 Assessment 7 7 8.24 2.87 7.11 2.67
Real-Life Random samples of size N = 2 are drawn from a finite population consisting of
Interpretat the number 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. Compute for the Mean, Variance and Standard
ion and Deviation of the Population, and the Mean, Variance and Standard Deviation of
Implication the Sample Means
4 Additional 1.58 1.59 1.19 0.09 0.01 0.09
Real-Life Ma’am Mary Ann wants to compute for the Body Mass Index of few students
Interpretat as part of her research.
ion and

Column X Column Y Column Z

5 A. Population c 1. a. 7
3 B. Mean f 2. b. 8.24
of the Sample Means
6 C. Variance a 3. c. 7.11
of the Population
4 D. Variance d 4. d. 2.87
of the Sample Means
1 E. Standard Deviation e 5. e. 7
of the Population
2 F. Standard Deviation b 6. f. 2.67
of the Sample Means


1. Solve for the mean of the population μ.

2. Solve for the mean of the sampling distribution of the sample means μx.
•Identify the possible samples of size 2 and compute their individual
means and probabilities

Possible Sample Sample Mean Probability

1.47, 1.58 1.525 1/10
1.47, 1.67 1.57 1/10
1.47, 1.69 1.58 1/10
1.47, 1.51 1.49 1/10
1.58, 1.67 1.625 1/10
1.58, 1.69 1.635 1/10
1.58, 1.51 1.545 1/10
1.67, 1.69 1.68 1/10
1.67, 1.51 1.59 1/10
1.67, 1.51 1.6 1/10
• Construct the same table for the Sample means then multiply the
sample means and the probabilities

Sample Mean (xˉ) Probability (P(xˉ)) xˉ• P(xˉ)

1.525 1/10 0.1525
1.57 1/10 0.157
1.58 1/10 0.158
1.49 1/10 0.149
1.625 1/10 0.1625
1.635 1/10 0.1635
1.545 1/10 0.1545
1.68 1/10 0.168
1.59 1/10 0.159
1.6 1/10 0.16

• Add xˉ• P(xˉ) to get the mean of the sampling distribution of the sample

3. Compare μ and μxˉ .

The values of μ and μx are equal to each other, both of them having the same
value: 1.584, we can say that μ = μxˉ

4. Solve for the variance (σ2) and the standard deviation (σxˉ) of the population.

Variance: Standard Deviation: X X²

1.47 2.16
1.58 2.50
1.67 2.79
1.69 2.86
1.51 2.28
7.92 12.59
5.Solve the variance (σ2xˉ ) and the standard deviation (σxˉ) of the sampling
distribution of the sample means μxˉ.

Sample Mean xˉ² Probability xˉ²• P(xˉ)

1.525 2.325625 1/10 or 0.1 0.2325625
1.57 2.4649 1/10 or 0.1 0.24649
1.58 2.4964 1/10 or 0.1 0.24964
1.49 2.2201 1/10 or 0.1 0.22201
1.625 2.640625 1/10 or 0.1 0.2640625
1.635 2.673222 1/10 or 0.1 0.2673222
1.545 2.387025 1/10 or 0.1 0.2387025
1.68 2.8224 1/10 or 0.1 0.28224
1.59 2.5281 1/10 or 0.1 0.25281
1.6 2.56 1/10 or 0.1 0.256
Total 25.1184 10/10 or 0.1 2.51184

Variance: Standard Deviation:

6. Compare σ and σxˉ.

As σ = 0.094572723 and σxˉ = 0.052763623, The Values of σ and σxˉ are

unequal to each other, we can say that σ σxˉ < σ

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