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Nama : Muhammad Ramanda Julyansyah Prodi : Informatika

NIM : 1970231026 Kelas : A3 1.

The man who is standing there is an English teacher.

- The man is standing there

- He is English teacher

2. I know the man who is standing there.

- I know that man

- He is standing there

3. The student whom the stranger talked to is my classmate.

- The student talked to the stranger

- The student is my classmate

4. They didn’t believe the man whom you talked abaout.

- They didn’t believe him

- You talked about him

5. She asked for the book which you had borrowed.

- She asked for the book

- You borrowed the book

1.This is the professor ____ invented the formula.

A. Who

B. Whom

C. To whom
D. Whose

E. Which

1) This is the professor

2) The professor invented the formula

2. “What did you buy from the shop ? “

“The book ____ the teacher asked us to buy. “

A. Who

B. Whom

C. Where

D. Whose

E. Which.

1) We asked to buy the book

2) The teacher asked us.

3. The woman was sweeping the floor.

She is Mary’s mother

The two sentences can be joined as:

A. The woman whom Mary is mother was sweeping the floor

B. The woman who was sweeping the floor is Mary’s mother

C. The woman whose mother is mary was sweeping the floor

D. The woman which was sweeping the floor is Mary’s mother.

E. Mary whose mother was sweeping the floor is a mother.

4. My father usually takes us to the village ____ we were born.

A. Who

B. Whom

C. Whose
D. Which

E. Where

1) We were born in the village.

2) My father usually takes us to the village

5. The Director didn’t back-up the manager ____we protested with.

A. Who

B. Whose

C. Whom

D. Which

E. Where.

1) The Director didn’t back-up the manager

2) We protested the manager.


1. Which boy is your brother ?

The boy ___ shirt is green is my brother.

A. Who

B whose

C. Which

D. Whom.

E. Where.

1) The boy’s shirt is green

2) He is my brother

2. The Doctor is treating a patient ____ leg was broken in an accident

A. That
B. Whose

C. Which

D. Whom

E. Where

1) The Doctor is treating a patient

2) A patient’s leg was broken in an accident

3. The lady ____ this letter is addressed has moved to another city.

A. Who

B. To which

C. To whom

D. Whom

E. Which

1) The lady has moved to another city.

2) This letter is addressed to her.

4. My sister put her money in the bank ____ I work

A. Whom

B. Which

C. That

D. Whose

E. In which

1) My sister put her money in the bank

2) I work in the bank

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