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WIDJAYA 1970231063

1. Three letters were written by andrian last night.

2. An applicant were interviewed by mrs. Emita last month.
3. The documents was delivered by dr. garry to the apartment.
4. Wine could drunk by all university students in their classroom.
5. The information was received by the delegates before the recess.
6. The quality of goods for exports must improved by the
producers in order to penetrate increasingly competitive world
7. The project proposals have been examining by the
government officials before they select a particular
8. The quality control was intensified by our company to
meet increasingly tough competition in the global
9. All of the data were analyzed by the managers before they can
submit a proposal for business expansion.
10. The supplies might bought by the lectures the for this class.
11. Mr guntur might called by somebody tonight.
12. Considerable damage was caused by the fire.
13. New procedure was developed by the company before the
bankruptcy hearings began.
14. Edwin would have received the papers by tomorrow.
15. We didn’t do the assignment at campus two hours ago.

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