Asset Management System Introduction

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Asset Management System

Samara University has many fixed and non fixed assets which are mainly owned and
controlled by the university. This university has a responsibility to manage properly and
safely all the assets managed by it. Those assets are including from a small utilizing
materials to the biggest buildings that are exited within the campus.

Assets that are owned by the university are computers, laptops, printers, copy machines,
duplicating machines, all ICT materials, buildings, fringes, Ac, fans etc should be managed
by this proposed system. Therefore samara university has identified and should be recoded
all assets by this asset management software package.

Generally, asset management system is a system that used to replace the existing system
manual asset control system to automated asset management system .


The main or the general objectives of this proposed system is to develop a new
computerized or automated system which is known as samara university asset
management system which is could be make effective, easy to manage , maintainable and
reliable to all fixed and non-fixed assets

The project will achieve the following specific objectives

 Used to control fixed and non-fixed asset of the university that properly and suitable
to all potential users.
 Used to assess the condition and functionalities of assets.
 Used to classified assets by their category.
 Used to create well organized database.
 Easy to manage, operate and control the users.
 To improve the reliability, maintainability and integrity.
 To make accurate work dine within short period of time.
 Used to secure all the information which is related to assets.
This asset management system of the university to be consist the following mandatory and
highly preferred features. The scope of this proposed system generally indicates all the
functional application that included within it.

 Assets data management and inverter results.

 Report generating (daily, weekly, monthly,)
 Assets specified location.
 To make search, insert, delete, and update customer records easily.
 Asset under management feature.
 It classified assets by their category.
 The system also has user guided tulle documentation that used for sotto ware
maintenance and the avoidance of user complexity.

The purpose of this proposed system should be carefully and systematically document the
requirements, data and information of Samara University Asset Management. This
proposed system also allows maintain and manage asset’s information more efficiently and
will make it possible to maintain accurate updated records and be accessible to AM staffs.
Further in order to assist in daily operations, this system will have the capacity to print or
display various reports related to AM.

Currently, the university manages all the asset manually in different forms which are very
difficult, consumes more times and they requires high man power.

In this case the current system performs the day to day activities in the following ways.

 the assets are recorded manually and their required data is hot property kept
 their daily, weekly, monthly and annually reports are generated manually
 assets profile information are on paper card

Generally, the existing system performs all the activities of asset control by manually. So, it
is better and mostly important to convert all manually asset control system to
computerized / automated system to minimize all the problem that are existed in the
current system.
Throughout the progress of the project will gather system requirements or data that are
used to make the system by using different forms of data gathering techniques. Some of the
when to collect data are listed below.

 By face to face interview.

 By direct observation of the current system.
 By searching and understanding different related software package that are related to this
proposed system.
 We will also analyze documents from the existing file system.


Currently, Samara University has not any software that control all the asset and it is
processed manually every task. Because of this manual system the following problems
should be existed

 The system is very slow

 Difficult to generate reports
 Every data are not store in safe way and properly
 It consumes more time and lose of data
 Less satisfaction on both the customer and AMS staffs
 It requires high man power to perform the current existing system
 Maintenance is very difficult in the current manual system if any problems happens

Resource Requirements

Resource requirements or tools are materials that are used for performing the desired proposed
Some of these hardware resources are
 Computer
 External hard disk minimum total size 2TB
 Flash 32GB
 Paper
 Lap top(currently developed)
 printer
The existing application should have limitation because of its manual user interacting interface.
Therefore, this automated system will be to provide standard system interfaces that are used to
allow data updating, data uploading and other user interfaces. These interfaces are used to
Communication Bridge between the proposed system and the users.


Schedule of the proposed system is the time taken or the length of the project duration
when the proposed system to be completed and to be functional. This time is estimated by
the agreement giving group which is known as SAMARA UNIVERSITY and the agreement
taking group or company.

The work function that is used to estimate the week or date for each task in which the
overall task is completed in appropriate way. The development of this project coves all
outputs starting from the information gathering and passes though all stated phases of the
development life cycle of the entire project will be completed.


The specifications listed below are mandatory and must be meeting in order to be the
proposal to gain a valid acceptance after the completion asset management system.

Some the evaluation of asset management system includes:

 Must have a completed implementation that is similar the scope of the proposed
 Must have most interactive user interface application
 It must be attractive and must have secured data base after the completion of the
 Must have payment breakdown period into two time intervals for the grantee of the
 The evaluation should be participated the concerned body of the university staffs
experienced once and the application team
Function requirements are the specified requirements of the proposed system that can be
supposed to do.

Some of the function requirements of asset management system include:

 Used to register assets with their full specification

 Used to identified fixed and non fixed assets
 Classified assets by category like ICT materials, office materials, buildings, health
materials etc
 It should generate daily, weekly, monthly reports


Non-functional requirement is a requirement that specifies criteria that can be used to
judge the operation of a system rather than specific behavior or function. That means it
defines how a system is supposed to be

Some of these non-functional requirements that are exist in the proposed system are

Security: is the degree of protection data against damage, loss of information. The system
is secure because the staffs of AMS to use the system using their user name and password
that is provided by the administrator. Because security is one of the most important issue
in computerized system

Modifiability: The system to be modified when something happen. When AMS higher
management wants to add another subsystem that provides additional service then the
system administrator to add the subsystem and remove the unnecessary once.

Usability: is the extent to which the system can be used by a specified user to achieve goal
with effectiveness. When those users are to access the system at anytime and anywhere,
the system provides automated service to AMS.

Efficiency: is the resource consumption for the given load. One of the main objectives of
this proposed system is to change any kinds of manual system to computerized system.
Then this computerized system is used to consume resources and minimizes lose of time
User requirement
User requirement is effective for understanding what our user wants to have built or the
user expectation from the system.
The user requirements are as follows
 Needs to avoid ambiguous information
 Staffs gain assets data or profile detail fully and clearly.
 Needs to avoid lose of data
 To access full information about Assets
 Allowing multiple accesses from system concurrently


This proposed system play different role to perform activities which are concerned
around the control assets which are owned by the university.
Some of the roles this proposed system plays include:
Access the proposed system: for accessing the propose system any user should have
its own valid user name and password. Because any user that access the entire system
that should have valid user name and password. Without this it is impossible to access
the system. There are two kinds’ assets which are existed in different store of the
university. In the case of this business role of the system assets are identified as fixed
and non fixed assets.
Generally, in this business role the staffs of asset management must be follow the
following legal issues.
These are:
1. The system administrator is the only one who manages, modifies the
system and has its own user name and password.
2. Every users who uses the system must have their own user name and
3. Every user must follow the procedure of the system that shows how to
operate it.

Feasibility study is a test of proposed system according to its workability, ability to meet
needs and effective use of the resources. Feasibility study also used to identify the potential
problems that are exited in the current system. There are some feasibility studies that are
mentioned below.

Technical feasibility
It is used to indicate the technical operability of the system that is used for the end users or
the subscriber of the system which is suite or not to them.
Operational feasibility
It indicates that the system is operationally feasible as it is very easy for the End users to
operate it.
Schedule feasibility
Time evaluation is the most important consideration in the development of project. The
time schedule required for the development of this proposed system since it takes more
development time affect the condition of assets, it causes delay in the development of other
Generally, this proposed system can be developed in the considerable amount of estimated

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