Hots Question Module 2020

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Modul Latihan

Comprehension questions
Section B – BI Pemahaman

Higher Order Thinking

Skills Questions


Name: ______________________________________________

School: _____________________________________________


1|Modul S e c t i o n B B I P e m a h a m a n - H O T S - S i r M a r z a ( N o t F o r R e s a l e )
Practice 1

Last week, Marza, Izham and Riza went for a hiking trip in a jungle near
their village. They enjoyed their hiking journey and had a whale of time. They
found a river of pristine water. Marza and Izham went swimming but Riza did
not join them.

Suddenly Riza saw a strange bird and it caught his attention. He chased
the bird. He did not spot a poisonous snake in the bush and unfortunately, the
snake bit him at the ankle. He yelled out in pain. Marza and Izham heard their
friend’s scream and rushed to Riza. They quickly chased the snake and helped
Riza who had fallen to the ground.

They knew that Riza should be treated immediately. They walked out from
the jungle and helped Riza to walk as well. Luckily, they managed to stop a car
passing by. The car driver cancelled his trip and decided to send Riza to the
nearest hospital immediately. Riza was saved by his friend’s quick action.

1. Why do you think Riza should be treated immediately? HOTS – Analysis

2. Do you think that the boys continued their hiking? HOTS – Analysis

3. The car driver cancelled his trip on that day. Do you think what he did was
right? HOTS – Evaluation

2|Modul S e c t i o n B B I P e m a h a m a n - H O T S - S i r M a r z a ( N o t F o r R e s a l e )
Practice 2

Awangsome Learning Tuition Centre

Experienced and Qualified Tutors
Open daily! Contact us
9.00 a.m. – 11.00 a.m. (UPSR) excellence since to enrol: 019-
3.00 p.m. – 5.00 p.m. (PT3) 1990! 9999999
8.00 p.m. – 10.00 p.m. (SPM)
Mr. Marza
January to September (Primary 1-6 – UPSR subjects)
• RM40 each subject (BM, English, Science, Mathematics)
January to October (Form 1-3 – PT3 subjects)
• RM50 each subject (BM, English, Science, Mathematics, History)
January to November (Form 4-5 – SPM subjects)
• RM55 each subject (BM, English, Science, Mathematics, Chemistry,
Biology, Physics, History)

Experienced and Qualified Tutors

1. What is the meaning of the phrase? HOTS – Evaluation

2. Riza wants to join a tuition class for Mathematics subject only. In your
opinion, why did he decide so? HOTS – Evaluation

3. Do you think it is worth to pay the above fees for the tuition classes? HOTS –

3|Modul S e c t i o n B B I P e m a h a m a n - H O T S - S i r M a r z a ( N o t F o r R e s a l e )
Practice 1
Question 1
✓ Snake is a poisonous animal
✓ Snake has deadly venom
✓ Snake’s venom can kill people
✓ People who get bitten by snake must seek medical attention fast
✓ Poisonous snake venom can destroy human’s internal organs fast
Question 2
✓ Their friend was bitten by snake
✓ Their friend’s life is at stake and could die anytime
✓ Their friend’s life is more important than the hiking activity.
Question 3
✓ It was an emergency case and it involved people’s life
✓ The car driver must show his responsible act
✓ Kindness begets kindness
Practice 2
Question 1
✓ Working as a tutor for many years and very knowledgeable in teaching
✓ Has vast knowledge and experience in teaching
✓ Expert in their subjects
✓ Have qualities in teaching
✓ Certified to teach
Question 2
✓ His weakest subject
✓ He hates that subject
✓ He always fails in that subject
✓ He wants to improve in that subject
Question 3
✓ The tutors are experienced and qualified to teach
✓ The tuition centre has been in service since 1990 (for 30 years)
✓ No need to worry about the learning process
✓ They follow the syllabus correctly

Use wisely. Not for resale. Photocopying for personal use only.

4|Modul S e c t i o n B B I P e m a h a m a n - H O T S - S i r M a r z a ( N o t F o r R e s a l e )
Practice 1
1. Why do you think Riza should be treated immediately? HOTS – Analysis
✓ Riza should be treated immediately because he was bitten by a poisonous snake.
✓ He should be treated immediately because the snake venom could kill him in a few
✓ Riza should be treated immediately because snake bite case requires an immediate
medical attention to avoid death.
2. Do you think that the boys continued their hiking? HOTS – Analysis
✓ I think the boys did not continue their hiking because their friend was bitten by a
✓ The boys cancelled their hiking because one of their friends was bitten by a snake.
✓ The boys did not continue the hiking because their friend, Riza was bitten by a
3. The car driver cancelled his trip on that day. Do you think what he did was right? HOTS –
✓ The car driver was definitely right in his action because he had saved Riza’s life.
✓ He had done a right thing by cancelling his trip because his immediate action had
saved Riza.
✓ I think the car driver did a good thing on that day by saving Riza’s life.

Practice 2
1. What is the meaning of the phrase? HOTS – Evaluation
✓ Tutors with vast experienced and officially recognized having qualifications to teach.
✓ Tutors who have been working for many years and having a recognized qualification.
✓ Tutors with knowledge and skills over time and certified to teach
2. Riza wants to join a tuition class for Mathematics subject only. In your opinion, why did he
decide so? HOTS – Evaluation
✓ He is very weak in Mathematics.
✓ He wants to improve his Mathematics.
✓ He wants to score good grade for his Mathematics paper

3. Do you think it is worth to pay the above fees for the tuition classes? HOTS – Analysis
✓ Yes, I think it is worth to pay the above fees for the tuition classes because they
provide experienced and qualified tutors.
✓ Yes, I think it is going to be worth the money paid for the fees because their tutors
are experienced and qualified to teach the subjects offered.
✓ Yes, I think it is worth to pay such fees because the tuition centre has a proven
record for thirty years.
5|Modul S e c t i o n B B I P e m a h a m a n - H O T S - S i r M a r z a ( N o t F o r R e s a l e )
Practice 3

Dear Izham,

How are you? I hope you are in the pink of health. I have some
interesting news to tell you. I have made a new year’s resolution. I want to
score all A’s for my UPSR examination. I also hope to become the top student in
Year 6 in my school.

What are you doing now? Maybe we can meet during the school holidays
when I go to my grandparents’ house. I miss our childhood memories. Those
were great times!

Well Izham, I have to pen off now. Hope to hear from you soon.



1. Where do you think Izham lives? Why? HOTS – Evaluation

2. What do you think of Mirza’s new year resolution? HOTS – Analysis

3. What is your new year’s resolution? Explain briefly. HOTS – Evaluation

6|Modul S e c t i o n B B I P e m a h a m a n - H O T S - S i r M a r z a ( N o t F o r R e s a l e )
Practice 4


Tenggol Island is a beautiful crocodile-shaped island off the coast of central
Terengganu. Tenggol has always been inhabited, just used as a rest stop bypassing
fishermen, and for this reason, it has remained very low-key.
Tenggol Island is a diver’s haven and paradise to experience. Its national park
coral reefs are thriving with aquatic life to see and the water clarity is mostly crystal
✓ Go snorkelling or diving (RM5 fee per person)
✓ Enjoy walks on the beach.
✓ Hike along the shore and enjoy the scenic views of the sea and jungle.
Tenggol Coral Beach Resort: the first and only 5 Star Dive Resort in
Terengganu (RM300 per night)
Call: 09-8886678
Book any package before 31st December and get a RM100 discount.

1. Would you recommend Tenggol Island to your friends? Why? HOTS – Evaluation

2. What do you understand from the term ‘very low-key’ ? HOTS – Analysis

3. What should you do if you want to save some money on your tour package?
HOTS – Analysis

7|Modul S e c t i o n B B I P e m a h a m a n - H O T S - S i r M a r z a ( N o t F o r R e s a l e )
Practice 3
Question 1
✓ They were childhood friend
✓ They were living together in the same village
✓ Mirza’s grandparents are staying at Izham’s village
Question 2
✓ Very positive resolutions
✓ He has a right mindset
✓ He is eager to achieve success
Question 3
✓ State your new year resolution and explain
✓ For example: To improve my English subject, I will study hard and I will
sign up for tuition class.

Practice 4
Question 1
✓ One of the most beautiful islands in Terengganu
✓ Best place for divers
✓ Great island for snorkelling activity
✓ Not crowded with tourists and the island remains less known to public
Question 2
✓ Not crowded or packed with tourists or visitors
✓ Not a frequent place among the tourists
✓ Tourists have little knowledge about this island
✓ Very peaceful island
Question 3
✓ Book earlier
✓ Call person in charge and ask more details
✓ Email the person in charge for booking purposes

Use wisely. Not for resale. Photocopying for personal use only.

8|Modul S e c t i o n B B I P e m a h a m a n - H O T S - S i r M a r z a ( N o t F o r R e s a l e )
Practice 3
1. Where do you think Izham lives? Why? HOTS – Evaluation
✓ I think Izham lives in the same village as Mirza’s grandparents.
✓ Izham lives in same village as Mirza’s grandparents.
✓ Izham lives in the same village Mirza used to live before.

2. What do you think of Mirza’s new year resolution? HOTS – Analysis

✓ Mirza is a positive pupil with the right mindset to achieve success.
✓ Mirza’s new year resolutions are achievable because he is very determined to achieve
those resolutions.
✓ I think Mirza’s resolutions are realistic and he would be able to achieve them.

3. What is your new year’s resolution? Explain briefly. HOTS – Evaluation

✓ I want to become the most successful pupil in my school in terms of academic and co-
curricular with positive moral values.
✓ I wish to score all As in the examination and further my secondary studies at a
reputable boarding school.

Practice 4

1. Would you recommend Tenggol Island to your friends? Why? HOTS – Evaluation
✓ Yes, I would recommend Tenggol Island to my friends because it is among the most
beautiful island in Terengganu.
✓ Yes, I would recommend Tenggol Island to my friends because they it is a great place
for divers like them to enjoy.
✓ Yes, I would recommend them to come to Tenggol Island because it is an ideal spot for
diving and snorkelling.

2. What do you understand from the term ‘very low-key’ ? HOTS – Analysis
✓ Tenggol Island is not known among the tourists and visitors.
✓ Tenggol Island is not as popular as the other islands.
✓ Tenggol island is not a crowded island with tourists or visitors.

3. What should you do if you want to save some money on your tour package? HOTS –
✓ I must book the tour package on or before 31st December 2020.
✓ I need to book early on or before 31st December 2020 in order to get RM100 discount.
✓ I should book the tour package before 31st December 2020 to be eligible for RM100
9|Modul S e c t i o n B B I P e m a h a m a n - H O T S - S i r M a r z a ( N o t F o r R e s a l e )
Practice 5

Organised by the English Language Society in conjunction with the Malaysian

Day Celebration 2020

Submit your essay based on the theme ‘ Love for Malaysia’ and grab attractive
prize money.
1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize
RM500 RM300 RM200
A trophy A trophy A trophy
A certificate A certificate A certificate
5 Consolation Prizes : RM50 + a certificate

All entries must reach the secretary by 10 September 2020.

For enquiries, please contact Mr. Marza 019-9999999
Category A: Level 1 pupils
The Secretary
Izham Category B: Level 2 pupils

1. What does the phrase by 10 September 2020 means? HOTS – Evaluation

2. The competition is held in conjunction with Malaysian Day. Do you think it is

good to have this kind of competition? HOTS – Evaluation

3. Why is the competition divided into two categories? HOTS – Evaluation

10 | M o d u l S e c t i o n B B I P e m a h a m a n - H O T S - S i r M a r z a ( N o t F o r R e s a l e )
Practice 6

There once lived a king named King Marza. He wanted to employ a

personal bodyguard, so he had an idea. He called all the men to his palace. He
said “ I want you to smash this diamond.”
All the men refused to smash the diamond because they said the diamond
was very valuable, beautiful, and belonged to the king. They were afraid that the
king might punish them.
Then, a young man in the crowd came forward and smashed the diamond
into tiny pieces. Immediately, all the king’s guards captured him. However King
Marza released the young man. ‘He has done nothing wrong. He only did what I
told him to do. That’s what I want in a bodyguard,’ declared King Marza.
The young man was later announced as King Marza’s new bodyguard.
He was very happy and served his king with loyalty.

1. Why did King Marza think his idea would help him choose the right person
for the job? HOTS – Analysis

2. Do you think the young man should be punished for smashing the diamond?
HOTS – Evaluation

3. Do you think King Marza choose the right person to be his personal
bodyguard? Why? HOTS – Evaluation

11 | M o d u l S e c t i o n B B I P e m a h a m a n - H O T S - S i r M a r z a ( N o t F o r R e s a l e )
Practice 5
Question 1
✓ On or before that date
✓ Not later than 10 September 2020
✓ Must be sent to the secretary before 10 September 2020
Question 2
✓ Good initiative to instil the spirit of patriotism among the children
✓ To encourage very young children to love the country
✓ Patriotism must be exposed to all Malaysians as early as possible
✓ Attractive prizes are a motivating factor to attract children to show their
love towards the country
Question 3
✓ Different age levels
✓ Different writing abilities
✓ To be fair to young pupils
✓ To make sure they compete among their level

Practice 6
Question 1
✓ He wanted only the best and loyal person as his bodyguard
✓ He wanted to find the bodyguard with the best qualities
✓ He was only to employ a loyal and faithful bodyguard
Question 2
✓ He only obeyed the instruction given by the king
✓ He only followed the king’s order
✓ He only listened to the king’s order
Question 3
✓ The young man fulfilled the criteria to become his personal bodyguard
✓ The young man showed to the king he was very loyal and obedient
✓ The king only wanted the loyal personal bodyguard
✓ Personal bodyguard must always listen to his king and do whatever his
king has ordered

12 | M o d u l S e c t i o n B B I P e m a h a m a n - H O T S - S i r M a r z a ( N o t F o r R e s a l e )
Practice 5
1. What does the phrase by 10 September 2020 means? HOTS – Evaluation
✓ All the entries must reach the secretary on or before 10 September 2020.
✓ All entries must be submitted to the secretary not later than 10 September 2020.
✓ On or before 10 September 2020.
2. The competition is held in conjunction with Malaysian Day. Do you think it is good to have
this kind of competition? HOTS – Evaluation
✓ Yes, it is a good initiative to instil a spirit of patriotism among the pupils.
✓ Yes, it is good to have this competition because it will encourage all the pupils to love
the country.
✓ Yes, it is definitely good to organize this competition because pupils at the very young
age are easy to educate the spirit of patriotism.

3. Why is the competition divided into two categories? HOTS – Evaluation

✓ It is because pupils’ writing abilities are different according to their age level.
✓ It is divided into two categories because level 1 and level 2 pupils are having a
different level of knowledge, skills, and talents.
✓ The competition is divided into two categories because to be fair to all pupils.

Practice 6
1. Why did King Marza think his idea would help him choose the right person for the job?
HOTS – Analysis
✓ He thought that his ideas were the best because the task that he gave would
determine the right bodyguard.
✓ He believed that his idea would help in choosing the right person for the job because
the task required only the loyal person for the post.
✓ His ideas would help him to choose the right person for the job because he only
wanted to employ a loyal and obedient personal bodyguard.

2. Do you think the young man should be punished for smashing the diamond? HOTS –
✓ The young man should not be punished because he only obeyed the king’s order.
✓ The young man should not be punished for smashing the diamonds because the task
required him to do so.
✓ He should not be punished because he only carried out the task given by the king.

3. Do you think King Marza choose the right person to be his personal bodyguard? Why? HOTS
– Evaluation
✓ Yes, I think King Marza had chosen the right person as his personal bodyguard
because only the loyal person was entitled for the post.
✓ Yes, I think King Marza had chosen the right person to be his personal bodyguard
after the young man had fulfilled the criteria he was looking for.
✓ Yes, King Marza had chosen the right person for the job because his idea has helped
him in selecting the loyal one.
13 | M o d u l S e c t i o n B B I P e m a h a m a n - H O T S - S i r M a r z a ( N o t F o r R e s a l e )
Practice 7

Taman Bunga
Murni Izham

Marza Cafe


Marza Pet Sop

Jalan Paka Utama


Marza Handicrafts

Marza Fish


1. David and Izham want to go fishing. Where do you think they would go?
Why? HOTS – Analysis



2. Why do you think Jalan Paka Utama is a busy road on weekends? HOTS –

14 | M o d u l S e c t i o n B B I P e m a h a m a n - H O T S - S i r M a r z a ( N o t F o r R e s a l e )
Practice 8

Paka, 10 November – A 11-year-old girl was reported missing by her parents

three days ago. She was last seen around the playground in the neighborhood.
She was found by a hawker at a local supermarket yesterday. The girl claimed
she was kidnapped by two masked men while she was playing at the playground.

The local police checked the CCTV where the girl was kidnapped. They
were shocked to find the girl getting on a motorcycle with a fellow classmate. The
girl later admitted that she had made up the kidnapping story. She went on a
joyride with her friend and had lied for fear her parents might scold her. She was
recognised by several people because there were posters of her on the wall.

The police freed her with a stern warning. Her parents apologised for the
trouble her daughter had caused. They promised to keep a close eye on her.

1. Why do you think the 11-year-old girl lied about being kidnapped? HOTS –

2. How did the police know the girl was lying? HOTS – Analysis

3. Do you think it is good to lie about being kidnapped? Why? HOTS –


15 | M o d u l S e c t i o n B B I P e m a h a m a n - H O T S - S i r M a r z a ( N o t F o r R e s a l e )
Practice 7
Question 1
✓ A place where they can catch fish
✓ We can find fish at the river, lake, sea or pond
✓ Not all lake is open for fishing especially recreational lake
Question 2
✓ It is the main road in that place
✓ It is the main road to connect all other roads
✓ People are not working during weekends
✓ People will go outside for shopping or sightseeing during weekends
✓ People go outside driving during weekends
✓ Recreational places are near that road so people will go to these places
during weekends.
✓ People go fishing and boating during weekends
✓ Café and handicrafts shops are also near that road
Practice 8
Question 1
✓ To avoid being scolded by her parents
✓ To avoid being punished by her parents
✓ She was not able to think correctly of the consequences of her act
✓ She wanted to have freedom
✓ She was scared with her parents to get permission to go out
✓ Her parents for sure would not allow her to go for a joyride if she did ask
a permission
✓ She was a naughty girl and needs more attention
Question 2
✓ The video recording of CCTV showed the evidence
✓ There was a concrete evidence from the CCTV footage
✓ Some public might have seen her on a joyride
Question 3
✓ It is an offence if we make a false police report
✓ It is a waste of police time
✓ It is an irresponsible act
✓ We might cause our parents to worry
✓ People will never trust us in future if we are in a real kidnapping case
16 | M o d u l S e c t i o n B B I P e m a h a m a n - H O T S - S i r M a r z a ( N o t F o r R e s a l e )
Practice 7

1. David and Izham want to go fishing. Where do you think they would go? Why?
HOTS – Analysis
✓ They will go fishing at Marza Fish Pond because it is the right place for
✓ They will go to Marza Fish Pond because it is the correct place for fishing.
✓ They will choose Marza Fish Pond since fishing only allowed at the fish pond.

2. Why do you think Jalan Paka Utama is a busy road on weekends? HOTS –
✓ Jalan Paka Utama is busy on weekends because many people use it since it is
the main road in that area.
✓ I think Jalan Paka Utama is a busy road because people normally go fishing,
boating, sightseeing, and shopping on weekends.
✓ It is a busy road on weekends because most people are not working, and they
usually go out for leisure activities.

Practice 8
1. Why do you think the 11-year-old girl lied about being kidnapped? HOTS –
✓ She lied about being kidnapped because she was scared that she might get
scolded by her parents.
✓ The 11-year-old girl lied about being kidnapped because she did not want to
get scolded and punished by her parents
✓ She lied about being kidnapped because she knew that she would not be able
to go on joyride if she did not make a story about kidnapping.
2. How did the police know the girl was lying? HOTS – Analysis
✓ Obviously, the police knew that the girl was lying by looking at the recordings
of the CCTV nearby.
✓ The police knew that the girl was lying about the kidnapping when they saw
the evidence on the CCTV.
✓ Evidence from the CCTV has helped the police to know that the girl was lying
about being kidnapped.
3. Do you think it is good to lie about being kidnapped? Why? HOTS – Evaluation
✓ Making false report about being kidnapped is an offence and is punishable by
✓ It is an irresponsible act because we might waste the police’s time in
investigating the case.
✓ It is not good to lie about being kidnapped because people might not believe
us anymore in the future.
17 | M o d u l S e c t i o n B B I P e m a h a m a n - H O T S - S i r M a r z a ( N o t F o r R e s a l e )
Practice 9

I am the recycling bin. I am blue. People feed me

with old books, newspapers, magazines, boxes,
envelopes, cards and papers. I don’t take tissue
papers, facial tissues and dirty papers.

I am the recycling bin too, but I am brown. I feed

on soft drink bottles, food containers, medicine
and vitamin bottles, cosmetic bottles and any
container that are made of glass.

I am the third recycling bin. I am painted with

orange. You can feed me with aluminium cans
and plastics. You can also put mineral water
bottles too in my stomach. Don’t put steel!

1. Why do you think we must separate the rubbish? HOTS – Evaluation

2. What can you do to save the environment? HOTS – Analysis

18 | M o d u l S e c t i o n B B I P e m a h a m a n - H O T S - S i r M a r z a ( N o t F o r R e s a l e )
Practice 10

1. Why do you think washing hands properly could save us from coronavirus
infection? HOTS – Analysis

2. Do you think that staying at home during the coronavirus pandemic is a

good measure to avoid infection? HOTS – Analysis

19 | M o d u l S e c t i o n B B I P e m a h a m a n - H O T S - S i r M a r z a ( N o t F o r R e s a l e )
Practice 9
Question 1
✓ To make it easier for a recycle process
✓ To reduce the number of wastes goes to the landfills
✓ To avoid recyclable items get mixed with other waste
✓ To help recycle workers to process the waste efficiently
Question 2
✓ Separating the rubbish
✓ Recyclable the things
✓ Do not burn the rubbish
✓ Do not throw rubbish into the rivers, seas or drains
✓ Use recycle bag while shopping
✓ Do not use plastic bags
✓ Save water
✓ Avoid open burning
✓ Plant more trees
✓ Do not use fertilizers or pesticides

Practice 10
Question 1
✓ To remove germs from hands
✓ To prevent infection because we frequently touch our eyes, nose, and
✓ Germs can get into the body through eyes, nose, and mouth and will
make us sick
✓ To reduce the spread of germs or viruses
Question 2
✓ To avoid close contact with the person who is positive with the virus
✓ To stop the chain of infection
✓ To reduce the risk of being infected especially in a crowded place
✓ House is the safest place during the pandemic because we have no
contact with the outsiders

20 | M o d u l S e c t i o n B B I P e m a h a m a n - H O T S - S i r M a r z a ( N o t F o r R e s a l e )
Practice 9
1. Why do you think we must separate the rubbish? HOTS – Evaluation
✓ We must separate the rubbish according to its categories because it is easier
for the recycling process.
✓ Separating the rubbish is important because it may reduce the amount of
wastes goes to the landfills.
✓ I think we must separate the rubbish because mixed rubbish may pollute the

2. What can you do to save the environment? HOTS – Analysis

✓ We can help save the environment by recycling more, and also by not using
the plastic bags while shopping.
✓ Among the ways to save the environment are recycling, planting trees, and
avoid using plastic bags.
✓ We can save the environment by not using chemical fertilizers and not doing
an open burning.

Practice 10
1. Why do you think washing hands properly could save us from coronavirus infection?
HOTS – Analysis
✓ Washing hands properly is one of the effective measures to prevent the
infection of coronavirus because we frequently touch our eyes, nose and
mouth, places where the virus will get easily spread.
✓ I think washing hands properly could save us from coronavirus infection
because our it may remove all the germs on our hands.
✓ Coronavirus spreads easily with dirty or stained hands with germs, so by
washing the hands properly it may reduce the risk of being infected.

2. Do you think that staying at home during the coronavirus pandemic is a good
measure to avoid infection? HOTS – Analysis
✓ Yes, it is a good measure to avoid the infection of coronavirus because
crowded places may pose us a higher risk of being infected.
✓ Yes, it is the good and effective measure to stop the spread of the coronavirus
because we might not know who the carrier of the virus among the crowd is.
✓ Yes, it is. This is because staying at home is the best measure to avoid the
infection since we do not have any contact with the people in the crowded

21 | M o d u l S e c t i o n B B I P e m a h a m a n - H O T S - S i r M a r z a ( N o t F o r R e s a l e )
Free questions.

1. Why do you think we should wear safety boots or any other suitable shoes
while in the jungle? HOTS – Analysis

2. Do you think that camping during the bad weather is a good idea? HOTS –

3. Ali cancelled his fishing trip when it started to rain? Do you think what he
did was right? HOTS – Evaluation

4. Why do you think flying kites during a thunderous day is dangerous? HOTS –

5. The rescuers were not able to find the lost trekker due to thunderstorm.
What happened if they continued the search and rescue operation? HOTS –

22 | M o d u l S e c t i o n B B I P e m a h a m a n - H O T S - S i r M a r z a ( N o t F o r R e s a l e )
6. Why do you think children always being the kidnapping victim? HOTS –

7. How do you think the working parents should do to avoid kidnapping case
among their children? HOTS – Analysis

8. Do you think it is a good measure to install CCTV or alarm at the house?

Why? HOTS – Evaluation

9. Why do you think mixing all kind of rubbish is damaging the environment?
HOTS – Evaluation

10. What can we do to avoid land and beach erosion? HOTS – Analysis

23 | M o d u l S e c t i o n B B I P e m a h a m a n - H O T S - S i r M a r z a ( N o t F o r R e s a l e )
11. How do we protect the children from being bullied? HOTS – Analysis

12. What should children do if they see another kid being bullied? HOTS –

13. What should children and teens do if someone tries to bully them? HOTS –

14. A group of mischievous boys are extorting Kamal’s money. As a school prefect,
what should you do first? Why? HOTS – Evaluation

15. Self-protection is important to protect yourselves from harm. Elaborate how

you may protect yourself. HOTS – Evaluation

24 | M o d u l S e c t i o n B B I P e m a h a m a n - H O T S - S i r M a r z a ( N o t F o r R e s a l e )
16. What will you do if someone touches you inappropriately?? HOTS – Analysis

17. Do you think drivers are the main reasons for accidents on the road? Why?
HOTS – Evaluation

18. Why must pedestrians use the pedestrian bridge? HOTS – Evaluation

19. What happens if people jaywalk and do not use the pedestrian bridge or zebra
crossing? HOTS – Analysis

20. How do you think the children should do when they are trapped in an
elevator? HOTS – Analysis

25 | M o d u l S e c t i o n B B I P e m a h a m a n - H O T S - S i r M a r z a ( N o t F o r R e s a l e )

Question 1: safety for the feet, to avoid injuries, to walk smoothly

Question 2: very dangerous, risk of heavy rain, flood, lightning, injuries or death
Question 3: big waves, raging current, risk of sinkage, drowning
Question 4: risk of lightning, burns, death, strong wind
Question 5: risky for the rescuers, more catastrophe, injuries or death to them
Question 6: cannot think wisely, cannot determine the danger, easy to get
persuaded, careless, have no quick thinking skills
Question 7: advise their kids, lock all doors and windows, install alarm and
CCTV at home, always inform neighbours
Question 8: monitor all the times, live footage of what’s happening, loud sound
Question 9: recyclable items cannot be separated, cause more landfills, some
rubbish like plastic takes longer time to decompose, release chemicals into soil
Question 10: build wave barriers, plant mangrove trees, avoid construction
Question 11: do not walk or play alone, advise them to choose right friends, teach
them martial arts, wear monitoring device like smart watch
Question 12: inform teachers if at school or adults if outside, call police, try to
help, shout for help, take pictures or videos and post to social medias to ask for help
Question 13: run, shout, wriggle, bite, kick the bully, inform teacher or parents
Question 14: report to teacher and give all the details, ask other prefect to stop
the incident, call for help from other pupils
Question 15: avoid walking alone, do not walk at night, learn martial arts, wear
proper attire while cycling, lock doors and windows, choose right friends
Question 16: shout, run, escape, wriggle, report to teachers or parents, warn
Question 17: driving attitude, drivers’ reckless act, disobey traffic rules
Question 18: to avoid being hit, for safety reason, to cross the busy road, to avoid
being compounded or fined
Question 19: sustained serious injuries or even death due to accident
Question 20: remain cool, press alarm button, press call button, shout for help,
breathe properly, wait for help, do not force to open the elevator, stay calm

26 | M o d u l S e c t i o n B B I P e m a h a m a n - H O T S - S i r M a r z a ( N o t F o r R e s a l e )
Why Questions
1. Why eating healthily is important?

2. Why wearing helmet while cycling is important?

3. Why exercising regularly is beneficial for our health?

4. Why is it important to wear light clothes while cycling at night?

5. Consulting a dentist once for six months is advisable. Why?

6. Blowing a whistle is one of the steps in preventing kidnapping. Why?

7. Do you agree that bully is a crime? Why?

8. Nowadays, Internet is very important for our life. Do you agree? Why?

27 | M o d u l S e c t i o n B B I P e m a h a m a n - H O T S - S i r M a r z a ( N o t F o r R e s a l e )
Tips – Why Questions

1. Why eating healthily is important

a) Maintain healthy weight

b) Reduce risk of chronic illness
c) Keep bones and teeth strong
d) Better mood and feelings
e) Improve memory
f) Get good sleep
g) Save money from hospital bills due to illness
h) Other

2. Why wearing helmet while cycling is important?

a) To prevent head injuries

b) To avoid fatal accident
c) To avoid death due to head injuries

3. Why exercising regularly is beneficial for our health?

a) To improve muscle strength

b) To boost endurance and stamina
c) To have more energy
d) To avoid chronic illness
e) To improve mood
f) To promote better sleep

4. Why is it important to wear light clothes while cycling at night?

a) Easier for other motorists to see us

b) To avoid road accidents
c) To avoid being hit in the dark
d) To save life

28 | M o d u l S e c t i o n B B I P e m a h a m a n - H O T S - S i r M a r z a ( N o t F o r R e s a l e )
5. Consulting a dentist once for six months is advisable. Why?

a) To check or address any dental issues

b) To prevent dental problems early
c) To save money in future in case having dental problems
d) To detect any signs of dental problems like cavities, plagues etc

6. Blowing a whistle is one of the steps in preventing kidnapping. Why?

a) Loud sound of whistle may attract the attention of people

b) One way to ask for help
c) People from far still can hear the loud sound
d) Effective to trigger urgent help from the public
e) Whistle sound at night may trigger public concern

7. Do you agree that bully is a crime? Why?

a) It involves physical injuries like assault and battery (battery = causing

bodily injuries)
b) It involves money extortion and can be considered as a theft
c) It affects victim’s mental where there are case the victim commits
d) Cyberbullying involves public shaming on social medias, and
defamations (slander) on the victims

8. Nowadays, Internet is very important for our life. Do you agree? Why?

a) Main source of information and knowledge

b) Faster and effective communication through WhatsApp, Telegram,
emails etc
c) Continuous and long-life learning
d) Online shopping
e) Research and development
f) Financial transactions (banking, paying bills etc)

29 | M o d u l S e c t i o n B B I P e m a h a m a n - H O T S - S i r M a r z a ( N o t F o r R e s a l e )
How Questions

1. How do you know that someone is a victim of bully?

2. How do you think the children should do to avoid being kidnapped?

3. How do we protect the animals from being abused?

4. How a security alarm could save our house from being broken into?

5. How should you do when you lost your way in the jungle?

6. How would you react first when you saw your neighbour’s house was on fire?

7. An elderly woman wanted to cross the busy road. How would you help her?

8. How can we save money? Elaborate.

30 | M o d u l S e c t i o n B B I P e m a h a m a n - H O T S - S i r M a r z a ( N o t F o r R e s a l e )
Tips – How Questions

1. How do you know that someone is a victim of bully?

a) Physical injuries like bruises, bleeding etc at face, hands or body

b) Mentally depressed
c) Absenteeism (absent from school for a long period due to fear)
d) Always stay in isolation (keep distance from friends)
e) No or lesser friends

2. How do you think the children should do to avoid being kidnapped?

a) Do not walk or play alone

b) Do not attend or talk to strangers
c) Avoid going outside at night alone
d) If staying alone at house, lock all the doors and windows
e) Blow a whistle to attract attention of people
f) Wriggle, bite, punch or kick the kidnapper
g) Escape or run as a fast as you can

3. How do we protect the animals from being abused?

a) Be a responsible pet owner

b) Stop any case of animal abuse
c) Report any animal abuse or neglect to the authorities
d) Teach children to respect and love the animals
e) Shelter any abused or animal in need
f) Demand stricter laws to protect the animals

4. How a security alarm could save our house from being broken into?

a) Its loud sound may shock and chase the burglars or robbers
b) It may attract attention of the neighbours
c) It may frighten the burglars or robbers
31 | M o d u l S e c t i o n B B I P e m a h a m a n - H O T S - S i r M a r z a ( N o t F o r R e s a l e )
5. How should you do when you lost your way in the jungle?

a) Stay calm and focus

b) Breathe properly
c) Try to find a stream or river and wade out
d) Make shelter if weather is bad or day turns dark
e) Start a fire to chase wild animals or to keep warm
f) Find water or food to eat
g) Use compass (if any) to find the way out
h) Try to use mobile phone and search for the coverage by climbing a tree
i) Shout your friend’s name for help
j) Watch out for wild animals

6. How would you react first when you saw your neighbour’s house was on fire?

a) Call the fire brigade immediately

b) Shout for help from other neighbours
c) If the fire is not big, try to rescue the victim
d) Help to put out fire

7. An elderly woman wanted to cross the busy road. How would you help her?

a) Accompany her to cross the road safely

b) Bring her to use pedestrian bridge or zebra crossing
c) Help her to cross the road safely

8. How can we save money? Elaborate.

a) Save in a bank with good returns of dividends

b) Make a proper budget (monthly, weekly, yearly)
c) Spend wisely (on needs only)
d) Set saving goals like emergency fund, education fund or travel fund

32 | M o d u l S e c t i o n B B I P e m a h a m a n - H O T S - S i r M a r z a ( N o t F o r R e s a l e )

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