Patrol: The Trench Raiders

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The Trench Raiders

The Fox
He’s clever, he’s slick, he’s all charm
and charisma. The Fox has it all figured
out; they already know everything, and
the only thing wrong with their world is that
they aren’t given the respect they’re due. The
Fox would be a natural leader, if that didn’t mean
having to deal with things like responsibility.
The moment things get serious is the moment The
Fox finds somewhere else to be.

Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency Name
-2 +3 +1

Skills and Equipment Age

Bolt-Action Rifle (Medium)
Melee (Bayonet)
Prepare Position
Place of Origin
x1 Fatigues 2 (Negated)
x1 Footwear 2 (Negated)
x1 Steel Helmet 2 Previous Occupation
x1 Overcoat 3
x1 Load Belt 0 (+5 Capacity)
x1 Haversack 3 (+8 Capacity)
x1 Entrenching Tool 2
x1 Gas Hood 2 Aliases
x1 Bolt-Action Rifle 4
x1 Bayonet 2
Total Weight 18

Starting Perks
Choose two. Check off their bubbles in Advances.

Get Away Clean Silent Hunter

If you are Evading and other members of You don’t need to roll to Assassinate. As
your Unit are not, you will never be hit long as you are hidden, the deed is done.
by random fire.
Dirt on Everyone
Know a Guy Start each mission with 2 Leverage on a
You have an in with somebody working comrade. Tell everyone why they owe you.
logistics. Before a mission, pick any
piece of equipment and roll 1d6, on a 4+, Silver Tongue
you start the mission with it. You speak the language of the enemy
The Mark
Choose another member of your squad Prey on the Weak
to be The Mark. When you get a point of Get +4 when attacking already Injured
Leverage from them, get 2 points instead. enemies.
- Leverage -
When another character is forced to ask you for aid, take 1 Leverage.
If you make them grovel for it, take 2.

If you refuse, they take 1 Leverage on you instead.

Doubt Despair
• Take Injury. The time has come for you to make your
• Become Pinned Down. escape, and leave the suckers to take
• Lose your Mark to enemy action. the fall. Get away from the group and
• Lose a valuable item. from danger by whatever means seems
• Become responsible for directing or
most expedient, such as by disguising
leading the squad.
yourself as an enemy, making your way
• Have a ruse be seen through by the enemy.
• Witness an act of wanton cruelty. back as the “sole survivor”, or wandering
• Be stolen from. out into the French countryside.

• Take something personal and valuable from an officer.
• Steal an enemy vehicle.
• Trick enemy commanders into believing false information.
• Steal enemy rations.
• Especially chocolate or fresh meat.
• Leave a trap for the enemy.

- Advancement -
Equipment Skills
○○ A Trench Mace 2 Weight ○○ Readiness.
○○ A Revolver 1 Weight ○○ Bolt Action (Close).
○○ A Pistol 1 Weight ○○ Hand Grenade.
○○ A Garrote 1 Weight ○○ Revolver + Pistol (Close).
○○ A Leather Jerkin 1 Weight ○○ Any Melee Skill.
○○ A Trench Knife 1 Weight ○○ Eagle-Eyed.
○○ A Cavalry Rifle 3 Weight ○○ Enemy Equipment (Any)
○○ A Light Body Shield 4 Weight ○○ Stealth.
○○ An enemy uniform 2 Weight ○○ Interrogate.
○○ A Wirecutters 2 Weight ○○ Trapper.
○○ Escape Artist.
Supplies ○○ Drive (Civilian Car, Armoured Cars).
Take any number once chosen.
○○ Enemy Grenades 1 Weight
○○ Flare Guns 1 Weight
○○ Get Away Clean.
○○ Smoke Grenades 1 Weight
○○ Know a Guy.
○○ Downers 1 Weight
○○ The Mark.
○○ Chocolate 1 Weight
○○ Silent Hunter.
○○ Tobacco 1 Weight
○○ Dirt on Everyone.
○○ Laudanum 1 Weight
○○ Silver Tongue.
○○ Absinthe 1 Weight
○○ Prey on the Weak.
○○ +2 Vigilance Narrative
○○ +1 Vigilance ○○ You come into a windfall and now have money
○○ +1 Vigilance to throw around.
○○ +1 Vigilance ○○ You gain a reputation as a sort of folk hero
○○ +1 Proficiency. among line soldiers. They will look the other
○○ +1 Proficiency. way for you.
○○ +1 Proficiency. ○○ An officer who hates you has begun to soften
○○ +1 Fortitude. his stance. Why?
○○ +1 Fortitude. ○○ You have a new lover. Who are they?
The Lion
In another, more civilized age, he would be a
knight, slaying dragons and rescuing maidens.
In this age of industrial death, he is a lone
shining star of bravery, courtesy, and honour.
The Lion is ferocious in the defense of his allies,
merciful to the weak, and courageous in the face
of danger. He represents all the best values of a
fading era, and that is why he will die.

Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency Name
+2 +1 +2

Skills and Equipment Age

Bolt-Action Rifle (Medium)
Melee (Bayonet)
Prepare Position
Hand Grenade
Place of Origin
Revolver (Close)
x1 Fatigues 2 (Negated)
x1 Footwear 2 (Negated)
x1 Overcoat 3 Previous Occupation
x1 Load Belt 0 (+5 Capacity)
x1 Haversack 3 (+8 Capacity)
x1 Entrenching Tool 2
x1 Gas Hood 2
x1 Bolt-Action Rifle 4 Famous Relative
x1 Bayonet 2
Total Weight 16

Starting Perks
Choose two. Check off their bubbles in Advances.
King of the Jungle. For Honour
Friendly NPC soldiers will follow your When you enter melee, call a challenge
commands without question. to a member of the enemy. No others can
interfere in your duel.
Favoured by God
If hit by unaimed fire, reroll hits. If Shock Tactics
you’re hit again, you’re hit. When you Charge an enemy position, you
and your Unit are at +1 Difficult to hit
Dying Strength by the Defensive Fire.
When you are incapacitated by a wound,
you always get one more active Turn. ... And a Gentleman
You are a commissioned officer, so your
Big-Hearted Bounties are worth 2 Advances. Trade
When you choose to spare the life of an your rifle (and skill) for a revolver and
enemy, remove 1 Doubt. Revolver (Close). Striking you is a crime.
- Leverage -
When you ask others to follow you into the breach, then go, take 1 Leverage over them.

If they refuse to follow, take 2 on them.

If you back down, everyone you asked takes 1 Leverage on you instead.

Doubt Despair
• Witness an act of cowardice in your squad. Well, it’s been an honour serving with
• See a prisoner mistreated. you all. Death is inevitable now, so you
• Being gassed. must die with honour. Face the enemy
• Lose a PC squadmate to a mine or sniper. now, call your friends to your side, and
• Lose all the NPC squadmembers.
do King and Country proud.
• Retreating.
• Get lost in No-Man’s Land.
• Being pinned down. Do not tolerate the weak and cowardly
• Sending somebody to their death. who would rob you of this moment.

• Capture an enemy officer.
• Illuminate an enemy artillery position.
• Destroy an enemy machine-gun position.
• Cut barbed wire to open a path for an assault.
• Force a section of the enemy to retreat.
• Raise your nation’s flag over the enemy trench.

- Advancement -
Equipment Perks
○○ An Infantry Sabre 2 Weight ○○ King of the Jungle.
○○ A Heavy Sword 3 Weight ○○ Favoured by God.
○○ A Revolver 1 Weight ○○ For Honour.
○○ A Steel Helmet 2 Weight ○○ Big Hearted.
○○ A Steel Cuirass 8 Weight ○○ Dying Strength.
○○ Additional Plates 4 Weight ○○ Shock Tactics.
○○ Mail Armour 6 Weight ○○ ... And a Gentleman.
○○ A Swagger Stick 1 Weight
○○ A Whistle 1 Weight
○○ A Breachloader 4 Weight
Bonus Perks
Unlocked after 6 Advances.
○○ A National Flag 1 Weight
○○ In Shining Armour: +1 to all Armour Saves.
○ ○ Pride: Take the Wolf’s Packmates Perk. You can
Supplies take the Wolf’s Pack Advances.
Take any number once chosen. ○○ Mighty: Take The Ox’s Deadlift Perk.
○○ Old Cartridges 1 Weight for 3

Attributes Narrative
○○ +2 Fortitude. ○○ Your connections in government have come
○○ +1 Fortitude. through, and the entire line benefits from it.
○○ +1 Fortitude. What has happened?
○○ +2 Vigilance ○○ A long-awaited promotion has come through,
○○ +1 Vigilance but taking it will mean being moved away from
○○ +1 Vigilance the front lines.
○○ +2 Proficiency. ○○ Your raid tonight is the prelude of a much
○○ +1 Proficiency. larger assault. You are the only one in the
○○ +1 Proficiency. squad who knows the importance of what is
going to unfold.
Skills ○○ An old schoolmate is transfered to your
○○ Bolt Action (Close) section. He has no idea the conditions of the
○○ Revolver (Close) Western Front.
○○ Any Melee Skill. ○○ An old relative has died. What have you
○○ Bloodlust. inhereted?
The Wolf
Even before the war started, The Wolf knew
violence. He thrived in it, surrounding
himself with those who shared his
predilections but lacked his savage
drive. He continues to prey on the
weak and defenseless, but now, in
the mad world of the Western Front,
they give him medals for it.

Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency Name
+3 0 -1

Skills and Equipment Age

Bolt-Action Rifle (Close, Medium)
Melee (Bayonet)
Prepare Position
Place of Origin
Melee (Entrenching Tool)
x1 Fatigues 2 (Negated)
x1 Footwear 2 (Negated)
x1 Overcoat 3 Previous Occupation
x1 Trench Knife 1
x1 Load Belt 0 (+5 Capacity)
x1 Haversack 3 (+8 Capacity)
x1 Entrenching Tool 2
x1 Gas Hood 2 First Kill
x1 Bolt-Action Rifle 4
x1 Bayonet 2
Total Weight 16

Starting Perks
Start with Packmates, and choose one more. Check off their bubbles in Advances.

Packmates Persistant Predator

When you make somebody do something Ignore 1 Injury per Turn in Melee.
with Leverage, they become part of your
Pack. If a PC Packmember helps back up Savage
your threats, they gain 1 Leverage over Once per mission, when you commit an act
the target as well. They leave your Pack of unnecessary violence or cruelty, take
when they get Leverage on you. 1 Leverage on all witnesses.

Wolf’s Claw Bloodhound

Anyone you Injure takes +1 Ongoing If you inflict Ongoing Damage on
Damage. somebody, you are aware of their position
until they stop the bleeding, no matter
Go for the Throat how far they run or where they hide.
Your enemies in Melee always take 1
additional automatic Failure.
- Leverage -
When you make a threat on the life or limb of a squadmate, take 1 Leverage on them.
When you hurt them as part of your threat, take 2.

If they fight back and win, they take 1 Leverage on you instead.

Doubt Despair
• Being the last member of your Pack. This has happened because they didn’t
• Being stood up to. listen to you. Those soft fools thought
• Being badly wounded. they knew better and look where it got
• Becoming lost in No-Man’s land. them. You need to get everyone in line.
• Being gassed.
You must make all your comrades part of
• Losing in melee combat.
the Pack. Any who defy you must be made
• Being forced to take a prisoner.
• Retreating or ending the raid. into an example of why the strong rule
• Being pinned down away from the fight. the weak.

• Raid kills 5 enemy soldiers.
• Kill an enemy officer.
• Clear a dug-out and leave no survivors.
• Leave a body as a warning or symbol to others.
• Destroy an enemy aid station.
• Personally kill an enemy in hand-to-hand combat.

- Advancement -
Equipment Perks
○○ A Hatchet 2 Weight ○○ Packmates
○○ A Heavy Axe 3 Weight ○○ Wolf’s Claw
○○ Mail Armour 6 Weight ○○ Go for the Throat
○○ A Punch Knife 1 Weight ○○ Persistant Predator
○○ A Punch Gauntlet 2 Weight ○○ Savage
○○ A Revolver 1 Weight ○○ Bloodhound
○○ A Sawn-Off Hunting Shotgun 1 Weight
○○○○ A Cavalry Sabre 2 Weight Pack
○○○○ A Submachine-Gun 2 Weight NPC Packmates are added to your Trench Raiding
team, and count as your Battle Buddies. They
Attributes follow all your commands, motivated by fear and
○○ +2 Fortitude. perverse admiration.
○○ +2 Fortitude. ○○ Add 2 Riflemen.
○○ +1 Fortitude. ○○ Add 1 Rifleman.
○○ +1 Fortitude. ○○ Add 1 Rifleman.
○○ +1 Vigilance ○○ Your Pack are skilled with Hand Grenades.
○○ +1 Vigilance ○○ Issue melee weapons of your choice.
○○ +2 Proficiency. ○○ Your pack has Melee (Entrenching Tool).
○○ +1 Proficiency. ○○ Your pack has 1 additional Melee Skill.
○○ Bolt Action (Close) Bonus Perks
○○ Pistol (Close) Unlocked after 6 Advances.
○○ Hand Grenade. ○○ Wolf’s Teeth: You can use two weapons at once
○○ Any Melee Skill. in Melee. Use both their bonuses together, and
○○ Interrogate. choose which effects to apply if you win.
○○ Silent Killer.
○○ Cold Blooded.
○○ Stealth. Narrative
○○ Shotgun (Close) ○○ The new line officer is terrified of you, and
○○ SMG (Close) you can that fear to get what you want from
The Hare
Being swift and surefooted is a valuable asset
on the Western Front. Without portable radios,
messages must often be carried by hand. Runners and
couriers are particularly vital for trench raiders,
as they can keep the lines informed. Though it might
be unseemly to bring somebody whose job is to run
away, the Hare puts themselves at great risk.

Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency Name
+1 +1 0

Skills and Equipment Age

Bolt-Action Rifle (Medium)
Melee (Bayonet)
Prepare Position
Place of Origin
x1 Fatigues 2 (Negated)
x1 Footwear 2 (Negated)
x1 Overcoat 3 Previous Occupation
x1 Steel Helmet 2
x1 Load Belt 0 (+5 Capacity)
x1 Entrenching Tool 2
x1 Gas Hood 2
x1 Bolt-Action Rifle 4 Who Did You Run From?
x1 Bayonet 2
Total Weight 14

Starting Perks
Choose two. Check off their bubbles in Advances.

Bob and Weave Running Shot

Ignore 1 Injury as per a Defensive Position You can make attack actions with pistols
on any Turn where you have moved. and revolvers as a Minor Action if you
make a Move Action that Turn. Increase
Lightfoot the target To-Hit by 1. You cannot Aim on
You never set off mines when moving a Turn you Move.
Living Compass
Sprinter You may reroll your Pathfinding check.
Always count your Speed as 1 higher than Second roll stands.
it ought to be.
Courier You can run on duckboards and ice without
Add an additional +1 to your Speed. You penalty.
must take Sprinter first.
- Leverage -
When you volunteer to go alone to deal with something, take 1 Leverage on everyone.
If you are wounded or pinned down out there, take 2 Leverage on everyone.
If somebody puts themselves in direct danger to cover you, they take 1 Leverage on
you instead.

Doubt Despair
• Shooting a target at Close Range. This has gone on long enough. Every
• Being gassed. man for himself; it’s time to get out of
• Engaging in hand-to-hand combat. here. Discard anything that might slow
• Being Pinned Down. you down, including your weapon if you
• Having to move through Deep Mud.
must, and make it back home safe as fast
• Lose a PC squadmate.
as humanly possible. Don’t rest until
• Lose all the NPC squadmembers.
• Being Injured. you’re back in your dugout, tucked
under the covers.

• Steal enemy maps or documents.
• Destroy radios or telephones.
• Chase down an enemy courier.
• Deliever an important message.
• Guide lost troops home safe.
• Make it back uninjured.

- Advancement -
Equipment ○○ Stealth.
○○ A Nail Knife 2 Weight ○○ Basic Medical.
○○ A Cavalry Rifle 3 Weight ○○ Readiness.
○○ A Convertable Pistol 2 Weight
○○ A Leather Jerkin 1 Weight Perks
○○ A Cartridge Belt 3 Weight ○○ Bob and Weave
○○ Lightfoot
○○ Sprinter
Supplies ○○ Courier
Take any number once chosen. ○○ Running Shot
○○ Uppers 1 Weight ○○ Living Compass
○○ Smoke Grenade 1 Weight ○○ Sure-Footed

○○ +2 Fortitude. Bonus Perks
○○ +1 Fortitude. Unlocked after 6 Advances.
○○ +1 Fortitude. ○○ Water Run: Reduce Swim Difficulty by 1.
○○ +1 Fortitude. ○○ Disengage: You can choose not to engage in
○○ +2 Vigilance melee combat as you move through enemy
○○ +1 Vigilance positions, simply running past them.
○○ +1 Vigilance
○○ +1 Vigilance Animal Companions
○○ +2 Proficiency. ○○ A messenger Dog.
○○ +1 Proficiency.
○○ +1 Proficiency.
○○ +1 Proficiency. Narrative
○○ You have the close attention of an officer for
your gallentry. What favour can you get from
Skills them?
○○ Bolt Action (Close) ○○ You convince the engineers to lay out a section
○○ Pistol (Close) of duckboard for you, up to halfway across No-
○○ Any Melee Skill. Man’s Land. Draw it on the map.
○○ Eagle-Eyed.
The Ox
The Ox doesn’t say much. Perhaps
he isn’t very bright, or maybe he is
simply the quiet type. In any case,
The Ox’s physique speaks for itself.
Broad-shouldered and determined, The Ox
is always ready to do his part, a stoic and
reliable presence at the backbone of the team,
willing to help however he can.

Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency Name
+4 -2 -

Skills and Equipment Age

Bolt-Action Rifle (Close, Medium)
Prepare Position
Hand Grenade
Place of Origin
x1 Fatigues 2 (Negated)
x1 Footwear 2 (Negated)
x1 Steel Helmet 2
x1 Overcoat 3 Previous Occupation
x1 Load Belt 0 (+5 Capacity)
x1 Haversack 3 (+8 Capacity)
x1 Entrenching Tool 2
x1 Gas Hood 2
x1 Bolt-Action Rifle 4 Drink of Choice
x1 Bayonet 2
Total Weight 18

Starting Perks
Choose two. Check off their bubbles in Advances.

Bomb Carrier Deadlift

The Ox can negate the weight of up to 6 Add your Base Fortitude directly to your
Hand Bombs/Stick Grenades. Carrying Capacity.

Unsupported Bare-Knuckle
The Ox can ignore the need to assemble a Your fists count as Knuckledusters.
multi-part weapon before firing. They do
not need a weapon’s tripod to shoot it. Smash & Grab
You can make a 1 Difficulty Fort. Check to
Strongarm smash open any door or pry off any hatch.
Increase the range of your grenade
throwing to 100m. Grenades thrown past Bear Hug
50m increase the To-Hit by 1. Instead of attacking in melee, choose an
enemy target. You are both stunned for
the Turn.
- Leverage -
When you take a load off another character, take 1 Leverage on them.
When you carry them, take 2.

When you can no longer carry on, give 1 Leverage to everyone.

Doubt Despair
• Lose a PC squadmate. You don’t know what to do when things get
• Lose all the NPC squadmembers. this bad. Your brain just kind of shuts
• Being badly wounded. down, and you find yourself following
• Being gassed. (2 Doubt) along, doing whatever everyone else
• Get lost in No-Man’s Land.
is doing. When an order gets shouted,
• Being pinned down.
you can’t help but obey, and you find
• Lose a valued leader.
• Running out of a supply type. yourself always agreeing with whoever
spoke last.

• Destroy an enemy gun emplacement.
• Sabotage an ammunition dump.
• Clear a section of enemy trench.
• Force the enemy to retreat.
• Kill an aggressive enemy up close.
• Pin down an enemy unit.

- Advancement -
Equipment Skills
○○ A Trench Mace 2 Weight ○○ Readiness.
○○ A Heavy Axe 3 Weight ○○ Bolt Action (Close).
○○ A Reinforced Helmet 2 Weight ○○ Any Melee Skill.
○○ A Steel Cuirass 8 Weight ○○ Tolerance.
○○ Additional Plates 4 Weight ○○ Mobile Machine-Gun (Close, Medium)
○○ A Mobile Machine-Gun 6 Weight ○○ Grenade Crossbow (Medium)
○○ A Grenade Crossbow 4 Weight ○○ Infantry Field Gun (Medium, Long)
○○ An Infantry Field Gun 8 Weight ○○ Flamethrower (Close)
• Comes with a 4 Weight Tripod.
○○ An Early Flamethrower 6 Weight Perks
• Comes with a 14 Weight Fuel Tank. ○○ Bomb Carrier
○○ Unsupported
Supplies ○○ Strongarm
Take any number once chosen. ○○ Deadlift
○○ Anti-Tank Grenades 3 Weight ○○ Bare-Knuckle
○○ Tiny HE Shells 1 Weight ○○ Smash & Grab
○○ Improved Shells 1 Weight ○○ Bear Hug
Improved Shells have +1 AP.
○○ Chocolate 1 Weight Bonus Perks
○○ Fuel Liquid Unlocked after 6 Advances.
○○ First Aid Kit 1 Weight ○○ Made of Iron: Treat your Shock Checks as
Skilled. Does not apply if you’ve been gassed.
Attributes ○○ Mechanical Man: Discount up to 5 Weight worth
○○ +2 Fortitude. of armour.
○○ +2 Fortitude. ○○ Knuckleball: Negate 2 Failures on any thrown
○○ +2 Fortitude. grenade.
○○ +1 Vigilance ○○ In Shining Armour: +1 to all your Armour Saves.
○○ +1 Vigilance
○○ +2 Proficiency. Narrative
○○ +1 Proficiency. ○○ You were featured back home in a local paper.
○○ +1 Proficiency. What do your comrades think about that?
The Hawk
Snipers on the Western Front came from European traditions
of hunting, be it fowl or big game in the African colonies.
Sharpshooters were taught to stalk their prey carefully and
fire only on high-value targets. Snipers not only racked up
disproportionately high kill counts, but they often became
uncomfortably familiar with their targets before the pulled
the trigger.

Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency Name
-2 +1 +3

Skills and Equipment Age

Bolt-Action Rifle (Close, Long)
Prepare Position
Place of Origin
x1 Fatigues 2 (Negated)
x1 Footwear 2 (Negated)
x1 Steel Helmet 2
x1 Overcoat 3 Previous Occupation
x1 Load Belt 0 (+5 Capacity)
x1 Haversack 3 (+8 Capacity)
x1 Entrenching Tool 2
x1 Gas Hood 2
x1 Bolt-Action Rifle 4 Favourite Game Animal
x1 Bayonet 2
Total Weight 18

Starting Perks
Start with Prize Rules, and choose one more. Check off their bubbles in Advances.
Prize Rules Thread the Needle
As The Hawk, you do not have traditional When you Take Aim, ignore the Injury
Bounties. Instead, every enemy soldier Reduction from Gun Shields, Bunkers,
you shoot and put down awards you prize and Reinforced Helmets.
points. Every 3 points is worth 1 Bounty.
Clay Pigeon
Add +1 Point if the target is at Long When a Grenade is thrown at your Unit,
Range, and +2 at Extreme Range. make a Precision Fire Action at Difficulty
2. If you hit, the grenade is negated. You
Blind the Beast may only do this once per Turn.
When you Take Aim at a tank, you can spend
2 Successes to fire on a crewman who can Second Try
see out the vehicle as though they were You can make a Follow-Up Shot even if
in the open. you miss.
- Leverage -
When you protect or help the team with perfect shooting, take 1 Leverage on everyone
you impressed.

When you miss a shot in the presence of your team, they take 1 Leverage on you instead.

Doubt Despair
• Going into negative points. You become a stone. Make your way to a
• If you know the name of somebody you shot. good position and conceal yourself.
• Becoming pinned down. Fire only on high-value targets. Always
• Taking aim, then failing to hit. fire on a high-value target, even if it
• Being gassed.
would put you in danger. If your allies
• Being shot at at close range.
give away your position, silence them
• Being Injured.
• Fighting hand-to-hand. by whatever means nessesary.
• Losing your rifle.

• Regular soldier, artillerymen, cavalry, and crew: -1 Points.
• Sentries and machine-gunners: 1 Point.
• Runners, pigeon carriers, artillery spotters: 2 Points.
• Stretcher bearers, nurses, the crew inside a tank: 3 Points.
• Junior Officers, NCOs, Tank Commanders: 4 Points.
• Senior Officers: 10 Points.

- Advancement -
Equipment Skills
○○ An Elephant Gun 5 Weight ○○ Bolt Action (Extreme)
○○ An Early Anti-Tank Rifle 7 Weight ○○ Elephant Gun (Medium, Long, Extreme)
○○ Breachloader 4 Weight ○○ Anti-Tank Rifle (Close, Medium, Long)
○○ A Convertable Pistol 2 Weight ○○ Convertable Pistol (Close, Medium)
○○ A Trench Periscope 1 Weight ○○ Forward Observer.
○○ A Reinforced Helmet 2 Weight ○○ Mud Rat.
○○ A Steel Cuirass 8 Weight ○○ Readiness.
○○ Camo Fatigues 2 Weight
○○ A Periscope Modification 2 Weight Perks
○○ A Gun Shield 5 Weight ○○ Prize Rules
○○ A Sniper Suit 5 Weight ○○ Blind the Beast
○○ Thread the Needle
Supplies ○○ Clay Pigeon
Take any number once chosen. ○○ Second Try
○○ Old Cartridges 1 Weight for 3
○○ Heavy Ammo 1 Weight
○○ Camo Netting 2 Weight Battle Buddies
○○ Armour Piercing Bullets 1 Weight ○○ Spotter: You have an NPC rifleman who acts as
your spotter. They wear whatever camoflague
you wear, and have the Stealth skill. They
Attributes have a trench periscope and binoculars, and
○○ +1 Fortitude. will always make Fire Assist Actions when you
○○ +1 Fortitude. shoot. They trust you deeply and primarily
○○ +1 Fortitude. care about your prize score.
○○ +2 Vigilance
○○ +1 Vigilance
○○ +1 Vigilance Narrative
○○ +1 Vigilance ○○ A valuable enemy officer is going to be touring
○○ +2 Proficiency. the enemy lines during the raid. Who are they?
○○ +2 Proficiency. How do you know?
○○ +1 Proficiency. ○○ There’s another sniper in the company with a
○○ +1 Proficiency. higher score. Show them up tonight.
The Dove
The War is all-consuming. Many nations gave no
protection for conscientious objectors, or defined
the idea on very narrow terms. Many consider them
cowards, and they are subject to great abuse in
military ranks. This is probably how The Dove found
himself part of a trench raid; assigned by a superior
who wants to make sure he learns to kill.

Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency Name
+2 +2 -2

Skills and Equipment Age

Prepare Position
Basic Medical
Diplomacy Place of Origin
x1 Fatigues 2 (Negated)
x1 Footwear 2 (Negated)
x1 Steel Helmet 2
x1 Overcoat 3
x1 Load Belt 0 (+5 Capacity) Previous Occupation
x1 Haversack 3 (+8 Capacity)
x1 Entrenching Tool 2
x1 Gas Hood 2
x1 Bolt-Action Rifle 4
x1 Bayonet 2 Patron Saint
Total Weight 18

Starting Perks
Choose 3. Check off their bubbles in Advances.
Carry On Throw the First Stone
If you are carrying a wounded person, The first time you fire your weapon in
they count as Weight 5 + equipment. anger, you automatically succeed and
kill your target.
Messenger of Peace
Take +5 to Negotiate if you call for a Below Notice
cease-fire. When you are alone, enemy soldiers will
ignore you if you do not make yourself
Speak in Tongues obvious. They will assume you are a
You are fluent in the language of your prisoner or medic. Does not work on enemy
enemies. officers.

Stabilize Stand Back

When you take medical action, the target’s You can opt out of a melee combat. You
ongoing damage is nullified next Turn. don’t attack, and aren’t attacked.
- Leverage -
When you help another without violence, take 1 Leverage on them.

When you use violence in defense of others, take 2 on them.

When someone kills to protect you, they take 1 Leverage on you.

Doubt Despair
• Firing your weapon. In your Despair, you have two options.
• +1 Doubt if it’s at somebody.
• Wounding or killing somebody. The first is to give up your values.
• Witness an atrocity. Fight as your comrades do, and change
• Being gassed.
Archetypes when you return home.
• Fighting in hand-to-hand combat.
• Throwing a grenade.
• Failing to save a wounded person. Else, discard your weapons, and suffer
• Losing a squadmate. the consequences as they fall.

• Get everyone home.
• Take 5 prisoners from the enemy.
• Sabotage a enemy weapon.
• Destroy a chemical weapon stockpile or dispenser.
• Assist wounded soldiers.
• Cause a retreat or surrender without hurting anyone.

- Advancement -
Equipment Skills
○○ A Medical Bag 3 Weight ○○ Bolt Action (Close)
○○ A Stretcher 2 Weight ○○ Pistol (Close)
○○ Pigeon Carrier 1 Weight ○○ Any Melee Skill.
• Comes with a pigeon. ○○ Local Language (Enemy)
○○ Pigeon Carrier Pack 4 Weight ○○ Trauma Care
• Comes with 4 pigeons. Replaces backpack. ○○ Medicine
○○ Cloth Armour 3 Weight
○○ Light Body Shield 4 Weight Perks
○○ Medical Markers 0 Weight ○○ Carry On
○○ Gas Fan 1 Weight ○○ Messenger of Peace
○○ Speak in Tongues
Supplies ○○ Stablize
Take any number once chosen. ○○ Throw the First Stone
○○ Uppers 1 Weight ○○ Below Notice
○○ Downers 1 Weight ○○ Stand Back
○○ Opiates 1 Weight
○○ Laudanum 1 Weight Animal Companions
○○ Chocolate 1 Weight ○○ A Dog, and a whistle.

Attributes Narrative
○○ +2 Fortitude. ○○ You have a rapport with a soldier in the enemy
○○ +1 Fortitude. trench. You may have warned him about the
○○ +1 Fortitude. raid. Did he tell his section?
○○ +1 Fortitude. ○○ The abuse heaped on you by officers is actually
○○ +2 Vigilance winning the sympathy of some line troops.
○○ +1 Vigilance ○○ Tonight’s raid will be your last; you’ve
○○ +1 Vigilance learned that you’re going to be moved to a rear
○○ +1 Vigilance position under a sympathic officer. Survive,
○○ +1 Proficiency. and grant free medical supplies to the squad
from now on.
The Mouse
The psychology of combat and courage were not
well known at the time of the Great War. Fear was
often seen as a moral failing, a sign of greater
degeneracy, and “Coward” was one of the cruelest
insults that could be mustered.

This archetype is designed to explore a theme, not to be an

effective contributor to the team. Make sure everyone is
okay with you playing this character, and know what you
are getting into.

Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency Name
- - -

Skills and Equipment Age

Bolt-Action Rifle (Medium)
Prepare Position Place of Origin
x1 Fatigues 2 (Negated)
x1 Footwear 2 (Negated)
x1 Steel Helmet 2
x1 Overcoat 3
x1 Load Belt 0 (+5 Capacity) Previous Occupation
x1 Haversack 3 (+8 Capacity)
x1 Entrenching Tool 2
x1 Gas Hood 2
x1 Bolt-Action Rifle 4
x1 Bayonet 2 Greatest Fear
Total Weight 18

Starting Perks
You must choose two. Check off their bubbles in Advances.

Fear is the Mindkiller Play Dead

Doubt directly reduces your Vigilance You always fail Shock Checks.
on a 1-1 ratio.
Shaking Hands You take 4 Doubt if you have to crawl
Doubt directly reduces your Proficiency through a tunnel, ride in a tank, or wear
on a 1-1 ratio. a gas mask.

Breakdown Hesistate
After being fired upon, roll a Fortitude Reroll Successes in melee combat.
check, difficulty 2. If you fail, you are
pinned down, regardless of the volume Blind Panic
of fire. If you FUBAR, you scream, giving When you Flee, you automatically lose
away your position. your rifle.
- Leverage -
When you shy away from danger, the unit takes 1 Leverage on you.

When you give in to Leverage, all witnesses take 1 Leverage on you.

When you finally refuse Leverage, take 2 Leverage on the unit.

Doubt Despair
• Refusing Leverage (2 Doubt) The Mouse already exists at the edge
• Being fired upon. of despair at all times. Whenever you
• Engaging in Hand-to-Hand combat. forfit, simply give everyone 1 Leverage
• Being gassed. over you and reset the track.
• Losing a squadmate.
• Being wounded.
• Seeing another gravely wounded.
• Seeing a fresh corpse.
• Being attacked by artillery.

• The Mouse has no Bounties. They wish only to survive.

- Advancement -
The Mouse has special Advancement Rules.

During regular play, you build up Advances whenever your comrades get their
Bounties, as normal. However, you cannot spend these Advances yet.

Instead, apply these Advances along the sliding scale below.

Whenever you Despair, or whenever you give in to Leverage from your comrades, move
this slider back by 1.

If you reach +8 on the Slider, you have a chance to overcome your fear. The next time
you are given an order with Leverage, refuse. If you do, you may immediately switch
to a different Archetype, spend all 8 Advances at once on that Archetype, and clear
all Leverage everyone has over you.

If you hit -8 on the chart, you have a complete breakdown on the field, going nearly
comatose. You are effectively incapacitated and removed from play.

-8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8
The Rat
There were few legitimate paths to safety and security
in the Europe’s lower classes, and a lifetime of petty
crime was often the only option for those who didn’t otherwise
fit in. Even prior to the war, the militaries of Europe swelled
with the lowest of criminal elements. Many pledged to serve
to avoid prison or hanging, others simply took their ways
to military life when they were conscripted. These soldiers
had no respect for the rules, for good or ill.

Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency Name
+3 +1 -2

Skills and Equipment Age

Bolt-Action Rifle (Close, Medium)
Prepare Position
Place of Origin
x1 Fatigues 2 (Negated)
x1 Footwear 2 (Negated)
x1 Overcoat 3
x1 Steel Helmet 2 Previous Occupation
x1 Trench Knife 1
x1 Load Belt 0 (+5 Capacity)
x1 Entrenching Tool 2
x1 Gas Hood 2
x1 Bolt-Action Rifle 4 Favourite Thing You’ve Stolen
x1 Bayonet 2
Total Weight 15

Starting Perks
Choose two. Check off their bubbles in Advances.

Gas Rat Inventory

Take no penalties while wearing your gas If the team needs something, once per
mask. game you can find it somewhere in your
As an alternate form of Assassination, Gutter Runner
you can steal an item off an enemy who has You cannot drown in Deep Mud, and being
not detected you. in deep mud gives you +3 SR.

Shadow Sneak
You automatically have +3 Stealth Rating. You can fit in places nobody else can.
You automatically succeed to cross anti-
Taker infantry obstacles, count your weight as
You have 5 free Weight which is strictly 5 less for tunnels, and can worm through
used for things you have stolen. the firing slit of a bunker.
- Leverage -
When you help another without violence, take 1 Leverage on them.

When you use violence in defense of others, take 2 on them.

When someone kills to protect you, they take 1 Leverage on you.

Doubt Despair
• Take injury This has gone on long enough. Every man
• Become pinned down for himself; it’s time to get out of here.
• Lose a valuable item Take everything of value and book it,
• Being in bayonet’s reach of an enemy. make it back home safe as fast as humanly
• When somebody confronts you...
possible. Don’t rest until you’re back in
• ... and has evidence.
your dugout, surrounded by your ill-
• Getting lost in no-man’s land.
• Have to abandon potential loot. gotten game.

• Steal something of value.
• Take a rare enemy weapon.
• Hijack an enemy vehicle.
• Fire on the enemy from their own gun positions.
• Help an enemy play dead so you don’t have to fight.
• Take the boots off a corpse.

- Advancement -
Equipment Perks
○○ A Revolver 1 Weight ○○ Gas Rat
○○ A Pistol 1 Weight ○○ Pickpocket
○○ A Garrote 1 Weight ○○ Shadow
○○ A Leather Jerkin 1 Weight ○○ Taker
○○ A Trench Knife 1 Weight ○○ Inventory
○○ A Cavalry Rifle 3 Weight ○○ Gutter Runner
○○ An enemy uniform 2 Weight ○○ Sneak
○○ A Wirecutters 2 Weight
Attributes ○○ You have a friend in the MP’s office who always
○○ +2 Fortitude. covers for you. What did you get away with?
○○ +1 Fortitude. ○○ You already know a good route through no-
○○ +1 Fortitude. man’s land. Now you just gotta convince other
○○ +1 Fortitude. people to follow you.
○○ +2 Vigilance ○○ A fellow rat on the other side has asked you
○○ +1 Vigilance to avoid his section, and directed you to the
○○ +1 Vigilance unit with all the fancy rich officers instead.
○○ +1 Vigilance
○○ +2 Proficiency.
○○ +1 Proficiency. Fence
○○ +1 Proficiency. At the end of missions, any stolen items
○○ +1 Proficiency. you don’t want to keep can be turned in
to the fence. This gives you 1 Bounty
Skills for every 3 small item, 2 Bounty for
○○ Bolt Action (Close) every weapon, and 3 Bounty for personal
○○ Pistol (Close)
valuables like watches and jewelry.
○○ Any Melee Skill.
○○ Fleet-Footed
○○ Eagle-Eyed
○○ Silent Killer
○○ Tunnel Rat
The Owl
The Western Front is no place for the intellectual,
but conscription makes little distinction. Educated
soldiers often found themselves as aids of officers and
engineers, working with interrogators, translators, and
communication experts. As many pre-war educated thinkers
were wary of the nationalist sentiment sweeping Europe,
these soldiers were often seen as a dangerous liability.
The Owl is valued, but not trusted.

Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency Name
-1 +3 -1

Skills and Equipment Age

Bolt-Action Rifle (Medium)
Prepare Position
Local Language (French)
Place of Origin
Local Language (Enemy)
x1 Fatigues 2 (Negated)
x1 Footwear 2 (Negated)
x1 Overcoat 3 Previous Occupation
x1 Steel Helmet 2
x1 Trench Knife 1
x1 Load Belt 0 (+5 Capacity)
x1 Entrenching Tool 2
x1 Gas Hood 2 Area of Study
x1 Bolt-Action Rifle 4
x1 Bayonet 2
Total Weight 15

Starting Perks
Choose three. Check off their bubbles in Advances.
Just as Planned Opposition Research
You know exactly when and where friendly At the start of the game, the GM must tell
artillery is going to fall, down to the you about the commander of the enemy
second. Before the game starts, pick three trench section, including his habits and
spots on the map for artillery to fall, and typical schedual.
name the time. 3 Medium Artillery Pieces
will fire on those spots at that time. Counting Bullets
Once per mission, envoke this Perk when
Chemical Sniffer under fire by a machine-gun. The gun
Lower the difficulty of Gas! Checks by 1 jams.
for you and your Unit. Identify the gas.
Decoder Ring
For Massive Damage You know the enemy password for tonight,
Your unit counts the sides of a target and can pronouce it flawlessly. Others
vehicle as the rear for Armour values. may know it, but butcher pronunciation.
- Leverage -
When you solve a problem without direct combat, take 1 Leverage on your team.
Take 2 on anyone who advocated violence as a solution before you solved it.

When your solution fails, give 1 Leverage to everyone.

Doubt Despair
• Being shot at. It would take a genius to think your way
• Being discovered in No-Man’s Land. out of this one. Find somewhere safe.
• The enemy fires a flare. Once there, devise a three-step plan to
• Being pinned down. escape. Tell the table your plan. Follow
• Being gassed.
these three steps exactly. No matter what
• Losing a PC squadmate.
happens, do not deviate from the plan.
• Being wounded.
• Fighting hand-to-hand.

• Capture enemy papers or maps.
• Take an officer prisoner.
• Cut enemy phone lines.
• Pin down an enemy unit.
• Trick the enemy into surrendering.
• Leave a message for the enemy in their trench.

- Advancement -
Equipment Skills
○○ A Fascine Knife 2 Weight ○○ Readiness.
○○ A Revolver 1 Weight ○○ Bolt Action (Close).
○○ A Pistol 1 Weight ○○ Hand Grenade.
○○ Mail Armour 1 Weight ○○ Revolver + Pistol (Close).
○○ A Leather Jerkin 1 Weight ○○ Any Melee Skill.
○○ A Splinter Mask 1 Weight ○○ Eagle-Eyed.
○○ A Buckler 2 Weight ○○ Enemy Equipment (Any)
○○ A Gas Fan 1 Weight ○○ Handyman.
○○ A Pigeon Carrier 1 Weight ○○ Escape Artist.
• Comes with a pigeon. ○○ Drive (Civilian Car, Armoured Cars, Tank).
○○ A (Modern) Gas Mask 2 Weight

Supplies Perks
○○ Just as Planned.
Take any number once chosen.
○○ Chemical Sniffer.
○○ Signal Rockets (x3) 2 Weight
○○ For Massive Damage.
○○ Flare Guns 1 Weight
○○ Opposition Research.
○○ Smoke Grenades 1 Weight
○○ Counting Bullets.
○○ Uppers 1 Weight
○○ Decoder Ring.
○○ Chocolate 1 Weight
○○ Leaflet 1 Weight
○○ Laudanum 1 Weight Bonus Perks
○○ Absinthe 1 Weight Unlocked after 6 Advances.
○○ Silver Tongue: You speak the language of the
Attributes enemy fluently and without accent.
○○ +2 Vigilance
○○ +2 Vigilance Narrative
○○ +1 Vigilance ○○ You have war poetry published in a periodical
○○ +1 Proficiency. back home. What tone do these poems take? Are
○○ +1 Proficiency. they controversial?
○○ +1 Proficiency. ○○ You recieve news about a pen-pal on the
○○ +1 Fortitude. other side of the war. It sounds like they are
○○ +1 Fortitude. deployed in your sector...
The Crow
See, the problem with this whole war is the people who are
planning it and the people who are fighting it are not
the same people. If you were in charge, this war would be
over tomorrow. If only they’d follow your cunning plans.

War might actually be over by Christmas.

Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency Name
-1 +2 +1

Skills and Equipment Age

Bolt-Action Rifle (Close, Medium)
Prepare Position Place of Origin
x1 Fatigues 2 (Negated)
x1 Footwear 2 (Negated)
x1 Overcoat 3
x1 Steel Helmet 2
x1 Trench Knife 1 Previous Occupation
x1 Load Belt 0 (+5 Capacity)
x1 Entrenching Tool 2
x1 Gas Hood 2
x1 Bolt-Action Rifle 4
x1 Bayonet 2 Secret Plan to Win the War?
Total Weight 15

Starting Perks
Choose two. Check off their bubbles in Advances.

Right on Time I have A Cunning Plan

You know exactly when and where friendly If you convince somebody else to follow
bombing runs is going to fall, down to a plan, a plan that requires no work on
the second. Before the game starts, pick your part, they get a +1 as long as they’re
three spots on the map for bombs to fall, sticking to the plan.
and name the time. A two-seater will come
drop a bomb on it. Good Positioning
You are never randomly hit when the
Back to Sleep squad is targetted.
Once per mission, if the Stealth Tracker
is less than 11, you can reduce it by 3. Alternate Path
Once per mission, you can find a hidden
Silver Tongue communication trench at your location
You speak the language of the enemy connected to a trench line of your choice.
- Leverage -
When you solve a problem without personal effort, take 1 Leverage on your team.
Take 2 on anyone you got to do work for you.

When your solution fails, give 1 Leverage to everyone.

Doubt Despair
• Being shot at. They wouldn’t kill anyone whose’s
• Being discovered in No-Man’s Land. already dead, right? Do your best to be
• The enemy fires a flare. a convincing corpse (well, not *too*
• Being pinned down. convincing) and wait out the danger,
• Being gassed.
then sneak back.
• Being wounded.
• Fighting hand-to-hand.
• Exposing yourself to danger. It’s every corpse for themselves.

• Capture enemy papers or maps.
• Take an officer prisoner.
• Deflect blame onto somebody else.
• Blow up enemies with explosives.
• Trick the enemy into surrendering.
• Leave a message for the enemy in their trench.

- Advancement -
Equipment Skills
○○ A Spiked Club 2 Weight ○○ Bolt Action (Close)
○○ A Convertable Pistol 2 Weight ○○ Pistol (Close)
○○ A Revolver 1 Weight ○○ Any Melee Skill.
○○ A Supressed Pistol 1 Weight ○○ Defuse
○○ Cloth Armour 3 Weight ○○ Forward Observer
○○ A Splinter Mask 1 Weight ○○ Basic Medical
○○ A Gas Fan 1 Weight ○○ Escape Artist
○○ A Pigeon Carrier 1 Weight
• Comes with a pigeon.
○○ A Trench Periscope 1 Weight Perks
○○ Periscope Modified Rifle 7 Weight ○○ Right on Time
○○ Back to Sleep
○○ Silver Tongue
Supplies ○○ I Have a Cunning Plan
Take any number once chosen. ○○ Good Positioning
○○ Uppers 1 Weight ○○ Alternate Path
○○ Armour Piercing Bullets 1 Weight
○○ Smoke Grenade 1 Weight
○○ Camo Netting 1 Weight Narrative
○○ You know a civilian who has snuck back and
forth over the line, and they’ve offered to
Attributes guide you across.
○○ +2 Fortitude. ○○ You’ve learned the REAL reason you’re raiding
○○ +1 Fortitude. tonight: the big offensive is tomorrow, and
○○ +1 Fortitude. they’re keeping it quiet. What do you do with
○○ +1 Fortitude. this information?
○○ +2 Vigilance ○○ You’ve spotted something shiny in their side
○○ +1 Vigilance of the line, something you don’t recognize,
○○ +1 Vigilance and you’d kill to get a closer look. Perhaps
○○ +1 Vigilance literally.
○○ +2 Proficiency.
○○ +1 Proficiency.
○○ +1 Proficiency.
The Mole
Most days, there is little to do on the Western
Front but dig. The mechanical minds of the
industrial age who don’t mind getting
their hands dirty always have new work to
do, strengthening their own trenches and
devising ways of tearing down the enemy.
These amateur engineers can make a mark on
the enemy lines with their devices.

Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency Name
+4 -3 +1

Skills and Equipment Age

Bolt-Action Rifle (Close, Medium)
Prepare Position Place of Origin
x1 Fatigues 2 (Negated)
x1 Footwear 2 (Negated)
x1 Overcoat 3
x1 Steel Helmet 2
x1 Trench Knife 1 Previous Occupation
x1 Load Belt 0 (+5 Capacity)
x1 Entrenching Tool 2
x1 Gas Hood 2
x1 Bolt-Action Rifle 4
x1 Bayonet 2 Favourite Kind of Mud
Total Weight 15

Starting Perks
Choose two. Check off their bubbles in Advances.

Industrious Count Down

Your Defensive Positions can be Level 4. You know exactly when and where friendly
sapper mine is going to go off under the
Blacksmith line, down to the second. Before the game
Provide a Nail Knife to every squadmate. starts, pick one spots on the map for the
mine to explode, and name the time. That
Get it Done section of the trench will vanish in a
Double your successes on Prepare Position giant explosion.
actions, and grant everyone else in your
squad a +1 to Prepare Position if they are Improvised Explosive
working with you. You have a never-ending supply of
weightless jam tin grenades.
Gutter Runner
You cannot drown in Deep Mud, and being
in deep mud gives you +3 SR.
- Leverage -
When your defenses protect an ally, take 1 Leverage on them.
When it gives them shelter against artillery, take 2.

When your devices and defenses fail, give 1 Leverage to everyone.

Doubt Despair
• Shooting a target at Close Range. It’s time to hunker down and prepare
• Being gassed. to weather the storm. Dig in as deep as
• Engaging in hand-to-hand combat. you can, and only stop reinforcing your
• Lose a PC squadmate. position to defend it. Whatever you do,
• Lose all the NPC squadmembers.
do not move from your spot.
• Being Injured.
• Being discovered in No-Man’s Land.
• The enemy fires a flare.

• Sabotage an ammunition dump.
• Illuminate an enemy artillery position.
• Destroy an enemy machine-gun position.
• Cut barbed wire to open a path for an assault.
• Force a section of the enemy to retreat.

- Advancement -
○○ A Trench Mace 2 Weight Skills
○○ A Sharpened Entrenching Tool 3 Weight ○○ Bolt Action (Close)
○○ A Reinforced Helmet 2 Weight ○○ Pistol (Close)
○○ A Mobile Machine-Gun 6 Weight ○○ Any Melee Skill.
○○ A Grenade Crossbow 4 Weight ○○ Bloodthirsty.
○○ An Infantry Field Gun 8 Weight
• Comes with a 4 Weight Tripod.
○○ An Early Flamethrower 6 Weight Perks
○○ Industrious
• Comes with a 14 Weight Fuel Tank.
○○ Blacksmith
○○ Get it Done
Supplies ○○ Gutter Runner
Take any number once chosen. ○○ Count Down
○○ Blast Mine 3 Weight ○○ Improvised Explosive
○○ Demoition Charge 5 Weight
○○ Smoke Grenade 1 Weight
○○ Satchel Charge 5 Weight Narrative
○○ Anti-Tank Grenade 5 Weight ○○ You’ve found a map of the enemy trenches. It’s a
little out of date though. You should fix that.
○○ You swear you’ve been hearing the sound of
Attributes shovels and picks from your dugout. Everyone
○○ +2 Fortitude.
just says its the artillery, but what if the
○○ +1 Fortitude.
enemy is digging a tunnel under your lines?
○○ +1 Fortitude.
You should find it.
○○ +1 Fortitude.
○○ You’ve dug a perfect tunnel to midway through
○○ +2 Vigilance
no man’s land. Or at least, you think its to
○○ +1 Vigilance
midway to no man’s land. Can you convince
○○ +1 Vigilance
your squad to follow you?
○○ +1 Vigilance
○○ +2 Proficiency.
○○ +1 Proficiency.
○○ +1 Proficiency.
○○ +1 Proficiency.
The Hound
Loyalty, to country, hierarchy, and
even to individuals, was highly valued
in the stratified pre-war world. Some were
professionally servants, and many more simply
served, even before they were called on to
put on uniforms. Many resented their place, but
some could not imagine anything else but a life at
somebody’s beck and call.

Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency Name
-1 +4 -1

Skills and Equipment Age

Bolt-Action Rifle (Close, Medium)
Prepare Position
Hand Grenade
Place of Origin
x1 Fatigues 2 (Negated)
x1 Footwear 2 (Negated)
x1 Overcoat 3
x1 Steel Helmet 2 Previous Occupation
x1 Trench Knife 1
x1 Load Belt 0 (+5 Capacity)
x1 Entrenching Tool 2
x1 Gas Hood 2
x1 Bolt-Action Rifle 4 Who You Write Home To
x1 Bayonet 2
Total Weight 15

Starting Perks
Choose Batman and One More. Check off their bubbles in Advances.

Batman Go Fetch
Choose one person to be your Leader. This You are not slowed down while carrying
is the person you trust the most to get people or bodies.
you through this situation.
Get Down, Sir!
Lend a Hand If your Leader is hit by random fire, you
You give +5 instead of +3 when you act as can choose to take the hit instead.
an assistant to somebody shooting.
Sharp Senses
See, Spot, Run You give a +1 to everyone in your squad to
When you spot an enemy that nobody else put on your gas masks in time.
could see without you, you give a +2 to
all your squadmates if they attack them.
- Leverage -
Your Leader always has Leverage on you.

Whenever they get Leverage on somebody, you also get Leverage on them.

Whenever somebody has Leverage on them, they have Leverage on you as well.

Doubt Despair
You do not take Doubt through regular If you Despair and your Leader is alive,
actions, only by Leverage. you must get him out of danger, right
now. Back to the safety of the lines. No
If your Leader dies or Despairs, you also matter what he says.
If you Despair and your Leader is dead,
you must obey anyone who gives orders.
If you survive, choose a new Leader.

• Your leader got through a fight unhurt.
• Clear a section of enemy trench.
• Force the enemy to retreat.
• Capture an enemy officer.
• Capture an enemy squad.
• Pin down an enemy unit.

- Advancement -
Equipment Skills
○○ A Trench Mace 2 Weight ○○ Readiness.
○○ A Revolver 1 Weight ○○ Bolt Action (Close).
○○ A Pistol 1 Weight ○○ Hand Grenade.
○○ A Garrote 1 Weight ○○ Revolver + Pistol (Close).
○○ A Leather Jerkin 1 Weight ○○ Any Melee Skill.
○○ A Trench Knife 1 Weight ○○ Eagle-Eyed.
○○ A Light Body Shield 4 Weight ○○ Enemy Equipment (Any)
○○ A Submachine Gun 2 Weight ○○ Stealth.
○○ A Wirecutters 2 Weight ○○ Escape Artist.

Supplies Perks
Take any number once chosen.
○○ Batman
○○ Flare Guns 1 Weight
○○ Lend a Hand
○○ Smoke Grenades 1 Weight
○○ See, Spot, Run
○○ Chocolate 1 Weight
○○ Go Fetch
○○ Tobacco 1 Weight
○○ Get Down, Sir!
○○ Laudanum 1 Weight
○○ Sharp Senses

Attributes Narrative
○○ +2 Fortitude.
○○ You get a letter from home with good news. If
○○ +1 Fortitude.
you can survive and get back home, how will
○○ +1 Fortitude.
that change your life for the better?
○○ +1 Fortitude.
○○ You’ve come up with a way to bring the squad
○○ +2 Vigilance
closer together before the mission. What is it?
○○ +1 Vigilance
○○ +1 Vigilance
○○ +1 Vigilance
○○ +2 Proficiency.
○○ +1 Proficiency.
○○ +1 Proficiency.
○○ +1 Proficiency.
The Last Man
Everyone else in the world seems to have lost their minds,
to find this place and its horrors an acceptable state of
affairs. They have become animals of the mud, one with the
shelling and screaming. But not you, not yet. You will not
give in to this war madness that turns men into beasts.

Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency Name
+2 +2 +2

Skills and Equipment Age

Prepare Position
Hand Grenade
Place of Origin
x1 Fatigues 2 (Negated)
x1 Footwear 2 (Negated)
x1 Steel Helmet 2
x1 Overcoat 3 Previous Occupation
x1 Load Belt 0 (+5 Capacity)
x1 Haversack 3 (+8 Capacity)
x1 Gas Hood 2
x1 Revolver 1
x1 Whistle 1 Favourite Book
Total Weight 12

Starting Perks
Choose three. Check off their bubbles in Advances.
Iron Determination Crack Shot
Treat your Shock Check rolls as Skilled. Count 4s as Successes when you are
Skilled with a weapon.
Adrenaline Time
Once per Mission, you may invoke this Quick Study
perk to take another Turn in a row. You count as Skilled with any weapon you
pick up off the battlefield. Choose the
Born Lucky Range Band when you pick the weapon up.
Add +1 to the To-Hit to target you.
The Quiet Type You are fluent in your enemy’s language.
Add +3 to your Stealth Rating.
Snap Shot
Duelist You can fire pistols/revolvers as a Minor
5+ Armour Save in Melee. Action if you don’t make other attacks.
Doubt Despair
• Take Injury. The Western Front has finally taken from
• Become Pinned Down. you the spark of humanity. Choose an
• Kill for the first time. objective in the form a single, powerful
• Kill in melee combat for the first time. word. Everything you do from this point
• Witness an act of wanton cruelty.
on must be in service of that word.
• Be unable to save an injured comrade.
• Suffer a gas attack.
• Become lost in No-Man’s Land.

- Advancement -
Check off four (4) at creation. Do not take additional Perks at creation.

Equipment Perks
○○ A Leather Jerkin 1 Weight ○○ Iron Determination.
○○ A Light Armour Vest 4 Weight ○○ Adrenaline Time.
○○ Chainmail 6 Weight ○○ Born Lucky.
○○ A Trench Knife 1 Weight ○○ The Quiet Type.
○○ An Infantry Sabre 2 Weight ○○ Duelist.
○○ An Cavalry Sabre 2 Weight ○○ Crack Shot.
○○ A Heavy Sword 3 Weight ○○ Quick Study.
○○ A Swagger Stick 1 Weight ○○ Worldly.
○○ A Trench Mace 2 Weight ○○ Snap Shot.
○○ A Pistol 1 Weight ○○ 1 Perk from any other Archetype.
○○ A Cavalry Carbines 3 Weight
○○ A Submachine-Gun 2 Weight Squad Gear
○○ A Shotgun 2 Weight ○○ Issue 1 Mobile Machine-Gun.
○○ An Early Battle Rifle 4 Weight ○○ Issue Trench Knives.
○○ A Convertable Pistol 2 Weight ○○ Issue Trench Maces.
○○ A Mobile Machine-Gun 6 Weight ○○ Issue Cavalry Rifles.
○○ A Telescopic Scope 1 Weight ○○ Issue 2 Submachine-Guns (German Only).
○○ Issue 1 clip of K Bullets. (German Only).
Attributes ○○ Issue Shotguns (American Only)
○○ +2 Fortitude. ○○ Issue Light Armour Vests.
○○ +1 Fortitude. ○○ Issue Pigeon Carrier Pack + 4 Pigeons.
○○ +1 Fortitude. ○○ Issue 1 Elephant Gun.
○○ +2 Vigilance. ○○ Issue 1 Anti-Tank Rifle (Early)
○○ +1 Vigilance. ○○ Issue 2 Revolvers.
○○ +1 Vigilance. ○○ Issue 1 Early Flamethrower + Tank.
○○ +2 Proficiency. ○○ Issue 1 Telescopic Sight.
○○ +1 Proficiency. ○○ Issue 1 Anti-Tank Bomb to all.
○○ +1 Proficiency. ○○ Issue 1 Blast Mine to all.
○○ Issue 1 Demolition Charge.
○○ Issue 1 Chocolate to all.
Skills ○○ Issue 1 Downer to all. (Rum Ration)
○○ Any Weapon Skill.
○○ Any Melee Skill. Squad Training
○○ Aquatic. ○○ +1 Proficiency.
○○ Basic Medical. ○○ +1 Fortitude.
○○ Bloodlust. ○○ +1 Vigilance.
○○ Cold Blooded. ○○ Train All with Bolt-Action Rifle (Close)
○○ Camouflage. ○○ Train All with Bolt-Action Rifle (Long)
○○ Cryptography. ○○ Train All with Basic Medical.
○○ Diplomacy. ○○ Train 1 with Any Weapon at 2 Range Bands.
○○ Drive (Any Vehicle) ○○ Train All with Melee (Entrenching Tool)
○○ Eagle-Eyed. ○○ Train All with Melee (Trench Knives)
○○ Escape Artist. ○○ Train All with Melee (Trench Mace)
○○ Enemy Equipment (Any) ○○ Train 1 with Trauma Care.
○○ Explosives. ○○ Train 1 with Eagle Eye.
○○ Fleet Footed. ○○ Train All with Bloodlust.
○○ Stealth. ○○ Train All with Fleet Footed.
○○ Tunnel Rat. ○○ Train All with Tunnel Rat.
Default Skills and Equipment The Ox
All the Solo Play Squad NPCs have these skills and Country simpleton. Reliable.
equipment, plus everything on their Special list.
Bolt-Action Rifle (Medium) • Avoid Casualties (2 point per survivor)
Bayonet Attributes
Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency
Prepare Position
x1 Fatigues 2 (Negated) 10 6 6
x1 Footwear 2 (Negated) Special
x1 Steel Helmet 2 • Hand Grenade
x1 Overcoat 3
• Melee (Unarmed)
x1 Load Belt 0 (+5 Capacity)
x1 Haversack
x1 Gas Hood
3 (+8 Capacity)
The Dove
x1 Bolt-Action Rifle 4 Pacifist, but is doing his best.
x1 Bayonet 1 Bounty
x1 Entrenching Tool 2 • Help people without violence.
x6 Ammo 6
x1 Canteen 1 Attributes
x1 Hand Bomb 1 Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency
Total Weight 24 8 8 4
The Fox • Basic Medical
Keep your eye on this one.
The Hare
Bounty Champion runner. Bit flighty.
• Trick the enemy.
Attributes Bounty
• Deliever or intercept a message.
Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency
7 9 6 Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency
Special 9 6 5
• Bolt-Action Rifle (Close)
• Fleet Footed Special
• Pathfinding
The Wolf
Violent tendencies.
The Hawk
A good shot. Bit arrogant.
• Confirmed kills of enemy soldiers. Bounty
• Snipe an enemy officer.
Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency Attributes
Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency
7 6 8
Special 6 6 10
• Bolt-Action Rifle (Close) Special
• Melee (Entrenching Tool) • Bolt Action Rifle (Long)

The Lion The Mouse

A good chap. Brave. Shouldn’t be here. Poor lad.
Bounty Bounty
• Capture an enemy trench. • Avoid dying.
Attributes Attributes
Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency
8 8 8 6 6 10
Special Special
• Melee (Entrenching Tool) • Bolt Action Rifle (Long)
The Rat
He’s probably up to something.
• Steal something of value.
Attributes The Mole
Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency I think he’s perhaps been here too long.
8 7 5 Bounty
Special • Dig a defensive position.
• Mud Rat Attributes
Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency
The Owl
Smart chap. Bit unfocused. 8 7 5
Bounty Special
• Cut enemy communications. • Tunnel Rat
Attributes The Hound
Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency Don’t know what I’d do without him.
8 7 5 Bounty
Special • Protect you in a fight.
• Mud Rat Attributes
Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency
The Crow
Temporarily embarrassed officer. 8 7 5
Bounty Special
• Get one of his plans enacted. • Hand Grenade
Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency
8 7 5
• Stealth
No-Man’s Land Encounters
2 - Strong Enemy Forces 5 - Passive Enemy Forces
1 You find an active enemy tank! 1 Enemy medics, recovering wounded.
A platoon-sized force of enemy A small team of soldiers looting
2 soldiers crossing no-man’s land! 2 bodies. They may be from either
They are making an attack! side, but run if confronted.
An enemy patrol of eight men, 3 A chaplain, praying over the dead.
scouting around in front of their A group of 1d6 wounded enemy
trenches. They will raise the alarm soldiers hiding in a shell hole.
if they get the chance. 4
They are armed, but not looking for
A group of ten engineers, silently a fight.
cutting wire, laying mines, and A broken-down enemy tank. There
clearing a path. They are armed and 5 is a chance a few crew still remain
escorted by four soldiers. inside and may man weapons.
Five elite, hardened raiders with a A pair of soldiers checking bodies.
variety of heavy weapons! 6 They are looking for a friend, and
You blunder directly into an equal- don’t want to fight.
6 sized squad of enemy trench raiders 6 - Hazards
within 10m! Kill or be killed! A muddy hill gives way. Roll a d6 for
3 - Deadly Hazards 1 everyone; lose a piece of equipment
Months-old undetonated munitions. on a 1 (player choice).
Goes off as an artillery blast. A shallow puddle turns out to be
You pass through a pocket of mustard several feet deep. On soldier must
2 2
gas in a shell hole. make a Fortitude Check to avoid
3 An SR4 blast mine. drowning or freezing.
A manually triggered blast mine, Somebody steps on a thick, rusted
4 3
controlled by the nearest sentry. nail, inflicting 1 Injury.
An HE shell comes down nearby. Roll The path is blocked by a 50m length
5 4
12 attack dice against the PCs, DC 3. of barbed wire.
A 100m strip of SR2 blast mines 5 An obvious SR1 blast mine.
6 extends in either direction By chance, a flare illuminates your
parallel to the trenches. position and surroundings.
4 - Active Enemy Forces 7 - Terrain Elements
Three scouts, one artist sketching You stop beside a rocky outcropping,
1 1
your trenches and two guards. getting +1 to your To-Hit value.
A pair of engineers, restringing The shattered remains of a truck,
2 2
wire, and a guard. tank, or armoured car.
3 A sniper in a hidden position. The remains of a farmhouse. There
A small squad of enemy soldiers, is a cellar you can take shelter in.
some wounded, holding down a A 10x10 pool of stagnant water,
4 4
broken structure or utility trench. deep enough to drown in.
They fire at you as you approach. An old Defense 2 trench section
A lone go-getter with grenades, that can fit your whole squad.
5 sneaking out to bomb your trenches. A toppled tree provides a good spot
Is not carrying his rifle. to rest and take stock. Recover 1
A pair of soldiers checking bodies, Exhaustion when you first find it,
looking for valuables. as everyone takes five.
8 - Bodies 11 - Strong Allies
Mud has worn away to reveal bones A number of infantrymen, trapped
in last year’s uniform. since the last offensive, looking
A knot of recently dead bodies, 1 to move out under darkness. You
friendly and enemy, piled atop each may be able to convince them to
2 help you.
other. They still have most of their
equipment. A 5 strong patrol from an allied
Several dead draft horses and the nation, of a unit known for their
3 2 aggression. They’re looking to bust
remains of a wagon.
A recently dead enemy soldier. He some heads and will eagerly follow
4 looks very young, is unarmed, and you into battle.
has a white cloth in his hand. An artillery barrage comes down
A large number of dead from your 3 on the enemy position, driving
5 side, from the last assault. They sentries away from the trenches!
still have bayonets fixed. About three kilometers down the
A dead body propped up, revolver in line, a large night offensive is
hand. Five dead enemies surround 4 launched by your allies, drawing
6 the attention of the enemy away
him. He appears to have died by
self-inflicted gunshot. from this position.
9 - Weak Allies A half-dozen calvary men without
horses, waiting to make a break
Two stretcher-bearers, checking 5
for it. They are all tally-ho and
for wounded. They will share their
1 whatnot.
medical supplies and treat your
wounds. A friendly tank! They just managed
to get running again and want your
A lone soldier on a mission of 6
2 team to guide them into the enemy
vengeance. He joins your Unit.
lines and make a real mess of things!
A lone friendly soldier, unarmed.
He may be a deserter.
12 - Boons
A full cage of friendly pigeons left
The engineers repairing and
4 1 abandoned on the field. They look
healthy enough to fly home.
A friendly pilot shot down in no-
A friendly tank, broken down in
5 man’s land. He wants to get back to
2 the mud. You might be able to get it
your lines rather than fight.
running again with Repair.
A dozen or so men, wounded to
6 A downed bomber plane. There are
various degrees of severity.
two machine-gun positions that
10 - Advantages 3 can still be used, and you find an
A lone enemy soldier, unarmed. He observer camera intact which is
tries to surrender to you. worth 1 Bounty.
An abandoned forward machine- A dead enemy soldier with a leather
2 gun post, still with gun and case lies in the mud. Opening the
ammunition. 4
case reveals secret orders and maps
A downed aircraft. The pilot’s body worth 3 Bounty.
may or may not still be inside, A truck which, while it looks
along with sidearms, equipment, heavily damage, is actually intact
photographs, etc. 5 enough to start easily. In the back
A collapsed utility trench is variety of weapons, including a
containing weapons and gear. water-cooled machine-gun.
5 Satchel of grenades left in the mud. An abandoned wagon contains
You stumble on a SR8 sniper 6 a plethora of useful supplies,
6 including ammunition and weapons.
position overlooking enemy lines.
Turn Roundel
T +0:00

11 1

T +5:30 T +0:30

10 2
T +1:00
T +5:00

T +4:30
T +1:30


T +4:00
T +2:00

T +3:30
6 5
T +2:30
T +3:00

Consume appropriate supplies on

the turn Conditions would be gained
(water for thirst, rations for hunger,
tobacco for doubt) to avoid gaining
Mark Thirst levels.

During Heat Wave If you’ve rested 2+ consecutive

Mark Hunger Turns, you don’t take Exhaustion.

Z During Cold Snap If bleeding or giving blood, double
Z Mark Exhaustion Exhaustion and Thirst losses.

You can share supplies (check the

Manage Equipment Action)
Status Effects
Exhaustion Thirst Hunger Injury Doubt

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